Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Positive Psychology Training Program" |
"Positive Psychology is fundamentally different than the study of Psychology as a scientific entity. Having the ability to understand your thought patterns and the basis of your everyday behavior is to first step towards a healthier, better regulated, and effectively controlled mental health, cognitive processes and behavior patterns. You will learn how to manage your mental health, emotions, and the way you feel, behave and react.Mental Health should be each and every person's priority. Poor mental health will lead to a lot of dysfunctions in different areas in your life. A Healthy mind can lead to a healthy life, and that's exactly why I made this course. I made this course for each and every person who wants to enjoy better mental health and better overall quality of life. It is not easy to manage mental health issues but it is possible. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage ones own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Though there is some disagreement among psychologists as to what constitutes true emotional intelligence, it is generally said to include at least three skills: emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name ones own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating ones own emotions when necessary and cheering up or calming down other people.In this course, we will approach psychology from a different stand point showing the correlation between Personal Psychology and Neurology. The brain, which is the main source that controls our thoughts and behaviors is made out of a combination of Neural Networks, structured over a period of time, linked to past experiences, emotional impacts, repetitive thoughts and aspirations. In this course you will learn everything there is to know about positive psychologyUnderstand And Master All The Positive Psychology Linked Formulas, Systems, And MethodsUnderstand And Apply Emotional Intelligence Principles In Your Daily Life To Ensure Effective Self Regulation And ControlFundamentally Understand The Link Between Your Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions And BehaviorLearn How To Control And Overcome Basic Mental Health Issues And Adapt To Regulation SystemsLearn Different Systems To Manage Anxiety, Depression, Stress, And Different Mental Health Obstacles That You Might Face On A Daily BasisLearn The Fundamental Principles Behind Personal Psychology, Behaviourism And Mental Control Understand And Regulate Your Thought Patterns, Behavior Systems And Psychological Neural StructuresControl Your Mental Health And Improve Your Cognitive Control SystemYou Learn MORE THAN 50 Cognitive Systems That Will Help You Rewire Your Brain, Generate More Neurons And Neural Structures And Ensure An Optimal Neurological Health For Future Neural Structural WiringUnderstand Your Memories And Their Subliminal Effect On Your Daily Life - Learn How To Control, Erase And Control Become Emotionally Intelligent And Understand How To Use Emotions To Your Advantage Through Emotional Wiring, Learn How To Use Musical Therapy To Your Advantage On A Psychological And Neurological Basis, Learn How To Have More Control Over Mental Health Problems By Applying The Principles Of Your Brain's Plasticity And Flexibility And Learn How To Effectively Self-regulate Different Areas In Your Life By Understanding The Conscious Meaning Behind ThemFinally, Learn How To Control, Change Or Eliminate Your Habits, Conscious And Subconscious Behaviors, And Effectively Implement New Habit Systems In Your Daily LifeGet Ready To Change Your Life!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Google Analytics course + 77 practical questions" |
"The course follows the previous one ""Ultimate Google Analytics course + 50 practical examples"" and is designed for all of you who already spent some time in Google Analytics and want to enrich your current knowledge. I assume you know how the session is defined and who/what user is :). The course will cover topics such as Attribution, Assisted conversions, Top conversion paths, Scopes or a couple of custom things like dimensions and metrics, alerts or reports. We'll explain how and why the volume of sessions and clicks differs and if you evaluate paid campaigns from tools like Google Ads or Facebook Ads you will be surprised how misleading data you're driven by."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
angelskie-praktiki |
""" "" , , , , , , , , , , , , . ."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Como Escrever Contos e Histrias Curtas que Funcionam" |
"Durante muito tempo as histrias curtas foram o patinho feio da literatura.... mas esses tempos se foram e agora os contos e novelas encontraram novo espao, novo pblico e um novo (e enorme) potencial.Com o advento dos e-books e a grande entrada da Amazon em todos os mercados mundiais, as histrias curtas esto sendo novamente vistas como uma das melhores formas de se consumir literatura, provando o que Edgard Allan Poe sempre argumentou. Isso est gerando uma nova gerao de contistas capazes de atrair a ateno das editoras ou mesmo de criar uma carreira independente.Se voc tem interesse em histrias curtas, aqui vai uma boa notcia: vivemos na melhor poca para quem quer investir nelas.Atendendo aos pedidos dos meus alunos, finalmente criei um curso rpido e direto, sem intelectualismos, no qual eu abordo as principais dvidas dos escritores sobre esse assunto. Dessa forma, voc ter em mos solues s questes que assombram 90% dos escritores sem precisar gastar de R$200 a R$300 em uma consultoria um a um.Aqui eu reuni alguns dos melhores ensinamentos que encontrei sobre histrias curtas nesses mais de 10 anos de estudo na rea.Nessa aula voc aprender: O que define uma histria curta. Por que vale tanto a pena investir em histrias curtas agora. timas razes para voc escrever uma histria curta. Como abordar trama e personagem em histrias curtas. Como usar o tempo e espao. Como usar flashback. Como usar a descrio. Como conseguir uma publicao e conquistar o pblico.E muito mais!Compre agora pelo preo promocional e aplique as lies imediatamente. Ainda em dvida? No se preocupe. Voc tem uma garantia incondicional de 30 dias - o que quer dizer que recebe todo o seu dinheiro de volta se no ADORAR a aula. risco zero pra voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creating a retro futuristic car in Blender" |
"Hello .. In this tutorial we will make a retro futuristic car. In the process of narration, we will consider the basic modeling tools, create a car model .. Then we will deal with procedural texturing and rendering.The whole stage can be divided into three parts. The first is modeling. The second is setting the materials, setting the light. And the third is visualization ... that is, a render ... which includes a post processing.The whole lesson is made in Blender and consists of 67 parts. Attached is a folder with additional files (textures, drawings, references and the original scene).the lesson will be useful for beginners .. as well for experienced users"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Creating an old barrel in Blender" |
"Hello everyone in this course you will learn how to create old wooden barrel.About the tutorial:- Source files- Software used in the tutorial: Blender, Rizom UV, Substance Painter, Marmoset ToolBag, Photoshop.- Skill Level -Beginner to Intermediate. You must have basic knowledge in these software.- 29 Chapters (4+ hour of Lesson)At the very beginning we will create the main body in Blender. Then we make a UV unwarp in the Rizom UV. Baking maps in Marmoset ToolBag. And texturing barrel in Substance Painter. The final render is made in Marmoset."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Fundamentals: Marketing Strategy & Marketing Plan!" |
"Each company has a marketing department that help them developing their Business, but what is Marketing?The first few words that usually pop into a person's head are marketing equals sales!Well, Any business activity needs Marketing because it helps to understand customers and Satisfy them. In contreparty achieving greater Sales!Marketing is not just personal selling or even just advertising, most people define marketing in a very limited way!Marketing and sales are both aimed at increasing revenue. They are so closely intertwined that people often dont realize the difference between the two. Indeed, in small businesses, the same people typically perform both sales and marketing tasks. Nevertheless, marketing is different from sales and as the business grows, the roles and responsibilities become more specialized.When considering marketing vs. sales the important thing for any business owner is to ensure that you are considering both aspects of your overall sales and marketing cycle. With many businesses, marketing and sales are both managed by the same department or even the same individuals due to the fact that they need to be closely related. For example, sales strategies need to incorporate the same messaging as the marketing messages in order to be effective and maximize the chances of successfully making a sale. Focusing on both the 'pull' and the 'push' effectively will ensure that your business is positioned to succeed.Marketing is actually including activities such as public relations, sales promotion, advertising and many other functions,that improves as well other Business activities and increase Sales of Company.Who is this Class For?-New Owner of Small business and still don't know much about Marketing!-Social Media Marketers but still want to learn traditional Marketing!-Anyone interested to learn marketing from scratch!What we will Learn?1- On the first three videos we will see an introduction! what is Marketing? what's the different between Marketing and Sales? and some key concepts!2- Next we would know how to understand consumers and factors you should focus on.3- Planing a Marketing strategy: Segmentation Targeting and Positioning !4- Finally developing a Marketing mix 4P and their 4Ps strategies.Let's develop our Business and get greater sales! Enroll now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"App marketing & ASO: Optimize your Play Store app like a Pro" |
"Who is this Class For?Basically, Apps creators and google console accounts owners!What we will Learn?In this course we would know how to do the full app store optimization or how to market your mobile app in order to rank higher in google play store, as the following arrangement:Section 1: Fundamentals of ASOSection 2: Steps before the actual processSection 3: ASO ToolsSection 4: ASO ProcessSection 5: Example of ASO ProcessSection 6: Final thoughtsWhat is ASO?It is just like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which is for websites, only app store optimization is for mobile apps. The function of optimization is to improve the visibility of a mobile app and to do a mobile app marketing in an app store such as App Store for iOS, Google Play for Android, Windows Store for Windows Phone or BlackBerry World for BlackBerry.To be more specific, the optimization process ranks apps via keyword search in the store and pushes the app into top charts when it has got it right. Because the app is not at the top of the charts it is now more likely to drive more downloads.The key is to make your app as visible as possible to your potential users. Sounds simple right? optimization is two-fold, you need to find out the words that your potential users are searching that relate to your app and secondly, your app must look inviting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Nova Advocacia Trabalhista na Prtica" |
"O curso tem o objetivo de proporcionar ao profissional do direito, bacharis e estudantes, uma viso objetiva das principais regras trabalhistas que foram modificadas, revogadas e acrescentadas ao texto da CLT que impactam na advocacia trabalhista.Todas as matrias abordadas possuem um vis prtico, a fim de facilitar a atuao dos atuais e futuros advogados e advogadas trabalhistas aps a reforma trabalhista."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"SCRUM - Certificate como Product Owner (Simulador Incluido)" |
"Scrum Product Owner es responsable de asegurar una comunicacin clara de los requisitos del producto o funcionalidad de servicios para el Equipo Scrum, definiendo criterios de aceptacin y garantizando que se cumplan estos criterios.El Scrum Product Owner representa los intereses de la comunidad de interesados hacia el Equipo Scrum.Objetivo: Explicar cmo aplicar Scrum en los proyectos para desarrollar la creacin de visin del proyecto, identificacin y creacin de historias de usuario y priorizacin de los elementos del backlog del producto.Asegurar que los representantes del negocio posean el conocimiento necesario para poder intermediar con el cliente y el equipo Scrum.En este curso aprenderas:Principios del agilismo.Que es SCRUMComo ser un Product Owner (teoria)Como convertirte en un excelente Product Owner de la mano de alguien que desempea esa labor (practica).Como utilizar las herramientas de SCRUM y otras metodologas a tu favor.Como utilizar SCRUM para que tu equipo sea exitoso y maximices el valor del producto da a da. Adicional te facilitaremos recursos como:Documentos explicativos.Enlaces educativosTareasVideosY tendrs a un Product Owner certificado atento a responder las dudas que puedan surgir en el proceso de convertirte en un SCRUM Product Owner."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"El Hgado y Pncreas: Anatoma y Fisiologa" |
"En el siguiente curso daremos descripciones bsicas sobre el pncreas. Describiremos las partes del pncreas, as como sus funciones fisiolgicas. Este curso esta dedicado para los alumnos que tengan que repasar sobre las caractersticas principales del pncreas. Observaremos tambin sobre las clulas que conforman el pncreas. Su relacin con el sistema circulatorio. Analizaremos tambin sobre las hormonas que secreta el pncreas. Como materia adicional, se abordaran temas relacionados con el sistema digestivo y sistema sanguineo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Niveles de Fibonacci: Tips para invertir con xito" |
"Los retrocesos de Fibonacci son una de las herramientas ms efectivas para invertir con xito y encontrar niveles para abrir y cerrar operaciones de manera simple y clara.Este curso te ayudar a entender cmo funcionan los retrocesos y cmo puedes t aplicarlo encontrando puntos de Entrada, Stop de Prdida y Toma de Ganancias.Si quieres invertir profesionalmente y lograr buenos resultados constantes, este curso te ayudar a lograr tus objetivos.Si tienes un conocimiento bsico y ests buscando llevar tus inversiones al prximo nivel para generar resultados positivos de manera constante, este curso es ideal para t."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tap Dance - Grooves - Intermediate" |
"This is a course in learning some of musics most essential grooves in the Rhythm Tap Dance genre. Taking you through paradiddles, backbeats, a straight feel and a funky feel. Examining a 6 into 4 polyrhythm and adding some half time feels. This course breaks down the jazz ride beat with ornamentation and a latin based groove utilizing the 'off' beat. There are also 2 short grooving steps to learn. By the end of the course the tap dancer is able to accompany musicians, groove along to music and establish a solid time feel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tap Dance - Grooves Int/Adv - Improve Your Groove" |
"Simeon Weedall takes you on a musical journey with an in depth look at 20 Grooves in Rhythm Tap Dance from various influences and 10 concept lessons to help improve your time, feel, approach and overall sound. There are Rhythms and grooves inspired by drummers and dancers alike and Simeon shares some of the approaches he has learned from over 27years of experience both performing and teaching Rhythm Tap with world class musicians and appearing in both West End and Off broadway shows including the hit show STOMP."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero ao React Native - diversos projetos prticos" |
"Este curso coloca voc em contato com o React Native rapidamente e ensina o conhecimento bsico necessrio para entender e criar componentes React para dispositivos mveis.Ambos Mac e Windows suportados - desenvolvemos aplicativos para iOS ou Android!Comearemos dominando os fundamentos do React, incluindo JSX, ""props"", ""state"" e manipulao de eventos. Cdigo fonte fornecido para cada projeto, assim voc sempre estar atualizado com o ritmo do curso. Foi dada especial ateno criao de componentes reutilizveis que voc poder utilizar em seus prprios projetos fantsticos.O React Native uma excelente soluo para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos para dispositivos mveis em uma frao do tempo necessrio para criar um aplicativo iOS ou Swift equivalente. Voc vai adorar ver suas alteraes instantaneamente no seu prprio dispositivo, em vez de esperar que o cdigo Swift / Java seja recompilado! Esse feedback rpido, juntamente com o excelente suporte a vrias plataformas, o que tornou o React Native indispensvel para desenvolvedores Javascript.Se voc novo no React, ou se est trabalhando para aprend-lo, mas s vezes parece que voc ainda no entende, este o curso React para voc! Para aprender, voc tem que entender.Aprenda a usar a linguagem de marcao personalizada do React, JSX, para limpar seu cdigo JavascriptDomine o processo de decomposio em um componente complexo em muitos componentes menores e intercambiveisEntenda a diferena entre ""props"" e ""state"" e quando usar cadaRenderize componentes interativos e rich media em aplicativos com um estilo bonitoDesenvolva aplicativos nicos, divertidos e responsivosConstrua em plataformas Android e iOSAprenda os princpios bsicos da navegao com o React NativeAprenda a usar o Mapa, o GPS, a Camera e o microfone do seu celular.Eu constru o curso que eu gostaria de ter quando estava aprendendo Reagir Nativo. Um curso que explica os conceitos e como eles so implementados na melhor ordem para voc aprender e compreend-los profundamente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero ao Node-Red (Prototipagem rpida)" |
"Node-RED uma ferramenta de programao inicialmente escrita para trabalhar em dispositivos de Hardware, como o Raspberry Pi, para criar APIs e servios online de uma maneira muito intuitiva.Ele fornece um editor que roda dentro do browser que facilita a conexo de fluxos usando a ampla variedade de ns na paleta que podem ser implementados em seu tempo de execuo com um nico clique.Se parece muito com blocos de lego, e intuitivo e fcil de aprender, mas totalmente poderoso para criar sistemas de backend, APIs e conectar servios online, como IBM Watson, Twitter e Twillio, alm de inmeros outros.Vamos nos divertir enquanto criamos projetos reais neste curso. Conto com a participao de todos. Nos vemos na prxima aula."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Video y Fotografa digital con Drones" |
"Soy un enamorado de las historias que se pueden contar con una imagen en movimiento, de los sentimientos que se puede llegar a experimentar al ver una fotografa bien lograda, al final resumira esta pasin diciendo que soy un buscador incansable de la imagen perfecta. Con la llegada de los drones de consumo a nuestras vidas, las posibilidades creativas de obtener imgenes sorprendentes con una calidad fotogrfica impresionante y nuevas perspectivas de nuestro entorno, se han hecho infinitas.En este curso te voy a compartir los conocimientos necesarios para obtener el mejor provecho de tu dron, sea cual sea la marca, con los fundamentos de fotografa esenciales para atender como funciona el lente de un dron, sus alcances, posibilidades y limitaciones, pero no solo eso; el dron es una extensin de tu cuerpo manejando una cmara en el aire, por lo que su uso seguro es esencial para obtener escenas cinematogrficas impactantes.Al final vas a aprender a editar off- line, a sincronizar tu trabajo con la msica y los eventos exactos para transmitir tu historia adecuadamente y con los recursos mas bsicos, si incurrir e compras de paquetes carsimos o equipo adicional. Este curso esta diseado no solo para aprender y entender el uso fotogrfico y de video de tu dron sino en realidad es un curso de iniciacin para fotgrafos o video y videografos de niveles bsico e intermedio, el cual vamos a ir ampliando poco a poco hasta lograr ofrecerles un curso inclusivo apto para masters.Estoy seguro que despus de tomar este curso, jams volvers a usar tu dron de la misma forma, sino que lo hars consiente de lo que esta pasando, del resultado esperado y sobre todo de las capacidades creativas que te permitir explorar tu inversin."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Real Estate Lease Options: Step by Step Guide" |
"This course is action packed in a step by step format from day 1 - day 7 on exactly how to acquire a property and transfer the property as a lease option, giving you huge profits along the way. You can either follow along in the step by step format, executing the steps each day you read the book, or you can take the course and implement it as your time allows. Either way, this course will supercharge your real estate investing skills, knowledge, and experience to scale a cash flowing real estate portfolio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Teacher: Getting Freebies Part 2: Technology" |
"Would you like to enhance the technology in your classroom, school, or program? This course describes how to find grants and donors for free money to support a classroom or community program (after school or Saturday programs). Learn how to create a tech donor resource list, purchase equipment, software, and more! Bonus Lecture on using Social Media to attract donations!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Find Shippers" |
"This course will teach Freight Brokers and Freight Broker Agents how to find shippers. In this course you learn various ways of how to find shippers, a lot of them are free and some of them are paid. This is a great way to capitalize on your prospecting tasks. As I go over in my Freight Broker Training course, you can NEVER have too many shippers. The goal is to have at least one shipper in each state, this course will show you how to accomplish that.I recommend taking this course along with my ""Freight Broker Training"" and my ""How To Find Carriers"" courses. All three courses are essential in becoming a successful Freight Broker or Freight Broker Agent."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Find Carriers" |
"This course will teach Freight Brokers and Freight Broker Agents how to find carriers. In this course I go through various ways on how to find carriers, a lot of them are free and some of them are paid. This is a great way to capitalize on your finding carriers tasks. As I go over in my Freight Broker Training course, you can NEVER have too many carriers, in fact, you want to have more carriers than shippers. If you have more carriers, you will always have access to a truck, meaning, when a shipper gives you a load, you can cover a truck fast. The name of the game is, whoever gets the truck, gets the load, so if you have hundreds of carriers in your database, you will always be a step a head of the others in finding trucks.It is not about who works the hardest, it is about who works the smartest!I recommended taking this course along with my ""Freight Broker Training"" and my ""How To Find Shippers"" courses. All three courses are essential in becoming a successful Freight Broker or Freight Broker Agent."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android App Dev from scratch: A Project on Newtons Method" |
"This course will take you through step-by-step instructions for developing an Android App for solving nonlinear mathematical equations using a famous 'Newton's Method'. We first provide a detailed description of Newton's Method with handwritten calculations and set a stage to discuss the algorithm behind this method. Finally, this algorithm is implemented in JAVA programming language for Android Application development. This application is deployed on Google's Play Store to ready-to-use App in Android. Thus, students systematically first learn about Newton's Method followed by its implementation & deployment in Android devices across the board. Understanding of Newton's Method can be considered as a first-step towards learning a more advanced optimization algorithms, such as Gradient Descent Algorithm widely used in Machine Learning applications."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bridal Bouquet Design" |
"There are days where people need to find each other and also the day when couples love to dress up in wedding dress to move to the same home. In the wedding ceremony, flowers are indispensable and Bridal Bouquet is probably the second most important thing after the bride that is the center of all attention. That is why I decided to create this course for you so that you can create beautiful bouquets for your clients' big day. Or should you be the future bride who loves Do-It-Yourself, you can also join this course to make yourself a beautiful bouquet."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A1 : The Beginning - Learn German in Malayalam" |
". , , . , . , (German grammar) , (German grammatic cases) . , , . . , , . . 26 (/, /, /), () .This course takes you from an absolute zero level to a level where you can introduce yourself, ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you live, what you do, your hobbies etc. As the creator of this course, I can assure you that you will get a good grasp of beginner level German language, with which you would easily be able to proceed for higher levels. As the course is taught in Malayalam, you would easily be able to relate German language with your mother tongue making it easier to learn German. You can bypass English language for taking your language skills from Malayalam to German. Although I have used some words or phrases in English whenever I thought that would be easier and effective. I have covered a very important grammar aspect of German language in this course. After taking this course, the learners would have a clear understanding of what a grammatical case is and I am sure you would not confuse this with other cases later on. At the end of this course, you will understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases. You will be able to interact in a simple way with someone who speaks clearly and slowly."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2020 VBA & Macro Data Analysis & Reporting" |
"Get yourself equipped with knowledge in Excel. What you will become after going through this course:Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to AdvancedBuild a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft ExcelLearn the most common Excel functions used in the OfficeHarness the full power of Microsoft Excel by automating your day to day tasks through Macros and VBAMaintain large sets of Excel data in a list or tableCreate dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, PivotTables, Data validationWow your boss by unlocking dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions and many moreAccess to a Professional Trainer with 10+ years of Excel Training- @chandrucric9@gmail.comThis course will provide learning in the below mentioned topicsBasics in ExcelGraphical representation in ExcelAnalytics in Excel.Data validation, Advanced Pivot tables, Advanced lookup operations.Macro used to send daily report.Writing VBA code to automate the manual tasks.Advanced excel topics will be provided as part my advanced course. Basics covers all the topics related to introduction, What are the options available in excelGraphical representation covers Graphs, Tables and other presentation materialsAnalytics in Excel covers all the formulas and validation that can be performed in excel."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create your Microsoft Word documentation From Zero to Pro" |
"Create complete knowledge on Word documentation from Beginner to Pro. Helps in provided details on creation of document, Update and improve the readability of any Microsoft document. What you will become after going through this course:You will learn how to take full advantage of Microsoft WordBegin with the basics of creating Microsoft Word documentsVarious techniques to create dynamic layoutsPreparing documents for printing and exportingFormat documents effectively using Microsoft Word StylesControl page formatting and flow with sections and page breaksCreate and Manage Table LayoutsWork with Tab Stops to Align Content ProperlyPerform Mail Merges to create Mailing Labels and Form LettersBuild and Deliver Word FormsManage TemplatesTrack and Accept/Reject Changes to a DocumentThis course contains details on 1. How to get started with Microsoft Word.2. Create formatting of word3. Graphical updates in word4. Mailing and read options in Word.5. Creating Index and other options in word."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Start Presenting using Microsoft PowerPoint Zero to Hero" |
"Start Presenting using Microsoft PowerPoint Zero to HeroGet started with Microsoft Power point and make your presentation clear in front of huge audience.Covers all the basics regarding the powerpoint and helps anyone to become a better presenter.What you will learn from this course:Create a fully-animated and transition-filled business presentationRapidly improve your workflow and design skillsMinimize text quantity on presentations by using graphs and imagesWork comfortably with PowerPoint and many of its advanced featuresBecome one of the top PowerPoint users in your teamCarrying out regular tasks faster than everCreate sophisticated and well-organized PowerPoint presentationsFeel more confident when delivering presentations to superiorsMake an impression at work and achieve your professional goalsTips available in this Course:1.Effective Presentation2.Steps for developing your presentation plan3.Choosing the room and attireAlso covers how to create structure your presentation in audience friendly manner."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office suite 2016 (Latest 2020) Beginner to Pro" |
"Microsoft Office Suite 2016 for beginners and intermediates.This course covers wide range of topics such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint , Access, Outlook Using Microsoft Professional 2016 all in one place.Updated VBA and Macro as promised in Excel. I will update the usage of VBA across all the others as well in 3-6 Months. This course will be updated every 3 months.Excel:Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to AdvancedBuild a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft ExcelLearn the most common Excel functions used in the OfficeMaintain large sets of Excel data in a list or tableCreate dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, Pivot TablesCreation of Macro and VBA in Excel.4 Mini Project in VBA and Macro.Word:You will learn how to take full advantage of Microsoft WordBegin with the basics of creating Microsoft Word documentsVarious techniques to create dynamic layoutsPreparing documents for printing and exportingFormat documents effectively using Microsoft Word StylesControl page formatting and flow with sections and page breaksCreate and Manage Table LayoutsWork with Tab Stops to Align Content ProperlyPerform Mail Merges to create Mailing Labels and Form LettersBuild and Deliver Word FormsManage TemplatesTrack and Accept/Reject Changes to a DocumentPPT:Create a fully-animated and transition-filled business presentationRapidly improve your workflow and design skillsMinimize text quantity on presentations by using graphs and imagesWork comfortably with PowerPoint and many of its advanced featuresBecome one of the top PowerPoint users in your teamCarrying out regular tasks faster than everCreate sophisticated and well-organized PowerPoint presentationsFeel more confident when delivering presentations to superiorsMake an impression at work and achieve your professional goalsAccess:Understand how Access is constructed and how to use the major objects within it.Be confident in moving around within Access and be able to build effective database solutions for their unique data needs.What you'll learnUnderstand the basics of Access tables, queries, forms and reports.Know how to structure tables being imported from Excel.Know how to create powerful queries and use them to create and modify tables.Understand how reports work and how to base them on tables or queries.Know how to create forms and sub-forms.Outlook:Understand the basic usage of Outlook.How to create rules in Outlook and group the mails.How to format message and recall of message.How to manage your calendar.How to create to meetings and handling the participants.How to create tasks using Outlook.How to create contacts and manage groups in Outlook"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Outlook 2016 Complete guide From Zero to Advanced level" |
"This course will provide knowledge and help in using advanced features of Microsoft Outlook 2016. Students can modify and manage message options, task and delivery options, contact & group options, calendar options, and other advanced Outlook features. Students will also review advanced calendar and task usage, rules and automation, cleanup commands, sharing options, advanced graphic options, junk mail options, import and export features. Additionally, students will learn to share Contacts, Calendars and mail folders."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |