Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Interactive Adobe InDesign CC" |
"Hyperlinks, buttons, an interactive table of contents, bookmarks, adding video, animation, slideshows and more whatever kind of interactive element you want to add to your InDesign documents, this course will tell you how to do it. Want to make an interactive PDF form? Here's how and the only thing you'll need Adobe Acrobat for is to see the end result. You'll be amazed at just how easy it all is."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign CC - Advanced Tips & Tricks" |
"This course moves on from the basics and covers a wide range of useful advanced tips and tricks to help speed up your work. It covers creating and saving tables, story jumps, GREP searches, adding footnotes, CMYK and RGB blending modes, data marge, creating your own keyboard shortcuts and how to hide menu items that you dont often use and a whole lot more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tips, Tricks and Strategies to Overcome Food Cravings" |
"Are you trying to lose weight, but food cravings are getting in the way?Do you feel you feel powerless to every little urge to eat?If so, this course if for you. If food cravings is an issue for you, your not alone. Many people fall victim to strong food cravings including myself from time to time. Just because food cravings are difficult to overcome that doesn't mean its impossible. After your done with the course, you will have the knowledge and power to overcome any food craving :) This course is perfect for you if:You want to kick food cravings to the curb.You're willing to put in the necessary work to overcome food cravings.You want to take control of your eating habits.You want to lose weight and keep it off.You want to adopt healthy habits that will last for a life time.In this course you will learn about:Why food cravings occur. Why you shouldn't skip meals.How to overcome emotional eating.How to lose weight without giving up the foods you love.A powerful 30 second strategy to reduce cravings.The power of protein and healthy fats.And much much more!!!This course also includes: Tons of healthy, low calorie recipes Exercise videosAnd access to an exclusive Facebook support groupAs a full time health/weight loss coach, I help many individuals achieve their weight goals by helping them develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. I want to help you do the same!!!If you read this far than you like what you heard?What are you waiting for, get started with the course today! If you truly want to overcome food cravings so you can finally lose the weight and improve your health, this is the next step you need to take! With a 30 Day Money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose!Disclaimer:Consult your doctor or medical practitioner before starting any exercise and/or nutrition program. The commentary of these videos reflect the subjective opinions of the content creators and do not constitute medical and/or nutritional advice.Affiliate Disclaimer:Descriptions of videos in the course contains affiliate links. If purchases are made through links, I may receive a small commissions which will be used to make improvements to this course and future courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de fotografia: Desvendando o Flash Externo" |
"J ficou na mo devido a m iluminao de algum ambiente? Quer fotos diferentes e que nenhum celular capaz de fazer? Quer dar vida e beleza as suas fotos?Se a sua resposta for ""sim"" para alguma dessas perguntas, ento voc est no lugar certo!Fotografia significa ""Foto""= luz e ""grafia""=escrever, ou seja, pra ter foto, precisa ter LUZ. De dia voc pode at tirar onda e trabalhar bem com a luz do sol, mas para quem gosta de evento e/ou busca resultados mais sofisticados de iluminao, voc precisa aprender a usar a luz do flash.Muita gente diz que no gosta do flash porque brilha o rosto ou deixa olhos vermelhos, mas isso porque est usando errado.Vem comigo que vou te mostrar todo funcionamento no s do flash mas da luz em geral, e quando voc entender a luz, sua fotografia vai pra outro nvel.O que voc vai aprender:* Direo e potncia da luz* Esquemas de iluminao* Sincronismo Flash / Cmera* Modelos e uso de flash* Rdio flash e modificadores de luz* Montagem de set de luz e configurao"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine: Car Config (ITA with ENG. SPA AND POR SUB)" |
"In questo corso imparerai a realizzare, attraverso l'uso dello scripting visivo di Unreal Engine (Blueprints), un Car Configurator interattivo.Scoprirai come aprire e chiudere le portiere, cambiare i materiali in realtime attraverso una comoda interfaccia UMG, come switchare le viste creare e mandare in play/stop un'animazione, settare i livelli di risoluzione, cambiare la geometria ai cerchi, e tanto altro.Riguardo ai Sottotitoli, essi verranno integrati giorno dopo giorno, ma credo di terminare il lavoro in una settimana.Prerequisiti: 1) Unreal Engine Studio ( Attivo, e cio con la possibilit di importare in Udatasmith)2) Conoscenza basica dei concetti generali e di programmazione Blueprint3) Pazienza, Motivazione e passione."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Lumion 9 in an hour Ita (Eng, Spa and Por SUB)" |
"In questo corso potrai imparare i concetti introduttivi basici e avanzati che ti porteranno alla realizzazione del tuo primo progetto architettonico impiegando meno di 1 ora.Partiremo con il descrivere l'interfaccia grafica, poi importeremo il modello ""FarnWorth House"" DI Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.1) IMPORT MODEL2) CREATE SCENARIO3) ADD MATERIALS4) CREATE STATIC RENDERING5) CREATE ANIMATION"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine: How to create ArchViz Oculus VR Project" |
"ITAUnreal Engine: How to create ArchViz Oculus VR Project ITA (ENG SPA and POR SUB)Questo corso ha come finalit quella di configurare un progetto, nel nostro caso architettonico, per un visore VR, nel nostro caso Oculus.Sia esso un sistema aperto, o chiuso, le operazioni non cambiano e restano sempre le stesse, ma tengo a fare una doverosa precisazione, consiglio questo corso ad un utente che conosca almeno le basi di Unreal Engine, e ad integrazione dello stesso consiglio di guardare la guida ufficiale di Unreal per quanto concerne la configurazione e i requisiti del proprio dispositivo.Il corso verter sui seguenti argomenti:1) Scaricamento risorse allegate (File max, file Datasmith e cartella content)2) Esportazione in Udatasmith3) Preparazione scena4)I Installazione Codeworks e Android Studio5) Configurare il Project Setting6) Inserire il pawn 7) Inserire il dispositivo nella porta USB per la comunicazione8) Launch da pc sul tuo Device9) Test del progetto10) Pacchetto finaleAttenzione!!!Il progetto stato testato su Oculus Gear VR, non dovrebbe dare nessun problema sugli altri dispositivi oculus visto che gli stessi utilizzano le stesse caratteristiche Hardware, compreso la Quest, ma su questo non posso esserne sicuro non avendolo provato.Buona visioneENGUnreal Engine: How to create ArchViz Oculus VR Project ITA (ENG SPA and POR SUB) This course aims to configure a project, in our architectural case, for a VR viewer, in our case Oculus. Be it an open or closed system, operations do not change and always remain the same, but I want to make a necessary clarification, I recommend this course to a user who knows at least the basics of Unreal Engine, and to integrate the same advice to watch the official Unreal guide regarding the configuration and requirements of your device. The course will focus on the following topics: 1) Download attached resources (max file, Datasmith file and content folder) 2) Export to Udatasmith 3) Scene preparation 4) I Install Codeworks and Android Studio 5) Configure the Project Setting 6) Enter the pawn 7) Insert the device into the USB port for communication 8) Launch from PC on your Device 9) Project test 10) Final package Caution!!! The project has been tested on Oculus Gear VR, it shouldn't give any problems on the other oculus devices since they use the same hardware features, including the Quest, but I can't be sure about that since I didn't try it. Good visionSPAUnreal Engine: cmo crear ArchViz Oculus VR Project ITA (ENG SPA y POR SUB)Este curso tiene como objetivo configurar un proyecto, en nuestro caso arquitectnico, para un visor de realidad virtual, en nuestro caso Oculus.Ya sea que se trate de un sistema abierto o cerrado, las operaciones no cambian y siguen siendo las mismas, pero quiero hacer una aclaracin necesaria. Recomiendo este curso a un usuario que conozca al menos los conceptos bsicos de Unreal Engine e integre el mismo consejo para observar. La gua oficial de Unreal sobre la configuracin y los requisitos de su dispositivo.El curso se centrar en los siguientes temas:1) Descargar recursos adjuntos (archivo mximo, archivo de Datasmith y carpeta de contenido)2) Exportar a Udatasmith3) preparacin de la escena4) Instalo Codeworks y Android Studio5) Configurar la configuracin del proyecto6) Entra en el pen.7) Inserte el dispositivo en el puerto USB para la comunicacin8) Lanzamiento desde PC en tu dispositivo9) prueba de proyecto10) paquete finalAdvertencia !!!El proyecto se ha probado en Oculus Gear VR, no debera dar ningn problema en los otros dispositivos de oculus ya que usan las mismas caractersticas de hardware, incluida la Quest, pero no puedo estar seguro de eso ya que no lo prob.PORUnreal Engine: Como criar o projeto ArchViz Oculus VR ITA (ENG SPA e POR SUB)Este curso tem como objetivo configurar um projeto, em nosso caso arquitetnico, para um visualizador de RV, no nosso caso Oculus.Seja um sistema aberto ou fechado, as operaes no mudam e permanecem sempre as mesmas, mas eu quero fazer um esclarecimento necessrio, eu recomendo este curso para um usurio que conhea pelo menos o bsico do Unreal Engine, e integrar o mesmo conselho para assistir o guia oficial Unreal sobre a configurao e os requisitos do seu dispositivo.O curso se concentrar nos seguintes tpicos:1) Faa o download dos recursos anexados (arquivo max, arquivo Datasmith e pasta de contedo)2) Exportar para Udatasmith3) Preparao da cena4) Eu instale o Codeworks e o Android Studio5) Configure o Project Setting6) Digite o peo7) Insira o dispositivo na porta USB para comunicao8) Lanamento do PC no seu dispositivo9) teste do projeto10) Pacote FinalAteno !!!O projeto foi testado no Oculus Gear VR, ele no deve causar problemas nos outros dispositivos oculus, j que eles usam os mesmos recursos de hardware, incluindo o Quest, mas eu no posso ter certeza disso desde que eu no tentei.Boa visoBuena visionThis course contains SUBTITLES in ENGLISH, SPANISH, ITALIAN AND PORTUGUESE"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Pardot Specialist Certification Practice Tests" |
"The Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing marketing workflows through the Pardot platform. The candidate would know how to build strategic marketing processes that incorporate different tools like email marketing, lead generation, lead scoring, and can use reports to make data-driven decisions."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant PracticeTest 19" |
"This course is structured after the official Study Guide for this certification. We go through each section of the Study Guide and I have devoted a corresponding section of the course with each section of the Study Guide. Helpful quizzes close out each section of the course, so you can test your retention and knowledge of these core concepts as you pursue getting certified."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Certification Test" |
"Nonprofit Cloud ConsultantPre-Requisite: Salesforce Administrator Certification and hands-on experience with the NSPS Cloud60 Questions90 Minutes63% passage rate$200 for the initial exam, $100 to retake the examRecommendations for Prepping for the ExamReview the Exam Study Guide provided by SalesforceHands-on experienceCertified TrailmixPower of Us Hub* using the Keyword section below to find articles, documentation, and how-tos for the related topicsBreakdown of the exam20% NPSP Settings and Administration11% Nonprofit Cloud Data Management6% Nonprofit Cloud Analytics18% Domain Expertise24% Nonprofit Cloud Solution Design21% Nonprofit implementation Strategies and Best Practices"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Build the ultimate FPV cinematic drone" |
"Learn how to build the ultimate FPV cinematic drone with this in-depth course. Follow as Don Heon, expert drone builder and Team FlightOne race pilot, walks you through all the steps necessary from purchasing the best parts to soldering, assembling, configuring, and finally flying your FPV drone. This course is divided into short and easy-to-follow videos and is perfect for anyone who is either getting into FPV or someone who has been flying for a while and wants to take their drone building to the next level. Rely on Don's experience of building over 100 drones and skip the guessing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drone Business Made Easy" |
"You love flying your drone and you think it would be great to take it to the next level by starting a drone business. Build a profitable drone business on a strong foundation with this course. Learn how to save money and time from the #1 aviation instructor on Udemy and aviation business professional. Starting a business needs more than 3 hours of instructions. This is why I created this 7-hour course with 25 assignments to help you start your business on a strong foundation. I even included a business plan template to help you get started, along with three financial document templates. I've been there before: creating, managing, and growing aviation businesses, whether in flight training or in the drone industry. I've managed small companies with 12 employees but also oversaw an operation with 500 employees and 50 aircraft. You'll find many drone business courses out there taught by people who have never flown a drone or owned a business, promising you will become a millionaire with your drone! This course is a realistic approach to building a drone business, we promise NOT to give you a rosy and unrealistic picture of the aviation industry in general. I will NOT make you a millionaire or promise that you will make $100, $200, $300 per hour flying your drone. I am NOT selling you a dream. This is designed to be a realistic drone business course.In this course, you will:learn how to successfully research potential drone business opportunities,answer questions you should ask yourself before starting a drone business,create a successful business plan,learn the legalese involved in creating a business,learn how to successfully market your business,create important financial documents,learn how to run the day-to-day operation of your business,discover how to find customers and keep them,complete assignments throughout the entire course so this is not passive learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Renda Passiva-Como criar um curso online na udemy Unofficial" |
"Voc quer criar um curso online de sucesso na udemy, ou quer simplesmente criar um negocio online na udemy com produtos digitais . (unofficial)Voc quer trabalhar em casa criando cursos online com pouco investimento mesmo assim criando cursos com uma otima qualidade que vo te gera muito lucro.voc quer criar um negocio online com renda passiva todos os meses na udemy.voc quer trabalhar pela internet sem enganao e indo direto ao que funcionar ganhar dinheiro online com seus cursos online.Voc quer criar o seu proprio curso online compartilhar seus conhecimentos e ajudar as a resposta for sim esse o lugar certo pra voc. Voc gostaria de Encantar o mundo com seus conhecimentos transformar seu conhecimento em um negcio lucrativo ? Ento, vem comigo que eu vou ensinar para voc o passo a passo a criao de cursos online que fazem a diferena no mercado e na vida das pessoas! Neste curso, voc vai aprender opasso a passopara a criao de cursos online rentveis e de alta qualidade do zero com baixo investimento.Existem muitas razes para apostar na criao de cursos online: a demanda sempre crescente. e a chances de voc ter sucesso nesse negocio e muito grande,vou te prepara do zero para criar produtos digitais, te vejo la dentro do curso."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass - Hacking de dispositivos moviles" |
"Actualmente muchas empresas dejan que sus empleados lleven dispositivos mviles que se conectan a la red de datos de la empresa, esta practica hace los hackers enfoquen sus recursos y acciones para dispositivos mviles. Aprende con Rafael sobre las principales tcnicas y metodologas que utilizan los hackers para atacar a una empresa nicamente usando sus dispositivos mviles. Aprende sobre:- Crear una aplicacin falsa- Cambiar icono de la aplicacin- Infectar aplicacin original- Cross-site-scripting- Spoofing"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso profesional de SEO para empresas digitales" |
"Posiciona tu servicio o producto digital en los primeros resultados de bsqueda de Google. Crea textos optimizados y efectivos a travs de bsqueda de tendencias y listas de palabras clave. Inserta datos estructurados y crea publicaciones enriquecidas para Twitter y Facebook.Incorpora pruebas de validacin a tu estrategia de marketing digital y empieza a incrementar tus ventas con el curso de posicionamiento en buscadores para empresas digitales"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Montar un blog en wordpress en 6 pasos - MasterClass" |
"En este curso aprenders a montar tu blog de manera facil, utitlizando tu propios nombre de dominio, hosting y personalizando la apariencia de tu blog.Los 6 pasos para montar tu blog son:Seleccionar el nombre de tu blogSeleccionar el hostingAsignar tu nombre de dominio a tu hostingInstalar el tema Personalizar el temaCrear tu primer post"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio Hardstyle Production - Common Hardstyle Kick Tut" |
"I recommend to have already a basic knowledge about FLStudio, or any other DAW you are going to use to follow my tutorial.This tutorial is just about kick making!I start with a simple 909 Kick Sample and use distortion, equalizing and reverb on it to reach a Hardstyle/Rawstyle kick.You will learn a technique to create a Hardstyle/Rawstyle kick out of a909 Sample and FLStock PluginsYou will get two different 909 Kick sample and ofcourse my own projectI've made while I worked on the tutorial."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio Hardstyle Production - Gated Kick and tips/tricks" |
"I recommend to have already a basic knowledge about FLStudio, or any other DAW you are going to use to follow my tutorial.This tutorial is about making your own Gated Hardstyle kick and about work flow processes to improve your sound on a track.You will learn two different techniques to make a gated Hardstyle kick.You will learn how to use automation clips to improve the sound of Pads/Plucks/Pianos.You will learn how to make own samples to build up parts for your track.You will learn how to use effects on Kicks/Vocals."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Common Mistakes in English" |
"Take your English to the next level using the convenient daily short lesson format!Do you want to improve your English by steering clear from those nasty common mistakes we all make?Do you want to take a convenient English course that will provide an easy-to-follow daily format to keep you on track?Do you want to check your understanding after each lesson or review using a quick quiz after every lesson?Do you want to have an audio version of the lessons to listen to in your car or wherever you may be?Then you have just found the right course for you.Course DescriptionCommon Mistakes in English is an English course with a convenient 15-20 minute lesson format. The course is divided into four sections representing four weeks with 7 lessons for each day of each week. After each lesson, there is a short quiz that will serve as a quick review tool to keep the information you learn ready to use at all times.Each of the 28 lessons included in the course will focus on 10 common mistakes through a friendly conversation with our fictional friend, Roberto, but the explanation of the mistakes will go far deeper than the scope of correcting only 10 common mistakes every time. We will dive deeper into those keywords and whenever convenient, we will compare these keywords to other related words. There is a lot of useful information to learn in these 28 lessons. I have also included an audio version of all the lessons, so if you like to learn on the go, now you can. You may choose to listen to lessons you have already watched to consolidate and remember the new information you will learn, or you may start with them. Either way, the huge benefit is surely yours.The main focus of the course is to tackle the common mistakes English learners make through context and an easy to remember storyline. It will not start from A to Z like traditional courses, but it will be more like being with an English speaker and learning from your interaction with him/her. How is the course structured?The course is divided as follows:Week One: day 1 to day 7 lessons and quizzesWeek Two: day 8 to day 14 lessons and quizzesWeek Three: day 15 to day 21 lessons and quizzesWeek Four: day 22 to day 28 lessons and quizzesIs the course really for you?The most important thing you need to know is that this course is not for complete beginners who cannot speak English at all. This is for intermediate English learners; it is for someone who knows some English, but he or she is still not a perfect English speaker. However, let watching the free preview lesson be the judge. Try the preview lesson before you commit to the course and you will know if your English is good enough if you feel that you have understood more than 80% of the content. If you want to learn English in a relaxed and convenient way by tackling common mistakes and learning a lot of new words and refine your English structure along the way without feeling that you are confined in a classroom, but on a rich learning journey with Roberto and myself for a whole month, then this course is definitely for you.Perfect English is a click away from your fingertips. Enroll Now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 1 - Speak Better English" |
"Improve your English speaking and vocabulary and never be lost for words!Are you tired of using the same words over and over again? Do you ever feel frustrated because there is a lot more you would like to talk about, but you dont have the words to say what you want? Do you have an exam coming up and you want to improve your vocabulary to maximize your chances of getting a high score?Then it is time to build your vocabulary and unlock your English-speaking power.What is Perfect English:Vocabulary Builder?Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 1 - Speak Better English is a course that will not only focus on teaching you new words, but also on making these words permanent and part of your active vocabulary. The lessons are designed in a way that mixes carefully-selected images with the new words to make the connection stronger in your brain so that you can remember the words much more easily.Besides that, there are literally hundreds of activities created specifically for this course, and all can be found in the course activity book. For each of the 24 chapters of the course, there are five activities, a Udemy quiz, a downloadable long quiz and a link to make sure you get to practice your newly-learned vocabulary as much as you can to master all the new words. There is also the multi-lingual glossary that has all the keywords translated into 62 languages to cater for our international students who need to check the meaning of the words in their native languages. This course was created with the benefit of English learners in mind wherever they may be in the world. It is the most comprehensive vocabulary builder course ever!How is the course structured?The course is divided into 24 sections. Each section includes:The video lesson (chapter)The activities and resources pageThe quizA huge list of materials to supplement the course:Downloadable Activity book (650 pages)Downloadable Multi-lingual glossary (62 languages)Downloadable quizzes (800 questions)The course planner sheet (excel planner)Is the course really for you?This course is for you if you are serious about improving your English language. This course is perfect for anyone who would like to improve his or her speaking with a a whole bunch of new words. This course is also beneficial for those who are preparing for English international exams because it will enrich their vocabulary to maximize their chances of getting high scores in those exams.English learners of all levels can benefit from this course, but Imust say that it might not be the best choice for complete beginners. Perfect English is a click away from your fingertips. Enroll Now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 - Speak Better English" |
"Improve your English speaking and vocabulary and never be lost for words! Are you tired of using the same words over and over again? Do you ever feel frustrated because there is a lot more you would like to talk about, but you dont have the words to say what you want? Do you have an exam coming up and you want to improve your vocabulary to maximize your chances of getting a high score?Then it is time to build your vocabulary and unlock your English-speaking power.What is Perfect English:Vocabulary Builder?Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 - Speak Better English is a course that will not only focus on teaching you new words, but also on making these words permanent and part of your active vocabulary. The lessons are designed in a way that mixes carefully-selected images with the new words to make the connection stronger in your brain so that you can remember the words much more easily.Besides that, there are literally hundreds of activities created specifically for this course, and all can be found in the course activity book. For each of the 24 chapters of the course, there are five activities, a Udemy quiz, a downloadable long quiz and a link to make sure you get to practice your newly-learned vocabulary as much as you can to master all the new words. There is also the multi-lingual glossary that has all the keywords translated into 62 languages to cater for our international students who need to check the meaning of the words in their native languages. This course was created with the benefit of English learners in mind wherever they may be in the world. It is the most comprehensive vocabulary builder course ever!How is the course structured?The course is divided into 24 sections. Each section includes:The video lesson (chapter)The activities and resources pageThe quizA huge list of materials to supplement the course:Downloadable Activity book (650 pages)Downloadable Multi-lingual glossary (62 languages)Downloadable quizzes (800 questions)The course planner sheet (excel planner)Is the course really for you?This course is for you if you are serious about improving your English language. This course is perfect for anyone who would like to improve his or her speaking with a a whole bunch of new words. This course is also beneficial for those who are preparing for English international exams because it will enrich their vocabulary to maximize their chances of getting high scores in those exams.English learners of all levels can benefit from this course, but Imust say that it might not be the best choice for complete beginners. Perfect English is a click away from your fingertips. Enroll Now."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word Projects: Create Long Documents like a Pro" |
"If you know the basics of Microsoft Word and you want to take your skills to the next level in a project-based course, then this course is just for you. What is the course about?Microsoft Word Projects: Create Long Documents Like A Pro is an intermediate-level Microsoft Word project-based course. In this course, you will start creating a long document from scratch and learn the best practices from starting with an outline to finishing your headers and footers and send your document to be printed as a professional book. Along the way, you will learn a lot of tips and tricks to help get your Word skills to the next level. The following are the most important features this course will focus on: Best practices to outline and add content to Word documentsStyle formatting in Microsoft WordAdvanced paragraph formattingAuto-updatable organizing long Word DocumentsIllustrations and CaptionsBookmarks and CrossreferenceProfessional IndexFootnotes and EndnotesCitations and BibliographyTable of ContentsHeader and FootersProfessional Editing TechniquesYou will learn all these and many other advanced features in Microsoft Word. You have in the resources of every video an instance of the word document at the stage reached in the project so that you can follow along the learn best by doing what you see yourself. Is this course really for you?You need to know the basics of Microsoft Word from creating, saving and formatting documents to adding text, images and other illustrations to the document. You need to know the basics because this course will focus on more advanced tools, features, and tips and tricks in Microsoft Word. Take your Microsoft Word skills to the next level and ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking: People's Appearance and Character" |
"Do you want to improve your English language?Would you like to be able to talk about people in English?Are you interested to know everything you need to describe people's appearance and character in English?If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you have come to the right place. What is Learn to Speak English: People's Appearance and PersonalityThis course is going to advance your English speaking skills and vocabulary with the main focus on talking about people, especially to describe their appearance and character or personality. You will learn real language in context to make it easier for you to understand first and to use the new language you learn as part of your active language the kind of English you will use in conversation and even in writing.This course is divided into three main sections: Describing Appearance: in this section, we have 4 lessons that will teach you everything you need to know when it comes to describing people's appearance starting from the easy and familiar words and moving towards rich and sophisticated words that will make your descriptions a lot more meaningful and accurate. You will be learning everything in context, with a huge workbook you can use to check your understanding and practice the new language you learn, and online activities all made especially for this course to make it possible for you to practice anytime anywhere. Describing Character or Personality: In this section, we have 6 lessons that will teach you everything you need to give detailed, deep and accurate descriptions of people's character or personality. We will also start from familiar words and move towards the richer and deeper words keeping in mind that everything you will learn here is common language, so you get to learn only the English you can use in your conversations and even writing. There is also a huge workbook that covers everything we are going to learn in this section, and online activities you can access from any device any time you want, and of course, completely for free. You will not be learning only adjectives in this section, but you will also learn phrases, expressions, and collocations that will benefit your English language greatly.Parts of the Body Idioms: This final section of the course includes 10 lessons with each lesson focusing on idioms that relate to one or more parts of the body. The idioms we are going to learn about are all idioms that are widely used. I made sure to choose only the ones you can use in everyday life, and I picked the ones that are centered around people to stay in tune with the main theme of the course, which is talking about people. There will also be special workbook chapters for these lessons and online activities as well. Now for the big question: Is this course for me?I will be honest with you and say that this course is definitely beneficial for all levels, but you will benefit the most from this course if your level is above elementary, and that is why I even listed the course as an intermediate level. Besides that, this course is definitely for you if you do believe that you need to practice on your own to really learn English, which I made super easy for you with the workbook I made especially for this course and the many online activities I have created also especially for this course. I have made the video lessons to be as easy-to-understand as humanly possible, but my advice to you is that watching the video lessons is never going to be enough to learn any language; you need to make some effort, too. So, if you know some English and you are ready to put some consistent effort into the course, I assure you, you will never find a better course anywhere. Finally, I would like to remind you that I will by your side all the way. You can ask me about anything you want any time you want, and I will happily help you in any way I can. I got your back, so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enroll in the course now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google Chrome Developer Tools" |
"Cze! W imieniu zespou Zmiekarier chcielibymy Ci zaprosi do udziau w naszym kursie Google Chrome Developer Tools. Jeli masz do mudnego debugowania stron internetowych i cigego zastanawiania si czemu Twoja strona le si wywietla, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie! Pokaemy Ci jak profesjonalni web developerzy szybko i sprawnie znajduj oraz naprawiaj bdy w HTMLu, CSSie i JavaScriptcie. Popraw wydajno swojej pracy i naucz si analizowa aplikacje Internetowe, wykorzystujc jedno z najlepszych narzdzi dla programistw oraz web developerw - Google Chrome Developer Tools.Po ukoczeniu tego kursu bdziesz zna szczegowo podstawy poruszania si po narzdziach programistycznych i analizy Twoich aplikacji Internetowych pod ktem urzdze mobilnych, a take zakadk:Elements - pozwalajc na inspekcj kodu rdowego HTML oraz styli CSS, nadanych poszczeglnym elementom aplikacji,Console - pozwalajc na inspekcj skryptw jzyka JavaScript,Sources - pozwalajc na przegld zasobw Twoich aplikacji Internetowych oraz debugowanie kodu JavaScript,Network - pozwalajc na analiz ruchu sieciowego generowanego przez Twoje aplikacje Internetowe,Application - pozwalajc na analiz danych przechowywanych przez przegldark zwizanych z Twoimi aplikacjami Internetowymi,Audits - pozwalajc na przeprowadzanie audytw Twoich aplikacji Internetowych pod ktem wydajnoci, najlepszych praktyk, dostpnoci, bezpieczestwa, stosowania najlepszych praktyk, a take dostosowania aplikacji do bycia PWA (Progressive Web App).Dodatkowo w ramach naszego kursu poznasz najlepsze rozszerzenia przegldarki Google Chrome, uatwiajce prac programist oraz web developerom. Krok po kroku przejdziemy przez proces debugowania prostej aplikacji, celem znalezienia i naprawienia znajdujcego si w niej bdu.Ten kurs, to 100% praktyki z podejciem hands-on, co oznacza, e nasi instruktorzy bd Ci wspiera w nauce. Zesp Zmiekarier bdzie rwnie do Twojej dyspozycji po kursie, jeeli bdziesz potrzebowa pomocy.Nie wymagamy adnej znajomoci technologii Internetowych, aczkolwiek podstawowa znajomo technologii HTML, CSS oraz jzyka JavaScript moe okaza si pomocna (zalecamy ukoczenie kursu Wstp do programowania, ktry rwnie oferujemy)."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"GIT - Praktyczne wprowadzenie" |
"Cze! W imieniu zespou Zmiekarier chcielibymy Ci zaprosi do udziau w naszym kursie GIT - Praktyczne Wprowadzenie. Jeli chcesz dowiedzie si czym jest system kontroli wersji Git oraz jak z nim pracowa, to ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Praktycznie kade popularne IDE oferuje jak wtyczk lub integracj z Git'em. Niemniej jednak, naszym zdaniem umiejtno obsugi Git'a za pomoc paska polece jest kluczowa. Jest to wiedza uniwersalna i pozwoli ona Tobie lepiej pozna Git'a, ni obsuga jakiej wtyczki.Kurs oparty jest na praktycznych wiczeniach wykorzystujcych pasek polece, po ukoczeniu ktrego bdziesz komfortowo i bez problemw potrafi uywa CLI.Po ukoczeniu tego kursu bdziesz zna szczegowo:Czym jest system kontroli wersji Git,Podstawowe komendy,Zasady tworzenia swoich repozytoriw,Sposoby rozwizywania konfliktw w swoich repozytoriach,Dobre strategie pracy z Git-em w zespoach wieloosobowych.Ten kurs, to 100% praktyki z podejciem hands-on, co oznacza, e nasi instruktorzy bd Ci wspiera w nauce. Zesp Zmiekarier bdzie rwnie do Twojej dyspozycji po kursie, jeeli bdziesz potrzebowa pomocy.Nie wymagamy adnej wczeniejszej znajomoci Git'a. Jedyne czego potrzebujesz, to swj wasny komputer z paskiem polece."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript - wprowadzenie." |
"TypeScript to jeden z najbardziej popularnych jzykw ostatnich lat. Stworzony przez Microsoft jzyk zyska uznanie spoecznoci programistw JavaScript i nie tylko.Projekty rozwijane przez firmy takie jak Adobe, Mozilla, Asana czy Google wykorzystuj jzyk TypeScript w swoich produktach. Rwnie najpopularniejsze biblioteki i frameworki posiadaj opcjonalne sposoby integracji z TypeScriptem, w zwizku z czym sta si on bardzo potnym narzdziem w rkach programistw a jego znajomo jest powanym atutem przy szukaniu nowej pracy.Programici mog korzystajc z TypeScript-u uzyska wzrost produktywnoci np moliwo wczesnego wykrywania bdw czy korzystania z takich mechanizmw jak IntelliSense.Zastosowanie JavaScript-u ju dawno nie ogranicza si do przegldarek WWW - w zwizku z czym TypeScript moe wykorzystywany by do pisania aplikacji serwerowych, desktopowych, mobilnych czy nawet do sterowania urzdzeniami internetu rzeczy.Po ukoczeniu tego kursu bdziesz zna szczegowo:Czym jest superset jzyka JavaScript - TypeScript,Podstawowe sposoby na rozpoczcie pracy z TypeScript-em,Zasady tworzenia kodu silnie typowanego,Mechanizmy jzyka takie jak zaawansowane typy, interfejsy i klasy,Sposoby wykorzystania jzyka TypeScript w aplikacjach tworzonych z wykorzystaniem biblioteki React oraz frameworka Vue.Ten kurs, to 100% praktyki z podejciem hands-on, co oznacza, e nasi instruktorzy bd Ci wspiera w nauce. Zesp Zmiekarier bdzie rwnie do Twojej dyspozycji po kursie, jeeli bdziesz potrzebowa pomocy.Przed przystpieniem do kursu zalecana jest podstawowa wiedza dotyczca jzyka JavaScript oraz standardu EcmaScript6."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Security Analyst SIEM Home Lab - AlienVault OSSIM" |
"By the end of this free course, you'll have a functioning home security lab, complete with a:Security Incident Event Managements SystemIntrusion Detection SystemHacking MachineTarget MachineYou will also know how to setup AlienVault's OSSIM (Open Source Security Information and Event Management) from the ground up!This lab environment is great for a resume or portfolio site, understanding SIEM technology, and developing skill to be a stand out analyst. Whether you're just trying to learn or already have a job in a Security Operations Center, a home lab is the best way to get hands on skills.For any questions or course requests, feel free to reach out to me directly via my profile page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Approach Influencers to Work with Your Brand" |
"Learn how to work with influencers to get leads, grow your fan and customer base and increase sales in your fashion business. This class will guide you through the process of working with influencers step by step. Learn what Influencer Marketing is, the types of influencers that exist, the kind of work they do, how to compensate them, how to pick the right one for your brand, how to find them, how to approach them and finally how to make the most out of each experience."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Successfully Plan your Week in 20 Minutes or Less" |
"Learn a simple, yet extremely effective, system that will allow you to plan your week quickly and successfully, so you can live your best life!This strategy will help combine your regular to-dos with your dreams and goals to-dos. If you have big goals you must incorporate daily tasks in your calendar to make them happen.Let's do this!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Stunning Video Templates for Fashion Businesses with InVideo" |
"In this class, I share why video is so important in our marketing. I introduce you to the InVideo platform, teach you how to use it and how to make the most of it for your fashion business. You can follow along by creating your own InVideo account. I provide you with a link to create your free account inside the class."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Logra tu libertad financiera" |
"Si actualmente tu situacin de crisis financiera y te ha empujado a tomar la decisin de buscar tu libertad financiera este curso es para tiTe dars cuenta que el dinero se rige por reglas y que si actualmente estas en una situacin de crisis es por que tal vez rompiste alguna de esas reglas en el uso del dineroAprenders que la libertad financiera se logra paso a paso mediante estrategias que se aplican en el uso del dinero y no mgicamenteTambin aprenders que no importa si tu empleo actual te da mucho o poco dinero, las personas asalariadas con pocos ingresos tambin pueden lograr producir riqueza y alcanzar libertad financiera aplicando en su vida econmica las reglas del uso del dinero"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |