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"Desenvolvimento Android: Arquitectura MVVM" |
"Padro de arquitetura uma parte fundamental da cincia da computao. a nica maneira de manter um projeto limpo, expansvel e testvel. Os padres so solues reconhecidas que foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos e so consideradas padres da indstria.Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) um padro de arquitetura de software, que facilita a separao do desenvolvimento da interface grfica do usurio, seja por meio de uma linguagem de marcao ou cdigo GUI ou a partir do desenvolvimento da lgica de negcios ou lgica de back-end. Neste curso iremos ver a implementao completa desta arquitectura.Vou assumir que voc j tem oAndroid Studioinstalado e pronto para uso. Bora aprenderento?OBS:""Melhor que o Aplicativo, ocdigo testvel e fcil de manter"".Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Basics" |
"The most important thing about producing good copywriting for the web is about grabbing, as well as keeping, the persons attention, and in the end getting the result that you want.Remember that all the pages of your site are important, but the home page is the one where people will get their first impression of you. So it is vital you take particular care when producing this page.But if you want to really do something that will consistently increase the number of visitors to your site; you will need to add more content. So make it a habit to add more content pages to your site regularly.Result is to produce effective web copy that increase sales and direct traffic to your site."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress sem segredos e direto ao ponto" |
"Wordpress sem segredos e direto ao pontoComo criar, manter e gerenciar seu siteOl. Parabns pelo seu interesse no treinamento Wordpress sem segredos e direto ao ponto. Voc sabia que existem profissionais que chegam a cobrar algumas centenas de reais apenas para construir seu site baseado em uma ferramenta de cdigo aberto?Voc sabia que voc pode, mesmo sem ter experincia prvia, criar, manter e gerenciar seu prprio site sem depender de terceiros economizando muito dinheiro por ano?Muitas pessoas que possuem pequenos negcios ou sentem a necessidade de transmitir suas ideias esbarram no problema do alto custo dos profissionais da rea de criao de sites. Veja alguns problemas comumente encontrados:Voc possui uma empresa ou negcio em sua cidade e quer dar mais visibilidade com um site na internetVoc tem interesse em montar um repositrio online de informaes para seus alunos como trabalhos, dicas e aulas mas no sabe como comearJ se interessou pelo assunto mas a curva de aprendizagem foi muito alta devido ao nmero de siglas que esbarrou como FTP, Plugins, Themes, etc.Voc precisa de um site pronto essa semana mesmo para divulgao de um evento mas tem oramento restrito. Seria ideal que fosse gratuito!E se existisse uma maneira confivel, simples e fcil de construir um site na internet e que at mesmo uma pessoa com pouqussimo conhecimento de internet pudesse utilizar?Seja bem-vindo ao curso que ir ajudar a voc criar seu prprio site em pouqussimo tempo e te dar liberdade de montar sua cara na internet do jeito que quiser. O Wordpress uma plataforma de cdigo aberto que permite que qualquer pessoa construa sites com o mnimo de esforo. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido para ser uma sistema de gesto de blogs pessoas e empresariais mas com o tempo essa poderosa plataforma passou a ser um verdadeiro sistema de manuteno de contedo online.Meu nome Lucas e trabalho com desenvolvimento de sites para pequenos negcios e rgos pblicos h mais de 4 anos. Desde que comecei a trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de sites busquei uma ferramenta e metodologia de trabalho que me economizasse tempo e ao mesmo tempo fosse eficiente para entregar o mais rpido possvel o que meu cliente precisava. Quando conheci o Wordpress percebi que poderia facilmente atender as necessidades dos meus clientes podendo colocar no ar at mesmo no mesmo dia.Escute algumas vantagens que voc ser capaz de fazer com o que aprender nesse curso:Entender como um site funciona e o que necessrio para mant-lo funcionando.Conhecer a diferena entre plugins, temas, posts e pginas (conceitos do wordpress)Aprender como funciona uma hospedagem de sites e o que voc precisa fazer para colocar seu site no ar em um servio de hospedagemTrabalhar com FTP, criao de banco de dados, fazer upload de arquivos e alterar a configuraoPraticar cada conceito estudado nos 115 exerccios essencialmente prticosE muito mais.E agora o mais importante: O que voc est prestes a conhecer um curso 100% prtico. Voc ir absorver conceitos bsicos de criao e manuteno de sites efetivamente CONSTRUINDO e TRABALHANDO.Deve-se aprender fazendo a coisa; pelo pensamento voc acha que sabe. Voc no tem certeza, at que voc tente.SfoclesSe voc j fez ou conhece algum outro curso nosso sabe que nosso foco no aprendizado do aluno e por isso que nesse curso no vou falar conceitos e papo acadmico. O curso prtico e vai te permitir aprender efetivamente fazendo. Se voc espera um curso com interminveis Bullets no Powerpoint esse curso no para voc. claro que conversaremos um pouco nos primeiros minutos mas depois trabalharemos os conceitos e FAREMOS JUNTOS DEZENAS DE EXERCCIOS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The IELTS Expert: IELTS Writing Task 2 - Academic & General" |
"**Please watch the PROMO VIDEO and videos in the INTRODUCTION before you buy this course. You can also watch SAMPLE VIDEOS from the course to help you decide if this is the right course for you.**What is this course?This course teaches you the VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR which are essential for a high band score. It also teaches you how to get a high score for COHERENCE AND COHESION and TASK RESPONSE. It has been written by former IELTS examiners who know what you need to get BAND 7.0 or higher. The team at PREPARE FOR IELTS are all English native speakers. They have all taught IELTS for more than 16 years and they all have a Masters Degree.This IELTS Writing Task 2 course will help you prepare for both General and Academic IELTS exam.What does it include?PART 1 is CHOSEN BY YOU. It contains videos based on model answers to IELTS Writing Task 2 questions you have sent us. The videos show you how to answer the questions and explain 20 reasons why our model answers would impress the examiner.PART 2 (IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS) has 60 videos which show you the language and strategies you need to get a high grade. Each video focuses on LEXICAL RESOURCE, GRAMMATICAL RANGE AND ACCURACY, COHERENCE AND COHESION or TASK RESPONSE for a particular model answer.(We cannot guarantee that we will make a video on a question you send, but we will certainly try. PART 1 currently has 10 videos. Part 2 currently has 60 videos. We will add new videos regularly.)What do you get? More than 70 videos written and presented by expert teachers who are IELTS specialists and former IELTS examiners. New videos added regularly Downloadable model answers from SECTION 1: Expert Analysis Downloadable PDFs on video lessons from Part 1: Chosen by You Downloadable practice exercises to help you learn IELTS specialists who will answer your IELTS queries quickly and well**Please watch the PROMO VIDEO and videos in the INTRODUCTION before you buy this course. You can also watch SAMPLE VIDEOS from the course to help you decide if this is the right course for you.**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Help Me Im a Parent! Urgent I need help NOW with parenting" |
"Is your child out of control, misbehaving, being mean to others, refuses to listen, argues with you all the time, or just seems to be lost, lazy or unmotivated? Is your childs behavior causing you to be stressed out? Do you feel like there just isnt enough time to do anything? Are you fighting with your spouse or co-parent over parenting? Do you sometimes feel like you just cant do it (parenting) anymore? Well, you are not alone, In fact all parents will answer yes to some if not all of these questions at some point during parenthood. Parenthood is often one of the most rewarding and challenging stages we can go through in life. But there are times that we dont have answers, we dont have control and we experience parenthood like its a prison sentence without parole. It doesnt have to be this way. Parenting is the most under-appreciated job of all time. It's a stages of life that we receive little formal preparation nor do we obtain optimal training. Its figure it out on the fly with the most important person in our life, our child. Help Me Im a Parent! Urgent I need help NOW with parenting! This course will help you get through the most common behavioral issues that parents contend with on a daily basis. It will give you proven techniques to help you get the effect you are looking for from your child. Best of all you can put these methods to work right away to receive quick positive results. In just a few hours you will have methods to deal with 9 of the most common issues:My child is OUT of CONTROLMy child is BRAT, MEAN to othersMy child refuses to listen to me, POWER STRUGGLEMy child is failing in school, sports, socially etcMy child can not get along with their siblingsI cant handle the stress of being a parentI need time, I have no time, how can I get more time?My Spouse/Co-Parent and I fight over the children, I need help!I DONT WANT To Be a PARENT anymore! The primary objective of this course is to help you identify your family problem. While the issue you are dealing with may seem obvious, the truth is often the root issue takes more digging to find. Next will we help you discover what it is you are desiring as a parent. This will help you to open your eyes to parenting in ways that will have an immediate positive impact on your confidence and your direction in parenthood. Then we will offer up 10 methods to help resolve your problem and move the state you are currently at towards one that will position you to be in a place for learning about more sustainable problem solving. Better still you will now be freed up to learn how to create an environment for optimal family life. Finally we will finish off the course preparing you for the next phase where you can move from your current Urgent I need help state and into a place of Readiness. Help Me Im a Parent! Urgent I need help NOW with parenting! This course is part of a series of courses designed to give you what you can handle based on time and needs. This is the first step as this generally is when parents wake up to the reality that the world hasnt prepared them for the most important and difficult job on the planet. Many times, it is only in crisis that we realize we need help. Star Family Coaching training courses are entirely transforming families all around the world with a new, revolutionary approach to developing strong parent-child relationships. Enroll today and join the thousands already transforming themselves and the world around them for the better.This value-packed parenting course contains critical ideas from numerous child development specialists including Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Robert Kegan, Morris Massey, Jane Loevinger, Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., Gary Chapman Ph.D., Ross Campbell Ph.D., and Parenting Coach Pioneers such as Haim Ginott, Thomas Gordon and Diana Baumrind as well as the over 25 years of parenting experience of Coach Hall of Star Family Coaching.Welcome and enjoy the course!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Help Me, Im a Parent! Readiness : The parenting checklist" |
"Parenting is the most under-appreciated job of all time. It's a stages of life that we receive little formal preparation nor do we obtain optimal training. Its figure it out on the fly with the most important person in our life, our child. Truth is without information, knowledge, experience, understanding, training and practice, practice, practice we have no shot at being very good at anything. When it comes to raising a family is not being good at parenting good enough for you?My guess is that every parent wants to be a good parent. If you are reading this its because you want to be a good parent or you are wishing to coach or teach others to be a good parent. So how do we become good parents?The Help Me, Im a Parent! Readiness : The parenting checklist course is designed to give you a list of the things you need to become better than good, rather this level of readiness prepares you to become an optimal parent. Parenthood is a long journey. This adventure is one that comes with some predictable stations we will pass through but it also comes with great mystery and uncertainty of what when and how this stations will present themselves to us. Each stage along the way requires unique strategies and navigational methods to keep us on track. This journey has been underway even before you had a child and even before you met your partner in life. The Help Me, Im a Parent! Readiness : The parenting checklist course serves those that are ready to navigate the parenthood journey and become optimal parents In just a few hours you will havean understanding of what is needed before working the listyoull have a long range understanding via the parenthood cycleyoull feel better knowing exactly where you are on parenthood journeylist of 14 essentials to becoming an optimal parenta breakdown of what you need at what point on the parenthood journeypreparation for the next step in the Help Me, Im a Parent! series The primary objective of this course is to help you build your map for your parenthood journey by establishing a checklist of things youll need to be the best parent possible. The Help Me, Im a Parent! Readiness : The parenting checklist course is part of a series of courses designed to give you what you can handle based on time and needs. This might be your first step. For others, this is the second step, after getting some help from the Help Me, Im Parenting! Urgent I need help NOW! course. Either we hit crisis and wake up or we begin to feel the pressure of parenting and become proactive. Which ever way you got here it generally means youve had a wake up call of some sorts! Now you are ready to prepare yourself for the most important and difficult job on the planet. Star Family Coaching training courses are entirely transforming families all around the world with a new, revolutionary approach to developing strong parent-child relationships. Enroll today and join the thousands already transforming themselves and the world around them for the better.This value-packed parenting course contains critical ideas from numerous child development specialists including Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Robert Kegan, Morris Massey, Jane Loevinger, Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., Gary Chapman Ph.D., Ross Campbell Ph.D., and Parenting Coach Pioneers such as Haim Ginott, Thomas Gordon and Diana Baumrind as well as the over 25 years of parenting experience of Coach Hall of Star Family Coaching.Welcome and enjoy the course"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Help me I'm a parent! : The ABC's of successful parenting" |
"Parenting requires a combination of mastered skills Parenting & Relationships. It begins with personal development or self mastery. Parenthood is a journey parents will take that requires preparation to be successful. Help me Im a parent, The ABCs of Successful parenting is a course that gives you the mental tools you need for, Parenting & Relationship development and personal development.Its fair to say that every parent wants to be a good parent. If you are reading this its because you want to be a good parent or you are wishing to coach or teach others to be a good parent. So how do we become good parents?The Help me I'm a parent! : The ABC's of successful parenting course is designed to give you the mental preparation tools presented as three simple ingredients so you can become better than good, rather these ABCs prepare you to become an optimal parent.Parenthood is a long journey. Its a Personal Development and Parenting & Relationship journey. This adventure begins with us not having experience only potential having some information in the form of frameworks about how children operate at different stages in their childhood journey. Each stage along the way requires unique strategies and navigational methods to keep us on track. This will require parents to be mentally ready with three mental components to go along with the right type of mindset.The Help me I'm a parent! : The ABC's of successful parenting course serves those that are ready to navigate the parenthood journey and become optimal parentsIn just a few hours you will havean understanding of what the mental components required to be an optimal parent.youll have a proven mindset to use to be successful in your own personal developmentyoull have a proven mindset to use to be successful in parenting & relationships.youll feel better knowing exactly where you are on parenthood journeypreparation for the next step in the Help Me, Im a Parent! seriesThe primary objective of this course is to help you have the mental preparation for your parenthood journey by establishing a set of mental components and the proper mindset.Help me I'm a parent! : The ABC's of successful parenting This course is part of a series of courses designed to help you on your personal development, parenting & relationship journey by giving you what you can handle based on time and needs. Each course can operate as a stand alone or in conjunction with all the other courses in the series.Star Family Coaching training courses are entirely transforming families all around the world with a new, revolutionary approach to developing strong parent-child relationships. Enroll today and join the thousands already transforming themselves and the world around them for the better.This value-packed parenting course contains critical ideas from numerous child development specialists including Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Robert Kegan, Morris Massey, Jane Loevinger, Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., Gary Chapman Ph.D., Ross Campbell Ph.D., Carol Dweck, and Parenting Coach Pioneers such as Haim Ginott, Thomas Gordon and Diana Baumrind as well as the over 25 years of parenting experience of Coach Hall of Star Family Coaching.Welcome and enjoy the course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Fundamentals of Financial & Investing Literacy" |
"99% of us are working for a living by trading our precious time for money. We have little to no Personal Finance Understanding and this impacts our overall personal development. Traditional retirement theory is focused on what Bill calls ""Big Gulp"" investing: Save a lot of money in a 401k/IRA and at age 65 start drawing it down and hope it doesn't run out before you die. In the meantime you have to grind out 40 hour work weeks for 40+ years.THEREISABETTERWAY!Creating Personal Finance Understanding that impacts your overall Personal development is the key. The way to unlock it is with Passive Income Streams from purchased assets are the key to retiring early and never running out of money before you hit the Big Pine Box in the sky. The first step in achieving this goal is to empower yourself by making sure you are Financially and Investing literate. Traditional personal finance and investing courses are not effective. This course will show you an entirely new and proven way to achieving Financial Freedom. We work hard for our money and we want things in life. Society has created systems that take advantage of our human impulses that cause us to financially behave in ways that sabotage our ability to retire at an age early. Some folks will retire sooner than others because they acquired unique knowledge that others simply don't have. These people have Personal Finance Understanding and a better overall life that impacts all areas of their personal development. One such person is your instructor, Personal Development & Personal Finance master Bill Stephens. Despite not fully putting his teachings into practice until his early 30s he was able to retire at age 41, which was 18 years ago. He is married with two grown financially literate kids that are in flagship state universities. He lives on a tropical Island where the average property values well exceed 1 million dollars. He was a professional salesperson and started three businesses. He taught himself personal finance & investing strategies and developed a system that can work for anyone. And he will share this knowledge with you in this course.In less than 1 hour you will learn:Bill's Fundamentals of Financial & Investing Literacy The Two most important Formulas in the world that every person MUST know Two types of Income & Two types of Expenses The 4 steps to financial freedomHow to Leverage Your IncomeIs a Home Mortgage Good or Bad Debt?Financial Photosynthesis &Why it is Crucial to Your SuccessThe 4 Crucial Life SkillsThe Myth of Owning your Own BusinessTactics and Strategies to decrease expenses & Increase IncomeUnderstanding Investment ModelsEarly Retirement Strategies & moreThe primary objective of this course is to give you Bill's unique Fundamentals of Financial & Investing literacy so that you can create a plan to help you become financially free in the shortest time possible. This course is a MUST for high school students, young adults, and any adult who wish to achieve early Financial Independence. Learn how to be masterful in Personal Finance and have a huge leg up on Personal Development in less than one hour. This value packed course will give you the formulas and strategies to get you off of the road of trading time for money and having your money work for you. We deliver this course with videos, audios and a workbook designed to sync up with the lessons. This course is available to you forever. But dont wait to take this course. Take it today because in just one short hour youll know what you need to begin your journey to financial freedom. Enroll today, knowing that If you aren't delighted with this video based training course, claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finding my niche in NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Mindfulness +" |
"Being a helper is a rewarding endeavor. The personal development industry is fast growing. Its expanding from self to relational to communal to global. Communication with ourselves is something we are not taught in traditional schools. In fact communication skills are mostly limited to reading and writing with some oral presentation being taught throughout our elementary through high school experience. Even at the university level if we dont pursue a degree in human relations communication or psychology we still wont get a proper understanding of how behavior is driven by thoughts thinking feeling and emotions and cemented in belief. Hence the reason we have high divorce rates, high rates of addictions, high rates of depression, anxiety and low self esteem. Nearly everyone is impacted by the lack of mind understanding. The truth of this statement is seen in the explosion of the personal development industry.Personal development is a broad topic. There are many methods of helping available. These frameworks are used as tools to help those that havent learned mind understanding. There are so many areas where people need help. So as a helper we may feel overwhelmed with the demand and unqualified to help everyone. So we look for something we specialize in, a niche.I'm Coach Hall your instructor in this course. I've personally gone on this journey of finding my niche. I will share with you what I learned and have used to help others to find their niche. In fact this course is based upon a workshop for Life Coaches that have come to me asking me for help. As a facility member of Achology and a Moderator of a group thats growing at 1,000 new members per month, composed of coaches and students learning helping methods, there are two main topics that come up all the time. One topic is business related, How to start run a business and the second most common questions are about Niche.Who should I help?I would like to help _____ but I dont know if thats a good niche, is that a good niche?Can somebody help me find my niche?These are the most common questions that come up especially with new wanna be helpers whether they are Counselors, Life Coaches or budding instructors.Finding my niche in NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Mindfulness + is designed to answer those questions and more. Once youve completed this course youll have a better idea of what your niche should be but more than that youll have a better bearing on the direction you should take whether you niche or not. Thats right! To niche or not to niche, is one of the questions we will help you answer.Finding my niche in NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Mindfulness + will help you determine if you are truly ready to help, NOW! What is more important your understanding of a ton of frameworks or the mastery of one? Is experience a factor in figuring out my niche? What choices are available and what examples of niches might be available?In just over one hour youll have all the questions youll need and with your participation youll have all the answers youll need to answer this common desire which is how do I go about Finding my niche in NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Mindfulness +Enroll today, knowing that If you aren't delighted with this video based training course, claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Help Me I'm a parent! : Method Change, Peaceful Management" |
"Change is an ever occurring process. Many times we resist it. We want things to stay the same. Especially when all is well. Health going well, Love life going well, Career going well, Children behaving NO CHANGE PLEASE! If that were only possible!?!The reality is that things do not stay the same, things are always changing. This is true with personal development, parenting, relationships and everything in life. Granted change happens at different rates, some so slow barely detectable yet things change. In the world of personal development, parenting & relationship development coming to grips with change and managing the change aka change management can be daunting. Reason is, that so much of the change is beyond our control. Yet we do have control over some of the change and we certainly have control of how we respond to change and how we manage change.Another truth is that time and change are related. We see change based upon time and we measure change by time and vise versa. The time element can create issues for us. If change doesnt happen in the time we believe it should we can get frustrated and quit doing our part to direct change to our liking. In parenting this happens all the time. We may try a new way of addressing our children and if they dont respond as the book says then our child must be the exception to rule. So we quit. It didn't work. Why? Because we often see change as two steps, Old way and New way. But in truth there are six main steps connected by bridges with each step having a cycle of steps. There are changes within ourselves and with our children that will operate at different rates. So when we see Old way expecting new way to happen along with our expectations of when the new way should replace old way, we can feel as if change isnt happening. However, if we understand the method of change and its framework we could actually recognize change happening and where we are during the process of change. This gives us a measure of where we are on the journey of change. This shows us the progression of change. And that we are making an impact even when it appears ( especially in the beginning ) we are not. The recognition of our control of change gives us the confidence and will power to continue on the journey of directed change.Help Me I'm a parent! : Method Change, Peaceful Management is designed to show you change, what it looks like, how the process is broken down so that you can see where you are in the process of change, so you wont quit, so youll achieve the change you are looking for, sooner rather than later or never.I'm Coach Hall your instructor for Help Me I'm a parent! : Method Change, Peaceful Management. I've personally gone on this journey of change many, many times, In fact Im changing all the time and since I know this cycle I dont ever quit and I feel great about change. I love it. But Im not unique in fact there are scientific studies that prove this works and explain the process of change. I will share that information with you as well as what I learned. I have used this understanding to help others understand the process of change. Ive done it in my former career as an Advertising executive and Ive done it in teaching basketball and in my current career as a life coach. Ill help figure out how long your change will take and better show you how you can figure out how long it will take.In just over two hour youll have all the answers youll need to understand the method change process so you can plug it into parenting, family dynamics, career, love life, health, finances, etc in other words this framework applies to anything and everything where change occurs. Begin now to feel better about change. Become more confident, more certain, more comfortable about the change that you can manage in your journey in personal development, parenting & relationships and every area of your life.Welcome and enjoy the course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Help me I'm a parent! GPS Great Parenting Start" |
"The Parenthood journey is one filled with emotional highs and lows. As parents we will be charged with raising a helpless person to one that will one day be a helpful person. That journey begins long before your child is born. It begins with your own childhood and personal development. Further it grows into relationship skills development long before you are even capable of having a child yourself. As adults we will have been shaped into the people we are. When we become parents the person we are becomes the model that our children will learn from. So who are you?Help me I'm a parent! GPS Great Parenting Start, is a course designed to give you insights about you and your parenting partner that will have direct impact on the quality of the relationship you forge with your child. Its not enough just to get some advise from other parents, read a few books or even take a parenting course. While that can be beneficial it can also be detrimental if you dont have some basics required to weed out the poor advise from the great or be fully prepared to execute effective parenting strategies. In other words if you dont know enough about yourself and your parenting partner youll be blindly parenting. There is a saying that goes, You need to know where you have been, and where you are at to get to where you wish to goThis course will give you insights about you as well as how you should operate if you want to raise amazing children which really translates to raising amazing adults. Once completed youll knowWhere you are in the Development Cycle of human development and why you behave as you do and how this impacts your childHow open or close minded you are and how your receptiveness level impacts your childHow you deal with issues, situations and conflicts, and how it impacts your childHow you think feel act behave and how it impacts your childWhat you are focused on and how that impacts your childWhat your basic personality style is, and your parenting partners. How to quickly identify personality styles and the impacts it has on your relationships including your child'sWhat are the different parenting styles, what their impacts are on children and a test to determine your parenting styleWhat is going on in your subconscious how you are making choices without you realizing it and the impacts they have on relationships including the one with your childWhat your cognitive distortions are, the filters we all have that speed up the reception of information that impacts our thinking and how it impacts our childrenWhat your personal relationship governing style is, how you deal with problems, conflicts and confrontations and the impacts they have on relationships including your childand moreTen assessments that will tell you about you in a way that parents never think to look for yet are vital to becoming an Optimal parent capable of raising Amazing kids. These test and their impacts will serve you to change your lifestyle. Completely change from ordinary to Amazing by learning your GPS (General Parenting Status) with these 10 assessments. From here you can make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to become optimal parents. From here you can create a plan plug in your childhood development understanding, use your child communication skills, apply a family policy, utilize effective parenting strategies to obtain the goal created by the plan. In other words this course is the Optimum Start for the Parenthood Journey.I'm Coach Hall your instructor for Help me I'm a parent! GPS Great Parenting Start I've personally gone on the parenthood journey with my four children. Ill share with you the good, bad and the ugly of my personal experience. My story is not unique in fact there are scientific studies that prove that nearly all parents need help. I will share that information with you as well as what I learned. I have used these tools to help others understand themselves & their loved ones better. Ive use these types of assessments in my former career as a top producing award winning advertising executive as well as while coaching hundreds in basketball and in my current career as a life coach. Ill help you figure out who you are so you can get going on your parenthood journey in the most optimal way possible.In just over four hours youll have all the answers youll need to create the lifestyle to raise amazing children. Begin to feel better about the new lifestyle change coming your way as a result of applying what you will learn from this course. Become more confident, more certain, more comfortable about the change that you can manage in your journey in personal development, parenting & relationships and every area of your life.Welcome and enjoy the course!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to be the Man your child needs: Course for Divorced Dads" |
"Divorce is one of the most traumatic events a family can go through. Its emotional draining for all members. Even the strongest of men will buckle from the experience of losing the family unit. Men just like women and children will experience the pain of the breakup. Regardless of who was at fault the events are unfolding and we need to know how to deal with what we are experiencing and for what is coming.How to be the Man your child needs: Course for Divorced Dads, is a course designed to give you the mental/emotional and even practical tools to help men navigate this difficult ordeal. Two instructors both having gone through divorce themselves will offer not only their personal experience and expertise but provide you with tried and proven methods of not just dealing with divorce but how to move on to become a great father and be a better version of you. In just a few hours you will have methods to deal with the following issues:How to deal with the mental & emotional pain of divorceHow to gain a better understanding from multi-perspective based viewingHow to deal with practical issues like the LEGAL Stuff, Heart Stuff, & Tough StuffHow to better communicate with your ex.Learn the ten rules to Fighting Fair.Learn the Understanding of your child, what to do and what not to do to help them through this very difficult transitionHow to go about becoming a better version of you through 3 realms of Personal DevelopmentHow to be a better parentHow to move on and open yourself to and achieve incredible possibilitiesThe primary objective of this course is to help you get over the emotional pain of divorce. Secondly to give you a broader view and freer perspective of what happened and what will happen moving forward. What you have control over and what you dont.Joshua Simcha Eidelshtein is Life Coach who is dedicated to working with Divorced Dads. He is divorced with tow young daughters. He knows the pain and will share his story and offer up relatable ideas and sound solutions to help Dads going through divorce.Coach Hall, Is a Parenting & family Dynamics coach. He has been helping all types of children & parents off & on since 1977, He also went through divorce over a decade ago. He will share his story and provide more of the academic side to the course presenting frameworks and methods from the top Parenting & Relationship Experts in the world.Together these two Instructors will give you the insights you will not only relate to but be able to put into practice to help you not only move beyond divorce but become a better you.How to be the Man your child needs: Course for Divorced Dads. This is a value-packed course contains critical concepts & frameworks from Experts in Children with Divorced parents such as JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, Ph.D., Jean McBride, MS, LMFT, Dr. William Glasser as well as numerous child development specialists including Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Robert Kegan, Morris Massey, Jane Loevinger, Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., Gary Chapman Ph.D., Ross Campbell Ph.D., and Parenting Coach Pioneers such as Haim Ginott, Thomas Gordon and Diana Baumrind as well as the over 25 years of parenting experience of Coach Hall of Star Family Coaching.Enroll today, knowing that If you aren't delighted with this video based training course, claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Stop Alzheimers Dementia & Depression in their tracks" |
"If you have a family member or have one of these illnesses or diseases in your family or if you have been diagnosed with any mental illness or disease this course offers you a holistic and proactive approach to changing the prognosis to something much more promising including a complete reversal.Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression are scary mental diseases that often lead to death. Families are devastated and lifestyles are radically changed when these illnesses impact a loved one. How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks, is a science based, action oriented course loaded with resources to help shield you from these terrible diseases.How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks, is a course designed to give you practical tools to help you navigate this difficult ordeal. Your instruction has first hand experience in dealing with depression and has family members who were stricken with Dementia & Alzheimers. He will share his stories and provide you with the latest research and methods to combat these devastating diseases.In just a few hours you will have methods & information to deal with the following issues:Memory lossPersonality changesDepressionParkinsons DiseaseDementiaAlzheimersFamily Members & how to informationWhere to get the most up to date data.Diet, Exercise & Social Life etcThe primary objective of this course is to help you become aware of you can do to stop these diseases from advancing. What you have control over and what you dont.Coach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks. This is a value-packed course contains research from Harvard Health, NIH, Psychology Today, University of Buffalo, BBC news, and several human studies in the UK and the USA. Enroll today, knowing that If you aren't delighted with this video based training course, claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Help Me Im a Parent! The Parenting MAP" |
"Parenthood is a long adventurous journey. Imagine taking a trip around the world four or five times. Each time round the route and method of travel changes. One time we FLY, the next we Sail, then we tunnel, then we take land transportation like trains and buses and then we walk. Each time things appear different. Our perspective changes. Some trips we experience things from afar. Other times from below. Another trip takes us up close. We go fast and we go slow.Raising an ever-changing child is similar to the imagined world travel stated in the previous paragraph. A baby will have needs and abilities that are different from a toddler. Same is true from a toddler to a school-aged child. And again with a child going through puberty and the teenage years. The teenager will be different from their adult version. Each will communicate differently as well. These changes while subtle can be smooth or difficult. It can be delightful and stressful. The balance of pleasure and stress depends on one's level of preparedness. Each of the five stages of human growth from infancy to adulthood is like a trip around the world.Imagine traveling around the world without a map. What wonders might you miss? What wrong turns would you make? What time would be wasted and forever lost? What struggles and stresses would face you? How comfortable would this trip be for you and your family?How often do you use schedules, lists and Maps to help you in your daily life? Imagine trying to live life without these time saving tools.Interestingly enough is that while we understand the importance of schedules, list and Maps when it comes to parenting we dont take full advantage of the tools when it comes to parenthood.This course is designed to show you how to use these wonderful tools to help you become the best version of parents possible. This translates to your children having optimal childhoods which will launch them towards sustainably successful happy and fulfilling lives.In just a few hours you having taken Help Me Im a Parent! The Parenting MAP you will have an understanding of the following issues:Parenting agreementsParent meetings why they are necessary, what to talk about, when to have them, and the recommended orderSetting goals for each stage of the human voyage and the parenthood journeyThe complexities of parentingTask & RolesTask Preferences, the META process and how to determine yoursMind-State what is it?Basic yet Powerful Communication TechniquesThe D word and effective techniquesIn just a few hours you will have of the following:The first rendition of your parenting MAPA parenting agreementPracticed role playing for improved relationship understanding, communication and better response.Practiced messaging in a stress-free and very effective way.A command of what Task & Roles are in parenthood.Templates to help you become more creative in building out your custom parenting MAPA workbook and MP3s as well as these videos to refer to forever.Several Fundamental tools to help you become an Optimal ParentCoach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is a international Best Selling instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.Help Me Im a Parent! The Parenting MAP is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. Youll be asked to fully participate in the several assignments to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Help Me I'm a Parent: Behavior hacking, Understanding kids" |
"The Parenthood Journey is one filled with action. Another way to describe action is behavior. Even our inaction is the results of our behavior. So parenthood is really a continuous path of behavior. Your behavior, your parental partners behavior, and your childrens behavior, all interacting, to create a family of behavior. Its behavior that we as human examine at lightning speed and process at even faster speeds that will impact our own behavior.Think of a time that you may have planned an outing. You go on a date, to the movies, to dinner or vacation. And while this activity is designed with intention to be a great event, someone's behavior impacts the thoughts, and feelings. A crankiness of your child ruins your feelings about taking them to the park. Their overexcitement keeps them from staying focused on the schedule youve worked hard to create, so you are late or miss out on things everyone wanted to do. Opinions get shared which leads to arguments which leads to nobody paying attention to the wonderful weather and the great time that is being lost due to behavior.Behavior tends to be contagious, If everyone is in a great mood accept for your teenager and we engage the teenager this potentially escalates into the siblings and parents being upset. A great afternoon planned at the lake turns into a nightmare. Behavior is the culprit.Raising an ever-changing child expecting smooth behavior along the journey is like going bare-foot in the snow and not expecting your feet to get cold and wet. Behavior is what all humans exhibit, its a form of communicating, its how we going about living our lives. It gets studied and copied by infants and continues to get noticed and copied throughout childhood and even into adulthood. As parents we know surprising little about behavior. Yes, we are aware of it and cause and effect aspects to some degree but none of us know the full makeup of behavior. Science is still trying to unravel this mystery. However we do know a ton about it. We know what happens in the mind that creates behavior. Science tells us of the changes we go through from developmental processes that greatly impact everything that lead to behavior. So we know a lot about what behavior is, how it works, what drives it, when behavior is likely to change, naturally, nurturally and mysteriously.Help me, I'm parenting: Behavior Hacking, Understanding Kids Is a course that will help you better understand WHY you child behaves as they do. WHY they misbehave. Why you behave in reaction to their behavior. If we look at the formula of behavior and learned how and why it works we could then make changes in our behavior and teach our children how to behave in ways that are better for everyone. This course will give you understanding of the mind, development age, and behavior in great detail. It will give you charts to help assist you in ascertaining the behavior so you can take appropriate beneficial actions. Understanding whats happening in the world of behavior will create a better sense of confidence and once you see the results that experience will solidify confidences as a parent. The helplessness, the frustration, the stress and worry begin to drop off. In just a few hours you will have an understanding of the following:Brief history from the ancients to modern times on the topic of behaviorThe ABCs and IPOs of the mind, how these simple formulas explain what happen in our minds that lead to behavior.Nature, Nurture and Mystery Impacts on humans that impact behaviorWhat drives, motivates and stimulates behaviorThing to look for to explain your childs behavior so you know at a glance the truth to their behavior. Cognitive Distortions and Meta Programs the power they have on behaviorDevelopment stages presented by 8 specialistYoull receive list, charts and graphs to serve as aids to help you determine the true causes of your childs behavior. Youll go through the process and learn of the power of setting goals, following through and looking at what youve doneAnd we will add to our previous courses by updating your parenting agreement and parenthood MAPCoach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is an international Best Selling instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.Help me, I'm parenting:Behavior hacking, Understanding kids is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. Youll be asked to fully participate in the several assignments to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today, so you can become an Optimal Parent!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Help Me I'm a Parent: Communication Mastery Beginner/Advance" |
"The Human Voyage begins with Two great elements. Number one is Our SELF. Number two is everything and everyone else. We experience the world from the inside out yet from outside in we need the experience or Relationships to help us on our Human Voyage. Along this path some of us will begin a journey within this voyage called Parenthood Journey. Throughout our lives we will have our SELF experience. We will connect via Relationships to help us learn the ropes of life. This connection comes primarily in the form of Communication. We will each have an inner dialog and several with those that make up our outside world. What we say to ourselves on the inside will have a great impact on how we experience life. What we communicate with others can forge the thoughts we have on the inside.This course is about looking at Communication from history to your real world today. We will explore it in a refreshing and enriching way. We will look at how our ability to communicate changes and expands throughout childhood and into adulthood. Youll learn why it is that parents have far more difficulty communicating with their child than they imagine. Even parents that believe their children understand them will learn how much is not being comprehended. We will look at four different and evolving communication capability stages of childhood as they develop into adulthood. We will look at common miscommunication and poor communication that is happening everyday. We will look and how miscommunication impact behavior.When you are finished with this course you will know how the mind works regarding communication. We will look at various communication models that once explained youll suddenly recognize in your current relationships. Youll know how to communicate better than youve ever been able to in your entire life. Youll have two new tools to help you better communicate and two new methods of communication that once plugged into your daily life will save you time and energy. Once youve adopted these methods and use these tools the stress of parenting will greatly decrease perhaps even disappear. Youll perhaps for the first time really understand your child, your parental partner, your friends and anybody else you communicate with regularly, what they are trying to convey to you. And you will be better understood as well.Help Me I'm a Parent: Communication Mastery Beginner/Advance Is a course that will help communicate better than ever. In a few short hours youll have a couple of tools that youll know how to use. And with some practice with these tools and with two new ways of communicating all of your relationships will feel better including the one your have with your child. In just a few hours you will have an understanding of the following:Brief history of communication from the birth of man to modern times.Simple formulas explaining what happens in our minds when we communicate.Miscommunication & poor communication than can be altered into optimal communicationBeginner to Advanced communication techniquesHow communication impacts behavior How communication impacts Young children, School Age kids and teenagers How to form comprehendible messages using at a Glance tools to maximize communication efforts. Youll receive charts and graphs to serve as aids to help you determine how to structure your communication for given and receiving information from children of all ages and even adults.Youll go through the process and learn of the power of setting goals, following through and looking at what youve doneAnd we will add to our previous courses by updating your parenting agreement and parenthood MAPCoach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is an international Best Selling instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.Help Me I'm a Parent: Communication Mastery Beginner/Advance is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. Youll be asked to fully participate to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today, so you can become an Optimal Parent!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools" |
"Raising a family can be both rewarding and stressful. The parenthood journey is complex. Your child will morph into five distinct humans, Infant, Toddler, School age/pre-adolescence, teenager and young adult. You and your parental partner will go through life changes as well. Health (size/weight/age), Career, Location, Care of Parents, Finances, etc The people that are involved in the life of your child and your family will grow in size and impact. Academic Teachers, Sports coaches, Dance/Art Instructors, Spiritual Influencers, Grandparents, Uncles/Aunts, Neighbors etc each playing a role in the nurturing of your childs childhood experience.Time becomes a major focus and point of concern with family dynamics. The feeling of not having enough time to get everything done can stress us out to the point that we become physically ill. Our children demand much of our time leaving very little if any for us to spend time on strengthening our romantic relationship, our friends, and ourselves. When we neglect these things the results make managing the needs of our children even more difficult and stressful. So how can we get more time? Is there a way to manage the time we have better? Is there a tool that is easy to use that will give you more time and make parenting much less stressful?This course tackles the questions posed above and more. Yes, you can get more time by having tools to free up the time you spend each day that allow you to manage your days more effectively. The best news of all is that in a few short hours you will have these easy to use tools with the knowhow to maximize their incredible effectiveness. You will have you very own custom built Happy & Easy Family Management Tools.When you are finished with this course you will know how use a couple of amazing tools that you will build from this step by step course. Once you put these tools to use you will begin to feel more empowered. After a short transition period you will begin to see that you will have fewer miscommunications, fewer misunderstandings, without those time wasters, more will get done in shorter amounts of time. You will have time to take care of you and your relationships which in turn will make you a better parent.Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools Is a course that will help communicate better. It will help you get better behavior from your children. It will give you more freedom to do things you desire. Better communication, better behavior and more free time equals less stress. In a few short hours youll have a couple of tools that youll know how to use. And with some practice with these tools all of your relationships will feel better including the one you have with your child. In just a few hours you will have an understanding of the following:Time wasters v Time investmentsSizing up time, Evaluating, constructing, and making better use of timeOverview of Time management tools & how to select one for youAdult Cognition & How to think like a CEODiscipline & Governing your home.Family Rules, Policies, Enforcement and Adult PreparationStar Family Constitution, how to build it and use it.Setting goals, that can be supported by SFCAnd we will add to our previous courses by updating your parenting agreement and parenthood MAPCoach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is an international Best Selling instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools: is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. Youll be asked to fully participate to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today, so you can become an Optimal Parent!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Personality Development Course - Become Unstoppable" |
"Are you struggling to build self-confidence so that you can act boldly and spontaneously? The course contains proven confidence building-techniques. Additionally, it is a practice course , and you can start experimenting it from day one itself to mount your self-confidence. Do you want to become more confident?Some people struggle throughout their life to build self-confidence. If you have the right technique or direction, you can start building your self confidence right away. This course will equip you with the tools to start improving your confidence level.Do you want people to have more trust in you?You enjoy more respect and fame when people trust you. They need a reason to have faith in you. The course will educate you how to win the trust of people around you.Do you want improve your self-image?If you have a low self-image, you hesitate to take any initiative. This course also provides you with the guidance to create a powerful self-image so that you can take action without any reluctance and self-doubt.How This Course will Benefit You:Become more ConfidentDevelop Mental ToughnessChange Your ImageLearn to Keep Your Promise"
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Learn English from Hindi - Speak & Write Correct English" |
"HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH FROM HINDI QUICKLY AND AVOID STUPID MISTAKES?If Hindi is your mother tongue, and you want to learn English from Hindi, your search is over!The course will help you to speak and write correct English. The course is based on my bestselling book 'Speak English Like A Star' which contains Hindi to English translation primarily. It contains numerous exercises so that you develop conceptual understanding and improve your English. Do you want to speak precise English and leave a good impression?Your ProblemYou may struggle to speak and write English before interviewer and other people since you do not understand the language well.The SolutionTo speak correct English, you need to develop a conceptual understanding of the language. If Hindi is your mother tongue, and you intend to learn English through Hindi, your search is over. I will provide you with step-by-step guidance to learn precise English through Hindi.Do you want to write emails without committing grammatical errors?Your ProblemYou can never get your work done if your verbal or written message is not clear. Moreover, grammatical mistakes also spoil your image.The SolutionIf you often make grammatical errors while speaking or writing English since English is a non-native language for you, the course will help to polish the language skills and avoid these errors.Do you want to understand English?Your ProblemYour career growth might be stuck since you cannot understand your seniors, clients, or foreign counterparts who speak English.A non-native speaker often struggles to understand English. Despite understanding English, you may not be able to understand the meaning of the speaker and struggle to frame your answer. The SolutionThis course will help you to understand different concepts, and in turn, you will find it easier to understand the English language.Money Back GuaranteeThis course comes with an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.Summary:What you will learn:1. You will be avoid the common mistakes and leave a good impression.2. The program will help to speak and write correct English.3. The course will also help you to understand English well.4. You will be able to present your view comfortably and confidently.5. You will improve your conceptual understanding of the English language."
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"Formal Emails - Business Email Writing Course for Beginners" |
"HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE FORMAL EMAILS EASILY?Learn to Write Professional, Polite, and Error-Free Emails to Build Strong Relationship with Your Boss, Client, and Other People? Formal Email Writing Skills course provides you with step by step guide to write effective professional emails so that you can improve your email writing skills.It also includes common email etiquette and grammar mistakes to ensure you write professional emails and leave a good impression on the receiver. Do you struggle to write emails in different situations?You may struggle to write emails at different situations such as writing a follow-up email, congratulating someone, welcoming a new employee, or availing a leave. You cannot afford to avoid these communications since avoiding these can cost you relation with the recipient. Moreover, you want to create a lasting impression and build a strong relationship through your emails. Formal Email Writing Skills Course will give you a strong foundation to improve your email writing skills and write professional emails.Do you make common grammatical errors in while writing emails?If you make a grammatical mistake, the reader can misinterpret your email. It would help you understood the common mistakes in email writing so that you can avoid them. Formal Email Writing Skills Course covers common email writing mistakes for your awareness.Do you want to create sustained relationship through email writing?You fail to maintain sustain relationship if your emails appear rude to other people. You may not write the harsh emails deliberately, and you need the right guidance to write professional emails. The course will provide you with numerous examples to write refined emails.Being a tyro, you might use capital letters and red fonts in your emails; it could be another impression spoiler. Formal Email Writing Skills Course will also prevent you from making these mistakes.Money Back GuaranteeThe Formal Email Writing Skills Course comes with an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.Summary:What you will learn:You will write professional, polite, and precise emails.You will avoid common email writing errorsYou will improve the tone of your emailsYou will learn the basic email writing etiquetteYou will learn email writing in varied situationsYou will create a sustained relationship with the recipient."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Learn Basics of Programming with AdamaScript Block Program" |
"In this course, we'll learn to code, starting from the basic blocks. No kidding! AdamaScript, the programming language which was developed by us getting inspired from Scratch Programming (developed by MIT), is so fun that it makes programming seem like a game.We'll learn by doing practical mini projects. The content is designed to be fun! We learn to create animations and cool effects and we create clones of some of the most popular games: Flappy Bird, Duck Hunt or Pac-Man. The games are handpicked to optimize learning computer science topics while having fun along the way. I will also update the course on a regular basis with new content - and challenges!This course is designed forparents or teachers who want to give their children the best skills and most funkids and beginners who want to learn to code gamesanyone new to programming who doesn't know where to startI can't wait to have you in the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Emotions - Achieve Spectacular Results!" |
"Emotions affect us all in powerful ways and determine our success, relationships and most importantly our happiness. They come in positive and negative hues with varying intensities.Understanding emotions in ourselves and others and learning how to control and harness them is the hallmark of a successful person. This module teaches you to master your emotions and places the control knob back in your own hands. You stop being a puppet and start dancing to your own music."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2020 Design Para Redes Sociais PhotoshopMasters" |
"Voc aprender sobre como utilizar essa poderosa ferramenta, o Photoshop 2020, para tirar o mximo proveito dele. Comece seu novo trabalho! Essa incrvel ferramenta com certeza abrir novas portas para voc. Hoje essa ferramenta gera inmeros trabalhos, renda e muita oportunidades para muita gente! Ingresse J nesse curso! Esse curso voltado totalmente para voc que quer trabalhar com redes sociais, na rea de criao, voc aprender: como pensar, elaborar arte, buscar referncias, utilizar o Photoshop, sem enrolao."
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"Diseo y desarrollo de Multimedia para Enseanza" |
"Curso orientado a crear contenidos multimedia para enseanza virtual y presencial. Te mostramos el procedimiento ms concreto para disear y desarrollar videos educativos y usarlos en la red. Incluimos estrategias para editar imgenes y equilibrar presentaciones.Son lecciones secuenciadas en las que se muestran procedimientos sin rodeos para crear vdeo lecciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Motivate Yourself: Master Self-Discipline" |
"Do you struggle with getting started on tasks that require your attention? Do you feel unmotivated to work towards your goals? Do you want to learn how to motivate yourself and get things done?This class addresses all these questions and many others you may have regarding motivation. The truth is, motivation remains an elusive concept to many of us and this is partly due to the many assumptions we carry about it.This class will break down the common misconceptions we have on the topic and address what really motivates us as well as how to maintain motivation, but most importantly it will give you concrete steps to get started and accomplish the tasks that will get you closer to your goals!Who is this class for?No prior knowledge on the topic is required to take this class, although a desire to better yourself is a definite asset!What will you learn?a breakdown of the science of motivationhow to boost intrinsic motivation in both the short- and long-termsome tips on how to regain momentum fast to get tasks doneIn the end, you will be better equipped to tackle any task having gained an in depth understanding of what gives rise to motivation. See you in class!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How Oil And Gas Well is Drilled-Step By Step Guide" |
"This Course is very unique the way it carry up detail process of oil and gas well drilling. Course will provide insight for beginner and will add further exposure to experience personnel. This Course include Exploration techniques to explore favorable subsurface petroleum trap, types of trap, trap assessment, predrilling preparation, like drilling program, hiring drilling and other drilling services contractor. Course cover drilling site location preparation, rig move and rig up, rig acceptance process. In drilling Section it will en-lighten procedure of each section drilling, casing running, cement job operation, well head installation, Pressure testing well head seals and casing slip seal. It Cover every minor step that how conductor pipe is cut, how to nipple down diverter and how to seal off annuls between conductor and surface casing. Pressure test BOP procedure with test plug and testing well head valve with cup tester. Pressure testing casing. The course is going to cover cement job for casing and liner as well. It will elaborate how to evaluate expected zone potential with Drill Stem Test. Finally it will help students to understand completion operation sequence, X-mass tree installation procedure and pressure testing X-mass tree.I try to transform all my personal experience and attempt to draw a complete picture of well drilling and completion. Enroll for this course I guarantee that you will enjoy course contents. This course will boost up your learning curve. Please after taking course leave review. Thanks in advance. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide To Desander And Desilter-Hydrocyclone" |
"Drilling fluid circulation in oil and gas well is like blood circulating in human body. If our body organs dont work properly to screen out impurities from blood it result severe skin,heart, arteries and other diseases. Same is the case with drilling fluid. Drilling Fluid carry coarse and fine drilled cutting and other impurities while coming out of wellbore. if cutting and impurities are not removed, these contaminants will disturb mud properties (Yield point, Plastic viscosity, fliterate loss) resulting in high drag, high pressure, thick mud cake and eventually pipe stuck. Pipe stuck may result in huge economical loss. Shale shaker are used to remove coarse solid particles greater than 75 micron. Whereas Desander and Desilter are used to remove fine particle (20-75 micron). Hydrocyclone have vital importance for solid control on oil and gas drilling rig mud system therefore its very necessary to understand hydrocyclone or desander and desilter working mechanism and their prominent features. Course focused will be Desander and Desilter also called hydrocyclone or cyclone used in petroleum or oil and gas industry.After taking this course you will know.- What are Desilter-Desander,hydrocyclone or cyclone.-Importance Desilter and Desander on drilling rig.- Different techniques for controlling solid in mud systems- Working principle of Desilter and Desander-Hydrocyclone Working mechanism -Main parts of Desander and Desilter-Solid control technique-Hydrocyclone Installation- Working pressure of Hydrocyclone - Pros and Cons of Hydrocyclone - Cut point -Separation Curve- Types discharge from hydrocyclone - Problems and their trouble shooting. - Performance indicators - Hydrocyclone other industrial application"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fire Safety Master Course: The Untold Secrets Of Fire Safety" |
"Every year we hear about so many fire incidents which result in property damage, environment damage, injuries and fatalities. These fire accidents are mostly due to human negligence, ignorance and unawareness about fire safety. The Objective of this course is to support fire safety awareness. If you are related to any engineering profession (like petroleum, mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial or any any other engineering line), oil and gas professional, working as chef or serving your responsibility in fire prevention in any department or organization or working as fire safety coach and trainer and who has been struggling to figure out how to quest his /her thirst for fire safety and prevention knowledge, then this course is for you. or if you want to turn your fire safety passion into a full time job then continue reading. Below, I'll share with you the easiest solution to overcome all of these challenges by providing real high tech contents for fire safety.Are you tired of internet surfing for fire safety without any result oriented success?Are you going through any interview related to fire safety?Do you dream of full time HSE job and need to bring your fire safety knowledge to next level?Are you looking to get fire safety related job but dont know where to start?Have you Join fire prevention or fire fighting department , but want to learn more practical knowledge?Are you student and looking for fire safety stuff to make wonderful presentation?Whatever your background may be, if youve ever thought about turning your knowledge, your unique dream and your passion into Health safety environment (HSE) or pure fire safety job then youve come to the right place!.To do all of that and get fire safety knowledge you need a lot more than empty promises and hot air.You need a plan.You need a step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of fire safety thats irresistible, valuable and most importantly good presenter and interview winner.Thats exactly what this course is.The Internet is full of experts but most of them are wrong.It seems like every day there's a new training, free guide, or blog post promising that you can learn fire safety if you just buy this product. Theres no shortage of training courses teaching the tactical tools and techniques to create and sell an online course.While thats extremely valuable and a necessary part of any fire safety, just knowing the mechanics of doing something doesnt guarantee youll be successful at it.This missing component is the reason so many individual fail for wining fire safety interview.This course is different over 4700 students is the proof.More than 4700 enroll in this course. This is highly enrolled course on udemy for fire safety.All you need to be fire safety masterThis comprehensive training program provides absolutely everything you'll need to successful.This course comprehensively deal with fire safety to reshape and refine concepts about:IntroductionObjective of courseWhy we need this trainingImportance of fire safetyFire Case studyFire Theoryfire theory and chemistry, fire fuels and various ignition sourceFire Classification Different systems for fire classificationsSecrets behind fire classification, Varous fires Vs Fuels Fire DetectionWhat is smoke detector Smoke Detectors and their working principle Fire extinguishersVarious Fire extinguishers and their main featuresFire extinguisher selection criteriaUse of fire blanket and Wheel unit fire extingisherTime spectrum of fire extinguisherInspection and Maintenance of fire extinguisherProcedure to hydro test fire extinguisher cylinderCharacteristics of flammable materialFlammability chartLEL-UEL and Flammable regionConcept of LEL measurement Devices used to measure LELFlash point- fire point and auto-ignition temperature Flammable and combustible liquids Various classification of liquids based on their flash point as per different standard organizationsBest Practices about fire safety - Fire procedure-fire alarm - Fire prevention - Fire fighting Criteria - Basics fire fighting rules - Tips to prevent fire - Risk assessment - Fire Emergency Evacuation PlanWho this course is for:- Anyone who wants to start his fire safety career.- Anyone who believes they have a passion for fire safety and have urge to learn more deeply.- Anyone whos never take fire safety training, but really wants to learn real stuff!- Anyone whos go through fire safety that hasnt succeeded as expected.- Anyone looking to position themselves as an authority in their safety field.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeAll my Courses have 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.Click on the Red Buy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"OIL And Gas Drilling Rig Draw works-Master Course" |
"Oil and gas drilling rig drawworks is a core component it is so important that oil and gas industry drilling rig is rated as per drawworks horse power. This course will cover how drawworks work in drilling rig hoisting system, types of drawworks, types of drawworks gear transmission, oil and gas industry drawworks main components and their corresponding function. What are various brakes systems used in drawworks? Types of crown saver and how they work to protected crown block and rig floor with travelling block collision. We will go through drilling line characteristics in very concise way.Course will also probe into pneumatic and hydraulic systems that are used to operate drawworks, The Course contents are very valuable for any one working as oil and gas drilling industry worker and intended to join oil and gas drilling industry, if you are looking for course on drilling rig drawworks then this course is for you. You are just one click away from grabbing hard learned lesson to become drilling rig drawworks expert."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"H2S Safety-Hydrogen Sulfide A Silent Killer Of Rig Workers" |
"H2S-Hydrogen sulfide is one of the leading causes of workplace gas inhalation deaths in oil and gas industry, water treatment and other industries.This online Course is designed for individuals who require H2S Training as a pre-requisite to employment and for businesses that require a simple and accessible solution for training their employees.The students will go through all aspects of H2S including:What is H2SH2S PropertiesH2S occurrence,H2S detection,Case study of H2S releaseHealth effects of H2S exposure,Respiratory ProtectionRescue techniques of H2S victim,Emergency procedure of H2S for drilling rigH2S and LEL sensors lay out on Drilling Rig,How to Calibrate H2S and LEL sensors This course will explain in detail thoroughly what you need to know to remain safe around H2S.Training can be paused or resumed at any time,so it is not necessary to take course in single sitting. You can take course as many time as you want, it will be life time accessible once you purchase it. Course includes interactive exercises to ensure understanding of course content"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"GANA SEGUIDORES EN INSTAGRAM: Curso intensivo 2020" |
"Este curso no es un curso ms de Instagram. ste es el primer curso de Instagram de la plataforma en el que el instructor que lo imparte tiene realmente varias cuentas con miles de seguidores. Solo tienes que pasearte un poco por Udemy y ver los instructores que imparten cursos de Instagram. Busca su perfil y juzga t mismo. Muy pocos tienen ms de 10k seguidores, y lo que los tienen, o bien los han comprado o bien han invertido en publicidad.Ojo. Invertir en publicidad no es malo, pero yo soy consciente de que muchos de vosotros, posiblemente t incluido, no os lo podis permitir. Por este motivo he decidido crear este curso en el que te voy a ensear a ganar seguidores sin gastarte ni 1.Tanto si eres una empresa o una persona que quiere ganar seguidores, o te gustara aprender a llevar el perfil de Instagram de alguna marca de forma profesional y que te paguen por ello, ests en el lugar indicado. En este curso te voy a ensear todo lo necesario para optimizar tu cuenta y de esta forma mejorar el % de conversin. Tambin aprenders a crear diseos atractivos de forma rpida tanto para tus stories como para tus publicaciones. Ms adelante, en un mdulo especfico, te explicar cmo ganar dinero con Instagram y cmo crear informes del progreso de una cuenta. Y lo ms importante, te revelar todos los trucos que se utilizan para ganar seguidores, ya sean ticos o no. Mi trabajo consiste en darte todas las claves posibles para que luego t puedas elegir qu estrategia se adapta mejor a ti y a tus valores.Adems, por el simple hecho de ser mi estudiante, tendrs acceso a varios recursos y plantillas y podrs tener contacto directo conmigo para hacerme todas las preguntas que quieras.Esto, y mucho ms, es lo que obtendrs cuando te inscribas al curso. As que no esperes ms y toma accin!Nos vemos en las clases ;)"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |