Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Advanced Self-Healing Road-Map" |
"Dr. Joe Marshalla has had several catastrophic health opportunities from which he has miraculously recovered. These health opportunities have included several near death experiences, several death experiences, 6 coronary bypasses, 3 strokes, coma, amnesia, subclavian bypass, paralysis and a whole host of conditions that most people never fully recover from. However, to the surprise of all his doctors, surgeons and specialists, he has fully recovered from these extraordinary health experiences and is stronger and healthier than ever.Dr. Joe states, ""My recovery was not a miracle... it was by design... and this ""Design"" is exactly what is shared and taught in this class.""Dr. Joe skillfully takes the students through the science, philosophies, conditions, tools and systems involved in the process of self-healing and then teaches how to implement these into our lives and/or current health challenges."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fonctionnalits avances de Word, Excel, PowerPoint" |
"Vous apprendrez ici des fonctionnalits avances qui vous permettront d'conomiser beaucoup de temps et d'nergie avec des fonctionnalits avances du Pack Office : - raliser une brochure professionnelle, en uniformisant les styles, en numrotant certaines pages et pas d'autres (couverture, sommaire automatique,...) et pouvoir faire voluer son identit visuelle immdiatement, sans avoir modifier paragraphe par paragraphe.- envoyer 50 mails personnaliss 50 personnes diffrentes en un clic- raliser une facture en limitant au possible les erreurs de saisie grce aux fonctions de validation des donnes et de recherche dans une base d'Excel- raliser une prsentation professionnelle par Powerpoint et mettre jour rapidement son identit visuelle, sans avoir modifier une une les diapositives."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn para trabalho fora do Brasil" |
"Cheguei na Europa tem 12 anos e desde minha primeira semana aqui, mesmo sem ingls e sem passaporte europeu, eu consegui um trabalho na minha rea graas ao LinkedIn. Nesses 12 anos fui promovido, mudei de empresas, consegui visto de trabalho e fui gerente global em uma multinacional. Esse curso um resumo de como criar um perfil no LinkedIn em ingls para quem pensa em trabalhar no exterior."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Bookkeeping" |
"Description for my online courseI am Vathani Ariyam the author of this course Beginners Bookkeeping created for students, entrepreneurs help to maintain their books. Implementing proper accounting system is vital for any business either a small business or a corporation. By keeping your accounting records in order avoids mistakes, fraud in the market, correct tax payments and to grow your business. The businesses which do not have a proper accounting system either fail soon or the company will not improve. It is advisable for entrepreneurs acquires knowledge about the basic bookkeeping as it helps when hiring someone or outsourcing the work. In this course, I have explained basic auditing, other accounting functions, budgeting and cash flow set up. If you want to be successful in business, need to maintain accounts from day one of your startup. If not likely to face issues like lack of profit calculations, no internal control, losing money and many more. Then set up a budget and cash flow before starting a business is essential to monitor expenditure and income.Further maintain a proper system helps to avoid common mistakes in invoicing, stock control, credit control and producing financial statements. Entrepreneurs should not do everything due to lack of financial knowledge and time might push the business to the ground. Then you get in-house help, freelancer's help or you outsource your work to an outsourcing company. But aware things can go wrong if you do not know what to expect from these people who are helping you.I created this basic online course in accounting to help the people who have interests in setting up a business. When you have the financial knowledge, can offer your help to other people to come out of their difficult economic issues. If you want to set up a home-based bookkeeping business follow this course to give you confidence. An online course can help students who wish to proceed with accounting study along with working in the accounting field."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Budgeting and Planning to Save" |
"I am Vathani Ariyam author of this online course Budgeting & Planning to Save I know learning about budgeting is crucial for personal life and business. Budget is a beautiful tool to manage your finances, and many people think that the budget is not for them. If a budget did correctly is the most accurate tool for analyzing your investments and it answers two questions that we all have all the timeDo I spend more than I earn?What can I afford to spend?Budget is crucial for people who are short of money and for those who have lots of money in their bank account. It all helps you to keep a track of your finances, allocate money in the best possible way that saves your money at the end.So, now I believe that you understand the importance of setting a budget. Therefore I want to hear about your experience about managing money?What you struggle with?What you hope to achieve?What you love and hate?What have you wanted to overcome but just havent been able to yet?I know that you are busy and you have the expertise in managing the money. However, if you like this online course, I would appreciate your feedback and hope you will purchase this course as well."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bookkeeping Essentials" |
"I am creating an online course called Bookkeeping Essentials and planning to launch soon. It is useful for students, and to entrepreneurs help to maintain their books. Implementing proper accounting system is vital for any business either a small business or a corporation. If you keep your accounting records in order helps to avoids mistakes, fraud in the market, correct tax payments and to grow your business. Either the firms that do not have a proper accounting system fail soon, or the company will not improve.How I studied accounting? Why I studied accounting?When I am starting to write it is taking me to the early years of my time when I decided my career. I did not have any particular reason to get into accountancy, but I knew that I was excellent at mathematics. So, why didnt I choose further studies in maths? I always knew that accounting is one of the best jobs where you can protect yourself from unemployment, also, helps you in your real life to deal with money cautiously. Therefore, bookkeeping is a top-rated course to help you to do well in life as you can work for a company or you can own your bookkeeping business. Once you qualify in bookkeeping, then head towards accountingWhat you will learn in this online courseIf you are preparing to own a business, there are some principles you must learn about managing it. When you are a newbie, the first thing that you have to learn the tips that I have mentioned in my first lecture Bookkeeping Today. When you follow the tips with care, there is no difficulty in setting up the new business.Further, you will learn about the concept of cash and bank transactions, and in this lecture, you will be able to formulate the double entry system for all the cash and bank transactions that take place daily. It is an online course for, a student as a beginner learner essential to study about bookkeeping practice that starts with the double entry system. Therefore, I have clearly explained all that in lecture number two.If you are interested in learning bookkeeping, this online course will show you the correct direction towards your achievementI created this online course in accounting to help the people who have interests in setting up a business. When you have the financial knowledge, can offer your help to other people to come out of their severe economic issues. If you want to set up a home-based bookkeeping business read this online course to give you confidence. An online course can help students who wish to proceed with an accounting study along with working in the accounting field"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Manage Cash Flow" |
"I am the author of this an online course Managing Cash Flow a useful course for small business owners and the students who want to study accounting courses.If you plan to set up a small business better to create a cash flow statement even before the start-up of the company, I am sure for you to start a small business you must have decided about the niche, location, costings, and the availability of funding along with your plan. It is essential to prepare the cash flow with the assumptions for the income and expenses but make sure to maintain the integrity of your project.The purpose of cash flow is to know where the cash is coming from and then leaving an entity shown in a cash flow statement as the inflows and outflows of money. It is one of the three required financial statements balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. It is essential for analysing the liquidity and long-term solvency of a company.You will need a cash flow statement when you start to look for funding either a bank loan or getting investors. An interested investor will want to see your cash flow to assess the financial strength of your business.In this course, you will learn about creating a cash flow, managing it, why is it so critical for any business and learn to analyse it. Then you will learn about the types of cash flow statements. It also explains how you can control the income and expenditure of your business. For example, when you have a small business before you start work, you check the cash position daily. Therefore, dont you think a cash flow helps you to perform that task efficiently?Thank you for reading the description and I am confident that it will inspire you to purchase this course. In addition, my video lessons, photos, and quizzes will give you a better understanding of the creation and the management of a cash flow statement I hope to see you there"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business Advice and Accounting Systems" |
"Business Advice and Accounting Systems.Are you tired of the 9-5 job?Have you lost all your inspiration on the job?Are you looking for a stable income or additional for you to have a better lifestyle?Now you have two choices; that is either looking for alternate employment or to set up a business. If you are qualified and experience, you will not have any problem in finding another job, but if you happen to feel like in the previous post, your chances of progression are very narrow.My name is Vathani Ariyam, a business adviser and the author of this online course, my advice to you to be your boss, the benefits are, no one to answer, you take your decisions, you chose your employees and lot more like that.If you decide to start up a business, is it going to be the business offering products or services for sale?Is it going to be home-based or at another location?Are you going to turn your passion into a business?Like the above, there are so many questions you could ask yourself and find the answers. There few things that I am giving below; you have to take into consideration1. How will you locate the niche?2. Will there be the first market for the product?3. Have you checked the competitors?4. Location5. How will you sell the product?6. Who is your target audience?7. Do you have enough capital?8. Positive thinking, consistency, prepared to face the challenges, remove negativity altogether.9. Training on the product or service and dealing with customers is essential10. Implement a proper accounting system, if not chances of failure are unavoidableAfter all these, you start to have a part-time job along with your business, as it takes time for anyone to see the profit straight away.When you read this, you will find all the necessary actions to start a business and all the accounting systems applicable to the firm mentioned in this online course.I am sure you will enjoy reading this online course make use of it to its highest potential."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Writing a business plan for your business" |
"My name is Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course Writing a business plan for your business. I have written this online course as a help for people who likes to run a business but reluctant for some reasons. One of the main reason is fear and lack of self-confident because of the thought might have to face failure. However, it is easy to think like that and sabotage your desire without even trying. Instead, think of the stronger points to become successful in business. The vital point is to plan to start the business. That is good but not enough; your plan should not stay in your head should go in the paper.Make your first plans well and start writing it down on a piece of paper whenever your thoughts come up. Then make it as a document and call it your business plan. A well-written business plan should include all the aspects of creating and running a successful business. It is a valuable document that you can use it to present it to the lenders and investors. You might think you spend more time on creating it but will not benefit you later.This online course gives you the tips to write, the benefits from it then how to follow it up. One last thing when you follow the well-written business plan will take your business to a different level. I have to remind you most businesses fail in the first year itself due to lack of planning. Therefore, this well-written business plan will save you from the disaster as it has all the winning points.Thank you for selecting my online course to read. If it has benefited you, please do not forget to give a good review."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Accounting Strategies that help you Grow Your Busin" |
"IntroductionMy name is Vathani Ariyam, and I am the author of this online course, thank you for picking up my path. I am just trying to help anyone to learn how you can grow your business if you have robust accounting strategies in place.Do you want to grow your business? Then it is a good time for you to read this online course""Discover Accounting Strategies that help you Grow Your Business""Strategic management accounting is about having an accounting system that checks, accommodates, supports, and controls your strategic management goals.Budgeting and cash flow monitoring are one of the many crucial factors in managing a business. If you do not know, how much you are receiving and spending, you do not know your real financial situation. If you go to work, you know your salary and plan how much you can spend out of it. Then the leftover amount of the surplus or deficit. Therefore, this applies to business management as well.There are some more critical things to grow your business are, implementing a suitable accounting system for your business.Also, draw up a business plan as your road map, setting up a contingency plan for your business in the event of a crisis. Further computerizing your accounts will help you, your creditors, debtors, and your staff as well. Finally yet importantly, my advice is that you should have at least basic accounting knowledge to achieve success is critical.So to help you, I have written about the tools to grow your business. Moreover, gain accounting knowledge that will give you more power over your business.Keep your accounts separate like getting to know the difference in the funds you receive from loans, any other income, and sales. Therefore keep different records to work smarter with money, do not allow the income structure to mix up. If not, you will not know the amount of money that your business is making.I hope that you will enjoy this online course and thank you once again.Please leave a useful review if you like the course that will inspire me to produce more courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How Investing in you gives a better life?" |
"How Investing in you gives a better life?IntroductionI am Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course How Investing in you gives a better life, want to remind you all investment in you is one of the best return on investments. No one can do well and lead an entirely contented life without any investment in themselves because investing in you gives you more confidence. Investing in you involves both time and money. I am an author, and I spend a lot of my time doing researches and reading to help myself in my work. There are others they spend money to enhance their knowledge by going to college, courses for that you need money.However, when you accomplish your education will pay you back in return that will be for your lifetime. When you educate yourself and gained lots of confidence, you can start to help others. Then again, your expertise will enhance while helping others, and at the same time, they will benefit. As a result, of this investment, your potential value increases, and then there will be an increase in making money as well. The investment in you helps to improve your talent and use in many possible ways to have a better lifestyle. Then remember the ability you got because of your investments cannot take away from you at any time.I am only talking about money and education here, bearing that in mind, you need happiness in your life. Moreover, for that, having money might not help you always you need to have joy, health, satisfaction and offer your help to others. You have to invest yourself in these things as well about these I have said everything in detail you will learn when you are reading it. Another essential idea is to spend time in your relationship that is with your family, friends, and your partner. You have to invest your time in these things. Say if you do not take care of your marriage, the consequence will be extreme and might damage what you have made through your investments. Again, you will see all these in detail in this online course, and I am sure that you will appreciate my views and make the best use of them.Lastly, thank you for picking up my online course, and please do not forget to leave a useful review if you like my online course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The complete guide to bookkeeping for small business owners" |
"The complete guide to bookkeeping for small business ownersIntroductionI am creating an online course called The complete guide to bookkeeping for small business owners and planning to launch before Christmas. It is useful for students, and entrepreneurs help to maintain their books. Implementing a proper accounting system is vital for any business, either a small business or a corporation. If you keep your accounting records in order helps to avoid mistakes, fraud in the market, correct tax payments, and to grow your business. Either the firms that do not have a proper accounting system fail soon, or the company will not improve.How I studied accounting? Why I studied accounting?When I am starting to write, it is taking me to the early years of my time when I decided on my career. I did not have any particular reason to get into accountancy, but I knew that I was excellent at mathematics. So, why didnt I choose further studies in maths? I always knew that accounting is one of the best jobs where you can protect yourself from unemployment, also helps you in your real life to deal with money cautiously. Therefore, bookkeeping is a top-rated course to help you to do well in life as you can work for a company, or you can own your bookkeeping business. Once you qualify in bookkeeping and then head towards accountingWhat you will learn in this online courseIf you are preparing to own a business, there are some principles you must learn about managing it. When you are a newbie, firstly, you have to learn the tips that I have mentioned in my first lecture, What is accounting and how to do it?When you follow the tips with care, there is no difficulty in setting up the accounting system for your new business.I created this online course in accounting to help the people who have interests in setting up a business. When you have financial knowledge, you can offer your help to other people to come out of their severe economic issues. If you want to set up a home-based bookkeeping business, read this online course to give you confidence. An online course can help students who wish to proceed with an accounting study along with working in the accounting field.Top of FormBottom of Form"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Desenho Criativo" |
"s vezes tudo o que precisamos para fazer um trabalho criativo, de uma simples referncia, um ponto de partida pelo qual nossa imaginao possa fluir.Hoje em dia somos constantemente bombardeados por imagens, tanto que fica difcil trazer tona algo original. Mas podemos tambm reinventar o que j existe.Dar vazo a nossa criatividade essencial quando se procura fazer algo novo. Para isso, precisamos de foco e persistncia.O CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO CRIATIVO traz, por meio de exerccios prticos, sugestes de como criar trabalhos originais utilizando as mais simples referncias.Ideal para quem j fez ou est fazendo os CURSOS BSICOS DE DESENHO PARA INICIANTES (NVEIS I, II E III), O CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO CRIATIVO um passo adiante rumo ao seu desenvolvimento."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Pintura a Guache para Iniciantes" |
"O Guache um dos materiais mais versteis que existe! Combina caractersticas que o deixa entre a aquarela e a tinta acrlica.Suas principais vantagens so:- Preo reduzido- Fcil de encontrar- Ampla variedade de cores- Fcil adaptao para quem est aprendendo- Permite grande variedade de tcnicas- Baixo nvel de desperdcio- AtxicaA tinta guache o veculo ideal para quem est iniciando no aprendizado de pintura, pois permite a utilizao de tcnicas semelhantes a aquarela e tinta acrlica. Custa cerca da metade do preo se comparado aquarela, alm de ser mais fcil de utilizar.Este curso ir te oferecer as bases necessrias para que voc aprenda a pintar com guache e, futuramente, desenvolva suas prprias pinturas!Voc tambm ter todo o suporte necessrio para solucionar suas dvidas! Venha conferir!!!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho para Crianas" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de desenho para crianas (ou para voc, adulto, que quer aprender os primeiros passos do desenho)!Este um curso introdutrio que apresentar conceitos bsicos de desenho de forma prtica e direta, atravs de exerccios simples que iro fazer com que voc perca o medo de desenhar.Foi pensado e desenvolvido tambm para voc, adulto, que nunca se deu a oportunidade de aprender ou sente-se inibido frente ao desafio de reproduzir uma imagem de forma realista.Se formos, ento, comparar o aprendizado como uma escada, este curso seria o primeiro degrau.Atravs destas bases simples, voc ganhar mais autoconfiana e poder a partir da buscar referncias cada vez mais avanadas.Todas as atividades prticas deste curso so reproduzidas passo-a-passo, respeitando seu tempo, e voc poder repeti-las quantas vezes quiser para um melhor aproveitamento.Lembramos que a presena dos pais muito importante como incentivo ao desenvolvimento das crianas.Ento pegue lpis e papel e venha descobrir que aprender a desenhar mais fcil do que voc imagina!!!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Aquarela: Pssaros e Aves" |
"Este curso uma extenso dos CURSOS DE AQUARELA - NVEIS I e II, ministrados por mim aqui tambm na Udemy. voltado para quem j possui alguma experincia com aquarela, no entanto, alunos que nunca tiveram contato com o material tambm podem adquirir, pois todos os exerccios so passados passo-a-passo.O ritmo lento, porm, sem enrolao. Todo o processo demonstrado na prtica desde o esboo inicial at a ltima pincelada.O foco deste curso, a construo de pinturas de pssaros e aves. O contedo aborda:- Onde conseguir referncias- Como fazer o esboo- Quais os materiais que sero utilizados- Principais tipos de aquarelas e suas caractersticas- Papis para aquarela e suas caractersticas- Uso da aquarela em tubo- Uso da aquarela em pastilhas- Uso da aquarela lquida- Uso de lpis aquarelveis- Construo de pinturas passo-a-passo do absoluto zero.Alm de ser uma temtica fascinante para os amantes da aquarela!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
omotenashienglish |
"This course is designed for Japanese people who want to help and communicate with foreign tourists and international visitors in Japan. More tourists are coming to Japan every year and the Rugby World Cup and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will bring even more! This course will teach you the words, phrases and questions you need to show Japanese in English."
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Desarrolla Apps Profesionales Estticas con Flutter & Dart" |
"En este curso aprenders de manera prctica y bajo la metodologa ""Learning by doing"" la creacin de una aplicacin esttica con Flutter y con el lenguaje ""Dart"".A travs de este ejercicio completo podrs conocer todos los aspectos bsicos del diseo y programacin de una App profesional.- Diseo y navegacin de pantallas- Creacin de categoras, subcategoras y detalles- Insercin de textos, imgenes interactivas y bases de datos internas- Integracin de servicios como Google Maps, Whatsapp y Facebook- Generar tu archivo .apk- Crear pantallas anidadas- Insertar grficos interactivos- Trabajo con reproduccin de videos"
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Flutter Tutorial: Develop a Dessert Men Static App" |
"In this practical tutorial you will use Google Flutter and the Dart language to improve your skills to learn how to nest layouts, assing different intelligent items to the categories and show pictures and play videos by making a commercial aplication for the men of desserts of a restaurant.Recomended for students who has already background with the basics of Flutter."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn Animation and Motion Study in Autodesk Fusion 360" |
"Please do not enroll in this course as the interface and tools for Fusion 360 have changed.Fusion 360 has great tools for showcasing your products. Motion study gives an opportunity to present the functioning of assemblies. Animation module can be used to display assembling and disassembling of large assemblies thus enabling better understanding of the machines. This can be used even for preparing instruction manuals.If you are a hobbyist this course can enable you to exhibit the working of little assemblies. Rendering of motion study can show cad models as realistic objects. If you are working on large assemblies, this tutorial will teach you how to show the working of machines. Toy makers can demonstrate the operation even before the physical toys are made.Animation tools are fun to learn. If you know part modelling and want to enhance your Fusion 360 skills, then this course can help you to boost your knowledge. This might be the only course you will need to master the animation capabilities in Fusion 360. All the part models are downloadable, so you can save time in creating models and just concentrate on showing mechanisms.Enroll into the course to learn the less discussed tools of Animation in Fusion 360 through simple and complex examples.Assignments at the end of the course will enable you to test your learnings. I will be in touch with you for answering your questions and clearing your doubts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Essential Course For Starting Entrepreneurs" |
"""The Course I wished I did before I started my coffee shop business."" - Seth M., FL""After one failed business I thought this wasn't for me. After this course I know what I can do better and succeed this time."" - Amanda B., CA""THANKYOUfor the Facebook Video Remus. That is enlightening!!!!It saved me thousands."" - Ray B., CA""I wonder why nobody made a course like this truly is life changing for a starting entrepreneur"" - Clay D., MN""I am a seasoned entrepreneur but I can say that the Facebook Video was indeed life changing. I used to spend $5k monthly on Facebook Ads and get a 30% ROI. Now I have 300%...almost too good to be true man! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!"" - Gilmore F., NJThis is a course for starting entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs with less than 1 year of experience. We are going to explore to getter the best tactics to get it right the first time! You can learn the ""Hard Way"" or ""The Essential Course For Starting E[easy]ntrepreneurs"" WayFrom years of experience (both mine and my mentors), different field of business and amazing learning opportunities, this is the course I hoped for before starting a business. Unfortunately there was none. So I had to learn the hard way. Fortunately for you, you can now learn from our mistakes and make it happen in less than 6 months!The course is split in 3 modules: Mindset, Business and Fun.You have to go trough each in order to benefit the most from this course. I have included in the last module a Special Facebook Ads Secret. 95% of marketers do not know it!That video alone is valued at 10 times the price of this entire course. So you can say it is a steal! After you bought the course please submit your request to join our special Facebook Group (link received in the first message).Isn't it time you did it right the first time?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Map&Market fr Einsteiger" |
"Als erfahrener Geomarketing Experte zeige ich Dir in diesem Kurs Map&Market Einsteiger, wie Du in kleinen Schritten die Geomarketing Software Map&Market der PTV AG erlernst. Dabei geht es in diesem Kurs vor allem um um die ersten Schritte die Du mit der Software machst. Daher richtet sich der Kurs an Map&Market Einsteiger oder an Map&Market Anwender, die unregelmig mit der Software arbeiten.In dem Kurs erlernen wir zum Beispiel:Wie installiert man die Software und die dazugehrigen Landkarten?Wie erstellt man die ersten digitalen Landkarten?Wie importiert und visualisiert man Punkt- oder Flchendaten?Wie visualisiert man eine Gebietsstruktur? (Auendienst- bzw. Servicegebiete)Wie exportiert man die in Map&Market erstellten digitalen Landkarten?Ein paar Funktionen die fr den typischen Map&Market Einsteiger nicht alltglich sind, wie zum Beispiel die Warenstromanalyse, Umkreisradien oder die Verbindung mit Access-Datenbanken.Der Kurs ersetzt nicht eine komplette Softwareschulung, sondern er dient Dir als Schnelleinstieg in die Geomarketing Software Map&Market und bietet sich an, falls Du noch keine oder nur sehr wenige Erfahrungen mit der Software gesammelt hast.Fr diesen Map&Market Einsteigerkurs ist es egal, ob Du die Desktopversion:Map&Market basicMap&Market plannerMap&Market premiumverwendest.Die Verwendung des Map&Market viewers und der Map&Market Cloud bzw. des Produkts Map&Market 25h behandeln wir an dieser Stelle nicht."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Planner fr Einsteiger" |
"Mit diesem Kurs - Microsoft Planner fr Einsteiger - lernst Du in kurzer Zeit die Funktionen von Microsoft Planner kennen. Dazu gehren zum Beispiel die Funktionen:Anlegen eines neuen BoardsAnlegen neuer Buckets und BoardsZuweisen von Mitarbeiternund vieles mehr...Wir schauen uns darber hinaus aber auch die Verknpfung mit anderen Microsoft Applikationen an.Nach dem Kurs kannst Du direkt mit Microsoft Planner durchstarten."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Photography Composition Masterclass" |
"This online photography course will teach you how to better compose your photos and connecting with people by telling stories through them, with a bonus section to help you land your first clients as a professional photographer.This composition photography course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to upgrade your photography game and tell amazing stories that will make people speechless.Master Composition Techniques and the Art of Storytelling to Become a Photography Expert!While there are plenty of courses talking about Photography Composition, it can be hard to find something more insightful like this ones, which is more practical and gives better extra details on how to really compose your photos.This course is designed for all levels of photographers who want to improve their composition skills, tell better stories through their photos, and even use these new skills to land first clients with techniques that no other course mentions.What you will learn:Understand the different meanings of CompositionMaster shooting by using the different composition techniquesStructure your photos to create better storiesLearn how to efficiently practice composition in real-world scenariosReach out to businesses and get your first clientsAdditional tips on the best ways for you to upgrade your skills as a photographer for lifeImprove your Photography Composition Techniques, Tell Stories, And Get New ClientsNo matter your level and camera type, composition and storytelling are what make you say ""Wow"" when looking at a beautiful picture. These are the two fundamentals skills a true and professional photographer must know and master in order to be called this way. And this is what this course is all about: Making you a professional photographer who creates stunning photographies.Regardless of what style of photos you like to take, this course will put you to the next level. By teaching you strong and insightful skills, you'll have everything needed to get the best shots out of each situation and eventually get your first client.Who is the Instructor?Charles Postiaux is a true passionate of photography and storytelling. For 9 months he has been traveling around Asia with 2 backpacks and got to know better than ever the art of taking professional photos and reaching out to businesses.Today he offers you this brand new class, combining all of his experience and knowledge in an Ultimate Photography Composition Masterclass.With this course, you'll get premium feedback and support to help you get better and answer to your questions!Value guaranteed...This course has a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, you'll get fully refunded - no questions asked!I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and I'll help you take photos that truly mean something.Charles"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Route300-101GNS3 ve EVE-NG Lab Pratikleri le" |
"Network eko sistemi, network sreleri artk her geen gn deiiyor/geliiyor. Kurumsal network yneticisi olarak utan uca yedekli sistemler kurarak, networkte kesintisizlii hedefleyen dizaynlar ve beraberinde konfigure edilecek protokoller popler hale geliyor.Bu nedenle;""Cisco CCNP Route300-101GNS3 Lab Pratikleri le"" enterprise networkleri yneterek tm bu sylediimiz sreler ile baa kacaksnz.Toplam 9 blmden oluan kursumuz, tantm, ccnp 300-101 exam topics balkl konular ve kapan balklar altnda siz deerli katlmclar bekliyor.Kurulumlar, TCP/IP protokol, HDLC, PPP, PPPoE, OSPF-EIGRP-RIP gibi dinamik ynlendirme protokolleri konularmzn arasnda sadece bir kadr. BGP video serisi tm katlmlarn kalbini feth edecek gzelliktedir. Konularn ardndan sizde kendinizi snava hazr hissedin diye, kursu ""Cisco 300-101"" snav sertifika program ile zde ekilde oluturuldu.Kursumuz ileri seviyeye enterprise network uzmannn bilmesi gereken tm konularn yer ald, piyasadaki en kapsaml ve en gncel kurs olduunu bilmenizi isterim.Peki neden Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 Kursuna htiya Duyalm ;Network projelerinde yer alabildiiniz gibi, bilgi seviyenizi yle bir yere getireceksiniz ki, network projelerini de siz kendiniz ynetebileceksiniz.Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Network'e dair ok farkl i tanmlar ile alabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada, bir lokasyonda, kk, orta, byk lekli networkleri ynetebilirsiniz"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Programlama Giri Seviye Ak emas&Python le250+ rnek" |
"Sade Ama Eksiksiz. Slogan ile yola ktk. ok sade, rnekler sade, anlatm sade. Zihinlerinizi hi yormadan ilerleyeceksiniz. kurs tek atda; Algoritma & Ak emas & Python. Byle bir ierik Udemy'de TEK.Udemy' nin en gncel ve en detayl Programlama'ya lk Adm Kursuna katlarak, Batan Sona Algoritma & Ak emas & Python Programlama Dili renmenin Tadna Varn...Programlamaya Giri Algoritma & Ak emas & Python 200+ rnek, kursunda kodlamaya hazrlk, karar yaplar, dngler, fonksiyonlar, Python programlama dili ile kod yazma, nesne tabanl mimari, modler programlama, hata yakalama, dosya sistemleri gibi daha bir ok konuyu tamam uygulamal ekilde reneceksiniz. Kursumuzda nce algoritma & ak emas sonra Python programlama dili olacak. Neden mi Python? nk Python' n poplerlii tartlmaz bir gerektir. Gelin ""Python renmeye"" beraber balayalm.Kursa katlmak iin her hangi bir programlama gemiinizin olmas gerekmiyor nk kursumuz size sfrdan algoritma & ak emas ile balayacak ve yine sfrdan orta seviyeye python programlamay adm adm bol bol uygulama yaptrarak retecektir.Kurs boyunca,Her konunun kalcln salamak iin bir ok uygulama yapacaz.Blm sonlarnda konularn hepsini kapsayan devlerimizi yapacaz.Kurs boyunca en gerekli konular en gerektii kadar detaylca ve uygulayarak reneceiz.Kurs erii,TantmKurulumKodlamaya HazrlkKarar Yaplar - IfDngler - LoopFonksiyonlar - FunctionsPython GiriPythonda Koul fadeleriPythonda DnglerPythonda FonksiyonlarPythonda Nesne Tabanl ProgramlamaPythonda ModllerPythonda Hatalar & Hata YnetimiPythonda Dosya YnetimiKapan - EBook"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC 2019 : Motion Graphics in just 1 hour, Easy" |
"Hi there, my name is Sam. Im a Adobe Certified Instructor. I am the founder of study company ""Maximum education"" in my country. We are teaching all Adobe programs. Also i am selling After effects & Premier pro temmplates online, on big marketstocks.This course is for beginners. You dont need any previous knowledge in motion graphics. Well start with the super basics of After Effects. At the end of course you will be able to do any animation with shapes. Anything that you imagine. I will show you all tecnics of animation, even keyframe speed graphs. Who this course is for:This course is for beginners, and also who using After Effects, but new on motion graphics. No previous animation or motion graphic design experienced is necessary.This course also will help the peoples, who want to make passive income using After Effects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Geolocalizacin con HTML5 y Google Maps en Apps mviles" |
"En este curso Descubrir cmo hacer una aplicacin mvil con Google Maps y phonegapApto para principiantes. Quieres aprender cmo desarrollar una aplicacin mvil y agregar mapas de Google maps APIs ?Google Maps es un servidor de aplicaciones de mapas en la web que pertenece a Alphabet Inc. Este servicio propicia imgenes de mapas desplazables, as como fotografas por satlite del mundo, e incluso, la ruta entre diferentes ubicaciones o imgenes a pie de calle con Google Street View.Google Maps es uno de los APIs ms usados en el mundo, tuvo un cambio en que ya empez a cobrar por sus servicios.Pero no te preocupes por la facturacin ya que en las aplicaciones mviles es gratuita.Por qu debera tomar este curso?Podrs crear una aplicacin mvil HibridaSoporta sistemas cliente, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.Tengo muchas preguntas.Haz preguntas en el video. Y ten respuestas en el menor tiempo posibleActualizando contenido continuamente.Lo que aprendersCrear aplicacin con phonegap, cordovaAgregar mapa a la aplicacinOcultar y mostrar controles del mapaAgregar marcadores al mapaPersonalizar marcadoresGeolocalizacinBsqueda de lugares en el mapaNavegar en el mapa con el gps del celularRegstrate en el curso Geolocalizacin con HTML5 y Google Maps en Apps mviles , No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase" |
"Quieres aprender a enviar notificaciones push en tus aplicaciones mviles?En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones mviles y enviar Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase .Ademas podrs configurar e instalar todos los archivos necesarios para generar los instaladores de las aplicaciones mviles (APK)Resumen del cursoDesarrollador principiante mvil : aprenda el mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles hibridas con cordova.Aplicacin hbrida : aprenda la tecnologa para desarrollar una aplicacin hbrida mvil y enviar notificaciones push con firebase, Php y PhonegapInterfaz de usuario mvil : aprenda a crear paginas responsive con bootstrapFuncionalidad -Guardar token en base de datos Mysql con Javascript y PhpPor qu debera tomar este curso?Podr crear una aplicacin mvil y enviar notificaciones push con PHPTengo muchas preguntas.Haz preguntas en el video. Y ten respuestas en el menor tiempo posibleActualizando contenido continuamente.Regstrate en el curso Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase , No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Projetos Eltricos Estrutura e Organizao" |
"Projetos Eltricos Estrutura e OrganizaoNo decorrer de muitos anos, percebi o quanto era importante organizar meus projetos eltricos e como poderia ganhar muito tempo e economizar trabalho fazendo isso, quero te passar grande parte do conhecimento que adquiri nestes anos quebrando a cabea para ter uma estrutura padro de desenvolvimento dos meus projetos, no somente projetos eltricos mais qualquer tipo de projetos de instalaes.1 MduloMuitos dos problemas no decorrer do desenvolvimento de projetos de instalaes so as divergncias encontradas entre os projetos de estrutura e arquitetura, muitas vezes o projetista passa despercebido algumas caractersticas da edificao, resultando em trabalho tendo que ser refeito.Tambm vamos aprender a organizar as pastas dos nossos projetos tanto os de arquivos recebidos quanto os das instalaes. 2 MduloSempre que queremos encontrar algo no computador pesquisamos na barra de busca e isso se torna muito mais fcil quando o arquivo esta com o nome certo, quando organizamos nossos projetos funciona da mesma forma, se fizermos uma padronizao para os nomes dos nossos arquivos ganharemos muito tempo ao procurar o que queremos.Alem disso vamos aprender a personalizar nossa estrutura de camadas e como isso e de grande importncia para padronizar nossos projetos.3 MduloMuitos no conhecem o poder de um bloco bem elaborado, quando digo bloco elaborado quero dizer bem pensado antes de ser utilizado. Existem inmeras maneiras de ganhar muito tempo com blocos dinmicos, eu costumo dizer que eles so a chave para ter velocidade de produo, pois voc pode utilizar o mesmo bloco em muitos lugares e sem falar na questo de poder criar relatrios avanados a partir dos dados destes blocos.Alem disso vamos aprender a como as referencias de outros arquivos podem nos ajudar a no perder tempo com atualizaes de arquitetura, estrutural e outros projetos que nosso projeto depende."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2020 Quantitativo Automtico e Listas Automticas" |
"Curso de AutoCAD 2020 Criando Quantitativos e Listas Automticas Uma das coisas que mais levam tempo em um projeto de engenharia ou arquitetura ou ate mesmo mecnico a contagem de todos os itens apresentados nos projetos, muitos fazem isso de maneira manual ou ate mesmo utilizando filtros. Mas este no o melhor mtodo, e se eu te disser que existe uma forma de automatizar todo este processo, e que o AutoCAD pode fazer todo o trabalho pesado para voc? Aprenda neste curso a cria blocos para gerar listas e quantitativos automticos nos seus projetos. No perca mais tempo contando manualmente os itens no seu projeto. Aprenda Agora a Criar Quantitativos e Listas Automticas no AutoCAD"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |