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"Impariamo da Zero i linguaggi C#, Java e Python" |
"Benvenuti nel corso ""Impariamo da Zero i linguaggi C#, Java e Python""Il C#, il Java e il Python sono fra i pi usati e richiesti linguaggi di programmazione*. In questo corso, lo studente, avr la possibilit di acquisire una chiara conoscenza delle principali caratteristiche di ciascun linguaggio, visualizzando esempi di app reali e seguendo un percorso formativo che lo condurr a divenire uno sviluppatore di software.Il corso , inoltre, rivolta a quei sviluppatori che desiderano imparare un nuovo linguaggio partendo da una base di conoscenza pregressa.Al termine del corso lo studente avr una solida conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:Utilizzeremo il Visual Studio Code per creare qualsiasi tipo di app multi piattaforma e linguaggioImpareremo a conoscere le variabili, i tipi e gli operatori. Analizziamo le differenze fra il C#, il Java e il PythonImpareremo ad usare gli array, le stringhe e le liste. In Python faremo la conoscenza dei dizionari e dei setAnalizzeremo come fare scelte e prendere decisioni usando i comandi if, else e switch. Analizzeremo le differenze fra C#, Java e PythonImpareremo ad utilizzare i diversi cicli in C# e Java. Analizzeremo alcuni elementi di interesse in Python (Range, List Comprehension etc)Inizieremo a creare le nostre prime funzioni .Impareremo ad utilizzare la OOP (programmazione orientata agli oggetti) nei tre linguaggi di riferimento. Analizzeremo l'uso e le differenze sintatticheApprofondiremo il tema della OOP trattando l'ereditariet, le interfacce, le classi astratte e final e vedremo concretamente come impiegare il polimorfismo. Analizzeremo le differenze fra C#, Java e PythonImpareremo a gestire gli errori e le eccezioni nei tre linguaggiTratteremo le collezioni in C# e JavaImpareremo i temi della persistenza dei dati con i file sia in C# che in Python. Impareremo a leggere e scrivere file di diversa tipologiaImpareremo ad usare la persistenza nel database relazionale Sql Server 2017 usando il C#. Creeremo un progetto completo che gestisca tutte le operazione CRUD impiegando la librerie ADO.NETImpareremo ad usare la persistenza nel database relazionale MySql con Python. Creeremo un progetto completo che gestisca tutte le operazione CRUD impiegando una specifica libreria Impareremo a creare una Web App con l'SDK .Net Core 2.xTutti gli argomenti verranno trattati creando delle app che richiamano il mondo della GDO al fine di facilitare l'apprendimentoLe versioni utilizzate in questo corso sono:Java 8C# 7 con .Net Core 2.xPython 3.7Al termine di numerose sezioni sono previste diverse sfide, piuttosto impegnative, che permetteranno di mettere alla prova le conoscenze acquisite."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Sviluppare Full Stack Applications con Spring Boot e Angular" |
"Benvenuti nel corso 'Sviluppare Full Stack Applications con Spring Boot e Angular'. Integrazione Luglio 2019 - Terminata sezione dedicata alla analisi delle interazioni sincrone fra micro servizi. Analizzate le procedure di interscambio dati fra web api tramite l'utilizzo dell'Open Feign dello Spring Cloud.Lo sviluppo di moderne web application richiede competenze in diverse tecnologie e piattaforme.Al termine di questo corso, lo studente avr un chiara e solida conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:sviluppare il lato back end delle applicazioni web usando il framework Spring Boot 2 sviluppare da zero il lato front end delle applicazione web usando Angular 8 creare un piccolo ecosistema di micro servizi che interagiscono fra di lorosviluppare le web api partendo dall'analisi degli unit test creati con JUnit 4 (TDD)creare due contenitori Docker dove far girare il DBMS PostegreSQL e il PgAdmin 4creare un contenitore Docker dove far girare MongoDBsviluppare da zero il lato front end delle applicazione web usando Angular 8sapere come integrare i due elementi (back end e front end) nello sviluppo full stack delle Web Appconoscere come proteggere le web api utilizzandola base authentication (autenticazione di base)integrare l'autenticazione di base nel front end Angular conoscere cosa e come si crea lo standard di sicurezza JWT (JSON Web Tokens)integrare il JWT in Angular creando un sistema di autenticazione e autorizzazione basato sui ruolicreare una interazione sincrona fra i vari micro servizi sviluppati in Spring Boot 2Le tecnologie che verranno trattate in questo corso sono:Spring Boot 2Angular 8PostegreSQL Si utilizzeranno inoltre:Docker e Docker ComposeMongoDBJavaTypescriptGli studenti che sottoscriveranno questo corso avranno i seguenti vantaggi:accesso on demand illimitato a tutte le lezioni presenti e future del corso accesso alla sezione Domande & Risposte (D&R), dove potranno porre quesiti all'autore e agli altri membri della comunitaccesso a tutte le integrazioni e modifiche che verranno creante in futuro accesso al tutto codice sorgente dei progetti e ad altro materiale informativoLe lezioni sono state girate su piattaforma Linux Ubuntu usando Visual Studio Code e Spring Tool 4I progetti e i tool utilizzati sono compatibili con le piattaforme Windows, Linux e Mac"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Impariamo da Zero il SQL e il PL/pgSQL con PostgreSQL" |
"Benvenuti nel corso ""Impariamo da Zero il SQL e il PL/pgSQL con il PostgreSQL""Il PostgreSQL il pi potente DBMS Open Source a disposizione degli utenti. Pu essere impiegato come base dati di complesse applicazioni e base di progetti di data warehouse.Al termine di questo corso l'utente avr una chiara conoscenza del SQL e del linguaggio procedurale PL/pgSQL. Il corso si compone di tre differenti unit didattiche:a) Parte 1 - Attivazione dei contenitori del PostgreSQL e del PgAdmin usando il Docker b) Parte 2 - Impariamo da zero ad utilizzare il linguaggio SQL per la creazione di query c) Parte 3 - Impariamo da zero il linguaggio procedurale PL/pgSQL di PostgreSQL per potenziare ulteriormente le conoscenze acquisiteGli argomenti che verranno trattati saranno:Selezione dei dati da una tabellaSelezione dei dati da due o pi tabelleRaggruppare e aggregare i datiLa creazione delle subquery e delle query complesseL'utilizzo delle funzioni analitiche e delle window clauseCreazione delle query di alterazione dei dati (Inserimento, modifica, eliminazione)Analisi delle principali funzioni e dei tipi di dati disponibiliIntroduzione agli elementi essenziali del linguaggio PL/pgSQL (variabili, cicli, espressioni condizionali)Uso delle procedure, delle funzioni e dei trigger in PL/pgSQLLa gestione delle transazioniLa creazione e l'uso delle visteTutte le query e il codice PL/pgSQL verranno create simulano l'attivit di Data Analyst di un'impresa della GDO e utilizzando un DB di produzione.Le tecnologie che verranno trattate in questo corso sono:Docker e Docker ComposePostgreSQLPgAdmin Gli studenti che sottoscriveranno questo corso avranno i seguenti vantaggi:accesso illimitato on demand a tutte le lezioni presenti e future del corso accesso alla sezione Domande & Risposte (D&R), dove potranno porre quesiti all'autore e agli altri membri della comunitaccesso a tutte le integrazioni e modifiche che verranno create in futuro accesso al tutto codice sorgente dei progetti e ad altro materiale informativoIl codice e i tool utilizzati sono compatibili con le piattaforme Windows, Linux e Mac"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sviluppare Full Stack Apps con Angular e ASP.Net Core" |
"Benvenuti nel corso 'Sviluppare Full Stack Applications con Angular e ASP.Net Core'. Lo sviluppo di moderne web application richiede competenze in diverse tecnologie e piattaforme.Al termine di questo corso, lo studente avr un chiara e solida conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:sviluppare il lato back end delle applicazioni web usando il framework ASP.Net Core 2.2 e 3.1sviluppare da zero il lato front end delle applicazione web usando Angular 8 creare un piccolo ecosistema di micro servizi che interagiscono fra di lorosviluppare le web api da zero con DOTNET CLIcreare gli Unit Test usando XUnit per verificare il funzionamento delle Web Apicreare due contenitori Docker dove far girare il DBMS Sql Server su qualsiasi OSsviluppare da zero il lato front end delle applicazione web usando Angular 8sapere come integrare i due elementi (back end e front end) nello sviluppo full stack delle Web Appconoscere come proteggere le web api utilizzandola basic authentication (autenticazione di base)integrare l'autenticazione di base nel front end Angular conoscere cosa e come si crea lo standard di sicurezza JWT (JSON Web Tokens)integrare il JWT in Angular creando un sistema di autenticazione e autorizzazione basato sui ruolicreare una interazione sincrona fra i vari micro servizi sviluppati in ASP.Net CoreLe tecnologie che verranno trattate in questo corso sono:ASP.Net Core 2.2 e 3.1Angular 8Sql Server su contenitore DockerSi utilizzeranno inoltre:Docker e Docker ComposeC# 7TypescriptGli studenti che sottoscriveranno questo corso avranno i seguenti vantaggi:accesso on demand illimitato a tutte le lezioni presenti e future del corso accesso alla sezione Domande & Risposte (D&R), dove potranno porre quesiti all'autore e agli altri membri della comunitaccesso a tutte le integrazioni e modifiche che verranno creante in futuro accesso al tutto codice sorgente dei progetti e ad altro materiale informativoLe lezioni sono state girate su piattaforma Linux Ubuntu usando Visual Studio Code I progetti e i tool utilizzati sono compatibili con le piattaforme Windows, Linux e Mac"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Java Microservices con Spring Boot, Spring Cloud e AWS" |
"Aggiornamento Gennaio 2020 - Aggiunta nuova sezione dedicata al deploy web service e web app angular in infrastruttura cloud AWSBenvenuti nel corso ""Java Microservices con Spring Boot, Spring Cloud e AWS""L'obiettivo di questo corso quello di fornire una chiara e pratica introduzione all'approccio di sviluppo delle moderne applicazioni web basato sulla realizzazione di ecosistemi di micro servizi (microservices) utilizzando il linguaggio Java, il Framework Spring Boot e Spring Cloud.Al termine di questo corso, lo studente avr un chiara e solida conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:Che cosa l'architettura e micro servizi, come realizzarla e quando utilizzarlaCreazione da zero di un piccolo ecosistema di micro servizi utilizzando il linguaggio Java con il framework Spring Boot 2Utilizzare l'approccio TDD (Test Driven Development) per la creazione dei micro servizi basandosi sugli unit test Creare gli Unit Test usando il JUNIT 4 e 5Documentare i micro servizi utilizzando lo SwaggerUtilizzare la Cache per migliorare le prestazioni dei micro serviziProteggere i micro servizi utilizzando il JWT (Json Web Token)Configurare micro servizi utilizzando il formato yaml (yml) nei file di configurazioneAttivare e configurare l'SSL e i LogCapire come attivare e configurare l'ActuatorCreare e configurare lo Spring Cloud Config Usare repository GIT locali e remote utilizzando il GITHUBCreare e configurare lo Spring Cloud Bus con l'uso del RabbitMQGestire l'interazione sincrona dei micro servizi con l'uso dell'Open FeignBilanciare il carico con il Load Balancer RibbonCreare e configurare l'Eureka ServerCreare e configurare l'Api Gateway ZUULCentralizzare la sicurezza JWT sullo ZUULGarantire la resilienza di micro servizi con l'HistrixAttivare e configurare il Tracing Distribuito con lo Sleuth e lo ZipkinCreare configurazioni avanzate dell'Eureka, e del Config Server Creare e configurare l'interazione asincrona con l'uso del RabbitMQConfigurare l'interazione fra il front end (Angular) e l'ecosistema di micro serviziEseguire il deploy e la configurazione di web api e web app nell'infrastruttura cloud AWSLe principali tecnologie che verranno trattate sono:Spring Boot (aggiornato alla versione 2.2.1)Spring Cloud (aggiornato alla versione Hoxton.M3)RabbitMQDocker e Docker ComposePostgreSQLJUnit 4 e 5Gli studenti che sottoscriveranno questo corso avranno i seguenti vantaggi:accesso on demand illimitato a tutte le lezioni presenti e future del corso accesso alla sezione Domande & Risposte (D&R), dove potranno porre quesiti all'autore e agli altri membri della comunitaccesso a tutte le integrazioni e modifiche che verranno creante in futuro accesso al tutto codice sorgente dei progetti e ad altro materiale informativoLe lezioni sono state girate su piattaforma Linux Ubuntu usando lo Spring Tool 4Per poter seguire le lezioni si consiglia di avere un PC recente col almeno 4Gb di RAM (8Gb estremamente consigliati) e i seguenti OSLinux Ubuntu (consigliato)Windows 10 Pro (No Home Edition)Mac (relativamente recente)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"100 Front End Interview Questions Challenge" |
"By the end of the course you'll be able to pass a front end technical screen covering the fundamentals of front end web development HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We also will dive into interview prep, cultural questions, and general HR screening questionsEach question will include 3 main items:Insight into why a question is asked and what an interviewer is looking forHow to answer the questionIf applicable, code examples with additional detail to fully understand the materialThe course syllabus was designed alongside multiple front end developers with over 30 years of combined experience with varied backgrounds from self-taught to traditional CS degree routes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dance Hip Hop Freestyle Popping Masterclass For Beginners" |
"Want to learn how to freestyle dance in the art of Popping? Popping dance is the #1 street dance and now you can learn everything there is to know to dance popping with this beginner masterclass. Learn the foundational elements like how to pop, arm wave, body wave, do isolations, tutting and more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hip Hop Dance Choreography Street Styles Routine" |
"Ever wanted to learn hip hop dance choreography? In this step by step tutorial you will learn an amazing dance routine taught with emphasis on street styles popping, funk, and hip hop. This is a professional dance routine that I've performed all over the world as a professional hip hop dancer and hope you will have a blast learning how to dance from it whether you are a beginner or experienced dancer looking for a new routine!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping Ecommerce Holiday Q4 Special Training Bootcamp" |
"Q4 holiday shopping season is where online businesses make more money in a time span of 60 days than they do all year! This special ecommerce training was made just for ecommerce & dropshipping & Shopify stores so that you can have the knowledge needed to finally crush & capitalize on the insane amount of consumer shopping that happens online."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Agile Scrum Product Owner Masterclass" |
"Youve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth product owner course online. Whether you want to:Build the skills you need to transition into a product owner roleUnderstand how to develop amazing software and digital productsLearn how you can stand out in your role as a developer or tech lead...or just learn what it takes to build valuable products using agile product owner techniques...this complete Professional Scrum Product Owner Masterclass is the course you need to do all of this, and more.Are you aiming to get your first Product Owner job but struggling to find out what skills employers want and which course will give you those skills?This course is designed to give you the product owner skills you need to get a job as an Agile Scrum Product Owner!By the end of this course you will understand what it takes to be a successful product owner, leading high performance scrum teams to build amazing digital software products and services.Your time is valuable... I respect that. The course has been carefully developed to only give you the essentials you must know to become a successful product owner. No Fluff...Not just boring theory... No wasting tens of hours of time learning abstract concepts that won't help you in the real world as a product owner.You will learn how to actually start building a real product backlog for a consumer banking application using the techniques taught in this course.Time is money. That is why you don't need an 80+ hour course!Why should you choose to learn becoming a product owner?In today's global digital marketplace, software and digital products are in high demand. And, as a result, jobs as a product owner are in high demand and learning the skills to become a product owner will give you the edge in your career, even if you aren't a product owner but want to understand what it takes to build products using an agile approach.Will this course give me core product owner skills?Yes it will. While this course isn't about getting a certification, understanding the concepts here will help you land your next job as a product owner and may strongly give you the skills to make getting certified much more easily.Why should you take this course?This course assumes no previous product ownership experience and takes you from absolute beginner core concepts, like showing you how a product owner fits into an agile scrum team, to writing your own epics and user stories to develop your product. You will learn the core product owner skills you need to become job ready in just under a couple hours, and if you choose to, can take advantage of all the additional content in the course to build upon what you've learned.It's a one stop shop to learn how to become a complete product owner. If you want to go beyond the core content you can do so at any time.Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will in the course)All the essential agile scrum keywords that will help you understand the dynamics of an agile scrum teamYou will learn the answers to questions like ""What is a product increment?"", ""What is a sprint?"", ""What is a retrospective and how does persona creation and user story mapping help me release minimum viable product releases?""Which industry standard tools should I become familiar with?And much, much more!Is the course updated?Its no secret how technology and product development are advancing at a rapid rate. Strategies towards delivering digital products in a more streamlined way are changing and improving every day.A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning older concepts on product ownership can be counter productive - you could will be learning the ""old way"" of doing things, rather than using current best practices.Make sure you check the last updated date on the page of any course you plan to buy - you will be shocked to see some have not been updated for years!Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak). I use the same strategies I teach as a product owner in my own course to help add new content based on feedback from awesome students like you.I've done this with my other classes and expect to do the same with this one.With this complete Product Owner Masterclass, you will always have updated, relevant content.What if I have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with job-ready product owner skills, go on to lead development teams to create great digital products and services and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itYou literally cant lose.Ready to get started product owner?Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to become a complete agile product owner... Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, product owner jobs are filling up!)Who this course is for:This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous product owner experience, to intermediates looking to sharpen their skills to become better product owners and managers to develop great digital productsThose looking to build creative and advanced digital products for either personal or corporate use or for high-paying clients as a self-employed digital entrepreneur.Those who love collaborating with other brilliant minds to deliver great digital experiences."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Embedded systems using ATmega series#4" |
"THE COURSE:Adopts the principle of a successful designer should be familiar with the HARDWARE entity as such his knowledgeof the programming language.So the details of the Microcontrollers' electronic structure teach you how to use them successfullyWhere we begin to explain the structure of the Microcontroller and its components and then explain its programming and use in applications Simplified and then simulated so that they are well understood and cost you a small part of the exercise to try it yourself.Finally, you can compile them later and invest them in allocating your project resources"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Altcoin Ratings, Reviews, & Price Analysis System" |
"-Introduction Into Why I Made This Course-My Portfolios-My Strategy-Emotional Perspective On Investing-Exit StrategyThis Ratings & Reviews Course will show my personal biases & perspectives as a cryptocurrency investor. Afterwards, you may proceed to seeing my reviews & research on different digital assets. Then, once you've done your own independent research, you should leave a comment giving me your own rating as well as the reason why you may agree or disagree with what I said in that lecture. This course is interactive & I will be editing my ratings based on the community perspective as well.*** THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE DIGITAL ASSET COURSE. THIS MEANS THAT I WILL BE POSTING NUMEROUS TIMES A WEEK****I Will Be Giving My In-Depth Analysis Of Various Digital Asset/Cryptocurrency Projects Various Times A Week & Releasing Ratings On Each Of Those Projects*EVERYTHING IS MY OPINION & I ENSURE YOU THAT IT IS BASED ON IN-DEPTH RESEARCH.SOME OF THESE DIGITAL ASSETS ARE HIGHLY VOLATILE & COMPLETE LOSS OF CAPITAL IS POSSIBLE. ITS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR CAPITAL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Neuro-Productividad. Hbitos de una vida productiva y feliz" |
"En este curso te mostrar la forma ms adecuada de nutrir tu mente con las informaciones, los recursos, las personas y los ambientes ideales para crearte una predisposicin a la alta productividad. Te ensear cmo la gratitud transforma tu cerebro en una mquina productiva. Te explicar cmo controlar tus emociones para mantener un alto rendimiento cuando ms lo necesites. Te dir, paso a paso, lo que debes hacer cada maana para asegurar que cada da sea altamente productivo. Te ayudar a cambiar tu mentalidad acerca del uso de las herramientas que ya tienes a mano. Descubrirs el infinito valor de la accin imperfecta, pero constante, y el efecto que tiene en tu autoconfianza, en tu productividad, y en tus resultados. Te dar las evidencias para incentivarte a encontrar tu felicidad y tu xito fuera de tu zona de confort. Y te ensear a multiplicar tus resultados en una fraccin del tiempo, apalancndote de un equipo idneo de personas que encajen perfectamente con tu visin. Cuando haya terminado contigo, sabrs exactamente cmo usar tu mente para multiplicar tu productividad y tu satisfaccin en todo lo que hagas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Analista de Suporte Linux" |
"As principais atividades de umAnalista De Suporte Linux, foram filtradas em um curso.O Analista De Suporte Linux atua na administrao de ambiente Linux Red Hat e seus derivados como CentOS 7.5 e 7.6 e Fedora 29. O Analista De Suporte Linux atua na administrao de ambiente Linux Debian e Ubuntu e seus derivado.As distribuies usadas no curso so CentOS 7Fedora 29Ubuntu Server 18.04.1Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.1Aproposta inicial do treinamento visa:Entender e documentar cada passo em todos os processos.Preparar o desenho do ambiente.Criar o Ambiente de Homologao.Criao das imagens que sero usadas nos servidores e clientes.Ter o Backup das imagens para em caso de desastres realizar uma fcil restaurao.Homologar cada um dos servidoresImplementar as prticas de segurana, manter os servios e servidores de rede, homologao e produo em funcionamento. Detectar possveis problemas de sistemas e servios de administrao do ambiente operacional Linux.Configurar, operar e monitorar as ferramentas do sistema do ambiente operacional;Subsidiar o servio de monitoramento de infraestrutura de TI no mapeamento e elaborao de alarmes nas plataformas de gerenciamento de falhas e desempenhoHabilidades esperadas Analista De Suporte Linux:DNSNTPDHCPPostFixZABBIX 4RAIDLVM 2DACFirewalldSELinuxACLsSnortUFW Gerenciar serviosVerificao de LogsO curso uma maratona de estudos e possui muitas tarefas para que voc treine Linux de verdade.Assista primeiro as aulas liberadas antes de comprar o curso, o curso vai ter exigir muito tempo de estudo.Ser necessrio muita interao com as atividades solicitadas, uso Linux desde 2009 e sempre gostei montar bons ambientes de estudos.Te espero no curso."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"CSS3: Quick Start" |
"CSS - Making websites Look GreatThis course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn CSSCSS allows you to control the look and feel of your website. Enables you to create the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts.Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.Determines how elements will be displayedMakes your content look GOODCSS saves time and work, can control multiple pagesCSS can add animationCSS can add interactionAdapt the way your page looks with CSS, perfect for responsive design"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sourdough Bread Baking For Beginners." |
"The aim of this course is simply to get you hooked on sourdough bread baking, i'm not going to delve into the chemistry of sourdough bread baking, analyse the properties of different flours, list masses of baking equipment or baffle you with complex techniques.I look at it this way: do you need to know how a carburettor works to learn how to drive a car? No. Well nor do you need to immerse yourself in science to bake a wealth of wonderful sourdough breads.All the Sourdough breads in this course are ones that i bake at home for my family and friends in my standard domestic oven, with my 3 kids distracting me as much as they can. I teach them to the people who comes to my sourdough bread classes in my bakery and i love the moment when the baking is finished and we all sit down with the breads we have made, some good cheese and a glass of wine or beer, and relax and enjoy the sense of achievement."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Improve your planning to make your days more effective" |
"This course will help you think about planning your day and task differently. Looking at urgent and important tasks and how you divide these up and also getting to practice and do activities along the way, to put your learning into practice. Coming to this course with an open mind and ready to think differently is really important."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Growth Mindset" |
"This course will help users gain basic understanding of growth mindset, the course is built of come lecture style modules, with built in activities and also some own self learning from the individual. The module focus around fixed mindset, growth mindset and the power of yet, and have built in activities to go with each module."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Living 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"I am very excited to be launching my new online course which takes your life from chaos to clarity, self doubt to self empowerment. Ive produced this concise and intense course with a series of videos and accompanying worksheets. During this course you will:-Learn how to meditate and find inner calm.-You will be learning the art of present moment awareness and the power of gratitude-You will move beyond your limiting beliefs and self doubt-You will learn how old habitual patterns can be broken apart, so that you can make new ones.Ill teach you some very simple strategies to stay on the path so that the changes you make are long term.-You will have on demand a sense of present moment awareness that will ensure, you can be focused and living your life on purpose.And by Module 6 you will have the ability to move into a calm space even when theres chaos going on around you.I look forward to you joining me!Marie"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"Meditation is no longer the ancient practice carried by Buddhists and spiritual practitioners. It is an increasingly popular practice carried out by CEOs and movie stars, by millions of school kids around the world, meditation is now popular with stressed office workers, moms and University graduates.So what Ive put together are 6 concise modules which will walk you through a solid foundation of this ancient practice. Now I could spend the next hour listing all the benefits of why you should incorporate meditation into your life but you probably wont believe me until of course you give it your best shot and find out for yourself.I actually decided to try meditation when my life was spinning out of control and I was desperate to try anything to change my state from being stressed, anxious, frustrated, worried, and completely overwhelmed with the prospect of failing in all areas of my life. I needed something that would give me some peace, I desperately needed peace, time out without the relentless voice in my head that was doing reruns on everything wrong in my life, I needed to be able to think clearly, I needed clarity and the ability to be present rather than doing reruns of the past or getting anxious about the future.So I enrolled in meditation and at first I was such a sceptic. My science trained brain told me this was ridiculous, why was I sitting there when I had things to was sitting in silence going to help me turn my life around, I told myself I was mad for doing this. But Id made a commitment to do this (Id paid for the course) so instead I kept up the daily practice whilst I researched the science behind it. For me that was a huge waking point. The scientific research on the practice of meditation and its benefits to our physical, emotional and the impact on the direction of our life is overwhelming.So if you are in need of eliminating stress, finding peace of mind, youre on a mission to improve your health this practice is for you.Allow me to take you on a journey to your inner being, to that silent space of serenity, calm and pure awareness of something far superior than past or future.I look forward to connecting with you.BlessingsMarie"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life Purpose Revealed through Human Design" |
"Have you been searching for your Life Purpose? Human Design is an extremely accurate tool to help you understand your SPECIFIC and UNIQUE design and to SEE the TRUTH of who you are. Knowing and living as YOURSELF enables you to truly live your LIFE PURPOSE.Life Purpose Revealed through Human Design offers you an Introduction to Human Design:How to access your Human Design Chart Understanding the chartWhat is Human DesignElements of the chartType and AuraInner AuthorityHuman Design is not the only path to awakening to the truth of who you are, yet it is an extremely accurate and practical tool that puts you deeply in touch with the TRUTH of who you are.Within each of us lies our inner authority - that part of us that just knows who we are and how we should move through the world.Life Purpose Revealed through Human Design awakens you to your inner intelligence, it guides you to find YOURSELF, to KNOW and to TRUST yourself.There is nothing to BELIEVE - Only Knowing and Trustingwithin yourselfLive your Purpose. Know yourself. When you live as yourself you begin to experience the magic of lifes journey."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Upholster a vintage cocktail chair" |
"During this course I will learn you how to reupholster a vintage cocktail chair with a professional finish. If you have never reupholstered a chair before it is no problem as I get you through the whole process step by step. However if you want some basic skills first then it might be helpful for you to enroll my other course on udemy - Modern upholstery fundamentals.During the video's I will take you through the following stages of how to's:Remove the old fabric.Create a seat with a mesh spring unit.Apply crin and jute (filling).Make a jute edge roll.Sew a piping.Attach the fabric.See you in class."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Upholster chrome tubular chairs" |
"In this course I will guide you step by step how to reupholster various types of steel tubular chairs. You will learn how to replace the foam, apply the fabric and most important, how to fold the corners of the fabric. Also there are various fixings of the backrest. As well how to to fasten the fabric and how to fasten the backrest to the frame. The video's are easy to follow and if you have any questions you can always ask them in the Q&A. That's why I am here for.So enjoy your upholstery trip and see you in class.GreetingsMarja Kooreman"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Meditao Mindfulness de 4 Semanas para a Ansiedade" |
"Este curso um programa de meditao mindfulness de 4 semanas composto de conhecimento terico e udios em mp3 para as prticas, onde voc ir desenvolver atravs da ateno plena virtudes para gerenciar a sua ansiedade o seu estresse no dia a dia.Muitas vezes, quando nossas necessidades e desejos bsicos no so atendidos, buscamos gratificaes substitutas. Desejo e fixao nestas gratificaes substitutas o que impulsiona comportamentos compulsivos e compulsivos.Tentamos verificar mais e mais coisas fora de ns: Esses substitutos so amplamente aceitos socialmente. Alguns hbitos privados, como pensar obsessivamente ou passar muitas horas todos os dias jogando ou navegando on-line, podem passar despercebidos.Outros comportamentos atraem mais desaprovao (fazendo com que trabalhemos mais para mant-los ocultos), porque todos podem ver o dano que causam: dependncia de lcool ou outras substncias, jogos de azar, compras, sexo, comer demais, violncia e assim por diante. Quaisquer que sejam os apegos em que nos encontramos, contanto que continuemos a persegui-los e nos envergonhemos por faz-lo, no podemos nos libertar de um modo profundo.A meditao da ateno plena desequilibra diretamente o apego habitual - a sndrome do ""fantasma faminto"" - e nos permite reconectar-nos de maneira saudvel com a energia do desejo que torna toda a vida possvel ... e alegre!Pratique Mindfulness em sua vida cotidiana para transformar sua mente e corpoEntenda como estar atento, se voc est simplesmente respirando ou andandoAprenda com o seu passado e liberte a ansiedade sobre o seu futuroReflita sobre sua conexo com a natureza e com toda a vidaCurso em formato online com vdeos + prticas em udios + documentos em PDF. Aprenda de onde quiser e pratique quando quiser com os udios.Curso de introduo as prticas de meditao mindfulness. Este curso mais do que apenas informao terica. Em vez disso, voc pode realmente experimentar um estado de conscincia enquanto pratica os exerccios bastante simples, mas eficazes, estando no conforto de sua prpria casa.POR QUE VOC DEVE APRENDER A MEDITAR SEGUNDO A CINCIA?- Ajuda a curar e prevenir a depresso e a ansiedade crnica.- Diminui os nveis de estresse e aumenta a calma.- Melhora a produtividade e atuao profissional.- Melhora a ateno, o foco e a capacidade de raciocnio.Alm do curso, eu ofereo total apoio se voc tiver alguma dvida ou precisar de uma palavra de conselho sobre mindfulness ou meditao. Mais uma vez, sinta-se vontade para me enviar sua mensagem pessoal.Nota: Voc gosta deste curso? Eu ficaria muito grato por voc deixar uma avaliao positiva e / ou reviso para que mais alunos se sintam convidados a inscrever este treinamento. :)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Comer Consciente - Fazendo as Pazes com o que Voc Come" |
"Chega de dietas restritivas e efeito sanfona!Aprenda os conceitos do comer consciente (ou comer intuitivo) e abandone para sempre a mentalidade de dieta e emagrea de forma sustentvel.Dietas restritivas no funcionam para o emagrecimento saudvel e definitivo. Pelo contrrio: Quanto mais nos privamos de comer algo que gostamos, mais forte ser o nosso desejo de comer aquilo que estamos tentando no comer. ISTO J EST COMPROVADO! Se alimentar deveria ser uma atividade natural, saudvel e prazerosa para saciar a fome. No entanto, em nossa sociedade e cultura atual, obcecada por uma dieta abundante de comida, comer muitas vezes um ato irracional, induzido pelo consumo e pela culpa.Comer consciente uma prtica antiga e no uma dieta. No h menus, cardpios ou receitas. A ideia apenas ser mais consciente de seus hbitos alimentares, das sensaes que voc experimenta quando come, e dos pensamentos e emoes que um alimento desperta em voc.Este curso online para quem deseja:Parar de viver de dieta;Aprender a reconhecer e honrar a sabedoria interior e os sinais de fome e saciedade;Parar de se equilibrar entre dietas rgidas e o descontrole alimentar;Parar de brigar com o corpo;Viver com prazer.Aprenda neste curso os preceitos do comer consciente e tenha mais qualidade de vida e mais prazer em sua alimentao."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Job Hunt Demystified" |
"Looking for a job in Canada?Trying your best to make sense out of all of the sometimes conflicting job search information out there? Should your resume be 1 or 2 pages?How do you answer the ""tell me about yourself"" question?How do I gain more confidence to network to my next opportunity?We answer these and many more questions about the job hunt. We have a ""first principles"" approach so that you can understand ""why"" parts of the job hunt are the way they are so that you can judge whether the advice you're give is important. We boil down the job search to the most important aspects so that you can focus your time and energy. Join the community and become more successful in the job hunt!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Build a VIRAL Referral FB ChatBot + Free ManyChat TEMPLATE" |
"This is a Step-By-Step action plan with a one click install template to get your generating buyers to recruit OTHER buyers for your products. The goal of growth hacking strategies is generally to acquire as many users or customers as possible while spending as little as possible.This is EXACTLY what we're doing when we combine the extremely powerful automation of Messenger marketing, with adding a viral sharing component.Messenger + Viral Referrals = MASSIVE SalesWhat is a Facebook Chatbot?Imagine a sales person working for you 24/7, answers your customers questions, gets rid of objections, and always directs them back to where they can purchase your products? Why Messenger vs Email?Email is extremely oversaturated, but Messenger is a BLUE ocean. People only open about ~12% of emails (on a good day), compared to 80%+ on Messenger. We're talking a 3% click through rate versus 35%! That's OVER 10x THE SALES. This course is a shortcut (no fluff, just actionable step by step implementation), to being able to access the most profitable Messenger Marketing campaign out there. It is absolutely perfect for running FB Messenger Ads directly into the Messenger bot, and can work for virtually ANY business. It works for...Online Course CreatorsE-Commerce Store OwnersCoachesSupplements / CBD Membership SitesBrick & MortarAND MOREGet started now and start unleashing a flood of traffic to your business through VIRAL traffic."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Accounting 104 - Bank Reconciliation & Correction Of Errors" |
"This course ""Accounting 104- Bank Reconciliation & Correction Of Errors"" is Part 4out of a series of coursesthat are designed to help the complete beginner (someone who has no knowledge of accounting) master the basics of accounting and move on step by step to becoming a professional accountant! The course is not just theory but takes real lifeexamples and walks you through the accounting process. It is meant for students who would like to grasp the accounting concepts in an easy and fun learning environment. This is a slow moving course. Please do not expect me to move fast since it is designed for the beginner student.Those students who are already aware of accounting concepts should take a more advanced level course instead. In this course we are going to learn: Why do the balances in the Cash Book & Pass Book differ?How to calculate the Adjusted Balance? How to make the Bank Reconciliation Statement?Understand the types of errors in the accounting process:Errors of OmissionErrors of CommissionErrors of PrincipleCompensating ErrorsPassing Correction Of Error Entries in the General JournalGet AwesomePractice in the process Having completed the entire series students of the properage would be able to take up entry level jobs as Book Keepers and/or Accountants, however students would have to practice these concepts again and again externally so that they can grasp real world applications quickly."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Math For Grade 5" |
"This course is meant for children aged 9 to 10 years who are home schooled so that they can pick up simple concepts in a fun and easy environment. It has 36 lectures with clear explanations, practice demonstrations, and Quizzes to help you remember what you have learnt.I have been home schooling my children and find that its a great way to build their creativity! Encouraging children to learn by themselves and to take the initiative, nurtures their ability to learn. The ability to learn is the most important and valuable lesson they will ever learn since this simple ability will help them throughout their lives!This course is ALSO meant for children aged 9 to 10 years who attend school. It is also great for students who simply want to revise what they have already learnt and want to gain extra practice before a test or examination. Its fun... Its easy! And If you have any problems you can feel free to contact me via the built in message serviceI look forward to hearing from you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor for Beginners - Painting Sunsets" |
"Welcome to my new watercolor class for beginners!Lets paint super fun and easy watercolor sunsets together.This class ranges from a beginners level to intermediate. Youll learn how to create gorgeous watercolor sunsets using a few simple techniques! We'll review the materials you'll need, walk through a few basic techniques, practice crating watercolor washes, and then youll complete your own watercolor sunset paintings from start to finish.And along the way you will:Learn and practice new techniquesIncrease your watercolor skillsEnjoy working with watercolorPost your project to social media with #elenafayclass so we can all cheer you on! And if you post your final project to Instagram, be sure to tag me (@elenafay_art) for a chance to be featured!Happy painting friends!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |