Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Augmented Reality AR with Unity & Vuforia for Android & iOS" |
"Welcome to the Augmented Reality course that will teach you Unity and Vuforia taking you from zero to hero!With this course you will learn how to use Vuforia technology with Unity and therefore to create Augmented Reality apps (also called AR apps) on phones with Android and iOS operating systems.We will build 10 different applications with which we will see the main tools available with Vuforia for augmented reality, such as:The Image TargetUser Defined Image Target Cylindrical TargetGround PlaneMid AirAR with videos and Chroma KeyAR and virtual windows overlooking other worlds!and many other techniques that will allow you to create incredibly realistic applications in which the reality of the phone camera will merge with the three-dimensional fantasy offered by the powerful Unity.This is a course for everyone, both for those who already know Unity but would like to expand their skills and for those approaching the world of apps and Unity for the first time. Each topic will be explained in detail and everything done during the course will be created and tested together, nothing will be left to chance and nothing will be taken for granted.If you want to improve your knowledge and therefore also your resume or simply want to create a new hobbie this is the course for you, sign up now, I'm sure you won't regret it ... and if for any reason you won't be satisfied with your purchase you will have the guarantee of ""money back"" within 30 days of purchase ... what more could you ask for?I'll see you in class...Ciao and Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Alexa: attivazione, uso accessori, gestione e skills" |
"Questo un corso completo sui dispositivi Echo di Amazon Alexa.Se possiedi un dispositivo Echo Alexa, o hai intenzione di acquistarne uno entro breve, con questo corso sarai subito operativo, infatti partiamo dalle basi, ovvero dalla sua attivazione e collegamento alla rete Wi-Fi di casa o dell'ufficio e poi affrontiamo tutti i temi pi importanti come:Installare e attivare l'applicazione AlexaCollegare il dispositivo Echo alla rete Wi-FiAggiungere dei dispositivi presa per poterli pilotare con la voceAggiungere delle lampadine intelligenti (dimmerabili)Comandare il condizionatore d'aria tramite Alexa (accensione e impostazione gradi)Analisi delle sezioni pi importanti della appAggiungere dispositivi presa non prodotti da Amazon (e quindi pi economici)Analisi della sezione SkillCreazione di Routine VocaliCreazione di Gruppi di dispositiviGestione della musica tramite Echo e Alexae molto altro!Non perdere tempo prezioso dietro a tutorial incompleti o datati... iscriviti oggi stesso e comincia sin d'ora a rendere migliore la tua routine quotidiana con l'aiuto di una segretaria virtuale incredibilmente efficiente e disponibile... Alexa!Iscriviti con la tranquillit del ""Soddisfatti o Rimborsati""! Se per qualsiasi motivo non sarai soddisfatto del tuo acquisto potrai richiedere un rimborso totale con un solo click!Ci vediamo in aula!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Certified Scrum Master Exam Prep - Pass on your 1st Attempt!" |
"This course is based on The Scrum Guide. You will practice 100 questions which will help you to understand the Scrum Roles, Events, Artifacts, Values and Scrum Theory. This course is designed to pass the CSM exam in your first attempt. If you take this course seriously and practice till you achieve a score of 85% or more, I am sure that you will pass your exam easily. CSM exam is not very difficult, the only thing you need to do is practice each question in this course and understand the concept. Looking forward to see you in the course and all the best for your examination after you complete this course!!!"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Fisioterapia Veterinaria : Masajes en pequeos animales" |
"Bienvenido al mundo apasionante de la terapia con las manos !Un sistema sencillo empleado desde los inicios, resultando muchas veces en una accin instintiva, cuando nos golpeamos y nuestras madres nos frotaba la zona con la mano para calmar el dolor.En medicina veterinaria tuvo su comienzo en los caballos en los emperadores de Roma, a los cuales se les aplicaba distintas formas de masajes. Todo esto determinado por factores econmicos y sociales.A travs de este maravilloso medio teraputico podemos modificar los tejidos subyacentes del animal y as modificar el estado general del mismo.Por medio de las distintas tcnicas y dependiendo de cada caso en particular, lograremos mejorar no solo el estado fsico del paciente sino tambin su rendimiento deportivo y prevenir lesiones.En el caso de atleta : efecto relajante, aumenta tonicidad y masa muscular en caso de atrofias, aumenta tonicidad muscular en caso de atrofia, disminuye dolencias en caso de animales gerontes ect... En este curso podrs aprenderCules son las indicaciones y contra-indicaciones de la Fisioterapia en general Cuales son los efectos fisiolgicos y metablicos de las distintas tcnicasVelocidades : Como dar un buen masaje y cuales son las recomendaciones para una sesin completa de terapia manual ?Cuales son los distintos tipos de masaje y para qu se emplea cada unoComo organizar un protocolo de masoterapia dependiendo el caso clnico."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Physiothrapie Vtrinaire : Massages et rducation" |
"Bienvenue dans le monde passionnant de la thrapie avec les mains!Un systme simple utilis ds les premiers temps de l'humanit, pratique souvent par action instinctive, comme lorsque nous nous cognions et que nos mres frottaient la zone avec la main pour calmer la douleur.En mdecine vtrinaire, les empereurs de Rome ont commenc pratiquer le massage sous diffrentes formes. Tout cela tant dtermin par des facteurs conomiques et sociaux.Grce ces merveilleux moyens thrapeutiques, nous pouvons modifier les tissus sous-jacents de lanimal et en modifier ainsi ltat gnral.Grce diffrentes techniques et en fonction de chaque cas en particulier, nous amliorerons non seulement la condition physique du patient, mais galement ses performances sportives et viterons les blessures.Dans le cas de l'athlte on peut procurer effet relaxant, augmenter le tonus musculaire.On peut restaurer la masse musculaire en cas d'atrophie, augmenter le tonus musculaire, rduire les faiblesses en cas de vieillissement ect ...Dans ce cours, vous pouvez apprendre :Quelles sont les indications et les contre-indications de la physiothrapie en gnralQuels sont les effets physiologiques et mtaboliques des diffrentes techniquesVitesses: comment bien masser et quelles sont les recommandations pour une sance complte de thrapie manuelleQuels sont les diffrents types de massage et quoi servent-ils?Comment organiser un protocole de massothrapie en fonction du cas clinique."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Essentials: Healthy Communication & Conflict Management Tips" |
"We all want healthy relationships. Whether it's our co-workers, partners, bosses, and even our friends we desire clear lines of communication and a better understanding of one another. Unfortunately, rarely does a day go by that we aren't faced with stressful conflict and difficult situations. This is why clear communication and expert emotional intelligence is a MUST if you desire influence and trust with those around you. In ESSENTIALS, pastor, teacher, and success motivator, Allen Speegle, peels back the layers of healthy relationships and reveals everything you need to know for better communication and conflict management.As you progress through the course you'll learn...The three absolutes all healthy relationships How to get along with almost anyoneThe key factors for healthy communicationHow to resolve and deal with conflict effectivelyHow to navigate difficult conversationsIf you want to improve your communication skills, manage conflict better, navigate difficult conversations more effectively, and cultivate healther relationships then this course is for you. You'll discover the essentials for building strong relationships in a simple, step-by-step format that's easy to follow and take action on.If you're ready to level up your relationships and manage conflict with confidence, then enroll now and begin learning the essentials of healthy relationships.WHAT STUDENTS SAY ABOUT ALLEN'S COURSES...""Motivating and practical tips to take you to the next level, not only in business but in life!"" -VANGIE, UDEMY STUDENT""The course is so simple to understand, and encouraging to learn success is more than a title or money. I would recommend this course to people of all ages."" -CHERIE, UDEMY STUDENT""Allen Speegle hits on all the right topics to give a well-rounded approach to being a successful leader!"" -KRISTEN, UDEMY STUDENT""I found that the course engaging and that it covered many thoughts, which when implemented, will improve an individuals likelihood of success."" -CHARLES, UDEMY STUDENT""This course, if applied properly can transform the way you see your life and grow you, your family and practically anyone you come in contact with."" -LEVI, UDEMY STUDENTThe information is both applicable and informative. It is presented in a way that makes me excited to start applying the principles to my life and business! -BARBARA, UDEMY STUDENT"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Teste Unitrio - Para Desenvolvedores C#" |
"Todo desenvolvedor sabe que deve criar testes unitrio para melhorar a qualidade de seus softwares. Neste curso, voc aprender a criar testes unitrios usando o Visual Studio. Primeiro, voc ver como fcil comear a criar testes de unidade. Em seguida, voc explorar como simplificar o processo de teste de unidade, criando testes orientados a dados. Finalmente, voc abordar como automatizar seus testes de unidade, agendando-os para executar o utilitrio de linha de comando VSTest.Console. No final deste curso, voc ter as habilidades necessrias para avanar em testes de unidade para todos os seus softwares"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio Code - Mxima Produtividade" |
"Em todos os curso que ministro aqui na UDEMY e para todos os vdeos no youtube, sem falar das equipes dentro das empresas que trabalho e trabalhei e dentro das salas de Aulas das Universidades, sempre vejo as pessoas fazendo as coisas de uma maneira que poderia ser bem mais produtiva, s bastava saber um pouco de mltiplos cursores ou simplesmente saber um pouco mais como a ferramenta, que essas pessoas trabalham, funciona.Baseado tambm em um curso do John Papa de 2015 nomeado Visual Studio Code e tambm de um Play by Play de 2018 do John Papa e do Burke Holland, criei o curso Visual Studio Code - Mxima Produtividade, so inmeras dicas e truques contidas da em uma grande pesquisa pela web, contidas tambm em curso dos maiores e melhores desenvolvedores do mundo e muito mais."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seja Full-Stack com Asp.NET Core Web API, Angular e EF Core" |
"Ol! Meu nome Vincius Andrade e seja muito bem-vindo criao de uma Aplicao Web utilizando Tecnologia API RESTful com o ASP.NET Core 2 e Entity Framework Core 2 e como Front-End Angular 7 *Utilizando Visual Studio Code*- Veja nossos mdulos do Curso:Introduo .NET CoreAsp.NET Core - Web APIAngularAngular - Interpolao, Diretivas e Binding.NET Core & EF Core - Organizar em CamadasAngular - Organizando ProjetoAngular - Reactive FormsAutoMapper & Data AnnotationsAngular - Rotas, Alertas e MaisUpload de Imagens.NET Identity Core - Autenticar e Autorizar - (TOKEN - JWT)Angular + .NET Identity Core + JWTEventos, Lotes e Redes SociaisDeploymente e PublishMostrando SQL Server + DockerComo dito acima, neste curso, voc aprender a criar uma API RESTful com o ASP.NET Core, que bem diferente de uma API da web normal. Voc chegar l aprendendo sobre os principais tpicos, como interagir corretamente com sua API usando os mtodos HTTP corretos e cdigos de status e mtodos de segurana, validao, recursos comuns como paginao, classificao, filtragem e modelagem de dados e suporte a HATEOAS, versionamento, cache e simultaneidade.Aprender tambm a trabalhar com multi-camadas utilizando aplicao .net core no vs code, alm claro de aprender a trabalhar com Entity Framework Core nessas 3 camadas.Por fim ou entre cada uma das aes criadas pelo lado do servidor, tambm criaremos do lado do cliente uma aplicao utilizando a framework Angular integrando assim, lado do Cliente e lado do Servidor.No final deste curso, voc poder criar uma API com nvel 3 de maturidade, que o nvel mais alto possvel para APIs. Antes de comear, verifique se voc j est familiarizado com o C# e html, css e Javascript, conhecimentos bsicos de SQL tambm seria interessante.Espero que voc se junte a mim e estou ansioso para ajud-lo em sua jornada de aprendizado aqui na UDEMY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Rpido - Bootstrap 4 - PROJETO" |
"Neste curso rpido a proposta diferente, no vamos passar por todos os componentes do Bootstrap 4. E sim, vamos apresentar o bsico do bsico necessrio pra voc no ficar viajando na framework e depois mo na massa nos projetos. Comeando com o Projeto Cervejaria.O cliente ns contratou para desenvolver o site responsivo e ns vamos fazer o projeto juntos! Aps desenvolver esse produto, voc entender como trabalhar como se trabalha no mercado de verdade.Esse um curso rpido, introduo tem, mas optativa!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seja Full-Stack com Vue JS + ASP.NET Core Web API + EF Core" |
"Vamos utilizar o VUE.JS (VUE JS ou simplesmente VUE) e a mais nova framework para desenvolvimento de WEB API MVC 's e Middleware da Microsoft o ASP.NET Core em sua verso mais recente e tambm, como vamos realizar persistncias no banco de dados e vamos utilizar o ORM Microsoft EntityFramework Core em sua verso mais recente para realizar conexo com esse banco tambm!!!Neste curso ns vamos utilizar o VS Code e no vamos depender de nenhum sistema operacional especfico como Windows, Linux ou OSX, voc pode escolher qualquer um desses para desenvolver vrias aplicaes utilizando a framework mais popular e mais requisitada nas diversas oportunidades de emprego de todo o mundo.Esse o NICO curso da UDEMY que focado na utilizao de VUE JS junto com a tecnologia Microsoft .NET Core.Sumrio:Introduo ao VUE JSVUE CLI - ProjetoSPA com VUE JSASP.NET Core 2 e EF Core 2 - Criando APIIntegrando VUE e .NET APIBnus - VS Code - Emmet"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Asp.NET Core Identity + MVC e Web API + SQL Server + EF Core" |
"O ASP.NET Core Identity consegue controlar a identidade e tambm gerenciar usurios para aplicaes web ASP.NET Core MVC e Web API.Essa robusta framework usada para fazer backup de sistemas de autenticao e fornecer funcionalidades de suporte, como redefinio de senha e registro do usurio. Nesse curso veremos o ncleo da Identidade do ASP.NET CORE, entender como essa framework de Identidade funciona e seus principio no ASP.NET Core 2.2.Mergulhar na parte interna da framework. Em seguida, explorar seus vrios pontos de extenso. Por fim, descobrir no apenas como estend-lo, mas tambm quando realmente conseguir utiliz-lo de maneira eficiente. Quando tiver terminado este curso, ser capaz de evitar muitas das armadilhas que vm com o gerenciamento incorreto da framework que, de outra forma, causaria problemas quando voc comear a aumentar e/ou dimensionar suas aplicaes. Tambm ter uma boa base para um dia, quando necessrio utilizar as verses futuras."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entity Framework Core + Asp.NET Core Web API + SQL Server" |
"O Entity Framework Core 2.2 a verso do ORM da Microsoft para executar persistncia de banco de dados em software baseado em .NET Core. O EF Core uma verso leve e extensvel do Entity Framework que foi escrita desde o incio. Se voc iniciante no EF Core ou quer saber como mudar sua experincia anterior com o EF Core, este curso pode ajud-lo a comear. Primeiramente, Aprender a definir um modelo de dados EF Core para atuar como uma ponte entre seus objetos .NET e seu banco de dados. Tambm aprender como interagir com o modelo de dados usando as vrias APIs do EF Core. Ento, ver como incorporar esse modelo em um aplicativo de desktop baseado ASP.NET Core WebAPI Cross-Plataforma. No final deste curso, voc poder criar softwares baseados em .NET Core usando o EF Core 2.2. Toda a codificao ser feita no Visual Studio 2019 em um ambiente Windows e tambm utilizando Visual Studo Code utilizando OSX da Apple."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python For Beginners: Learn Python With Hands-On Examples" |
"Welcome to my ""Python For Beginners: Learn Python With Hands-On Examples"" course.My name is Muharrem Aydin and I am the creator of thethree best-selling courses on Udemy. Do you want to become a Python Programmer and learn one of employers most request skill? If you think so, you are at the right place.This time Ive designed for you ""Python For Beginners: Learn Python With Hands-On Examples straight-forward course for the Python programming language. In the course you will have a down-to-earth way explanations with 12 projects. With my course you will learn Python Programming step-by-step. I made Python 3 programming simple and easy with exercises, challenges and lots of real life examples. Learn to code today! My ""Python For Beginners: Learn Python With Hands-On Examples! is for everyone! If you dont have any previous experience,not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals (as a refresher). Why Python?Python is general-purpose, high-level and multi-purpose programming language. The best thing about the Python is, it supports a lot of todays technology including vast libraries for twitter, data mining, scientific calculations, designing, back-end server for websites, engineering simulations, artificial learning, augmented reality and what not! Also, it supports all kind of App development. No prior knowledge is needed!The second best is for Python is, it doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the Python code is easy to understand for the beginners.What you will learn?In this course, we will start from the very beginning and go all the way to programming with hands-on examples . We will first learn how toset up a lab and install needed softwareon your machine. Then during the course you will learn fundamentals of Python development likeVariables, Data types, Numbers, StringsConditionals and LoopsFunctions and modulesLists, Dictionaries and TuplesFile operationsObject Oriented ProgrammingWith my up-to-date course you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-dateandequip yourselfwith a range of Python programming skills. I am also happy to tell you that I will be constantly available to support your learning and answer questions. Do not forget ! Python has the second largest number of job postings relative to all other languages . So it will earn you a lot of money and will bring great change in your resume. Here is the list ofwhat youll learn by the end of course, Python Setup Python IDLE Programming Variables and Data Types Numbers Strings ConditionalsFunctions and ModulesModules and PackagesListsTuplesDictionariesSetsFilesObject Oriented ProgrammingYou'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadEnroll now,See you in the course"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Ruby For Beginners: Learn to Code with Ruby from Scratch" |
"Hi there,Welcome to my ""Ruby For Beginners: Learn to Code with Ruby from Scratch"" course. This course is for anyone who wants to learn Ruby programming language and who would like to make use of Ruby for any purpose. Whether you want to to make use of Ruby on Rails,are struggling with Ruby, just decided to add the Ruby programming language to your resume, you are definitely in the right place.Learn Coding with Ruby Popular Programming Language and Gateway to Ruby on RailsRuby is a cross-platform, object-oriented language. Ruby is not only used for writing programs but also used for creating dynamic web sites. (thanks to web frameworks such as Rails). As Ruby is a fantastically powerful language it is used by top companies like Twitter and Airbnb. If you try to do Ruby on Rails without knowing Ruby language you will most likely fail. That`s why this course is the best gateway to Ruby on Rails.10 Awesome ProjectsIn this course you will have 10 Awesome projects. Each project will help you to solidify your understanding. You will have the best teaching content.No Previous Knowledge is needed!You dont need to have a previous knowledge about all. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level with hands-on examples.What You Will Learn To set up Programming Concepts -Variables, Data Types, Numbers, Strings Objects and methods Conditionals and Loops Ranges, Arrays, Hashes File Operations Regular Expression Classes, Modules, and Inheritanceand much more...Learning has never been this easy!If you are a complete beginner, if you are already an experienced programmer in some other language, or if you've started learning Ruby and you need a clear, simple way to revise your Ruby knowledge this course is for you. Enroll now!See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Web Application Hacking & Penetration Testing" |
"Hello,Welcome to my Complete Web Application Hacking & Penetration Testing course.Web Applications run the world. From social media to business applications almost every organization has a web application and does business online. So, we see a wide range of applications being delivered every day.In this course, you will learn how to use black hat hacker tools and follow their ways to compromise Web Applications. This course will take you from beginner to advance level. You will learn Web Application Hacking & Penetration Testing step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. We are going to start by figuring out what the security issues are that are currently in the field and learn testing methodologies and types. Then we are going to build a lab environment for you to apply what you get from the course and of course, the lab is gone cost you nothing. Then we are going to start with some theory, you know, you should have the philosophy so we can always stay on the same page.Basic web and internet technologies such as HTML, HTTP, Document Object Model and so on, these are absolutely needed so that we can complete testing experience. And then we are gonna cover the reconnaissance section, we will gather information about the target and how to use that information to model an attack. After that, we will tackle the user management issues. Apart from that, we will also try to expose the session management problems.In the input validation section, we are gonna show why data validation is absolutely important for web applications. So attacks such as Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection and many more we are gonna examine the whole bunch of different types. We also have a cryptography section with some basic attacks. After that, we will discuss some known web application attacks (such as Drupal SQL injection aka Druppageddon).At the end of the course, you will learn;Testing Methodologies and Types,Basic Web and Internet Technologies such as HTML, HTTP, Document Object Model and so on,To Gather Information About the Target and Use This Information to Model an Attack.User Management Issues.Exposing The Session Management Problems.Data ValidationAttacks such as Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection and many moreSome Basic Attacks in CryptographyWeb Application Attacks Such As Drupal SQL injection ( aka Druppageddon )And More to Enrich Your Penetration Testing Skills.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now!We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"U.S. Bellows 101: Expansion Joint Basics" |
"Listen to in-depth explanations on how to choose the type of expansion joint that will best suit your system. Learn about the bellows movements throughout the piping system due to thermal changes of mechanical motion. Increase your understanding of the different types of expansion joints and value-added services offered by U.S. Bellows."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to ""Win"" in TV Commercials" |
"Right now is a great time to keep your commercial acting skills sharp during the global pandemic and shutdown. In this course I will walk you through the important steps to take in order to keep your skills sharp, and learn some new ones. I start at the beginning with the first call, and take you through the entire process of booking the job and working on set."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Advanced CGI / VFX Compositing" |
"Advanced CGI Compositing is an in-depth training series that gives you a comprehensive practical knowledge of how to go about creating a high-end CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) shot.What our students say about this course:***** Excellent tutorial. Very clear, concise direction and very achievable results. Highly recommend this set of lessons. *****- Frank Maturi***** A lot of valuable information, tips and techniques to understand the art of compositing and more broadly, VFX. *****- Sbastien DENIS***** This is great course for every VFX artist out there, the contents are great , the videos are well explained and the pacing is great. *****- Joseph StarkIf you want to learn how the stunning visual effects (VFX) of modern films are created in reality, Advanced CGI Compositing is for you. During this course we show you the techniques and best practices of compositing elements such as 3D models, stock footage and software generated effects into a high-end VFX shot. This course is sequel to our highly popular VFX course, Fundamentals of VFX. If you enjoyed it, you will not want to miss out on Advanced CGI Compositing. The course spans the length of 20 meticulously crafted lectures that make your learning experience exciting and engaging.Learn how to use professional VFX software in professional way!Adobe After Effects is an industry standard Visual Effects compositing and Motion Graphics software that is widely used by industry leading professionals such as Andrew Kramer from VideoCopilot. (Disclaimer - VideoCopilot has not given an endorsement to this course nor have we asked for it.) During this course you will learn advanced compositing techniques in After Effects that will take your skills to the next level of professionalism.Blender is an exceptional open source 3D application that has taken major strides toward a professional audience in the recent years. It is an excellent choice and can at times even out perform its commercial rivals. This course provides a great way for you to get your feet wet in 3D modeling and texturing which are essential skills for any VFX artist.Element 3D is popular plugin for After Effects which extends its capabilities into the sphere of 3D compositing. You will learn how to use your own 3D models in After Effects and composite them in a photo realistic way.A Master Class in its own respectAdvanced CGI Compositing is a mini master class. Each lesson has been meticulously scripted and edited. We understand that no one has time to waste which is why we have compressed the course into an incredibly small package. This course is jam packed with information despite being relatively short. You will learn what it takes to create a visual effects shot from start to finish - from concept to final render! If you are time-conscious and yet want to gain a profound understanding of the practical side of the most fascinating field in the filmmaking industry, then Advanced CGI Compositing is for you!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Hello everyone,Arabic language is the fifth language spoken in the world, by learning Arabic you learn also about different cultures of different countries.In this course you will learn this beautiful language from 0, which means that the course will starts from the alphabet, also, this course is built in a way which help you to speak and write Arabic fluently in a short time."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC: Photo restoration - Removing Colour Casts" |
"RequirementsIn order to take this course you will need the following: -A computer or Mac-A working copy of Adobe Photoshop (You can download a 7 day trial from the Adobe Website)-An attitude to learn the techniques to restore badly colour damaged imagesAfter receiving excellent feedback and five star ratings from my Udemy courses and YouTube Channel, I have decided to widen my audience and reach out to some more of you guys on Udemy. In doing so I have come up with a really neat course that will teach you the skills needed to restore badly damaged photos to their original glory!Below is some student feedback that I have received on my Udemy courses:Ive needed a course like this! My animations have been looking too rigid but looking at some of the lessons Im so excited for the outcome! Im learning fast but with time to practice all the skills Ive learnt with the assignments. Thank for creating this! Timothy Stone (UDEMY)So looking forward to this course after watching your YouTube tutorials! Good value with so many resources! Josh Bright (UDEMY)Really easy to understand. Joe Lee (UDEMY)Thanks for these amazing Tutorials, great work as always! Never stop posting cause these are all amazing help for beginners like myself! Danny M (YOUTUBE)Course DescriptionPhotoshop CC: Photo restoration - Removing Colour Casts, is built around helping Adobe Photoshop users and students learn the skills needed to restore badly damaged photos. There are many different uses for Photoshop which can be covered but this course is focused primarily on the restoration of old photos.There are many different effects that I teach you through this course, all focused around photo restoration. We will look at removing artefacts such as dust and dirt aswell as other unwanted aspects. We will also look at using different colour adjustment tools along with layer masks to restore the colour in our image. FFinally we will look at correcting exposure issues within our image.As I come from a teaching background (teaching visual effects and motion graphics is my day job), I believe in equipping students with the skills needed and then letting students put their skills to the test, so as I say in some of the final videos, once you have restored your image, feel free to share your work with me in the question room or on social media and then I can provide feedback and help you further! (Details of Creative Tap's social media can be found in my profile).This course covers the following areas:-Intro-Analysis of Photo-Cropping-Artefact and Object Removal-Colour Adjustment and Correction-Skin tone painting-Exposure CorrectionIf you have signed up to this course I strongly advise you to use the Q+A board if needed and you can also tweet any feedback to me via my twitter, which is found on my profile. It would also be useful if you could leave a review/rating on the course. These are just some ways that I can get feedback of you to further improve my courses in the future!Target AudienceThis course is aimed at anyone who wishes to learn how to resotre badly damaged photos/images in Adobe Photoshop!-After taking this course student will be to analyse the reuirements of a badly dmaged photo-After taking this course students will be able to manage colour cast removal and colour damage-After taking this course students will be able to paint in realistic skin tones and uses many advanced colour adjutsment techniques-After taking this course students will be able to restore old damaged photos for family and clients.I really hope you enjoy this free course and get a lot of valuable information from it!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 ve Excel ile Planlama ve Bte Analizi Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta sfrdan PRIMAVERA P6 ve MS EXCEL programlarn kullanarak gerek bir proje zerinden sresel ve finansal planlamay birlikte detayl bir ekilde uygulamal olarak reneceiz. Eer programlar hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa ve bu konulara yeterince hakim deilseniz bu kurs tam size gre!PRIMAVERA P6 PROGRAMINI DA ETM NDE SZE CRETSZ SUNUYORUZ! ETM ALMAK N BR N HAZIRLIA GEREK YOK!Kursun Yaps Kurs boyunca her blmde;Sre ve maliyet planlamamz programlar zerinden birlikte uygulamal ekilde yapacaz.Eklerden indireceiniz size sunmu olduum Primavera P6 ve Excel dosyalar ile birlikte yol alacaz.Dersleri sral ve dzenli bir ekilde, inaat projesindeki gerek dzenine gre aama aama greceiz.Bildiiniz veya gemek istediiniz dersleri ilgili dersin altnda bulunan tamamlanm dkman kullanarak geip, bu dkman ile bir sonraki derse devam edebilirsiniz.Ayrca konuyla ilgili kendi projelerinizde de kullanabileceiniz verilere sahip olacaksnz. Kurs eriiKurs boyunca gerek bir proje zerinden gerek veriler ile PRIMAVERA ve EXCEL programlarn kullanarak u srada ilerleyeceiz:naat projelerinde planlama mhendisliinde geen sresel ve finansal kavramlar reneceiz.reneceimiz kavramlar zerinden Primavera P6 ile bte ve zaman planlamamz oluturacaz.Primavera P6 ile oluturduumuz bteyi Excel'e aktararak dviz kurlarn ve kesintileri tanmlayacaz.Tm tanmlamalar yaptktan sonra Excel zerinden nakit ak oluturup birlikte analiz edeceiz.Btemizi Excel zerinden gncellemeyi ve hakedi dalmlarn oluturmay reneceiz.+ Bonus blmde Primavera P6 ile ilgili bilmemiz gereken ekstra bilgileri de eitimimizin senaryosu haricinde inceleyeceiz.Tm bunlar byk bir inaat projesi zerinden dzenli ve sral ekilde reneceksiniz. Ayrca kursumuzu yeni bilgiler ile srekli gncelleyeceiz!---------------------------------------------Ska Sorulan Sorular:Derslerle ilgili bir sre kstlamas var m? Aldktan sonra tekrar izleyebilir miyim?Derslerimiz video formatnda Udemy zerinde hazr ve ykldr. Kursu aldktan sonra kursa istediiniz zaman balayabilir ve istediiniz kadar tekrar tekrar izleyebilirsiniz. Tek deme ile snrsz olarak size ait olacaktr. Bir sre kstlamas yoktur! 2. Derslerde kullanacamz programlar nereden temin edebilirim?Hazrlk blmnde, derslerimizde kullanacamz programlarn nereden temin edileceinden de bahsetmekteyiz. Yani kursa balamak iin bir n hazrla gerek yok! 3. Derslerde aklma taklanlar size sorabilir miyim?Derslerimiz bire bir zel ders formatnda olduundan platform zerinden srekli iletiimde olacaz, sorularnz bana anlk olarak iletip en ge 12 saat iinde yant alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim ktphanemizde dier arkadalarmzn sorduklar sorular inceleyebilecek ve sizler de soru sorabileceksiniz. 4. Ders videolarn indirebilir miyim?Eitim srecinde ilerleme durumunuzu sistem analiz etmekte ve eitim sonunda sizin adnza sertifika vermektedir. Ayrca eitim platform zerinden videolara ek zel ders formatnda gereklemektedir. Tm bunlardan dolay videolar indirilemez ancak tm dier dkmanlar snrsz olarak indirilebilir. 5. Eitimi nasl alacam ve nereden izleyeceimi anlamadm? u an bulunduunuz sayfada eitimin tantm videosu altnda yer alan ""hemen satn al"" butonuna basn ve Facebook'a kayt olur gibi kaydnz oluturun, devamnda ilgili ynergeleri izleyip kartnzla eitimi alabilirsiniz. Aldktan sonra sisteme yine Facebook'a giri yapar gibi oturum ap ""Kurslarm"" blmnden eitime tklayp izleyebilirsiniz. Eitimi Udemy web sitesi ve mobil uygulamalar zerinden, internetinizin olduu her yerden eitimi takip edebilirsiniz.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Romantic Music: Composition & Production" |
"My wife and I got married in a truly unique venue, deep underground in the Polish salt mines. We needed some seriously special music - not the usual off the shelf stuff. So, I wrote our wedding music myself - and Im going to show you how to do the same.Maybe you need to tell your partner exactly how much you love them, but cant find the words? Perhaps your parents have a big anniversary year coming up; what could be a more perfect gift than digging out their old wedding video and creating them their very own wedding soundtrack? What if youre in the exact same boat as we were, and want that PERFECT piece for your own special day?Or maybe you're working on a short romantic film and need some tips on creating the perfect score?This course is a complete guide to writing, arranging, orchestrating, mixing, AND mastering your very own romantic music. I walk you through the entire composing process, includingworking out your timingschoosing your instrumentscreating the perfect melody and harmonyThen, in a set of ""over-the-shoulder"" videos, I show you exactly how to:orchestrate your composition,make your instruments sound amazing,give your piece its final polish before you unveil it to your nearest and dearestNB: in this course ""romantic"" refers to the emotion, not the 18th/19th century romantic period of music! Don't be fooled, budding Beethovens!Create The Perfect Gift: Express Your Love With MusicSometimes words just aren't enough. If you really want to show that special someone just how much you care for them, music can be the best way. What's more special than a romantic score, capturing exactly how you feel?Compose ARomantic ScoreAre you working on a romantic film and need some direction?Or do you need to create some music for a special day of your own? Or maybe you want to write your own music for your, or a family member's wedding movie? This course is based around working with specific timing notes, so is perfect for live, or moving image projects - showing you how to structure your pieces to work with exact timings.The InstructorI (Jonny Armandary) am an international award-winning film music composer, who has taught film music composition and production at University level. I am also the founder of, where my aim is to make composing for the moving image accessible to all.My GuaranteeI hope that the course is right for you, and that you know what youre signing up for, but if, for any reason, it's not the right fit for you, I offer a 30-day money back guarantee"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Film Scoring in Logic Pro X: The Complete Guide" |
"This course will show you how to compose music and produce music for moving image using Logic Pro X.This course is designed to show you the entire process of music composition for film: from opening and setting up Logic Pro X for the first time, right through to syncing your finished composition to your movie.Learn Both The Technical AND Creative Sides of Composing Music for FilmMy mission when it comes to teaching you film scoring is to get you creating as quickly and easily as possible. Were not studying notation, were not dwelling on theory, were just learning how to get your ideas out of your head and onto the screen!The course is aimed towards beginners, so if youre new to Logic Pro X or have never used it for film scoring before, theres plenty for you to get stuck into. As well as technical things such as how to actually import your movie into the software, we also cover the creative aspects of film music composition too: from coming up with your initial idea, creating melodies, harmonising those melodies, and bringing your composition to life!What will you learn:How to setup Logic Pro X for Film ScoringThe equipment you'll need to compose music for moving imageCreating melody and harmonyRecording & producing instrumentsMixing & mastering audioExporting & syncing music to pictureWhat I cover:Film scoring equipmentSetting up Logic Pro XMaking musical decisionsComing up with a conceptChoosing and editing instrumentsCreating melodies and harmonyThe full process of composingDeveloping your compositionAdding synthesisers & sound designRecording instrumentsImproving MIDI samplesMixing your audioMastering your trackSyncing your music to the visualsAdd Magic to a Movie by Creating Your Very Own Film ScoreRegardless of your musical background, this course will show you how to improve your melody writing, develop more interesting harmony, and how to give your music compositions the extra details making them perfect for the silver screen.Not only will you learn the creative process of film scoring, but also the technical aspects. From setting up Logic Pro X, through recording and producing instrument parts, right to mixing, mastering, and syncing your final piece.Unlike traditional music composition courses, I focus on getting your ideas developed and recorded without the restrictions of traditional music theory.Contents and OverviewAs a beginners course, we start at the beginning: how to setup Logic Pro X including downloading the additional content, storing your samples securely, and activating advanced tools.We then explore the creative side of film scoring: coming up with a concept, setting the various tempos and time signatures required of a project, creating melodies, harmonising those melodies, and then developing your ideas into a full composition. I also show you how to use synthesisers and creative audio processing to take your pieces to a new level.The next section is all about producing your track: recording live instruments, improving your MIDI samples, making each instrument sound amazing before giving your piece its final polish in the mastering stage.Finally, I show you how to actually sync your music with the movie, creating a final movie file ready to present to your friends, family, and the world!By the end of the course youll be able to confidently compose original music for moving image.What equipment do I need?The only essential equipment is Logic Pro X (unless youre only interested in the actual process/composition aspect). That said, youll find it much easier to compose if you also have a MIDI keyboard.Whos my teacher?Ive worked professionally as a film composer for over 10 years and previously taught film music production and composition at University level. My music has won international awards, and films that Ive worked have had red carpet premieres in London and Hollywood, LA.Nowadays I devote my life to helping people get into composing for media through my website, courses, and podcast under the brand: always here to answer any questions and to help you in your journey to becoming a better composer!As always, I offer a 30-day money back guarantee, so if, for whatever reason, the course is not the right fit for you then youll get your money back - no questions asked!See you in the course!Enrol now, and start creating something amazing!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Orchestration Techniques : Writing for Strings" |
"Let's face it: most string parts suck.When it comes to writing for strings, most composers, producers, and songwriters just copy & paste their chord sequence from the piano, join the notes together, stick it on an ""Orchestral Strings"" patch and call it a string part.They're too scared to try anything else.But it doesn't have to be that way!What if you could write amazing string parts? And what if I told you that you don't have to follow a rulebook?Orchestrating for strings doesn't mean that you need a PhD in music theory. It simply means that you need to learn how to better use your ears.In this orchestration masterclass I'm going to show you exactly how to write better string parts.You can learn to create exciting, interesting, and creative string parts, simply by learning:The types and ranges of each string instrumentThe articulations and techniques that you can useHow to take a simple melody and turn it into a string partWhat to do when you need to transform a chord sequence into a string partWhich instruments work with the string sectionHow to weave your string parts into a songThe best part? All that, and much more is included in this orchestration masterclass.Who's My Teacher?I'm Jonny Armandary, film composer and founder of've written hundreds of pieces with string sections - some on virtual instruments, some for real orchestras. I also used to teach arranging and composition at one of the UK's leading music conservatoires.My experience means that I can show you exactly how to write string parts, and also what to look out for when you're writing with samples vs writing for the real thing.Is This Course Right For Me?This course is perfect for you if you are:A music producer looking to write better string parts for your projectsA songwriter hoping to learn to add more interesting string parts to your songsA composer wanting to learn more about string instruments and the amazing timbres they can createThat said, this course won't be perfect for everyone. My aim is to make this complex area as accessible as possible for people without the fundamentals in music theory. If you're looking for a course that pores over scores and the details in notation then this is not for you. I teach using a DAW (Logic Pro X) and my ears. (Although, we do analyse ONE score...)What's Included?This really is a masterclass in orchestrating for strings. Not only do I teach you everything you need to know about the string section, but I also show you exactly how to apply those skills in a whole range of settings.We start by learning about the string section:How the instruments are built & playedWhat makes a string instrument sound the way it doesThe range & timbre of each instrumentWhere the instruments sit in a standard layoutThen we look at the sounds the instruments can create (and as a special treat, I have a violinist performing each technique):DynamicsArticulationsBowing techniquesExtended & advanced techniquesFinally, and perhaps most excitingly, I have five projects lined up for us to explore:An analysis of my award-winning film score for ""Candlestick""A composition built from a single melodyA chord sequence that we'll develop into a string partA full orchestration that we'll improve using stringsA song that we'll write an exciting string part forPlus, you'll be able to ask any questions you need to get the most out of the course. I'm always here to help.My GuaranteeOf course, I hope you'll be 100% happy with the course, but if for whatever reason it's not the right fit, you're protected by a 30-day money back guarantee: no questions asked."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Composition : Write Powerful Melodies" |
"Theres one fundamental thing in music that you can learn which will immediately improve your music compositions.Without buying the latest sample libraries, without spending months or even years analysing the minute details of music orchestration, and the best news is that you probably already know a little about it.And thats melody.In this melodic music composition course, youll learn:A tried and tested method for composing better melodies from scratchHow to compose a strong melody over an existing chord sequenceWhat makes a good melodyHow to compose countermelodiesThe scales and modes you can use to compose more interesting melodiesIve taught literally hundreds of students how to compose music in person, and thousands more online, and Ive also won awards internationally for my own music, but when I first start teaching a new group of students about composing melody, they often think it doesnt apply to them.Maybe youre into death metal and dont view that as melodic?Or perhaps youre writing minimalist music built on patterns or chord sequences?Wellheres the thing: youre still writing melodic music.As Leonard Bernstein said: where theres music theres melody, you cant have one without the otherI remember one student in particular, Jamie, who was really into rap so didnt think melody had much to do at all with what he was composing. During our first lesson we sat together and analysed some of his favourite tracks and he went wide eyed, amazed at just how many melodic elements there were in music that he himself had thought wasnt melodic. He went on to write some of the most intricate, and interesting hip hop music Ive heard for a long time.So melodic music writing isnt about composing old-fashioned symphonies or cheesy pop songs. Its about writing better parts for any type of music.Whether youre a music producer with little formal musical training, or a classically trained musician frustrated about why your music isnt connecting, my course on melodic music is going to help you learn to bring your compositions to life.When you enrol:You'll get lifetime access to the music composition program, where I walk you through all of the steps I use to create better melodies. Youll learn what to listen for while analysing your favourite music, all of the building blocks that are used to put a melody together, I'll teach you a number of methods of creating and developing a melody, working with harmony, and creating counterpoint.Remember that youre protected by a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee, no hard feelings, just in case you discover that the course isnt right for you.So if youre ready to take your music composing to a new level, and to put in the work to get you there, click the Buy Now button now to enrol today.See you in the course!P.S. it isn't your mixing holding you back, you don't need a new sample library, and you don't need to be a musical prodigy to write great melodies. You just need to know what makes a good melody and apply that to your own compositions. Enrol today and I'll show you exactly how."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Monetise Your Music - How To Make Money With Music" |
"Youre a composer / producer that can write high quality music that sounds polished.What if you could learn how to make money with music?And not only to make a bit of cash on the side, but what if you could transform that music into a music business, providing you a full-time income?That would be pretty life-changing, right?Well, Im here to tell you all about the library music industry, and how you can build a portfolio of tracks that will sell consistently and bring you the pride and satisfaction of making money from your music.And depending on your own goals, level, and ability, the amount you earn from your music can be anything from a few dollars a month to pay for a cinema ticket, right the way through to you having a fully-fledged music business with a full 6-figure income.The best part is, a lot of that income comes passively from tracks in your catalogue!In this music business course on how to make money with music, youre going to learn:About the library music business models, which ones you should write for, and how to maximise your success in each modelThe best ways to make your music perfect for stock music libraries, and how to optimise salesHow to write great titles, tags, and descriptions that help you rank in music librariesHow to approach music publishers to give yourself the best chance of signing with a premium library, and also how register and upload your music to online marketplaces to sell stock music, and make money onlineBy the end of the course youre going have a thorough understanding of how the library music industry works and where your money comes from. Ill also share with you my top advice on how to make your music best work in a music library, and how to maximise how much money you can earn from your music.This really is a complete guide to the library music business, and were going to go in-depth into the non-exclusive, royalty-free libraries as well as the more premium music publishers. So whether youre fairly new to composition, or whether youve years of experience under your belt - Im going to show you exactly how to get started and where to focus your efforts depending on your level.And dont think that just because youre fairly new to music composition or production that this isnt an option for you. Thats not true at all - we all have to start somewhere, and the earlier you start trying to make money from your music, the sooner youll learn what works and what doesnt, and with my guidance youll be headed in the right direction right from the get go.As well as the main video lectures in the course Ive also put together for you:A list of all the major music libraries and publishers in the music industry that you can contact and register your music with - including both premium, exclusive libraries and non-exclusive royalty-free ones (where you can make money online by selling stock music)My checklist for stock music composition so that you remember exactly what steps you need to go through to create successful, sellable library music pieces - perfectly tailored to the library music industryA collection of email templates for reaching out to music supervisors, A&R reps, and music library owners, to help you get signed with a reputable music publisher and start earning those coveted performance and broadcast royalties - the first step towards turning your hobby into a music business!Youll also get a copy of my eBook, The Media Scoring Guide, that takes you through all of the skills and equipment that youll need to get started, as well as the process of composing music for media.And on top of all that, youll be invited to join my closed group of composers and producers where you can get advice and feedback from me and other music industry professionals that are in the group, as well as from your peers going through the same journey as you.As with all of my courses youre protected by a 30-day money back guarantee - no hard feelings, I completely understand that sometimes things just arent what you expect - so youve really nothing to lose.Hit the buy now button and start your journey towards making money from your music today!A final note before I leave you to finish signing up, I cant guarantee that youll make money from your music, no one can, and if anyone does promise you that, theyre lying to you - unless theyre literally standing there with a wad of money about to buy some music from you!Whether or not you make money from your music depends on your ability, goals, and how seriously you take action on the lessons in the course. I can tell you that if you follow my advice, implement my teaching, and, most importantly, take action, then youll stand a much greater chance of success than without.So click on the buy now button, and Ill see you ready to take action inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to make a Portfolio Wordpress Website in Elementor 2020" |
"Is it possible to built a website as a complete beginner without any experience?The problemThe problem with creating websites is that there are so many elements you need to understand. There is the design part and the technical part that you will need to understand to make it work. This is the reason why most people don't even start with their first website. What is the solution?Luckily times have changed and things are becoming easier these days. Nowadays, it's possible to create a website using a drag and drop system that is usable for all skill levels. The only thing you have to do is prepare a few things in Wordpress and spend a few hours watching the course. Then you will know all you need to create a basic website. Is it really free?In this course I will only use free tools to build all the pages. The only thing that you can pay for is your own domain-name. If you already have on then you can skip this step and if you don't have one yet then I will show you how to acquire one. The opportunityLearning how to create websites comes with huge opportunities. You will be able to create your own website (like I do in this course) or create websites for other people or businesses. This makes website creation a hugely profitable skill. Companies are willing to spend thousands of dollars for each website. Why is this course different?This is where I think I can stand out. Because most courses just use templates that they didn't design themselves. This means that they can create the pages fast, but it won't stand in the real world. In the real world you will often times get a design from somebody else (or better: create your own) which you need to transform. If you don't know how to do this in a pixel perfect way, you will probably not get a lot of work. Then you just know the ""tricks"", but not the real work. That's why I focus on the real deal in this course. I am not new to this gameI've gathered more than 30.000 subscribers on YouTube over the past few years and generated more than over 4 million views. I've been so thankful and happy that people like my content. That's why I'm also creating online video courses now. Step by stepIn this course we are not going to rush and make a quick website without thinking about what we are creating. There is enough of that on the internet. I am going to show you a real project where I'm going to transform an Adobe XD design into a real website. This means that I will show you all the steps, from the first title to the last button.Once we progress in the course (and you've seen the same techniques over and over) we will slowly start increasing the speed so will also be able to speed up your skills by watching this course. Reviews from others""I watch your videos and I get inspired every time because of your work/design."" - Sam""Your channel has inspired me to start designing myself."" - Jordy""I can't wait until the next video. I am following you for 4 years already and I've learned how to design this way :)"" - FloorBuy without any riskIf you really don't like my course, then that's not a problem. You can just ask your money back with the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee that this website offers. This makes it possible for everybody to hop on the course. Sign up for the course and you can start right away!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The 5 Pillars of Happiness" |
"Have you ever had the feeling that there should be more to life? Like sitting on the couch and asking yourself the question: ""Is this really living life for me?"". Do you just don't feel the way you KNOW you could feel on a day to day basis? Are you just not overall happy? Then this is the course for you! The 5 Pillars als the foundation of happiness. If you are not feeling the way you want to feel EVERY day. Then it is time to change this. In this course we'll dive deep into your mind and create there, what is needed.How would you choose to feel if you would wake up everyday being given the choice to choose how you feel? Would you give yourself more passion? More gratefulness? More love? More happiness? Well what if I told you that, with the necessary work and an open mind, this REALLY is possible? Let's gets started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Escrita Criativa para Iniciantes" |
"Voc quer escrever um livro, mas no sabe por onde comear? Sem conhecimento e preparo suficientes, a ideia de encarar uma pgina em branco pode ser desanimadora.Por isso, este curso oferece uma introduo escrita criativa para escritores iniciantes. TUDO o que voc precisa saber para escrever fico est aqui.Com 38 aulas e mais de 30 exerccios prticos, esta oficina online de escrita criativa ser seu pontap inicial para a realizao de todos os seus sonhos e projetos literrios.Voc estudar os seguintes tpicos:Organizao de tempo e espao para escrever;Dirio de bordo para obter autoconhecimento;Estilo individual de escrita;6 estudos de caso de grandes nomes da literatura;Noes bsicas de Storytelling;World-building;Questionrio detalhado para construo de personagens;Passo a passo para estruturar uma histria;Um e-book 100% gratuito com 50 exerccios de escrita;25 exerccios de ""Escrita Emocional"";100 dicas de escrita comentadas;E muito mais!Ento, o que est esperando? Venha desbloquear sua escrita nesta oficina prtica, objetiva e criativa!V. S. K. Watanabe"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Como escrever um livro em 30 dias" |
"E se voc pudesse escrever um livro em apenas 30 dias?E se voc pudesse realizar seu sonho de infncia e terminar aquela histria engavetada?E se eu te disser que possvel?Eu sei, essa histria parece boa demais para ser verdade, mas escrever um livro em um ms um desafio que exige planejamento e disciplina mas um desafio possvel.Aqui no existem frmulas mgicas, milagres nem segredos para escrever o prximo Harry Potter.Neste curso, voc ter 22 aulas e 6 materiais complementares exclusivos para escrever seu livro do zero, considerando o dia a dia atarefado de quem trabalha, estuda ou trabalha e estuda.No perca mais tempo; escreva um livro do zero em apenas 30 dias."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |