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"Impara rapidamente le basi di MySQL 8.0 (IN ITALIANO)" |
"L'analista di dati sar il lavoro pi richiesto nei prossimi anni. Se vuoi migliorare il tuo curriculum e aumentare le tue possibilit di trovare un lavoro nel mondo dell'analisi dei dati hai bisogno di avere una solida conoscenza delle basi che governano il pi diffuso strumento di gestione dei database relazionali, chiamato MySQLe oggi disponibile nella sua versione 8.0. In questo corso, completamente in italiano, ti mostro attraverso diversi esempi in che modo puoi creare database, popolarli di dati, oppure interrogare database esistenti e ricavare da loro quelle informazioni indispensabili per orientare le scelte del business per la tua azienda. Se vuoi aumentare le tue probabilit di trovare un lavoro come analista di dati, questo un ottimo corso per acquisire tutte le basi di utilizzo di MySQL 8.0. IL CORSO E' IN ITALIANO!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara rapidamente TypeScript 2.X e 3.X (IN ITALIANO)" |
"Se sei un programmatore JavaScript sai a cosa mi riferisco. Se invece non hai mai programmato in JavaScript forse meglio se parti proprio da qui. TypeScript il superset fortemente tipizzato di JavaScript e ha dato una seconda giovinezza al linguaggio per applicazioni web pi diffuso del mondo (sto parlando proprio di JavaScript). Imparando i concetti fondamentali di TypeScript potrai diventare un miglior programmatore in Js (JavaScript)se gi lo sei, o potrai prendere il meglio di JavaScript e integrarlo con tutto quello che gli mancava al momento in cui stato concepito, iniziando a programmare da zero in TypeScript per poi compilare il risultato in JavaScript. In entrambi i casi, TypeScript ti serve. Non puoi farne a meno. E se lo conosci, ti renderai conto di quanto potr farti fare un avanzamento di competenze (...e magari di carriera!)nel tuo percorso di sviluppatore. Questo corso rivolto a principianti che non hanno alcuna conoscenza di TypeScript. NONE' NECESSARIAALCUNACONOSCENZADIPROGRAMMAZIONE, NE' ALCUNACONOSCENZADIJAVASCRIPT. E' un corso pensato per tutti, per chi parte da zero e non ha alcuna base, per chi ha qualche rudimento, per chi conosce la programmazione in Js e vuole imparare il superset tipizzato di Js per ampliare le sue potenzialit di sviluppo. Insomma, un corso per TUTTI."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso acelerado de Docker con storytelling" |
"Docker es una plataforma abierta para que desarrolladores y administradores de sistemas construyan, distribuyan y ejecuten aplicaciones distribuidas, ya sea en porttiles, VMs de centros de datos o en la nube.Este curso introduce a Docker a un Principiante Absoluto usando conferencias realmente simples y fciles de entender. Las conferencias van seguidas de demostraciones que muestran cmo configurar y empezar a utilizar el Docker. Los ejercicios de codificacin que acompaan a este curso le ayudarn a practicar los comandos de Docker y a desarrollar sus propias imgenes utilizando Dockerfiles y practicar Docker Compose. Este curso est diseado para principiantes en DevOps"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impariamo a utilizzare DOCKER in italiano" |
"Docker il software pi importante per implementare la portabilit del software fra diversi sistemi attraverso l'utilizzo dei container, che hanno migliorato tutti i difetti delle macchine virtuali, diventando oggi lo standard di utilizzo per sviluppatori individuali e aziende di software. In questo corso imparerai tutte le istruzioni di base e di livello intermedio per poter essere totalmente autonomo nella gestione della piattaforma Docker sul tuo sistema operativo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso per imparare a Parlare in Pubblico" |
"Sei terrorizzato dall'idea di parlare in pubblico?Devi fare una presentazione la prossima settimana e non sai da che parte cominciare? Questo il corso che fa per te! In quasi 2 ore imparerai a padroneggiare tutte le nozioni di base necessarie per fare una grande presentazione in pubblico. Il public speaking una skill indispensabile in un mondo come il nostro basato interamente sulla comunicazione. Non giocarti la tua occasione solo perch non sei in grado di parlare in pubblico in modo efficace:una carriera pu dipendere da una presentazione di 20 minuti!Cosa aspetti?Inizia il corso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso introduttivo di programmazione in Scala" |
"Se hai voglia di imparare un linguaggio di programmazione diverso dal solito perch non cimentarsi con Scala? Si tratta di uno dei linguaggi pi usati nel campo del Machine Learning e dell'analisi dei dati, tanto da farne il linguaggio con cui la Apache Software Foundation ha creato il suo famoso Apache Spark, il framework pi leggero, veloce e potente per l'analisi dei grandi dati. Conoscere le basi di Scala pu essere un primo passo importante per approfondire argomenti che ti renderanno pi competitivo sul mercato del lavoro gi oggi ma soprattutto a partire dal prossimo futuro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dart Lang completa + Api Rest, Flutter, Aqueduct e Angular" |
"Juntos, aprenderemos os conceitos, recursos inovadores e estruturao de projetos em Dart. Tudo partindo do zero, bem mamo com acar na molezinha para todos poderem entender :).Este curso destinado ao iniciante absoluto sem experincia em programao. Se voc j programa em outras linguagens, melhor ainda! Conseguir aproveitar ao mximo o contedo que este curso prope.O Dart uma linguagem expressiva, poderosa e fcil que tem uma curva de aprendizado muito amigvel e rpida. Isso faz com que seja uma excelente linguagem iniciar os estudos. Com o Dart, ou, Dart language, ou, Dart programming language (como voc preferir) conseguimos construir cdigos bastante elegantes e organizados.O intuito deste curso te ensinar toda a parte bsica, intermediria e avanada da linguagem (voc pode ler mais nos tpicos do curso) para que voc tenha o norte necessrio para avanar com esta maravilha do mundo moderno criada pela Google! Vale lembrar que, o Dart a porta de entrada para frameworks como o Flutter, AngularDart e Aqueduct que esto em ascenso no mercado! Ela tambm pode ser transpilada para a web e se tornar javascript, te mostrarei aqui todo o caminho para explorar desde a parte servidora at a parte web neste curso!Te prometo que se voc se dedicar ao mximo, programar junto comigo nas aulas e realizar as atividades, no final do curso, voc estar programando Dart assim como fala portugus (espero que voc fale bem portugus :p). E a, topa o desafio? :)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Dart Lang para web, do bsico ao infinito e alm!" |
"Juntos, aprenderemos os conceitos, recursos inovadores e estruturao de projetos em Dart para a web (front e backend). Tudo partindo do zero, bem mamo com acar na molezinha para todos poderem entender :).Este curso destinado para quem quer comear no mundo web com a linguagem Dart. Vale ressaltar que interessante voc ter uma noo no mnimo de bsica para intermediria em Dart. Caso ainda no tenha, sugiro procurar o meu curso completo de Dart Lang, do bsico ao infinito e alm! Nele voc ter toda a base para seguir com xito neste aqui.O Dart uma linguagem expressiva, poderosa e fcil que tem uma curva de aprendizado muito amigvel e rpida. Isso faz com que seja uma excelente linguagem para iniciar os estudos. Com o Dart, ou, Dart language, ou, Dart programming language ou simplesmente Dart Lang (como voc preferir) conseguimos construir cdigos bastante elegantes e organizados de uma forma realmente MUITO mais fcil que a maioria das outras linguagens!Te prometo que se voc se dedicar ao mximo, programar junto comigo nas aulas e realizar as atividades, no final do curso, voc estar programando Dart para a web assim como fala portugus (espero que voc fale bem portugus :p). E a, topa o desafio? :)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Python do bsico ao infinito e alm!" |
"Neste curso voc aprender partindo do zero absoluto como instalar e utilizar a linguagem Python para processar dados, realizar consultas em bancos de dados e mais uma srie de coisas legais que exploraremos juntos! Juntos, aprenderemos o conceito de tipos, variveis, loops, operadores, condicionais, funes, objetos, listas, dicionrios, strings e seus respectivos mtodos, controle de excesses, sql, mysql, CRUD, mysqlclient e afins.Come to the py side!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java Certification SE 1Z0-808 Masterclass + Practice Exams" |
"Do you need to earn your Java Certification? If so, you've come to the right place!I have personally trained over 10,000 people in how to pass their Java Certification exam on the first attempt!Oracle Java certification is quite important to open up new vistas of opportunities in your professional career. It all begins with credibility. The moment your prospective employer will see your resume, Oracle certification 1Z0-808 on Java SE 8 status will grab his eyeballs, without any doubt.Oracle Java certification helps win better job prospects in the industry and even makes you comparatively superior to other candidates. Besides, you might even grab higher salaries to those who are not certified. So, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind for an Oracle certification and move further in your career. Here are some things that you should know before you begin the preparation.Master Java Coding! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XML Processing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Java will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Java is one of the most requested skills in 2019!This course requires no previous programming or Java experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Java, this course will teach you everything you need."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"MCSD 70-483 C# Preparation Course + 2 Full Practice Exams" |
"**** This course contains pretty much everything you need to pass the exams. ****This course is designed to get you ready to take and pass any Microsoft 70-483 C# Exams!This course includes also an overview of the Microsoft 70-483 C# Exams methodology used in a programming environment. The majority of people that consider C# Programming as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons.*** I am excited to start this C# journey together! ***Microsoft is considered to be the No1 certification program that will boost your career. **** Become a C# Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2019! ****Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of C# , this course is for you! In this course we will teach you C#. This course will teach you C# in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep access to the Notebooks as a thank you for trying out the course!So what are you waiting for? Learn C# in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Java Fast Track Preparation for Interview as Java Developer" |
"Doyouneed to start a new career as a Java Developer? If so, you've come to the right place!I have personally trained over 10,000 people in how to pass their Java Certification exam on the first attempt!Java interview is quite important to open up new vistas of opportunities in your professional career. It all begins with credibility. The moment your prospective employer will see your resume, your Java status will grab his eyeballs, without any doubt.This course will help you be prepared and win better job prospects in the industry and even makes you comparatively superior to other candidates. Besides, you might even grab higher salaries to those who are not certified. So, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind as a Java Developer and move further in your career. Here are some things that you should know before you begin the preparation.Master Java Coding! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XMLProcessing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Java will give you moreopportunities for jobs and career advancementbecause Java is one of the most requested skills in 2018!This course requires no previous programming or Java experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Java, this course will teach you everything you need."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Interview Preparation - Get a Job as a PM" |
"****This course contains pretty much everything you need to pass your Project Management Interview Questions and Thrive! **** This course is designed to get you ready to take and pass any Project Management Interview Question!This course includes also an overview of the Project Management Certification methodology used in a project management environment.The majority of people that consider Project Management as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons. Iam excited to start this Project Management journey together!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Scratch 3.0 for Teachers Teach Coding with Games & Scratch" |
"**** THIS COURSE IS ORIENTED FOR TEACHERS THAT WANT TO COVER GAME DEVELOPMENT IN SCRATCH 3.0 AND CODING PRINCIPLES TO FILL THE GAP BETWEEN SCRATCH 3.0 AND REAL CODING. IT INCLUDES LESSON PLANS AND ACTIVITIES READY TO DELIVER. ***In this course you will be learn how to teach coding by developing 11 different games (including the great Arcade Arkanoid Game) in Scratch programming language. For the development of this game, it is used Scratch 3.0 because is an educational programming environment that is has an easy graphical interface that it will allow us to drag and drop the right blocks of coding.I promise you that it will be a funny and exciting course that it will motivate your students to learn coding in more depth.Scratch 3.0 is a free programming language and online community where your students can create their own interactive stories, games, and animations. Using Scratch, students can create online projects and develop them into almost anything by using a simple block-like interface. When they are ready, they then share, and also discuss their creations with each other. Scratch was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. Scratch is designed to help children (ages 8 and up) learn to utilize their imaginations, practice common sense, and, most importantly, to interact with computers.Scratch is the best educational programming software for kids available today. With Scratch, you can create games and interactive art projects all while having lots of fun!This course uses the amazing Scratch program developed by MIT to teach coding. This course is meant for:- Everybody that is interested in learning to code, from kids to adults, Scratch was developed by MIT to teach people to code. It is the best way to learn to code that I have been aware of in my lifetime.- Anyone interested in teaching beginning programming as a career or business. Teaching kids to code is becoming big business. Want to start your own coding academy school or get a position as an instructor? They all use Scratch programming, learn Scratch here from a University programming instructor.- Anyone that already knows how to code that wants to learn from Scratch Programming and build some fun games. Why did we get into programming in the first place? Because its fun and Scratch is super fun! No matter your level, you will have fun and learn from Scratch. I know I did and that is what the people at MIT intended."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"SQL - A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples" |
"**** This course contains pretty much everything you need to master SQL. ****The majority of people that consider SQL as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons.Mastering SQL is considered to be the No1 qualification that will boost your career. You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills - PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more.When you can work with SQL, it means you dont have to rely on others sending you data and executing queries for you. You can do that on your own. This allows you to be independent and dig deeper into the data to obtain the answers to questions that might improve the way your company does its business. For instance, Database management is the foundation for data analysis and intelligent decision making.Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you'll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!I am excited to start this SQL journey together! Get ready to acquire some seriously marketable programming skills! You can't consider yourself a complete end to end developer until you can code in SQL. Today, data has become the hottest topic in technology and a company's biggest asset is their data. All databases require the language SQL to store and retrieve data. Salaries for junior level SQL Developers are upwards of $70,000 - $90,000 dollars a year! Worried that you have no previous experience?Not an issue. We will start from the very basics and gradually teach you everything you need to know. Step by step. With no steps skipped.What about certificates? Do you provide a certificate?Upon completion of the course, you will be able to download a certificate of completion with your name on it. Then, you can upload this certificate on LinkedIn and show potential employers this is a skill you possess."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Java MTA - Introduction to Programming Using Java 98-388" |
"Do you need to earn your Java Certification? If so, you've come to the right place!I have personally trained over 10,000 people in how to pass their Java Certification exam on the first attempt!MTA 98-388 Java certification is quite important to open up new vistas of opportunities in your professional career. It all begins with credibility. The moment your prospective employer will see your resume, Microsoft certification MTA 98-388 on Java SE 8 status will grab his eyeballs, without any doubt.MTA 98-388 Java certification helps win better job prospects in the industry and even makes you comparatively superior to other candidates. Besides, you might even grab higher salaries to those who are not certified. So, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind for an MTA 98-388 certification and move further in your career. Here are some things that you should know before you begin the preparation.Master Java Coding! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XML Processing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Java will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Java is one of the most requested skills in 2019!This course requires no previous programming or Java experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Java, this course will teach you everything you need."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"GDPR Certification - Be Prepared for CIPP/E Certification" |
"***GDPRMETHODOLOGY, GDPRCOMPLIANCE, GDPREXAMPLESANDEVERYTHINGYOUNEEDFORCIPP/E TRAININGISHERE***CIPP/E encompasses pan-European and national data protection laws, key privacy terminology and practical concepts concerning the protection of personal data and trans-border data flows.The General Data Protection Regulation has taken effect, with a global impact. A small number of IT certifications already address GDPR, and more are coming soon. Will these or other privacy- and compliance-related certifications get you a new job or prepare you for its important duties?Achieving a CIPP/E credential shows you have the comprehensive GDPR knowledge, perspective and understanding to ensure compliance and data protection success in Europeand to take advantage of the career opportunity this sweeping legislation represents.The CIPP/E relates to the knowledge a DPO must have concerning the European legal framework of the legislation.Why CIPP/E?The CIPP is the global industry standard for professionals entering and working in the field of privacy.Achieving a CIPP/E credential demonstrates understanding of a principles-based framework and knowledge base in information privacy within the European context, including critical topics like the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and GDPR (including Mandatory DPOs).Youll be recognized as part of an elite group of knowledgeable, capable and dedicated privacy and data protection practitioners.Holding a CIPP/E designation elevates your leadership profile among your colleagues.The CIPP/E is a key benchmark among top employers for hiring and promoting privacy professionals.This course is a resource to teach you the main elements of the General Data ProtectionRegulation GDPR.This course includes:- Internal policies and procedures that comply with the GDPR's requirements- External controls- The implementation of the policies and processes into the organisation's activities- Effective internal compliance measuresRemember this course comes with 'LIFETIMEACCESS' giving you an amazing ongoing reference resource in GDPR.WithCOURSECERTIFICATE for GDPRincluded!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Python MTA 98-381 Exam Complete Preparation Course + Tips" |
"Do you need to earn your Python Certification? If so, you've come to the right place!Master Python and Pass the MTA 98-381 Exam! Learn the basic of computer programming, variables, if-statements and decision making, loops, funtions and files input-output, XML Processing and Database Handling.After this course you will be able to code your fancy app for your work or your personal porfolio. Learning Python will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Python is one of the most requested skills in 2019!This course requires no previous programming or Python experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you know another programming language and want to learn Python, this course will teach you everything you need.Join over 200,000 students just like you whore having massive success in Python.Want to go from no previous coding experience -- overwhelmed and confused about where to even start -- to advanced Python programmer, able to seamlessly build creative and exciting programs with confidence?You wouldnt be reading this otherwise. Heres the great newsYouve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth beginner to advanced Python programming course online. Whether you want to:- become an in-demand Python developer for exciting software companies- go freelance and work from home, setting your own schedule and rates- sharpen your core programming skills to reach the advanced level- simply bring your own ideas to life with your first profitable program...this complete Python developer course is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion to add to your arsenal)Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will in the course) All the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what youre coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating Find out how to use cool new Python features like modules. How to safely download and install all necessary coding tools with less time and no frustrating installations or setups Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and the Python API (the protocols and tools for building applications) so you can code for all platforms How to develop powerful Python applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, Visual Studio Code! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier. Python know-how for tools such as the Spring framework, popular amongst enterprise-level development (for big clients) Advanced coding tips and tricks used by the worlds most in-demand programmers as well as the top tech companies, so you can create apps not only for yourself, but as a profitable business on your terms if you choose toAnd much, much more...AP-what?Don't worry if none of that made sense. Well go into great detail explaining each and every core concept, programming term, and buzzwords you need to create your exciting Python programs.By the end of this comprehensive course, youll master Python programming no matter what level of experience youre at right now. Youll understand what you are doing, and why you are doing it. This isnt a recipe book, youll use your own creativity to make unique, intuitive programs.Not only do these HD videos show you how to become a programmer in great detail, but this course includes a unique challenge feature. Each time a core concept is taught, a video presents a challenge for you to help you understand what you have just learned in a real world scenario.Youll go and complete the challenge on your own, then come back and see the answers and explained in detail in the video, allowing you to check your results and identify any areas you need to go back and work on.This is a proven way to help you understand Python faster and ensure you reach your goal of becoming a Python Developer in record time. Remember doing those old past exam papers in high school or college? Its the same concept, and it works.Why learn Python compared to other programming languages?Thats easy.Python is the most popular programming language in use since its the only language that works across all computer platforms without needing to be recompiled (edited) for each one. Why is this great?Not only does this multi-platform language save you countless hours in rewriting code, it means you can make your software available for download, and even for sale on every marketplace -- reaching millions more potential users, both on desktop and mobile! Besides, you cant afford not to know it...Think about it. If your competition or fellow coders know Python -- the most popular coding language -- and you dontWho has the huge market advantage?Who will bring your awesome idea to life first, dominating all platforms?Who will score the big companies and clients?If this sounds like you, then youll find yourself going from beginner to successful Python programmer with less time, effort and investment than any other resource out there. Not to mention you get a certification of completion with this course, giving you extra credentials over others.Im always updating this course with fresh content, tooIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak).Now that Python 3 is released, you wont have to worry about buying any more courses or thick, heavy books. Simply log in to this course (Ill send you an email when any updates are added) and you can quickly and easily catch up on any new and exciting releases!With this complete Python developer course, youre expertise will never go out of date (or obsolete if we want to get nerdy).Ill personally answer all your questionsAs if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with advanced Python skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itYou literally cant lose.Ready to get started, developer?Enrol now using the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, class is waiting!) "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Complete Course" |
"**** This course contains pretty much everything you need to pass the exams. ****Welcome to the MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Complete Course by Dr. Chris Mall. This course covers everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft MTA 98-361 Software Development Certification Exam.This course includes also an overview of the MTA 98-361 Exams methodology used in a programming environment.WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE IN THIS MTA 98-361 PREPARTION COURSE Understanding Core ProgrammingUnderstanding Object-Oriented ProgrammingUnderstanding General Software DevelopmentUnderstanding Web ApplicationsUnderstanding Desktop ApplicationsUnderstanding DatabasesOnce you complete this course, you'll know everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Exam.So What Are You Waiting For?Enroll Today!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
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