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"7.6.1 How to use Maximo (Arabic)" |
"Level (1) 1-1 7.6.11-2 Maximo_7.6.1_ 2-0 Maximo 7.6.1_ 2-0-0-0 2-0-2 2-1 2-1-1- - 3-0 Level(2)0-1 0-2 0-3 Maximo 7.10-4 Maximo 7.10-5 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-0 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-0"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improvisasi Gitar Jazz dalam Format Blues: 12 Bar Blues" |
"12 Bar Jazz Blues Mastery ini saya susun sebagai online course yang komplit, dengan metode dan konsep yang dibutuhkan dalam menguasai form 12 bar blues pada jazz, dan bermain improvisasi pada gaya jazz.Catatan: Course ini adalah versi MINI dari course original saya 12 Bar Jazz Blues Mastery di Guyub Gitar by Dion Janapria di Teachable. Konten yang terdapat di course ini berkisar antara 25%-35% dari total keseluruhan modul aslinya, tapi dengan harga yang lebih menguntungkan tentunya.Materi di mini course ini sudah saya seleksi untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal untuk anda; semua diskusi dan pertanyaan mengenai course di website ini saya pusatkan melalui fitur Q&A di Udemy.Mengapa jazz blues? Blues 12 bar adalah format yang paling umum dipakai dalam mempelajari improvisasi pada gaya jazz, dikarenakan struktur harmoninya yang seimbang (I-IV-V).Biasanya form blues digunakan sebagai fondasi awal improvisasi di jazz. Untuk improvisasi blues secara umum kita dapat menggunakan dua scales yaitu major dan minor blues, menggunakan broken chords dan passing notes, serta pendekatan scalar untuk gaya improvisasi jazz yang lebih kental.Course ini saya sangat rekomendasikan bagi pemula yang langsung mau mendalami bagian improvisasi.Di bagian awal course ini saya membahas format blues, voicing akord, dan jenis-jenis progresi akord di jazz blues. Setelah itu, kita akan mendalami materi improvisasi lebih mendalam: scales dan broken chords, beserta contoh-contohnya. Contoh yang saya mainkan pada exercise course akan dimainkan ulang 2 kali lebih lambat, dan anda bisa mengunduh PDF notasi balok atau tablature, untuk mencocokkan setiap note dan artikulasi.Jadi saya akan mengupas cara bermain jazz blues dari A-Z, mulai dari cara bermain iringan, subtitusi akord, hingga teknik-teknik improvisasi yang anda butuhkan. Bila ada kesulitan kita selalu bisa berdiskusi dan share progress, dan saya akan menjawab semua pertanyaan di sana untuk membantu anda belajar.Melalui forum Q&A yang interaktif, ragam artikel dan diagram scales (PDF), serta bentuk evaluasi dan input dari video yang anda kirimkan, saya akan membantu anda sebaik-baiknya dalam bermain musik, khususnya pada gitar jazz. Jadi silakan dan jangan ragu menghubungi saya untuk info lainnya.Salam,Dion Janapria"
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Progresi dan Voicings Akord untuk Jazz Gitar: Solo Gitar" |
"Ingin tahu dasar-dasar bagaimana caranya bermain chord melody jazz guitar ala Joe Pass, atau bermain guitar trio? Course ini akan membantu anda untuk mengerti fondasi yang dibutuhkan untuk menginterpretasikan melodi dan sekaligus memainkan akord-nya secara mandiri pada gitar.Materi di mini course ini sudah saya seleksi untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal untuk anda; semua diskusi dan pertanyaan mengenai course di website ini saya pusatkan melalui fitur Q&A di Udemy.Tidak perlu lagi anda sebagai gitaris bergantung kepada pemain piano untuk mengiringi lagu, atau aplikasi iRealpro untuk berlatih lagu di rumah. Mempelajari materi lagu jazz seringkali berarti anda perlu belajar akord dan melodi secara bersamaan, tidak terpisah, untuk benar-benar mengerti esensi dasar lagu.Gitar merupakan instrumen yang secara struktur memungkinkan untuk dibunyikan secara orkestral; dan saya akan mengajarkan fondasi dan pemahaman untuk melakukan ini tanpa perlu 'menghafal' visualisasi ratusan bentuk akord.Di bagian awal course saya membahas mengenai posisi bermain dan dasar dari pengembangan voicings. Teknik upper, middle dan lower voice juga berguna untuk memperluas range dari chord melody arrangement dan memperluwes pergerakan melodi lagu. Contoh aransemen sederhana, lengkap dengan fingering dan tablature disediakan dalam bentuk PDF sehingga anda bisa mengecek note by note.Kalau ada kesulitan kita selalu bisa berdiskusi dan share progress di Q&A. Dari sini kita akan mengidentifikasi masalah teknik atau pendekatan dengan cepat dan saya akan menjawab semua pertanyaan disana!Melalui materi course ini saya akan membantu anda sebaik-baiknya dalam bermain musik, khususnya pada gitar jazz. Jadi silakan dan jangan ragu menghubungi saya untuk info lainnya.Salam,Dion Janapria"
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
"Belajar Gitar Jazz: Swing, Bebop dan Modern Jazz" |
"Materi course ini saya rancang khusus untuk anda yang ingin mendalami gitar jazz dan konsep improvisasi pada level intermediate ke atas.Seleksi materi lanjutan untuk pengembangan keahlian bermain gitar jazz, disesuaikan dengan materi yang saya susun untuk semester 3-6 pada tingkatan perguruan tinggi musik. Jadi saya akan memastikan bahwa anda akan mendapatkan materi dan pengalaman belajar terbaik sesuai dengan level kompetensi keahlian yang anda cari.Secara garis besar, materi pada course ini tersusun atas 4 materi:Multitonal Tunes dan Jazz Standards - Pembahasan mengenai pendekatan improvisasi pada lagu-lagu yang mengandung lebih dari satu tonal/nada dasar pada jazz standards. Di sini saya akan menekankan pelatihan improvisasi dengan menggunakan target notes, diatonic chord scales, dan tiga jenis dominant chords.Rhythm Changes - Penggabungan vertikal dan improvisasi linear, rhythm changes merupakan materi yang saya gunakan sebagai 'etude' untuk mempelajari improvisasi jazz tingkat lanjutan. Dengan menguasai rhtyhm changes maka anda mempunyai bekal yang cukup untuk tackle materi lain di jazz.Bebop - Gaya jazz yang esensial untuk fondasi pendekatan improvisasi modern. Bebop berfokus pada upper structure akord, dan melalui penggunaan II-V licks, advanced scales dan tensions.Modal Jazz Improvisations - Melalui latihan interval approach, inversi dan superimpositions, anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menavigasi improvisasi pada lagu-lagu modal jazz dan materi modern lainnya. Dengan penggabungan penguasaan improvisasi vertikal pada bebop, akurasi dan phrasing linear anda akan diperkuat di pembahasan ini.Course ini saya susun dalam bentuk modul video, serta PDF (notasi & tabs) yang bisa diunduh. Apabila anda punya pertanyaan dan kesulitan, bisa bertanya dan berdiskusi langsung dengan saya dan member lainnya di forum Q&A. Jika membeli course ini, anda akan bisa mengakses semua materi selamanya tanpa batas jangka waktu. Ini termasuk juga updates-updates yang saya buat pada modul course. Berlatih sesuai dengan tempo anda sendiri, gratis group lessons dan konsultasi seumur hidup adalah keuntungan lainnya, dan saya akan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk membantu anda mencapai level berikutnya dalam bermain gitar."
Price: 840000.00 ![]() |
"Curso crear sistema punto de venta en Windows UWP con C#" |
"Hola mi nombre esAlex Joel Pagoaday teinvito a que seas parte deeste curso dondeaprenderemos a desarrollar una aplicacin para la Plataforma universal de Windows (UWP) usando el lenguaje de programacion de C# donde desarrollaremos una tienda y esta aplicacin se desarrollara usando el patrn de diseo Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) y utilizaremos enlaces de datos para enlazar la interfaz de usuario a las clases de tipo ViewModel clases que se encargara de la lgica y presentacin de datos y los datos proporcionados por la aplicacin se almacenaran y se trataran en los gestores de base de datos MySQL o SQL Server y se usara una base de datos de tipo SQLite para almacenar informacin del sistema, si te unes y completas el curso al final tendrs los conocimientos para crear tu propia aplicacin para UWP se que te gustara te invito a que sea parte de este gran curso saludos y bendiciones El sistema contara con las siguientes secciones Registros de clientesRegistros de proveedoresCreacin del loginDepartamentos & CategorasCompra de productosRegistros de productos Registros de cajasVentas de productosInventario de productosReportes de productosRegistros de usuariosY el curso siempre se estar actualizando con las sugerencias que me brinden los alumnos para el mejoramiento del sistema y poder ir desarrollando un buen Sistema punto de ventas profesional en C#"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python MVC and Django administracin de usuarios" |
"Hola mi nombre es Alex Pagoada y teinvito a que seas parte deeste curso dondeaprenderemos a crear aplicaciones web usando el lenguaje de programacion Python donde desarrollaremos una aplicacin web para gestionar cuentas de usuarios usando el framework Django es un framework de desarrollo web de cdigo abierto, escrito en Python, que respeta el patrn de diseo conocido como Modelovistatemplate, y la aplicacin se conectara a una base de datos de tipo MySQL para almacenar la in formacin de la aplicacin web, y te garantizo que al final de este curso tendrs los conocimientos bsicos para crear tus aplicaciones web con Python , y espero que este curso sea de su agrado, y gracias por ser parte de este gran curso y tambin que Dios derrame muchas bendiciones en tu vida"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de programacion de Dart y flutter con SQLite de cero" |
"Hola mi nombre es Alex Pagoada y te invito a que seas parte de este curso donde aprenderemos sobre el lenguaje de programacion de Dart y Flutter , lenguaje que nos permitir crear aplicaciones multiplataformas ,como aplicaciones para Android y IOS , y te garantizo que al final de este curso tendrs los conocimientos bsicos para crear tus aplicaciones usando este grandioso lenguaje de programacion de Dart y Flutter ,con SQLite para almacenar datos en fuente de datos persisten en dispositivo mvil, y espero que este curso sea de su agrado, y gracias por ser parte de este gran curso y tambin que Dios derrame muchas bendiciones en tu vida"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Dart and Flutter y Firebase crud en los servicios" |
"Hola mi nombre es Alex Pagoada y te invito a que seas parte de este curso donde aprenderemos sobre el framework el Flutter , y el lenguaje de programacion de Dart ,Flutter que nos permitir crear aplicaciones multiplataformas ,como aplicaciones para Android y IOS , y te garantizo que al final de este curso tendrs los conocimientos bsicos para crear tus aplicaciones usando este grandioso framework el Flutter con el lenguaje de programacion de Dart , y espero que este curso sea de su agrado, y gracias por ser parte de este gran curso y tambin que Dios derrame muchas bendiciones en tu vida"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crear sistema de encuestas con Node.js and Express y MySQL" |
"En este curso crearemos un sistema de encuesta con Node.js and Express con MySQL aprenderemos a crear una aplicacin web donde la aplicacin web contara con una interfaz login para iniciar sesin, y la aplicacin se conectara a una base de datos de tipo MySQL donde utilizaremos transacciones para gestionar los datos de la base de datos y se realizar un GRUD a la tabla donde se registraran los usuarios que podrn iniciar sesin en la aplicacin web ,y la aplicacin que se desarrolla al final del curso es un sitio web donde podremos crear encuestas y realizar votaciones"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crear sistema de encuestas con Spring boot web MVC y MySQL" |
"En este curso crearemos un sistema de encuestas con Spring boot web MVC y con MySQL aprenderemos a crear una aplicacin web con el patrn de diseo MVC que nos proporcionara el Spring boot donde la aplicacin web contara con una interfaz login para iniciar sesin, y la aplicacin se conectara a una base de datos de tipo MySQL donde utilizaremos el framework Hibernate para poder realizar la conexin a la base de datos y se realizar un GRUD a la tabla donde se registraran los usuarios que podrn iniciar sesin en la aplicacin web ,y la aplicacin que se desarrolla al final del curso es un sitio web donde podremos crear encuestas y realizar votaciones"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fraction, Decimal, Mixed Number and Power" |
"Hey guys we'll learn the operation on fraction, mixed number, decimal and the power. We'll convert 1. Fraction to mixed number and mixed number to fraction.2. Decimal to fraction and fraction to decimal.3. We'll simply the fraction.4. We'll learn different types of power and we'll simply the power.The course contains 50 sections.Each section contains 1. Video to explain the lesson.2. Article lecture to review the lesson.3. Quiz to practice well on the lesson.We'll review on the most important question in the course.At the end of the course you can test your knowledge about thee course by final test.The final test contains 52 questions.The duration of the test is 160 minutes.And the minimum score to pass the test is 80 percent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mental Math" |
"We'll study in the first section,1. Addition and subtraction.2. Multiplication and division.3. Negative and positive numbers.4. The order of operation.We'll study in the second section the fractions that have the same denominators and different denominators. For example,1. How to simply the fractions.2. Adding fractions.3. Subtracting fractions.4. Multiplying fractions.5. Dividing fractions.6. we'll solve advanced fraction.We'll study in the third section the decimals. For example,1. Add and subtract decimals.2. How to convert decimal to fraction?3. Multiplying decimals.4. How to convert fraction to decimal?5. Dividing decimals.6. we'll solve advanced example on decimals.We'll study in the fourth section the mixed numbers. For example,1. We'll convert mixed number to fraction.2. We'll convert fraction to mixed numbers. 3. We'll add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed numbers.We'll study in the fifth section the powers. For example,1. the idea of the power.2. We'll learn how to simply the power.3. We'll add, subtract, multiply and divide the powers.We'll study in the sixth section the root. For example,1. The idea of the root.2. Adding the roots.3. Subtracting the roots.4. Multiplying the roots.5. Dividing the roots.Each section contains1. Video to explain the lesson.2. Article lecture to review the lesson.3. Quiz to practice well on the lesson.At the end of the course you can test your knowledge about the course by final test.Tips to study math well1. Watch the video lecture.2. Use paper and pen to solve the examples again.3. Review the lesson by article lecture.4. Practice on the lesson by quiz.5. Test your knowledge by final test at the end of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crystals For Wealth & Abundance Certification" |
"Use Crystals to transform your life and bring your energy from lack to abundance! Learn about which crystals send your intention out to the universe and which crystals attract what you desire!Understand Why some crystal for wealth and abundance pair so well and work twice as hard when together!Create a crystal Grid for Wealth and abundance and set your intention to make it a ritual to manifest your goals of prosperityUse what you learn in this certification class to improve your Life, friends and future clients."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crystals for Love & Relationships Certification" |
"Course Outline:Part 1: Love & Heart Chakra1. Introduction2. Opening your heart Chakra3. Crystal for love connecting to your other ChakrasPart 2: Crystals for Love & Relationships1. Crystals for Balancing the Heart Chakra2. Crystals for Self Love3. Crystals for healing anger in a relationship4. Crystals for Healing Trauma5. Crystals for cutting cords6. Crystals for Forgiveness7. Crystals for accepting love8. Crystals for attracting a partner9. Crystals for igniting Sex & Passion10. Crystals for bring a child into your lifePart 3: Crystals Pairing, Grids & Healer Layouts1. 3 Crystal Parings that work in matters of the heart2. 3 Crystal Grids for setting intentions3. 3 Crystal Healer Body LayoutsPart 4: Case Studies1. Crystals for Love for yourself vs Others2. Understand Your Needs with the heart chakra3. Setting Goals for love and relationship with crystals4. Conclusion"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crystals for Support on your Healing Journey: Part 1" |
"Are you going through a healing journey and looking to match a crystal to yours or a clients illness simple easy way? this course give a easy list of matching illnesses to crystals as a energetic support system on the healing journey. looking at crystal healing matching in a holistic supportive wayintuitive healing supportenergizer clearing and grounded of the energetic bodiesThis is Part 1 of a Crystal Healing Series Certification"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to SING BETTER in 7 Lessons" |
"Transport yourself into a private vocal studio to get singing lessons to start singing better quickly! These 7 Singing Lessons will get you singing with more comfort, control, and confidence with a succinct and straightforward training method. You will gain KEY vocal skills each lesson, rather than overwhelm you with endless warm ups & concepts that can actually harm your voice. By the end of this course, you will have a complete vocal exercise routine that includes practice mp3's & PDF's, worksheets, and BONUS personalized coaching feedback at the beginning AND end of your course from Professional Voice Coach Jessica Neighbor. Once you take this course, you will sing better, speak more clearly, and become an overall better communicator for your entire lifetime."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como Ahorrar Efectivamente e Invertir en la Bolsa en Mxico" |
"En este Video Curso vamos a aprender a ahorrar de una manera ordenada, ademas de invertir al mismo tiempo un poco de esos ahorros a travs de una plataforma super sencilla y muy amigable. Vamos a crear objetivos y llevarlos a cabo durante un tiempo para que nuestros ahorros tambin produzcan ganancias por medio de la Bolsa de Valores. Qu esperas, vamos adelante..."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Fotografa bsica para venta en Internet (Stock Photography)" |
"Dentro de las divisiones en la fotografa, est la fotografa de Stock, este tipo de fotografa es la que encuentras como anuncios en las revistas, en Internet, en espectaculares, etc. Es el tipo de foto que utilizan para publicidad y anuncios. En este curso aprenders las bases de toma y edicin para dominar este tipo de fotografa y puedas expandir tus horizontes en tu carrera fotogrfica."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Como grabar en Camtasia para crear tus propios tutoriales" |
"En un mundo de posicionamiento personal y marca propia es necesario aprender como auto-promovernos y para eso tambin es necesario saber utilizar ciertos programas como el Camtasia. Haz videos asombrosos con el Camtasia Studio. Camtasia hace la edicin de vdeo sorprendentemente fcil. El editor de arrastrar y soltar y los recursos de vdeo te ayudan a completar tus vdeos ms rpidamente. No se necesita experiencia de video."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"SELF CONFIDENCE New BSC Model to gain superior confidence" |
"SELF CONFIDENCE New BSC Model to gain superior confidenceHi my name is Mert Burian. I am specialized in helping people build their self confidence and self esteem Having self confidence means feeling positive about what you can do, and not worrying about what you cant do, but having the will to learn. When you feel confident there is no doubt, no comparison with others, no fear of failure, no worry about what others are thinking.Good news is you can learn the skills to become more confident in life so that you could have more chances of achieving your dreams.Working on your self confidence and self esteem with my course will enable you to take on new challenges, to trust yourself in difficult situations, to go beyond your perceived limits, to tackle things you have never done before and to make full use of your natural talent and capability. Self confidence and self esteem will give you the courage not to worry about the consequences of failure. You will learn to focus on what you can do, and about positive outcomes you will achieve, rather than worrying about what you cant do and what might go wrong. This is exactly the level of self confidence and self esteem that I would like you to achieveIn this course I am going to take you through a self confidence development model that I have created the BSC model - which will help you focus on turning your unconscious bad behaviors into good skills so that you can boost your level of self confidence and self esteem.Also, you will find easy to follow and short lessons produced with high production quality and supported with many exercises, self-assessment tests, quizzes and visual content.I designed this training for people who wish to develop a more positive inner talk, to become a success magnet, to realize their real worth and to advance their social skills such as starting a conversation and small talk.I am looking forward to seeing you as part of my student community. Come on in and join my course now and break free of what is holding you back!Here are some testimonials from the self confidence course takers: - Very good overview of possibilities to improve self-confidence - Irene G.- Very good and insightful, though it is a short course it can take years to properly assimilate and practice the information contained. Thank you very much - Ettienne H.- I find this training quite practical and to the point. I felt a lot of empathy as I was progressing, and I had very quick wins - BaharA.- Reviewed this course before recommending it to someone else but found some helpful information for myself - Klaus M"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Make A Classic Pong Game, Javascript & P5.js Framework" |
"Let's make a classic Pong game using free online P5js editorHello, my name is Saran. In this class, I will show you how to make a simple, easy to follow, classic Pong game using Javascript and P5js framework.In the class, we will draw linesadd paddlemake the paddle move using keyboardmake a bouncing balladd the computeradd the score system.If you are ready, lets open the next lesson, and get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make A Classic Snake Game using Javascript & P5.js Framework" |
"Hello, my name is Saran, and thank you to click on this course. This course will help you get started on coding by making a classic game - Snake. We will be using javascript at the beginning level, along with the graphic framework p5.js. There is also a free online editor running on the browser, that you can learn from any device.In the first part, we will take a look at the basic functions from p5.jshow the coordinate system worksand how to draw and animate simple objects.Then, we will be working onmoving our snake on the grid systemcontrolling its behavioradding its taleadding an appleand then setting up the score system.You can follow me for more game tutorials, now lets open the next lesson and get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kurs programowania dla dzieci w wieku 4-8 lat i rodzicw" |
"Z kilka cyfrowych puzzli zwanych blokami, aby stworzy pierwsze gry i programy. Graficzna forma i ograniczona ilo instrukcji w aplikacji ScratchJR, pozwala na programowanie ju czteroletnim dzieciom. W pocztkowej fazie nauki czy przy instalowaniu aplikacji zalecane jest wsparcie rodzicw. Atrakcyjno programowania jest jednak na tyle dua, e rodzice chtnie kontynuuj nauk z dziemi nawet wtedy, kiedy wsparcie nie jest ju potrzebne.ScratchJR jest najatwiejszym z moliwych wprowadzeniem do kodowania, wykorzystujcym przy tym obiekty, ptle czy instrukcje warunkowe.W kursie przedstawilimy w praktyce wszystkie bloki kodu zawarte w aplikacji, jak rwnie edytor graficzny, pozwalajcy na wstawienie wasnych zdj. Kurs koczy si stworzeniem zaawansowanej gry (jak na moliwoci ScratchJR) wykorzystujcej wikszo dostpnych blokw kodu. Zdobyte umiejtnoci na kursie bd wietnym wstpem do poznania kolejnych, bardziej zaawansowanych, jzykw programowania w przyszoci.Dlaczego nauk jzyka programowania jest jedn z najwaniejszych umiejtnoci dziecka? poniewa uczy logicznego i twrczego mylenia; rozwija umiejtnoci analityczne, np. podczas wyszukiwania bdu;-daje poczucie sukcesu i moliwoci wyraenia siebie, poprzez skonstruowanie programu lub gry, ktra dziaa i ktr mog uywa inni;-grajc tylko w gry lub uywajc aplikacji, dziecko jest jedynie odbiorc treci cyfrowych, potrafic programowa samo staje si twrc;-jzyk programowania jest jzykiem przyszoci, ktry coraz czciej wykorzystywany jest w wielu dziedzinach ycia, zapotrzebowanie na programistw jest obecnie bardzo due i stale ronie;-zamiast uczy si kolejnego jzyka obcego, ktry nieuywany moe zosta zapomniany, warto pozna jzyk komputerw, ktry jest taki sam na caym wiecie!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture" |
"In this course you're going to master SOLID principles of object-oriented design and architecture. You'll understand each of these principles in details and learn to apply them in real-world software systems. You'll also learn the WHY of SOLID principles and understand what benefits you get out of them. SOLID principles were distilled about 20 years ago, but the body of knowledge they incorporate is even older than that. These five principles embody at least 40 years of academic research and industry experience with software design and architecture. They constitute a universal framework which aims to achieve higher-quality software.SOLID principles constitute strong foundation and provide actionable guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code. SOLID code is flexible, extensible and readable. Such code is much more pleasant to work with and constitutes a valid reason for professional pride.In the past decades, SOLID principles became integral part of developers' vocabulary. They appear everywhere: from books and software conferences, to job interviews. And no wonder! SOLID principles enable efficient dialog about software design and architecture. They will guide you through the initial design proposal and will be very useful later during architectural reviews. Therefore, if you want to be able to speak the language of software developers, you need to understand SOLID principles.All in all, if you're a professional software developer and use object-oriented language - this course is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android Multithreading Masterclass" |
"After completing this course, you'll be able to write correct and efficient multithreaded code of any complexity in your Android applications!Multithreading in Android is a complex, but very important topic. It's simply impossible to write real applications without offloading at least part of the work to so-called background threads. However, if you use multiple threads in your application, you need to employ special techniques to ensure that your code is thread-safe.As you'll see in this course, laggy user interface, freezes, memory leaks, stuck flows, crashes - all these can come as a result of thread-safety issues in your code.With this course you'll master multithreading in Android using well-defined, structured approach:Start with the most low-level fundamentals of concurrency and multithreading in AndroidWork with the lowest level mutlithreading primitives in Android frameworkKeep the user interface of your application responsive and snappyUnderstand how to make your code thread-safeAnalyze performance of multithreaded codeRamp up your skills and manage up to hundreds(!) of concurrent threadsGet hands-on experience with the most popular multithreading frameworks in Android world (RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines and more)To make the course practically useful, you'll apply all the concepts and techniques you'll learn in the lectures to solving carefully designed, hands-on exercises. One of the main goals of this course, except for making you concurrency expert, is to demonstrate how you can use the most popular multithreading frameworks to implement complex flows. This will allow you to grasp the full landscape of multithreading in Android ecosystem as a whole. Then, after you get hands-on experience with all these frameworks, you'll be able to choose the framework you like the best and use it in your own Android projects!So, with this course you'll get real skills and will become real Android multithreading expert!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Seo 1 - Vdeo Bnus de memorizao e ConcentraoAula 1 - Vdeo de Memorizao e Concentrao + Materiais para download com 10 dicas para melhorar a memria.pdf.Seo 2 - os sete degraus para o sucesso acadmico.Aula 2- Como estabelecer propsito para ler ou estudar;- Quais os fatores que melhoram a compreenso de textos.Aula 3- Como melhorar a concentrao.Aula 4- Memorizao de palavras chave de textos diversos.Aula 5- Como estudar textos tcnicos.Aula 6- Tcnica de Animao para memorizar sequncia de ideias e tarefas.Aula 7- Como memorizar nmeros de cdigos, senhas e frmulas.Aula 8Tcnica do Mapa Mental para Gesto de Informaes.Aula 9 Encerramento + Materiais para download com Guia Prtico com Dicas de Memorizao, Concentrao e Tcnicas de Estudos (Bnus).Seo 3 - Live com tcnicas e dicas de Memorizao e Concentrao para o dia dia (Bnus)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fueling the Machine: What to Eat for Health #TrainwithTMax" |
"It seems like everyday you hear something new about nutrition, often times something completely opposite of what you heard a few months or years ago. ""Fat is essential and we eat it."" became ""Fat is bad for you. Don't eat it, it will make you fat."" is now becoming ""Oh, about fat... yeah, I guess it's not so bad after all. Sorry for the last 60 years of misguidance on that one (wink).""Whether it's a new low-carb food craze, a quick-fix diet trick, or an even-more-vegan diet, the food and nutrition industries are constantly presenting new ideas to the public and we have no idea what to believe.So, in this world of too many choices, how does one choose the ""best"" diet? Well, the answer depends on a few factors like your biochemistry, your fitness level, and your health goals. This course won't get all sciencey, but will explain a few hot diet trends and how they work. It will also share some personal anecdotes on the effectiveness of certain diets. And lastly, it will give some tips that are universally beneficial, regardless of which diet is best for you. You'll have a clearer understanding of 'eating for fitness' and 'eating to live', versus today's rhetoric of 'living to eat' and 'eating to death'.So, let's fuel our bodies so that we can Train with TMax!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to edit videos on your phone like a professional" |
"They say the best camera is the one you have with you. We record so many videos and take so many photos, but when we want to share them with others, it can be boring and time consuming trying to scroll through and share each one individually. I'll show you how to make one cool video that summarizes that awesome vacation or highlights the best parts of your performance.Sure, there are apps that do all the editing for you, but those apps don't know how to judge which video or photo is the most important to us. I will show you how to take more control over your edited videos and make visually impressive videos that all your friends will be talking about. Who knows, you might make the next viral video.This course WILL show you:How to take the cool videos and photos you've taken and turn them into an eye-catching montage.Simple tricks to correct audio and video problems in post-production.Spice up your photos and videos so that they are even more visually pleasing.This course WON'T show you how to record video or take photos. It is focused solely on video editing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Management Skills For Business in Hindi(Operations Research)" |
"This course has been designed for students and entrepreneurs who wish to learn how transportation costs can be minimised in real business situations.I am quite sure that students who are doing Operations research/Quantitative techniques as their subject in any discipline would also benefit from this course.Watch all the lectures and become a pro in understanding how transportation costs can be minimised"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linear Algebra from Scratch (Module-1)" |
"The Course is designed specifically for those who want to learn Linear Algebra from Scratch.This is Module 1 which discusses the entire concept of Problem solving and various methods used for the same .Children often want to know 'Why they need to learn a particular concept'. So My module also gives an introduction how linear Algebra can be used in real life problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Game of Homes: Beginners' Guide to Investing in Real Estate" |
"AROV is dedicated to the pursuit of self-actualization and we believe that financial literacy can help people achieve their goals. As adults, most of us invest our efforts and energy into doing what it takes to survive. We worry about earning a salary, covering the cost of living, and maintaining stability as best we can. Unfortunately, in doing so, many of our youthful ambitions- the achievements we always dreamed about-- tend to dwindle as time passes. Understandably so, since it is difficult to focus on doing what you wish to do when you are so caught up with doing what you have to do.AROV is a proponent of practicality-based education because we believe it equips students with the capacity to better take hold of their future. Learning the basics of finance, investment, and entrepreneurship can arm people with applicable knowledge that some of us are never exposed to in school. Ideally, these concepts can be implemented strategically to help ease the concerns of daily life and empower people to begin bridging their dreams with their reality. We applaud schools and community leaders that encourage learning such pertinent concepts, and we applaud any individuals that are motivated to take on the challenge themselves.We consider financial literacy to be one part of our larger mission, which is to help equip people with the guidance, support, and encouragement needed to live their best life.This course explains why real estate is so lucrative and explains how to build your fortune through appreciation, flipping homes and building a portfolio or rental properties. We discuss mortgages, FHA loans, condos vs. co-ops, commercial vs. residential properties, finding the right location, how to determine if a property will be lucrative, what increases home value and what to be wary of when buying real estate.*Live classes available for schools and private groups. Contact us at Interested in working with the instructor? Reach him at eddiesage .com."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |