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"So lernst du jede Sprache der Welt in Rekordgeschwindigkeit" |
"Sprache lernen war immer eine Herausforderung fr dich? Hattest du in Englisch, Spanisch, Franzsisch oder Latein auch nie die besten Noten und haben deine Lehrer*innen dir vielleicht auch gesagt, dass du kein Talent fr Fremdsprachen httest?Falls ja: willkommen im Club! Ich bin jahrelang davon ausgegangen, dass ich niemals lernen werde, flieend Englisch zu sprechen, nachdem ich in der Schule immer wieder Fnfen und Sechsen in dieser Fremdsprache einstecken musste. Und an Franzsisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch war gar nicht erst zu denkenHeute habe ich all diese Sprachen gelernt. Wie? Indem ich mir angeguckt habe, wie die erfolgreichsten Menschen der Welt Fremdsprachen lernen. Ich habe ihre Techniken des Spracherwerbs verinnerlicht, auf Herz und Nieren geprft und in der Praxis angewandt.Herausgekommen ist mein eigenes System, dass dir die wichtigsten Prinzipien hinter dem Lernen ALLER Sprachen offenlegt.Es funktioniert fr Englisch, Spanisch, Franzsisch, Chinesisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch, Russisch, Hollndisch, Arabisch, Trkisch, Persisch, Farsi, Hindi und vermutlich jede andere Sprache dieser Welt.Denn: Alles was du brauchst, sind die richtigen Lerntechniken und etwas Motivation, eine neue Fremdsprache zu erlernen.In diesem Kurs lernst du: Wie du schnell und einfach jede Sprache der Welt erlernst. Dass eine Fremdsprache zu lernen groen Spa machen kann, wenn du die richtigen Lernstrategien kennst. Wie du dir die allerschwierigsten Vokabeln ganz einfach merken kannst. Wie du das, was du lernst, nie wieder vergisst. Wo du mit Muttersprachler*innen ins Gesprch kommst, ohne Geld auszugeben oder auf Reisen gehen zu mssen. Wie du fr weniger als 10 pro Stunde an professionellen Einzelunterricht kommst. Welche kostenlose App dein Sprachlernen auf das nchste Level heben wird.Wenn du auch eine neue Sprache lernen mchtest, melde dich jetzt zu meinem Sprachlernkurs an.**KEIN RISIKO dank meiner 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Blue Prints." |
"Unveiled at last!The ultimate course about affiliate marketing, the Auto Pilot system that makes affiliate commissions daily.Let me ask you a question, what would you do when you finally have the money you want?Would you resign your 9 to 5 job(if you had one), would you get a new ride meditatively or new house. What would be the impact of such on your life style?Now in this course, i will teach you an exact system that i use to pull-off over $10k from affiliate commissions per month.This isn't like any of those Hyped courses or any shortcut to make you get rich quick, nope!This a step by step system that i will teach you, fromSelecting the right niche,to Getting the high converting affiliate products,How to drive targeted traffic to your affiliate offersThe first module introduces you to Affiliate marketing and you will learn the following things.1. Niche selection, how to select niches with products that sell well so you don't waste your time, and Niches to avoid in case you want to make money.2. Product selection, you will be taught how to choose good converting affiliate products in the niche of your choice, this makes or breaks you right away.3. Driving High Converting Traffic, you will learn the tips to get the best traffic that will buy from you so you don't have to stress.4. Email list building, here you will learn the tips of building a loyal list of email contacts that trust you and buy from you and why its so critical for your success in this business.5. Conversions and making sales, you will learn how to convert the people on your list, the cutting edge marketing psychology that compels visitors to purchase from- its not what you think, some of these techniques might be a big shocker to you. (value $449)InYou will learn about Facebook Marketing.How to setup your own Facebook store, marketing in the Facebook groups, marketing using pined posts, creating good Facebook pages. And how to market using Facebook Ads the right way without necessarily messing with Zuckerberg-yes its very easy to get banned on FB. (value $399)Not only that, plus if you order right now, then you will be offered an exclusive software(income bot) in module 10 that will help you promote your products on Google's Front pages, can you imagine? This alone is worth $100.OMG! i thought that was all?Nope its just the beginning, in fact if you order today right now then we even have over 10 Bonuses for you, these include;1. 101 Expensive High Paying Affiliate Niches that make you anywhere from $200-$1500 in commissions, if you are smart like me(you could just start right away with these right away) value:$992. Headline Hacks by whyror Ibra- this a guide on how to write good headlines, includes templates you can just keep changing over and over again.value: $493. The Facebook commissions e-book that shows you how to make money Facebook. value :$394. A guide To Amazon selling.($29)5. Top 50 Niches to sell in.($19)6. 10 steps to understanding Email Marketing.($29)7. 30 emails in 60 seconds e-book.($19)8. The traffic Blue prints.($14.99)9. Email templates to use while promoting affiliate products.($49)10. Guide to blogging.($49.99)These bonuses alone are worth $500.Check out what some of our students had to say about this software alone.Check this out:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 18 Rules of Abundant Happiness." |
"Do you feel happy?How long has it been since you felt a level of contagious, infectious, unflappable, unstoppable happiness? Maybe your answer is, All the time. If so, God bless you! (And consider suggesting this book to someone who needs it.) For many of us the answer is, Well, its been a while. I used to be happy, but then life took its toll.Only one-third of Americans surveyed said they were happy. How can this be? Education is accessible to most. Weve made advancements in everything from medicine to technology, yet 66 percent of us cant find an adequate reason to check the yes box on the happiness questionnaire.Worldwide, people profess that happiness is their most cherished goal. Marketers get this. Want to be happy? they ask. Eat at this restaurant, drive this car, wear this dress. Happiness happens when you lose the weight, get the date, find the mate, or discover your fate. Its wide, this way to happiness. Yet, for all its promise, it delivers a fragile joy; here one day, tomorrow scattered by the winds of comparison, disappointment, or unmet expectations.In this course Kyle reveals to you the 18 rules of happiness that if followed will open up rivers of joy and happiness flowing your way.This course will teach you the deeper meaning of life and how to experience it.You will unlearn the misconceptions of life that keep bouncing us back and forth from sadness to depression."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Solidworks 2019 - 3D CAD using real-world examples" |
"Progress from complete beginner to Solidworks 2019 master in one single course!Solidworks is one of the popular and powerful 3D CAD programs in the world. Millions of people use it to design everything from 3D-printed toys all the way up to fully-working mechanical vehicles. Now you can join the rank of Solidworks users, and learn to create your own models completely from scratch!Why this course is differentThere are many Solidworks courses online, but none quite like this one:We use real world examples during learning! This allows you to relate to your lessons more easily and so remember and understand them better!Taught by a Solidworks professional! The instructor been using Solidworks since 2006 and even taken a range of official Solidworks-certified training courses. The instructor currently works as a Product Design Engineer and uses Solidworks every day to design all sorts of things for real clients - no academic-only experience here!Built on previous feedback! This course is built upon the two bestselliing previous versions, for Solidworks 2015 and 2018, adding extra details and using feedback from thousands of previous students.No prior knowledge needed. This course is designed to take you from having never used any CAD program before to being able to model almost anything you can imagine!Understand the wider context of CAD use. As well as explaining the basic CAD techniques this course also details how they relate to real world uses, such as 3D Printing and injection molding. About this courseThis courses includes:Over 12 hours of high-quality original video.All sections contain additional resources such as downloadable models and drawings, made specially for the course.Prompt, support from expert instructor. Have a question? We are always here to support any questions and take a look at your progress.No prior knowledge needed. We take you from complete beginner all the way to mastering Solidworks!You will learn Over the course of twelve detailed modelling you'll learn the entire range of Solidworks skills, including:Circuitboard - Solidworks Basics, Sketching, Extrudes and CutsPencil - Multi-Body Parts, Revolved Boss/Base and CutsPencil Sharpener - AssembliesHeadphones - Swept Boss/Base, Splines and 3D SketchesCoke Bottle - Swept Cuts, Helixes and ThreadsComputer Mouse - Lofted Boss/Base and Splitting PartsKey Fob - Modelling from PhotographsLego Figure - More Complex Assemblies and Advanced MatesDrawer Box - Configurations and DrawingsRaspberry Pi Enclosure - Importing Parts and Draft AnglesBicycle Fork - 3D Curves and SweepsGamepad Controller - Ribs and an Entire Recap of the Earlier TechniquesCourse Conclusion and Future Learning!The course is taught using Solidworks 2019 but the models and resources used will work with any version newer than that. If you have a previous version (2015-2018, or earlier) then my earlier courses - ""Master Solidworks 2015 3D CAD using real-world examples"" or ""Master Solidworks 2018 3D CAD using real-world examples"" will be more helpful! The techniques used are also common to many different CAD programs - so you can learn on Solidworks then easily transfer these skills if needed.So sign up today, and begin your first steps in the exciting world of 3D modelling! "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Unity Junior Middle" |
"Unity? ( )? , ! . , , , S.O.L.I.D , . Unity. . Unity! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nuxt js: aplicaciones universales con vue js" |
"Hola que tal, quiero presentarte este nuevo curso sobre Nuxt, el framework para potenciar vue y crear aplicaciones universales.Pero que es Nuxt, Nuxt el es framework que har que cualquier trabajo con vue sea potenciado al mximo, gracias a la posibilidad de crear apps con server side rendered, tambin llamadas universales, lo que significa que sern mas potentes, mas rpidas y estarn adaptadas para el seo, haciendo que la indexacin en buscadores sea mucho mas sencilla, logrando que tus proyectos sean encontrados mas fcil por los buscadores.Nuxt no sacrifica para nada el poder de vue, al contrario lo potencia agregando nuevas funcionalidades y adaptando vuex y vue router de una manera excepcional, haciendo que nuestro trabajo sea mucho mas sencillo y rpido, con Nuxt podrs crear apps en menor tiempo olvidndonos de configuraciones tediosas ya que en Nuxt todo ya esta configurado.En el curso veremos cosas muy interesantes, como introduccin a vue y vuex, tambin exploraremos todo la estructura de Nuxt , creando proyectos con apis y tambin utilizaremos firebase para crear un crud completo, y en el diseo veremos frameworks como la versin de bootstrap-vue y sus componentes que hace el trabajo mas fcil, y ademas de vuetify un framework css creado enteramente en vue.Animate a descubrir este nuevo framework y alcanza la mxima potencia de vue con nuxt.Nos vemos en clase"
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de apps para iOS 13 con SwiftUI y Swift 5.2" |
"En este curso nos centraremos especialmente en la ltima gran novedad de apple , el framework SwiftUIGracias a este framework, tendremos la habilidad de crear apps con una mayor velocidad que antes, adems de que la interfaz de nuestras aplicaciones sern mucho ms rpidas y fciles de desarrollar olvidndonos de los tediosos constraints , siendo muy intuitivo y eliminando gran cantidad de cdigo que antes era necesario escribir. Adems de poder alternar entre los diferentes modos light o dark de una forma muy simple.pero no todo es diseo, y claramente este gran framework ofrece muchas novedades en la lgica de programacin, aadiendo nuevas caractersticas importantes como los estados, el observable object, environment object, el binding y muchas coas ms esenciales para entender el funcionamiento de SwiftUI,Adems de esto como siempre veremos ejemplos muy interesantes, con persistencia de datos, de manera simple y con bases de datos con:- Core Data- Realm- Firebase- Apis con URLSession y Alamofire- iCloudKit- Core Data sincronizado con iCloudKitAdemas de con trabajar con imgenes, uso de mapas, navegacin o uso de tabs y muchas cosas ms que harn que en muy poco tiempo ya estars preparado para subir apps a la app store y claro que veremos cmo hacerlo paso a paso.Tambin veremos temas interesantes como ls notificaciones push, publicidad con Google AdMob, como traducir nuestras apps y ademas de ver temas relacionados al Machine Learning como MLKit de Firebase, CoreML Y Vision. Anmate y emprende una carrera hacia el futuro del desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOS con SwiftUI."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Oracle 18C Database Installation on Windows" |
"Oracle 18c is autonomous database which is based on the machine learning. In this course going to see installation of oracle 18c database on Windows 10.Following are the prerequisite for Oracle 18c database installation on windows .System Architecture: Processor: AMD64 and Intel EM64TPhysical memory (RAM): 2 GB minimumVirtual memory (swap):If physical memory is between 2 GB and 16 GB, then set virtual memory to 1 times the size of the RAMIf physical memory is more than 16 GB, then set virtual memory to 16 GBDisk space: 1.Typical Install Type total: 10 GB2.Advanced Install Types total: 10 GBVideo adapter: 256 colorsScreen Resolution: 1024 X 768 minimum"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hadoop Developer Learning" |
"If you are bored with your job and want to start with something new then hadoop is the trending course for you. If you have laptop with 8GB ram then you can easily configure hadoop in your own system.In this course you will get in depth knowledge of hadoop development part. Bigdata is the problem and hadoop is the solution for bigdata problem. Course cover the all the hadoop component. HadoopHiveHdfsSparkInterview questionsPigComponents will be updated regularly. all the session are explained theoretically and practically."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Class model - Systems Analysis and Digital Product" |
"Building the class model is the first and most crucial step in information system analysis.Countless projects failed and billions of dollars went to the history garbage, because the first step,- to deeply understand the business domain- has been done negligently.It doesn't have to be like this anymore!Building the Class model guides you by a very structured and solid method on how to understand and analyze the domain.It really forces you to think in a structured way; It doesn't let you delude yourself that you ""understand"" the business world because it forces you to build a model: With strict logic and rules and in well-defined language (UML) with a wealth of options.In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice - they are not!The course takes a very pragmatic approach.No more long and boring theoretical academic introductions, no more naive examples with no relevance to real life, and no more long educated argumentation about delicate nuances that don't really matter in real life.Right from the start, Iwill introduce a real-world test case. This test case will accompany us throughout the course. In every lecture Iwill add more details that will reflect the complexity of real test case and will set the stage for adding more concepts and ""wisdom"" to the class model.We will conclude the course with a very accurate (and elegant) class model that will reflect completely our complex business domain.Since building a class model is quite a challenging mission, I will teach you how to work with CASEtools (Computer Aided System Engineering).From the beginning, all your work will be done with leading CASEsoftware, which is been used by real system analysts in real projects.We will learn and practice:Classes and objectsUML(the Unified Modeling Language) - what it is, why it's so crucial to the analysis processThe association relationshipCASE tools - Why, what and how to use itHow to enhance our test caseConstraintsRecursionThe association classThe inheritance relationshipRefining attributes The data def stereotypeThe Enum stereotypeThe composition relationshipManaging historical dataSince Ibelieve in hard work, you need to practice, practice and then practice again.In the supplementary section of the course, you will find more test cases from various business domain. You are highly recommended to use it!My name is Yosi Wiesel. I have a passion for information systems. I have a passion for the magical journey, when we take some abstract, vague idea, and realizing it to a real working software system.And I have a passion to share with you my knowledge and insights. Let's start!Have fun and productive studies!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Bash Shell Scripting by Creating 6 Real World Scripts" |
"Do you know any real and practical Bash Shell script?There is a lot of abstract Bash Scripting that shows you isolated elements of bash programming.However this can go only so far. You will not be ready for real world programming in your job if you have a theory based knowledge.In this Course We will cover ALL the basics of terminal and bash scripting thoroughly, but without wasting any time,we will then focus on 6 Real World Bash Scripts that you can use in your everyday life as a programmer.They are carefully selected to build all the skills you need in Bash Scripting.For this Reason they are of incremental complexity.We will present and explain in details a command or a practice in Bash Scripting ONLY when it will be used in one of our main real world scripts, and we will build it together step by step, showing you the best practices when programming a real script.In this way, not only will you learn ALL the fundamental ( and even some advanced ) elements in Bash Scripting, but you will know how to apply those in a Real scenario to solve a Real Problem.Everything is explained at a slow pace and thoroughly to make sure you can follow along. Even if you never used the command line, the First 2 Sections will teach you all the tools necessary to use the command line and start writing your shell scripts, nothing important is left out, nothing useless is left in.By the end of the course you'll be writing your own Shell Scripts, in particular you will learn how to:Use the command lineAutomate tasks using Shell ScriptsCreate and use variables in your scriptsManipulate variables to a wide extentUse WildcardsUse Input and output RedirectionSource subshellsMake decisions by using if-else statementsLoop through files and foldersMake decision based on strings, variables or filesUse arithmetic expressionUse advanced computations with the BC command line environmentScripts with parameters and how to ""shift""Change the Internal field separator plus why and when to do so.Use ArraysHow to properly use your PATH, and a script to work with itCreate Shell Scripts that solves real world problemsand much more... You will write Scripts that:Move back any numbers of directories you want in the terminalFind the longest string inside any text file Performs computations that terminal normally does NOT allowRead files in your Linux system that have particular separators ( not the usual space )Get clear Information of files in your PATH, the most important environment variable of your systemUse arrays to know how many times your files were modified during the dayWriting these scripts will allow you to develop an actual skill in creating scripts to solve real problems.You can Become a Programmer in Bash Scripting who knows how to solve actual problems.and You can start now.As soon as you start you can introduce yourself and ask me anything in the Q&A section.Looking forward to reply you there!Looking forward to see you there.Francesco"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"iOS 12 et Swift: plus loin, les notions intermdiaires" |
"Vous connaissez les bases de Swift et de la programmation orient objet?Vous tes l'aise avec Xcode et avez dj cr des applications simples pour iOS?Il est temps pour vous d'aller plus loin !Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre intgrer de nouvelles fonctionnalits vos applications pour pouvoir les rendre uniques, intuitives et originales. Voyons en dtail ce que nous allons apprendre:- Intgration de FaceID et TouchID pour protger du contenu au sein de vos applications.- Ajout de raccourcis 3D touch sur l'icone de votre application pour un accs rapide et facile certaines fonctionnalits.- Cration d'un Widget mto, pour ne pas avoir entrer dans votre application pour voir le temps qu'il fait.- Ajout de plusieurs langues dans une application, pour internationaliser votre cration.- Apprentissage du framework Speech pour transformer votre voix en texte et dicter une ou plusieurs phrases.- CoreMotion: pour utiliser acclromtre, gyroscope et podomtre.- Les NSLayoutConstraint de faon programmatique. Aprs cette section, vous ne serez plus dpendant d'un storyboard pour crer votre application.- Cration de Siri shortcuts pour effectuer une action spcifique grce siri. - Utilisation de SiriKit pour programmer une activit physique.- Et plus encore...Vous tes prts nous rejoindre sur le cours?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flutter et Cloud Firestore: Crez votre rseau social" |
"Vous connaissez les bases de Dart et de la programmation d'application mobile avec Flutter?Allez plus loin dans l'apprentissage en crant votre propre rseau social.Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre :Authentifier un utilisateurCrer un UI original et facile utiliser.Ajouter des donnes dans la base de donnes Firebase.Utiliser la nouvelle base de donnes de Firebase: Le cloud FirestoreComprendre la structure du cloud firestore.Lire les donnes et les montrer dans votre application en temps rel.Crer votre propre bibliothque de widgets pour les rutiliser dans toute l'application.Flutter est le nouveau SDK qui monte dans le monde du dveloppement d'applications mobiles. Dvelopp par Google, il offre une facilit et une rapidit de cration impressionnante. Devenez un pionnier du dveloppement avec ce SDK."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS 12 et Swift 5: Cloud Firestore et les push notifications" |
"Vous connaissez les bases de Swift et du dveloppement d'applications mobiles pour iOS? Vous souhaitez aller plus loin et intgrer une base de donnes votre application? Vous souhaitez engager vos utilisateurs avec les push notifications ?Ce cours est fait pour vous!Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre pas pas crer une application de type rseau social qui vous permettra d'apprendre :Grer l'authentification des utilisateursAjouter et modifier des donnes sur une base de donnes dans le cloudCrer un Menu interactifUtiliser des animations simple pour donner vie votre applicationAjouter les Push NotificationsAjouter un mode clair et un mode sombre votre application selon le choix de l'utilisateurEt bien d'autres choses...Vous pourrez ainsi rutiliser toutes ces connaissances pour crer l'application de vos rves et pourquoi pas concurrencer Facebook?Ca vous tente? je vous attend trs vite sur le cours"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 Swift 5.1: Le cours complet" |
"Bienvenue dans le cours iOS 13 et Swift 5.1: Le cours complet,Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez travers plus de 20 heures de vidos dvelopper des applications pour iPhone et iPad, en partant de zro pour arriver crer la fin du cours des applications complexes.Mme si vous n'avez jamais crit une ligne de code de votre vie, vous serez guid tout au long du processus pour pouvoir vous permettre de crer l'app de vos rves ou qui sait changer de carrire professionnelle.Voici ce que vous apprendrez tout au long de ce cours:Prise en main de Xcode, le logiciel de programmation d'Apple.Swift 5.1, le langage d'Apple, dans sa toute dernire version.UIKit et les objets du UI.L'auto layout et la gestion de la rotation.La programmation orient objet.L'enregistrement de donnes avec UserDefaults.Le tlchargement de donnes depuis internet.Les UITableView et UICollectionView.Le UIAlertControllerl'architecture MVC pour de meilleures applications.L'architecture MVVMLe dcodage de fichiers JsonL'utilisation d'API.Le Framework CoreData pour stocker des donnes persistentesLe NotificationCenterLa gestion de l'appareil photo.Les Dates et le DatePickerPour apprendre d'une faon efficace et motivante, vous aurez la fin de chaque concepts appris une mise en pratique de vos connaissances avec des exercices corrigs. Vous vous crerez un portfolio d'application que vous serez fiers de montrer votre entourage avec les applications suivantes:Nous avons aussi de nombreuses section venir dans les prochaines mises jour comme par exemple:SwiftUI: Prenez en main le nouveau Framework d'Apple.CoreML: Apprenez les bases du machine Learning avec Apple.Firebase: Crez une application avec une base de donnes en temps rel.Cocoapods: Ajoutez des librairies externes vos applications.Qu'attendez vous pour nous rejoindre?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SwiftUI crez des applications pour iOS 13, iPadOS et macOS" |
"Lors de la WWDC 2019, Apple a annonc un nouveau Framework qui va rvolutionner le dveloppement d'applications mobiles pour iOS, iPadOS et macOS. Il s'agit de SwiftUI. Une nouvelle faon de crer des applications. Une faon dclarative, plus intuitive, rapide pour crer les fonctions de vos applications en un temps record et vous focaliser sur l'essentiel: les fonctionnalits qui feront de vos applications des applications uniques.Dans ce cours, nous allons voir en dtail comment utiliser ce framework , crer des applications et l'intgrer des applications dj existantes.Contenu du cours: Installation des outils ncessairesPrsentation dtaille des Vues de SwiftUIExplication du Data Flow de SwiftUIIntgration de SwiftUI dans une application UIKitIntgration de UIKit dans une application SwiftUIDe nombreux exercices pour mettre en pratique ce que vous avez apprisSwiftUI est encore en Beta. D'ici sa sortie officielle, de nouvelles Sections seront ajoutes avec de nouveaux exercices."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flutter et l'architecture BLoC" |
"Vous connaissez dj les bases de Flutter et Dart? Et si nous allions encore plus loin? Dans ce cours nous allons apprendre ensemble utiliser les Streams pour architecturer nos applications l'aide du BLoC pattern. Nous allons tout d'abord:Comprendre ce qu'est le BLoC et quelle est son utilitRecrer l'application de base de Flutter l'aide des BLoCUtiliser plusieurs blocs dans une mme application.Utiliser les API et les donnes asynchrones pour aller plus loin dans le BLoC pattern.tes-vous prts ?Je vous attends sur le cours."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 et Swift: PhotoKit et le CompositionalLayout" |
"Vous connaissez les bases du dveloppement d'applications iOS?Vous souhaitez aller un peu plus loi et intgrer de nouvelles fonctionnalits?Ce cours est fait pour vous.Nous allons ici apprendre 3 concepts majeurs et plus avancs dans le dveloppement d'applications iOS.La cration du UI de faon programmatique:Fini les Storyboards et leur interface builder. Nous allons ajouter tous les lments "" la main"" directement dans le code avec des contraintes programmatiques.La cration de layouts complexes pour UICollectionView avec le UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout:Vous vous sentez un peu bloqu avec le collectionFlowLayout ""classique"" pour les collections views? Passons directement au compositionalLayout pour crer des layouts en sections et groupes pour donner un look unique vos applications.Et vous savez quoi? L'intgration du compositionalLayout est plus simple et intuitive qu'un layout classique.L'intgration de PhotoKit:importez et modifiez vos images, vidos et albums directement dans votre application.Vous pourrez aussi lire les vidos, ajouter un album, supprimer une image et voir tous ces changements en temps rel.Est-vous prts?Je vous attends trs vite dans le cours."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Les animations avec Flutter et Dart" |
"Vous connaissez les bases du dveloppement avec Flutter?Vous connaissez le langage Dart?Et si on allait un peu plus loin?Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre animer nos applications grce aux nombreux Widgets ddis dj prsents dans le framework Flutter. En effet, une application anime engage plus l'utilisateur, lui donne une identit et permet de se dmarquer des nombreuses applications dj prsentes sur les stores.Nous allons voir ensemble:Les Widgets animated: Les classiquesLe HeroWidget pour des transitions originalesLe AnimatedList, pour des listes vivantesLes Transitions: Une variante des classiquesLe AnimatedBuilder: un constructeurComment crer un graphique animComment couter le statut des animations en coursComment crer un menu animComment recrer l'animation de Tinder.Vous tes prts? Je vous attends sur le cours"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Uygulama Destekli Kriptoloji Eitimi" |
"Veri, gnmzde ok kolay elde retilen, iletiimi salanan ve alnan nemli yaplardr. Saniyeler ierisinde nemli bir veri retilebilir ve baka bir adrese gnderilebilir. Bu tr iletiim esnasnda verinin gvenlii salanmaldr. Eer veri gvenlii salanmaz ise, kt niyetli saldrganlar verinizi ele geirebilir. Bu istenmeyen durumdur. nk saldrgan verinizi deitirip alcsna siz gndermisiniz gibi gnderebilir, ya da veriyi hi gndermeyebilir, ya da iletiimi bozmayp veriyi databilir. Bu nedenle verinin ak bir biimde gnderilmemesi gerekir. Mutlaka ifrelenip gndermek gerekir.Gnmzde Kriptoloji bir ok alanda kullanlmaktadr. Mesela telsizlerde, konuma ifrelenip dier telsizlere iletilir. Alc telsizler de o ifreli sesi zerek normal konumaya dntrr. Byle gnderici-alc arasndaki iletiime saldirilsa dahi konumalar anlalmayacaktir.Ya da herkesin kulland WhatsApp gibi sohbet uygulamalar da utan uca ifreleme yaparak mesaj iletiimini salamaktadr.ifreleme ve ifre zme ilemleri, dosyanin deil verinin zerinde ilem yapar. Yani bu eitim seti ile herhangi bir dosya ifreleme ya da ifre zme ilemi yapmayacaz. Mesela u an okuduunuz gibi metinleri ifreleyip anlamsz hale getireceiz. Sonra da bunlar zeceiz. Ayrca ifreli verilere saldrlar da reneceiz.Kursa zaman ierisinde ilaveler yaplacaktr. Kurs tamamlanmtr, ilave edilecek dersler BONUS niteliinde olacaktr.Not: ifreleme ya da ifre zme ilemlerinin programlama kodlar anlatlmayacaktir. Sadece fikir versin diye ksaca bahsedilecektir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Grafikler zerinde Teknik Analiz Uygulamalar" |
"Bu eitim seti UDEMY platformu zerinde yaynlanan ""Yatrm ve Teknik Analiz Yntemleri"" kursunun devam niteliindedir. O kurs konu anlatm, bu kurs ise uygulama almas olarak dnebilirsiniz. Uygulamalar TradinView platformu zerinde canl olarak gerekletireceiz. Ayrca uygulamalar yaparken de yeni indikatrler yeni yntemleri de gsteriyoruz. ki kursu da kampayal satn almak iin bana ulaabilirsiniz.Gnmzde insanlar paralarn daha iyi deerlendirmek amacyla trl sektrlerde yatrmlar yapyor. stiyor ki param oalsn, ykselen enflasyona yenik dmesin. Fakat yatrm yaparken genellikle bilinsiz bir ekilde yaplyor. Sosyal medyada grdkleri ile ya da bakkalda-kasapta duyduklar ile yatrm yapanlar oluyor. Bu yatrmlarn bir ou da ne yazk ki zarar ile karlayor. nk hi bir analize, hi bir bilime bal olmadan yatrm enstrman satn alnyor. Yatrm ve Teknik Analiz Yntemleri ve Grafikler zerinde Teknik Analiz Uygulamalar kurslar sayesinde grafikleri yorumlayabilir ve alm-satm noktalarn tahmin edebilir hale geleceksiniz.Bu iki eitim seti size yatrm tavsiyesi vermemektedir. Yani bitcoin aln, ASELSAN satn, altna hcum gibi fikirler sunmayacaktr. Bu iki eitim setinin amac; yatrm psikolojilerini anlamak ve bir yatrm enstrmannn gemi verilerine bakarak gnmzdeki yatrmc davranlar ile gelecekteki fiyat tahmin edebilmektir. Bu sette, dier eitim setlerinde ki gibi 5-10 indikatr , 3-5 formayon bulunmamaktadr. 70'e yakn indikatr ve 20'ye yakn formasyon ile uzman analist olabilirsiniz.Teknik analiz, global bir bilimdir. Bilim diyorum nk arka planda yksek matematik, istatistiksel metotlar ve yatrmc psikolojisinin barndrr. Bizler bu eitim setinde iin matematiine ve istatistiine fazla girmeden direk yorumlanmasn sizlere sunduk. nk teknik analiz aralarn bizim iin otomatik hesaplayan cretli/cretsiz platformlar var. Bu platformlar sayesinde izimleri yapacaz. Bize sadece yorumlamak kalacaktr. Teknik analiz, BIST100 gibi Trk Borsalarnda, global borsalarda, altn-dolar-euro gibi yatrmlarda, kripto paralarda, forexte ksaca tm yatrm enstrmanlarnda kullanlmaktadr. Bu eitim seti sizi global bir yatrmc yapaca iin tm alanlardan rnekler ile retilen konular desteklenmitir. lkemizdeki kripto paralar ve blockChain teknolojindeki yanl bilgiler ve deerlendirmeler nedeniyle bu setin kk bir blm bu alana ayrlmtr.Bu eitim setini mobil cihazlarnza (telefon, tablet vb.) indirebilir ve sonrasnda internet gerektirmeden izleyebilirsiniz.Burada anlatlanlar yatrm tavsiyesi deil, yatrmlarnz deerlendirirken kullanacanz aralar ve yntemlerdir"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Enfrente a Timidez e Fale em Pblico" |
"Esse um curso voltado para pessoas tmidas e que perdem a oportunidade de participar de eventos como ouvintes ou palestrantes e tem vontade de serem ouvidas.Ao final do curso voc ter ferramentas slidas para se desenvolver durante reunies de trabalho onde precisa se apresentar, melhorar seu relacionamento interpessoal atravs da comunicao e submeter palestras em eventos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Leaders of the Crowd" |
"Discover how a law meant to enhance the finance of small companies inadvertently opened the doors to allow almost everyone in America to invest in real estate like never before.Based on an exclusive series of conversations with the visionaries of the industry, author Adam Gower describes how real estate came to dominate the crowdfunding revolution. His book, Leaders of the Crowd, was published by Palgrave Macmillan. In this exclusive series on Udemy, the author has shared the actual conversations he had with the visionaries who conceived of, negotiated, advocated for, and implemented the JOBS Act of 2012, and with those real estate pioneers who brought crowdfunding to their industry.Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn about:The smallest change can have the biggest impact- How a 1/10th of 1 cent financial transaction seeded the greatest change the real estate industry has ever seen.Don't be shy to express your views- You can fundamentally change the world by simply writing a letter.It may not be ideal, but our system of government is the best in the world- Sometimes our politicians work together and create something good for everyone (no, really, it's true).Just Do It!- Recognizing an opportunity is important; but only acting upon it will make you a leader.Anything is possible if you put your mind to it- If something is not working that everyone says can't be fixed, find a solution and prove them wrong.If you want to succeed in business, find a partner- Creating powerful industry leading companies from absolutely nothing requires vision and a willingness to recognize one's own weaknesses.Included in this course is a free download of Chapter 1, the Introduction.You can also hear the author read this chapter himself."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu propio framework profesional MVC con PHP POO MySQL" |
"Hola mi querido amigo, soy Roberto Orozco y ser tu instructor de este curso, vas a aprender a crear un pequeo framework desde cero con PHP, pero que ser totalmente funcional (nosotros tenemos proyectos con ms de 4000 usuarios basados en el mismo principio, palabra de explorador), usaremos programacin orientada a objetos, clases, mtodos pblicos, privados, estticos, propiedades, instancias de objetos, todo esto basado en el patrn MVC (Modelo Vista Controlador), aprendern a crear diversas clases, para renderizar vistas, para mantener seguro el sitio con tokens CSRF, para realizar conexin a la base de datos, generar re direcciones dinmicas, y realmente mucho ms, es un curso excelente que maneja mucha informacin y conceptos importantes que estoy seguro te vendrn muy bien tanto si ya eres experimentado como si vas iniciando en este mundo, obviamente es requerida un poco de experiencia en PHP, ya que no se toca la sintaxis ni mucho menos. Vamos a trabajar 2 proyectos, el primero es el desarrollo como tal de nuestro framework, y el segundo es una pequea aplicacin ya utilizando las funcionalidades del framework e incrementando algunas otras ms, y todo estar disponible para descargar en las lecciones del curso.Y hay algo ms! podrs usar este framework en tus propios proyectos o incluso de tus clientes, solo con una condicin! comparte tu trabajo con nosotros! para ver que es lo que has logrado con lo aprendido.Sin ms, espero que te encante este curso y aprendas mucho.Roberto Orozco"
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
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Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"CADProfesor'den KeyShot 4 Eitim Seti" |
"Merhabalar, Nihayet artk Udemy ortamnda Trke bir KeyShot kaynan yaynlam bulunuyorum.Arkadalar, setin tm ieriini tantm nizlemesinde grebilirsiniz. Ayrca setten biraz bahsetmem gerekirse;Sfrdan st dzey konulara, onlarca uygulamal farkl sahne ve k ayarlar, malzemeler, arkaplan, HDR grntler, backplate'ler, menler ve arayz. VR ve animasyona kadar tm kurgu ve program yetkinlikleri iin kapsaml bir seti inceliyorsunuz.Seti tamamladnz zaman tek kare renderlar, animasyonlar alacak ve program arayzne hakim olacaksnz.Gerek set iindeki dersler, gerekse sizin kiisel render ilerinizde srekli destei olacam.Yani seti alarak KeyShot 4 iin srekli destek hizmetini de alm olursunuz.Setin tm bekleyenlerine hayrl olmasn diliyorum.Keyifli renderlar.."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |