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"Basi di jQuery per il webdesign" |
"jQuery una delle librerie di funzioni Javascript pi usata la mondo , in grado di amplificare la potenza di questo linguaggio mettendoti a disposizione un'incredibile quantit di funzioni predefinite, animazioni e plugin. Grazie ad jQuery oggi possibile ottimizzare la scrittura del codice JavaScript nei propri prodotti web, ma anche creare animazioni, slideshow e - non meno importante - sfruttare componenti predefiniti per creare app per il web altamente performanti, il tutto coadiuvato dall'aiuto di software che prevedono strumenti dedicati allo sviluppo di applicazioni web con jQuery come Adobe Dreamweaver ed Adobe Edge Code. Che tu stia facendo i primi passi nel web design o che tu sia un utente avanzato, questo videocorso proprio ci che fa per te, perch potrai approfondire tutti gli aspetti principali di jQuery partendo dalle basi: cos' jQuery, come si usa e come impiegarlo per arricchire i tuoi siti web, rendendoli interessanti e interattivi in modo semplice e pratico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia di scena: post-produzione correttiva e creativa" |
"La post-produzione di fotografie di scena presenta peculiarit specifiche dettate, spesso, da condizioni di illuminazione estremamente particolari: problematiche di esposizione, rumore intenso, colori falsati ed estremamente saturi.Questa particolarit, unita al fatto che spesso accade di lavorare in condizioni difficili di ripresa, suggerisce delle impostazioni opportune sia al momento dello scatto. Inoltre, rende necessaria una post-produzione per certi versi diversa dalle altre: ad esempio, spesso non tecnicamente possibile non solo impostare, ma perfino definire il punto di bianco.Questo videocorso riassume le varie problematiche e indica delle possibili soluzioni per risolverle, pur tenendo presente che esistono molti modi di affrontarle. In particolare, si interroga su quanto convenga fare a livello di modulo di sviluppo RAW (Adobe Camera Raw, Lightroom, etc.) e quanto invece sia meglio portato a termine in Photoshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DaVinci Resolve: lavorare con Premiere Pro CC e Final Cut X" |
"In questo videocorso di un'ora di durata imparerai i passaggi necessari per inviare correttamente la timeline di Apple Final Cut Pro X o di Adobe Premiere Pro a BlackMagic DaVinci Resolve, dove effettuare la correzione colore, per poi ritornare indietro al programma originale con cui il progetto stato montato. Questa operazione, chiamata in gergo ""round tripping"", non banale e pu causare problemi che fortunatamente sono risolvibili con le tecniche e i suggerimenti indicati in questo videocorso!Questo videocorso si rivolge agli editor video che gi utilizzano Final Cut o Premiere e che vogliono imparare a farli lavorare in sinergia con il miglior software di correzione colore, DaVinci Resolve: nelle videolezioni vedrai quindi come si prepara correttamente la timeline da inviare a DaVinci, come si importa in quest'ultimo, come si individuano i problemi pi comuni, come risolverli nel modo pi logico e veloce possibile e infine come si ritorna al software di partenza per continuare a lavorare al tuo progetto video. Se usi Final Cut Pro X o Premiere Pro e vuoi imparare a lavorare i tuoi progetti in DaVinci Resolve senza intoppi o brutte sorprese, cos da lasciare pi tempo per la tua creativit, questo videocorso perfetto per te!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Base" |
"JavaScript un linguaggio di scripting famoso in tutto il mondo per essere una delle tecnologie pi importanti del Web, assieme a HTML e CSS. semplice da imparare e da applicare e, soprattutto, con le dovute accortezze, multipiattaforma. Ecco due semplici esempi di interattivit ottenuta con JavaScript: la gestione grafica di un menu incluso in una barra di navigazione che, al passaggio del mouse, pu mostrare dei sottomenu, altrimenti non visibili. Oppure la gestione dei bottoni: alla pressione di un bottone su una pagina web , Javascript pu eseguire una funzione personalizzata, la quale pu svolgere le pi disparate azioni.Ma prima di utilizzare Javascript per creare siti dinamici e interattivi necessario capire come funziona.In questo videocorso esplorerai la sintassi alla base di JavaScript, imparerai l'uso di variabili, tipi, oggetti, matrici, operatori, strutture di controllo, loop e funzioni, attraverso una serie di esempi pratici che mettono in pratica queste idee: questo videocorso ti aiuter a costruire la tua comprensione di JavaScript pezzo per pezzo, da principi fondamentali come variabili, tipi di dati, condizionali e funzioni attraverso argomenti avanzati quali loop, chiusure e script DOM.Dopo aver completato questo videocorso saprai utilizzare la sintassi di base di JavaScript e il modo in cui questo linguaggio di script funziona per creare funzionalit potenti e complesse sul web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop - Ottenere fotografie HDR da professionisti" |
"Fotografare in situazioni di alto contrasto luminoso spesso difficoltoso: il risultato che le zone in ombra sono quasi completamente prive di dettaglio e le zone chiare sono 'bruciate'. Pensa solo al caso di una fotografia in cui vuoi ritrarre il folto di un bosco in controluce questo accade perch, a differenza dellocchio umano, una fotocamera non riesce a 'catturare' i dati allo stesso modo in situazioni con grande differenza di luminosit.Per questo motivo scattando una foto ci troveremo purtroppo a dover scegliere tra avere il dettaglio nelle zone dombra oppure nelle zone illuminate. Unalternativa a questa scelta forzata c: la tecnica HDR (High Dynamic Range), utilizzata per ottenere fotografie ad alta gamma dinamica.Questa tecnica consente di avere fotografie in cui il dettaglio presente nelle zone delle alte luci che nelle ombre, con risultati impensabili.In questo videocorso imparerai ad utilizzare Photoshop per creare immagini HDR perfette e senza artefatti, in modo semplice e intuitivo, senza dover ricorrere a plug-in esterni che non danno il controllo del tuo lavoro. Scoprirai inoltre che la tecnica HDR pu essere molto utile nelle tue foto di tutti i giorni, e non solo per creare le immagini iperrealistiche che trovi sul web! Se sei un fotografo professionista o un fotoamatore e vuoi migliorare la qualit delle tue immagini questo il videocorso che fa per te: imparerai cos' lHDR e a sfruttare tutte le sue potenzialit!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creare progetti web responsive con Bootstrap" |
"Bootstrap un framework gratuito per il design di pagine web tra i pi famosi e utilizzati. In parole semplici: uno strumento contenente in s elementi grafici, stilistici, di impaginazione e Javascript pronti all'uso.Questo porta come primo vantaggio che, usando Bootstrap, ogni volta che iniziamo un nuovo progetto web non dobbiamo per forza ripartire da zero. Bootstrap, infatti ci permette di poter contare su una serie di componenti personalizzabili, riusabili e adattabili alle richieste del progetto e alla creativit di chi concepisce il sito.In questo videocorso ti porteremo a conoscere questo framework, originariamente creato dal team di sviluppo di Twitter, che permette di creare progetti web gi improntati su alcune caratteristiche ormai ""obbligatorie"" nel webdesign attuale, cio HTML5, layout in grado di adattarsi al dispositivo di visualizzazione e mobile ready.In oltre due ore di videocorso imparerai le basi di Bootstrap, anche se non l'hai mai visto in vita tua, e come usarlo per i tuoi progetti web. In particolare studierai il suo funzionamento ""sotto il cofano"" per capire come e quando applicare gli innumerevoli strumenti che questo potente e diffuso framework mette a disposizione. Se vuoi immergerti con una guida sicura nel mondo del webdesign, questo videocorso fa al caso tuo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC 2019 - Subito in pista!" |
"Grazie a questo videocorso imparerai ad usare gli strumenti di Premiere Pro CC 2019 con facilit e semplicit, anche se non hai mai affrontato questo software. Questo videocorso perfetto sia per professionisti che per appassionati: se sei completamente a digiuno il videocorso parte da zero, se invece sei gi un utente di Premiere, scoprirai come usarlo al 100% e approfondire tantissime funzioni!Imparerai quindi ad utilizzare Premiere a partire dalle operazioni di base come l'acquisizione e la gestione dei contributi, alle operazioni di editing avanzato, l'uso delle transizioni, degli effetti video e della loro animazione fino ad arrivare alle operazioni avanzate come la creazione di titoli e l'aggiunta di grafica, la correzione colore, l'editing dell'audio e l'esportazione del tuo progetto.Entra nel mondo del montaggio video e sfrutta tutto il potenziale di Premiere Pro CC 2019 con questo videocorso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2019 - Subito in pista!" |
"Microsoft Excel il programma per la creazione di fogli di calcolo pi usato al mondo e fa parte della suite di software Microsoft Office, insieme a Word, Power Point, One Note, Outlook, Publisher e Access. Ma cos' un foglio di calcolo? E' uno strumento che ti permette di effettuare calcoli, creare rappresentazioni grafiche ed elaborare dati, anche in grandi, grandissime quantit. Imparare Excel la chiave per accedere dalla porta principale del mondo del lavoro. Non per nulla Excel , sicuramente, il programma informatico maggiormente utilizzato e, di conseguenza, il pi importante nel lavoro di oggi: trova infatti largo utilizzo come programma presso imprese pubbliche e private, agenzie di servizi, come anche presso studi di commercialisti.Con questo videocorso potrai imparare Excel anche se non hai mai aperto questo software in vita tua! In tre ore di videolezioni impararerai a creare e modificare fogli di calcolo, inserire e organizzare i dati, formattarli, compiere calcoli e aggiungere semplici funzioni, creare grafici, usare i filtri, stampare quanto hai realizzato, gestire le operazioni automatiche e i subtotali, imparare a usare le funzioni e i filtri e molto altro ancora.Se sei un utente di Excel 2019 (ma anche delle versioni diverse, come la 2016, o la versione 365) questo videocorso per te imperdibile!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress and React Developers" |
"Recently WordPress decided to change their old WYSIWYG editor into a new ReactJS based editor called 'Gutenberg'. Gutenberg also known as the block editor is based on blocks. So your post will be composed of some blocks and each block will have a purpose. You can have a block that displays a button or an image or some text and so on. In this course you will learn everything you need to know in order to create custom blocks for Gutenberg. We will start by a simple block and then we will create some more complex blocks.In order to gain the most out of this course you need to have WordPress theme/plugin development knowledge. Javascript knowledge is required for this course. You should be familiar with basic JavaScript concepts and preferably the recent ES6+ versions. ReactJS knowledge is also required for this course. So concepts like component state, lifecycle method and basic react concepts should not be new to you. Also advanced concepts like higher order component knowledge would be ideal however it will be discussed briefly in the course. Redux knowledge is also ideal. Not all blocks will require using redux, however in some blocks we will use redux heavily. So it would be ideal if you are familiar with redux concepts like stores, actions, reducers and so on.The course content will go as follows:First and before any coding we will discuss some design guidelines that you should follow when designing a block.We will take a look on how your Gutenberg post is saved in your database and what happens behind the scenes in order to construct your ReactJS based UI from the content saved in the database.In section 2, we will have a webpack tutorial. This section will not deal with any of the WordPress stuff. It will be purely webpack. webpack is the tool that we will use in order to transpile and bundle out Javascript and CSS files.In Section 3, we will create a WordPress plugin. Inside this plugin we will register out first Gutenberg block. We will also use out webpack knowledge in order to process JS and CSS files in this plugin.In section 3 we will also have some bonus content. In this content we will learn how to integrate ESLint, prettier and husky for an improved workflow.In section 4, we will take a quick look on some stuff that you can do in your WordPress theme that will allow you to modify/add some features in the Gutenberg editor.In section 5 we will create a simple block. However in this simple block we will learn a lot about what we can do in a block.In section 6 we will use our knowledge to create a more complex block with some advanced features. These features include how to add blocks inside of other blocks, how to handle images and many more.Section 7 will be about creating dynamic blocks. So blocks can be static or in other words only generate some static HTML. But also they can be dynamic for example they can fetch something from the database.Section 8 will discover more about redux in Gutenberg. We will see how to use the existing redux stores and also create our own store.Finally in section 9 we will see different ways that we can follow in order to manage metadata in Gutenberg. We will manage metadata using a block. And we will also learn how to create a custom sidebar plugin and manage metadata in this sidebar."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DevOps e Scrum com o novo Azure passo passo na prtica" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender o novo Azure DevOps com foco em Scrum na prtica. Vamos explorar os recursos que essa plataforma oferece para trabalhar com essa metodologia de desenvolvimento gil, Kanban,Engenharia de Requisitos e mais.O legal, que neste curso, voc no precisa ter conhecimentos prvios, pois vamos fazer tudo passo a passo.Aproveite e bom curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React JS + Firebase + Bootstrap: projeto passo passo" |
"Este um curso direto ao ponto. A ideia mo no cdigo e conforme vamos desenvolvendo um site de publicao de eventos voc vai aprendendo a utilizar as tecnologias envolvidas neste projeto e como funcionam.No fim, voc ter desenvolvido um site de publicao de eventos que poder abrir seus horizontes para a criao de novos projetos e aplicaes com React JS, Firebase e Bootstrap."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"""Computing Without Pain With The MouseKeyDo System"".A new technique for the treatment and prevention of computer-related repetitive stress injuries.Do you experience wrist, arm, or neck pain when working on your computer?LEARN TO TYPE RIGHT! A new healthier typing system for kids, students, and adults.LEARN A NEW TYPING TECHNIQUE! Type fast without pain and stop making your condition worse.The MouseKeyDo System can help you solve this problem! Welcome to The MouseKeyDo Systeman innovative new way to use a keyboard, mouse, laptop or handheld device.Youre probably reading this manual because youre experiencing some amount of pain or discomfort when you work at your computer. Maybe your elbow or neck aches, or your fingers are numb, or your hands have become so weak you can barely grip a pencil. You may be seeing a physical therapist; you may have considered or even undergone surgery.You are not alone. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a world-wide problem and is one of the countrys leading work-related injuries. It accounts for almost two thirds of all worker compensation claims. Although treatment and education helps many RSI sufferers, the number of RSI cases continues to rise. We address the immediate symptoms, but not the cause: The human body simply wasnt made for the kinds of motions most people make over and over again as they sit in a chair typing. The answer is to change the way we TYPE!! Thats the thinking behind The MouseKeyDo System.The MouseKeyDo System is the creation of Norman J. Kahan, M.D., founder and director of Sports and Occupation Medical Associates in Los Gatos, Calif. the heart of computer-centric Silicon Valley. A specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, Dr. Kahan noticed that a significant number of his patients were suffering from computer-related repetitive strain injuries. He also realized that even as they were being treated, many of them continued the same mouse and keyboard habits that had injured them in the first place. They didnt know any other way to work.Combining his background in rehabilitation, his research in ergonomics, and his study of computer and piano keyboard techniques, Dr. Kahan developed an entirely new way to type and mouse based on the way the body naturally moves. Hes taught his system to several thousand patients in the last two decades. Studies using this technique shows the following results:What kind of results can I expect? 90% of users reports less pain. The average user improved functionally by 25%. A number of users too impaired to type are able to type for 3.6 hours after training. More than a year after training, users report even less pain and improved function.The MouseKeyDo System is not a quick fix or a short-term solution, but a completely different way of working with the keyboard, mouse, laptop, and handheld devices. Youre learning an entirely new set of skills. As such, they may feel unnatural at first. Remember when you first learned to type? That seemed slow and awkward, too but it soon became automatic. The same thing will happen as you practice the MouseKeyDo(TM) System exercises. It won't be long before youre typing quickly, efficiently, and comfortably once more. Use it any way you choose-to guide you through the entire program from beginning to end, as a reference when you aren't sure whether your're doing an exercise properly, or as an occasional refresher course. TESTIMONIALS ~ WHAT PATIENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT The MouseKeyDo System ~""Easy to learn and understand, a painless way to type, and you can see the benefits immediately."" Ellen Lee, Senior Program Manager Loud Cloud""I have a lot less pain. The manual was easy to follow.""Sandy Okamoto, Medical TranscriberLos Gatos Community Hospital""Methodical. Teaches you general concepts and an approach, as much as an exact technique.""Titash Bardhan, Senior Principle ConsultantWebmethods""I type and mouse better with less pain and it is fun.""Maybel Yuen, Clerk/TypistCounty of Santa Clara""It is working for me and it is a new way to type.""Kamala Palaniapan, Test LeadMicrosoft""Having a long term program and practice exercises really reinforced the principles and lesson plans.""James Kim, Engineer/Logic Designer, Technical Staff""Helps me a lot in working with the mouse efficiently and effectively.""Yamini Huilgol, Student in Graphic Design""Overall, a very good program. I will refer anyone I know that's having the same sort of problem.""Mary Anne Burton, Sales Assistant""This program is extremely helpful. The drills and exercises in the lesson plans were a real strength.""Nolan Duong, Database Administrator""I have learned how to manage my pain and continue working without causing new stress.""Venkatesh Krishnamurthi, Software Engineer""I know right away when I stray from the MouseKeyDo System, because the former pain in my hands begins to flare up. Now I know what to do to get back on track in a hurry. This system is not Mickey mouse, it is a serious, well-thought-out plan that helps to regain your confidence, your peace of mind, and the full use of your hands.""Janice Winkel, Media Relations-Editorial CoordinatorDe Anza College~ WHAT THERAPISTS AND HEALTH & SAFETY PROVIDERS ARE SAYING ABOUT The MouseKeyDo System ~""We have been awaiting for a system that is easy to learn and teach for a long time and I think MouseKeyDo is the answer."" ""I have found great results with my patients while utilizing the MouseKeyDo System training manual and video as the foundation for our keyboarding class. The principles are easy, with just making the change that is always difficult for people. I feel that with the exponentially increasing usage of computers in our daily lives, a shift needs to happen in the way we utilize them. Dr. Kahan has done an exceptional job of developing a system which is easy to teach, learn and use as a refresher periodically.""Lee H. Kole, PTBreakThrough Physical Therapy, Sunnyvale, CABack Education and Sports Therapy, Cupertino, CA""I have found MouseKeyDo System training to be an effective functional training program that clearly goes beyond providing patients with modalities, manual therapy, and exercise training. The training techniques help patients who are serious about controlling pain brought on by computer keyboarding.""David Severson, PTJoan Urban, PTAMilpitas Physical Therapy, Milpitas, CA""The MouseKeyDo System has a strong scientific basis for its purpose and effectiveness on reducing repetitive stress injuries with keyboarding. It is a biomechanically sound method, which reduces the stresses of keyboarding on commonly injured areas by distributing the forces throughout several joints and muscles, which decreases the overall demand on one specific area. This system is an excellent and valuable tool in my practice and allows me to treat patients with these injuries.""Fabrice Rockich, D. P. T, O. C. S., C. S. C. S.OPTM Physical Therapy of Saratoga, Saratoga, CA""The MouseKeyDo System provides and excellent training program for any computer user. This program covers the essentials of full body posture, arm and hand position, muscle tension, and an extensive strategy for advanced keyboarding techniques designed to reduce risks of repetitive strain injury or RSI. My patients find the videos easy to follow and fun to use. Coaching patients through the process of learning the MouseKeyDo System program has also helped me with my own computer use. I recommend the program highly to computer users, patients, therapists, and to any one helping computer users to work more safely.""Tom Petzoldt, OTR-L, CHTPetzoldt Memorial Hand and Physical TherapySan Jose, CA""Along with appropriate exercise, frequent breaks, and workload pacing, proper technique is an integral part of any rehabilitation program for repetitive strain injury. Dr. Kahan's MouseKeyDo System will help computer users learn how to use the whole body at the keyboard to help prevent injuries. I highly recommend it!""Deborah QuilterAuthor, The Repetitive Strain Injury Recovery BookNew York, NY""Dr. Kahan has done a fabulous job developing the MouseKeyDo System. It is nicely organized, and has well thought-out and researched alternatives to keyboard and mouse use. My patients are enjoying increased comfort at the computer after completing this training. I highly recommend that anyone who spends time on the computer try it, to decrease their computer-related symptoms or avoid them altogether!""Ingird Wade, O. T. R./L, CHTMyofascial Physical and Occupational Therapy AssociatesLos Gatos, CA""Dr. Kahan has gone to great lengths to develop a practical yet well founded, evidence-based program. He combines his musical abilities with his medical back ground in a humanistic approach to help injured workers return to productive livelihoods. As the director of large facilities ergonomics program, I use the MouseKeyDo System to help workers prevent full-blown injuries. I recommend it.""Mariam P. Wedemeyer, M.S., O. T. R/L, DCNErgonomics Program Director Long Beach Memorial Medical Center/Miller Children HospitalLong Beach, CA"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD - Grundlagenkurs ""Fabrikplanung""" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle interessierten Personen, die den Umgang mit Autodesk AutoCAD grundlegend erlernen mchten. Die folgenden Themen werden darin behandelt:Programmaufbau und Benutzeroberflche von Autodesk AutoCAD Neue Zeichnungen erstellen und Vorlagen (Templates) erstellenLayer erstellen und verwaltenEinfache geometrische Objekte zeichnenBearbeiten vorhandener geometrischer ObjekteObjekteigenschaften bearbeitenTabellen, Texte und Fhrungslinien einfgen und bearbeitenBemaungen und Fhrungslinien erstellen und bearbeitenInterne und externe Blcke in Zeichnungen einfgen und bearbeitenDie Arbeit mit externen Referenzen und dem ReferenzmanagerEinfache und parametrische BemaungenDie Verwendung parametrischer AbhngigkeitenAnsichten im Papierbereich ausrichten und mit einem Mastab versehenZeichnungen fr den Druck vorbereiten und als PDF exportierenEinfache Objekte im 3D-Modellbereich konstruierenEinfache Systeme im 3D-Modellbereich zusammensetzenBilder aufbereiten und rendernDie wichtigsten Befehle werdenerlutertund anhand praktischer bungengefestigt, wobei drei verschiedene Objekte als bungsbeispiele dienen."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2019 - Aufbaukurs KONSTRUKTION" |
"Dieser Kurs ist ein Aufbaukurs fr Fortgeschrittene, die mit den Grundlagen von Autodesk Inventor bereits vertraut sind.Das Programm verfgt im Baugruppenbereich ber ein Register KONSTRUKTION welches zur Berechnung und Konstruktion, speziell im Maschinenbau verwendeter Komponenten dient.In einem komplexen bungsbeispiel wird der Leser theoretische Grundlagen einiger Befehle aus diesem Register erlernen und anschlieend praktisch umsetzen.Das verwendete bungsbeispiel baut auf das Grundlagenbuch Autodesk Inventor - Grundlagen in Theorie und Praxis auf, in welchem ein vereinfachter 4-Takt-Motor erstellt wurde.Dieser Motor wird im vorliegenden Kurs unter anderem um ein komplettes Getriebe erweitert.In diesem Kurs werden die folgenden Befehle des Bereichs KONSTRUKTION behandelt:Druckfeder-GeneratorGehrungen erzeugenGestell-GeneratorKegelrder-GeneratorKeilwellen-GeneratorLager-GeneratorRollenketten-GeneratorSchraubenverbindungs-GeneratorStirnrder-GeneratorWellen-GeneratorZahnriemen-GeneratorZugfeder-GeneratorDas bungsbeispiel bietet gengend Mglichkeiten, die Befehlsketten sporadisch zu verlassen und eigene Versuche mit den Befehlen zu starten."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2019 - Dynamische Simulation" |
"Autodesk Inventor bietet fr Baugruppen den speziellen Bereich der Dynamischen Simulation. Baugruppen knnen hier um weitere Umgebungsvariablen (wie z. B. Dmpfung, Steifigkeit, Reibungskoeffizient) ergnzt und mit zustzlichen externen Krften oder Drehmomenten beaufschlagt werden, was eine Analyse der Baugruppe unter realistischen Bedingungen ermglicht. Die Berechnungsergebnisse knnen in den Bereich der Finiten-Elemente-Methode (FEM) exportiert und dort einer statischen Analyse oder einer Modalanalyse unterzogen werden.Die folgenden Befehle der Dynamischen Simulation werden behandelt:Gelenke einfgenAbhngigkeiten ableitenStatus des Mechanismus prfenKrfte erzeugenDrehmomente erzeugenAusgabediagramm darstellenDynamische BewegungenUnbekannte Kraft ermittelnSpuren darstellenFilme publizierenSimulationseinstellungenSimulationswiedergabeExportieren nach FEM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2019 - Belastungsanalyse (FEM) (Teil 1)" |
"Bauteile und Baugruppen knnen in Autodesk Inventor einer FEM-Analyse unterzogen werden. Dort wird ihr strukturmechanisches Verhalten unter Last simuliert, um daraus Rckschlsse auf kritische Bereiche ziehen zu knnen, deren Optimierung dann bereits whrend der Konstruktionsphase mglich ist. Die Studien knnen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt und mit fest definierten Lasten und Auflagern stattfinden, oder parametrisch unter Verwendung beliebiger Variablen. Auch Analysen der Eigenfrequenzen eines Bauteils sind mglich. Weiterhin knnen Bauteile einer Topologieoptimierung unterzogen werden. Unter Beachtung aller Lasten und Auflager berechnet das Programm dabei die Mglichkeiten, welche Bereiche eines Bauteils entfernt werden knnen, ohne die Stabilitt des Bauteils wesentlich zu beeinflussen. Somit kann das Konstruktionsprinzip der minimalen Masse konsequent umgesetzt werden.Die folgenden Themen der Belastungsanalyse werden behandelt:Erstellen von Einzelpunkt-Studien, parametrischen Studien und ModalanalysenParameter aus der Dynamischen Simulation in den FEM-Bereich bernehmenPlatzieren und Bearbeiten von Abhngigkeiten, Krften, Drehmomenten oder DrckenGenerieren und Verfeinern von FEM-NetzenPrzisieren von BauteiloberflchenBesonderheiten der Kontakteigenschaften zwischen BauteiloberflchenDer Umgang mit dnnwandigen BauteilenErstellen, Animieren und Aufzeichnen von BauteilverformungenTopologische Optimierung von Bauteilen mit dem FormengeneratorExportieren der Simulationsergebnisse"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2019 - Belastungsanalyse (FEM) (Teil 2)" |
"Bauteile und Baugruppen knnen in Autodesk Inventor einer FEM-Analyse unterzogen werden. Dort wird ihr strukturmechanisches Verhalten unter Last simuliert, um daraus Rckschlsse auf kritische Bereiche ziehen zu knnen, deren Optimierung dann bereits whrend der Konstruktionsphase mglich ist. Die Studien knnen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt und mit fest definierten Lasten und Auflagern stattfinden, oder parametrisch unter Verwendung beliebiger Variablen. Auch Analysen der Eigenfrequenzen eines Bauteils sind mglich. Weiterhin knnen Bauteile einer Topologieoptimierung unterzogen werden. Unter Beachtung aller Lasten und Auflager berechnet das Programm dabei die Mglichkeiten, welche Bereiche eines Bauteils entfernt werden knnen, ohne die Stabilitt des Bauteils wesentlich zu beeinflussen. Somit kann das Konstruktionsprinzip der minimalen Masse konsequent umgesetzt werden.Die folgenden Themen der Belastungsanalyse werden behandelt:Erstellen von Einzelpunkt-Studien, parametrischen Studien und ModalanalysenParameter aus der Dynamischen Simulation in den FEM-Bereich bernehmenPlatzieren und Bearbeiten von Abhngigkeiten, Krften, Drehmomenten oder DrckenGenerieren und Verfeinern von FEM-NetzenPrzisieren von BauteiloberflchenBesonderheiten der Kontakteigenschaften zwischen BauteiloberflchenDer Umgang mit dnnwandigen BauteilenErstellen, Animieren und Aufzeichnen von BauteilverformungenTopologische Optimierung von Bauteilen mit dem FormengeneratorExportieren der Simulationsergebnisse"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2020 + 2021 Grundlagenkurs" |
"=> Du hast noch keine Erfahrungen mit CAD-Konstruktionen?=> Du willst wissen, wie Du Inventor kostenlos herunterladen und installieren kannst?=> Du mchtest die Grundlagen von Inventor schnell und unkompliziert erlernen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich!Im folgenden Kurs zeige ich Dir:wo Du Inventor kostenlos herunterladen kannstwie Du das Programm installieren musstden Programmaufbau von Inventorwie 2D-Skizzen erstellt werdenwie komplexe Konturen im Skizzenbereich gezeichnet und bearbeitet werdenwas beim Umgang mit Zeichenbefehlen, Bemaungen und Abhngigkeiten zu beachten istwie man 2D-Konturen in Volumenkrper konvertiertwelche verschiedenen Befehle es im 3D-Modellbereich gibtwie komplexe Bauteile konstruiert und bereits vorhandene Bauteile bearbeitet werden knnenwelche Befehle es im Baugruppenbereich gibtwie Bauteile und Baugruppen eingefgt und aneinander befestigt werden knnenwie man Kollisionen zwischen Bauteilen in Baugruppen analysieren und vermeiden kannwie Bauteile direkt aus einer Baugruppe heraus adaptiv erstellt werden knnenwie Normteile aus dem Inhaltscenter in Baugruppen eingefgt werden knnenwie man Baugruppen anhand von Bewegungsabhngigkeiten animieren kannwie davon Videos abgerendert werden wie man vorhandene Zeichnungsvorlagen ffnen kannwie man vorhandene Zeichnungsvorlagen bearbeiten und eigene Vorlagen erstellen kannden gesamten Bereich der Zeichnungsableitung das Erstellen neuer Arbeitsbltterdie verschiedenen Mglichkeiten Ansichten zu erstellen und zu bearbeitenwie man Bemaungen einfgt und ausrichtetwie der Stil- und Normeneditor funktioniert und was man damit erreichen kannwelche Symbole es in Inventor gibt und wie eigene Symbole erstellt werden knnenwie man Positionsnummern und Stcklisten einfgen und bearbeiten kannden gesamten Bereich der Prsentationenwie Prsentationen aus Baugruppen erstellt werdenwie Sprengbilder in Zeichnungsableitungen eingefgt werden knnenwie man Montage- und Demontagevideos von Baugruppen erstellen kann was das Archivieren komplexer Projekte genau ist wie man komplexe Projekte verlustfrei auf andere Computer bertragen kannSolltest Du Fragen haben, stehe ich Dir natrlich jederzeit zur Verfgung!Die Lernvideos wurden mit der Inventor-Programmversion 2020 erstellt, knnen aber auch problemlos bis einschlielich der Version 2021 angewendet werden!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2020 + 2021 - Aufbaukurs KONSTRUKTION" |
"Dieser Kurs ist ein Aufbaukurs fr Fortgeschrittene, die mit den Grundlagen von Autodesk Inventor bereits vertraut sind. Das Programm verfgt im Baugruppenbereich ber ein Register KONSTRUKTION welches zur Berechnung und Konstruktion, speziell im Maschinenbau verwendeter Komponenten dient. In einem komplexen bungsbeispiel wird der Leser theoretische Grundlagen einiger Befehle aus diesem Register erlernen und anschlieend praktisch umsetzen.Das verwendete bungsbeispiel baut auf Kurs Autodesk Inventor - Grundlagenkurs auf, in welchem ein vereinfachter 4-Takt-Motor erstellt wurde. Dieser Motor wird im vorliegenden Kurs unter anderem um ein komplettes Getriebe erweitert.In diesem Kurs werden die folgenden Befehle des Bereichs KONSTRUKTION behandelt:Druckfeder-GeneratorGehrungen erzeugenGestell-GeneratorKegelrder-GeneratorKeilwellen-GeneratorLager-GeneratorRollenketten-GeneratorSchraubenverbindungs-GeneratorStirnrder-GeneratorWellen-GeneratorZahnriemen-GeneratorZugfeder-GeneratorDas bungsbeispiel bietet gengend Mglichkeiten, die Befehlsketten sporadisch zu verlassen und eigene Versuche mit den Befehlen zu starten. Die Lernvideos wurden mit der Inventor-Programmversion 2020 erstellt, knnen aber auch problemlos bis einschlielich der Version 2021 angewendet werden!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2020 + 2021 - Belastungsanalyse (FEM)" |
"Bauteile und Baugruppen knnen in Autodesk Inventor einer FEM-Analyse unterzogen werden. Dort wird ihr strukturmechanisches Verhalten unter Last simuliert, um daraus Rckschlsse auf kritische Bereiche ziehen zu knnen, deren Optimierung dann bereits whrend der Konstruktionsphase mglich ist. Die Studien knnen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt und mit fest definierten Lasten und Auflagern stattfinden, oder parametrisch unter Verwendung beliebiger Variablen. Auch Analysen der Eigenfrequenzen eines Bauteils sind mglich. Weiterhin knnen Bauteile einer Topologieoptimierung unterzogen werden. Unter Beachtung aller Lasten und Auflager berechnet das Programm dabei die Mglichkeiten, welche Bereiche eines Bauteils entfernt werden knnen, ohne die Stabilitt des Bauteils wesentlich zu beeinflussen. Somit kann das Konstruktionsprinzip der minimalen Masse konsequent umgesetzt werden.Die folgenden Themen der Belastungsanalyse werden behandelt:Erstellen von Einzelpunkt-Studien, parametrischen Studien und ModalanalysenParameter aus der Dynamischen Simulation in den FEM-Bereich bernehmenPlatzieren und Bearbeiten von Abhngigkeiten, Krften, Drehmomenten oder DrckenGenerieren und Verfeinern von FEM-NetzenPrzisieren von BauteiloberflchenBesonderheiten der Kontakteigenschaften zwischen BauteiloberflchenDer Umgang mit dnnwandigen BauteilenErstellen, Animieren und Aufzeichnen von BauteilverformungenTopologische Optimierung von Bauteilen mit dem FormengeneratorExportieren der Simulationsergebnisse Die Lernvideos wurden mit der Inventor-Programmversion 2020 erstellt, knnen aber auch problemlos bis einschlielich der Version 2021 angewendet werden!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor 2020 + 2021 - Dynamische Simulation" |
"Autodesk Inventor bietet fr Baugruppen den speziellen Bereich der Dynamischen Simulation. Baugruppen knnen hier um weitere Umgebungsvariablen (wie z. B. Dmpfung, Steifigkeit, Reibungskoeffizient) ergnzt und mit zustzlichen externen Krften oder Drehmomenten beaufschlagt werden, was eine Analyse der Baugruppe unter realistischen Bedingungen ermglicht. Die Berechnungsergebnisse knnen in den Bereich der Finiten-Elemente-Methode (FEM) exportiert und dort einer statischen Analyse oder einer Modalanalyse unterzogen werden.Die folgenden Befehle der Dynamischen Simulation werden behandelt:Gelenke einfgenAbhngigkeiten ableitenStatus des Mechanismus prfenKrfte erzeugenDrehmomente erzeugenAusgabediagramm darstellenDynamische BewegungenUnbekannte Kraft ermittelnSpuren darstellenFilme publizierenSimulationseinstellungenSimulationswiedergabeExportieren nach FEMDie Lernvideos wurden mit der Inventor-Programmversion 2020 erstellt, knnen aber auch problemlos bis einschlielich der Version 2021 angewendet werden!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD - Grundlagenkurs fr den 2D-Bereich" |
"Autodesk AutoCAD ist eines der bekanntesten CAD-Programme zum Erstellen von 2D-Zeichnungen.In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir, wie Du Dich bei Autodesk registrieren und AutoCAD kostenlos herunterladen kannst, ich zeige Dir den Programmaufbau, die Benutzeroberflche, den Modellbereich und den Layoutbereich. Du wirst lernen mit den verschiedenen Navigationswerkzeugen umzugehen, im Modellbereich Zeichnungen zu erstellen und zu bearbeiten und deine Zeichnungen dann anschlieend in den Papierbereich (Layoutbereich) zu bertragen, um sie dort zu bemaen und fr den Druck auf Papier oder in den PDF-Bereich vorzubereiten. Die Lernvideos wurden mit der AutoCAD-Programmversion 2020 erstellt, knnen aber auch problemlos bis einschlielich der AutoCAD-Version 2021 angewendet werden!Solltest Du Fragen haben, stehe ich Dir natrlich jederzeit zur Verfgung!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fun French Course 3" |
"Hopefully you have completed Fun French Courses 1 & 2 that cover how to use one of the past tenses with regular and the most common irregular French verbs. In this course we will look at what I call the VIP French verbs because they think they're a bit special. They use a different auxiliary verb to all the other verbs - don't worry if you're not familiar with these terms - all is revealed in understandable ways. If you want to stand a chance of speaking French at even a basic conversational level you need to know how to employ these VIP verbs. The course is purposely taught in an informal way to help you to relax. It's difficult to learn if you're under too much pressure. I use humour (that's how we spell 'humour' in England), daft associations, pictures and plenty of repetition to make the information memorable. Also included are songs and a poem which are powerful techniques to learn languages - which is why we use them to teach our children their native language(s). The biggest obstacle to learning a language is mindset. If you believe you can despite the difficulty you will have more success. You came to this earth speaking no languages. Within a few years you were pretty fluent in at least one language. You can learn another language even if it takes longer and even if you're never as fluent. If you can be content with getting your message across - even if it is littered with mistakes - you will enjoy learning French a whole lot more. This also means that you are far more likely to actually give speaking to French people a go. Review'I have learnt more French in 5 months with Cecile than I ever did in 5 years at school. Her lessons are fun with a practical content, well supported by videos and printed material. Perfect if you want to speak French, rather than just being able to order coffee!'Andrew MarshallOne of the complaints I often hear is that people just want to be able to string a sentence together. I give you the tools to be able to do this in French in a fun and informal way. Really hope to see you on the inside!Your passionate French teacher, CcileBB"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wedding Hairstyles for Very Long Hair" |
"No more getting freaked out by long hair brides! If LONG hair is very important to her she will love you for understanding that! As a long hair specialist I was determined to find a way to honor that client! Every bride deserves to look and FEEL her very best and you get to make it happen for her!!My sectioning system and tips for making a flattering hairstyle are in this course! Please watch the sneak peek video to get a glimpse of whats inside that will rock your updo world!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Half up and Ponytail Teen Hairstyles:" |
"Half up Half down is a very good entry into the world of special event hairstyling! This variety of teen styles will make you the cool Mom on the block! Professional? My sectioning system lays out a simple to follow and repeatable method of hairstyle creation! These styles will be at your finger tips any time you need a refresher!I have also included my tips for communicating with your teen client!Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teen Hairstyles: Crimping and Scrunching 90's remix!" |
"Teen Hairstyles: Crimping and Scrunching 90's remix! I have been around three decades now and have seen styles come and go and come back again! Hair do's are fun and an expression of your personality. Try something new for your next special event hairstyle!!The skill supporting videos will also enhance your skills! For these designs you will need to find a hair crimper. Note even if the model has shorter hair than you or your client can still try out the steps and play around."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 JQuery" |
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Bootstrap4 RWD EASY" |
"Bootstrap CSS RWD Bootstrap ..."
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC 2018" |
"Illustrator1234Line&5LOGO 6 Windows Mac Ctrl = CommandAlt = Option"
Price: 5200.00 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC 2018" |
"illustrator YOUTUBEGoogleyoutube1YOUTUBE....2Line&LineLine3LOGO LOGO 4mockupsmockups Windows Mac Ctrl = CommandAlt = Option"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC 2018" |
"Illustrator Windows Mac Ctrl = CommandAlt = Option"
Price: 2800.00 ![]() |