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"Python Selenium ile Tarayc Otomatize Etme" |
"Bu eitim serisinde Python ve Selenium'u kullanarak nasl bir tarayc otomatize edebilirsiniz ve bunu sizin iin avantaja nasl evirebilirsiniz bu gibi sorularn cevabn reneceksiniz. nceden HTML ve CSS bilmeniz tavsiye edilir. Eer bilmiyorsanz baz ksmlar anlamakta zorlanabilirsiniz. Bu eitimin sonunda kendi istediiniz ekilde taraycy otomatize edebilirsiniz. Bu eitim sizi temel dzeyden balatarak orta dzeye kadar getirmektedir. Geri kalan ksm ise pratik yaparak tamamlamanz lazmdr. Kurs ile en fazla bu seviyeye karlabilir.Neden Selenium'u renmeniz gerekmekte?Rutin ve gereksiz ilerinizin tamamn otomatize edebilirsiniz.(Instagramda fotoraf beenmek gibi :D)Yapmak istediiniz ama vaktiniz olmayan eyleri yapmak iin kullanabilirsiniz. Tarayc tabanl oyunlar iin ilerinizi hzlandrabilirsiniz. Uyurken bile sizin iin oynamasn salayabilirsiniz.(Bunu kullanmadan nce ltfen kullanc szlemesini okuyunuz. Eer bunu yasaklayan bir ifade var ise kesinlikle yapmanz tavsiye edilmez.)nternetten veri toplamanz gerektii zamanlarda basit iler iin saatler vermenize gerek yok. Botunuzu yazp sizin iin almasn salayabilirsiniz.Kurs erii:Giri: Eitim hakknda temel bilgileri vermektedir. nmzdeki srete neler yapmanz gerektii hakknda ksa bilgilendirmelerde vardr.Kurulum: Eitim srasnda kullanlan yazlmlarn ve gelitirme ortamlarnn nasl yklenecei ve nasl altrlaca hakknda bilgilendirmeler vardr. Bu ksm dikkatle okumanz tavsiye ederim.Temeller: Bu blmde selenium'u kullanrken gerekli olan tm fonksiyonlarn aklamalar bulunmaktadr. Bu sayede eitimi takip ederken iiniz baya kolaylamaktadr. Ayrca herhangi bir takldnz noktada geri dn imkan salamaktadr. Bu fonksiyonlar:Selenium Kod Temellerifind_element_by_( id & name )find_element_by_xpathXpath Kaynakfind_element_by_( link_text & partial_link_text )find_element_by_( tag & class )_namefind_element_by_css_selectorCSS Selector KaynakAmazon: Bu blmde bir rnle alakal temel bilgileri nasl alrsnz ve bunu ileme nasl koyarsnz gibi bilgiler yer almaktadr. Bu blmdeki dersler:rn Fiyat Bilgisini Almarn ListelemeListelenen rnlerin Aklamalarn AlmaIMDB: Bu blmde IMDB sitesi zerinde nasl ilemler yapabilirsiniz. Nasl veri toplarsnz bunlar gsterilmektedir. Bu blmdeki dersler:Top 250 Film Listesini AlmaFilmlerin Aklamalarn AlmaCSV dosyas oluturmaInstagram: Bu blmde instagram zerinde giri yapma, takip etme, fotoraf beenme, takipten kma, fotoraf beenmekten vazgeme ve bir profildeki tm fotoraflar nasl beenirsiz ile ilgili aklamalar yaplmakta. Artk bu blmden sonra kompleks bir selenium projesi nasl yaplr bunun hakknda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmu olursunuz. Bu blmdeki dersler:Giri YapmaTakip EtmeFotoraf BeenmeTakipten kmaProfildeki Tm Fotoraflar Beenme"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"LPI Linux Essentials: Preparatrio para a Certificao" |
"ALPILinux Essentials o primeiro passo para quem quer iniciar sua carreira no mundo Linux e, tambm, o primeiro passo no caminho oficial de certificaes da LPI.Oobjetivo da certificao LPILinux Essentials garantir que o candidato tem o conhecimento e o entendimento sobre o que o Linux, bem como a industria Open-source, conhecer as maiores aplicaes do mundo Open-source, compreender a arquitetura e os componentes que compem um sistema Linux, proficincia tcnica para gerenciar um sistema pela linha de comando e ter o conhecimento bsico sobre segurana, gerenciamento de usurios e permisses.Este curso aborda todos os contedos cobrados na prova de certificao LPILinux Essentials.Ocurso tambm conta com mais de 100 questes simuladas e diversos exerccios para voc testar o seu conhecimento ao longo dos mdulos.Para obter a sua certificao, voc precisa ser aprovado na prova 010-160 desenvolvido pela Linux Professional Institute (LPI).O contedo deste curso explicado tanto de forma terica quanto prtica. H diversos contedos que envolvem a parte terica, onde eu explico de forma dinmica utilizando um quadro, e que facilitar o seu entendimento. Alm disso, todos os outros tpicos prticos so feitos em uma mquina virtual Linux, ao qual voc poder replicar no seu prprio sistema.Veja abaixo os contedos abordados:Mdulo 1 Introduo a LPI e ao LinuxMdulo 2 Software Open-source e LicenciamentoMdulo 3 Evoluo do Linux e Sistemas Operacionais popularesMdulo 4 Instalao do Linux e FHSMdulo 5 - Maiores Aplicaes Open SourceMdulo 6 Habilidades em Tecnologia da Informao & Trabalhando com LinuxMdulo 7 O bsico da linha de comandoMdulo 8 Usando a linha de comando para Obter AjudaMdulo 9 Usando diretrios e Listando ArquivosMdulo 10 Criando, Movendo e Deletando ArquivosMdulo 11 Compactando Arquivos pela Linha de ComandoMdulo 12 Procurando e Extraindo Informaes de ArquivosMdulo 13 Transformando Comandos em um ScriptMdulo 14 Escolhendo o Sistema OperacionalMdulo 15 Entendendo Hardware de ComputadoresMdulo 16 Onde os Dados so GravadosMdulo 17 Seu Computador na RedeMdulo 18 Segurana Bsica e Identificando Tipos de UsurioMdulo 19 Criando Usurios e GruposMdulo 20 Gerenciando Permisses de Arquivos e OwnershipMdulo 21 Diretrios especiais e ArquivosMesmo que voc no tenha um computador Linux, eu mostro nos primeiros mdulos como instalar o Virtual Box em qualquer sistema operacional, ao qual voc poder usufruir e criar as suas prprias mquinas virtuais, tendo muito mais liberdade para reproduzir os comandos durante seus estudos.A cada tpico deste curso, voc encontrar uma lista de exerccios prticos para que voc de fato aprenda o contedo que est sendo ensinado.Alm disso, o curso temmais de 100 questesque simulam o formatooficial do exame. Htambm, questionrios aps cada tpico, alm de um simulado final para a prova.Ao final deste curso, alm de estar 100%preparado para efetuar o exame de certificao LPILinux Essentials, o aluno ter adquirido diversos conhecimentos gerais do mundo Linux, desde as interfaces grficas, at a atuao em linha de comando com grande facilidade.Durante todo o curso, voc ter o meusuporte para suas dvidassobre os assuntos estudados.Sinta-se vontade para explorar a grade curricular completa disponvel abaixo. Veja tambm o vdeo de apresentao do curso e algumasaulas gratuitasque foram disponibilizadas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Excel & Access VBA Dashboard and Projects Series 15" |
"if you are an intermediate or expert in Excel and Access vba then these report Automations and dashboards are very useful to you.Dashboards are coming directly from your questions so it will give you a real feel of office work. You can use these ideas in your day to day work and create fabulous Projects and Dashboards.Fantastic automation secrets are also revealed in this series. Excel and MS Access reports can be downloaded.Online support by me is available if you have questions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MS Access Macros Series 4" |
"This series is for those students who want to automate their access tasks by learning the in built access macrosBasic -intermediate and Advance level Macros explained in detailHow to use message boxes and input boxes with practical situationsUse of dynamic IF conditions using ""AND"" ""OR"" operators with else if Know the data import and export from outer applications like ms excel, text files and databases like ms access itself.Learn about Auto-Keys and Auto Exec macros - their useHow to run queries, open tables and open formshow to call one macro from other. How we can create a single macro which performs many actions in one go"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Excel VBA Error Handlers FileDialogs Hindi Series-3" |
"Complete discussion on message and input Boxes - from their definition to practical useFile Dialogs - open, save as dialogsScripting library - filesystemobject - its declaration and use handle thousands of files and folders using scripting libraryhow to move or copy files from one folder to another. how to delete files or foldershow to compile data from millions of files using collection loopsUse of collection loop in folders- how to access multiple files in one goImport filenames ,paths,and so many other properties"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Advance Excel Arrays - Series-6" |
"This course is talking about arrays use in advance excel. This course is for those students who want to do the super complex things easily using arrays, Course is planned for all basic and intermediate excel users who knows excel formula very well.Practical projects are also a part of this series so that we not only understand fundamentals but see the real use of arrays in excel world."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Web Scraping Using Excel VBA - Series 16" |
"Web Automation via Internet Explorer - No more manual stuff. It can be done using automation now.Learn about Web Scraping using VBA in internet explorerBasic to Advance Level CourseHow to work with A tagsHow to work with Class TagsHow to work with input tags,ID tagsWhat is a class in HTML and how and why we create them in HTMLWhat is a document , its class and document elements - object hierarchy discussionHow we can click on links in websiteHow to put the information in website forms How to download the excel or csv files from internetAssignments for you to practiceHow to debug the program if you are not able to click on link despite it is available on web pageUse of immediate window to see more properties of tags like A tag,ID,Class,input, headers etc.Export tables details in excel from a web pageHow to work with already opened web-pages"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel Power Query" |
"This course covers the basic and advance PowerQuery From installing the PQ to checking the system requirements and Its definition.Covering the PQ ribbon - all features with examples in full detailWhy it is called ETL Tool - Extract Transform LoadBenefits of Powerquery over normal Excel spread sheets Handling millions and billions rows efficientlyHow to import data from different sources like txt , csv,folders, databases, excel sheetsEvery minute detail about PQ ribbon features with the help of examplesGroup by - Complete tutorial including projectsDate functions - Very easy and powerful Text Functions in extracting the values is discussed, no need to build now excel formulas or VBAPQ functions - CSV.Document , Excel.Currentworkbook, excel.workbook are discussed with practical examplesTranspose feature, UnPivot Feature - where and how they can be used.Several practical projects for you with solutions - Amazing result driven projects for youWhat are the different types of JOINS - Left Join, Right, Full, left anti, Right Anti - All are coveredHow to use IF statements in PQ and how they are beneficial in real time projectsHow to change the source or location of data, What is refresh and refresh all ,Connection only ,close and close and load to optionsSeveral advance level projects with quizzes (solution given in lectures)Online support 24*7 given by me to address your issues"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Power-Query M language Programming - Part 1" |
"This course is an attempt to make you awesome in using M code in PowerQueryIt is for those students who are familiar with PowerQuery front part .What is M code in PowerQueryHow to use M code or functions in PowerQueryHow to change or modify M code in PowerQueryWhat are Table functions and their basics plus real use in lifeWhat are the list objects - from basic to advance useWhat the records - From basics to advanceSeveral mixed projects for your revision at the end plus more knowledge on M functionsThis course will make you fundamentally awesome in PowerQuery M code and you can go beyond normal user capabilities to change and modify the data. the way you want.Files are downloadable and Online help is available from me, in case you have doubts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PowerQuery M code language Part2" |
"This course is in continuation to M code part 1 which was prepared by me before. Course will not benefit if you do not know M code before.We are talking about inbuilt M functions which are very important in data development like related to dates, lists.We are learning about user defined functions (UDFs). Why and how we can create our own M functions and achieve amazing results in seconds without doing too much work.Discussion on IF functions is discussed in detail . How we can handle the errors using try and catch.Interesting projects are also shared for real experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tworzenie kampanii reklamowych na Facebook - kurs ekspresowy" |
"Kurs pomoe nauczy si zarzdzania kontem reklamowym na Facebooku, tworzy reklamy stargetowane na okrelone grupy docelowe. Nauczysz si tworzy niestandardowe grupy odbiorw dla swojej reklamy. Bdziesz mg/a stworzy grup na podstawie osb odwiedzajcych Twoj stron Internetow lub wchodzcych w interakcj z Twoj stron na Facebooku. Dowiesz si jak krok po kroku stworzy kampanie reklamow na zwikszenie rozpoznawalnoci Twojej marki. Dowiesz si, jak stworzy reklam, celem ktrej jest generowanie jak najwikszej iloci lead'w, czyli zbieranie adresw mailowych (lub te innych danych dodatkowo) od potencjalnych klientw. Nauczysz si w ramach takiej reklamy tworzy formularz kontaktowy na Facebooku. Bdziesz umia/a ogranicza wywietlanie reklam ze wzgldu na budet lub modyfikowa budet w zalenoci od poziomu dotarcia do potencjalnych klientw w sposb automatyczny."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads" |
"Facebook . , . , . , , , , . , . , e-mail . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Die goldenen Regeln in der Hundefhrung" |
"In diesem Workshop werde ich dir ganz wichtige Punkte in der Hunde-Fhrung detailliert erklren.Vor allem, was und wie du das ndern kannst. Lass dich inspirieren.Ich verspreche dir, dass du nach diesem Workshop Methoden kennst mit denen du in der Lage bist, dein Leben zu verndern.Ich mchte dich zu einem ganz speziellen Workshop einladen. Und zwar zum Thema Hundefhrung. Mir ist aufgefallen das die meisten von euch immer wieder Probleme mit der Fhrung haben. Mit der Fhrung des Hundes an der Leine oder wenn ich den Hund mental sprich ohne Leine fhren mchte.Genau zu diesem Thema fhre ich einen Workshop durch. Wo es darum geht, dir die drei wichtigsten Fhrung-Tipps nher zu bringen.Als erstes deine persnliche Einstellung, deine Motivation dein persnliches Ziel. Was genau mchtest du mit deinem Hund zusammen erreichen. Hast du ein ganz klares Ziel? Eine klare Erwartung eine positive Erwartung?Als zweites deine innere Ruhe und Freude kannst du mit wirkliche innere Ruhe im Hier und Jetzt unterwegs sein? Wie schaffst du es nach einem hektischen Alltag schnell in deine Ruhe zu kommen und so auf dem Spaziergang mit deinem Hund die Natur zu geniessen.Beim dritten Punkt geht es um Konsequenz. Konsequenz ist nicht konsequent inkonsequent zu sein.Sondern zu jeder Zeit wirklich 100 % konsequent zu sein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
-Keras- |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
-Opencv(Python) |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
dl-tangyudi |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Ai-(Python) |
"AI-200+201.Python 2.NLP 3.(Tensorflow,Keras)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python-- |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
shujuwajuejingsai |
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
Python |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
tangyudi-ml |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python-- |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python-BERT |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
-PyTorch |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
PythonTensorflow22020 |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Blender & Substance: Modelado y texturizado para videojuegos" |
"A lo largo de este curso aprenders el workflow completo para crear assets desde cero usando dos de las herramientas ms potentes en la industria de creacin de contenido 3D, incluyendo todos los siguientes temas:Los fundamentos tericos de la creacin de assets de nueva generacinLos fundamentos tericos del mtodo de renderizado de materiales PBR (actualmente el ms usado en la industria)Todos los aspectos fundamentales de Blender 2.8 para poder navegar en el programa con fluidezTodas las herramientas principales de modeladoVarios de los modificadores ms importantes para generar formas y acabados especficosComo usar el modo escultura y como agregar detalles esculpidos a nuestros modelosComo crear un modelo de alta definicin (High poly)Como crear, limpiar y optimizar un modelo de baja definicin (Low poly)Como hacer un despliegue UV para proyectar los mapas de texturaComo proyectar todos los detalles de un modelo high poly a un modelo low poly (bakes) usando emparejamiento por nombres en Substance PainterComo crear y detallar diferentes materiales PBR en Substance PainterComo exportar todos los mapas de textura para usarlos en cualquier motor de renderizadoComo visualizar cualquier asset en Marmoset Toolbag para crear renders de alta calidadComo importar cualquier asset en motor de juegos Unreal Engine y como configurar los respectivos materialesComo hacer un render de nuestros modelos con los motores de renderizado de Blender: Eevee y Cycles"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
resource-allocation |
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Photoshop CS6 renin" |
"Bu kurs ile birlikte Photoshop kullanmn ve grnt ileme hakknda her eyi renip kendi almalarn yapman ve eitli konuda uzman eitmene soru sorup fikir alveriinde bulunabilirsin. Uzun zamandr zerinde altm ve birok alma yaptm konuda sizlerin de gelimesine yardmc olmak olduka sevindirici.Mfredatmz balang seviyesine uygun olup ekstra bir bilgi gerektirmemektedir. ilk konudan kendimizi gelitirip kapsaml projeler yapmaya kadar gideceiz. Siz de estetik almalar yapabileceksiniz.Yapmanz gereken kursu almak dersleri izlemek ve takldnz yerde yardm istemek geri kalan eyler kendiliinden geliecektir.ster sorular ksmndan isterseniz de mesaj olarak sorununu bana bildirebilir veya fikrinizi sunup destek isteyebilirsiniz iyi almalar diliyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
englishgrammarplus |
"Passive voice ( ) (Reported Speech)Questions ( )Used to would ( )First Conditional ( I)Second Conditional ( II)Have to must ( )Prepositions with places ( )Prepositions of time ( ) (Infinitive) (Gerund) (Infinitive or Gerund) :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |