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"Data Science Approach from Scratch: A Shortcut Course" |
"Welcome to the ultimate course on Data Science Approach from Scratch!!!This course is your Best Resource for learning the use of Data Science.We will be understanding the use of:1. Data Science from a layman's perspective 2. Regression Algorithms3. Classification Algorithms4. Clustering Algorithms5. Boosting Algorithms6. Dimensionality Reduction AlgorithmsSpecifically, we will cover:Linear RegressionStepwise RegressionPolynomial RegressionLogistic RegressionNaive BayesDecision TreesRandom ForestSupport Vector MachineGradient BoostingPrincipal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant AnalysisK-means Clustering and Hierarchical Clusteringand much more!Feel free to message me on Udemy if you have any questions about the course!Thanks for checking out the course page, and I hope to see you inside the course!NizamuddinCourse Instructor"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Tests for Interviews (MCQs) - Amazing Practice Tests" |
"Everyone uses Excel but everyone is not aware of his/her Excel knowledge. These tests will help you to understand where you stand in terms of using Excel from basic to advanced levels. There are a variety of questions created with an objective to cover almost everything and will be enough to check your understanding of Excel. You might be able to answer some questions but stuck on some, overall you will get the benefit from these tests.Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questions, but you will get help for interviews from these questions for sure."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Domine a Gramtica Inglesa do Zero: Nvel Bsico." |
"Atendendo a pedidos, chegou o primeiro curso de gramtica da trilogia - Domine a Gramtica para falar ingls intermedirio. Nesse curso o aluno ser guiado atravs de uma metodologia simples por todos os segredos da gramtica inglesa. O aluno desenvolver suas habilidades no ingls nas quatro reas do idioma, LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING & WRITING. O estudante descobrir atravs desse mtodo que ingls um idioma simples de ser dominado, e assim como um quebra-cabea, basta apenas saber como encaixar as palavras certas no local certo, formando assim frases corretas no idioma.J nas primeiras aulas voc aprender a dominar o seu speaking com o auxlio de ferramentas poderosas, onde voc testar na prtica toda a teoria ensinada no treinamento.Voc ir utilizar a mesma forma que as crianas aprendem a falar um idioma corretamente, ao passo que alfabetizado de forma profunda em ingls.At o fim desse curso o aluno ser capaz de falar, ler e escrever ingls afiando o seu ouvido para entender o idioma no tempo presente.Esse um curso com muita prtica onde em cada fim de mdulo o aluno sentir que est indo para o prximo nvel no idioma.Aprender ingls nunca foi to simples. Mas ateno!! Esse curso embasado em muita atividade prtica que gera resultado imediato, mas somente se for colocado na prtica. Sero 11 mdulos intensos onde voc desenvolver as seguintes habilidades:MDULO 1: meta dessa seo aprenda a dominar o seu SPEAKING e desenvolva as habilidades que as crianas usam para aprender um idioma facilmente.MDULO 2 : meta dessa seo domine as habilidades para fazer frases sobre um fato assim como se apresentar para algum.Nessa seo voc aprender como o mecanismo do ingls de fato funciona na prtica.MDULO 3 :meta dessa seo domine a habilidade do quebra-cabea trabalhando vocabulrio e verbo como em jogo onde cada pea tem o seu lugar, nessa seo voc desenvolver frases para expressar uma ao presente.MDULO 4 : meta dessa seo domine o presente simples faa frases de ao, saiba como dominar a base mais forte do ingls.MDULO 5: meta dessa seo voc aqui ir desenvolver habilidades indicativas no idiomaMDULO 6: meta dessa seo desenvolva a habilidade para expressar o que voc pode ou no fazer usando o verbo modal principal como ferramenta.MDULO 7: meta dessa seo expanda seu vocabulrio usando o verbo TO HAVE aprendendo tudo que ele pode oferecer dentro do idioma.MDULO 8: meta dessa seo domine o singular e plural em ingls assim como todas as regras para voc falar o idioma corretamente.MDULO 9: meta dessa seo domine o verbo THERE TO BE o verbo have em ingls dominando a lngua de forma mais formal.MDULO 10: meta dessa seo saiba o porqu de os substantivos so to importantes para quem precisa dominar a lingua inglesa. MDULO 11:meta dessa seo domine os Object Pronouns me, him, her etc aprenda a expressar os sujeitos em ingls de forma mais abrangenteMDULO 12 :meta dessa seo domine os pronomes possessivos no fim da frase e tenha mais vocabulrio para se expressar no idioma.MDULO 13:Nessa ltima seo voc aprender a dominar os Reflexive Pronouns que so os pronomes reflexivos myself yourself etc.."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"TEMEL NGLZCE DLBLGS 1 (Tm nemli Konular)" |
"ngilizce Dilbilgisi konularn temel ve orta dzeyde rencilerimize kazandrarak, uzun vadede lkemizde ve uluslararas olarak verilen nemli snavlardan yksek puanlar aldrmay hedefleyen kursumuzun ne kan ynleriu ekildedir:Byk bir titizlikle hazrlanan mfredatta gereksiz ve fazla basit detay bilgilerden kanlm, hedefe ynelik hareket edilmitir.nemli noktalara uzun uzun deinilmi, nemsiz ve bize pek de lazm olmayacak noktalar hzl geilmitir.Konu anlatmlarnda kullanlan slaytlar, not almanz salamak zere materyal olarak (PDF formatnda) da sunulmutur.Konu anlatmlarnda, artk grmekten tiksindiimiz klasik rneklerden zellikle kanlmtr. rencilerin bu kursu nasl takip etmeleri gerektii konusunda, video ve notlar hazrlanm, onlara tam bir rehberlik hizmeti sunulmutur.Kurs en st kalite materyaller ve exercise'lar ile desteklenmi, sadece konu anlatmyla yetinilmemitir. Bolca ek alma sunulmutur.KURSUMUZ, SZE ""RETYOR GB YAPMAYI"" DEL, ""GEREKTEN RETMEY"" HEDEFLEMEKTEDR! Bunu kendinizin de deneyimlemeniz iin rnek videolar 5 dakika incelemeniz yeterlidir!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TEMEL NGLZCE DLBLGS 2 (Tm nemli Konular)" |
"ngilizce Dilbilgisi konularn temel ve orta dzeyde rencilerimize kazandrarak, uzun vadede lkemizde ve uluslararas olarak verilen nemli snavlardan yksek puanlar aldrmay hedefleyen kursumuzun ne kan ynleriu ekildedir:Byk bir titizlikle hazrlanan mfredatta gereksiz ve fazla basit detay bilgilerden kanlm, hedefe ynelik hareket edilmitir.nemli noktalara uzun uzun deinilmi, nemsiz ve bize pek de lazm olmayacak noktalar hzl geilmitir.Konu anlatmlarnda kullanlan slaytlar, not almanz salamak zere materyal olarak (PDF formatnda) da sunulmutur.Konu anlatmlarnda, artk grmekten tiksindiimiz klasik rneklerden zellikle kanlmtr. rencilerin bu kursu nasl takip etmeleri gerektii konusunda, video ve notlar hazrlanm, onlara tam bir rehberlik hizmeti sunulmutur.Kurs en st kalite materyaller ve exercise'lar ile desteklenmi, sadece konu anlatmyla yetinilmemitir. Bolca ek alma sunulmutur.KURSUMUZ, SZE ""RETYOR GB YAPMAYI"" DEL, ""GEREKTEN RETMEY"" HEDEFLEMEKTEDR! Bunu kendinizin de deneyimlemeniz iin rnek videolar 5 dakika incelemeniz yeterlidir!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Lenguaje Musical desde cero Curso de SOLFEO" |
"Curso OFICIAL del youtuber ""El Profe de Piano"", el mayor canal de Youtube de enseanza de piano en espaol.Ahora, CUALQUIERA podr aprender a leer partituras. Cualquiera puede aprender solfeo.Mi Curso de Lenguaje Musical desde cero es, sin duda, el mejor y ms completo curso de solfeo que vas a encontrar en Internet, y desde luego, en Udemy. Y adems, tiene el sello de calidad de El Profe de Piano. Sigo mtodos contrastados, que funcionan, y voy sin prisas, sin la necesidad de que los vdeos tengan una duracin pequea, como puede pasar por ejemplo en el propio Youtube. Mi Curso de Lenguaje Musical desde cero es precisamente eso, un curso de solfeo que empieza completamente desde cero, y donde se ve todo lo que necesitas para comenzar a tocar un instrumento como el PIANO o la GUITARRA.Alguna vez has pensado lo estupendo que sera poder leer msica? Con este curso aprenders a leer partituras partiendo desde cero. Te sorprenders de lo rpido que avanzars. El temario de este curso cubre los objetivos del curso oficial de 1 de Lenguaje Musical, o 1 de Solfeo.Este curso contiene un conjunto increble de vdeos con los que aprenders a leer partituras. Estos vdeos de solfeo tienen complejidad incremental, y voy aadiendo las notas poco a poco, para que puedas ir aprendiendo sin agobios y de forma natural. Curso para TODAS LAS EDADESMuchos de vosotros me preguntis frecuentemente si estis en buena edad para aprender msica.Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propios tiempos. Unos aprenden antes y otros despus, pero la edad no es un problema. A los 25 aos, Mark Cuban, dueo de los Mavericks de Dallas de la NBA, propietario de los cines Landmark, y Magnolia Pictures y presidente de la cadena de cable HDTV AXS TV, era camarero en Dallas. J.K. Rowling public Harry Potter a los 32, despus de que 12 editoriales la rechazasen.Amancio Ortega cre Zara cuando tena 39 aos, y Jack Ma lanz Alibaba a los 35 aos.Morgan Freeman alcanzo el xito a los 52 aos y Steve Carell despeg por fin a los 40 aosRichard Branson cre Virgin a los 34 aos. Cada uno tiene su tiempo y su momento. A veces nos empeamos en algo por culpa de que los dems nos empujan con sus ideas.No es necesario comenzar a aprender msica los 5 aos. Podis empezar a los 5, a los 15, a los 30, a los 50, a los 80, y cuando os de la gana. Porque lo importante es que cuando sea vuestro momento, estis felices y a gusto con vuestra decisin.Y lo bueno que tiene este curso, queridos alumnos, es que este curso no pasa de moda. Esto no es informtica. Podis aprender cundo queris, cuando estis preparados. Y sabis que el acceso a este curso es de por vida. No hay lmites de tiempo.Hacedme un favor, y compartid esta URL en vuestras redes y con vuestros contactos. Vivid el espritu de Internet, y el que me hizo crear este curso. Tal vez a alguien le interese, y est en el momento adecuado de su vida para empezar a aprender a tocar el piano.Yo, desde aqu, y con la fuerza que me da el tener el mayor canal de enseanza de piano en espaol, te aconsejara que te matriculases hoy, porque el precio ahora mismo es extraordinario, y el acceso es de por vida. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad !!Curso de solfeo totalmente prcticoPara aprender a solfear hay que solfear. No hay otro truco. De la misma forma que aprendemos a leer leyendo. Por lo tanto, este mtodo est repleto de ejercicios y de lecciones donde vamos incrementando la complejidad poco a poco, casi sin darnos cuenta, en cada ejercicio.Este curso de solfeo te ensear cmo leer partituras con un mtodo realmente efectivo, y que te permitir sembrar la base para poder tocar cualquier partitura en clave de sol y en clave de fa en el instrumento que elijas. Y todo con una dedicacin de 20 minutos al da.En definitiva, este curso de lenguaje musical te proveer las herramientas para leer msica, y poder interpretarla en el instrumento. No desaproveches la oportunidad de estudiar msica con El Profe de Piano."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Teora de la Msica Teora Musical" |
"Curso OFICIAL del youtuber ""El Profe de Piano"", el mayor canal de Youtube de enseanza de piano en espaol.Ahora, CUALQUIERA podr aprender teora musical gracias a este curso, y a un precio arrasador: Con mi curso de Teora de la Msica obtendrs todos los conocimientos necesarios para abordar el estudio de cualquier instrumento con una slida base musical. Y todo por menos del precio de una clase particular.En este curso de msica, t eres el protagonista de tu aprendizaje, aprendiendo a tu ritmo.Mi Curso de Teora de la Msica es, sin duda, el mejor y ms completo curso de teora musical que vas a encontrar en Internet, y desde luego, en Udemy. Y adems, tiene el sello de calidad de El Profe de Piano. Sigo mtodos contrastados, que funcionan, y voy sin prisas, sin la necesidad de que los vdeos tengan una duracin determinada, como puede pasar por ejemplo en el propio Youtube. Mi Curso de Teora de la Msica es precisamente eso, un curso de msica que empieza completamente desde cero, y te entrega los conocimientos musicales bsicos que cualquier persona que quiera aprender a tocar un instrumento debera tener, y ms an, que cualquier persona que quiera ser culta debera de tener.Este curso contiene un conjunto increble de vdeos en los que se tratan diversos temas, siempre con un lenguaje accesible a todos los pblicos. Curso para TODAS LAS EDADESMuchos de vosotros me preguntis frecuentemente si estis en buena edad para iniciaros en la msica.Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propios tiempos. Unos aprenden antes y otros despus, pero la edad no es un problema. A los 25 aos, Mark Cuban, dueo de los Mavericks de Dallas de la NBA, propietario de los cines Landmark, y Magnolia Pictures y presidente de la cadena de cable HDTV AXS TV, era camarero en Dallas. J.K. Rowling public Harry Potter a los 32, despus de que 12 editoriales la rechazasen.Amancio Ortega cre Zara cuando tena 39 aos, y Jack Ma lanz Alibaba a los 35 aos.Morgan Freeman alcanzo el xito a los 52 aos y Steve Carell despeg por fin a los 40 aosRichard Branson cre Virgin a los 34 aos. Cada uno tiene su tiempo y su momento. A veces nos empeamos en algo por culpa de que los dems nos empujan con sus ideas.La cancin de Andrea Bocelli ""vivo por ella"" habla de la msica, y de lo mucho que la msica te entrega cuando abrazas su estudio. Estoy completamente de acuerdo con esta cancin.Yo, desde aqu, y con la fuerza que me da el tener el mayor canal de enseanza de piano en espaol, te aconsejara que te matriculases hoy, porque el precio ahora mismo es extraordinario, y el acceso es de por vida. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad !!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Double Your Virtual Assistant Income with a Niche Skill" |
"As a VA, youre selling your time and expertise. So if youre maxing out all of your available time with client work, youre making as much money as you can, right?Not by a long shot.The secret to making great income as a Virtual Assistant is ""specialization."" The riches are in the niches, and in this course, we'll identify a high-paying and in-demand skill that you can offer right away to bring in more income. Although this course is presented from a Virtual Assistant point of view, the lessons within are great for any freelancer who wants to identify a skill that's in demand and worth top-dollar.**READ WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING**""Wonderful course, full of valuable information for growth. Thank you!"" ""This course was amazing! Super helpful and I love the energy!""What this course covers:Together, we'll learn how to research and identify in-demand skills for VA's that are hot and will help maximize your income. We'll brainstorm services that you can offer now and access scripts to help you increase your rates (without burning any bridges).You can get through this course in one-sitting and start implementing strategies to offer highly specialized skills today! In addition to lifetime access to course lectures, you'll also have access to:a writable PDF to help you track and filter out high-paying skills,a writable checklist to track in-demand services, scripts to help introduce your new skills and rates to current (or new) clients.Who this course is for: VA's who want to earn more money and reach high-paying clients by offering a specialty, in-demand skill.About the instructor: I'm Erin, and in 2012, I was a burned out VA. I was frustrated because I assisted clients nonstop during the week, and capped how much money I could make. I had a choice: I could either continue to charge standard hourly rates and work full-time hours or I could specialize in an in-demand skill and make more money than I ever imagined. Choosing a high-paying skill changed my business. Today, I offer my clients specialty skills like conference curation and event production. These high-paying skills allow me to make more money without working with a full client-load and I'm very excited to share how you can do the same for your own business. I can't wait to see you in the course!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Common Virtual Assistant Interview Questions (and Answers)" |
"This course is PACKED with gems to help you find, pitch, and land clients with a high-success rate. Exploratory calls with clients are a crucial (yet often overlooked) part of being a VA.What you'll learn:Basically...everything you need to help you close deals and look good! We start by learning about various methods for how to actually find and pitch clients. Included in that section are scripts to help you find the right wording and an exercise to help you find your authentic voice (which by the way, is really handy when it comes to marketing your services).Next, well cover the 10 most common interview questions that clients ask when you hop on the phone with them. Not only will we answer those questions together, but youll learn invaluable skills along the way like how to find your niche services, set boundaries with your clients, and close the deal.Not only can you use this course to prepare for your own interview, but you can also use these questions as guidelines if you need to lead your own interview. Not every client you interview will be great at asking questions, so you can flip the script, and knock their socks off by guiding an informed conversation.What's included:A script to ask for referrals A script to perfect your LinkedIn Headline and SummaryA writable PDF to help you find your core (niche) VA servicesA script to send to clients immediately after your interview (including a contract to close the deal and sign your client!)An eBook ~Delegation Blueprint ~ full of key insights, best practices, and suggested tasks to help your client get started.BONUS: This course also includes a FREE DELEGATION BLUEPRINT. Occasionally, you'll have an exploratory call with a potential client who doesn't *quite* know what they need help with (or how to delegate to you effectively). The downloadable blueprint is the perfect eBook to send to clients who may need some extra hand-holding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freelancer's Guide to Self Employment Taxes, Budget, Savings" |
"You don't have to be a trained accountant to handle your own taxes. Or the smartest person in the room. Or a type-A personality. In fact, you can start with any amount of money, take this course on financial and tax literacy for new freelancers, and succeed brilliantly through good times and bad.Trust me, a lot of freelancers avoid things like taxes, budgeting, and saving for retirement for fear of ""not doing it right."" Hear me when I say - the time to get savvy and create good financial habits is NOW. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN:This course is all about taking away that fear and teaching financial literacy, money-saving techniques, and how to tackle taxes with confidence.Together, well untangle the web of finances as an independent contractor by covering topics like: tracking income and expenses, the best tools to help you handle your finances, invoicing and how to avoid non-payments from clients,tips for reducing overhead and expenses, tips for savings for retirement on any income, common financial mistakes and how to avoid them, comparing the different tax entities that you can file your business under.WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:This course is perfect for any NEW US (American) freelancer who has either never paid self-employment taxes before, wants to learn better systems to save money, needs a nudge to set up a retirement account, or wants a refresher on financial literacy. If you are a financial wizard, are a CPA, or can do your taxes in your sleep, this course is not for you. However, if you're ready to start from square 1 and learn the basics of budgeting, planning, saving, and paying taxes, then this course is for you.BONUS:At the end of this course, you'll not only have access to all the videos, downloadable resources, and external links for life - you'll also receive a 13-page eBook so you can quickly refer back to the content in this course.Financial literacy and confidence doing your taxes starts NOW! Are you ready??DISCLAIMER: The instructor is not a certified accountant or CPA. The materials available in this course are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your accountant or attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Executive Travel Booking for Assistants" |
"Welcome to the Business Travel Booking course for Assistants! This course is designed, although designed for beginners, is incredibly hands on and practical:Do booking exercises and practice tests so you learn more than theory - you'll actually learn how to do it.Learn the best and most up-to-date tools to help make travel management easier and faster.Download templates and checklists - all carefully designed to make you a travel pro by the time you complete the course.Check out some of the many skills you will learn:Learn the ins and outs of domestic, international, and private air travel.Discover how to find stellar hotels primed for business travel, andhelp your clients skip the counter at car rental agencies.Know how to find the hotels with the fastest WiFi around the globe.________________________________________________NOW INCLUDES A CONSTANTLY UPDATED SECTION WITH COVID-19 UPDATES AS GLOBAL TRAVEL CONTINUES TO CHANGE.________________________________________________DID YOU KNOW...That travel booking is one of the most in-demand skills for assistants?Business travel is set to reach a staggering $1.7 trillion by 2023. As business and luxury travel needs increase, so does the demand for a travel assistants like you!Making travel arrangements and keeping your executive clients happy while on the road requires a lot of meticulous planning.I will teach you how to be insanely organized, consistently proactive and preemptively ready for potential issues.These are the skills and qualities that will make your travel services top-notch and worth top dollar.________________________________________________REVIEWS FROM HAPPY STUDENTS:""Very informative, fun to listen to, and packed with useful material. A great course for someone who has worked in Travel but never worked in Business Travel, or for Personal Assistants and Administrators.""""I think this course has incredible tips, hacks and trades for assistants and just has great travel knowledge in general. So much time and money can be saved simply by applying the information here. 100% would recommend.""""I LOVED this course! I've been booking travel for executives for over 20 years and thought I knew enough. Your course proved otherwise. Just knowing how to book flights, hotels and arrange transportation isn't the half of it. Your course has so much valuable, time and money saving information it's mind blowing! I couldn't believe how much more there was to learn about booking travel, especially the luxury section -- super cool! Your links, tips, tricks, and templates are GOLD. Thank you for this course -- can't wait until I get my next client request so I can apply my new skills! And, of course, I will use my new knowledge when booking personal travel too. If anyone is on the fence about taking this course, don't hesitate. You will definitely learn something you don't know and have all of the information you need at your fingertips to provide valuable services to your clients."" *Ultimate Travel Course""This course offered a huge variety of information and resources around travel planning and management and I now feel well prepared to manage domestic and international travel for my clients. Especially useful were the little tricks and bonus tips that I normally wouldn't even think about looking for. I am sure that I will revisit this course often whenever I'm encountering specific situations or needs of my clients that are outside of the norm."" *Ultimate Travel Course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create Video with Camtasia 9" |
"Instantly These Videos Whill Take You Step By Step Through The Technical Parts Of Putting Your Marketing Strategy in PlaceCreate Video with Camtasia 9 AdvancedIf youre like most people, youre going to be super excited about what youre about to learn about real life marketing strategy.But, its possible that you also may be like most people in that the tech-y stuff slows you down.In fact, it makes some people give up altogether.But dont worry, Ive got you coveredI recorded a hands on, over the shoulder, step by step video course showing you all of the technical tricks that youll need to know to bring the strategies out of the classroom and into your business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Animated Video Playbook ,How to create AVid for your Biz" |
"""Attract New Customers and Prospects With Ease By Learning The Simple Steps to Creating Animated Videos""In this ""No Fluff"" 21 Module Straight To The Point +1 Hour Course, Youll Find Out How To Get The Most of Your Animated Video Creating SoftwareDate:Saturday, January 26.Youve come to this page because you're probably the owner of one of the Video Creating Software Platforms like Explaindio, VideoFX of Sparkol.But seriously, when was the last time you actually used what you paid for...Right now, it's probably looking like another one of those shiny objects that you bought with good intentionsBut one that you never really use to create videosBut you've seen other people create GREAT Sales Videos and Interesting Opt-in Videos...There Is a Simple Step By Step Process You Can FollowRegardless of what software you use, did you know that there is a process that you can follow that makes creating Animated Videos Easy to understand and easier to create?And that when you follow it, the technical details will fall to the background?Did you know that figuring out when to use words and when to use images is pretty easy...when you do things in the right order?Youre probably wondering, if it's this easy, why have you not figured it outThe answer is complicated. All of the awesome animated video creation software shows you how to do two things...First, it teaches on the abstract...and does a very good job of this. So, you get a full education on how to create stories and write copy and how that figures into animated videoSecond, they tell you how to be successful using your software. Of course, this is natural and exact what you'd expect. So, you're probably an expert on ast least two platformsBut, there is a little gap there. How do I go from having my story to getting it ready for the software?Then, how can I do it over and over again with ease?There Is A Reason Why You Don't Use Your Animated Video Software Very MuchOnce you've learned how to use the software and how to create a story, you've become an expert on how to create one video. What you don't have is a process to create multiple kinds of video, multiple stories and multiple scenarios.Think of what it would be like to have a simple process that works regardless of the situation and scenario....You'll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you finally succeed and get results!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Profissional: Perfil Campeo com Linkedin" |
"Atualmente o Brasil possui mais de 35 milhes de usurios no LinkedIn, dos quais menos da metade deste volume utilizam a rede de forma adequada: O brasileiro ainda no descobriu o LinkedIn em sua plenitude.Se voc esta em busca de competitividade no mercado com um perfil profissional campeo entre os recrutadores, este curso para voc!De maneira prtica vamos construir um perfil competitivo e explorar o Linkedin em sua plenitude de maneira que voc possa:Se destacar nas pesquisas dos Head Hunters de sua rea.Ganhar notoriedade em sua rede profissional.Produzir e disseminar contedo relevante com seus contatos.Construir Networking de valor no mercado em que atua.Desenvolver relacionamento profissional sustentvel com as pessoas.Evitar os principais erros que, infelizmente, a maioria dos usurios cometem em seus perfis.Aprender ainda mais com bnus de palestra sobre o LinkedIn.Alm destas habilidades outras sero discutidas no curso para que voc consiga alcanar seus objetivos profissionais.Aproveite o curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"17 Hacks pour Vendre sur Instagram" |
"17 hacks puissants et peu connus pour augmenter considrablement ses ventes avec Instagram, mieux convertir, mieux persuader, vendre plus.Apprenez lestechniques ruses et puissantes (trs peu connues)pour convertir ses abonns en clients.Mettons en place desfacteurs dclencheurs d'une ventechez un individu, appliqu Instagram.Parmi ces hacks :Les mthodes jamais dvoilesqu'utilisent les meilleurs du marketing instagramCe que les grands influenceurs instagram font pourvendre beaucoup plus, mais qu'ils ne disent jamaisLe Systme de Gravitation: Envoyer en continuune masse de trafic qualifisur son produit/service3 mthodes ultras efficacespour travailler avec les influenceurs instagramComment faireplacements de produits avec des gros influenceurs sans rien payer !Avoir un tas de retour clients / avis(preuve sociale) pouraugmenter ses conversions de 54%Commentrendre viral vos produits/services grce 1 stratgie trs puissanteRendre tes abonnsaccro tes produits/services (clients fans)La Stratgie du Marketing Invisible :Donner envie d'acheter tes produits, sans avoir les vendre !"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Comment Gagner des Abonns Rapidement sur Instagram (secret)" |
"CROISSANCE TURBO : C'est quoi exactement ?C'est la formation qui va t'apprendre la mthode base sur un combo que trs peu de gens connaissent pour gagner des abonns cibls sur Instagram de faon rapide, et que pourtant les plus grands utilisent.Ce que tu vas dcouvrir :Comment obtenir des milliers d'abonns cibls sur Instagram en seulement 1 semaine : La mthode complte, tape par tape.Ce que personne ne vous montre jamais : Mon document perso et dtaill de la mthode (format PDF, inclus avec la formation vido qui explique comment l'utiliser)Pourquoi il faut arrter d'utiliser la publicit et les techniques que tout le monde utilise : Recopie mes textes et tactiques dj prtes pour toi... qui fonctionnent systmatiquement, beaucoup plus que les techniques longues et lentes...Ce qu'il faut faire exactement pour que la mthode marche et pourquoi a marche : A partir de 26min40 dans le premier module.Mme en tant dbutant, et sans grande communaut de dpart : En suivant tape par tape la mthode, les rsultats seront obligatoires.BONUS DANS LE PREMIER MODULE : L'option qui va encore plus acclrer tes rsultats ! (Ta croissance d'abonns va littralement exploser)Les posts en publicit sponsorise sur Instagram fonctionnent pour gagner beaucoup d'abonns ? FAUX ! C'est une relle pompe fric, tu enrichis Instagram et en change il te donne de petits rsultats, pour te faire revenir encore, et encore...INCLUS : Un growth hack SUPER-PUISSANT qui te fera conomiser beaucoup d'argent que peu de gens connaissent (qui est plus efficace que ce qu'on peut trouver sur Internet)...7 tapes simples suivre : Je t'accompagne et te guide travers schmas et dmonstrations.Comment dtecter et ne pas se faire arnaquer par des faux influenceurs sur Instagram : Rponse 27min45 du deuxime module (ma procdure de vrification)La mthode BOULE DE NEIGE : Comment gagner de plus en plus d'abonns au fur et mesure des heures aprs avoir lanc le combo...LE COMBO LE PLUS EFFICACE pour gagner des abonns RAPIDEMENT sur Instagram."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Gagner de l'argent sur Instagram sans produit et audience" |
"Marre d'changer ton temps contre de l'argent ?Tu veux enfin ton propre systme mettre en place une seule fois, et rcolter du CASH plusieurs fois ?Te gnrer des revenus passifs, qui tournent quoi qu'il arrive et qui s'accumulent jour aprs jour ?Mais tu n'as pas envie de crer tes propres produits, formations, ou autres services.(a te prend trop de temps, c'est pnible, tu n'as peut-tre pas les connaissances ncessaires ...)L'affiliation est fait pour toi. Et peut te rendre trs riche.Le tout : Sans mme avoir d'audience de base sur Instagram.Parfait pour toi si tu dmarres de zro aujourd'hui. On va tout monter ensemble tape par tape.TU VAS NOTAMMENT DCOUVRIR :Comment vendre des centaines de produits sans avoir les crer et sans avoir d'audienceLa Mthode du DOUBLE A : Se servir de la communaut des autres, et se faire payer3 tapes simples suivre pas pas pour mettre tout ton systme en placeINCLUS EN PLUS : Un email type tout prt pour toi, plus qu' remplacer les trous !Comment gagner GROS avec l'affiliation avec peu de clients (ce qu'il faut faire)La recette qui marche pour rellement convertir un prospect en client.Toucher des commissions chaque mois, sans rien faire (et accumuler les revenus)Et bien plus encore...En fonction de ton investissement en temps et en travail, tu peux passer de simple complment de revenus(pour payer les cadeaux de nol, les sorties entre amis, les restaurants en amoureux et autres plaisirs ...) carrment pouvoir en vivre plein temps, tre libre financirement, c'est toi le patron.(mme si pour le coup tu auras tout ton temps pour profiter d'autres choses de la vie pendant que tes commissions tomberont continuellement ou en profiter pour monter d'autres business et accrotre encore plus tes revenus.)A la fin de cette formation, tu auras tout ton systme mis en place.Prt encaisser des commissions en automatique (mme pendant que tu dors)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment Devenir un Influenceur Instagram Succs" |
"Qu'est-ce que cette formation va m'apporter ?PAS DE RECETTES MIRACLES OU D'ASTUCES MAGIQUES. Mais de vrais rsultats :Des mthodes efficaces pour gagner des abonnstre plus proche de sa communautAvoir une communaut engage et solide qui est fond derrire soiAugmenter son engagement sur ses publications (Likes et commentaires)Avoir plus de visibilit et bien se rfrencer sur InstagramCETTE MTHODE N'EST PAS POUR TOI SI : Tu n'es pas motiv agir, si tu penses qu'en regardant cette formation, tout vas se faire tout seul et rapidement.J'ai organis la formation en 4 diffrents modules :? 1. Les bases d'un compte Instagram qui attireBien choisir son pseudoChoisir une photo de profil qui attireStructurer et organiser sa bio comme un pro? 2. Crer des publications puissantesLe bon rythme de publicationLa meilleure heure pour posterChoisir un format de photo qui impacte(Contenu mystre dcouvrir)crire une description qui TRIPLE l'engagement de ses photosUtiliser les hashtags pour se rfrencer comme un pro (+ astuce bonus)2 techniques puissantes TOUJOURS utiliser pour avoir plus de visibilit? 3. Utiliser les stories pour fidliser et engager sa communautLe vritable rythme adopter pour poster ses stories2 growth hacks que personne ne connait pour faire plus de vuesComment utiliser les stories pour fidliser son audience? 4. Les stratgies qui marchent pour gagner des abonns5 diffrentes mthodes tests et prouvs qui marchent pour gagner des abonnsLes sites et applications que j'utilise pour tre efficace(Contenu mystre dcouvrir)IMAGINEZ :Imaginez si vous tiez rfrenc top photo sur tous les hashtags que vous mettiez.Si vous aviez des milliers de likes et des centaines de commentaires sur vos publications.Mieux encore, une communaut qui est fan, et qui est votre coute, comme une bande d'amis gant !Une route vers le succs avec des abonns qui grimpent en flche chaque jour.C'est possible !En vous procurant cette formation, vous allez dbloquer toutes les vidos instantanment et avoir accs votre espace membre.Toutes les vidos sont accessibles vie."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Gagner sa vie avec Instagram avec 0 Abonn !" |
"INSTAPRESTA : C'est quoi exactement ?Cette formation est faite pour les personnes souhaitant gagner de l'argent avec Instagram (l'objectif est que tu gagnes 1000 / mois), sans avoir un seul abonn, simplement en grant les comptes de petits commerants.Instagram est encore nouveau voire intimidant pour beaucoup de petits commerants qui ne savent pas manier ou qui n'utilisent mme pas Instagram.Ce qui rend le concept fou et ce qui cre une opportunit en or pour des personnes comme toi et moi qui savent facilement grer un compte Instagram.(bien que dans la formation je te guide et te donne toutes les techniques pour leur apporter des abonns qualifis pour leur commerce, et de nouveaux clients.)Ce que tu vas dcouvrir :Comment trouver des clients qui vont t'apporter 1000 / mois pour que tu gres leur compte Instagram : la mthode complte, tape par tape.Ce que beaucoup de gens font dans l'ombre, mais qui permet de les faire vivre d'instagram...INCLUS : Mon propre exemple d'audit avec 6 questions poser tes futurs clients.La Mthode des 100 : La mthode SURPUISSANTE pour convaincre un client de travailler avec toi.Ce qu'il faut OBLIGATOIREMENT faire pour tre en rgle juridiquement (mes recommandations fiscales...)EN BONUS : Un Ebook best seller pour devenir riche grce aux rseaux sociaux (VALEUR 40)La technique qui fait rire tout le monde, mais qui permet d'avoir un taux d'ouverture de 99% (voir Module 2 partie 2 17min30)5 MTHODES EFFICACES qui te permettront de trouver des clients ds ce soir.LES 9 TAPES A SUIVRE BTEMENT pour fournir de superbes rsultats tes clients (nouveaux abonns cibls, nouveaux clients = commerant content = commerant qui te paye longtemps / plus cher)INCLUS en plus : Un contrat/convention de prestation de services prt tre utilis, plus qu' remplir !MIEUX QUE d'avoir des milliers d'abonns Instagram : Travaille simplement avec les commerants qui ont besoin de toi et qui te paieront chaque mois. (ils ne voudront plus te quitter...)La Stratgie de l'Atelier : La mthode naturelle qui amnera les clients tes pieds pour travailler avec toiMes meilleures stratgies pour grossir un compte Instagram de faon cibl (que tu pourras mme utiliser pour ton compte perso)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Master Odoo Studio" |
"This Course is your First Professional Step to be able to Create Your Own Business apps in Odoo Environment.In this course we will not learn supply chain process, But we will use the supply chain as an example to be able apply your own business process as you want in any app, and to be able to convert your own ideas to a working app that will be connecting wonderfully with the other apps.By This Course, you will learn:1. How to create your apps models from scratch and how to link these models together.2. How to Create Server Actions and how to call them by buttons clicks.3. How to create an Automatic Server actions based on Triggers and Events4. How to Control Create, Edit & Delete permissions, and how to grant the Confirm and Reject permissions to users.And much more.This course will grant you the needed skills that you are looking for."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Funnel Masterkurs - In 4 Wochen zur profitablen Website" |
"Lass uns mal ganz ehrlich seinDu bist gerade hier gelandet, weil Du Geld mit deiner Website verdienen willst!Und das kann ich sehr gut nachvollziehen! Auch ich habe vor einigen Monaten genau diese Frage selbst recherchiert & genau wie du bin ich auf etliche Ergebnisse gestoen. Das Internet ist gerade zu berfllt mit angeblichen Experten & Gurus die dich im Internet innerhalb von wenigen Tagen zum Millionr machen wollen.Ja auch ich wurde bereits zu oft Opfer von den sogenannten Online Marketing Gurus die ihre Kurse fr ein paar hundert Euro verkaufen und dir dann absolut nichts wertvolles und vorallem keine genauen Strategien verratenIch habe lange mit folgenden Problemen zu kmpfen gehabt:Besucher die einfach meine Produkte nicht gekauft habenZeit und Geld fr das erstellen von eigenen Produkten verschwendet, die mir nichts gebracht habenKeine Ahnung von Kennzahlen und Projekte mit echten Chancen frhzeitig beendetIch habe tausende Euro fr Werbeanzeigen in Facebook & Google verbranntIch habe Verprechungen von unserisen Youtubern geglaubt und sehr viel Geld fr berteuerte Kurse und Tools verschwendetNach 2 Jahren teuren Versuchen und Irrtmern habe ich jedoch einiges gelernt!Denn ich verrate dir hier und jetzt die Wahrheit, wie du wirklich eine profitable Website in krzester Zeit aufbauen kannstDiese erprfte Marketingstrategie wird bereits seit Jahren in allen Bereichen des Marketings angewendet und funktioniert sowohl fr eine kleine Website/Blog, einer Dienstleistung oder einem Online Shop.Niemand geringeres als mein Mentor Pascal Feyh, Unternehmer von mehreren Online Geschften mit Millionenumstzen, hat mir diese verstndliche Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung gezeigt und ich konnte dadurch in weniger als 4 Wochen ein Einkommen aufbauen, dass mein monatliches Gehalt bereits berstiegen hatte!Lies jetzt weiter und ich erzhle dir von genau dieser Schritt fr Schritt AnleitungDas Stichwort eines erfolgreichen Online Business ist ein VerkaufsfunnelDas Konzept hinter einem Verkaufsfunnel ist relativ simpel. Du fhrst deinen Kunden Schritt fr Schritt durch deinen kompletten Funnel. Dabei startest du mit einem kostenlosen Produkt (einem Leadmagnet) und bietest im Anschluss immer hochwertigere Produkte zum Kauf an.Durch einen gut ausgearbeiteten Funnel erhhst du zum einen deine Conversionrate. Zum anderen steigerst du somit den Customer Lifetime Value und schaffst die Mglichkeit mehr zur Akquirierung eines Kunden auszugeben.Nur so gelingt es dir am Ende vor deiner Konkurrenz zu landen.Die grte Lge die du von diesen Gurus aufgetischt bekommst ist es eine Werbeanzeige zu erstellen und dein Produkt direkt zu verkaufen. Das funktioniert schlicht und einfach nicht!Hier ein kurzes Beispiel:Sendest du deine Seitenbesucher direkt auf deine Verkaufsseite, so liegt im Schnitt die Conversionrate bei 0,1-0,5%, wenn die Seite wirklich gut Conversionoptimiert ist und die Zielgruppe sehr relevant ist. Das sind bei 1000 Besuchern gerade mal 1-5 Verkufe.Bei dem Verkaufsfunnel den ich zurzeit verwende sieht das ganze etwas anders aus...Hier ein weiteres kurzes Beispiel:Stell dir vor du schickst deine Besucher von Facebook oder Google auf deine Leadmagnet Seite, auf der dein Kunde sich eintragen und sein Gratis Geschenk abholen kann. Hier ist eine Eintragungsrate auch Conversionrate genannt von 20% realistisch.Von diesen 20% kaufen wiederum 25% deinen Tripwire und davon wiederum 30% dein Hauptprodukt.Besuchen jetzt 1000 Menschen deine Seite so sind das 200 Interessenten, die deinen Leadmagnet heruntergeladen haben.Von diesen 200 kaufen 25% deinen Tripwire, also 40 Personen.Und von diesen 40 Personen wiederum 30% dein Hauptprodukt, also 12 Personen.Jetzt hast du nicht nur 12 mal dein Hauptprodukt und 40 mal deinen Tripwire verkauft, du hast auch 200 E-Mail Adressen gesammelt, die du immer wieder kontaktieren und weitere Produkte verkaufen kannst.Wie du deinen Funnel richtig aufbaust, wie du einen Leadmagnet, ein Tripwire, ein passendes Hauptprodukt und die perfekte Werbeanzeige erstellstAll das lernst du in meinem Funnel Masterkurs!Jetzt kennst du die Kraft die hinter einem Verkaufsfunnel stecken kann...Die Schwierigkeit ist nur: Diese Faktoren zu kennen und anschlieend richtig umzusetzenWas musst du alles bei der Gestaltung deines Lead Magnets beachten?Wie baust du eine Conversionstarke Landingpage auf? Was ist eine Landingpage?Was ist ein Tripwire? Wie viel darf dein Tripwire maximal kosten?Wie erstellst du ein passendes Hauptprodukt? Wie kannst du deinen Profit maximieren?Wie gelingt dir die perfekte Werbeanzeige?Wie baust du ein erfolgreiches E-Mail Marketing auf und machst deine Kufer zu Wiederkufern?Das Fazit ist schonungslos: Es reicht nicht nur aus zu wissen was ein Funnel ist, wenn dieser nicht korrekt umgesetzt wirdIch habe dir bereits gesagt, dass ich mehrere hundert Euro fr diverse Online Marketing Kurse und tausende Euro fr Werbeanzeigen ausgegeben habe.Letzten Endes habe ich dadurch meinen Mentor kennengelernt, der mir diese klare 1 zu 1 Anleitung mit auf den Weg gegeben hat und mit dem ich es geschafft habe, in wenigen Wochen mit meiner Website profitabel zu werden.Genau dieses Wissen und diese Anleitung habe ich jetzt zu einem Videokurs zusammengefasst und hier im Funnel Masterkurs fr dich bereitgestellt. --> Hol dir also JETZT die klare Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, um deinen eigenen Funnel ins Leben zu rufen! <--"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Der Photoshop Grundkurs - Photoshop fr komplette Anfnger!" |
"Lerne die Grundlagen von Photoshop und erstelle alles was du willst!DEINEVORTEILE Sparedir so unglaublich vielZeit und Mhebeim Erlernen des Programms ErhalteZugangzu tausenden vonkostenlosen Pinseln, SchriftartenundStock Fotosfr Photoshop Keine Vorkenntnisse in Photoshop erforderlich Lerne alle Funktionendie das Programm bietet kennen! Punkte bei Freunden und Verwandtenmit deinen neuen Photoshop Skills persnlicher Support ber meine Social Media KanleWASKANNSTDUNACHABSCHLUSSDIESESKURSES? Die Grundlagen des Programms bereits nach 45Minuten Am Ende des Kurses kannst du das Programm mit Leichtigkeit benutzen deine eigenen Projekte umsetzenANGABENZUMKURSJede Menge Aktivitten, bungen und Herausforderungen Einwandfreie Ton- und Videoqualitt Alle Vortrge sind auf den Punkt gebracht - minimaler Aufwand, maximale Ergebnisse Lernen durch Arbeiten, nicht durch Auswendiglernen! Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Ebenen Anwendung von unterschiedlichen Ebenenmodi Erstelle Ebenenmasken und bearbeite diese entsprechenWhle Motive perfekt aus Einstellungsebenen anwendenLerne die gesamte Werkzeugpalette kennen TypografieFilter kennenlernen und richtig anwenden Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Pinseln und deren Vielfalt kennenLerne das richtige Blenden von Ebenen Viele, viele weitere Anwendungen, Effekte, Tipps und Tricks... Starte jetzt deine Photoshop Reise und werde zum absoluten Profi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Defensive Techniques in Chess" |
"One of the main mistakes beginner-level students make is that when they are faced with threats, they panic, often causing them to make false assumptions and select sub-optimal moves. This training course is designed to improve thought process and calculation habits when responding to our opponent's threats.The course focuses on three general types of defense: reaction, prevention or prophylaxis, and counter attack. The author uses examples from his own tournament games to emphasize the importance of choosing defensive resources which are multipurpose and maximize the activity of the defender's pieces. There are many opportunities for the student to calculate and answer concrete tactical questions on their own throughout the course.The course is aimed at beginner-level players but can be useful for players in the900-1500rating range. The total run-time for the course is83 minutes."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Chess Tactics Time Vol: 1" |
"Join famous chess coach FM Dalton Perrine as he solves essential tactical puzzles and explains his master-level thought process along the way. Through 12 concise video lessons, beginner and intermediate chess players will be able to learn new tactical patterns and get better at spotting tactics in their own games."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chess Tactics Time Vol: 2" |
"Join famous chess coach FM Dalton Perrine as he solves essential tactical puzzles and explains his master-level thought process along the way. Through 12 concise video lessons, beginner and intermediate chess players will be able to learn new tactical patterns and get better at spotting tactics in their own games."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-992 Exam: Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 42+.Oracle Planning Central Cloud Service 2017 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-992 Test series1Z0-992 practice testIt cover 100% of Oracle exam 1Z0-992 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.Exam Topics:Supply PlansManage Creating, Copying and Viewing a Supply PlanApply Supply Plan optionsConfigure Safety Stock Plan optionsEvaluate Supply Plan inputsPerform Running Supply PlanDescribe Supply Planning ConceptsDevelop Modelling and Analyzing Supply PlanManage Release RecommendationsAnalyze Demand FulfillmentData CollectionManage Data Collection from the Oracle Fusion Source SystemExplain Loading Planning Data from FilesAnalyze Collected Data in the Planning Data RepositoryExceptionsConfigure Exceptions and Exception SetsAnalyze Exceptions in PlansSimulationsEvaluate Demand/Supply ChangesExecute SimulationsDemand ManagementConfigure a Demand PlanPerform a Run and Manage Demand PlanApply Forecasting Methods and Causal FactorsEvaluate Forecast results and accuracyDescribe Override Demand Forecast and Plan ApprovalConfigure UOM and CurrencyExplain Disaggregation Parameters and Conditional FormattingSupply Network ModelExplain Supply Network ModelDescribe Approved Supplier ListCreate Assignment Sets, Sourcing Rules, and Bills of DistributionApply Item Attributes for Supply PlanningDescribe A Drop ShipmentCreate a Drop Ship PlanCreate Drop Ship SourcingConfigure a Drop Shipment ForecastPlanning AnalyticsConfigure Planning AnalyticsConfigure Dimensions and Dimension CatalogsExplain Measure CatalogsIdentify Measure TargetsApply Levels and AttributesAdvanced FulfillmentExplain Contract ManufacturingDescribe Back to BackExplain Configure to Order"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Database 12c Essentials 1Z0-497" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 145+.Oracle Database 12c Essentials 1Z0-497 Test series1Z0-497 practice testIt cover 100% of Oracle exam 1Z0-497 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.Exam Topics:Oracle Database SoftwareDescribe the key characteristics of a relational databaseSummarize locking behavior in an Oracle databaseDescribe the differences between data concurrency and data consistencyDescribe the various steps of a database transactionOracle Database 12c New FeaturesSetup a Global Database Service (GDS)Define declarative policies for Oracle Data RedactionApply best practices for running the ADDM AdvisorBackup and RecoveryExplain general best practices and guidelines for backups on the Oracle databaseImplement recovery procedures for various failure scenariosUse the Data Recovery Advisor for backup and recovery solutionsAdministering Users and SecurityCreate and administer usersGrant privileges to users to perform database operationsCreate and manage rolesOracle Data StructuresArticulate the various schema objects in a relational databasePerform different index scans and relate them to index typesLeverage partitioning in an Oracle databaseUse the data dictionary and the dynamic performance viewsIdentify the various tools for data movement and analysisOracle Multitenant ArchitectureExplain the benefits of multitenant architecture for database consolidationCreate a pluggable database (PDB)Articulate the difference between a Container database and a Pluggable databasePerform administration tasks on a container database (CDB)Manage processes in a CDBManage physical and logical structures in a CDBDescribe the various storage options for a PDBAdministration & ConfigurationDesign a database, identify requirements, create the logical design and physical database designInstall and configure a databaseGrant Enterprise Manager administrative privilegesUse SQL*Plus and SQL Developer to access your databaseMaximum Availability ArchitectureImplement the various Data Guard configurations availableExplain the architectural differences between Data Guard and Active Data GuardImplement the various replication options available to the Oracle databaseCreate an MAA architecture that leverages Active Data Guard and Oracle Golden GateChoose the appropriate high availability architecture based on various planned and unplanned scenariosMonitoringUse Oracle Enterprise Manager to view database storage structuresApply different strategies for interacting with the database using SQL DeveloperDescribe the EM Cloud Control and EM Express architecture as it relates to the databaseManage structures used to undo changes made to the database and maintain data consistencySoftware Installation and MaintenanceInstall the Oracle database softwareLocate patches for the Oracle databaseApply best practices to patching the databaseApply troubleshooting tasks for planned database maintenanceView and modify the parameters used to configure the Oracle instanceOracle Database Instance ArchitectureDefine the main components of an Oracle InstanceDescribe the various stages of a database instanceArticulate the various basic memory structuresDescribe how a block of data is written to the databaseArticulate the mandatory background processesOracle Network ArchitectureDescribe the differences between Shared Server and Dedicated Server architecture as it relates to Oracle Connection ManagerDescribe the Oracle Database listener architectureConfigure and connect to a database serviceConfigure a database listener"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration 1Y0-203" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 110+.Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration 1Y0-203 Test series1Y0-203 practice testIt cover 100% of Citrix exam 1Y0-203 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.This exam is broken into the following sections:Architecture OverviewInitial RequirementsInstalling and Configuring a XenApp and XenDesktop SiteProvisioning and Delivering App and Desktop ResourcesProviding Access with StoreFront and ReceiverUnderstanding and Configuring Citrix PoliciesApplication Presentation and ManagementPrinting with XenApp and XenDesktopCitrix Profile ManagementManaging the XenApp and XenDesktop SiteXenApp and XenDesktop Site Redundancy ConsiderationsXenApp and XenDesktop Basic Security ConsiderationsMonitoring the XenApp and XenDesktop SiteSupporting and Troubleshooting XenApp and XenDesktop"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Citrix ADC 12 Essentials and Traffic Management 1Y0-240" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 155+.Citrix ADC 12 Essentials and Traffic Management 1Y0-240 Test series1Y0-240 practice testIt cover 100% of Citrix exam 1Y0-240 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.This exam is broken into the following sections:Getting StartedBasic NetworkingCitrix ADC PlatformsHigh AvailabilityLoad BalancingSSL OffloadSecuring the Citrix ADCTroubleshootingClassic and Default PoliciesRewrite, Responder, and URL TransformContent SwitchingOptimizationGlobal Server Load Balancing"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Citrix ADC Advanced Topics: Security, Mgmt, & Optimization" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 85+.Citrix ADC Advanced Topics: Security, Management, and Optimization Test series1Y0-240 practice testIt cover 100% of Citrix exam 1Y0-240 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.This exam is broken into the following sections:Citrix Web App Firewall OverviewCitrix Web App Firewall Profiles and PoliciesRegular ExpressionAttacks and ProtectionsMonitoring and TroubleshootingSecurity and FilteringApplication Delivery Management: Introduction and ConfigurationManaging and Monitoring Citrix ADC InstancesManaging Citrix ADC ConfigurationsCitrix ADC Web LoggingIntegrated CachingFront-End OptimizationTuning and Optimizations"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 1Y0-402 Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 72+.1Y0-402 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configurations Test series1Y0-402 practice testIt cover 100% of Citrix exam 1Y0-402 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems.This exam is broken into the following sections:Design Methodology and Readiness AssessmentUser Layer and ConnectivityAccess Architecture and Store DesignAccess Layer Scalability, Redundancy, and SecurityImage Management Strategy and DesignApplication DeliveryPersonalization DesignXenApp and XenDesktop Site and Administrative DesignPhysical Resource DesignHigh-Availability and Multi-Location SolutionsDisaster Recovery Planning and Design"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |