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"Essentials of Baroque Architecture" |
"This course looks at Baroque Architecture in many of its forms: as a showcase for Counter-Reformation churches in Rome and at the Vatican, as it was received in Northern Europe in France and England, and how the Spanish Baroque made the journey across the Atlantic and determined the built forms of colonial power for much of the Americas. The second part of the course takes an in-depth look at the development of curved surfaces in architecture and the influential contribution of two Roman architects, Gianlorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini, which revolutionized the very concept of what buildings could look like well through the modern era."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Painting in the Early Dutch Republic" |
"When the Thirty Years' War came to a close and the Treaty of Westphalia established both the principle of religious toleration and the establishment of the new Dutch Republic, painting in Northern Europe was revitalized with a new sense of purpose and possibility. Northern conventions in painting with their roots in the Flemish Renaissance- the landscape, the still-life, and the portrait- all underwent significant transformations which reflected the new climate of economic prosperity and the burgeoning national pride in the land's productivity and the Protestant peoples' industry. Artists like Hals, Vermeer, and Rembrandt brought sweeping changes to their works which forever changed the possibilities of what art could be and the forms which it could take, laying the foundations in many senses for how art is encountered in modern settings. Most of these we might take for granted; for example, next time you pose for a group photo, you have the early Dutch group portrait painters to thank for the development of this convention in imaging."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Royalty and Revolution in French Painting" |
"This course draws a wide arc of history through the eighteenth century in France, spanning from the Baroque splendor of the monarchy through the aristocracy's embrace of the Rococo style during the Regency period. However, the major historical events of that century hinge on the changing place of the Third Estate, the large population in France that belonged to neither royalty, aristocracy, nor clergy; the uprising of French peasants at the close of the eighteenth century and the deposition of the absolutist Bourbon monarchy transformed the political history of Western Europe and beyond. Images of this Third Estate also reflect shifting attitudes; from the patronizing, ""natural dignity"" imbued into images of silent, anonymous peasantry for French elites with a taste for northern genre scenes to the appropriation of a Neoclassical vocabulary by the bourgeoisie to express their ideals of heroism and resistance, we see in this course how French painting in the eighteenth century mirrored the significant social and political developments of the same century."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Enlightenment-Era Architecture" |
"This course looks at the architecture of nineteenth-century Europe and the United States and charts to shift away from elite architectural modes- like the Baroque and the Rococo- towards a transnational iteration of Neoclassicism and through the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which brought new possibilities of construction in new materials like iron and steel. As Europe and the United States assimilated these new modes of expression in the construction of buildings, the face, function, and features of architecture in the modern West were transformed."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"French Painting of Napoleon's Empire and Beyond" |
"This course takes a look at the long arc of the nineteenth century in France and the rise of new distinctive styles of painting and other artworks. We will see how Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Orientalism reflected the ambitions, achievements, and imagination of Napoleon's Empire and how these styles adapted in service to the changing political landscape to follow: the Bourbon Restoration, Revolution, and the foundation of the French Republic. From David and Ingres to Gericault and Courbet, we will chart the changing concepts of what accepted paintings could depict and how they could function for different governments and social classes; in this course, we will see how iconography in painting empowered an emperor and the common peasant in the emerging French identity of this decisive century."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Romanticism and Realism in 19th-century Anglo-American Art" |
"This course takes a look at the developments of painting and sculpture in the English and early American context. Here, we see such types as the individual portrait, the group portrait, the landscape, the historical painting and other conventions adapted first to the distinct sensibilities of the British Empire and then to the emergent American Republic. Romanticism and Realism, two styles which we have encountered in previous courses on French painting, drive the production of images which expressed very different experiences of the nineteenth century. On the one hand, Romantic landscapes played a problematic role in advertising the West as an uninhabited, idyllic land to European settlers, but on the other, Romantic treatments of the tragedies of slavery and other social injustices awakened the viewers' conscience with their emotional appeals. Realism too played a major role in the exposition of the brutal realities of the American Civil War or documenting the advances in medical and experimental science, whether as paintings or in the new medium of photography. Both styles here are explored in-depth through the major artists and their works of the nineteenth century."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get to Know Your Spirit Guides" |
"Do you want to receive guidance throughout your life on matters related to your spiritual development, career, health and heart? Your Spirit guides can be a wonderful source of information, encouragement, guidance and support.But you have to know who they are and develop a relationship with them.Since I began developing my mediumship abilities in 2001, Ive had years to connect with and deepen my relationship with my Spirit guides. Ive also helped dozens of people connect with their own guides both through mediumship and intuitive readings and by leading them through a meditation so they can meet and begin a relationship of their own.I have a slightly different take on Spirit guides than some teachers. I believe theyre part of your higher self. We connect with them as individual personalities in order to connect with different aspects of our own soul.In this online class well cover:What Spirit guides are and arent (at least not usually)Why you have themTheir role in your developmentHow to get to know themA Spirit guide meditation in which youll meet one or more guidesSound interesting? Take this course and learn more.What students say:""This is a great course for understanding more about your guides, the different types of guides and how to connect with one of your guides.""""This class was a great and easy way to learn about our spirit guides and their various roles in our lives. I especially enjoyed the meditation where we were able to meet our own guides. That was very powerful. Joanna is a great teacher and listener, with a fun and breezy approach to the mysteries of life. I highly recommend this class as well as her other classes, too. You won't be disappointed."""
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Spiritual Development" |
"When you think about meditating to connect with Spirit, your own intuition or higher self, does it feel effortless or do you struggle?What do you struggle with in your meditation practice?Making the time to sit down and do it?Wondering if you're doing it right?Not knowing the techniques to meditate ""effectively""?In Meditation for Spiritual Development, we'll cover these topics and more, including:Why you need meditation in your life to develop your spiritual giftsHow to begin a meditation practiceDiscovering and overcoming fear and resistanceA quick journey through the many different ways to meditateClearing up common misconceptions about meditationSeveral meditation techniques so you can find what works best for youWhether you want to develop your mediumship, psychic or intuitive abilities or deepen your connection to Spirit and your own divinity, meditation is key.This course will teach you the foundations of establishing a real connection through meditation and help you unblock whatever is keeping you from a fulfilling meditation practice.Here's what students who've taken this course say about it:""My fears about meditating were addressed as well as overcoming barriers to meditation. This class is definitely worth taking just to learn about the different types of meditation as well as finding out how to work meditation into a busy day. Joanna has been most helpful to me because I trust her and I am not afraid to open my mind with her.""""Joanna's approach to teaching about meditation is so down-to-earth and approachable. The exercises were a very nice way to ease into it. I really liked the idea of choosing what kind of meditation resonates with me and works well for myself.""""There is no heavy, deep, only one-way mysticism here, rather a varied approach to meditation techniques to personalize for your spiritual journey and development.""""The meditations that Joanna teaches in this course are so easy to learn and to repeat as necessary. When things in my life become too hectic, I've learned how to take a small mind break to refresh and replenish myself. Thanks so much!"""
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
Spine |
"Spine Pro- Spine- - - - - - - - Photoshop - Live2Dpreprocess - PhotoshopToSpine- Spine - - - - IK - - idle - punch - - walk - - damage - - - -"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Parler En Public - tape No1: Technique Pour Vaincre sa Peur" |
"Prsenter des ides, Prsenter des projets, Structurer son message, Positionner son corps : Ce sont simplement des techniques appliquer.Toutefois avant d'appliquer ces techniques, avant de passer la phase de ""ralisation"", Il existe un cueil. Un cueil qui peut paratre insurmontable, car c'est une barrire interne : La Peur De Parler En PublicComment dpasser cet obstacle motionnel qui, parfois trs en amont, cre un blocage. Vous empche de dlivrer votre message un public, un groupe, ou de parler devant une camra ?La Peur De Parler en public dbute souvent bien avant, le moment fatidique. Elle se renforce parfois des jours avant lvnement, jusqu' devenir bloquante. Alors mme que vous matrisez votre sujet ! Dans certains cas La Peur De Parler en Public, semble certain(e)s tellement redoutable, qu'elle peut orienter leur choix de vie, ou leur carrire professionnelle : Inciter renoncer certaines responsabilits, par vitement.La Peur De Parler En Public ou Face A Une Camra est une forme d'injustice motionnelle. A comptences similaires elle peut priver certaines personnes d'avantages auxquels elles auraient droit.Comme dans le cas de phobies : Essayer de s'opposer la peur en se "" raisonnant"", ou essayer de s'immuniser en se lanant dans l'arne, n'apporte que trs rarement le ""confort attendu"" en situation.Car la peur est un processus mental gr par l'inconscient. C'est donc au niveau de l'inconscient qu'il est ncessaire de faire les premiers ajustements. Afin de dsamorcer le rflexe de peur.Vaincre la Peur De Parler En Public Est Une Formation 100% PRATIQUEElle contient outre les vidos explicatives 5 Exercices A PRATIQUER. Attention : Connaitre les exercice ne suffit pas. seule la pratique permet de changer de rflexes au niveau Inconscient !Donc en pratiquant ces 5 exercices, vous saurez : Crer un raccourci de Confiance Instantane Utiliser Avant De Parler Mais aussi tout au long du processus de prparation de votre prsentation Matriser la respiration Abdominale Pour Contrer Les effets du Stress Et librer l'organisme des tensions musculaires Dclencher une Dissociation Immdiate Pour attnuer l'impact des motions Rgler le niveau de vos motions Pour ressentir du confort interne Avant et pendant votre prise de parole Remplacer les dclencheurs du processus de Peur ... Par des dclencheurs sensoriels de Matrise qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ? Toute personne qui ressent de l'inquitude ou de la peur parler en public ou devant une camra"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4 Firebase with Angular-Build PWA, Native Android, iOS" |
"Write once, run anywhere: Ionic 4 Angular with Firebase and Cloud Firestore NoSQL DB. Build Real World ionic 4 with Firebase Auth and Firestore DBWhat is Ionic Framework ?Ionic Framework is an open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).Ionic Framework is focused on the frontend user experience, or UI interaction of an app (controls, interactions, gestures, animations). Its easy to learn, and integrates nicely with other libraries or frameworks, such as Angular, or can be used standalone without a frontend framework using a simple script include.What is Angular?Angular is a platform that makes it easy to build applications with the web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop About FIrebase Cloud FirestoreCloud Firestore is a flexible, scalable database for mobile, web, and server development from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform. Like Firebase Realtime Database, it keeps your data in sync across client apps through realtime listeners and offers offline support for mobile and web so you can build responsive apps that work regardless of network latency or Internet connectivity. Cloud Firestore also offers seamless integration with other Firebase and Google Cloud Platform products, including Cloud Functions.Advantages of Ionic Framework: Cross-platformBuild and deploy apps that work across multiple platforms, such as native iOS, Android, desktop, and the web as a Progressive Web App - all with one code base. Write once, run anywhere. Web Standards-basedIonic Framework is built on top of reliable, standardized web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using modern Web APIs such as Custom Elements and Shadow DOM. Because of this, Ionic components have a stable API, and aren't at the whim of a single platform vendor. Beautiful DesignClean, simple, and functional. Ionic Framework is designed to work and display beautifully out-of-the-box across all platforms. Start with pre-designed components, typography, interactive paradigms, and a gorgeous (yet extensible) base theme. SimplicityIonic Framework is built with simplicity in mind, so that creating Ionic apps is enjoyable, easy to learn, and accessible to just about anyone with web development skills. Ionic CLIThe official Ionic CLI, or Command Line Interface, is a tool that quickly scaffolds Ionic apps and provides a number of helpful commands to Ionic developers. In addition to installing and updating Ionic, the CLI comes with a built-in development server, build and debugging tools, and much more .You will learn the following things in the course: Build a real-world ionic app with angular and firebase, cloud firestore DB. Single codebase, run on any platform: web, native android, ios. Firebase email password authentication in ionic. Firebase Google login for Web. FIrebase Google login for native android, ios. CRUD operations to cloud firestore db in ionic app. Build ionic app as PWA. Build APK for production & release. Create a beautiful and precise app icon and splash screen. Deploy the app to native devices. Serve ionic app with Nodejs Express. Deep understanding of ionic UI components and its behavior on different platform such as android, ios. Various Module loading Strategy in Angular and how ionic uses it. Angular concepts such as routing, modules, components, services, injectables, conditional classes and much more. Powerful reactive form validation using Angular in Ionic. Responsive design with Ionic Grid. Ionic Split Pane View. Ionic Pull Down To Refresh. Create keystore and sign APKand more"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js 2: Zero to Hero, Vuex Store, Vue CLI 3-Complete Guide" |
"Learn Vue.js 2 from scratch with Vuex State management library and Build Awesome Real World Application with Vue JSWhat is Vue.js?Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applicationsWhat is Vuex?Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official dev tools extension to provide advanced features such as zero-config time-travel debugging and state snapshot export/import.The state, the source of truth that drives our app.The view, a declarative mapping of the state.The actions, the possible ways the state could change in reaction to user inputs from the view.Advantages of Vue Js Framework: ApproachableAlready know HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Read the guide and start building things in no time! VersatileAn incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework. Performant20KB min+gzip Runtime, Blazing Fast Virtual DOM, Minimal Optimization EffortsYou will learn the following things in the course: Build a Real-World Application with Vue jS and Vuex state management library. Learn Vue JS concepts such as directives, methods, computed properties, two-way data binding, conditional rendering, dynamic classes, props, events, filters, life cycle hooks, and much more. Learn to create Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Vue Routing Learn how to communicate between parent-child components using Props and Events. Understand Vuex State management library concepts such as Actions, Mutations, Getters, State. Learn how to architect user interface into re-usable components. Understand all lifecycle hooks provided by the Vue Js. Learn mapAction, mapState and mapGetters in Vuex. Learn to manage Environment variables in various modes such as development and production. Form validation in Vue JS Learn about Mixins in Vue JS. Integrate bootstrap-vue library to create awesome UI in Vue JS. and more"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"GraphQL Apollo Server with Node.js, MongoDB - GraphQL API" |
"Build GraphQL API with Apollo Server in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Database. What is GraphQL?GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need, and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. Ask for what you need, get exactly that. Get many resources in a single request. Describe whats possible with a type system. Move faster with powerful developer tools. Evolve your API without versions Bring your own data and code Who is using GraphQL? Facebook, Github, Pinterest, Shopify and more What is Apollo Server?Apollo Server is the best way to quickly build a production-ready, self-documenting API for GraphQL clients, using data from any source.It's open-source and works great as a stand-alone server, an add-on to an existing Node.js HTTP server, or in ""serverless"" environments.Apollo Server implements a spec-compliant GraphQL server which can be queried from any GraphQL client, including Apollo Client, enabling: An easy start, so front-end and back-end developers can start fetching data quickly. Incremental adoption, allowing advanced features to be added when they're needed. Universal compatibility with any data source, any build tool, and any GraphQL client. Production readiness, and what you build in development works great in production.You will learn the following things in the course: Build GraphQL API with Apollo Server in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Add JWT Authentication in Apollo GraphQL API. Implement Faster pagination with Cursor Based Pagination Strategy. We will also implement offset limit pagination and will compare them. Add Data Loaders to return data faster from the server with batching and caching your database query. Feel Confident with GraphQL Concepts such as Query, Mutation, and Subscription. Best practices in GraphQL and Build Scalable API with proper schema design. Efficient and scalable GraphQL Schema design strategies. Learn to handle deep nested GraphQL Query. Learn to efficiently use the GraphQL Playground tool. Get a good understanding of schemas, ""types"" in GraphQL. Learn to set up real-time communication between client and server with the subscription. Learn to manage the authentication context in GraphQL. Secure/Protect various query and mutations with Graphql Resolver middleware and auth state from context. Define relationships between various object types. and much more."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pro Tennis Traders Sports Betting Systems Course" |
"Hi, thank you for taking the time to look at this course. This course will introduce you to 2 betting systems that were developed to generate long term profits from betting on Tennis Matches. You will discover how using a betting system is different from general gambling and how to use 2 of Pro Tennis Traders most popular betting systems. This course is designed for people who would like to generate a side income for a relatively passive past time. You will also be shown how you can access Pro Tennis Traders Free Tennis Betting Tips to use with the betting systems."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Beat the Bookies: Learn Sports Arbitrage Trading (Arbing)" |
"Have you ever wondered if there was a way to beat the Online Sports Bookies and Profit from placing bets on Sporting Markets without gambling your money? Well, yes, in fact there is a way. You can beat the bookies by Sports Arbitrage Betting.So what is Sports Arbitrage Betting? Sports Arbitrage Betting or Arbing, is when you take advantage of the difference in betting odds at different online bookmakers to bet on all possible outcomes to ensure that you make a Guaranteed Profit regardless of the result. Sounds too good to be true? You may be surprised to discover that there are thousands of people doing this around the world as their full-time job. In this course, I will show you exactly how to get started in the world of Sports Arbitrage Betting and show you what tools you need to get started to begin making money."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tennis Trading: Effective Strategies To Increase Profits" |
"Welcome to my course. I am a professional Tennis Trader and have been making consistent profits for the last 10 years. Hopefully you have already taken my first course titled ""Tennis Trading: Learn to Trade Tennis Matches and Make Money"" and you are now making some great tax free money. If you are completely new to Tennis Trading, then please complete ""Tennis Trading: Learn to Trade Tennis Matches and Make Money"" before enrolling on this course as you should have an understanding of how Tennis Trading Works. You will be excited to hear that this course will further boost your Tennis Trading Profits by providing you with 4 additional strategies which are used in My Platinum Traders Group. These 4 strategies are designed to help you minimise your losses and create more risk averse trades, therefore increasing your profits. For each strategy, I also include numerous real live trading examples to show you the strategies being implemented. If you want to take your Tennis Trading to the next level and supercharge your profits, then I shall look forward to seeing you on the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Risk Free Matched Betting" |
"I have been a professional Sports Trader for 10 years. My speciality is in Tennis Trading in which I have taught a large number of Students, many of which now trade full-time. However, I often recommend my students to begin their Sports Trading Journey with Matched Betting.With Matched Betting, you can make a very healthy Risk Free Income from just a few minutes work per day. This is simply done by taking advantage of Welcome Bonuses offered by Online Bookmakers to encourage new customers to join. However, it does not stop at Welcome Offers, as there are also numerous other ongoing offers with online sports betting as well as Casino, Bingo and online gaming offers. The list of money making opportunities really is endless.In this course, I will give you a complete introduction to the world of Matched Betting in which I will show you how to make a Risk Free 25, show you how to get some Free Casino Spins and then I will direct you on where to go to make a further 45 Risk Free Cash (for Free).You will also be shown how you can make between 500 - 1500 per month RISK FREE with another online Provider."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Trading Psychology: Think Like A Trader And Make More Money" |
"Hello and thank you for taking the time to see what this course is all about.My name is Fred and I am a professional Sports and Forex Trader.I developed this course; ""Think Like a Trader"" in response to the overwhelming number of students that I have taught and mentored in the past who have struggled to master their own mindset towards trading.There are essentially 2 vital components to Trading Success.1) An Effective Strategy.2) Your Mindset.Did you know that your strategy only accounts for 20% of your Trading Success. The other 80% comes down to your thinking and your mindset towards trading.In this course, I will help you to transform your mindset into that of a highly successful trader. You will no longer feel fear or anxiety around trading. You will learn to accept the risks inherent in trading and embrace them.We will explore elements such as Fear, Greed, Accepting Losses, Mindfulness and Mastering your Emotions. All of the topics covered in the course are applicable to all types of Trading including Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Commodities and Sports such as Tennis Trading. If you would like to take your trading to the next level by mastering your mindset towards Trading, then I shall look forward to seeing you on the course."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Start A Start Hustle And Build A Second Income" |
"Hello and welcome to my course.This course is for anyone who is thinking about starting a Side Gig / Side Hustle or Home Business or has started one already.Whether you have an idea in mind for your Side Hustle or you have no idea where to even start, this course will provide you with everything you need to get started with your Side Hustle.We will explore the concept of Side Gigging or Side Hustling, the different types of Side Hustles and which one is the best fit for you depending on your lifestyle and what you aim to achieve with your Side Hustles. This may be to simply make a few hundred pounds or dollars each month or it may be to eventually go full time with your Side Hustle. I will offer you loads of ideas and inspiration to give you a kickstart in getting going with your very own Side Hustle.I will also provide you with top class business planning tools for you to use when starting up and running your Side Hustle.By the end of the course, you feel empowered and confident to get out there and make your Side Hustle a success. You will also have unlimited access to all of the resources that I offer on my website.So begin your Side Hustle journey today by learning from a Serial Side Hustler, Entrepreneur and Trader. I have been there, done it and learned lots along the way, all of which I am willing to share with you.I look forward to seeing you on the course.Fred ;o)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Side Hustle: From No Idea To That Big Idea That Makes Money" |
"So you would like to start a Side Hustle, Small Business or maybe you would like to start up a full time Business but you have no idea what type of business to start. Or maybe you have an idea but are not 100% convinced that this is the right one to go with.Well, I have some great news for you. In this class, you will go from somebody without a single idea on which business to start to that Big Idea that may potentially transform your life. We will start from a completely blank canvas to creating something incredible when you have your lightbulb moment.Now I am not promising that I am going to turn you into a millionaire , but I will help you to develop a good, strong business idea that has the potential to make you a nice side income and potentially a full time income in the future.My role is to help you to develop the idea, it is then down to you to make a success of it.Here is what we are going to cover in the course:We will begin by transforming your mindset into that of an entrepreneur and a rich thinker in order for you to have the required creative mindset to come up with a winning business idea.We will then look at what you want to achieve with your Business to ensure that the business idea that you decide to go for is in synergy with your goals and is also realistic to achieve what it is that you want to achieve.I will then provide you with a set of tools to help you first of all decide what type of business you would like, which type is best suited to your strengths your interests and your passion, what market you should be aiming for and even who your customers should be.As we go through the course, you will find that you enter a state of enhanced creativity, a creative vortex if you like and you will be coming up with numerous ideas for your business and in the latter stages of the course we will short list these ideas down to the ones that are best suited to you, your goals and your lifestyle. And by the end of the course, you will have your Big Idea which will be validated and ready to go.So lets get started."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"(50+ Saat) Python A-Z: Veri Bilimi ve Machine Learning" |
"9 Eitim 1 Arada! Platformun en kapsaml, en ok satan ve en yksek puanl Python, Veri Bilimi ve Makine renmesi eitimi. 140 altrma ile rendiklerinizi uygulama ve pekitirme imkan bulacaksnz.21. Yzyln en popler mesleklerinden birisi olarak grlen veri bilimcilik iin gereken tm yetkinlikleri ele alacamz bu eitim ile sfrdan uzmanla veri bilimci olmak iin gereken tm yetkinlikleri sektr profesyoneli bir veri bilimciden gerek hayat uygulamalar ile pekitirme imkan bulacaksnz.Python programlama dilini sfrdan ileri seviyeye ""neyi"", ""neden"" yaptnz anlayarak reneceksiniz. Kurs ierii modern i dnyasnn gerek senaryolar ile oluturulmutur ve sfrdan balayanlar ileri bir seviyeye ulatrmak amacn tamaktadr.Python ProgramlamaVeri Okuryazarl Veri ManiplasyonuKeifi Veri AnaliziVeri GrselletirmeVeri Bilimi iin statistik Veri n lemeMakine renmesiByk Veri AnalitiiDoal Dil leme ve Metin MadenciliiTwitter AnalitiiVeri Tabanlar ve SQL (Sqlite)Veri Bilimi Proje Ynetimi --- Kurs ile lgili Baz Yorumlar --- ""Sadece tantm aamasndan bile kursun ne kadar kaliteli bir ierie sahip olduunu anlayabiliyorsunuz. Eitmen sa olsun hi teklemeden anlatyor, akc bir konumaya sahip. lerledike yorumu gncelleyeceim."" brahim Kaplan ""Bu kursu almadan nde baka eitmenden kurs aldm ve eitime devam ediyordum. Vahit hocann cretsiz ""Veri Bilimi ve Veri Bilimcilik iin Giri Eitimi"" videolarn izledim tam aradm anlatm ekli. Vahit hoca Phyton kursu yaynlar yaynlamaz satn aldm. Dier kursa ara verdim ve bu kursa devam ediyorum. Vahit hocann eitim ekli, ders anlatmas, kodlardan nce iin temeli ve mantn vermesi ok houma gitti. Vahit hocam elinize salk gerekten. (bu arada dier eitim de kaliteli hakkn yemeyelim fakat bu kadar detayl anlatm yok)"" Hilmi El ""Az nce gnderini Linkedin de tesadfen grp kursunun tantm videolarn izledim. Ben 2 Trke bir de Jose portila dan ngilizce olmak zere toplam 3 kurs aldm. Ama gerekten yaplan iini amacn aklayan seni grdm. Trke ierikler genelde daha nce hazrlanm olan ingilizce kurslarn benzeri eklinde olur ama bu kurs ingilizce kurslarn ok zerinde. Trkeyi plaza dilinden uzak sade bir ekilde kullanman ve zellikle iin matematiini ok gzel aklaman takdire ayan. Teekkr ederim."" Can Boran ""Bu platform ierisindeki en kapsaml Veri Bilimi ve Machine Learning kursu. Detaylar atlamadan , anlalr ve bir o kadar da herkesin anlayabilecei seviyede anlatmas bu kursu bu seviyeye getiriyor. Vahit Hocam , emeinize salk."" Serkan Arslan ""Akc, aklayc, basit anlatm, zengin ierii ve rendiklerinizi pekitireceiniz kk snavlar ile, ierii gncellenen bir yaps olmasnn yannda M.Vahit Keskin'in byk bir zaman, emek ve zveri ile hazrlam olduu paha biilemez bir kaynak, byk bir paylam olarak gryorum. Sizi her zaman alma ve renme asnda motive eden, cesaret veren slubuyla, soru sormakta ekinmeyeceiniz, gercek hayattan orneklerle bak anz deitiren, hassas noktalara deinen iyi bir retmen. Daha nce aldm dier yerli ve yabanc kurslarn dnda her ynyle farkl bir yerde gryor ve herkese tavsiye ediyorum."" Eser SAHIN ""Vahit Bey'in tasarlad kursun henz balarnda olmakla birlikte , gerek konularn verili biimi gerekse rneklemelerin anlalrlndan ok memnun olduumu belirtmek isterim. Vahit bey'in anlatm , sadece Veri biliimi konularnda hibir altyap sahibi olmayanlar iin diil , ocuklarn bile anlayabilecei dzeyde tasarlanm. Daha da nemlisi , bir sorunla karlatmzda geri dnlerin artc derecede hzl ve youn olmas. ahsen Vahit bey tarafndan whatsapp'dan arandm sylersem bu destein derecesi hakknda bir fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz sanrm . Vahit bey'e byle bir eitimi bu kadar uygun bir etiket ile sunduu iin ve tabi sregelen desteklerinden dolay teekkr etmek isterim. Veri biliimi ve Yapay Zeka konularna ilgi duyan herkese balang iin iddetle tavsiye ederim bu eitimi. Kaytsz kalmayn zira bir yerden balayacaksanz bu kurs kesinlikle doru yer."" Haluk"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JEE Mains & Advanced Mentorship" |
"We see that most students don't know what is takes to do well in highly competitive exams such as JEE Mains & JEE Advanced! As a result, they struggle significantly during their preparation journey even after spending 10-15 hrs each day for 2-3 years & investing lakhs of rupees on it. The return that they get at the end is a Tier 2 / Tier 3 college with really high fees & sub-par career opportunities.Even though this is not the end, but don't you want to get a great Return on Investment (ROI) on the investment that you make for your competitive exam preparation. This return will be in terms of getting into premier institute, great peer & alumni group, good campus life & academics, world class career opportunities, dynamic life, peace of mind, happiness & joy!If you want to get into your dream IIT / NIT / IIIT / BITS, you should know What to Study & How to study. Unfortunately, coachings dont teach you How to study, they only teach you What to study. Learning How to study is key to excelling in Jee mains & JEE advanced because without it you wouldnt know whether you are moving in right direction or not. Hard work in wrong direction doesnt lead to success. For success, you need to work hard & also in the RIGHT DIRECTION. This Digital Mentorship provides you the right direction during JEE preparation. It is designed by Rohit Kakkar (AIR 1299 in JEE11, IIT Kanpur Alumnus, JEE Mentor, Physics Teacher and Founder of MindLarity).This course saves you a lot of time, effort & energy wasted while figuring out the right methods of studying & also lakhs of rupees because if applied properly, this course guarantees success. You get 12 lakhs per annum average package from IIT, 7 lakhs per annum average package from NIT & 4 lakhs per annum average package from private college. So this course provides a great ROI. We can definitely help you go from Private college level to NIT Level to IIT Level. Our mentees get following measurable results in their preparation journey on a regular basis:Increment in daily focused self study hours to atleast 6 in just 3 monthsStrong conceptsGood problem solving skillsGood exam scores & rankClarity, Happiness & JoyDo you want these results as well?If yes, check out this Mentorship by clicking on the link below. Go through free videos by scrolling down. If you like them, then subscribe the course & watch it atleast 2 times so that you start applying all the actions mentioned in the course."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"NEET and AIIMS Mentorship" |
"We see that most students don't know what is takes to do well in highly competitive exams such as NEET and AIIMS! As a result, they struggle significantly during their preparation journey even after spending 10-15 hrs each day for 2-3 years & investing lakhs of rupees on it. The return that they get at the end is a Tier 2 / Tier 3 college with really high fees & sub-par career opportunities.Even though this is not the end, but don't you want to get a great Return on Investment (ROI) on the investment that you make for your competitive exam preparation. This return will be in terms of getting into premier institute, great peer & alumni group, good campus life & academics, world class career opportunities, dynamic life, peace of mind, happiness & joy!If you want to get into your dream medical college such as NEET, AIIMS, CMC, King George etc, you should know What to Study & How to study. Unfortunately, coachings dont teach you How to study, they only teach you What to study. Learning How to study is key to excelling in NEET and AIIMS because without it you wouldnt know whether you are moving in right direction or not. Hard work in wrong direction doesnt lead to success. For success, you need to work hard & also in the RIGHT DIRECTION. This Digital Mentorship provides you the right direction during NEET preparation. It is designed by Rohit Kakkar (AIR 1299 in JEE11, IIT Kanpur Alumnus, JEE Mentor, Physics Teacher and Founder of MindLarity).This course saves you a lot of time, effort & energy wasted while figuring out the right methods of studying & also lakhs of rupees because if applied properly, this course guarantees success. Our mentees (Students whom we mentor) get following measurable results in their preparation journey on a regular basis:Increment in daily focused self study hours to atleast 6 in just 3 monthsStrong conceptsGood problem solving skillsGood exam scores & rankClarity, Happiness & JoyDo you want these results as well?If yes, check out this Mentorship by clicking on the link below. Go through free videos by scrolling down. If you like them, then subscribe the course & watch it atleast 2 times so that you start applying all the actions mentioned in the course."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Las Curvas en Photoshop" |
"Este curso est enfocado a uno de los recursos mas importantes y potentes de Photoshop. Photoshop no podra existir sin las capas, pero tambin est dotado de muchos recursos, entre ellos, el de los ajustes por Curvas. Un recurso poco comprendido y a veces temido, ya que se asocia con algo complejo. Pero no lo es. Lo importante, para mi, es que el estudiante al otro lado de la pantalla entienda el por qu de hacer las cosas en Photoshop, y en este curso, aprender el por qu de las curvas y de los procesos detrs de este gran recurso. Photoshop se har mas fcil y atractivo a la hora de editar de manera no destructiva."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Professional WordPress Website - Less than 1 Hour" |
"Make Professional WordPress Website - Less than 1 Hour :-Make WordPress Website Less than 1 Hour -Wordpress for Beginners. Easiest Way to Make a Professional Wordpress Website with ELementor.You can easily Make a Professional Website.This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, or a business website to sell your products and services, you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along. Why learn from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting. Now I love WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress for Beginners 2020 - Master Wordpress Quickly" |
"Wordpress for Beginners 2020 - Wordpress Development Guide no experience, programming, or coding necessary.Easily create a Wordpress website: no experience, programming, or coding necessary. Complete WordPress course!This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, or a business website to sell your products and services, you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along. Why learn from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting. Now I love WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All In One :- Wordpress + Blog + Yoast SEO + Article Writing" |
"+++++All In One Course 2020 :- WordPress + Yoast SEO + Blogging + Article Wriitng++++++++1. Wordpress for Beginners 2020 - Wordpress Development Guide no experience, programming, or coding necessary.Easily create a Wordpress website: no experience, programming, or coding necessary. Complete WordPress course!This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, or a business website to sell your products and services, you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2. Blogging for Beginners 2020 : Blogging Guide. A to Z Blogging Success Blueprint. Make Beautiful & Responsive Blog.Do you want to start a WordPress blog the right way? I know that starting a blog can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not geeky. Guess what - you are not alone. Having helped over thousands of users to start a blog, in this course, I will give you exact instructions on how to start a blog from the scratch on WordPress.Let me help you !In this course, I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from keyword research to on-page optimization, with or without Wordpress.Better yet, the learning curve for this course is very short. Watch it once and you'll be ready to go. Monkey sees monkey does. SEO doesn't have to be hard..Do you need/want to rank your website higher ?Do you have very low starting capital, or wish to invest as little money as possible?Are you busy and want to get things done as fast as possible?Do you want to attract more visitors to your website or blog ?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3. WordPress SEO 2020 - SEO WordPress Guide to Rank #1 on Google. Complete WordPress + SEO Course. WordPress SEO Training.I will offer Skype support to every student who asks for it. If you have a problem/question, send me a private message and we will set a time for the call.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn how to rank your website higher with search engines ?I will lay down very straightforward instructions to achieve this, after a short introduction to the theory of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ).This course is the only guide you need to setup your WordPress Blog website Know how you can pick the right niche for your blog Create a blog you are passionate aboutSetup your blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, only 5 minutes)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging success Optimize your blogging website for better SEODiscover ways to build the traffic and earn from your blog website"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do freelancing by Making 100% Unique Article Without skills" |
"Hello, I am Gurpreet Singh and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you.Masterclass of Make Creative & Unique Content Writing in 20 Minute with My Advance Hidden Secret Tricks & Techniques:-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Welcome+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Anyone looking to explore writing skills?Anyone who wants to learn how can write 100% Unique Article in just 20 Minutes?Anyone who wants to make in a career in Blogging?Then look no further - Writing Success is for you!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In this Course you will discover:Reveal My Writing Methods & TechniquesHow to write 100% Unique ArticleHow to Spinner the ArticleHow to Rewrite the ArticleHow to Use Plagiarism CheckerHow to Use Advance Tools of WritingDisclose my Hidden Secret tricks+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This Course has every thing you need and, naturally, comes with my 100% No QUIBBLE Money back Guarantee - well its Udemy's too! So, what are you waiting for?Time is literally money! Enroll today and start your profitable Writing Career with me!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unapologetically Muslim" |
"If you're someone who's ever thought:""I just want to practice my faith in peace.""""I want to gain more knowledge of Islam, in a way that's relevant today.""""I want to be able to go outside my comfort zone and talk to people about Islam and Muslims, and learn how to answer questions in a smarter way, without getting defensive, even when talking to difficult people.""""I want to feel like I can be a good Muslim without alienating myself from the rest of society.""""I want to stop feeling ashamed of my faith. I want to feel confident as a Muslim.""If any of these thoughts resonated with you, then you're in the right place.Welcome to Unapologetically Muslim."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Best Weight Loss Affirmation Class in the World" |
"This course teaches a new advanced way to employ affirmations which dramatically alters the way one relates to themselves and their weight. This new relationship and conversation with one's self powerfully assists in losing weight and then maintaining ones' weight loss. The approach is based on the latest neuroscience behind the development of one's personality and self-concept. Understanding and learning how this development occurs gives one the opportunity to redirect and reprogram their self-talk, self-belief and self-concept systems with effective and enduring results.We offer a 30-day ""no questions asked"" money back guarantee that this course (done exactly as prescribed in the curriculum) will assist you in your weight loss and alter your relationship with your self and your weight forever."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Best Relationship Affirmation Class in the World" |
"Relationships are built on shared values. The more values we share, the more aligned is our relationship.However, how many of us have actually taken the time to list and align our values?In this course you will not only learn how to use effective ways to align yourself with your most important values, but also how to effectively align with your partner and your partner with you.The approach is based on the latest neuroscience behind the development of one's personality and self-concept. Understanding and learning how this development occurs gives one the opportunity to redirect and reprogram their self-talk, self-belief and self-concept systems with effective and enduring results.This course teaches an advanced way to use affirmations to dramatically direct the way one relates to themselves and their partner/relationship. This new rapport and conversation with one's self powerfully assists in re-framing ones relationship and ones relationship to partnering as a whole.The technology may be used by either someone who wants a relationship, someone who wants to improve their current relationship or a couple who want to re-charge or super-charge their relationship together."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |