Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduo Computao e Programao em Linguagem C" |
"Aprenda os fundamentos de Cincias da Computao de maneira fcil e descomplicada. O curso de ""Introduo Computao e Programao em Linguagem C"" a verso virtual da mesmo disciplina ensinada nos melhores cursos de Cincias da Computao do pas, s que agora ao alcance de todos!Voc aprender os conceitos bsicos sobre arquitetura de computadores, conceitos lgicos e programao de computadores. Alm dos conceitos tericos, esse curso ir lhe preparar para resolver problemas prticos de programao. Utilizando a plataforma Neps Academy voc ser capaz de testar seu cdigo e receber uma resposta em tempo real, acelerando seu aprendizado."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Step by Step Website Creation With Free Plugin" |
"With WordPress powering more than 25% of all websites in the world, there's never been a better time to build an income and a business around it.You're here because you want to master WordPress, right? Good idea. You're in the right place. And, you can do it without learning any programming or coding.While WordPress is open source, and because of that has thousands of developers building resources for it, it still takes quite a bit of learning to become a master at building and managing websites with it. It's not just learning the WordPress software, there's a small amount of graphic design knowledge needed, hosting and server management, troubleshooting broken sites or problems by hacking into the back end and server setup, and properly staging development environments around new sites or when performing updates and changes on existing sites."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Estonia is the ONLY country in the world that has been offering an Estonian e-citizen card since 2015 and this card is your e-passport to get started in your business.You can be e-resident in Estonia! without movingYou can create your European business in Estonia! without movingYou can create your bank account(s) without movingAlready +50 000 E-Estonians currently in the world (from 150 countries) and the government targets 10 million e-Estonians in 2025!I will guide you step by step in each section and session while reminding you that you can do everything remotely: Youll have the Estonian E-residency, officially start your European business, get a/many multicurrency business bank account(s), get a business Paypal and enjoy infinity of important services without having to physically be in Estonia.You do not need to visit Estonia to do business in Europe! It's like a quantum leap into a new E-world.You will know how to easily get your Estonian & European E-residencyBecoming e-resident and e-citizen in Estonia in E-estonia (e-citizenship)Launch and officially start your European business.Start your European business remotelyObtain one or more bank account (s) + Multi-currencies,Get your PayPal Business Unlimited!Benefit from several other high-value services without going to EstoniaGet For Free as a GIFT the E-BOOK : HOW TO BECOME E-RESIDENT IN ESTONIA AND OPEN YOUR EUROPEAN COMPANY REMOTELYYou will get to discover how to get the most out of this E-world: the necessary tools to develop and manage your online activity and I will also share my unpublished tips. After reading this books sections, youll definitely realize that its much easier than what most people think. But mostly, your everyday life is going to become happier, more joyful because so did mine after discovering this digital Estonian world.How to open a Company in Europe remotelyHow to get your Estonian e-residency remotely !How to open a European business Bank Account remotelyYes everything is done remotely, you can have an Estonian electronic residence without going to Estonia! (Estonia is in the European Economic Area and Euro Zone too)I have more than 19 years of experience in Digital and this MAGIC world of E-business and I will share with you all the details and recipes to have your special Estonian card, open your business and get bank accounts in Euro (, $ , , ) Everything is inspired by my experience E-lived in E-Estonia and 100% tested with the Estonian e-residence card that allows you to manage everything from the Internet: You do not need to visit Estonia to do business in Europe! It's like a quantum leap into a new E-world.You will also receive as a gift for free at the end of this course, the famous E-Book complete of ""How to Become E-Resident of Estonia and Create your European Business remotly "", a detailed E-book from A to Z of 127 pages with illustrations and useful links for your activity.No matter who you are, or where youre from,Whether youre from Africa, Europe, Asia, in the Antarctic or even in planet Mars and no matter what country youre from!Remember what Einstien said: We dont discover the world, we create it.Create your own world with the my E-world tools!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Design & Branding Masterclass" |
"Learn how to professionallybrand your site to give it a premium, agency-designed look and feel Differentiate your brand and products from the competition to converts more visitors into buyersGet In depth knowledge of Shopify as an e-commerce platform .What youll learnAll the Shopify basicsHow to choose and install the right theme for your storePayment, shipping, tax and cart settingsAdding products and creating collectionsPLUShow to effectively brand and differentiate your storeHow to best structure your navigationDifferent approaches to photographyHow to incorporate videoHow to structure product descriptionsHow to use social proof to build instant credibilityHow to leverage advanced features as your business growsWhy and when your might need multiple sites for your businessExtending shopify with a POS systemExpanding into other channels including wholesale, google shopping, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing for Charities & Non-Profits" |
"Email is one of the best and most consistent digital marketing platforms the Direct Marketing Association has found that every 1 spent on email marketing brings in a 42 return. For charities, email presents a great opportunity:Its a cheap and easy to adopt form of digital marketingIt creates a personal, direct relationship with each subscriber and supporterEmail is great for conversions its hugely effective for driving online donations, campaign actions, event registrations and much moreIts easy to track and measure you can see the results and return on each email campaignUnlike social media, youre not reliant on a third party or on unpredictable algorithmsThis course is all about getting your charity started with the incredibly effective digital marketing channel that is email.In this course, you will learn:Why email marketing is still so effectiveHow email compares to other digital channelsHow to make the case for email marketing in your organisationWhat you need to get started with email marketingHow to choose the email marketing platform thats right for your charityBest practice for data protection and privacyHow to build your first mailing listCrafting attractive, engaging emailsHow to write email subject lines that workLaying out your emails and choosing imagesThe email metrics you need to watchHow to evaluate and improve your emailsFree ways you can grow your email listPaid email acquisitionHow to encourage email signups on your websiteHow to segment your subscribers for better resultsThis course does not cover technical setup instructions for different email marketing platforms you can get those for free when you sign up for a platform! This course is all about learning best practice and strategy for effective emails.You will get:Multiple videos and articlesA checklist for setting up your email marketing programmeA template for creating your email strategyA guide to creating an effective mailshotA data protection checklistA guide to diagnosing issues with your email performanceA template for planning email journeysAnd much more!This course is suitable for:Charities, non-profits, NGOs, community groups, campaignsFundraisers, campaigners and communications teams in non-profits who would like to use email marketing to promote campaigns, bring in donations and raise awarenessDigital and marketing teams in charities and non-profits"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Natural Cold Remedies" |
"Learn about ways you can support your family's immune system naturally during the cold season to prevent getting sick and to feel better faster should you come down with a cold. Remedies discussed are useful for both adults and young children. There are DIY as well as purchased options for many of the remedies mentioned in this course. Utilizing whole foods and herbs, take the steps to prepare yourself today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction To Herbal Detox" |
"Interested in doing a full body detox? Learn how to design a detox protocol to improve your health and wellbeing that won't leave you feeling worse than before you started. We will discuss the importance of following a well organized detox, major detoxification organs, and specific herbs that target and feed those organs. Finally, we discuss several good practices to keep in mind when preparing a full body detox. At the end of this course you will also receive my quick guide of the organs and herbs mentioned for easy reference."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Herbs & Pregnancy" |
"Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life, and opting for a natural pregnancy that utilizes herbal foods to feed, prepare, and nourish the body can be enriching for both mom and baby. This course discusses herbs used in all parts of pregnancy with a focus on nausea remedies, herbal tonics, remedies for miscellaneous conditions and complaints during pregnancy, end of pregnancy herbs, labor, and a short section of herbs used during the immediate postpartum period. You don't have to give up on a natural lifestyle just because you are pregnant, and this class discusses some of your best herbal options."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Herbs & Postpartum" |
"The postpartum period is a very special time for both mother and baby as they start their new journey together. Opting for natural care routines that utilize herbal foods to feed and nourish the body can be enriching for both mom and baby. This course discusses herbs used in various parts of the postpartum period with a focus on immediate postpartum remedies, mother's herbs, and baby's herbs. From afterpains, postpartum depression, milk supply issues, diaper rash, and natural sleep promoters, this course covers a wide range of topics. Start your postpartum journey with a natural lifestyle for both you and your new bundle of joy with this class as we discuss some of your best herbal options."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Character Puppet" |
"This course will take you through the practical stages of creating a Character Puppet using easy to follow steps and video lectures. It is suitable for anyone that has an interest in the creative process and a finished puppet can be used at home or in a show, this process is used by professional puppet makers and is a comprehensive guide. There is no need or requirement to have any previous knowledge or experience as it's suitable for all ages but for Children Adult supervision will be needed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Techniques with Geoff Hutchins" |
"English professional artist and tutor, Geoff Hutchins guides the beginner through six landscapes and seascapes, each filmed in real-time. These tutorials follow the same style as Geoff's highly successful 'Beginners Watercolor Techniques' Udemy course.Ranging in running time from under 10 minutes to around 50 minutes, each exercise produces a 'complete' watercolor painting, using effective and easy to follow methods.Materials for this course have been kept to a minimum, in order for the beginner to get started without overspending.The PDF which accompanies the course contains helpful information on materials including paints, paper types and brushes.Each lecture starts with a list of the brushes and paint colors required to complete that exercise.The total running time of this course is around 3 hours 15 minutes.Enroll now and learn at you own pace and in the comfort of your own home."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Absolute Yoga for Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Learn the basic yoga poses given in most level beginner yoga classes to Intermediate in details. Step by step instruction will give you confidence in your alignment and greatly enhance your knowledge.Build a strong foundation in Yoga Asanas, increase your knowledge of healthy alignment, strength and yoga vocabulary in this course for beginners.Increase flexibility and strength.Gain better postureWork step be step on individual yoga postures at your own pace"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python na Prtica: Programando um Bot do WhatsApp" |
"Este o primeiro de uma srie de cursos que esto por vir com aplicaes prticas em Python. O mesmo destinado para iniciantes em Python (ou qualquer outra linguagem de programao) e que gostariam de se aprofundar a partir de aplicaes reais. Neste curso vamos programar um bot no Whatsapp Web para enviar mensagens personalizadas contatos. Inicialmente um cdigo pronto com o bot ser disponibilizado e vamos programar o uso dele para realizar tal aplicao. Em seguida, vamos aos poucos nos aprofundando no cdigo para entender como o bot foi criado. Vamos aprender a controlar o Google Chrome para acessar o WhatsApp Web e enviar alguns comandos bsicos. Os comandos que esto atualmente disponveis bot so: enviar mensagem, pesquisar contato e pegar nmeros de um grupo. Mas voc tambm aprender a incluir e/ou personalizar mais comandos. Eu dei este curso em um treinamento presencial para alunos de programao e como eles gostaram bastante, decidi criar este curso online. Devido ao tempo limitado, tenho certeza que h reas que podem ser melhoradas. A partir do feedback dos alunos, posso melhor adaptar o curso para atender o pblico alvo. ltimas Atualizaes no CursoCom base nos feedbacks dos alunos, algumas atualizaes j foram feitas, nas quais incluem:Atualizao do ttulo de ""Aprenda a Programar um Bot do WhatsApp"" para ""Python na Prtica: Programando um Bot do WhatsApp"" Incluso de novo mdulo sobre como controlar o Google ChromeIncluso de novo mdulo sobre como personalizar o botSe voc no estiver satisfeito com algo no curso ou possuir sugestes, antes de deixar um feedback negativo agradeceria se me deixasse uma mensagem no privado pois pode ser algo que possamos resolver! Este curso estar em constante atualizao.Exemplo de aplicaoOriginalmente criei este bot para resolver um problema em um dos meus trabalhos. Eu dou mentoria para alunos usando o WhatsApp e no total h mais de 400 alunos se eu somar os alunos de todos os grupos. E um problema que eu tive era que eu precisava enviar uma mensagem para os alunos que ainda no haviam entrado no grupo. No total haviam em torno de 60 alunos que no haviam entrado. Naquela poca no havia a opo ""Lista de Transmisso"". E mesmo se houvesse, eu tambm tinha interesse em personalizar cada mensagem (por exemplo incluir o nome do aluno). Portanto eu criei este bot para automatizar isso. Inicialmente usei o bot para pegar todos os nmeros que j haviam entrado no grupo. Em seguida eu cruzei com todos os nmeros que era esperado ter entrado para descobrir quem no entrou ainda. Depois, peguei estes nmeros de quem no entrou e adicionei via Google Contacts para que se tornassem visveis no WhatsApp. E por fim, usei este bot para que enviasse uma mensagem automaticamente para cada aluno. A mensagem era algo mais ou menos assim (OBS: as partes com {} foram as que eu personalizei em cada mensagem):MENSAGEM = """"""Oi {}! Tudo bem? Desculpe minha intromisso aqui! Meu nome Fernando e serei o mentor do {} :) Acredito que voc j deve ter recebido um convite para o grupo do WhatsApp referente sua turma que iniciou hoje, mas estou apenas reforando :) Se me autorizar, te adiciono no grupo! Porm, apenas um convite e voc no precisa entrar no grupo se assim desejar.""""""IMPORTANTEFaa uso tico das ferramentas apresentadas aqui! Tolerncia zero para o uso desta ferramenta para Spam. Inclusive, o nmero ser permanentemente bloqueado pelo WhatsApp se utilizado para esta prtica. Estou apenas compartilhando conhecimento e no me responsabilizo pelas aplicaes. Conceitos de programao que sero colocados em prtica neste cursoVariveisCondicionaisListasFor LoopsClassesMtodosFunes..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Estratgica Focada em Vendas (COMPLETO)" |
"Que importante para uma empresa ter uma boa estratgia, voc j deve estar careca de saber... Mas o que talvez voc no saiba que para que uma estratgia realmente seja forte preciso constru-la focada em vendas.E por causa dessa falta de conhecimento que muitos profissionais acabam cometendo erros graves na hora de montarem suas estratgias, pois acabam deixando de lado um dos principais pilares de qualquer empresa: O aumento constante (e se possvel agressivo) das vendas e do faturamento.A consequncia desse tipo de erro grave: Geralmente, as empresas que tm suas estratgias formuladas dessa forma comeam a tomar muitas medidas e aes que no tm relao com sua atividade-fim e, como consequncia, acabam perdendo espao no mercado e tendo suas existncias ameaadas.Podemos concluir ento que muito importante entender como montar uma estratgia focada em vendas e que esse tipo de conhecimento no deve ficar centralizado apenas nos gestores da empresa, pois isso aumenta as possibilidades de ocorrncia de erros.Logo, se voc quer descobrir como montar uma estratgia focada em vendas, esse curso para voc! Nele, eu te ensinarei a planejar, implementar e controlar sua estratgia, te mostrando tcnicas e mtodos importantes e falando sobre as ferramentas que voc precisa conhecer para construir uma estratgia dessa forma. Se voc quer saber mais sobre, no perca tempo e inscreva-se agora!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Como Cobrar Pelo Seu Trabalho (COMPLETO) + Ferramenta" |
"Sabe aquele momento que voc acabou de desenhar um novo produto ou servio e pensa ok, quanto eu posso cobrar por isso?Ou ento voc j vende servios, mas o tempo todo tem a impresso de que no est cobrando o valor ideal. Parece que se voc aumentar o preo, no vai conseguir mais vender.E ainda tem a pior situao, a que voc precisa ficar reduzindo seu preo, porque voc no tem mais confiana de que consegue vender pelo preo original.Isso atrapalha muito seu processo de vendas Mesmo que voc ache que isso parte da venda, voc est perdendo tempo e dinheiro. O pior que s vezes voc nem sabe disso. Sim, voc pode achar que est ganhando dinheiro, mas como no considerou todos os custos, no fim do ms tem prejuzo.Mas no desanime. Muita gente tambm passa por isso todos os dias. Esse problema acontece por diversos motivos, principalmente porque existem variveis de custos que a gente no considera na hora de pensar em quanto e como cobrar.Isso ainda gera uma insegurana na hora da venda, o que o pior sentimento que um vendedor pode ter nesse momento. Tudo isso por no saber argumentar sobre a diferena entre valor e preo.Por isso eu criei esse curso. Para te ajudar na hora de montar o seu preo e vender. Infelizmente, no existe mgica de vendas, mas existem frmulas e metodologias para facilitar o seu dia a dia e melhorar seu resultado.O mercado de vendas est cada vez mais agressivo. Ento, cada dia que voc deixa passar representa anos de atraso no mundo dos negcios.Quer descobrir como cobrar pelo seu trabalho e conseguir aumentar suas vendas?! Ento se inscreva nesse curso agora mesmo!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Makro(VBA) nternet lemleri Veri ekme/Gnderme" |
"Bu eitim canl ve interaktif bir eitimdir. Sizden gelen sorular iin video ekiyorum ve bunu sizlerle paylayorum. Selenium Web driver yntemi sadece Javascript, PHP, Python gibi yazlm dilleri iin yaygnd. Bu ktphane Excel VBA ile de kullanlabiliyor ancak kaynaklar yok denecek kadar az. Bu yntemleri ve ktphaneyi kullanmak isteyen Excel VBA kullanclar iin, bu eitimi hazrlamak artk byk bir ihtiya haline gelmiti. Ayrca nternet Explorer artk gncelliini yitirdi ve bizlere cevap veremez hale geldi. Chrome kullanarak nternet Otomasyonu yapmak, bu eitimden sonra Excel VBA kullanclar iin ok kolay olacak.Ayrca ben sadece bir eitmen deilim. lgili sektrlerde alanlarn nelere ihtiyac olduunu biliyorum. Bu eitimi izlerken aklnza bir soru geldii anda hemen cevabn alacaksnz. nk sizlerle ayn perspektife sahibim. Eitim bittiinde ise imdiye kadar merak ettiiniz tm sorulara cevap bulacak ve kazanm olduunuz yetkinlie inanamayacaksnz.Bu eitimde gereksiz bilgi yok. Zaman kayb yok. Eitimin her saniyesi nemli bilgilerle ve kimsenin kolay kolay sizlerle paylamayaca detaylarla dolu.Herkes size Excel retebilir. Bense, onunla neler yapabileceinizi..."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"leri Dzey Microsoft Powerpoint Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile reneceiniz bilgiler; size kariyerinizde nemli bir adm salayacaktr.Skc ve anlamsz grafikler yerine; bakann annda anlayaca ve kimsenin sunumdan gzn alamayaca yaplar gelitirmek, bu eitim sayesinde sizin iin ocuk oyuncana dnecek.nsan Kaynaklar SunumuSat/Performans SunumuBiyografiKarakter OrtamlarYnetim Sunumu ve ok daha fazlasn Powerpoint ile yapmanz mmkndr.Vakit kaybetmeden eitime kaydolun ve hemen balayalm."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"MS Access Eitim Seti - Sfrdan Zirveye" |
"Bu eitim; Hi Access bilmeyenler, Orta Dzey bilip ilerletmek isteyenler, Gnlk hayatta kullanp daha da gelitirme arzusunda olanlar,Access Form oluturmay hayal edenler... Ksacas herkes iin uygundur.Eitim'in kurgusu tm dzeylere hitap edecek ekilde tasarlanmtr. Bu eitimin ardndan MS Access sizler iin temel programlardan biri olacaktr. Bu eitim sayesinde kendi formlarnz tasarlamay ve veritaban ynetmeyi kolaylkla reneceksiniz.Bu Eitimi Neden Almalsnz?Bu eitimde; bo laf, zaman kayb , gereksiz bilgi yok. Dier tm eitimlerimde olduu gibi bu eitimde interaktif bir eitimdir. Yani sizden gelen sorular iin video ekip, eitime ekleyeceim. Bu sayede gerek hayattan rneklerle de kendinizi gelitirebileceksiniz.Kendi ticari otomasyon programlarnz MS Access ile oluturabileceksiniz.3. parti yazlmlar iin veritaban tasarlayabileceksiniz.Artk hangi yazlm dilini kullanrsanz kullann, veritaban ynetimi hayati nem tamaktadr. Sizin olmasa bile kardelerinizin ve belki ocuklarnzn gelecek yllarda bu bilgilere ihtiyac olacaktr. Sizler veritaban ynetimini renirseniz, onlar da yetitirme imkanna sahip olabilirsiniz.Unutmayn! Getirisi en yksek olan yatrm, kendinize yaptnz yatrmdr..."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Excel VBA Userform with Access Database" |
"Hello there. I'm Mustafa BOLATThis is the only complete userform course on Udemy. So far, you've seen courses that only tell you the code, but not how to use it. With this course you will be able to do excellent work with Excel Macro.In this tutorial, you will learn not only advanced code writing, but also database connections, algorithm development, multi-user structures and query methods. After completing the training, it will be very easy for you to learn and develop any software language.This is not an easy course. A very difficult course. But it is so much fun :)Let's start training now. I'm waiting for you.***** Please Watch The Preview Video Completely *****Welcome to The Ultimate Excel VBA Userform with Access Databese, Udemy's only Advanced Userform course!Imagine developing an advanced program without the need for any other programs or software knowledge other than Excel. I know you have had such a request for a very long time. That's why I decided to make this course.Unlock Your TalentsLogic of DevelopingHow to Create AlgorithmsLoop Codes in a LoopAccess to Excel ConnectionVBA SQL QueriesAdd New/Update/Delete RecordMulti-user Program(SAP)Business Object-Like Reporting SystemCharts in UserformVisually Perfect Software"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook retargeting marketing: Make 'window shoppers' buy" |
"Fact: While 2% of your prospects may convert after viewing your website, the other 98% who leave may never come back.In this video course, Im going to show you how to properly set up and use the power of retargeting on the Facebook platform.Statistics show that, in general, only 2% of prospects convert. The other 98% leave and may never come back to your site. This means that any money youve invested to get people to visit has been lost. If we take a closer look at those statistics, the big question becomes:""Why do online shoppers leave without paying or taking some sort of action?""Although there may be hundreds of reasons why a potential customer may not make a purchase, these five are some of the most common.1) They were presented with unexpected costs.2) They thought the price was too expensive.3) They found a better price elsewhere.4) They decided against buying.5) They were just browsing.With such a high percentage of people leaving your site, each with their own reasoning, is there any way to get them back without reinvesting more money into new clients?The answer is, Yes!This is what we call retargeting.Facebook Retargeting marketing is gaining more and more popularity with website owners. In fact, Im sure youve run into retargeting ads targeted towards yourself! Let me explain how they workImagine you go to Google and type in a specific item that youre looking to buy, say BBQ grills. Lets say this BBQ grill website owner sets up a Facebook retargeting campaign. Youre interested but you dont buy at that very moment.Maybe youre busy and you leave. Then you go to Facebook and see ads related to the site you just visited.Youre intrigued and come back and buy.Retargeting sealed the deal that you would buy from them.According to a comScore study, ""Retargeted ads led to a 1046% increase in branded search and a 726% lift in site visitation after four weeks of retargeted ad exposure!""Thats a huge amount of people that, otherwise, would likely never have come back!The best news about this? This course will show you exactly how you can do it for your own website - Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Your Videos For The YouTube Search Engine" |
"Discover How to Optimize Your Videos For The YouTube Search Engine So You Can Outrank Your Competitors.In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn what you need to do before making your YouTube videos live.Its nothing new that YouTube is a huge source of traffic for your products or services.Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get a ranked-on YouTube and on Google then you wont be as effective.That may have worked back in 2005 and you could just throw a couple backlinks at it, but today is different.The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010.Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these works and many of them have faded away.So what works and what doesnt?What is a long-term strategy that will work for years to come?Its simple.Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your video BEFORE you make it live is what will help YouTube know where to categorize your video.Methods have changed and so has YouTubes algorithm.You will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your YouTube videos live.Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home: Online Entrepreneur Motivation" |
"Lunch with friends, frequent coffee breaks and easy living are things that come up only when you are working from home.Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?We all have this dream of getting up late, use the computer for about 2-3 hours a day when the rest of the day is free to do what we want - and still making money!In these days, there are many people that are living this life, the technology and progress gave us a great gift - the work from home opportunities.People are making thousands of dollars per month and even more just by investing their time in building their home business.We are not here to sell you the dream that it's super easy and you will get rich in just a few days... but we will give you all the tools and knowledge of working from home.In this course, you will know how to get back up when you have Failed, how to set up a Wordpress blog, you will know powerful ways to build an email list faster and so much more.Sign up now and become a home business owner!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Find The Programmer To Create Hot-Selling WordPress Plugin" |
"This isn't just another video product with theory... it's taken from true results from working in successful WordPress plugin launchesFACT: Software has the highest perceived value, and it often sells like hotcakes, but the problem is that most people hire the wrong programmer and lose money.They end up with no working WP Plugin and are right back to square one.Does that sound familiar?OK, so if you have your idea in hand, you've written out your project specifications and you're ready to find the right programmer, then listen carefully.Most people at this point will go and create a job post on a freelancing site to find the first programmer that comes along.Oftentimes the situation is wonderful in the beginning, but then just gets worse over time.Knowing how to predict whether or not you will acquire a successful programmer is crucial to your success, especially in the long term.Fortunately for you, we have wasted tens of thousands of dollars over the years trying to find the best programmer, often running into bad situations that have lost us a lot of money.Best of all weve figured out the secret blueprint for tackling this problem and succeeding.So if you would like to learn how to develop WordPress plug-ins for a fraction of the cost and how to find the right programmer, the course is for you..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ads: How to install your Facebook Ad Pixel tracking" |
"Discover What You Need to Do Before Setting Up Your Facebook Ads to Get ResultsIn this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn what you need to do to install your Facebook Ad Pixel trackingIts a fact that - Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business.But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.What I mean is...Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to set up the Facebook Pixel and implement the tracking within your funnel.The reality is there are standard events that track certain steps thru the funnel.Placing the same pixel code without any changes on all your pages wont do you any good.In short - How do you know when people visit your site, your shopping cart, and when they make a purchase?- How do track when someone becomes a lead?- Or perhaps they visit but dont purchase right away?- How do you make ads to target those people?Without the proper pixel tracking in place, you would not know. This is why most people lose when it comes to paid traffic.Enroll now"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ads: How To Setup Facebook Ads that Get Results" |
"Discover What You Need to Do To Setup Facebook Ads that Get ResultsIn this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly.Its a fact that - Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business.But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.What I mean is...Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to target the right person. They simply go over the technical aspects which anyone can learn.The reality is if you dont know everything about your target audience, then you will lose money.Think about it for just a second.Waving a sign that says Lose weight to a male who wants to gain body mass doesnt make any sense does it?Of course not... and the truth is most people do this.So how do you find data that says this is what your audience wants and how you should approach them?How to make sure your ads appeal to the right person?How do you use the right text, the right image, the right everything?...and then how do you use that data to setup FB ads correctly?So, want to control your Facebook ads and make more from it?Enroll now"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Engaging Content For Any Social Media Account" |
"Learn How To Create Super Simple But Powerful Content For Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram!This specific training course was designed to help you watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively create simple content quick.It's a fact. In order to survive in social media, you need consistent content.But not just any content will do. You need content that is engaging but catches your audience within minutes.Content that is too long can become boring and lose your visitors interest and theyll soon go to your competitors.Problem #1 - Not everyone can create content.If you don't have the artistic or creative ability to write content, then it doesn't matter anymore.Now you can create simple images that are super engaging.Problem #2 - But not everyone is a graphic artist either.What if there was a way to create daily content in less than 10 minutes?Is that even possible?Enroll now and find out!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Discover How to Secure Your WordPress Site" |
"Discover How to Secure Your WordPress Site...Even If You Know Nothing About Security.This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site.In a recent study done by Sucuri, around 90% of all the hacked content management systems that they investigated and helped fix in 2018 were WordPress sites.If you rely on your website for your business - whether that means for marketing purposes, business operations, or anything important - protecting your asset is crucial.If you haven't done it yet, then you need to do it.Why?Just like offline businesses - thieves can break into your business. Except when it comes to online security - you may not even know that theres an intruder in your site or using your site until sometimes months or years later.This is why it's essential to be proactive.Note: WordPress sites dont get hacked because of WordPress original code, but due to backdoors from 3rd party code.But what do backdoors mean? If you're not tech-savvy, what are some quick and easy ways to secure your WordPress website safely?Enroll now"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Construa aplicativos mobile do zero com React Native 0.60" |
"No curso voc ir aprender os conceitos bsicos para desenvolvimento mobile utilizando a tecnologia React-Native de forma simples, clara e direta. Tambm desenvolvera uma aplicao utilizando navegao, controle de estado, renderizao dinmica de listas, consulta api, organizao de cdigo, estilizao e muito mais.Depois de ter estudado pelo curso voc ser capaz de desenvolver o aplicativo proposto e tambm seguir na busca do conhecimento com uma base slida sobre o React-Native.Ir tambm clonar o visual do Whatsapp, ingresse no curso e aprenda mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Canvas para planejar Marketing Digital" |
"Quanto tempo leva para criar um plano de Marketing Digital?Neste curso, mostramos passo-a-passo a criar planos completos de Marketing Digital, de forma extremamente rpida e adaptvel atravs da ferramenta Digital Marketing Canvas, que utilizada por milhares de empresas ao redor do mundo.Feito 100% em vdeo aulas e com materiais de apoio, o curso conta com:A explicao da origem do DMC;Por que usar o DMC;A explicao aprofundada de todos os componentes do quadro e como preench-los.Aps esse curso, voc conseguir um plano de Marketing Digital em 1h ou menos, de fcil entendimento para voc, para sua empresa, seus colaboradores e seus clientes, independente do mercado em que voc e seu negcio atuam."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React & Django Full Stack: web app, backend API, mobile apps" |
"Welcome to this Full stack course. This course is mainly based on Django and React and React Native but we will cover much more than just these frameworks. We will build full applications including backend restful API, front-end web app and mobile apps on both Android and iOS.We will discover how to make a user authentication (register and login users), how to create a full CRUD (create, read, update and delete) and how to create our own endpoints. I will show how to communicate between the API and web app. We will discover how to style the application and restrict certain parts of it to authenticated users only. All that done with very popular frameworks. We will use javascript and python languages and basic knowledge of these is required.This course is built from two kinds of sections: First is an introduction to the framework where I explain everything from scratch, and 2nd is a hands-on section to build a ready application. After finishing this course you will have both knowledge and also experience how to build a full-stack application using Django, React and React Native.Also, I will show you how to deploy back-end API and front-end web app on the production server absolutely for free. You dont need to spend any money to put your full application live."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Django with GraphQL" |
"We will learn what is GraphQL, what are pros and cons of using it. We will talk about the main concept in GraphQL like schemas, types, queries, mutations and subscriptions.In the first section we will create plain Django project. This is introduction to Django framework and none previous knowledge is required.Once the project will be setup we will add GraphQL. In that way you will be able to follow along with either your own Django project or simple project we have created together in the first section. I will explain how to create a root schema and how to create schemas for apps. Also we will implement new Django url to use graphiql: the UI to perform or queries and mutations. Once GraphQL is ready we will add Types, Queries and Mutations. I will show you different ways to write these and explain why we might use one option over another.After we will have a solid understanding of the GraphQL and how it is connected with Django, we will dive deeper and add some extras like: Token Authentication (JWT), Relay implementations, Filters, Pagination etc.We will finish the course with the samples how to use our backend GraphQL API with front end applications based on both React and Angular. We will have 2 separate application that will fetch data from our Django Database using our graphql API. We will use apollo library on the front end."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |