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"MEDO & ANSIEDADE Uma Estratgia de Reprogramao Mental" |
"Ns sofremos com mais frequncia na imaginao do que com os acontecimentos da realidade.Sneca, um dos principais nomes da filosofia Estoica, j entendia que a raiz do nosso sofrimento (e limitaes) est na nossa mente. E os principais agentes dessa imaginao negativa so o Medo e a Ansiedade.Com uma abordagem nica, o curso MEDO & ANSIEDADE Uma Estratgia de Reprogramao Mental constri uma didtica que envolve o pensamento estoico, reprogramao mental, psicologia evolutiva e psicologia cognitivo comportamental.O prprio instrutor revela que sua trajetria foi marcada por episdios intensos de medo e reaes fsicas de ansiedade. O contedo do curso a seiva de tudo que foi testado e vivido durante anos.Por esse motivo, MEDO E ANSIEDADE"" transforma-se em um curso indispensvel, franco e com um poder transformador forte. A proposta servir como uma divisor de guas na vida de quem almeja reprogramar suas crenas de medo e reduzir suas reaes a ansiedadeNas palavras do instrutor:No final das contas, esse curso um marco para mim mesmo, foi uma forma que achei de registrar e deixar organizadas todas estratgias que funcionam na superao do medo e da ansiedade. Antigamente eu tremia ao falar em pblico, se hoje consigo falar para milhares de pessoas, isso fruto do que vocs tero acesso nesse curso. Tudo isso muito presente em mim, e os resultados para superao do medo e da ansiedade so reais, marcantes e fortes.Todos que saem de sua zona de conforto sabem que o medo se infiltra em nossas vidas, poda nossa criatividade, ocupa espao mental. Diz-nos frequentemente que no somos capazes, que no temos mrito, que no somos bons o suficiente, que no somos amados.A ansiedade nos priva, nos limita. Grita que no seremos aprovados, v problemas onde h soluo, corri nossa autoestima, confiana e motivao. Ocupamos dias, semanas, meses...uma vida toda se preocupando e se protegendo do que s existe em nossa imaginao. O que voc conseguir fazer quando liberar esse enorme espao mental? MEDO & ANSIEDADE Uma Estratgia de Reprogramao Mental carrega um novo molde de pensamento, raciocnios que alteraro zonas profundas de sua mente. Mudanas esto a caminho, esse o primeiro passo.Seja muito bem-vindo. Aproveite essa jornada!Superaes abordadas no curso:Como reprogramar suas crenas de Medo e Ansiedade?Como no ser atormentado pelos prprios pensamentos e imaginao negativa? Como reduzir a ansiedade a aproveitar a trajetria? (Nos estudos, nos negcios, nos provaes da vida)Como desenvolver uma atitude positiva, apesar do Medo e da Ansiedade?Como estar inteiro (plenamente presente) no momento?Como ser produtivo e tomar decises corajosas, mesmo com Medo e Ansiedade?Como trocar uma mentalidade de ""as coisas vo dar erradas"" por ""sou capaz e as coisas vo dar certo"". Como aprender com os erros e entender a dificuldade como desafio positivo? Como separar o que so raciocnios que o seu Medo e a sua Ansiedade esto mandando, dos raciocnios que so prprios da sua coragem e autenticidade?Como reprogramar suas narrativas negativas sobre voc mesmo e seus traumas?"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"A histria se repete, dia aps dia. O indivduo respira fundo na frente do computador. Comea determinado para extrair conhecimento do universo de informaes que o cerca (cursos, blogs, livros, revistas, vlogs, afins), mas a tarefa se mostra mais complexa do que a aparncia demonstra. Ao invs de colher conhecimento, a sensao de que est confuso, exausto, perdido. (Overload Information)No princpio, surge um leve n na garganta, uma sensao de impotncia frente a vastido de ""respostas"" que parecem caoar da inabilidade de capt-las. Posteriormente, o n desce para o estmago e uma angstia se apodera. Parece-lhe que ele que no tem capacidade para aprender e que todas as informaes se confundem em uma mesma coisa. Apesar de no desistir, ele deixa aquelas tarefas intelectuais e de estudo para um ""depois"". Conforme o ""depois"" chega e a histria se repete (exausto, sensao de que as informaes so hostis, frustrao), o ""depois"" acaba ficando cada vez mais longo.E assim, pela falta de um stil ajuste de rota e de uma habilidade efetiva para lidar com o excesso de informaes, ele deixa um enorme potencial de conhecimento inexplorado.H uma jazida inteira de inteligncia esperando para ser descoberta. E as informaes so as ferramentas necessrias para atingi-l.E justamente nesse ponto que surge o curso ECONOMIA DA ATENO & EXCESSO DE INFORMAES. Nele, ser apresentado uma estratgia efetiva e completa que envolve toda a cadeia de construo do conhecimento na Era do Excesso de Informaes. Como de praxe da Hackers do Estudo, o tema abordado de modo Objetivo, Didtico e com Resultados Prticos. No ECONOMIA DA ATENO & EXCESSO DE INFORMAES ser tratado desde a etapa inicial de como direcionar seus objetivos com o contedo a ser consumido, e tambm, o modo de processamento das informaes visando formar inteligncia. (Entendimento, Reflexo, Memorizao e Acesso)O curso indito no Brasil e apresenta uma sntese que ir equip-lo para explorar de modo confiante a vastido das informaes que nos cercam hoje. Obrigatrio para todos que buscam se desenvolver atravs do conhecimento. Uma verdadeiro Norte para aqueles que esto comprometidos com a aprendizagem. Alguns temas que sero abordados: * Ateno como Recurso Finito (Critrios e Economia da Ateno)* Como criar uma estratgia de alinhamento de Objetivos com Consumo de Informaes (Folha Norte e Folha Projeto)* Coleta, Entendimento, Reflexo, Memorizao e Acesso. (Ebbinghaus, Tcnica de Feynman, Posicionamentos Mentais) * Hacks de Gerenciamento de Ignorncia (Posso fazer de tudo, mas no tudo)* Como navegar, ao invs de naufragar, no Oceano de Informaes* Como estudar na Era do Excesso de Informaes (e lidar com o Overload Information)* Lentes da Informao (Utilidade, Interesse, Sentido e Resultados Reais)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Introduo razo e f segundo So Toms de Aquino" |
"Este curso visa introduzir a razo e a f segundo So Toms de Aquino, principalmente com anlises e comentrios de alguns captulos da Suma Contra os Gentios e alguns artigos da Suma Teolgica. O curso principalmente para pessoas que esto em nvel iniciante e intermedirio do estudo de So Toms de Aquino. Veremos o que intelecto, a razo e os fundamentos do realismo filosfico. Alm disso, iremos expor a natureza da f, enquanto uma virtude teologal decorrente da graa santificante dada por Deus. Consideraremos de que modo podemos conhecer a Deus no mbito natural, racionalmente, e no mbito sobrenatural, pela f, com o auxlio divino; e mostraremos a convenincia de propor que essas verdades sejam cridas. Vamos esclarecer que no leviano aderir f, e que no h contradio entre as verdades da razo e da f. Por fim, sero expostos, de um modo geral, os artigos de f. E alm dos vdeos, cada aula contm um material auxiliar com os principais pontos expostos na aula. No fim, h uma lista com indicaes bibliogrficas para quem quiser se aprofundar no tema da razo e da f segundo So Toms de Aquino."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Machine Learning & Data Science for Dummies" |
"Hi.. Hello and welcome to my new course, Machine Learning with Python for Dummies. We will discuss about the overview of the course and the contents included in this course.Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Neural Networks are the most used terms now a days in the technology world. Its also the most mis-understood and confused terms too.Artificial Intelligence is a broad spectrum of science which tries to make machines intelligent like humans. Machine Learning and Neural Networks are two subsets that comes under this vast machine learning platformLets check what's machine learning now. Just like we human babies, we were actually in our learning phase then. We learned how to crawl, stand, walk, then speak words, then make simple sentences.. We learned from our experiences. We had many trials and errors before we learned how to walk and talk. The best trials for walking and talking which gave positive results were kept in our memory and made use later. This process is highly compared to a Machine Learning MechanismThen we grew young and started thinking logically about many things, had emotional feelings, etc. We kept on thinking and found solutions to problems in our daily life. That's what the Deep Learning Neural Network Scientists are trying to achieve. A thinking machine.But in this course we are focusing mainly in Machine Learning. Throughout this course, we are preparing our machine to make it ready for a prediction test. Its Just like how you prepare for your Mathematics Test in school or college. We learn and train ourselves by solving the most possible number of similar mathematical problems. Lets call these sample data of similar problems and their solutions as the 'Training Input' and 'Training Output' Respectively. And then the day comes when we have the actual test. We will be given new set of problems to solve, but very similar to the problems we learned, and based on the previous practice and learning experiences, we have to solve them. We can call those problems as 'Testing Input' and our answers as 'Predicted Output'. Later, our professor will evaluate these answers and compare it with its actual answers, we call the actual answers as 'Test Output'. Then a mark will be given on basis of the correct answers. We call this mark as our 'Accuracy'. The life of a machine learning engineer and a data-scientist is dedicated to make this accuracy as good as possible through different techniques and evaluation measures.Here are the major topics that are included in this course. We are using Python as our programming language. Python is a great tool for the development of programs which perform data analysis and prediction. It has tons of classes and features which perform the complex mathematical analysis and give solutions in simple one or two lines of code so that we don't have to be a statistic genius or mathematical Nerd to learn data science and machine learning. Python really makes things easy.These are the main topics that are included in our courseSystem and Environment preparation-----------------------------------Installing Python and Required Libraries (Anaconda)Basics of python and sci-py---------------------------Python, Numpy , Matplotlib and Pandas Quick CoursesLoad data set from csv / url-----------------------------Load CSV data with Python, NumPY and PandasSummarize data with description--------------------------------Peeking data, Data Dimensions, Data Types, Statistics, Class Distribution, Attribute Correlations, Univariate SkewSummarize data with visualization-----------------------------------Univariate, Multivariate PlotsPrepare data-------------Data Transforms, Rescaling, Standardizing, Normalizing and BinarizationFeature selection Automatic selection techniques-----------------------------------Univariate Selection, Recursive Feature Elimination, Principle Component Analysis and Feature ImportanceMachine Learning Algorithm Evaluation-----------------------------------Train and Test Sets, K-fold Cross Validation, Leave One Out Cross Validation, Repeated Random Test-Train Splits.Algorithm Evaluation Metrics-----------------------------Classification Metrics - Classification Accuracy, Logarithmic Loss, Area Under ROC Curve, Confusion Matrix, Classification Report.Regression Metrics - Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, R 2.Spot-Checking Classification Algorithms-----------------------------------Linear Algorithms - Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis.Non-Linear Algorithms - k-Nearest Neighbours, Naive Bayes, Classification and Regression Trees, Support Vector Machines.Spot-Checking Regression Algorithms-----------------------------------Linear Algorithms - Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, LASSO Linear Regression and Elastic Net Regression.Non-Linear Algorithms - k-Nearest Neighbours, Classification and Regression Trees, Support Vector Machines.Choose The Best Machine Learning Model-----------------------------------Compare Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, k-Nearest Neighbours, Classification and Regression Trees, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines.Automate and Combine Workflows with Pipeline-----------------------------------Data Preparation and Modelling PipelineFeature Extraction and Modelling PipelinePerformance Improvement with Ensembles-----------------------------------Voting EnsembleBagging: Bagged Decision Trees, Random Forest, Extra TreesBoosting: AdaBoost, Gradient BoostingPerformance Improvement with Algorithm Parameter Tuning--------------------------------------------------------Grid Search Parameter Random Search Parameter TuningSave and Load (serialize and deserialize) Machine Learning Models-----------------------------------Using pickleUsing Joblibfinalize a machine learning project-----------------------------------steps For Finalizing classification models - pima indian datasetDealing with imbalanced class problemsteps For Finalizing multi class models - iris flower datasetsteps For Finalizing regression models - boston housing datasetPredictions and Case Studies----------------------------Case study 1: predictions using the Pima Indian Diabetes DatasetCase study: Iris Flower Multi Class DatasetCase study 2: the Boston Housing cost DatasetMachine Learning and Data Science is the most lucrative job in the technology arena now a days. Learning this course will make you equipped to compete in this area. Best wishes with your learning. Se you soon in the class room."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning & Neural Networks Python - Keras : For Dummies" |
"Hi this is Abhilash Nelson and I am thrilled to introduce you to my new course Deep Learning and Neural Networks using Python: For DummiesThe world has been revolving much around the terms ""Machine Learning"" and ""Deep Learning"" recently. With or without our knowledge every day we are using these technologies. Ranging from google suggestions, translations, ads, movie recommendations, friend suggestions, sales and customer experience so on and so forth. There are tons of other applications too. No wonder why ""Deep Learning"" and ""Machine Learning along with Data Science"" are the most sought after talent in the technology world now a days.But the problem is that, when you think about learning these technologies, a misconception that lots of maths, statistics, complex algorithms and formulas needs to be studied prior to that. Its just like someone tries to make you believe that, you should learn the working of an Internal Combustion engine before you learn how to drive a car. The fact is that, to drive a car, we just only need to know how to use the user friendly control pedals extending from engine like clutch, brake, accelerator, steering wheel etc. And with a bit of experience, you can easily drive a car. The basic know how about the internal working of the engine is of course an added advantage while driving a car, but its not mandatory. Just like that, in our deep learning course, we have a perfect balance between learning the basic concepts along the implementation of the built in Deep Learning Classes and functions from the Keras Library using the Python Programming Language. These classes, functions and APIs are just like the control pedals from the car engine, which we can use easily to build an efficient deep learning model.Lets now see how this course is organized and an overview about the list of topics included.We will be starting with few theory sessions in which we will see an overview about the Deep Learning and neural networks. The difference between deep learning and machine learning, the history of neural networks, the basic work-flow of deep learning, biological and artificial neurons and applications of neural networks.In the next session, we will try to answer the most popular , yet confusing question weather we have to choose Deep Learning or machine learning for an upcoming project involving Artificial intelligence. We will compare the scenarios and factors which help us to decide in between machine learning or deep learning.And then we will prepare the computer and install the python environment for doing our deep learning coding. We will install the anaconda platform, which a most popular python platform and also install the necessary dependencies to proceed with the course.Once we have our computer ready, we will learn the basics of python language which could help if you are new to python and get familiar with the basic syntax of python which will help with the projects in our course. We will cover the details about python assignments, flow control, functions, data structures etc.Later we will install the libraries for our projects like Theano, Tensorflow and Keras which are the best and most popular deep learning libraries. We will try a sample program with each libraries to make sure its working fine and also learn how to switch between them.Then we will have another theory session in which we will learn the concept of Multi-Layer perceptrons, which is the basic element of the deep learning neural network and then the terminology and the Major steps associated with Training a Neural Network. We will discuss those steps in details in this session.After all these exhaustive basics and concepts, we will now move on to creating real-world deep learning models. At first we will download and use the Pima Indians Onset of Diabetes Dataset, with the training data of Pima Indians and whether they had an onset of diabetes within five years. We will build a classification model with this and later will train the model and evaluate the accuracy of the model. We will also try Manual and automatic data splitting and k-Fold Cross Validation with this modelThe next dataset we are going to use is the Iris Flowers Classification Dataset, which contains the classification of iris flowers into 3 species based on their petal and sepal dimensions. This is a multi class dataset and we will build a multi-classification model with this and will train the model and try to evaluate the accuracy.The next dataset is the Sonar Returns Dataset, which contains the data about the strength of sonar signals returns and classification weather it was reflected by a rock or any metal like mines under the sea bed. we will build the base model and will evaluate the accuracy. Also we will try to Improve Performance of model With Data Preparation technique like standardization and also by changing the topology of the neural network. By making it deeper or shallow. We will also use the Boston House Prices dataset. Unlike the previous ones, this is a regression dataset which uses different factors to determine the average cost of owning a house in the city of Boston. For this one also we will build the model and try to Improve Performance of model With Data Preparation technique like standardization and also by changing the topology of the neural network.As we have spend our valuable time designing and train the model, we need to save it to use it for doing predictions later. We will see how we can save the already trained model structure to either json or a yaml file along with the weights as an hdf5 file. Then we will load it and convert it back to a live model. We will try this for all the data sets we learned so far. Now the most awaited magic of Deep Learning. Our Genius Multi-Layer Perceptron models will make predictions for custom input data from the already learned knowledge they have. The pima Indian model will predict weather I will get diabetes in the future by analysing my actual health statistics. Then the next model, the Iris Flower model will predict correct species of the newly blossomed Iris flower in my garden. Also the prediction will be done with the Sonar Returns Model to check if the data provided matches either a mine or a rock under the sea.Then with our next Multi-Layer Perceptron model, the Boston House Price model will predict the median value of the cost of housing in Boston. Large deep learning models may take days or even weeks to complete the training. Its a long running process. There is a great chance that some interruptions may occur in between and all our hard work till then will be lost. In order to prevent that, we have a feature called Check-pointing. We can safely mark checkpoints and keep them safe and load model from that point at a later time. Check-pointing can be done based on every improvement to a model during training or the best instance of model during training.At times, we may need to supervise and take a look at how the model is doing while its getting trained. We can Access Model Training History in Keras very easily and if needed can visualize the progress using a graphical representation.Then we will deal with a major problem in Deep Learning called Over-fitting. Some neurons in the network gain more weightage gradually and will contribute to incorrect results. We will learn how to include drop-out regularization technique to prevent this to both visible as well as hidden layersWe can control the learning rate of a model. Just like we do rigorous learning at first and by the end of lesson, we could slow down the pace to understand better, we will also configure and evaluate a time-based as well as drop-based learning rate scheduler for our new model called Ionosphere classification model.In the sessions that follow, we will learn a powerful deep learning neural network technique called Convolutional Neural Networks. This is proved very efficient in dealing with difficult computer vision and natural language processing tasks where the normal nerual network architecture would fail.In the following sessions, at first we will have an overview about the convolutional neural networks or CNNs. How it works and its architecture. Then we will proceed with some popular and interesting experiments with the convolutional neural network.The major capability of deep learning techniques is object recognition in image data. We will build a CNN model in keras to recognize hand written digits. We will be using the openly available MNIST dataset for this purpose. We will at first build a Multi-Layer Perceptron based Neural Network at first for MNIST dataset and later will upgrade that to Convolutional Neural Network.And you know what... we are bold enough to do prediction with a hand written digit using our MNIST dataset. We will take time to train the model, save it. And later load it and do a quick prediction with the already saved model.We will later try improving the performance of the model by making the network large. We will also try techniques like Image Augmentation, Sample Standardization, ZCA whitening, transformations like Random rotations, random shifts and flips to our augmented images. And we will finally save the augmented images as the dataset for later use.Then we will go ahead with another important and challenging project using CNN which is the Object Recognition in Photographs. We will use another openly available dataset called CIFAR-10. We will learn about the CIFAR-10 object recognition dataset and how to load and use it in Keras. We will at first create a simple Convolutional Neural Network for object recognition. Then later will try to improve the performance using a more deeper network. One more time we are having the guts to do a real time prediction with the CIFAR-10 dataset Convolutional Neural network, where the model will identify a cat and dog from the image we supplied to the system.Overall, this is a basic to advanced crash course in deep learning neural networks and convolutional neural networks using Keras and Python, which I am sure once you completed will sky rocket your current career prospects as this is the most wanted skill now a days and of course this is the technology of the future. We will also be providing you with an experience certificate after the completion of this course as a proof of your expertise and you may attach it with your portfolio.There is a day in the near future itself, when the deep learning models will out perform human intelligence. So be ready and lets dive into the world of thinking machines. See you soon in the class room. Bye for now."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Setup Own VPN Server with Android, iOS, Win & Linux Clients" |
"Hello and welcome to my Quick Setup Personal VPN Server Course. !!We are living in this connected world and the fact is that almost all of our personal as well as official information we exchange through the internet through platforms like social media and websites are traceable.Because of this sheer amount of data that we exchange through the internet, our on-line privacy should be our top most priority. Organizations, Governments, people, Internet providers .. are all trying to get hold of your information to sell them or use them for marketing and other unwanted purpose. They are trying to monitor you each and every second.In this course, we will try to setup our own VPN Server which can help us making our internet traffic secure and safe. Lets have a quick overview about the contents that are included in this course. The first session is a theory session in which we will have an overview about the VPN technology. The principle of working behind a VPN network. The Applications of VPN. The dos and don't s while using a VPN etcIn the next session, we will setup a preconfigured Open VPN instance in Amazon Web Service Cloud platform. We will see how we can start an AWS account and a virtual server using the one year free tier offer provided by Amazon Web Service. Then we will configure the ports and other options for our server. In the third session, we will use an SSH Client application to connect to our VPN server. We will use the private key from AWS to access the server via command line.In the next session we will configure the DNS server address of the OpenVPN Server. Then we will also create two test users in the VPN Server.Since our server setup is complete, In the fifth session, We will try to connect to our VPN server using a windows PC. We will verify the connection by checking the changed IP address and location.And in the next session, We will try to connect to our VPN server using a Linux Computer. Here also, we will verify the connection by checking the changed IP address and location.And in the coming session, We will connect to our VPN server using a Mac Computer. we will verify the connection by checking the changed IP address and location.Then we will proceed with the leading mobile platforms. First we will connect with an android mobile phone. We will verify the connection. Then we will go ahead with connecting using an iPhone and verify the connection.In the final session, we will discuss some tips and tricks by which you can save the VPN server resources there by the server expense can be kept to a minimum.Over all this is a course which will enable you to setup a quick VPN network. We are not going much deep into the protocol level working of VPN etc. But a very practical setup of a safe and secure VPN network.You will also be provided an experience certificate once you finish the course. Best wishes with setting up your own private VPN Server. Lets safeguard our privacy online. See you soon in the class room. Have a great time. bye bye."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD Mobile & Web UX/UI for Dummies: Quick Crash Course!" |
"Hello and welcome to my new course Adobe XD for Dummies.This tutorial is a crash course about how you can start using Adobe XD for your project prototyping. In the first session, we will see how we can download and install Adobe XD into your computer.Then in the next session, we will have a quick overview about the Adobe XD application's user interface. Then we will proceed with managing the artboards in XD which is where we are creating our individual screen designs. Just like other Design Softwares, XD also will be using a concept of layers while prototyping. We will deal with layers in the next session. Then as the next step, we will proceed with basic things like creating basic shapes and manipulating the properties of them. Then we will try with different text editing options. And then we will play with colors and gradient color combinations. Then to make designs more attractive and natural, we can use the various blurring and shadow options available. We can easily duplicate elements, rotate, resize, align and do other translations using Adobe XD. Also it features boolean operators like Adding, subtracting etc. Then we will see how we can import assests like images and how we can apply masks to the images or elements. And also we will try shape editing and pen tool to create custom shapes other than the ones that are predefined in the application.Repetition is a big problem while dealing with screen designs. Adobe XD solves this by using a feature called repeat grids. Also we will see different export options available.Protyping is the step in Adobe XD by using which we can link the different screens by creating hot spots in screens by which the customer can interact with the prototype.We will also see how we can include pluggins in the Adobe XD application to increase its capability and add additional functionality Adobe XD . We will then try to design a quick and easy mobile chat application. We are making use of the sample Adobe XD Documents, called as UI Kits available from the Adobe Website and reusing components to create our app quickly and effectively.Our app will be having a splash screen which transitions automatically to a login or register screen. We will design these screens by using most of the UI Kit elements. Then later we will design a chat listing screen where all chats will be listed and a conversations screen for individual chats. We will also create an overlay menu just like the mobile apps are having now a days. Also we will link together these screens using the prototyping options available. After that we will go ahead with a simple website design. We will be designing a university website. We will first design a Home Screen. Here also we can create it quickly as we are reusing the elements from the web design UI Kit. Then we will create an About us screen to have the contents and a Contact us screen. Later we will link the screen together so that the user can interact with it.Overall this is a quick and easy crash course which enables you to learn Adobe XD in only few hours. There will also be a course completion certificate provided at the end of this course to include in your portfolio. So be ready to create stunning prototypes and impress your clients. See you soon in the class room."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Docker for Dummies - The Complete Absolute Beginners Guide" |
"Hello and welcome to my new course Docker for DummiesIn the beginning of internet and server technology, there was the bare metal server. It was a single computer which hosted a single operating system and on top of that a single web server application. The quest for better use of hardware lead to another innovation called as the virtualization. It enabled a single bare metal server computer to host multiple guest operating systems which works like separate computers. The technology itself was superb, but the resource and memory usage was high.In want of more refinement and efficient use of resources, recently came the containerization technology in which a single operating system is divided into multiple containers with very little size and they share the common kernel of the host operating system itself.We are going to learn about this technology in our Docker for Dummies course.The first session, is essentially a theory session. We will discuss about the the basics of docker containerization, monolith and microservices and the transition that lead to containerization and its futureLater we will see how we can install docker in various platforms. At first Docker Desktop in windows 10 pro and later the Docker Toolbox in windows Home editionThen we will proceed with the steps to download and install the docker desktop in mac computers. And finally we will see how we can install the actual docker, the docker community edition in ubuntu linux. Don't worry if you are not having a linux computer with you. We will also be covering how we can install virtualbox and on top of that install ubuntu linux so that you may use your windows or mac computer itself. Then we will proceed with the basics of docker. The difference between docker images and containers. Searching and pulling an image from the hub and dealing with the downloaded images.Later we will run the images we downloaded using the run command and its various options. Containers will be created while we run the images.And also we will see a recap of the commands already learned and also alternates to the commands we learned. We will also see how we can get more details about the running docker container, manage it, stop and gracefully terminate it if needed. Also we will discuss the various options and use case scenarios for docker run and docker start commandsWe will then deal with how to create a dockerfile. IT contains instructions about the custom procedure of creating a docker container we wants so that we dont have to repeat the commands while we deal with the creation of new containers. We will also create few sample containers using dockerfile.Later we will see yet another important tool called as the docker compose tool. This is a very handy option in case we want to deal with a multi container application. A single yaml file will take care of all the containers and its configurations that is required by each and every service in the application. As a project we will be creating a sample web application with two microservices. One in python and one in PHP. We will see how we can sync these together using the docker compose and get the result. So overall this is a perfect course for a beginner who wants to get his feet wet with containerization technology using docker. Almost all technology companies are moving towards containerization from their existing virtualization infrastructure. So learning this will take you far ahead of others in the race for learning latest technologyWe will also be providing you with a course completion certificate so that you can add it later to your portfolio. Lets go ahead with this short and wonderful course. See you soon in the class room. Have a great time. Bye"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Python Data Science basics with Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib" |
"Welcome to my new course Python Essentials with Pandas and Numpy for Data ScienceIn this course, we will learn the basics of Python Data Structures and the most important Data Science libraries like NumPy and Pandas with step by step examples! The first session will be a theory session in which, we will have an introduction to python, its applications and the libraries.In the next session, we will proceed with installing python in your computer. We will install and configure anaconda which is a platform you can use for quick and easy installation of python and its libraries. We will get ourselves familiar with Jupiter notebook, which is the IDE that we are using throughout this course for python coding.Then we will go ahead with the basic python data types like strings, numbers and its operations. We will deal with different types of ways to assign and access strings, string slicing, replacement, concatenation, formatting and f strings. Dealing with numbers, we will discuss the assignment, accessing and different operations with integers and floats. The operations include basic ones and also advanced ones like exponents. Also we will check the order of operations, increments and decrements, rounding values and type casting.Then we will proceed with basic data structures in python like Lists tuples and set. For lists, we will try different assignment, access and slicing options. Along with popular list methods, we will also see list extension, removal, reversing, sorting, min and max, existence check , list looping, slicing, and also inter-conversion of list and strings.For Tuples also we will do the assignment and access options and the proceed with different options with set in python. After that, we will deal with python dictionaries. Different assignment and access methods. Value update and delete methods and also looping through the values in the dictionary.And after learning all of these basic data types and data structures, its time for us to proceed with the popular libraries for data-science in python. We will start with the NumPy library. We will check different ways to create a new NumPy array, reshaping , transforming list to arrays, zero arrays and one arrays, different array operations, array indexing, slicing, copying. we will also deal with creating and reshaping multi dimensional NumPy arrays, array transpose, and statistical operations like mean variance etc using NumPyLater we will go ahead with the next popular python library called Pandas. At first we will deal with the one dimensional labelled array in pandas called as the series. We will create assign and access the series using different methods.Then will go ahead with the Pandas Data frames, which is a 2-dimensional labelled data structure with columns of potentially different types. We will convert NumPy arrays and also pandas series to data frames. We will try column wise and row wise access options, dropping rows and columns, getting the summary of data frames with methods like min, max etc. Also we will convert a python dictionary into a pandas data frame. In large datasets, its common to have empty or missing data. We will see how we can manage missing data within dataframes. We will see sorting and indexing operations for data frames. Most times, external data will be coming in either a CSV file or a JSON file. We will check how we can import CSV and JSON file data as a dataframe so that we can do the operations and later convert this data frame to either CSV and json objects and write it into the respective files. Also we will see how we can concatenate, join and merge two pandas data frames. Then we will deal with data stacking and pivoting using the data frame and also to deal with duplicate values within the data-frame and to remove them selectively. We can group data within a data-frame using group by methods for pandas data frame. We will check the steps we need to follow for grouping. Similarly we can do aggregation of data in the data-frame using different methods available and also using custom functions. We will also see other grouping techniques like Binning and bucketing based on data in the data-frameAt times we may need to use custom indexing for our dataframe. We will see methods to re-index rows and columns of a dataframe and also rename column indexes and rows. We will also check methods to do collective replacement of values in a dataframe and also to find the count of all or unique values in a dataframe. Then we will proceed with implementing random permutation using both the NumPy and Pandas library and the steps to follow. Since an excelsheet and a dataframe are similar 2d arrays, we will see how we can load values in a dataframe from an excelsheet by parsing it. Then we will do condition based selection of values in a dataframe, also by using lambda functions and also finding rank based on columns.Then we will go ahead with cross Tabulation of our dataframe using contingency tables. The steps we need to proceed with to create the cross tabulation contingency table. After all these operations in the data we have, now its time to visualize the data. We will do exercises in which we can generate graphs and plots. We will be using another popular python library called Matplotlib to generate graphs and plots. We will do tweaking of the grpahs and plots by adjusting the plot types, its parameters, labels, titles etc.Then we will use another visualization option called histogram which can be used to groups numbers into ranges. We will also be trying different options provided by matplotlib library for histogramOverall this course is a perfect starter pack for your long journey ahead with big data and machine learning. You will also be getting an experience certificate after the completion of the course(only if your learning platform supports)So lets start with the lessons. See you soon in the class room."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate IT and Technology Job Search Guide for Freshers" |
"As you know over millions of Technology jobs are reported world wide every day and still our fresh young engineers and technology lovers, especially the candidates from third world countries, struggle to get the job they love. Do you ever thought why this happens despite this large demand? The answer to the above question is that its only because they fail to advertise themselves efficiently. You know few of your lucky friends who got placed in a job placement drive conducted in your college or university during your last semester of study. But if you are not placed then, you know how hard it is to get a job with the fresher label once you are out of your college. Let me remind you that the techniques that we are going to discuss are not the conventional global standard for job search. But these are the tricks that I implemented during my difficult period of job search and they proved very successful for me in securing a career. And in the first session of our course we are discussing about how to overcome this fresher label. We will see how we can decide over a technology domain and how to advertise it rather than sticking on to the fresher label which is not going to do any good for you in your job search. In the next session, we will see the serious mistakes that freshers make while creating their resume. We will analyse each of those mistakes and then we will proceed with creating a nice and excellent looking resume for our own. We will also get trained our self in the steps you can do to get a resume sample and edit it by yourself using document editors like word and later export it to the universally accepted pdf format. You can get the template downloaded from the resource section of that lecture.You know.. the most ignored but very important part in a job application email is the covering letter and also the subject line. Because of this, even though your resume looks great, you will end up unnoticed by the companies you apply for job. We will also build a cool and professional looking covering letter and also will see how to write a catchy subject line. That template also you can download from the resource section of that lecture.There are many interesting ways to find your target recipients, that is, your prospective employers email address. We will get familiar with few of such tips and tricks by which we can build the recipients list and also see how we can send the emails as a batch to reach out as quick as possible.And I am sure that you will excited when you receive that first positive response from a company for your application. It will be an invitation for an interview. We will see how we can reply politely and courteously to that email and also the format to reschedule the interview just in case if you urgently want it to.Then comes the actual preparation. We will be focusing on specifically how to prepare for the technical session of the interview. How to gather the probably questions and how to gain from reverse engineering the interview process.All the resources we use can be downloaded from the resources section of the course. Together, we will get the job that you loved the most. And if you are doing a job which is your passion, your professional life will be very happy and fulfilling."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Linux Essentials" |
"No one can afford to ignore Linux. The acceptance of Linux as a robust and dependable system is growing day by day. Big Corporations, Small Business Houses, Govt. Departments, Colleges, Universities are moving to Linux as their choice platform. Linux is future. It is the most flexible and Open Ended OS.Learn how to properly work with Linux command lineUnderstand File SystemLearn how to Create, Remove, Copy, Rename Files & DirectoriesLearn how to use Critical FilesLearn how perform Backup & RestoreUnderstand User & Group PermissionsLearn how to Manage UsersUsing SudoThis Course starts from basics & then takes you to some advance Linux concepts. The focus has been to make learning experience very simple & interesting. Everything has been explained by giving examples."
Price: 10240.00 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 Einstieg in nur 90 Min" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC ist ein Programm, das fr Anfnger einen guten Einstieg ermglicht und dennoch High-End Lsungen bietet. Egal ob es ein Urlaubsvideo, Musikvideo oder Azubifilm werden soll: Fr all das bietet Premiere Pro alle ntigen Werkzeuge fr Videoschnitt und -bearbeitung.Wir starten von Null und lernen die Grundfunktionen von Premiere Pro CC kennen. Zusammen arbeiten wir an verschiedenen Videos und vermeiden direkt typische Anfngerfehler. Ich erwhne ntige Einstellungen fr verschiedene Formate wie YouTube, Instagram-Story, Instagram-Feed und IGTV-Videos.Nachdem wir die besten Schnitttechniken gelernt haben geht es ber in kreative Effekte und bergnge. Um alle mglichen Szenarien abzudecken verwenden wir dabei 4k, Slow-Motion und Drohnenaufnahmen. Das Beispielmaterial gibt es im Kurs kostenlos zum Download.Auerdem schauen wir alle Mglichkeiten an, die Qualitt des gefilmten Materials zu verbessern, beispielsweise indem wir Rauschen in Audioaufnahmen entfernen und verwackelte Videos stabilisieren.Als selbststndiger Videoproduzent habe ich jahrelange Theorie- und Praxiserfahrung im Bereich Web- und Videoproduktion. Von Musikvideo bis zu Image filmen habe ich viele Produktionen ausgefhrt und mich zudem in der Postproduktion um Schnitt, Effekte, Color Grading und VFX gekmmert.Bei Fragen stehe ich dir immer ber Udemy bereit und erweitere den Kurs bei Nachfrage sehr gerne um weitere Lektionen.Ich freue mich dich mit Erfolg in die Welt des kreativen Videoschnitts bringen zu drfen."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Curso ABNT NBR 6028 - Formate seus resumos corretamente" |
"Se voc est redigindo seu trabalho de concluso de curso da graduao, sua dissertao de mestrado ou tese de doutorado, ou se voc tem de entregar um trabalho acadmico referente a alguma disciplina, ou ainda se voc precisa produzir um artigo cientfico, fique tranquilo: o Prof. Matheus Passos traz para voc o Curso ABNT NBR 6028.O Curso ABNT NBR 6028O Curso ABNT NBR 6028 surge com o objetivo de apresentar para voc, de uma vez por todas, como fazer a formatao do resumo de qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico.Muitos alunos ficam em dvida sobre as regras a serem seguidas quando da formatao do seu prprio trabalho. Que tipo de fonte utilizar? Qual o tamanho? E as margens?E isso ainda pior porque muitas instituies acabam adotando regras prprias, o que confunde ainda mais o aluno. para sanar este tipo de dvida que resolvi montar o Curso ABNT NBR 6028. A proposta a de apresentar esta norma brasileira para aquele que pretende apresentar o resumo de qualquer trabalho acadmico para qualquer instituio.Para quem o Curso ABNT NBR 6028O Curso ABNT NBR 6028 direcionado a todos aqueles que querem aprender a formular e formatar resumos para qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico. Seja voc um iniciante na pesquisa cientfica, seja voc um ps-doutorando, o Curso ABNT NBR 6028 serve para voc.Independentemente do seu nvel acadmico, voc aprender, em um sistema passo a passo, como formatar o resumo do seu trabalho acadmico de acordo com a ABNT NBR 6028.A estrutura do Curso ABNT NBR 6028O Curso ABNT NBR 6028 est dividido em 2 partes principais.Na primeira parte ser apresentada para voc em detalhes a ABNT NBR 6028. Aqui o foco ser acompanhar com voc o contedo da ABNT NBR 6028 explicando todos os detalhes existentes. Alm disso, sero mostrados tambm aqueles elementos que ficam muitas vezes escondidos nas entrelinhas e que fazem a diferena no final.Na segunda parte ns vamos trabalhar juntos. Aqui ser explicado para voc como formatar um arquivo de texto com base na ABNT NBR 6028. Ns vamos juntos nos processos de estruturao e de formatao do resumo de um trabalho acadmico e voc vai aprender uma srie de dicas e truques que facilitaro a formatao do resumo do seu trabalho acadmico.Sobre o Prof. Matheus PassosO Prof. Matheus Passos tem mais de 15 anos de experincia na rea da educao superior. Comeou a dar aulas ainda durante seu mestrado na Universidade de Braslia. Em seguida passou a dar aulas em inmeras Instituies de Educao Superior do Distrito Federal.H 13 anos atua na rea da Metodologia Cientfica. Aqui o Prof. Matheus Passos busca orientar seus alunos em relao a como estruturar qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico ou seja, como redigir a introduo, os objetivos, a metodologia de pesquisa e tambm em relao formatao destes trabalhos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e 6024 - Sumrios e sees de documentos" |
"Se voc est redigindo seu trabalho de concluso de curso da graduao, sua dissertao de mestrado ou tese de doutorado, ou se voc tem de entregar um trabalho acadmico referente a alguma disciplina, fique tranquilo: o Prof. Matheus Passos traz para voc o Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024.O Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024O Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024 surge com o objetivo de apresentar para voc, de uma vez por todas, como fazer a formatao de um resumo e das sees de um trabalho acadmico.Muitos alunos ficam em dvida sobre as regras a serem seguidas quando da formatao do seu prprio trabalho. Que tipo de fonte utilizar? Qual o tamanho? E as margens?E isso ainda pior porque muitas instituies acabam adotando regras prprias, o que confunde ainda mais o aluno. para sanar este tipo de dvida que resolvi montar o Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024. A proposta a de apresentar esta norma brasileira para aquele que pretende apresentar um trabalho acadmico para qualquer instituio.Para quem o Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024O Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024 direcionado a todos aqueles que querem aprender a formatar qualquer tipo de resumo e de sees de qualquer trabalho acadmico. Seja voc um iniciante na pesquisa cientfica, seja voc um ps-doutorando, o Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024 serve para voc.Independentemente do seu nvel acadmico, voc aprender, em um sistema passo a passo, como formatar o resumo e as sees do seu trabalho acadmico de acordo com a ABNT NBR 6027 e com a ABNT NBR 6024.A estrutura do Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024O Curso ABNT NBR 6027 e ABNT NBR 6024 est dividido em 3 partes principais.Na primeira parte ser apresentada para voc em detalhes a ABNT NBR 6027. Aqui o foco ser acompanhar com voc o contedo da ABNT NBR 6027 explicando todos os detalhes existentes. Alm disso, sero mostrados tambm aqueles elementos que ficam muitas vezes escondidos nas entrelinhas e que fazem a diferena no final.Na segunda parte faremos a mesma coisa, mas aqui o foco est na ABNTNBR6024.Na terceira parte ns vamos trabalhar juntos. Aqui ser explicado para voc como formatar um arquivo de texto com base na ABNT NBR 6027 e na ABNT NBR 6024. Ns vamos juntos nos processos de estruturao e de formatao do resumo e das sees de um trabalho acadmico e voc vai aprender uma srie de dicas e truques que facilitaro a formatao do seu trabalho acadmico.Sobre o Prof. Matheus PassosO Prof. Matheus Passos tem mais de 15 anos de experincia na rea da educao superior. Comeou a dar aulas ainda durante seu mestrado na Universidade de Braslia. Em seguida passou a dar aulas em inmeras Instituies de Educao Superior do Distrito Federal.H 13 anos atua na rea da Metodologia Cientfica. Aqui o Prof. Matheus Passos busca orientar seus alunos em relao a como estruturar qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico ou seja, como redigir a introduo, os objetivos, a metodologia de pesquisa e tambm em relao formatao destes trabalhos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica" |
"Se voc est redigindo seu trabalho de concluso de curso da graduao, sua dissertao de mestrado ou tese de doutorado, ou se voc tem de entregar um trabalho acadmico referente a alguma disciplina, fique tranquilo: o Prof. Matheus Passos traz para voc o Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica.O Curso Completo de Metodologia CientficaO Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica surge com o objetivo de apresentar para voc, de uma vez por todas, todos os princpios da Metodologia Cientfica que so necessrios para fazer qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico ou profissional.Muitos alunos ficam em dvida sobre como estruturar o seu prprio trabalho. Como fazer a Introduo? O que indicar na Justificativa? Quais so os mtodos e tcnicas de pesquisa a serem utilizadas?E isso ainda pior porque muitas instituies acabam adotando ideias prprias, o que confunde ainda mais o aluno. para sanar este tipo de dvida que resolvi montar o Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica. A proposta a de apresentar esta disciplina para aqueles que pretendem apresentar um trabalho acadmico ou profissional para qualquer instituio.Para quem o Curso Completo de Metodologia CientficaO Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica direcionado a todos aqueles que querem aprender, de maneira definitiva, os principais conceitos metodolgicos que devem ser utilizados em qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico. Seja voc um iniciante na pesquisa cientfica, seja voc um ps-doutorando, o Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica serve para voc.A estrutura do Curso Completo de Metodologia CientficaO Curso Completo de Metodologia Cientfica est dividido em 10 mdulos, nos quais sero apresentados todos os elementos da Metodologia Cientfica: O que a Metodologia Cientfica, a Introduo, o Problema de Pesquisa, a Justificativa, os Objetivos, os Mtodos e Tcnicas, e ainda como formatar conforme as normas da ABNTSobre o Prof. Matheus PassosO Prof. Matheus Passos tem mais de 18 anos de experincia na rea da educao superior. Comeou a dar aulas ainda durante seu mestrado na Universidade de Braslia em 2002. Em seguida passou a dar aulas em inmeras Instituies de Educao Superior do Distrito Federal.Desde 2005 anos atua na rea da Metodologia Cientfica. Aqui o Prof. Matheus Passos busca orientar seus alunos em relao a como estruturar qualquer tipo de trabalho acadmico ou seja, como redigir a introduo, os objetivos, a metodologia de pesquisa e tambm em relao formatao destes trabalhos.Material de AcompanhamentoNa Udemy disponibilizamos o material de acompanhamento apenas para o Mdulo 1. O restante do material pode ser adquirido parte diretamente pelo site do Prof. Matheus Passos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico sobre o Regulamento Geral de Proteo de Dados" |
"notrio que a rea de proteo de dados tem tido verdadeiro boom nos ltimos anos, em especial com a entrada em vigor do Regulamento Geral de Proteo de Dados (RGPD / GDPR lei europeia sobre a proteo de dados) e com a aprovao da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados (LGPD lei brasileira sobre a proteo de dados).Se por um lado estas leis trazem desafios, tambm trazem oportunidades. notria a escassez de DPOs na Europa, da mesma forma que no caso brasileiro. Estar bem preparado a respeito do tema da proteo de dados pessoais fundamental para que seja possvel aproveitar todas as oportunidades que este novo ramo ir trazer. por este motivo que disponibilizo o Curso bsico sobre o Regulamento Geral de Proteo de Dados (RGPD / GDPR). De maneira leve e descontrada voc ir aprender os conceitos fundamentais da rea da proteo de dados, no apenas em sua perspectiva terico-jurdica, mas tambm com casos prticos, que mostram explicitamente como a proteo de dados pessoais efetivamente ocorre.Esteja preparado para as oportunidades que esto surgindo neste mercado de trabalho. Aprenda a respeito do Regulamento europeu de proteo de dados e tambm a respeito da Lei brasileira! Ao final voc poder avaliar o seu desempenho por meio da realizao de testes sobre os assuntos abordados no Curso.Inscreva-se j no Curso bsico sobre o Regulamento Geral de Proteo de Dados (RGPD / GDPR)!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas" |
"Se voc sempre ouviu falar sobre blockchain, mas tem dvidas a respeito do conceito, este curso para voc.Se voc sempre ouviu falar em criptomoedas, bitcoin, ethereum ou smart contracto, mas nunca soube explicar muito bem o que isto, este curso para voc.Bem vindo ao Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas!O Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas surge com o objetivo de apresentar para voc, de uma vez por todas, conceitos bsicos a respeito da tecnologia blockchain e das criptomoedas.Muitas pessoas ficam em dvida a respeito destes termos. O que uma blockchain? O que so criptomoedas? Porque alguns ganham tanto e outros perdem muito com isso? Vale a pena conhecer mais sobre o tema?A resposta s pode ser uma s: sim, vale muito a pena saber mais a respeito da tecnologia blockchain. Especialmente porque as criptomoedas apenas uma das possveis aplicaes para a tecnologia. para sanar este tipo de dvida que resolvi montar o Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas. A proposta a de apresentar estes conceitos para voc de maneira simples e direta, inclusive com insights sobre possveis usos da tecnologia blockchain para negcios.Para quem o Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedasO Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas direcionado a todos aqueles que querem aprender mais sobre a tecnologia blockchain, as criptomoedas e outros usos da tecnologia.A estrutura do Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedasO Curso ABNT NBR 14724 est dividido em 3 partes principais.Na primeira parte irei apresentar para voc de maneira simples, mas eficaz, os principais conceitos tcnicos que fundamentam a tecnologia blockchain.Na segunda parte irei explicar para voc o que o bitcoin, suas principais caractersticas, como obt-lo e como garantir a segurana de suas moedas digitais.Na terceira parte falarei especificamente sobre altcoins, o que so, bem como o que so as ICOs, a diferena entre utility tokens e Security tokens, e ainda o que so os to falados smart contracts.Inscreva-se agora no Curso bsico sobre blockchain e criptomoedas!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Feel Safe, Be Seriously Empowered & Radiate Confidence" |
"THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME IN THIS FOUNDATIONAL CLASS that will help teach you how to Feel Safe, Seriously Empowered & Radiate Confidence.This foundational Personal Development Class teaches you skills to end your feelings of loneliness and disconnection. By giving you actual embodied exercises and tools from NLP, Body Language & Energy World - you will not only begin to heal your traumas that are causing your disconnected state - you will also boost your hormone levels of Feel-Good-Vibes, giving you a felt sense of Safety & Empowerment to get out there and Radiate Confidence.***********************************************************WHY DO YOU NEED THIS COURSE?Although we are the most ""connected"" culture ever - we are seeing alarming rates of people reporting loneliness and depression. So much so that the UK instituted a Minister of Loneliness in 2018 (seriously they did!).When you account for how the impact of #MeToo - a movement that has hit EVERY aspect of our lives whether we recognize it or not - affects this ""Loneliness"" epidemic - it is like we are all forgetting who we are: Social Creates MEANT to be in Social, Physical Connection.Yet, when we aren't getting the Cocktail of Hormones we need from physical interactions - whether because we are ""connected"" more to Social Media and/or because of Phyciscal/Sexual Trauma that keeps us from feeling safe and confident about connecting with others - we are left feeling fragile, isolated, alone and lonely.This ""disconnection"" epidemic is leaving us to feel beyond isolated, alone and lonely. Most of us are left brewing in a pot of hatred, bitterness, shame with an overall sense of feeling lost, helpless and powerless.See how this current state of affairs is self-fulling paradigm of ever-growing ""Disconnection""?Yet - IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. NOT IN THE LEAST.We can start to break down the barriers that Trauma - whether it be the physical/sexual kind or the trauma of being so connected to the screen - has caused us WHILE BOOSTING our FEEL-GOOD HORMONES that will help us to feel more spacious, harmonious, confident & connected.First and foremost to ourselves. By being able to fully connect to ourselves, we will then be able to explore the outward connection to others with grace, ease and confidence. Leaving us and the other feeling safe while creating healthy, deep connections we KNOW are possible.Join me in this e-course to learn:* Understand how to use Body Language Skills & Somatic Exercises to release trauma and radiate confidence.* 3-Easy Steps that lead to a felt sense of Safety while Boosting your Feel-Good Hormones Naturally!* Physically create more spaciousness while feeling more connection to your body via Somatic, NLP & Breathing Exercises.* Begin to gain conscious awareness in a felt sense of what energy is yours - and what isn't yours.* Exercise a basic understanding and use of potent Body Language signs that will help you understand yourself & others on a more authentic level - allowing for Deeper Connection.Now, with the help of this course, you can stop feeling disconnected from yourself, your passions and dreams or to those important people in your life. Learn how to get the connection you need while honoring your own boundaries and sense of self, boost your feel-good hormones so that you can ""Feel Free, Be Seriously Empowered & Radiate Confidence!"""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2020 Intention Setting Workshop, Q1" |
"New Year's Resolutions are so ol' school. Intention Setting is the wave of the future!In this one-of-a-kind dynamic, fun & super creative workshop you will learn:Why New Year's Resolutions are the thing of the pastANDHow to manifest your dreams into reality using the power of intention setting via the natural circadian rhythms of the Seasons, your body and life in this.Why Setting Direction is ImportantWithout having conscious intentions in your life of where you would like to head ~ it is like playing a ball game without any idea of the direction you are going towards scoring a goal, basket or run. You will be ""spinning your wheels"" - i.e. energy, time, money ==> your resources - in a constant state of chaos and/or catch-up. Survival vs. ThrivingLife happens to you (Weak Victim) instead of Making Life Happen (Powerful Creator).You are definitely moving somewhere in life. Yet without goals you are at the mercy of the waves of Life tossing you around and could be spending needless energy on staying afloat vs. sailing towards your Paradise Island.Setting intentions on where we want to head with our life allows us to harness our energy/time/resources and direct it in a more conscious direction. Just like a bit of prudent financial planning, setting intentions helps us harness our resources for the things we truly desire in this life - instead of spending our resources haphazardly and not having it to create the life we imagine we could have.Speaking The Language of the Universe: What the Ol' School Way is MissingThe stats on New Year's Resolutions are dismal: about 60-65% of us set them, with only about 8% of us being successful in carrying our resolutions out to completion. Most NY's Resolutions are broken by Jan 12th!When it comes to setting life goals of any kind, the stats fall even more: only 17% of us have any goals for our life in our conscious mind. AND ONLY 3% of those that have goals actually write these down. While the 14% of us that have conscious goals are 10 times more successful than the 83% who don't have any conscious goals - the 3% that write them down are 3 times more successful than the 14% - or 30% more successful than the 83%.So why are the stats so low for both setting & maintaining NY's Resolutions and goals?Because, up until now, goal & resolution setting have been taught in a logical, rational, linear process that stays mostly in the head vs. speaking the Language of the Universe & Body: Emotions - i.e. energy in motion.It is our creative, sensual body - i.e. Body Language - that speaks the Language of the Universe; and thus is what we need to engage in the process. Not only will our intentions pack more power if we engage the entire Body in this process, it also creates some SERIOUS FUN along the way when we get our entire embodied soul in on the creative process.More than this, when we move into intention setting through our Bodies - we synch up with the Energy of the planet and Universe. We find a more gentle, compassionate and realistic pace that isn't linear - but an ever expanding spiral of circular rhythms that include death and life. Rest and Active. Letting go, seeding and cultivating.But don't take my word for it. I dare you to take this course and decide for yourself!How This Workshop is Designed DifferentlyThis workshop is designed to be ""eaten"" in bite sized bits. Take 1 Module at a time. Lazy spaciousness with deep relaxation is welcome. No powering through this workshop. Come in, slow down, sit back and relax into this creative Pregnant Void that Winter naturally creates for us.By following this method of Intention Setting, you allow your mind to slow down, your body to open up and the creative process to unfold. When you embody the FEELING of your dreams - you harness the energy of the Universe, of God, of Source into a direction that manifests the 4 & 5D worlds into the physically tangible 3D world.Furthermore, when we harness the natural circadian rhythms of the Seasons all of life is subject to on our planet - we allow for times of laziness to be part of our process. Knowing that in the ""Darkness"" of Winter, Death is a powerful agent of change that creates more Life.What is more is this workshop demonstrates how to Chunk the Process of Moving Towards Your Intentions Down, taking into account the science of how much the brain (and body!) can actually bite off at one time. This allows you even better energy management, helps you experience you CAN ACCOMPLISH your intentions AND is here for you to come back to each time you are ready for a new batch of intentions. Are you ready to learn how to set your goals in a whole new way - in a way that not only allows for but encourages times of laziness? In a way that allows for you to ebb and flow with the flow of life, flowing downstream instead of fighting your way upstream?If so, click that ""Buy"" button now and invest your energy in a whole new direction, in an entire new way for this new decade!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"All about KPIs" |
"Whats in it for you?The biggest challenge with the organizations, whether new or old, is to find out how well they are doing and identify areas of improvement. That is why, one of the crucial step to success is to have a robust measurements system in place. This course will help you learn about the key performance indicators that are the backbone of a measurement framework. What some of our many students are saying about the course?""Perfect! From the concepts explained, to the resources given, I had zero knowledge regarding this argument and I can assure it's the best I've seen in my research. Deepika is amazing, she explains so well and at a good pace, I HIGHLY recommend it! Please make more content for KPI and Power BI because it's hard to find a good course like this one."" - Alina Serban""Great course ! The instructor is very helpful regarding any queries the students have , many times she has answered my questions and helped me better understand the concepts. I advise this course for beginners like me , who had little to no previous knowledge in KPIs, how to establish KPIs and monitor them , Statistics, Dashboards, etc.""- Aroub Alshalabi""I had no knowledge of what a KPI was. Watching and pausing the videos and trying to use the information as an example on the company I work for, the understanding of what a KPI is and how to use it had become really clear."" - Hector Espinoza""I am currently doing my Master thesis in the topic Supplier Performance Evaluation, this Course gave me a Insight into all about KPI. Thanks."" -Balaji Sekar""Good course, with plenty of practical tips on how to decide a strategy and implement kpis and dashboards. I enjoyed!""- Roser Goula""Nicely taught. Things are made easy for everyone to understand. Thank you.""- Jayesh Ratnakar Bhat""I was looking for some background on Balanced Scorecards, but found much more."" - Terri McDonnell----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note this course is created keeping in mind a wider audience, across departments and industries. I have taken generic examples so that you can relate and apply the knowledge gained at your workplace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are two main parts:Part 1- KPI selectionIn this section you will learn-Basic fundamentals definitionbenefitscharacteristics, and classification in terms of leading and lagging indicators.Understand the terms like vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies used during Strategic Planning. +How to write these statementsHow to choose the most appropriate one with the help of some tools and checklistsWith the help ofBalance-scorecard methodology for strategy planningFishbone diagramKPI tree, and Decision matrix you will learn how to select key indicators to assess the org performance. Don't forget to make use of Big Store Strategy Planner Template.Part 2- KPI ImplementationThere is a section on analysis where you will learn fundamental concepts of statistics and data analysis. This is included to make you verse with the basic statistical terms and when/ where to use them while creating reports and dashboards. Along with that, youll learn about:How to plan for KPI implementationHow to set targets and thresholds using the baselining method with the help of XMR/ IMR control chartHow to collect and clean dataHow to analyse data with the help of Descriptive statisticsHow to create simple dashboards in Excel using Pivot tables (NO VBA experience needed) and Power BIAdditional ResourcesTo make your learning experience great and comfortable, there are captions, downloadable slide handouts, tools and templates, practice data set, and articles etc. +I am here to resolve all your queries. :)Enrol today and start learning All about KPIs! Happy learning!DeepikaEven after this if you did not get what you wanted from the course you are covered with Udemys 30 days money-back guarantee.P.S. If you are looking for just the foundation level course (1 hour), have a look at the course- 'Fundamentals of KPIs'."
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"Gestion des Ressources Humaines" |
"La formation en Gestion des Ressources Humaines (GRH) apporte les comptences essentielles en matire de Ressources Humaines.Elle propose de comprendre les stratgies RH pour aider dfinir une politique RH aligne sur la stratgie globale de l'entreprise. Elle est issue du programme en Management des Ressources Humaines dispens par le Collge de Paris."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Endomorph Diet" |
"Have you tried to lose weight in the past only to gain it right back?Do you easily gain weight and struggle to lose it?Are you finally ready for a dieting approach that'll work with your body type instead of against it?If so then keep reading!95% of people who go on a diet will regain the weight back within a few months or years. To be successful with weight loss you must do something different than everyone else.You see, most people fall victim to the dieting trap.It goes a little something like this:You want to lose weight so you go on a diet.Things are going good for the first few weeks.Then your weight loss starts to stall so you cut your calories even more.You're struggling to keep up at this point, but you're still determined to succeed.Then you get invited to your friend's bar-b-que and you promise yourself you'll still stick to the plan.However, the delicious foods are too tempting and you cave and binge eat to your heart's content.The next day you wake up feeling guilty about what you had done.Then once some time passes and you're feeling better, you decide to go at it again.And the cycle repeats itself.The problem isn't youit's the diet!Most diet plans work against your body type not with it!That's why it's inevitable for most diet plans to fail you!Most diet plans don't take into consideration what your body type is and how an approach needs to be catered to work with that specific body type.For instance, the endomorphic body type is more sensitive to carbs.Does this sound familiar?Eat no carbs and you'll eventually crash and burn.Eat too many carbs and weight gain will occur.Heck even if you eat the right amount of carbs but you eat carbs at the wrong time you'll still gain weight!Therefore endomorphs must eat the right amount of carbs (not too little and not too much) and they must eat carbs at the right times to ensure dieting success.With the endomorph diet, I'm going to show you how to strategically eat carbs to ensure you work with your body type and not against it.I'm sure this sounds great and all, but who Iam to be teaching you about this anyway?Who Am I?My name is Thomas Rohmer and Ihave a Kinesiology degree from the University of North Texas, experience working as a personal trainer, and I've self-published multiple health and fitness books.Over the years, I've seen a lot of the things that people commonly struggle with when it comes to reaching their health and fitness goals. That's why I always make sure to craft my advice and programs in a way that thinks of potential problems in advance and then solves them.I don't care about what should work on paper, Icare about what actually works for real people who have normal jobs.I love sharing my unique knowledge with others who are eager to learn and get started. I hope to inspire you to take action and achieve your health goals!Why Do INeed to Take This Course?You need to take this course if you're finally ready to lose weight once and for all.You can leave this page and hope for the best. Hope that everything will work out. That you'll be able to lose weight and keep it off.Or you can stop wishing and finally get your hands on the right information. Put yourself in the right vehicle that'll lead you to dieting success and help you maintain that success for good. Imagine being done with diets, pills, powders, and other supplements for good. Imagine what you'll look and feel like. This is the last diet plan that you'll ever need because it actually works!Course TopicsThe truth behind carbs and weight gainHow to force any stubborn body fat to melt offWhy even complete beginners are able to see success with the Endomorph DietMy Single Best Tip to Drastically Increase Your Chances of SuccessHow to Manipulate Your Body to Burn More FatHow Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Burning Fat TodayHow Much Protein, Carbs, and Fat You Need to Eat to Lose Weight The One Thing You Must Correct First in Order for This Diet to Work for YouAn Exercise Plan catered specifically for endomorphsThe Importance of Sleep and How to Get More Sleep at Night Even if You're a Night OwlFinally don't forget that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose except for unwanted body fat!What are you waiting for?The time to take action is now. This can be the first day to a new you, or another day where you wonder why it is that you're not getting the results that you want. Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels" |
"Are you suffering from low sex drive?Are you constantly tired and nothing excites you like it used to?Do you want to more easily burn fat and increase lean muscle mass?Are you finally ready for a bulletproof approach to naturally increasing your testosterone levels for good?If so then keep reading!It's no surprise that a lot of men today are suffering from low testosterone levels.Our diets are worse then ever before, we don't get adequate amounts of sleep, and we're stressed out more than we should be.Therefore for you to be successful in boosting your testosterone levels, you must act differently than most men do.You see, the problem isn't you, it's what you've been taught that's the problem:You've been told the wrong diet and nutrition information.Nobody taught you how to get a good night's rest.Nobody taught you how to properly exercise.Nobody taught you how to reduce the stress in your life.It's no wonder so many men are suffering from low testosterone levels!Fortunately with this course, you're going to be able to turn things around for good in a 100% natural way.And no this isn't going to involve you exercising for hours on end or having to eat boring foods all of the time!I'm sure this sounds great and all, but who Iam to be teaching you about this anyway?Who Am I?My name is Thomas Rohmer and Ihave a Kinesiology degree from the University of North Texas, experience working as a personal trainer, and I've self-published 13 different health and fitness books.Over the years, I've seen a lot of the things that people commonly struggle with when it comes to reaching their health and fitness goals. That's why I always make sure to craft my advice and programs in a way that thinks of potential problems in advance and then solves them.I don't care about what should work on paper, Icare about what actually works for real people who have normal jobs.I love sharing my unique knowledge with others who are eager to learn and get started. I hope to inspire you to take action and achieve your health goals!Why Do INeed to Take This Course?You need to take this course if you're finally ready to increase your testosterone levels naturally once and for all.You can leave this page and hope for the best. Hope that everything will work out. That you'll be able to increase your testosterone levels on your own.Or you can stop wishing and finally get your hands on the right information. Put yourself in the right vehicle that'll lead you to success and help you maintain that success for good. Imagine being done with gimmicky supplements that don't actually boost your testosterone. Imagine what you'll look and feel like. This is the last testosterone course that you'll ever need because it actually works!Course TopicsThe truth behind carbs and weight gainHow to force any stubborn body fat to melt offWhy even complete beginners are able to see success with the increasing their testosterone levelsThe one kind of super food that you need to eat every single day for testosterone successHow to Manipulate Your Body to Burn More FatHow Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Burning Fat TodayHow Much Protein, Carbs, and Fat You Need to Eat to Lose Weight and Build MuscleHow to Build Muscle to Increase Testosterone LevelsAn Exercise Plan catered specifically designed to help boost testosterone levelsThe Importance of Sleep and How to Get More Sleep at Night Even if You're a Night OwlFinally don't forget that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose except for unwanted body fat!What are you waiting for?The time to take action is now. This can be the first day to a new you, or another day where you wonder why it is that you're not getting the results that you want. Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bodybuilding the Complete Guide" |
"Are you not sure how to structure a workout plan to build muscle?Are you not sure how to eat in order to build muscle?Do you want to know how to build the physique of your dreams?If so then keep reading!95% of people will fail at building the body of their dreams. To be successful with bodybuilding you must do something different than everyone else.You see, most people only learn about training and nutrition when it comes to bodybuilding.That's great, but it's not the complete picture!You need a complete program that involves Training, Nutrition, Sleep, and Mindset advice.Most bodybuilding plans will leave you hanging with only 2 of these 4 key areas!That's why it's inevitable for most people to fail!Not only that, but who's to say that the current nutrition and training advice you've been hearing is even good?Instead what you need is the right information explained in a way that's easy to understand so that all you have to worry about is execution.You don't want to spend all day at the gym.You don't want to be a slave to the kitchen.You want to fit and have a life outside of fitnessWith this bodybuilding course, I'm going to show you exactly how you can build the body of your dreams without having to dedicate your entire life to fitness.This means that you're going to build the body of your dreams in an easy and sustainable manner.I'm sure this sounds great and all, but who I am to be teaching you about this anyway?Who Am I?My name is Thomas Rohmer and I have a Kinesiology degree from the University of North Texas, experience working as a personal trainer, and I've self-published 13 different health and fitness books.Over the years, I've seen a lot of the things that people commonly struggle with when it comes to reaching their health and fitness goals. That's why I always make sure to craft my advice and programs in a way that thinks of potential problems in advance and then solves them.I don't care about what should work on paper, I care about what actually works for real people who have normal jobs.I love sharing my unique knowledge with others who are eager to learn and get started. I hope to inspire you to take action and achieve your health goals!Why Do I Need to Take This Course?You need to take this course if you're finally ready to learn the essential info you need, execute on it, and get results.You can leave this page and hope for the best. Hope that everything will work out. That you'll be able to figure things out on your own.Or you can stop wishing and finally get your hands on the right information. Put yourself in the right vehicle that'll lead you to bodybuilding success and help you maintain that success for good. Imagine being done with trying to hunt down the right information. Imagine being able to go to the gym and KNOW that your workout is effective.Imagine what you'll look and feel like. This is the last bodybuilding course that you'll ever need because it actually works!Course TopicsWhat is bodybuilding?How to Increase Your Motivation to Workout Even if You Don't Feel Like ItWhat Really Causes the Keto Flu and How You Can Prevent ItThe One Thing That Could Be Holding You Back That You Have No Idea AboutThe Best Way to Optimize Your Sleep, Even if You're a Night OwlHow Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Burning Fat TodayHow Many Calories You Need to Eat to Start Building Muscle TodaySome of My Favorite Foods to Eat to Build Muscle and Burn FatThe Easiest Way to Track and Measure Your Calories and MacrosThe Exact Workout You Need to Do if You're a Beginner or Intermediate Weight LifterVideo Demonstrations of Me Personally Performing Each Exercise Found in the CourseFinally don't forget that this course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose by enrolling right now!What are you waiting for?The time to take action is now. This can be the first day to a new you, or another day where you wonder why it is that you're not getting the results that you want. Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
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"OpenCV A-Z : Uygulamalarla Grnt leme 2020 23 Saat" |
"Esenlikler arkadalar,OpenCV A-Z : Uygulamalarla Grnt leme eitimiyle tamamen uygulamal olarak OpenCV'yi ve Grnt leme'yi renebileceksiniz. Her bir konu teoriye fazla girilmeden, uygulamalar ile satr satr kod aklamalar yaplarak anlatlmtr. Kursu tamamladnzda (tm balklar dahil) yaklak 30 uygulama yapm olacaksnz ki, bu da size OpenCV'de iyi bir deneyim kazandrm olacak. OpenCV A-Z : Uygulamalarla Grnt leme eitimi, her ne kadar birok alt bala sahipmi gibi grnse de temelde ""OpenCV"", ""Python"", ""OpenCV Uygulamalar"" ve ""Numpy & Matplotlib"" olmak zere 4 blmden olumaktadr. Alt balklara blnmesinin nedeni ise rencilerin kod ve konu takibini daha kolay yapmalarn salamaktr. Ayrca kursumuz devaml olarak gncellenmekte ve yeni balklar ile birlikte yeni uygulamalar da eklenmektedir.Aadaki dizelgeden (liste) eitim boyunca anlatlan konularn ve ieriklerinin zetini inceleyebilirsiniz:1. PythonBalamadan nce : Yaplacak altrmalar ve uygulamalar, kurs yaps, dikkat edilmesi gereken konularPython 1. Blm : Python programlama giri ve kurulumlar Python 2. Blm : Python programlama, karar yaplar dngler Python 3. Blm : Fonksiyon, szlk, demet, modl2. OpenCVOpenCV Giri ve Kurulumlar : OpenCV'ye giri ve kurulumlar, resim ve videolar okuma, gsterme, kaydetme, geometrik ekillerin izimi, tracbar oluturma vs.OpenCV Grntler zerinde Temel lemler 1-2 : Grntlerin zelliklerine ulama ve o zellikleri deitirme, morfolojik ilemler, thresholding vs.OpenCV Contours (Snr izgileri) : Snr izgileri (contours) oluturma, contour alan ve evre hesaplar, image momentsOpenCV Convex Hull : Dbkey rt oluturma, dbkey hatalar saptamaOpenCV Hough Transforms : izgileri, trafik eritlerini ve emberleri saptamaOpenCV Altrmalar I-II : Altrmalarla OpenCV uygulamalarna hazrlk okgen AlglamaGerek Zamanl okgen AlglamaArka Plan karmaHSV ile Nesne TakibiFare KullanmYz zelliklerini KullanmaGz Bebei TakibiEl zelliklerini Kullanmave daha birok uygulamaOpenCV Haar Cascade : Haar cascade dosyalar ve onlarn alma mant3. UygulamalarYz Alglama (Face Detection) : Resim ve videodan yzleri saptama (hazr haar cascade ile)Gz Alglama (Face & Eye Detection) : Yz & gz saptama (hazr haar cascade ile)nsan Bedeni Alglama (Body Detection) : nsan bedeni saptama (hazr haar cascade ile)Trafikte Ara Alglama (Car Detection) : Ara saptama (hazr haar cascade ile)Glmseme Alglama (Smile Detection) : Glmsemeleri saptama (hazr haar cascade ile)Kendi Haar Cascade Dosyan Yap ! : Kendi yapacamz haar cascade ile trafikteki aralar saptama (Windows)Resimdeki Metni Okuma (Text Reading) : Grntdeki metni okuma (Windows)Ara Plakas Okuma (Licence Plate Detection) : Bir plakay saptama ve okuma (Windows)Trafikteki Aralar Sayma (Car Counting) : Trafikteki aralar saymaEl Hareketlerini Alglama (Hand Gesture Recognition) : El hareketlerini alglama ve anlamaEkrana Resim izme (Drawing on Screen) : Webcam'den alnan grnt ile ekrana resim izme4. Numpy & MatplotlibNumpy & Matplotlib : Numpy ve Matplotlib'e giri ve kurulumlar, resimleri okuma, gsterme, kaydetme,resimlerin saysal arka planlarna erime, Numpy & Matplotlib ktphanelerinin resimler zerinde kullanld temel altrmalarHemen kaydolarak tm bunlar renmeye balayabilirsiniz !Dipe: ndirimli fiyattan kaydomak iin tantm videosunun sonundaki kodu kullanabilir veya bana mesaj atabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3D interior designs: Become Master in 3D design" |
"You can create your own 3D interior design for your sweet homeand future of the your home in image and video with furniture's and lighting it communicate your imagination to other by your own 3D designs for this course you don't need to be an expert in design we are here to teach to design your home and use the futures of home"
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |