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"Odoo Functional Implementation Guide Accounting []" |
"This course is designed to enable you to use Odoo and understand it from scratch.You will learn how to set-up, implement, and use Odoo Accounting for any business.Will guide you to install and ceate your first database, install and fully implement Odoo Accounting, on Odoo version 10.0 CE.You will understand all Odoo Accounting features, and how to build a financial system. You will be able to start your career as Odoo consultant and will get all the information that will get you through.I have simplified and divided the course into short videos for easy study and understand."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Odoo Functional Implementation Guide HR ( )" |
". . Odoo CE . ( ...). . .This workshop is taught on Odoo version 10.0 Community Edition"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Odoo Functional Implementation Guide Admin Settings" |
"A crucial course within Odoo Functional Implementation Guide.Will allow you to perform the main settings required by the project manager and/or the consultant, to launch Odoo for Go-Live in any organization.You will learn also how to access database and control tables and its content, how to modify, update, or delete records."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest : Trouver des milliers de clients sans pub" |
"Vous avez un business en place et il ne vous manque que des visiteurs ?Votre business tourne mais vous aimeriez utiliser une nouvelle source de trafic sous exploite ?Vous ne voulez plus faire de publicit Facebook, Google Ads, ... car a vous rend dpendant ?Gnrer des visiteurs est devenu long et fastidieux pour votre business ?La solution : Pinterest.Pinterest est une source de trafic sous-exploite qui vous permet de toucher plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes chaque en quelques semaines seulement.Le tout GRATUITEMENT.Avec cette mthode, vous allez apprendre crer du contenu que les gens aiment et les rediriger vers votre site web, vos offres, vos vidos,...Dans quelques instants vous saurez exactement comment dire au revoir vos problmes de trafic et vous saurez exactement comment attirer des milliers de personnes sur votre profil Pinterest.Vous pouvez simplement imaginer avoir des milliers de visiteurs sur vos pages sans avoir faire de publicit. Avec les visiteurs que vous aurez vous pourrez vendre vos offres et dire adieu vos problmes d'argent.Mais pour avoir ces rsultats, il vous faut agir maintenant !A tout de suite,Jonathan"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Consultor de Marketing y Publicidad" |
"TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Carlos Heredia Goitiabuena eleccin, la primer clase, me quedaron en claro muchas cosas que son bsicas y que nadie en la escuela o en el trabajo me haba explicado.Julio Cesar Lopez de LeonComprensible y prcticoESTER SILVAMe ha gustado mucho. He aprendido an ms!Christian OdedDesde la introduccin ya me dej algunos conceptos y prcticas qu recordar para la creacin de las publicidad. Explicacin sencilla de los conceptos bsicos que se maneja en el ramo publicitario. Buenos consejos para arrancar una marca o bien para trabajar con una ya establecidaAna Lucia AlburqueMUY DINAMICODaniel Rodrigo Mollinedo Fue un excelente curso! dejo libros, vdeos y referentes para profundizar en temas de apoyo o temas muy amplios para continuar el aprendizaje. Lo recomiendo totalmenteEn este curso aprenders desde los principios bsicos de la publicidad, aprenders a como crear un logotipo, un nombre, eslogan, y tips de venta as como crear un brief, como conocer al consumidor, saber que piensa, que hace, que nivel social es, hasta crear estrategias y formatos claves para la marca, al terminar el curso sers capaz de reconocer y crear una campaa publicitaria utilizando estrategias de publicidad y marketing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Mobile Apps, No Coding, starting from a spreadsheet" |
"Description:This course is about building mobile apps having no coding experience, also no software installations in needed.Creating apps for personal use is free. For business a licence per user should be paid.You will start with some information on a spreadsheet file, from there we will build the app.Why to start:If you have some information stored in a spreadsheet file and you want to access this information using an app build by you.If you are a student and want to impress everybody showing an app build by you.If you are an entrepreneur having a small business and needed an app for easy access to your data.If you don't want to hire another developer and want to build an app by yourself.If you want to make money developing some app for small business.Course content:The course has 3 chapters, you will learn to build 3 apps: first app an personal app, he will understand some basic concepts. second app is a business app third app is another business app"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Os alunos aprendero a utilizar adequadamente seus materiais artsticos tal como compor uma paisagem, distribuir os tons iniciais com conscincia e trabalhar com as luzes e sombras de forma natural e convincente. Aprendero a observar a pintura com maior acuidade e pintar com o prazer da aplicao dos conceitos e tcnicas apresentados; possibilitando melhores resultados e desenvolvimentos satisfatrios."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2020 Shopify Dropshipping course for beginners" |
"Do you want to start your own business and you don't have enough cash for inventory and exporting products in bulk?Do you have the will to plan, research, and to be a constant learner?If yes then this course is the right place to start from.You can start your own business without having to worry about investing a lot of money upfront!You can do that by dropshipping, heck yes it is possible and that may change your life.In this course, I will teach you dropshipping, right from the basics up to the point of start selling.In this course,I will explain dropshipping and how it works and what it really takes to get to the point of making a steady income from e-commerce.I will teach you how to research to find winning products.I will teach you how to import products from Aliexpress to your store. I will help you build a Shopify store that will have a high conversion rate step by step.E-Commerce has been growing year over year and it's not about to stop any time soon. Now is the time to hit the ground running and take part in E-Commerce growth to achieve your financial freedom.See you inside!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Audio" |
"Este curso suministra conocimiento terico del campo sonoro para realizar grabaciones de sonido directo digital estudiando los diferentes tipos de micrfonos, grabadoras, mezcladoras y accesorios para sonido directo en interiores y exteriores, su uso en funcin del plano visual y la continuidad.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARConocer los conceptos de la fsica del sonido y sus propiedadesDistinguir los distintos tipos de micrfonos de acuerdo a sus caractersticasConocer los principios bsicos para la puesta del audio en una produccin audiovisual"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maquillaje cinematogrfico" |
"Conceptualizacin y uso de la terminologa y herramientas de trabajo para maquillaje profesionalEntender el rol y la vinculacin con el equipo de direccin y produccin del rodajeComprender el valor y alcance de luz y la fotografa en el maquillaje profesionalManejar todos los elementos que se involucran en la Produccin (vestuario, escenografa , el guion y rodaje) con el maquillajeManejar lo que es la paleta de colores y el mercado de materiales para el maquillaje Profesional, de caracterizacin y efectos especiales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produccin informativa para television" |
"COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARHabilidades para el manejo de los distintos procesos y metodologas de produccin de programas televisivos periodsticos.Personal involucrado en la produccin de programas informativos para televisinQUIN ES QUIN?A la hora de producir programas informativos se necesita de un gran equipo capaz de sacar y llevar la puesta al aire de esos productos que se transmiten; llmense noticieros, programas de entrevistas, reportajes o magazines.Es un equipo multidisciplinario que abarca: periodistas, productores, coordinadores, asistentes, directores, tcnicos de audio y video, editores, camargrafos, luminitos, escengrafos, maquilladores, vestuaristas, secretarias, administradores y choferes. Talento que permite la puesta al aire de un espacio de una hora, media hora o hasta tres.FUNCIONES DEL PERSONAL DE PRODUCCIN: GERENTE DE INFORMACIN, PRODUCTOR GENERALA la hora de realizar un noticiero para televisin muchos son los factores que estn involucrados desde la cobertura, redaccin y puesta al aire de las noticias como el personal que est detrs de esa realizacin. Veamos algunos de ellos.FUNCIONES DEL DIRECTOR DE TELEVISIN, DIRECTOR TCNICO Y COORDINADOR DE ESTUDIOA la hora de realizar un noticiero para televisin muchos son los factores que estn involucrados desde la cobertura, redaccin y puesta al aire de las noticias como el personal que est detrs de esa realizacin. Veamos algunos de ellos.FUNCIONES DE LOS REPORTEROS, PRODUCTOR DE EXTERIORES Y CAMARGRAFOSA la hora de realizar un noticiero para televisin muchos son los factores que estn involucrados desde la cobertura, redaccin y puesta al aire de las noticias como el personal que est detrs de esa realizacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produccion informativa para radio" |
"Curso enfocado en dotar a los participantes del conocimiento de las tcnicas, modalidades de trabajo para el tratamiento informativo de las noticias para radio.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARConocer la estructura de una noticia para ser escuchada y no leda.Conocer los distintos formatos de produccin de informativos para radio: avances, editoriales, entrevistas, magazine informativo, reportaje documental y noticiero.Conocer el funcionamiento de una sala de prensa.Conocer las tcnicas de produccin en vivo de un magazine informativo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Streaming" |
"Este curso desarrolla conceptos fundamentales de retransmisin por internet usando diferentes plataformas.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARRealizar transmisiones en vivo.Manipulacin de plataformas amateur y profesionalesCLASIFICACIN DEL STREAMINGSTREAMING USANDO MVILESLos dispositivos electrnicos desde telfonos hasta cmaras. Permiten transmitir en vivo a travs de servidores. Los ms conocidos son:FacebookInstagramPericospeYouTubeSTREAMING RADIALLa voz debe ser implacable en la modulacin, en este streaming, la voz es la base principal debe ser atractiva para el usuario. Los servidores que comnmente se utilizan son XSplitSTREAMING CONFERENCIALSe utiliza para compartir informacin de manera ms eficaz. Es una herramienta muy comn y es utilizada tanto por grandes o pequeas empresas, como por familias y personas que desean interconectarse y acortar distancias.STREAMING GAMING (VIDEOJUEGOS)Es utilizado por jugadores para hacer transmisiones en vivo de videojuegos.Tipos de usuarios que consumen el Streaming de videojuegos y softwares ms comunes utilizados para la edicin de Streaming.STREAMING DE EVENTOSSe utiliza para transmitir un evento particular en tiempo real, con tal relevancia que sea de inters para otras personas en distintos puntos del planeta.Requerimientos y prevenciones, tanto en la preproduccin y produccin, como en la postproduccin, para una buena transmisin en vivo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa Digital" |
"La fotografa es un medio de comunicacin, a travs de ella podemos expresar sentimientos y emociones con las cuales la persona que observa puede sentirse parte de ella y dar su punto de vista al respecto. Existen un sin fin de tcnicas para manejar y estructurar una buena foto, pero para ellas hay que saber los conocimientos bsico de la fotografa. La cmara es la fiel compaera del fotgrafo el estilo depende de la creatividad que tengas como persona."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Animacin usando Adobe After Effects" |
"Este curso desarrolla los conceptos y herramientas principales de Adobe After Effects para animacin y motion graphics, a fin que el participante pueda utilizarlas en sus proyectos audiovisuales.Algunas de las competencias a desarrollar son:Conocer el lenguaje de los efectos visuales y animacinMotivar la capacidad creativa.Activar las habilidades y destrezas de los participantes como creativos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la Actuacin" |
"Este curso se enfoca en ensear paso a paso las tcnicas bsicas para iniciarse en el mundo de la actuacin, explicando las herramienta materiales e inmateriales fundamentales para el acondicionamiento del practicante, la activacin de sus atributos naturales para la escena, riesgos que debe prever y consejos en general que le ayudarn a iniciarse con excelencia en una de las artes ms antiguas y completas del mundo, como lo es la actuacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"De la idea al guion" |
"El guin dramtico estructura momentos significativos y relevantes que permitan hacer atractiva la historia y ayuden a mantener al pblico interesado en la misma. Este curso Introduce, potencia y desarrolla el ejercicio de la escritura, mediante la exposicin y discusin de sus principios generales, para as poder plasmar en papel esa idea que siempre esta en nuestra mente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presentacin y negociacin de proyectos audiovisuales" |
"Las series y pelculas de ficcin copan el mercado audiovisual actual, ya no es ninguna novedad. Internet, las plataformas bajo demanda y los canales televisivos tradicionales ya ven las series como el producto estrella. As que es el momento ideal para lanzar al mercado tu idea, tu proyecto de serie. Pero, cmo presentarlo y qu forma darle?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced" |
"Welcome to the best course of Symfony (incl. 4 & 5 version) - the great PHP framework!In this course you will learn Symfony from basic to advanced level!By the end of this course you will be able to create both simple websites and complex dynamic web applications in the great Symfony PHP framework.Very practical course! Almost all sections/concepts are explained using real life applications/scenarios. In this course we will create a huge real life app (probably you will not find a course where built more advanced app like in this course)This is a very massive guide to Symfony, which is one of the most popular PHP frameworks. Symfony 4 version introduced a new approach to php frameworks - it starts small as a microframework and grows as you need new features. You install them using the amazing Symfony Flex tool. For example, if you are making a simple website and do not need a login functionality then there is no code responsible for logging in the framework directory. Thanks to this our application contains only as much as we really need. **********************************************The course consist of three main parts:1. The theoretical part where I discuss the basic Symfony concepts on examples with effects on a web browser2. In the second part we will build a simple application in Symfony - a list of tasks to be performed (database used)3. In part 3 we will build an advanced web application for video subscription in which we integrate PayPal for payments, multi-level nested video categories, communication with Vimeo API, deployment to Heroku serveras well as:BONUS section added (October 2019) - basics of Symfony Messenger Component, RabbitMQ message broker and CQRS pattern (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) with practical example by simulating e-commerce system consisting of main app and cooperating microservices.Course update: (January 2020) new section added REST API with Symfony & API Platform**********************************************During the course we will be covering many simple and advanced Symfony concepts such as: routing, controllers, views, database with doctrine orm, entities and relationships between them: one to one, one to many and many to many; events & listeners, security topics such as login, registration, authorization; also unit and functional testing, dependency injection, service container, symfony services, doctrine table inheritance with polymorphic database queries, REST API and many more.This course is a combination of theory and project-based learning approach. Learning by building real projects is the best way to learn programming languages and tools like php frameworks.All of the course applications were made using Symfony 4 (except applications for rest api section - Symfony 5). Upgrade to Symfony 5 section was added to the course. According to Symfony standard, there are no any new features in Symfony 5.0 compared to Symfony 4.4.Remember that only practice makes perfect. If necessary, study the course two or more times. Take notes during the course like a real student. Use documentations, Google search. Finally, try to write the application yourself, not necessarily the same as in the course, you can try to change, add something, etc. No single course will make you a very good web developer. It can only bring you closer to this goal. The more practice, the better.--------------------------------------------QAQuestion:You used Symfony 4 and Symfony 5 in this course for creating apps to practice knowledge. Why not use only the latest version? Does it mean that this course is outdated and I will not benefit from it?Answer:Absolutely not! In tools like PHP frameworks the fundamentals and base syntax almost never change regardless of the version. But of course any maintained software evolves all the time. That's why I always suggest you to use the version of software that instructor uses in the course. It prevents from errors and confusions. As a someone who wants to learn web development you should be aware, that real web development involves also adapting the code to newer versions if necessary - but this is not always necessary, not every company do that. Software changes so often that the instructors would not be able to create the courses so that they match the latest version. This is not even advisable, because as a student you would loose an important aspect of real web development - the awareness that everything is changing and you need to be able to deal with it.---------------------------------------------Enroll now and let's start learning Symfony!There is no risk! 30 day money back guarantee (as always at Udemy)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aplikacja Lista Zada we framework-u PHP Laravel" |
"Bardzo proste i podstawowe wprowadzenie do Laravel - wspaniaego frameworka jzyka PHP. Poznasz podstawy Laravela budujc bardzo prost aplikacj CRUD (create, read, update, delete) typu lista zada do wykonania. Dodasz nowe zadania do bazy danych, odczytasz je, usuniesz i zmienisz stan zadania z niewykonanego na wykonane i odwrotnie.**************************************************************To najatwiejsza aplikacja jak tworz w tym kursie. Zobacz rwnie mj kurs na Udemy, w ktrym tworz bardzo zaawansowan aplikacj - system rezerwacyjny w Laravel.**************************************************************W moich kursach na Udemy dotyczcych Laravela najbardziej akcentuj podejcie do uczenia opartego na budowaniu prawdziwych projektw, std niektre aspekty mog nie by jasne od razu, moe bdziesz potrzebowa zerkn do dokumentacji Laravela, poszuka w google itp. Uczenie si poprzez budowanie prawdziwych projektw to jeden z najlepszych (jak nie najlepszy) sposobw nauki. To pierwszy z serii moich kursw Laravela, w ktrym zbudujesz prost aplikacj w tym frameworku.W kursie przedstawiam tylko prac z Laravelem. Instalacj rodowiska musisz wykona samodzielnie, tzn. bdziesz potrzebowa serwera np. XAMPP, WAMP, Linux itp. By moe bdziesz musia uaktualni np. XAMPP-a do najnowszej wersji, aby sprosta wymaganiom biecej wersji Laravela. Kurs powsta w oparciu o Laravel 5.5. Zobacz sekcj upgrade aby zaktualizowa Laravela do nastpnych wersji ( w tym Laravel 6).Rb dokadnie to, co robi i mwi na ekranie, a uruchomisz tak sam aplikacj na swoim komputerze opanowujc w ten sposb podstawy Laravela. Bdziesz gotowy do wejcia na wyszy poziom.Pamitaj, e tylko praktyka czyni mistrza. Jeli trzeba - przerb kurs dwa lub wicej razy. Notuj w trakcie kursu jak prawdziwy student. Korzystaj z dokumentacji, z wyszukiwarki Google. Wreszcie postaraj si napisa aplikacj samodzielnie, niekoniecznie t sam jak w kursie, moesz prbowa co zmieni, doda itd. aden pojedyczy kurs nie zrobi z ciebie bardzo dobrego web developera. Moe jedynie mocno przybliy ci do tego celu. Im wicej praktyki tym lepiej.-------------------------------------------QAPytanie:Stworzye aplikacj w tym kursie uywajc Laravel 5. Teraz mamy ju Laravel 7. Czy to znaczy, e ten kurs jest przestarzay i niczego si z niego nie naucz?Odpowied:Absolutnie nie! W narzdziach takich jak frameworki PHP podstawy i bazowa skadnia prawie nigdy si nie zmieniaj niezalenie od wersji. Ale oczywicie kade utrzymywane oprogramowanie ewoluuje z biegiem czasu. Dlatego zawsze sugeruj aby uywa tej samej wersji oprogramowania jakiej uywa instruktor. To zapobiega bdom i zakopotaniu. Jako kto, kto chce si nauczy tworzy aplikacje internetowe, musisz mie wiadomo, e prawdziwy web development wymaga czasami dostosowania kodu do najnowszej wersji - ale nie zawsze jest to konieczne, nie kada firma dostosowuje swj soft do najnowszej wersji, ktra wanie si pojawia. Oprogramowanie zmienia si tak szybko, e instruktorzy nie nadaliby z tworzeniem kursw, ktre pasuj do najnowszej wersji oprogramowania, ktre jest tematem kursu. To nawet nie jest zalecane, bo jako student utraciby wany aspekt web developmentu jakim jest wiadomo, e wszystko czsto si zmienia i trzeba umie dostosowywa si do tego.---------------------------------------------"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PayPal payment integration with PHP, Laravel and Symfony" |
"PayPal is the most popular online payment gateway. In this course we will learn how to accept payments for products and services from customers by implementing real web applications in PHP language. This course uses PayPal SDKs V1.In this course I will focus on PayPal Checkout service and its implementation in PHP using PayPal rest api which is the newest and the best way to handle online payments provided by PayPal. Thanks to it, we can accept online payments for single or multiple products and services, handle subscriptions, automatically handle transaction notifications from PayPal, etc.We will learn PayPal integration (PayPal Checkout) in PHP by building two real applications: a simple shopping cart and a small video subscription application. I will make each of these applications from scratch in three versions:in pure PHP, using model-view-controller approach (files included for every coding lecture)in Laravel and Symfony php frameworks with real, secure login and registration system (files included for every coding lecture)PayPal Checkout is the newest rest api based solutions to handle payments. It is very flexible. You can build with it whatever you want including:e-commerce website with multiple products to sellwebsite with single product or service to sellsubscription billing websitesbackend for your mobile applicationYou will also learn and implement PayPal Webhooks - rest api based solution to handle automatic transaction notifications. For example, if a user cancels his subscription from his PayPal account, the application will be notified about that and an administrator can reject access to videos etc. To test these notifications we will deploy our subscription application to Heroku.If you want to learn PayPal integration in PHP by building practical examples this course is for you.Remember that only practice makes perfect. If necessary, study the course two or more times. Take notes during the course like a real student. Use documentations, Google search. Finally, try to write the application yourself, not necessarily the same as in the course, you can try to change, add something, etc. No single course will make you a very good web developer. It can only bring you closer to this goal. The more practice, the better.QAQuestion:You used Laravel 5 in this course for creating an app to practice PayPal integration. Now we have Laravel 7 already. Does it mean that this course is outdated and I will not benefit from it?Answer:Absolutely not! In tools like PHP frameworks the fundamentals and base syntax almost never change regardless of the version. But of course any maintained software evolves all the time. That's why I always suggest you to use the version of software that instructor uses in the course. It prevents from errors and confusions. As a someone who wants to learn web development you should be aware, that real web development involves also adapting the code to newer versions if necessary - but this is not always necessary, not every company do that. Software changes so often that the instructors would not be able to create the courses so that they match the latest version. This is not even advisable, because as a student you would loose an important aspect of real web development - the awareness that everything is changing and you need to be able to deal with it."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Elementor Praxis Kurs - Der Nr. 1 WordPress Page Builder" |
"Mit dem Praxis Elementor Kurs von WordPress Consultant Danijel Rose kannst du deine eigene Website schnell und einfach erstellen. Du knntest mit dem Kurs sogar eine eigene Karriere als Webdesigner starten und wunderschne Websites fr deine Kunden designen. Der Nummer 1 Page Builder fr WordPress hat bereits ber 3 Millionen aktive Installationen und es werden tglich mehr! Sei jetzt dabei und lerne, wie du effizient mit dem tollen Design-Tool arbeiten kannst!Folgende Inhalte werden im Kurs behandelt:Die wichtigsten Grundeinstellungen fr ein optimales Elementor SetupDie besten Elementor ThemesDie besten Elementor AddonsResponsive Design mit ElementorAnwendung von verschiedenen Elementor WidgetsSticky Header erstellenTop-10 Website Schritt fr Schritt mit Elementor erstellenMotion EffectsGoogle Server Verbindungen auflsen und Google Schriftarten und Custom Fonts selbst hosten (DSGVO)...und vieles mehr!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"NEW! Substance Painter All Levels Volume 1" |
"Welcome to the course Learning Substance Painter All Levels Volume 1: Sci-Fi Theme ! In this course well be taking an in-depth walk through in learning Substance Painters features and expanding on workflows from beginner to advance levels.Here you will be supplied 2 low models (a beginner model, and an advanced one) in addition to 2 high rez models for download to follow along for a walk through of a step by step approach to learn this industry standard texturing software.This course will be the first of a series of courses dedicated assisting those with an interested in learning and practicing new texturing techniques through this powerful texturing software."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Substance Painter Volume 2 All Levels!" |
"Welcome to the Second Volume of Substance Painter , In this course we will review basics of Substance Painter and expand on those concepts in new texturing techniques such as stenciling, and decaling through our library shelf. For this as before you will be supplied and challenged to a new model to not only practice what is taught to show examples how to innovate on your own texturing techniquesAs mentioned in earlier volumes this course is a continuation of a series of courses dedicated assisting those with an interested in learning, practicing, AND exploring new texturing techniques through this powerful texturing software."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NEW! ZBRUSH Hard Surface Techniques and Workflows All Levels" |
"Hello and Welcome to ZBRUSH Hard Surface Techniques and Workflows All Levels- In this course we will take a focus in depth look into Hard Surface Sculpting in a variety of Techniques such as combing digital sculpting and Zmodeler Editing through one of ZBrushes biggest upgraded feature Zremesher 3.0 and building modular component pieces that can be reusable in other projects.- Here I will be doing demonstrations in Zremesher 3.0 to show its strengths and weakness as part of its primary bridge between sculpting and Zmodeler- Throughout this course we will examine ways to combine what we learn in our hard surface sculpting techniques to push our shapes further utilizing gizmos deformers to make one modular piece construction to be reusable to multiple shapes as we progress with our subject piece.- In addition to these new workflows I will also be illustrating how to create customized booleans and demonstrate their versatility across multiple surfaces.- We will be making HEAVY emphasis to in hotkey narration from the most commonly used hotkeys in this course to more advance hotkey techniques such panning curves and selection tools through space bar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green & Black Belt I go4sixsigma" |
"1. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt trainingPlease watch training videos, complete your LSS Yellow Belt project2. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt trainingPlease start with the project template, watch training videos, complete your LSS Green Belt project3. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training Please use the same project template, watch training videos, complete your LSS Black Belt project When you complete 100% of training you can download Udemy Certificate confirming you finished Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Green Belt and Black Belt training at UdemyAs an additional option you can send your completed projects to for paid projects check and paid LSS GB and LSS BB certificates.Only LSS YB Certificate $19Only LSS GB Certificate: $39Only LSS BB Certificate $49Both LSS GB and BB Certificates $59All LSS YB, GB and BB Certificates $69Anna Grabowska-GrabiecLean Six Sigma Master Black"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SwiftUI BootCamp For Biginner's - Build Apps with Swift 5" |
"SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device using just one set of tools and APIs. With a declarative Swift 5 syntax thats easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode (11 Beta) design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync. Automatic support for Dynamic Type, Dark Mode, localization, and accessibility means your first line of SwiftUI code is already the most powerful UI code youve ever written.SwiftUI helps developers by binding their User Interfaces with their data. When the data changes, so does the UI. When the UI changes, so does the data. SwiftUI is also incredibly reusable. Views you create can be reused time and time again.SwiftUI is also baked into the new Xcode 11 and uses Previews to show you in REAL TIME how your code changes will effect the look of your app.In this course we'll cover:Your First SwiftUI AppXcode PreviewsViews Deep DiveData and SwiftUIAccessibilitySwiftUI for MacOS, WatchOS, and tvOSSwiftUI In Existing ProjectsSee your App on Simulator device SwiftUI is the future. I believe that it's Apple's most innovative way on how iOS, MacOS and WatchOS apps are going to be built from now on.So, you should start learning this Framework and start building apps for the Apple Platform."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Declarao de Imposto de Renda - IRPF" |
"PARA OBTER INFORMAES SOBRE PROMOES, ACESSE O SITE: CASEINVEST.COM.BR E CLIQUE NA ABA UDEMY NO MENU SUPERIOR!Declarao de Imposto de Renda IRPF um minicurso que te possibilita entender os principais conceitos para que voc possa entregar a sua declarao no prazo estabelecido e sem grandes complicaes.Aprenda tudo aquilo que importante para entregar a sua Declarao da melhor forma possvel, sem deixar passar o prazo, tudo isso de forma simples, prtica e objetiva.Veja o que voc vai aprender: Documentos Necessrios para o Preenchimento Entendendo os Informes de rendimentos Como feito o Clculo do IRPF Tabelas e Alquotas Carn Leo Ganho de Capital Como declarar Investimentos Restituio Portal eCACNo perca tempo acesse agora!te vejo no curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page Design & Email Marketing/Automation Integration" |
"Great to have you here!. Are you a business owner with a vision to have a profitable business and generate leads without hassle, Have you been a Traditional Marketer subjected to career threats because you lack digital marketing skills, This course has been designed to help you conquer your challenges and help you achieve your dreams.In the first section, you will be taught how to map and analyse a marketing strategy/funnel for your business . A sample business will be used as a case study. In the second section, you will explore Tips on how to design a high conversion landing Page. You will learn how to design Landing Page using templates on Landingi in Section 3 while the following section will simplify how you can integrate your Landingi page with Active-campaign, An E-mail Marketing and Automation Platform.Furthermore, the fifth section will demostrate how to design a Landing Page using a tool called Elementor on your WordPress Website.The following section will reveal how to integrate the Landing Page with Mail-chimp for E-mail Marketing and Automation.Finally , we will touch on driving traffic to your Landing Page by setting up a Facebook Ad to demostrate that. The concluding section will display how to setup a Facebook re-marketing Ad to re-target those who did not subscribe to mailing list on Landing Page."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Die komplette JavaScript Masterclass: Vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Der kompletter Einstieg fr JavaScript:JavaScript ist eine Programmiersprache, die heutzutage immer mehr Verbreitung findet. Leider ist der Einstieg oft sehr unbersichtlich. Genau dieses Problem mchte ich mit diesem Kurs lsen.In diesem Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt alles, was du zum Thema JavaScript wissen musst - inklusive Themen wie NodeJS, ES6, Webpack, Babel, Ajax und APIs.Besonders viele bungen + Praxisbeispiele:Damit du noch mehr Wissen aus diesem Kurs mitnehmen kannst, gibt es besonders viele bungen und Praxisbeispiele. Dadurch prgt sich das gelernte wissen noch besser bei dir ein.Was lernst du alles?JavaScript Grundlagen:DatentypenArraysObjekteFunktionenFortgeschrittene JavaScript-Features:Prototypen-VererbungCallbacksAsynchrones JavaScriptPromisesVerwenden von Modulen (NPM)Moderne JavaScript-Features (ES6+):Async FunctionsES6-KlassenES6-Array-FunktionenBabel, WebpackCrashkurs NodeJS:Warum NodeJS?Wie unterscheidet es sich zu ""normalem"" JavaScript?Einfachen Webserver erstellenAPIs ansteuernDiverse Praxisprojekte:NhrwertrechnerTodo-ListeDiverse kleinere ProjekteDiverse bungsaufgaben"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Die komplette SQL Masterclass: Vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Vom Anfnger zum Profi in SQL:SQL ist eine unglaublich mchtige und effiziente Sprache, mit der du Datenbanken ansteuern kannst, und auch grere Datenmengen gut auswerten kannst. Leider ist der Einstieg oft zh. Genau dieses Problem mchte ich mit diesem Kurs lsen: Schon nach ein paar Minuten schreibst du deine erste Datenbankabfrage.In diesem Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt alles, was du zum Thema SQL wissen musst - und zwar fr die 2 beliebtesten Datenbanksysteme, MySQL und PostgreSQL. Zudem kannst du das Wissen oft 1:1 bertragen, selbst wenn du ein anderes System (wie z.B. SQLite, Microsoft SQL oder Oracle Database) verwendest.Fordere dich mit bungsaufgaben heraus: Damit dieser Kurs dir am meisten Spa macht, gibt es besonders viele Praxisbeispiele. Zudem installieren wir bei dir eine kleine Beispieldatenbank - so kann ich dir bungsaufgaben stellen, und du wendest das Wissen direkt an. Teilnehmer berichten mir, dass sie sich dadurch das Wissen sehr viel einfacher einprgen knnen.Was fr Themen deckt dieser Kurs ab? Dieser Kurs deckt alles ab, was du fr deinen Einstieg in die Welt von SQL wissen musst:Erste Schritte:Daten abfragen & filtern (SELECT, SELECT ... WHERE)Daten einfgen (INSERT)Daten verndern (UPDATE)Daten lschen (DELETE)Fortgeschrittene Themen:Komplexere Auswertungen mit SUBSELECTDaten gruppieren (GROUP BY)So erstellst du Reports: Tabellen miteinander verknpfen (JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN)Abfragen beschleunigen (INDEX)Daten automatisch prfen lassen (Fremdschlssel)Expertenwissen: Wie unterscheiden sich MySQL und PostgreSQLErhhe die Sicherheit: So schrnkst du die Rechte von Benutzern einSchreibe eigene, kleine Programme mit Stored Procedures und Stored FunctionsDurchsuche ganze Bibliotheken an Bchern:Volltextsuche in MySQL (MATCHES AGAINST)Volltextsuche mit PostgreSQL (TO_TSQUERY, TO_TSVECTOR,...)Fhre Aktionen automatisch aus (EVENTs)Fehlermanagement mit Transaktionen"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |