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"Modelado en Zbrush e Impresin 3d !" |
"Hola! Soy Christian Regalado Sarmiento, Diseador Grfico 3d y Analista en Sistemas, te doy la bienvenida al curso Modelado en Zbrush e Impresin 3d . Todo empieza con una idea , y esa idea la convertiremos en realidad mediante el modelado de personajes en Zbrush , para luego imprimirlo en 3d , al finalizar veremos las tcnicas usadas en Marketing Online para publicar y vender de una manera mas rpida todos nuestros productos de nuestras empresas , automatizando todo el proceso mediante bots , en ste caso usar Manychat. Tambin tendremos un apartado completo sobre la impresin 3d , ya que todas las figuras creadas las imprimiremos en filamento pla y veremos todo el proceso de impresin.Los programas a usar sern :Para el modelado : Zbrush , se recomienda el 2019.Para pintar algunos modelos : El mismo Zbrush o keyshotPara generar el archivo de impresin 3d : Ultimaker Cura 4.0.Filamento que uso : PLAImpresora que uso : Ender-3 , Anet a8 , Anet e12.Plataforma para el Marketing de Nuestro Negocio : Manychat , "" versin free""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino e Impresin 3d : Crea un Dispensador de alimentos" |
"En ste curso de acceso inmediato aprenders paso a paso a CONSTRUIR un DISPENSADOR de alimentos para GATOS que te sea TIL, ya sea el caso de presentar el Proyecto en tu COLEGIO o UNIVERSIDAD para alguna FERIA de CIENCIAS o que te sea Rentable para Venderlo a tus clientes y FIDELIZAR mucho mejor tu MARCA o MICRO-EMPRESA.Cmo alumno debers tener conocimientos bsicos sobre el manejo de la Plataforma Arduino , as mismo conocimientos bsicos sobre electricidad , no se necesitan conocimientos sobre impresin 3d ya que pueden enviar a hacer el chasis en algn local comercial. Tambin necesitan hacer una mnima inversin para adquirir los componentes electrnicos o mdulos para conectarle al Arduino."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino : Construye un Dispensador de Bebidas Fcilmente !" |
"Iremos Paso a Paso creando el Proyecto de una manera muy Sencilla y Divertida, tu dispondrs de todos los recursos para armar el Prototipo , Cdigos de la programacin, Archivos digitales del chasis tanto para Impresin 3d y Corte Lser . Nos vamos a centrar en la programacin en Arduino , tambin en la creacin de la Aplicacin para nuestro dispositivo Mvil para que nuestro Prototipo sea controlado via Bluetooth.Lo mejor de todo es que te Divertirs Construyendo el Proyecto , porque a ms de ser creativo es muy til ya sea para que lo presentes cmo Proyecto en tu Colegio o Universidad o para que Cautives a tus Clientes en tu Micro Empresa.Al crear ste proyecto podrs presumir en las fiestas o reuniones sociales de tu familia , te aseguro que sers la sensacin de la fiesta.Podrs Ingresar a un grupo exclusivo de alumnos en Telegram en el cul te dar todo el soporte para que puedas crear y concluir con tu Dispensador de Bebidas o Mquina de Ccteles.Apntate YA ! y te espero en las primeras lecciones.Saludos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"STAAD Pro: For Complete Beginners [From ZERO to HERO]" |
"Description of The CourseThis course titled "" STAAD Pro: From Beginner Pro [From ZERO to HERO]"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a building. This course, as the title says, doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do structural design of a building. You can work as a structural designer or can do the structural design of buildings on your own projects. Description of the Software STAAD Pro stands for Structural Analysis and Design Program. STAAD.Pro V8i is the leading Structural Analysis and Design Software from Bentley. The Letter i stands for intuitive, interactive, incredible and interoperable. STAAD.Pro is the professional's choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel design of virtually any structures including culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more. Bentley sounds V8i is the most complete and noteworthy release in its history, which took a total investment of over a billion dollars and extents across the vast array disciplines with fundamental subject and assignment endures to be Sustaining Infrastructure."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Estatstica 2 (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!" |
"****MENSAGEM DE BOAS VINDAS****Linguagem simples a frmula para promover o aprendizado!Este o segundo curso da srie ""Estatstica (para leigos)"". Venha fazer parte deste curso que est tendo boa aceitao dos alunos iniciantes (veja os comentrios!). aqui que voc continua a aprender estatstica por meio de uma sequncia lgica de ensino!Eu sou o Prof. Uanderson Rebula e ensino estatstica h mais de 10 anos em universidades da regio Sul Fluminense (RJ). Sou Mestre em Engenharia de Produo, coordenador de cursos de graduao e ps-graduao, autor de vrios livros e tenho 21 anos de experincia industrial (Companhia Siderrgica Nacional - CSN). Deixei a indstria para me dedicar voc!A metodologia que uso neste curso a mesmssima praticada em sala de aula. Ela se baseia na pirmide de aprendizagem do psiquiatra William Glasser, onde afirma que ""aprendemos 30% quando observamos e 80% quando efetivamente fazemos"". Por isso, neste curso voc vai aprender observando as vdeo-aulas e fazendo muitos exerccios! Aqui ocorre o inverso dos cursos online tradicionais: quem faz voc e eu serei o seu guia e no um chefe!****GANHE BRINDES****Ganhe de brinde um software gratuito de estatstica (no verso teste, gratuito mesmo!), simples e intuitivo, ideal para voc trabalhar com os contedos estudados nos cursos de Estatstica I e 2 (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!****SEM DELONGAS, VEJA DETALHES DO CURSO****Este curso ideal para voc que:Tem pouca habilidade com matemtica, leigo ou iniciante em estatstica ou deseja revisar os seus contedos;J fez o curso de ""Estatstica I (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido"" e quer estudar MAIS estatstica comigo!;Deseja estudar estatstica por meio de uma linguagem fcil, rpida e prtica, e com uma sequncia lgica de ensino;Procura um curso recheado de exerccios propostos e que d a oportunidade para tentar resolv-los e que so todos corrigidos nas vdeo-aulas num ritmo agradvel;Precisa estudar estatstica para aplicar no trabalho, concursos pblicos, ENEM, ENADE, Data Science etc;O que torna esse curso diferenciado dos demais?Diferentemente dos tradicionais, este curso ensina a teoria associada prtica, pois dedica 75% da carga horria aos exerccios propostos e apenas 25% para a teoria de uma forma rpida e fcil. So mais de 60 exerccios propostos para voc tentar resolver e com um aumento gradual do nvel de dificuldade, justamente para ajudar o aluno na fixao dos contedos e no entendimento das formulas e clculos;Todos os exerccios so resolvidos nas vdeos-aulas passo a passo e num ritmo agradvel. como se estivesse em uma sala de aula presencial e com um professor exclusivo. No tem como no aprender!O curso dispe um livro digital (em pdf) com toda a teoria discutida nas aulas, alm dos exerccios propostos e resolues comentadas.Eu vou te ensinar da seguinte maneira:Vou explicar a teoria e propor exerccios;Voc vai tentar resolver todos os exerccios propostos (esta a parte mais importante do curso!);Vou corrigir todos os exerccios propostos nas vdeo-aulas, passo a passo!Esses so os contedos que voc vai estudar comigo (e trabalhar muito!)Conhecendo o curso e o plano de estudoSeja Bem-vindo (a)!Como ser o curso? O que voc aprender? Qual o contedo do livro digital?Medidas Separatrizes: conceitos bsicos e interpretaoO que so medidas separatrizes? Para que servem?Diagrama de caixas (ou grfico Boxplot)Exemplo de aplicao das medidas separatrizesExerccios propostos de interpretao das medidas separatrizesResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8, 9, 10 e 11Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 12, 13, 14 e 15Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 16, 17 e 18Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 19, 20 e 21Medidas Separatrizes: aprendendo a calcularIntroduo e resumo do que ser estudado no Captulo II do livro digital.Medidas Separatrizes: aprendendo a calcular o QuartilQuartil simples, de Distribuio de frequncia e histograma sem classesQuartil de Distribuio de frequncia e histograma com classes e exercciosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5, 6 e 7Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 8, 9 e 10Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 11, 12, 13 e 14Medidas Separatrizes: aprendendo a calcular o Decil e o PercentilDecil e Percentil simples, de Distribuio de frequncia e histograma sem classeDecil e Percentil de Distribuio frequncia e histograma com classe e exercciosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5, 6 e 7Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 8, 9 e 10Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 11, 12, 13 e 14Uma rpida conversa!Diagrama de Ramo e Folhas e Diagrama de PontosO que so Diagrama de Ramo e Folhas? Para que servem? Como constru-lo?Diagrama de Ramo e Folhas: um caso de aplicao realO que so Diagrama de Pontos? Para que servem? Como constru-lo?Exerccios propostos de Diagrama de Ramo e Folhas e Diagrama de PontosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8 e 9Uma mensagem final!GOSTOU? ENTO NO DEIXE PARA DEPOIS! INSCREVA-SE AGORA! SE NO GOSTAR, VOC TEM UM PRAZO 30 DIAS PARA PEDIR REEMBOLSO. MAS GARANTO QUE NO SE ARREPENDER! Veja tambm o curso ""ESTATSTICA I (PARA LEIGOS):APRENDA FCIL E RPIDO!"", disponvel na Udemy."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Self Defense From A Seated Position" |
"ATTACKED WHILE SITTING DOWN? OVERPOWER AND DESTROY THE ATTACKER TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE, YOUR LOVED ONES AND YOUR PROPERTY.Malicious physical attacks can happen to anyone at any time and they usually occur at a moment of vulnerability which gives the attacker an optimal advantage. One of the most vulnerable position is when seated on a seat. We spend the most part of our days seated, whether it is in the office, on a plane, at school, or in the subway. Wheelchair users are even more vulnerable. You should be able to defend yourself against any kind of attack regardless of the location or whether you are standing or seated. Whether you are seated on your office chair or on the streets, on-board a train or a plane, you should still be able to overpower any attacker and protect your life and property. You remember the passenger who was violently dragged off a United Airlines flight? You have also probably heard of cases where a subway ride ends in sexual assault and other forms of sexual harassment on the subway. Attacks, while you are in a seated position, are very common and can happen to anyone. This course equips you with effective self defense techniques to dismantle, break or even kill if necessary, any attacker who tries to harm you when you are in a seated position. Wheelchair users will definitely find this course extremely useful.WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SELF DEFENSE WHEN SITTING ON A SEAT The common approach to attacks while sitting on your seat is getting up before the attacker gets close. This sounds as a great idea but it may not always work. First of all, there are those who cannot get up because of physical challenges, particularly wheelchair users. More often than not you will get caught off guard. Even for physically fit guys, it may be too late to perceive an attack. The assailant may show little or no indication that he or she is about to attack you. You may be seated in a bus or a plane and the guy seated behind you just decides to attack you by either pulling your hair, choking you or violently attacking you in any manner possible. You may also find yourself seated on a seat browsing your smart phone and suddenly a malicious guy decides to attack you. You still need to defend yourself in such a scenario. There are lunatics, psychopaths, sex pests, guys on hard drugs and many other evil guys who will take advantage of your vulnerability and attack you. You need effective and lethal skills to protect yourself against such evil guys. This course equips with these handy skills. SELF DEFENSE FOR WHEELCHAIR USERS It is always believed that wheelchair users are helpless when faced with a threatening situation which requires them to protect themselves against a physical attack. This general misconception makes them very easy targets to anyone with the intention of hurting them. With this course, you should no longer feel vulnerable just because you are in a wheelchair. You can learn very helpful self-defense techniques that would come in handy when faced with an attack. These self-defense techniques are comprehensively shown in this course. Throughout the lesson, I break down what to do and what not to do in situation like this. The course addresses self defense techniques against different attacks including knife attacks, pushes, hair grabs, hair pulls, kicks and punches, chokes, strangulation, crude weapons and many more. SOME SELF DEFENSE TIPS WHILE SEATED i. If you are on a wheelchair, you can use it as a weapon In whatever kind of martial arts training class you attend, may it be Chinese martial arts, Japanese martial arts or kickboxing classes; the first self-defense technique for a wheelchair user should be how to use your wheelchair as a weapon. Many attackers will not expect you to use a wheelchair for attack and you can take this opportunity by pushing your wheelchair forward towards your attacker and hitting them right on the shin. The shin is a painful place and before they recollect themselves, take the opportunity to strike them in more vulnerable places like the groin. Pushing your wheelchair and hitting them on the shin can also throw them to the ground. ii. Aim for the groin When you are in a wheelchair, your attacker has an advantage over height because while he stands tall, all you see is his waist downwards. What you do not know is that you have the most vulnerable part of the attacker to use as your self-defense technique. In your position, aim for the groin area when your attacker approaches and throw a few punches. Hitting the attacker in the groin with all your energy can be enough to stop the attack. It can also make the attacker bend allowing you to make other lethal attacks to more vulnerable points such as the eyes and the neck. This may allow you to even go for a choke or a strangulation or even a neck crank. iii. When the wheelchair tips away Imagine a situation where you are ready to fight your attacker but he tips your wheelchair away and you have to fight from the ground. This might seem hard for a wheelchair user but it might also be one of the best opportunities to use your grappling techniques to subdue the attacker. Roll your body over to face upwards and use all the strength and the techniques you have acquired to fight back. Do not give up until either your attacker stops or you subdue him. iv. Conclusion Enroll in this course to learn how you can easily overpower any attacker who attempts to attack you while sitting down. Get the necessary self defense techniques to guarantee your safety regardless of whether you are seated or standing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Job Hunting Masterclass: From Jobless To Your Dream Job" |
"Whether you're currently unemployed or looking for a better job, this course will ensure you land that job you've always wanted!No, you don't have to work at a job you hate...& there's no reason for you to remain unemployed because you lack the skills and knowledge required to get the job you so desire.I've seen many people time and time again use outdated and ineffective job hunting methods for today's world and in the end complain about not landing the jobs they're after.If your strategy for getting your dream job is as follows then you need to stop:Creating a pretty looking resum.Submitting your resum along with your cover letter to HR departments.Applying to every job that comes your way hoping for a response.Applying to work at companies that you virtually know nothing about.Unfortunately, this is what most people do. And yes, as you probably know, these approaches simply dont work.It's time you've applied some really effective and proven job search methods to land the job of your dreams: A job that you wake up in the morning excited for and which pays you what youre worth!Heres what makes my method for landing your dream job more effective than any other:We'll spend some time figuring out what the perfect job, company & industry for you are! (hugely important)Prepare your in every way possible to land your dream job (preparation is key)You'll learn how to approach hiring managers as an exceptionally qualified candidate (almost no one uses this secret tip)Start networking like a champ and maximize your opportunitiesBecome super productive in your job search and as a result achieve guaranteed success in your job search!My course wont just ensure your success in getting your dream job, itll also transform you into a professional of the highest caliber whose talent, knowledge, skills & experience is recognized anywhere!My course is full of tips, tools, strategies and methods that will transform your perspective on job search. By the end of the course, youll know exactly what to do and how to do it. No longer will you be using outdated and non-effective job hunting strategies that produce nothing but frustration. Its time you used a proven process that produces results.Im excited to have you be part of my course. I hope to see you inside and to help you land your dream job. Get started now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Project Management in SAP Data Science Machine Learning" |
"In 2012, Harvard Business Review named data science the ""sexiest job of the 21st century."" Why are data scientists in such demand these days? The answer is that over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the data generated and retained by companies, and they need to leverage and exploit it. Data scientists are the people who make sense out of all this data and figure out just what can be done with it.If youre interested in learning about data science, this course will introduce you to the fundamentals of data preparation, predictive modeling, data science, and the deployment and maintenance of models in a business environment following a tried and tested project methodology.In the first week, well cover the fundamental challenges of business problem understanding and identifying the appropriate analytical approach. In the second week, well cover data preparation, selecting variables, and data encoding. Weeks three and four will introduce you to a wide range of algorithms such as decision trees, regression, neural networks, basket analysis, and simulation. Week five explains how we evaluate the performance of our models and the approaches we take to improve them. In week 6, youll learn about model deployment and maintenance, and well debunk some common myths.Data science is a complex subject to understand, but in this course youll learn about the fundamental principles, look at how the algorithms can add value to your business, and well demystify the complex processes. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to be a data scientist.Course ContentUnit # 1: Business & Data UnderstandingIntroduction to data Science.Introduction to Project MethodologyBusiness Understating Phase - OverviewDefine Project Success CriteriaData Understanding phase - OverviewInitial Data Analysis & Exploratory Data AnalysisUnit # 2: Data PreparationUnit # 3: Modeling (1)Unit # 4: Modeling (2)Unit # 5: EvaluationUnit # 6: Deployment & MaintenanceUnit # 7: Final ExamTarget AudienceAnybody with a basic understanding of data, data analysis, and simple mathematics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jak Stworzy Kurs Online na Udemy: Po Polsku (Unofficial)" |
"Kurs nie jest sponsorowany przez firm Udemy, Inc. ani z ni powizany. Jeli marzysz o generowaniu dochodu online, chcesz zwikszy wolno finansow, zarabia podczas snu i rozwaasz dzielenie si wiedz i dowiadczeniami na Udemy, ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Kurs w Caoci nagralimy po polsku.Dziki publikacji kursw na platformie Udemy po polsku, moesz:pozby si stresu, szefa, pracy od 8 do 16, uzyska swobod finansow, postawi na samorozwj, uczy si poprzez nauczanie, tworzy rdo dochodw w dogodnych dla Ciebie czasie, bez ""targetw"", ""deadlinw"" i tego typu presji,wreszcie poczu, e Twoje dziaania maj przeoenie na efekty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pierwszy taki kurs po polsku stanowi obszerny przewodnik, obejmujcy cay proces tworzenia kursu, od etapu planowania poprzez , dobr sprztu i oprogramowania, publikacj a nastpnie promocj kursu. Pokazuj w nim, jak stopniowo zbudowa narzdzie do zarabiania pienidzy w sposb, ktry mona pokocha - dzielc si tym, co dobrze znasz a moe by uyteczne dla wielu osb na caym wiecie. W treci tego kursu zaprezentuj:Jak wybra i zweryfikowa temat kursu online, Jak sprawdzi, czy kurs ma potencja zarabiania pienidzy,Jak przygotowa tre, struktur kursu online, Jak zaprojektowa konspekt kursu w intuicyjny i logiczny sposb,Jaki sprzt wybra do filmowania, wyposaenia studia nagra, montau, Jakie proste oprogramowanie potrzebne bdzie do montau video, patne i bezpatne, wyposaenie budetowe ale te bardziej wyszukane, Jak rejestrowa dwik, Jak nagra video, Jak synchronizowa dwik z video, Jak edytowa poszczeglne filmy, Jak publikowa kurs online na platformie Udemy, Jak promowa kurs online, na Facebook, Blogu, Youtube, we wasnym zakresie. Jak powikszy grono klientw - odbiorcw - studentw. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inwestycja w ten kurs zwrci si byskawicznie, wystarczy troch motywacji, spojrzenia z dystansu i waciwe planowanie. Niezalenie, czy chcesz stworzy kurs fotograficzny, z programowania, kurs ksigowoci, nurkowania, gotowania, czy moe rozwoju osobistego, ten kurs bdzie Twoim przewodnikiem w procesie tworzenia krok po kroku. Zatem docz do kursu ju dzisiaj i rozpocznij wasn podr ju dzisiaj!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mistrzowskie Wystpienia Publiczne i Prezentacje" |
"Kada publiczno zasuguje na ciekaw prezentacj i kady prelegent moe tak stworzy. Historia pokazuje ile wspaniaych projektw, produktw i biznesw usyszao swoje TAK!, dziki skutecznej prezentacji i wystpieniu.Ten kurs nauczy Ci podstawowych filarw tworzenia efektywnych i efektownych wystpie publicznych oraz prezentacji. Dziki niemu ju nigdy nie poczujesz si bezradny i zagubiony mylc o przygotowaniu prezentacji. Ta praktyczna wiedza stanie si Twoja baz , do wykorzystania w kadej sytuacji zawodowej. Prezentacja wynikw, pokaz produktu, wdroenie programu, szkolenie, wnioski, raporty, wdroenia itd itd . Ten praktycznykurs maza zadanie uwiadomi Cinajwaniejsze czynniki wyrniajce dobrego mwc.Kurs pozwalazdiagnozowa i pozby si samoogranicze, tak aby nasze wystpieniabyy trampolinami do sukcesu.W treci kursu znajdziesz szereg przydatnych przykadw i historii z ycia wzitych. Dziel si zarwno wasn pul dowiadcze jak i przytaczam najlepsze branowe przykady.Znajdziesz tu gotowe rozwizania i przykady, by krok po kroku nauczy si :- jak przygotowa swoje wystpienie- jak uywa sprawdzonych technik - co na pocztku, w rodku i na kocu wystpienia- jak stosowa uyteczne techniki , ktre ubarwiaj wystpienie- jak zarzdza emocjami swoimi i publicznoci - jak zarzdza swoja publicznoci - bez wzgldu na to czy masz przed sob 3 a moe 103 osoby - jak opanowa trem - jak tworzy historie ktre sprzedaj - jak radzi sobie z obiekcjami oraz trudnymi pytaniami z sali- jak podeprze si pomocami : proste i skuteczne prezentacje mulimedialne oraz praca z flipchartem W tym kursie, opierajc si na moim dowiadczeniu (i nie tylko) , chc Ci pokaza, e nie istnieje jeden skuteczny sposb tumienia strachu przed wystpieniami. Moja rada jest taka: sprbuj oderwa si od zdenerwowania i poka swojej publicznoci autentyczno i naturaln pewno siebie. To Ty decydujesz jak bd postrzega Ci inni. W tym kursie zebraam sprawdzone sekrety wystpie, ktre dotycz wszystkich dziaa (nie tylko zwizanych z trem) budujcych nasze wystpienie. Tak abymy byli efektywni i efektowni w oczach naszych odbiorcw.Jeli mwca demonstruje swoj niepewno wobec publicznoci, wtedy przemwienie zdecydowanie sabnie, wic wybierz najbardziej skuteczne i odpowiednie metody walki ze strachem przed wystpieniami publicznymi.Czy zdajesz sobie spraw, e 84% znanych aktorw i mwcw odczuwa silne objawy tremy? A pozostae 16% zwyczajnie si do nich nie przyznaje.Oznacza to, e kady moe odczuwa niepokj lub lk w tej dziedzinie i kady moe nad tym lkiem zapanowa... Przekonaj si , e czasem wystarczy kilka prostych slajdw aby zainspirowa swoich odbiorcw."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy Fotografii Dronem od DJI" |
"Czy chcesz robi zapierajce dech w piersiach powietrzne zdjcia, przy uyciu drona, stosujc profesjonalne zasady? Ten kurs stworzyem, aby poprowadzi Ci w prostych krokach w tajniki i specyfik wykonywania fotografii z powietrza. To jedyny taki kurs/warsztat po polsku w tej dziedzinie.Warsztat podzielony jest na odrbne projekty, kady z nich zawiera przykadow sesj zdjciow (zapis lotu), postprodukcj a take przedstawienie ustawie kamery drona, sposb ujmowania uj. Warsztat zosta przygotowany w oparciu o loty i sesje zdjciowe dronami produkcji DJI: Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Phantom 4 i Mavic 2 Pro. W treci warsztatu otrzymasz wszystkie najlepsze wskazwki dotyczce fotografii powietrznej, poznasz moliwoci sprztowe, techniki stosowane przez najlepszych operatorw. Kurs odbywa si przy wykorzystaniu dronw DJI, ale moesz go ledzi, posiadajc dowolny model na rynku.Zasady fotografii s uniwersalne!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Latam Legalnie Dronem Bez wiadectwa Kwalifikacji" |
"Czy chcesz robi zapierajce dech w piersiach powietrzne ujcia, przy uyciu drona, stosujc si do obecnych przepisw? Ten kurs stworzyem, aby poprowadzi Ci w prostych krokach w zapisy prawne regulujce ruch lotniczy w Polsce i i ich interpretacj. Warsztat podzielony jest na odrbne dziay, kady z nich zawiera odmienn tre, stanowica kompendium wiedzy i zasad bezpieczestwa.Warsztat zosta przygotowany w oparciu o drony produkcji DJI: Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Phantom 4 i Mavic 2 Pro. Jednak na rynku istniej ciekawe modele innych firm, np. Parrot. Kurs odbywa si przy wykorzystaniu dronw DJI, ale moesz go ledzi, posiadajc dowolny model na rynku.Zasady bezpieczestwa i przepisy s uniwersalne!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Latam Mavic 2 PRO" |
"Kurs dotyczcy eksploatacji jednego z najwspanialszych dronw naszych czasw, czyli DJI Mavic 2 PRO.Jeeli wydae spore pienidze na swojego nowego Towarzysza przygody i chcesz w peni wykorzysta jego moliwoci, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Autor w sposb przejrzysty wprowadza Ci w tajniki DJI Mavic 2 PRO, krok po kroku.Ten kurs zawiera szerokie spektrum wiedzy i dowiadcze z zakresu latania dronem DJI Mavic 2 PRO. Moesz miao korzysta z dowiadcze innychzwizanychz kadym etapem wtajemniczenia, od omwienia ustawie, inteligentnych trybw lotu, bezpieczestwa,a po bardziej zaawansowane techniki lotu, wykonywania zdj i filmowania.Kurs systematycznie bdzie si poszerza o biece informacje i nagrane nowe materiay dydaktyczne a take pomoce.Materia zosta przygotowany w taki sposb, aby kady otwarty na rozwj uytkownik mg z niego wynie co dla siebie.W miar jak technologia i aktualizacje bd si rozwijay, na bieco kurs zostanie aktualizowany.Zapraszam serdecznie, Rafa Galiski"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pierwsze Kroki z Dronem na Przykadzie DJI Spark" |
"Czy chcesz wej w wiat dronw i nie wiesz do koca, jakie kroki zrobi na pocztku. Jaki model moe by dobry dla Ciebie do wicze, niedrogi a zarazem na tyle dobry, by robi zapierajce dech w piersiach powietrzne zdjcia? Ten warsztat online stworzyem, aby poprowadzi Ci w prostych krokach w tajniki i specyfik latania Sparkiem - najmniejszym z dronw, wykorzystujcych profesjonalne rozwizania, jak np. aplikacj DJI Go 4, Smart Battery, Return To Home, Kalibracj Kompasu, panoramy, Zdjcia Poklatkowe, Inteligentne Tryby Lotu i wiele innych ;-) Warsztat podzielony jest na odrbne projekty, kady z nich zawiera odrbn specyfik eksploatacji, lotw i wykorzystania do powietrznych uj maego drona. Stanowi on odpowied na najczeciej powtarzajce si pytania, czyli: jakiego drona kupi?jak lata dronem?jak nie lata dronem? jakie akcesoria wybra do drona?jak uczy si latania dronem?jaki dron bdzie najlepszy na pocztek?jak robi dobre zdjcia i filmy dronem? W treci warsztatu otrzymasz wszystkie najlepsze wskazwki dotyczce eksploatacji, fotografii powietrznej, uj video, poznasz moliwoci sprztowe, techniki stosowane przez najlepszych operatorw. Kurs odbywa si przy wykorzystaniu drona firmy DJI, ale moesz go ledzi, posiadajc dowolny model na rynku.Zasady latania dronem s uniwersalne!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Filtry ND i ND-PL" |
"Praktyczny Warsztat Online dotyczcy zastosowania filtrw ND i ND-PL dla uj z powietrza.Znajdziesz w nim klucz do waciwego stosowania filtrw i odpowiedzi na pytania:- jakie czynniki wpywaj na ekspozycj w fotografii i podczas uj filmowych?- jak wiadomie panowa nad ekspozycj uj foto i video?- co nam daj filtry ND i ND-PL?- kiedy zastosowa ND a kiedy filtry ND-PL?- jakie efekty uzyskamy dziki filtrom ND i ND-PL?- co to jest polaryzacja?- jak ustawi polaryzacji w filtrach ND-PL?W opracowaniu zebraem 3 lata dowiadcze wasnych a take uwagi i wskazwki przekazane przez kolegw z PolarPro.Zapraszam ju dzi do doczenia.Rafa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jak Zarabia na Ujciach z Powietrza" |
"Podaruj tym, ktrych kochasz skrzyda, by mogli lata, korzenie, aby wracali i powody, aby zostali.""- DalajlamaTen Warsztat Online stanowi kwintesencj ostatnich kilkudziesiciu miesicy spdzonych na realizacjach, zleceniach, wymianie dowiadcze z aktywnymi na rynku operatorami.Materia daje oparcie operatorom, ktrzy rozpoczynaj realizacj zlece lub zamierzaj dopiero rozpocz.Korzyci, jakie daje ten warsztat:- uwiadamia, jaki zakres czynnoci zawarty jest w realizacji zlece,- prowadzi krok po kroku poprzez cay proces, od przygotowa portfolio, po egzekucj patnoci ,jest oparciem dla operatora na kadym etapie tego procesu,- daje pewno podczas negocjacji warunkw i wyceny zlece,- pozwala optymalnie przygotowa si do zlecenia,- akcentuje wszystkie wane kroki i czynnoci,- daje wiadomo najwaniejszych spraw, pozornie pomijanych podczas realizacji zlece."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"atwy i Szybki Monta Wideo w iMovie - Kurs Polski" |
"iMovie jest wietnym, szybkim i prostym narzdziem sucym do produkcji filmowych. Posiada szereg intuicyjnych funkcji, dobrze spisuje si jako zintegrowany program Apple, pozwala na bardzo szybkie edycje filmw. W tym kursie, nagranym w jzyku polskim, przejdziemy wsplnie krok po kroku, drog od osoby pocztkujcej do rednio zaawansowanej. Osigniesz poziom pozwalajcy na wasne produkcje i tworzenie filmw w sposb szybki i prosty. Poka Ci, jakie skrty i narzdzia stosuj w moich codziennych produkcjach. Wsplnie przejdziemy przez efektywny sposb tworzenia prostego i efektownego filmu. Zatem Do Dziea!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro X - Sprawna i Szybka Edycja Wideo - Polski" |
"Final Cut Pro jest wietnym, szybkim i efektywnym narzdziem sucym do produkcji filmowych. Posiada szereg intuicyjnych funkcji, dobrze spisuje si jako zintegrowany program Apple, pozwala na bardzo szybkie edycje ale take osignicie wspaniaych efektw filmowych. W tym kursie, nagranym w caoci po polsku, przejdziemy wsplnie krok po kroku, drog od osoby pocztkujcej do rednio zaawansowanej. Osigniesz poziom pozwalajcy na wasne produkcje i tworzenie filmw w sposb szybki i sprawny. Poka Ci, jakie skrty i narzdzia stosuj w moich codziennych produkcjach. Wsplnie przejdziemy przez efektywny sposb tworzenia prostego i efektownego montau. Zatem Do Dziea!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pewno Siebie Przed Kamer" |
"Jeli marzysz o nagrywaniu swoich wasnych profesjonalnych produkcji wideo, chcesz zbudowa mark osobist poprzez filmy i wystpienia live, i rozwaasz dzielenie si wiedz i dowiadczeniami, ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Kurs w caoci nagralimy po polsku.Dziki publikacji kursw na platformie Udemy po polsku, moesz:promowa sw mark lub biznes w sposb bardzo efektywny,pozby si stresu, szefa, pracy od 8 do 16, uzyska swobod finansow, postawi na samorozwj, uczy si poprzez nauczanie, tworzy rdo dochodw w dogodnych dla Ciebie czasie, bez ""targetw"", ""deadlinw"" i tego typu presji,wreszcie poczu, e Twoje dziaania maj przeoenie na efekty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pierwszy taki polski kurs stanowi przewodnik, obejmujcy proces tworzenia wideo, od etapu przygotowania mentalnego, planowania, poprzez dobr sprztu a nastpnie publikacj wideo. Pokazuj w nim, jak stopniowo zbudowa narzdzie do budowania marki osobistej w sposb, ktry mona pokocha - dzielc si tym, co dobrze znasz a moe by uyteczne dla wielu osb na caym wiecie. W treci tego kursu zaprezentujemy:Jak przygotowa tre, struktur wideo,Jak zaprojektowa konspekt materiau w intuicyjny i logiczny sposb,Jaki sprzt wybra do filmowania, wyposaenia studia nagra, Jakie proste wyposaenie studia nagra bdzie budetowe ale te bardziej wyszukane, Jak rejestrowa dwik, Jak nagra video, Jak synchronizowa dwik z video, Jak powikszy grono klientw - odbiorcw - studentw. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inwestycja w ten kurs zwrci si byskawicznie, wystarczy troch motywacji, spojrzenia z dystansu i waciwe planowanie. Niezalenie, czy chcesz stworzy kurs fotograficzny, z programowania, kurs ksigowoci, nurkowania, gotowania, czy moe rozwoju osobistego, ten kurs bdzie Twoim przewodnikiem w procesie tworzenia krok po kroku. Zatem docz do kursu ju dzisiaj i rozpocznij wasn podr ju dzisiaj!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DJI Mavic Mini - Uzyskaj z Niego Jak Najwicej" |
"Warsztat Online dla Pocztkujcych Operatorw MiniInstrukta sucy uytkownikom Mavic Mini do pynnego wprowadzenia w wiat dronw i maksymalnego wykorzystania tego drona.Uczestnik znajdzie w nim wszelkie informacje niezbdne do rozpoczcia przygody z Mini i moliwoci wykorzystania tego maego drona w celu osignicia wspaniaych efektw.Stworzony zosta dla zamknitej grupy koneserw, ktrzy chc czego wicej ni informacje z Facebook czy Youtube.5 Gwnych Korzyci z udziau dla Ciebie:- lepszy dostp do osoby prowadzcej poprzez korespondencj lub udzia w opcjonalnych konsultacjach,dziki temu uzyskasz odpowiedzi na trapice Ci pytania i rozwiejesz niepewnoci,- pomoc krok po kroku na wstpnym etapie eksploatacji,unikniesz typowych bdw popenianych przez pocztkujcych (np. rozbicie drona, utopienie, naruszenie prywatnoci ssiadw),- uzyskanie fachowego wsparcia, wiedzy merytorycznej i serwisowej,skrcisz czas potrzebny na poszukiwania informacji, skorzystasz z gotowych i sprawdzonych rozwiza,- materiay dydaktyczne online i pomoce w pdf,w kadym dogodnym momencie moesz po nie sign, obejrze lub wydrukowa pdf-y,to Ty decydujesz gdzie i kiedy,- wsparcie w ksztatowaniu pewnoci przy obsudze twojego pierwszego drona,poczujesz si pewniej i nabierzesz wprawy szybciej,- informacje na temat bezpiecznego i legalnego latania,oszczdzisz czas stracony na poszukiwanie odpowiednich przepisw a take ich interpretacj,- wsparcie na etapie serwisowym, czyli pomoc w trudnych chwilach.Trzymam kciuki i powodzenia!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes 101" |
"If you need to get your head around Kubernetes and want to get your hands dirty deploying and managing an app on a real Kubernetes cluster this course for you!Youll start out learning and re-enforcing the basics. Things like, what the heck is a cloud-native microservices app, and what do we mean when we say things like Kubernetes is a cluster and its an application orchestrator.Youll learn how to deploy a simple app, demonstrate self-healing, scale it up and down, connect to it from the internet, do a zero-downtime rolling update, and perform a versioned rollback."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!-------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Industry 4.0!-------------------------------------------In this course, there are SEVENTEEN sections which cover over 100 lectures worth over 7 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE)Section 2 - The Evolution of Industrial Revolutions - Explore the evolution of Industrial Revolutions from the 1st Industrial Revolution by the invention of the 'Spinning Jenny'. The 2nd Industrial Revolution powered by the mass production of the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The 3rd Industrial Revolution fueled by computerization and automation. Finally, the 4th Industrial Revolution with 'Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)', Advanced Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).Section 3 - Industry 4.0 Design Principles - Learn about the Industry 4.0 Design principles which are Interoperability, Virtualization, Decentralization, Modularity, Real-Time Capability, Service Orientation and Information Transparency.Section 4 - The Challenges of Industry 4.0 - Discover the challenges of Industry 4.0 which include IT Security Challenges, Capital Investments, Reliability and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication, Jobs, Skill-set as well as Legal and Compliance Issues. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) Reference Model is discussed in a dedicated lecture to highlight the layered architecture of IoT.Section 5 - The Role of Big Data and Analytics - Explore the six-layered architecture called '6C Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Architecture' as an example of the important role of Big Data and Analytics in Industry 4.0. Section 6 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Explore what Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are and their characteristics.Section 7 - Introduction to Smart Factories - Explore what Smart Factories are and their capabilities.Section 8 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Different Industries - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Services and Business Models, IT Security, Machine Safety, Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle, Socio-Economic Factors and Work Organization.Section 9 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Governments and the Public Sector - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Governments and the Public Sector such as smarter and next-generation school, digitization of garbage collection and digitization of healthcare.Section 10 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Apparel and Textile Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Apparel and the Textile Industry such as Smart Clothing, Customized Clothing and Sustainability-First Approach.Section 11 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Healthcare Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Healthcare Industry such as Precision Medicine, AI-enabled Healthcare and 3D Printing of organs.Section 12 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Real Estate Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Real Estate Industry such as 3D Printed Real Estate, Robotics, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) models and smart sensor technologies.Section 13 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Maritime Industry Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Maritime Industry such as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) based Operations, Robotics and Autonomation as well as the usage of Big Data and Analytics (BDA) on the Maritime Industry.Section 14 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Tourism Industry Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Tourism Industry such as Personalization of Experience and Sustainability, Use of Internet-of-Thing (IoT), Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Secure Bio-metric Authentication and Verification, Usage of AR, VR and MR, Democratization of Tourism-based Services and Chatbots.Section 15 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Forestry Industry - Explore the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Forestry Industry such as Precision Forestry, Application of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR), etc.Section 16 - The Barriers of Implementing Industry 4.0 - Explore the Barriers of Implementing Industry 4.0 such as High Cost of Implementation, Lack of Skilled Staff, Privacy Issues and Concerns, etc.Section 17 - The Drivers of Implementing Industry 4.0 - Explore the Drivers of Implementing Industry 4.0 such as Faster Time to Market, Better Customer Experience (CX) and Demand for Better Quality.-------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!-------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Distinction) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 8 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Simple Guide to Manufacturing in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force! Are you ready for it?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Manufacturing in Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course, there are eight sections which cover over 55 lectures worth over 1.5 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE)Section 2 - Introduction to the 'Smart Factory' - Explore what 'Smart Factories' are and how the factories of today will be transformed to a fully-connected smart factory in the near future. We also talk about the characteristics of a smart factory such as connected, optimized, transparent, proactive and agile.Section 3 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover about the what Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are and the characteristics of such systems as well as the drawbacks of CPS.Section 4 - Proactive Maintenance - Discover how Industry 4.0 is enabling proactive maintenance; reducing costs and minimizing disruptions to the manufacturing process.Section 5 - Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) - Discover about 'Additive Manufacturing' or commonly known as '3D Printing' and how it is enabling businesses to exponentially reduce the cost of prototyping and giving the freedom and flexibility to do Research and Development (R&D) in a level which was never possible before!Section 6 - Computer Simulation - Discover about the how Computer Simulation is enabling a world of possibilities such as digital prototyping, reducing costs and creating engaging customer experiences.Section 7 - Cloud and Virtualization - Discover about the role of Cloud Computing and Virtualization is enabling the creation of 'Smart Factories', related products and services.Section 8 - Horizontal and Vertical Integration - Explore how supply chains are becoming more closely integrated with each others and how collaboration is encourage and fostered in Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn about all of the amazing and transformative content and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business; learning how manufacturing is being transformed right now in Industry 4.0! Be a part of Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Pending) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 6 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Customer Experience (CX) in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Customer Experience (CX) in Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course, there are six sections which cover over 35 lectures worth over 1.5 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to Customer Experience - Discover what Customer Experience (CX) and learn about the 'Customer Life Cycle' which has three stages: Discover and Shop; Buy and Install; Use and Service. Explore the roadmap of customer interactions with your brand or business.Section 2 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 3 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Customer Experience (CX) - Explore the evolution of Industrial Revolutions from the 1st Section 4 - The Benefits of Industry 4.0 on Customer Experience (CX) - Learn about the Industry 4.0 Design principles which are Interoperability, Virtualization, Decentralization, Modularity, Real-Time Capability, Service Orientation and Information Transparency.Section 5 - Industry 4.0 Ready Customer Experience Roadmap - Discover the challenges of Industry 4.0 which include IT Security Challenges, Capital Investments, Reliability and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication, Jobs, Skill-set as well as Legal and Compliance Issues. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) Reference Model is discussed in a dedicated lecture to highlight the layered architecture of IoT.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on Customer Experience in Industry 4.0 and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Pending) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 6 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Textile 4.0 - Textile and Apparel Industry in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!The Fashion Industry (Textile and Apparel Industry) is known to be one of the most polluting industries in the world. Learn about how the Textile Industry is harnessing Industry 4.0 is transform itself to a more sustainable industry!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Textile 4.0 - the Textile and Apparel Industry in Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course, there are five sections which cover over 35 lectures worth over 1.5 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to the Textile and Apparel Industry - Discover what the Textile and the Apparel Industry is. Learn about concepts like Fast Fashion and the impact of the business processes of the Textile and Apparel Industry.Section 2 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 and the Industry 4.0 Environment - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 3 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 4 - Introduction to Smart Factories - Explore what 'Smart Factories' are and the characteristics of Smart Factories such as connected, optimized, transparent, proactive and agile. Section 5 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Textile and Apparel Industry - Learn about the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Textile and Apparel Industry including building a more robust and resilient supply chain, better and faster quality checking, proactive decision making in the business processes, multi-model manufacturing and smart clothing.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on the Textile and Apparel Industry in Industry 4.0 and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Pending) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 7 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Waste Management 4.0 - The Waste Mgmt Industry in Industry 4" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force! Are you ready for it?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Waste Management in Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course, there are six sections which cover over 42 lectures worth over 1 hour of content;Section 1 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE)Section 2 - Challenges in the Waste Management Industry - Explore the Challenges in the Waste Management Industry such as identification of hazardous materials, sorting of materials, disposal of materials and recovery of the materials.Section 3 - Opportunities of Industry 4.0 for the Waste Management Industry - Discover how Industry 4.0 is creating opportunities for the Waste Management Industry.Section 4 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover about the what Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are and the characteristics of such systems as well as the drawbacks of CPS.Section 5 - Application of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) in Industry 4.0 - Discover how Cyber Physical Systems are being applied in the Waste Management Industry including drones to remotely monitor the waste, intelligent sorting machines to accurately identify the raw material of the waste and sort them accordingly.Section 6 - Impact of Industry 4.0 on Waste Management - Discover about the how Computer Simulation is enabling a world of possibilities such as digital prototyping, reducing costs and creating engaging customer experiences.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn about all of the amazing and transformative content and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business; learning how Waste Management is being transformed right now in Industry 4.0! Be a part of Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Pending) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 6 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Government 4.0 - The Public Sector in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0 (4IR)' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!Governments and the Public Sector all around the world have build up a reputation of lacking transparency, lacking accountability, very high levels of bureaucracy and in general for being extremely inefficient! How is Industry 4.0 going to change and disrupt the game?------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to Government 4.0 - The Public Sector in Industry 4.0!------------------------------------------------In this course, there are EIGHT sections which cover over 50 lectures worth over 2 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to the Public Sector - Discover what the Public Sector is and the vital role it plays in shaping is. Learn about the different roles of the Government and Public Sector; including providing transportation, healthcare, building and maintenance of infrastructure such as roads, providing electricity and water.Section 2 - Introduction to Challenges of the Public Sector - Explore the challenges faced by the Public Sector such as the lack of traceability and accountability within the sector, ensuring that public facilities and infrastructure such as transportation, healthcare, water and electricity are up to the industry expected standards.Section 3 - Opportunities for Innovation in the Public Sector - Discover the opportunities for innovation in the Public Sector including better increase transparency, increased accountability, increased efficient utilization of resources and proactive decision-making, increased engagement with the Public.Section 4 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE)Section 5 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 6 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Governments and the Public Sector - Discover how Industry 4.0 is impacting and transforming the Governments and the Public Sector including interactive decision-making, better transparency, better accountability and a much more efficient governance framework.Section 7 - Roadmap for increasing Productivity in Governments and the Public Sector - Discover a few key points to create a Roadmap for increasing the Productivity in Governments and the Public Sector in the Industry 4.0 era.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on Government 4.0 - The Public Sector in Industry 4.0 and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Distinction) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 7 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"100 Vocabularies" |
"100 Vocabularies is yet another attempt to put across to English learners and speakers a whole lot of stock of vocabularies. It is going to benefit both native and non-native English speakers. It is aimed at improving communication skills and written English. These vocabularies have been explained properly and supported by appropriate sentences."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speaking Correct English" |
"This course is extremely effective in removing most of the issues while speaking English. Not only verbal communication this course is very beneficial in enhancing written English communication as well. My course which named Speaking Correct English basically deals with prepositions and conjunctions which actually makes a complete sentence . I have talked in details about prepositions and conjunctions and their various types."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice Exams" |
""" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with EC-Council in any way.""So, you want to become a Certified Ethical Hacker and for that you have to pass the CEH (312-50) Official Exam . I can understand you are a bit nervous and want some help in preparing yourself. Well, don't worry you have come to the right course. This Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice Exams Course comprises of 6 Practice Tests with 110 Most ExpectedCEH questions with full explanations- Each practice test contains 20 questions ( Only the First one has 10 Questions) with a time limit of 40 minutes.These practice examquestions are based on the Exam Objectives for EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH)exam forall areasof the exam to help better prepare you for the real certification exam. After practicing these tests and scoring 90% or higher in them. You will be ready toPASSonthe first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money. This course is the latest course on Udemy and also provides you witha 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"CCSP (Cloud Security) Practice Tests - 120 Total Questions" |
""" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with (ISC) in any way.""So, you want to become a Certified Ethical Hacker and for that you have to pass the (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Official Exam . I can understand you are a bit nervous and want some help in preparing yourself.Don't worry we are here to prepare you for the exam.Did you know the average salary for CCSP certification holders is $128,378 per year*? You know that the exam voucher costs $599, so lets prepare our best and pass in the first attempt. Know about the official exam:Length of exam - 4 hoursNumber of questions - 125Question format - Multiple choicePassing grade - 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability - EnglishFEATURES & BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE- 6 practice tests, 20 questions each- More practice for studying- Most Expected Questions to prepare you for the exam- All are of different types ( No Repetition) - Proper Explanation of Answers- Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers.- This course is short so as to save your time but covers each domain.- Exam questions are written by a CCSPProfessional writer who has trained thousands of students for the Exam- Most Expected Questions to prepare you for the exam ( Note- These are only the most expected questions from our side it only mimics the real exam questions- It doesn't necessarily mean that these will appear in the exam).- Lifetime access- Udemy's courses all have lifetime access, so use this practice test to brush up on your CCSP skills whenever you like and wherever you are.- 100% REFUND POLICY- You didn't like the course don't worry then We have a 30 Day Refund Policy. After practicing these tests and scoring 90% or higher in them. You will be ready toPASSonthe first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money. The CCSP is ideal for those working in roles such as:- Enterprise Architect- Security Administrator- Systems Engineer- Security Architect- Security Consultant- Security Engineer- Security Manager- Systems Architect** PLEASE PRACTICE LIKE THE REAL EXAM **"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |