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"Recht fr Grnder: So finden Sie die perfekte Rechtsform! #9" |
"1Das ProblemKaum haben Sie sich entschlossen, sich selbstndig zu machen, da fragt man Sie nach Ihrer Rechtsform! (z.B. bei der Gewerbeanmeldung, beim Finanzamt, etc.)Sie wollen eigentlich nur Geld verdienen mit Ihren Produkten und haben sich noch nicht viel Gedanken ber die rechtliche Seite gemacht?Pltzlich sollen Sie dann noch einen Gesellschaftsvertrag unterschreiben, z.B. dieses Muster der IHK? Was steht da eigentlich drin? So viele Regelungen, das ist doch verwirrend!Das ist typisch und nicht unblich, kann ich angesichts der vielen Vorschriften auch verstehen.Aber Sie mssen verstehen: um alle Selbststndigen und ihre Bedrfnisse z.B. nach Haftungsbeschrnkung ordnungsgem und einheitlich einzuordnen, gibt es in allen Rechtsordnungen verschiedenen Rechtsformen, mit denen man Ihre Art der Betriebsttigkeit beschreibt mehr ist das nicht!Sie mssen sich das wir bei dem Kauf von Arbeitskleidung vorstellen: Damit Sie den passenden Anzug, die richtige Form fr Ihre Ttigkeit bekommen, mssen Sie sich ber bestimmte Fragen im Klaren werden:Welche Rechtsform passt zu Ihrer Ausgangslage und Ihren Motiven?Welche Schritte geht man blicherweise, wenn man die richtige Rechtsform finden will?Welche Rechtsformen gibt es berhaupt, aus denen Sie auswhlen knnten?Welche Kriterien der Rechtsformwahl sind begrifflich zu unterscheiden?In welchen Vorschriften und Gesellschaftsvertrgen steht was geschrieben?Wie unterscheidet man Personen- von Kapitalgesellschaften?Was kostet mich die Rechtsform und wie lange dauert die Grndung?Was darf ich in einem Gesellschaftsvertrag nicht vergessen zu regeln?Wie sehen Muster von Gesellschaftsvertrgen und Geschftsfhrervertrgen aus?Alle diese Fragen haben schon viele Unternehmen bestens gemeistert!Das schaffen Sie auch! Ich zeige Ihnen hier, wie es geht!2Die LsungGehren Sie zu denjenigen, die am liebsten keine Vorgaben sich von den Juristen machen lassen freies Leben auch mit der Rechtsform? Haben Sie auch gute Lsungsideen, wie Sie die vorliegende Frage der Rechtsformwahl einfach ""umgehen"" knnen?Dann sind Sie nicht allein, wie dieser interessante und gleichzeitig kuriose Fall des BGH vom 27.09.1999 - II ZR 371/98 zeigt:Da haben sich mit Gesellschaftsvertrag vom 09.05.1994 drei Gesellschafter, spter Beklagte, zum Zwecke des gemeinsamen Betriebs einer Deponie- und Bauschuttrecyclinganlage und der Vermarktung von Recycling-Baustoffen zusammengeschlossen. Da ihnen die Haftungsbeschrnkung wichtig war, nannten sie ihren Betrieb einfach so: ""Deponie und Bauschuttrecycling Neupoderschau, Bauschutt - Beton - Stahlbeton Gesellschaft brgerlichen Rechts mit beschrnkter Haftung"".Dann kam es wie es kommen musste: Die Firma wurde aufgelst und die Glubigerin K GmbH, die den drei Beklagten eine Betonbrecheranlage vermietet hatte, verlangte die ausstehende Miete in Hhe von 17.270 DM hierfr von den drei Ex-Gesellschaftern aus deren Privatvermgen.Diese sagten natrlich, sie htten doch die Haftung auf das nun nicht mehr vorhandene Vermgen der GbR beschrnkt gehabt, weilder Name ja schon die Haftungsbeschrnkung enthielt,der Mietvertrag mit Stempelaufdruck ""Bauschutt Recycling Neupoderschau GbR mbH"" versehen worden wardie K-GmbH ja auch selbst in ihren Anschreiben an die Mieter immer von der ""GbR mbH M + B + L"" (Nachnamen der Bekl.) gesprochen htteim Gesellschaftsvertrag die Haftung auf das Gesellschaftsvermgen beschrnkt gewesen war, vgl. 7 Abs. 1 des Gesellschaftsvertragesim Gesellschaftsvertag die Vertretungsmacht der Gesellschafter auf das Vermgen der Gesellschaft und nicht auf das Privatvermgen der Gesellschafter beschrnkt gewesen war.Was glauben Sie ist bei der Klage der Vermieterin gegen die Gbr mbH bzw. deren 3 Ex-Gesellschafter herausgekommen?Nichts Gutes! Sie werden sehen! Im Gesellschaftsrecht herrscht nun Mal ""Rechtsformzwang""!Lassen Sie uns deshalb hier gemeinsam das Thema Rechtsformwahl Mal richtig strukturiert ansehen, denn ich habe es selbst in vielen Jahrenals Anwalt, Rechtsberater, Jurist beratenund bei meiner eigenen Existenzgrndung praktiziert undmchte mit Ihnen meine Erfahrungen, Tipps und Lsungen teilen.Dabei werden wir wie Folgend vorgehen, damit Sie fr sich eine Lsung finden:Ausgangssituation und wichtige Kriterien analysieren (Tipps 1 bis 2)Klren, ob Sie alleine bleiben wollen oder mit anderen zusammen arbeiten mssen/wollen (Tipp 3)Alternativen der Rechtsformen kennen lernen (Tipp 4)Grndungsanforderungen sowie Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Rechtsformen kennen lernen (Tipps 5 bis 10)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Konstytucja wsplnikw ZRB TO SAM!" |
"Jako pierwsi w Polsce zaczlimy wykorzystywa pomys Macieja Stpy dotyczcy ukadania relacji ze wsplnikami, powsta on w odpowiedzi na realne zapotrzebowanie rynku. Jest wynikiem obserwacji dziaania setek firm i kilkudziesiciu procesw doradztwa biznesowego. Konstytucja wsplnikw pomoe Ci przeciwdziaa przyszym konfliktom w Twojej firmie, co umoliwi Ci spokojn prac. Bezpieczestwo prowadzonego biznesu. Jasne i klarowne ustalenia pomidzy wsplnikami. Ustalony plan awaryjny na rnego rodzaju niespodziewane wydarzenia. Z gry ustalony podzia finansw.Ten kurs umoliwia samodzielne przeprowadzenie procesu konstytucji i uoenie relacji z Twoimi partnerami biznesowymi.Co otrzymasz w ramach caego kursu?Wideo szkolenie, jak samodzielnie stworzy konstytucje wsplnikwLista pyta do uoenia relacji ze wsplnikami w Twojej firmieFAQ, czyli najczciej zadawane pytania odnonie konstytucji5 przykadowych konstytucjiRozwizania problemw, na ktre najczciej trafiaj przedsibiorcy przy tworzeniu dokumentw konstytucjiInstrukcje przeprowadzania wywiadu z uczestnikami konstytucjiList zasad obowizujc w trakcie przeprowadzania wywiaduDokadny opis procesu powstawania konstytucji wsplnikwPrzeprowadzilimy ju kilkadziesit procesw stworzenia konstytucji wsplnikw, zarwno w maych, rednich i duych przedsibiorstwach o wielomilionowych obrotach. Obecny ksztat przygotowanych przez nas materiaw jest wynikiem setek godzin spdzonych na rozmowach z przedsibiorcami i wsplnikami w rnych firmach i biznesach. Dao to Nam moliwo przygotowania produktu rozwizujcego rzeczywiste problemy przedsibiorcy."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"YouTube : SEO" |
"YouTube : SEO YouTube SEO YouTube YouTube YouTube 1YouTube 2YouTube 3YouTube 4YouTube SEOYouTube YouTube"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"info product ()" |
"info product HK$8,538 info product info product PowerPoint info product This is the online course to teach you how to prepare and launch your very own info product aka online course business.This course will be conducted in cantonese and cover a wide range of topic including outline preparation, course recording, course cover design, software tool selection, traffic source knowledge, pricing strategy, long term business tips and my own real figure of my info product business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle eBook ()" |
"I've published an amazon kindle ebook a year ago about a zombie ebook. Since the first week I got no sales so I forgot about it. Recently, I have received a cheque from amazon and realise it is actually a good long term business to publish ebook to amazon kindle. This is definitely not get rich quick scheme but a long term steady way to generate extra income for your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Search Console ()" |
"Google Search Console Google Analytics201195Google Search ConsoleGoogle search console has many features in order to let you understand your website keyword performance in Google SERP(search engine result page) as well as letting your website being indexed or showed in SERPfaster.In the past, you can easily analyse the keyword via Google Analytics. Since 2011, Google hide those keyword analysis due to data privacy so that there is not way to understand on the keyword performance of your website.The only way you could understand the keyword performance will be using google search console."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
social-media-10x |
"10podcastappThere are a lot of social media platform in the world. It always give KOL or digital marketing a headache.This course will cover how to create content once but effectively apply on multiple platform.I will show you how to transform a single content creation into different content format. This is going to save your time and increase potential customer reach."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 SEO - Google ()" |
"7SEO7SEOGoogleThis is a 7 days SEO challenge course.You will need to watch one video per day. I will show you one SEO skill per day and you are required to practice from that particular day task.After 7 day of this SEOchallenge, you will learn the necessary skillset in order to rank your website in Google."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO - 10 ()" |
"SEO Google BONUS 10, , SEO , (Accelerated Mobile Page) () ()Google PageSpeed Google (Search Console) (Link Analysis) (Link Building)/UX SEO SEO , (TD*IDF)67 (PageView) (Bounce Rate) SEO This full SEO course covers a lot of the principle of SEO and way to analyse with procedure to rank better in google SERP(search engine result page).I will show you how to do keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, link building, content creation framework and how to deal with negative SEO."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"WordPress 0 1 ()" |
"WordPress3355,113WordPress15 350WordPressWooCommerceWordPress Meetup"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Canva ()" |
"Canva Canva? Canva?4 Canva Canva Desktop Canva App : PayPal Banner : HDCOURSE Banner"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"retargeting ads35 3 WordPress Plugin Google Analytics ? adroll perfect audience Facebook ? Google ?BONUS: 4 5"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page : ()" |
"(Landing Page) (LP) (LP) (LP) 5 10 (LP) (LP) ? (LP) (LP) VS (LP) (LP) (LP) (LP) (LP)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Eventbrite |
"Eventbrite Eventbrite ? Eventbrite Eventbrite BONUS: Tips"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress (Astra + Elementor) ()" |
"WordPressAstraElementor astraelementorelementorelementor/BONUS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO ()" |
"SEO ()SEO Meta Google (ranking signal)3 SEO CTR (click through rate)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
ecommerce-strategy |
"() 3 AOV This should give you a better idea for your ecommerce strategy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASO (APP ) ()" |
"App SEO ASOASO 5 - 2 14 2 App ASO App CPI App This course will show you how to do the ASO and increase the number of downloads to your mobile apps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apple PayGoogle Pay ()" |
"Apple PayGoogle PayApple PayGoogle Paywoocommerceopencart, magenta, PrestaShop, shopify woocommerce (PayPal, stripe) (Apple Pay Google Pay)woocommerce plugin (yoast seo, google analytics by monsterinsight)Tips: This course will show you how to make an eshop with Apple pay and Google pay support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"9 WordPress WooCommerce ()" |
"WooCommerce 28% WooCommerce WordPress WooCommerce 9 plugin 9"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO AMP ()" |
"Technical SEO plugin AMP () Google PageSpeed Technical SEO? WordPress Technical SEO plugin AMP () Google PageSpeed AMP PageSpeed WordPress plugin AMP SEO AMP SEO SEO1/ SEO (structured data) SEO2/ WordPress Plugin SEO 3/ AMP () SEO AMP Stories4/ Google PageSpeed 5/ AMP PageSpeed WordPress Plugin AMP 6/ AMP SEO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress SEO Plugins ()" |
"WordPress SEO plugin WordPress CMS WordPress SEO ? WordPress plugin SEO Yoast SEO redirection plugin Rank Math plugin Yoast SEO Rank Math Schema plugin plugin Silo page SEO WordPress WordPress SEO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GO FullStack avec Spring Boot et Angular 6" |
"Vous souhaitez vous former au developpement d'applications Web avec Angular 6?Vous aussi vous revez deconstruire vos propres sites web dynamiques, qui reagissent immediatement aux moindres interactions de vos utilisateurs ? Vous etes au bon endroit !Nous allons vivre ensemble tout au long de cette formation, la joie de dvelopper une application web dynamique et sympathique qui permet de grer nos caractres d'anime prfrs.Cette formation vous permettra d'apprendre deux technologies la fois:Angular 6 pour dvelopper la partie front de l'applicationSpring boot pour dvelopper l'API REST qui va communiquer et grer les donnes envoyes par le frontSi vous tes bloqu, sachez que le code source sera disponible en ligne, et queje rpondrai rapidement tous vos messages. Je n'oublie personne, vous avez ma parole !Angular est l'un des frameworksfrontend les plus modernes, les plus performants et les plus puissants que vous pouvez apprendre ce jour. Il vous permet de crer des applications web performantesqui offrent une excellenteexpriences utilisateur ! Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des applications Angular sont prsents dans ce cours.Spring boot est l'un des framework backend les plus utiliss, les plus performants et les plus puissant dans le march technologique. Il vous permet de crer des API REST d'une faon rapide et facile. Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des APIREST sont prsentes dans ce cours.Ds que je publie une nouvelle formation qui pourrait tre intressante pour vous, je vous prviendrai via les annonces Udemy.Plus besoin de passer des heures sur Internet pour chercher les dernires nouveauts par vous-mme ! :DAchetezce cours MAINTENANTet apprenez Angular et Spring boot quand vous voulez ensuite.L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java EE : Spring Framework / Hibernate / Git / Maven /Flickr" |
"Pourquoi ce cours ?Javaa quasiment depuis toujours constitu le langage de prdilection des entreprises ct serveur.On aurait pu imaginer que depuis toutes ces annes, raliser une application Web avec Java serait une affaire aboutie ? Malheureusement non car les standards voluent trs vite, aussi bien du ct client que du ct serveur.En effet la plupart des applications aujourdhui offre une interface web lutilisateur afin quil puisse interagir avec le systme simplement et agrablement, sans recourir linstallation daucun autre logiciel quun simple navigateur web type Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer etc...Ces applications Web dites modernes sont constitues de 2 parties :Une partie client qui sexcute sur le navigateur Web gnralement base de HTML, Javascript et cssUne partie serveur qui sexcute sur un serveur situ sur le rseau et qui exploite des langages de programmation classiques comme Java, C, PHP, Python, JavascriptComment un dveloppeur Java peut-il se frayer un chemin dans l'univers du Web, c'est ce que nous allons voir !L'objectif de cette formation est de dvelopper une application web complte en partant d'un projet vide.Durant cette formation vous allez apprendre :Concevoir une application web en partant d'un besoin fonctionnelConfigurer et installer l'environnement de travailCrer et configurer un projet Java/JEEDvelopper les diffrentes couche de l'applicationEntits Java et le mapping HibernateDAO (Data Access Object)ServicesPrsentation (HTML + Bootstrap + JQuery)Internationaliser l'application (Multilingue)Scuriser les accs l'application (Spring security)Exporter les donnes sous format EXCEL"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Swagger Framework with Spring Boot" |
"When creating a REST API, good documentation is instrumental.Moreover, every change in the API should be simultaneously described in the reference documentation. Accomplishing this manually is a tedious exercise, so automation of the process was inevitable.Developping a RESTAPI is the developers job, testing it is also the developers job, but can users (simple users) test and check your RESTAPI to test it and validate their functionnal needs?If you don't have the answer yet, the answer is YES, they can and the solution is here right in front of you in this detailed and well explained course.During this course, I will help to learn and master developing REST API, creating documentations and testing using SWAGGERUI.Don't panic, it is quite easy to do, just have you laptop with you and follow me acrefully.Here we go."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cucumber & Java Framework for test automation with less code" |
"In order to get better advantage of the software testing, organizations are nowadays taking a step forward. They implement important acceptance test scenarios while development is in-progress. This approach is commonly known as Behavior Driven Development (BDD).Behavior Driven Development gives us an opportunity to create test scripts from both the developers and the customers perspective as well. So in the beginning, developers, project managers, QAs, user acceptance testers and the product owner (stockholder), all get together and brainstorm about which test scenarios should be passed in order to call this software/application successful. This way they come up with a set of test scenarios. All these test scripts are in simple English language, so it serves the purpose of documentation also.In this couse you will learnThe Cucumber frameworkThe Gherkin syntaxHow to write a feature file with different scenariosImplement and run the tests using Cucumber framework"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Angular & Spring Boot tape par tape" |
"Vous souhaitez vous former au developpement d'applications Web avec Angular 6?Vous aussi vous revez deconstruire vos propres sites web dynamiques, qui reagissent immediatement aux moindres interactions de vos utilisateurs ? Vous etes au bon endroit !Nous allons vivre ensemble tout au long de cette formation, la joie de dvelopper une application web dynamique et sympathique qui permet de grer nos caractres d'anime prfrs.Cette formation vous permettra d'apprendre deux technologies la fois:Angular 6 pour dvelopper la partie front de l'applicationSpring boot pour dvelopper l'API REST qui va communiquer et grer les donnes envoyes par le frontSi vous tes bloqu, sachez que le code source sera disponible en ligne, et queje rpondrai rapidement tous vos messages. Je n'oublie personne, vous avez ma parole !Angular est l'un des frameworksfrontend les plus modernes, les plus performants et les plus puissants que vous pouvez apprendre ce jour. Il vous permet de crer des applications web performantesqui offrent une excellenteexpriences utilisateur ! Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des applications Angular sont prsents dans ce cours.Spring boot est l'un des framework backend les plus utiliss, les plus performants et les plus puissant dans le march technologique. Il vous permet de crer des API REST d'une faon rapide et facile. Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des APIREST sont prsentes dans ce cours.Ds que je publie une nouvelle formation qui pourrait tre intressante pour vous, je vous prviendrai via les annonces Udemy.Plus besoin de passer des heures sur Internet pour chercher les dernires nouveauts par vous-mme ! :DAchetezce cours MAINTENANTet apprenez Angular et Spring boot quand vous voulez ensuite.L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Language Beginner Masterclass: 10 Courses in 1!" |
"English Language Beginner Masterclass: 10 Courses in 1! is more than an English Language Course.This is a masterclass where you learn and really practice the English language at a Beginner English level - your English speaking, your English grammar, your English vocabulary, your English listening, reading and writing. You can complete 10 Beginner English Language Projects and you even learn 10 new study skills!... And so much more.In this 10+ hour masterclass you get:25+ English Grammar Points - fully explained, with examples, and PRACTICE ACTIVITIES FOR YOU500+ English Vocabulary (words and expressions) - with Memory Games70+ Downloadable PDFsSpeaking Activities, Listening Activities, Reading Activities, Writing Activities10 REAL-WORLD PROJECTS - You can send them to me and I will give you REAL feedback!Motivational Videos - Stay inspired to keep learning!10 Videos on Bonus Study TipsMovie Clips and MusicBeginner English Lessons on Many Topics: Meeting People, Your Job, World Travel, Movies and Music, AND MORE!English Language Practice GAMESCertificate of Completion The English Language Beginner Masterclass has 10 courses inside of it, and they come as one giant package so that you can learn and practice the language in the one part and then continue to use it again in the later parts, so your English level builds and builds.In each part, you learn the English Language as a whole - English vocabulary, English grammar, English speaking, pronunciation, listening, reading, writing, study skills and more.The 10 parts are:Meeting PeopleJobs & At WorkRoutines & Your HomeHobbiesAt the SupermarketIn the RestaurantShopping Around TownAt the Doctor'sWorld TravelMovies & MusicResearch shows that when you learn the English language within a topic of interest, like World Travel or Hobbies or Your Job, then you learn the English language much deeper - because you are learning something else with the language at the same timeThe English grammar in this course is carefully matched with just the right vocabulary so that you learn both grammar and vocabulary in the right way. And it's the most important English grammar for Beginner English learners.The English grammar you learn?Plurals, Articles, DemonstrativesPresent Simple: 1st Person VS 3rd PersonInterrogativesConjunctionsPolite LanguageAdverbs of SequenceAdverbs of FrequencyPrepositions of PlacePresent Simple VS Present ContinuousPrepositions of TimeOrdinal NumbersCountable Nouns (VS) Uncountable NounsDeterminersWant (VS) Need (VS) Like (VS) HavePersonal PronounsPossessive PronounsGiving DirectionsComparatives & SuperlativesModalsGiving ReasonsPresent PerfectFuture SimplePast SimpleCollective & Reflexive PronounsAdverbs of ProbabilityContractionsAND MANY MORE!!! The English Language Beginner Masterclass was developed using real life students. It has been worked on for months by testing the material in online classes and improving it continuously based on real feedback from real students.The best part?The course will continue to grow and improve. As more and more students take the course, more material is added and more help is given.----------Praise for English Language Beginner Masterclass: 10 Courses in 1!""for me this course is an enriched course. Because there's some meanings that i heard for the first time because i'm not from an anglophone country! can t wait to look forward with this course. It s an investment that i have not regretted . simple and easy to learn.""~ Emie Sandy Jean Baptiste""Actually I'm surprised. If our English teachers were like Gabriel, we will be above the sky. He's an excellent teacher.""~ Ali""Fue la mejor eleccin, es el mejor curso de ingls , y el mejor Profesor! Gracias mil""~ Paola Hernandez----------The English Language Beginner Masterclass has been created to help Beginner English learners all over the world to finally stop struggling over the grammar you don't understand, to push through the times when you feel like you aren't improving, and to finally become a fluent and confident English language speaker.Great for English language beginners no matter which language you speak:Principiante del idioma Ingls / Iniciante em Ingls / lngua Inglesa / ngilizce dil acemi / / / Dbutant en anglais / Principiante di lingua inglese / Pocztkujcy jzyk angielski / Anfnger in englischer Sprache / /"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business English Writing (Professional Language for Letters)" |
"Business English Writing (Professional Language for Letters) is a Business English course that gives you more than 100 business letter templates in the English language so that you can communicate professionally and effectively in all of your business writing.If you do any business in the English language, you need to write letters that are clear, professional, use good business etiquette, and use the correct formatting rules. If you use poor English grammar, English spelling, English punctuation, or you structure your letter in a clumsy way, you could lose a lot of business opportunities and a lot of money.Business English Writing (Professional Language for Letters) does the work for you in the business letter templates, but it still educates you about each of the letters and the English language that is used so that you are able to apply the English language if you need to do so in another business letter.These letters work whether you are sending emails or postal letters. There are letters for many purposes, including:Cover lettersRejectionsApprovalsLetters of IntentBusiness to Business CorrespondenceScheduling AppointmentsLetters to ClientsEmployee RequestsComplaintsGratitudeNoticesWarningsTerminationResignationsReferencesRecommendations... and MUCH MORE!I've worked as a manager of an English language school for many years, and now I have my own business. I've written and read a lot of business letters and emails. I've thrown away the bad ones, and I've kept the best.Now, they're yours.-----------Praise for Business English Writing (Professional Language for Letters)""Your writing skill really tells how well you master a language. Please pay careful attention to your writing. I have seen persons with a non-English background, even with a Ph.D. write terrible English . My native language is Swedish and if I can detect English mistakes and feel embarrassed I wonder how a native English speaker feels. This course gives you templates which will make it a lot easier. I wish I had had this information available some 45 years ago when I was looking for a job. There was no internet then. I highly recommend this course.""~ Rolf Backstrm""I liked the course! It was very useful! Gabriel is the best teacher.""~ Giovanna Bell""I get to know a lot of good things and a decent & professional way to write letters.""~ Ishan Nath Pandey-----------If you communicate in the English language, Business English Writing (Professional Language for Letters) could be the best investment in your business for many years.Intro music made by 'Bensound'.Some video clips in the intro made by 'Videvo'."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creativity Course by a Creativity Coach Art & Innovation" |
"Creativity is the very process of life itself. Creativity is what you've always been doing, since forever. So do you want to create consciously?Creativity Course by a Creativity Coach Art & Innovation is a creativity course that gives you extremely practical creative thinking tools to boost your creative genius to whole new levels. This course is perfect for:Artists: Writers, Painters, Musicians, Directors, Designers, Actors, Photographers, Podcasters, Chefs, etc.InventorsEntrepreneurs & Business OwnersLeaders, ManagersTeachers, Trainers, Presenters, Course CreatorsStudentsParentsProblem-SolversCreatives in Life!I'm a Professional Creativity Coach and I help people to get unstuck and unblocked and totally inspired, tap into oceans of creative ideas, and to actually create amazing creations. I've worked with individuals as well as teams - creative teams, educators, business leaders, and artists - to not only complete a single creative project, but to transform the way they approach creativity in their work and in their lives.In Creativity Course by a Creativity Coach Art & Innovation you can choose which sections are most important for YOU. And you have the option to:Connect with the Foundations of Your Creative SelfMaster Your 'Creator Psychology'Optimize Your Creative EnvironmentBegin Lifelong Creativity PracticesUse Warm-Up TechniquesUse Many Creative Thinking Tools to Create New IdeasUse Your Unconscious Mind for Creative PurposesLead Creative Group Sessions (Great for Teams!)Optimize Your Research Stage of CreativityEnhance Both Divergent Thinking and Convergent ThinkingListen to Creative Visualizations & MeditationsGet Amazing BonusesCreativity Course by a Creativity Coach Art & Innovation is very practical. If you have a creative project that you need or want to do, then just one of the many creative thinking techniques will rocket you to fresh inspiration for your creation. And if you simply want to live a creative life, then this course can help you be creative in life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English Language Learning: 50+ New Ways to Learn English" |
"English Language Learning: 50+ New Ways to Learn English is a course for English language learners who want to learn HOW to learn the English Language - without paying for English teachers, English classes, or English textbooks.The most common question an English learner asks is ""How can I learn English?"" - and the answer always depends on the goals of the English learner. Do you want to study English Language for a test? Do you want to improve your English speaking, English conversation, and English fluency so you can speak English with friends or for Business English? Do you want to understand English Language movies, books, and songs? There are so many ways!English Language Learning: 50+ New Ways to Learn English shows you how to learn the English Language no matter what your goal is - there are many enjoyable and effective ways to choose from - and they are all completely free.In this course, you learn:Ways to improve your English speaking, English conversation, and English fluencyWays to improve your English listening skillsWays to learn English vocabularyWays to learn English idioms and English expressionsWays to learn English grammarWays to improve your English reading skills and English writing skillsWays to combine all of the skills together so you learn English Language as a wholeThe best part about this English Language Learning: 50+ New Ways to Learn English is that you can go straight to what YOU need to learn the English language."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |