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"Digital Marketing Ads Increase Leads & Sales with Ads" |
"Let's Build a Successful Digital Marketing Advertising Strategy Together, Step by Step!In the Digital Marketing Ads Increase Leads & Sales with Ads Course you'll learn to create effective ads for your business & career to grow, on the 8 biggest platforms online. You'll learn step by step how to create ads that people will click, we'll talk phycology behind ""what makes people click"". Whether your goal is to get more traffic to a website, get more leads for a business or more sales - this course is for you! This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real-Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture! After This Course, You'll Be Able ToWork as a successful Digital Advertising Freelancer.Get Hired as a Digital Advertising Expert.Grow Your Business & Career. What You Will Master Inside This CourseSales PsychologyGoogle Ads (Former Google AdWords)Facebook AdsYouTube AdsInstagram AdsPinterest AdsLinkedin AdsTwitter AdsQuora AdsThe Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Digital Advertising!The majority of the tools in this Course are for FREE and will give you instant results. The paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?People Wanting to Become a Top Freelancer.Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and Sales.Business Owners Who Want to Use Digital Advertising to Grow their Business.Anyone Who Wants to Master Digital Advertising.Anyone Struggling to Get Traffic and Sales.If You're New In Business & Want to Advertise Effectively.Anyone Looking to Start a Career in The Digital Advertising Space.Anyone Who Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base Using Advertising.Someone with a job who wants to create their own business on the side.See You Inside The Digital Marketing Advertising Masterclass Social Media Ads.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Google Ads Masterclass (Former Google AdWords)" |
"Let's Build a Successful Google Ads Strategy Together, Step by Step!In The Complete Google Ads Masterclass (Former Google AdWords) you'll learn to create effective ads for your business & career to grow using Google Ads (Former Google AdWords). You'll learn step by step how to create ads that people will click. We'll talk phycology behind ""what makes people click"". Whether your goal is to get more traffic to a website, get more leads for a business or more sales - this course is for you! This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real-Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture! After This Course, You'll Be Able ToWork as a successful Google Ads Freelancer.Get Hired as a Google Ads Expert.Grow Your Business & Career. What You Will Master Inside This CourseTo Drive Traffic To Your Website or Landing Page Consistently To Determine The Value Of Your Ad Campaigns By Using Conversion Tracking To Create Google Ads Campaigns & Then Optimize Them For ResultsTo Get Earlier Website Visitors Back To Your Website To Sell MoreTo Effectively Advertise Your Products And Services To The Right Audience To Understand How To Target The Right Audience For Less Ad SpendTo Get Higher Profit Margins By Targeting The Right Search TermsThe Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Google Ads!The majority of the tools in this Course are for FREE and will give you instant results. The paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?People Wanting to Become a Top Freelancer.Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and Sales.Business Owners Who Want to Use Google Ads to Grow their Business.Anyone Who Wants to Master Google Ads.Anyone Struggling to Get Traffic and Sales.If You're New In Business & Want to Advertise Effectively.Anyone Looking to Start a Career in Google Ads Space.Anyone Who Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base Using Google Advertising.Someone with a job who wants to create their own business on the side.See You Inside The Complete Google Ads Masterclass (Former Google AdWords).Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Mastery Increase Leads & Sales with Text" |
"In The Copywriting Mastery Increase Leads & Sales Course you'll learn to write words that make people click your Content & Ads - to Get More Traffic, Leads & Sales to Grow Your business & career. You'll learn step by step how write headlines people will click, write blog posts and articles will keep reading & create better stories when writing.This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real-Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture! After This Course, You'll Be Able ToWork as a successful Copywriting Freelancer.Get Hired as a Copywriting Expert.Grow Your Business & Career. What You Will Master Inside This CourseDrive Traffic To Your Website Using Copywriting Sell More Products & Services Write Stories That Makes People CareMaking People Take Action On Your Offers Immediately Remove Writer's BlockPersuasion Techniques That WorksThe Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Copywriting!The majority of the tools in this Course are for FREE and will give you instant results. The paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?People Wanting to Become a Copywriting Freelancer.Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and Sales.Business Owners Who Want to Use Copywriting to Grow their Business.Anyone Who Wants to Master Copywriting.Anyone Struggling to Get Traffic and Sales.If You're New In Business & Want to Write Titles, Articles & Stories Effectively.Anyone Looking to Start a Career in The Copywriting Space.Anyone Who Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base Using Copywriting.Someone with a job who wants to create their own business on the side.See You Inside The The Complete Copywriting Masterclass - Writing That Converts.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
C# |
"C#WindowsWebUnityAndroid,iPhoneIoT C#C#JavaRubyC# WindowsWindowsUnityAndroidiPhoneASP.NETWebC#C# VisualStudioWindows VisalStudio(VisaulStudioMac OS) C#Mac OSLinux "
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"DevOpsDockerDockerLinuxDockerDockerLinuxDockerLinuxDockerVirutual BoxVirtualBoxCentOSDockerDockerLinuxWindows 10 ProfessionalMacOSXWindows10 HomeMacOSDocker ToolboxDockerLinuxPenguinDockerWhale DockerDockerDockerLinuxDockerDockerWebDockerAIDockerDockerDockerIT VirtualBoxCentOS7WindowsMac OSDocker ToolboxLinuxDockerCentOS7Docker ToolboxDockerfileVisual Studio Code VisalStudioCode(Windows/Mac OS/Linux)WindowsMac OSLinux PCLAMP Web HTML IP OSI Docker-ComposeDocker HubAutomated BuildKubernetes"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Talend Data integration & Qlikview 90% Pratique 15 heures" |
"Bonjour Bienvenue dans cette formation de business intelligence pour talend data intgration et Qlikview ,en fait cette formation cest la premire formation en ligne qui explique comment cre un vraie projet dcisionnel depuis A jusqu Z ,Grace a lutilisation des outils talend for data intgration et Qlikview pour Reporting et aussi les outils de base de donnes comme oracle et Sql server et Mysql ,donc a la fin de cette formation vous devenir capable de :Formation en ligne de business intelligence avec talend data intgration & Qlikview Pour Raliser un projet professionnel de business intelligence de A Z avec (Talend ,QlikView ,Mysql ,Oracle ,Sql server) seulement dans quelque jour Pour Construisez votre projet de fin dtudes (PFE ) en business intelligence .Devenez expert sur lETL Talend data intgration et montez votre reporting sur Qlikview Prparez la certification Talend Data intgration grce plus de 100 questions et rponsesRussissez votre entretien dembauche en business intelligence (Talend data intgration)Obtenez la certification pour la formation pratique acclre ""Talend Expert & Qlikview"" Dans cette formation : la Cration des Flux ETL (Extraction ,Transformation et chargement ) sous Talend Open Studio Crations les routines Crations des contextes Modlisation et cration des DataMarts & Data Warehouse annalyse des besoins fonctionnels et techniques Mapping entre les composants de Talend Data Intgration Travailler avec des bases de donnes Oracle & Mysql & SqlServer Business Models les jobs et compassant de Talend Data integration Les Jointures Les Fonctions Dploiement & excution dun job hors talend bat sh Cration de tableau de Bord avec Qlikview Cration dun projet professionnel de business intelligence les Question pose par les membres jurset autre chose .Cette formation sadresse-t-il les ingnieurs dcisionnels & dveloppeurs de bases de donnes,Chef de projet BI,Architectes Administrateurs et toute personne souhaitant apprendre linformatique dcisionnelle ou de Business Intelligence : Talend Data integration et Qlikview.Donc bienvenue dans cette formation ,pour plus d'informations contactez nous sur :"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Talend Data integration ETL & Qlikview 90% Pratique 15 h" |
"Hello and welcome to this Course of business intelligence: talend data integration and Qlikview. this is the first Course online that explains how to create a real project decision-making, using talend tools for data integration and Qlikview for Reporting, and also the database tools, such as oracle, Sql server and Mysql. At the end of this training, you should be able to: Realize a project professional business intelligence (Talend and QlikView). Realize a End of studies' project about business intelligence. Become an expert on Talend data integration and Qlikview Prepare certification for Talend Data integration (More than 100 questions with Answers) Succeed in a job interview about Business intelligence And also, at the end of this Course, you will obtain the certification of Course Talend Data integration and Qlikview 90% of this duration concerns the practical part.In this Course we will see: Creation of ETL flows (Extraction, Transformation and loading) under Talend Open Studio Creation of routines and jobs Creation of contexts Modeling and creation of Data Marts & Data Warehouse Analysis of functional and technical needs Mapping between components Talend Data Integration. Work with Oracle, Mysql & SqlServer databases Business Models jobs and components Deployment and execution of a job outside talend Creation of a dashboard with Qlikview Questions asked by jury members.This Cours concerns engineers Business intelligence and developers databases, project managers, architects, administrators and anyone wishing to learn BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Talend Data integration and Qlikview.So, welcome to this Course,for more information contact us on :"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Become Google Ads / Adwords Certified Partner:Practice Tests" |
"*** The Course Completion is Running... ***In this Practice Test course You can find All the questions that lead you to get Certified as an Google Ads / Adwords Partner.I've passed these exams every time I've attended in Adwords Certification exams and by this I want to share all my experiences in those exams with you.I assure you can pass the exams in your first run.Also in this course I embedded the related information extracted from the Google Official Knowledge base, So by this, you don't need to go through all the pages in Google Documentation and just focus on the most important parts. This will save a HUGE amount of time in your life...Have Fun and enjoy the EXAM..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MikroC And PIC Microcontroller From Scratch (Basic)" |
"What makes this course unique for our students? First ever course on Udemy platform of its type!No prerequisites or prior knowledge required Hands on Approachcollection of 30 Years teaching training and field experienceExtensive coverage of topicsPractical Implementation Embedded code development Code Testing on real hardwareLimited Source code and schematic diagrams for first 1000 students! Concept building for final year electronics projects for University Electro Educators brings you a PIC16F877A based prototype embedded system design course taught by Professor Electronics from Electro Educators. This course comprises of 28 video lectures on the basic concept of prototype design for embedded systems hardware development and embedded coding. Students of all levels are invited to join the course and increase their knowledge of prototypingfor electronic systems design concepts step by step in an easy and efficient way using a practical approach."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MikroC And PIC Microcontroller From Scratch (Advanced)" |
"What makes this course unique for our students? First ever course on Udemy platform of its type!collection of 30 Years teaching training and field experienceHands on ApproachExtensive coverage of topicsPractical Implementation Embedded code development Code Testing on real hardwareLimited Source code and schematic diagrams for first 1000 students!Concept building for final year electronics projects for University Electro Educators brings you a PIC16F877A based prototype embedded system design course taught by Professor Electronics from Electro Educators. This course comprises of 24 video lectures on the advance concept of prototype design for embedded systems hardware development and embedded coding. Students of all levels are invited to join the course and increase their knowledge of prototyping for electronic systems design concepts step by step in an easy and efficient way using a practical approach."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Project Planning Crush Course" |
"In this course you willlearn steps to implement to develop and monitor a project schedule. This course cover basic requirements to develop, manage and monitor a project schedule. You learn the roles & responsibilities of a planner, importance of contractual documents, milestone dates, Work Breakdown Structure, critical path and Resources."
Price: 400.00 ![]() |
"Certificacin PMP y CAPM Gestin del Alcance del Proyecto" |
"En este curso revisaremos a profundidad la primera Area del conocimiento y a su vez una de las ms importantes dentro de la Gestin de Proyectos la cual es la Area del Alcance .Para su estudio revisaremos el PMBOK 6ta edicin material base utilizado como gua por el PMI que contienene herramientas de gestin de proyectos asi como el estandar desarrollado por el PMI y que es considerado como la caja de herramientas para la gestin de proyectos y que se adapta tanto a proyectos privados, sociales, pblicos , tecnolgicos y de emprendimiento..Durante el curso realizaremos ejercicios , pruebas y un examen al finalizar cada seccin. Todo esto permitir ir solventando dudas, comprender cada proceso y la importancia de establecer cual ser el Alcance del proyecto y definir los requisitos , la EDT y las lineas bases del Alcance. De manera que cada clase servira para que te prepare para aprobar el examen de Certificacin PMP o CAPM del PMI. Durante los diferentes captulos revisaremos:1. Qu es el Alcance del Proyecto2. Cuales los procesos de la Gestin del Alcance as como sus entradas, herramientas y salidas3. Realizaras un ejemplo de elaboracin de la EDT4. Aprenderas Tips para el examen de Certificacin PMP y CAPM5. Analizaras ejemplos de preguntas tipo PMP (Project Management Professional)6. Podras Realizar Exmenes de diagnsticos y un examen Final de la Gestin del Alcance7. Revisaremos enlaces externos y plantillas para los procesos revisados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inteligencia Emocional: Resiliencia y Mindfulness" |
"Inteligencia Emocional: Resiliencia y MindfulnessLa inteligencia emocional, el mindfulness y la resiliencia son ramas de la psicologa que tienen el mayor crecimiento e investigacin de los ltimos aos.Todo esto debido a los excelentes resultados que han sido obtenidos tanto en entornos laborales as como en hospitales y en personas que han atravesado por situaciones complejas.La inteligencia emocional es una rea que permite ver la vida con una nueva perspectiva de manera que vivamos en el presente y disfrutemos de nuestro da.Este curso se enfoca en dar a conocer las tcnicas y herramientas cientficamente comprobadas por mltiples estudios para desarrollar la capacidad de afrontar situaciones complejas mediante el uso de la resiliencia.En el Curso de Inteligencia Emocional: Resiliencia y Mindfulness se analiza las caractersticas de una persona resiliente y como desarrollar esa habilidad de manera que t seas capaz de tener una resiliencia elevada.Que AprendersVeremos como sobrellevar cualquier dificultad y recuperarte de los golpes de la vida ya sean en tu trabajo, negocio o en tu vida personal, ya que como veremos todas las emociones afectan nuestra vida.En este curso analizaremos adems la felicidad desde la psicologa positiva y como se puede desarrollar a travs de ejercicios y practicas diarias, conociendo los principios cientficos de como se produce y los factores que hace de una persona feliz.Todo esto enfocado en mtodos ampliamente utilizados por psiclogos en todo el mundo mediante la meditacin y el mindfulness practicas usadas en empresas a nivel mundial como Google, Apple, eBay entre otras.Inicia un nuevo viaje de descubrimiento y manejo de emociones desarrollando habilidades que te ayudaran en tu da a da con los problemas que siempre aparecen y con una nueva actitud que har de ti la mejor versin.Bienvenido!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer Dropshiping no Mercado Livre" |
"E como disse a frases Encontrou uma mina de ouro? Venda ps e picaretas! E AQUI nesse simples curso eu no estou vendendo p nem picareta para ganhar dinheiro estou garimpando junto, no como muito curso que Promete MUNDO E FUNDO muita gente compra curso caro, PORQUE A PROMESSA E GRANDE e depois fica FRUSTRADO porque no tem NADA FCIL.Tem muito GURU QUE NEM SABE PESCAR, e ganha dinheiro ENSINANDO PESCAR o seja ele no vende nada no MERCADO LIVRE e ganha dinheiro ensinando vender no MERCADO LIVREAQUI e para ajudar PARA ganhar um dinheiro EXTRA, no te vendendo curso caro."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Managing Information Security Processes using Metrics" |
"In this courseyou will master the design and operation ofinformation security processes with metricsand you will be able to represent this metrics in compact and engaging dashboards or reports. You will learn what is a measurement, how your choice of amodelinfluences what gets measured, what is the relationship between security activity and business goals, and how to use reports in a way that leads to understanding the security posture of the organisation and drive the right decisions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vectorizar y pintar un dibujo hecho a mano con Illustrator" |
"Si eres amante del dibujo y deseas llevar tus trazos de la libreta de bocetos a la pantalla o medios impresos, este curso es para ti.Con Adobe Illustrator y una pizca de Photoshop, podrs convertir tus dibujos en sorprendentes imgenes vectoriales, adems, estars en capacidad de finalizarlos con colores creados a la medida de tus necesidades y con el valor agregado de que podrs hacer las ediciones que gustes.Qu esperas? No lo dudes ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web-H5&C3 HTML5CSS3" |
"HTML5CSS3 :- HTML5- Canvas- - - - - - - - UI- 2D- 3D"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
APP(Vue+Vant+Vue-roter+Axios+Vuex) |
"-VantApcheAxiosmockVue-routerVuex-.... Vue01Vue.js"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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". . :1- .2- ().3- 24 .4- 5- 1 5 .6- .7- .8. . 1 = 7500 -8000 . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js + Firebase" |
"Vue.jsVue.jsVue.jsVuexVue RouterVue.jsVue CLIUIVuetifyUIBaaSBackend as a ServiceFirebaseFirebaseAuthenticationGoogleCloud FirestoreHostingVue.jsFirebaseFirebase"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -5" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -6" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -7" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Predictive Project Manager (No Coding skills needed)" |
"This course is for all those Project Management Professionals who want to learn the NextGen Project Management. Learn to be Predictive by applying the Machine Learning Techniques given in this course in your professional environment.You will learn the Basics of Statistics, Types of Analytics, Machine Learning 7 Steps Lifecycle Framework and a Practical Case Study.You get 4 Machine Learning Excel templates to use in your professional work as a project management professional.This is a practical hands-on course covering some theory on Statistics, Analytics, and Machine Learning.5 Hours of training give you PDUs for 2.5 hours Technical, 2.25 hours Leadership, and 0.25 Strategic for PDU Continuing Certification Requirements System CCRS by PMI.Please enter the following information in the PMI USA CCRS Report PDU screen as per details given below:Provider Name: UdemyCourse Name: The Predictive Project ManagerCourse URL: Copy-paste the URL from the browser window for this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning using Excel - Zero Programming needed" |
"You will learn the Basics of Statistics, Types of Analytics, Machine Learning 7 Steps Lifecycle Framework, and practical working demonstrations by the instructor using Microsoft Excel to do advanced calculations in machine learning.You get 7 Machine Learning Excel templates to use in your professional work as a project management professional.This is a practical hands-on course covering some theories on Statistics, Analytics, and Machine Learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 Habits of Mentally Strong People" |
"Mental strength can be defined as the resilience which allows an individual to cope tough periods and handle pressure with enough confidence. Although the concept has emerged from sports, nowadays its very often used as one of the most important psychological characteristics which define success for an individual in any part of life.In this course I will teach you the 10 Habits of Mentally Strong People.Learning the habits of mentally strong people and improving your mental strength will help you to increase your resilience, to have greater satisfaction in life and enhanced performance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CORDIALS & LIQUEURS - Essentials in Cocktails & Bartending" |
"What are they and what are they used for? What's the difference anyway?Cordials & Liqueurs are an essential part of every bartenders repertoire of knowledge. Without these secondary flavoring agents many, if not all popular cocktails couldnt be prepared. Often the terms are used interchangeably, but there is a marked difference.Here well explain what they are and how these important ingredients are integral to proper beverage service. Interestingly, many of these beverages have a history going back a hundreds of years or more, yet no one spends the time to know and understand their value & necessity in constructing a well-balanced cocktail.This course is aimed at fixing all that! WARNING: THIS COURSE GETS TECHNICAL AT TIMES! I have tried to be as detailed as possible. Some reviews have stated my courses are too technical at times, but I think better to give too much info than not enough.This course reviews:An in-depth understanding of all types of Cordials & LiqueursTypes & ClassificationsCream vs CrmeApritifs & DigestifsVermouthAmariPastis vs AbsintheBitters & TincturesHow to Make Bitters & TincturesCocktails and a little history of them65 Popular Brands and FlavorsFlavor & Aroma CharacteristicsHow to serve AbsintheHow to serve PastisThe Ouzo EffectProduction MethodsOriginsLegal Standards in the U.S. & EUCordial & Liqueur Terminology* Bonus lecture - Wine, Spirits, Cocktails & Beer Glassware RecommendationsWith knowledge on the many different types and flavors of Cordials & Liqueurs, one can be confident in making a selection, recommending for others to enjoy or blend with other ingredients to make wonderful cocktails.Here we explain, clearly & concisely, all thats needed to fully understand these types of alcohol and how to serve them properly. For those not in the bar or restaurant field, well give you a solid understanding to make the best selection of an after dinner drink or making cocktails at home. Well help you make better choices and be able to differentiate options, without having to personally try everything out there. Class is in session. Drink Up! "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WINE SERVICE - Professional Skills in Hospitality" |
"Why should you take this course? There's soooo many on wine! Take this course because it teaches what others aren't. Namely, that actual skills you need to become a professional waiter or bartender! Or improve on your professional skills if you already have that job and were too embarrassed to ask how to do these things. Ever wonder what's the big deal about all those famous Bordeaux wine? We explain & review the classifications here.Hospitality service skills are learned not just known. I'm sure we've all seen professional servers, bartenders or Sommeliers and wanted to execute like they did. Or you want to get into the industry or get promoted as you're already working in a restaurant or bar. Here you'll learn the skills you need or can improve on skills you've figured out on your own. As a bonus, I've also included a lecture on how to select the correct glassware for all beverages form Beer, Wine & Spirits and cocktails. This course reviews:How to Taste Wine like an Expert (Using the deductive method)How to Detect Flaws in WineHow to Serve Wine in a Restaurant SettingHow to Decant wine in a Restaurant SettingHow to Read U.S. and European Wine LabelsHow to Open Wine with a SabreExplanation of OFFICIAL BORDEAUX WINE CLASSIFICATION OF 1855Proper Wine, Spirits, Cocktails & Beer Glassware SelectionGet the skills and earn more money. Get that job or promotion. Restaurants and bars are great for side jobs or a life long profession; offering fun and flexibility not known in other professions. Trust me, I made my career in it. Class is in session. Drink up!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Stock Trading Stock market course Stock" |
"stock market, stock,trading, stock trading course,stock market beginners, stock exchange online, Indian stock trading,zerodha stock trading, zerodha, stock market for beginners, bollinger bandwidths, moving average conceptsHow to open a stock market with legal processWhich Documents Required ?In stock market there are two segmentsEquityCommodityHow much Money is required?With 100rs. INR($1.8 approx) also can we do stock trading?With 10rs. INR($0.15 cents approx) also can we do Stock trading?How to purchase the stocks How to sell those purchased stocks Purchase the stocks for long term profitsPurchase the stocks for short term profitsI wont tell always profits you will get, Sometimes Loss also you will get, How to recover those loss?How much money you will lose if you do Blind Trading************************* How to purchase stocks on both segments at a time?What is the stock trading timings in India?How much money is required to open a stock market account?How much money is required to get settled in this field?Can we do it for Full time ?How to analyze the stocks which stocks will give more profits and which stocks will give less profits?How much profits we can gain in long term and short termWhat is Intraday Trading ? Does third parties will give genuine Trading calls to you?If you get good profits how much money they charge to you?Dont Trust anyone Blindly *********Thank you----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you complete this course, you will gain the basic knowledge in stock trading, in future you will gain upto intermediate level*****Stock trading, How to purchase the stocks which stocks need to pick******I had shown Some useful websites to gain more knowledge about stock marketIf you have some money and you would like to save it for future then you're at the right place*****It's not A MLM market, Not a Chain Link market..... No need to ask someone's to join in your network*****it's completely ******Legal process*****, you will pay taxes to government also****No worries, With 100rs. also you can do Stock Trading and With 10rs. also you can do Stock tradingBollinger Bands techniques, and Moving Average Techniques-------------------*****Basic requirements from youInternet connection is requiredneed to have some basic idea about stock market-----------------***Beginners who're interested to do stock tradingIf you're interested in stock trading, then you're at the right place, Don't do Blind Trading, if you need some knowledge in stock trading and then choose this courseHow much money you're expecting to save for your future, If you have patience and if you have faith on you then only choose this Stock Trading Field, other wise don't choose it at any costDon't Lose your money Blindly, Do stock trading perfectly, and earn more moneyAlways we will not get profit's as well as same, always we will not get losses also Depends on you, and your patience"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teoria e pratica di Ux/Ui Design con Adobe XD" |
"Ai creativi ed ai designers il mercato richiede, oggi pi che mai, la capacit di sviluppare l'interfaccia utente e l'esperienza d'uso di applicazioni per dispositivi mobili e siti Web. Per soddisfare questo bisogno, Adobe, l'azienda leader che ha creato Photoshop ed Illustrator, ha sviluppato da zero un'applicazione specifica per il design di Ux e Ui: Adobe XD.In questo corso Gaia Zuccaro ed Alberto Comper, rispettivamente Ui & Interaction Designer e Digital Media Evangelist, vi insegneranno passo passo prima ad utilizzare da zero Adobe XD (ed anche qualche strumento specifico di Adobe Photoshop CC), e poi ad applicarlo concettualmente nello sviluppo di Ux/Ui design attraverso l'acquisizione dei concetti fondamentali di questo ramo della comunicazione visiva. Al termine del corso sarete in grado di sviluppare con successo i vostri primi progetti di design interattivo.Novit: abbiamo rifatto la quasi totalit delle lezioni adottando nuove tecniche di ripresa per una resa video/audio migliore, ma soprattutto le abbiamo aggiornate nei contenuti, introducendone anche di nuove, per far si che gli argomenti del corso siano coerenti con l'attuale versione di Adobe XD, e cogliendo l'occasione per illustrarne le nuove caratteristiche e funzionalit (che non sono poche)."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |