Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Python 3.7 Bootcamp Beginner to Intermediate level A to Z" |
"Become a Junior Python Programmer and land a job in silicon valley.Get access to all the codes used in the course.This course will contain all 80+ videos explaining necessary things a beginner needs to know in a programming language.This course will get continuously updated for beginners to get learn more. I promise to get at least 1 video section to be added per quarter for the next 2 years.Objective of the course:Giving confidence that any student they can be a programmer.Detailed Installation processCovers syntax in Python.Decision making and loopsPython basics like Data types, functions, Modules.Excel OperationPython file handling.Regular Expression.Programming with OOPS Concept.Tools required for a Junior python developer job.This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screen cast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!Help you in enabling processing the data from different source.File handling from different sources."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Serverless React with AWS Amplify - The Complete Guide" |
"Do you want to make amazing, performant, and overall better React applications? Look no further than AWSAmplify. This course is the best guide you'll find to learn Serverless React App building.In it, we will be making two complete React / AWSAmplify projects, from project start to deployment on the web. Here's what we'll be making:A Full-Stack Serverless Marketplace app (similar to Udemy), built with React / Amplify, a complete GraphQL API, Multi-Factor Authentication, Lambda Functions for charging customers / sending emails, Stripe for payment processing and the component library Element for stylingAReal-Time Notetaker App (made both with class components and React Hooks), with full CRUD functionality, GraphQL Subscriptions, complete Authentication and all written in ~100 lines of JavaScriptWhat will this course cover? Creating entire GraphQLAPIs from the command line using the Amplify CLI Building sophisticated serverless GraphQLAPIs with AWSAppsync Multi-Factor Authentication and Verification Codes using AWSCognito Creating serverless REST APIs (functions) with AWSLambda that run entirely in the cloud Using GraphQL Subscriptions to Broadcast Data Changes in Real-Time Executing GraphQLQueries and Mutations both in the GraphiQL Console and in our React Client How to integrate React Hooks with Amplify applications Sending emails with Amazon's Simple Email Service Image and file uploads with AWSS3 Storage How to deploy our completed apps with S3 Hosting Customizing Amplify's built-in React Components Storing and managing our app data with a DynamoDB database Flexible, robust search capabilities with the help of AWSElasticSearch Using Stripe for payment processing and using it in React Apps with Stripe Checkout Verifying user emails / phone numbers with email confirmations Working with the AWSConsole extensively React Context for managing app state React Router 4 (with some useful tricks) Formatting dates with the date-fns library Two CSSlibraries in-depth -- Element and Tachyons"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Gatsby Masterclass" |
"Do you want to make the fastest, most performant, and overall best React applications? Look no further than Gatsby. This course is the best guide you'll find to learn the Gatsby framework. In it, we will be making a complete Blog and Online Store, from project start to deployment on the web. Here's what we'll be making:A complete blog / online store built entirely with Gatsby and GraphQL, User Authentication with Multi-Factor Authentication, content served from the Headless CMSContentful, with blog posts written entirely in Markdown, and Continuous Deployment with NetlifyWhat will be covered?How to use GraphQL in great detail, from the GraphiQL IDEto our React / Gatsby clientUsing GraphQL variables, arguments, fragments and many more related conceptsSorting and filtering operations in GraphQL QueriesUtilizing the cloud-hosted headless CMS Contentful for dead-simple content managementExecuting Queries from Gatsby Client with Static Queries and Page QueriesAmazing Responsive Images with Gatsby ImageFetching / Managing Gatsby Data with Gatsby Source PluginsTransforming Data using Gatsby Transformer PluginsConverting Markdown Data to HTML Content with GatsbyProgrammatically Creating Site Pages in GatsbyPagination in Gatsby (Prev / Next Links, Numbered Pagination)User Authentication using Netlify IdentitySocial Login with Google, Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket ProvidersMulti-Factor Authentication with Account Confirmation EmailsShopping Cart and User Purchases with SnipcartContinuous Deployment through Git / Github with NetlifyRouting, nested routes, links, active links in GatsbyAnd much more..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build a Realtime App with React Hooks and GraphQL" |
"Want to build real-world, full-stack apps with React Hooks? Look no further than this course.###WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING? ###A realtime, full-stack React app from scratch with a GraphQL Server (Apollo Server 2) on the backend, a cloud MongoDB database (MongoAtlas) with React Hooks to manage our state (replacing Redux!), with Social Authentication (Google OAuth2), realtime data with GraphQL Subscriptions, image uploads with Cloudinary and much more.Our app will be a live geolocation app called GeoPins where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in realtime--to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins, and manage the pins they've created.###WHAT CONCEPTSWILLITCOVER? ###How to build a robust GraphQL Server with Authentication (with Apollo Server 2)How to use two GraphQLclient libraries in-depth--Apollo Client and GraphQL RequestReplacing Redux with the useContext and useReducer Hooks for global state managementAll the major concepts within GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, TypeDefs, Resolvers, Inputs, etcAll the major hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer)Building Custom Hooks to 'hook in' to additional functionality to your applicationsIntegrating Social Login (Google OAuth) with Apollo Server 2Display App Changes in Realtime with GraphQL SubscriptionsDynamic image uploads using the Cloudinary API MongoDB in the cloud with MongoDB AtlasUsing Mongoose to create models, CRUDand search operations, and populationMaking attractive apps with the Material UI component library and Material UIIconsThe Material UI 'useMediaQuery' Hook for dead-simple mobile / responsive designDevelop stunning map applications with the Mapbox API and ReactMapGLUse the Geolocation API to get Users' Current LocationCreate Route Guards / Protected Routes with React Router v4Essential authentication / authorization concepts within GraphQL / ApolloError handling on our server and in our React clientAsync / await functions along with tons of ES6 / ES7 conceptsDeployment with Heroku and Now v2And tons more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL" |
"This course is for developers looking to build complete, full-stack applications with cutting-edge React user interfaces, powered by a robust Python backend, that uses GraphQL on the server and client. It was designed for developers who want to be ahead of the curve in the latest web technologies, focusing on how to use GraphQL from front to back, the most current techniques and tools in React, including React Hooks, Apollo Boost, and Material UI, and how to combine it all with Python, Django and Graphene for an amazing stack.###WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING? ###A full-stack app from scratch with a GraphQL API made with Python (Django and Graphene), a React client app with React Hooks and Apollo Boost, state management React Context (with useContext) and Apollo Client State, media file uploads with Cloudinary and tons more.Our app will be a social music-sharing app called ReactTracks where users can upload and share any music they like; users within our app will be able to interact with various tracks by liking them and adding tracks to their profile, searching for tracks, adding information about their music, as well as editing and deleting their tracks.###WHAT CONCEPTSWILLITCOVER? ###Build robust GraphQL Backends with Python Craft impressive React user interfacesAuthenticate Requests made to our Python Backend with JSONWeb TokensMaster the latest and greatest tools in React, namely React Hooks and React ContextWork with and understand two GraphQLclient libraries in-depth--Apollo Boost and GrapheneManage App State in React with Apollo Client StateProvide Routing and Protected Routes to your React apps with React Router 4Grasp the core concepts of GraphQL (queries, mutations, GraphQL types, variables, schemas, resolvers)Use Django to build robust, powerful web app backends and GraphQL APIsUse Graphene and Graphene-Django to use GraphQL in Python ApplicationsCrafting visually impressive React apps with the #1 component library Material UIMedia file uploads with Cloudinary / Cloudinary APIError handling in GraphQL, both on the client and serverHow to use GraphQL IDEs, such as GraphiQLand GraphQL Playground, to interact with your APIsHow to use React Dev Tools and Apollo Dev Tools to easily interact with your React codePackage management with pipenv and dependency management with npm / yarnAnd lots more!Note: This course is highly suggested for both Python developers looking to learn the latest and greatest features in the React ecosystem and to start building real-world projects with them as well as for React / JavaScript developers looking to start working with Python along with powerful tools like Django and Graphene."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mobile E-Commerce with Flutter, Redux, and Stripe" |
"Looking to build impressive, real-world e-commerce apps with Flutter? This is the course for you.### WHATWILLWEBEBUILDING? ###A full-stack e-commerce mobile application from scratch, with a complete shopping cart for authenticated users as well an entire customer checkout. It will be a complete app with an eye-catching UIusing the Flutter Material Library, Redux for global state management, Redux Thunk for async actions, a complete API with custom controllers with the help of Strapi, with our app data stored in a cloud MongoDB Atlas database, User Authentication with Register / Login.This course will give you the core structure and techniques to build any sort of mobile store with Flutter, no matter the product or service you sell. ### WHATWILLTHISCOURSECOVER?###Redux for global state management in Flutter AppsAsynchronous actions in Redux with Redux ThunkProcessing Payments in Flutter using StripeUsing the Stripe Node Library to Execute Charges, Add / Manage Customers and Credit CardsAsync / await functions in Flutter, making authenticated requestsRapidly building a highly functional RESTAPI with StrapiManaging / Storing API Data with the MongoDBAtlas Cloud DatabaseDesigning Attractive Flutter Apps with the Material Widget LIbraryPersisting data locally in Flutter with SharedPreferencesDecoding/encoding, serializing/deserializing JSON data with DartNavigation / Routing in FlutterUsing Themes in Flutter to Share Color / Text Style Across AppsConstructing Forms / Managing Form State in Flutter AppsSecurely Register / Login Users with JSON Web TokensForm Validation / Error Handling in FlutterDisplaying Notifications with SnackbarsMulti-Child Layout Widgets; i.e. ListViews, GridViews, TabBars, etcCustom Material Theme StylingFormatting Dates in Flutter with the Intl LibraryWorking with Maps, Lists and Essential Map/List MethodsAnd much more!###WHOISTHISCOURSEFOR? ###This course is truly for anyone looking to use Flutter to build real-world, production-ready mobile apps, beyond the level of an introductory course.It is ideal for new Flutter developers looking to get their hands dirty with a real-world project by building a sophisticated, full-scale app as well as for JavaScript / React developers. The material is centered around teaching you practical techniques, not dry, abstract concepts, devoid of any actual application. My goal is to show you how to get things done, while giving you a solid understanding of why we do it and how it is helpful along the way."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Awesome Apps with React Hooks and Firebase" |
"Want to build stunning, blazing-fast web apps with the best in React development? This is the course for you.In this course, you'll get the entire plan on building full-stack, serverless applications that harness the latest and greatest features in the React ecosystem on top of the Firebase platform.WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING?In this course, well see how to bring React Hooks and Firebase as well as Firestore together to build a complete Hacker News Clone from zero to deployment. It looks and works exactly like the original Hacker News site, but with some added features.Well cover tons of concepts throughout the process of making ithow to authenticate users with Firebase in-depth, adding comments, upvoting stories, and creating, modified and persisting shared link data all in realtime with our Firestore database, writing multiple reusable Hooks for essential tasks in our app, building and deploy serverless Firebase functions for added functionality, and much more...WHAT CONCEPTS WILL IT COVER?Rock solid patterns for using / integrating Firebase with ReactFull CRUD Functionality with the Firestore Realtime DatabaseBuilding and Using your Own Custom React Hooks with FirebaseManaging Global App State with React Context and the useContext HookFirebase Authentication with Login / RegisterReset Password Functionality for Returning UsersUser Authorization and Handling Unauthorized ActionsIn-Depth Routing Concepts with React Router 5How to Implement Cursor-based PaginationSorting, Ordering and Limiting Documents with Firestore QueriesFull-Text Search FunctionalityRealtime Subscriptions upon Data Changes with FirestoreBuilding and Deploying Serverless Firebase FunctionsWorking with the Firebase Tools CLISeamless App Deployment with Firebase HostingUsing Date Fns to Format TimeWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Ive wanted to work with Hooks and Firebase for quite a while now, and if you have as well, youll know heres very little content on how to make real-world apps using Hooks (aside from my two other courses, of course :P), and even less on how to integrate them with Firebase.This course was created to fill that gap. Youll get the entire plan for combining them to supercharge your own app development by writing less code to do what you want within your apps.I really enjoyed making this course and I think youll enjoy taking it just as much.Looking forward to seeing you within the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blazing-Fast Vue and GraphQL with Gridsome" |
"Want to build blazing-fast apps with Vue and GraphQL using Gridsome? This is the course for you.WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING?We'll be building a complete blog and online store with shopping cart built entirely with Vue, GraphQL and Gridsome, where we can create and share posts, add comments, create products, add products to our cart and purchase them. Our store data will be created and served by the headless CMS Contentful, with blog posts written entirely in the markdown format, and deployed to the web with Netlify.WHAT CONCEPTS WILL IT COVER?How to Build Incredible Apps with Vue and GraphQL Using GridsomeA Complete Crash Course in GraphQL; What It Is / How to Use ItUsing GraphQL within Vue Components with Static Queries / Page QueriesFetching & Managing App Data with the Headless CMS ContentfulDead-simple, Responsive Images with g-imageAdding Data Sources to GraphQL with Source PluginsTransforming Data Using Transformer PluginsConverting Markdown Data to HTML Content with GridsomeProgrammatically Creating Site Pages in GridsomePagination and Tagging in GridsomeUsing Frontmatter for Blog PostsShopping Cart and User Purchases with SnipcartContinuous Deployment Through Git / Github with NetlifyPages, Routing, Nested Routes in GridsomeLinks with g-link, Active Links in GridsomeAnd much more...I really enjoyed making this course and I think youll enjoy taking it just as much.Looking forward to seeing you within the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase" |
"Do you want to build a complete social network mobile app just like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? This is the course for you!WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING?In this course, well use the best in Flutter and Firebase to build a complete social network from zero to deployment called FlutterShare that you can release on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store.WHAT DOES THE APP FEATURE?An Amazing Realtime Social Network AppA Timeline just like in Facebook, Instagram, or TwitterAn Activity Feed for all User InteractionsLive In-App User NotificationsMedia Sharing between Users User Following / Unfollowing (with past / future posts added to timeline)Realtime Messaging, Liking and Unliking for PostsProfile Customization (i.e. Display Name, User Bio, etc)Social Login with GoogleUsing Device Camera for Image UploadsCaptioning Posts with Description and Current Location (Geolocation)Finding other App Users with Full-Text SearchWHAT CONCEPTS ARE COVERED?A Complete Masterclass on Firebase / Firestore with Flutter Uploading Media Files with Firebase Storage + Image Compression Techniques Google SignIn / Social Login with Flutter Push Notifications with Firebase Messaging for Realtime User Updates Taking Pictures / Picking Images for Upload with Flutter Detecting User Location with Geolocation for Flutter Build and Deploy (many) Firebase Functions Complete CRUD Functionality in Realtime with Cloud Firestore All the Realtime Firestore Database Triggers (onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete) Deployment to Google Play Store and Apple App StoreWorking with Streams, Futures and Updating State Media Queries and Device Orientation for Responsive App Design Handling Async Data with FutureBuilders, StreamBuilders, and Async / Await FunctionsAnimations and Page Transitions SVG Images and Image Caching for Performance Form Validation and Error Handling Custom Theme Creation and Fonts Tons of Practical, Straightforward and Repeatable App-Building Patterns And much more!WHAT ELSE DOES THIS COURSE OFFER? Deep, Fine-Grained Learning This course is jam-packed with information. I made the course that I most wanted to take and as a result, I didn't skimp on the details. You're going to cover more topics and material in greater depth than ever before. 100% Real-World Practice My goal is to get you writing code as much as possible. And not just any codewe'll be working exclusively on practical tasks that are instrumental in building your own amazing real-world apps. No-Nonsense, Spot-On Explanations - Every lesson is to-the-point. I break down what we're making, how we'll be doing it and what the final product will look like, all on top of helpful and illustrative descriptions to aid your understanding along the way.I really enjoyed making this course and I think youll enjoy taking it just as much.Looking forward to seeing you within the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MERN Stack - The Complete Guide" |
"Welcome to MERN Stack - The Complete Guide!The MERN Stack is one the most popular ways to build powerful, full-stack apps using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node (shortened to MERN).This course is the best guide to mastering the MERN Stack, taking you from total beginner to full stack expert, capable of making your own impressive, fully-featured apps from scratch to deployment.Whats special about this course is that it gives you the best of both worlds; both extensive practical and conceptual understandingWell cover all the essential concepts of the MERN Stack in-depth while we build a truly awesome full-stack app along the way.WHAT DOES THE APP FEATURE?Complete User Authentication (Login / Signup)Image and File UploadsServer-side RenderingPaginationPayment ProcessingComplete Node API w/ Full CRUD FunctionalityAuthorization and Managing Multiple User Roles (guest, user, admin)Responsive + Mobile-First DesignAttractive + Responsive App InterfaceComplete App Deployment with Zeit NowWHAT CONCEPTS ARE COVERED?React Hooks throughout the Entire AppCore Node.js / Express ConceptsCreating an Entire Express API from ScratchNext.js version 9 with API RoutesLinking together React Client + Express APIUser authentication with JWT and CookiesRole-based access control with multiple user typesLots of data fetching on the client / serverPassword hashing with bcryptProcess payments with Stripe APIDynamically upload images with Cloudinary APIModeling database content with Mongoose SchemasCreating Impressive UIs with Semantic UI ReactQuerying / Mutating Data with MongooseTons of Mongoose Methods / OperatorsPagination with MongoDBAsync / Await + Essential Error Handling PatternsManaging MongoDB database with the Atlas InterfaceApp Deployment with Serverless Deployment Service NowProtecting private client routes with Next.js / ReactSecuring private data with environment variablesValidating Requests in Node / Express AppsWhat HTTP status codes Mean and When to Use ThemThe Latest JavaScript: ES6/ES7/ES8/ESNextAnd much more...Even if youre new to React or Node, youre in good companyyoure going to understand every line of code that we write together.No matter your skill level, this course has something for you. Whether it serves as the start of your next big project, your first production-ready MERN Stack app, or just a great addition to your developer portfolio, youre not going to want to miss this course.Theres never been a better time to learn MERN, so join me and lets get started."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete JavaScript Developer in 2020" |
"Have you tried learning JavaScript for a while now, but feel that youre not making progress? Youve gone through article after article, video after video, but youre still not confident in using JavaScript?Heres the truthit doesnt take months or years to learn JavaScript and become a real JavaScript developer. To master JavaScript, you dont need to learn it all. So what do you need for JavaScript mastery and how do you get it? Thats what this course is all about.Welcome to the Complete JavaScript Developer in 2020, a course built around you and your goals, that gives you the skills and understanding to become a complete JavaScript developerto build amazing apps, master frameworks, and kick-start your JavaScript career.This course was designed from the ground up to show you JavaScript as it was meant to be taught, through fun, practical, real-world examples. Were going to see how to take the hardest parts of the language and break them down into simple, easy-to-understand concepts. Simply putJavaScript is going to make sense to you in a way it never has before.More than thatits going to give you the ability to THINK like a JavaScript Developer.And all the skills you gain will be solidified by working with the language hands-on, right away. This course is based around active learning. It includes dozens of real-life coding examples and challenges to keep you engaged every step of the way, just like we were coding side by side. So who am I?Hi, my name is Reed Barger. Im a professional JavaScript developer and Ive helped over 17,000 people level up their JavaScript skills in the last year alone.And today, Im here to help you learn JavaScript from front to back, with no previous JavaScript knowledge required.In this course, Ive distilled the best skills and insights from years of experience. As a result, youre not going to find a faster, more linear path to JavaScript mastery.And unlike other courses that teach you old JavaScript concepts, this course is guaranteed to be up-to-date for 2020, showing you modern JavaScript techniques from the very beginning.Stop trying to learn everything. Stop the endless cycle of tutorial after tutorial.No matter whether youre a beginner or a JavaScript expert, youre going to learn and understand the language like never before.Here's just some of what you'll learn in this course:A deep-dive into JS variables and scopeBetter conditionals with ternaries and short-circuitingMaster functions using arrow functions, callbacks, and higher-order functionsObjects with powerful patterns like destructuringArrays using essential methods: map, filter, reduce and moreEasily manage arrays and objects with the spread operatorConstructor functions + prototypical inheritanceClasses and extending classes in-depthAsync JavaScript with callbacks, promises, fetch API, and async/awaitImmutability and why it mattersClosures and how to leverage them in our appsFinally understand the 'this' keywordCutting-edge ES6 - ESNext JavaScript features (some not even released!)And much more!So what are you waiting for? Theres never been a better time to learn JavaScript. Jump start your career, change your life, and get started right now. So join me and lets dive into JavaScript."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Make Realistic Nude Sketches In Pencil & Dry Pastels" |
"Hi Guys,I make this course especially for those beginners who wants to sketch the nude sketch in realistic way............I try to make this course in simple & step by step ......hope you understand it.....The Course Structure* Things To Be Needed* Basic Knowledge About The Application About Pencil Shading* Some Practice Sessions About Nude Outlines.* Make A Realistic Nude In Dry Pastels* Make A Realistic Nude In Pencil Shading* A Practice Test"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Draw Hyper Realistic Of Man Eye In Pencil Sketch" |
"1. Hii guys this is n s limaye the ace artist from india2. Guys here I came to introduce How To Draw The Hyper Realistic Man Eye In Pencil Shading Medium.3. Guys I Make This Course step by step & easy that anybody can understand it.4. The making reason of this course especially for art lovers..5. I hope you like my efforts. So guys enjoy this course Thanks."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Kubernetes Docker/DevOps and helm charts from scratch" |
"Students will learn:Update: I keep adding lectures on how to use Terraform to start the very same Kubernetes clusterNew lecture on Helm v3start Kubernetes cluster with two nodes (master/worker) by using kubeadmwrite a simple back-end microservice with Python Flaskwrite a simple front-end React app microserviceDockerfile for back-end microservice with Python FlaskDockerfile for front-end React app microservicewrite Helm Chart for back-end microservice with Python Flask from scratch (micro-backend)write Helm Chart for front-end microservice with React from scratch (micro-frontend)deploy micro-backend and micro-frontend helm chart to Kubernetesscale up your deployment for micro-backend/micro-frontend helm chart in Kubernetesuse own helm chart repository - Chartmusuemuse own helm chart repository - from own Github repodeploy nginx-ingress controller"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Become an ESL Teacher: Teach English Online and Get Paid" |
"How To Teach English and Get Paid: Become an ESL Teacher#howtoteachenglishonlineandgetpaid The course, ""How To Teach English Online and Get Paid"". Are you looking for a part-time job, a second income, or a new career? Well, today is the day to enroll in the course. Today is the first day of your new career. Join a group of Inspiring Teachers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Anime Academy: Anime Outfits 101" |
"Anime Academy: Anime Outfits 101 is your go-to for designing your own anime outfits for illustrations or even for your own personal stories. This course will take you from having little knowledge about style and clothes, to creating good design and understanding the basics of how clothes work. So what else is in it for you?Youll be designing 3 main projects in this course that will take you from just drawing basic clothes to creating your own outfit!Youll gain access to all 11 sections of the course. There are also 90 downloadable resources for you to use to help you with this course.This course is set up to help you step by step with understanding the basics of clothes and style. It will help with creating interesting designs for characters that you want to create, as outfit design connects a lot with how the characters personality is.Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres whats in it for you:Youll get access to the 11 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing clothes and using that knowledge to design. The course has over 10 hours of content that I will walk you through each step of the way.Here is what to expect in this course:* The course starts with the basics. I will be teaching you the basics about drawing shirts, dresses, skirts and pants. You will also learn how to color them in a simple way. When coloring, you can also put these basic clothes together to make a simple outfit. I will also be teaching you how to draw the main template before starting.* Next, after learning the basic clothes, you will learn how to draw accessories from simple to complex to go along with your outfit. * Once you've learned basic clothes and accessories, you will learn how to draw different types of shoes ranging from sneakers to formal shoes. * Then you are going to learn how to draw simple clothes in different views and in motion. In this section you will learn how cloth moves and flows, as well as the direction it is going in.* From then, you will move onto the basics of style ranging from casual, formal, and Lolita style. This will help you on how to study what different styles look like and how you can execute them onto your design. You will also learn how to collect reference for your 3 main projects.* And finally, for the next couple courses, you will start working on the 3 main projects: designing 3 types of casual, formal, and Lolita. This will take you from just drawing basic clothes to actually designing how your outfits will look. I will be walking through with the whole design process from reference gathering to showing you how to use it, as well as finalizing the colors. Over the course of these 9 sections you will learn:* How to draw shirts, dresses, pants, skirts* How to draw a multitude of accessories * Drawing different types of shoes* Drawing clothes in different angles * How to color clothes, shoes, accessories* How to analyze style and use it in your design* The importance of reference gathering* How to use references to design an outfit * How to design 3 types of casual outfits* How to design 3 types of formal outfits* How to design 2 types of Lolita outfitsWhat else will you get?- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding how to create a unique outfit for character design- Tutorial sheets as downloadable resources for each lectureThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start creating your anime outfits!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Criatividade Produtiva" |
"Quais as formas de explorar a sua criatividade?Como a criatividade pode ajudar na soluo de problemas?Ser que somos todos criativos?Criatividade Produtiva um workshop para quem deseja entender seu lado criativo, descobrir o que pode estimular a sua criatividade e como aplicar isso na resoluo de problemas. Blocos de anotaes, post-its e canetas coloridas esperam pelas criativas e criativos em busca de mais inspirao! ***Viver uma vida criativa parece algo distante para voc?Pois saiba que voc j vive uma vida assim e nem percebe!A criatividade um conjunto de vrios fatores: tudo o que voc ouve, v, experimenta ou toca gera novas experincias. Seu crebro guarda tudo isso e organiza de forma a encontrar padres para conectar estas experincias quando necessrio.Esta bagagem de referncias que esto em sua mente o que vai te ajudar na hora de ter uma ideia. Por isso to importante ser curioso, questionar, prestar ateno nas outras pessoas e ter sempre novas referncias para armazenar no seu HD humano (ou crebro, se preferir!).Viver uma vida criativa no significa estar apenas envolvido com msica, artes e coisas culturais. Viver criativamente ter curiosidade pelo mundo e fazer disso a motivao para ter novas ideias. Voc j faz isso, sem perceber! Agora, imagina se fizesse com conscincia, sabendo como funciona o seu processo criativo e quais as melhores ferramentas para que voc consiga estimular a sua criatividade para resolver problemas ou aproveitar oportunidades?No Workshop Criatividade Produtiva, voc vai identificar quais so suas melhores fontes de criatividade, ir descobrir como funciona seu processo criativo, vai entender a importncia de referncias em sua vida, alm de conhecer ferramentas criativamente produtivas que iro te ajudar a colocar as ideias em ao."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Build Social Media Navbars with SCSS & CSS Grid & FlexBox." |
"This course will teach you how to build out popular social media navigation bar layouts with CSSGrid & FlexBox. You will be learning how to use specific tools along with these layout systems. These tools include, SCSS, CSS, HTML and more. On top of all of the content, there is a bonus section included covering CSSFlexBox concepts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Table View iOS App Development with Swift & Xcode" |
"UITableViews, they are everywhere and you probably know at this point that being able to use UITableViews to their full potential, gives you a huge advantage as an iOSdeveloper with skill. With that being said, your iOS development instructor, Maxcodes, is about to teach the ways of UITableView. This course will prepare you to utilize UITableViews in any and every iOSapp you write giving you massive leverage to take your app to the next level. Whether it's your app, or your employers app.You will be learning through a practical, project driven approach in which sections are carefully thought out and separated to provide you with concept specific lectures, and video tutorials. This format is designed by Maxcodes to purposefully condense concepts and app projects into short amounts of time, not to provide you with less content, but to provide you with massive amounts of value while make sure I don't waste your time.I completely understand if you are slightly skeptical, and wonder if this course will be worth your hard earned money. So you probably know, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee to ensure trust. If you do not like this course, or you feel it doesn't provide you with the value you need, you can get a full refund within 30 days. EVEN if you go through the course 100%, you can still have a FULL refund within 30 days of enrolling in your UITableView course. Let's master UITableViews today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build UICollectionView Apps with Swift & Xcode." |
"You probably already know how to use a collectionView and if you don't, keep reading.With a solid 3 focus curriculum, this course will teach you how to build UICollectionViews even if you have no experience, all while taking you the top of the UICollectionView skill pyramid.You will learn how to build advanced layouts using top Apple developer methods, protocols, and objects such as:UICollectionViewLayout, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionViewDragDelegate, UICollectionViewDropDelegate, and even UICollectionViewDropCoordinator.And if this doesn't cover your needs, rest assured because your instructor, Maxcodes, periodically updates his courses based on review feedback, tweets, and personal messages. Welcome to Advanced UICollectionViews by MaxcodesBuild the iOS Pinterest Layout - Collection Views in Swift"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The iOS Development Animations Course - Swift 5 & Xcode 10" |
"Become a Swift Programming God.Learn everything from basic Swift coding to advanced Core Animation in this course complete with updates, source code access, and additional learning resources to guide you to becoming a mobile iPhone x developer. Which group do you belong to? Are you a web developer? Maybe a React Native Developer?Are you a professional iOS developer making close to six figures, maybe above six figures?or are you still on your journey to getting that six figure mobile programming job?Either way, you need to master and maintain your mobile animation skill set. This course will do BOTH. Let's talk.First you will develop an awesome Twitter heart sprite based animation button with UIImageView to start things off fun and interesting. This includes tiles that we will turn into an interactive sprite button within ten minutes of coding.Concepts - From Stuck, to Project Mastery.Before we can jump into more advanced projects, we need to cover basic even if you understand them.You will cover and review basic animation concepts that have very likely been stuck using. These mobile concepts includeUIView property animationsSpring Loaded Animations, yep even those fancy nice ones are basic.CGAffineTransform - yessir still pretty basic, keep reading.Step by Step. Enter UIViewPropertyAnimatorOnce we see the disadvantages of basic UIView animations we will learn & tackle the next level of animation ability in Swift and Xcode. This is where we take our iOS animation foundation and build upon it with UIViewPropertyAnimator for a different type of control which is explained in the free promo video of this course.UIViewPropertyAnimatorMini Project One - UIButton Control Subclass - NSLayoutConstraint Animations Intro.Here you will build a subclass UIControl button and utilize animations and programmatic auto layout which will be built straight within the class, not outside of it. UIButtonNSLayoutConstraintUIView property animationsQuartz Core - Core Graphics - Core Animation - What is the DIFFERENCE between these Swift frameworks, are they frameworks?After we have built a button control class and used more property based animations with UIViewPropertyAnimator, we will dive into a section purely reviewing Apple Developer Documentation. In this section you will be given an overview of the three framework / api topics and a general idea of what the key differences are.Apple Developer Docs Core AnimationCore GraphicsQuartzCoreCore Animation - CABasicAnimations, KeyPaths, and CASpringAnimations. UISlider too.It's time to utilize your knowledge and turn it into tangible skill. Enter Core Animation. In this section we will build animations with CA based animation classes like ca basic animations and spring animations. We also talk about subclasses and superclasses in this section.CABasicAnimationCABasicAnimation.keyPathCASpringAnimationUISliderUIBlurEffectUIVisualEffectViewCAGradientLayer - It's animatable.Next you will build and animate gradients with Core Animation.CAGradientLayerCAKeyframeAnimation - Helpful and Powerful.We then take a look at keyframe based animations and use them to build cool effects.CAKeyframeAnimationUIView.animateKeyframesCocoaPods - Use them sparinglyAn entire dedicated section to CocoaPods my friends.NVActivityIndicatorViewPopupDialogAnimatedSegmentSwitchAdvanced Project - Create an Elastic Snapchat Style Pull To Refresh Animation.This is where things get exciting. In this section you will put your skills to the test and build a Snapchat style drag to refresh animation with advanced core animation and ui classes.CAShapeLayerCADisplayLinkUIBezierPathThat's it for curriculum until the next monthly update. Yes, this course is evergreen and will be maintained!Content.We love awesome animations, and this course will finally fill in your animation skill gap through video content. Maxcodes, your instructor, will teach you everything animations in Swift 5.2 & Xcode 10. You will not only learn commonly used animations in Swift & Xcode, but you will also learn advanced topics such as CAGradientLayer animations, programmatic NSLayoutConstraint animations, and even CABasicAnimations for specific animation keys such as shimmerKey to integrate animations you see on top tier apps like Facebook.Developers are not designers, well not all of them.It's already hard enough to develop these animations with code, let alone design them. This course is designed to help you as a developer master your implementation skills in the least amount of time possible. We don't want to spend hours trying to come up with awesome designs, we just want to know how to build them!Even if you ARE a designer; the first step is learning how to actually build these animations with pure code, and that is exactly what maxcodes teaches you in this course.Clean cut & professional.This course is designed to deliver you NEW programming skills through a clean cut, crystal clear medium via video tutorials. Rest assured, that I have designed this course to be clear, concise and to the point. Iwant you to learn, period.Let's get it. Welcome to Swift Animations by maxcodes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS Notes App - Advanced Core Data, Navigation, & TableViews" |
"Finish Your iOS Apps Once and For All.Whether you are working on your own apps, a client's, or the company's you are working for, by building the iOS notes app with an emphasis on Core Data, you will be able to implement various features and capabilities into the iOSapplications you are developing and plan to develop. Core Freaking Data Boi.After completing this course you WILL be able to utilize top Core Data features such as deleting, creating, and updating documents, NSPersistentContainer, ViewContext, NSFetchRequest and more.Fill in more gaps!You will also be able to implement various features around iOS development like UIAlertController, UITabBarController, Programmatic Auto Layout and more!Watchu waiting for?Start learning iOS Development and Core Data today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MapKit & CoreLocation in Swift & Xcode - Build Map Features." |
"Learn MapKit, Decipher Apple Documentation.Display map or satellite imagery directly from your app's interface, call out points of interest, and determine placemark information for map coordinates.Up your iOSskill by building real MapKit and CoreLocation features the right way. But what do I mean by ""the right way""? Docs. Yep, keep reading. Equip yourself with the ability to learn from the Apple Documentation.Everybody knows the Apple docs aren't very easy to understand and can even be useless at times. So before each video where you will implement a specific class, protocol method, or framework, I take you through a brief tour of the concept in the apple developer documentation. We do this straight from the developer docs and through the built in Xcode documentation features and resources. This approach will provide you with more than top MapKit knowledge. What you will gain is the ability to reference documentation and integrate it in code as a real developer. This is a skill that must be learned if you want to learn fast, and the right way..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Add In-App Purchases To Your iOS Apps with StoreKit in Swift" |
"Build Real iOS In App Purchase Features to Charge Users Directly In Your iOS Apps!Have you ever wanted to charge someone for something in a free app? In App Purchases make this very possible and quite easy. If it's easy though why should you take a course on it? Because there is no clear way of learning it, until now.StoreKit and Purchases 100% Explained Step by StepIn this course I walk you throughout building an app that charges users for products within the app itself 100% programmatically while referencing the Apple Developer Documentation before various class, method, or protocol implementations. Here is the main goal of this course:One-Time Permanent or Consumable PurchasesCharge the user for a single purchase (IE: some sort of in-app currency like coins in a game, or a credit in an audiobook app for example.)Charge the user to remove ad banners .Charge the user to access more features within the app.Not Just StoreKit.Aside from StoreKit, you will be first setting up an entire app from scratch with various UIKit classes and protocols. Here's a brief list of additional concepts you will get hands on experience with in this class:Build a custom UIPopUpView ( Yeah that class doesn't exist in UIKit, and that's exactly why we are going to build it.. :) from scratch! )NSLayoutConstraint for 100% Programmatic Auto Layout! ( a highly valuable skill that every iOS dev should master )UITableViewUITableViewCells ( Yep, custom cells with didSet data )The UITableViewDelegate & UITableViewDataSource Protocols ( and cell dequeueing of course )Custom UIButton Subclasses for Optimized Re-use throughout large iOS applications.Custom UINavigation Hierarchy from ScratchSwift 5 & Xcode 10 - The Latest and Best Versions of The Apple Developer's Tools, SDK's, and Programming Languages.This one is obvious. There's no point in making a course with outdated tools and equipment. I've created this course with the latest iOS development tools offered by apple at the time of recording each lecture, each of which I update consistently to ensure the latest version of each tool is being used. This will minimize student errors, and maximize the speed at which you complete this course. What this means, is you will be integrating In App Purchases faster than you will anywhere else.Your Questions, Your Answers. - QA and Where You Will Get Additional Help.If you're anything like me, you also might get stuck on courses you are going through (yes, I go through courses too!) So If you have any problems that aren't answered in course lectures that should be, you can drop a question in Q and A and I'll be there to answer as soon as I possibly can. I'm pretty quick too. :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Swift Generic Data Structures - LinkedList & Array Class Dev" |
"Interview Questions.Are you ready for your interview? In this course you will code, build, and understand data structures to help you prepare. Many iOS developer interviews will present you with obscure questions regarding algorithms and data structures. It's my job to help you learn, re-learn, and master these data structures. This course will equip you with a solid working understanding of two list data structures.Linked Lists & Arrays.If you have a computer science degree, you know how these data structures work, and subconsciously you are better able to solve coding problems because of this. If you don't have a CS degree though, or you forgot these structures, let me give you a brief overview before you enroll in the course and master them in Swift code..A LinkedList is a linear data structure where elements, or nodes, are chained together via pointers to other nodes in memory. This differs from an Array, in that an Array is a linear data structure where values are stored at a specific location in memory, a physical location so to speak. Algorithms and Data Structures.As you complete the material in this course you will write several of what I like to call ""mini-algorithms"" within each data structure. These are written to perform specific tasks within a data structure such as appending a new node to a LinkedList, or removing a node at a specific index from a LinkedList or Array structure.Unlimited Pro Support.When you enroll in a maxcodes course here on Udemy, you gain full access to the available QA resources. This means if you ever get stuck you can ask any question your heart desires and the instructor will promptly look into your issue and help you resolve it and learn what you need to learn within course parameters. Start Learning.When you enroll today, you will begin building out these data structures. It's very possible you can finish this course within one day and have a working knowledge of how these structures work. So hop into the material and let's get learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Fundamentos da Linguagem PHP + Projetos" |
"O PHP (um acrnimo recursivo para PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) uma linguagem de script open source de uso geral, muito utilizada, e especialmente adequada para o desenvolvimento web e que pode ser embutida dentro do HTML.Em vez de muitos comandos para mostrar HTML (como acontece com C ou Perl), as pginas PHP contm HTML em cdigo mesclado que faz ""alguma coisa"" (neste caso, mostra ""Ol, eu sou um script PHP!""). O cdigo PHP delimitado pelas instrues de processamento (tags) de incio e fim <?php e ?> que permitem que voc entre e saia do ""modo PHP"".O que distingue o PHP de algo como o JavaScript no lado do cliente que o cdigo executado no servidor, gerando o HTML que ento enviado para o navegador. O navegador recebe os resultados da execuo desse script, mas no sabe qual era o cdigo fonte. Voc pode inclusive configurar seu servidor web para processar todos os seus arquivos HTML com o PHP, e ento no h como os usurios dizerem o que voc tem na sua manga.A melhor coisa em usar o PHP que ele extremamente simples para um iniciante, mas oferece muitos recursos avanados para um programador profissional. No tenha medo de ler a longa lista de recursos do PHP. Pode entrar com tudo, o mais rpido que puder, e comear a escrever scripts simples em poucas horas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Course - Ultimate Guard Passing Volume 2" |
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Course - Ultimate Guard Passing Volume 2 - Is part two of a two part series that has been put together for any martial art students who are finding the grappling component difficult. This courses main focus is on how to pass the more advance guards of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, submission grappling, mixed martial arts competition & training. Each there are 6 guards in each course, with each guard having 3 different passing options."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Jiu Jitsu Escapes That Work 2" |
"Jiu Jitsu Escapes That Work 2 - Are you wanting to improve your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game? Do you find yourself getting caught in different positions that you are unable to escape? Learn these moves and build your confidence and be able to use these techniques in sports Jiu Jitsu or if need be a self defence situation. This course is an easy to learn step by step program of fundamentals for beginners starting out all the way up to more advance students."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Jiu Jitsu Triangle Choke" |
"Jiu Jitsu Triangle ChokeHow is this course different than all the other Jiu Jitsu courses you may come across?You will notice that with this course along with all my other courses I have released in the past. Is that I cover the most important details and concepts without you having to watch a 10 minute video that keeps dragging out. The techniques are detailed yet the videos are quick and straight to the point. They were made to be watched multiple times, with your need to revisit them accordingly. This Brazilian Jiu Jitsu course is for all levels, starting with the basic set ups of the triangle choke. Covering all concepts and going over the proper ways of how to finish properly. Then moving into more advance set ups. This course will also cover how to set up and escape the reverse, and rear triangle chokes, along with combination attacks moves when your opponent shuts down your first offensive move. Who this course is for:This course is for all practitioners who want to improve their overall Brazilian Jiu jitsu & submission grappling Game.For white belts who are just starting out and want to get a head of the game and move through the belt ranks much faster.For blue, purple, brown, and black belts looking for that extra edge against their competitors.This is a course intended for mostly grappling with the Gi, however, there are techniques that be easily used in No-Gi grappling.For parents who want their children to build their confidence in their martial arts classes and competition and in overall life."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Physics Research - My Stories and Experiences" |
"Hi there! In this course, I tell stories of my past physics research projects. My content is primarily based on my research project presentation slides, along with commentary and funny anecdotes about my mistakes and learning points. I also discuss how to approach the question, my experiment methods, and how to prepare presentation slides.My projects come from the International Young Physicists' Tournament. I have won three silver medals at the Singapore Young Physicists' Tournament with the projects presented. I hope you find my stories fascinating! Please check out my other courses if you enjoyed this course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Careers in Data Science - Interview Hacks" |
"Want to start your career in Data Science? Then this course is for YOU!This complete guide is designed to answer all your queries regarding careers in Data Science such as:Efficient job search4 Mantras for Guaranteed SuccessEducational RequirementsCreating an Outstanding ResumeWhy choose a career in Data ScienceIs Data Science for YOU?Interview Questions and AnswersDo's and Don'ts of PreparationJob Titles in Data ScienceHow to choose between R and Python?Level of expertise required in these tools and many more.Feel free to message me on Udemy if you have any questions about the course!Thanks for checking out the course page!Enroll Today and speed-up your path towards a Data Science job.NizamuddinCourse Instructor"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |