Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"HDFS Interview Questions" |
"HDFS Interview Questions Preparation made easy with our interview question answer series. HDFS the hadoop distributed file system is gaining popularity in big data space. Bigdata architects prefer to make use of HDFS rather than relying on third party file systems. Expect HDFS related questions in bigdata interview. If you are applying for position of system administrator, database administrator, storage administrator with changing landscape of infrastructure this is becoming a mandate"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Siebel interview questions" |
"Siebel interview questions answers preparation will help you prepare the most popularCRM System with full confidence. Face your upcoming interview and pass the interview with easeLearn details on siebel CRM architecture including the siebel server, siebel client, siebel processes, siebel workflow, siebel filesystem and lots of topics related to siebel CRM software"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DMV nj written test questions and answers" |
"New Jersey DMV Permit Practice Test Questions and answers will help you prepare the topics needed to appear for DMV online exam which is a pre-requisite to learn driving and will help you get temporary license needed to practice your car to get final licenseAll the topics in latest DMV drivers manual 2018 is covered as part of this practice exam. These questions are explained very well with appropriate answers. With lot of preparation you can appear for your upcoming practice test with whole lot of confidence"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Storage Technology Interview Questions" |
"Learn storage technologies including SAN, NAS,CAS, storage area networks lots of storage technology related conceptsStorage Area networksSAN as it is popularly calledstands for Storage Area Network.It refers to set of storage devices attached to a LAN or an ethernet network.A network dedicated for the purpose of storage is referred to as a SAN"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solaris Interview question answer preparation" |
"Solaris Interview question answer preparation to pass solaris interview first attempt. We have covered wide range of questions covering all major topics in solaris os starting with boot prompt, user administration, different types of commands in solaris, utilities in solaris, different file systems and their uses in solaris etcStart learning details on how to perform tasks in solaris, know more details in appropriate usage of commands and utilities and lots more that will help you face solaris interview (or) any kinds of unix related interview topics with ease and comfortness and this will help you pass interview first attempt"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Practice Tests" |
"AWS Practice Tests Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Topics. All the quizzes are created in timed quiz pattern similar to real-time examination. The questions are up-to-date covering latest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam topicsUpdated with latest February 2018 exam format to pass AWS certified solutions architect associate examThese practice exam questions are the final step in preparing for Amazon web services certified solutions architect associate exam and will help you pass first attempt. Our exam question series covers540 updated questions in timed exam format similar to real time exam pattern. We are updating the questions each and every day to keep this up-to-date and latestPrepare with 100% confidence as all our questions are prepared by AWS certified professionals and are 100% up-to-date with latest changes in recent examsAll AWS certified solutions architect associate exam topics are covered in very detail. Type of questions included reflect real-time exam questionsGeneral multiplechoice questionsScenario based questions that are equivalent to real examTrue or false questionsAll updated based on latest 2018CSA-A examThe practice test questions are based on AWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam Curriculum and covers the following topics:Designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWSLift and shift of an existing on-premises application to AWSIngress and egress of data to and from AWSSelecting the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIdentifying appropriate use of AWS architectural best practicesEstimating AWS costs and identifying cost control mechanismsAWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam Information :Exam Name: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - AssociateExam Format: Computer-based exam composed of Multiple choice and multiple answer questionsExam Time: 80 minutesExam Language : Available in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Spanish, and Brazilian PortugueseExam Cost: $150 USDWhat is AWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam all about?The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam is intended for individuals with experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform. Exam concepts you should understand for this exam include:Designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWSLift and shift of an existing on-premises application to AWSIngress and egress of data to and from AWSSelecting the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIdentifying appropriate use of AWS architectural best practicesEstimating AWS costs and identifying cost control mechanismsTarget Audience who can benefit from this courseThese quizzes are designed for students who are looking for some final test preparation ofAWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification exam. Also, to start your first step in your AWS journey these questions come handy as useful knowledge base"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create an Authentic and Successful Open Marriage" |
"In this course, How to Have an Authentic and Successful Open Marriage, youre going to learn everything you need to know about the complexities of moving from a monogamous, sexually exclusive marriage to one thats sexually open. Not only will we cover what an open marriage is and its many forms, but well also discuss the personality profiles of those who enter an open marriage; meaning, why they do it what types of people typically engage in open relating. As a foundation of this course, well go into detail about monogamous marriage, what it is, and why it fails. Well also discuss strategies for making your monogamous marriage work even better, which is a prerequisite for having a successful open marriage. Topics covered Include: What is an Open Marriage What is Monogamy Why Does Monogamous Marriage Fail The Role of Sex in Open Relating Personality Profiles of Open Relaters Exit Strategies Form-Function Relating The Feminine Choice Paradigm What is Love The Three Stages of Opening Your Marriage with Exercises The Role of Dating Skills Dating Skill Disparities Between Spouses Jealousy versus Compersion And much more This is the most complete course on open marriage on the market. No one else has the depth and breadth of knowledge and the direct experience to go into details about this dynamic, freedom-based relating style. When youre done this course you will be able to do the following: Know how to approach your spouse for an authentic conversation about open marriage and other relationship issues Be able to clearly identify why you chose your particular partner and what the foundation of your relationship is with them. Navigate feelings of jealousy with a full understanding of why youre feeling those feelings Understand your options in your marriage outside of divorce Love your partner more unconditionally than before Carl Stevens and his wife Kenya Stevens have been married for twenty-two years and practicing open marriage for over twelve years. Carl is the author of The Art of Open Relating: Volume 1 Theory, Philosophy, & Foundation. Hes also the author of numerous other books about masculinity, sexuality, personal empowerment, astrology, and relationships. NOTE: The book is not required to take this course, but it can be a helpful additional source of information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Google Adwords (Ads) do Zero at fazer Remarketing!" |
"Curso online de Google Ads Edio (Com a Nova Interface)O mais legal deste curso que vamos criar uma campanha real de uma empresa, que autorizou a gravao e utilizao dos dados para criarmos a nossa campanha e nosso planejamento no Google Adwords.A misso foi dada, criar uma Campanha no Google Adwords com um Oramento Limitado e conseguir o Maior nmero de clientes Possvel. Para conseguir isto, fizemos um planejamento do pblico alvo, segmentaes rigorosas, escolha de palavras chaves especficas e criao de anncios matadores. Tudo isso ser explicado para voc, passo a passo, atravs de ScreenCast. Contedo Bnus e Atualizado:- Aprenda a fazer REMARKETING no Google Adwords- Aprenda a fazer campanhas de Remarketing para Abandono de Carrinho"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Developer - Ajax sem segredos!" |
"Neste curso prtico voc aprender tudo que necessrio para utilizar o Ajax do jeito certo em seus temas e projetos WordPress. Com explicaes rpidas e objetivas, exemplos prticos e de uso real, aps esse curso voc estar preparado para implementar recursos ainda mais avanados em seus projetos dando um aspecto muito mais profissional....Deixe uma avaliao e ganhe um cupom especial para qualquer outro curso do professor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Dibujo con Lpices de Colores, Dibujar Arte a Color" |
"En ste curso aprenders a dibujar con lpices de colores de una forma rpida y fcil. Conocers las bases del dibujo a color y con ellas estars preparado/a para dibujar cualquier cosa que quieras.ste curso est recomendado tanto para aquellas personas que no saben dibujar con lpices de color o bien para aquellas personas que ya posean cierto nivel de dibujo, ya sea a color o a grafito. Es decir, totalmente recomendable para todos.El curso est compuesto de 41clases, divididas en 10secciones, al final de cada seccin encontrars entretenidas actividades para poner en prctica lo aprendido.Nos vemos en la primera clase, saludos!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Dibujar un Ojo Realista a Lpiz Fcil, Dibujo Artstico" |
"En este curso de dibujo artstico y Artea lpiz, aprenders a dibujar un ojo realista, utilizando para ello un mtodo prctico fcil de aprender pero sin dejar de lado el aspecto terico. Contars con material de apoyo pensado especialmente para las dudas que puedas tener, principalmente el curso consta de 33clases y con ms de 5horas de contenido en formato de vdeo. Comenzamos con una pequea induccin y despus poco a poco vamos desarrollando el dibujo realista de un ojo. Recuerda que el curso consta de actividades terico prcticas para que puedas poner a prueba rpidamente los conocimientos adquiridos en las clases. En caso de que tengas alguna duda, tienes 2 opciones: Realizar una pregunta o enviar un mensaje directamente a m (respondo en mximo 24 horas)A dibujar se aprende y estoy seguro que juntos lograremos grandes resultados, nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Future Land Use with GIS - TerrSet - CA Markov - ArcGIS" |
"In this course you will see Machine learning in Action using readymade land Change model Terrset (formerly IDRISI ) . This course used Terrset Software with CA Markov method to predict future landuse ArcGIS is used to prepare data. Erdas also used for some task. No coding is used .All software used in this course are NOT Open Source. You need to manage software. You must know to prepare landuse maps rest of things covered in this course from scratch. Future prediction of landuse depends on number of drivers/Parameters. Drives means forces which decide how the future urban area will look. It includes many drives like, old city boundary because new settlement will be constructed near to old city boundary. Roads and relief are also one of factors, because first roads near city covered by settlement. On another side how, much possibility at different location on agriculture site that can be convert to urban. Similarly, forest cover also. We also need to avoid some landuse classed like water, river, lake or reservoir never convert to urban. So, we need to setup our model in such a way so that it avoids water. After setting accuracy of learning and output accuracy also matters. We also need to modify it. In this course we have achieved learning accuracy of 42%, and 67% in two different runs. But 89% accuracy we have achieved in predicted landuse. Learning and prediction accuracy is different on computer to computer and data to data. While running you will receive more or less accuracy then this course. But focus on your output results. If Learning accuracy was 100% then it also wrong. So, see and understand each video carefully. Then run you model. You must see free preview video before enrolling this course. Because this is Expert level course. Note: Who having IDRISI Taiga They can also follow same steps. This course covers 90% Practical and 10% Theory. Dont hesitate to ask me Questions in QA Session."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Land use Land cover classification GIS, ERDAS, ArcGIS, ENVI" |
"This is the first landuse landcover course on Udemy the most demanding topic in GIS, In this course, I covered from data download to final results. I used ERDAS, ArcGIS, ENVI and MACHINE LEARNING. I explained all the possible methods of land use classification. More then landuse, Pre-Procession of images are covered after download and after classification, how to correct error pixels are also covered, So after learning here you no need to ask anyone about lanudse classification. I explained the theoretical concept also during the processing of data. I have covered supervised, unsupervised, combined method, pixel correction methods etc. I have also shown to correct area-specific pixels to achieve maximum accuracy. Most of this course is focused on Erdas and ArcGIS for image classification and calculations. For in-depth of all methods enrol in this course. Image classification with Machine learning also covered in this course. This course also includes an accuracy assessment report generation in erdas. Note: Each Land Use method Section covers different Method from the beginning, So before starting landuse watch the entire course. Then start land use with a method that you think easy for you and best fit for your study area., then you will be able to it best. Different method is applicable to a different type of study area. This course is applicable to Erdas Version 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. and ArcGIS Version 10.1 and above, i.e 10.4, 10.7 or 10.890% practical 10% theoryProblem faced During classification:Some of us faced problem during classification as:Urban area and barren land has the same signatureDry river reflect the same signature as an urban area and barren landif you try to correct urban and get an error in barrenIn Hilly area you cannot classify forest which is in the hill shade area. Add new class after final workHow to get rid of this all problems Join this course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Stock Trading Strategies : Technical Analysis MasterClass 2" |
"Gain the ability to Make Money in Stock Market, by learning different analysed & profitable trading strategies using Technical Analysis in the most Safest way!Learn from a Certified Technical Analyst and become an expert in Divergence Strategies, Support & Resistance Strategies, Trend Strategies, Trend Line Strategies, Fibonacci Strategies, Most useful and Practical Strategies like Dip Trip Strategy, Heikin Ashi strategy and Everyone's Favorite Moving Average Strategies and many more other topics.Whether you are a Beginner, a regular investor or an Experienced market player, I know many people who even after working in the Industry for whole life could not determine the correct ways to trade. This course is for all of those who want to Get the Essence of Trading in Stock Market. If you are like me, you are reading more now because you want to know for sure whether this course is worth taking before you invest your money and time in it. A Huge Number of Clients trust us and Invest their money on our Suggestions and now, We are teaching all of that on Udemy with more improvements and awesome video lectures.Thank you very much for reading so much of the description for this course! The fact that you have spent some of your very valuable time here already reading this course leads me to believe that you will enjoy being a student in the course a lot! Find the ""take this course"" or ""start free preview"" button up on the page to give the course a try today!If you want to learn more about what the course contains, here is a short list of questions to help you decide if you should take it followed by a deep list of the course lectures below. What you see is just the beginning of what the course includes because I am making new lectures every month for you! You will get to see screen capture live tutorials showing you everything you need to do to get started with Technical Analysis including information about all of the topics belowDivergence StrategiesMoving average StrategiesSupport & Resistance StrategiesChart Pattern StrategiesHeikin Ashi strategyFibonacci StrategiesDip Trip StrategyTrend StrategiesTrend line Strategiesand a lot moreMoreover you will get 4 fully explained Assignments about the Important topics of the course.You get lifetime access to this course sharing everything you need to be a Successful Technical Analyst and Start Making Money in the Best way! If you are still not sure, here are three questions you can use to make the final decision!Do you want to Sit Back and Relax avoiding those Computer Screens and TVs all the Time?Do you want to use your Time & knowledge in the Most Efficient Way and Still get More Profit? Do you want to learn the Essence of Trading which people even after spending years don't know?If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would guess based on my experience after working for 9+ years in Investment and Finance Industry that you might enjoy this course. If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. I can guess the odds of you enjoying this course are very high! Thank you very much for reading all of this!I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!Legal Disclaimer:The Authors, or any Party Related to this Course or it's Contents, Will not be Responsible for Any kind of Loss to anyone in anyway, due to this course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 avanzato" |
"Questo modulo rivolto a tutti coloro che gi sanno utilizzare Excel in maniera basilare o perch hanno frequentato il nostro corso Base di Excel o perch lo hanno imparato ad utilizzare come autodidatti nel proprio lavoro o nei propri studi.Ora il momento di approfondire le conoscenze acquisite andando a conoscere nel dettaglio tutte le caratteristiche principali di questo utilissimo programma"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 corso completo" |
"Questo percorso fornisce uno strumenti per arrivare ad un livello avanzato nell'uso di Excel. In questo modulo trovate tutto quanto contenuto nei corsi base e avanzato in un unico modulo formativo. Insieme scopriremo tutto quello che Excel ha da offrire per la nostra attivit professionale.Utile per chi ha gi una occupazione e anche per chi ancora in ricerca vuole ben figurare sull'utilizzo di questo fondamentale strumento.In occasione del periodo estivo potete fruire della promozione ""PROMOWEB"" (da digitare al momento dell'acquisto) per ottenere il corso al prezzo promozionale di 19,99."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tinkercad e stampa 3d" |
"Il corso, partendo da zero affronta tutti gli argomenti relativi alla creazione, alla modellazione e alla esportazione di un modello da fornire alla stampante 3d.Nel dettaglio vedremoregistrarsi su tinkercadimparare a riconoscere l'ambiente di tinkercadCreare formeModificare formeInserire testiForare le formeEsportare per la stampaE infine parleremo brevemente delle stampanti 3d.Il corso ovviamente per principianti, ma adatto per chiunque voglia avere sempre sottomano un tutorial completo su questo prodotto gratuito."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Devops Bootcamp by School of Devops" |
"With its launch in the first decade of this century, Amazon Web Services, commonly abbreviated as AWS, has transformed most aspects our lives. If you look around, you may notice most of our data, social profiles, photographs, even the most essential files are stored, synchronised and shared via cloud. Almost every application that you use on your mobile is connected to the cloud in some ways. And AWS has been at the forefront of this transformation. Cloud has brought the utility model to computing by lowering the capital expenses, entry barrier and truly enabling anyone to try out their ideas with the minimal risk. Amongst the public cloud providers, AWS leads the space with a significant margins, and that is the reason why if you would like to get started with Cloud Computing, its the AWS that we recommend as the first platform to learn. And if you have knowledge of AWS, you would find comfortable using most of the other cloud platforms as the fundamentals are the same with parallel set of services . List of services offered by AWS is just overwhelming. This course is meant to be a quick introduction to Cloud Computing, AWS and the most essential services offered by it. This course starts with the foundations of cloud, introduces you to AWS platform, and helps you start building your infrastructure on cloud from grounds up. It covers most commonly used services such as, - Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) - Relational Database Service (RDS) - Simple Storage Service (S3) - Autoscaling and Cloudwatch"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Abs Workout - How to lose Belly Fat and Get a Six Pack" |
"This FREEAbs Workout Course is presented by Calisthenics World Champion Vadym Oleynik and BUFFAcademy/Udemy Instructor Vadym Cavalera. This abs training coursewill teach you how to get a beautiful core and nice 6 pack- over 50 unique effective exercises, nutrition information and trainingprogram are included. Wehave put 20 yearsof combined experience to create this unique course - now it all depends on you, - it's time to make changes and achieve your goals! The abs course combines bodyweight and weighted exercises to achieve shredded look and increase the muscles on your core. Also, the nutrition information will help those that need to get rid off the belly fat."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Gain MUSCLE with Calisthenics + Training Program" |
"This course is an Introduction into Muscle Building with Calisthenics.You will learn in this course:1. Proper technique of all basic Calisthenics exercises.2. Muscle building principles.3. Examples of the routines for Muscle Building with Calisthenics.4. You will learn how to apply these principles to other exercises and even disciplines.5. You will receive a free training program, which will allow you to understand how to train correctly for muscle development.Calisthenics is a beautiful discipline that allows you to get a functional body and harmonic looking muscles. Muscles obtained with Calisthenics are super functional and give you amazing strength and resistance.However, even with Calisthenics - growing muscle and strength could be a challenge. Without understanding the principles of Muscle growth you may get stuck with your progress.In this course we will teach you proper techniques and Muscle Building principles that you can apply themnot only to theroutines showed in this course, but also to other types of training or other disciplines that you may decide to do."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Body Weight Home Workout for MUSCLE Gain - BUFF Academy" |
"The routines and exercises in this course are carefully selected to correspond with the most important hypertrophy principle:the reps range from 6 to 12 with the maximum effort.We did not include the exercises that are relatively too easy or too difficult, the goal is that you work your muscle just enough for it to grow.You will have 10 different routines that you can do using the floor and little wooden or metalparallets (that you can build youself or buy at a low cost). Each routine contains of 4 exercises that have to be repeated in 10 rounds.On a day that you want to train you can select the workout you like. Each workout will take you approximately 1 hour. You can train 2-4 times a week. With consistency and proper technique of execution - the results are guaranteed. Just dont forget to nourish your body with good rest and good sleep. Lets go!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Abdomen Definido y Fuerte - Buff Academy" |
"Mi nombre es Vadym Cavalera y soy Instructor de Buff AcademyEntreno desde 2007 y practico Calistenia especificamente desde 2011.En este curso les quiero dar los mejores ejercicios y rutinas para la fuerza y definicion de su torso/abdomen.Estas rutinas pueden servir comocomplemento a los entrenamientos que ya hacen.Cada rondatiene 4 ejercicios - les mostrare la tecnica de los ejercicios. Para cumplir la rutina hay que hacer 10 rondas de 4 ejercicios.Aparte de esto tenemos 4 otros cursos gratis en cuales pueden obtener mas informacion y rutinas para sus entrenamientos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Professores do Futuro - Criao de Formulrios com Google" |
"O Curso foi desenvolvido para professores e/ou pesquisadorese/ou profissionais que precisam criar Formulrios de Testes, Questionamentos, Avaliaes, Simulados de Provas, Concursos, Quiz, recursos que englobam a captao de dados de respondentes via computador, notebook, tablet, celular, etc.O Curso aborda a criao dos seguintes tipos de formulrios, suas configuraes e captura de resultados via planilhas:- Formulrio deResposta Curta-Formulrio deParagrafo-Formulrio deMltipla Escolha-Formulrio de Caixas de Seleo-Formulrio de Lista Suspensa-Formulrio comUpload de arquivo-Formulrio comEscala Linear-Formulrio de Grade de mltipla escolha-Formulrio de Grade de Caixa de Seleo-Formulrio comData-Formulrio comHorrioEsse curso aborda ainda outras funcionalidades:- Personalizao de formulrios com cores,logos e fotos da instituio de ensino- Tipos de perguntas, com mltipla escolha, caixas de checagem, escalas, listas suspensas, etc- Insero de Videos e Imagens para incrementar e clarear as questes- Lgica de navegao de modo que perguntas possam ser respondidas com critrios em respostasdiferenciadas- Funcionamento adequado para diversos dispositivos comosmartphones e tablets, seja para responder ou criar seus questionrios- Coleta de dados em tempo real, com relatrios e grficos de desempenho- Trabalho colaborativo em equipe na montagem dos questionriosO professor Alex Sander formado em Analise de Sistemaspela PUC-Campinas e Mestrando em Educao pela mesma instituio, possuindo mais de 10 anos de experiencia em desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Treinamento e Educao em nveis de Ensino Fundamental, Tcnico e Universitrio."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016" |
"Your digital skills are very important in this day and age. Making your own worksheets and taking your excel skills to the next level can be very important in your life. Not only will it help you in your workplace, but it can also be beneficial at home. Excel can be used for virtually anything, and such programmes are becoming increasingly more important in this digital age. So if your level of knowledge and your skills on Excel arent what you want them to be, what are you waiting for?This Microsoft Office Excel 2016 course will help you learn and master not only the basics, but also the more advanced options of Excel. The course consists of four chapters;1.Calculating with Excel2.Functions and Graphs3.Excel Database4.Subtotals, Pivot Tables and MacrosEach chapter consists of at least 10 videos to guide you through different parts of Excel.N.B. Although the videos in this course are made in Microsoft Office Excel 2016, most (if not all) aspects of this course also apply to Excel 2010 and Excel 2013."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 & OneDrive 2018" |
"Your digital skills are very important in this day and age. Being able to present important data and give presentations using your own slides on Microsoft OfficePowerPoint 2016is very important nowadays. Mastering PowerPoint is something which will come in handy for people of all ages. It can help you in the workplace, but also in school. PowerPoint can be used for virtually anything with regards to verbal interaction, and it is becoming increasingly more important in this digital age. So if your knowledge and skills on PowerPoint arent on the levelyou want them to be, what are you waiting for?This Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 course will help you learn and master not only the basics, but also the more advanced options of PowerPoint. The course consists of three chapters;1.Objects and Design2.Transitions and Animations3.Finalizing ProjectsThis course consists of 20+ videos, helping you to improve on your PowerPoint skills in the most efficient way possible.N.B. Although the videos in this course are made in PowerPoint 2016, most (if not all) aspects of this course also apply to PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2013.This course also includes a bonus course on Microsoft OneDrive 2018.Microsoft OneDrive is a program which allows you to store photos and documents online. You can then access those files from any PC, Mac, or phone. It can also be used to create Word, Excel or Powerpoint documents. After creating them, it is possible to work together on these documents via the cloud. OneDrive is free and accessible, but it is not always easy to understand how it works.This Microsoft Office OneDrive 2018 course will help you learn and master not only the basics, but also the more advanced options of OneDrive. It will help you to set up your OneDrive account, and it will also help you to store your files more efficiently. The course consists of two chapters;1.Setting Up OneDrive2.File Management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Word 2016" |
"Over the years, Microsoft Office Word 2016has become the measure for all word-processing programs on the market today. This is due to the fact that it has many features and tools to offer. Microsoft Word is used everywhere, from classrooms to the workplace and in many other areas. Still, many people only know the basic functions of Word. Wouldnt it be better to know all there is to know on this programme, seeing as it will most likely retain its current position in the market?If you are willing to learn about the more advanced options as well as some of the basics of Microsoft Word, this is the course for you. This course will teach you both the basics as well as other features which this amazing programme has to offer.This Microsoft Office Word 2016 course consists of four chapters;1.Creating a Layout2.Indents and Hyperlinks3.Images and Shapes4.Graphs and GrammarEach chapter consists of 7 highly accessible videos which will help you improve on your overall skills in Microsoft Word.N.B. Although the videos in this course are made in Word 2016, most (if not all) aspects of this course also apply to Word 2010 and Word 2013."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Outlook 2016" |
"Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 is Microsofts program for emails. If you sign in to your Microsoft account you can access Outlook, and thus your email, from anywhere. Most people will think they know the basics of Outlook, but there are several options that most people might not be aware of. If you want to master everything about Microsoft Office Outlook, this is the course for you!This Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 course will help you learn and master not only the basics, but also the more advanced options of Outlook. It will help you to set up your Outlook account, and it will also help you to prioritize certain emails and manage your meetings and to-do lists more efficiently. The course consists of three chapters;1.Sending, receiving and organizing2.Contacts and Calendars3.Meetings and to-do listsEach chapter consists of at least 10 videos to guide you through different parts of Outlook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Expert 365 Package" |
"This Microsoft Office Expert 365 Packagewill give you the full package of tutorials on Microsoft productivity software. It iscomprisedof Excel, PowerPoint, Word, OneDrive and Outlook. These programs represent Microsofts key products besides the operating systems themselves, and this package will help you master all of them via extremely helpful videos and tutorials that will guide you through the basics as well as the advanced options of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, OneDrive and Outlook. Possibly the most widely used commercial software in the world, this package represents the best on learning the ropes with Microsofts famous software package. Whether you are having problems making your own slides using PowerPoint or writing your own essays with Word, this package will help you master all of these things. Microsoft Office has become essential in the workplace and in ones private life. This course contains tutorials on Excel, PowerPoint, Word, OneDrive and Outlook. If you are interested in learning more on these programs, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hoe word ik beter gehoord?" |
"Meer dan ooit is het nu mogelijk voor iedereen om een idee voor een bedrijf te bedenken en zichzelf te gaan promoten bij een enorm publiek. Dat betekent dat je geld kunt verdienen vanuit het comfort van je eigen huis. Of misschien promoot je liever een project dat belangrijk voor je is? Of een beetje geld verdienen met schrijven over iets dat je fascinerend vindt? Met de wereld als jouw publiek, zijn de kansen bijna eindeloos en kun je allerlei ongelooflijke dingen bereiken.Maar er is slechts n probleem Dat kan ieder ander ook! En dit kan het erg moeilijk maken om op te vallen op internet.Dus de vraag is: hoe ben je een van de weinige stemmen die opvalt in zon lawaaierige wereld? Hoe bereik je je publiek en zorg je dat ze erom geven? Het is eigenlijk verrassend eenvoudig En dat is waar deze cursusover gaat.Ontdek het stapsgewijze systeem om een publiek op te bouwen, aandacht te krijgen en content te creren die gedeeld wordt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Internet Marketing Strategien" |
"Hoe krijg ik klanten via internet? En waarom hebben mijn inspanningen nog niets opgeleverd? Zonder hulp kan het moeilijk zijn je weg te vinden in online marketing.Deze training reikt je een scala aan succesvolle internetmarketing strategien aan die jij ook voor je eigen bedrijf kunt gebruiken. Na het volgen van deze training heb je geleerd hoe je niet alleen kunt opvallen bij je doelgroep, maar hoe je er ook nog eens klanten aan kunt overhouden.Leer hoe je op speelse en ludieke wijze aantrekkelijker kunt zijn dan je concurrent. Hoe kan ik binnen een paar dagen duizenden bezoekers krijgen? Maak kennis met de brede wereld van internetmarketing, voor jou opgediend in hapklare brokjes zodat je meteen zelf aan de slag kunt. Het is zonde dat veel ondernemers geld en tijd verdoen door verkeerde internetmarketing strategien te gebruiken. De investering in deze praktische training heb je snel terugverdiend.Inhoud van de cursus: De rode draad Quick scan Case psycholoog Wat is Internet Marketing? Internet Marketing succesformule Internetmarketingcijfers Internet Marketing trends De beste Internet Marketing Strategien Social Media Start strategie Affiliate marketing Snel veel verkeer Games in marketing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AVG / GDPR De Privacywet - Cursus voor bedrijven" |
"De nieuwe privacywetgeving gaat 25 mei a.s. in. Dat het belangrijk is om serieus met deze nieuwe Europese privacyregels om te gaan dat bewijst het recente schandaal met Facebook wel. Privacygegevens van ruim 50 miljoen Amerikanen zijn mogelijk misbruikt in het kader van de verkiezingscampagne van Trump. Een bedrijf kan door een dergelijk mediabericht in 5 minuten veranderen van 1 van de grootste en machtigste mediabedrijven in een klein piepend muisje dat piept dat hij het allemaal toch echt zo niet heeft bedoeld.Neem dit onderwerp dan ook serieus voor uw organisatie en bereid al uw medewerkers hier ook degelijk en zorgvuldig op voor. Met deze basistraining AVG hopen wij in de huidige sterke behoefte aan informatie binnen het bedrijfsleven te voorzien en deze training is dan ook een must voor al uw medewerkers, van hoog tot laag en voor de huidige aanbiedingsprijs hoeft u het ook niet te laten.Optioneel:online examenmet certificaat tegen fikse korting:voor slechts 29,95.De training wordt in dat gevalafgesloten met een online examen en erkend certificaat (bij 80% van de 20 vragen goed beantwoord), zodat u dan aan een ieder objectief kunt laten zien dat u als werkgever dit onderwerp uiterst serieus hebt genomen. En sterker nog, na het volgen van deze training weet u ook exact welke stappen u binnen uw organisatie behoort te nemen en wat er minimaal van u wordt verwacht.Recht op 1 certificaatper account.Tip: Laat iedere werknemer die met klanten te maken heeft deze cursus volgen en een certificaat halen. Bewaar deze certificaten goed voor het geval u ooit controle krijgt, de bewijslast ligt immers bij u als bedrijf. Laat vervolgens deze werknemers aangeven of hun werkwijze conform de AVG regelgeving is. Zo niet, pas dan zo snel mogelijk uw beleid aan.Let op: bij controle kan de boete oplopen tot 20 miljoen euro! Riskeer dit niet!Tevens vindt u bij deze cursus gratis de consumentenversie."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |