Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"What is requireJS" |
"requireJS zero basic course01 What is requireJS02 requireJS history 03 requirejs good points04 Two Ways of Use Requirejs 05 The exciting Requirejs to started06 Define () AMD-style JS module07 Requirejs Write it once08 Use require () method to load JS09 Requre.config method load config10 important paths option 11 waitSeconds and callback options12 Shim for loading JS in non-AMD format13 Requirejs Introduction summary"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Composer |
"composer setupthinkphpmonolog php"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
chemistrysalem02 |
" ( ) ( ) "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
chemistrysalem0100 |
" "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bootcamp Vue.js Web Framework bagi Pemula dan Professional" |
"Vue.js online bootcamp adalah solusi jitu untuk kamu yang ingin belajar Vue.js tanpa harus kehilangan banyak waktu. Kamu dapat belajar web framework Vue.js secara terstruktur dengan pendekatan step-by-step. Vue.js meliputi semua fitur mulai dari binding, template, routing, state hingga berinteraksi dengan back-end server. Di online bootcamp ini, kamu juga akan mempelajari bagaimana mengintegrasikan Vue.js dengan Node.js, ASP.NET dan PHP.Pada Vue.js online bootcamp kamu akan mempelajari banyak hal. Kamu tak perlu memiliki ketrampilan pemrograman sebelumnya. Kami akan ajarkan mulai HTML, CSS, JavaScript hingga Vue.js. Bootcamp ini akan mengeksplorasi topik sebagai berikut:Eksplorasi HTML, CSS dan JavaScriptDasar pemorgraman JavaScriptDasar memprogram Vue.jsData binding pada HTMLVue.js Routing dan StateAkses data dari back-end server pada aplikasi web Vue.jsReal-world application demo: Aplikasi PHP, MySQL dan Vue.jsReal-world application demo: Aplikasi ASP.NET MVC Core, MySQL dan Vue.jsReal-world application demo: Aplikasi Node.js, Express, MongoDB dan Vue.jsReal-world application demo: Aplikasi Node.js, SocketIOdan Vue.js"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Bootcamp Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula dan Professional" |
"Bootcamp Python ini didesain untuk umum dan professional dengan pendekatan step-by-step sehingga seluruh konten dapat diikuti dengan mudah. Bootcamp ini mendukung Python 2.x dan Python 3.x. Seluruh konten akan disertai dengan praktek bagaimana cara menggunakannya. Pada bootcamp ini rekan-rekan akan mempelajari topik-topik sebagai berikut.Konsep dasar pemrograman PythonDeklarasi variabelOperator komparator, logika dan aritmatikaPengaturan KeputusanPengulanganbreak, continue dan passArray: List, Tuples, dan DictionaryFungsi/FunctionPenerapan object-oriented programming (OOP) pada PythonClass, Inheritances,Operasi File input/outputMembuat Python module dan packageBekerja dengan StringMenangani error pada kode program PythonAkses database MySQL melalui PythonMembuat program GUI desktop dengan PythonBootcamp dirancang mudah untuk semua kalangan. Trainer siap membantu kalau ada kesulitan dalam mengikuti bootcamp kali ini."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"RESTful API Development with ASP.NET Core Web API Bootcamp" |
"This course is designed for every developer who wants to build RESTful API using ASP.NET Core. Course contents consists of three grades: Beginning (Level 100), Intermediate (Level 200) and Advanced (Level 300) so you can improve your development skill while learning this course. You can see a course grade on each section.The course is intended to build RESTful API using ASP.NET Core with step-by-step approach. It's suitable for junior web developers and welcoming for senior web developers too. All project samples are written in C# so C# programming skills are required.Required Lab EnvironmentTo perform this course, you should prepare these materials:Computer with Windows 10 (Recommended), macOS (Optional) and Linux (Optional).NET Core SDK 2.2.x or laterVisual Studio 2019 or later. You can use Visual Studio Code with dotnet commandlineActive Azure account to deploy to Microsoft AzurePlease enjoy your course. Please let me if you have questions corresponding to this course.Update 18 April 2020Add new content about ASP.NET Core API with JWT token"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RESTful API Development with Java Spring Boot Bootcamp" |
"This course is designed for every developer who wants to build RESTful API using Java Spring Boot. Course contents consists of three grades: Beginning (Level 100), Intermediate (Level 200) and Advanced (Level 300) so you can improve your development skill while learning this course. You can see a course grade on each section.The course is intended to build RESTful API using Spring Boot with step-by-step approach. It's suitable for junior web developers and welcoming for senior web developers too. All project samples are written in Java. Java programming skills are required.Required Lab EnvironmentTo perform this course, you should prepare these materials:Computer with Windows 10, macOS and LinuxJava JDK 8 or laterSpring Tool 4 (Recommended)Please enjoy your course. Please let me if you have questions corresponding to this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bootcamp: Hands on Practical ASP.NET Core MVC 3" |
"This bootcamp is designed to enhance your development experiences for ASP.NET Core MVC 3. Bootcamp materials consist of various projects with step-by-step approach in order to accelerate your learning. The following is a list of project that you will build in this bootcamp:Calculator online webBuilding Customer Management PortalASP.NET Core IdentityASP.NET Core MVC Authentication and AuthorizationDeploy and publish ASP.NET Core MVC application to Web Server IISDeploy and publish ASP.NET Core MVC application to Microsoft AzureTo work with the bootcamp, you should prepare some hardware and software. You should have a computer with Windows 10 OS. All hands-on materials run on Windows 10Visual Studio 2019. You also can use Visual Studio 2019 community editionSQL Server 2019. You can use any SQL Server edition to work with this bootcampThis bootcamp runs using ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1 with Visual Studio 2019 and SQL Server 2019."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instalao e Configurao de VPS Cloud com painel grtis" |
"Atualmente inmeras empresas esto migrando para Cloud Computing, com o intuito de melhorarem seus servios aumentando a disponibilidade, segurana e reduzindo a manuteno.Com este curso voc vai aprender do zero, como criar servidores virtuais linux dedicados a hospedagem (CLOUD) de sites.Utilizaremos A Digital Ocean que uma das maiores empresas de Cloud Computer do mundo com modelo de cobrana eficiente para que voc pague por horas de uso.A Digital Ocean oferece um perodo de testes e voc s ser cobrado caso deseje continuar com o servio, podendo cancelar a qualquer momento sem nus.A Digital Ocean permite que voc aumente ou diminua a capacidade em minutos, no horas ou dias. possvel contratar simultaneamente uma, centenas ou at milhares de instncias (Droplets) de servidor.Voc tem controle completo das suas instncias (Droplets/Gotculas), incluindo acesso root e a possibilidade de interagir com elas da mesma forma que faria com qualquer mquina do seu lado. Voc pode interromper qualquer instncia, mantendo os dados e reinici-las remotamente atravs do navegador.Voc tambm pode acessar o SSH atravs de um terminal disponibilizado pela Digital Ocean a partir do prprio navegador."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Child Development - From Birth to 3 years old" |
"This course will cover three main topics:Introduction to Child DevelopmentTheories of Child Development Processes of Development By the end of the course, you will be able to identify key characteristics related to the development of children from birth to 3 years olddistinguish the differences between child development theories and interpret the predetermined milestones for children in the specific age groups"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Success" |
"Presented by a super affiliate, this course on affiliate marketing will take you all the way from the beginning steps of understanding the big picture, down to the insider tips and advanced tricks you'll want in your tool belt to succeed.You'll learn things like:*How to find your perfect niche*How to pick the perfect product*How to make the most of the product you pick*How to turn a one-time sale into a lifelong profit machine*** After course completion - Also comes with great bonuses including: - Free silver membership to Affiliate Marketers club- Affiliate marketing manual- 60 minute Profit Guide and- Success Mindsetall designed to skyrocket your success!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Hacking at HackerOne" |
"This course will teach how to start hacking and making money at HackerOne the most popular bug hunting platform. At HackerOne you can legally hack some of the biggest companies (Twitter, Uber, Yahoo, Coinbase, Slack, etc.), and you can get paid for your findings. You can earn for example $100, $1,000 or $10,000 per one bug. Its just amazing. All you need are Internet connection and knowledge. Yes, you need knowledge and this is exactly what Im going to give you in this course. Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers), and I really know how to make money out there. If you want to become a successful bug hunter, but you don't know how to start, then this course is just for you.You will learn about 5 bugs that I recommend you to start with (these bugs have been successful for me for years). Here are these bugs:1. Automatic Leakage of Password Reset Link2. Getting Access to the Account of the Logged Out User3. Insecure Processing of Credit Card Data4. Disclosure of Authentication Cookie5. User EnumerationFor every single bug there is a DEMO so that you can see how to find these bugs step-by-step in practice.Are you ready to become a bug hunter? Lets enroll to this course and start an exciting journey.If you are interested in the next 5 bugs that really work, then I also recommend you to see the follow-up course ""Keep Hacking at HackerOne"".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Rating: ""In just a few days I earned more money than I paid for this course! Highly recommended.""- Sam Paul, StudentCourse Rating: ""The concepts are very clearly explained - I like the structure of the course (Like a brief overview followed by a demo). This course is a perfect start for a beginner like me. Thanks, Dawid! :)""- Naveen, Grad studentCourse Rating: ""Clear articulation of bugs and demo. Nice introduction to bug hunting.""- Cecil Su, Director-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Keep Hacking at HackerOne" |
"This course is the follow-up to one of my previous courses Start Hacking at HackerOne. We will continue our bug hunting journey and you will learn about the next 5 bugs that have been successful for me for years!HackerOne is a big opportunity for you. At HackerOne you can legally hack some of the biggest companies (Twitter, Uber, Yahoo, Coinbase, Slack, etc.), and you can get paid for your findings. You can earn for example $100, $1,000 or $10,000 per one bug. Its just amazing. All you need are Internet connection and knowledge. Yes, you need knowledge and this is exactly what Im going to give you in this course. Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers), and I really know how to make money out there. If you want to keep hacking and making money at HackerOne, then this course is just for you.You will learn about the next 5 bugs that I recommend you to play with (these bugs have been successful for me for years). Here are these bugs:1. How to Impersonate a User via Insecure Log In2. Sensitive Information in Metadata3. Disclosure of Credentials4. Insecure Password Change5. Dictionary AttackFor every single bug there is a DEMO so that you can see how to find these bugs step-by-step in practice.Do you want to make money in bug bounty programs? Lets enroll to this course and continue our exciting journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Rating: ""Great course! Clear explanation and awesome demos. Thank you.""- Adel Boutine, Independent Security ResearcherCourse Rating: ""keep this great job up""- Jan, StudentCourse Rating: ""Clear articulation of security bugs.""- Cecil Su, Director-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Case Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks: Part 1" |
"Cross-site scripting (XSS) is one of the most widespread and dangerous vulnerabilities in modern web applications. There are hackers who earn a 4-digit reward ($$$$) per single XSS in bug bounty programs, which is just amazing.There are many people hunting for XSSs, but only a few of them are successful. What makes them successful? They focus on non-standard XSSs and this is exactly what I present in this course!Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers), and I really know how to make money out there. If you want to become a successful XSS hunter, then this course is just for you.In Part 1 of Case-Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks, you will learn about the following non-standard XSS attacks:1. XSS via Image2. XSS via HTTP Response Splitting3. XSS via Cookie4. XSS via AngularJS Template InjectionFor every single bug there is a DEMO so that you can see how to find these bugs step-by-step in practice.Are you ready to become a successful XSS hunter? Lets enroll to this course and start an exciting journey. If you are interested in more award-winning XSS attacks, then I also recommend you to see the follow-up course ""Case-Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks: Part 2""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Case Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks: Part 2" |
"This course is the follow-up to one of my previous courses ""Case-Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks: Part 1"". We will continue our XSS hunting journey and you will learn more about award-winning XSS attacks.There are many people hunting for XSSs, but only a few of them are successful and earn a 4digit ($$$$) reward per single XSS. What makes them successful? They focus on nonstandard XSSs and this is exactly what I present in this course!Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers), and I really know how to make money out there. If you want to become a successful XSS hunter, then this course is just for you.In Part 2 of Case-Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks, you will learn about the following non-standard XSS attacks:1. XSS via XML2. XSS via location.href3. XSS via vbscript:4. From XSS to Remote Code ExecutionFor every single bug there is a DEMO so that you can see how to find these bugs step-by-step in practice.Do you want to become a successful XSS hunter? Lets enroll to this course and continue our exciting journey. If you are interested in more award-winning XSS attacks, then I also recommend you to see the course ""Case-Studies of Award-Winning XSS Attacks: Part 1""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DOUBLE Your Web Hacking Rewards with Fuzzing" |
"Fuzzing is a semi-automated vulnerability detection technique that is used by many successful hackers around the world. What I can tell you from my experience is that you can really double your web hacking rewards in bug bounty programs with fuzzing, which is just awesome.Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers). Ive received many rewards in my bug hunting career and fuzzing has always been a core vulnerability detection technique that Ive been using. In this course Im going to share my knowledge with you.First, Ill discuss the basics of fuzzing. Then, Ill present you how to do fuzzing with Burp Suite Intruder, which is the most popular fuzzer for web applications. Next, Ill demonstrate how to do fuzzing for SQL injection. After that, Ill demonstrate how to do fuzzing for path traversal. Finally, I will discuss some tips and tricks related to fuzzing with Burp Suite Intruder.Do you want to make money in bug bounty programs? Lets enroll to this course and learn about fuzzing a vulnerability detection technique that is used by many successful hackers around the world."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How Web Hackers Make BIG MONEY: Remote Code Execution" |
"Remote Code Execution (RCE) is the most dangerous vulnerability, because it allows the attacker to take control over the entire vulnerable machine. Due to the severity of this vulnerability, some companies pay a 5-digit ($$$$$) reward per single RCE in bug bounty programs, which is just amazing.Im one of the top hackers at HackerOne (among more than 100,000 registered hackers), and I really know how to make money out there. If you want to become a successful RCE hunter, then this course is just for you.Youll learn about different types of RCE attacks:1. From SQL Injection to Remote Code Execution2. From Disclosure of Software Version to Remote Code Execution3. Remote Code Execution via File Upload4. Remote Code Execution via DeserializationFor every single bug there is a DEMO so that you can see how to find these bugs step-by-step in practice.Are you ready to become a successful RCE hunter? Lets enroll to this course and start an exciting journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PNF Approach - Clinical Applications with Damian Kapturski" |
"PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a widely used treatment approach. It was developed by Dr Herman Kabat and Maggie Knott in the late 1940s and early 1950s as a means of rehabilitation for neurological disorders. By definition, PNF is a motor learning approach used in neuromotor development training to improve motor function and facilitate optimal patient's function. ""The basis of the PNF philosophy is the idea that all human beings, including those with disabilities have untapped existing potential"" (Kabat, 1951)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.82: Le Dynamic Painting" |
"Au cours de cette formation nous verrons comment le Dynamic Painting peut tre d'une aide considrable dans la ralisation de vos projets d'animation.Vous y apprendrez:A bien utiliser les diffrents paramtres de la brosse.A grer votre ""Canvas"" ou toile pour obtenir les effets que vous souhaitez.A crer des weightmap avec lesquelles vous pourrez animer des apparitions et disparitions d'objetsA crer des squences d'images que vous utiliserez dans vos shaders ou matriaux. A raliser une scne complte en utilisant le Dynamic Painting.Au sortir de cette formation le Dynamic Painting n'aura plus de secrets pour vous, et vous pourrez donner la pleine mesure de vos talents en utilisant cette fonction extraordinaire de Blender."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"KRITA: Apprendre peindre des matriaux." |
"Ce cours vous permettra dacqurir des comptences en peinture numrique! Que ce soit pour vos propres projets ou pour crer en tant que professionnel. De connaissances de base en peinture numrique ce cours vous fera passer la cration de matires plus vraies que nature et une comprhension de ce que les brosses et leurs modes de fusion vous permettent d'atteindre en peinture numrique.Vous y apprendrez grer les tiquettes de Brosses afin d'avoir vos brosses prfres sous la main."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Inkscape le logiciel gratuit de dessin vectoriel." |
"La formation que je vous propose vous permettra de comprendre et d'utiliser ce puissant logiciel qu'est Inkscape.Concurrent direct d'llustrator il est entirement gratuit et fonctionne sur plusieurs plateformes: Windows, Mac OSX et Linux.Inkscape est vraiment trs performant, c'est un outil puissantDroulement de la formation:L'interface, la premire chose maitriser lorsqu'on utilise un logiciel pour la premire fois.Les outils d' Inkscape et leur manipulation.Un premier exercice avec la cration d'une icne.Un second exercice plus long et plus complexe qui vous permettra de voir et d'utiliser certaines fonctionnalit trs puissantes d' Inkscape. (les extensions, l diteur d'objets, les effets de chemins)Vous apprendrez retoucher une image vectorise.Vous apprendrez utiliser les oprations de chemins pour crer des logos.Vous dcouvrirez aussi l'usage du clipping et du masquage.Au sortir de cette formation vous devriez tre en mesure de raliser vos propres illustrations vectorielles grce la comprhension que vous aurez acquise des puissant outils d'Inkscape."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Learn : the Algerian Traditional Mahjouba" |
"In this course you will learn how to say Arabic Greeting words and how to say Prounouns in Arabic and you will learn how to cook one of the most yummy dish in the world ""Mahjouba"" and also you will gain more knowledge about the history and culture of Algeria and the Arabic language ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power BI: Mastering Query Editor & M Query Language [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar, Bu kursta;- Power BI Query Editor' etkin bir ekilde kullanarak veri temizlemeyi yapmay,- Power BI Query Performans ile alakal tuning yapmay,- nternette zerine ok fazla kaynak olmayan M Query Language reneceiz.Kursun sonunda veri temizleme, ekil verme ve dzenleme konusunda uzmanlaacaksnz. Daha nce Power BI ile alakal hibir bilginiz yoksa Power BI: Balangtan Profesyonel Seviyeye(R,Big Data) kursunu izlemenizi tavsiye ederim. Kursun sonunda hazrladm 58 sayfalk M Query Language dkmanna, rnek dataset ve Power BI Projesine sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: En Sk Kullanlan 40 Forml Uygulama [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar, Kursta Excel uygulamalarn ieren dosyalara ve i hayatnda en ok kullanlan formllere ve aklamalarna ulaabilecek, renebileceksiniz. nanyorum ki Excel'de yaptnz i ve harcadnz sre azalacak ve iiniz bu kursu bitirdikten sonra ok daha kolaylaacak. Kurs ierisinde renecekleriniz ile Excel formllerine bak anz byk lde deiecek ve daha derinlere inme motivasyonunuz ykselecektir.imdiden Herkese Baarlar!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"20+ Saat Tableau, Power BI ve Excel ile Komple Veri Analizi" |
"Selam! 20+ Saat Tableau, Power BI ve Excel ile Komple Veri Analizi Kursuna ho geldiniz.Dier kurslardan farkl olarak ayn kurs ierisinde;- Power BI Veri Grselletirme ve Raporlama- Tableau ile Veri Grselletirme ve Raporlama- leri Dzey DAX programlama ve Analitik zmler- Power BI M Query Language- Hayatnda en sk kullanlan 40 Excel forml uygulamas- hayatnda en sk kullanlan 25 Excel makro uygulamasBunlar, iverenlerin BI Mhendislerini ie alrken arad kesin teknik becerilerdir. Ve bugn, dier adaylarn nne gemek iin paha biilemez bir avantaj elde etme ansna sahipsiniz!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zaman Serileri & ARIMA Modelleri (Minitab,R,Power BI) [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar, Kurs ierisinde tm zaman serisi modelleri olmak ile beraber ARIMAmodelleri ve matematiksel, istatiksel yaps MINITAB ve Rkullanlarak anlatlacaktr. Zaman serilerini renmek sizi regresyon, makine renmesi ve yapay zeka uygulamalar alannda byk oranda bilgi ve temel sahibi yapacaktr.Zaman serilerinin genel olarak kullanm amac gelecei ngrmek, enerji talep planlama, borsa takibi ve zellikle sat tahmini, bteleme gibi konularda karar destei salamaktr. Kurs sonunda Power BI ve R ile entegre alan en iyi ARIMA tahmin modelini bulan ve tahminleri grselletiren ve yenilenen veri ile senkronize alan bir uygulamay yapabilir hale geleceksiniz.Baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"16+ Saat Makine renmesi & Yapay Zeka Kursu (Python) [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar,Makine renmesi ve Yapay Zeka amzn teknolojilerine damga vurmu durumda ve vurmaya da devam edecek gibi gzkyor. Veri bilimi ile alakal en byk problem bu dala ynelmek isteyen insanlarn yeterli analitik dnce, istatistik ve lineer cebir bilgisi olmadan sadece kod yazarak ilerlemeye almasdr. Bu kursta teorik tarafa arlk vererek bunlar uygulamalar ile besleyeceiz. Yaklak 3 aydr bu kursun ierii iin 450 sayfa dkman yazdm, hazrladm ve aratrma yaptm. Eer yksek lisans dzeyinde Makine renmesi ve Yapay Zeka eitimi almak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Kurs ierii;- Introduction to Machine LearningWhat is Machine Learning? (Makine renmesi Nedir? ) Statistics for Machine Learning (Makine renmesi iin statistik) Linear Algebra for Machine Learning (Makine renmesi iin Lineer Cebir) Data Pre-Processing (Veri n leme) Exploratory Data Analysis (Keifsel Veri Analizi) - Supervised LearningClassification (Snflama) K Nearest Neighbors Regression (K Yakn Komu - Regresyon) Performance Evaluation Metrics (Performans Deerleme Metrikleri) Naive Bayes Classifier (Naive Bayes Snflaycs) Logistic Regression (Lojistik Regression) Support Vector Machines (Destek Vektr Makineleri) Decision Trees (Karar aalar) Decision Tree Regression (Karar Aac Regresyonu)Random Forest Regression (Rasgele Ormanlar ve Regresyonu) Ensemble Learning (Kollektif renme) Adaboost Gradient Boost XGBoost Introduction to Neural Networks (Yapay Sinir Alarna Giri) Multi-Layer Perceptron (ok katmanl YSAlar) Backpropagation (Geri Yaylml Optimizasyon) - Unsupervised LearningIntroduction to Clustering (Kmelemeye Giri) K-Means Clustering (K-Ortalama Kmeleme) Hierarchical Clustering (Hiyerarik Kmeleme) Principal Component Analysis (Temel Bileenler Analizi) - Association Rules Mining (Birliktelik Kural karm) - Zaman Serileri Analizi ve ARIMA Modelleri"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo Times Colaborativos e Engajados" |
"Aprender como criar um time engajado e de alto rendimento;Aprender um roteiro prtico para a criao de times engajados;Compreender a importncia da cultura para um ambiente voltado para inovao e resultados;Alinhar os times de trabalho com os objetivos da empresa.Avaliar e corrigir resultados.Entender como os colaboradores podem contribuir para os resultados da equipe de trabalho;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mannerist and Baroque Sculpture" |
"Baroque sculpture conjures for many the vision of grand monumentality, of theatrical arrangements, and of highly-polished, virtuosic treatments of the medium; however, Mannerist sculpture is responsible for many of its forms and underlying sensibilities, from the taste for high drama and eroticism to the cultivated ambiguity that pushes the lifelike qualities of marble and bronze to their limits. In this lecture, we trace the arc from Florentine Mannerist sculpture in the late sixteenth century to the masterpieces of the Italian Baroque in Rome. During this time period, the possibilities and functions of sculpture are redefined, and we see sculptural works cross the threshold from lavish works meant to be enjoyed in private among elite circles to its positioning in the emerging urban landscape of early modern Europe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Baroque Painting and the Counter-Reformation" |
"This course looks at Baroque painting from seventeenth century Rome and how it advanced the agenda of the Roman Catholic Church's response to the spread of Protestantism in Northern Europe, a period called the Counter-Reformation. After the Council of Trent when images had been enshrined as a primary communications channel between the dogma of the Church and the minds of the masses across Europe, paintings were invested with a new dimension to depict simple religious subjects invested with extraordinarily complex emotional subjects. Baroque paintings commissioned by the Catholic Church were designed to play on the viewer's emotions- whether that was inspiring pity through scenes of extraordinary sufferings or gruesome martyrdoms or to reveal a glimpse of the heavens themselves, or at least how the best artists of the day were able to create the illusion of infinite depth on church and palace ceilings alike. In any case, art took center stage in the seventeenth century, and unparalleled resources were put into artworks which were intended to be seen by more people than any of the masterpieces of the former era had been; this course is not only an introduction to Baroque painting, it is also the first chapter in the modern history of mass communications."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |