Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hiragana Lesen und Schreiben lernen" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die die Hiragana Lesen und Schreiben lernen mchten. Die Hiragana sind eines der drei japanischen Schriftsysteme und zusammen mit den Katakana bilden sie die Grundlage der japanischen Schrift. Mchte man die japanische Sprache von Grund auf Lernen, so fngt man in der Regel mit den Hiragana an.Jede Lektion widmet sich zwischen 3 bis 5 einzelnen Hiragana Zeichen und vermittelt diese anhand von kleinen Geschichten, die dem Lernenden helfen sollen sich die Zeichen besser zu merken. Auerdem wird in jeder Lektion erklrt wie man die Zeichen genau schreibt und was beim Schreiben der insgesamt 46 Zeichen beachtet werden sollte. Im Anschluss an jede Hiragana-Lektion schlieen sich 15 Lesebungen an, die prfen sollen, ob man sich die Zeichen schon gut eingeprgt hat oder ob man noch ein wenig ben sollte. Zudem werden zu jedem Zeichen Schreibbungen zur Verfgung gestellt, sodass man parallel zu den Videos und zum Lesen auch das Schreiben ausreichend ben kann. Am Ende des Kurses werden darberhinaus allgemeine Regeln zur Aussprache im Japanischen vermittelt.Der Kurs richtet sich an Leute, die Japanisch lernen mchten und dabei ganz am Anfang stehen. Der Kurs vermittelt alle 46 Hiragana Zeichen sowie die Aussprache dieser und die Aussprache japanischer Wrter im Allgemeinen. Es werden innerhalb des Kurses keine Vokabeln, Grammatik usw. vermittelt, sondern nur wie man die Hiragana liest, schreibt und ausspricht."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Katakana Lesen und Schreiben lernen" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die die Katakana Lesen und Schreiben lernen mchten. Die Katakana sind eines der drei japanischen Schriftsysteme und zusammen mit den Hiragana bilden sie die Grundlage der japanischen Schrift. Mchte man die japanische Sprache von Grund auf Lernen, so fngt man in der Regel mit den Hiragana an und macht dann mit den Katakana weiter. Dieser Kurs richtet sich also an Leute, die die Hiragana bereits Lesen und Schreiben knnen und jetzt mit den Katakana weitermachen wollen. Jede Lektion widmet sich zwischen 3 bis 5 einzelnen Katakana Zeichen und vermittelt diese anhand von kleinen Geschichten, die dem Lernenden helfen sollen sich die Zeichen besser zu merken. Auerdem wird in jeder Lektion erklrt wie man die Zeichen genau schreibt und was beim Schreiben der insgesamt 46 Zeichen beachtet werden sollte. Im Anschluss an jede Katakana-Lektion schlieen sich 8 Lesebungen an, die prfen sollen, ob man sich die Zeichen schon gut eingeprgt hat oder ob man noch ein wenig ben sollte. Zudem werden zu jedem Zeichen Schreibbungen zur Verfgung gestellt, sodass man parallel zu den Videos und zum Lesen auch das Schreiben ausreichend ben kann. Am Ende des Kurses wird zudem vermittelt wie man mit den Katakana seinen eigenen Namen auf Japanisch schreiben kann.Der Kurs richtet sich an Leute, die die Hiragana bereits Schreiben und Lesen gelernt haben und jetzt mit den Katakana weitermachen wollen. Der Kurs vermittelt alle 46 Katakana Zeichen sowie die Aussprache dieser. Es werden innerhalb des Kurses keine Vokabeln, Grammatik usw. vermittelt, sondern nur wie man die Katakana liest, schreibt und ausspricht."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Game Character Rigging with Houdini" |
"Learn to create an animation ready zombie character rig with Houdini.In this course we cover the fundamentals of the role of the Technical Animator or Rigger. We will create, node by node, a game ready animation rig ready to deploy into the Unity Game Engine. Along the way we will cover the fundamental concepts of rigging inside Houdini, and create a range of reusable rigging tools using Python and Houdini Digital Assets.After completion you will have an animation ready zombie asset - and for Houdini Indie users we will explore exporting the finalized rig into Unity for testing. Not a single step is skipped, we go from zero to a fully rigged, skinned and animated asset, with a versatile user interface.This course is ideal for beginner animators or someone who is looking to translate their rigging knowledge from another 3D package and leverage the awesome power of Houdini in their game development projects."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Let Go" |
"How To Let GoOne of the greatest skills that you could ever acquire is the ability to be able to let go at will. To be able to release a negative feeling, to be able to release a negative thought form, a negative habit, a negative perspective. Anything really that we feel is weighing us down, everything that is blocking us from our full expression in whatever form that may be.Letting go is really at the centre of any healing or spiritual evolution. Nothing can be achieved unless you let go and surrender. Its the most important teaching. When we mastered the ability to let go, then we have mastered the experience of impermanence as the only thing constant in life is change. The ability to let go thus become the ability to let go of attachment. The more detached we can become to specific desires and expectations, the more detached we can become to sufferings and pain."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET - Beginner Course" |
"This is a very intensive course that gives the student opportunity to learn C# Programming fundamentals, learn about .NET Framework, learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 and most of all learn how to program AutoCAD .NETAPI. This course will walk you through the process of developing your own AutoCADPlugins that will extend AutoCADFunctionalities."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET - Hands On!" |
"This is an intensive course about VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD. There are lots of coding that will walk you through from creating a Project using Visual Studio 2019 to running your finished Plugin in AutoCAD.You will learn how to use VB.NET very quickly by following all the videos or by coding along with every single method being developed.By the end of the Course, you will have the confidence to create your own AutoCAD Plugin using VB.NET.A simple and step-by-step way style of teaching in this course will be very helpful to absorb every concept of VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Anlise de Custos na Gesto de Processos (BPM)" |
"Sempre possvel analisar e melhorar os custos em um trabalho de mapeamento de processosEm muitos casos existe uma dificuldade em entender onde esto os custos, no somente pelo profissional BPM, mas principalmente pelos gestores da empresa, que no observam procedimentos onerosos dentro de sua operaoIsso acontece porque somente observado os custos que geram desembolso de valores no perodo de pagamento das contas e no considerado cenrios onerosos que geram custos mdio e longo prazoEste curso oferece uma viso geral sobre processos e operaes que podem gerar custos empresa, e que so essenciais a um profissional BPM para realizar um trabalho de melhoria de processos, alm de diversos materiais de apoio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mapeamento de Processos: Tcnicas e Ferramentas para Anlise" |
"possvel aprender a melhorar os processos de uma empresa, independente do tamanho ou ramo de atuao.Quando estudamos assuntos muito complexos ou sofisticados, em um primeiro momento parece o ideal, mas quando vamos aplicar na prtica, muitas coisas no fazem sentido.Isso porque no dia-a-dia das empresas existe uma rotina e problemas cotidianos que podem ser explorados e analisados de forma mais direta e eficaz, partir da, o profissional BPM consegue atingir mtodos mais complexos se for o caso.Neste sentido, importante sempre analisar os processos atravs de ferramentas e tcnicas que proporcionam uma efetiva concluso do cenrio para identificar um problema e sugerir uma soluo.Este curso aborda de forma direta diversas ferramentas e tcnicas que so utilizadas no dia-a-dia de um profissional de Processos que so importantes para atingir resultados, alm de vrios materiais de apoio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"21 Strategies to Build GREAT Credit!" |
"This course will explain how your credit rating and credit score affects you, not only when you are dealing with a lender, but also when seeking employment or a place to live. Simple strategies are provided to build good credit and repair poor credit. This will ensure that you are looked upon favorably by employers, landlords, insurers and receive the lowest possible interest rate anytime you seek to borrow. Possessing an outstanding credit rating will lower your monthly payments by lowering your monthly debt service expenditures. This will save you thousands over time and put you on the path to financial wellbeing. We provide all the tools necessary to improve your credit rating and score as quickly and painlessly as possible and will educate you on: How vitally important it is to have a good credit rating in todays economy Understanding the consequences of poor credit Improving your money mind-set Understanding credit scores and how such scores are computed How to improve your credit rating Repairing poor credit Fix errors on your credit report Strategies to make your credit look great"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Buy A House with Bad Credit and Little Cash" |
"A quick course on buying homes with bad credit score and no little bank transactions. This gives you a quick and step by step guide into making and closing that first real estate transaction even when you have no cash and a very bad credit standing. Let us help you get to that first deal! Finish this course and get ready to close your deals!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Pro Beginner to Advanced (A1-C1) Grammar" |
"Grammar is the easy part of learning English!there are rulespractice by yourselfand practice at your own speed!To make English grammar easy, Iadd new videos you request!focus on pronunciationtell you when native speakers ignore the rules in spoken conversation! Your goal is to FINISH studying grammarFinish studying grammar so you can become fluent and confident in the English language!(and master exams like IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, FCE or CAE)ATTENTION: There is some adult language in the live lectures that might not be suitable for children,as live lectures may include discussion of informal English slang and other expressions meant for adult learners."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"English Language Pro Spoken English Conversation + Culture" |
"Stop feeling like a different person in English... With English Language Pro, be fluent and be you!No time wasting, only the best English conversation skills, vocabulary and idiomsDo homework assignments by writing, video message or audio recording!Live lectures to answer your questions in detail and give you more practice timeFluency for any situation: business English and informal conversationSkills for IELTS, TOEFL, FCE and CAE exam success!Be comfortable in the English languageUnderstand American culture And more...! Can't wait to see you in the course! ATTENTION: There is some adult vocabulary in this course that might not be suitable for children,as lectures include discussion of informal English idioms and other expressions meant for adult learners."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Speaking Pro Speak confidently & easily on the IELTS" |
"Focus only on the English skills required for 7+ IELTS speaking band scoregrammar lessons to demonstrate required 'range & diversity'vocabulary for describing likes/dislikes, agreement/disagreement + more! study my own responses, and then practice on your own!detailed strategies for natural sounding English conversationpronunciation resources and body language exercises to get easy, extra points language skills for advanced fluency score practice responding to most common questions & topicsand much more!You are ready to master IELTS speaking!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Practice Python Programming Python from scratch" |
"Hello, and welcome to Learn and Practice Python Programming Python from scratch Training course for beginners.By the End of this course, you'll be able to code with python 3.7.4 the right way to advance your development career. Python is a very popular, high-level, open-source programming language that can be used for a wide variety of programming applications and it's very simple, easy to use in any operating system you are using.In this course you Master The coding with Modern Python and its core principles by Hands-On Examples.The Learn and Practice Python Programming Python from scratch course has all what you need to Dive into Modern Python.The course will coverIntroduction to Python Programming language Installation and First step for coding with Python 3.7.4Using Input for Asking user and displaying it on the screen.Hands-On Variables, Swapping and Combination.Handling the different types of data.Strings, Quotes and Formatting.Understand how to use operators with data.Working with Lists and Handling its data.Mastering Tuples, its uses and methods.Understanding the key-value pairs.Learn sets and its data controllingconditional statements flow .While loop by examples .Looping through iterators by using for-in loop.Building user Functions, calling and returning.Hands-on Functional Programming with lambda.working with Classes and Objects in Python 3.7.4.Hands-On the different types of Modules.Files handling methods and modes by examples.and more .......You will Dive deeply into the Python 3.7.4 in a practically way and in a short time without much effort."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel en tu dia a dia" |
"Este curso esta dirigido a personas que utilizan Excel en su da a da y quieren eficientar sus tiempos con esta herramienta tan potenteEn este curso no estudiaras macros o cosas muy avanzadas, lo que estudiaras son herramientas, atajos y varias tcnicas que utilizaras en tu da a daEste curso lo impart de manera presencial para mas de 200 personas en donde mejoraron sus tcnicas para frmulas de uso diario como son las bsqueda y referencia, frmulas de texto, se ahorraron bastante tiempo con formulas como bdsuma, herramientas como consolidar y mucho masTe invito a formar parte de este curso que en caso de no gustarte tienes la garanta de 30 das por un reembolso total"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Booste ta productivit en organisant mieux ta vie digitale" |
"Nous verrons dans les prochaines minutes pourquoi ton ordinateur et ton smartphone te rendent en fin de compte moins productif que ce que tu peux tre et comment tu peux appliquer les principes du minimalisme ta vie digitale pour taider mieux grer ta vie en gnral.Aujourdhui tu as d le remarquer, ton smartphone, ton ordinateur ou ta tablette te servent plus te divertir qu travailler, qu progresser dans ta vie.Peut-tre que a te convient comme a, mais moi je pense que tu mrites mieux, que tu mrites daccomplir tes objectifs et de vivre une vie ayant plus de sens.Regarde ton historique et regarde quels sont les sites que tu as consults le plus dans la journe.Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube.Est-ce quun seul de ces sites te parait adquat pour amliorer ta vie ? Pour accomplir tes objectifs ? Tes rves ?YouTube peut aider, Instagram aussi sils sont maitriss, mais pour la plupart des gens ils ne le sont pas.Tu es pris dans un cercle vicieux, une addication aux rseaux et la consommation facile de divertissement.Ca cest un premier vrai gros problme pour ta vie, peu importe quel point tu penses avoir le contrle.Tu peux toujours retomber dedans, condition que tu aies dj russi en sortirUn autre problme avec nos appareils aujourdhui cest que lon a normment de stockage.Beaucoup de stockage veut dire beaucoup de bazar accumul, qui traine, de faon dsorganise.Quand tu as besoin dun fichier, tu ne sais plus o il est.Quand tu as besoin dun de tes fichiers sur un autre ordinateur que le tien, si tu navais pas prvu une cl usb, cest foutu.Quand tu avais prvu ta cl usb mais que tu las perdu en route, c'est foutu aussi.Quand tu veux passer de ton ordinateur ton tlphone ou ta tablette, cest compliqu, tes fichiers ne sont pas dessus.Et le pire, quand un de tes appareils te lche, tu nas plus rien.Tous ces projets sur lesquels tu avais travaills ? Plus rien.Toutes tes photos ? Plus rien.Tes projets professionnels extrmement important et irremplaable ? Plus rien.Ta vie peut littralement partir en fume si ton ordinateur te lche, parce que nous sommes dpendant plus que jamais de ces appareils dans notre vie actuelle.Mais a cest seulement parce que tu nas pas pris les prcautions ncessaires, parce que tu ne sais pas comment faire.Il y a des faons darranger de a, de prvenir ces problmes.Cest simple, et cest gratuit, ou presque suivant les cas.a demande juste un peu dorganisation, tout comme tu organiserais ta maison ou ton bureau pour travailler efficacement.Parce quune vie digitale range cest lassurance dun travail efficace quand tu en as besoin.Cest lassurance de toujours retrouver ce que tu cherches en moins de 5 minutes.De ne plus jamais perdre un fichier.Cest lassurance dune tranquilit desprit hors norme quand tu sais que toute ta vie digitale te suit partout mme quand tu ne la transportes pas sur toi.Et en plus tout a, cest scuris, et facile mettre en place.Bon dj si tu arrives scuriser et ranger tout ton espace digital tout sera beaucoup plus facile pour toi au quotidien.Mais ce qui est encore mieux cest que je ne te demande pas dabandonner ton tlphone ou ta tablette, ni YouTube, ni Instagram.Tu peux rendre tous tes appareils extrmement aptes la productivit.Transformer tes appareils nergivores, qui te gche la vie, en appareil dune efficacit remarquable pour taider au quotidien, en remplaant tous les cts ngatifs par des choses positives.La vie digitale cest comme la vie relle. Elle est ce que tu en fais.Elle peut tre dangereuse et malsaine, ou scurise et enivrante.Et ce choix, dans les deux cas, ne tient qu toi.Je tai prpar une formation cette semaine pour texpliquer comment simplifier ta vie digitale pour la rendre plus productive et plus scurise; pour transformer tous ces points ngatifs en points positifs.Je te prviens, ce nest pas une formation pour ceux qui veulent juste regarder Netflix et Facebook toute la journe, et qui nutilisent jamais un ordinateur, un tlphone ou une tablette pour travailler.Cest une formation pour les gens qui ont besoin dtre productifs, daccomplir des objectifs, de scuriser leur travail et leur donnes personnelles quoi quil arrive.Cette formation elle fait de toi le Terminator du travail sur ordinateur/smartphone/tablette.Plus rien ne tarrteras si tu appliques les conseils que je te donne, tes appareils seront littralement des machines de productivit quand tu en as besoin, et de bons appareils de divertissement quand tu le dcides.Si tu prends cette formation maintenant, la fin de la journe tu auras dj appliqu tous les paramtres essentiels pour rendre tes appareils les plus productifs possible.Avant la fin de la semaine, tu auras compltement rang tes appareils pour te dbarrasser de tout le superflu qui entrave ta productivit.Et dici quelques semaines tu auras totalement dcupl ta productivit et la facilit avec laquelle tu travailles.Quand tu ouvriras ton ordinateur, tu te sentiras bien, chez toi, dans un espace rang et disponible pour accomplir des choses qui ont du sens pour toi.Tu pourras aussi ouvrir Netflix ou Instragram sans te sentir mal parce que tu sauras comment ne pas dpasser les limites, comment tre productif mme en utilisant ces plateformes.Tu auras repris le contrle sur une composante trs importante de ta vie aujourdhui, ta vie digitale.Crois-moi, a changera la faon dont tu vis au quotidien, et je parle par exprience.Une tude a dmontr que 44% des professionnels affirment consulter leurs appareils mobiles plus de 20 fois par jour.Et, en 2010, le journal britannique The Telegraph rvlait que plus de la moiti des employs anglais regardaient leurs comptes Facebook, Twitter et Myspace durant leur temps de travail.Au final, le manque gagner pour lconomie britannique tait valu 14 milliards deuros. Et daprs cette tude, il faut ces employs en moyenne 23 minutes pour revenir la tche quils taient en train daccomplir avant dtre interrompus et cest exactement pareil pour toi.Tu ne perds peut-tre pas autant dargent, mais tu perds du temps, de lnergie, et tu bousilles compltement ta productivit pour les choses qui, contrairement tes notifications et ton bazar, sont rellement importantes pour toi.Au programme de la formation:* Comment trier tous tes fichiers/dossier rapidement et efficacement* Les 3 questions ultimes se poser pour savoir quoi garder et quoi supprimer* Lastuce pour savoir directement quoi supprimer sans mme rflchir* Comment savoir les applications qui nous servent et celles que nous pouvons directement supprimer, sans rflchir* Comment agencer son cran daccueil pour optimiser sa productivit et supprimer les distractions* Comment supprimer toutes les mauvaises notifications tout en gardant celles vraiment importantes* La technique pour tre tranquille en 1 clic chaque fois quon travaille* Lastuce pour bloquer les notifications de tout le monde sauf des personnes importantes* La technique pour rester concentr mme pour ceux qui ont du mal rester loin de leur tlphone* La fonction tout bte activer pour empcher les crans de nous empcher de dormir* La technique extrmement simple pour numriser tous les papiers importants/tickets de caisses/notices de montages et pouvoir sen dbarrasser pour de bon* Les techniques pour avoir toutes tes donnes partout o tu vas sans avoir transporter quoi que ce soit* La technique tout bte mais infaillible si tu as quand mme peur de perdre tes donnes*Lastuce pour ne plus jamais se perdre sur YouTube, et perdre sa journe*La technique pour avoir une bote mail quasiment vide chaque jour* Les 3 actions faire chaque dimanche pour repartir du bon pied chaque semaine*Comment conomiser de la place sur tes appareils pour avoir besoin de moins de stockageAlors une fois que tu auras suivi cette formation des choses vont changer et tu le remarqueras assez vite.Quand tous tes amis seront en train de scroller sur Facebook ou Instagram, toi tu seras dsormais en train de faire du vrai boulot, un truc productif et en toute facilit pendant queux se dbattront tant bien que mal pour finir leur petite tche.Une fois toutes ces astuces appliqus, tu pourras tre au maximum de ta productivit quand il le faudra, mais galement te dtendre quand tu en auras envie sans pour autant tomber dans le pige du cercle vicieux.Forcment, de cette manire tu auras plus de rsultats, et tu conomiseras normment de temps et dnergie pour les investir autre part.Tu pourrais mettre cette nergie et ce temps dans un projet qui te tient cur, ou bien dans le dveloppement de ta vie en gnral, ou bien mme dans Netflix ou dans un jeu vido si le cur ten dit, et sans remords puisque tu auras dj termin de travailler.Bon certes tu peux penser que cest un certain prix, mais imagine-toi surtout combien tu perds en tant aussi distrait au quotidien.Tu perds non seulement du temps et de lnergie, mais surtout de largent.Ta mauvaise organisation te cote normment dargent, sans mme que tu ten rends comptes.Je connais des gens qui font 10x plus dargent en 1h que dautres en 24h, parce quils savent comment faire, ils sont efficaces.Au cas o tu te poserais la question...Cette formation elle est faite pour toi que tu sois tudiant, entrepreneur, salari, au chmage... peu importe.Elle tapporte de la productivit mais aussi de la clart desprit, du temps et de lnergie.Crois-moi ce sont bien plus que des astuces gadgets, elles auront un rayonnement sur toute ta vie en gnral.Cette formation elle est pour toi mme si tu ny connais rien en informatique, je te montre tout en vido, pas pas. De toute faon cest trs simple mettre en place. Mme ma grand-mre pourrait le faire.Cette formation elle est pour toi peu importe les appareils que tu as, a fonctionne sur tous les appareils du march.Peu importe qui tu es, tant que tu utilises un ordinateur, un tlphone ou une tablette pour faire lgrement plus que Facebook, Twitter et Netflix, cette formation te servira et tapportera des rsultats concrets.Voil, on se retrouve dans le premier jour de formation, tout de suite."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Russian Language for Beginners" |
"The first elementary course FULLY in Russian! NO ENGLISH. That is why you can quickly immerse into the language situation and imagine that you are already in Russia, where most of the people do not know English! 64 mini-lessons and handouts with answers. Each video is no longer than 3 minutes, so you won't have chance to get bored. The topics which are covered in this course are enough to survive your first trip to Russia!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Techniques fondamentales d'clairage en 3D" |
"Dans cette formation, ddie aux dbutants ou aux pratiquants intermdiaire, vous apprendrez pas pas toutes les techniques fondamentales de l'clairage de scnes 3D.Depuis les fonctionnements du traitement de la lumire par les moteurs de rendu, en passant pas les caractristiques des ""objets"" light jusqu'aux techniques d'clairage de diffrents types de scnes, vous allez enfin comprendre comment fonctionne la lumire au sein des logiciels 3D.Bien qu'essentiellement enregistr sous Blender et Houdini/Arnold pour des raisons pratiques, la quasi-totalit des principes enseigns sont noncs de manire gnrale ce qui fait que cette formation peut tre suivie avec n'importe quel logiciel 3D (Maya, C4D, Houdini, Blender, Lightwave, Unreal Engine, Unity, Mamoset Toolbag etc.).Dans ce tuto sur l'clairage de vos scnes 3D nous allons apprendre :les lois de la physique qui rgissent la lumire au sein des moteurs de rendu comme l'illumination globale, le light fall off et le shadow casting.les diffrences et caractristiques des d'objets lumire des logiciels de 3D. tel que la point light, la sun light, l'Area light et la spot light.les techniques d'clairage d'environnement et d'clairage HDRI.des techniques et astuces professionnelles pour rendre un clairage plus naturel et intressant.monter pas pas un setup de lighting studio 3/4 points classique.grer les techniques particulires et exigeantes de lighting de scnes d'intrieur.clairer une scne d'extrieur avec des techniques directement issues du cinema. la fin de ce tutoriel vido, vous serez mme de raliser seul diffrents lighting de scne 3D. De par sa construction qui vous permettra de rellement comprendre ce que vous faites, vous serez capable d'appliquer toutes les techniques lighting apprises n'importe quel type de scnes 3D."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 2019 Routing and Switching Complete course" |
"After finishing the course i guarantee you that you will have your CCNA if you pass the exam, i was able to collect all the informations needed to have your CCNA 2019 i left nothing i covered all the parts, and it's only one course i didn't split it into two because my first goal is teaching you !There is labs in the course so you will learn everything even if you don't here about CCNA even if it's your first time!Contents: 1. Networking2. IP protocol,TCP,UDP Layers3. Ethernet4. CISCO IOS5. Hubs and switches6. VLANs,Trunks,VTP7. etherchannel (Link aggregation) 8. Spanning-Tree (STP)9. Binary, Subnetting and Summarization10. IP Routing11. FHRP (First Hop Redundancy Protocols)12. Distance Vector Routing Protocols13. OSPF Link-state routing protocol14. EIGRP Ciscos Hybrid Routing Protocol15. Security: Keeping the bad guys out16. Network and Port address Translation (NAT & PAT)17. Wide area networks18. Introduction to IPv6 19. IPv6 NPD and Host Configuration 20. IPv6 Routing21. Virtual Private Networks22. Network Management23. IOS Licensing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 in 1 Kotlin,android studio,google maps 2019 for Beginners" |
"This course will be your guide if you are a beginner in Kotlin , and also if you didn't work with android studio , i will teach you kotlin and android studio , and after my course you will be able to create your first app in Kotlin using android studioand in the end i let you a java code for google maps application that you should switch to Kotlin as exercice :Dthere is a bonus lecture wich is the PPT doc that i will send it to you when you finish the course If you didn't understand something or having problems while programming you can contact me directely by messages and i wish you good luck learningThank you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding With Coby, the Robot Mouse" |
"This course will introduce students to coding a robot mouse. We will use Learning Resources Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set as the learning platform in this STEM class. Students will learn to read activity cards and learn to sequence their coding using coding cards. In addition to learning about the theory of coding, there will be plenty of hands-on practice consisting of 20 challenges. Each challenge will increase in difficulty as the course progresses. The course is simple enough for children aged 4 years or older, but anyone who is new at coding will benefit. Students will develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills as they prepare for their future in computer and robot programming."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
engineering-drawing-course-level-2 |
"Engineering Drawing Course Level 2 () () ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
engineering-drawing-course-level-3 |
"Engineering Drawing Course Level 3 () . . : ( ) 45 ( ) ( ) ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linux administration and linux command line skills" |
"My name is Kashif Ali and I have worked as a Linux administrator, IT Manager, infrastructure and security consultant for many Fortune 500 companies in the the toughest market in the world ...... New York. It's often quoted that if you can survive as an IT professional in New York and the Wall street - You can survive any IT environment in the world. So Learn from my experience/expertise and take your career to the next level.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn Linux administration Linux command Line skills------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn Red Hat Linux & CentOS: Use the in-demand skills to start a career as a Linux Server Admin or Linux Administrator!After taking this course you will fully understand the most important and fundamental concepts of Linux server administration and Linux command Line. More importantly, you will be able to put those concepts to use in practical real-world situations. You'll be able to configure, maintain, and support a variety of Linux systems. You can even use the skills you learned to become a Linux System Engineer or Linux System Administrator.A career in Linux is one of the top 5 highest paid in the IT industry. Linux is the number ONE operating system for the fortune 500 companies and even the startups.If you want to start your career in Linux, and have little or no knowledge of Linux then this course can help. In this course you will learn Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more... I have also included Job Technical Interview questions and answers that will definitely help achieving your Career goals.All hands on exercises that I have covered are downloadable as text files so you can download and practice all lectures easily.I have also created quizzes for you to go through and test your knowledge.Learning Linux can be daunting - I have designed this course keeping in mind the most important things I would need to know if I was starting my Career in Linux today.Following is the list of topics I have covered in this course: Section 1 - Course OverviewCourse OverviewSection 2 - Installing and accessing a Linux systemInstall VirtualBoxDownload CentOS LinuxInstall CentOS LinuxDownload, Install and connect through puttyInstall Red Hat 8 with Custom Partitioning on VirtualBoxDownload SUSE LINUX Enterprise ServerInstall SLES 15 (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server)Install SLES 12 SP3 with expert partitioning on VirtualBoxDifferent ways of accessing your Linux serverSection 3 - Linux FundamentalsThe Linux Directory StructureThe ShellBasic Linux Commands cd, ls, cat, pwd, and moreListing Files and Understanding LS OutputChanging PasswordAbsolute vs relative PathFinding help at the command lineCreating Files and DirectoriesUnderstanding the Basic File and Directory PermissionsChanging File PermissionsModify File Ownership for user and groupFinding Files in your systemIntroduction to vi editorCopying Directories and FilesRemoving Directories and FilesMoving and renaming Directories and FilesQuiz (22 questions)Section 4 - Intermediate Linux Skillsmore and less commandhead and tail commandsTab CompletionCommand HistoryWild CardsSoft and Hard LinksInput, Output and Error RedirectiongreppipeShell Aliasesecho commandEnvironment VariablesConnecting from one server to anotherTransferring and Copying Files over the NetworkCounting Words, Lines and CharactersViewing and Monitoring ProcessesSchedule and automate tasks with CronUser and group administrationSwitching UsersThe sudo utilityCompressing and archiving files tar, gzipDisplaying and Setting the HostnameFind you IP addresstr, sort, diff and uniq command - Text File Manipulationcut and sort command - Text File Manipulation32-bit vs 64-bit operating systemsFinding system information (uname, dmidecode)Root Password recoverysosreport for Redhat troubleshootingMonitor Users (who, last w, id)Message of the day (motd) and wallQuizSection 5 - Software installation - Redhat/CentOS, SUSE, Fedora and UBUNTURed-hat/CentOS/Fedora software installation using YUMPackage management using RPMIntroduction to RepositoriesCreate a Local RepositorySystem updates and preparation (version lock)Roll back patches and updatesInstalling Software in SUSE Linux using ZypperInstalling software in UbuntuQuizSection 6 - Managing Users and GroupsUser and group administrationCreate a User account with No Login AccessThe passwd commandPassword Aging on User accountsCreate, Modify and Delete Group AccountsActivating and Deactivating Shadow Password MechanismUser Authentication FilesThe passwd FileThe shadow FileThe group FileThe gshadow FileSwitching UsersThe sudo utilitySection 7 - Disk and Volume Management (LVM, parted)Introduction to partitioning and file systemIntroduction to LVM - The Logical Volume ManagerAdd a new disk through Oracle Virtual BoxManaging Storage with partedCreating Physical Volumes (PVs), Volume Groups (VGs) and Logical Volumes (LVs)Extending Volume group (VG) and Logical Volumes (LV)Mirroring Logical VolumesMoving Volumes (Data) from one storage to anotherRemoving Logical Volumes (LVs), Volume Groups (VGs) and Physical Volumes (PVs)Section 8 - Linux NetworkingNetwork ComponentsNetwork ClassesTCP and UDP ProtocolsThe OSI modelPing CommandNetwork Interfaces, configuration files and commandsFind your IP addressAdd a Network Adapter through Oracle VM Virtual BoxNIC BondingSection 9 - Servers and ServicesApache Web ServerLAMP ServerSection 10 - Linux SecurityFirewall and iptablesLinux Server SecuritySection 11 - Managing ProcessesUnderstanding processesViewing and Monitoring ProcessesListing a Specific ProcessView Processes by User and Group OwnershipProcess StatesWhat is Process Niceness?Viewing and Changing Process NicenessRenicing a Running ProcessControl Processes with SignalsSection 12 - Linux Technical Interview PrepLinux Basic Technical questions"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HTML5-Web tasarmnda sfrdan uzmanlk icin ilk adm" |
"HTML konusundaki bilgilerin byk ksmn bu dersle reneceksiniz, problem yaadnz bir konuyu bu derste rendiiniz bilgileri kullanarak yaptnz bir aratrma ile ksa surede zeceksinizDersler ilerledike urun elde etmeye baslayacak ve derslerin merak uyandrdn ve renme isteginizin artn farkedeceksinizDerslerin sikici olmamas icin elimizden geleni yaptk, dersler hakkndaki yorumlarnz bizim icin ok degerliHerkese iyi dersler"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Blogging For Ecommerce - Blog Post Writing, Structure, Setup" |
"Blogging For EcommerceIt doesn't matter if you sell on Shopify, Woocommerce, BigCommerce, Magento, or one of the other ecommerce store platforms, generating organic traffic is hard.One of the most important and easiest ways to start generating traffic and engaging existing customers is but creating a blog.Most ecommerce store owners don't know how to setup a blog correctly or how to structure a blog post for both the user and the search engines such as Google.This course show you how to create and structure a blog post that not only users, but the search engines will love.Why Listen To Me?Over the last 10 years myself and my e-commerce SEO agency team have developed and honed powerful strategies to rank websites and ecommerce stores that now generate millions of dollars monthly combined.We've battle tested strategies and developed systems that work. The digital space is always rapidly evolving, and we are nimble enough to move with those changes and implement them quickly.What You'll LearnThis course will show you how to structure a blog post for ecommerce correctly.Modules include:IntroductionKeyword ResearchTools For ResearchBlog Post Structure (including URL, SEO title, H tags, content)Using Images and VideoInternal & Internal LinkingBonus - Correct Yoast SEO Setup (If using Wordpress)Who Is This Course For?This course is for anyone who has an e-commerce store using any platform. The example and course content is developed around Wordpress, however the principles are the same for any blog setup for an e-commecre store."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Big Data Demystified, made SIMPLE!" |
"Are you looking for Cloud Big Data Training?Oracle Big Data Associate Certification is one of the must have certificates for any IT professional working with any cloud technologies. This course is designed to help prepare you for the fundamentals of Big Data and lay the foundation for all your cloud certification. Even if you have never worked on cloud technologies, by the end of this training you will be able to prepare for any Big Data cloud certification as I have covered the building blocks of Oracle Big Data Cloud in detail. No programming knowledge needed, and no prior Big data experience required. With this training under your belt and after completing Oracle Big Data Associate certification will be available soon on Udemy, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a $100k+ salary.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Oracle Big data platform and its market gains in recent times and then deep dive into the building blocks of Oracle Big Data cloud You will explore functionality of Map Reduce, Spark, HDFS (Hadoop File System), YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), HDFS, NOSQL and RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) Scoop and Flume. Further in the part-2 training we will do a deep dive in Oracle Solutions and Services for Big Data Needs, Oracle Big Data Security, Data Streaming Platform, Big Data Cloud Integration.As this whole cloud technology is evolving Oracle is introducing new product releases, as 2018progresses I will continuously update this course with new content, so you will never have to worry about missing out on new content. This is the best online Oracle Cloud training available, at a great affordable rate.Most classes are 5 - 20 minutes long, with one class being over 30 minutes in length. I am an Oracle Certified professional and certified Project Manager PMP with over 20 years experience in IT. This course is cheaper than most other courses because I am not doing this as a full-time job, rather because I am passionate about cloud. So, join me in becoming Oracle Cloud expert by taking this OCI online course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-932/1Z0-1072 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Mock Test Arch" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Associate Architect Certification is a must have certificates for any IT professional working with any cloud technologies. This Mock test is designed to help prepare you for the fundamentals of Cloud Infrastructure Associate architect certification test.I have already published two training courses on Udemy which helps you prepare from being a novice to an expert. This certification test was never in the scope of my training material, I designed it to help my students with their questions they had with the test environment. Also, I have included the Q&A from the feedback I received from students who have successfully completed the certification exam and many of whom have already secured cloud architect jobs.As Oracle constantly updates the curriculum I try my best to update the training material accordingly, if you are already my student from one of my other courses you would know how active I am with my students Q&A, so in short I will do the same and not only incorporate updates as per the curriculum changes but also the feedback you as students provide.Prepare to clear the exam in first attempt:Take training on the basic and advanced courses 1z0-932, or self-study from Oracle documentationTake the mock up test, read through the reasoning material and if a link is provided make sure to read through the article.If any clarification is needed ask in the Q&A section of the training, I will try my best to respond within 24 hoursRetake the mock up test and do not schedule actual exam until you score 100% on the mock up testPass the exam and publish your name, provide certification feedback if any (optional)How to approach the exam:Few things you must keep in mind at the start of the exam, cloud business is flourishing for multiple reasons, so answers listed with those points are most probably going to be true:Cost ownershipData security and compliance (as a business cloud providers must make sure they secure their customer data and are compliant with all regulations out there)Durability (if they cannot give you back your data cloud providers will have no customers)High Availability (Customers always need their business up and running and looking for cloud providers to mitigate all known vulnerabilities)Automation or ease of use ( Cloud providers are making it easy for users to provision and manage their cloud infrastructure as they want the small guys to be on the cloud)I believe if you understand the concepts of the points listed above you could clear 25% of the exam (but 25% is no good) without even taking any training, those of you who are not sure about those concepts I would suggest you read up more on those topics and get a basic understanding.Lets look at an example we can discuss here...A customer wants to do development on premise while leveraging services such as Java Cloud, Mobile Developer Cloud, and App Builder Services. The customer would also like to scale out the application, stretching from on-premises to the cloud by using a common API. Which options should he choose (select two)OptionsOracle cloud Ravello serviceOracle cloud infrastructureOracle cloud infrastructure classicOracle cloud at customerLooking at the question (mention of on-prem) first selection would be cloud at customer but that is incorrect (Cost ownership)Reasoning why would customer go through a contract of have the infrastructure installed in their data center when they are okay with scaling out their infrastructure to the cloud, so a more economic solution would be Oracle cloud infrastructure just pay for what and how much you use...Part two of the question:Assumption here is you have read about Ravello service as listed here...What is Ravello?Ravello is a cloud service that enables enterprises to run their VMware and KVM workloads, with datacenter-like (L2) networking, as-is on the public cloud without any modifications. With Ravello, enterprises dont need to convert their VMs or change their networking configuration to run their existing apps on the public cloudSo, the key word as-is from your data center to public cloud VMware and KVM workloadsSo, the second choice is Ravello.I have tried to provide similar explanations to most of the questions in this training and I am hoping they will be helpful to you.So, come on in and lets crack this exam with minimum sweat. Good Luck!! - Deepak"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-160 Oracle Database Cloud Service" |
"Are you looking for Oracle Database Cloud Service Training?Oracle Database Cloud Service Certification is a must have certificates for any IT professional working with any cloud technologies. This course is designed to help prepare you for the fundamentals of Oracle Database Cloud Service and lay the foundation for all your cloud certification. Even if you have never worked on cloud technologies, by the end of this training you will be able to prepare for any cloud certification as I have covered the building blocks of Oracle Database Cloud Service in detail. No programming knowledge needed and no prior OCI experience required. With this training under your belt and after completing Oracle Database Cloud Service you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a $100k+ salary.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Oracle Database Cloud Service platform and its market gains in recent times and then deep dive into the building blocks of Oracle Database Cloud Service . You will explore Oracle Database Platform Service Console (Users, Policies, Roles) , Cloud Database Fundamentals, Deploying Database Instance, Learn the Characteristics of the Newly Deployed Instance, Connect and Manage the Network Access, Monitor and Administer the New Instance using Enterprise Manager and SQL Developer, Explore Storage options for your Database, Patch your Deployment using Oracle utilities, Backup and Restore your deployment Manage Scaling your instance and Finally learn about Oracle Multitenant Architecture with a hands On LAB..As this whole cloud technology is evolving Oracle is introducing new product releases, as 2018 progresses I will continuously update this course with new content so you will never have to worry about missing out on new content. This is the best online Oracle Cloud training available, at a great affordable rate.Most classes are 5 - 20 minutes long, with one class being over 30 minutes in length. I am an Oracle Certified professional and certified Project Manager PMP with over 20 years experience in IT. This course is cheaper than most other courses because I am not doing this as a full-time job, rather because I am passionate about cloud. So join me in becoming Oracle Cloud expert by taking this Oracle Database Cloud Service Training online today!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Tecnologia da Informao (TI): level 1" |
"Este o nosso curso que abrange os conhecimentos mais simples de tecnologia, ideal para pessoas que esto comeando seus estudos na rea de TI(Tecnologia da Informao).Crianas, adolescentes, jovens, adultos e idosos podem faz-lo para acrescentar conhecimentos de tecnologia que so essenciais para muito do que fazemos em nossas vidas atualmente na vida em sociedade.Contudo, no se deixe enganar: este no um curso simples, rpido e curto, fcil de finalizar. um curso completo, com incio fcil, mas que vai ficando mais profundo a medida que voc avana em seu contedo. Assim, possvel que nem todos tenham o objetivo de finalizar o curso para absorver o mximo possvel, mas iremos frequentemente lhe mostrar coisas bacanas que esses conhecimentos permitem fazer.Nosso objetivo inicial que voc finalize o curso, mas nosso objetivo principal saber que voc fez algo til com o conhecimento adquirido. Tornou sua vida mais fcil, mais divertida, passou a ensinar e ajudar pessoas que tambm no sabiam tanto como voc, comeou a trabalhar na rea, passou em um concurso pblico, empreendeu, seja o que for, conte para ns."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Java |
", Java Java . , . Java Java 8 Java 9."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |