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ultimategrammarcourse |
", ! , , . , . , . - , . - . , , , . , . "
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Patrones de diseo y principios SOLID en C# .NET" |
"Dale un impulso a tu carrera de programador aprendiendo mejores tcnicas de programacin utilizando Patrones de diseo.Qu son los patrones de diseo?Cuando comenzamos a programar, es comn que cada quien lo realice con distintas tcnicas para llegar a una misma solucin, muchas veces esto resulta en desarrollos complejos que slo el creador entiende.Pero Es posible evitar esta situacin y comenzar a desarrollar cdigo que todos entendamos?La respuesta se encuentra en los Patrones de diseo:Los patrones de diseo son soluciones a problemas recurrentes que alguien ya pens por nosotros.Para que una solucin sea considerada un patrn debe poseer ciertas caractersticas. Una de ellas es que debe haber comprobado su efectividad resolviendo problemas similares en ocasiones anteriores. Otra es que debe ser reutilizable, lo que significa que es aplicable a diferentes problemas de diseo en distintas circunstancias.Que voy a obtener este curso:23 patrones de diseo con ejemplos reales.23 ejercicios utilizando la plataforma de Udemy (Con solucin)Todos los principios SOLID.Cada principio SOLID con ejercicioEl mejor soporte si tienes alguna pregunta."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master SQL: De cero a experto en Bases de Datos" |
"Para la mayora de los programadores es indispensable conocer SQL para insertarse en el mundo laboral, el 90% de las aplicaciones que vemos hoy en da tienen una base de datos relacional para almacenar sus registros y el lenguaje SQL es un requisito fundamental para los empleados que contraten para mantenerlas.Si no tienes conocimientos en SQL o quieres dominarlo en mayor profundidad este curso es para ti, aqu vamos a aprender desde cero todos los conocimientos necesarios que se solicitan para insertarse en el mundo laboral como un desarrollador SQL.Que aprenders en el curso:Como obtener y manipular datos desde una base de datos.Como realizar consultas complejas utilizando JOINS.Agrupaciones: Distinct, Group by, Having, With ROLLUP.Subqueries avanzadas: IN, Subquery + JOINS, ALL, ANY, EXISTS, Subquery en From, etc.Vistas y sus beneficios.Procedimientos Almacenados: Crear SPs, parametros por defecto, validaciones, parametros de salida y Funciones.Triggers y Eventos.Transacciones ACID (Atomicidad-Consistencia-Aislamiento Durabilidad).Cuales son los problemas de Concurrencia de una base de datos y cmo solucionarlos.Los tipos de datos y sus carasteristicas.Cuales son los distintos tipos de ndices y como aplicarlos en las queries para mejorar el rendimiento de una base de datos.Diseo de una base de datos pasando desde el modelo Conceptual, Lgico y Fsico.Las 3 formas normales: 1FN, 2FN, 3FN.Seguridad en la base datos como administrar usuarios.y mucho mas!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"zgemiin (CV) Nasl Gelecein Olur?" |
"Merhaba, yeni mezun seviyesinden 30+yl seviyesine kadar farkl disiplin ve unvanlarda kiiye yurtii ve yurtd i bavurular iin Trke/ngilizce profesyonel zgemi ve nyaz hizmeti sunmu halihazrda da sunmakta olan, 2000'in zerinde kiiye eitim vermi ve 16 yllk insan kaynaklar deneyimine sahip bir kii olarak hazrladm zgemi eitimime HOGELDN.zgemi konusunda yaanan skntlar biliyorum. Sklkla yaplan hatalar biliyorum. Tm bunlar hazrladmz yzlerce zgemie ve n yazya dayanarak rahatlkla ve emin ekilde aktarabiliyorum. Trkiye'de bu konuda profesyonel hizmet sunan bir irketim var. Bu konuda en ok ihtiya duyulan bilgileri, hem bu iin profesyonel hizmetini sunan hem de deneyimi bilfiil insan kaynaklar olan bir kii olarak hazrladm. Bu eitimde anlattklarm internet zerinde baka hibir yerde ve hibir eitimde bu ekilde bulamazsn.Neleri yapmanz gerekiyor, neleri yapmamanz gerekiyor?Neyi nasl hazrlamanz gerekiyor?Kariyerin banda yeni mezun olabilirsin; nereden nasl balayp bir cv ve nyaz hazrlayacan bilemiyor olabilirsin veya uzmanlnla i deiiklii istiyor olabilirsin bunun iin profesyonel bir zgemie ihtiya duyuyor olabilirsin ya da yurtdnda i bulmak istiyor olabilirsin. lkemizde her gn ortalama 2 milyon insan diplomasyla i aryor. Fark edilmeyi sradan kalarak yapamazsn. zgemiine gereken zeni ve nemi gstermelisin. nk zgemiin senin kariyer pasaportun. stediin ie bavurmak iin, istediin mlakat kapmak ve ie adm atmak iin doru, gl ve profesyonel bir zgemiin olmal! Bu eitimde neler reneceksin?zgemi ve n Yaz AnatomisiDorular, Yanllar, rneklerzgemi Trleri nelerdir?Uygun Formatta zgemi Seimi (rneklerle)zgemite Olmamas Gerekenlerzgemi Girii Yazmann Trlerin Yaz Kurallar Nelerdir?Doru bir n Yaz Yazm Nasl Olur?Deneyimin Yoksa Nasl Doru Bir zgemi Yazabilirsin?Deneyimli sen zgemiin Nasl Olmal?Yetkinlikler Nasl fade Edilir? (Hard Skills - Soft Skills)Yetkinliklerin zgemiteki Yeri Nedir, Nelere Dikkat Etmelisin?Bu eitimi tamamladnda kariyerin iin profesyonel bir zgemi ve n yaz hazrlamak ile ilgili bilgileri, sana eitim boyunca nerdiim kaynaklarla birlikte renmi olacaksn.Ayn zamanda kursun yorum ksmnda sorduunuz tm sorular cevaplyorum, aklnzda hibir soru iareti kalmayacak.Bu eitim setini satn alan herkes bana rahatlkla ulaabilir.Eitim mfredatn hazrlarken konunun bandan sonuna kadar rencinin kendi renme hznda ilerlemesi ve konu hakknda bilgi seviyesini gelitirmesi hedeflenmitir. Tm dersleri izleyip tamamladnzda Udemy sertifikanz size dijital olarak sistem tarafndan iletilecektir."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
fb_business |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Clients or Sales with Facebook Advertising 2020" |
"Want to become a Facebook Advertising expert? To Promote your business or to work as a Campaign Manager? This Course will teach you everything you need to know! Reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!Lifetime access to all lectures!Online support for any question Everything that you will learn in this course is original and tested! Get a Certificate by the end of this course.In this course, you will learn how to use your Ad Manager System on Facebook, how to create campaigns for any goal, how to use Facebook Pixel, how to build your targeting, and much more. Get familiar with the most popular Social Media Platform today. Facebook has over 1.69 billion active users for 2020, if you know how to use Facebook to your advantage you will be unstoppable. I will guide you on each step of the way, from how to use Facebook advertising to how to succeed. You will learn the techniques, tips, and secrets of Facebook advertising. In addition to that, we'll talk about optimization and different campaign types that you can use. And since Facebook is updating its system every couple of month and adding new features, I will be updating this course accordingly, so that you'll always stay up to date!ENROLL TODAY!Your Digital Marketing Journey starts here."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Facebook Page for your Business in 2020" |
"If you don't have a Facebook Business Page yet, you are missing a lot of potential customers. Facebook is a great tool to use for your business promotion and it's easy to create a great looking Facebook Page.I will take youstepby step in order to create a perfect page that will suit any industry.Check my promo video for this course to find out more details about this course.Everything that we'll learn here is fresh and just got updated in 2019, Facebook is changing very fast, so that's why I've collected only accurate data for you right here.So if you are looking to promote your business and get more clients or sales, Facebook is a great place to start!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing 2020" |
"Want to become a Facebook Expert? To Promote your business or to work as a Digital Marketer? JOIN the world of a New Rich and start Making Money Online.This Course will teach you everything you need to know! Reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!Lifetime access to all lectures!Online support for any question Everything that you will learn in this course is original and tested! In this course, you will learn how to use your Ad Manager, how to create effective Facebook Marketing campaigns to your target audience for any goal. Learn how to implement your Facebook Pixel and how to create advanced tracking. Learn how to Optimize every type of Facebook Campaign. Learn how to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. In the end of this course, you will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing.ENROLL TODAY!Your Digital Marketing Journey starts here. ========================= TESTIMONIALS =========================""Very concise. In 20 minutes I learned what hours of other videos in the platform wouldn't teach: a step-by-step guide on how to program the pixel. Thank you!"" - Alejandra ""This course was amazingly helpful! She walked through all the information I was hoping for in a way I could easily understand and implement!"" - April==============================================================="
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
PayPal |
"PayPal . . , . . , , . : . . , , , . PayPal , . PayPal . ?"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Java GUI (Java Swing - MySQL) Book Management System Project" |
"Kursun temel amac; Java OOP mantn retmekle beraber, Java GUI (kullanc etkileimli) bir proje yapmak Projeyi batan sona grebilmeniz iin Algoritma'sndan Kodlamasna adm adm beraber yapyoruz.Kursun dier kurslardan fark;Herkesin anlayabilecei ekilde anlatmaya zen gsterdim.Kodlarn alma mantklarn ne i yaptklarn ayrntl bir ekilde anlatp, kodlama yaparken hangisini kullanacanzn farknda olmanz salamak zere dersleri anlattm."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Unity - Crie Jogos Puzzle Minimalista + C# e Publique" |
"O que me motivou a ser desenvolvedor Unity?Uma empresa que pagava uma quantia significativa em dlares para desenvolvedores Unity, fez com que eu me tornasse um especialista nesse tipo de desenvolvimento de jogos puzzle minimalistas. Quer saber como fazer isso e abraar esse tipo de oportunidade?Quem sou eu para te ensinar?Tentei por anos desenvolver meus jogos e nunca terminava nenhum, por falta de tempo, programao na unha e muito desnimo, quando apareceu o motor Unity que facilitou as coisas para mim, resolvi me aprofundar e entrar de cabea nesse mercado, hoje gero receita atravs de meus conhecimentos e quero ensinar tudo que aprendi para voc nesse curso.A anos estudo sobre programao de jogos com cursos autorizados da prpria Unity, tambm aprendi modelagem 3d, comecei minha carreira de desenhista com um diretor de arte dos estdios Maurcio de Souza Produes, estudei animao 3d com um animador que trabalhou no Planeta dos Macacos e hoje ainda estudo animao 2D com um professor que foi animador da Disney.Sempre procuro me atualizar para passar o melhor contedo para voc, mas com o motor que temos como o Unity voc no precisa saber tudo isso, com esse curso voc sair com condies de criar seu prprio jogo puzzle minimalista 2d e publicar ele para gerar receita e at mesmo fazer disso um negcio prprio.Somente um curso pode te ajudarNo adianta ficar tentando tutoriais dispersos na internet, talvez em alguns anos voc consiga programar um joguinho, mas se realmente voc quer fazer isso de forma profissional e entrar de cabea nesse mercado que s cresce, ento esse o momento, eu recomendo que comece com esse curso.A culpa no sua se ainda voc no consegue produzir um jogo de forma profissional e concluir ele, culpe as informaes dispersas e tutoriais bsicos que s atrapalharam voc.Como esse curso pode te ajudar?Voc ir aprender desde o zero, no requer nenhuma experincia, comearemos a desenvolver um jogo bem simples para voc se adaptar com nossas tcnicas profissionais de desenvolvimento e ir avanando aos poucos at ter condies de desenvolver seu prprio jogo sozinho.Nos aprenderemos:1.Trabalhar com assets da Unity2. Criar nossos prprios assets3. Sistema de coliso 2d4. Controle de player via teclado5. Controle de player via joystick virtual para android6. IA - Bsico de inteligncia artificial7. Mudana de nvel (tela) no jogoe muito mais....Voc aprender como desenvolver jogos puzzle minimalistas de 10 dias a 3 meses e j poder publicar ele para gerar receita, mostrarei a voc como e onde publicar seus jogos.Essa a sua chance de se tornar um desenvolvedor Unity e colocar seus projetos para o mundo conhecer, podendo fazer disso o seu negcio prprio, no perca essa oportunidade, agora no tem mais desculpas.Essa a sua chanceEnto tome essa deciso de se tornar um profissional em desenvolvimento de jogos 2d do tipo puzzle minimalista com Unity e entre para esse nicho de mercado que s cresce a cada ano, aguardo voc em nosso curso."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Aprender Ingls Fluente + MMF II - Aprendizagem Acelerada" |
"MTODO ACELERADO PARA SE TORNAR FLUENTEEsse mtodo algo que revoluciona o aprendizado de ingls e que revela segredos que pouqussimas pessoas conhece e quem conhece com certeza j fluente em ingls.Voc nunca encontrar esse mtodo em um curso tradicional, isso porque poucos professores de ingls conhece e muitos dos que conhecem no ensinam.Esse um curso de ingls para falantes de portugus, foi desenhado para facilitar o aprendizado direcionado para esse pblico, usa a metodologia acelerada e ainda diferenciada, que em poucas aulas voc j entender o que preciso para destravar mais de 95% do idioma.O curso Mix Matriz Fluncia II em Ingls o suficiente para o aprendiz se tornar fluente, no importa em que nvel ele esteja, basta estar querendo atingir a fluncia.Voc aprender rapidamente o que levaria anos para aprender.Voc aprender a usar os tempos verbais para perguntar, afirmar e negar.Voc aprender como ouvir, falar, ler e escrever de forma mais acelerada possvel.Qualquer pessoa pode fazer esse curso, no necessita conhecimento algum.Voc aprender tudo que precisa nesse curso para se tornar fluente.Voc aprender o mtodo acelerado para idiomas que realmente funcionaVoc ter o Mix da Matriz para a fluncia, com ele a sua fluncia est a poucos passosVoc dominar as 2000 palavras mais usadas em ingls, podendo desenvolver uma conversa com qualquer nativo americanoVoc ter ao final do curso, uma seo de gramtica para reforar seu conhecimentoAlm de aprender toda a metodologia de aprendizagem acelerada para idioma que possumos, alm de todo o contedo que voc poder acessar em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento para praticar seu ingls, com vdeos, mp3, podcasts e etc, voc ter um contedo para estudar que utilizado no dia a dia de um nativo americano.rea a ser estudada:Greetings - CumprimentosCongratulations - CongratulaesUseful Expressions - Expresses teisTelling The Time - Dizendo As HorasDays Of The Week, Months Of The Year - Dias Da Semana, Meses Do AnoAt The Theatre - No Teatro Music Opera Concert - Msica pera ConcertoMusical Instruments - Instrumentos MusicaisTravelling By Plane - Viajando De AvioAt The Bookshop - Na LivariaCountries And Nations - Pases E NaesCountries, Capitals And Nationalities - Pases, Capitais E NacionalidadesAt The Hotel - No HotelAt The Barber's Shop - Na BarbeariaTravelling By Ship - Viajando De NavioThe Weather - O TempoSports - EsportesCompetitions - CompetiesAssociation Football - FutebolThe Football Team - O Time De FutebolBoxe, Pugilism - Boxe, PugilismoCriket - CriqueteCycling, The Bycicle - Ciclismo, A BicicletaFishing, Angling - Pesca, Pesca A LinhaFoot Races - Corrida A PGolf - GolfeHorse Racing - Corridas De CavalosHunting - CaaGymnastics - GinsticaJumpings - SaltosLawn Tennis - TnisWater Sports - Esportes AquticosWinter Sports - Esportes De InvernoIndor Games, Society Games - Jogos De Salo, Jogos De SociedadeCard-Playing - Jogo De CartasMankind And Family Relationship - Genero Humano e Graus De ParentescoHigh Personalities - Altas PersonalidadesThe Armed Forces ( The Army ) - Foras Armadas - O ExrcitoProfessions And Trades - Profisses E OficiosAt The Tailor - No AlfaiateShopping - ComprasAt The Clothier's Shop - Na Loja De RoupasDrapery - Comrcio De TecidosHarberdashery - Artigos De ArmarinhoAt The Bakery - Na PadariaAt The Grocery - Na MerceariaAt The Greengrocery - Na QuitandaAt The Watchmaker's Shop - Na RelojoariaAt The Flower Shop - Na Loja De FloresPhotography And Cameras - Fotografias E Maquinas FotogrficasAt The Jeweller's Shop - Na JoalheriaAt The Shoe-Shop - Na Loja De CalaadosAt The Shoemaker - No SapateiroTravelling By Bus - Viajando De nibusTravelling By Train - Viajando De TremAt The Restaurant - No RestauranteAt The Cinema - No CinemaThe House - A CasaAt The Dressmaker - Na CostureiraMedical Treatment - Tratamento MdicoAt The Pharmarcy- Na FarmciaThe Human Body - Corpo HumanoAt The Denstist - No DentistaAt The Hospital - No HospitalAt The Beauty Parlour - No Salo De BelezaColors - CoresTrees And Bushes - Arvores E ArbustosWild Animals - Animais SerlvagensDomestic Animals - Animais DomsticosBirds - PssarosInsects - InsetosNumerals - NumeraisHow To Write And Read Numbers Or Figures - Como Escrever E Ler Nmeros Ou AlgarismosE muito mais, mas muito mais mesmo.Porque voc ainda no fluenteNo culpe voc por ainda no ter atingido a fluncia ou conseguir participar de um dilogo com um falante de ingls ou at mesmo um nativo do idioma, culpe as metodologias atrasadas ou cursinhos tradicionais que apenas tiram o seu dinheiro, quanto mais voc perder tempo com eles, mais eles lucram.Se voc chegou at aqui porque tem um problema para resolver, quer atingir a sua fluncia, quer melhorar sua conversao e entendimento do idioma falado.Chega de perder tempo com tutoriais dispersos que no te ajudam a resolver esses problemas, voc necessita de um mtodo nico e acelerado para perceber resultados logo nas primeiras aulas.Agora voc encontrou o que precisa!Com o curso Mix Matriz Fluncia II em Ingls voc ter todos os recursos necessrios para se tornar fluente e dominar conversaes em ingls, seja com falantes do idioma ou nativos.Agora no tem mais desculpas, essa a soluo nica para voc atingir resultados acelerados e notados logo nas primeiras aulas, voc com certeza no ver nada parecido, a no ser que use a mesma metodologia.Com nossa simples tabela, em poucas aulas voc j ter percebido o suficiente para destravar aceleradamente o seu ingls e junto ao vocabulrio que voc ter em mos + sua prtica, no tem como no se tornar fluente.Depois do sucesso do Mix Matriz Fluncia I agora voc tem em suas mos o Mix Matriz Fluncia II, melhorado com novas tcnicas de aprendizagem acelerada para elevar o seu nvel de velocidade no aprendizado, nico, exclusivo para voc.Tome sua nica deciso inteligente agora e entre para o nosso time de vencedores rumo a fluncia em ingls, conhea o segredo que ainda no te revelaram, eu entregarei tudo em suas mos, te vejo dentro do curso."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Curso Blender 2.8 Personagem 3D + Rig para Jogos e Animaes" |
"Curso Blender 2.8 Modelagem 3d de assets e personagemSe est procurando um curso atualizado de Blender que ensina a modelagem 3d de personagem e assets para games, ento esse curso para voc.No requer experincia nenhuma, irei te ensinar no passo a passo como criar assets e personagens 3d para seus jogos, aplicar o rig para animao ou pose, texturizar utilizando a tcnica ""hand painting"" que a pintura com as mos dentro do prprio Blender.Um curso que te tornar independente na criao de seus prprios modelos para jogos, utilizando uma topologia correta em suas criaes, aplicando a textura com mapa UV e dando um toque de artista pintando suas prprias texturas.No final do curso voc estar apto(a) a criar qualquer modelo para jogos utilizando o Blender 2.8, modelos texturizados, rigados e prontos para animaes ou poses.O que voc aprender no curso Blender 2.8?Conhecer e operar as principais ferramentas do Blender 2.8Conhecer a interface do Blender 2.8Modelagem 3d de assets para gamesAplicao de mapa UVTexturizao de assets com tcnica de hand painting Modelagem 3d de personagem para gamesTexturizao de personagem 3d para games com tcnica de hand paintingRig em personagens 3d para animao ou poseComo criar poses para expor seus modelos 3dSe voc ainda no consegue modelar, texturizar e rigar seus personagens seguindo tutoriais na internet, a culpa no sua, culpe esses tutoriais que no possui uma didtica qualificada para que voc consiga criar seus modelos.Agora voc pode contar com o ""Curso Blender 2.8 Personagem 3D + Rig para Jogos e Animaes"" produzido por quem est na rea e entende do assunto, que ajudar voc a criar seus modelos 3d para jogos ou animao, sem precisar depender de terceiros para isso.Voc se tornar independente para a criao de seus prprios modelos 3d com qualidade profissional e ainda pode usar esse conhecimento para trabalhar no mercado.Quem sou eu para te ensinar Blender 3D?Sou Edson Camacho e anos estudo sobre modelagem 3d, animao e jogos, estudei animao com um animador do filme ""Planeta dos Macacos"", aprendi a desenhar com um diretor de arte dos estdios Maurcio de Souza, estudo animao com um animador da Disney e aprendi a desenvolver jogos com cursos aprovados pela prpria Unity, tudo para levar o melhor conhecimento a voc. Ento no perca mais tempo e entre para uma carreira que est em crescimento no Brasil, entre para nossa comunidade de artistas 3d, te vejo em nosso curso. No perca essa oportunidade!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Portuguese: Accelerated Learning with Native" |
"What is the differential in our course and WHY should you do it.Traditional schools would take you 5 years to deliver the content you will receive in this course in just 4 months.Because in addition to knowing the true path to fluency in Portuguese and being fluent in an accelerated way, you will learn in our course how to work using your new language, how to use your Portuguese to earn money in Brazil, or how to work in Portuguese. home on their own using their knowledge of Portuguese, and much more ...... You will not only learn to become fluent, you will learn how to work and live your knowledge in Portuguese, that is our differential.Imagine you being fluent in Portuguese, knowing how to ask questions, affirmations, denials and any phrase in any verb tense?With our Matrix Mix for Fluency, you will already master the structure needed to be a fluent person, the rest is just vocabulary.Soon in the first classes you will learn to learn Portuguese, passing through the unique and correct sequence of learning.You will learn all the structures that are needed to assemble English phrases and the vocabularies needed for a day-to-day communication of a native.Later on you will learn the Matrix Mix for Fluency that is the key to achieving fluency in no time.In addition to the Bonus ...You will have the 2000 most used words in Portuguese to have a vocabulary necessary to develop any day-to-day communication with the natives.You will also have videos and support materials that will raise your level of fluency.You will have a native speaker of the language, giving you accelerated learning tips that you will not find in classrooms around, it is a unique content for our course.If you really want to be fluent, this is the course for you.1. You'll learn the accelerated method for languages that actually work2. You will have the Matrix Mix for fluency, with it your fluency is just steps away3. You will master the 2000 most used words in Portuguese, being able to develop a conversation with any Brazilian native4. Brazilian Portuguese Course In addition to learning all the accelerated language learning methodology we have, in addition to all the content that you can access anywhere and anytime to practice your Portuguese, with videos, mp3, podcasts and etc, you will have content to study which is used in the daily life of a Brazilian native.Area to be studied:Greetings - CumprimentosCongratulations - CongratulaesUseful Expressions - Expresses teisTelling The Time - Dizendo As HorasDays Of The Week, Months Of The Year - Dias Da Semana, Meses Do AnoAt The Theatre - No Teatro Music Opera Concert - Msica pera ConcertoMusical Instruments - Instrumentos MusicaisTravelling By Plane - Viajando De AvioAt The Bookshop - Na LivariaAt The Hotel - No HotelAt The Barber's Shop - Na BarbeariaTravelling By Ship - Viajando De NavioThe Weather - O TempoSports - EsportesCycling, The Bycicle - Ciclismo, A BicicletaFishing, Angling - Pesca, Pesca A LinhaFoot Races - Corrida A PHunting - CaaShopping - ComprasAt The Clothier's Shop - Na Loja De RoupasAt The Bakery - Na PadariaAt The Market - No mercadoAt The Watchmaker's Shop - Na RelojoariaAt The Flower Shop - Na Loja De FloresAt The Shoe-Shop - Na Loja De CaladosTravelling By Bus - Viajando De nibusTravelling By Train - Viajando De TremAt The Restaurant - No RestauranteAt The Cinema - No CinemaThe House - A CasaAt the pharmacy - Na farmciaAt the dentist - No dentistaAt the hospital - No hospitalAnd much more, but much more.This is a complete course you have seen, you will not need to take any further fluency course, you will have all the knowledge necessary to achieve this goal here.Now there are no more excuses, it's up to you! See you on the other side."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush - Vanessa Cartoon Modelagem 3d para Jogos e Animaes" |
"Tcnica de Box Modeling no ZbrushUsaremos uma das tcnicas mais usada por modeladores 3d em diversos softwares de modelagem 3d aplicada no Zbrush, no ser um curso de escultura, embora deixarei um bnus de escultura digital no final do curso.O Nosso foco criar uma personagem feminina com uma correta topologia para animao:1. Cabea2. Corpo3. Olhos4. Sobrancelhas5. Dentes6. Lngua7. Roupa8. Adereo9. Cabelos10. Pintura digitalUm personagem completo, aps o curso o aluno estar apto a criar qualquer personagem 3d feminino no estilo cartoon.Alm do BNUS no final do curso que ser escultura digital do busto de uma outra personagem. Quem sou eu para te ensinar modelagem 3d no Zbrush?Ol, sou Edson e serei seu instrutor nesse curso de modelagem de personagem para jogos no Zbrush.A anos pesquiso e estudo sobre modelagem e animao 3d, sempre em busca de aprimorar minhas habilidades para compartilhar o melhor contedo.Meus primeiros passos na arte de criar personagens foi com um amigo meu que na poca era diretor dos estdios de animao do Maurcio de Souza.Depois estudei um pouco de modelagem 3d com um animador da Pixar e por ultimo ainda estudando animao 2D com um professor que foi animador da Disney.Busco todo esse conhecimento para entregar a voc o melhor treinamento possvel, hoje vivo de minhas habilidades, trabalhando atravs da internet.O que voc aprender nesse cursoNesse curso voc aprender a modelar um personagem para jogos ou animao no Zbrush e aprender as tcnicas mais usadas por profissionais da rea que prestam servios para a industria de games e animao.Ao final do curso voc estar apto para criar qualquer personagem para jogos utilizando essa poderosa ferramenta de escultura digital que o Zbrush.O que podemos fazer com o ZbrushSegundo o Wikipedia: O ZBrush conhecido por sua simplicidade, e por ser voltado ao leigo, j que at mesmo este pode obter excelentes resultados. Criado inicialmente para fins ilustrativos, o ZBrush comea a chamar a ateno e abrir os olhos de desenvolvedores de games e animaes 3d.O ZBrush uma ferramenta de escultura digital que combina modelagem 3D/2.5D, texturizao e pintura. Ele usa uma tecnologia proprietria ""pixol"" que armazena luz, cor, material e informaes detalhadas de todos os objetos na tela. A principal diferena entre ZBrush e mais pacotes de modelagem tradicional que ele se assemelha mais escultura. ZBrush usado como uma ferramenta de escultura digital para criar modelos de alta resoluo (at dez milhes de polgonos) para uso em filmes, jogos e animaes. Ele usado por companhias que variam da ILM Electronic Arts. Para quem esse curso?Esse curso para quem j possui habilidades bsicas com a ferramenta, uma vez que no ser ensinado como utilizar a ferramenta , embora, mostrarei todos os passos para o desenvolvimento do personagem. um curso para quem quer aprender a criar um personagem do zero at sua finalizao e que busca melhorar suas habilidades para trabalhar junto a grandes companias ou trabaho independente.Porque fazer esse curso?O diferencial desse curso que ele alm de ensinar voc a criar um personagem 3d para jogos no passo a passo como um profissional, voc aprender como gerar renda com suas novas habilidades e como poder buscar oportunidades no mercado de modelagem 3d para jogos.Ento no perca mais tempo, essa a sua oportunidade de aprender a criar um personagem para jogos da maneira correta, como os profissionais fazem, nos vemos no curso Vanessa Cartoon com Zbrush."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush: Crie Um Personagem 3D Akymi Estilo Cartoon + Pintura" |
"Trabalho de qualidade no ZbrushSe voc quer aprender a modelar uma cabea de personagem 3d feminino, com a qualidade que o mercado quer e poder mandar seu trabalho para estdios de jogos e animaes, ento esse curso para voc.A culpa no sua se ainda no consegue criar um trabalho de qualidade no Zbrush e poder enviar esse trabalho para seu portflio e estdios, culpe os tutoriais dispersos na internet que mais atrapalham o seu desenvolvimento do que ajudam. preciso um mtodo que funcione, tcnicas aceleradas de modelagem e algum que conhece do assunto para te ensinar, agora voc no precisa procurar mais, voc tem tudo isso em um nico lugar nesse curso.Imagine voc criando um busto de uma personagem 3d, com a qualidade que os profissionais do mercado conseguem atingir? isso que voc poder fazer aps esse curso.Quem sou eu para te ensinarSou Edson Camacho, serei seu instrutor nesse curso e j estudei animao e desenho com um amigo meu, que foi diretor de arte do Maurcio de Souza, criador da turma da Mnica, mais a frente estudei introduo a animao 3d com um professor que foi animador do novo filme planeta dos macacos, hoje estudo animao 2d com um professor que foi animador da Disney, alm dos investimentos em cursos de modelagem 3d e criao de jogos com cursos autorizados pela Unity, sempre investindo para entregar o melhor contedo a voc, ento acredito que posso te ajudar nesse caminho.O que voc aprender nesse curso de ZbrushNesse curso voc aprender comigo as seguintes etapas:Blocagem do busto de uma personagem 3dAcrescentar detalhes com base na topologiaCriar e pintar olhos com qualidadePintar a face do personagemCriar cabelos com tcnica simplificadaPorque estudar ZbrushHoje com a expanso da rea 3d, as oportunidades no mercado esto crescendo e a demanda de novos profissionais aumentam, hora de voc investir em sua carreira, o mercado est te esperando.No falta oportunidade em mdios e grandes estdios da indstria do entretenimento, para profissionais em Zbrush, esse momento de voc avanar seu nvel de habilidades, para alcanar as oportunidades de mercado na rea de modelagem 3d com Zbrush.Ento espero voc para se juntar ao nosso grupo de artstas 3d que s cresce!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"HTML & CSS For Beginners: Create your first website" |
"On this course Tuomo Kankaanp from teaches how to create modern and professional looking website for your business. This course is totally beginner friendly and requires no previous knowledge about creating websites. At the end of this course, you will have the skills to create a modern professional looking website from scratch using HTML and CSS.Websites are everywhere and creating websites, especially great looking websites is a needed skill in this day and age. Often it is thought to be a difficult and complicated task. This is not the case however!So whether you are a photographer looking to create a business or portfolio website, a business owner looking to create a modern website for your business or if you are just interested in learning how to create a modern professional looking website, this course is for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction au Marketing de contenu - Gagner des clients" |
"Vous avez entendu parler du marketing de contenu, Vous vous tes dj lanc dans le marketing de contenu mais vous n'arrivez pas encore obtenir des rsultats ou alors, Vous souhaitez prendre le bon dpart pour attirer des prospects et ensuite les convertir en clients.Vous tes au bon endroit!Cette srie de formation, vous permet :- D'abord de comprendre le marketing de contenu - Module 1, puis - Dfinir votre stratgie de marketing de contenu - Module 2, et enfin - Mettre en uvre votre stratgie - Module 3.A tout de suite au module 1 de la formation!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Browsers to Buyers: 21 Powerful Website Copywriting Hacks" |
"IS YOUR WEBSITE COSTING YOU SALES?Tell me if this sounds familiar...You spent weeks agonising over your website copy.Or maybe you sold a body part (at least it felt like it) to hire a pro-copywriter......AND YET!Your website STILL isnt pulling its weight.- It's not attracting the right customers.- It's not reeling in the leads.- It's not supporting your lifestyle.And worse...You're worried it's scaring people away!IF THAT SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT, THEN KEEP READING.You've watched endless YouTube tutorials... ""How to write a landing page... a sales about page.But you still have that niggling sense something's not quite right.Your mind drifts to places like:""Is my copy too boring, too cluttered, too haphazard?"" and:""This is 100% overwhelming! I have no idea how to structure my website and word it the right way!"" and:""Its excruciating! It's like writing a resume -- but worse.""You've heard that copywriting is the key to selling -- that words can make or break a business...Yet yours? Are falling flat.The lights are on, but no-ones buying.You're frustrated, baffled and frankly stuck between not wanting to shell out thousands of dollars for a professional copywriter......and worried sick at your barely-breaking-even salesI HEAR YOU!Its beyond frustrating when every word feels like a shot in the dark. When you've stared at your home page FOREVER......Rehashing, doctoring, fudging your words and all of it based on guesswork.Youre sick of trying to memorise articles like 55 Ways to Write Headlines and 114+ Best Call To Actions' that do nothing but leave you more confused.You want a shortcut to a curated checklist of timeless tips and hacks.The sales psychology and copy strategies that give you the biggest bang for your buck. And in as LITTLE time as possible.DID YOU FIND YOURSELF NODDING ALONG THERE?PERFECT!Youre 100% in the right place THE TRUTH IS:You shouldnt let copy confusion and lack of writing confidence be the thing that holds you back. Meaning, if you want to hit your revenue goals...If you want to build a buzzing business that gives you the life youve always dreamed of......then you need to do something different than youve already been doing.I WANT YOU TO IMAGINE FOR A FRESHLY BREWED POT O COFFEE MOMENT A WORLD WHERE YOU COULD- Write website copy knowing your messages are in the right order - Grab peoples attention with headlines that get them nodding along furiously- Persuade potential customers to sign up/download/buy now- Never have to worry about how to structure your web copy - Harness feedback in a way that hooks casual readers and converts them into customers.- Seduce your customers using psychology-based number tricks- Shortcut your way to more leads without spending money on Google ads or FB retargeting- Get more people to say YES using universal persuasion principles. (In a way that feels good and right and ethical.)- Effortlessly blend your voice with sales psychology to make selling 10x easier.I KNOW, RIGHT? SOUNDS ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE.BUT KNOW THIS:YOU CAN ACHIEVE ALL OF THIS BY SIMPLY USING THIS CHECKLIST STRATEGICALLY.All of this is within your reach with a few battle-tested sales psychology tacticsThese tactics have been the secret weapon of the worlds most successful brands for over 100 years.I WANT TO INTRODUCE YOU TO MY SECRET BUSINESS-BUILDING WEAPON:Browsers to Buyers is my step-by-step course where Ill share with you my super-effective conversion copy checklist.So you can stop guessing and start growing your business in the most efficient and economical way possible. With your WORDS.Discover the conversion copy tactics Ive taught over 19,000+ other students.The tools and techniques to grow your revenue fast.THESE ARE THE EXACT SAME TACTICS I USED TO BUILD A FLOURISHING BUSINESS AND A BEST-SELLING COPYWRITING COURSE.AND THE REALLY BEAUTIFUL PART?I'll show you tips and strategies that will make you a better marketer, all round.We're not just trying to increase your conversion rates here. We're growing your marketing chops with focused intention.WHATS INCLUDED? SO GLAD YOU ASKED! IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to proven techniques that will improve the conversion rate of your website.16-PAGE WORKBOOK so you can follow along, optimise and LEARN as you go. ONE HOUR OF BRIGHT, ENGAGING VIDEO TUTORIALS chopped into bite-sized chunks. SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN STRATEGIES That. Just. Work. RINSE AND REPEAT FORMULAS that remove guesswork and fill you with confidence. EXTRA BONUS RESOURCES, downloadable PDFs and links to anchor your learningHERE'S WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT MY OTHER COURSES: ""Crucial strategies for anyone who wants to persuade with their words. This course is worth five times the price."" ""Aprendiendo formas de redaccin en poco tiempo con herramientas tiles para usar ya.""""The teaching is so amazing, so nice and fun to hear her lecturing ! Way to many examples and missions to improve which is UNIQUE and so helpful ! If there's was only a way to keep in touch or contact the teacher more easier, it be even more amazing ! THANK YOU""""The lectures are so logical and easy to follow, I'm already applying persuasion techniques to my writing and seeing results.""""Love it. Good teacher, great curriculum, and real-world examples and applications. Very nice."" Sonny de OliveiraENROL TODAY! -- (YOU'VE REALLY GOT 2 CHOICES NOW)1) You could keep tweaking your website ... guessing at which words to use and where to put them. 2) You could steal my copy strategies and get awesome results in just a few weeks. Yep, WEEKS.HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT MY COPYWRITING COURSES: ""Its a good match for me. As I'm a fresh grad trying to help expand my parents' business. This is a perfect course to leverage my marketing skills.""""I started this course cause I was struggling with writing my website copy. It gave me lots of tips and example that I could use immediately and now my website copy, and not only, is much much better! Thank you, Tamsin! Simone p.s. and thank you for improving the audio of the course ;-)"" Simone Mei""I love being able to follow systems and formulas and know that they're going to get me results.""""The course so far is absolutely fantastic. Loads of well-thought-out and creative information, tricks and (most importantly) a massive time-saver for any current or aspiring writer.""THINK ABOUT WHERE YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS TO BE THIS TIME NEXT YEAR... OR EVEN 6 MONTHS FROM NOWDo you have a mentor, coach or plan to get you there? You can use the simple checklist I teach here in Browsers to Buyers to help you reach your business goals faster than ANY other programme, membership or marketing method.WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE? HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT MY COPYWRITING COURSES: ""I've been writing ad copies particularly on Google Adwords and Bing Ads for a few years now as an SEO and SEM guy. I don't have any formal copywriting or related courses so getting Ms. Henderson's course is a huge help! I've already applied some of the things I've learned to my work and saw BIG and better results! Highly recommended!"" Nikolai Lacson""She is a great instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, the best so far. The content is excellent and she did it in such a timely manner. Would definitely recommend her."" Annie Watson""I love the instructor's take on this course, it's very insightful but also not boring like a long class lecture."" Karen Hill""Great course very in-depth!!"" Joshua harp""Within 5 minutes Tamsin had given me 3 powerful and free tools that will revolutionize my writing. I couldn't be happier! Can't wait for the rest of the content.""REMEMBER!Browsers to Buyers is a simple checklist system of PROVEN copywriting tactics.The same tactics relied upon by the world's most successful entrepreneurs and marketers.I'm confident you'll benefit from them, too. GET READY TO SHAKE THINGS UPIf you want to turn your website into a sales machine (and create a better life for yourself), then Browsers to Buyers is the course you need to make it happen -- fast.To your success!- Tam"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Implement Adobe Analytics - The Ultimate Student Guide" |
"In this course, you will learn how to implement Adobe Analytics on your website using Adobe Experience Platform Launch. You will learn to take business requirements, translate them into an implementation solution, and code them directly on the page.Adobe Analytics is Real time Customer Intelligence Tool where you can put data at the center for every marketing moment and enhance your business opportunities. Adobe Analytics is integrated into each solution of Adobe marketing cloud which means you can learn from every customer experience across digital interactions like mobile, web as well as offline interaction such as store visits, phone calls etc. In this course, you will learn to design and code customized variables, effective usage of predefined variables provided by Adobe, creating processing rules, campaign tracking, working with success events, conversions etc. and much more along with best practices to help you fully take advantage of Adobe Analytics through proper implementation. Go from Beginner to Intermediate:**The course will help you to start from scratch and prepare from basic to intermediate level in order to have a good, clean implementation, which will will help you optimize your website. Don't forget to add the Adobe Analytics Extension and learn to publish the libraries using Adobe Launch**This Course Also Comes With... Lifetime Access to All Future Updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadNote: Updates will be released soon with Advanced topics.."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms Developer Hands-on Labs" |
"AEM Forms is an Adobe Experience Manager's capability allowing easy-to-use solution to create, manage, publish, and update complex digital forms while integrating with back-end processes, business rules, and data. It provides form management tools that let you manage Adaptive forms, XFA forms, PDF forms and related assets. In large enterprises, forms are often created once and reused by copying to a content management system. Keeping a large database of forms up-to-date and making them discoverable can be a considerable challenge. AEM provides a customizable Forms Portal that ensures that customers find and access forms they need across both web and mobile channels.AEM Forms is simple to understand and simple to adopt. The course will help you start from the basics and go all the way create and manage your own customized forms. The course covers foundational AEM Forms topics and techniques and is well designed and created for Beginners. You will learn best practices for creating AEM Forms templates and adaptive forms.It includes lots of examples and hands-on labs and aims at providing students with first-hand experience with course concepts. You can follow along the course by setting up your own lab environment. Topics include Adaptive Form Templates, Panels and Fields, Scripting and Rule Editor, Themes, DoRs (Documents of Record) etc. Each topic includes hands-on exercises to implement your new knowledge.What youll learnIntroduction and How to create your Adaptive Forms ApplicationCreate Adaptive Form Templates and add structure and contentCreate Editable Templates and forms based on Editable TemplatesWork with multiple types of TemplateCreate Adaptive Forms based on Schema and XDP TemplatesConfiguring the Panel and FieldsConfidently create your own ThemesWork with Scripting and Rule EditorGenerate Document of RecordsMuch more.. on the way.. :)Resources you can use to practice:For themes: in Section 7For Adaptive Form: SmartDoc-Adaptive Form in Section 2"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Turn Your App Idea Into A Business" |
"There are many people who have an app idea but aren't sure how to bring their idea to life. Maybe it's just a single idea or maybe you have several different ideas that you'd like to work on. Whether it's a mobile application or a website application; the process is the same.During this class, you will learn how to plan, execute and test your ideas in a real world situation and you'll understand the importance of using groups of people to trial your app on a smaller scale before going big.You don't need to know anything about programming to take this class. All you need is motivation to start and you'll need around 20 minutes of spare time to watch this class from start to finish. Everything in this class is packed with information - straight to the point.In this class you will learn:- How to identify your target audience and design your app to fit their needs.- How to identify the skills required to build your app. You may have them all, or you may need a co-founder to help you. This class covers both situations.- What you actually need to start a new app business. You don't need office space or any expensive equipment - I'll tell you why.- The best place to find a co-founder who can help you bring your app to life. You won't learn to code during this class - instead you'll learn how to find someone who can help you with the technical aspects of the business.- How to make a basic version (Minimal Viable Product) to be able to test the concept before you spend time and other resources building the full version.- Free tools and online resources that you can use to communicate with your co-founder (if you need one) and to design the prototype of the app.Class objective:By the end of this 20 minute class, you'll know how to build your app idea from scratch. Whether you have a mobile app idea for Android or iOS, or you have an idea for a website application; you'll learn the fundamentals of how to work quickly and test each version that you release quickly and build on it each time.You'll know which online tools to use to make your business processes more streamlined and you'll know how to find a technical co-founder if you don't have the coding skills required.Anything is possible in the world of technology - take the first step after watching this class and make your ideas come to life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Saving Data In Your iOS App using Core Data" |
"All apps manage the display, retrieval, and persistence of data. Being able to save data locally is very important in order to continue to provide a good user experience for the users of your app who are operating in an offline mode or have an unstable internet/cellular connection. Core Data is a powerful technology that Apple provides that allows data to be persistent in memory as well as saved into a SQLite database stored on the device.This class covers specialized topics around Core Data as well as fundamentals of Test Driven Development. This course is broken down as follows:Learning what Core Data is and implementing out our Core Data APIsTesting our Core Data APIs using concepts of Test Driven DevelopmentConnecting Our Core Data APIs to our app UI.Learning techniques for preloading data at app startup.This class is intended for intermediate iOS developers who already are familiar with the fundamental skills and want to extend those skills to locally persist data using Core Data.Specific Topics Covered In This Course:Fundamentals of the Core Data APIDifferent ways of persisting data using Core Data (in memory, SQLite)Learning how to utilize the NSPersistentContainerLearning how to create a managed object model (NSManagedObjectModel)How to structure data relationships in the NSManagedObjectModelLoading cached data into a table view using a NSFetchedResultsControllerFetching, saving, deleting, and updating NSManagedObjects using a NSManagedObjectContextTechniques for unit testing by applying concepts of test driven development (TDD)Dependency InjectionTechniques for pre loading locally bundled data into your application at startupTechnologies Used In This Course:Swift 4 and higherXcode 10 and highermacOS operating system"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apache Beam A Hands-On course to build Big data Pipelines" |
"Apache Beam is a unified and portable programming model for both Batch and Streaming use cases.Earlier we could run Spark, Flink & Cloud Dataflow Jobs only on their respective clusters. But now Apache Beam has come up with a portable programming model where we can build language agnostic Big data pipelines and run it using any Big data engine (Apache Spark, Flink or in Google Cloud Platform using its Cloud Dataflow and many more Big data engines).Apache Beam is the future of building Big data processing pipelines and is going to be accepted by mass companies due to its portability. Many big companies have even started deploying Beam pipelines in their production servers.What's included in the course ?Complete Apache Beam concepts explained from Scratch to Real-Time implementation.Each and every Apache Beam concept is explained with a HANDS-ON example of it.Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Apache Beam's official documentation.Build 2 Real-time Big data case studies using Beam.Codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guida per Sviluppatori a Django REST Framework e Vue JS" |
"Ciao! Benvenuto o Benvenuta al corso Guida per Sviluppatori a Django REST Framework e Vue JS!In questo corso imparerai a creare REST API professionali con Python e Django REST Framework, e tutte le basi di Vue JS necessarie per la creazione di potenti Single Page Applications, Web App moderne simili a quelle attualmente usate da aziende come Google, Instagram, Quora e Twitter!Hai mai notato quanto siano performanti e veloci i siti e i servizi web offerti da queste aziende? Pensa ad esempio ad Instagram, o a Twitter, oppure a Gmail.Questo avviene grazie all'utilizzo di Single Page Applications, Web App sviluppate seguendo un approccio allo sviluppo moderno chiamato API First, che imparerai iscrivendoti a questo corso.Ci consente alle aziende di rendere disponibili gli stessi servizi sincronizzati anche da app client esterne al sito, come app per smartphone, che si connettono ai servizi offerti proprio tramite REST API, garantendo un'esperienza d'uso confortevole e sicura ai propri utenti.Ma questo forse gi lo sapevi. Ti piacerebbe imparare?Questo corso strutturato per essere la tua guida di riferimento in Italiano allo Sviluppo Web moderno con Django e Vue JS, due Framework tra i pi usati al mondo, accrescendo le tue abilit di developer in un settore dove restare competitivi e al passo coi tempi fondamentale.Iniziando dalla parte Back-End, scriverai la tua prima API con Django e acquisirai grande familiarit con Django REST Framework, la libreria pi usata per la creazione di REST API con questo Framework, e ci ti permetter anche di avere a disposizione, tutti i package del vasto ecosistema Python e Django, pronti per essere usati.Analizzeremo tutti gli aspetti pi importanti del suo utilizzo, come i sistemi di permessi e l'autenticazione tramite sessione e token, in modo che tu possa creare Web App professionali e sicure in breve tempo, per te, la tua azienda o i tuoi clienti, facilmente. Passando alla parte Front-End, imparerai tutte le basi del potente Framework Frontend Vue JS, con cui potrai creare componenti reattivi per i tuoi progetti e moderne Single Page Applications.Iscrivendoti al corso otterrai accesso istanteneo a tutte le lezioni in alta definizione e agli aggiornamenti futuri del corso, avrai la possibilit di scaricare tutte le slides e il codice utilizzato, cos da poterlo confrontare con quello che scriverai anche tu.Otterrai inoltre accesso all'area studenti, dove potrai espormi eventuali domande riguardo agli argomenti delle lezioni e scambiare pareri e informazione con gli altri studenti e studentesse che gi si sono iscritti.Iscriviti anche tu!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Django REST Framework and Vue JS" |
"Hi! Welcome to The Complete Guide to Django REST Framework and Vue JS course! In this course you will learn how to create professional REST APIs with Python and Django REST Framework, and all the Vue JS basics that you need to know to create powerful Single Page Applications, modern web applications similar to those currently used by companies like Google, Instagram, Quora and Twitter!Have you ever noticed how fast and reliable the websites and services offered by these companies are? Just think about Instagram, Twitter, or Gmail!This happens thanks to the use of Single Page Applications, Web Apps developed following a modern approach to development called API First, which you will learn when you enroll in this course.This allows companies to offer the same synchronized services across multiple client applications such as smartphone and desktop apps, that can then connect to the services via REST API, providing a comfortable and safe experience to their users.Perhaps you already knew this. Would you like to learn how to do it yourself?Enroll now, and bring your skills to the next level!This course is designed to be your complete reference and learning guide to modern Web Development with Django and Vue JS, two of the most used Frameworks in the Industry, increasing your skills as a developer in a job market where staying competitive and up to date is paramount.Starting from the Back End, you will write your first API with Django and you will master Django REST Framework, the most used library for creating REST APIs with this Framework.We will analyze Django REST Framework's most important features such as the permission and authentication systems(using both session and token authentication!) so that you can create professional and reliable Web Apps in a short time for yourself, your company or your clients!Moving on to the Front End, you will learn all the basics of Vue JS, that you can use to create reactive components for your projects and modern Single Page Applications from scratch.As soon as you enroll you will get access to all the course's lessons in high definition and all the future updates to the course, and you will also be able to download all the slides and the source code.You will also get access to the Q&A section, where you can ask questions about the topics of the course and exchange information with all the students who have already enrolled in the course.What are you waiting for?Enroll now, and bring your skills to the next level!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sviluppo Web con Python e Flask: Crea il Tuo Blog Personale" |
"Ciao! Benvenuto o Benvenuta al corso Sviluppo Web con Python e Flask: Crea il Tuo Blog Personale! In questo corso imparerai tutto ci che devi sapere per creare Siti e Applicativi Web Professionali con Flask, il Web Framework Python con cui stato creato LinkedIn, il Social Network per Professionisti.Perch questo corso?Se conosci le basi di Python, HTML e CSS, e vuoi accrescere le tue abilit per migliorare la tua vita professionale, avviare un business nel mondo della tecnologia, restare competitivo nel mondo del lavoro o semplicemente imparare a creare siti web complessi e professionali con Python per te e per i tuoi clienti, questo corso stato pensato e realizzato anche per te.Impararai a usare Flask con un approccio 100% pratico, tramite la creazione di un caso d'uso reale.Costruiremo infatti assieme un blog moderno e responsivo con sistema di autenticazione e permessi, upload di immagini, editor completo dei post, accesso completo al database, una fantastico interfaccia grafica e tanto altro ancora!Ti insegneremo anche come collegare il sito ad un dominio web e come generare un certificato SSL/TLS, cos che tu possa connetterti ai siti che creerai in maniera sicura tramite HTTPS.Inoltre come il titolo suggerisce, una volta terminato il corso, oltre ad aver appreso come usare Flask nel migliore dei modi, disporrai anche di un Blog Professionale che potrai usare da subito come tuo Blog Personale, che potrai usare per farti conoscere nel mondo dello svilluppo software da potenziali colleghi e datori di lavoro.Una volta iscritto otterrai accesso immediato a tutte le lezioni in alta definizione, alle slides e al codice utilizzato.Otterrai inoltre accesso all'area studenti, dove potrai espormi eventuali domande riguardo agli argomenti delle lezioni e scambiare pareri e informazione con gli altri studenti e studentesse che gi si sono iscritti.Iscriviti anche tu!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Goal setting! Make 2020 your most successful year yet!" |
"Hey there!Are you tired of having another year passing by without feeling like you made a real difference to your life?Are you tired of boring goals and 'I should' kinda New Years Resolutions? I'm talking about stuff like 'I should give up smoking..', 'I should go to the gym more often...'. 'I should create more content and watch less TV...', 'I should eat healthier...'. While these might make sense, they might simply not be important to you right now! What if you could get to the core of what truly matters to you and set relevant goals instead? Then this course is for you! We are facing the year 2020! The start of a new decade!! Where have you been 10 years ago and where could you be in the next 10 years?? This course is for you if you really want to take responsibility for your life and make big changes - in a completely non-scary way! This course is for you if you want to learn how not only to set goals but also how to achieve them.This course is for you if you are willing to put in the work to actively create the life you want.This course is for you if you want to make 2020 a fantastic year.This course is for you if you want to set New Years Resolutions that truly matter to you.This course is for you if you want to figure out what you want and set goals that help you achieve it.Sounds good? Then check out the free videos or enroll immediately. Ready? I'm looking forward to seeing you inside the course! Best,Stephanie"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Total Chi-Kung: Respiracin y Ejercicios (rganos/Emociones)" |
"En este curso aprenders tcnicas orientales para la gestin emocional, a travs de la respiracin y ejercicios de movimiento fsico, de acuerdo a la filosofa oriental China.Entenders la relacin que existe entre los 5 elementos (tierra, madera, fuego, agua y metal) con los rganos del cuerpo y las emociones, y de qu forma podrs gestionar las emociones mediante los movimientos corporales, con la visualizacin del rgano y la intencin del flujo de la energa.Podrs practicar una meditacin guiada de atencin plena o mindfulness"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino e Impresin 3d , Construye Tu Propio Robot" |
"Te ayudar a construir un Robot con Arduino e ( Impresin 3d o Corte Lser ) de una manera sper sencilla y paso a paso ! Te ensear todo el proceso para que construyas tu propio Robot adquiriendo nuevas habilidades y conociendo los conceptos bsicos de robtica ! Tendrs a tu disposicin todos los recursos necesarios para poderle darle vida a un Cuadrpedo con programacin sencilla y clara en Arduino , (tendrs los cdigos , archivos digitales del chasis).Aprenders a crear tu propia aplicacin para Android para controlar al Robot va Bluetooth.Tendrs acceso a un grupo de Telegram exclusivo solo para alumnos donde podrs tener soporte sobre la construccin paso a paso de tu Robot , tendrs soporte sobre tu cdigo en Arduino , soporte sobre Impresin 3d , etc .Al finalizar el curso habrs construido un Genial Robot Araa al cual podrs personalizarlo al 100% aadindole infinidad de nuevos mdulos a la plataforma Arduino o creando con Impresin 3d algn nuevo diseo para adaptarle al Robot.Se seguirn subiendo secciones sobre la construccin de nuevos proyectos relacionados a Arduino e Impresin 3d , siguiendo las crticas constructivas de ustedes cmo alumnos.Att. Analista en Sistemas Christian Regalado Sarmiento.Saludos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico. Jammer Wifi fcil y rpido." |
"Hola! Soy Christian Regalado Sarmiento, Diseador Grfico 3d y Analista en Sistemas, te doy la bienvenida al curso Hacking tico . Jammer Wifi facil y rpido. Con simples , rpidos y sencillos pasos crearemos un jammer wifi para hacer escaneo o ataques a redes inalmbricas , que nos servirn para sacar a intrusos de nuestra red, para hacer anlisis de vulnerabilidades en redes wifi."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |