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"Get Udemy Courses Free OR Discounted and Earn - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Are you interested to learn new skills with Udemy courses but cant afford to buy them?Do you know that you can earn while you are learning on Udemy?Dont let your financial conditions stop you from learning new skills. Get Udemy courses for Freeand start earning when you learn on Udemy!I am an Udemy instructor, as well an Udemy student. I have been enrolled in hundreds of Udemycourses. I am NOT that rich to buy hundreds of courses on Udemy. I used simple methods to getthese courses for free or a deep discounted price. I am going to share all those methods, inside thiscourse. So, stop buying courses at full price, you are spending unnecessary money. Instead, you cansave all that money for your future. You can also earn coins, cash-backs, and Bitcoins for learning onUdemy, know how inside this course.Why should I take this course? Inside this course, you will discover the ways to get the best Udemy courses for FreeYou will stop buying Udemy courses at full price, get it at its least possible priceYou will find the places and tools using which you can get Free or Discounted coupons for Udemy coursesIn this course, you will learn how to earn coins, cashback, and even Bitcoins without creating any course on UdemyIts a great feeling when you earn while you learn!All the methods which I am going to tell you inside this course are legal and those all are the ethical waysYou have lifetime access to this course and a 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this courseOverview of Course ContentIn this course, you will TWO ways how you can get the Free Udemy courses will a very little work, itjust takes a few seconds to get this done and you can get several courses for free from TODAY!Another way to get the Udemy course coupon is directly from instructors. Instructors are looking togive you courses, you just need to know how to receive them. You will understand, how you can askinstructor to receive the coupons.In later part of this course, we will go over business opportunity you can make with Udemycoupons, without creating any course. This takes little time to set up but over the time,youwillbevery happy with the results. We will be also going over how you can get paid a decentamountincoins, cash-backs, Bitcoins, and even in cash for buying Udemy courses. You will get paid instantlyand always.Remember that all these are ethical ways to get free courses, huge discounts, and get paid back. Weare doing this all by the rules, and everything is safe to do.You have 30 daysmoney back guarantee!!!We dont want you to be disappointed, if you dont like the course for any reason then youcan request for the refund in first 30 days from your purchase. Also, remember that this coursecomes with lifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures atFREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Udemy Blueprint - Easy Online Course Creation Unofficial" |
"Gone are the days when you could just promise your prospects that you are worth investing in now you have to PROVE it. And there is no better way of demonstrating your expertise than by creating an online course. By teaching your topic, you are leaving no shadow of a doubt that you know what youre talking about, youre good at what you do, and that you are an expert in your field. The online course is now as essential to any entrepreneur, expert or thought leaders toolbox, as a website and business card. One of the fastest and most impactful ways to get your knowledge out to a global marketplace, making a bigger impact and making more money, is to download that knowledge lying dormant in your brain and turn it into a lead generating, money making, impact creating online course. What are the benefits of publishing a course on Udemy? Udemy provides a free hosting for your video, audio, and other course files. Udemy handles all the payment processing and it also provides access to your courses on Mobile. Udemy provide a global marketplace to promote, communicate, and connect with your students. And on top of that, you get the benefits of being part of a vibrant marketplace of 16 million students and growing. All these benefits come with your Udemy storefront and make it a no-brainer to create a course and build your community of students on Udemy. So lets begin. KEY COURSE TOPICS A brief insight into this course: In this course, youll find a step-by-step, easy and fast method of online course creation. Get All Your Essential Equipment When you decide on online course creation as a newbie, you should think about investing in the equipment you need. So, the first thing you should know what equipment you needed to get started and have those with you. In the first section of this course we will discuss on what equipment you need. Pick the Perfect Course Topic Your course topic must be something that you LOVE. If you are not passionate about your topic, it will be obvious if you dont love your topic and will make your training about as engaging as a cardboard sandwich. Dont feel like you must teach a university level profession. Learn how to turn your small ideas into simple courses that would sell. Ensure Your Course Idea has High Market Demand Do you want to spend weeks of your time creating an online course, for absolutely nobody to buy it? Nope. So, it is important to do a reality check on your course topic and ideas and identify your targeted market or students segment. Structure Your Modules and Course Plan Structuring your course contents and creating an outline of the course is the next stage once you finalize on your course topic. Learn how to create a simple course outline and how to organize your files. Filming, Recording and Editing your Online Course This is the production phase. By now you should have a thorough course plan, all your content together and know exactly how you are going to deliver each element of your online course. Learn how to edit your videos very easily yourself I use a piece of software called Camtasia. In this course, I am going to explain you the simple process of how to record, edit and produce your videos using Camtasia Studio 9. Of course, you can use any other recording and editing software for your course creation. We will discuss about both the screen casting videos as well the talking heads. Make a Stunning Promotional Video Once you finish recording your course videos. You should create a promotional video for your course. Discover how you can create your stunning promotional video in NO time. Launching Your Course on Marketplace Getting the perfect pricing for your course is important. Learn how to set price for your course. Setup to Bonus lecture, Course Image and submit the course for review. Ongoing Marketing If you think the work is over now that youve completed on your online course think again now the real work begins! Too many course creators make the mistake of thinking that once their course is created, they now have an income stream. You need a launch and ongoing marketing strategy to promote your course and enrol students. I SHARED EVERY INSIGHT I KNOW TO HELP YOU TO YOUR FIRST COURSE ON UDEMY IN THIS COURSE! TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION BY ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE NOW! Thanks for all your interests in Udemy Blueprint - Easy Online Course Creation Unofficial course I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Buy now button to enrol inside the course, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. All the Best and see you inside the course!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics" |
"English Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics is a comprehensive course. Students will discover the function of parts of speech, how to use correct punctuation and capitalization, and develop skills for writing/speaking various sentence structures. Learning proper English grammar and sentence structures will help youwrite and speakclearlyfor effectively communicating with others at school, work, and in social situations."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wedding MC Masterclass From Beginners To Professional Part 1" |
"It's your time right now. Join the explosion in demand for professional emcees worldwide.Udemy student Saint Sobner Dic said: It is a wonderful experience. The excitement of the instructor was very contagious.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Turn your awesome public speaking talent into money-making skills by learning how to work as an entertaining and organized wedding MC.Learn from the best in the business and skyrocket your on-stage career.AdeTheSmoothTalker wrote: ""Phenomenal stuff""EVENT HOST mini MASTERCLASS gives you all the tools needed to build real rapport with a crowd, deliver speeches and anecdotes with confidence and passion, and become known as the Fun MC.Learn the secrets to getting paid as the public speaker who leads an elegant wedding reception using the power of their personality.Udemy student Ryan J Collins raved:As an aspiring wedding and event DJ, this course logically presents real-world tips and tricks to hosting a smooth event. I found the real-world video vignettes to be the most helpful where I could study the coaches mannerisms and body language. The downloadable resources are of great help to refer to later on.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We coverWhat templates to use to save timeCrowd psychology and how to get the audience to do as you wantBecoming the leader and still manage to keep it light and easyHow to project your voice above loud music and disruptive audience chatterMicrophone technique so you are in control Personal brandingGetting bookedMarketing your servicesHow much $$$ to chargeDwayne Diamond said: I've done some wedding emceeing and his advice is right on point.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As the controller of the event, you make a major positive impact in the lives of, not just the bride and groom, but all their family and their friends. Its the Event Host MC who brings all the preparations, the dreams and desires together for one memorable occasion. Youve got to get it right and Im here to guarantee that you do. See you on stage. Pete Miller 3x awarded ""MC of the Year"" (ABIA)Udemy student Lee Edge explained: This was my first training course and what a great one to start off with. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish especially liked the quizzes that scored what you've learnt already and what you need to go back over. I would recommend this for anyone looking to get into Wedding Mcing :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* all of the testimonials here are taken directly from the course students own independent feedback and assessments that you can also verify on the siteI have paid special attention to Valuable information Clear explanations Engaging delivery Helpful practice activities Accurate course description Knowledge of the instructor because I know that's what you expect from a quality Udemy course. I am always adding more materials to improve and broaden the course experience and takeaways. and finally, Andy Mailangkay said an emcee from Indonesia: Very enjoyable course to follow, tons of useful knowledge to learn and apply. I wish I had this course a long time ago."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Desarrollo Web con HTML+PHP+JS+MYSQL" |
"En este curso aprenders los conceptos bsicos del desarrollo web, que no es lo mismos, ni debe confundirse con el diseo web. Este curso ser una gua paso a paso, para que puedas aprender todos los principios fundamentales que necesitars para ser un profesional del desarrollo web.En nuestro curso aprenderemos a crear y utilizar formularios HTML.Interaccin, funcionalidady relacin entre elementos HTML con JavaScript con ECMASCRIPT 6.Conocers como una breve introduccin, los conceptos bsicos de Bases de datos relacionales y el Lenguaje Estructurado de ConsultaAprenders los principios bsicos de un lenguaje web backend como es PHP para poder interactuar con bases de datos relacionalesAl finalizar se desarrollar un pequeo aplicativo con todo lo aprendido para as tener una base slida del desarrollo web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a Computer Vision con Machine/Deep Learning en R" |
"La Visin por Computador o Computer Vision (en ingls) es uno de los primeros objetivos que tuvo la programacin desde sus inicios y, sobre todo, desde que se plante la utilizacin del procesado automtico en las cadenas de montaje.Desde discriminar la madurez de las frutas por su color, hasta reconocer patrones biomtricos, pasando por los pulsmetros pticos, o el reconocimiento de matrculas. Las utilidades de la Visin por Computador estn slo limitadas por la imaginacin humana.En los ltimos aos, con el aumento del conocimiento en la denominada Ciencia de los Datos, se han desarrollados nuevos (y no tan nuevos) mtodos de Aprendizaje para que sean las mquinas las que puedan tomar decisiones en base al procesado de la imagen que sus ojos tecnolgicos les proporciona.El Machine Learning y, el siguiente paso, el Deep Learning ha supuesto una ventaja mayor si cabe en la autonoma de las mquinas.Trabajaremos con un famoso set de datos denominado MNIST, y que contiene 60.000 ejemplos de nmeros manuscritos con su correspondiente etiqueta del nmero que representan. Cada nmero esta formado por una matriz de pxeles de 28x28 con valores entre 0 y 255 para la intensidad del trazo.En el curso vamos a analizar una buena cantidad de mtodos y algoritmos de Machine Learning, como Nave Bayes, Random Forest,Support Vector Machine, K Nearest Neighbours o Redes Neuronales y sistemas de pre-procesado de la informacin, como PCA, SVD o HOG.Tambin trabajaremos algunos sistemas de Deep Learning, como H2O o Tensor Flow (de Google) para el tratamiento de esta informacin de imgenes.Espero que os guste el curso y que disfrutis aprendiendo los entresijos de la Visin por Computador y el Aprendizaje Profundo y Automtico."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaciones Big Data para Data Scientist con R y Shiny" |
"El mundo del Big Data y de la Ciencia de los Datos tiene un apartado fundamental que a veces queda disuelto por el desarrollo o la arquitectura de software.La Visualizacin de Resultados y el desarrollo de Aplicaciones para acceder a la informacin obtenida del Big Data Science es fundamental para un buen especialista en Big Data, un Cientfico de Datos o un Ingeniero de Machine Learning.Shiny es una librera de R desarrollada por los creadores de RStudio, el IDE ms importante del lenguaje de programacin R. Shiny proporciona una manera sencilla y rpida de crear aplicaciones en el lenguaje nativo de R con ayuda de la tecnologa javascript y css, pero de forma transparente para el usuario. Es decir, sin saber ni un comando de Javascript o sin conocer HTML5 ni CSS, se pueden desarrollar aplicaciones espectaculares.Durante el curso, se explicarn todos los comandos utilizados, as como el cdigo de R utilizado. De esta forma,aunque no tengas experiencia en este lenguaje, podrs seguir las explicaciones. Desde luego, es conveniente conocer R. Aprovecha el resto de mis cursos para introducirte en estos lenguajes.Como ejercicio de fin de curso, realizaremos una aplicacin completa de la galera de ejemplos de Shiny.Descubre todas las capacidades escondidas en Shiny y realiza las mejores aplicaciones!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TDD com xUnit para C# .NET Core" |
"O curso tem o objetivo ensinar ao aluno sobre automatizao de testes para uma aplicao em .NETCore. Mesmo queessa no seja a sua plataformade origem eu aconselho este curso, pois voc saber oessencial para aplicar em qualquer plataforma.Ser ensinado conceitos de testes de unidade e e2e, os dois tipos de testes do curso.Alm disso o aluno aprender na prtica a criar uma aplicao.A parte mais difcil de criar testes justamente quando voc est iniciando e por isso eu estarei criando uma aplicao para mostrar o que deve ser testado e o que no testar.Se voc busca esses conhecimento esse o curso certo, pois aprender na prtica.No final o aluno ter conhecimento sobre:TDDTestes de unidade com xUnit.Testes e2e.Mocks e stubs.O que sodomnio e classes de servios.Single Responsability principle.Dependency inversion principle.Onion Architecture.Repository pattern.Unit of Work."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"AnsibleCloud ModulesAWS" |
"AnsibleAnsible 2.4Cloud ModulesAWSEC2Route53ELB ( Application Load Balancer )AnsibleAnsibleAnsibleInventory()AWSLinuxAWSLAMPWebAnsibleAnisbleVirtualBoxPlaybookRoleAnsibleEnterprise Linux (CentOSAmazon Linux 2)sshsudoers(yum)AnsibleLAMPAnsible GalaxyRoleMySQLPHPGitAWSEC2Route53EC2ELB(Application LoadBalancer)EC2PlaybookAnsiblewith_itemshandlernotifiydependencies--extra_argsfactset_fact"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Python fr Finanzanalysen und algorithmisches Trading" |
"Willkommen zum Kurs ""Python fr Finanzanalysen und Algorithmisches Handeln""! Wenn Du dich dafr interessierst, wie man Python Als Data Scientist zur Durchfhrung exakter Finanzanalysen verwenden kann, dann ist dies der richtige Kurs fr Dich! ""Wirklich sau gut erklrt! Dankeschn... Man kann alles sofort anwenden! :-)"" ( P. Livadas) ""Sehr bersichtlich und strukturiert, TOP!"" ( D. Ebraheim)Dieser Kurs gibt Dir eine Anleitung fr alles, was Du fr die Verwendung von Python fr Finanzen und Algorithmisches Handeln wissen musst! Wir werden mit den Grundlagen von Python anfangen und dann etwas ber die verschiedenen Kernbibliotheken lernen, die im Py-Finance-kosystem verwendet werden, darunter jupyter, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, zipline, Quantopian, und viele mehr! Wir werden die folgenden Themen besprechen, die von Finanzexperten verwendet werden:Python GrundlagenNumPy fr sehr schnelle numerische VerarbeitungPandas fr effiziente DatenanalyseMatplotlib fr DatenvisualisierungVerwendung von pandas-datareader und Quandl zur DatenerfassungPandas Analysetechniken fr ZeitreihenAnalyse von AktienrenditenKumulative TagesrenditenVolatilitt und WertpapierrisikoMarkov ChainEWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)StatsmodelsETS (Error-Trend-Seasonality)ARIMA (Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Averages)Autokorrelationsdiagramme und Teil-Autokorrelationsdiagramme Sharpe-QuotientOptimierung der Portfolio-AufteilungEffiziente Grenze und Markowitz OptimierungArten von InvestmentfondsOrderbcherShort VerkufePreismodell fr Kapitalgter (Capital Asset Pricing Model)Aktien-Splits und DividendenHypothese des effizienten MarktsAlgorithmisches Handeln mit QuantopianTermingeschfte handelnWas sind die Anforderungen?Erste Programmiererfahrungen (vorzugsweise Python)Technische Voraussetzungen, um Anaconda (Python) herunter zu ladenGrundlegende Statistik und Lineare Algebra knnen ntzlich seinWas bringt mir dieser Kurs?NumPy verwenden, um schnell mit numerischen Daten zu arbeitenPandas verwenden, um Daten zu analysieren und visualisierenMatplotlib verwenden, um benutzerdefinierte Diagramme zu erstellenAnwendung von statsmodels zur Zeitreihenanalyse erlernenFinanzstatistiken berechnen, wie tgliche Renditen, kumulative Renditen, Volatilitt etc.Exponentiell gewichtete bewegliche Mittelwerte (EWMA) verwendenARIMA-Modelle auf Zeitreihendaten anwenden Sharpe-Quotienten berechnenPortfolio-Aufteilung optimierenPreismodell fr Kapitalgter verstehenEtwas ber die Hypothese des effizienten Marktes lernenAlgorithmisches Handeln auf Quantopian ausfhrenAn wen richtet sich dieser Kurs?An jemanden, der mit Python vertraut ist und etwas ber Finanzanalysen lernen will!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"SQL Interview Questions - 156 Quiz Questions & Answers" |
"Are you stressed out of losing a big job opportunity? Or are you afraid of making a bad impression? Thats totally normal before an interview. The best way to overcome interview anxiety is to prepare yourself.Our SQL Interview Questions course is here to help. Prepare with 156 popular, real world SQL Interview Questions and walk in confidently knowing exactly what types of questions you will be asked. Impress the interviewer and become the no. 1 candidate on their list.Why this course? Youll go over a set of questions that are very likely to be asked on an SQL Interview. The quizzes contain a set of 157 real world interview questions, posted by real candidates and extracted from popular industry sites like: LinkedIn, Stack Overflow, Glassdoor, Reddit and a few other forums. By the end of the course youll know exactly what types of questions to expect and how to answer on your interview. Remember 50% more of the information by taking quizzes. A research lead by Jeffrey D. Karpicke and Janell R. Blunt, published in the Science journal in 2011, found that students who take a test asking them to recall what they know, retained about 50 percent more of the information a week later than students who just read the information. The SQL Interview Questions are structured into 2 quizzes followed by answers so that youll remember more during the interview. Review the information easily before the interview. The answers are written down in text format. You can scroll or search for something that you need easily.You will go through an exhaustive list of subjects. Its almost impossible to be asked about a topic that hasnt been covered in this courseThe quizzes contain questions on the following Databases and SQL subjects: Databases Core ConceptsNormalization (First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form)RelationshipsSQL Queries Basics SELECT statement and syntax SQL Data TypesWHERE operators: comparison operators, LIKE, BETWEEN, INScalar FunctionsAggregate Functions (SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG)GROUP BYORDER BYJOINS (INNER JOIN, RIGHT and LEFT JOIN, OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN)Set Theory (INTERSECT, UNION, MINUS)SubqueriesINSERT, UPDATE, DELETEDML vs DDL vs DCLDDL: CREATE, DROP, ALTERConstraintsIndexes DCL privileges: GRANT, REVOKETransactionsViewsTriggersCursors The SQL Interview Questions training is great for students who are just starting out as developers and are taking job interviews that include SQL questions and for experienced developers who dont work with SQL on a daily basis. Because these questions are extracted from real interviews it is very likely youll be asked the exact same types of questions. This training is a heck of a deal. Youll recover your investment an hour after you get started on your new job.Join NOW and get exclusive deals and special offers, including free courses, available only to our students through students announcements."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Dein Weg zu mehr Geld und finanzieller Freiheit" |
"Mehr Geld haben und ein finanziell freies Leben aufbauen!In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du, wie Du mit Freude sparen kannst, um fr dein Alter vorgesorgt zu sein. Gleichzeitig wird Dir der Kurs zeigen, wie Du kleine und groe finanzielle Ziele erreichen kannst, also wie Du beispielsweise ein neues Auto finanzieren kannst, eine Wohnung oder ein Haus und wie Du gleichzeitig und ohne schlechtes Gewissen dein Leben trotzdem noch genieen kannst.Dabei werden keine falschen Versprechungen und Verheiungen auf schnellen und moralisch fragwrdigem finanziellen Erfolg gemacht, sondern es geht darum, langanhaltend seine Ausgaben zu minimieren und die eigenen Einnahmen aufgrund von gesellschaftlich anerkannten Methoden so zu erhhen, um damit ein Leben zu leben, das einfach Freude bereitet.In diesem Kurs schauen wir uns genau und individuell deine Ausgaben an, um diese zu berprfen und ich gebe Dir Ratschlge und Plne an die Hand, damit Du deine Finanzen bereits HEUTE besser regulieren kannst. Gleichzeitig zeige ich Dir, wie Du mehr Einnahmen erwirtschaften kannst, die Du auf ehrlicher Basis verdienst. In diesem Kurs werde ich Dir keine ethisch fragwrdigen, sozial nicht anerkanntem oder seltsamen Wege aufzeigen, wie Du Geld sparst und verdienst. Es ist also kein Kurs fr solche, die meinen, eine Million Euro innerhalb eines Jahres auf dem Konto zu haben, weil dies meiner Meinung nach kein seriser Weg sein kann. Es ist ein Kurs, der Dir nicht kurzfristig viel Geld einbringen wird, denn so funktioniert es nicht. Alles im Leben ist ein Prozess, in dem man Zeit, Geduld und Engagement braucht, um sich ein finanziell freies Leben aufzubauen. Es ist ein Kurs, der Dir keine falschen Versprechungen von viel Geld innerhalb von krzester Zeit macht. Es ist ein Kurs, bei dem Du den Umgang mit Geld lernst und Werkzeuge an die Hand bekommst, um deine Einnahmen zu erhhen, ohne seltsame Investments zu ttigen oder Sachen zu machen, die moralisch fragwrdig sind. Ich zeige Dir bungen und Mglichkeiten, wie Du SOFORT in die Umsetzung kommen kannst und bereits HEUTE damit anfngst, deine Ausgaben zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig mehr Einnahmen zu generieren.Zufriedenheitsgarantie:Sollte Dir der Kurs nicht gefallen oder solltest Du denken, der Kurs bringt Dir rein gar nichts, dann hast Du die Mglichkeit ihn innerhalbvon 30 Tagen nach dem Kauf ohne Angabe von Grnden wieder zurckzugeben und dein Geld vollstndig wieder zurckzuerhalten."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"French for Tourists" |
"Are you planning a trip to France? Or do you frequently travel to French speaking countries?This course will teach you useful phrases and essential vocabulary in French to make your travel much more enjoyable by communicating with the locals.You will be guided through a brief introduction to France, learn French etiquette (Do's and Don'ts) to be a gracious guest andlearn helpful French phrases and words.We will cover the most common places where tourists are:The AirportThe HotelRestaurantShoppingand Health & SafetyYou will learn using the best method for language learning: Repeat and Memorise"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Essential Turkish Words for You" |
"Make the most of your language-learning journey by learning the essential Turkish vocabulary.If you want to focus on building your vocabulary knowledge and improve your pronunciation, then this course was created specifically for you. You will pick up words from a variety of essential topics to help you become a more efficient Turkish speaker.You will find useful vocabulary in topics like:Basic ExpressionsColorsAnimalsTransportationFruits and Vegetablesand many more.*More topics will be added once completed.You will also learn about the Turkish alphabets so that you can easily pronounce any Turkish word.This course was prepared with the most effective yet simple method to make sure the words stay in your mind: Listen and Repeat.It is critical that you practice speaking the words so that it becomes natural to you.Good Luck on your linguistic journey."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Curso Defensa Personal Online Jiu Jitsu Grappling Combate" |
"Es ms que un curso es un Master de defensa personal Jiu Jitsu constantemente actualizado enfocado a la defensa personal de ambos sexos, en la lucha cuerpo a cuerpo. Prohibido en entornos de competicin. Est pensado y preparado especialmente para las mujeres y quienes no hayan practicado un mtodo de defensa personal ya que por lo general no preparan su cuerpo para la lucha. Por eso justamente creo y estoy convencido de que puedo ensearte secretos y tcnicas de Ju Jitsu y grappling eficaces que NO HACE FALTA MESES o que pases horas y horas desarrollando la fuerza bastar una dedicacin de 3 veces por semana de al menos 30 minutos.Se trata de un curso bsico, medio y avanzado altamente efectivo de defensa personal ambos sexos, dividido por secciones que permitir aprender con todo detalle, las tcnicas ms eficaces para poder defendernos de un atacante sea ste ms corpulento o fuerte que nosotros. Aprenders desde las primeras lecciones en qu zonas puedes golpear, para que nuestros ataques sean efectivos.Pero no solamente sirve para la mujer, si recin inicias es perfecto para ambos sexos. Son los movimientos de los primeros grados de Defensa Personal, solo que en esta entrega he evitado usar el golpe de puos ya que de hacerlo, deberamos preparar para que nuestros puos soporten el golpear sobre zonas duras, adems de nuestras muecas, deberan estar fortalecidas. He aqu la importancia de seguir entrenando en solitario para nuestro fortalecimiento paulatino.Para esto aprenders los principales puntos sensibles del cuerpo humano, zonas donde golpear sin tener que lastimarte por golpear o pasar varios meses para poder aprender estos escapes y defensas.Explicaciones claras, muy tcnica y precisa, con todo detalle, para que veas y comprendas lo vulnerable que es nuestro agresor. Y nuestro ataque hacerlo ms eficaz. Con estos conocimientos t estars muy por encima y con ventaja ya que sabes cmo hacer dao sin mucho esfuerzo. Ya nadie podr hacer uso de la fuerza sobre ti.Una de las primeras cosas que aprend cuando me inici en estas prcticas, es que comprend de lo peligroso y fcil que es dejar fuera de combate a un atacante, y adems el hecho de conocer cmo y dnde golpear, sientes verdadera tranquilidad y confianza.Este mtodo es utilizado por las fuerzas y cuerpos especiales de seguridad, son tcnicas prohibidas en un entorno de competicin.Debes de comprender que incluso si tienes un compaero o compaera para entrenar, debers cuidar y extremar los cuidados ya que cualquier movimiento ejecutado correctamente puede causar graves lesiones.Ahora que conoces estas tcnicas debers usarlas con precaucin y en legtima defensa. El elemento sorpresa, golpes contundentes con nuestras zonas naturales ms duras, golpeando en las zonas ms frgiles y donde causan el mayor dao, son nuestras mejores armas.El entrenamiento en solitario, es tal vez el obstculo ms grande que podrs encontrar en esta modalidad de enseanza. Durante muchos aos he tenido que mantener mi forma fsica entrenando solo, repeticiones, ejercicios con saco, armas blancas etc. No ests solo o sola en este curso, estoy aqu para escuchar tus preguntas y buscaremos soluciones. El camino es apasionante. Caminemos juntos, te ensear todos mis mejores trucos y experiencias.Entonces te apuntas? Me daras el honor de ser tu maestro?Pues entonces adelante, todas las semanas ponemos ms movimientos a tu alcance para que te sientas libre y segura o seguro frente a un agresor o simplemente porque te apasiona como a nosotros.Inscrbete ya en sta misma pgina y te doy la ms cordial bienvenida.Un saludo, nos vemos en el curso.Sensei H. Daniel Rodrguez Cinturn Negro I Dan Jiu Jitsu Japons estilo Daito Ryu."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Self-Confidence: How to Feel Good About Yourself" |
"In this course, we examine the elements that create a healthy self-esteem.If you dont feel good about yourself, it means you have low self-esteem. By going through this course, you will understand why self-esteem is so vitally important, and what you can do to change the way you feel about yourself. Youre going to feel warm and fuzzy after this. Get ready, sit back, and enjoy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SQL: Beginner to Advanced" |
"SQL is the language that allows for the management of data in and out of Microsoft SQL databases. If you are interested in building a web application, you'll need a database to support your application's data - including transaction information, customer information, product and order information, user information, etc.SQL databases are industry standards, and can be hosted on Microsoft Azure, AWS or your favorite hosting service such as Godaddy, A2hosting, or Hostgator.In this course, we will cover the components of the SQL language, and given you a very practical walk-through of using SQL to store, manage, and view your company's data."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"PHP et MySQL : la formation ULTIME" |
"*** Le cours #1 PHP et MySQL dans le classement officiel d'Udemy ! ***Envie de devenir un pro en PHP? Dutiliser des donnes utilisateurs grce MySQL ? De crer le prochain Google ? Un nouveau Facebook ? Ou une startup ? Ce cours est fait pour vous.Mon objectif ? Faire de cette formation LAformation ULTIMEsur PHP et MySQL.Qui suis-je ?Entrepreneur depuis une dizaine dannes, et dveloppeur freelance pour le service de trs grandes entreprises. Mon objectif dans ce cours a t de vous mettre disposition tout ce que vous devez savoir pour amliorer vos comptences.Ce cours est complet et donc massif, avec un total de plus de 13 heures de vidos dcomposes de la faon suivante :Quest-ce que cette notion ?Pourquoi lutiliser ?Comment lutiliser ?Des exercices pratiquesPour les plus courageux, jai mis aussi disposition une partie BONUS et une partie PROJETS qui contiennentchacunes les notions les plus profondes et abouties en PHP et MySQL, mais aussi des projets complets qui vous seront utiles pour vos futurs projets, comme un Bitly ou un systme d'authentification la Netflix !Pourquoi devais-je prendre ce cours et pas un autre ?La rponse est simple : cest la plus complte que vous pouvez trouver sur internet, et cest certainement avec moi que vous aurez le plus daide, car je rponds vos questions dans la journe. Cette formation est volutive : je rajoute tous les mois du nouveau contenu, comme par exemple des gros projets (comme ce fut le cas avec le Bitly) , des nouvelles notions encore plus profondes et bien dautres choses qui sont ncessaires pour rendre cette formation ULTIME.Toujours pas convaincu ? Ce sont mes tudiants qui en parlent le mieux :)""Explications vraiment claires! Trs bon vulgarisateur. Camil Bisson +++++ (5/5)""Explications trs claires et faciles a assimiler , le prof rend le code facile a apprendre. Jef Brunet +++++ (5/5)""""Formation de trs bonne qualit ! Alexandre Audineau +++++ (5/5)""""Un trs bon cours pour le moment :) Louis Nicolas connat trs bien son sujet du PHP et MySQL. Il nous montre la marche suivre l'aide d'exemples concrets et de nombreux exercices pour nous pratiquer. Je recommande son cours tout dbutant et mme ceux qui ont dj des bases en PHP et MySQL, pour revoir les notions ou les perfectionner. Un 5 sur 5 bien mrit pour Louis Nicolas :D Marc-Antoine Quinn +++++ (5/5)""Ce ne sont quune partie des avis, et il en reste des centaines comme a ! :)Aprs cela, j'espre vous souhaiter la bienvenue en tant que nouvel tudiant dans mon cours. Je suis sr que vous allez adorer !"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 et CSS3 : la formation ULTIME" |
"*** Le cours #1 HTML5 et CSS3 dans le classement officiel d'Udemy ! ***Vous voulez crer votre premier site ? En vendre des clients ? Vous perfectionner dans le dveloppement mobile ? Ou tout simplement crer des sites internet qui aient un aspect professionnel ? Vous tes au bon endroit !Mon objectif ? Faire de cette formation LAformation ULTIMEsur HTML5 et CSS3.Pourquoi devais-je prendre ce cours et pas un autre ?La rponse est simple : cest la plus complte que vous pouvez trouver sur internet, et cest certainement avec moi que vous aurez le plus daide, car je rponds vos questions dans la journe. Cette formation est volutive : je rajoute tous les mois du nouveau contenu, comme par exemple des gros projets, des nouvelles notions encore plus profondes et bien dautres choses qui sont ncessaires pour rendre cette formation ULTIME.Qui suis-je ?Entrepreneur depuis une dizaine dannes, et dveloppeur freelance pour le service de trs grandes entreprises. Mon objectif dans ce cours a t de vous mettre disposition tout ce que vous devez savoir pour amliorer vos comptences.Ce cours est complet et donc massif, avec un total de plus de 10 heures de vidos dcomposes de la faon suivante :Quest-ce que cette notion ?Pourquoi lutiliser ?Comment lutiliser ?Des exercices pratiquesJe vous ai concoct un gros projet : notre portfolio en ligne ! Que nous crerons tout au long de la formation. Je vous ai prvu aussi pleins dexercices en cours de vido, je vous laisserai quelques minutes pour raliser ces derniers, avant que nous les corrigions ensemble !Toujours pas convaincu ? Ce sont mes tudiants qui en parlent le mieux :)""Pour le moment , c'est gnial. Lucas Cotelle +++++ (5/5)""Explication vraiment trs claire du formateur ! A recommander Tac ;o) Patrick +++++ (5/5)""""Ce cours sur HTML5 et CSS3 est trs complet avec un instructeur chaleureux qui aborde les points utiles et plus utiliss de ces deux langages en un minimum de temps. La ralisation tape par tape du porte-folio est apprciable et permet de concevoir des pages compltes partir de zro. Je recommande ce cours toutes les personnes souhaitant commencer le dveloppement web ou se rafrachir la mmoire efficacement sur le sujet. Aymeric Bonnaz +++++ (5/5)""Ce ne sont quune partie des avis, et il en reste des centaines comme a ! :)Aprs cela, j'espre vous souhaiter la bienvenue en tant que nouvel tudiant dans mon cours. Je suis sr que vous allez adorer !"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"B2B Sales Objections Simplified" |
">> The fastest-growing Sales Training Series on Udemy! Learn directly from an actual Sales Director of Training for a Fortune 500 Company! The material inside is currently being taught at the highest level in the Fortune 500 sales space. You can't afford to miss this! <<********** Are you afraid of getting an objection in sales? Are you using the same method to handle objections over the phone and in person?In this part of SALES in 21 DAYS Program, all of your sales objections will be simplified. You will experience objections from clients in all aspects of your sales cycle. Each situation, whether it happens face to face or over the phone, you must use a different technique to handle them if you want to be successful. In this course we will cover where sales objections come from, how to handle them when the customer is in front of you, different techniques on how to handle them over the phone and even a technique on handling the price objection! You will leave this course with the materials ready to create custom objection handling scripts that will work for your business. Get ready to learn various sales techniques around the different scenarios you will receive objections, how to understand where your clients are coming from, and benefit from the objection handling materials that will be provided inside of the assignments section of the course! ********** Peter, VP of Sales said: ""Derek's series on Sales are great on their own, but when taken together they make for a rounded experience covering the sales cycle in great detail. Derek is highly competent as a sales trainer, and while I've taken a lot of sales courses on Udemy, the courses by Derek stands head and shoulders above the rest.""Scott says: The instructor has a way of making the overwhelming task of handling objections seem achievable. He is very motivating!Barbara says: Another great course by Derek Shebby.Learn directly from a highly successful Fortune 500 sales coach who has trained hundreds of sales reps, sales managers and vice presidents in their sales careers. The sales strategies you will learn are still being taught in the sales training classroom today. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QGis 3 - cretsiz, Ak Kaynak Gis Masast Yazlm Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta temelde corafi konular zerinde alan tm meslek gruplarnn ska kulland, tamamen cretsiz ve ak kaynak kodlu QGis uygulamasnn belirli senaryolar ile anlatm bulunmaktadr.Kurs sonunda, Qgis kullanarak, harita kts alabilecek, semboloji ilemlerini yapabilecek, 2 ya da 3 boyutlu webde kullanlabilir kt oluturacak, raster calculator ilemleri yapabilecek, nokta verisinden gen model ve dijital ykseklik modeli retebilecek ve balang dzeyinde python programlama ile QGis zerinde ilem yapmay renmi duruma geleceksiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Excel job interview: How to pass all excel interviews" |
"Thiscourse is for beginners and for people who want to have a good idea on how anexcel interview looks like.Youwill benefit from this course by having the confidence to perform on the excelinterview and be familiar with the most important elements of excel that a jobrequires.At the end of thiscourse, students will gain knowledge that helps to pass excel interviews andhave a confident excel skill set that they need not only for work but in everyday life too.Timesaving You will know exactly what to do to get ready."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Magic of simplicity to beat online poker" |
"This is a private coaching.Video review with aStep by step walk through.Playing on 6 tables and explaining my thought process in details. Cash game is played on nl200, nl300 and nl400. You will learn my thought process including preflop and postflop game. Also mental game tips and hints. Hand history review and much more. You will learn about mistakes that poker players make. Different type of mistakes. Will plan our preflop game in different spots. Optimized preflop ranges. Defending versus 3bets versus unknown players. Basic fundamentals. Adjustments versus regular players, sharks, nits, and fish. Exploitive strategies Call versus 3bets and 4betting ranges. Thumb rules, misconceptions Preflop adjustments and planning. Balancing. Single raised pots as preflop agressor IP Possible situations: (EP,MP,CO,BU vSB,BB) Cbet, Xcall ranges, xraise ranges, delay cbet ranges Sizing Single raised pots as preflop agressor OOP Possible situations: (EPvMP,CO,BU; MPvCO,BU; COvBU) Cbet, xback ranges, delay cbet ranges with exploitive view Single raised pots as preflop coldcaller IP Possible situations: (MPvEP,COvEP,MP; BUvEP,MP,CO BBvsSB) Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, raise cbet, floating, fold Game after check, float ranges, give ups, sizing. Single raised pots as preflop coldcaller OP Possible situations: (SBvEP,MP,CO,BU; BBvEP,MP,CO,BU,) Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, xraise, donk betting, floating, fold ranges Game after missed cbet, float ranges, give ups, sizing. 3bet pots 3-bet pots as agressor OOP Possible situations: (SBvEP,MP,CO,BU; BBvsEP,MP,CO,BU) Cbet, Xcall ranges, xraise ranges, delay cbet ranges Sizing 3-bet pots as agressor IP Possible situations: (MPvEP; COvEP,MP; BUvsEP,MP,CO; BBvSB) Cbet, xback ranges, delay cbet ranges and Sizing 3-bet pots as caller IP Possible situations: (EP,MP,CO,BUvSB,BB) Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, raise cbet, floating, fold ranges Game after check, float ranges, give ups, sizing. 3-bet pots as caller OOP Possible situations: (EPvMP,CO,BU; MPvCO,BU; COvBU; SBvBB) Game plan vs cbets, xcall ranges, xraise cbet, floating, fold ranges Game after missed cbet, float ranges, give ups, sizing."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Java com Programao Orientada a Objetos" |
"Nesse curso introdutrio, voc aprender conceitos de Programao Orientada aObjetos com Java e aprender como criar aplicaes bsicas.Veremos conceitos como classes, objetos, mtodos, atributos, colees, generics, entre outros.O curso fcil de assimilar e acompanhar. Todas as aulas so em vdeo e voc poder pausar e voltar quando quiser e no seu tempo.Para fazer este curso, voc s precisa conhecerlgica de programao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Ilustrao de Keyframes" |
"Neste curso introdutrioos alunos aprendero tcnicas bsicasde criao de Keyframes para jogos e filmes. Da concepo bsica, passando por estudos de cinematografia, composies e finalizao do trabalho, o curso ofereceuma viso ampla de todo o processo de confeco deilustraespara Keyframes. Ao tmino do curso, atravsdos exerccios propostos e das demonstraes, os alunos inscritos tero todo o arsenal para criarem seus prprios trabalhos com alta qualidade."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Build Tinder with React Native & Expo" |
"In this course we will start with a blank project from Expo and learn to incorporate different technologies like React Native, Firebase, Facebook Login and Swipe-able Cards to end up with a finished customizableproject that has the features of Tinder.Things We Will Learn In The Course:Expo IntroFolder StructureReact NavigationRedux IntegrationFacebook LoginFirebase User/Profile CreationAWSS3 Image UploadSwipeable Tinder Card FunctionalityChat Feature w/ MatchesEnable Geolocation &query databaseAllow Push NotificationsBuild &Submit App"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Vmware Interview Questions Prep" |
"Vmware Interview Questions Preparation helps you appear for vmware related interview questions with full confidence. Vmware has emerged and grown beyond system administrators domain. Now, starting with developers, Qa professionals, DBA's anyone in IT are expected to have basic knowledge on vmware, virtualization, virtual machines, basic vmware concepts like snapshot, cloning and much more. These interview questions will help you prepare better and pass the interview with ease"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mongodb Interview Questions" |
"Mongodb Interview Questions Answers Preparation will help you learnNoSQL database concepts, mongodb architecture, mongodb tools, mongodb database tasks and all thetopics that you can expect in your upcomingmondogb DBA interviewStart from simple document concepts, learn about export import tools used in mongodb environment, mongodb upgrades, mongodb patching, mongodb backup restore and recovery, performance tuning in mongodb environment, mongodb capacity planning , implementation of mongodb and much more"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA interview questions" |
"SAP HANA interview questions answers preparation provides questiosn starting from basics of SAP HANA, sizing of SAP HANA, capacity planning, tools to be used in sAP HANA environment, deployment of SAP BW in SAP HANA appliance, backup tools, manual and automated updates that keep SAP HANA up-to-date and lots more. All these interview questions will help you prepare better"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle dba interview questions" |
"Oracle database administrator interview questions covers all topics related to the tasks, functions, administrative work both technical and interpersonal that a DBA performs on day-to-day basis. We have covered all topics in very detail. This is one source that will fit all your needs be it you are new dba, middle level oracle dba, experienced oracle dba, DBA from a stream different than oracle DBA looking to learn Oracle database administration, beginner oracle dba, middle level oracle dba, senior oracle dba"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FRM Practice Exam" |
"FRM practice exam question answers with explanations offers comprehensive list of questions and answers covering all the topics in financial risk manager exam syllabus. FRM exam is a certification credential from GARP the global association of risk professionals organizationFRM certification sets you apart in the global marketplace and helps you move ahead. Certified FRMs have achieved positions such as Chief Risk Officer, Senior Risk Analyst, Head of Operational Risk and Director of Risk Management. In demonstrating your expertise and commitment to better risk practices, you also join a world-wide community dedicated to improved financial stability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |