Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Maitriser Agile comme si vous le pratiquiez depuis toujours. Dans ce cours nous nous concentrons sur lessentiels, le Kit de survie en quelque sorte.Vous serez capable de parler dagile, travailler dans un environnement Agile, et passer avec brio un entretien pour un poste dans un environnement Agile.Vous tes tudiants, jeunes professionnel vous vous lancez dans un projet entrepreneurial ou vous devriez travailler avec des dveloppeurs, vous tes sur la bonne page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Programming Course for Students" |
"The main target of this course is to help the students who are still under graduation and want to understand C programming and teach them how to solve exam problems.Under this Course the following topics will be covered:-Defining all type of variables, Conditional statements, loop control statements, functions, arrays and pointers.This course is supported with enough number of exams, problems solutions and practices during each lesson.The contents of this course will be in Arabic language. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C++ for Arduino" |
"This Course focus on how to use C++ to program the Arduino, all the requirements and basics needed to understand how to programme arduino using C++ are presented in this Course.In this Course all C++ programming subjects will be simulated and tested using Proteus Design Suite software.The First section of this course start by giving brief information about the Microcontrollers, Arduino Uno Board, Arduino IDE and Proteus Design Suite software.In the second Section, all topics related to programming Arduino platform using C++ will be presented, demonstrated and simulated."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Construindo Grficos e Infogrficos." |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com Excel para fazer diversos tipos de grficos do bsico ao avanado, e o que mais importante!!! Voc ira aprender a escolher os modelos de grficos mais adequados para diversas situaes.+ de 45 planilhas disponveis para download.Transforme seus dados em informaes!Melhore significativamente seus relatrios do Excel para criar grficos elegantes que comuniquem suas informaes da melhor maneira.E para atingir este objetivo dividimos estes curso em mdulos da seguinte forma:Introduo a GrficosQual tipo de grafico usar?Elementos de um graficoOque os grficos representamFormataes Eixo Horizontal/Vertical.Formataes Linha/Coluna.Espaamento de Sries.Personalizao de temas.Aquecimento/Relembrando/Funes de pesquisa de textoProcvndiceCorrespDeslocGrficos EssenciaisLinhas e colunasColuna e barrasCombinadosPizza e RoscaLinhas (indicador de processo)Grficos intermediriosHistogramaDistribuioDispersoFunilRadarGanttParetoGrficos dinmicosMini GrficosLinhasColunasPerdas e ganhosGrficos PersonalizadosCorrida de VendasVelocimetrosBateriaIndicador YOY(Year Over Year)Linha de controleLollipopColuna totalGrficos Avanados - ControlesCaixa de rolagemCombinaoSeleoOpoInfogrficosIncrementalFormasDistribuio de %Case 1 -ndice de aprovao vestibularCase 2- Partio de verbas doadas+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.Matricule-se!!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao**Todas as planilhas do curso disponveis para Download.**Esta curso no contempla Macros e VBA."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Construindo Dashboards Profissionais." |
"Aprenda a constuir Dashboards profissionais de um jeito fcil e descomplicado!O Curso de Excel - Construindo Dashboards foi elaborado para lhe ensinar a desenvolver painis de informaes elegantes e com indicadores relevantes.Durante o curso vamos desenvolver vrios Dashboards passando por todas as etapas do processo de construo, passo a passo desde o analise dos requisitos at a entrega do Dashboard.Os painis de informaes sero desenvolvidos com a Tcnica de Dashboards Flutuantes.Veja os Projetos que sero desenvolvidos no cursoDashboard 1 - Objetivo :Descobrir o Motivo de Cancelamento de Projetos.Dashboard 2 - Objetivo :Analise de Periodo de Vendas.Dashboard 3 - Objetivo :Acompanhar perfomance de Vendas. (Multi idiomas)Dashboard 4 - Objetivo :Gerenciamento de Projeto - Tarefas e Oramento.Dashboard 5 - Objetivo :Analise de Vendas ms atual e ano.Dashboard 6 - Objetivo :Controle de Oramentos. Previsto X realizadoDashboard 7 - Objetivo :Analise Histrica de Vendas.Todos os projetos tero etapas segmentadas que ir nos ajudar no processo de desenvolvimento.Analise de requisitos/definio das mtricas.Personalizao(paleta de cores).Apresentao da base de dados.Apresentao do Rascunho.Etapas dos calculo dos indicadores/Construo do Dashboard.Configurao de Segurana.Analise do entregvel.Aula Extra Publicando Dashboards online.Alm de diversas dicas pontuais no decorrer das aulas!+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.Matricule-se!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao!**Todas as planilhas do curso disponveis para Download.**Esta curso no contempla Macros e VBA.**Voc ter acesso vitalcio a este curso!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Power BI + Dax + Projetos na prtica." |
"Quer aprender a transformar seus dados em informaes com Power BI?Aprenda a usar o Power BI - Transforme seus dados em informaes Visuais usando as melhores Prticas.O Power BI uma poderosa ferramenta de anlise de dados e tambm uma das habilidades requeridas em Data Science, alem de ser uma das ferramentas lideres de Mercado na atualidade quando o assunto Business Intelligence(BI).Objetivo do curso : Capacitar alunos a criarem a ""inteligncia analtica para a tomada de deciso"" com as melhores prticas usando Microsoft Power BI Desktop . Durante o curso, os alunos iro conhecer e praticar a criao de dashboards e relatrios, funes DAX, modelagem de dados (conceito e prtica), publicao de relatrios no Power BI, criar funes para gesto da segurana e parametrizar a segurana por nivel de linha(RLS) no Power BI Web.Durante o curso vamos aplicar e desenvolver vrios exemplos passo a passo desde a importao dos dados , passando pelas funes DAX at a construo do projeto final onde consolidamos o conhecimento criando um Dashboard para a Gesto de Oramento de Vendas e Gesto de Oramento Empresarial.nfase em boas prticas e muitas dicas pontuais dentro do contexto das aulas!Sntese da ementa Introduo Apresentao do instrutor, dicas e boas vindas Instalando Power BI Instalao Power BI e Configurao Introduo a BI Teoria relacionada a Business intelligence.Datawarehouse (DW) e Datamart(DM).OLTP e OLAP.Snow Flake e Star Schema mais... Hands on ! Importando dados - ETLETL Importando, tratando,limpando e modelando os dados para BI com Power Query. Funes DAX Operadores e Comparadores Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX Operadores e Comparadores Funes DAX Agregaes e IterativasIntroduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX com agregao e formulas iterativas Funes DAX Datas Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX para tratar datas Funes DAX Lgicas Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX Lgicas. Funes DAX Textos Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX para tratar textos. Funes DAX Filters e Calculate Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX reaizar expresses de calculos com filtros. Funes DAX Inteligncia de Tempo Introduo a formulas e exemplos usando DAX de inteligncia de tempo (YOY, MOM) Visualizao de dados - Grficos Power BI Viso geral dos Grficos de Power BI Montando DashBoard de Gesto de VendasConstruindo Dasboard com a base de vendas exemplo. Filtros PowerBI Viso geral e exemplo dos tipos filtros do Power BI Layout Mobile Parametrizando a interface Mobile do Power BI. Projeto Gesto de OramentoRequisitosImporta dadosLimpa/tratamento dos dadosModela/Relaciona tabelas fato e dimenso.Dimenso tempoConstruo do DashboardConfigurando FunesPublicando DashboardConfigurando segurana de nivel de linha (RLS) Melhoria ContnuaGrfico de Barras AnimadosConfigurao do Story Telling (conte a histria do seus dados)Analise preditivas (Forecast de Vendas)Alm de diversas dicas pontuais no decorrer das aulas!+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.**Esta curso foi elaborado para tarefas do dia a dia para trabalhar com power BI , mas poder te ajudar na iniciao de estudos para obter a certificao Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI - Exam 70-778.Matricule-se!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao!**Todas as recursos do curso disponveis para Download."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel: Aprenda de um jeito fcil e descomplicado." |
"Este curso foi elaborado para voc que no tem muito tempo e precisa aprender o Excel de forma rpida e direta com as principais funes e recursos do Excel. Prepare-se para o mercado de trabalho e aprenda a trabalhar com Excel atravs do Curso Excel Express!Aprenda funes bsicas e essenciais do Excel.A grade de curso foi elaborado para voc desenvolver sua habilidade com Excel de forma gradativa.Notara sua evoluo de conhecimento aula a aula.Ao finalizar o contedo, no ultimo mdulo voc ser desafiado a testar e praticar suas habilidade com um teste de proficincia em Excel semelhante aos que as empresas aplicam nos candidatos em processos seletivos.Segue abaixo a sntese do planejamento da grade e para mais detalhes consulte a grade curricular.Overview sobre o ExcelMdulo de aquecimentoDicas para trabalhar com tabelas estruturadas;Ancoragem de valores de clulas;Teclas de atalho para otimizar a produtividade;Preenchimento relmpago;Analises rpidas;Operadores Lgicos e expresses matemticas no Excel.Clculos de porcentagem.Modulo de FunesExemplos com situao do dia a dia com principais funes mais usadas do Excel!Matemticas e estatsticas;Algumas funes: soma, mximo,mnimo, mdia, somaseData/Hora;Algumas funes: hoje, agora, ano, ms, dia e muito mais...Textos;Algumas funes: texto,esquerda, direita,procurar, arrumar, contar carecteres e muito mais...Lgicas;Algumas funes: se, seerro e muito mais...Pesquisas e Referncia Algumas funes: procv e correspAlguns exemplos que vamos desenvolver com as formulasOramento domstico.Lista de preos dinmicas.Mdulo - Segurana de planilhasMdulo - Tabelas Dinmicas/Pivot Tables e Segmentao /Slicers e Linha do tempoMdulo de GrficosPizzaRoscaColunasLinhasCombinado Linhas e colunasE para finalizar!Vamos realizar um teste de proficincia para testar suas habilidade com excel!Matricule-se!! Capacite-seEsperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao**Esta curso no contempla Macros e VBA."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem SQL e T-SQL na prtica - Desenvolvendo Solues" |
"Transformar dados em informaes com a Linguagem SQL uma das Habilidades requeridas em Data Science.Direto ao ponto. Neste curso vamos desenvolver, querys ad-hoc, functions e procedures com foco no ngocio, respondendo as perguntas mais frequentes no dia a dia com linguagem SQL. Com uma lista de mais de 50 Perguntas , vamos desenvolver as solues para responder a demanda de cada perguntaEsta a arte de transformar dados em informaes!Para colocar a mo na massa, Neste curso ser disponibilizada uma base de dados populada 100% em Portugus, simulando um cenrio de um sistema, contemplando informaes de Vendas, estoque, RH, manufatura, qualidade, financeiro,compras.Todos Scripts desenvolvidos disponibilizados para Download!Veja logo abaixo as perguntas que responderemos.Mdulo de Vendas.Qual total de vendas geral consolidado(Geral)Qual total de vendas geral consolidado(Geral) por empresaQual total de vendas geral consolidado(Geral) Ano a Ano.Qual total de vendas geral consolidado(Geral) Ms a Ms.Qual total de vendas geral consolidado por Linha de produto.Qual total de vendas geral consolidado por Linha de produto por empresa.Qual total de vendas geral consolidado por Tipo de materialQual total de vendas geral consolidado por SubCategoria de material Criar uma view de informaes de material (empresa, descrio, linha de produto, tipo de material e sub categoriaPerformance de vendas por VendedorPerformance de vendas por GerenteComparativos de vendas X meta Ms a Ms.Comparativos de vendas X meta por por Vendedor Ms a MsComparativos de vendas X meta por por Agrupado por Gerente/Vendedor Ms a MsTop 5 Clientes ano 2018 empresa 1Top 5 produtos ano 2018 empresa 2Top 5 produtos vendidos em 2018 pelo vendedor XRanking de vendas por Categoria de produto empresa 1 ano 2017ltimo preo de venda de cada produtoltima compra do cliente XValor acumulado e valor da ltima compra de cada clienteQuantidade de pedidos em aberto por clientesQuantidade de pedidos em aberto por vendedorAnlise (MOM) Month over Month de vendas.Ranking de Vendas por cidadeMdulo de EstoqueValorizao do estoque por preo de custo geralValorizao do estoque por preo de vendaValorizao do estoque por linha de produto por preo de venda e custo Valorizao do estoque por Tipo de material de produto por preo de venda.Top 5 produtos maior custo.Razo do estoque (Ficha Kardex)Mdulo de Produo/ManufaturaQuantidade produzida ms a ms do produto 1 empresa 1;Listar a ficha tcnica do material produzido 1;Calcular o custo de um produto com base nos materiais necessrios;Simular o planejamento das necessidades para produzir 125 unidades do produto 1 na empresa 1;Comparar a necessidade para produzir 125 unidades do produto 1 na empresa 2 com estoque disponvel.Mdulo de Qualidade/RastreabilidadeRecall para produto produzido;Identificar os produtos produzidos com produto necessrio X lote X.Mdulo de ComprasVolume de compras por ms;Volume de compras por fornecedor;Volume de compras por condio de pagamento;ltimo preo de compras por produto.Mdulo de RHValor total da folha de pagamento ms 05/2018;Simular aumento de 9% para cada funcionrio;Quantidade de funcionrio ativos por centro de custo;Total de folha de pagamento por centro de custo ms 05/2018 empresa 1.Mdulo de FinanceiroTotal a receber ms a ms;Total recebido ms a ms;Ttulos a receber em aberto;Ttulos as receber pago em atraso; Ttulos recebidos adiantados;Ttulos recebidos no prazo;Ttulos a pagar em aberto, atraso, adiantado, em atraso, no prazo; Fluxo de caixa o total a receber e o total a pagar ms a ms.D o primeiro passo para se tornar um Profissional de Banco de dados.Acesso vitalcioGarantia de 30 DiasMatricule-se!Te aguardo nas aulas.Grande Abrao."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Formao DBA SQL Server + Always on (HADR)" |
"Torne-se um DBA com um Bancos de Dados mais utilizados da atualidade O SQL Server.Aprenda passo a passo desde o planejamento , realizando a instalao de acordo com as Boas prticas recomendadas, executar tarefas de monitoramente, gerenciamento e tambm tarefas do dia a dia at uma mais requiridas features deste Banco de dados a configurao do ALWAYS ON AVAILABILITY GROUPS.A profisso de DA(Administrador/Analista de dados) e DBA(Administrador de Banco de dados) ,entre outras profisses relacionadas, so algumas das mais bem renumeradas na mercado de trabalho.Este profissional tem papel estratgico numa organizao. Sua funo administrar os sistemas tecnolgicos que permitam organizar, estruturar e distribuir as informaes de uma empresa.E para proporcionar este conhecimento , desenvolvemos um curso com uma grade muito completa para sua capacitao profissional!Algumas tarefas de relacionadas a Banco de Banco de dados:Modos de Manuteno;Configurao de e-mail;Fragmentao de ndices(Rebuild ou Reorganize)Backup;Restore;Statistics;Analise de crescimento;SHRINK;Attach;Detach;Linked Server;Suspect;DBCC;SQL CMD;Performance;SQL Agent;Gerenciamento de UsuariosRoles;Schema;E mais....Distribuio dos modlosSeo 1: Introduo e apresentao.Seo 2: Instalando e Parametrizando SQL Server 2017Seo 3: Configuraes Recomendadas e Arquivos de Dados (Boas Prticas)Seo 4: Definies de Linguagem DDLSeo 5: Segurana - Servidor, Databases d ObjetosSeo 6: SchemasSeo 7: Modos de ManutenoSeo 8: Backup e RestoreSeo 9: Atividades e Tarefas do dia a diaSeo 10: Administrando Locks, Block e DeadlocksSeo 11: Estatsticas de Banco de Dadoseo 12: DBCC - Database Console ComandsSeo 13: Agente e Plano de ManutenoSeo 14: DMV - Dynamic Management ViewsSeo 15: Linked ServerSeo 16: SQLCMDSeo 17: Overview de PerformanceSeo 18: Configurando Always On (HA-DR)D o primeiro passo para se tornar um Profissional de Banco de dados(DBA)!O contedo e material disponvel neste curso pode te ajudar como parte da preparao para as certificaes MCSA, sendo os exames 70-761 e o exame 70-762 voltados para desenvolvimento, e os exames 70-764 e exame 70-765 voltados para administrao.Acesso vitalcio! Matricule-se!!Te aguardo nas aulas!!!Grande Abrao!"
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Excel : Grficos, infogrficos e Dashboards Profissionais." |
"Torne-se um Especialista na Visualizao de dados com Excel! O Contedo deste curso um Combo 2 em 1 com as aulas dos Cursos ""Excel Construindo Dashboards Profissionais"" + ""Excel Construindo Grficos e Infogrficos."" Aprenda a construir Grficos, infogrficos e Dashboards profissinais, e a Transformar seus dados em informaes!Voc ir aprender a fazer diversos tipos de grficos do bsico ao avanado, e o que mais importante!!! Voc ira aprender a escolher os modelos de grficos mais adequados para diversas situaes.Durante o curso vamos desenvolver vrios Dashboards passando por todas as etapas do processo de construo, passo a passo desde o analise dos requisitos at a entrega do Dashboard.Melhore significativamente seus relatrios do Excel, aprendendo a criar grficos elegantes que comuniquem suas informaes da melhor maneira.Veja o contedo!Introduo a GrficosQual tipo de grfico usar?Elementos de um grficoO que os grficos representamFormataes Eixo Horizontal/Vertical.Formataes Linha/Coluna.Espaamento de Sries.Personalizao de temas.Aquecimento/Relembrando/Funes de pesquisa de textoProcvndiceCorrespDeslocGrficos EssenciaisLinhas e colunasColuna e barrasCombinadosPizza e RoscaLinhas (indicador de processo)Grficos intermediriosHistogramaDistribuioDispersoFunilRadarGanttParetoGrficos dinmicosMini GrficosLinhasColunasPerdas e ganhosGrficos PersonalizadosCorrida de VendasVelocmetroBateriaIndicador YOY(Year Over Year)Linha de controleLollipopColuna totalGrficos Avanados - ControlesCaixa de rolagemCombinaoSeleoOpoInfogrficosIncrementalFormasDistribuio de %Case 1 -ndice de aprovao vestibularCase 2- Partio de verbas doadasVeja os Projetos de Dashboards que sero desenvolvidos no cursoDashboard 1 - Objetivo :Descobrir o Motivo de Cancelamento de Projetos.Dashboard 2 - Objetivo :Analise de Periodo de Vendas.Dashboard 3 - Objetivo :Acompanhar perfomance de Vendas. (Multi idiomas)Dashboard 4 - Objetivo :Gerenciamento de Projeto - Tarefas e Oramento.Dashboard 5 - Objetivo :Analise de Vendas ms atual e ano.Dashboard 6 - Objetivo :Controle de Oramentos. Previsto X realizadoDashboard 7 - Objetivo :Analise Histrica de Vendas.Todos os projetos tero etapas segmentadas que ir te ajudar no processo de desenvolvimento.Analise de requisitos/definio das mtricas.Personalizao(paleta de cores).Apresentao da base de dados.Apresentao do Rascunho.Etapas dos calculo dos indicadores/Construo do Dashboard.Configurao de Segurana.Analise do entregvel.Aula Extra Publicando Dashboards online.Alm de diversas dicas pontuais no decorrer das aulas!+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.Matricule-se!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao!**Todas as planilhas do curso disponveis para Download.**Esta curso no contempla Macros e VBA."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence Completo do ETL ao Power BI na Prtica" |
"O curso de Business intelligence(BI) completo vai te preparar para criar uma soluo completo de BI.Aprenda a desenvolver projetos completo de Business Intelligence(BI) na prtica com as ferramentas mais relevantes da atualidade entre elas:Desde a construo do Datawarehouse utilizando SQL Server em conjunto com o Talend para o processo de ETL e apresentando resultados no Power BI.Power BI - Visualizao de dadosTalend - ETL - Extrao , transformao e carga dos dados do sistema transacional para analticoSQL Server - Banco de dados transacional(OLTP) e analitico(OLAP)Aprenda a usar o Power BI - Transforme seus dados em informaes Visuais usando as melhores Prticas.O Power BI uma poderosa ferramenta de anlise de dados e tambm uma das habilidades requeridas em Data Science, alem de ser uma das ferramentas lideres de Mercado na atualidade quando o assunto Business Intelligence(BI).Objetivo do curso : Capacitar alunos a criarem a ""inteligncia analtica para a tomada de deciso"" com as melhores prticas usando Microsoft Power BI Desktop ,SQL Server e o Talend .Durante o curso, os alunos iro conhecer e praticar a criao de dashboards e relatrios, funes DAX, modelagem de dados (conceito e prtica), publicao de relatrios no Power BI, criar funes para gesto da segurana e parametrizar a segurana por nivel de linha(RLS) no Power BI Web.Vamos aplicar e desenvolver vrios exemplos passo a passo desde a importao dos dados , passando pelas funes DAX at a construo do projeto final onde consolidamos o conhecimento criando um Dashboard , que ser publicado, configurando a segurana de linha e o Gateway para automatizar o processo de atualizao dos dados.Aprenda como usar a Visualizao de dados (Dataviz) nos projetos aplicados.nfase em boas prticas e muitas dicas pontuais dentro do contexto das aulas!Sntese da ementaIntroduoPreparao do AmbienteInstalao e configurao do SQL Server, (OLAP e OLTP), Talend e PowerBI.Introduo a BIETL, DW, DM, OLAP, OLTP , Fato, dimenso, Star Schema, Snow FlakeAquecimento - Importando e transformando dados no Power BIDAX Operadores e ComparadoresFunes DAX Agregaes e IterativasFunes DAX LgicasFunes DAX DatasFunes DAX FiltroFunes DAX Inteligncia de TempoFunes DAX TextosFunes Dax de InformaesProjeto Etapa 1 - OverviewProjeto Etapa 2- Carga StagingDesenvolver Jobs Staging com TalendProjeto Etapa 3- Carga DimensoDesenvolver Jobs Dimenso com TalendProjeto Etapa 4 - Carga FatoProjeto Etapa 5 - Automatizando JobProjeto Etapa 6 - Carga de dados no Power BIProjeto Etapa 7 - Criao de medidasProjeto Etapa 8 - Construo do DashboardVisualizao de dadosProjeto Etapa 9 Segurana e PublicaoRLS e GatewayAlm de diversas dicas pontuais no decorrer das aulas!+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.**Esta curso foi elaborado para tarefas do dia a dia para construir um projeto de BI, mas poder te ajudar na iniciao de estudos para obter a certificao Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI - Exam 70-778.Matricule-se!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao!**Todas as recursos do curso disponveis para Download."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Tax Preparation and Law 2019 2020 - Income Tax" |
"We are in the process of updating this course. Current students will have access to the updates. We are very grateful for all the feedback and support we have received for this course from colleagues and learners. Income tax preparation and understanding for the year 2019 2020 including presentations, downloadable PDF files, practice problems, & and comprehensive problems with step by step instructions, answer keys, and materials. The course will introduce the concept of income tax, tax law, and how it is formatted. We will provide practical examples at every step along the way, giving learners visuals of how the system works, and practice problems to apply the concepts. We will discuss a large number of recent changes to income tax law needed for the filing year end 2019. Both laws and the format of tax forms have changed a lot from prior years. We will provide a visual of those changes so learners can fully understand them. The course will walk through the steps of filling out a tax form. The tax form can be thought of as a kind of income statement or a tax formula. We will break down the formula into its components so that we can digest each small peace at a time. We will discuss the concept of filing status and dependents and how they affect the tax formula. The course will discuss what is included and not included in gross income for taxes. Items included in the gross income calculation may be subject to taxation. Items not included in gross income for taxes will not be subject to tax. We will discuss adjustments for adjusted gross income, often called above the line deductions. The course will cover the primary above the line deductions and provide practical examples of calculations. The course will discuss itemized deduction reported on schedule A. We will discuss the primary itemized deductions and provide practical examples of each. We will discuss the reporting of self-employment taxes using Schedule C and the related issues including self-employment tax (social security and Medicare) and the new 20% deduction many small businesses will be eligible for. The course will discuss the calculation of capital gains using Schedule D. We will provide practical examples of the calculation of capital gains. We will discuss the reporting of rental property using Schedule E and provide examples of reporting rental property. The course will discuss various credits including child tax credit, earned income credit, and education credits and provide examples of each. The course will have comprehensive problems allowing learners to work through the process of filling out a full tax return in a step by step process. Learners can use PDF tax forms provided in the course and available at the IRS website. We also work the problem using the accounting equation and provide learners pre-formatted Excel worksheet to follow along with this process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Payroll - QuickBooks Online" |
"QuickBooks Online payroll will describe the payroll process for a small business in detail, so bookkeepers, accountants, and business owners can better understand how to set up payroll, process payroll, and troubleshoot problems related to payroll. This course will introduce the payroll set-up in the QuickBooks Online system, walking through payroll screens. We will discuss payroll legislation that will affect payroll calculations within QuickBooks Online and list the payroll forms we will need to generate from Quickbooks Online. The course will walk through the process of entering a new employee into the QuickBooks Online system and describe where the data would be received from in practice including Form W-4. We will discuss Federal Income Tax (FIT) calculations within QuickBooks Online. The course will describe how FIT is calculated, what is needed for QuickBooks Online to calculate FIT, and how to enter the data into the accounting system. The course will describe the Federal Income Contributions Act (FICA) and its components. We will calculate social security and describe how QuickBooks Online will help with the calculations as we process payroll. The course will calculate Medicare and describe how QuickBooks Online will help with the calculations of Medicare when we process payroll. We will calculate Federal Unemployment (FUTA) and discuss how FUTA is related to state unemployment (SUTA). The course will describe and calculate employer taxes and discuss which taxes are employee taxes and which taxes are employer taxes. We will describe payroll journal entries and discuss how payroll data is populated in the QuickBooks Online reports and financial statements including the profit and loss and balance sheet. We will discuss and enter both mandatory and voluntary deductions into the QuickBooks Online system. The course will discuss retirement plan options, how to enter them into the QuickBooks Online system, and how they are used to calculate net income and payroll taxes. We will work a comprehensive problem, processing payroll within QuickBooks Online. The comprehensive problem will use the paid QuickBooks Online feature. The comprehensive problem will start very basic with one employee and will increase in complexity as we enter more benefits and payroll details each year."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online-Bookkeeping Business-Easy Way" |
"QuickBooks Online bookkeeping business designed for small business clients or small businesses who want a simple cash basis format for entering data. This course is designed for bookkeepers and is also useful for small business owners who want a simple system for entering financial data into QuickBooks for financial planning and year-end tax preparation. The bookkeeping system we discuss will also describe the relationship between the bookkeeper, the business, and the year-end tax and financial statement preparers. We will outline a cash basis bookkeeping system using QuickBooks, a system that will enter most transactions directly into the check register. The course will discuss the responsibilities of a bookkeeper and the responsibilities of the business when a bookkeeping engagement in entered into. We will work through a sample bookkeeping project in QuickBooks including the setting up of a new QuickBooks company file. The course will practice entering data into the QuickBooks register directly from a bank statement. We will provide practice bank statements to use with the project as well as step by step instructional videos. As we enter data directly into the check register from the bank statement, we will compare and contrast the cash basis system we are using to a full accounting cycle system. We will also review the financial statements periodically to see how QuickBooks is using the data to make reports. After entering data into the QuickBooks check register from the bank statement, we will perform bank reconciliations. As we perform bank reconciliations, we will discuss what a bank reconciliation is and the benefits a bank reconciliation provides. The course will then discuss options for entering specific accounting data into QuickBooks including payroll, equipment, loan payments, insurance, credit card payments, and invoices. We will provide practice QuickBooks files for different options related to the items listed above and explore the pros and cons of each option. The bookkeeping options will help tailor our system to our specific bookkeeping needs. As we enter accounting data into the system we will discuss common questions we will have when entering the first few months of data and how to write down these questions, move forward with data input, and organize the financial data so that we can quickly go back to it once our client questions are answered. This course will discuss, print, and export month end and year end reports, reports a bookkeeper may provide to clients monthly and reports the business will need at year-end for tax preparation. We will discuss year-end adjusting entries. The bookkeeping system we propose will depend on an outside accounting firm, tax preparer, or CPA firm to help with the year-end adjusting entries. As bookkeepers we want to be aware of the adjusting entry process so we can work with any year-end accounting firm, tax preparer, or CPA firm. We will enter common adjusting entries into an adjusting entry Excel worksheet and into Quickbooks. Finally, we will discuss whether or not to enter the year-end adjusting entries into our QuickBooks bookkeeping system and different options to do so. In addition to the instructional videos, this course will include downloadable Excel practice files Downloadable PDF Files Excel practice files will be preformatted and will generally have at least two tabs, one tab with the completed work and a second tab with a preformatted worksheet we can fill in as we watch the instructional videos. Who will we be learning from? "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tax Credits - Family & Dependent Tax Credits" |
"Family & dependent tax credits in 2018 including the earned income tax credit, child tax credit, child & dependent care tax credit, other dependents tax credit, credit for elderly or the disabled, and adoption tax credit.This course will provide a detailed look at these tax credits, including a discussion of the amount of the tax credits and the qualifications to take the tax credits.We will use tax software and forms to show how the tax credits are input into the tax forms and to test variations in qualifications for the tax credits including income limitations. Using tax software to experiment with different scenarios is a very effective way to learn about how tax credits actually operate.For example, running tax scenarios using tax software is the only way most people will be able to see clearly the difference between the child tax credit (CTC) and the additional child tax credit (ACTC). Running tax scenarios can also help us understand how the child tax credit (CTC), additional child tax credit (ACTC), and earned income tax credit (EIC) will work as income levels and the number of children is adjusted.We will provide PDF files that can be downloaded and used as references without an internet connection.The course will also provide PDF documents of relevant publications and forms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Education Tax Credits & Education Tax Benefits" |
"This education tax credits & education tax benefits course will discuss tax benefits related to education, focusing on education tax credits including the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning tax credit.The course will describe the benefits of the American Opportunity Tax Credit, giving practical examples using actual tax forms. As we learn the concepts of the American Opportunity tax credit, we will run examples and scenarios using tax software and tax forms to get a feel of how the credit reacts to different tax circumstances.We will describe the benefits of the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, giving practical examples using actual tax forms. As we learn the concepts of the Lifetime Learning tax credit, we will run examples and scenarios using tax software and tax forms to get a feel of how the credit reacts to different tax circumstances.The course will discuss how the American Opportunity tax credit and Lifetime Learning tax credit interact with each other and how to maximize tax benefits.We will discuss the deduction for student loan interest, describing circumstances where student loan interest is deductible, and giving practical examples using tax forms.The course will discuss the tax benefits of a Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESA). We will consider how a Coverdell Education Savings Accounting (ESA) is set up, the tax benefits, and tax consequences of distributions. The course will also discuss how the Coverdell Education Saving Account (ESA) works or coordinates with education credits like the American Opportunity tax credit and Lifetime Learning tax credit.We will discuss the tax benefits of a Qualified Tuition Program (QTP). We will discuss how a Qualified Tuition Program (QTP) is set up, the tax benefits, and tax consequences of distributions. The course will also explain how the Qualified Tuition Program (QTP) works or coordinates with education credits like the American Opportunity credit and Lifetime Learning credit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Income Tax-Business Use of Home Deduction" |
"Business use of your home deduction including practical examples with actual tax forms that allow colleagues to see the concepts in practice and fully comprehend the law and how best to apply it in different situations, circumstances, and scenarios.The course will discuss qualifications for the business use of the home deduction providing examples where applicable.We will show how to figure, or calculate, the business use of the home deduction using actual expenses. We will provide demonstrations using tax forms and run scenarios using tax software to demonstrate the calculations.The course will explain rules specific to a daycare facility and run scenarios related to a daycare facility.We will demonstrate how to use the simplified method to calculate the business use of your home deduction, provide examples of the simplified method, and compare and contrast the simplified method to the actual expenses method.The course will also discuss how the business use of your home deduction could affect the sale or exchange of your home and deductions for business furniture and equipment.We will provide guidance related to recordkeeping practices for the business use of your home deduction."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Income Tax Selling Your Home" |
"Home sale tax consequences including discussion of eligibility of exclusions, calculating the gain or loss on a sale, & entering the data into tax forms.We will include reference material and PDF files that can be downloaded and used without an internet connection. The course will also include Excel worksheets to help with gain and loss calculations and provide examplesThe material will discuss the calculation of gain or loss on the sale of a home. We will give an example of a closing statement and how to pull information from it to calculate the gain or loss on a sale. Excel worksheets and example calculations will be provided. We will use the example problem as a reference point when we move forward in the course, zooming into parts of the calculation when applicable.We will enter the information for the sale of the home into actual tax forms so we can see the effect on schedule D (Capital Gains and Losses) but also the effect on the rest of the tax return including the Form 1040.The course will discuss the basis calculation including different scenarios that can complicate the calculation like the home being destroyed, condemned, received in a divorce, received as a gift, or inherited."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Income Tax Schedule C Small Business Sole Proprietor" |
"Small business income taxes generally reported on schedule C course including examples using actual tax forms to understand income tax concepts better.We will discuss who is required to file a schedule C for small business income and who is self-employed.The course will discuss new tax changes for 2018 related to small businesses.We will discuss what self-employment tax is, how to calculate it, and how to report it.The course will cover which tax forms a self-employed business will generally need to file and how the forms are related to each other, using actual tax forms as an example.We will discuss different accounting methods and periods including the cash method and the accrual method and when the tax code may require one method versus another as well as when the tax code requires a deviation from the accounting method used.The course will discuss what is included in business income and the types of business income.We will discuss the components of cost of goods sold, how to calculate cost of goods sold, and look over the tax forms related to the cost of goods sold calculation.The course will discuss many common business expenses. Including Car and truck deduction Depreciation deduction Employees pay deduction Insurance deduction Interest deduction Legal and professional fees deduction Pension plans deduction Rent deduction Taxes deduction Travel and meals deduction Business use of your home Other Expenses you can deduct"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) & Taxes" |
"(IRAs) Individual Retirement Accounts, both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs will discuss tax planning, concentrating on tax benefits of contributing to IRAs.The course will discuss the tax benefits of traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs), including how to record deductions related to traditional IRAs on tax forms, using actual tax forms as examples to demonstrate scenarios.We will discuss contribution limits to traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and how those contribution limits interplay with other types of retirement accounts like employer-provided retirement plans.The course will discuss the tax benefits of Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or Roth IRAs.We will discuss contribution limits to Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or Roth IRAs and how those contribution limits interplay with other types of retirement accounts.The course will compare and contrast Traditional IRAs and a Roth IRAs.We will also cover retirement savings contributions credits, including qualification credits and examples of how to report the credit using actual tax forms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Process Costing System-Cost Accounting-Managerial Accounting" |
"Process costing system Cost Accounting Managerial AccountingWe will start by introducing managerial accounting or cost accounting topics that apply to companies that manufacture using either a job cost system or a process cost system.The course will describe classifications for costs and the importance of being able to classify costs in different ways.We will list and describe an outline of the process costs go through as they flow through the accounting process in a manufacturing company.The course will compare the two major systems used to track inventory costs in a manufacturing company, the job cost system, and the process costs system. We will discuss when a company would use either a job cost system or a process cost system.We will discuss the flow of inventory costs in a process cost system and track the process of costs related to raw materials, that then flow to work in process and factory overhead, to finished goods, and finally, are expensed in the form of cost of goods sold.We will explain the concept of overhead and why it is needed, including the concept of actual overhead incurred and estimated overhead we apply to departments. The course will show how to calculate the predetermined overhead rate and how to use this rate to estimate overhead allocated to departments.The course will record the journal entries related to costs as they flow through the process cost system including journal entries for the transfer of raw materials to work in process and factory overhead, the incurrence of direct and indirect wages, and other overhead costs. We will enter journal entries to allocate overhead to work in process and to transfer costs from department to department and finished goods. We will also enter journal entries to record sales transactions and related costs of goods sold.We will calculate the cost per equivalent unit and assign costs to ending work in process and to amounts transferred out of departments using both a First In First Out (FIFO) method and a Weighted Average Method.We will also discuss key terms and definitions related to a job cost system and how they are used in practice.In addition to the instructional videos, this course will include: Downloadable PDF Files Excel Practice Files Multiple Choice Practice Questions Short Calculation Practice Questions Discussion QuestionsThe PDF files allow us to download reference information we can use offline and as a guide to help us work through the material.Excel practice files will be preformatted so that we can focus on the accounting process and learning some of the basics of Excel, like addition, subtraction, and cell relationships.Multiple choice example question helps us improve our test-taking skills by reducing the information into the size and format of multiple-choice questions and discussing how to approach these questions.Short calculation questions help us reduce problems that have some calculation down to a short format that could be used in multiple choice questions.Discussion Question will provide an opportunity to discuss these topics with the instructor and other students, a process many students find very helpful because it allows us to see the topic from different viewpoints."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cost Volume Profit Analysis (CVP) Managerial Accounting" |
"Managerial and cost accounting topics of cost volume profit analysis (CVP).We will review managerial accounting concepts and the difference between managerial accounting and cost accounting.The course will start out introducing our primary CVP tool, a contribution margin income statement. The contribution margin income statement will give us an idea of where we are going as we then zoom into more detail going forward, focusing on the nuances of each step in the process.We will discuss the concept of mixed costs, why they are a problem, and different methods for dealing with them including a high low method and scatter diagram method.The course will explain the brea-keven point in units and revenue, one of the foundational concepts of cost volume profit analysis (CVP), and one many other concepts are built from.We will discuss forecasting using cost volume profit analysis (CVP). Projections into the future are one of the significant benefits that CVP provides.The course will cover techniques to apply CVP analysis when there are multiple inventory products.We will also discuss the concept of operating leverage, how it is calculated, and why it is useful.The course will talk about assumptions that cost volume profit analysis makes and limitations to CVP analysis.We will also work a comprehensive problem using Excel and step by step instructional videos.The course will have many Excel worksheets to help us review topics. Excel worksheets generally include three tabs. One tab will have the completed problem so we can see the result. Another tab will have a preformatted worksheet where we can fill in the problem. The last tab will have a blank worksheet where we can build our own tables if we choose."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Budgets Managerial Accounting/Cost Accounting" |
"Master budget construction, including demonstration problems, excel worksheets, practice test questions, discussion questions, and a comprehensive problem we work together using Excel in a step by step format.The course will provide a managerial accounting overview, comparing managerial accounting and financial accounting, and providing essential managerial accounting tools we will need in the budgeting process.We will discuss methods of budget timing and the pros and cons of each technique.The course will discuss the characteristics and functions of the budget committee.We will discuss the components of a master budget and break it out into its parts, listing the order that those components need to be completed in.The course will discuss how to put together a sales budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will discuss how to put together a production budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.The course will discuss how to put together a materials budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will discuss how to put together a direct labor budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.The course will discuss how to put together a factory overhead budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will discuss how to put together a general and administrative budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.The course will discuss how to put together a cash budget and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will discuss how to put together a budgeted cost of goods manufactured statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.The course will discuss how to put together a budgeted cost of goods sold statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will discuss how to put together a budgeted income statement and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.The course will discuss how to put together a budgeted balance sheet and will also walk through a step by step process using preformatted Excel worksheets for learners to follow along with.We will also go over a comprehensive problem in Excel so we can see all the components of the master budget and work through them in one place."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, & Variance Analysis" |
"Managerial & cost accounting toolsThe course will introduce managerial accounting topics that will be used throughout the course, contrasting managerial accounting to financial accounting so that we are in the correct mindset as we move forward.We will discuss flexible budgets, contrasting flexible budgets with static or fixed budgets, demonstrating the benefits of flexible budgets and how they can be used. We will work example problems related to flexible budgets and provide step by step instructional videos to apply the concepts.The course will define and analyze standard costs and cost variance analysis, giving an overview of cost variance analysis concepts that we will go into more detail on in later sections.We will explain sales variance analysis, discussing when it can be used, and how to calculate sales variances. We will provide example problems and step by step instructional videos so we can apply what we learn.The course will cover direct materials variance analysis, showing what it is, how to use it, and how to calculate direct materials variance analysis. We will demonstrate the concepts listed using instructional videos and using example problems along with step by step instructional videos to complete them.We will discuss direct labor variance analysis, demonstrating what it is, and how direct labor variance analyst is used. We will demonstrate the concepts with instructional videos and provide example problems and step by step instructional videos to complete them.The course will discuss overhead variance analysis. We will describe why it is used and how to calculate overhead variance analysis. We will provide demonstration presentations and example problems with step by step instructional videos to help complete them.We will also include a comprehensive problem on overhead variance and a comprehensive problem on variance analysis. The comprehensive problems will provide preformatted Excel worksheets that we can fill out along with step by step instructional videos. The Excel worksheets will generally have two or three tabs, one tab having the completed problem, the second tab having a preformatted Excel worksheet to work through the problem in a step by step format with instructional videos, and the third tab with a blank sheet that we can use to format our own Excel worksheet."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Responsibility Accounting & Performance Measurement" |
"Responsibility accounting & performance measures.We will describe the concept of decentralization, how it applies to businesses, and the pros and cons of a more decentralized organization from a centralized one.The course will cover general managerial accounting concepts necessary to study responsibility accounting, comparing and contrasting managerial accounting and financial accounting.We will explain what a responsibility accounting system looks like and the benefits of a responsibility accounting system.The course will discuss the categorization of costs between direct costs and indirect costs and why this categorization between direct and indirect is useful for reporting financial data by department.We will describe the problems with allocating indirect costs to the proper departments and explain various methods for allocating indirect costs.The course will describe what a departmental income statement is and how to create a departmental income statement.We will explore what a forecasted departmental income statement is and put together a forecasted departmental income statement.The course will discuss other performance measures like return on investment (ROI) and a balance scorecard.We will also complete a comprehensive problem using preformatted Excel worksheets and step by step instructional videos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Relevant Costs - Managerial Accounting Decisions & Scenarios" |
"Apply relevant cost methods to common managerial decisions.Managers often need to make decisions that are not routine, not part of the normal day to day process, and that can have a long-term effect on the organization. Individuals often need to make similar decisions and can apply similar tools when making decisions of a large dollar amount that can affect multiple years.Although the specifics of each decision differ, the concept of relevant costs helps us put together a process for gathering and analyzing data, picking up the information that matters, and removing all the excess data that does not matter to our decision. Understanding relevant costs will reduce the likelihood of making incorrect decisions based on a sunk cost effect or not taking into account opportunity costs.We will analyze the decision-making process of buying a new piece of equipment or keeping an older piece of equipment, a question often relevant to individuals as well as businesses. The decision of whether to buy new equipment is subject to the sunk fallacy effect, and we will discuss why this is.This course will investigate the managerial accounting question of a special offer. The special offer question often takes the form of a one time offer to purchase from us at a reduced price. It is often the case that a business will benefit from accepting a special offer and the concept of relevant costs will help us to see why. For example, a hotel may have an incentive to take a special offer to sleep in a room for a night at a price far below the standard rate and even below cost as it is generally calculated. We will discuss why, and how this concept applies to business in general.We will apply the concepts of relevant costs to a make or buy type decision. Should we make a component internally or purchases it from an outside vendor?The course will discuss the managerial accounting question of whether we should process a product further. In other words, should we sell a product at one point of production or should we process the product further and sell it for a higher price? We will also discuss a similar question related to defective inventory and whether we should scrap the inventory now or rework it.We will discuss the question of what sales mix to use. In other words, if we have multiple products which ones should we produce and how much should we produce?The course will discuss the question of eliminating a segment or department of a company. For example, if a departmental income statement shows a loss, should the department be eliminated and how can we apply relevant costs to make the best decision?We will discuss how to use cost data to set a sales price using a cost method and variable cost method."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Time Value of Money & Capital Budgeting - Present Value" |
"Time value of money and capital budgeting decision is an excellent course for anybody who needs to consider longer-term decisions that require us to understand the time value of money. We will learn the time value of money concepts like present value and future value using multiple methods, including formulas, tables, and Excel functions. We will format the data in many ways and have many examples using Excel to calculate present value.The course will review core managerial accounting concepts and objectives so that we get into a managerial accounting mindset as opposed to a financial accounting mindset.We will describe, calculate, and apply the time value of money concepts. Time value of money is a core concept useful to both business and personal decisions and capital budgeting decisions, decisions of larger dollar amounts that affect multiple periods, provide great tools and scenarios for learning the time value of money concept.The course will explain the present value of a single amount and present value of an annuity, describing multiple ways they can be calculated including formulas, tables, and Excel functions.We will discuss the future value of a single amount and future value of an annuity, explaining multiple ways they can be calculated including formulas, tables, and Excel functions.The course will apply time value of money and other decision-making tools to capital budgeting decisions. Capital budgeting decisions are generally larger dollar amount decisions that affect multiple periods into the future and therefore, often require us to consider the time value of money. We will run multiple scenarios of capital budgeting decisions what are great tools to learn the concept of the time value of money.We will cover how to calculate and apply the payback period to capital budgeting decisions, the payback period being the time period at which or initial investment will be returned.The course will discuss how to apply the accounting rate of return calculation to capital budgeting decisions.We will describe how to use net present value (NPV) calculations to make long term decisions considering the time value of money. The net present value calculation is the primary tool we use that does take into consideration the time value of money with regards to capital budgeting decision making, and therefore we will have many examples of the NPV calculation.The course will explain how to use the internal rate of return (IRR) calculations to make long term decisions considering the time value of money. The internal rate of return is another core concept related to capital budgeting decisions and is related to the NPV. We will compare the IRR and the NPV in detail.We will analyze how to use internal break-even time (BET) calculations to make long term decisions considering the time value of money."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Statement Analysis Ratio Analysis" |
"Learn tools to analyze financial statements, including vertical analysis, horizontal analysis, and ratio analysis.This course will provide resources such as downloadable PDF files and preformatted Excel spreadsheet to help understand and apply the concepts.We will list and describe the tools for financial statement analysis, including vertical analysis, horizontal analysis, and ratio analysis.Below is more detail about the concepts we will learn.This course will help us understand, calculate, and analyze horizontal analysis. Horizontal analysis is used to compare financial data and performance of a company across time and is a common and intuitive form of analysis.We will explain, calculate, and analyze vertical analysis. Vertical analysis also termed common size financial statements, displays all items as percentages of a common base figure instead of absolute numbers. Vertical analysis is very useful to compare financial statements for companies of different sizes.The course will list and describe the categories of ratio analysis. Ratio analysis is a common form of financial statement analysis used to obtain a quick indication of a businesss financial performance in different areas. Ratios are often grouped into categories, including liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios, and market prospects ratios.We will describe liquidity and efficiency ratios. We will list liquidity and efficiency ratios, perform calculations, and analyze their use.The course will examine solvency ratios, listing solvency ratios, calculating solvency ratios, and analyzing their use.We will Explain profitability ratios. The course will list profitability ratios. We will perform calculations and analysis of profitability ratios.We will discuss market prospects ratios, listing out the market prospect ratios, discussing the formulas, and analyzing the use of market prospect ratios.The course will calculate and analyze current ratios, acid-test ration, and accounts receivable ratios.We will analyze and compute inventory turnover ratios, days sales uncollected, days sales in inventory, and total asset turnover.The course will discuss and calculate the debt ratios, equity ratios, debt-to-equity ratios, and times interest earned.We will explain and compute the profit margin ratio, gross margin ratio, and return on total assets.The course will describe and calculate return on equity, book value per common share, and earnings per share.We will calculate and analyze price earnings ratio and dividend yield.The course will discuss and analyze the components of a financial statement analysis report. We will explain what software can do for us and what software cannot do."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Governmental Accounting 100" |
"Governmental accounting, including fund accounting financial transactions, focusing on the general fund and government-wide activities.We will work through many example problems as we learn the material, posting transactions to a trial balance, so we can see how accounts behave. Many governmental accounts are new to many learners, and we will be using different accounting methods than just an accrual method. Posting transactions and seeing a trial balance will be very helpful in learning the material and is something lacking in most courses on the subject.We will discuss the governmental accounting objectives and reporting requirements, comparing them to for-profit entities. The course will assume we are familiar with for-profit accounting and will, therefore, focus on the areas of governmental accounting that are different, although we will continue to work with core concepts like the double entry accounting system.Learners and instructor will examine state and local governmental accounting principles & financial reporting.We will record transactions for budgetary accounts & encumbrances. Recording budgetary accounts will be new for many learners familiar with financial accounting, but we will use double entry accounting principles for the process.The course will explain and analyze governmental operating statement accounts & budgetary accounts.Learners and instructor will record transactions for encumbrances, expenditures, & delinquent receivables. We will emphasize when a modified accrual method will be used, and what the differences in recording financial transactions will be when used, as compared to an accrual method.We will record transactions related to revenue in both the General Fund and at the government-wide activities level.The course will discuss tax anticipation notes and how they will be recorded under a modified accrual method.Learners and instructor will explore many examples of the closing process, closing out temporary accounts. We will compare the closing process for governmental entities to the closing process in for-profit accounting.We will examine how to create subsidiary ledgers related to revenue, estimated revenue, appropriations, encumbrances, and expenditures.The course will provide examples of recording supplies using the consumption method and purchases method, explaining the differences between the two."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Governmental Accounting 200 Capital Projects & Debt Service" |
"The course will focus on larger capital projects and the use of a capital project fund and debt service fund to track them.We will cover governmental accounting objective, which will be a review from governmental accounting 100.The course will discuss what capital assets are and how they are recorded in governmental accounting, comparing governmental accounting to for-profit accounting.Students will learn to record transactions for the issuance of bonds used to finance capital projects, recording transactions at the government-wide level and in the capital project fund, debts service fund, and general fund.We will create financial statements related to the capital project fund and the debt service fund.The course will include a comprehensive problem, recording transactions to multiple funds.As we learn each concepts the course will include Excel worksheets to be downloaded and used to work problems in a step by step format along with instructional videos.Excel worksheet will generally have three tabs, one with the answer, one with a preformatted worksheet, and one with a blank worksheet."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Governmental Accounting 300 Proprietary & Fiduciary Funds" |
"Governmental Accounting 300 Proprietary & Fiduciary Funds will focus in on the accounting for proprietary and fiduciary funds.We recommend first taking Governmental Accounting 100 and Governmental Accounting 200 or have equivalent experience before taking this course.The course will provide an overview of governmental accounting. As we move through the course, we will focus on areas of governmental accounting that are different from for-profit accounting.We will consider what proprietary funds are and when a proprietary would be used within governmental accounting. Learners will understand the accounting methods and principles applied to proprietary funds. The two types of proprietary funds are internal service funds and enterprise funds.Learners will learn what an internal service fund is and when an internal service fund will be used. We will demonstrate example problems related to the internal service fund and provide students with the opportunity to work practice problems in Excel along with step-by-step instructional videos and an answer key. As we record accounting transactions for the internal service fund, we will also consider how other related funds may be affected and record appropriate transactions to them. We will also record transactions related to the government-wide level.The course will explore what an enterprise fund is and when an enterprise fund will be used. Students will have the opportunity to view and then work multiple problems related to an enterprise fund. As we consider the accounting for the enterprise fund, we will also see how other funds may be affected and will enter transactions at the government-wide level.Next, we will obtain an understanding of what fiduciary funds are and when they will be used. The course will discuss different examples of fiduciary funds. We will demonstrate problems and provide students with the opportunity to work problems related to fiduciary funds.The course will demonstrate financial reporting for state and local governments. We will also demonstrate the reconciliation of governmental activities and governmental funds and provide example problems for learners to work through in a step-by-step process along with instructional videos.The course will also include a comprehensive problem."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |