Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Rendering in Fusion 360" |
"This course covers all the tool available in rendering workspace with tips and tricksthe different option are explain to make the photo-realistic Rendering in form image and videomotion path videos and trunable video are discussed and custom hdri background are used for getting wonderful output this course explain the option by using different types of model for indoor and outdoor environments"
Price: 12480.00 ![]() |
"Korkusuz Yaayn Ama Nasl ?" |
"Korku insan harekete, eyleme ve i yapmaya iter.Bizler doamz gerei, bir ok eyi bilemez, gremez ve anlayamayz. te korku da byle bir bilgi eksikliinden doar. Korkudan kurtulmak iin, onu tanmak ve onunla nasl baa klacan bilmemiz gerekir. Yani bilgi korkunun dier yarsdr.Korku duygusunu kullanarak bizi etkilemek isteyen kiilerin ve toplumsal dzenlerin balayc etkilerinden kendimizi kurtarabilmek iin, nce korkularm tanmamz gerekir. Sonra da sra, onlarla nasl mcadele edip, onlar ne biimde aacamz tespit etmeye gelir. Btn bunlar size, 6 derste nasl baaracamz anlatp, aklyorum."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"50 Ways to Make Money Using Online Strategies & Tools" |
"Want to make more money or change your job situation but not sure where to begin?Then let's get started.I'll provide you 50 ideas that you can take and dig into deeper to find the one you want to pursue.As you take the course, think about your passions and your strengths.Once you get to the end, get ready to TAKE ACTION.PERFECTION is the enemy of getting started.Just GETGOING.You can make adjustments along the way.I look forward to teaching you!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tarea 01 Clases Visuales y otras Herramientas - VFP Avanzado" |
".:. Clases Visuales y otras Herramientas - VFP Avanzado .:.Objetivo: Durante el Mini-taller el usuario podr llevar a cabo la elaboracin de proyectos ( sistemas de informacin) sacando provecho de las herramientas. As tambin aprender el manejo de comandos aplicados en la programacin.Puntos a tratar: con el desarrollo de esta coleccin de vdeos podrs disear diferentes clases visuales que sern empleadas para tus proyectos de Visual FoxPro y puedas aplicarle un diseo personalizado."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento Visual FoxPro 9 y MySQL Server -Mod02" |
"Visual FoxPro y el Servidor de Datos MySQL Server.:. Quieres aprender a manejar tus datos entre Visual Foxpro 9 y MySQL Server? .:.Con esta alternativa de los Servidores de datos externos podrs darle mayor seguridad, estabilidad y performance a tus sistemas o proyectos. Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 y MySQL Server<<Aprenders:>>* Interactuaremos entre Formularios de Visual FoxpPro y MySQL Server(trabajaremos con textbox, listbox,combos, grid)* Interactuaremos entre Reportes de Visual FoxpPro y MySQL Server(trabajaremos con reportes sencillos, agrupados,con condiciones de visualizacin)* Creacin de procedimientos Almacenados Intermedios de MySQL Server(Insercin, actualizacin, consulta y eliminacin de registros)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nuestra base de datos en un servidor remoto MariaDB" |
"Nuestra base de datos en un servidor remoto MariaDBAprenders a configurar un servidor remoto de MariaDB paso a paso, que te ser de utilidad para poder interactuar con dicha informacin que se gestione en ella como por ejemplo, base de datos, tablas, registros y/o importante aplicar ello ya cuando ponemos nuestra base de datos en produccin bajo un sistema determinado."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Tarea 02 - Visual FoxPro y Base de datos de un Hosting" |
"Nuestra base de datos en un servidor remoto MariaDB/MySQL de HostingAprenders a configurar un servidor remoto de MariaDB/MySQL que te ser de utilidad para poder interactuar con dicha informacin que se gestione en ella como por ejemplo, base de datos, tablas, registros y/o importante aplicar ello ya cuando ponemos nuestra base de datos en produccin bajo un sistema determinado."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Microsoft Office Word 2019 - Nivel Bsico" |
"Hola que tal amigos estudiantes de Udemy, con esta nueva coleccin de vdeos aprenders a iniciarte en el mundo de Microsoft Word ya que es un programa informtico orientado al procesamiento de textos y viene integrado de manera predeterminada en el paquete ofimtica denominado Microsoft Office.siendo uno de los aplicativos mas populares del mercado actual de informtica."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Visual FoxPro - Clases Visuales (nueva versin)" |
".:. Visual FoxPro - Clases Visuales (nueva versin) - VFP Avanzado .:.Objetivo: Durante el Mini-taller el usuario podr llevar a cabo la elaboracin de proyectos ( sistemas de informacin) sacando provecho de las herramientas. As tambin aprender el manejo de comandos aplicados en la programacin.Puntos a tratar: con el desarrollo de esta coleccin de vdeos podrs disear diferentes clases visuales que sern empleadas para tus proyectos de Visual FoxPro y puedas aplicarle un diseo personalizado. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollando el Sistema SysCarteleria v2 - Visual FoxPro" |
"Hola que tal,estoy realizando este vdeopara proponerles esta coleccin de vdeos. Entrenamiento: Desarrollando un Sistema SysCarteleria v2 - VFPMi nombre es Vctor Ramos, estar a cargo de todo el proceso de aprendizaje con estos videotutoriales.Desarrollaremos este sistema con el fin de poder cumplir las necesidades de las pequeas y medianasempresas negocios de venta productos para el consumo(Bodegas /MiniMarket/Tiendas).donde nos enfocaremos en la exhibicin de los precios de los productos, brindndole una mejor presentacinya sea con los productos de precio regular y lo de oferta."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento con C#(C Sharp) - Nivel Bsico" |
"Hola que tal,bienvenidos a este nueva coleccin de vdeos de entrenamientodenominado C# C Sharp - Nivel BsicoMi nombre es Vctor Ramos, estar a cargo de todo el proceso de aprendizaje con estos videotutoriales.? C#C# es un lenguaje de programacin multiparadigma desarrollado y estandarizado por Microsoft como parte de su plataforma .NET, que despus fue aprobado como un estndar por la ECMA e ISO. C# es uno de los lenguajes de programacin diseados para la infraestructura de lenguaje comn? SharpDevelopAplicacinSharpDevelop es un entorno de desarrollo integrado libre para los lenguajes de programacin C#, Visual Basic .NET, F#, IronPython, IronRuby, y Boo. Es usado tpicamente por aquellos programadores de los citados lenguajes, que no desean o no pueden usar el entorno de desarrollo de Microsoft, Microsoft Visual Studioas que sintete en la comodidad y facilidad si algo no qued claro durante este entrenamiento,puedas ponerte en contacto conmigo para poderte brindar asistencia que demos inicio a este entrenamiento C# C Sharp - Nivel Bsico"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hand Embroidery: Blend Colors in Your Embroidery Piece" |
"In this course, you will learn how to paint with thread. In this project you will stitch along with me and see the entire process on how to blend colors in thread painting. You will need some experience for this class, but I encourage confident beginners to have a try."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Git principiante - Aprende lo ms importante desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenderemos los conceptos fundamentales del control de versiones utilizando Git.Git es una tecnologa que se est usando bastante actualmente, por el potencial que tiene. Nos permite tener un mejor control de nuestro proyecto. Podremos crear distintas fases de nuestra aplicacin o incluso compartir nuestro cdigo colaborando con otros desarrolladores , trabajando dentro del mismo proyecto de una manera eficiente. Durante este curso aprenders a:- Instalar y configurar Git.- Crear repositorios.- Los comandos ms usados hoy en da.- Unir, Deshacer cambios y recuperarlos dentro de nuestra rama .- Trabajar con el log, para ver las operaciones que se han realizado sobre la rama.- Comparar commits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting: tudo sobre headlines, sem precisar ser criativo" |
"O que voc vai aprender nesse curso: como melhorar seu negcio fazendo escrevendo headlines (ou 'ttulos') que convertem, garantidamente, usando frmulas garantidas - pra no precisar ser criativo..Nesse curso, atravs de aulas passo-a-passo, eu vou te ensinar simplesmente TUDO que voc precisa saber hoje sobre headlines, e o total no levar nem mesmo 2h.Ou seja, no mesmo tempo que voc gastaria assistindo um filme, ou dois episdios de uma srie no netflix, voc pode adquirir uma habilidade que vai melhorar seu negcio do dia pra noite, pra sempre.Ento, o que voc est esperando? Se inscreva agora, e hoje mesmo j coloque suas headlines em um patamar verdadeiramente profissional.Forte abrao, e te vejo do outro lado!"
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting: As 7 frmulas atemporais para cartas de vendas." |
"O que voc vai aprender nesse curso: como escrever cartas de venda que convertem, garantidamente, usando frmulas atemporais garantidas - pra no precisar ser criativo..Nesse curso, atravs de aulas passo-a-passo, eu vou te ensinar simplesmente TUDO que voc precisa saber hoje sobre cartas de vendas, e o total no levar nem mesmo 4h.Ou seja, com boa vontade, em um ou dois dias, voc pode adquirir uma habilidade que vai melhorar seu negcio do dia pra noite, pra sempre.Ento, o que voc est esperando? Se inscreva agora, e hoje mesmo j coloque suas headlines em um patamar verdadeiramente profissional.Forte abrao, e te vejo do outro lado!"
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income Course for Graphic Designers" |
"5 years ago I started selling digital products and had no idea if it could support me full-time but with a super-strong desire and a bunch of trial-and-error, I found a way to support myself selling graphics online! I honestly couldn't believe it but within 6 months I stopped all freelance work!My products have been featured in the Top 100 products on Creative Market year-after-year and have earned me well over $400K.Starting a passive-income design business has been one of the best decisions of my life!If you're tired of dealing with inconsistent freelance income, client deadlines and design changes all the time... Or if you're just done sitting behind the computer all day building someone else's dreams, I want you to know that there is another way to earn an income as a Graphic Designer!Imagine waking up in the morning (at whatever time you want) inspired to create your next project... Imagine living an incredibly inspiring life of freedom, working when you want, designing what you love and making money in your sleep (the best part)! Imagine spending more time with your friends and family, taking care of your body and being in control of your own schedule..It is possible!-----------------------INTRODUCING PASSIVE INCOME FOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS!An online course that compiles the most powerful lessons and strategies I've used to create a 6-figure passive-income business selling graphics online that has supported me for 3+ years! This simple step-by-step process will teach you the easiest way to create, bundle, price and market your products to stand out and succeed!The ONLY course you need to succeed as a Graphic Designer selling digital products online!-----------------------What's included in the course:1. Master PlanCreating Your VisionGuided VisualizationPlanning Your TimeEstablishing Your NicheDeveloping Your Brand2. InnovateAssessing Your Ideas BEFORE You Create ThemWhere to Find InspirationLessons From ""Failing""Ongoing How to Stay Ahead of the Curve3. Where to SellMarketplace Review Where to Sell & Where Not to SellSetting up your own eCommerce with Wordpress (EDD)Customer Support, Piracy Issues & Licenses4. Build Out Setting Up Files How to Organize Your FilesFile Formats What to IncludeProduct SEO Keyword Strategy & How-To5. Sales StrategiesThe Power of GivingPricing Strategies Pricing to WinDisplay Images Dos & DontsCase Studies6. Traffic & SocialSocial StrategyPinterest How to Master the BEST Free Traffic SourceEducate, Inspire & Drive Traffic with YouTube-----------------------EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED! PDF'S INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE:Masterplan Workbook Reach your goals with this workbook designed to help you set realistic goals and reach them quickly!Product Roadmap This worksheet will help you identify which ideas are worth pursuing and which ones are just fun to daydream about. Get your creative juices flowing and choose the most profitable ideas to move forward with!Product Launch Checklist This handy checklist will help you work smoothly through the product creation and launch process. Can be used each and every time you launch (plus it feels good checking off boxes)!Marketplace Review A breakdown of exactly where to sell and where NOT to sell.SEO Checklist Use this checklist to generate powerful keywords and put them in the right places to get massive traffic to your site (and your marketplace shops)!-----------------------Plus this EXCLUSIVE FREE Bonus!Exclusive interview with Aaron Epstein of Creative Market ($197 Value) Aaron is the Co-Owner of Creative Market, one of the top design product marketplaces online!! In this exclusive interview, he reveals some of the juicy secrets behind the top selling shops! -----------------------Who this course is for:Intermediate-level (and above) designers & digital artists that currently work in the design industry.Working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and/or Adobe Illustrator (Knowledge of InDesign, Lightroom & other design programs is a bonus).Graphic Designers who are looking for a way to keep a steady flow of income by selling design products.Graphic Designers who want to transition out of client work or a job and create a full time passive income.People who want to earn a part-time income selling digital design products.-----------------------TestimonialsI more than doubled my passive income since taking the course! I just broke $700 on Creative Market last month! Diane Pascual, Gypsy GoddessAngelina is incredibly inspiring, I almost want to cry. I've been struggling with how to focus my energy into my creations and ideas, that it has ultimately left me stuck on what to actually do and start with. I absolutely love that she includes overall well-being into creating your vision because I believe it's something that is often overlooked but is actually crucial to being a creator. It's been something I've discounted for too long, personally, and I'm ready to be pulled out of the rut I fell into, and step into a new light where I can still be my passionate self with success alongside me. Angelina helped me believe it was all the more possible! Sheila FernandezI love this course! Clear, complete and with great tips and tricks with the added advantage of being motivated to take the step into creating more designs. Definitive thumbs up from me! Bryan VeldkampWow! This is just what I needed. It's not just about the how-to, but about the mindset and approach that will get you there sustainably. Such wisdom from Angelina's own experience is all throughout this course. I love her approach, her attitude and her energy. She's really easy to listen to. I'm quite auditorially sensitive and this is important to me and definitely influences how much, and how easily I'm able to learn from a course. I'm hoping Angelina produces more courses, she's such an excellent teacher, with values and a philosophy that really aligns with my own. Donna MillerBefore I started this video series, I felt overwhelmed about the process of passive income. The time and effort Angelina has put into making a beautifully designed and in-depth course has been inspiring for me. She really does have a passion for sharing her knowledge with others, and her encouraging words were so helpful to keep me engaged til the end. Steph JacksonI-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E! I felt both inspired and empowered after watching only the first 2-3 sections and ended up going through the entire course within 24 hours. Yes, it was that good! If you're a designer and you clicked on this, JUST GET IT. You won't regret it! Angelina is clearly a pro and she does an amazing job at going over all the important concepts in a very positive and supportive manner. The course itself is comprehensive and very well organized and there are a bunch of resources included to help you plan your journey (downloadable pdfs, guided visualization, etc.) Thank you Angelina :) Genevive Viel-TaschereauGreat course with lots of useful information, insights and tips! Clear, comprehensive and beautifully designed. This course has answered many questions about building a passive income business that I've had for a long time and couldn't find clear & concise answers to anywhere else. Thank you so much! Olga KhomenkoIt was a perfect match for me! i'm so glad that i took the time and watched this course. i loved every minute of it. Angelina is so passionate about her art and educating others, and she is really good at it! i was listening to a great expert with a beautiful voice, while watching an amazing presentation, which is nicely built up in a professional way and also packed with useful tips and secrets. so now i don't have to figure out everything by myself. i'd recommend her course to anyone who could use some more passive income as a graphic artist. you'll learn the proven ways to make it happen. or if you are already creating digital art, but hesitating whether to begin your online career is a good idea, you might find the inspiration for a good start right here! i'll definitely come back to different parts and build the ideas into my own business. thank you so much! Krisztina Kotsy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course" |
"In this series, you will learn Unreal Engine C++programming from the basics all the way up to packaging a complete video game. You will learn all of the following and more:Object, Actor, Pawn and Character creation, and the differences between these classesCoding a complete character class, complete with animations and user inputFinding a nearly endless selection of free assets and how to download and use them for your gameEnemy movement and behaviorCombat with melee weaponsPicking up and equipping itemsDamage, Hit Points and DeathHUDelements including Health and Stamina Bars as well as IconsHow to create menus, including a Pause menuSaving and Loading game data even after turning off the computer or exiting the gameSwitching levels in gameFloating platforms using interpolationTimers for delays in game logicTrigger volumes, pressure switches, and doorsBombs, explosives and hazardsLogging and drawing spheres for debug purposesUsing C++concepts applied to game developmentMuch much more!This is a C++course and some basic knowledge of the C++(or a similar language)is needed. If you don't have the basics of C++down, my first course teaches everything you need to know for this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine Blueprints - The Ultimate Developer Course" |
"This course will teach you how to create video games using Unreal Engine's Blueprint system. Blueprints allows you to create top quality video games without any experience coding. You will create three complete video games, and we will package the third game for mobile and test on an actual mobile device! Learn all the basic game development skills including character mobility and animation, particle and sound effects, HUD elements like progress bars and on-screen animated text widgets, hazards and explosives, pickups, dynamic materials, gameplay mechanics like switches, doors, and much, much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Mobile App Design With Figma" |
"Are you new to mobile app design and want to learn Figma? Then this course is for you.This course want be like most courses out there, we will get right into learning how to use Figma to create mobile apps. Once you finish this course you will be able to get up and running really quickly with Figma.This course Mastering Mobile App Design With Figma will take you from absolute beginner to fluent mobile app designer.In addition to learning to use Figma to design mobile apps, you will also learn the fundamentals of using Figma.COURSE LAYOUTThis course will start by teaching you the basics of using Figma. Then youll move on to designing two mobile apps in Figma. As you work your way through the course, you will obtain the knowledge and skill necessary to be a mobile app designer.NEED HELPIf you ever get stuck or need any help, you can post your questions on the Q&A forum page. Also, you can email me with any question you have about figma."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Mobile App Design With Adobe XD" |
"Are you new to mobile app design and want to learn Adobe XD? Then this course is for you.This course want be like most courses out there, we will get right into learning how to use Adobe XD to create mobile apps. Once you finish this course you will be able to get up and running really quickly with Adobe XD.This course Mastering Mobile App Design With Adobe XD will take you from absolute beginner to fluent mobile app designer.In addition to learning to use Adobe XD to design mobile apps, you will also learn the fundamentals of using Adobe XD.COURSE LAYOUTThis course will start by teaching you the basics of using Adobe XD. Then youll move on to designing more advanced apps. As you work your way through the course, you will obtain the knowledge and skill necessary to be a mobile app designer.NEED HELPIf you ever get stuck or need any help, you can post your questions on the Q&A forum page. Also, you can email me with any question you have about Adobe XD."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Up and Running With Google Slides" |
"Are you looking to learn Google Slides, Then you came to the right place. In this video training you will learn how to get up and running with Google Slides. At the end of the training we will take everything you learned and create a presentation with Google Slides. Once you finish this course you will be able to get up and running really quickly with Google Slides.What you will learn in this CourseYou will create a real presentation in Google SlidesHow to work with master pages in Google SlidesHow to design with shapes in Google SlidesHow to mask images in Google SlidesAnd much more...NEED HELPIf you ever get stuck or need any help, you can post your questions on the Q&A forum page. Also, you can email me with any question you have about Google Slides.So what are you waiting for? Enroll in Up and Running With Google Slides Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"T-Shirt Design for Beginners: Start Designing Today" |
"Do you want to learn about how to design teeshirts using Canva Pro and become more advanced with your design skills? If so T-Shirt Design for Beginners: Start Designing Today is just for you! You can expect an easy to learn course where you will be able to design 13 shirts, apply design theories and learn how to upload them to tee spring, treadless and redbubble! I've been a graphic designer for years and Just like you I started at the beginning. I went through college and learned graphic design, but I found one problem. A lot of the information that is taught is based on a style of teaching that is dated. In order to give you the best learning experience I have created a course that is updated to date and one that answers all of the question and problems that I ran into. In Designing Teeshirts Using Canva ProHow To Understand Canva Pro's featuresApply and Understand Design TheoriesCreate a 3 Image Based Tees, 3 Typography Based Tees, 3 Image and Typography Based Tees and 4 Event Based Tees!!Learn how to upload to Teespring, Threadless and Redbubble I am here to easily explain, demonstrate and implement design theory for a fast and easy learning experience. In this course I am going to explain graphic design and show you how you can implement them using Canva Pro. Whether you are new to design or more advance this course is design so that everyone can follow along and learn something new."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
no134-1-o |
"1,3,4 1 . :1. 1 2. 3. 2 4. 3 -, . , 3-7 . .: Pomodoro ( ) 25 . , . - , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
no61214-2 |
"6,12,14 1 . :1. 1 2. 3. 2 4. 3 -, . , 3-7 . .: Pomodoro ( ) 25 . , . - , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Pivot Tables: Master Data Analysis and Dashboards" |
"With this course you get: Complete hands-on Excel Pivot Tables Guide 24/7-Access to all lectures, Pivot Tables project files Learn hot to perform data analysis with Pivot TablesAccess to course Q&A forums to ask questions A skills test including a complete solution guide LIFETIME access 30 day money-back guarantee! Tought in the most recent Excel version (2019/365) ____________________________________________________________What is this Pivot Tables course about?Excel Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful tools that come with Microsoft Excel. They are a must for any data analyst to dig into data, perform data analysis and draw conclusions.What is a Pivot Table?The word Pivot itself is defined as the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates. And that is exactly what pivot tables do. A Pivot Table turns your data. Pivot tables are also known as so called cross tables. A Pivot Table is a very powerful Excel tool for structurally evaluating data in a simple tabular form. The underlying data source is summarised in a way that important properties of the data are represented in a simple overview of aggregated data. Why do you need Excel Pivot Tables?With Pivot Tables you basically flip your data to explore new dimensions to perform data analysis. This tool allows you to break down and reduce huge amounts of data to a basic tabular form that reveals new insights about your data. In addition you can create stunning Excel Dashboards with the help of Excel Pivot Tables. With so called ""slicers"" you can enrich your data analysis and summaries with a user friendly interface to dig into your data. This way you can draw conclusions that you may not even have thought of beforehand. With the right approach you can perform data analysis on any kind of data such as sales data or marketing performance data. Whatever your use case will be. With Pivot Tables you have a tool at hand which allows you to create any kind of KPI driven Excel dashboards to draw meaningful and actionable insights.This Pivot Tables course gives you a comprehensive and hands-on deep dive through the ins and outs of Pivot Tables and related data analysis. You will learn everything from scratch, like properly preparing your raw data, creating pivot tables, adding charts and filters up to eventually creating a fully functional reporting Excel Dashboard. But it's not only me doing stuff in this course. There is an exercise teaching section waiting for you. You receive a raw data set on that you will run some data analysis on your own. With the help of Pivot Tables you will then answer a bunch of questions.You will follow me directly on my screen and can work in parallel with the provided Excel work files.Find some of the most important topic areas of this course below:Data Requirements to your raw dataHow to tackle a Data Clean upPerforming Data Analysis with Pivot Tables360 exploration of Navigation and Menus around Pivot TablesCreating Pivot ChartsCalculated Fields and Items (and all the pitfalls of those)Create Interactive Excel Dashboards with Pivot Tables (Excel 2010 and higher)Pimping up usability with slicers and timelines (Excel 2010 and higher)Test your Pivot Tables skills, run your own data analysis and answer questionsThis course is a hands-on experience and we will work with a sample data set to explore all the functionalities around Pivot Tables. You can work in parallel with the Excel work files to try everything out, one by one, as I am showing you on my screen.In a world, where data analytics become more and more a demanded skill in businesses, this course is exactly the right place to start extending your Microsoft Excel skills. After this course you are able to transform any kind of raw data into meaningful summaries, run your own data analysis and draw conclusions, all with the help of Excel Pivot Tables.I am here to help you levelling up in Excel. So, I am more than happy to welcome you on the other side in my course.Cheers, Georg - Certified Microsoft Office Specialist Expert (Excel)_____________________________________________________________ ENROLL NOW and get: 24/7-Access to all lectures and Excel project filesAccess to course Q&A forums to ask questionsA skills test including a complete solution guideLearn all the INs and OUTs of Pivot TablesLearn to perform your own data analysis with Pivot TablesLifetime access30 day money-back guarantee!Taught in the most recent Microsoft Excel version (2019/365)Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2007 (limited), Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016 and Excel 2019 or Office 365"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Excel Pivot Tabellen: Meistere Datenanalysen und Dashboards" |
"Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du: Praxisorientierte Einfhrung in Pivot Tabellen, direkt zum Mitmachen24/7-Zugriff auf alle Lektionen und ProjektdateienZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenPraxistest (Datenanalyse) mit LsungsvideoLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Auf der neuesten Excel-Version (2019/365) vorgefhrt______Worum geht es in diesem Pivot Tabellen Kurs:Pivot Tabellen sind eines der mchtigsten Werkzeuge in Microsoft Excel. Sie sind ein Muss fr jeden Datenanalyst, um eine Datenanalyse zu erstellen und daraus aussagekrftige Rckschlsse zu ziehen.In diesem Kurs lernst Du von A bis Z Excel Pivot Tabellen zu erstellen, Datenanalysen zu erstellen sowie solche in ansprechenden Reporting Dashboards zu darzustellen.Was ist eine Excel Pivot Tabelle?Das Wort Pivot an sich bedeutet so viel wie Dreh- und Angelpunkt. Pivot Tabellen werden auch als sogenannte Kreuztabellen bezeichnet. Eine Pivot Tabelle ist ein sehr mchtiges Werkzeug, um Daten, die in einfacher Tabellenform vorliegen, strukturiert auszuwerten. In ihr werden die zugrunde liegenden Rohdaten so zusammengefasst, dass wichtige Kenngren der Daten komprimiert dargestellt werden. Mit einer Pivot Tabelle knnen groe Datenmengen auf berschaubare Gre reduziert werden und einfache Auswertungen sowie Datenanalysen erstellt werden. Wo kommen Excel Pivot Tabellen zu Einsatz:Mit Pivot Tabellen beleuchtest Du Deine Daten im Handumdrehen, um neue Dimensionen zu erkunden sowie Datenanalysen durchzufhren. Mit diesem Werkzeug kannst Du groe Datenmengen auf eine Zusammenfassung herunter brechen und in eine einfache tabellarische Darstellung umwandeln, die Dir neue Einblicke in Deine Daten ermglicht.Darber hinaus kannst Du mit Hilfe von Excel Pivot Tabellen beeindruckende Excel-Dashboards erstellen. Mit sogenannten ""Datenschnitten"" kannst Du Deine Datenzusammenfassung mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Oberflche bereichern um Deine Daten zu analysieren. Auf diese Weise kannst Du Schlussfolgerungen ziehen, an die Du vor Deiner Datenanalyse vielleicht noch nicht einmal gedacht hast.Mit dem richtigen Analyse-Ansatz kannst Du jede Art von Daten wie Verkaufs- oder Marketingdaten im Handumdrehen analysieren. Was auch immer Dein Anwendungsfall sein wird, mit Excel Pivot Tabellen steht Dir ein Werkzeug zur Verfgung, mit dem Du jede Art von KPI-getriebenen Excel-Dashboards sowie Datenanalysen erstellen kannst, um aussagekrftige und umsetzbare Handlungs-Rckschlsse zu gewinnen.Dieser Kurs bietet Dir einen umfassenden und praktischen Einblick in Pivot Tabellen und den damit mglichen Datenanalysen. Du lernst alles von A bis Z, wie zum Beispiel das richtige Aufbereiten Deiner Rohdaten, das Erstellen von Pivot Tabellen, dem Hinzufgen von Diagrammen sowie Filter-Optionen bis hin zur Erstellung eines voll funktionsfhigen Excel-Dashboards fr Analyse-Berichte. In diesem Kurs bist Du nicht nur Zuschauer. Der gesamte Kurs ist zum Mitmachen gestaltet. Es erwartet Dich eine bung in dem Du einen Roh-Datensatz erhltst, welchen Du dann selbst mit Hilfe einer Datenanalyse und Pivot Tabellen auseinander nimmst, um eine Reihe von Fragen zu beantworten.Du folgst mir direkt auf meinem Bildschirm und kannst parallel in den bereitgestellten Arbeitsdateien zu jeder Lektion direkt mitarbeiten.Nachfolgend findest Du eine bersicht der wichtigsten Themenbereiche dieses Kurses:Datenanforderungen an Deine RohdatenWie gehst Du an eine Datenbereinigung ranDurchfhren von Datenanalysen360 - Erluterung der gesamten Navigation und Mens rund um die Pivot TabelleDatenanalysen erstellenPivotCharts erstellenBerechnete Felder und Elemente (und mgliche Stolperfallen)Erstellung interaktiver Excel-Dashboards (ab Excel 2010)Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit Datenschnitten und Zeitachsen verbessern (ab Excel 2010)Testen Deine Fhigkeiten, analysiere einen Datensatz und beantworte einen FragenkatalogDieser Kurs ist praxisorientiert und zum Mitmachen gemacht. Zusammen arbeiten wir an einem Beispiel-Datensatz, um alle Funktionen rund um Pivot Tabellen zu erkunden. Du kannst parallel in verschiedenen Excel Arbeitsdateien mitarbeiten, um all das was ich Dir auf meinem Bildschirm zeige selbst nachzuvollziehen und auszuprobieren.In einer sich stndig ndernden Welt, in der Datenanalysen im Arbeitsalltag immer gefragter werden, ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige Einstieg, um Deine Excel Fhigkeiten zu erweitern. Nach diesem Kurs kannst Du Rohdaten mit Excel Pivot Tabellen in aussagekrftige Zusammenfassungen sowie Datenanalysen verwandeln, um entsprechende Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.Ich bin gerne fr Dich da um Dich bei Deinem Aufstieg in Excel zu begleiten. Daher freue ich mich sehr Dich in meinem Kurs auf der anderen Seite begren zu drfen.Bis gleich und viel Spa in meinem Kurs!Georg - Zertifizierter Microsoft Office Specialist Expert (Excel)*** JETZT EINSCHREIBEN und loslegen ***24/7-Zugriff auf alle Pivot Tabellen LektionenZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenPraxistest (Datenanalyse mit Lsungsvideo)Tipps und Tricks rund um Pivot TabellenLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Auf der neuesten Excel-Version (2019/365) vorgefhrtKompatibel mit Excel 2007 (eingeschrnkt) Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 oder Office 365"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Excel Basics: Anatomy of Spreadsheets and Cell References" |
"With this course you get:Hands-on introduction to the real Excel Basics and cell referencesLearn directly from a certified Excel Expert24/7 access to all Excel lessons and project filesAccess to course forums to ask your Excel questionsExcel skills tests including complete solution guidesLIFETIME access and all that with a 30 day money-back guarantee! Presented on the latest Excel version (Excel 2019)What to expect from this course:In this Excel Basics course you will learn the basic structure and functionality of spreadsheet. Essentially, it is about the so-called cell reference types in Microsoft Excel.If you do not know what the dollar signs in cell references, such as $A$22, stands for, or it happens to you that your Excel formulas stopped working after editing or copying them, then this course is just right for you. This course is for Excel Beginners as well as advanced Excel users who have uncertainties in formulas and cell references.How is this Excel course structured?If you start this course now, you will receive a small Excel Crash Course in the next 30 minutes in a slightly different way than you might expect. You will first take on a small test about the Excel Basics, which will then be evaluated along some tipps and tricks in a comprehensive solution guide. After a total of about 60 minutes, you will be familiar with the cell reference types and can take on the challenge to do the final Excel skills test. All practice tests in this course evaluate your results right away and you see where you stand right away. Who is this course made for?This course is suitable for Excel beginners as well as advanced users. You should definitely take a closer look at this course in case you have never heard of cell reference types in Excel before. There are waiting more than 20 exercises for you. And if you like, you can download the working files and work in parallel on your own, the entire course, hands-on.Why I created this Excel Basics course for you:The reason why I created this course is that even with many experienced users, students and clients, I observed several times, that some of these elementary Excel Basics are simply not there. In particular, I see over and over again a lack in the so-called cell reference types in Excel.The applied cell reference types in Excel are either relative, absolute or mixed cell references. This is a framework used in spreadsheets to refer cell values between cells and perform calculations.If you deal with more complex calculations, then the wrong application of these reference types can have severe effects on your results. And unfortunately, I have seen many of those mistakes put in practice and would like for you to avoid theses kind of mistakes.After taking this course you can definetly answer the question ""What are these dollar signs in Excel good for"" with ease.Find some of the most important topic areas of this course below:Hands-on Introduction to the real Excel BasicsRelative cell referencesAbsolute cell referencesMixed cell referencesPractical examples to deepen your Excel knowledgeTest your skills in a final testThis Excel course is a hands-on experience and we will work with several work files to explore the world of cell references and the dollar signs in Excel. You can work in parallel with the provided work files to try everything out, one by one, as I am showing you on my screen.In a world, where data analytics and Excel as a Software become more and more a demanded skill in businesses, this course is exactly the right place to start learning Microsoft Excel. After this course you are able to master formulas and cell references with high confidence.I am here to help you levelling up in Excel. So, I am more than happy to welcome you on the other side in my course.Cheers, Georg - Certified Microsoft Office Specialist Expert (Excel)*****ENROLL NOW and get: 24/7-Access to all lectures and Excel filesAccess to course Q&A forums to ask your Excel questionsExcel Basics skills testFinal Excel exam All Excel tests including complete solution guidesMore than 20 Excel exercisesLifetime access30 day money-back guarantee!Taught in the most recent Microsoft Excel version (2019/365)Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 (limited), Excel 2013, Excel 2016 and Excel 2019 or Office 365"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Grundlagen: Die Anatomie von Excel und Zellbezugsarten" |
"*** Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du: ***Praxisorientierte Einfhrung in Excel zu den ZellbezugsartenDirekt vom zertifizierten Excel Experten lernen24/7-Zugriff auf alle Lektionen und ProjektdateienZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenPraxistests mit LsungsvideosLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Auf der neuesten Excel-Version (2019/365) vorgefhrtWas erwartet Dich in diesem Kurs:In diesem Kurs lernst Du den grundlegenden Aufbau und Funktionalitt der Tabellenkalkulation. Im Wesentlichen geht es dabei um die sogenannten Zellbezugsarten in Excel.Wenn Dir die Dollarzeichen in Zellbezgen, wie zum Beispiel $A$22, kein Begriff sind oder es Dir fters passiert, dass Deine Formeln auf einmal nicht mehr funktionieren, sobald Du diese kopiert hast, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr Dich, egal ob Du Excel Einsteiger oder fortgeschrittener Excel Anwender bist.Wie ist dieser Kurs aufgebaut:Wenn Du diesen Kurs jetzt beginnst, dann erhltst Du in den nchsten 30 Minuten einen kleinen Crashkurs in Excel in einer etwas anderen Art als vielleicht erwartet. Du durchlufst zunchst einen kleinen Einstiegs-Test, welcher in einem umfangreichen Lsungsvideo ausgewertet wird und Du erhltst dabei noch jede Menge Tipps und Tricks rund um Microsoft Excel. Nach insgesamt ca. 60 Minuten bist Du mit den Zellbezugsarten vertraut. Du lernst auch einige Praxis-Beispiele kennen, um Dein Wissen noch weiter zu vertiefen. Abschlieend wartet ein Abschlusstest zu den Zellbezugsarten auf Dich. Dieser wertet Deine Ergebnisse direkt aus und Du siehst sofort wo Du stehst. Du lst dabei einige Sachaufgaben und erhltst unmittelbar Feedback wie gut Du abgeschnitten hast.Fr wen ist dieser Kurs geeignet?Dieser Kurs ist fr Excel Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene Anwender geeignet. Du solltest Dir diesen Kurs in jedem Fall anschauen, wenn Zellbezugsarten in Excel bisher ein Fremdwort fr Dich sind. Es warten ber 20 bungsaufgaben auf Dich und der gesamte Kurs ist so gestaltet, dass Du parallel mitmachen kannst.Der Grund warum ich diesen Kurs erstellt habe ist, dass ich selbst bei vielen erfahrenen Anwendern mehrfach feststellen musste, dass einige der elementaren Grundlagen nicht vorhanden sind. Im speziellen sehe ich hier immer wieder Lcken bei den sogenannten Zellbezugsarten in Excel. Man spricht hier entweder von relativen, absoluten oder gemischten Zellbezgen. Das ist ein Konzept der Tabellenkalkulation um im Koordinatensystem eines Arbeitsblattes Werte zwischen den Zellen korrekt zu beziehen.In etwas komplexeren Berechnungen kann die falsche Anwendung dieser Bezugsarten fatale Auswirkungen auf Deine Ergebnisse haben. Nach diesem Kurs kannst Du die Frage ""Was bedeuten in Excel die Dollarzeichen?"" eindeutig beantworten.Nachfolgend findest Du eine bersicht der wichtigsten Themenbereiche dieses Kurses:Einfhrung in die Excel GrundlagenRelativer ZellbezugAbsoluter ZellbezugGemischte ZellbezgePraxis-Beispiele zur VeranschaulichungTeste Deine Fhigkeiten in einem AbschlusstestDieser Kurs ist praxisorientiert und zum Mitmachen gemacht. In einer sich stndig ndernden Welt, in der Datenanalysen und die Anwendung von Excel im Arbeitsalltag immer gefragter werden, ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige Einstieg fr Excel Neulinge. Nach diesem Kurs beherrschst Du das fundamentale Konzept der Tabellenkalkulation.Ich bin gerne fr Dich da, um Dich bei Deinem Aufstieg in Excel zu begleiten. Daher freue ich mich sehr Dich in meinem Kurs auf der anderen Seite begren zu drfen.Bis gleich und Viel Spa in meinem Kurs!- Georg Zertifizierter Microsoft Office Specialist Expert (Excel)*** JETZT EINSCHREIBEN und loslegen ***24/7-Zugriff auf alle LektionenZugriff auf Kursforen um Fragen zu stellenPraxistests und Excel bungen mit LsungsvideoTipps und Tricks rund um Microsoft ExcelLebenslanger Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Auf der neuesten Excel-Version (2019/365) vorgefhrtKompatibel mit Excel 2007-2010 (eingeschrnkt), Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 oder Office 365"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Aumentar suas Vendas Pelo Whatsapp" |
"Esse curso o aluno vai aprender a lanar seus produtos pelo WhatsApp ensinando a fazer oferta. Saiba o por que voc pode vender mais usando o WhatsApp. Comece hoje a transformar seu celular em contatos quentes para vender mais seus produtos. Descubra as estratgias que funciona para grandes empresas e saiba como aplicar cada uma delas rapidamente em seu modelo de negcio."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Flunil de Vendas Altamente Lucrativo em 4 dias" |
"Finalmente, uma maneira fcil de gerar um enorme fluxo de caixa em seu negcio.Este curso revela um sistema simples para gerar uma receita rpida em seu negcio sem precisar esperar dias ou meses at a primeira venda.Neste curso voc ver uma estratgia capaz de gerar uma onda de fluxo de venda j nos prximos meses....Sem truques...Seu pegadinhasTrata-se de estratgias 10x mais lucrativas que qualquer outra.Pois ela j foi testada e j gerou centenas de reais apenas rodando no piloto automtico.Ento se voc precisa gerar MAIS fluxo de vendas bem rpido esse curso est alinhado com o seu negcio.100% estratgico e efetivo.Um verdadeiro manual para gerar um enorme surto de caixa em seu negcio.Pois imagine voc, a hora que quiser colocar para funcionar um sistema que gere um enorme fluxo de CAIXA.Eu acredito que o dinheiro o pilar de qualquer negcio, seja ele no tradicional ou no digital.Todos ns precisamos de mais dinheiro para:Ter mais lazerTer uma renda mensalPagar despesasNo ficar desesperado para pagar contasMesmo que seja para comprar um celular novo ou consertar um carro...O dinheiro sempre vai ser base para fazer tudo funcionar.Quando se trata de viver (O dinheiro Rei)Em apenas algumas horas voc vai perceber que tinha uma montanha de dinheiro escondido por trs do seu produto e s precisava de algo que funcionasse.Esse curso um verdadeiro DICIONRIO para voc consultar e nunca mais deix-lo de lado.Esse sistema incomum vai abrir sua mente e dar exatamente o fluxo de dinheiro rpido.Ento se voc quiser:Vender o dobroTer mais clientes pagantesAtrair o cliente certo (Os que compram)Ter a chance de ver dinheiro entrando todo diaChegou a hora de voc clicar no boto e comprar esse curso.O sistema incomum para gerar uma enorme onda de vendas.Ento... ...No tem confuso...No tem complicaoApenas instrues passo-a-passo para voc saber exatamente o PONTO DE VIRADA do seu negcio.Eu quero que voc consuma essa informao o mais rpido possvel.No apenas estude esse curso, DEVORE.Eu te espero l para revelar o SISTEMA INCOMUM PARA GERAR UM ENORME FLUXO DE CAIXA."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Estratgia Secreta para Vdeo De Venda" |
"Qual o grande plano por trs dos scripts de vendas que geram lucros de verdade para um negcio digital.Todo script de venda precisa seguir 5 passos principais para fazer as pessoas comprarem.AtenoHistriaProblemaSoluoOfertaAteno: Refere-se diretamente a hora que ele entra em sua pgina e clica no play do seu vdeo.Histria: O momento que voc conecta seu pblico diante do problema que ele passa e o seu produto que tem uma soluo.Problema: Nesse momento voc vai apresentar os problemas que ele passa e mostrar que isso tem soluo.Soluo: Aqui voc apresenta para ele a soluo que seu produto, e mostrar que existe uma sada.Oferta: Nesse momento a hora que as pessoas passam o carto e j esto convencidas que aquela sua melhor chance de resolver esse problema.Essa estrutura validada e no tem como dar errado, se voc quer que as pessoas comprem seu produto, voc precisa dominar essa estrutura e inseri-la em seu vdeo de venda.Por isso eu afirmei que os gatilhos mentais apresentavam riscos em seu negcio, por se tratar de voc sempre perder tempo e dinheiro insistindo em algo que pode ter se tornado obsoleto no mercado digital.E esse plano acima que voc acabou de ver faz, parte do treinamento de vdeos magnticos onde eu empacotei as aes necessrias antes, durante e depois da criao de um script de venda persuasivo aplicado em um vdeo de venda.O grande plano por trs dos vdeos de vendas.Nele contm somente o essencial para voc aprender a planejar e criar um vdeo de venda para o seu negcio digital sem complicaes e sem a informao vaga que voc v na internet.Estou falando de aprender a aplicar uma estrutura validada que traz lucros de verdade para seu negcio digital.Essa estrutura j foi responsvel por gerar muito resultado.Voc s precisa:AprenderAjustarAplicarVenderE aplicando o grande plano dentro de sua estratgia para criao do seu vdeo de venda, voc ser capaz de descobrir o que faz as pessoas comprarem.Melhor, vai descobrir por qual razo elas no compram seu produto e porque elas fecham a pgina antes mesmo de ver sua oferta.Vai descobrir por que uma NICA ideia pode ser capaz de fazer um produto vender muito.Vai ter acesso aos 5 passos 100% detalhados para criar um vdeo de venda persuasivo em 90 minutos ou menos.Vai aprender como alterar um estgio mental de uma pessoa, de curioso para comprador, usando blocos de influncia em seu vdeo de venda.Vai descobrir como validar script para vdeos de venda tornando ele atraente e empolgante ao invs de chato e cansativo.Esse treinamento divido em 3 partes:1 Na primeira parte vou mostrar exatamente quais as motivaes que fazem as pessoas comprarem e quais as aes que acontecem dentro delas que fazem com que elas no comprarem seu produto.2 Na segunda parte eu vou apresentar os impulsionadores de vendas, que quando inseridos em seu vdeo de venda, aumentam as chances do espectador passar o carto e fechar a compra.3 Na terceira parte, vou desvendar passo a passo como o meu processo criativo para criar scripts para vdeos de vendas e vou dar em suas mos um mapa para voc nunca mais ficar travado na tela em branco no fazendo a mnima ideia de como comear seu vdeo de venda.Vou mostrar tudo nos mnimos detalhes, meu acervo pessoal na sua mo, s aprender e aplicar eles em seu produto digital.Eu recomendo que voc s siga estes passos que eu apresento, dentro dos vdeos magnticos e fique bom neles rapidamente.Se voc quer:Transformar o comeo, meio e fim do seu vdeo de venda em algo poderoso.Comear a jogar um outro jogo no mercado digital, gerando lucros de verdade para seu produto.Aprender um mtodo validado capaz de aumentar as vendas do seu negcio digitalCriar idias que transformam cada palavra do seu vdeo de venda realizadasEsse treinamento para voc!Voc vai investir em um grande plano que vai gerar um retorno absurdo para seu negcio digital.Dominar a criao de scripts de vendas pode mudar completamente sua vida.Depois de dominar essa habilidade eu arrisco dizer que voc pode usar isso durante toda sua carreira.Eu sinceramente acredito muito em uma relao de entregar MUITO VALOR por um preo quase de graa para que a gente se conhea melhor durante a caminhada de crescimento.Quero desenvolver uma relao de aprendizado e de parceria com voc!Para que eu te ensine a habilidade de criar scripts de vendas e possa te ajudar a dominar o que para mim a habilidade mais lucrativa que pouqussimas pessoas do mercado sabem.Esse um passo para voc finalmente conhecer o que tem por trs dos grandes produtos que faturam centenas de reais todos os dias.Eu sei que tomar essa deciso tem um custo para voc, mas ficar sem dominar habilidade de criar script de vendas pode ser bem mais caro.Pode custar seu sonho, seu negcio digital, seu dinheiroDe fato as consequncias podem ser bem maiores, e daqui a 1 ano voc vai se arrepender de no ter comeado hoje.Voc pode iniciar um novo ciclo em sua carreira como empreendedor, garantindo seu acesso ao mtodo grande plano, para finalmente aprender a criar scripts de vendas persuasivos.Voc j tomou decises que foram fundamentais para ter sucesso em algo e ficou orgulhoso em ter tomado a deciso?Essa deciso mais uma daquelas que voc vai se orgulhar no futuro.Te espero l dentro!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |