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"Word 2019" |
"Flicitations ! Vous avez dcid d'utiliser le traitement de texte le plus abouti du moment : Microsoft Word 2019. Avec cette formation vido, vous allez acqurir les mcanismes qui vous rendront efficace et professionnel dans Word 2019. Que vous dsiriez dcouvrir ou approfondir vos connaissances sur la dernire version du traitement de texte de Microsoft, cette formation pratique est faite pour vous !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guide pratique de l'analyse de donnes avec Excel 2016 et BI" |
"Analysez les donnes de votre entreprise rapidement et facilement l'aide des derniers outils de Microsoft. Construisez des modles de donnes robustes et volutifs. Apprenez nettoyer et combiner efficacement diffrentes sources de donnes. Crez des visualisations convaincantes et partagez-les avec vos collgues.Dans ce cours je vous explique chaque sujet laide dactivits dtailles et de nombreuses captures dcran pour vous familiariser avec les outils. Cette deuxime dition comprend de nouveaux documents sur les utilisations avances de Power Query, ainsi que les dernires instructions de l'utilisateur sur la plate-forme Power BI en volution. Dbut de Power BI est votre guide pratique pour une analyse rapide, fiable et prcieuse des donnes.Que vais-je apprendre dans ce cours ?Simplifier la dcouverte, l'association et le nettoyage des donnesCrer des modles de donnes analytiques solidesCrez des prsentations de donnes interactives robustesCombinez des donnes analytiques et gographiques dans des visualisations cartographiquesPublier et partager des tableaux de bord et des rapportsAccs vie aux matriels de rfrence et aux fichiers de pratique, aux quiz et aux exercices des devoirs, et au soutien du coach.Que vais-je pouvoir faire la fin du cours ?Vous saurez comment analyser la performance des ventes de vos quipes et obtenir des rapports ou passer en revue les pipelinesVous pourriez vous connecter rapidement et facilement vos donnes dentreprise.Rendre le travail de reporting plus agrable et avoir des journes plus plaisantes.Offrir vos collaborateurs une plateforme de communication et dchange.Qui est cet instructeur et pourquoi est-ce le meilleur Zran Senan Flan est certifi Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts 2019 2020, Google Adwords Certified, consultant analytique spcialis en business intelligence, analyse marketing et visualisation de donnes. je gre des projets de dploiement des logiciels depuis plus de dix ans. De plus, je suis le crateur de certains des cours danalyse de donnes et de gestion de projet, avec plus de 381 tudiants et des critiques 5 toiles :Suis un coach spcialis dans les techniques et outils Microsoft Excel de Business Intelligence pour rendre facile aux apprenants exploiter la puissance d'Excel par des tableaux de bord pertinents, des tableaux croiss dynamiques, aussi par les nouvelles applications complmentaires comme PowerPivot, Power BI et Power Query.Quel est le public cibl ?N'importe qui qui travaille rgulirement avec ExcelUtilisateurs Excel ayant des comptences de base mais souhaitant devenir plus comptents dans l'exploration et l'analyse des donnesAnalystes mtiers, administrateurs de bases de donnes, dveloppeurs et autres professionnels souhaitant mieux comprendre et communiquer avec les donnes.Les tudiants recherchant une approche globale, engageante et hautement interactive de la formationCe cours sera-t-il amusant et engageant ?Tellement plus!Apprenez auprs de quelqu'un qui travaille actuellement dans le mtier, qui connat les techniques de gestion de projet les plus actuelles et qui est titulaire d'un MIE (Microsoft Innovative Expert 2019 2020) BONUS: En prime, vous recevrez des fichiers de modle de donnes supplmentaires pratiquer pendant que je vous enseignerai. la fin de ce cours, votre confiance en tant que Data analyste augmentera. Vous comprendrez parfaitement comment utiliser Microsoft BI pour le plaisir ou en tant qu'opportunit de carrire.Allez-y et cliquez sur le bouton d'inscription, et je vous verrai dans la leon 1!Bien vous,Roger Flan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Substance Painter da Zero a Pro - Italiano" |
"Con questo corso imparerete ad utilizzare Substance Painter come un vero professionista, scoprirete l'interfaccia, i trucchetti e infine realizzare una texture complessa e professionale con questo fantastico software. Non sara' il classico tutorial, ma un viaggio esplorativo su come realizzare texture da vero professionista, senza tralasciare l'importanza delle UV map e delle UDIM, creare texture in stile cartoon o texturizzare modelli meccanici."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Professional -2" |
"Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, etc is the protected brand of scrum .orgThis course and practice exam is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with scrum .orgAll the content related to Scrum is taken from scrumguides .org and is under the Attribution ShareAlike license of Creative Commons.Further information is accessible at :https://creativecommons .org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcodeand also described in summary form at http://creativecommons .org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/Furthermore , The instructor has certified from PMI Project Management institute as PMI-ACP "" Certified Agile Practitioner "" including Scrum Methodology .If you Need an extra support in Arabic for your prep to pass the Professional Scrum Master exam? Then this is the course for you. Professional Scrum Master exam . PMI-ACP .Course Contents --------------------------------------Section-1 Introduction Course Introduction& Contents Section-2 - Scrum Master (Level-1) Review Scrum Theory Scrum Values Scrum Framework Scrum Artifacts Scrum Team Roles Scrum Events and Activities Section-3 - People and Teams Developing People and Teams Leadership Styles Coaching and Mentoring Agile Coaching Games Section-4 - Continuous Quality & Improvements Retrospective Section-5 - Managing Products with Agility User Stories Estimating Team Velocity Stay in Control Release Planning Multiple level of Planning Scaling Scrum Section-6 -PSM-II Exam PSM-II Exam Study Tips Exam Questions Types QuizSection-7 - Evolving the Agile Organization Organizational Design and Culture Evidence-Based Management (EBM) Section-8 - PSM-III Exam PSM-III Exam Study Tips ."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"OneDrive Essentials (2019)" |
"OneDrive and OneDrive for Business Can Radically Improve Your Productivity Well Show You How!Both OneDrive (the free, personal version) and OneDrive for Business (the corporate version included in most Office 365 plans) have the same mission: To let you easily access your documents and files from any device, anytime, and securely share them with others.In this Uniquely Engaging TM course from Bigger Brains well look at both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business (as well as a brief look at SharePoint Document Libraries) to help you get up to speed on: When to choose OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Document Libraries How to access, edit, and share your files from the web Co-Authoring documents with other people How to use OneDrive from inside Microsoft Office apps on your PC, Mac, or mobile device Syncing OneDrive or SharePoint to your local PC Using the Files On Demand feature Using Versioning and the 2-stage Recycle Bin to recover files How to control who has access to your OneDrive files"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5" |
"Quickly master Swift 5, the language of iPhone and iPad development as you complete engaging activities and build your technical skillset.Do you want to develop apps for iPhone and iPad, but don't know where to start? Perhaps you've never coded before and need to learn the language fundamentals. Maybe you've got some development experience but are coming to the world of iOS for the first time and need to get up to speed? Swift is the language of iOS development, and this is the course that teaches you the fundamentals of the language.You'll be prepared to move on to iPhone and iPad Development with Swift 5: The Language of iOS Development. This course, specifically designed for the most current version of Swift, teaches you the Swift language syntax and structure and prepares you to go on to learning to build full apps with a strong foundation. The goal of this course is to avoid elaborate technical explanations and transform you into a competent, confident Swift programmer.In this course, you'll join master instructor Mark Lassoff as you learn the Swift Programming language from top to bottom. You won't just passively sit by and watch videos, but, instead, you'll work on engaging code activities. In no time at all, you'll be programming in Swift with Swift 5: The Language of iOS development."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Impara LibreOffice ora, usa la suite GRATUITA: Writer!" |
"ULTIMA REVISIONE: GIUGNO 2020UNISCITI A OLTRE 3500 STUDENTI DEI MIEI CORSI ON-LINE!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LibreOffice una potente suite gratuita, impara come usarla al meglio per rendere l'aspetto dei tuoi documenti altamente professionale ed allo stesso tempo supportare i moderni formati aperti.Impara tutto quello che devi sapere per usare LibreOffice appieno! Vedrai i differenti componenti di LibreOffice ed una serie di capitoli su come usarlo. Writer, il word-processor. Da come scrivere una semplice lettera (ma con un aspetto perfetto) a realizzare un libro. Formattare il testo, paragrafi e sezioni. Lavorare con le immagini e le cornici. IMpara come gli stili ed i modelli ti possano rendere pi produttivo ed ottenere risultati migliori in meno tempo. Personalizza LibreOffice secondo le tue esigenze e scopri come gli strumenti e le estensioni disponibili possono rendere il tuo compito pi semplice.Otterrai:Accesso completo al corso per tutta la vitaTutti i capitoli successivi e gli aggiornamenti futuri sempre inclusi gratuitamente30 giorni di rimborso garantito, la mia personale promessa del tuo successo!Acquista ora il corso ed inizia subito ad usare LibreOffice, la suite gratuita che supporta i formati aperti (e anche quelli proprietari Microsoft Office)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Effective Problem Solving & Project Management Power Course" |
"Welcome! - Want to solve business problems that you face as a project manager or within your projects?Learn The Right Way to Solve Complex Business ProblemsProblem-solving is in demand. Its considered the top skill for success. A report from the World Economic Forum predicts that more than one-third of all jobs across all industries will require complex problem-solving as one of their core skills. The problem is, were often really bad at problem-solving. Our guest today says even the most educated and experienced of senior leaders go about it the wrong way.See what our students say It is such a robust course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Mariana GriffithThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Jimmy WuJoin thousands of other students and share valuable experience!---------------------------------This course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Why take this course?As a senior Enterprise Architect & Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, my experience with solving business problems within the projects has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in Effective Problem Solving & Project Management Power Course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of project management - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Derivatives Trading Course For Beginners Deeply Explained" |
"Learn everything you need to know in order to start your derivatives trading journey today!This course is specifically designed for beginners so that they can find all the relevant information in one place with clearly explained lectures. This course is regularly updated as you can read below and has ongoing support for lifetime!I am trading the derivatives market since 2010 with dedication,passion and love for the nature of the business which I still find very exciting just like the first days!This ultimate derivatives trading course has been specifically designed for any type of market such as Options,Stock,Forex,Commodity and Cryptocurrency, it works perfectly for all. The logic and philosophy structure of the business is the same , can be applied anywhere!At the moment, 90% of the new derivatives market traders are loosing their entire capital in the first 3 months which is the results of poor foundation , making your first steps in the market is only possible (if you want to do it in the right way) once you covered the fundamentals of the business, start building and leveling up! That's called scaling , this course is taking care of the part you can start scaling on , foundation area.I like to build highly beneficial quiz lectures for my intellectual students where they can test and verify knowledgeThe best part, you do not need any prior business experience to get started!I will thoroughly explain: - Completely understand how the derivatives market works- Derivatives market philosophy, psychology and logic which are key elements of success- What is the derivatives market- Where are derivatives traded- Who are the traders that all take part in the market- How to read and understand derivatives points- What's the purpose of derivatives in the trading world- What are the purpose of the Hedgers and how they operate- What are the purpose of the Speculators and how they operate- Completely understand the types of derivatives and how they operate- Find out what are the uses of the derivatives market and obligations- Margin trading- Have a complete understand of CFDs- You will receive ongoing support- etc .. a lot moreBasically this is Derivatives Trading From A to Z for BeginnersThe teaching process shows you the structure on how you can always determine specific responses by yourself, this won't affect if you are taking this course in 2050 , information might change, but the structure on how to determine and find out that info won't change, that's what I like to teach.This course is for complete beginners! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!As with all my courses:you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary on UdemyCan't wait to see you inside!Scrembo"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Turn On Your Success Switch" |
"In this course, you'll learn from Dr. Agrios why & how your sabotage switch protects you from success. And why even when you think youve got it licked it rears its destructive head whenever you need to be the strongest in times of challenge or stress. BUT... you'll also learn how to turn it off. For good.Discover how to...1) Find the INNER CRITIC that is destroying your body, mind and life.2) Get the GUARANTEED SOLUTION to stop it dead in its tracks.3) Use TWO POWERFUL WORDS that will neutralize any situation. This has been used successfully by teenagers to CEO's.4) Turn any HORRIFIC EVENT into a BENEFIT. Thousands of people have done this and I will show you how.5) I'll also show you how the people you don't like, are a part of you that you can't stand. CHANGING YOU, CHANGES THEM or they leave your life FOR GOOD.6) Try my new 9 MINUTE MEDITATION that enhances your specific SUBCONSCIOUS SOLUTION to silence your inner critic.7) Create this ONE LITTLE LIST and you can transform your life and business/career dramatically.Your life will never be the same when you learn how turning off your sabotage switch will help you achieve massive success in every single area of life. No longer will you be at the mercy of your head, heart, or anything in between or below. You'll be free. Free to live your best life. Free to enjoy a life you will love.RelationshipsGive and get a love you've only dreamed about. When you quit holding out and holding back because your sabotage switch is in gear (and trying to ""protect you"" from a relationship that could truly make you happy & fulfilled) you'll have THE LOVE of your life.BusinessYou no longer have to ""wish"" your business or career will take off somehow. When you learn to turn off your sabotage switch, you'll finally realize how you can accomplish everything you desire in your career or business.LifeStop sitting on the sidelines, jealous, wishing you could have the success you see others having or getting. No more feeling envious or depressed because you're missing out. You'll at last understand what it takes to - and how you can - ""have it all.""Enroll today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads Komplettanleitung" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du Facebook Marketing Step by Step vom Anfnger zum Profi. Der Kurs enthlt viele Tipps und Tricks die dir woanders verschwiegen werden, die aber den entscheidenden Unterschied ausmachen knnen zwischen profitabel und Verlust. Inkl. Casestudy wie ich aus nur 160 Euro Werbekosten ber 4000 Euro Gewinn erzielt habe. Du schaust mir quasi ber die Schulter direkt zum nachmachen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing 2020: 10-Step Formula For Success" |
"Are you ready to start executing effective social media marketing today?Its Time For You To Learn How To Unleash the Power of Modern Social Media Marketing in 10 Steps!A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing.Some think that you only need to post ""viral content"" to get tons of traffic overnight. They actually believe that if you are able to pump that tons of traffic to your target website, a large chunk of those people would buy whatever it is you are selling. Whether you're selling services, events or products from an online store, it doesn't matter.According to this idea, you just need to have a lot of traffic, courtesy of viral content on social media, and you will get the conversions you're looking for. So, the assumption is that social traffic, regardless of which platform it comes from and regardless of how you qualify that traffic, converts readily to sales.Sadly, none of this is true. In fact, those who believe in this method of social media marketing are tragically mistaken.Heres what I'll teach you in this course: You are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list. You will learn which platforms you should focus on in order to be successful. You will discover the wrong ideas marketers have about social media marketing. You are going to learn the secret to effective modern social media marketing.Plus, to make it easy, Ive put it together in a step-by-step format to show you exactly how its done.This is what we'll be covering in each lesson: What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn't 8 Reasons Why You Social Media Marketing Is Pivotal To The Success of Your Business The Classic Way of Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time 10 Steps to Faster & Effective Modern Social Media Marketing How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content Fine Tune Your Payload Content Marketing and Selling To Your List In The Right Way Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content Use Automatic Content Sharing Scale Up Your TargetingPlus, a whole lot more...Do You Need This Course?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this You want to have a big email list with active subscribers. You spend a lot of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing. You want to learn how to attract the attention of social media users effectively You want to know the secret to effective modern social media marketingThere are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to do great Social Media Marketing, so its understandable if youre a little skeptical.I can keep telling you just how great my course is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what its all about to know if its for you. Theres no risk at all because you can ask for a refund anytime within the first 30 days of enrolling.If for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply request a refund and youll get back every penny of your investment.No questions asked!So, click that enrol button and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide To Hip Hop Dance Moves" |
"Finally How To Hip Hop Dance From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!I know... I always loved to dance, but one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to learning is going to class. Not only does one class cost an average of $20 but you have to work with their schedule. PLUS which classes should I take?If you don't have the time or means to get to a dance studio and take dance class, this course is for you.A STEP-BY-STEP ONLINE DANCE MASTERCLASSWhat you will Learn...FOUNDATION In this module you will learn the basic grooves that make up any dance and its movements. Once you master these basic concepts you are already on your way to becoming a better dancer and more confident.Circle groovesForward GroovesBack GroovesBounce GroovesTHE ARSENAL This is where you learn all the moves that you add on to the groove and primer concepts to create a full body experience. I also give you the secret sauce to add to your style so that you never run out of things to do and can keep it simple while creating your own style.Full Body MovesJump up and downSmurfRobocopDougieHumptyDougieRunning ManCharlestonRobocopSteve MartinRoger RabbitBody WavesHorse Stance/Speed ControlFull Body Speed ControlLower Body MovesFootwork stepsPas De BoureeRogger RabbitHeel ToeShamrockFront Step + GrooveThe GallopV StepRunning ManGrape VineBack Tap/progressionBotting LegsRobot ShuffleUpper Body MovesBottingIsolationsYou Get Instant Access To ALL Courses As Soon As You Join!Once you enroll in the course all Step by Step dance Instruction Videos will be available to you to learn immediately."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SwiftUI By Examples" |
"In this course, I will teach you about SwiftUI, Apple's latest addition to the amazing world of iOS development. SwiftUI is nothing short of a game-changer. It makes the life of iOS developer so much easier and I can't wait to show you all the magic waiting for you.We will go through the entire process of building the SwiftUI app starting from scratch.You will learn:how to create a basic structure of SwiftUI apphow to work with Git and Source Controlhow to fine-tune the basic layouthow to easily create the list of itemshow to add more details from the array to the viewhow to use navigation linkshow to extract subviews to make your code easier to readhow to create a detail viewhow to zoom the imagehow to add and animate iconshow to use flexible frameshow to change the data source from array to objecthow to add, delete and reorder list itemshow to work with multiple previewsTo make the most of this course and to be able to follow me step by step, you'll need macOS Catalina or newer and Xcode 11 or newer. With Xcode 11, Apple introduced live previews so you no longer need to compile your project and run it in the Simulator each time you make some changes to your code.AssignmentYour final assignment is very simple. Follow me step by step, create your own version of the final app and share it with us here. You can post either the screenshot or even better, some short video demonstrating how everything works. If you really want to make the most of this course, try to alter things and settings here and there to make your app truly unique.You can change font size, colors, you can use your own images and the description of the items. Would you be able to come up with your own list of items altogether? How about a list of your colleagues or classmates instead of conference rooms?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Textos Cientficos con LTEX. De 0 a Experto." |
"Textos Cientficos con LTEX. De 0 a Experto.Aprender a realizar textos cientficos de gran calidad mediante el lenguaje de edicin de textos Ltex.Instructores: Dotor Manuel Castillo y Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Bienvenido al curso virtual de Textos Cientficos con LTEX. De 0 a Experto. El objetivo principal de este curso es que el alumnado sea capaz de realizar textos cientficos de gran calidad mediante el lenguaje de edicin de textos Ltex, el cual es ampliamente utilizado hoy en da en la presentacin de documentos en Ciencia y Tecnologa.En esta formacin el alumnado ser capaz, no solamente de escribir cualquier tipo de documento en Ltex, sino tambin conocer cmo escribir documentos tcnicos y cientficos con Ltex. Ltex es un lenguaje de programacin sencillo para escribir textos que se requiere en la actualidad en la gran mayora de Congresos y Revistas de alto impacto. Adems, aprenders como escribir su tesis de grado o posgrado de manera muy sencilla y con aspecto de imprenta. Son seis unidades temticas, en las que contar con vdeos, actividades, temario, foros que le ayudarn a realizar el curso de manera eficiente y entretenida. Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. En este curso usaremos Ltex para la edicin de textos cientficos. Debemos saber que Ltex es un tema excesivamente extenso (nunca dejas de aprender), por lo que nos centraremos en mostrar sus muchas y grandes posibilidades. Se trata de mostrar un camino y unas pautas de forma que, aquellas personas interesadas en aprender, puedan profundizar y sepan por donde adentrarse en este inmenso mundo que es Ltex.Adems, como se comentar a lo largo del curso, Ltex se ha convertido en la principal arma que tenemos los investigadores y tecnlogos a la hora de escribir documentos cientficos y tcnicos. Esta arma, como puede observarse ya en los congresos y revistas de alto impacto, es de uso obligatorio a la hora de difundir nuestro conocimiento.Por tanto, en el presente curso todo el alumnado aprender a crear documentos de cualquier ndole en un lenguaje de programacin para la edicin de textos tan sencillo como es Ltex.El curso se desarrolla considerando actividades no presenciales a travs de la plataforma virtual, para lo cual se utilizan las siguientes estrategias didcticas:Actividad virtualSesiones de videoconferenciasAnlisis de casosForos de discusinTrabajos parciales de los mdulosExamen tipo testLecturas comentadas yBsquedas de informacin cientfica.La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.El aprendizaje ser un proceso continuo donde los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de ir trabajando con el editor de texto practicando lo expuesto en la parte de teora.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores Manuel Castillo y lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Contenidos:Unidad 1: Introduccin1. Introduccin a Ltex.Unidad 2: Documentos en Ltex1. Estructura de un documento.2. Composicin de texto.3. Entornos de texto.Unidad 3: Frmulas en Ltex1. Frmulas matemticas.Unidad 4: Elementos flotantes1. Elementos flotantes2. Grficos.Unidad 5: Automatizando tareas1. Estructuras bibliogrficas e ndices2. Paquete hyperref.Unidad 6: Presentaciones en Ltex1. Paquete posper.2. Paquete Beamer.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2019" |
"Cette formation vido sur Excel 2019 est destine un public dbutant. Par son intermdiaire, vous allez acqurir les mcanismes qui vous rendront efficace et professionnel dans Excel 2019. Que vous dsiriez dcouvrir ou approfondir vos connaissances sur la dernire version du tableur de Microsoft, cette formation est faite pour vous !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2019" |
"Si vous tes ici, cest que vous avez dcid dutiliser PowerPoint 2019, loutil de prsentation le plus abouti du moment. Avec cette formation vido, vous allez acqurir les mcanismes qui vous rendront efficace et professionnel dans PowerPoint 2019. Que vous dsiriez dcouvrir PowerPoint 2019 ou approfondir vos connaissances sur la dernire version de loutil de prsentation de Microsoft, cette formation est faite pour vous.Son contenu va directement lessentiel. Il couvre tout ce que vous devez savoir pour tirer parti de PowerPoint. Peu importe si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj utilis une version prcdente de lapplication : vous trouverez dans cette formation un ensemble de techniques qui deviendront vite une seconde nature pour vous.Vous dcouvrirez entre autres comment :Ajouter des objets aux diapositives (textes, images bitmap et vectorielles, objets 3D, fichiers audio et vido, formes, feuilles de calcul, etc. etc.).Appliquer des effets spciaux aux images et aux vidos.Bien utiliser le masque des diapositives pour mettre en forme de faon globale ou spcialise les diapositives dune prsentation.Convertir un trac main leve en une forme.Trouver facilement ce que vous recherchez dans le ruban.Coditer vos prsentations.Rendre vos classeurs accessibles pour des personnes malvoyantes.Personnaliser le ruban et la barre doutils Accs rapide pour faciliter laccs aux commandes que vous utilisez le plus souvent.Animer des objets dans les diapositives et crer des transitions entre les diapositives.Ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalits PowerPoint laide de complments.Et beaucoup, beaucoup dautres choses encore.A tout de suite dans la formation !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Outlook 2019" |
"Si vous tes ici, cest que vous avez dcid d'utiliser Outlook 2019, la messagerie de la suite Office 2019. Avec cette formation vido, vous allez acqurir les mcanismes qui vous rendront efficace et professionnel dans Outlook 2019. Que vous dsiriez dcouvrir Outlook 2019 ou approfondir vos connaissances sur la dernire version du logiciel, cette formation est faite pour vous !Les vidos vont directement lessentiel. Elles couvrent tout ce que vous devez savoir pour tirer partir de votre nouvelle messagerie.Vous dcouvrirez entre autres comment :Accder un ou plusieurs comptes e-mail dans Outlook.Insrer toutes sortes dobjets dans vos e-mails (images 2D et 3D, icnes SVG, formes, diagrammes, graphiques, effets, etc.).Redimensionner automatiquement les images insres dans un e-mail pour diminuer sa taille.Passer par OneDrive pour ne plus tre limit dans la taille des messages.Crer des groupes de contacts pour faciliter lenvoi de-mail vos collgues ou amis.Rpondre automatiquement aux messages que vous recevez.Classer automatiquement les messages que vous recevez dans plusieurs dossiers.Corriger les problmes daccessibilit pour que vos e-mails soient lisibles par des personnes malvoyantes.Grer vos rendez-vous et vos runions.Corriger automatiquement les erreurs de frappe pendant la saisie de vos messages.Personnaliser le ruban et la barre doutils Accs rapide dOutlook pour faciliter laccs aux fonctionnalits que vous utilisez le plus souvent.Et beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres choses encore !A tout de suite dans la formation !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Bote outils pour Excel" |
"Est-ce qu'il vous est dj arriv de rester bloqu pendant des heures pour effectuer un calcul conditionnel, pour appliquer un formatage complexe ou encore pour mettre au point une feuille de calcul qui dpend de plusieurs autres ? Si c'est le cas, rassurez-vous, vous n'tes pas le seul ou la seule ! Cette formation vido apporte des rponses concrtes des cas rencontrs sur le terrain. Elle devrait vous faire gagner beaucoup de temps ! Cette formation s'adresse tous ceux qui voudraient tre plus efficace avec leur tableur.Ce qui est dit dans la formation est compatible avec les versions 2019, 2016 et 2013 d'Excel."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office 2019 de A Z" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation sur la suite Office 2019 ! Si vous tes ici, c'est que vous avez envie d'apprendre tout ce qu'il y a savoir sur Office 2019, que ce soit par curiosit, par intrt professionnel ou bien les deux ! Et vous tes bien tomb. Ce cours va vous enseignera de manire complte tout ce que la suite Office 2019 peut vous apporter !Peu importe si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj utilis une version prcdente de Word : vous trouverez dans cette formation un ensemble de pratiques qui deviendront vite une seconde nature pour vous.Voici quelques-uns des sujets traits :Pour Word 2019 :Crer rapidement des documents de qualit en utilisant des modles prdfinis.Mettre en forme vos documents en utilisant le ruban, la souris ou des raccourcis clavier.Amliorer la lisibilit de vos documents.Ajouter des icnes et des illustrations 2D et 3D dans vos documents.Insrer des vidos directement lisibles dans vos documents.Corriger automatiquement les mots sur lesquels vous faites souvent des fautes de frappe.Intgrer dans un document des tableaux Excel automatiquement mis jour.Effectuer des mailings directement depuis Word.Coditer vos documents avec une ou plusieurs personnes.Utiliser le langage LaTeX pour insrer des quations dans un document (un vrai plus pour les professeurs de mathmatiques).Augmenter les possibilits de Word en installant des complments.Pour Excel 2019 :Crer des feuilles de calcul et y saisir des donnesMettre en forme les cellules en fonction de leur type et de leur contenuUtiliser le presse-papiers volu d'Office 2019Crer des listes personnalisesUtiliser la fonctionnalit Remplissage instantan d'ExcelInsrer des icnes SVG et des objets 3D dans vos feuilles de calculReprsenter vos donnes numriques par des graphiques de tous typesCrer et utiliser des macros pour faciliter les traitements complexes ou rptitifsCrer des tableaux croiss dynamiques et des graphiques croiss dynamiquesUtiliser des complments pour ajouter des fonctionnalits ExcelEffectuer des consolidations et utiliser le solveurImporter des donnes externes issues d'une base de donnesRendre vos classeurs accessibles pour les malvoyantsEffectuer des prvisions et tendances en un clicPour PowerPoint 2019 :Ajouter des objets aux diapositives (textes, images bitmap et vectorielles, objets 3D, fichiers audio et vido, formes, feuilles de calcul, etc. etc.).Appliquer des effets spciaux aux images et aux vidos.Bien utiliser le masque des diapositives pour mettre en forme de faon globale ou spcialise les diapositives dune prsentation.Convertir un trac main leve en une forme.Trouver facilement ce que vous recherchez dans le ruban.Coditer vos prsentations.Rendre vos classeurs accessibles pour des personnes malvoyantes.Personnaliser le ruban et la barre doutils Accs rapide pour faciliter laccs aux commandes que vous utilisez le plus souvent.Animer des objets dans les diapositives et crer des transitions entre les diapositives.Ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalits PowerPoint laide de complments.Pour Outlook 2019 :Accder un ou plusieurs comptes e-mail dans Outlook.Insrer toutes sortes dobjets dans vos e-mails (images 2D et 3D, icnes SVG, formes, diagrammes, graphiques, effets, etc.).Redimensionner automatiquement les images insres dans un e-mail pour diminuer sa taille.Passer par OneDrive pour ne plus tre limit dans la taille des messages.Crer des groupes de contacts pour faciliter lenvoi de-mail vos collgues ou amis.Rpondre automatiquement aux messages que vous recevez.Classer automatiquement les messages que vous recevez dans plusieurs dossiers.Corriger les problmes daccessibilit pour que vos e-mails soient lisibles par des personnes malvoyantes.Grer vos rendez-vous et vos runions.Corriger automatiquement les erreurs de frappe pendant la saisie de vos messages.Personnaliser le ruban et la barre doutils Accs rapide dOutlook pour faciliter laccs aux fonctionnalits que vous utilisez le plus souvent.Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs en HD pour que vous puissiez tout voir clairement pendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder les previews gratuits).Je rpondrai personnellement vos questions vous en avez, et je fournirai autant d'aide que possible pour vous aider matriser la suite Microsoft Office 2019.Si vous voulez optimiser votre temps et matriser la suite Microsoft Office 2019, cliquez sur Suivre ce cours en haut droite. C'est parti !"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Master The Conjugation Of German Verbs With Music" |
"If you love languages and have a passion for music, I have something to offer you. Come off the well-trodden path of dull and tiresome learning and try something new - in this case, learning the declinations of irregular German verbs through music!I have selected some upbeat, motivating songs for you and mixed the verb declinations right into them so that you can learn and at the same time swing, boogie, dance, sing, hum, or whatever you feel like doing. This course will give plenty of knowledge about irregular German verb forms in the present tense as well as the opportunity to practice."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PenTesting with OWASP ZAP: Mastery course" |
"[+] Course at a glanceWelcome, to this course, ""PenTesting with OWASP ZAP"" a fine grained course that enables you to test web application, automated testing, manual testing, fuzzing web applications, perform bug hunting and complete web assessment using ZAP. focused over ease of use and with special abilities to take down the web applications that most of the tool will leave you with unnoticed and or, un touched critical vulnerabilities in web applications but then the ZAP comes to rescue and do the rest what other tools can not find.""This course is completely focused over pen testing web applications with ZAP""The ZAP, is a fine grained tool that every penetration testers, hacker, developers must have in their arsenal and hence required a solid understanding and through training to perform security testing from its core. ZAP can work with and integrate with many tools in the hacking, penetration testing segment such as: SQLmap, nmap, Burp suite, Nikto and every tool inside kali linux. Invoking with burp gives much flexibility to combine the power of ZAP and burp suite at the same time and in complete order.[+] Some special features of the ZAPQuick start using point and shootIntercepting proxy with liked browserProxying through zap then scanningManual testing with automated testingZAP HUD mode, to test apps and attack in a single pageAttack modes for different use cases.Active scanning with passive scanningRequester for Manual testingPlug-n-hack supportCan be easily integrated into CI/CDPowerful REST based APITraditional AJAX spiderSupport for the wide range of scripting languagesSmart card supportPort scanningParameter analysisInvoking and using other apps I.e: Burp suiteSession managementAnti-CSRF token handlingDynamic SSL certificates supportAnd much more...[+] Course materialsOffline access to read PDF slides8+ Hours of Videos lessonsSelf-paced HTML/FlashAccess from PC, TABLETS, SMARTPHONES.PDF Slide[+] Below are the Vulnerabilities that ZAP security tests against a web application & web server to hunt for loopholes Path Traversal, Remote File Inclusion, Source Code Disclosure - /WEB-INF folder, Server Side Include, Cross Site Scripting (Reflected)Cross Site Scripting (Persistent) - Prime, Cross Site Scripting (Persistent) - Spider, Cross Site Scripting (Persistent), SQL InjectionServer Side Code Injection, Remote OS Command Injection, Directory Browsing, External Redirect, Buffer OverflowMediumFormat String Error, CRLF InjectionMedium, Parameter Tampering, Script Active Scan Rules, Remote Code Execution - Shell ShockAnti CSRF Tokens Scanner, Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability, Cross-Domain Misconfiguration, Source Code Disclosure - CVE-2012-1823Remote Code Execution - CVE-2012-1823, Session Fixation, SQL Injection - MySQL, SQL Injection - Hypersonic SQL, SQL Injection - OracleSQL Injection - PostgreSQL, Advanced SQL Injection, XPath Injection, XML External Entity Attack, Generic Padding OracleExpression Language Injection, Source Code Disclosure - SVN, Backup File Disclosure, Integer Overflow Error, Insecure HTTP MethodHTTP Parameter Pollution scanner, Possible Username Enumeration, Source Code Disclosure - Git, Source Code Disclosure - File InclusionHttpoxy - Proxy Header Misuse, LDAP Injection, SQL Injection - SQLite, Cross Site Scripting (DOM Based), SQL Injection - MsSQLExample Active Scanner: Denial of Service, An example active scan rule which loads data from a file, Cloud Metadata Potentially ExposedRelative Path Confusion, Apache Range Header DoS, User Agent Fuzzer, HTTP Only Site, Proxy Disclosure, ELMAH Information LeakTrace.axd Information, .htaccess Information, .env Information Leak, XSLT Injection._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Plan and create APIs specifications with OpenAPI/Swagger" |
"This is a hands-on course with real-world projects. We will plan and write 4 different APIs with OpenAPI/Swagger specification standard. Firstly we will learn about basics concepts before deep dive. This course is NOT a course about Swagger tools, it is a course about how to use properly the OpenAPI specifications, also known as Swagger.In this course the students will learn:General concepts about REST APIDeep dive on OpenAPI specs standardHow to use the Trello tool to plan new specsHow to use the VS Editor to design APIsThe course was created for students with ZERO knowledge about the subject.This is a course hands-on, so get ready to learn OpenAPI/Swagger deeply."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Extraccin y edicin de datos con Dynamo" |
"En este mdulo buscamos ayudarte a mejorar tu productividad conectando una herramienta de alojamiento de informacin que es muy sencilla de usar y bastante potente, como lo son las hojas de calculo.Buscamos facilitar tu traduccin de informacin de una hoja de calculo a un modelo BIM por medio de Dynamo y usando la herramienta de Revit. Existen ocasiones en donde tenemos informacin que es mas facil manipular en una hoja de datos por la versatibilidad que esto conlleva y en ocasiones esa informacin tiene que volcarse dentro de un modelo BIM, la forma tradicional es bastante tediosa por lo que con el uso de Dynamo buscamos ensearte a automatizar procesos y reducir tiempo.Al finalizar el mdulo buscamos que seas capaz de exportar e importar informacin mediante el apoyo de las hojas de calculo de Excel y Google, para as potenciar el uso de informacin dentro de los modelos BIM en Revit mediante Dynamo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Freelances, auditez et dynamisez votre activit" |
"Ce cours s'adresse en priorit aux freelances qui ont dj derrire eux quelques annes de freelancing. Ma conviction est simple : il est ncessaire de faire, intervalles rguliers, un point sur son activit pour la faire voluer - souvent, nous faisons l'impasse, et c'est bien dommage (nous sommes trs forts pour nous trouver des excuses :)Or, ce travail d'instrospection est ncessaire : si vous ne le faites pas, vous risquez de stagner, d'avoir l'impression de tourner en rond, de ne pas tre suffisamment lucide et de ne plus voir les opportunits qui s'offrent vous. Et des opportunits, il y en a normment. Mon cours va vous aider avoir le bon tat d'esprit, celui qui consiste analyser en toute objectivit son activit, et explorer de nouveaux leviers pour rebondir et donner un coup de boost votre activit. En rsum, ce cours vous aide : A faire le point sur votre pratique, lanalyser en profondeur et vous aider dterminer quelle direction prendreA identifier des leviers pour dynamiser votre activit et suivre des mthodologies concrtes et applicablesA tre agile et apprendre lancer rapidement un nouveau produit ou service"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Boosting Machine Learning Models in Python" |
"Machine learning ensembles are models composed of a few other models that are trained separately and then combined in some way to make an overall prediction. These powerful techniques are often used in applied machine learning to achieve the best overall performance.In this unique course, after installing the necessary tools you will jump straight into the bagging method so as to get the best results from algorithms that are highly sensitive to specific datafor example, algorithms based on decision trees. Next, you will discover another powerful and popular class of ensemble methods called boosting. Here you'll achieve maximal algorithm performance by training a sequence of models, where each given model improves the results of the previous one. You will then explore a much simpler technique called voting, where results from multiple models are achieved using simple statistics such as the mean average. You will also work hands-on with algorithms such as stacking and XGBoost to improve performance.By the end of this course, you will know how to use a variety of ensemble algorithms in the real world to boost your machine learning models.Please note that a working knowledge of Python 3; the ability to run simple commands in Shell (Terminal); and also some basic machine learning experience are core prerequisites for taking and getting the best out of this course.About the AuthorJakub Konczyk has enjoyed and programmed professionally since 1995. He is a Python and Django expert and has been involved in building complex systems since 2006. He loves to simplify and teach programming subjects and share this with others. He first discovered Machine Learning when he was trying to predict the real estate prices in one of the early stage start-ups, he was involved in. He failed miserably then. He then discovered a much more practical way to learn Machine Learning, which he would like to share with you in this course. It boils down to the Keep it simple mantra. He is the author of multiple bestselling video courses on Machine Learning and Deep Learning, including Real-World Deep Learning Python Projects and AI in Finance."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Modern Java Web Applications with Spring Boot 2.x" |
"Building web application has been a challenge for many Java developers because of the complexities of their software requirements, leading to a bloated and unmanaged framework library repository and configurations. Spring Boot 2.x, a feature-rich platform built from the Spring 5.x framework, is created by to help developers solve their complex problems with fewer configurations but with strong dependency management features.In this course, you will learn how to create various modules in a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) such as employee timesheets, leave management, and profiling. You will use Spring Boot 2.x to create your HRIS app while integrating Spring Web MVC, Spring WebFlux, Spring Data, RESTful web services, and clients. Above all, you'll use the latest version of Spring Security5.0to secure your apps and OAuth 2.x to implement an OpenID connection. You'll apply reactive programming with its Spring Web Flux and Project Reactor features. Finally, you will deploy your apps and services using some popular cloud and container platforms such as Spring Cloud Foundry, Docker, and AWS.By the end of the course, you will be confident in implementing the core features of Spring Boot 2.x to create scalable, optimal, and robust enterprise web applications.About the AuthorSherwin John Calleja Tragura started his career as a Java developer by focusing on the Documentum and Alfresco document management systems. His first exposure to mobile applications started in 2010 when he first installed and used the Alfresco mobile application, which featured core document content services.He is currently a technical corporate trainer and a subject matter expert on Java, JEE, and Spring application development. He is a certified EMC Documentum and OCP Java 7 Associate. He authored the following Packt booksSpring MVC Blueprints and Spring 5 Cookbook and also a Packt video course: Jakarta EE 8 Recipes. Before that, he was a technical editor for Alfresco Share, Alfresco 3 Records Management, Mastering Hibernate, and Delphi Cookbook."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On IP Subnetting" |
"Do you want to enhance your network efficiency and security? Do you have your entire network in one subnet? Current trends dictate that everything is on the internet, hence huge volumes of traffic are going through your network, causing slow running times and increased vulnerability to threats. Thus, subnetting has become a must to protect your network.In this course, you will be presented with several modules that contain all you need to know about network subnetting. You will start with a review of numbering systems and LAN/WAN topics to reinforce prerequisite networking concepts and then deep-dive into IPV4 addressing and subnetting. You will learn how to extend your skills to subnet on the more recent IPv6 networks and youll gain a solid understanding of their advantages. You will also learn about classless and classful addressing systems and subnetting with a combination of lectures followed by labs to help you get hands-on.By the end of the course, you will have gained a thorough knowledge of subnetting concepts and the confidence to create any number and type of subnets suiting your own network environment.Please note: You should have a basic understanding of networking, computer numbering systems, and the OSI model before taking this course.About the AuthorBrian Rogalski is a technically sophisticated computer professional with hands-on information security and networking expertise. Brian is known for his ability to implement advanced technology and provide solutions to individuals and businesses alike to meet a diversity of needs. Brian is also known for his analysis and communication skills. Brian is a CISCO networking professional working in information technology for over 15 years."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Troubleshooting Kubernetes" |
"Containers are changing the way applications are developed, deployed, and managed. Consequently, container orchestration has become a critical piece of infrastructure for enterprises on their digital transformation journey. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It has become the de-facto standard for container orchestration.This course provides a tour of how to debug issues with the Kubernetes cluster infrastructure and presents a working conceptual model of how clusters operate. You will be addressing common problems faced by developers in cluster management, monitoring, and logging. Subsequently, we examine common issues when creating and deploying apps on Kubernetes.By the end of the course, you'll have gained full control of your Kubernetes infrastructure and will be able to manage it with ease.Please note a working knowledge of Kubernetes is required for this course.About the AuthorPradipta Kumar BanerjeeIBM, Senior Technical Staff Member, Bangalore, IndiaPradipta is a Senior Technical Staff Member for the IBM Cloud Private platform and leads cloud-native platform initiatives for IBM Power Microprocessor. He comes with an extensive infrastructure and cloud background and has worked on many first-of-a-kind projects for large enterprise customers across various industries, focusing primarily on virtualization, cloud, and container technologies. Pradipta is an IBM Master Inventor with many patents and received the Best of IBM and Outstanding Technical Achievement awards."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"RESTful Services with Delphi" |
"Nowadays, most web services work as RESTFul services. Enterprise systems are shifting towards micro-systems. With a RESTFul service, we usually have client applications operating on various platforms. At present, only one tool is capable of a building a RESTFul web service along with the client's applications using a single code basean that's Delphi!In this course, youll learn to use the Delphi IDE to construct a complete system. Well show you how to create Server, Android, and Windows clients in a fast and efficient way. Youll learn to code VCL applications and work with embedded SQL databases. Youll also develop a RESTful application based on DataSnap technology with WebBroker. Finally, youll build a complete courier software system using Delphi with a single codebase. This course assumes prior basic knowledge of the Delphi programming language and its IDE, together with basic knowledge of SQL.About the AuthorGordan Paunovic is a Delphi developer with extensive experience in software development using suitable technologies. He worked on Trough carrier from small usually Windows utilities to large enterprise systems. He has been with Delphi since the Borland era and Delphi 3.2."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Exploratory Data Analysis with R" |
"The greatest number of mistakes and failures in data analysis comes from not performing adequate Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Lack of EDA knowledge can expose you to the great risk of drawing incorrect, and potentially harmful, conclusions from your data analysis.In this course, you will learn how EDA helps you draw conclusions to make better sense of your data and implement correct techniques. We'll begin with a brief introduction to EDA, its importance, and advantages over BI tools. Using R libraries like dplyr and ggplot2, we will generate insights and formulate relevant questions for investigation and communicate the results effectively using visualizations. You will learn how to spot missing data and errors, validate assumptions, and identify the patterns for understanding the problem. Based on this, youll be able to select a correct ML model to use for your data.By the end of the course, you will be able to quickly get know and interpret various kinds of data sets you will be presented with, and easily understand how to handle and work with them in order to make them ready for further modeling activities.Please note that basic knowledge of R and R Studio, together with some knowledge of descriptive statistics, are key to getting the best out of this course.About the AuthorAndrea Cirillo is a Senior Audit Quantitative Analyst at Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group. He works daily with copious volumes of ""messy"" data for the purpose of auditing credit risk models. This has prompted him to develop the key skills needed to succeed in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Andrea is also an active contributor to the R community with well-received packages like updateR and paletteR. He recently focused resolving some of his R-related pain-points by helping R users draw the most out of their data through effective data visualization tools like the dataviz bot Vizscorer."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |