Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MS System Center: Intro to Virtual Machine Manager" |
"This course is part of a series of System Center 2016 courses. The goal of this course is to teach System Center administrators to properly install, and manage, the System Center components needed to build a service fabric which is the foundation of a well-managed datacenter.After completing this course you'll be able to:Getting InstalledThe components of VMM ConsoleVMM Navigation Area5 categories of components:VMs and ServicesFabricLibraryJobsSettingsInitial configuration tasksSettings area components:GeneralUser RolesRun As AccountsServicing WindowsConfiguration ProvidersSystem Center SettingsConsole Add-insMS Azure Site RecoveryUsing automation in VMMThe example of how to get Powershell code out of VMM consoleModifying VM properties with PSCreating more complex scriptUsing jobsManaging hardware via hardware management ports.SMASH and IPMI protocols: Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware and Intelligent Platform Management InterfaceCreating Physical Computer ProfileAdding a Hyper-V Host in Fabric"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Tally ERP 9 Basic to Advance Training Course 2020" |
"Tally ERP 9 Basic to Advance Training Course 2020Tally ERP 9 has advanced integration in the form of an application programming interface to make the software expandable. Tally ERP 9 is the most advanced Tally ERP advance software on the market. The course content teaches students in detail that how to manage and maintain accounts, inventory and payroll at Tally.This is a complete preparation course covering all the topics and options available at Tally. This course is designed to work independently with an account. It doesn't matter if you are new or experienced in the field of accounting or an entrepreneur who wants to take care of the bill. You're in the right place because Tally ERP 9 is very good and simple software that you can use to make business decisions that are complete and easy to learn and use.Here are the important things Tally can do:Accounting with every type of transaction such as payment, receipt, sale, purchaseManage your banking business with bank reconciliationinventory managementtax administrationAnalysis of work performanceCost centers and cost categories for IIA and internal controlPay and pay with employee dataYou will learn many other functions in a moment"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to English Linguistics" |
"What is Linguistics?Linguistics studies the structure and history of languages; the meanings underlying instances of language use; how languages are related; how children learn language; what goes on when people are speaking; what features are shared by all languages; why languages differ; how language is used in literature, the media and by various social groups; what happens to language abilities when the brain is damaged by stroke or injury; whether computers will ever be able to understand language and many other topics.Introduction to English Linguistics Study is a course that teaches English linguistics and all the basic levels of linguistics. The topics covered in this course range from phonetics and phonology to syntax and semantics.Understanding linguistics helps us understand the language even better. The study of linguistics will help you comprehend the systematic ways in which the English language operate. Additionally, you will be able to understand the complex structures of language and communication.Elaborating on the grammar rules we learned ushers in linguistics. The course is divided into several sections:PhoneticsPhonologyMorphologySyntaxSemanticsBy the end of this course, you will learn some vital skills in the field of linguistics such skills are, but not limited to, Understanding English sound patterns English word formationAnd English sentence structure. This course is for: English Language studentsLinguistic enthusiast Learners of the English language"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Dashboard; Power BI Sales and Inventory Report" |
"Power BI is the business analytic service by Microsoft. Start a career in Business Intelligence and learn valuable BI skills in this course. Develop a mix of specific Power BI skills.Analytical and business intelligence skills are geared towards presenting and communicating data to others.Power BI tools are used to make better decisions. Extract actionable insights from KPI's which can be visualized and presented during meetings in a business environment. In this course, you will learn how to:Get your free Microsoft 365 office account.Get access to OneDrive for Business.Save your working files in OneDrive, or if you prefer, work form Excel which is saved on your local computer.Create a theme in Power BI.Build relationships between tables.Use Power Query M-Language formulas to perform calculations.Create various graphs and charts such as a:Pie chartClustered column chartWhaffle chartDot Plot visualSlicersBar chartsPareto graphMekko visualCreate various measures and calculated columns.Learn about bookmarks and the mobile phone layout.Publish the report to the Power BI service.Automatically sync the Power BI files to the cloud - no need to publish the report.Sign up for this course if you want to increase your Power BI skills."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis Bootcamp 21 Real World Case Studies" |
"Data Analysts aim to discover how data can be used to answer questions and solve problems through the use of technology. Many believe this will be the job of the future and be the single most important skill a job application can have in 2020. In the last two decades, the pervasiveness of the internet and interconnected devices has exponentially increased the data we produce. The amount of data available to us is Overwhelming and Unprecedented. Obtaining, transforming and gaining valuable insights from this data is fast becoming the most valuable and in-demand skill in the 21st century. In this course, you'll learn how to use Data, Analytics, Statistics, Probability, and basic Data Science to give an edge in your career and everyday life. Being able to see through the noise within data, and explain it to others will make you invaluable in any career. We will examine over 2 dozen real-world data sets and show how to obtain meaningful insights. We will take you on one of the most up-to-date and comprehensive learning paths using modern-day tools like Python, Google Colab and Google Data Studio. You'll learn how to create awesome Dashboards, tell stories with Data and Visualizations, make Predictions, Analyze experiments and more!Our learning path to becoming a fully-fledged Data Analyst includes:The Importance of Data AnalyticsPython Crash Course Data Manipulations and Wrangling with PandasProbability and StatisticsHypothesis TestingData VisualizationGeospatial Data Visualization Story Telling with DataGoogle Data Studio Dashboard Design - Complete CourseMachine Learning - Supervised LearningMachine Learning - Unsupervised Learning (Clustering)Practical Analytical Case StudiesGoogle Data Studio Dashboard & Visualization Project: Executive Sales Dashboard (Google Data Studio)Python, Pandas & Data Analytics and Data Science Case Studies:Health Care Analytics & Diabetes PredictionAfrica Economic, Banking & Systematic Crisis DataElection Poll AnalyticsIndian Election 2009 vs 2014Supply-Chain for Shipping Data AnalyticsBrent Oil Prices AnalyticsOlympics Analysis - The Greatest OlympiansHome Advantage Analysis in Basketball and SoccerIPL Cricket Data AnalyticsPredicting the Soccer World CupPizza Resturant AnalyticsBar and Pub AnalyticsRetail Product Sales AnalyticsCustomer ClusteringMarketing Analytics - What Drives Ad PerformanceText Analytics - Airline Tweets (Word Clusters)Customer Lifetime ValuesTime Series Forecasting - Demand/Sales ForecastAirbnb Sydney Exploratory Data AnalysisA/B Testing"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"S2 Engine - Modulo 1 - Make your game play your game" |
"Make your Game! Play Your Game! questo il messaggio che ci viene comunicato non appena si accede al sito internet ufficiale di S2 Engine.Messaggio chiaro e conciso, eloquente che pi non si pu. Creare da soli il proprio video gioco e giocarvici. un messaggio che trasmette gioia, divertimento, ma anche semplicit e coraggio nellintraprendere un processo produttivo innegabilmente complesso e in salita.Il processo produttivo di un video gioco moderno richiede un dispendio di risorse umane, di denaro e di energie non indifferente. Lo sanno bene i programmatori professionisti e le software house. Progettare e realizzare un gioco richiede sforzi non poi cos distanti da quelli necessari per la realizzazione di un film. A pensarci bene, in effetti, le figure che fanno parte del processo produttivo sono simili allinterno dei due ambiti. In ambito cinematografico si necessita di un autore, di uno sceneggiatore, di un casting director, di uno storyboard artist, di un regista, di uno o pi operatori, di un rumorista, di un fonico di ripresa, di un sound engineer, di un montatore, di un direttore della fotografia e naturalmente degli attori, dei costumisti, dei sarti e di tutti gli assistenti. A questi aggiungiamo le figure che fanno parte del marketing, delle vendite, della promozione, dellamministrazione Insomma un sacco di gente! Figure analoghe esistono anche nel game design in cui i casting director sono sostituiti da modellatori 3D, ambient designer, professionisti che si occupano dei materiali e del compositing Gli attori diventano virtuali, ma alla base del video gioco resta una storia che funziona, unatmosfera giusta e una regia convincente. Il resto delle figure in qualche modo corrisponde.Tanti anni fa, quando i primi videogiochi commerciali si affacciavano al grande pubblico, sia casalingo (con le prime console e i primi computer), sia nei bar e nelle sale giochi con i cabinati, le cose funzionavano diversamente, vuoi per i limiti dellhardware, vuoi per la metodologia di programmazione differente. Nella maggior parte dei casi i videogiochi venivano realizzati da pochissime persone, a volte una sola. Un bravo programmatore, con un cervello creativo e magari una discreta conoscenza della musica, era in grado di programmare da solo un video gioco che poteva spopolare sul mercato. il caso di personaggi che hanno segnato la storia del video gioco, come Dino Dini, Nolan Bushnell, Steve Wozniak, Antonio Savona, Howard Scott Warshaw, Paul Koller, Alex Robot, Jaime Grillo, Ivan Venturi e tanti altri, autori, spesso in solitaria, di titoli che hanno segnato la storia.Allepoca, se non eri un programmatore coi fiocchi e per programmatore intendo colui che scrive codici il video gioco non potevi svilupparlo.Oggi le cose, per fortuna, sono diverse. In qualche modo le chiavi per programmare sono state rilasciate a tutti, capacit permettendo, grazie ai game engine, programmi a interfaccia grafica creati dalle software house per creare video giochi, molto pi performanti e articolati, al passo coi tempi che corrono.Esistono una gran variet di game engine, alcuni gratuiti, altri a pagamento, alcuni pensati per i giochi in 3D, altri per giochi platform, retr, avventure grafiche, giochi di ruolo, giochi da tavolo, rompicapo, a grafica spinta e realistica o in pixel art, per console, per computer per smartphone, per internet e chi pi ne ha pi ne metta.Quasi tutti i game engine sono accomunati da due peculiarit: uninterfaccia utente (UI), in cui costruire la scena, e unambiente di programmazione, sia esso in codice (script) o visuale. Ci determina che, per forza di cose, la capacit grafica non basta. comunque essenziale conoscere almeno uno dei linguaggi di programmazione richiesti da quel determinato game engine o il video gioco rimarr statico, privo di qualsiasi logica, condizione. Privo di un game play.Lo sconforto nel trovarsi davanti al foglio (elettronico) bianco (o grigio) ha investito tanta gente e anche me in passato quando, nel barcamenarmi tra un game engine e laltro, impazzivo nel far eseguire anche la pi piccola logica. E pensare che nell84, alla tenera et di 13 anni, ero stato capace di far parlare il mio Commodore 64 in tempo reale mentre scrivevo sulla tastiera alla velocit della luce le frasi che volevo pronunciasse! Una miriade di righe di comando in Basic 2.0, piene di Imput, Peek e Poke erano per me acqua fresca. Oggi il nulla, tutto rimosso, vuoi per un percorso di vita differente, vuoi per pigrizia. Ho preferito seguire la strada pi tecnico-artistica, quella del 3D generalist, divenendo uno dei pi attivi e conosciuti utenti di Blender, il noto software di modellazione 3D e animazione, del quale sono uno dei pochissimi formatori ufficiali al mondo.Eppure la voglia e la necessit di intraprendere il percorso parallelo dellinterazione tra lutente e il modello 3D sempre rimasta in vita, latente, in attesa di un segno. Cos come fu per Blender, lilluminazione mi avvolse con S2 Engine, per caso. Qualcuno, in una discussione su una pagina di programmatori su Facebook, segnal ad un altro sperduto utente questo game engine. Immediatamente presi la palla al balzo e mi informai sulla rete, trovano, per la verit, poche informazioni, se non il sito ufficiale e qualche videotutorial sparso su YouTube. Poca roba. Scavando, compresi che una certa azienda Profenix, con sede a Benevento, deteneva quanto meno i diritti di distribuzione. Decisi di scrivere unemail allazienda chiedendo informazioni. La risposta arriv la serata stessa. Chiara e precisa, ben scritta e cordiale. Fabio Di Paola aveva risposto alle mie domande sul programma e si era rivelato nientemeno essere il programmatore di questo fantastico game engine. Rimasi senza parole. Di l a poco ne nacque una bella amicizia e una proficua collaborazione. Fui dapprima formato e instradato dallo stesso Fabio. A mia volta feci lo stesso con i miei collaboratori, in primis lamico Davide Prestino, developer di grande esperienza. Infine fondai la software house Press Play on Tape, allinterno della quale sviluppiamo asset di alta qualit principalmente per S2 Engine.S2 Engine fu per me e per il mio staff la rivelazione, come lo era stato Blender anni prima. Era il game engine di altissimo livello che mi avrebbe consentito di programmare video giochi (e interazioni in generale) senza necessariamente conoscere un linguaggio di programmazione o necessariamente dover programmare qualsiasi evento. Proprio cos: avete letto bene! S2 Engine mi d le potenzialit dei noti concorrenti e unarma in pi: tutti gli strumenti predefiniti (e naturalmente personalizzabili) per realizzare anche da soli, come trentanni fa, un videogioco di livello!Questa la grande innovazione di S2 Engine, capace grazie a Fabio Di Paola, di lasciare indietro concorrenti meno pretenziosi e di tallonare mostri sacri.Il game development sta cambiando."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript : la formation ULTIME" |
"JavaScript est vraiment LE langage de programmation que vous devez connatre si vous voulez vous lancer dans le dveloppement web. Et a tombe bien : avec ce cours, vous tes sr de ne pas passer ct dune notion importante, car il est complet ! En plus de a, ce cours vous permettra de raliser 8 projets, des dizaines dexercices et une cinquantaine de challenges en cours de vido !Vous tes sur le cours le plus complet, le plus pdagogique et le plus clair concernant JavaScript, et en plus : il est continuellement mis jour ! Le plan de ce cours a t ralis aprs des semaines de travail, en concordance avec ce quil y a de mieux en terme de pdagogie pour apprendre et surtout retenir chaque concept voqu.Ce nest pas un cours dans lequel vous tes jet dans la jungle : vous serez continuellement suivi avec la possibilit de poser des questions nimporte quel moment pour avoir une rponse prcise de notre quipe.Que vous soyez dbutant ou dj bien avanc avec le JavaScript, ce cours vous apprendra de nouvelles choses et de nouvelles faons de programmer, tant il est complet.Si vous tes motiv, intress par JavaScript, et que vous recherchez un cours dans lequel vous ne serez pas du : arrtez-vous. Vous tes la bonne porte !J'aurai plaisir vous aider atteindre vos objectifs."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Keys to Spanish Verbs" |
"It's not your fault, it's not the teacher's fault, you can learn Spanish, quicker and better than you might imagine. How do you unlock your potential, and accomplish your goals; living in Mexico, travelling throughout Latin-America, getting to know your community better? In this course we go to the heart of the sentence, the verb, and you use the keys which allow you to understand and use verbs in the past, present and future, and even the dreaded the subjunctive. Learning phrases won't cut it, clicking on images won't do it, getting to the heart of the matter, the verb, WILL, I believe help you become an independent learner, quickly.We will cover;The simple present tenseThe future tense with 'ir'The 'other' future tenseThe 'w-ing' tense (imperfect)The conditionalThe present subjunctiveSubject pronouns, Object pronouns including indirect, direct, and moreHow to make questions,How to make negationsAffirmative sentencesThanks for taking the time to look at the course, if you have any suggestions or questions, please get in touch with me, Nathan Teacher, I want you to be successful in your language learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Keys to French Verbs" |
"It's not your fault, it's not the teacher's fault, you can learn French, quicker and better than you might imagine. How do you unlock your potential, and accomplish your goals; living in France, West Africa, travelling the Francophone world? In this course we go to the heart of the sentence, the verb, and you use the keys which allow you to understand and use verbs in the past, present and future, and even the dreaded the subjunctive. Learning phrases won't cut it, clicking on images won't do it, getting to the heart of the matter, the verb, WILL, I believe help you become an independent learner, quickly.We will cover;The simple present tenseThe future tense with 'aller'The future tense with 'avoir'The 'w-ing' tense (imperfect)The conditionalThe present subjunctiveSubject pronouns, Object pronouns including indirect, direct, and moreHow to make questions,How to make negationsAffirmative sentencesThanks for taking the time to look at the course, if you have any suggestions or questions, please get in touch with me, Nathan Teacher, I want you to be successful in your language learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Write & Publish Your First Nonfiction Book on the Side" |
"**The ""Highest Rated"" course on Udemy about writing & publishing a book on the side**Too busy to write a book? Don't know where to start or how the publishing process works?You can make it happen in 2020!This short course (approx. 1.5 hours) will show you how to write your first nonfiction bestselling kindle book while working a full-time job (in simple steps).Easy Tips that will Help You Write Your First BookDiscover how to choose a topic for your nonfiction book that people want to readLearn how to focus your energy on tasks that matter (and write your book even if you're extremely busy)Watch how to turn your book into a bestseller (using simple tricks) and establish yourself as an authority figureGet real statistics on how much money you can make from writing a book on the sideWhy Should You Take This Course?Hi there. My name is Hassan Osman and I'm the author of 8 nonfiction books (including 4 Amazon #1 Bestsellers).I'm also a leader at Cisco Systems (views are my own and not those of Cisco) and I host the ""Writer on the Side"" podcast. In this course, I'll show you the exact step-by-step process that I follow to write and publish my books while working a demanding full-time job (and how you can too).Content and OverviewThis course contains over 13 lectures and 1.5 hours of content. It is designed for any full-time employee, entrepreneur, or business owner who wants to advance their career.Here are the topics that are covered in this course: Why you should write a nonfiction bookHow much money you can make from a book (with real statistics)Rule #1 that you should never break as an authorWhy you should self-publish instead of publishing traditionallyHow to self-publish on Amazon KDP (in 20 minutes and for free)How to choose a topic for your book (even if you're not sure what to write about)How to write your book on the side (using three mental shifts)How to turn your book into a kindle bestseller (using simple tricks)By the end of this course, you'll have all the knowledge you need to write and publish your first nonfiction book on Amazon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Testimonials: ""Super fast and concise course on how to publish a non-fiction book on Amazon *successfully*. Note - he doesn't spend any time telling you *how* to write, only simple tips on *where*, *when* and *what* to do. Played at double speed, it's well under an hour and will have you primed to launch a book to build a career, start a second income or become a popular consultant! "" - Donald Wheeler ""This course is filled with useful information that is immediately actionable. Hassan is a confident, efficient teacher who helps students set realistic expectations and inspires them to move forward! Highly recommend!!"" - Sherry Nelson, Ph.D. ""I find Hassan to be a clear and practical instructor. His book and podcast were an excellent writing and publishing resource for my first non-fiction book on Kindle. By the way, the material in Section 2, The truth about money, proved very helpful to manage my expectations and set my strategy for pricing. I've got a couple more books that are in-process now, and I plan to use this course as a little learning booster"" - Tom Carroll------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Day Money Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied with the course for any reason, you may return the course within 30 days of the purchase date.Ready to Enroll?Click on the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button in the top right corner of this page and start learning how to write your book on the side today."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin Intermediate" |
"Supercharge your skills and apps by using point-and-click tools to solve common business needs.First, Congratulations on completing Salesforce Trailhead - Admin Beginner - The Starting Point! If you haven't completed Admin Beginner - The Starting point, please go to that udemy course to meet me and Joshua through our video introduction. The next step is to jump into the Admin Intermediate trail. Diving deeper than the beginner version, the Admin Intermediate trail explores advanced topics and involves more hands-on learning. It is estimated to take 14 hours and will earn you 11,100 points if all challenges and quizzes are completed correctly. The entire trail contains seven modules and two projects.Well, let's get goin!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Balinese massage course" |
"Learn with us the secrets of Balinese massage, surprise your clients with an ancient technique that combines acupressure, aromatherapy and massage to get one of the most relaxing massages in the worldThis massage comes from Indonesia, specifically from the island of Bali, hence its name. Tradition tells us that Balinese massage is a gift from the Hindu goddess of beauty. According to legend, Lakshmi the goddess of Indonesian mythology was the one who taught and transmitted these massage techniques to the people.This magnificent treatment is combined from massage, acupressure and aromatherapy, all in one session. It is an ideal massage to relax and is very useful for calming muscles. The Balinese technique combines influences from a large number of cultures, including Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Indian Medicine, especially Ayurveda.The Balinese masseuse uses these three techniques (acupressure, massage and aromatherapy) to create one of the most wonderful treatments that exist."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Psicologia do Empreendedorismo" |
"Neste curso voc ter acesso h 5 aulas completas sobre Empreendedorismo, Inovao e como o Coaching pode ser uma ferramenta transformadora na sua vida, no Desenvolvimento da sua Equipe e na criao de relacionamento com seus Clientes. Quem se inscrever tambm ganhar 6 horas de consultoria! 3 horas de Coaching com o Professor Daniel, graduado em Psicologia Positiva na Universidade de Oxford, Inglaterra e executivo atualmente morando nos Estados Unidos. 3 horas de Consultoria de Negcios com o Professor Nivaldo Menezes, Doutor em Psicologia do Empreendorismo, Professor e Empreendedor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Optimizing WYSIWYG Web Builder Websites for Search Engines" |
"Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very important aspect of every website that shouldnt be overlooked. While WYSIWYG Web Builder, a powerful web builder tool helps you design awesome websites with ease, it also gives you the capabilities to optimize your websites for search engines.There are just a few steps you will have to implement properly to have your websites found on search engines.Hi and welcome to Optimizing your WYSIWYG Web Builder Projects for Search Engines (SEO).This course is going to show you all you need to implement on your WYSIWYG Web Builder projects to have it optimized for search engines as well as a few things you can implement outside your website to help with its optimization process.In this course, you will learn how to properly have your multimedia content such as video, images, audio, etc optimized for search engines, how to work with meta tags, optimizing text content, optimizing links, working with sitemaps, considerations for responsive web design, working with google webmaster tools and many other more.If youre a WYSIWYG Web Builder user, then this is a must-watch course. If you havent tried WYSIWYG Web Builder yet, then this is the time to do so, my other courses can help you get started.Enroll now and lets work things out together."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Requisitos para hacer deducibles tus gastos ante el SAT" |
"En este curso, aprenders los requisitos que te pide el SAT para hacer deducibles tus gastos, optimizando el pago de tus impuestos IVA, ISR. De igual manera, veremos desde las figuras fiscales que contempla la ley y en qu rgimen te corresponde estar.En este curso express, veremos las deducciones del Rgimen por honorarios, persona fsica con actividad profesional, el manejo de las deducciones en las inversiones y cmo depreciarlas. Adems tocaremos los requisitos de los viticos y restaurantes, el cual es un punto fino de este curso.Bienvenido!"
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico Declaracin Anual Para Personas Fsicas" |
"Quieres conocer cmo calcular tus impuestos y enviar tu declaracin anual?Necesitas aprender a manejar la plataforma del SAT sin temor a equivocarte?Quieres saber si tienes saldo a favor y cmo reclamarlo?Si respondiste S a cualquiera de estas preguntas, entonces este Curso es para t!Al finalizar sers capaz de calcular tus impuestos en la declaracin anual 2019, llenar correctamente la plataforma del SAT para su envo y sabrs si tiene saldo a favor o no y cmo solicitarlo."
Price: 1245.00 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Spotlight: 3-Course Bundle" |
"In this 3-course Spotlight bundle by Intellezy Trainers, students will learn focused areas from our Excel 2016 Intermediate course: Advanced Charting, Advanced PivotTables PivotCharts and Slicers, and Analyzing Data with Logical Functions. Our Spotlight courses are meant to educate students on specific course topics. Please note these are shorter courses that do not have any student data resources/files or any assessments required to be taken in order to pass.Advanced Charting Topic: Students will learn to work with Excel's advanced charting options including filtering a chart, adjusting the numbering, creating dual axis charts, adding trendlines, and displaying trends with Sparklines.Advanced PivotTables PivotCharts and Slicers Topic: Students will learn to use Excel's advanced PivotTable and PivotChart features. Students will create a PivotChart, modify and format the PivotChart, add Slicers and Timeline Slicers. Students will add calculated fields and items, apply conditional formatting, and use filters with PivotTables.Analyzing Data with Logical Functions Topic: Students will learn to work with Excel's most common logical functions including AND, OR, and IF, as well as nesting an AND or OR function inside an IF function.Like our NEW spotlight content? Check out more of our Spotlight bundles on PowerPoint and Outlook offered by Intellezy Trainers!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Shopify SEO Shopify Search Engine Optimisation Strategy" |
"Shopify SEO Shopify Search Engine Optimisation StrategyAre you struggling to find your Shopify Store when you search Google, Yahoo or Bing for keywords that are applicable to your Shopify website? Or maybe you are finding your Shopify store in the search engines, but you are not currently ranking high enough. This course is specifically designed for Shopify website owners who would like to improve where their current website ranks in Google. My name is Sam Dey and I have literally helped thousands of Shopify website owners to rank their websites with simple Shopify SEO strategies that you can literally start implementing IMMEDIATELY!During this course I take you through some of the major Shopify SEO strategies that will enable you to optimise your Shopify store for major search engines such as Google yahoo and Bing. Shopify SEO also known as Search Engine Optimisation is the ability to create a Shopify Store that not only looks great but that also shows up in Google and other major search engines when your potential customer searches for a term or a product that you may have listed on your website.Search engine optimisation is a great way to drive FREE traffic to your Shopify store with just a few simple considerations and this course aims to break this down for you in a very simple to understand but super effective way.During this course you will discover:What search engine optimisation is and why it can help you to scale your Shopify StoreHow to perform keyword research effectively for your Shopify storeThe differences between off-page and on-page SEO and how to implement both for your Shopify storeWhat domain authority is, how to improve the domain of your Shopify store and use this to rank higher in GoogleIf you are ready to transform your Shopify SEO then enrol in this course today and I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income Ideas & Opportunities The Ultimate Guide" |
"This Course Teaches You Step-By-Step How To Create Multiple Passive Income Streams And Make Money Even When You're Not Actively Working.What if you woke up tomorrow and had money in your bank account from a small amount of work you did once, many months or even years ago.Most people get up and go to work, but you dont have to.You get PAID while you sleep!Instead of waking up to an alarm clock, you can do what you want, when you want.Thats the power of PASSIVE INCOME...Most people spend the majority of their time workingAnd time is limited.Passive income provides you with the FREEDOM in your life to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.Imagine being able to go on vacation and getting paid.The best part is, youre getting paid while you do the things that you want to do and while you're with the people you care about the most.Building multiple streams of passive income is the key to living life on YOUR terms.The best part is...ANYONE Can Build A Number of Lucrative Passive Income Streams There are no skills or experience required to get started You dont need to spend a bunch of money You can start making money within days of getting started You can scale up within just a few short monthSo, if building passive income streams is so simple, why isnt everyone doing it?To Successfully Build Passive Income Streams, There Are Key Elements Which Are VERY Important. Things like: Finding the right market to focus on Choosing the passive income methods that are best for you Getting started the right way Getting money flowing quicklyAlthough the process for getting started and seeing results is pretty straightforward Most People That Try To Build Passive Income Streams FailWhy is that?Its because, there is a PROVEN, step-by-step plan to get results quickly.You could almost say there is a science to building passive income streams.But, most people get it all wrong when it comes to getting started.Its not because its all that hard, but because most people just try to wing it figure it all out on their own.Plus, a lot of the information you will find out there thats freely available is just not accurate.With The Step-By-Step Guide To Building Passive Income Streams That You Will Learn In This Course, You'll Discover: Why passive income is the best business model and how to get started RIGHT NOW... The simple steps to use to build passive income streams to generate a consistent stream of income Multiple methods for building passive streams as quickly as possible Which passive income stream methods you should start with if you want to get the best results as quickly as possible The step-by-step process to have your first passive income stream up and running within the next 7 days The foolproof strategy to begin growing your passive income streams on complete autopilot The things most people do wrong when it comes to building passive income streams and how to make sure you dont make these common mistakes yourself How to quickly scale up your passive income to six figures and beyond in just a few short months from RIGHT NOW The simple tools I personally use to automate things and make it even EASIER to setup passive income streams fast... Plus, a whole lot moreThis is the most complete, step-by-step guide to quickly building passive income streams you'll find. If youre looking to do it the right way, this is the guide for you.So, hit that enrol button and let's get started!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Animated bottom navigation Using Flutter" |
"Animated bottom navigation Using Fluttermake Bottom Navigation Bar and Put the icons and after click the icons change to second Page Using FlutterAn animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customisable..Add the plugin (pub coming soon):dependencies: ... fancy_bottom_navigation: ^0.3.2Adding the widgetbottomNavigationBar: FancyBottomNavigation( tabs: [ TabData(iconData: Icons.home, title: ""Home""), TabData(iconData:, title: ""Search""), TabData(iconData: Icons.shopping_cart, title: ""Basket"") ], onTabChangedListener: (position) { setState(() { currentPage = position; }); },)TabDataiconData -> Icon to be used for the tabtitle -> String to be used for the tabonClick -> Optional function to be used when the circle itself is clicked, on an active tabAttributesrequiredtabs -> List of TabData objectsonTabChangedListener -> Function to handle a tap on a tab, receives int positionoptionalinitialSelection -> Defaults to 0circleColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeinactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemetaxtColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemebarBackgroundColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Themekey -> Defaults to null"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Animated Bottom Navy Bar In Flutter" |
"Animated Bottom Navy Bar In Fluttermake animated Bottom Navigation Bar and Add The many Buttons in Flutter A beautiful and animated bottom navigation. The navigation bar use your current theme, but you are free to customize it.Basic Usage #Adding the widgetbottomNavigationBar: BottomNavyBar( selectedIndex: _selectedIndex, showElevation: true, // use this to remove appBar's elevation onItemSelected: (index) => setState(() { _selectedIndex = index; _pageController.animateToPage(index, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300), curve: Curves.ease); }), items: [ BottomNavyBarItem( icon: Icon(Icons.apps), title: Text('Home'), activeColor:, ), BottomNavyBarItem( icon: Icon(Icons.people), title: Text('Users'), activeColor: Colors.purpleAccent ), BottomNavyBarItem( icon: Icon(Icons.message), title: Text('Messages'), activeColor: ), BottomNavyBarItem( icon: Icon(Icons.settings), title: Text('Settings'), activeColor: ), ],)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"What Every Agile Organization Needs" |
"Last Update: 24th May, 2020Every Company is looking to be adaptive. What is holding them back, and what do they need to do?Agile is first and foremost a mindset. An agilist does not want to waste anything; neither time nor money. We have replaced scope with value as our main driver. This might not always be easy, but it has become our mantra. We do this by performing continuous validation to check if we are holding to the promise. If not, then it's time to change the plan.Why does this matter? Planning for things that will never happen is a waste Instead of concentrating on what we don't know, how about starting with what we know and get our hands dirty. This is the real way to learn and make progressWhen you think about it, don't you want to make sure your efforts are worthwhile; they are appreciated and are something that people want. There's a word for this, and it's called value.It's about having the right attitude, understanding what is important and staying relentless in achieving thisWho should be interested? Anyone who is looking for a more effective way to run an adaptive organization, regardless of whatever system your company has deployed. Each course in Udemy offers the learner a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. You have nothing to lose. Sign up now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scala Advanced, Part 3 - Functional Programming, Performance" |
"The Escalate Software Scala Advanced course is intended for experienced Scala developers looking to improve their skills, particularly for library and API design and development. It covers topics needed to be effective in producing high quality, correct, powerful and flexible Scala libraries that are still easy to use by others.Part 3 covers advanced functional programming concepts and patterns, use of Macros, how to write external DSLs with the parser-combinator library, and how to effectively optimize code by analyzing performance:Functional Programming Building Blocks: ADTs, trampolines, recursion, functionsFunctional Programming Patterns: Functors, Monads, Applicative FunctorsCommon Functional Patterns: IO, Reader, Writer, State, FreeMacros and QuasiquotesExternal DSLs and Scala's Parser-Combinator LibraryProfiling and OptimizationCode Performance ConsiderationsIt is recommended that you complete Scala Advanced parts 1 and 2 before taking this part. While not strictly necessary, we may assume knowledge from parts 1 and 2 in some of the explanations that could be hard to follow unless you know the material.This is the final part of the Advanced Scala course. We hope you enjoyed the course and that the material proves useful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Phrasal Verbs and Idioms Master Course" |
"Are you looking for a course about English idioms and frequently used phrasal verbs? if yes, then you're on the right page/Many students struggle with learning English idioms or phrasal verbs. It's a bit hard to find out what these idiomatic expressions mean. Also, these idiomatic expressions and phrasal are crucial and form a prominent part in most English testing systems such as TOEFL and ITELTS. This course is divided into 5 segments in each one, students will be introduced to a handful of phrasal verbs and idioms; afterwards, students are expected to solve quizzes and tests in order to assess their overall understanding of the subject matter.The course covers major aspects such as: idioms for workplace, idioms for romance, idioms for personal life, and so on. Follow the story line, and then listen to the definition of the phrasal verbs and idioms you encounter. Become more fluent and speak like a native with these most frequently used idioms and expressions. Learn how to have a casual conversation with anyone who speaks English. Follow the story and learn all there is to learn about English Phrasal Verbs. This course contains a pre-recorded story that contains a dialogue involving several people. The characters use the target phrasal verbs in their conversations so that you get an overall feeling of how the phrasal verbs and idioms are used in their accurate context. Then, you have the lesson in which I explain what each phrasal verb or idioms means along with some additional examples to put you in context even further."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Success in French Grammar The Present Perfect (past) Tense" |
"Learn to manipulate the French language to allow you to say whatever you want.The present perfect tense is a tense you can use to talk about the past. It's made up of two parts and, in English, it looks like this:""I have eaten""""Have you seen Marie""""We haven't spoken to Pierre""""Haven't they finished?""With this course, you'll learn exactly how to use this tense in French.You'll learn how to form this tense and manipulate it into the negative and also into questions. We'll look at regular and irregular verbs as well as the verbs of movement.With over 2,300 practice exercises, you'll have plenty of opportunity to master this tense."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams: lments essentiels" |
"Note: This course has subtitles in French, audio and resources in English Note: Ce cours comporte des sous-titres en franais, audio et ressources en anglais. Ce cours Microsoft Teams vous aidera matriser Microsoft Teams et tre rapidement oprationnel. Il sagit dun cours sur les fondamentaux et les lments essentiels pour votre lieu de travail.Parmi les applications de la suite Office 365, Micrcosoft Teams est lune des applications Microsoft productivity les plus importantes et les plus largement utilises dans les entreprises travers le monde. Il sagit aussi de lapplication Microsoft dont la croissance est la plus rapide, et a mme dpasse celle de Slack (une autre application de productivit commerciale largement utilise).Sur mon lieu de travail, jutilise Microsoft Teams quotidiennement, plusieurs fois par jour. Et ce nest pas une concidence. Microsoft Teams est intuitif, moderne, facile utiliser et parfaitement adapt aux changes que nous avons au bureau.__________ Microsoft Teams vous permet de communiquer, collaborer, partager des fichiers, travailler simultanment sur des fichiers, prendre des dcisions professionnelles, rsoudre des problmes professionnels, grer vos tches et vos projets, et bien plus encore.Il ny a pas de limite quand il sagit de Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams est aussi puissant que cela, croyez moi. Mais au-del de cela, permettez-moi de vous montrer pourquoi il est si puissant et amusant utiliser. Et pourquoi tant dentreprises et de personnes lutilisent.Microsoft Teams est la plaque tournante du travail dquipe au sein dOffice 365. Teams remplit les besoins de collaboration et communication dun effectif divers, notamment avec le chat, les reunions, la voix et la vido. Concernant laspect et le ressenti, ses fonctions sont modernes, intuitives, rapides et fluides, peu onreuses, et deviendront immdiatement familires car elles ne different pas beaucoup des autres applications que les employs utilisent dans le monde moderne, en dehors du bureau.__________ Microsoft Teams sintgre toutes les applications que vous utilisez dj sur votre lieu de travail. Teams sintgre avec Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Planner, Stream, et mme Power BI, ce qui permet aux employs davoir les informations et les outils dont ils ont besoin. Les membres de lquipe peuvent aussi inclure dautres applications et services sur leur lieu de travail, pour lquipe et lorganisation.Microsoft Teams offre la possibilit de personnaliser les espaces de travail avec des onglets, des connecteurs et des robots. Pour la communaut des dveloppeurs, chez Microsoft et ailleurs, Teams dispose dune plateforme extensible pour la cration dapplications qui va plus loin dans les fonctionnalits et permet aux quipes datteindre leurs objectifs.Microsoft Teams offre la possibilit de personnaliser les espaces de travail avec des onglets, des connecteurs et des robots. Pour la communaut des dveloppeurs, chez Microsoft et ailleurs, Teams dispose dune plateforme extensible pour la cration dapplications qui va plus loin dans les fonctionnalits et permet aux quipes datteindre leurs objectifs.__________ Microsoft Teams dispose dun systme de scurit intgr. Teams est livr avec la scurit de niveau entreprise intgre au centre de conformit et de scurit dOffice 365 et Azure Active Directory. Il sintgre parfaitement votre solution principale de gestion des identits et des accs, et vous permet de garder le contrle de vos donnes et votre environnement.Microsoft Teams, associ Office 365, crent une plateforme pour une collaboration moderne et un travail dquipe efficace. Il permet aux employs dinteragir avec lentreprise et entre eux, par le biais dun ensemble diversifi de canaux, ce qui permet une productivit plus importante et une communication plus rapide.__________ A qui est destin ce cours?Professionnels / ProfessionnellesLes personnes qui ont besoin de travailler distanceLes personnes qui ont besoin d'un excellent outil de collaboration numriqueLes personnes qui ont besoin d'un excellent outil de communicationCeux qui comprennent l'importance de l'cosystme MicrosoftDbutants / dbutantesPersonnes travaillant sur des projetsLes personnes qui grent des quipesLes gens qui veulent apprendre tout ce qu'ils doivent savoir sur Microsoft Teams qui ce cours n'est-il PAS destin?Personnes dj familiarises avec Microsoft TeamsUtilisateurs avancs de Microsoft Teams__________Promesse tous les tudiants (tudiants actuels et futurs)1. Les tudiants en premier. Je ne vais jamais compromettre votre exprience pour faire de largent. Jamais. Oui, cest aussi un business mais pour moi, enseigner va bien au-del de faire de largent. Jai dj un emploi temps plein et heureusement je ne compte pas sur lenseignement pour survivre. Vous tes toujours au premier plan de mes cours et je peux vous assurer une exprience unique, utile et mmorable. Je promets.2. 24x7 / x365 support. Vous pouvez me contacter 25h/24, 7 jours sur 7, toute lanne, mme pendant les vacances, Nol et Nouvel an, je vous rpondrai rapidement (en quelques heures) et je vous livrerai un service de support de qualit. Je promets.3. Modestie, gentillesse et responsabilit sociale. Je veux vous offrir en retour et au monde. Donc pensez moi comme votre votre propre vrai humain Siri . Si vous avez besoin de conseils ou de soutien, demandez simplement. Et si je peux faire quelque chose pour vous aider dans votre voyage, je le ferai. Je promets.4. Fabriqu en Australie. Reconnu dans lindustrie comme un symbole de qualit et dexcellence. Tous mes cours sont Fabriqus en Australie dit professionnellement et avec de la haute technologie. Ils incluent aussi ma sauce secrte : beaucoup de passion et damour ! Je mets aussi en uvre dans mes cours tout ce que jai appris avec mes annes dexprience en travaillant avec de la technologie, des projets, des entrepreneurs et des gens partout dans le monde. Je promets.5. Qualit sur la Quantit. Je vais mefforcer de faire des cours concis, directs et pertinents. Le temps est un des atouts les plus importants et nous devons linvestir avec attention. Donc je ne vais pas faire des longs cours histoire dafficher plus dheures de cours, juste ce qui est strictement ncessaire. Pour moi, il sagit de qualit et si je peux produire cela en 5 minutes et vous faire gagner du temps, je le ferai. Je promets.Note: This course has subtitles in French, audio and resources in English Note: Ce cours comporte des sous-titres en franais, audio et ressources en anglais. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Import produse din Feed-ul Furnizorului in Prestashop" |
"Avnd experien n Dropshipping prin Magazin Online pe Prestashop m-am confruntat cu problema de import i actualizare produse de la furnizor cu magazinul meu. Am cautat mai multe soluii printre care i module create pentru import din feed, nsa toate variantele nu erau suficient de satisfctoare. Pana cnd nu am gsit probabil cea mai buna varianta de import i actualizare prin Excel cu Modulul Power Query. Care mi permite sa import produsele direct din Feed-ul furnizorului, sa le prelucrez i sa le urc pe magazinul meu. Ulterior sa actualizez preul i stocul i sa urc produse noi."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Grow Your Business" |
"This course is designed for the business development professional that wants to leverage LinkedIn's Sales Navigator to build their pipeline, gain access to targeted buyers and grow their sales. This 2.5 hour + course will give you everything you need to find and engage your buyers, get client and networking referrals, utilize your saved leads and accounts to create optimal engagement, organize your sales cadence with tags and write InMail messages that get responses."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Photographing Cities & Towns" |
"Exploring our own communities as well as traveling to other cities and towns, our photographic instincts come out and we seek out interesting features of these places. Emanuele Manny Pontoriero is your guide to learning the best ways to approach the challenges of photographing the urban landscape. This course is a practical guide on using composition techniques to make your photographs look amazing. You will also learn how time is critical to lighting and how to use your photographic skills to seek out the unusual and how to best photograph the obvious. We will take you to some popular locations such as the World Trade Center Freedom Tower and surrounding park in New York city. We travel to Boston and the old North End section to photograph buildings over 250 years old. We also take you to Jacksonville Florida and explore the waterfront there and take a tour of the quaint community of Saratoga Springs New York. Composition, lighting, and time all come together to create some amazing pictures. Manny also teaches how to use HDR photography as well as post-production editing techniques to create stunning images. This 4 plus hour course will give you both the tools and the confidence to capture eye popping photos and maximize your creativity as you travel your favorite cities and towns."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning con R. Data Analytics de bsico a experto." |
"Machine learning con R. Data Analytics de bsico a experto.Modelado Predictivo con R. Aprende los algoritmos de Machine Learning con R para convertirte en un Data Science experto.Instructores: PhD. Manuel Castillo y Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Bienvenido al curso virtual de Modelado Predictivo con R. El objetivo principal de este curso es que el alumnado sea capaz desarrollar experimentos avanzados de analtica de datos de manera muy sencilla dentro del modelado predictivo y, es decir, el conocido rea de machine learning.En este curso se trabajar la anlitica de datos para poder trabajar correctamente machine learning aplicado con R. Descubrir el proceso paso a paso que puede utilizar para comenzar y ser bueno en el machine learning para el modelado predictivo en la plataforma R.Antes de nada, vamos a enfocar el siguiente curso de Data Analytics con R dentro del campo Machine Learning y subcampo modelado predictivo (Aprendizaje Supervisado) y clustering (Aprendizaje No Supervisado). Dentro de este campo el curso Data Analytics con R se encuentra dentro del modelado predictivo muy utilizado en el mbito de investigacin e industrial. Por tanto, veremos como la plataforma R destaca de entre todas las opciones por facilitar enormemente nuestro trabajo con un amplio abanico de opciones dentro de la minera de datos.Son ocho unidades temticas, en las que contar con vdeos, actividades, temario, foros que le ayudarn a realizar el curso de manera eficiente y entretenida. Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. El curso se desarrolla considerando actividades no presenciales a travs de la plataforma virtual Udemy, para lo cual se utilizan las siguientes estrategias didcticas:Actividad virtualSesiones de videoconferenciasAnlisis de casosForos de discusinTrabajos parciales de los mdulos en forosExamen tipo test.Proyecto final del cursoLecturas comentadas yBsquedas de informacin cientfica.La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores Manuel Castillo y lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.ContenidosMdulo 1: Introduccin1. Conceptos bsicos de machine learning.2. La plataforma R como nuestro entorno de machine learning.3. ConclusionesMdulo 2: Programacin con R1. Primeros pasos con la plataforma R.2. Lenguaje de programacin R.3. Conjunto de datos Estndar.Mdulo 3: Anlisis de datos1. Cargar un conjunto de datos.2. Estadstica descriptiva.3. Visualizacin de datos.4. Taller: Trabajo de aplicacin de diferentes tcnicas analticas de datos en un conjunto de datos seleccionado por el usuario e interpretar la salida obtenida.5. Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.Unidad 4: Tratamiento de datos1. Preprocesamiento de datos para machine learning.2. Mtodos de remuestreo para estimar la precisin del modelo.3. Evaluacin de las mtricas.4. Taller: Aplicacin de diferentes tcnicas de tratamiento de datos en un conjunto de datos y verificacin de su impacto en las mtricas algortmicas.5. Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.Unidad 5: Fase de modelado1. Feature Selection en machine learning2. Algoritmos de Machine Learning.3. Comparar el rendimiento de los algoritmos.4. Taller: Aplicacin de diferentes algoritmos de machine learning en un conjunto de datos e interpretar la salida obtenida, as mismo, verificar el algoritmo que tenga mejor comportamiento.5. Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.Unidad 6: Fase de optimizacin y forecasting1. Configuracin de hiperparmetros.2. Combinar predicciones desde mltiples algoritmos.3. Guardado e integracin del modelo.4. Plantilla para el modelado predictivo.5. Taller: Una vez seleccionados los algoritmos candidatos a modelo realizar una optimizacin de estos a travs de la configuracin de sus hiperparmetros.6. Examen tipo test sobre los contenidos del mdulo.Unidad 7: Proyectos de Machine Learning1. Proyecto de clasificacin multiclase.2. Proyecto de regresin.3. Proyecto de clasificacin binaria.4. Proyecto: Realizar un proyecto completo analizando todas las fases estudiadas en los diferentes mdulos.Unidad 8. Aprendizaje No Supervisado1. Aprendizaje No supervisado.2. Algoritmos de Aprendizaje No Supervisado.3. Determinar el nmero ptimo de clsters.4. Proyecto de Aprendizaje No Supervisado.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning para Investigacin con WEKA. De 0 a Experto" |
"Machine Learning para Investigacin con WEKA. De 0 a ExpertoConoce las tcnicas ms potente y necesarias que un investigador debe tener en su fase de de desarrollo. Weka WorkbenchInstructores: Dotor Manuel Castillo y Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Entre los diferentes software que existen de machine learning automatizado, destaca, sobre todos los dems, Weka Workbench, que es un software libre y gratuito. Este potente software nos ofrece un amplio espectro de opciones para utilizar machine learning sobre cualquier conjunto de datos que tengamos, ya sea de nuestros experimentos u obtenidos de diferentes bancos de datos libres, de manera muy sencilla, sin tener grandes conocimientos sobre el modelo matemtico de un algoritmo y, lo ms interesante, sin conocimientos de programacin.Son nueve unidades temticas, en las que contar con vdeos, actividades, temario, foros que le ayudarn a realizar el curso de manera eficiente y entretenida. Este curso se enfoca en un subcampo especfico de la minera de datos llamado modelado predictivo (aprendizaje supervisado) y clstering (Aprendizaje No Supervisado). Este es el campo de la minera de datos que es el ms til en la industria e investigacin siendo estas tcnicas las ms potente y necesarias que un investigador debe tener en su fase de de desarrollo.A diferencia de las diferentes formas de estadstica, donde los modelos se utilizan para comprender los datos, el modelado predictivo se centra en el desarrollo de modelos que hacen las predicciones ms precisas a expensas de explicar el por qu se hacen las predicciones. A diferencia del campo ms amplio de minera de datos que podra usarse con datos en cualquier formato, el modelado predictivo (aprendizaje supervisado)) y clstering (Aprendizaje No Supervisado) se enfoca principalmente en datos tabulares (por ejemplo, tablas de nmeros como una hoja de clculo).En este contexto, el curso pretende otorgar a los estudiantes los conceptos bsicos e intermedios relacionados al anlisis y tratamiento de datos pero llevando este proceso ms all pudiendo aplicar algoritmos basados en aprendizaje, es decir, Machine Learning. Para ello, el curso har uso de un sistema muy utilizado en cualquier mbito y lnea de investigacin como es Weka. Weka es una plataforma de muy sencillo uso que nos permite utilizar todos los conceptos de Minera de datos sin tener que saber programar, es decir, es una plataforma especficamente desarrollara para cualquier investigador que requiera de estas tcnicas pero que no tiene un base previa computacional.Curso Virtual el curso es virtual para poder llevarlo a cabo se tiene el siguiente esquema:Lectura del material el EVD. Los participantes debe leer y revisar los contenidos tericos que se tienen en el EVD, correspondiente a cada unidad.Visualizacin de Videos. Como ayuda al aprendizaje se tienen videos para cada unidad, los cuales deben ser visualizados por el alumnado.Autoaprendizaje. Se debe resolver el material para refuerzo y aplicacin de los contenidos tericos/prcticos antes de la evaluacin.Sofware de trabajo. Se utilizar el software libre Weka Workbench.Foro de consultas. Este espacio est destinado para que los estudiantes formulen sus preguntas con respecto a la temtica desarrollada y el docente tutor ser el responsable de absolver sus interrogantes.Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. El aprendizaje ser un proceso continuo donde los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de ir trabajando con el software de machine learning practicando lo expuesto en la parte de teora.La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores Manuel Castillo y lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Contenidos: Unidad 1: IntroduccinConceptos bsicos de machine learning.Weka Workbench como nuestro entorno de machine learning.Conclusiones.Unidad 2: Minera de datos en WekaPlaneles en Weka.Conociendo nuestros datos en los paneles de Weka.Conclusiones.Unidad 3: Pre-anlisis y pre-tratamiento de datosClasificacin de datos en machine learning.Conjunto de datos para machine learning.Pre-anlisis de datos.Conclusiones.Unidad 4: Pre-procesamiento de datos para machine learningNormalizacin y estandarizacin de los datos.Transformar los datos de machine learning.Manejar valores perdidos en los datos de machine learning.Conclusiones.Unidad 5: Anlisis de datos en machine learningFuture Selection en machine learning.Uso de algoritmos de machine learning.Estimar el resultado de los algoritmos.Estimar una lnea base de los resultados.Conclusiones.Unidad 6: Fase de modelado en machine learningAlgoritmos de clasificacin.Algoritmos de regresin.Algoritmos ensamblados.Conclusiones.Unidad 7: Fase de optimizacin en machine learningComparar el rendimiento de los algoritmos.Optimizacin de los parmetros (hiperparmetros) de los algoritmos.Guardar nuestros modelos y hacer predicciones.Conclusiones.Unidad 8: Proyectos en machine learningTrabajar un proyecto de clasificacin multiclase.Trabajar un proyecto de clasificacin binario.Trabajar un proyecto de regresin.ConclusionesUnidad 9. Aprendizaje No SupervisadoAprendizaje No supervisadoAlgoritmos de Aprendizaje No SupervisadoDeterminar el nmero ptimo de clstersProyecto de Aprendizaje No SupervisadoLa modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
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