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copywriter-ru |
". . "" . . ""! ! . + PDF + . : 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. CONTENT 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. SEO-4.1. SEO-4.2. - 4.3. 7 SEO , 4.4. 10 SEO 4.5. SEO-5.1. 5.2. 5.3. /5.4. -, , , , -6.1. -. -. -. STORYTELLING 7.1. 5 8.1. 9.1. 21 "" . . "" : SEO SEO -, , , ,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Email . Email . Email." |
"Email . Email . Email. ""Email . Email . Email.""! email ! email IT . + PDF + . :1.0. EMAIL 1.1. EMAIL 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. . 1.6. 1.7. 1.8.. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. . WELCOME 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. . PREHEADER1.16. 1.17. 1.18. 1.19. UTM . 1.20. . : OPEN RATE, CLICK RATE, CTR, 1.21. UNSUBSCRIBE RATE1.22. 1.23. EMAIL . EMAIL 1.24. 1.25. 1.26. 1.27. EMAIL 1.28. LANDING PAGES1.29. 1.30. EMAIL MARKETING1.31. HTML & TEXT EMAILS ""Email . Email . Email."" : Email Email Email Email Email Email UTM Email Email"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
efficiency |
". . . . "" . . . .""! 150% + PDF + . :1.1. ?1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. - SMART3.5. SMART : 3.6. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. ?4.4. 4.5. 5.1. 5.2. 6.1. 6.2. -: 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 5 6.7. -10 6.8. 6.9. -: 21 6.10. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7 7.4. 7.5. 8.1. 9.1. "" . . . ."" : SMART"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"UX UI . Ui Ux . Ux . Ui" |
"UX UI ""UX UI ""! UX UI , , . : 1: UX1.1. UX.1.2. UX 1.3. UX1.4. UX-: -1.5. UX 1.6. UX 1.7. 5 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. WIRE FLOW1.12. A / B 1.13. UX 2: UI2.1. UI2.2. UI2.3. UI 2.4. UI 2.5. 6 UI2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 10 2.9. UX UI 2.10. UX UI2.11. BACKEND FRONTEND 3: WORKFLOW3.1. 3.2. , 4: UX 4.1. UX 4.2. 8 UX 4.3. , -4.4. 5 4.5. 4.6. 5:5.1. 5.2. 6:6.1. 7:7.1. ""UX UI "" : UX UX UX UX WireFlow A/B UX UI UI UI backend frontend"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
WordPress |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete guide to building an app with .Net Core and React" |
"***Course has now been updated for .Net Core 3.0***Have you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and React? Not sure where to go next? This course should be able to help with that. In this course we learn how to build a multi-project ASP.NET Core solution that is built using Clean Architecture and the CQRS and Mediator pattern that makes our code easy to understand, reason about and extend.Both ASP.NET Core and React are hot topics and this course will enhance your knowledge of both, simply by building an application from start to finish. In each module we learn something new, whilst incrementally adding features to the application. Building an application is significantly more rewarding than building yet another Todo List from the documentation!Every line of code is demonstrated and explained and by the end of this course you will have the skills and knowledge to build your own application using the techniques taught in this course.Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating a multi-project solution using the the ASP.NET Core WebAPI and the React app using the DotNet CLI and the create-react-app utility.Clean Architecture and the CQRS + Mediator patternSetting up and configuring ASP.NET Core identity for authenticationUsing React with TypescriptAdding a Client side login and register function to our React applicationUsing React RouterUsing AutoMapper in ASP.NET CoreBuilding a great looking UI using Semantic UIAdding Photo Upload widget and creating user profile pagesUsing React Final Form to create re-usable form inputs with validationPaging, Sorting and FilteringUsing SignalR to enable real time web communication to a chat feature in our appPublishing the application to both IIS and LinuxGetting an A rating for security from a well known security scanning site.Many more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and fantastic) cross platform code editor. You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like... as long as it's Windows, Linux or MacIs this course for you?This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you.On this course we will build an example social network application that allows users to sign up to events (similar to MeetUp or Facebook), completely from scratch. All we start with is an empty terminal window or command prompt.All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using ASP.NET Core and React"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Gua indispensable del Emprendedor: Emprender de 0 al xito" |
"Utiliza este curso como tu mapa de ruta paso a paso de la A a la Z para convertir tu idea de negocio en un xito empresarial.Logra la libertad e independencia que proviene de ser tu propio jefe.Incluso si eres un principiante absoluto, este curso te guiar para planificar y comenzar tu negocio con xito.ESTS CONSTRUYENDO TU PRIMER NEGOCIO Y TE SIENTES PERDIDO E INSEGURO DE LOS PASOS A SEGUIR? Quiz ya tienes un emprendimiento caminando y sientes que no has llegado dnde quieres?NO ESTS SOLO...Millones de emprendedores se sienten as, y es exactamente como me sent cuando inici mi primer negocio hace 20 aos. He sentido el estrs que ests sintiendo, y he pasado por las dificultades que ests enfrentando. La experiencia que haba hecho abriendo oficinas en varios pases para una multinacional alemana fue una gran gua para m, para hacerlo bien desde el inicio.La gran noticia es que te guiar a travs de cada paso para iniciar tu negocio, desde como seleccionar la mejor idea de emprendimiento, hasta la planificacin del mismo, la recaudacin de dinero, el mercadeo, la venta, la productividad y el inicio de tu negocio con los fundamentos correctos para darle la mayor oportunidad de xito.HECHO CONOCIDO SOBRE EL INICIO DE UN NEGOCIOObtener el consejo y la direccin correcta de un experto en emprendimientos y consultoras empresariales te ayudar a disminuir en gran medida tu curva de aprendizaje, minimizar el perodo de lucha y te dar la mejor oportunidad de tener xito.LO QUE LOGRARS AL FINAL DEL CURSOAl final de este curso, ya no sers uno de los millones de ""emprendesoadores"". Habrs dado tus primeros pasos positivos para el xito del negocio. Te convertirs en un empresario fuerte e independiente. Sabrs exactamente adnde vas a ir en el negocio y cmo vas a llegar all. Podrs tomar decisiones correctas y con confianza.Utiliza este curso como una gua paso a paso de la iniciativa empresarial para pasar de las ideas de negocios a la puesta en marcha de una empresa exitosa.LO QUE APRENDERSUna visin general de los aspectos claves de la iniciativa empresarialLo ms importante que debe y no debe hacer un empresarioConsejos anecdticos basados en ejemplos del mundo realEste curso no va a hacer el trabajo por ti, pero obtendrs la claridad y la confianza para hacer el trabajo por ti mismo.Este curso no es para personas que no buscan tomar decisiones en su empresa.DIEGO SOSATiene ms de 30 aos de experiencia trabajando como empresario, asesor e inversor. Ha entrenado personalmente a ms de una decena de miles de empresarios y asesorado a ms de un centenar de empresas. Ms de 100 000 han sido estudiantes de sus programas de capacitacin empresarial y personal. Imagina lo mejor y ms fcil que ser tu camino hacia el xito, y cunto ms puedes lograr con un mentor experimentado.GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINEROEste curso de negocios viene con una garanta de devolucin de dinero incondicional, respaldada por Udemy, durante 30 das. Esto no es slo una garanta, es mi promesa personal de que har todo lo posible para ayudarte a tener xito, como lo he hecho con miles de mis otros estudiantes.Invierte en tu futuro. Envulvete en esto ahora."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Miracle of Hydration - The Most Underrated Health Secret" |
"In this Course you will learn such an fundamental piece of knowledge for better health and general well being. This is something that effects life of everyone regardless of your age, size, gender or race.People are using so much energy, time and money to achieve better health & well being and at the same time not taking care one of the most fundamental buildingblocks of it. Hydration.About 10 years ago I found out about the importance of hydration of the body and ever since this have been the foundational piece of my personal health and well being.Almost everyone have heard about the importance of drinking enough water and at the same time most of the adults are chronically dehydrated. So in this class I want to shed light on the subject and correct misunderstandings around it. Also you will get practical information on how to keep your body fully hydrated on a daily basis.This course is something that can truly change the rest of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MASTER Intro al diseo de Personajes 3D en Autodesk Maya" |
"Hola! Soy Rodrigo Reyes y Bienvenid@ al curso de Diseo de Personajes 3D en Autodesk Maya.Este detallado curso est diseado para ayudarte a obtener una comprensin slida de las caractersticas principales encontradas en Autodesk Maya, el cual, de una manera prctica, te aliviar la transicin de adentrarte en este potente programa. As, durante el curso de estas lecciones, tendrs la oportunidad de aprender acerca de diferentes aspectos de Maya para lograr resultados ptimos creando personajes en 3D.Durante aos, he tenido el privilegio de poder ser docente de las reas digitales en diferentes estudios, universidades y centros de capacitacin especializados en el arte digital, tics, videojuegos y por supuesto todo lo que respecta al mundo de los grficos generados por computador. Contamos con ms de 4 millares de alumnos ahora mismo en UDEMY y otro millar en YouTube!Para las prximas horas, como 3D POP, te facilitaremos el material lectivo mejor estructurado, bien ordenado y ms fcil de seguir que encontrars en cualquier lugar.En la primera parte de este tutorial, vamos a familiarizarnos con algunos puntos claves como la terminologa y habilidades bsicas que se requieren con el fin de que comiences a moverte y trabajar en MAYA. A partir de ah, vamos a pasar a explorar algunas de las caractersticas de modelado que se encuentran en Autodesk Maya en un entorno que crearemos desde cero, el cual, nos permitir desenvolvernos con totalidad al momento de crear nuestro personaje 3D.Posteriormente revisaremos: Rigging, Animacin bsica, Render y Post-Produccin de nuestro personaje. Veremos cmo trabajar en Arnold como motor de render, pero tambin conoceremos las posibilidades de Keyshot con Maya o bien podrs aplicar las diversas tcnicas en cualquier otro motor de render que tengas a la mano.Conoceremos diversas herramientas que nos permitirn mejorar nuestro workflow y llevar a un siguiente nivel nuestra creacin de personajes en 3D.Otorgaremos paulatinamente, en clases de bonificacin especial, material de refuerzo y aprendizaje que podrs implementar en cualquier proyecto que realices.Ahora bien, este curso est diseado para nuevos y experimentados usuarios de Autodesk Maya que desean llegar a dominar de manera profesional la herramienta y sus posibilidades al crear personajes, por lo que nuestro objetivo es que no te enredes con demasiada informacin tcnica, en su lugar, queremos que formes algunos realmente buenos hbitos y aprendas los flujos de trabajo, para llegar a ver la totalidad de principio a fin de este proyecto.Para el final de este curso, queremos que llegues a un punto en el que realmente te sientas cmodo trabajando con MAYA, as que para ello, nos vamos a poner manos a la obra y comenzar a practicar y aprender mucho en las siguientes lecciones! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de C#" |
"O mundo est cada vez mais digitalizado. A cada dia que se passa, cresce a demanda por profissionais que saibam programar.Esse curso visa ensinar o bsico necessrio para se comear a programar em C# e fazer uma breve introduo a banco de dados, windows forms e ASP.NET CORE MVC 2."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness & Yoga for daily life" |
"Learn easy yoga techniques to use into your day to be calm, focused and joyful. Include mindfulness in your day to day!This step by step course shows you how you can integrate mindfulness in your daily life using yoga postures, breathing, easy meditation and relaxation techniques.Create awareness of your breath, your body and even the way you eat, encourage positive thoughts and allow positive changes into your life with MY-YOGA Mindfulness for daily life course.Do all this with a smile. We use a fun and light-hearted approach than keeps you interested and kindles the joy for life.What you will learn:Easy Yoga Practices you can do everydayYoga Breathingexercises (Pranayama) to calm and rebalanceMeditation and Mindfulness Techniquesto practice anywhereRelaxation Techniques to integrate it allWhat you are getting:6 thirty minutes classes to learn yoga and mindfulness with a smileMindfulness for everyday life: tips, ideas and inspiration to add yoga to your dayDownloadable handouts you can also print for a quick recapFriendly open service: contact us with any questionsHow to use this course:You can practice wherever and whenever you like of course, but I would recommend that you pick a day and a time to practice and you join the course each week on the same day at the same time. This will create a nice little routine to help you integrate the new ideas into your daily life.The classes are around 30 minutes and at the end of each class there is a tip or two you can use to practice for the week so that it consolidates easily in your day to day. Enjoy!Yoga & Mindfulness for daily life Course programmeIntro: What is yoga and how it can helpLesson 1: Positive thinkingLesson 2: Connect to your breathLesson 3: Connect to your bodyLesson 4: Yogic techniques to feel good! The bandhasLesson 5: Feed yourself with mindfulnessLesson 6: Mindfulness for everyday life"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAV interior (3ds max & Vray)" |
"mekan tasarm ve sunumu esnasnda uygulama rneklerini, aydnlatma seeneklerini, hzl malzeme ve render zmlerini bu kursta bulacaksnz. Sade bir anlatm dili kullanlan bu kursta ksa ve etkili video derslerle 3ds max ve Vray bilginizi pekitireceksiniz. Yaklak 9 saatlik kurs sresi, 57 ayr balk altnda anlatlmaktadr. Dekorasyon, i mimarlk ve sanatsal mekan tasarmclar iin anlalr ve sade bir baucu kayna olacan dnyorum."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAV 2" |
"Bu kurs sresince temel dzeyde hazrlanm olan bir mimari model rencilere verilerek, zerine detayl bir alma yaplacaktr. Bu almalar, modelleme, aydnlatma, malzeme, render ve post prodksiyon olarak adlandrmak mmkndr. deal render ayarlar, aydnlatma ve malzeme aralar detayl olarak anlatlacaktr. Karlalmas muhtemel problemler zerinde sk sk durulacak ve hzl izim teknikleri gsterilecektir. Sanatsal eilimi yksek projelerde yaplmas gereken ilemler olabildiince sade bir dille aktarlacaktr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Using Google Maps API in React Native for iOS/Android" |
"In this course you will learn:How to build a Maps app for both iOSand AndroidHow to install react-native-maps, and pitfalls you can avoid when doing so!How to ask for permission to get users locationHow to show the user locationHow to follow the user location on the mapHow to use Google Maps API's easilyHow to use Google Places Autocomplete API, to autocomplete as the user types How to use Google Directions API, to get directions from the user location to a locationHow to display this route inside our React Native appHow to zoom out map to display our routeI'm will show the quickest and easiest path to get a map app up and running for both iOS and Android, saving you lots of time that I've used when Icouldn't find help, or had to fumble around various bugs!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Taxi App in React Native" |
"Please note that this is not a ""full taxi app"", it's definitely lacks some functionality before you can either sell it or deploy it to a app store. It doesn't have any fare monitoring or payment functionality. I see this sort of a ""early access""version of the course, and I intend on updating it based on my students requests in the future. First of all, I'm excited to see how my students take in the hours of content there already is.That being said, Ihope you will enjoy this course, and if you have any questions or request, don't hesitate to message me or use Udemy's Q&A. Thank you!Hello and welcome to my little course!In this course you will learn how to make a very basic taxi app in React Native. You will learn how to make a side both for the driver and passenger, and how to make the two devices communicate with each other. You'll learn how to install and use react-native-maps, how to use Google Maps API's to get places suggestions and routes. You'll learn how to send a request from a passenger to a driver, and updating the passenger with the driver location."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nodejs Express - unit testing/integration tests with Jest" |
"Learn how to write a full CRUD REST API with Nodejs, Express and Jest using the test-driven development method!TDD is becoming more and more of standard, and for good reasons! With TDD, you can feel more safe and secure that any changes you make are not breaking existing functionality in your applications. Manual tests cannot be sustainable in large applications, or even medium applications. Plus, they're incredibly tedious. Without TDD... well, you know the story. You try to add functionality while trying to touch the existing code as little as possible, because you don't want to break things unintentionally..With TDD you won't be scared to make big refactors in your code to clean up messy code, you will know quickly if you've broken any existing functionality!I'll show you step-by-step how to create a REST API with Express with unit tests and integration tests using the Jest test framework. There's going to be lots of opportunities for you to work on your own and do some exercises as well for optimal learning!If you have any questions or suggestions to the course, feel free to message me anytime, I love interacting with my students!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android" |
"Learn how to create a Chat App from scratch using the newest JavaScript-based fullstack technologies! You will first learn quickly how to create a public chat room that any user can join from the mobile app, and type with all other users who have joined.Then we will expand on the app and create private messaging, in a similar fashion to Facebook Messenger.We are going to be using technologies such as React Native, Socket.IO, Nodejs, Redux, react-navigation, and Gifted Chat UI.If you have any questions during the course feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
animationasvr |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
makemoneywithanime |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking" |
"Want to learn about Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Network Hacking, Web Server and Website Hacking. Even if you want to learn about!! how to exploit the victim machine. or want to investigate like a security analyzer.once you finish this course you will be able to work as a security analyst to help the people and companies to secure their things from hacking.This course this going to give you all the knowledge, how exactly the Ethical hacker and Black hat hackers get into the system of security.we will start with the introduction part where you will be given knowledge about, what is ethical hacking, Types of hackers, types of hacking, and which all those terminologies come under ethical hacking. once you finished that then you will learn the basic commands of Kali Linux how to run each command of the terminal.till how to update to Kali Linux with application and tools.Then next coming to basic networking. here you will be learning command which will help in hacking and how to Change the wireless adapter connection, changing of mac address and how to get into the monitor mode before going to attack the wifi network.once you come to know the basics working of Kali Linux and networking, then you will be able to gather the information exactly like black hat hacker do to attack a targeted system. And this information is divided into active and passive and we are going to gather information of domain, website, web server and also even the peoples. So once we gather information We are going to find the vulnerabilities of each and everything of the target. then we are going to Get access to the website and web server by using their service ports, to get access to the web server. here we are going to make use of the information section and vulnerabilities which we found. so that it will be easy for us to get into the web server. here are going to make use of all service like FTP, SSH, TELNET, MYSQL and moreover TCP and udp service.You will learn how to exploit the system by creating a malicious backdoor and trojan horse. and also even how to send malware or payload to the victim. and in the same section, you will be learning. how to create a different type of backdoor like PDF, word document, excel, and also by sending updates to the targeted system. Even we are going to hide payload behind the image or any file send it to the victim so when he clicks on it. he may not know where its payload or images. so once we gain access to the targeted system. we will be moving to the post-exploitation and have some fun with it, like we are to create a key-logger, get access to the files which are present and download the important documents. and even create some dirs getting accessing to webcams. We are going to make use Metasploit module to get the information of the targeted system.Note Please: This course is only for Educational purposes all the attacks and Finding the vulnerabilities are done in a lab setup. and the website which is shown in this course is related to bug bounty programs and the companies which gave me authority finding the vulnerabilities in web Application. This course belongs to the sachackken and you will be certified by Udemy after completion of course..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nessus: Malware and Vulnerability Assessment" |
"In today's world of web, everything needs to be up to date, because we cannot tell which part of the web server or web application becomes vulnerable for the hackers. Securing the web application has become more and more important nowadays. Most of the companies dont know how to approach a vulnerability assessment, especially when it comes to dealing with results from its automated report. Yet, this process can be of value to an organization.Now here is the question for you are you one of those,who want to learn about Vulnerability assessment, and become experts in finding them, or won't work as a web security analyst in top big companies. and also want to hire by the clients for solving their problems of the web application. or do you want to secure your company server's before the hackers get into it?then you are in the right place, here you are going to learn how exactly the companies are going to work on vulnerability assessment by secure thousands of websites.This course is going to give you all the knowledge of how to work on Malware and Vulnerability Assessment, its going to take you form basic to advanced level.We are going to start form lab setup, followed by the Introduction to course concept.First Four-Step Guide to Vulnerability Assessment of the tool Introduction to tool Overview of the policies template Initial Assessment Getting into the User interface Overview of Plugins and Plugin RulePerform the Vulnerability Scan Start with Simple Scanning Setting up the target for finding the Vulnerabilities Knowing about types of Vulnerabilities which are present Analyzing the vulnerabilities of the targetVulnerability Assessment Report Creation Managing and Creating ReportMore this coming to updates every month..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Color Grading for Filmmaking: The Vision, Art, and Science" |
"Color grading has been the filmmaking world's biggest kept secret.How do you subtly shift your colors so they transport us even further into your story?How can color grading transform your footage into a work of art?While there are many courses out there that teach you how to use color grading software, there are no courses out there that address comprehensively the creative and streamlined process for professional color grading.This course shows you how, addressing both the art and science of color grading for filmmaking. The course is divided into three parts: seeing color, using color for storytelling, and implementing a technical 5 step process to translate your vision into reality with Adobe Premiere Pro Lumetri Color.By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge and a complete roadmap needed to develop your color grading sensibility and implement a look into your film."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Write Songs on Guitar Quickly for Beginners" |
"Basics of Songwriting Udemy Class with Danny HaugerOutlineBeginner Guitarists can write amazing songs! Most of your favorite songs and bands use 3-5 common chords, and writing doesn't have to come years after you start playing. Start writing songs today!What this course is: 5 methods of writing songs for beginners with examples, and processes to get you started in 30 minutes!Highlights [5 Styles of Quick Songwriting]:Style 1: What are you humming while you play? [6:05] Live songwriting session demoStyle 2: Chords First [18:20]Style 3: Lyrics first approach (""The Thinnest Moon"") [22:49]Style 4: Writing in the Style of Your Favorite ArtistsStyle 5: Modifying something you love (Homage)Finding Your Own Voice and StyleWhat this course is not: music theory, notation, chord instruction.What will you get from this course?5 Valuable Frameworks for Songwriting to Start OutModifying Popular ChordsFailing forward12-bar bluesPausing and writingHow to organize your songwritingWatching the songwriting process happen in real-time with no editingIdeas for how songs can beginOff-ramps for pausing the video and inspire you to start writing and following the 5 methods of songwriting that are presentedHow starting a song podcast can connect you to other people who may love your musicAn invitation to send me your music for constructive feedbackAn explanation of why recording your process can be valuable to youA positive feeling from a successful, frequent, songwriting professional, who (while is not famous or rich) has connected his songs to other peoples video games, films, projects, videos, and social mediaThis class will provide one succinct video lesson containing resources, techniques, and frameworks for thinking freely, and getting excited about pausing my video and start writing for yourself.I advise practicing major and minor chords, as a prerequisite for taking this class."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Own Podcast and Create Your Brand" |
"Danny Hauger (LA Angels radio, Danny Hauger Podcasts) walks you through the initial steps and conceptualization of your podcast through listing on iTunes and growing your brand. If you ever wondered about starting your own podcast, just do it! It's not that hard, let Danny Hauger show you how!This video discusses the equipment needed, honing your idea, marketing basics, program suggestions, and walk through of the dashboard behind Podbean and youtube platforms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Mastermind: Learn the 7 Elements of Music(2020 Update)" |
"""Sometimes it takes one person to give a different slant on something we don't understand to help us understand it."" - Derek""Everything about this course is fantastic especially for beginners. I highly recommend it!"" - AdrianaAfter completing Music Mastermind , you will have a deep understanding of how to actually USE the seven essential elements of music theory... without the fluffy nerd stuff!Andrew Smith, music educator, believes that everyone can understand and play music. Now, his premium music theory course is available on Udemy! It is designed for both complete beginners and somewhat-established musicians who want a deeper understanding of music. You can be playing and understanding music in no time! Andrew simplifies complicated topics with straight-forward, structured, and energetic teaching - so get ready to make music like a seasoned musician!Are you ready to become a Music Mastermind?"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Maximo tips Part2" |
"The course is a group of tips which I collect and develop during 15 years from work with Maximo starting with ver. 3.1 up to ver. 7.6.I starting work as planning engineer on Maximo department up to be a department head of it. I developed an electronic system to edit GL account of financial department and the administrator build it into Maximo. I'm also design a lot of application on my company using my experience on programming using Visual Basic dot net platform.You will find a good practical lessons on the course covered all types of work.The details will be attached with the lectures if needed and the examples also.Hope you enjoy with this tips and I welcome with any additional tips to help users of Maximo around the world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Programming Fundamentals" |
"Starting from 0 up to complete programming code:1-How is the computer working.2-The Principles of computer programming.3-Flowcharts is the languages between you and the code.4-Programming languages is the link between you and computer.5-Basics of Programming:Looping.Branching.Variables.Classes.Sub's.6-First example of application [Traffic control]7-Second practical application [Calculator]All applications EXE files and source codes attached with its lectures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maximo tips (Experience of 15 Yrs) New developed Tool Part 3" |
"The course is a group of tips which I collected and developed during 15 years from work with Maximo starting with ver. 3.1 up to ver. 7.6.I starting work as planning engineer on Maximo department up to be a department head of it. I developed an electronic system to edit GL account of financial department and the administrator build it into Maximo. I'm also design a lot of application on my company using my experience on programming using Visual Basic dot net platform.The latest developing tool from my creation is the Maximo Personal tool to open maximo easily.You just entering the password once and use the Personal tool all the day without entering the password again.The contains the must common Maximo application such as (Work order - PM - Labor - Location - PR - PO - Start Center) and you can use the last one to open any other Maximo application.You can close the Personal tool by using the [Exit] icon. You will find a good practical lessons on the course covered all types of work.The details will be attached with the lectures if needed and the examples also.Hope you enjoy with this tips and I welcome with any additional tips to help users of Maximo around the world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python from start to unlimited" |
"The course is designed for the students who already use the computers or laptop and want to know how is applications and games made of.the course including 150+ practical examples , 3 applicable games and 3 practical application all with full code attached.We will start form the beginning of designed the flowchart of the program and describe how to convert the flowchart to programming code.Next is describe the Python's statements and variables and different types the controls."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |