Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master" |
"Tired of wanting to learn Docker? Do you find it very difficult? Have you heard it but do not know what it is about? All that came to an end, at the end of this course you will be an expert!There is no better way to learn than practicing, so this course offers many exercises where you can learn how to create your own applications in Docker. You will learn how to create tons of apps such as MySQL, Postgres, Jenkins, WordPress, PrestaShop, Mongo, Nginx, Apache, SSL, Tomcat, Drupal and many more!You will learn important bases such as:- Images- Containers- Volumes- Networks- Docker ComposeAnd more!What are you waiting for?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 Professional Step-by-Step from Novice to Expert" |
"Need to learn Oracle Primavera P6 fast?Learn the industry standard software you need to know to advance your career. Go from beginner to expert with easy to follow, step-by-step screencast videos.This course will show you step-by-step the most useful, important and powerful features available in Primavera P6 that you need to know in order to progress from beginner to an advanced level of proficiency with the software. In order for you to learn the most material in the least amount of time, the software is taught using screencast videos where every step of the task is explained in detail. Make a small investment in yourself and your career that will help you get a leg up on the competition!A practical course for learning project management in P6 quickly and easilyThis course is not meant to be an academic lecture series explaining theory, nor is it a boring slideshow that tells you how to use the software instead of showing you. This course is designed to equip you with the skills you need to unlock the most important features of Primavera P6 quickly. You dont need to spend months staring a textbook when you can watch and simply follow along. When you reach the end of the course you will have a deeper understanding of how to use Primavera P6.Learn the software demanded by industry professionals today!Grab this course today and learn: Introduction to Primavera P6 Logging in General Interface Introduction Data Configuration Organizational Breakdown Structure Enterprise Project Structure Project Codes and Values Global and Project Calendars Definition of Project Establishing Work Breakdown Structure Assignment of OBS Elements to WBS Defining Budget at Project Level Defining Budget at WBS Level WBS and Work Packages Tabular View Defining Activity Codes and values WBS Chart View and Formatting WPs and Docs Defining Activities Estimate Activity Duration Activity Type Assigning Relationships & Lags Assigning Calendars Assigning Activity Codes Scheduling by using Critical Path Method (CPM) Schedule Log (Report) Filtration Applying Constraints Grouping and Sorting Saving, Exporting and Importing the Layouts Filtering Bars Formatting Columns Customization Time Scale Customization Activity Network Diagram Print Preview & Page Set-Up Creating Resource Pool with their basic Rates Defining and Assigning Roles Defining Cost Accounts Adding Expenses Assigning Resources, Defining Budgeted Units & Assigning Cost Accounts Assigning Resource Curves & Global Change Resource Usage Profile / Resource Assignments (Spreadsheets) How to make Copy, Import / Export Plan Progress Update Maintaining and Assigning Baseline Variance Analysis (Planned vs Actual) Reflection of Project And so much more!The ultimate instructional course to rapidly boost your proficiency in Primavera P6!Why waste your time with books and courses that are mostly fluff? If you are serious about learning Primavera P6 quickly, this course can help!Grab this proven how to course today and make a small investment in yourself that can benefit you personally and professionally for the rest of your life!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Swing Trading" |
"Swing Trading can be a powerful method of trading, investing, and wealth building. For those who don't understand it however, it can be a risky proposition. Fortunately, there are powerful strategies for managing risk, analyzing securities, and making calculated decisions about when to trade. This course will take you by the hand and teach you the strategies you need to know, step-by-step, without needlessly complicating the subject with overly technical jargon."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Verbal 700+: Most Comprehensive Question Bank" |
"GMATVerbal section is designed to measure how you analyze arguments rationally with the information provided as well as how you think critically. Yes, your command of standard, written English needs to be sound. More than you might think, a large part of your professional success will be determined by your level of English proficiency and verbal intellect; the fact remains that English and reading mastery trains you on how to think critically. GMATVerbal 700+: Most Comprehensive Question Bank course has been compiled after months of thorough research and after going through various GMAT discussion forums, previous years questions, expert opinions etc. The course is divided into three sections with 80 questions each - GMATVerbal: Critical Reasoning, GMATVerbal: Sentence Correction, and GMAT Verbal: Reading Comprehension."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"How To Start Doing Stand Up Comedy" |
"Have you ever thought about getting on stage and telling jokes? Are you interested in developing skills in public speaking? If you've ever wanted to be the source of fun and laughter and wondered how, this course is an answer.In this course you'll learn the the following:Two techniques for writing hilarious stand-up comedyHow to edit and arrange jokes into a five minute stand up routineHow to rehearse so you'll be confident stepping on stage and grabbing the microphoneHow to use the tools of pacing, pauses, inflection and gesture to make yourself funnierThe one rehearsal technique that will prepare you for ANY public speaking and making you a naturalThe mindset that will make you constantly improve and willing to blow past your fears and limitationsHow to find a local open mic night and blow the roof oof by making the audience laughHow to stay calm on stage and deliver a good performance"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Cold Email: The Complete Guide!" |
"If youre trying to build a business, make more sales, or get your ideas out into the world, connecting with high-value people is a must.The BEST way to do this is over email!ButMOST COLD EMAILS FAIL!This is because most people dont know the tactics, formulas, and strategies to win by using cold email outreach!The fact is, through good cold email outreach Ive generated millions in new business opportunities, booked gigs for comedy all over the world, and connected with world famous writers, actors, and artists.Now, you could go other courses and learn the SAME CORPORATE STRATEGIES that sales drones have been using for years - but those tactics are old, out-of-date, and no longer work.This is a HUGE opportunity for YOU!In this course, youll learn the GUERRILLA tactics for connecting over email that only the top 1% of cold connectors use. Youll learn how to budge replies out of some of the most-targeted high-value people.By using these tactics, your emails will stay top-of-inbox and will get solid replies.Some of the things youll learn in this course:THE BEST formula for writing emails that get replies.The THREE subject lines that will always get opened!Ten templates you can use TODAY to start setting meetings.The 20 outside-the-box, guerrilla tactics that nobody but successful cold emailers do.How to reach out & get responses over non-email platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and othersThe ONE THING that truly successful cold emailers do that everyone else trips up overThe three mindsets that will lead you to connect with amazing peopleThe THREE BITS OF VALUE you can always offer even people who seem like they have it all, and will get them to respondEverything you need to know to connect with high-value people over email, get on their calendars, and get them to buy from you!Ive personally learned all these skills from SCRATCH in the world of sales in a way that nobody else has - in 2014 I was in debt, homeless, and used these same skills to work my way to earning six figures a year!This course will have you connecting with and meeting with people you havent been able to connect with ever before; itll grow your network and your business.If you take this course and take action on the lessons in it, youll be blowing away your goals.If for any reason that doesnt happen, youll get a full and immediate refund, no questions asked.So, if youre ready to know the untold, guerrilla tactics for connecting with others and growing your business through cold emailing, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Take care,-Brendon"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"NLP fr starke Kids" |
"NLP bietet einige einfache und doch sehr wirksame Hilfsmittel fr typische Probleme und Schwierigkeiten unserer Kids. Eigentlich msste es heien NLP fr starke Kids und fr starke Eltern. Mit den Inhalten des vorliegenden Kurses werden wir dem Ziel, Kindern eine Kindheit zu geben, die sie grtenteils genieen und dabei meistens gelassene Eltern zu bleiben, einen Schritt nher kommen.Sie sind in diesem Kurs richtig, wennSie typische Probleme der Kinder kennenlernen wollen, um ihnen mit Rat und Lsungen zur Seite zu stehen.Sie Vorbild fr Ihr Kind sein wollen und es beim Heranreifen zu einer starken Persnlichkeit untersttzen mchten.Sie Ihren Kindern wichtige Werte und Einstellungen vermitteln wollen, ohne dabei auf sofortige Ablehnung zu stoen.Sie gelassen und ruhig bleiben wollen, wenn Ihr Kind ngstlich, aggressiv oder in sich gekehrt ist.Sie NLP-Hilfsmittel kennenlernen wollen, um Ihr Kind einfhlsam und lsungsorientiert erziehen zu knnen.Sie knnen sofort loslegen, es wird kein Vorwissen bentigt. Alle bungen werden Schritt fr Schritt erklrt. Zustzlich sind die Anleitungen als Download verfgbar."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de CakePHP 3" |
"O curso inicia desde o bsico de CakePHP 3, tambm como usar o padro MVC at como usar na prtica para desenvolver site e sistema administrativo.Na parte bsica do curso abordado os principais elementos do CakePHP para desenvolvimento Web. Em seguida apresentado como usar o CakePHP, como desenvolver o site dinmico, site sendo preenchido com informaes do banco de dados. Para gerenciar o contedo do site apresentado como criar o sistema administrativo.Portanto, neste curso voc vai aprender desde o bsico de CakePHP, at como usar na prtica para criar o site e o sistema administrativo profissional."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"5D Quantum Healing: Evolve to 5D Consciousness by Antojai" |
"Research and Development from Antojai Quantum Alchemy.Do you feel like you have to start mastering your reality NOW? Have you been feeling off energetically? Maybe you have started noticing more magic around you?This 5D attunement course will educate you on how to know where you are on the 3D, 4D, 5D conscious universe; how to build yourself up: and you get a powerful personal tune up from Ascended Master Antojai to help you evolve faster!This powerful knowledge will help you change your life in ways you didn't think possible!Brought to you by the Creator of Antojai's Quantum Reiki, and Antojai Quantum Alchemy.What are you waiting for? The time is NOW!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Chakra Mirror Technique: Phase 1 & 2 by Antojai" |
"MAXIMIZE YOUR POWER, EVOLVE FOREVER!Brought to you by World-renowned Energy Master - Axl Carrasquillo; Creator of Quantum Reiki, Antojai Quantum Alchemy. This is the first two Phases of the revolutionary Chakra mirror Technique by Antojai Ascension Academy.In this course you will be able to permanently evolve your chakras, reality, and energy perception with this extremely power...yet easy Quantum Chakra manipulation.This course is part of a larger curriculum available to all who wish to master Quantum Healing to it's fullest.THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART, OR COMPLETE BEGINNERS OF ENERGY WORK.THIS IS NOT A CHAKRA EDUCATION COURSE, THIS IS STRICTLY THE EVOLUTION TECHNIQUE. A base understanding of the chakras is needed to complete this course.BONUS: We have a facebook group with active workshops for all established students, so we continue to grow and evolve as a whole."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Reiki for Animals by Antojai" |
"This course is designed for existing students who have completed Antojai's Quantum Reiki Master Course. This course is built off the principles learned in Quantum Reiki. This course does not show or review how to do Quantum Reiki, but is an additional installment to the Quantum Reiki program. To take advantage of this course, enrolling students must take Quantum Reiki FIRST!Students will learn how to take their healing skills past conventional methods available today for healing animals. This course will maximize your ability to help all animals."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Subneteo de Redes" |
"En este curso estudiaremos los conceptos bsicos de IPv4, subneteo basado en el nmero de subredes y basado en el nmero de IPs utilizables por subred.Contestaremos preguntas como:Cmo expreso nmeros decimales a binarios?Cul es el significado de la mscara de red?Qu es el broadcast?Cuntas IPs utilizables hay en una red en particular?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISCO Seguridad FCIL" |
"Laboratorios que exploran las caractersticas de seguridad en equipos CISCO tales como:Seguridad AAAAcceso remoto SSHListas de Control de AccesoSeguridad de Capa 2 Port-SecurityCapacidad de IPS en los routersCapacidad Firewall en los RoutersConfiguracion de VPNConfiguraciones bsicas de ASAConfiguraciones en Packet Tracer para que los alumnos practiquen paso a pasoGuas en PDF descargablesArchivos bases de los ejercicios descargables"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel for Beginners" |
"The truth is:Before you go for a job interview, you must have basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel.From an accountant to a receptionist, human resource to administration department all are using Microsoft Excel.It is not only limited to the large companies, small entrepreneurs and college students are using it for their day to day work.That's something which you cant skip.To get a job, learning basic Excel tasks (at least some) is must in today's era, thats a firm truth.And, to help you in this I have compiled this guide.This guide will help you to learn all those basics using some examples.And some of the most important beginner's without further ado let's get down to the business."
Price: 1100.00 ![]() |
"Banish writer's block - forever!" |
"Do you go as blank as the page in front of you when you try to write a story? You're not alone.'Writer's block' strikes fear into every writer at some point in their career The secret to overcoming this block is - to write. Literally, putting pen to paper and doing exercises like 'hot penning' will kick-start your imagination once again.This course has several tried and tested techniques for you to try and help you banish the dreaded writer's block forever.You'll be able to use all you learn on the course throughout your writing career."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The ultimate world building for fantasy guide" |
"Do you want to build your own world to base a series on? Do you want to write your first fantasy novel but don't know where to start? Does world building seem overwhelming? This course is a blueprint for your very own functioning world. Populate it with believable characters who drive your plots - and you've got a winning formula for fantasy fiction. You'll be guided through aspects of daily life you may not have considered but which add to the magic and help your readers believe in your world.World building takes imagination - but all the hard work has been done for you.By the end of the course, you'll have a detailed world planned out and dynamic characters you can place in your first novel.You'll be able to use the techniques, tips and tricks you'll learn on this course throughout your writing career."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Start Selling On Amazon" |
"Do You Want To?Create your own business selling online?Have all the info needed to start smart with the best shot at success?Understand how to sell on Amazon as a side hustle or a full time gig?WithoutLosing money?Wasting time?Worrying that you are focusing on the wrong thing?The Course CoversWhat It Means To Sell On AmazonAmazon Selling BasicsSeller Central: Your Home Sweet HomeSourcing MethodsHow To List and ShipEXCLUSIVE: How To TEN Your Way To SuccessReal Life Seller Success StoriesFREE BonusesSourcing PathsDiscovering NichesOther Important Business Skills To Learn"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Leadership Training Program For Personal Success" |
"Leadership starts with you mastering some basic fundamentals that will lead you towards a successful life. If you want to boost your productivity and become more productive, you are already ahead of tons of people who don't understand the importance of being productive.. Yet. In this course, we will go through the Scientific Background of learning strategies and how it learning works, memory and how you can control it and use it to your advantage, speed reading and how to read way more in less time while ensuring proper comprehension of the content. You will learn the fundamental scientific basis behind productivity and time management.You will not just learn how to be more productive, you will rewire your brain into being more productive, more effective, become a proficient speed reader and perfect your reading, improve and enhance your memory on a daily and natural level, and learn like you never did before."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Brainstorming Strategies For Enhanced Cognitive Dominance" |
"We always have ideas running through our head, and often, we have too many ideas that we can't structure the information flow properly. Brainstorming is essential in our everyday life. Whether its a work related task, a group project, or a life problem you're trying to solve, having the ability to brainstorm in an efficient and creative manner can change the way you interpret, analyze, form, and use ideas. In this course you will learn about different topics: In This Course, You Will Learn The Fundamental Basis Of Learning, How We Learn And How We Can Improve Our Learning AbilityThen We Will Dive Into Brainstorming And Our Ability To Take Brainstorming To A Whole New LevelHow You Will Learn How To Find Ideas, How To Expand Ideas With Information, Knowledge And Rich Details That Would Make Out Of An Idea, A Tool That You Can Use For Personal SuccessYou Will Also Learn How To Use These Tools And Methods To Be More Productive, More Creative And Improve The Way Information Is Structured In Your BrainYou Will Build Bulletproof Understanding Of Mind Mapping Systems, How They Work, How The Learning Process Behinds Them Work, And How You Can Effectively Use ThemYou Will Be Able To Link Your Conscious Mind And Your Subconscious Mind To The Infinite Intelligence And Creativtiy SystemFinally, You Will Learn How To Apply These Methods In Work, School, Gym, Personal Development, Planning, And Much MoreIn this course, you will be introduced to mind mapping, one of the most essential brainstorming tools you can ever used. You will be able to not just structure your ideas, but brainstorm related details and information that can make your brainstorming, the most effective. Get ready to change the way you brainstorm once and for all."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Personal Success Breakthrough - Learn, Execute, Achieve" |
"Personal Success doesn't happen by luck. There is no magical formula behind success. However there are tools and knowledge that you can acquire and master to get from where you are to where you want to be. In this course, you will learn about a lot of different topics: You Will Be Able To Achieve A Personal Breakthrough That Can And Will Change Your Life Leading To Personal SuccessLearn The Principles Behind Your Psychological And Behavioral Structure From A Breakthrough Standpoint.Understand Your Memory, Your Cognitive Ability And Your Mental Structure And Use It To Your AdvantageLearn The Concepts Of Social And Cognitive Plasticity To Achieve The Desired Breakthrough And Personal SuccessFind The Inner Version Of Yourself, To Be Standout In Your Today's Competitive WorldLearn To Build Personal Success Habits, Eliminate Detrimental Habits, And Change Undesired HabitsIncrease Your Level Of Productivity To Achieve The Desired Level Of Personal SuccessImprove Your Focus Ability And Creative ImaginationEnhance Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving IdeologyIn this course, you will get equipped with everything you need to succeed in any desired area in life and achieve Personal Success. From time management, to cognitive enhancement, focus and brain storming strategies, you will take yourself to a whole new level. If you've been striving to succeed in life and you haven't got there yet, you're in the right place, at the right time, and you know exactly what to do."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Personal Psychology - Regulating Thoughts And Behavior" |
"Personal Psychology is fundamentally different than the study of Psychology as a scientific entity. Having the ability to understand your thought patterns and the basis of your everyday behavior is to first step towards a healthier, better regulated, and effectively controlled mental health, cognitive processes and behavior patterns. In this course, we will approach psychology from a different stand point showing the correlation between Personal Psychology and Neurology. The brain, which is the main source that controls our thoughts and behaviors is made out of a combination of Neural Networks, structured over a period of time, linked to past experiences, emotional impacts, repetitive thoughts and aspirations. You will learn about several different topics: You Will Get A Free Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success - Don't Listen To Me, Listen To ThemLearn The Fundamental Principles Behind Personal Psychology, Behaviourism And Mental Control Understand And Regulate Your Thought Patterns, Behavior Systems And Psychological Neural StructuresControl Your Mental Health And Improve Your Cognitive Control SystemYou Learn MORE THAN 50 Cognitive Systems That Will Help You Rewire Your Brain, Generate More Neurons And Neural Structures And Ensure An Optimal Neurological Health For Future Neural Structural WiringUnderstand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control BBecome Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage Through Emotional Wiring, Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind ThemFinally, Learn How To Control, Change Or Eliminate Your Habits, Conscious And Subconscious Behaviors, And Effectively Implement New Habit Systems In Your Daily LifeIf you want to learn how to control your thought patterns better, understand and regulate your behavior according to what you want, this is the right course for you. If you want to master your Personal Psychology, you're in the right place, at the right time and you know exactly what to do."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creativity - The Enhanced Creative Version Of Yourself" |
"In a world where digital innovation is limiting our brain's horizon, creativity can be a tool of competitive dominance. In this course, you will learn ways and tools that can help you regroup your creative self. We are all born creative, and now is the time to restore the inner creative self. Through the principles you will learn, through applying these principles, and through proper repetition, you will take yourself up to a whole new level. You will become more creative in school, in work and in your everyday life"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Speed Reading Training Program & Formula 2.0" |
"How great would it be, if we can read 10x faster than our normal speed? Whether it's course material that you have in school, or documents that your boss gave you, or a simple book that you want to read but you just can't find the time to finish it, after finishing this course, all of this can change. Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's ability to read quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and minimizing subvocalization. This course will tackle the subject of speed reading, answering the following questions: What is speed reading from a fundamental and theoretical basis?What is speed reading from its outer application system basis that we can use?How can you use it in your daily life?How you can make it an unconscious habitual behaviour system to optimize the amount of information processed from a timely standpoint? The course also includes supplemental lectures on time management, productivity, creativity, concentration, focus abilities, memory and study skills.We will be discussing numerous topics across the course:- You Will Learn The Science Behind Speed Reading, The Limitations, And The Tools You Need To Ensure Effective Speed Reading.- You Will Learn About Cognitive Limitations, Our True Human Brain Capacity, And Some Ways To Improve It. - You Will Get A Free Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success: Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them!- You Will Learn The Techniques And Fundamentals That You Need To Improve Your Speed Reading Abilities.- You Will Learn About Different Speed Reading Formulas Based On Scientific Research And Personal Application Benefit. - You Will Learn 35+ Systems And Formulas To Increase Your Current Reading Speed And Reach Your Goals Easily.- You Will Have Access To 20+ Application Exercises To Practice While You Learn.- You Will Learn How To Improve Your Learning Ability And Concentration, How To Manage Memory Properly, And How To Control Your - Emotions, Personality And Memory.- You Will Learn How To Read Faster,- Comprehend Faster, And Improve Your Focus - You Will Be Able To Focus And Concentrate Longer - And Deeper. You Will Be Able To Read 1- 0x Faster Than Usual And You Will Learn How To Apply These Principles When It Comes To- Learning Strategies And Abilities.- You Will Learn How To Become Emotionally Intelligent To Prevent Learning Strategies Disruption - You Will Ensure Emotional Stability For Proper And Stable Learning Processes.- You Will Learn How To Implement Learning Systems, Abilities And Techniques That Can Give You A Competitive Edge In Different Areas In Your Daily Life.- You Will Learn How To Change Habits Linked To Your Memory, How To Lead A Healthy Life With Healthy Neurological Structures, And How To Boost Your Memory Overall.- You Will Learn How To Use Musical Therapy And Memory To Your Advantage And How To Enhance Your Senses And Ensure Motor Sensory Integration.- You Will Build Bulletproof Understanding Of Mind Mapping Systems, How They Work, How The Learning Process Behinds Them Work, And How You Can Effectively Use Them.- You Will Learn About 12 Principles That Can Help You Manage Your Time Effectively And Ensure Optimum Productivity.- Finally, You Will Have Access To 100+ Systems To Ensure Proper Productivity Improvement And Effective Management Formula Implementation As Well As 15+ Free Supplemental Resources To Take Your Learning To Another Level, And Ensure Proper Control Over Your Time, Your Mind, And Your Life.The more you learn, the more you earn, now is the time for you to explore your fullest potential."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Superhuman Testosterone - Safe & Natural Advanced Formulas" |
"Testosterone BoostingIn this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Testosterone. You will learn all the formulas, techniques, methods, used by physicians, athletes, and many more. The formulas developed through scientific basis research will ensure optimum levels of testosterone for you. In this course, you will learn about several different topics: You Want To Know How To Boost Your Testosterone? Well You're In The Right PlaceWe Will Be Exploring The Ideal Diet For Proper Nutrients Intake, What Nutrients To Avoid, Physical Exercising And What Kind Of Physical Exercising In Particular.We Will Also Be Looking At Different Other Factors Including Daily Habits, Lifestyles, Sexual An Cognitive Functions That Can Tremendously Help You In Your JourneyYou Will Also Learn About Supplements That You Can Use To Make Your Journey EasierAfter Completing This Course, You Will Know Everything There Is To Know About Testosterone, What It Does, How It Can Help, How You Can Boost It, And How To Prevent Low Testosterone Levels In GeneralFinally, Because There Are Several Things That You Might Want To Implement As Part Of Your Daily Habits And Routine, There Will Be A Section That Explains How Habits Work, How Habits Are Created And Eliminated And How You Can Effectively Create New Habits In Your LifeTestosterone has many benefits on a physical, cognitive, psychological and sexual level. By the end of this course, you will become a superhuman with enhanced physical, cognitive, psychological and sexual functions through proper and effective Testosterone boosting.By applying the exercises and fundamentals taught in this course, you will be able to change the chemistry level of Testosterone in your system the way you desire. The more you put in, the more you'll get out of it. If you want to boost your Testosterone levels tremendously, it will take much more time and dedication, however, it is doable."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Superhuman Focus 2.0 - Concentrate In A Distracted World" |
"Warren buffet and Bill Gates were sitting on a table when an interviewer asked them a question: "" What's the secret behind you success? "" The two titans replied and agreed: "" Laser Focus "" It's all about focus, how long can you focus, how deep can you focus, how to navigate and direct your focus.In this course, you will learn about a lot of different topics: Get Ready To Take Yourself To An Entirely Different Level When It Comes Primarily To Your Ability To Pay Attention, Focus And ConcentrateYou Will Get A Free Copy Of My Best-Selling Book: The Habits Of Success - Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them!In This Course, You Will Develop Cognitive Dominance That Will Give You The Competitive Edge You Need In Today's Modern WorldYou Will Learn Techniques And Methods That Will Enhance Your Concentration, Focus, And AttentionYou Will Be Able, Through Different Time Management Systems To Manage Your Time Properly, And Organzine Your Tasks In A Smooth And Cognitively Comprehensive MannerYou Will Learn How To Set SMART Goals And Follow Up With Proper ExecutionYou Will Be Able To Become More Productive, More Creative, While Improving And Enhancing Your Memory And Your Recalling AbilityBy The End Of This Course, You Will Have Developed Cognitive Dominance And An Enhanced Cognitive Ability That Will Push You Beyond Your LimitsFocus is one of the rarest things to find nowadays. The ability to focus is become weaker and weaker everyday as people are getting closer to distracting technologies. In a world where distractions are all around us, we need to learn how to be more productive, get ahead of others who are falling victims of the distracted digital age that can be a blessing and a curse, focus strategies can take us to a whole new level.Focus is one of the most essential asset that a person can have today. By applying focus strategies you will be able to adapt to situation faster and have more control over them because of your laser focus. This would apply to personal or educational experiences. The goal is for you to be as productive as possible. With the focus strategies you're about to learn, you will have an incredible level of focus that can make you way more productive and open a wide door for productivity to take over your life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Habit Formulas 2.0: Control, Change, Eliminate & Implement" |
"Habits shape our lives. We get to where we are in life because of our habits, and the only way to change who you are, and where you are, is by controlling and changing your habits. We made this course for you. You who want to change your life once and for all. You who want to overcome old habits, create new habits, or change a habit that you have into a new habit that you're trying to implement. In this course you will learn about different topics: In This Course, You Will Master Your Habits And You Will Learn The Fundamental Psychological And Physiological Basis Behind ThemYou Will Get A Free Copy Of My Best-Selling Book - The Habits Of Success: Don't Listen To Me, Listen To Them.You Will Learn How To Control Your Habits Like You Never Did Before, You Will Be Able To Change Any Habit You Have, Create New Ones And Make Them Part Of Your Daily Life, And Of Course, Eliminate Habits That Aren't Beneficial For YouYou Will Be Able To Caliber Problems Related To Procrastination, Time Management, Concentration And Focus, Healthy Diet, Healthy Physique And Overall Healthy LifeYou Will Be Able To Change And Replace Any Habit You HaveYou Will Be Able To Create Long Lasting Habits That Are Subconsciously Wired In Your Brain's Neural StructureYou Will Understand Habits From A Biological, Neurological And Psychological StandpointYou Will Learn All The Different Habit Systems That You Can Use To Your AdvantageYou Will Have More Control Over Your Habits And You'll Change Your Life Once And For AllYou Will Learn Some Of The Most Effective Habits That You Can Implement In Your Daily LifeYou Will Learn How To Find Effective Habits That Can Help You Grow ConsistentlyYou Will Be Able To Identify Key Stone Habits That Establish Numerous Healthy Habits Out Of One Source HabitYou Will Be Able To Apply What You Learn As We Dive Into Eliminating The Habit Of Procrastination And Implementing The Habits Of Proper Time Management, Proper Focus And Concentration, Goal Setting And Execution, And Overall, Cognitive EnhancementBy The End Of This Course, You Will Be Able To, In Summary, Change Habits, Create Habits, Control Habits, Alter Habits, Stop Habits, Switch Habits, And Overall, Control Your Habits Like You Never Did BeforeAll of this will be possible as soon as you finish the course and start applying the principles. Changing your life can be very easy, now you have the tools to do it, now you can control your habits instead of your habits controlling you. In this course, after understanding the science behind habits, and how to eliminate them and replace them while ensuring effective and accurate control over these habits, you will learn how to ensure applicability to eliminate habits, overcome habits, replace habits, create habits, and make sure that they last. You will also learn how to eliminate procrastination, and implement new habits such as proper time management, goal setting, and enhanced cognitive ability"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Mental Health Management And Control Formula: 2.0" |
"Mental Health should be each and every person's priority. Poor mental health will lead to a lot of dysfunctions in different areas in your life. A Healthy mind can lead to a healthy life, and that's exactly why I made this course. I made this course for each and every person who wants to enjoy better mental health and better overall quality of life. It is not easy to manage mental health issues but it is possible. In this course you will learn about several different topics: You'll Learn How To Use Mental Health Properly To Change Your Brain's Neural And Chemical Structural Combination, And The Neuro-scientific Foundation Of Neuroplasticity And Proper Brain Rewiring And Connecting PrinciplesUnderstand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Bad MemoriesYou Learn How To Control, Change Or Eliminate Your Habits, Conscious And Subconscious Behaviors, And Effectively Implement New Habit Systems In Your Daily LifeControl And Manage Your Mental Health Like You Never Did Before, As Well As Your Memories And The Effect Of These Memories On YouBecome Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage Through Emotional Wiring, Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind ThemHave More Control Over Your Behavioral Coping Mechanisms And Your Overall Mental Health And Deal With Mental Health From A New Neuro-Linguistic Programming And Neuroplastic ApproachEnsure Further Emotional Stability And Intelligence In Day To Day Life And Learn The Social And Cognitive Specific Coping MechanismsLearn Different Systems To Manage Anxiety, Depression, Stress, And Different Mental Health Obstacles That You Might Face On A Daily BasisBy The End Of This Course, You Will Be On A Completely Different Level Cognitively, Mentally, And Physically, To Live The Life You Want To Live, And Enjoy Pure Happiness And Bliss Once And For AllScientific breakthroughs made it possible for each and every person to control and manage his/her mental health to a very far extent. Now you have the ability to do that, you have the ability to change your life once and for all."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Time Management & Productivity Formula 2.0" |
"Time management is one of the most essential productivity feature that is rewarding. In a world where every single second counts, time management became crucial for effective productivity. If you want to boost your productivity and become more productive, you are already ahead of tons of people who don't understand the importance of being productive.. Yet. In a digital world, where every second count, improving your memory, and your learning ability can give you a huge advantage over everybody else around you by making you more productive. You have the chance to master productivity, to be the "" productive "" version of yourself, the version you always wanted to be. In this course you will learn about different topics: With This Course, You Will Learn The Ins And Outs Of Time Management And Productivity, You Will Learn And Master The Time Management Skills You Need To Get An Edge In Today's Competitive WorldWe Will Go Beyond Time Management As Well To Teach You Concepts Related To Goal Setting, Enhanced Concentration And Focus, And Overall Increased Productivity, Creativity, And Management SkillsCreate Powerful Lists Of Tasks To Reduce Time/Stress And Increase Overall PerformanceApply The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) To Almost Any Event And Learn How To Manage Your Time ProperlyLearn How You Can Summon The Motivation Needed To Finish Challenging Tasks.Learn How To Stimulate Your Brain Naturally To Achieve Faster And Better Results.Learn How To Slice Your Tasks Into Smaller Pieces And Finalize Them.Learn How Time Management Is Your Biggest AssetLearn How Time Management Works And How You Can Manipulate ItLearn How Productivity Is Linked To Time ManagementLearn 20+ Systems On Time Management And ProductivityGet Ready To Change The Game And Manage Your Time Like You Never Did Before - Time Management Never Been That EasyTime management is one of the things that can and will change your life. This course will be your doorway towards success, with this course you'll be able to achieve more, in less time! Now is your chance to take charge of your time, of your planning, of your execution, now is the time to take charge of your life.Time management principles will help you in school, work, and your daily life.Changing your life has never been this easy. The question is... Are you ready?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming Application Formulas 2.0" |
"Neuro Linguistic Programming is one of the most fascinating subjects in the field of neurology, it also has some implications in psychology, and biology.Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapy incorporates NLP, a set of language- and sensory-based interventions and behavior-modification techniques designed to help improve the clients self-awareness, confidence, communication skills, and social actions. The goals of NLP are to help the client understand that the way one views the world affects how one operates in the world, and that it is necessary to change the thoughts and behavior patterns that have not proven beneficial in the past and that only serve to block ones healing and success.You will learn about numerous topics:Learn Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP Fundamentals and Principles That You Can Use For Cognitive ControlEnhance Your Senses Through Motor Sensory Integration SystemsTap Into Emotional Intelligence Neurological Systems To Ensure Proper Emotional StabilityLearn How To Control Basic Mental Health IssuesOvercome, Create and Change Habits Through Neurological Network Structures Disruption And LinkageControl Your Memory, Change and Alter The Effects Of Memory Systems In Your BrainGet A Huge Understanding Of Your Neurological, Psychological and Cognitive SystemBecome A Super Learner By Understanding And Applying The Principles Of Proper Learning And Information Storage, Speed Reading, Memory Enhancement And BoostingUse Different Systems To Control Unwanted Thoughts, Behaviors, And PatternsBuild Proper Established Organizing Systems For Time Management, Goal Setting and Execution And Wire It In Your BrainYou Will Learn MORE THAN 50 Cognitive Systems that will help you rewire your brain, generate more neurones and neural structures and ensure an optimal neurological health for future neural structural wiringIt will give you the ability to control your brain from a neurological standpoint that helps you change the way your brain is wired. NLP uses perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions.It relies on language processing but should not be confused with natural language processing, which shares the same acronym.Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP is life changing, as it changes your brain's structure entirely. This course is all you need to learn the ins and outs of Neuro Linguistic Programming, you will be able to rewire your brain and control habits, memories, thoughts, patterns, behaviours, mental health issues and much more concepts related to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming.Are you ready to change your life with Neuro Linguistic Programming?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Neuroscience Synthesis To Rewire Your Brain" |
"Neuroscience Can Give Your Brain The Ability to Reorganize, Change and Break Neuro-connective Tissues, Wired by Experience, Thoughts, Emotions, And Knowledge. Neuroscience, is the Core Of Neuroplasticity. Based On Neuroscience, Researchers Developed The Idea Of Neuroplasticity.In This Course You Will Learn About Several Different Topics: Learn How To Take Control Over Your Brain's Chemical And Physical StructureLearn How The Flexibility And Plasticity Of Your Brain Can Be Used By You And For YouLearn and Master The Concept Of Neuroplasticity And Use It To Your Own BenefitUnderstand Why You Are Behaving The Way You Are Behaving And How To Change ItLearn How Habits Are Formed And How To Overcome Them, Replace Them, or Create ThemLearn How To Manage Your Time, Your Mind And Your ThoughtsLearn How To Train Your Brain Muscle, Enhance Your Concentration, Focus And AttentionLearn How to Mind Map Your Way Through Thoughts And IdeasLearn How To Overcome Procrastination and Start Doing What You Want To DoLearn How To Turn Bad Memories Into Good Memories, And Overcome The Effect of Bad MemoriesControl your Emotions, Your Feelings, and Your MoodLearn How Memories Work, How To Enhance It, Replace Bad Memories With Good Memories And Improve Your Recalling]Emotional Intelligence: Learn How to Use Your Emotions To Your AdvantageLearn The Ins and Outs About NeuroscienceLearn How To Change Your Entire Thought Pattern StructureA Scientific Breakthrough In Neuroscience Made It Possible For People To Wire Their Brain On A Conscious And Subconscious Level, Taking Control Of Their Habits, Their Negative Thoughts, Their Bad Experiences and Memories, And Turn Them Into Good Health Habits, Positive Thoughts And Optimism, Good Experiences & Structural Memories. Neuroscience is one of the most interesting science branches that deals with the concept of Neuroplasticity In This Course, You Will Learn How To Master Your Brain's Plasticity, Take Control Of The Wiring Process Instead Of Falling Victim To The Subliminal Thoughts, Experiences, Emotions and Memories On A Daily Basis."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Anxiety Elimination & Control Training Program" |
"Anxiety can be deadly, and detrimental, and we all know that. But now, you are ready to overcome anxiety once and for all, you are ready to start a new chapter in your life and grow internally, and externally.Now is your chance to achieve what most people can't: Emotional Intelligence. Join us on this journey of self identification and healing, join us on the journey where everything that is going on in your life, and in your mind will now make sense, join us on a journey where we will help you conquer everything that's standing between your emotions and your success. In this course, you will learn about several different topics: Achieve Proper Emotional Intelligence To Build Healthy Neural Structures And Networks And Overcome Your Anxiety - Control And Manage Your Memories And Traumatic ExperiencesBecome Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage When It Comes To Situation That Make You Anxious Or Worried Through Emotional Wiring. Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind ThemManage And Control Your Mental Health Problems And Your Unwanted Personality Traits - Learn How Your Brain Works And How You Can Easily Control ItUnderstand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Bad MemoriesUnderstand And Apply Emotional Intelligence Principles In Your Daily Life To Ensure Effective Self Regulation And ControlFundamentally Understand The Link Between Your Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions And BehaviorLearn How To Control And Overcome Basic Mental Health Issues And Adapt To Regulation SystemsLearn Different Systems To Manage Anxiety, Depression, Stress, And Different Mental Health Obstacles That You Might Face On A Daily BasisBy The End Of This Course, You Will Be On A Completely Different Level Cognitively, Mentally, And Physically, To Live The Life You Want To Live, And Enjoy Pure Happiness And Bliss Once And For AllAnxiety Managing And Intelligence Is Linked to Emotional Intelligence and it refers to the ability to identify and manage ones own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Though there is some disagreement among psychologists as to what constitutes true emotional intelligence, it is generally said to include at least three skills: emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name ones own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating ones own emotions when necessary and cheering up or calming down other people.Now is the time, to change your life once and for all."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |