Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Audit - Financial Statement" |
"Audit-Financial Accounting will discuss, in detail, the auditing process of financial statements.The course will start by discussing what an audit is, as well as what the terms attest engagement and assurances services mean.We will discuss the audit environment, the general format of a public accounting firm, and the general format of an audit team that would conduct the procedures related to an audit. The course will also discuss regulations and regulatory institutions related to the audit process.The course will cover the planning process for an audit engagement. The planning process is a very important component of the audit because it will outline the steps that will be taking. The highest levels of the public accounting firm are generally involved in the planning process.We will consider how to assess risk related to the audit using an audit risk Model. The risk assessment will help us plan the audit and determine where the auditors time can be spent most efficiently to gather evidence to support the auditors conclusion and opinion.Learners will learn the different formats of audit evidence and how to document audit evidence so that it can be used as evidence to support the conclusion and opinion of the auditor.We will exam the internal controls of the organization. Internal controls are policies set up by management to achieve the objectives of the organization. As auditors, we are primarily concerned with internal controls that will lower the risk of financial statements being materially misstated. If we can rely on internal controls as an auditor, we may be able to do more testing of the controls and less substantive testing, and this can be more efficient.The course will discuss the audit sampling methods. When applying testing procedures, auditors often need to test a sample of a population and then apply the results to the population as a whole. Different sampling methods are appropriate for different situations and assertions being tested.Next, we will talk about substantive tests. Substantive tests include tests that most people think of when they think of an audit, like pulling files, counting inventory, and performing procedures at the companys place of business. Substantive testing will include testing account balances and transactions.We will then cover audit procedures related to specific processes, including the revenue process, the purchasing process, and the payroll and human resources process.Next will cover the audit process for specific accounts like inventory, prepaid expenses, intangible assets, property plant and equipment, long term debt & equity.Then we will discuss the audit process related to cash, cash being a very important account because it is involved in almost every other accounting process at some point.Learners will then learn how to put together a standard audit report. The standard audit report is called an unqualifies report. It is beneficial to actually memorize or have a good idea of the format of the standard unqualifies report. We can then think about variations on the standard unqualified report, adjusting it as necessary."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Not-for-Profit Accounting-Charities, Colleges, & Health Care" |
"Not for Profit Accounting-Charities, Colleges, & Health Care will cover accounting principles related to not for profit organizations.Our concentration will be on nongovernmental not-for-profit organizations. However, we will discuss the differences between nongovernmental not for profit organization and governmental not-for-profit organizations. We will also discuss accounting concepts for both governmental and nongovernmental organizations related to health care and colleges.The course will start by introducing what a not for profit organization is. We will discuss regulation, taxation, and performance issues related to the not for profit organization. As we discuss accounting for not for profit organization, we will make comparisons to for profit organizations, concentrating most of our time on the areas where accounting concepts differ between the two.Next, we will get into the details of accounting for not for profit organizations, discussing generally accepted accounting principles and the recording of transactions.We will then take a look at example problems, recoding transactions related to a not for profit organization. We will work through example problems in a presentation format. We will then provide Excel worksheets and step by step instructional videos for learners to apply what they have learned. The Excel worksheets will include two tabs, one with the completed answer, and a second with preformatted worksheets. Learners can enter data into the preformatted worksheets in a step by step process following instructional videos.Next, we will discuss colleges and universities in detail. We compare and contrast governmental not-for-profit colleges and universities as well as nongovernmental not-for-profit colleges. We will also discuss for-profit colleges.The course will present example problems in a presentation format and will then provide Excel worksheet and instructional videos so that learners can apply what they have learned.Next, we will discuss health care organizations in detail. We will consider both governmental health care organizations and nongovernmental health care organizations. The course will present example problems and will then provide practice Excel worksheet and step by step instructional videos so learners can apply what they have learned."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Desktop Job Costing" |
"This QuickBooks Desktop Job Costing course will provide the resources for learners to develop a solid understanding of job costing concepts and the tools QuickBooks provides to create an effective job costing system.The course will include four example problems demonstrating different job costing systems and methods that can be used.We will provide backup files so learners can jump forward in the problems or rework any component of a problem. The use of backup files is not a requirement of the course, however.If you have an older version of the software and cannot use backup files, you can still work the practice problems from start to finish. We will be creating new files for each practice problem so learners can follow along from start to finish without the need for a backup file.The course will start out reviewing a job costing system, gaining an understanding of the objectives of a job costing system. Then we will discuss the tools provided by QuickBooks to achieve our objectives in the QuickBooks software.We will start by reviewing the end products of the four job costing system practice problems we will be creating in later in the course. This review process will allow us to visualize where we are headed in the course. Then we will start working problems from start to finish.Our first QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks using a work in process or WIP account to track costs. We will start out using a limited number of accounts and items and walk through each step in detail.The second QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks, focusing on the Cost of Goods Sold account. We will use a small number of accounts and items. We will discuss adjusting entries that can be used to adjust the financial statements to the appropriate accounting method required.The third QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks with the use of more accounts and items, resulting in a system that provides more detailed reports.The fourth QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks with the use of the classes feature. We will discuss the pros and cons of using this option."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Desktop Not for Profit Organizations" |
"QuickBooks Desktop Not for Profit Organizations will provide the tools to enter data into QuickBooks for a not for profit organization.This QuickBooks course will consist of three comprehensive practice problems. One problem will be for a charitable organization, one for a health care organization, and one for a not for profit school.We will learn how to set up a QuickBooks file for a not for profit organization.The course will show how to create a chart of accounts and items list for a not for profit organization.Learners will learn how to enter data into the QuickBooks system using forms.We will learn how to customize forms so that they can be used to provide to donors.The course will show how to generate and analyze reports. We will also learn how to print, display, and distribute reports.Learners will learn how to use the QuickBooks class feature to categorize expenses as restricted or unrestricted. We will also learn to use the job costing feature to track each restricted item in detail.The course will provide backup files that allow learners to jump forward or rework any part of the comprehensive problem.We will also provide Excel files as we work through the problem. We will break each comprehensive problem done and enter it into the system one journal entry at a time. We will show how the journal entry would be entered using debits and credits in Excel first, and then enter the transaction into QuickBooks. Excel is a more transparent system, making it easier to see and understand the connections. Once we understand the objective, we will then move to QuickBooks to enter the data. The system of first Entering data into Excel to understand the objective will be very useful when we need to use more complex features like class tracking and job costing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"S Corporation Income Tax - Form 1120S" |
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of an S Corporation tax return into Form 1120S. This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1120S that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again. We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how they work. We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem. Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information. We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1120S. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website. The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible. We will start the data input with the balance sheet. Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance. Next, we will systematically go through Schedule K and M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet. We will then review the tax forms. Next, we will review the Form K-1s and basic calculations. The course will demonstrate the exporting of the K-1 Form to the individual Form 1040 for an owner of the S corporation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Partnership Income Tax (Form 1065)" |
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of a Partnership into tax Form 1065.This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1065 that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again.We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how they work.We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem.Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information.We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1065. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website.The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible.We will start the data input with the balance sheet.Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance.Next, we will systematically go through Schedule K and M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet.We will then review the tax forms.Next, we will review the Form K-1s and basic calculations.The course will demonstrate the exporting of the K-1 Form to the individual Form 1040 for an owner of the Partnership, showing the flow through process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C Corporation Income Tax (Form 1120)" |
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of a C Corporation into tax Form 1120.This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1120 that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again.We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how M-1 adjustments function.We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem.Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information.We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1120. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website.The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible.We will start the data input with the balance sheet.Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance.Next, we will systematically go through the M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet.We will then review the tax forms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo dibujar Animales - Dibujo artstico" |
"Curso sobre cmo dibujar y pintar animales realistas a partir de distintas metodologas y tcnicas. A lo largo del curso vamos a ver contenidos tericos y prcticos para abordar la representacin de distintas especies animales. Entenderemos sus diferentes morfologas y aprenderemos a representarlas de distintos modos, as como sus texturas y posturas, aprendiendo tambin sobre gestualidad, iluminacin y sombreado, y muchos ms contenidos de ilustracin explicados paso a paso y en detalle. A travs de los vdeos aprenders de manera sencilla y entretenida todos los contenidos, de la mano de un artista experimentado (licenciado en Bellas Artes y con un mster de enseanzas artsticas) para aprender a hacer a lpiz dibujos de toda clase de animales."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer Maquetas y Escenografa - Escultura en miniatura" |
"En este curso aprenders a realizar maquetas y escenografas en miniatura, paso a paso. Basndonos en el diseo del interior de un templo (por la cantidad de mtodos y procedimientos que implica) aprenders sobre diseo y planificacin a escala, y trabajaremos con distintos materiales, principalmente de reciclaje y de muy facil acceso para todo el mundo, a partir de los cuales podremos recrear toda clase de volmenes mediante su manipulacin y ensamblado. Tambin aprenderemos a modelar, a crear texturas diversas, y a trabajar con el color en distintas fases para alcanzar unos resultados realistas. Y finalmente veremos algunos efectos para un acabado ms espectacular. En definitiva, un curso muy completo para los amantes de las manualidades, que engloba todo el proceso creativo del modelismo: Diseo, Estructura y composicin, Modelado, Texturizado, Ornamentacin, Fases de color, ensamblaje y efectos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 20 ve Xfer Serum Eitim Seti: Bir Beatmaker olun" |
"FL Studio 20 Eitim Seti tmyle renci ve renim odakl tasarlanm, Mert Balka'n YouTube, Instagram ve Discord mecralarndaki rencilerinden de byk ilgi ve beklenti toplam, kolay anlalr ve rafine edilmi bir mfredata sahip. Trap mzik beat'lerini ve bestelerini proje konusu yaparak reten, retirken rencinin derslere ve uygulamaya muhakkak dahil olmas gerektiini hatrlatan didaktik bir yaps var. Kurs bnyesindeki dersler, testler, makaleler, pratik yapma alanlar ve byk projeler ile FL Studio 20'yi kolayca kavrayabileceinizi biliyorum. Sadece sizler iin hazrland, sizler gibi dnerek hazrland, sizler iin de srekli olarak ierik gncellemesi yaplacaktr.Kursunuz:cretsiz orijinal deneme srm kullanlarak ekildi.Deneme srm fikri, programa eriimi kolaylatrmaktr.Proje tabanl bir eitim verir.Uygulama yapmanza olanak tanr ve bu konuda srarc olur.erik plan 17 senelik tecrbeme gre, doru ayrntlarn alt izilerek yapld.Eitim video'lar rencilerin algsn, motivasyonunu hedefleyip maksimize etmek adna montaj mantyla ekildi.Anlatmlarn aklayc, sade olmas ve nokta at yapmas hedeflendi.Doru ekilde renip uygulamanz iin doru kelimeler seilip doru konulara deinildi.FL Studio'nun yaratcs olan Image-Line firmas gerekten ""kolay anlalr, kullanc dostu"" bir yazlm bizlere sunmutur. Programn imkanlar, piyasadaki dier DAW (digital audio workstation) yazlmlarna ou ekilde benzemekle beraber, art olarak kullanm rahatl, ses bankalarnn zengin oluu ve bilgisayara ekstra performans yk bindirmeyii ile bilinir. Xfer Serum synthesizer ise birok dln sahibi olarak piyasadaki arln korumaktadr. Bu kolay kavranabilen ok ynl dijital cihaz renmek iin artk daha fazla beklemenize gerek kalmad.Hazr olduunuzda bir sonraki derste bulualm!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Writing Multi-Genre" |
"The vehicle is the tree with it branches representing journals, letters, poems, stories, articles, photos, voices , art and history. Each intertwined with multi-genre writing. The goal is to strengthen your voice in writing and speaking, Developing confidence in your skills.The instructor takes you on a personal journey, in which she explores her seven generations living on a Firelands land grant from the revolutionary war. She intertwines the writings of her grandmother, Marian Frisbie Nickols. Marian wrote articles, stories, and letters on the state of politics, treatment of the American Indian, and her empathy.You will learn writing in multiple perspectives, using articles, timelines, journals, and stories. Organizing with clarity, using dynamic ideas, and showing changes by using examples.The instructor introduces emotional content, such as empathy, and use of historical events and timelines.The instructor reviews the American dream as a progression: education, earning a living, making a home, and the arts.Technical note:Be prepared to use the pause button to read the slide articles. Use head set for best listening. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SIEMENS NX 11 Gateway" |
"Este curso fornece os fundamentos imprescindveis que todo novo usurio do NX precisa para comear a usar o software. Se voc pretende usar o NX para design, desenho tcnico, manufatura ou apenas para visualizar modelos, este curso apresenta os principais elementos da interface, incluindo a Ribbon Bar e a Resource Bar. Voc tambm aprender a definir roles para otimizar a interface."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SIEMENS NX 11 - Basic Sketcher" |
"Do conceito inicial reviso final, aumente sua pr-eficincia no design aproveitando ao mximo os recursos do NX 11 Sketcher. Use a criao de curva paramtrica para obter o mximo controle de suas sees. Crie seus perfiis de curvas com as restries adequadas tanto geomtricas quanto as dimensionais e tenha total controle do seu projeto. Exerccios e projetos propostos permitem explorar a criao e a restrio de esboos medida que voc ganha experincia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python Network Programming Network Apps & Hacking Tools" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need to know to start coding network applications in Python 3. I'll walk you through setting up your environment and getting started with using Python 3. I won't leave anything to guessing and will explain every line of code.This course consists of 5.5 hours of Full HD video material comprised of 25 lectures. You'll become familiar with basics of networking: internet architecture, IP addresses, Python TCP connections, Ports and Sockets. You'll discover core concepts of network communication and Python 3 network coding.I'll show you how to use Python 3 TCP sockets to create client and server network applications. We'll create over 15 different Python 3 networking applications and code application tools for hackers. I'll show you how to build a Python 3 IRC Bot and learn how to process IRC server responses using TCP sockets.We'll create a Python 3 banner grabbing tool using TCP sockets to connect to remote services and log banner messages. You'll code your own Web Server enumerator tool to scan web servers to find hidden directories or files using the requests library. You'll create a Client/Server tool for transferring files to and from remote systems using TCP sockets. I'll show you how to build a Stealth Port Scanner to scan remote servers using scapy without making a complete TCP connection to the server. We'll use the Paramiko library to make an interactive SSH Shell connection to a remote SSH server using Python 3.You'll build your own SMTP Username Enumerator to find user accounts on remote systems using TCP sockets. We'll develop a Python 3 sFTP tool to securely download and upload files to and from remote servers in Python 3. I'll show you how to connect to a remote POP Mail Server and retrieve email from a remote server.We'll create a SMTP client tool to read Email from a remote SMTP server using the smtplib library. You'll create your own a Man-in-The-Middle Python 3 tool to sniff internet traffic from a remote system. We'll code your own Host Discovery tool in Python 3 using scapy to locate live systems on a network using ARP, ICMP, and TCP methods.You'll also build a Data Scraping tool to harvest information from remote websites to locate IP Addresses, Email Addresses, and Phone Numbers of your target."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop5 |
"< Photoshop > Photoshop2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------< >Photoshop() () PhotoshopCC(PhotoshopPhotoshop CC 2019)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------55kotsume :-)"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Master Laravel with Vue.js Fullstack Development" |
"Learn Laravel together with Vue.js in this brand new, full-stack, project based course!Learn how to create a robust API in Laravel and a Single Page Application frontend in Vue.js!As with my other courses, you will start straight away with creating a project. During the course you will build a booking page, similar to very popular online booking websites!No time wasted on so called ""theory"". I did by best and went extra mile, to explain everything that you need to learn by practical examples. It's not one of these courses when instructor in the first 10 hours reads the documentation out loud.Topics covered include:from Laravel: Controllers, Eloquent, Query Scopes, Model Events, HTTP resouces.from Vue: Vue Router, Vue Components, Vuex (global state management).Don't waste your time and money anymore, this course is the only resource you need to get up to speed with full-stack development using Laravel Framework and Vue.js!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Android app development course from Beginner to Professional" |
"In this course you can learn real life high quality android apps using android studio from scratch. We will learn about basics of Android studio, development of android apps, testing of our android apps, publishing of our apps, republishing of published apps with updates, Integration of apps with Firebase and marketing of our apps. We will all these topics in this course in very simple English language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Arduino ve Kodlama Eitimi" |
"** Kurs erikleri Yklenmeye Devam Ediyor**Herkese merhaba, ncelikle kursuma gsterdiiniz ilgiden dolay teekkr ederim.Bu kurs ile amz teknolojisine ayak uydurmamz gereken alanlarda ocuklarmz yetitirmek amalanmtr. Kodlama eitimi her yata ocua verilmesi gereken temel bir eitim olma zellii gstermektedir. ocuklarn kk yalarda kodlama renmesi onlarn mantksal ve bilisel zekalarnn gelimesini salyor, problem zme ve yaratc dnme becerilerini gelitiriyor. Bu kursta blok tabanl kodlama program olan mBlock ile kodlamaya balayacaz. Daha sonra arduino ile projeler gelitirerek robotik almalar yapacaz. Kursumuz 10 ya ve st tm bireyler iin uygundur. Bu ie yeni balayacaklar kursumuza kayt olup isterlerse ocuklaryla uygulamalar yaparak renmeye balayabilir. Kursumuz temel seviyedir. Anlatm detayl ve basit bir dille yaplmtr. Kursumuza katlan tm rencilerime iyi almalar diliyorum."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 Masterclass: Your Complete Beginner to Advanced Class" |
"Are you looking to enhance your skills by trying out new Typeface, Colors, Effects, animations and lot more or you want to crack your UI interviews? Have an idea about colors, effects, animations but dont know how to implement it. Dont worry here is one stop solution to all your queries. The very first thing you need to know is, a website without CSS3 is just like a skeleton without body. This course will first give basic understanding of designing your website with the greater effects to grab the end users concentration. Curious to know in detail about your course? Please check out the detailed description of the topics that are covered in course. First things First I will take you through a quick tour to let you know what are the topics covered. Apart from this you can find multiple projects which you will be able to do after your end of course. I have even provided a file for answers to the exercises that are asked to be solved in between the course. The main beauty of this section is, you can find many references which makes your way of learning easier. I believe Learning is always fun , thus I have included many Brain Hunts as well, trust me! Its quite interesting and fun to resolve them.Styling ModuleIn this part, you're going to explore options for styling guide, youll create a new page component and style that page component using a CSS styles. You will learn to use when, where and how to use these styles.Color ModuleThis part contains color format, opacity and transparency.Text Module In this section you will get to know more about writing mode , directions , orientation, shadows, letter spacing , word spacing and many more.Fonts ModuleThis includes how to import google forms. Along with this you will learn about font family, size, weight , custom font loading.SelectorsSelectors makes work much easier! Types of selectors and how to use them is explained in this section with the concepts universal, type, class, ID, Attribute Selectors. Along with child, next sibling combinatory.Pseudo Class & Element SelectorThis section contains location pseudo class, user action, input, Lang pseudo class.Generated ContentsThis section involves topics like string, image, counter, attribute, Unicode character entities. SpecificityIn this section you will get to know more about naming convention and case sensitivity, selectors specificity, BEM Design pattern, specificity hack. Values & UnitsThis section covers distance units, quantities, functional notations.List StylesIn detail explains you about how to style a list using style position, style image, style type.Box ModelExplains about width & height, min & max width, border, padding, rounded corners, overflows, Box-Shadow and many more.Background ModuleDiscusses about Background color, image, repeat, position, attachment, clip, size, origin. GradientsHow to apply gradients? And the types are gradients available.Display ModuleHow to display block, inline block, none and visibility.PositioningHow to position an element by using floats, clear, all positioning, and box offset functionality. Filter ModulesHow to apply filters using filter property and filter functions.Clipping and Masking ModuleIn detail about clipping and masking functionality. Blend Mode ModuleHow to blend things using mix blend mode, background blend mode and much more about lighten group, contrast group, darken group, inversion group & component group. Shapes ModuleIncludes all shape methods.Tables ModuleExplains in detail about how to border collapse/separate, border spacing, caption side, empty cells, table layout.TransformationIncludes transform origin, 2D-transformation, 3D-transformation.Transition & AnimationsIncludes Transition property, transition duration, transition timing function, transition delay animation name, animation duration, animation timing function and many...Media queriesViewport / page dimension features.Additional topicsBox reflect, text stroke, backdrop filter, variable fonts, background-clip: text, cursor, pointer events, user select.And you have awesome tools for CSS, resources and a project to start after the finish of the course.Happy Learning!All the Best"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comipo: Crea manga sin saber dibujar" |
"Si eres fantico del anime seguramente ya sabrs que estas famosas series de animacin en su mayora son la adaptacin para televisin de algn manga, que bsicamente son historietas de originarias de japn con un formato y estructura muy especial. Y si alguna vez has ledo un manga seguramente ya sabrs a lo que me refiero.A las personas que dibujan estas historietas se les llama mangaka y son expertos dibujantes que estudiaron por aos antes de poder hacer su primer manga. Pues bien ahora gracias al poder de la informtica y a un maravilloso software tu podrs hacer el tuyo sin tener que dibujar una sola linea.En este curso aprenders a usar en su totalidad este maravilloso software que te permitir hacer realidad esa historia que si llevas un tiempo viendo anime o manga seguramente traes en la cabeza. Aprenderemos desde:La interfaz del softwareComo trabajar con fondosComo agregar personajes, cambiar sus accesorios poses y expresiones facialesAgregar dilogosAgregar efectos grficosExportar el manga terminadoAprovecha esta maravillosa oportunidad y matriculate en este curso y sorprende al mundo con tu historia contada en formato manga.Te espero en clase!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"WordPress 5 esta aqu y trae importantes cambios delos cuales probablemente el mas importante sea su nuevo editor Gutenberg que trae consigo una nueva experiencia a la hora de crear nuestros sitios web cambiando la metodologa de trabajo de la insercin directa de contenido que se hacia en tiny editor al uso de bloques de contenido apilados.En este curso aprenders a usar en su totalidad Gutenberg veremos desde su interfaz de usuario pasando por la explicacin de uso de todos los bloques en las distintas categoras y sus propiedades hasta tareas de configuracin avanzadas como desactivar el Gutenberg, desactivar algunos bloques, atajos de teclado, etc.Tambin veremos como agregar bloques externos para distinto tipo de contenido a Gutenberg mediante el uso de los dos plugins mas usados actualmente.As que si eres usuario de WordPress en versiones anteriores a la 5 y deseas aprender a usar por completo el nuevo editor y con ello la nueva forma de crear sitios web en WordPress este es tu curso.INSCRBETE AHORA!!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Administra tu negocio con WordPress" |
"QUE VEREMOS EN EL CURSO?WordPress es ampliamente conocido por ser el CMS ms usado del mundo y usarse para crear sitios web de todo tipo sin programacin ni otros conocimientos tcnicos, pero WordPress tambin puede usarse para crear un ERP en la nube con ayuda de unos plugins.En este curso aprenders lo siguiente:Conseguir un hosting gratuito en internet y crear una cuentaInstalar WordPress en un servidor remotoOperacin bsica de WordPressPlugin para convertir WordPress en ERP y aplicacin de todos sus mdulosPlugin para crear tablas y grficos personalizadosComo crear formularios avanzados para sustituir las formas de papelCreacin de usuario y restriccin de acceso segn sus funcionesCrear copias de seguridad del sistemaEtc.VENTAJAS DE ADMINISTRAR TU NEGOCIO EN WORDPRESSAdministrar tu negocio desde WordPress te traer las siguientes ventajas:Puedes hacerlo usando herramientas gratuitasPuedes personalizar a tu medida el sistema finalPodrs administrar tu negocio desde una computadora, tablet, telfono o cualquier otro dispositivo conectado a internetPodrs tener acceso a la informacin de tu negocio desde cualquier parte del mundo con conexin a Internet Contaras con reportes y grficos de cada rea para poder analizar mejor la informacin y tomar decisionesAl estar el sistema en la nube no debers instalar en cada computadora que tengasetc.POR QU YO?Me llamo Ral Martinez tengo ms de 11 aos enseando WordPress a estudiantes y personal de empresas, adems los ltimos 5 aos tambin ha trabajado como freelancer creando sitios WordPress de distintos tipos como corporativo, tienda en linea, escuela en linea, etc. Con ms de 100 clientes en Mxico y otras partes del mundoNo requieres conocimientos previos para tomar este curso y si tienes un negocio o empresa sin importar su tipo o tamao, e incluso si solo es un proyecto por el momento este es el curso para ti. Inscribite ahora!!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Crea un sitio web de afiliados de Amazon con WordPress" |
"Amazon es mundialmente conocido por ser pionero en el comercio electrnico, en el diariamente se venden mieles de productos en todo mundo.Pero imaginaste que puedes beneficiarte de eso, de los miles de dolares que se generan en Amazon por la venta de su amplia gama de productos y que a cambio no requieres mas que ganas de aprender Pues bien esto es posible gracias al sistema de afiliados de Amazon que te permite vender sus productos y por cada venta que hagas obtendrs una comisin.Pero vender cada producto de forma individual presenta muchas limitaciones, por eso en este curso aprenders a crear tu propio sitio de afiliados de Amazon desde donde podrs con la ayuda de WordPress y algunos plugins automatizar el proceso de venta. Pero ademas de esto porque deberas suscribirte a este curso:Podrs obtener ingresos pasivos extrasEl proceso de suscripcin a amazon es completamente gratuitoSe requiere poca o nula inversinTe guiare paso a paso por todo el procesoAs que no lo piensas mas suscribete ahora y crea tu propio sitio web de afiliados de Amazon"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"GeneratePress el tema mas personalizable de WordPress" |
"GeneratePress, es un tema para WordPress minimalista, limpio, con cortos tiempos de carga especialmente pensados para trabajar con Page Builders. En este curso vamos a ver a fondo todas sus opciones y posibilidades paso a paso, de forma prctica y sencilla. Veremos las opciones disponibles en pginas y posts, as como la funcionalidad para control de los headers y site library, una funcionalidad recin llegada para crear un sitio completo con todo lo necesario a partir del uso de plantillas editables. Tambin repasaremos las opciones disponibles para el blog y la integracin con Woocommerce y por supuesto los hooks disponibles, con ejemplos de cmo utilizarlos y ver todo lo que nos aportan.Es recomendable tener conocimientos bsicos previos de WordPress pues en este curso solo veremos lo relacionado con este tema, que si ya eres un creador web con WordPress creme te cambiara la vida.Suscribete y te veo en clase."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Todos ocupamos del diseo en nuestras vidas tanto a nivel personal como profesional y es que no importa si quieres crear una imagen de perfil para tu red social favorita o un logotipo para tu negocio necesitas disear y por ende una herramienta para poder hacerlo.Los software profesionales para diseo como Photoshop, Illustrator o Corel requieren de gran tiempo no solo para aprender a usarlos sino para crear los diseos una vez que los dominamos. Ademas habra que agregar todos los conocimientos tericos necesarios para que un diseo se vea equilibrado y profesional.As surge Canva una plataforma web gratuita creada para que cualquier usuario sin conocimientos previos de diseo pueda crear en pocos minutos diseos profesionales y completamente personalizados, gracias a sus decenas de plantillas, podrs crear diseos para infinidad de destinos desde aquellos creados para verse a travs de una pantalla a aquellos pensados para su impresin. En este curso aprenders a usar Canva por completo desde suscribirte a la plataforma hasta exportar tu diseo para tenerlo listo para imprimirlo. As que si quieres aprender a crear tus propios diseo para tu vida profesional o personal sin tener que invertir tiempo en aprender un software profesional o dinero en contratar a un diseador grfico. !!!Este curso es para ti!!!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Crea campos personalizados en WordPress con ACF PRO" |
"Aprenders qu son los campos personalizados y cmo sacarles verdadero partido con el plugin ACF PRO y ACF FOR WOO.WordPress por defecto nos permite crear campos personalizados, pero de una forma muy limitada y arcaica, lo que es una lstima, porque el poder de los custom fields va mucho ms all de lo que nos podamos pensar. Solo a base de stos, podramos crear un portfolio, un catlogo, o incluso un eCommerce.Veremos pues, como parametrizar los campos especficos personalizados para nuestros proyectos o clientes, y cmo mostrar luego esa informacin en la web exactamente cmo y dnde nosotros queremos. Esto es clave, pues podremos introducir cualquier tipo de campo (desde una simple linea de texto hasta un archivo entero, pasando por prrafos, cdigo, fechas, precios, etc) en el propio editor y luego mostrarlo dnde y como queramos en el front end.En resumen veremos:Como crear campos personalizadosLos tipos de datos de que dispone ACF PROLgica condicionalReglas de visualizacinAs que si quieres llevar tus sitios web al siguiente nivel Inscribirte ahora!Nota. En el curso no tratare lo del botn convertir a pdf que menciono en el trailer, ese es sobre otro curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design awesome t-shirt from zero to hero on Photoshop" |
"This T-shirt design course is for people working in the T-shirt design industry, who sells their designs in websites like Red Bubble / Teespring / merch by Amazon and any other website. But its also for graphic designers in general.For anyone that want to sell their T-shirt designs online, after completing this course you will be able to make your own designs in any shape or look you want without having to seek designers and spending a great deal of money on them.And for the designers after completing this course you will hone your skills and learn new technique`s in design that you can use in creating special designs and work for companies specialized in this field or work as a freelancer if you want.This course contains 10 professional design examples we will work on each one in perfect details. And in the beginning I will explain to you all the tools we will use in this course so that the beginners can take full use of this course.The lessons in this course are easy and simple to ensure that the students get the most benefit and informations to help them develop their skills and execute their own designs in perfection."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve 15 : From Beginner To Professional" |
"Hello, in this course you will learn to work with the Davinci Resolve software, this software is considered one of the best video editing softwares in the world.To reach a professional level in this software you need to learn its basics and how to use its tools.In this course I will explain to you all the basics and the features in this software.This course is 1 hour long and divided to 29 videos and presented in a simple and easy way.When you complete this course you will know how to work with the software menus, how to add effects, correct colors, animate the text and a lot more.In short this course will qualify you to be a professional in the Davinci Resolve software and give you all you need to start your career in video editing.The course is divided to 6 sections:The basicsEditing videosAdding effectsText editing and animating Color correction and grading And then we have an advanced level sectionSo go ahead and join more than 40.000 students subscribing to my courses."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro : Color grading from zero to hero" |
"In this course you will learn how to grade and edit colors in video files making them in the best quality possible. The lessons presented in this course are practical because we will work on numerous video examples in which the colors are pale and in a low quality and we will grade and edit them turning them into high quality and professional videos.The course is very easy and simple and through it you will learn to edit and grade colors in any way you like.The course is presented to the beginners in video editing and also for youtubers and anyone that makes their own videos whether to publish it on social media platforms or to make their own short movies because correcting colors is very important in setting shots and making them consistent with each other than you can add extra special effects to them and make them more professional.So all you have to do is to subscribe to this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Freelance Graphic Designers Masterclass" |
"This graphic design course is for anyone that want to be professional in commercial graphic design and work online to make decent money based on the skills that will be explained in this course and through it you will be able to create designs for your clients. Designs like:FlyersBusiness cardsProduct packagesT-shirtsResumesThis type of designs is very popular in online marketplaces for freelance services like Fiverr Freelancer and more and designers that offer this type of services made a lot of sales hence a lot of money.I am not telling you that just by signing to this course and learning you will make a lot of money because that takes time and effort and if you marketed yourself well in these sites you will make decent profits until you get to a higher level and start selling big amounts of services than making the good money.The road to success is not easy so are you up for the challenge?Start your journey to success from here.We are waiting for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop 2019 : Creating awesome designs and manipulations" |
"Welcome to the Adobe Photoshop 2019 course. This is an intermediate level course so you need to know the basics of the software to keep up with the course smoothly and easily.The course contains multiple courses that will help you raise your level in design and I explain some mechanisms that through it you will be able to create your own designs professionally and I will also explain the new features and updates in this latest version of the course.This course is for the designers and photographers because I will explain how to take photographs and transform them to a paintings expressing a certain ideas in an easy and smooth way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |