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"ocuklar iin mBOT ile ROBOTK" |
"ocuklar iin mBot ile Robotik kursuna ho geldiniz! mBot, arkada canls ve teknolojik grnme sahip bir maker robotudur . ocuklar iin iyi bir oyun arkada, ancak bir renci veya yetikin iin de elenceli bir programlama robotu olabilir. mBot bir araba gibi etrafta dolaabilir, engellerden kaabilir, bir izgi izleyebilir, renkli LED'leri yakabilir, notalar kullanarak mzik alabilir ve programladnz block kodlar anlayabilir. mBot kutusundaki paralar ile birlikte gelir ve daha sonra eklentilerle bir araya getirebileceiniz mkemmel bir robota dntrlebilir... mBotu satn alp paralarn birletirdiinizde k ve sevimli bir robot ortaya kmaktadr. Bu robot, temel hareket kabiliyetlerine sahip olduu gibi gelitirmeye de ak bir platform sunmaktadr. Cep telefonu, tablet gibi akll cihazlar ile kumanda edilebilme zelliinin yan sra Scratch yazlm platformunu kullanarak bu robotu istenildii gibi programlamak mmkndr. Modler yaps sayesinde kolayca sensrler vb. evre birimleri eklenerek otonom olarak alma yetenei kazandrlabilir.Daha nce robot programlamadysanz hi endielenmeyin - mBot'un oyun ve programlama uygulamalar ile ok hzl bir ekilde yetenekli bir programc ve maker robot yapmcs olacaksnz. Kurs drt blme ayrlmtr - Robotu kuruyoruz, blockly arayzn reniyoruz ve uygulamay kullanarak kontrol etmekle balyoruz. Bundan sonra, mBot programlama ilkelerini reten uygulamada eitici oyunlar oynayacaz. Ve birok proje uygulamas gerekletireceiz.Bu programlamadan sonra grevler seni bekliyor.Oyun fikirleri, mBot ekstra yapm setleri ve ekstra sensrler ile bir ok projeye imza atacaksnz.erde grrz!.. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ocuklar iin ARDUINO ile ROBOTK" |
"ocuklar iin ARDUINO ile ROBOTK kursuna ho geldiniz! Scratch programnn mBlock uygulamasn kullanarak Arduino programlamaya balamak iin ihtiyacnz olan her ey bu eitimin ierisinde.smail Hoca siz ocuklar iin Uygulamalarla mBot ile Arduino eitimine uzun sre emek harcam ve ierisinde bulunan sade anlatmlarla blok programlamann kolayl ve arduino'nun pratikliini birletirerek makerlar iin zellikle bu eitimi hazrlamtr.Scratch ile alarak robotik kodlamay renmek isteyenler, Arduino'ya balamak isteyenler iin bu eksiksiz bir eitim olup baladnz gnden beri hemen retmeye balayabilirsiniz.Scratch mBlock, Arduino kartlarn grafiksel bir arayz kullanarak programlamanza imkan veren bir yazlmdr. Benim nerdiim toplu kiti alarak kitin iindekiler dahilindeki sensrler ve dier elemanlarla programlamaya balang yapmanz olduka kolay olacaktr. Dikkat: Eitim ierisinde breadboard ile yaplan uygulamalar vardr ; toplu set ierisinde bulunan modllerin devrelerini breadboard zerinde nasl kurabileceinizi retme amal bir eitimdir. Set ieriindeki devreleri kurmak iin gerekli malzemeler eksik veya fazla olabilir ki bu sizin alm gcnze baldr. Arduino devrelerini, sensrlerini, kablolarn ve dier btn modlleri tek tek de alabilirsiniz toplu da... Aadaki malzeme kiti sadece bir rnektir!yi kodlamalar dilerim. rnek Arduino Kit erii:1 adet Arduino UNO R3 Kontrol Kart - Klon1 adet USB Kablo1 adet Sensr Ara Balant Kart (Shield)1 adet Beyaz LED Modl1 adet Krmz LED Modl1 adet Sar LED Modl1 adet Yeil LED modl1 adet Buzzer Modl1 adet Potansiyometre Modl1 adet Push-buton Modl1 adet Ultrasonik Mesafe Sensr1 adet ki Eksenli Joystick Modl1 adet Servo Motor7 adet 3'l zel Sensr Kablosu20 adet DuPont kablo (Jumper Kablo)erde grrz!.. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin ve Network Marketing ile PARA KAZANMA" |
"Bu eitim smail Hoca tarafndan piyasaya yeni giren veya girecek arkadalar iin hazrlanmtr. Bu eitimle bitcoin ve altcoinlerin kmasn beklemenize gerek kalmadan bir sarraf edasyla srekli btc birikimi yapabileceksiniz. Sadece bir uygulama uzaktasnz. Hayrl ve bol kazanlar dilerim. Stresten uzak. Endieden uzak. Paradan uzak. Patrondan uzak. Byk Ailemiz ve Arkadalarmzla birlikte yaayacamz bir dnya organizasyonu kuruyoruz ve sevdiimiz ii yapyoruz. 2012 ylndan bugne network marketing yapyorum, ok zel eitim etkinliklerde bulundum ve tabi ki 100.000den fazla kiiyle bilgi ve deneyimlerimizi paylatk. Blockchain teknolojisi, herkesin kodlarn grebildii, bilgisayarna indirebildii, cretsiz kullanabildii ve zerine fonksiyonel uygulamalar gelitirebildii, adna Deerlerin Interneti diyebileceimiz bir protokol.Blockchain teknolojisi sayesinde devletlere, irketlere veya kiilere, onlarn drst olaca, iyi niyetli olaca, gvenilir olaca veya effaf olaca konusunda gvenmemize gerek kalmayacak. Tm ilemlerin toparlanp blok eklinde pe pee kaydedildii, sistemin devamlln salayan bilgisayarlarn tm bu ilemleri onaylamadan sisteme dahil etmedii ve isteyen herkesin sisteme bilgisayarnn ilemci gc ile katlabildii, katlrken de kazan salad global bir kayt defteri uygulamas Blockchain.Blockchain uygulamalar her zaman bir kripto-para halini almayabilir; kurumsal veya kamusal uygulamalarda bile kullanlabilir. Blockchain teknolojisinin potansiyeli zerine dndke, Trkiyede btnsel olarak hazrlanm bir blockchain ve kripto-para eitiminin olmadn grmek beni bu eitim programn hazrlamaya itti.Kripto-paralarla ilgilenmiyorsanz bile Blockchain teknolojisinin global gveni oluturmak iin hangi elemanlar kullandn renmek ve binlerce yllk finansal renimleri nasl yeniden yorumladn grmek iin bile bu eitime katlabilirsiniz.Sorularnz iin: udemy mesaj sistemini kullanabilirsiniz. Beni sosyal medya kanallarmda takip iin. @ismailcimencom"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ocuklar iin Uygulamalarla 3B MODELLEME" |
"Merhaba sevgili makerlar,Bu eitimi 3 boyutlu modellemeyi renmek ve 3B yazclarda kendi hayallerini gerekletirmek adna bask yapmak isteyen 7' den 70' e her bir retici birey iin tasarladm. ocuklar, bu konuda bilgi ve deneyim elde etmek isteyen bireyler, tketici bir toplumda retici olmay tercih eden retmen ve ebeveynler bu eitimin sizler iin kaynak niteliinde olaca kansndaym.Tinkercad, Beetle Blocks, Fusion 360 gibi 3 boyutlu modelleme aralarn kullanmay ve Cura yazlm ile de bu yapm olduunuz tasarmlar dilimlemeyi ve daha sonra bask almay reneceksiniz.Eitim videolarm sklmadan izleyebilmeniz asndan para para yaptm. rneklemleri adm adm ynlendirmelerle anlattm. Bu eitim videolarn bir yandan izlecek ve bir yandan da tasarladnz hayallerinizi retip dier insanlarla paylaabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make Electronic Music from Scratch" |
"Make electronic music from scratch course will teach you how to produce your first electronic music in FL Studio 20. If you think produce electronic music is so harder, this course will get rid of your all negative thinking of making electronic music.Ive showed bunch of different tricks while you producing electronic music. We will also cover the fundamental terms of FL Studio 20 (in depth) while you producing a electronic music. Ive also told that how you download FL Studio 20, How to FL Studio 20 in Optimal way, besides you will know where you can download free sample pack for your electronic music production and how you can put your downloaded sample packs in FL Studio 20 directory.We will also cover the arrangement, mixing stage, mastering stage and also gonna learn the gain staging for every modern electronic music production. All those steps giving you to getting a better output of every electronic music. In the project section youre gonna learn how you to produce a very basic but effective electronic music. Ive showed you how you can make a beat with a combination of others instruments, besides you will also learn how you can make chords and melody with helps of some interesting tools of FL Studio 20. This course is created for the absolute beginners who wants to enhance their knowledge in electronic music production. Besides youll also gonna learn how you can start your electronic music production journey. You will learn how to your electronic music as an industry standard. All these instructions/tips and tricks in this course, you just need a laptop like Macbook Pro or desktop computer like iMac. Ive included everything that you need to use is included in this course for producing electronic music from scratch.Ive also added a pdf file which includes free sample packs for your electronic music production, you just need to download those sample packs.This course is designed for beginners. So if you never used FL Studio 20 before, just forget it thats totally fine as well. In course introduction section Ive showed where you can download FL Studio 20 and those sample packs and also showed you how you can optimize your work flow in FL Studio 20. Before If want to produce electronic music professionally with industry standard there is no huge amount time allocated for you, you need to improve your music production techniques and optimize work flow producing electronic music faster. At last you dont know any prior knowledge in electronic music production or you dont know how to make chords or melody, this course will take though you to the new stage of producing electronic music.Likewise other music production courses, this course will cover every thing from scratch and improve your overall music production skills in a next level.About the instructor:Music Buddy started his career as a DIY musician in 2009 also working as a stock music producer since 2014.Music Buddy also produced various genres of music for his clients since 2017."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows server 2016" |
"Aprenda a ganhar dinheiro prestando suporte em redes baseadas em servidores windows server 2016, esse curso lhe dar o conhecimento necessrio para ser um timo Help Desk em TI.Este curso para algum que est se formando na rea de redes, funcionrio que deseja aprimorar seus conhecimentos, pessoas que querem ver como funciona os servidores windows e iniciantes que desejam conhecer a rea de TI.Neste curso iremos ver:Instalar e configurar Hyper-VInstalar e configurar o Windows Server 2016Instalar e configurar o Active DirectoryTrabalhar com AD e controladores de domnioInstalar e configurar um servidor de arquivosInstalar e configurar servio de DNS e DHCPConfigurar backupTrabalhar com GPO"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
basic-form |
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Automotive Starting System Operation and Schematic Diagnosis" |
"This Course Focuses on Teaching Beginner Students, Intermediate Students and Do-it-Yourselfers to Understand Automotive Starting System Operation and Electrical Schematics. Steve Simplifies the Concepts and Explains a Process that can Promote Quick and Accurate Diagnostic Results.By taking this course, Students will be able to Understand and Narrow Down the Potential Causes of Starting System Problems. For New Technicians, Practicing what is Taught in this Program can consistently Decrease the Time it takes them to Diagnose Electrical Faults.While the Course Focuses mainly on Starting System Schematics, the Diagnostic Principles and Procedures taught here can also be applied to other Automotive Electrical Systems. Although not Required to Benefit from this Course Depending on Your Experience, it is Recommended that my Beginner and Intermediate Electrical Schematic Diagnostic Courses be completed First Before taking this course.Of course, if you are going to be doing any work yourself on a car, make sure you are Comfortable that you have the Hands-on Skills to do so. The course explains the Foundation material necessary to Understand and Diagnose many Basic and Intermediate Starting System Schematics. The more you practice what is taught in this course and apply the process to different wiring diagrams on your car, the more Comfortable and Proficient You Will Become."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ohms Law Math Made Easy for Series Circuits" |
"Welcome to Ohms Law Made Easy for Series Circuits. By the end of this course, students will be comfortable with Ohms Law, the Series Circuit Rules and the Math Calculations for Automotive Electrical Series Circuits. Ohms Law expresses the relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance in an Electrical or Electronic Circuit. By knowing any two values, voltage and current, voltage and resistance, or current and resistance, the third value can be calculated mathematically. Understanding the Math behind these relationships can help you in your diagnostic thought process.Series Circuits are used when lower than source or battery voltage is desired or when you want components to share the source voltage. Parallel Circuits are used when we want each device to receive the full source voltage. In Automotive circuits, most are parallel because more often than not, it is desired that each component receives full battery or source voltage. This course is Geared toward Automotive students, Beginning Electronics Students and Do it Yourselfers that desire a Solid Foundation and Understanding of Series Circuits and Ohms Law. This course does more than just show you a formula and tell you about a concept, it walks you through the thought process, the steps, and the reasoning behind them.This course provides practice examples and detailed explanations of how the answers were calculated and determined.Understanding Ohm's Law Math can help students recognize incorrect voltage measurements and become better at troubleshooting and Electrical diagnostics. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1. APICS CPIM Practice Questions (200 Questions)" |
"APICS CPIM Educations helps the aspirants as well as practitioners in the fields of Organization Design, Production and Inventory Management, Supply Change Management, Procurement & Material Management, and Purchasing & Planning to prove and improve the level of understanding in this area. Some of the benefits of attaining the certification as we see from APICS are ability to provide more value to the Organization, build the capability and set yourself apart from peers and contribute to reduce the Costs and improve the Manufacturing and Delivery Performance. This set of Practice questions helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Execution and Control Operations. There are four kits with about 200 well designed Questions i. The intention of making one large kit covering the diverse topics is to create an experience close to one of the REAL exams. The topics covered Manufacturing, Forecasting, Planning (Production, Procurement and JIT) Logistics, Distribution Requirement Planning, Capacity Requirement planning, Inventory, Production activity Control, Quality, Order Promising and Customer Service. APICS CPIM Practice Kit 1- Part 1 ( 80 Questions)APICS CPIM Practice Kit 1- Part 2 (40 Questions)APICS CPIM Practice Kit 1- Part 3 (40 Questions)APICS CPIM Practice Kit -1 Part 4 (40 Questions)While the questions are based on the APICS CPIM concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"2. APICS CPIM Practice Questions (175 Questions)" |
"APICS CPIM Educations helps the aspirants as well as practitioners in the fields of Organization Design, Production and Inventory Management, Supply Change Management, Procurement & Material Management, and Purchasing & Planning to prove and improve the level of understanding in this area. Some of the benefits of attaining the certification as we see from APICS are ability to provide more value to the Organization, build the capability and set yourself apart from peers and contribute to reduce the Costs and improve the Manufacturing and Delivery Performance. This second set of Practice Kits helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Execution and Control Operations. There are 4 practice kits covering about 175 Questions. - APICS CPIM Practice Kit -2 Part 1 (55 Questions)- APICS CPIM Practice Kit -2 Part 2 (40 Questions)- APICS CPIM Practice Kit -2 Part 3 (40 Questions)- APICS CPIM Practice Kit -2 Part 4 (40 Questions)The topics covered Manufacturing, Forecasting, Planning (Production, Procurement and JIT) Logistics, Distribution Requirement Planning, Capacity Requirement planning, Inventory, Production activity Control, Quality, Order Promising and Customer Service. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.While the questions are based on the APICS CPIM concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"PMP PMBOK 6th Edition Practice set -1 (190 questions)" |
"PMP certification is the most respected credential across the globe not limiting to US. The focus on Project Management in all industries has been increasing every year due to the need toManage the limited resources, Complete the work in the tight timelinesStrategic execution in terms of running engagement with multiple parties and stakeholders involvedCost management with lot of services and product components being purchased from specialists in one or more areas of the scope of workMore emphasis on Quality which is now more expensive especially in retaining customer satisfaction as well as branding for more businessThe attempt of authors is to provide the practicing experience through the Practice Questions that are designed to simulate the exam experience. This set of Practice Kits helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Project introduction, Context, Organization Influences, LifeCycle, introduction to Process Groups and Knowledge Areas , Knowledge Area Project Integration Management and the most important topic Project Code of ethics and Professional Conduct are included. There are 4 practice kits covering about 190 Questions. While the questions are based on the latest PMBOK (6th Edition) concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. In many cases lot of additional information is given in the scenario which may not be relevant to provide the answer. This is again to make the students experience the clarity of concepts irrespective of these diversions. With the same thought the Answer options are at times includes completely irrelevant options where students should still not detract and must choose the right option. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"3. APICS CPIM Practice Questions (175 Questions)" |
"APICS CPIM Educations helps the aspirants as well as practitioners in the fields of Production and Inventory Management, Supply Change Management, Procurement & Material Management, and Purchasing & Planning to prove and improve the level of understanding in this area. Some of the benefits of attaining the certification as we see from APICS are ability to provide more value to the Organization, build the capability and set yourself apart from peers and contribute to reduce the Costs and improve the Manufacturing and Delivery Performance. This third set of Practice questions helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Execution and Control Operations. There are two Mega kits with about 175 well designed Questions as below:- APICS CPIM Practice Mega Kit 1 (100 Questions)- APICS CPIM Practice Mega Kit 2 (75 Questions)The intention of making one large kit covering the diverse topics is to create an experience close to one of the REAL exams. The topics covered Manufacturing, Forecasting, Planning (Production, Procurement and JIT) Logistics, Distribution Requirement Planning, Capacity Requirement planning, Inventory, Production activity Control, Quality, Order Promising and Customer Service. While the questions are based on the APICS CPIM concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"4. APICS CPIM Practice Tests - 4 (MCRP+SMR - 160 Questions)" |
"APICS CPIM Educations helps the aspirants as well as practitioners in the fields of Organization Design, Production and Inventory Management, Supply Change Management, Procurement & Material Management, and Purchasing & Planning to prove and improve the level of understanding in this area. Some of the benefits of attaining the certification as we see from APICS are ability to provide more value to the Organization, build the capability and set yourself apart from peers and contribute to reduce the Costs and improve the Manufacturing and Delivery Performance. This set of Practice questions helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Execution and Control Operations. There are two kits with about 160 well designed Questions i. The intention of making one large kit covering the diverse topics is to create an experience close to one of the REAL exams. The topics covered include - SMR (80 Questions): Strategic Management of Resources Organization Design, Manufacturing Environments, Performance Measurement, Production and inventory Management Strategies, - MCRP (MRP & CRP) (80 Questions): Material and Capacity Requirements covering MRP and CRP fundamentals, impacts from Inventory, BOM, MPS and detailed Material and Capacity requirement planning methods, rules and various kind of outputs, Capacity Calculations, MRP&CRP Performance Measures While the questions are based on the APICS CPIM concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"5. APICS CPIM Practice Questions (200 Questions)" |
"APICS CPIM Educations helps the aspirants as well as practitioners in the fields of Organization Design, Production and Inventory Management, Supply Change Management, Procurement & Material Management, and Purchasing & Planning to prove and improve the level of understanding in this area. Some of the benefits of attaining the certification as we see from APICS are ability to provide more value to the Organization, build the capability and set yourself apart from peers and contribute to reduce the Costs and improve the Manufacturing and Delivery Performance. This set of Practice questions helps students refresh their knowledge by checking their level of understanding in Execution and Control Operations. There are two kits with 200 well designed Questions . The intention of making one large kit covering the diverse topics is to create an experience close to one of the REAL exams. The topics covered include Planning Material and Operations (40 Questions): This part covers the topics of Inventory Planning material and OperationsInventory Basics, Accounting and Control (85 Questions): The mega kit covers the topics of Inventory Basics, Accounting and Control of Inventory (Keeping a track of inventory, Alternative costing methods, Item identification, Inventory locating methods, Stock Keeping, Inventory Counting and Record Keeping)Inventory Replenishment (75 Questions): This part covers the topics of Types of replenishment approaches, Ordering methods Handling Demand and Supply UncertaintyWhile the questions are based on the APICS CPIM concepts many questions are scenario based. And good number of questions has combination of multiple options as the right answer to enable the aspirants consolidate their understanding to the full extent. The answers are associated with explanation on the correct answer option and why other options are not correct or not relevant in the context of the Question. Some of the answers can be correct in relevance to the scenario and best among the answer options given. Students will agree there was long and deep thought process while designing the questions to sharpen the concepts, consolidate the understanding of concepts as well as the platform to check the level of knowledge attained. We wish you the greatest success in enriching the knowledge and certification.We wish a great success to all our enrolled students."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Curso de dibujo: Figura humana 2" |
"Segunda parte del curso de dibujo de figura humana, donde ahondaremos en el tercer y ms importante esquema (del que se desprendern el resto que realicemos) el esquema muscular, tambin repasaremos un tanto sobre los rasgos particulares del rostro, tanto femenino como masculino e infantil; y continuaremos con nuestros ejercicios de soltura y dibujo de manos.El curso est enfocado a un pblico con conocimientos bsicos del dibujo de la figura humana, se recomienda haber tomado previamente el primer curso o contar con estos conocimientos bsicos."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Werde ein LinkedIn Superstar! Optimiere dein Profil!" |
"""Beste Bewertungen"" bei Udemy. Vielen Dank! Und schon ber 500 zufriedene Teilnehmer! Mit Minimaleinsatz zum besten Profil!In diesem Kurs werden wir gemeinsam besprechen, wie du so schnell und einfach wie Mglich den hchsten LinkedIn Rang ""Superstar"" (bzw. Allstar) erreichst. Sobald wir das geschafft haben geht es weiter und wir fhren Optimierungen durch um dein Profil noch aussgekrftiger zu machen.Egal was dein Ziel ist:Mehr Besuche deines LinkedIn Profils Bessere GeschftskontakteJobangebote erhaltenDieser Kurs hilft dir dein Ziel zu erreichen. Alle Aussagen sind durch Quellen belegt und funktionieren. Wenn du schon Superstar bist spring einfach zu den letzten Videos und schau, ob diese dir noch etwas Neues beibringen knnen - ich bin mir fast sicher, dass es immer noch etwas zu optimieren gibt."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Equity Investments" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Corporate Finance" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Portfolio Management" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Economics" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ethics Review for CFA Level 1 (2020)" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"LOW POLY Zbrush" |
"3D low poly? ? , , Unity. , 3D . ! : Zbrush LOW POLY Zbrush 3ds Max 3ds Max Unity UNITY Unity : ,"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento Forex para Todos (Intermedirio) TDS" |
"Esse curso te ajudar a se tornar um Trader de Sucesso em Forex (Nivel Intermedirio), voc ir aprender todos os conceitos do forex, desde o bsico ao intermedirio. No deixe de fazer outros cursos da Trader de Sucesso. O Mercado Forex o mais mercado do mundo, ele movimenta mais de 5 trilhes de dlares por dia."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Easy Russian Verbs of Motion" |
"The primary goal of this course is to help you understand when and how verbs of motion are used. It is suitable for intermediate level students as well as beginners. During the course, we will be watching some extracts from the Russian series """" as well as you will be given the chance to drill the verbs in exercises.By the end of the course, you will learn all forms of the verb ""to go"" in the past and present.Don't waste your time and enroll in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Facebook Ads Masterclass 2.0" |
"Are You Ready to Learn the Most Effective Way of Digital Marketing Using Facebook Ads?In this The Complete Facebook Ads Masterclass 2.0 in 2020, we're taking you through a journey from Beginner to becoming an Expert in creating Facebook Ads! With Over 12 Hours of Training in real actionable steps with all answers needed you will not only become confident in creating Facebook Ads in general and alsoFacebook Ads for eCommerce. FROM BEGINNER TO EXPERTWe'll Take You All The Way!After This Course, You'll Be Able To:Create Facebook Ads for You and/or Clients.Create Facebook Ads For eCommerce Businesses.What You Will Master Inside This CourseHow to Create a Facebook Ads Campaigns - Beginner to Advanced levels.How to Create Converting Facebook Ads.Our Most Effective eCommerce Strategy (Complete Blueprint Included).Decrease Your Costs While Increasing Conversions on Facebook Ads.Target Website Visitors, Facebook fans, or Email Subscribers using Custom Audiences.Split Testing.Fully Understand the Ads Manager.Understand Ads Statistics.Scale your Targeted Audience with Lookalike Audiences.Create Ecommerce Ads for your business such as Dynamic Ads, Retargeting Ads, Upsell Ads, Cross-sell Ads etc.Track Conversions Using Facebook Pixel.And so much more...The Course includes: Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Help to Optimize Your Facebook Ads!The Majority Of The Tools In This Course Are For FREE and Will Help You To Get Results. Are You Ready to Start Creating Effective Facebook Ads?See You Inside The Course.LoveRobin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Social Media Marketing Masterclass 2020" |
"Congratulations,You Found It!The Social Media Marketing Masterclass 2019. In this Course you'll get8 Courses in 1, instead of buying 8 different Courses around Social Media Marketing -This Course has it all!This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture!After This Course You'll Be Able ToGrow Your Online BusinessWork as a Social Media Marketing FreelancerGet Hired as a Social Media Marketing ExpertWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseFacebook Messenger Chatbot MarketingFacebook MarketingFacebook AdsFacebook Ecommerce AdsInstagram MarketingYouTube MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingQuora MarketingTwitter MarketingIn This Course You'll Get the Smartest ShortcutsTo GiveYou the Best Results for Whatever Goals You Have!WhetherYou Want to Become a Social Media Marketing Expert or Just Want the Latest and Most Effective Hacks and Shortcuts to Success Online, This Course is For You!Oh.... We Almost Forgot! You'll Learn How to Create Ads on All 7 Platforms as a Bonus!See You in The Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing Masterclass Grow Your Audience 2020" |
"In this Instagram Marketing Masterclass Grow Your Audience 2020 we'll take you through a journey from Beginner to Expert in Digital Marketing on Instagram! With The Latest Training and techniques in real actionable steps you'll quickly become confident in your Instagram Marketing. You'll learn how to create Instagram Posts that'll engage your audience, utilize Instagram stories as a part of market research, and grow your followers to make your Business More Money... You'll also learn how to save yourself time and energy by creating an effective content strategy plan.Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""Amazing Course! Give it a try. You wont regret it."" - Cesar Negrete ""Awesome Sequence is going on, I am on the half of the course but still feeling that lots of things are coming in a very natural way. Extreme details in a step by step tutorial."" - Harshal Moon ""So informative i think this course is way more than 10.99 worth of value but appreciated it none the less awesome course will highly recommend this to everyone"" - Cherece Parker ""Was great friendly training! Now I feel much more comfortable with Instagram!"" - Noor Boutique ""This course has a structure. Everything is understandable and applicable"" - NataliaFROM BEGINNER TO EXPERTFrom understanding terms around Instagram to have a content strategy plan with a brand new Instagram Account within hours! After This Course, You'll Be Able ToCreate optimized Instagram Accounts for You and/or ClientsCreate Engaging Instagram Posts for You and/or ClientsCreate a Professional Instagram Business AccountWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseUnderstand Different Types of Account You Can CreateCreate a Professional Instagram Profile that Talks To CustomersSet Up a Professional Instagram AccountCreate a Content Strategy Plan to Save Time & EnergyKnow What to Post & How to Do It EffectivelyTo Use Hashtags to Be Found By CustomersTo Automate Time Draining TasksTo Start Making Money with InstagramTo Sell Your Products Through InstagramTo Create Instagram AdsTo Spy On Competitors to Always Be AheadHow to Drive Traffic From Instagram to Your WebsiteAnd so much more...The Course includes: Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Help to Optimize Your Instagram Marketing & Instagram Ads Journey!The Majority Of The Tools In This Course Are For FREE and Will Help You Get Results. The Truth is... That we've spent a month on making this course as easy to consume for you as possible. We're only using the latest techniques and giving you the latest Instagram Marketing Strategies available out there today. Instagram Marketing is when used correctly the most effective way to interact with real humans to create new customers today.Are You Ready to Start Creating an Effective Instagram Marketing Strategy?See You Inside The Course.LoveRobin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete WordPress Website & SEO Training Masterclass" |
"In this The Complete WordPress Website & SEO Training Masterclass we'll take you through a journey from Beginner to becoming an Expert in Wordpress, Website Creation & Search Engine Optimization! With The Latest Training in real actionable steps & with all answers needed you will not only become confident in your WordPress Latest Interface, you'll also know how to perform SEO to drive traffic to your new professional WordPress Website. Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""I wish I'd started with this course before even looking at other resources."" - Susan Hayden ""Excellent Course! I wish I had found it earlier."" - Dimitrios Habouris ""Very informative, covers lots of topics in detail. Easy to follow. Great course!"" - Louise Leone ""Ive just started this course but I can already say that the content is clear and simple to follow! And Im not a native English speaker ?good job guys!"" - Silvia Ansaloni ""It is a grate course for those who want to start using WordPress. Great analysis in depth. I recommend this course to anyone."" - Dimitris TzivarasFROM BEGINNER TO EXPERTFrom Setting Up & Designing a Professional Website Without Any Code to Optimizing Your Site for SEO Within Hours.After This Course You'll Be Able ToCreate Optimized WordPress Websites for You and/or ClientsDesign WordPress Websites That Converts for You and/or ClientsCreate a Professional WooCommerce Online StoreCreate SEO (Search Engine Optimized) Content for You and/or ClientsWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseBuild and Publish Your First WebsiteCreate Your Website After Proven Techniques & Designs That ConvertsSecure Your Website Against HackersSpeed Up Your Website For Better SEO & ConversionsCreate Email-Opt Ins - Lead Magnets That WorksTurn Your Resources Page into an Income Through Affiliate MarketingBecome a Professional Designer using ElementorOptimize Your WordPress Website for Mobile Users (over 50% of traffic!)Build Your Online Store with WooCommerceAnd so much more...The Course includes: Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Help to Maximize Your SEO Optimized WordPress Website!The Majority Of The Tools In This Course Are For FREE and Will Help You Get Results. The Truth is... That we've spend month on making this course as easy to consume for you as possible. We're only using the latest features available out there today and we'll continue updating this course for you.Are You Ready to Start Creating a Professional SEO Optimized WordPress Website?See You Inside The Course.LoveRobin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO Training Masterclass Get Free Traffic to Your Website" |
"Tired Of NOT Getting Any Traffic To Your Website?Learn The Latest Effective SEO Training To Optimize Your Website & Get Traffic From Google To Your Or Clients Websites.In this SEO Training Masterclass Get Free Traffic to Your Website we're taking your through a journey from being a Beginner to becoming an Expert in Search Engine Optimization! With The Latest SEO Training in real actionable steps with all answers needed you will not only become confident in your SEO for complete optimization. FROM BEGINNER TO EXPERTFrom The SEO Fundamental to Optimized Website & Content On Your Website Within Hours.After This Course You'll Be Able ToPerform SEO (Search Engine Optimized) Content for You and/or ClientsFind Keywords to Rank Your Content For In GoogleOptimize Any Website For All TrafficWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseFind Keywords to Rank For In GoogleSpy On Competitors SEOGet People to Click Your LinksContent WritingSpeed Up Your Website For Better SEOOptimize Any Website After Mobile UsersAnd so much more...The Course includes: Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Help to Maximize Your SEO and Get Traffic to Any Website!The Majority Of The Tools In This Course Are For FREE and Will Help You Get Results. The Truth is... That we've spend month on making this course as easy to consume for you as possible. We're only using the latest features available out there today and we'll continue updating this course for you.Are You Ready to Start Learning Effective SEO Training?See You Inside The Course.LoveRobin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Agency Social Media Marketing Business" |
"Let's Build a Successful Digital Marketing Agency Together, Step by Step!The Digital Marketing Agency Social Media Marketing Business Course is an online video course for anyone wanting to work as a Freelancer, learn the latest Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Skills on the market and for anyone wanting to build a successful Digital Marketing Agency from scratch. You'll learn step by step how to build your Digital Marketing Agency with us. You'll have access to our Best Seller Digital Marketing Course (82 hours of video material included on Digital Marketing), including premium coaching (we'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real-Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture! After This Course, You'll Be Able ToRun & Grow a Digital Marketing Agency.Work as a successful Digital Marketing Freelancer.Get Hired as a Digital Marketing Expert. What You Will Master Inside This CourseHow to Build Your Digital Marketing Agency.How to Price Your Services.How to Build a Strong Website for Your Agency Business.How to Get Clients & Keep Clients.How to Hire The Right People For Your Agency.Customer Relationship.How to Do Less & Earning More Money by Outsourcing Efficiently. The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1 Includes Market Research.Copywriting.WordPress Website Creation.SEO (Search Engine Optimization).Instagram Marketing.Facebook Marketing.Facebook Ads.Facebook Ecommerce Ads.Facebook Messenger Ads.YouTube Marketing.Pinterest Marketing.LinkedIn Marketing.Twitter Marketing.Quora Marketing.Content Marketing Machine.Email Marketing.Google Analytics.Google Ads.The Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Digital Marketing Agency!The majority of the tools in this Course are for FREE and will give you instant results. Paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?People Wanting to Build a Digital Marketing Agency.People Wanting to Build a Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA).People Wanting to Become a Top Freelancer.Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and Sales.Business Owners Who Want to Use Digital Marketing to Grow their Business.Anyone Who Wants to Master Social Media Marketing.Anyone Struggling to Get Traffic and Sales.If You're New In Business & Want to Market Effectively.Anyone Looking to Start a Career in the Digital Marketing Space.Anyone Who Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base on Social Media.Anyone Who Wants to Master Digital Media Marketing.Anyone Wanting to Set up a Website from Scratch.Someone with a job who wants to create their own business on the side.See You Inside The Digital Marketing Agency Social Media Marketing Business.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |