Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"React po polsku" |
"Witam w kursie React po polsku.Nie jest to jeden z tych dugich kursw w ktrych godzinami tumaczone s powoli wszystkie elementy od pocztku. Ten kurs jest raczej skondensowany i skoncentrowany na tym by przekaza jak najwiksz ilo informacji w jak najkrtszym czasie. Dowiesz nie jednak w tym kursie wszystkiego czego powiniene wiedzie o React. Bdziemy uywa najnowszego React z najnowszymi trendami takimi jak: React Context jak i rwnie React Hooks. W tym: useEffect i useState. Sa to niebywae uyteczne narzdzia przy pracy z React.Oprcz tego bdziemy omawia takie rzeczy jak: komponenty na funkcjach i klasach. Powiem jakie s rnice miedzy nimi. Bdziemy mwili o props i state. Jak przesya i przechowywa dane w komponentach. Bdziemy mwi o events, metodach lifecycle, jak wywietla zawarto warunkowo, ptlach, formularzach, routes itp.Oprcz zagadnie czysto zwizanych z react pokae rwnie jak pracowa z najnowszymi technikami JavaScript jak miedzy innymi: ternary operator, popularne funkcje map, filter i reduce. Nowymi metodami EcmaScript 6 jak np. spread operator I arrow functions.Bdziemy rwnie pracowa ze stylami i pokae jak robi CSS Grid I Flex oraz media query na rone wielkoci ekranw.Ten kurs skalda nie z dwch gwnych sekcji. Pierwszej gdzie tumacz teorie. Zaczniemy od dodania biblioteki React do naszej istniejcej strony internetowej lub aplikacji webowej. Potem zaczniemy nasza aplikacje od nowa z narzdziem Create react app. W drugiej sekcji robimy praktyczna i pen aplikacje z React."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Django 3: zaawansowany kurs po polsku (PL)" |
"Ten kurs jest ju na podstawie najnowszego Django 3 !W tym kursie nie zaczynamy od pocztku. Zakadam, e wiesz co to jest Django i jak zrobi podstawow aplikacje. By zacz ten kurs to wymagane jest conajmniej obejrzenie kursu podstaw Django. Nie znaczy to e ten kurs jest skomplikowany i jest tylko dla osb o duej wiedzy o Django. Po prostu, w tym kursie nie tumacz cakowitych podstaw jak np. jak zainstalowa Django itp. Ale nie masz si co martwi bo wszystko co poruszam w tym kursie jest wytumaczone w prosty i zrozumiay sposb. Nie robimy w tym kursie adnego konkretnego projektu ani adnej aplikacji. Po prostu bdziemy omawia rne aspekty Django w rnych rozdziaach. A czego moesz si spodziewa w tym kursie?Wielu rzeczy takich jak np:- Jak uywa efektywnie Django shell i shell plus. Czyli dostp do Django z poziomu konsoli.- ORM (Object Relational Mapping) Czyli Jak s poczone klasy models w Django z baz danych. W tym rozdziale przerobimy mnstwo sposobw jak pracowa na obiektach w bazie danych. Znajdowanie, filtrowanie, ukadanie, tworzenie, usuwanie i zmienianie rekordw na rne sposoby. - Modele: Zgbimy rne techniki pracowania na modelach w Django. Miedzy innymi bdziemy mwi o takich rzeczach jak managers, querysets, meta class, signals i transactions atomic. Modele to gwny skadnik aplikacji Django i bdziemy starali si zgbi t wiedz.- Email i uytkownik: W tej sekcji midzy innymi skonfigurujemy Django do wysyania e-maili i nauczymy si jak te e-maile mona automatycznie wysya. Nauczymy si jak pozwoli uytkownikowi zresetowa jego haso oraz jak moemy pracowa na wbudowanych templates. Dowiemy si rwnie jak powiadamia uytkownika na stronie za pomoc messages.- Debugging: Dowiemy si jak skonfigurowa Django do zapisywania logw oraz jak tworzy wasne logi. Dowiemy si rwnie jak korzysta z debuggera i zainstalowa narzdzie ktre pozwol nam na dokadniejsz analiz aplikacji Django.- Forms i Validators: Dowiemy si jak stworzy swj wasny form z naszymi wasnymi fields. Rwnie dowiemy si jak pracowa z validators. Jak doda je do models oraz forms i jak stworzy wasny walidator.- Testowanie: Dowiemy si jak testowa aplikacje Django. Bdziemy pisali testy do urls, views, models, funkcji oraz forms. Poka rwnie jak dziaa TDD (Test Driven Development) w praktyce.Jest to kurs ktry zawiera obszerna i dogbn wiedz na temat Django. Jeli chcesz si dowiedzie wicej o tym frameworku ni jest to w zwykym kursie Django podstawy to napewno z tym kursem ci si to uda."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ASIC Bootcamp for VLSI Physical Design Interview, Part1" |
"Hi Guys, Did you just get a job interview appointment with your dream company, actively preparing and nervously waiting for the time to come? Either it is a phone screening, or onsite interview, don't be nervous! You are so lucky to find this course just before the interview, since here is going to reveal the most common questions the interviewers will be asking during the interview. We have collect 130+ questions with their well-explained answers. (the amount of questions are still growing once in a while)These topics cover most of the domains in physical design: STA, Floorplaning, Placement, CTS, Route, IR/EM, Signal Integrity, Low Power Design. If you went over all of them, you will feel 90% of the interview questions is just a piece of cake. So hurry up, Let's take the course and conquer the interview!Note:Due to Udemy's practice course limitation, the 130+ questions have been divided into two courses:Part 1 (this course) includes contents about warming-up questions, STA, logic synthesis, floorplaning and placement.Part 2 includes contents about CTS, Route, Signal and power integrity, Low power design and miscellaneous questions. Enjoy and good luck!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"ASIC Bootcamp for VLSI Physical Design Interview, Part2" |
"Hi Guys, Did you just get a job interview appointment with your dream company, actively preparing and nervously waiting for the time to come? Either it is a phone screening, or onsite interview, don't be nervous! You are so lucky to find this course just before the interview, since here is going to reveal the most common questions the interviewers will be asking during the interview. We have collect 130+ questions with their well-explained answers. (the amount of questions are still growing once in a while)These topics cover most of the domains in physical design: STA, Floorplaning, Placement, CTS, Route, IR/EM, Signal Integrity, Low Power Design. If you went over all of them, you will feel 90% of the interview questions is just a piece of cake. So hurry up, Let's take the course and conquer the interview!Note:Due to Udemy's practice course limitation, the 130+ questions have been divided into two courses:Part 1 includes contents about warming-up questions, STA, logic synthesis, floorplaning and placement.Part 2 (this course) includes contents about CTS, Route, Signal and power integrity, Low power design and miscellaneous questions. Enjoy and good luck!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress: le Basi" |
"Nel corso ""Wordpress: le basi!"" imparerai tutto ci che compone il famoso CMS, o gestore di contenuti online, Wordpress. In particolare potrai imparare tutte le risorse e le community dove potrai chiedere aiuto, imparerai a creare contenuti, categorie, menu. Durante il corso proveremo a realizzare un sito internet di prova, attraverso l'utilizzo anche di software come MAMP, in grado di trasformare il PC o MAC in un server virtuale. Capiremo assieme anche le estensioni ed i plugin tracciando una veloce panoramica di come si installano e si utilizzano, senza dimenticare l'importanza di saper gestire impostazioni del core di Wordpress. Qualche piccolo trucco verr spiegato anche sulle impostazioni di un template e su come creare, grazie a framework specifici, template a griglia mobile."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin + Krypto einfach verstehen, investieren und sichern" |
"In diesen kurzweiligen Online-Video-Kurs lernst du Schritt-fr-Schritt die Welt der Kryptowhrungen und Blockchain kennen. Du erfhrst wie alles genau funktioniert, wie du die Coins findest und auswhlst, wo du die am besten Coins kaufst und wie du sie auf dein sicheres Hardware-Wallet senden kannst. Der Videokurs richtet sich vor allem an Anfnger, die sich endlich dieser neuen Entwicklung im Finanzwesen ffnen wollen und bisher vor den vielen Fremdwrtern und komplexen Herausforderungen zurckgeschreckt sind. Er ist so aufgebaut, dass jeder der eine E-Mail versenden kann, hinterher seinen ersten Bitcoin kaufen und sichern kann."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Photoshop Manipulations Bundle" |
"Hello to all art lovers out there. If you're reading this chances are that you are here because you're looking for new ways of creating amazing manipulations and/or learning new editing techniques.With this course you will learn my workflow on nine of my most advanced maniulations. When I make these tutorials my goal was to always tech something that my students can apply on their own works rather than just creating what I'm showing. All these tutorials were created in Photoshop CC and they are not related to each other, meaning you can start with any of them and complete them in any order you like. You will also be able to download the PSD files of each projectAmong other you will learnHow to create a scene from cratch using stock photos (all material is provided)Lighting techniques using blend modes, Apply image and other masking techniquesShading using brushes, layer styles and adjustment layersBlending stock photos to create a uniform scene in terms of light, shadows and colorCreate ambient effects: glows, dust and particles and other elementsPost production techniques using Filters and Adjustment layersA graphic tablet is no necessary but necessary for fine hair painting."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"100 Phrasal Verbs para Conversao." |
"Neste curso voc aprender o que vm a ser os Phrasal Verbs, porque eles so to importantes na cultura norte-americana e britnica, as combinaes especficas que fazem com que um mesmo Phrasal Verb tenha significados diferentes, quais so os seus tipos e as diferenas em relao aos Prepositional Verbs.Voc contar com ricos exemplos que contextualizaro os Phrasal Verbs no dia-a-dia para voc praticar e interiorizar.Ademais, voc poder participar de um grupo no Telegram para poder se manter atualizado com novidades e praticar com colegas de estudo deste curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WebdriverIO: Automate Front-End Web Application Testing" |
"Learning to automate web application testing shouldn't be hard!In this course, I will be guiding you through the steps needed to create front-end web application test automation using WebdriverIO. We will be using Version 5 of WebdriverIO in this course.Together we will be writing scripts that automate the testing of front-end applications that use vanilla Javascript, React, and Angular.What is front-end web application test automation?The ""front-end"" refers to the user interface. Or in the case of web applications, the web site. Everything that you can see and interact with is part of the front-end. We automate the front-end to simulate the user experience of someone using the application. Through automation, we can pretend to be a user to make sure our site is working as expected.What do I need to know to be successful in this course?This course is designed for entry-level engineers. I will be going over everything that you need to get started being successful as a test automation engineer.But here are a few things that will definitely help in your journey:Experience with manual testing of web applicationsGood Javascript experience (I will briefly review the important parts for this course)Good HTML and CSS experience (I will briefly review the important parts for this course)The most important thing to be successful is that you need to do the work. Don't skip videos unless you are 100% sure you know the material. You need to be coding right along with me every step of the way.Why we need front-end test automation?Test automation of any kind is in high demand. The days of the manual test engineer is quickly coming to an end.Companies want to deliver code more often and faster. What does that mean?The development cycle to build, test, and release code is becoming shorter. Having a constant delivery cycle is forcing teams to integrate automation into every part of the process.The major parts of the cycle that need to be automated are:- Build- Release- Unit Testing- Regression TestingQA is responsible for integration testing.One of the most time-consuming parts of the development cycle is regression testing.Teams spend hours or days re-testing features that they have already tested hundreds of times.Why?Changes in the codebase can cause downhill effects on other features. Things break all the time.Never assume the code is always going to work!For these reasons, we build automated tests.Why use WebdriverIO?The most common question I get asked when building test automation is why not just use Selenium?WebdriverIO is using a custom implementation of Selenium's Webdriver...What does that mean?It means that you are basically using Selenium. But with WebdriverIO you get a lot of extras that make creating tests faster and easier than if you just use Selenium.What we will cover:Preparing for automated testingWho should do the automation and with what tools?Using open-source tools and applications in our testingTools include GIT, GITHUB, Node.js, Chrome Developer Tools, Visual Studio Code, Mocha, Chai, and WebdriverIO.Automating web applications interactions without a frameworkUsing the Mocha unit testing framework to test your codeNode.js and Chai assertionsCoding standards with ESLint and PrettierWriting automated tests that interact with the most common web-application elementsAdding validations to our testsConfiguring tests to run against different browsers or test environmentsUsing Allure reports to generate beautiful reports that include screenshots and videosBuild a repository to showcase your skillsWe will be utilizing GIT and GITHUB to create repositories for our bigger projects.The goal is that I want you to have good quality examples that you can easily share with your boss or future employers.I look forward to having you join my class!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 - Learn by Practice" |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 - Learn by Practice course is tailored to meet the needs of students who want to Master Microsoft Excel. Students in this course will learn through hands-on activities based on real work situations. Every video lecture is supported with a spreadsheet of instructions to perform and data to work with. The course is suitable for all levels as it covers a wide range of topics that everyone needs."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python GUI - Build a Calculator with PyQt and Qml" |
"NB: CERTAIN VIDEOS MAY HAVE BAD SOUNDGui's are what are missing from most programmer's toolkit, they cannot find it in addition to their wealth of knowledge. Not many years ago, I researched by God's help and found to my utmost pleasure how programming knowledge is applied in the real world both for UI's and Core-code (Both are scripted by the way).Qt has powered the world of UI's and still powers it. Adobe, VLC, WhatsApp Inc, are a few of notable institutions that use Qt for both UI and also for functional code (for functional code, we will use python). But here is the catch, not so recent though, Qt released Qt Quick Markup language (Qml), that is not written in python, but rather in css style scripting language. This will help the advanced team-work desire to separate UI from core-code functionality.Also there is another problem here, you can't seem to find much resources on it online. So here is it, an introduction and a quick practical hands on, on building a complete Python app with a modern trendy Gui."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"(1V0-601) Exam:VMware 6 Certified Associate Exam Preparation" |
"VMware certifications are highly demanded across large and small IT organizations across the world. Hiring managers prefer candidates who not only have an understanding of the topic and experience, but having Training certification in the subject. Are you looking for practice questions and answers for the VMware Certified Associate 6 - Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals exam? This exam is here to help you ! We have compiled these questions from actual exams in order to help you prepare for and pass your exam on the first attempt. Exam Number: 1V0-601Duration: 135 MinutesNumber of Questions: 50Passing Score: 300Exam Price: $125 USD"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty" |
"The AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty exam validates technical skills and experience in designing and implementing AWS services to derive value from data. The examination is for individuals who perform complex Big Data analyses and validates an individuals ability to:Implement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architecture best practicesDesign and maintain Big DataLeverage tools to automate data analysisExam OverviewFormat: Multiple choice, multiple answerLength: 170 minutesLanguage: English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified ChineseRegistration Fee: 300 $USD"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect-Associate [New Questions]" |
"Continuously UpdatedThe AWS certification training is designed to help you gain an in-depth understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) architectural principles and services such as IAM, VPC, EC2, EBS and more. These practice Tests for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate are patterned after the latest exam format and updated regularly .Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam.AWS certification will verify your technical understanding and skills in the AWS domain and is highly desired by recruiters. AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate is consistently ranked as one of the top certification programs and the AWS market is expected to reach $236B by 2020 at a CAGR of 22 per cent. According to a survey average annual salary of AWS Solutions Architect is $129,000. There are more than 380,000 cloud computing jobs available around the world, and the need for certified cloud computing professionals is increasing every year.So, stop wasting time on other CSA Associate preparation material that claim to be updated. AWS is making the exam more and more tricky, and your only way to work around that and pass on the first attempt, is to study and understand AWS services in depth, which is the core design philosophy of this course/content."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional" |
"Updated to the latest (April 2019) version!AWS certification will verify your technical understanding and skills in the AWS domain and is highly desired by recruiters. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is consistently ranked as one of the top certification programs and the AWS market is expected to reach $236B by 2020 at a CAGR of 22%. According to Indeed average annual salary of AWS Solutions Architect is $129,000. There are more than 380,000 cloud computing jobs available around the world, and the need for certified cloud computing professionals is increasing every year.In order for you to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, the exam blueprint, General IT, and AWS knowledge are key components that you have to learn and master. The 4 sets of AWS Solutions Architect Professional practice tests included in this course contains approx 100 questions per set, which simulates the latest (April 2019) version of the actual exam. At the end of each set, you will also find comprehensive explanations and reference links that will further strengthen your knowledge of the AWS concepts needed to pass the AWS certification exam.This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam latest Dump will provide you material for following:397 TOP-NOTCH Practice Questions has 4 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 100 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set.SME- This Practice test is prepared by Subject Matter experts in AWS platform and is taken from real time exam tests.Exhaustive explanation for every question (we have explained the correct answer as well as why the other choices are incorrect)Explained with screenshots and imagesDETAILED EXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCE LINKS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations plus complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Solutions Architect Professional certification exam (Feb 2019 version) to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! UPDATED Regularly - we have a dedicated team updating our question bank on a regular basis, based on the exam feedback of students who recently took the test, as well as through external benchmarking.APRIL 2019 UPDATE HIGHLIGHTS:Added more new questions on Design for Organizational Complexity and Migration Planning - AWS Organizations, AWS Server Migration Policy, AWS Rekognition, AWS Application Discovery Service, etc.Added diagrams on some of the explanations - to better illustrate why a certain AWS service is the best among the options provided.NOTE: To align with the Feb 2019 exam version, this practice test course is gradually being updated by adding more questions on Design for Organizational Complexity (Domain 1), Migration Planning (Domain 3), and Cost Control (Domain 4).ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 48 hours.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $40 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who has actually passed the exam! The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a Solutions ArchitectProfessional role. This exam validates advanced technical skills and experience in designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.It validates an examinees ability to:Design and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategiesExam OverviewMultiple-choice and multiple-answer questions170 minutes to complete the exam75% Marks needed to Pass the examExam available in English and JapanesePractice exam registration fee is 40 USDExam registration fee is 300 USD"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Understanding and Utilizing Social Media Analytics" |
"This course will teach you the analytical side of social media. Students will learn various platforms of social media and analytical dashboards such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This course will serve as an introductory course. What would take you a semester to learn in college which be compiled in this short class. You will know the basics of social media analytics when finished with this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Alexa Skills Kit: Practical Chatbot Development" |
"AWSAlexa, Google Home and other voice assistant devices are becoming more and more common in our interconnected world. The tech landscape rewards developers who are on the leading edge of new trends, and Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) is one of the most supported and recognised methods of developing consumer and commercial chatbots.This course is written with the very latest and best development standards in mind. You'll learn a number of key things that will help you succeed in this fast moving field of technology.Alexa Skill Creation (UI) - We'll develop an understanding of how Alexa Skills can be created and managed via the web interfaceAsk Skills Kit (CLI) - Once we have a firm understanding, we'll write our Skills entirely as code and deploy them using ONE command!DynamoDB - Data will be stored and retrieved from an instance of DynamoDB that we'll create and manage from code as well.DynamoDB Persistence - Using the DynamoDB persistence adaptor in Alexa Skill Kit we'll save and retrieve user attributes to manage state between the Alexa skill life-cycleAll this plus most importantly you will develop best practices and have a number of perfect example applications by the end of the course that you can use as a reference for future projects."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Certification Linux LPIC-1 Administration Linux" |
"Formation a partis de Zro.Cest un excellent cours, spcifique la certification 101 et lapprentissage dutilisation dun systme dexploitation GNU/Linux, qui est trs utile pour lapprentissage de Linux. Cette formation vise vous donner quelque prrequis l'Administration Linux.Sujets de l'examen LPIC-1 101Architecture du systmeInstallation Linux et gestion des packagesCommandes GNU et UnixPriphriques, systmes de fichiers Linux, norme de hirarchie des systmes de fichiersEt bien d'autre points"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Practice Tests for Linux Essentials Exam LPI 010-160" |
"LPI Linux Essentials Practice Tests!Exam details:Exam Title: LPI Linux EssentialsExam Code: 010-150Number of Questions: 40 Questions Duration: 60 Minutes Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice Passing Score: 500 (on a scale of 200 to 800)Language Exam: EnglishValidity Period: LifetimeIn this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in LPI 010-160 Linux Essentials exam objectives such as:The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source.Finding Your Way on a Linux System.The Power of the Command Line.The Linux Operating System.Security and File Permissions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media for the Creative Entrepreneur" |
"While social media is a driving force in brand marketing now, its important to discuss the pros and cons so we can properly arm ourselves with tools to use social media work to our benefit. Through any negative, we have the power to spin it to our benefit into a positive. But we first need to familiarize ourselves with what those things are. In addition, its crucial to learn the best practices to capitalize on the all of the benefits of social media and how they affect our online reach.This class covers the pros and cons in the aspects of using social media for business by addressing the following:That dreaded algorithm and how you can work around itThe benefits of sharing contentBrand awarenessHow to produce the best content for your brandBest practices for engagementUsing hashtags effectively for optimum reachCreating ideal imagery to grab someones attention in a split secondDefinite DOs and definite DONTs of using social mediaYoull also be exposed to the positive AND negative effects that social media can have on our mental health. At the end of the class, youll have a number of actionable items to apply to your social media game, including a 40-page eBook on using hashtags effectively and a 4-page comprehensive worksheet that caters to your unique brand. This class is for you if you use social media of any kind and want to learn exactly what you can do to escalate forward, beat the competition, and maintain a healthy balance in the process."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Micro-Expressions with Science for Sales, Romance & More" |
"Hi, Nick here.Let's cut to the chase: you're on Udemy to improve yourself.Whether it's design skills, programming know-how, or learning how to file your own taxes, you're here because you want to get better and become the best version of you.For many people, it's entrepreneurship. For others, it's art or design. But for me, it's learning how human beings work. What makes us tick. Why we make the decisions that we do, and how you and I can use that knowledge to improve our lives.In 2019, with social anxiety and depression at an all-time high, I truly believe social skills are the most important thing a person can learn to benefit all areas of their life, from their career, to their business, to their relationships. Confident, socially acute people get better jobs. They get better lovers. And I can assure you they have significantly more fun than their non-confident counterparts. As a veteran instructor, I have several courses on human behavior - odds are you've seen a few floating around. Body language. Vocal tone. Sales skills. Etc etc...But this time, I wanted to do something special. Something that nobody else had done before. And after receiving literally over a dozen requests for a course specifically on emotion and facial expressions, Idecided to take the leap and make the first science-driven guide to microexpressions out there.I've spent the last few months reading countless empirical articles on cross-cultural human behavior, emotion, and facial expressions. I've interviewed dozens of people. And from it all, I've managed to leverage my five years of behavioral neuroscience knowledge to take literally decades of research on human behavior and distill it into an easy-to-learn one hour guide that anybody can understand.Want to be more socially aware?Or become an excellent lie detector?Or level up your sales skills immensely, by being able to evaluate your prospect's emotions in real-time? After taking this course, you'll easily be able to do all three.This course will answer questions like:- What are microexpressions?- How do we detect them effectively?- Why do we flare our nostrils when we're angry? Or squint when we're disgusted?- What's the evolutionary purpose behind human emotion?- What practical situations can we use microexpression detection in to improve our lives?So let's get this show on the road!Grab a snack, buckle up, and get ready for a deep dive into social dynamics, evolutionary psychology, and practicality.See you inside.-Nick"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Close Deals In Your Pyjamas: The B2B Cold Email Masterclass" |
"URGENT: Most of you are currently missing out on an unprecedented opportunity.How would you like to never have to go to work again?To be free from a conventional 9-5?To never have to deal with nagging bosses... corporate deadlines... or waking up at 5 in the morning?I know I would.Actually... I already have.I no longer need to trek miles to an office. I get to set my own deadlines. And I wake up whenever the hell I want - alarm clock be damned.And I did all of it with a straightforward B2B cold email strategy I'm going to share with you in this course.Let me explain.A couple of years ago, everybody believed cold outreach was dead.Apparently, cold emailing had gotten so popular that people decided there was no more money in it - it was saturated.It sounded like a fair claim. So, eventually, the media picked it up. People wrote blog posts on it. Gurus made videos about it. And the world listened.And naturally, tens of thousands of people stopped cold calling, cold emailing, and reaching out. Instead, they switched to ads, content, and inbound marketing.But what did this do?It left a huge gap in the market.Where once there were tens of thousands of people using cold email as their primary strategy to acquire customers...Now there were only a few diligent companies and consultants. And those companies saw a huge boost in business because of it.Obviously, a few keen marketers noticed the trend and started cold emailing again. And what they found shocked them.Those marketers didn't just see a 5%, or a 10% increase in results...They saw 100%. 200%. Some even more.Whereas before a marketer might have been making $150,000 in sales or commissions...Now they were making $300,000 easy. Off the exact same market, just one year later, because their customers were much more receptive and willing.Why am I telling you this?Because, unlike the dot-com era, that time hasn't passed. The market gap hasn't been filled. We're still living in it, and the opportunity is as available today as it was 12 months ago.Unfortunately, most people absolutely suck at cold emailing.They use weak headlines.They send to the wrong people.And their email content reads like it was written by a twelve year old in English class.These people - many of them experienced salespeople or founders with dozens of years experience - can not create a simple email campaign to save their life.But, with this course, you can.Over the next four hours of videos, I'll give you the secret sauce. I'll show you, word-for-word, how I and many others have made thousands of dollars with incredibly simple emails that take less than a few minutes to write.And most importantly, I'll show you how I decouple my time from my money using cold emails. It's how I literally close deals and make money... in my pyjamas.Specifically, you'll learn:How to write red-hot email copy that makes people want to click, call, and convertThe best, cheapest, and most efficient cold email softwareHow to easily source your leads - where to go, how to download, how much to pay (and some more.. controversial.. tricks)How to set up your own multi-step drip campaign so you can send thousands of emails on autopilotWhy and how to track everything - from button clicks, to email opens, to conversions - even where people are moving their mouse on the page!How to make emails that focus on the customer, not the sender (hint: 90% of emails FAIL because of this strange reason)A simple email strategy to multiply the effectiveness of your cold calls and B2B outreachHow to completely automate cold email responses and alerts with softwareWhy most cold emails don't get delivered, and how to maintain reputation so decision makers actually get your mailHow tracking pixels work, and an interesting way you can use them to get more salesHow (and why) to split test your emails like a data scientist (using simple stats and free online resources)How to send and receive signed contracts over e-mail for free, so you can close deals in your pyjamas!Like I said, myself and others use these strategies everyday to make thousands of dollars in minutes. For many of us, it's the primary way we grow our business.And it makes sense. Cold emails are incredibly low cost. They take seconds to send. They're highly scalable and automatable. And they can easily get your foot in the door of million-dollar companies with very little legwork.You write a few emails once, send them out to thousands of people, and reap the rewards. Not to mention, following up with customers is a lot easier when you already know they're interested in your product!If you want to learn how to become the top salesperson at your company, if you want to learn how to grow your business - hell, if you want to learn how to make money in your sleep - then this is the course that will do the job.And if you're not already sure that this is the right move, I have something else I want to share with you...If you're not happy with any part of this course at any time in the first thirty days...We'll give you all of your money back!That's right. We offer an unconditional, **100% money-back guarantee**! I want you to be able to take our course for a test-drive with no risk whatsoever.If you don't think what I'm telling you is incredibly valuable content by our fourth video... if you take action using the strategies listed in this course and don't see a massive return on your investment, simply return this course for a full refund in the first 30 days.Everybody checks their emails. Including you. It's like a highway to our frontal cortex.And in a few minutes, I'm going to show you how to bash straight through that highway and into your customer's brain.Let's get you writing some killer cold emails. TODAY. See you inside!-Nick"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"SAS Enterprise Guide (Trke)" |
"Kursumuzda Neler Yapacaz?SAS Enterprise Guide ekranlarn tanyacaz. lemlerimizde SAS n arayzn kullanacaz.Excel tablolarn SAS'a aktarp SAS tablolarn excele alacaz.SAS fonksiyonlar ile yeni kolonlar/deikenler oluturacaz.Farkl tablolar birletirip filtreleme ve sralama ilemlerini reneceiz.Kod bile kullanmadan ksa yoldan hzlca grsel raporlar oluturacazOluturduumuz projeleri utan uca altrmay reneceiz.Derse kaydolan herkes ile kendi hazrladmz Trke SAS Enterprise Guide Kullanm Klavuzu nu paylaacaz!Kursumuza veri analizi yapmak isteyen tm renciler katlabilir.Veri analizlerinizi, analitik hesaplamalarnz ve raporlamalarnz kolaylkla SAS kullanarak yapabilirsiniz.Exceldeki satr says limitleri ve donma problemleri ile uramanza gerek yok! Tm ilemlerinizi SAS ile yapabilirsiniz.Ksa srede uzun yollar katedeceiniz SAS kursumuzdan sonra Excel kullanmak istemeyeceksiniz.SAS kullanarak veri analizleri ve veri temizleme admlarnz rahatlkla yapabilir, hzl bir ekilde grafikler karabilirsiniz.Gelecein en parlak meslei olan ""Veri Bilimci"" olarak almak istiyorsanz, SAS sizin iin en iyi balang olacak."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 54.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ReactApolloGraphQL ile Uygulama Gelitirelim" |
"Bu kurs ile GraphQL in tm ayrntlarn bir uygulama zerinde bulabileceksiniz ve GraphQL ile uygulama gelitirirken nelere dikkat edilmesini renebileceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde bir uygulamann server tarafnn NodeJs ve ExpressJs kullanarak nasl kodlanacan, client tarafnda ise React ve Apollo ile nasl kodlanmas gerektiini ayrntl olarak bulacaksnz. Ayrca gelitirdiiniz uygulamann verilerini MongoDB in hizmet servisi olan mLab zerinde nasl saklayacanz reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4-Firebase-Uploadcare ile Mobil Uygulama Oluturalm" |
"Bu kurs ile ionic 4 kullanarak bir mobil uygulamann nasl gelitirildiini batan sona renebileceksiniz. Ayrca mobil uygulama gelitirirken veritaban ve authentication ilemleri iin Firebase'in ve ionic uygulamasnda resim yklemesi yapmak iin Uploadcare'in nasl kullanlacan da reneceksiniz. Ayrca uploadcare zelliklerinden resim filtreleme ve yz tanmay reneceksinizBu kurs sonunda her ynyle bir mobil uygulama oluturabileceksiniz. Umarm bu kurs hayatnza deer katar. Meslek hayatnzda baarlar dilerim"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"HTML ve JS Oyunlar in Fizik Motoru (MATTER JS)" |
"Bu kurs ile HTML 5 ve Javascript ile oluturduunuz oyunlara fizik motorunu nasl ekleyeceini reneceksiniz. Kurs oyunlar iin matter js ile fizik motoruna younlayor ama web uygulamalarnda matter js ile fizik motoru oluturmak isteyenler iin gzel bi referans kaynadr. Bu kursta uygulama zerinden matter js konularn anlattm iin kurs boyunca pratik yapma imkan bolca bulacaksnz ayrca kursun sonunda Plinko uygulamasnn ve Angry Bird oyununun nasl oluturulacan da gsterdim. Bylece kurs ierisinde rendiklerinizi pekitirebileceksiniz.HTML ve Javascript oyunlar iin fizik motoru oluturulmas zor ve zaman alan bir sretir ama oyunlarmzda olmazsa olmazdr. Matter Js btn bu zor sreleri bizim iin kolay hale getiriyor ve bizim kullanmamz iin baz elemanlar oluturuyor bize de bu elemanlar kullanarak zor sreleri kolay bir ekilde atlatmak kalyor. Matter Js sayesinde asl iimiz yani oyun gelitirmeye odaklanabiliyoruz.Eer HTML oyun gelitirme ile ilgileniyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Phaser 3 ile Oyun Programlama" |
"Bu kurs ile Phaser 3 ktphanesini kullanarak HTML ve Javascript oyun programlamann temellerini reneceksiniz. Kurs 4 tane mini oyun ve 5 tane oyun iermektedir ve bu 5 oyundan 3 tanesi mobil cihazlarda oynanabilir. Mini oyunlar ile Phaser 3 n temel konularn reneceksiniz ve 5 tane oyun ile tam anlamyla alan ve mobil cihazlarda da oynanabilen oyunlarn nasl programlandn reneceksiniz. Ayrca oluturduumuz dosyalar Android, IOS ve Window Phone ile uyumlu hale nasl getirildiini reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal REACT HOOKS ve REACT NATIVE Kursu" |
"Bu kurs ile React Hooks, Context ve React Native konularn uygulamalar zerinde renebileceksiniz. React ile Firebase konular zerinde hakimiyet salayacaksnz ve st dzey uygulamalar oluturmaya giri yapacaksnz.Bu yzden bu kursu 3 blmde oluturdum.React Hooks ve Context blmReact ile Firebase kullanm blmReact Native blmReact Hooks ve Context Blmlk olarak React Context ve Hooks konular hakknda temel bilgileri reneceiz ve iki yapy bir arada nasl kullanacamz greceiz. Bu konular rendikten sonra Book List Uygulamas gelitireceiz ve rendiimiz konularn pekimesini salayacaz.Konular pekitirdikten sonra Tic Tac Toe Oyunu ve Dnya Saatleri Uygulamas gelitirerek React Hooks konularnn farkl dallarn da greceiz. Bylece React Router yapsn, axios ve moment kullanmn reneceksiniz. React ile Firebase Kullanm BlmReact hooks konularn uygulamalar ile pekitirdikten sonra React ile Firebase kullanm blmne geiyoruz ve st dzey uygulamalarda olmas gereken Database Storage ve Authentication konularn React uygulamalarnda Firebase ile hallediyoruz.Bu blmde 3 tane uygulama gelitiriyoruz ve bu uygulamalar ile Firebase ierisinde bulunan btn yaplar reniyor olacaz. Gelitireceimiz uygulamalar; Auth le Uygulama , Realtime Database ile Uygulama ve Firestore Database - Storage ile UygulamaReact Native BlmBu blmde React Native konularn reneceiz. React Native temel yaplar renerek blme giri yapyoruz ve Alveri Listesi Uygulamas ile rendiimiz bu temel yaplarn pekitirilmesini salyoruz. Ardnda Not Defteri Uygulamas gelitireceiz ve bu uygulamay iki blmde ileyeceiz; Navigasyon ve Form olarak iki blmde ayrdmz bu uygulada React Native uygulamalarnda navigasyon ve form ilemlerini ayrntl bir ekilde ele alm olacaz.Gelecek Gncelleme BlmGelmesini planladm bir baka blm ise React Native ile Firebase kullanm olacak ve React Native uygulamalarnda Firebase Auth ve Database ilemlerini nasl gerekletirdiimizi anlatacam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |