Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Motion Graphics com Cinema 4D" |
"Voc vai aprender a criar animaes em Motion Graphics totalmente em 3D usando Cinema 4D, passando por todo o processo de utilizao de Storyboard, organizar projetos e ter um fluxo de trabalho produtivo. Em 3 Projetos voc ir aprender de forma gradual como modelar objetos com topologia correta, criar mapas de textura personalizados, criar controles personalizados, fazer animaes usando dynamics, simulate, forces e keyframes para ter animaes fluidas e tambm iluminar cenas, configurar render multpass e fazer sua composio final usando o after effects, este curto tem tudo o que voc precisa para fazer Motion Graphics 3D com Cinema 4d."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Dynamics Essencial" |
"Neste curso dividido em vrios projetos voc vai aprender toda a parte de Dynamics do Cinema 4D. Vai aprender a simular corpos rgidos, macios,partculas, pano, tecido, foras naturais, pelo, cabelo, corda, pena e aprender com detalhe cada ferramenta e seus menus.Ao final deste curso voc vai ter um conhecimento slido e muitas dicas e truques de como usar todo o sistema de dynamics do cinema 4d."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D e After Effects: Criando um VT publicitrio" |
"Neste curso voc vai entender todo o fluxo de trabalho e aprender a criar um VT publicitrio, seguindo todos os passos, do primeiro contato com a agncia, oramento, anlise do storyboard e locuo, aprovao, ajustes e entrega.Vai criar modelos 3D no Cinema 4D e composies no After Effects; aprender como otimizar o seu tempo e ser produtivo usando estas ferramentas.Entre agora para o mercado publicitrio seja como freelancer, profissional de TV ou produtoras."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Abrindo UV's de forma incrivelmente simples" |
"Neste curso vou te mostrar tcnicas incrivelmente simples para fazer mapeamento UV usando o Cinema 4D.Voc vai aprender:O que mapeamento UVTermos e a sua importncia para o seu modelo 3D.Entender o painel UV edit layout e seus principais comandos como:- Checkers- Normals- UV comands- Relax UV- Optimal Map- Exportar, criar e aplicar mapas de UV.Fazer o mapeamento UV de um objeto rgido ou Hardsurface.Fazer o mapeamento UV de um personagem, criando mapas de cada parte usando vrias tcnicas de abertura de UV.Mapeamento UV de um modelo para games.Voc vai entender e dominar as principais tcnicas para fazer mapeamento UV de seus modelos 3D."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Materiais criativos e shaders" |
"Neste curso dividido em cinco mdulos vou te mostrar solues rpidas ou uma maneira melhor de fazer seu modelo parecer mais realista.Alm de uma introduo a materiais e shaders aprenderemos coisas como:- Tags de seleo, visualizao e ajustes- Texturas com channels- Texturas de Madeira- Texturas de Metal- Texturas de Volume como bump, normal e Displace- Materiais emissivos de Luz- Materiais e shaders de Vdro- Sub surface scattering ou sss Shader de pele- Shader para simular gramaE Shader para simular cabelo.Voc vai aprender a fazer animaes com mograph usando o shader tag e o mograph shader.E voc vai fazer uma animao de uma assinatura usando materiais tudo dentro do Cinema 4D.Com muitos exerccios prticos seja voc um artista 3D que trabalhe com games, animao ou iniciando no mundo 3D e esta querendo criar Materiais e shaders mais realistas este curso ideal para voc."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Introduo a modelagem e topologia" |
"Voc vai aprender tcnicas do bsico ao avanado de topologia e modelagem usando Cinema 4D.Neste curso voc vai ver:- Dicas para novos artistas 3D- Compreender a construo de um modelo 3D e topologia- Entender ferramentas como: Mirror, Symmetry, Edge loop, Extrude e bevel- Entender os Pivot points e Gizmos- Edge normals e Polygon normals- Entender mapas de relevo- Conceito de Retopologia- Trabalhar com a ferramenta polygon pen- Criar Selees- Tcnicas de topologia para: Bordas e isolar cortes.- Topologia de objetos Cilndricos- Usar o modificador Shrink Wrap e spline Wrap- Relaxar e conformar a malha de um modelo 3DE muitos exerccios de topologia para voc treinar seus conhecimentos.Logo aps, criar uma varinha do filme Harry Potter e aprender a fazer bake texture, e mapas de relevo, junto com tcnicas de modelagem para criar uma varinha fiel a do filme.Neste prximo mdulo, voc vai usar tcnicas de retopologia que criar um novo modelo a partir de um modelo j pronto. Seja para recriar um modelo com uma nova topologia, ou para criar novas partes a partir deste mesmo modelo, neste caso um capacete.E para finalizar, voc vai modelar um drone usando todas as tcnicas de modelagem e topologia que aprendeu nos mdulos anteriores e assim dominar vrias tcnicas para seguir uma carreira de sucesso como artista 3D.Seja voc um curioso em 3D, designer grfico, motion graphics ou artista 3D, este curso vai te dar o caminho para modelar e dar vida a seus projetos 3D."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Modelando personagem cartoon" |
"Neste curso, vou te ensinar a criar o personagem do Megaman em 3D, do zero, usando o Cinema 4D e o Substance Painter.E voc tambm vai usar o site Mixano, para criar animaes rpidas para fazer uma apresentao do seu personagem, alm de produzir um projeto de portflio no site do artstation.Nos primeiros mdulos voc vai aprender a:- Usar referncias para modelar seu personagem na proporo.- Depois modelar cada parte do seu personagem, usando tcnicas de simetria e topologia para ter um modelo correto para usar em animao ou games.- Depois, vamos abrir as UV's de cada parte do megaman para aplicar nossas texturas com o Cinema 4D e Photoshop.- Vamos criar materiais personalizados e aplicar ao nosso personagem.- Faremos a reduo de nossas UV's e exportaremos nosso modelo para o Substance Painter.- Vou te mostrar uma pequena introduo ao Substance Painter, e seus painis, se voc for um marinheiro de primeira viagem com o programa.- E vamos fazer texturas personalizadas, com o tema do tron, ao nosso megamam pintando no prprio modelo 3D- Ao final, vamos exportar nossas texturas para o Cinema 4D.- Logo aps, criaremos animaes no site Mixano, e uniremos tudo no Cinema 4D.- E para finalizar, faremos uma apresentao do nosso personagem, usando o Madmoset Toolbag, e enviaremos tudo para criar uma super apresentao no site artstation.Lembrando que, este curso para quem j tem algum conhecimento em Cinema 4D. J com Substance Painter e Madmoset Toolbag, te darei as informaes que precisa para no passar dificuldades com seus projetos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Leadership in the Digital Age" |
"Todays leaders must appreciate that digital transformation is not a desire, it is a necessity. The general tenets of leadership will not change, but there certainly are a number of nuances that leaders must embrace to compete in the digital age. Explore what other companies have done not only to compete but to destroy the competition and learn a few key principles that will help you to bring your business into the next generation. Decipher the meaning of the digital age Explore what other organizations are doing to adapt and compete Learn key tenets to build your personal leadership approach to digital transformation Test your creativity on applying these concepts to a simple business Translate this learning to your practical reality"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sonido para Videojuegos de forma fcil con Fmod Studio" |
"El mundo de los videojuegos y las aplicaciones sigue siendo muy demanadado, y la msica y el sonido es una parte muy importante y cada vez ms valorada.Aprende a utilizar una de las herramientas de sonido ms potentes para disear y crear el sonido y la msica para videojuegos y aplicaciones gamificadas.Aprender a crear implementaciones de audio dinmicas, interactivas y verstiles para videojuegos nunca ha sido tan fcil. En este curso, aprenders a usar los mdulos de construccin de sonido de FMOD para crear sonido para tus juegos. Primero, aprenders sobre de los diferentes tipos de sonidos (sonidos individuales, de eventos, mltiples y de dispersin), cundo y como usarlos. A continuacin, aprenders a usar los cambios de parmetros en tiempo real, la randomizacin, los efectos de capas y ms a travs de ejercicios y ejemplos que demuestran la aplicacin en el mundo real. Terminars adquiriendo las habilidades necesarias para implementar msica y sonido en tus videojuegos. Aprende de forma fcil y rpida a utilizar uno de los programas de creacin de sonido para videojuegos ms potentes...!!!!!!En este momento actualizando el contenido a Fmod Studio 2.0, lo que revaloriza ms el que te apuntes al curso para estar a la tlima."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GENLER - 791 Anlatml Soru (TYT, AYT, KPSS, ALES, DGS)" |
"genler, TYT, AYT, KPSS, ALES, DGS Snavlarnda geometri blmnn ilk konusudur.Bu eitimimizde sizlere ilk olarak konu anlatm ve sorularda nasl uygulayacanz detayl olarak anlattk. Hi bir bilgisi olmayan rencinin genlerde kan tm sorular yapabilecek duruma getirmeyi hedeflediimiz bu paketimizde sizlere her konuda zml testler de ekledik. Konu ieriimiz :1) Geometrik Kavramlar ve Doruda Alar ( 52 + 23 Soru)2) gende Alar ( 65 + 24 Soru)3) Dik gen ( 53 + 36 Soru)4) zel Al genler ( 8 + 12 Soru)5) kizkenar gen ( 20 + 24 Soru)6) Ekenar gen ( 28 + 24 Soru)7) genlerin Elii ( 25 + 11 Soru)8) Benzerlik ( 85 + 23 Soru)9) Aortay ( 29 + 12 Soru)10) Kenarortay ve Ykseklik ( 25 + 12 Soru)11) gende Merkezler ( 25 Soru)12) gende Alan ( 83 + 36 Soru)13) A Kenar Bantlar ( 44 + 12 Soru)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python 3:" |
"Python -10 . . , Python , . , , Python . Python , , . Python - - Windows, Linux, Mac OS. , ( ). . Python , """" . : Python: Python, Python 2 vs Python 3, , Python: , , , bool None, , , , Python: list, dict, tuple, set, for-, while-, , : API, , -, , : , , , , -: , , , , , : PyPi, pip, , , , __name__ __main__ : , stack, namedtuple, , datetime, enum, , : json, itertools, requests : , , data classes, type hintsPyCharm: , , , , quick fixes SQL PostgreSQL: , , , , Python .. ! - 1000 ! , Python!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
C#: |
"C# -10 . , C# . C# , ++. C# Java , 2019 , C# -, , Java. Java C#... . , , C# . C# , , . C# - - Windows, Linux, Mac OS. . . C# , """" . : .NET: , .NET C#: , , , , , C#: Array, List, Dictionary, Stack, Queue: , , , , , , , LINQ : reflection, dynamic, -"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL PostgreSQL" |
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max + Vray : Interior & Exterior Night Renders" |
"This detailed step-by-stepcourseguides users through the meticulous process of converting daylight Interior & Exteriors scenes into Night ones, whilst fine-tuning the Lights, Shaders, Textures, Renders, and the PostProduction ; using 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop.Furthermore, the course comes with Project Files,3d Models, Textures, PSD files (Photoshop), and much more.The full course is HD (1920X1080) with custom captions/subtitles, and can be streamed from your mobile (enable full HD and CC).Alternatively, you can download to watch them from your computer (VLC media player allows users to load captions/subtitles) .Also, I offer 24/7 technical support and a 30 days money back guarantee. Thecourse focuses on themethodical processof:1- Fine-tuning Lights and the Renders ofInterior and Exterior scenes 2- Tweaking procedural materials realistically 4-Rendering Parameters and Unrivaledsettings for post-production5-Post-production best practicesand advanced techniques6-Every technique covered in this courseis backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3dVisualization/ProductionIndustry, andpopularBooks Publishedon these keysubjects . Finally, my methodologies arewidely implemented by Award WinningVisualization companies and famousFilm Studios World Wide."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max + VRay : Automotive Studio Lights" |
"This detailed step-by-step course guides users through the meticulous process of Modelling, Lighting, Shading, Texturing, Rendering, and the Post-Production of a Studio Light Rig, using 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop.Furthermore, the course comes with Project Files 3d Models, Textures, PSD files (Photoshop), and much more.The full course is HD (1920X1080) with custom captions/subtitles, and you can stream the videos from your mobile (enable full HD and CC).Alternatively, you can download to watch them from your computer (VLC media player allows users to load captions/subtitles) .Also, I offer 24/7 technical support and a 30 days money back guarantee. The course focuses on the methodical process of: 1- Modelling Lighting & Rendering of a Studio Lighting Rig 2- Creating and tweaking procedural materials realistically 3- Procedural Texturing 4- HDR Image Processing5- Rendering Parameters and unrivaled settings for post-production6- Post-production best practices and advanced techniques 7- And Much More8- Every technique covered in this course is backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3d Visualization/Production Industry, and popular Books Published on these key subjects . Finally, my methodologies are widely implemented by Award Winning Visualization companies and famous Film Studios World Wide."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Verified Views for Planning Applications" |
"This detailed step-by-step course guides users through the meticulous process of creating and submitting Verified Views for Planning Applications, using 3ds Max, V-Ray and PhotoshopThe full course is HD (1920X1080) with custom captions/subtitles, and you can stream the videos from your mobile (enable full HD and CC).Alternatively, you can download to watch them from your computer (VLC media player allows users to load captions/subtitles) .Also, I offer 24/7 technical support and Udemy offers a 30 days money back guarantee. The course focuses on the methodical process of: 1- Pre-planning the Proposed views, whilst acquiring 3d context models, setting up the 3ds max scene and the first 3d Camera2- Adjusting the 3d camera, the render output size, the vray parameters, the new chalk material, the override material function, and creation of the VRay sunlight.3- Adding the VrayEdgesTex procedural map; whilst adjustment layers in post, taking Verified Views photos on site, create marked images with survey points in post, and use the survey points photography.4- Utilizing vanishing lines to centre the photo in order to match the camera accurately in 3ds Max5- Deploying 3ds max scripts to generate the physical survey points and recreate the camera in 3ds max6- Create dummy helpers and X-References to move and adjust the scene closer to 0.0.0 7- Tweak the camera further to match the survey accurately, while using the dummy helper and the X-reference8- Create the Daylight system object is implemented to create Accurate Visual Representations (AVR)0, AVR1, AVR2 and AVR39- And Much More8- Every technique covered in this course is backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3d Visualization/Production Industry, and popular Books Published on these key subjects . Finally, my methodologies are widely implemented by Award Winning Visualization companies and famous Film Studios World Wide."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"3d People +3ds Max+ Vray + Photoshop" |
"This detailed In-Depth course guides users through the meticulous process of Integrating 3d people in Interior and Exterior Live Shots realistically, using 3ds max, VRay & PhotoshopFurthermore, the course comes with Project Files, 3d Models, Textures, PSD files (Photoshop), and much more.The full course is in HD (1920X1080) with custom captions/subtitlesAlso, I offer 24/7 technical support and a 30 days money back guarantee. The course focuses on the methodical process of: 1- Using the Asset Tracking tool to correct missing paths2- Creating Material and Object IDs for Post-Production3- Using Photoshop adjustment Layers , Masks, Brushes, Chromatic Aberration, and the pre-rendered elements to make 3d people more Photo realistic 5- Unrivaled post-production and 3ds Max Techniques 6- Post-production best practices and advanced techniques 7- Every technique covered in this course is backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3d Visualization/Production Industry, and popular Books Published on these key subjects . Finally, my methodologies are widely implemented by Award Winning Visualization companies and famous Film Studios World Wide."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Numerical Methods in MATLAB for Engineering Students Part 1" |
"Numerical Methods (also known as Numerical Analysis) is required in many Engineering degree programs. This course will focus on the root finding and numerical integration techniques most frequently covered at the undergraduate level. MATLAB is widely used in undergraduate engineering programs as well as in industry. Because of this, MATLAB is used in this course to demonstrate how to successfully code each of the methods presented. In addition, it should be noted that this course can be used to enhance your coding skills.You will learn the theory behind the techniques as well as the coding aspects. We will work examples by hand and then follow those with MATLAB examples. This course covers the following topics:Root Finding:Bisection MethodNewtons Method (also known as Newton-Raphson)Secant MethodMATLAB coding of all methodsNumerical Integration:Rectangle MethodMidpoint MethodTrapezoidal MethodSimpson's MethodMATLAB coding of all methodsDownloadable resources that come with the course:Outline of notes with all example problem statementsMATLAB codes needed to run all the examples"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 1" |
"Are you tired of struggling in your Fluids class?If you answered yes, then this course is for you! Here you'll find easy to understand lectures and plenty of fully-worked examples to help you learn the challenging subject of Fluid Mechanics. This course is the first in a 3-course series designed to teach the fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Here's what we'll coverThis course covers the following topics that are generally found in a university-level Intro to Fluids class:Properties of fluids - pressure, density, etc.Ideal gas lawViscosityHydrostatic forces of plane and curved surfacesBuoyancyAnd more!Here's what you get when you enrollLifetime access to the courseEasy to follow, on-demand lecture videosPlenty of fully-worked examples in a variety of difficulty levelsDownloadable outline of notes to help you create an organized set of notes and to help you follow alongWhat's the format of the course?Let me just say that I hate engineering courses taught with PowerPoint slides. Due to this, you will not find slides here.I think people learn better when they have to write the material. That means the majority of my lectures are handwritten. I give you a brief outline of notes to help you follow along and to help minimize the length of the videos.Speaking of video length... am I the only one who doesn't like watching hour-long lecture videos? I didn't think so.To eliminate that frustration my lectures are broken up into shorter segments, typically 12-15 minutes.And if you are here for examples, I made them easy to find. Almost all the examples are in their own videos, that way you can look through the notes and pick and choose which ones you want to watch."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 2" |
"Are you tired of struggling in your Fluids class?If you answered yes, then this course is for you! Here you'll find easy to understand lectures and plenty of fully-worked examples to help you learn the challenging subject of Fluid Mechanics. This course is the second in a 3-course series designed to teach the fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. In this section, we dive into the world of fluid in motion... this is where it starts getting good! Here's what we'll coverThis course covers the following topics that are generally found in a university-level Intro to Fluids class:Reynolds Transport TheoremConservation of MassVolumetric Flow Linear Momentum EquationBernoulli EquationStagnation, Static, and Dynamic PressuresAnd more!Here's what you get when you enrollLifetime access to the courseEasy to follow, on-demand lecture videosPlenty of fully-worked examples in a variety of difficulty levelsDownloadable outline of notes to help you create an organized set of notes and to help you follow alongWhat's the format of the course?Let me just say that I hate engineering courses taught with PowerPoint slides. Due to this, you will not find slides here.I think people learn better when they have to write the material. That means the majority of my lectures are handwritten. I give you a brief outline of notes to help you follow along and to help minimize the length of the videos.Speaking of video length... am I the only one who doesn't like watching hour-long lecture videos? I didn't think so.To eliminate that frustration my lectures are broken up into shorter segments, typically 12-15 minutes.And if you are here for examples, I made them easy to find. Almost all the examples are in their own videos, that way you can look through the notes and pick and choose which ones you want to watch."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 3" |
"Are you tired of struggling in your Fluids class?If you answered yes, then this course is for you! Here you'll find easy to understand lectures and plenty of fully-worked examples to help you learn the challenging subject of Fluid Mechanics. This course is the third in a 3-course series designed to teach the fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. In this section, we continue learning about fluid in motion and we will introduce the concept of dimensional analysis. Here's what we'll coverThis course covers the following topics that are generally found in a university-level Intro to Fluids class:Lagrangian and Eulerian DescriptionsVelocity and Acceleration FieldsContinuity EquationNavier StokesStream FunctionVorticity and IrrotationalityVelocity PotentialDimensional Analysis & Buckingham Pi TheoremIntro to Laminar and Turbulent FlowAnd more!Here's what you get when you enrollLifetime access to the courseEasy to follow, on-demand lecture videosPlenty of fully-worked examples in a variety of difficulty levelsDownloadable outline of notes to help you create an organized set of notes and to help you follow alongWhat's the format of the course?Let me just say that I hate engineering courses taught with PowerPoint slides. Due to this, you will not find slides here.I think people learn better when they have to write the material. That means the majority of my lectures are handwritten. I give you a brief outline of notes to help you follow along and to help minimize the length of the videos.Speaking of video length... am I the only one who doesn't like watching hour-long lecture videos? I didn't think so.To eliminate that frustration my lectures are broken up into shorter segments, typically 12-15 minutes.And if you are here for examples, I made them easy to find. Almost all the examples are in their own videos, that way you can look through the notes and pick and choose which ones you want to watch."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Numerical Methods in MATLAB for Engineering Students Part 2" |
"Interpolation and curve fitting techniques are widely-used by scientists and engineers. Why? Well, experiments generate data and it's necessary to find a way to model this data mathematically. Curve fitting helps us do that! This course covers interpolation and curve fitting techniques typically found in an undergraduate-level Numerical Methods course. MATLAB will be used to implement the methods on the computer. What we'll cover:Least squares regressionPolynomial regressionLagrange interpolating polynomialsNewton's divided differencesLinear splinesQuadratic splinesCubic splinesMATLAB implementation of the methodsWhat comes with the course:Downloadable outline of notes (.pdf file) to help you follow along with the lectures and keep you engaged14 downloadable MATLAB .m files of all codes used in the courseEasy to follow lecture videosAfter this course you'll be able to generate your own curve fits for experimental data as well as know how to properly interpolate to get the best estimates. If you're taking a Numerical Methods course at a University, I've got you covered! We'll work through examples by hand as well as using MATLAB. This way you'll be prepared if you get an exam problem you have to complete by hand. If you're looking for a way to improve your coding skills this is a great course for that too! We'll cover lots of algorithms that'll use different coding concepts like if-elseif statements and for loops. So, if you want more practice with programming in MATLAB this course will definitely give you that experience."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Vector Math Basics for Engineering Students" |
"What are vectors?A vector is a fundamental math concept that's used extensively in engineering. Understanding the math behind vectors before you start using vectors in engineering courses improves your comprehension and makes the learning curve much shorter.Who is this course for?This course is designed for students in engineering who need a review of vector concepts before taking courses such as Statics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Vector Calculus. These courses rely heavily on vector applications so the better you understand vector math, the easier these courses will be. What you'll get with the course4+ hours of on-demand lecture videos35+ fully-worked examples to teach you how to apply the material7 homework sets with solutions so you can practice what you've learnedDownloadable outline of notes with all example problem statements to help you follow along with the lecturesWhat you'll learnThis course covers all you need to get started with vectors. We'll cover:Notation & termsAddition &subtractionPosition vectorsMagnitudeUnit vectors2D & 3D Cartesian vectorsProperties of vectorsFinding vectors using transverse and azimuth anglesDot productDirection cosinesCross ProductFinding area and volume of parallelograms and triangles"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Write a Story Based on Your Life" |
"Do you want to write a novel but feel a little intimidated and dont know how to start? Do you have some life experiences that youd like to write about? Perhaps, you want to write a life story? Or, perhaps, you want to start with real events and real characters and turn them into fiction?If you answered yes, to any of these questions, this course is right for you.In this course, well discuss story structure, story arc, and the three main parts of any story: the beginning, the middle, and the end.Well look at interesting ways to outline and plan your novel.Then, well turn to techniques for retrieving your important memories and developing them into scenes for your novel.Well discuss the concept of a scene as a building block of any story and practice techniques for writing effective scenes.Any novel needs characters, and well dedicate a whole section of this class to developing memorable and realistic characters.Well look at the concept of voice, discuss techniques for dealing with darker memories and darker life moments, and well also practice identifying a theme in your work.Well work on different ways to keep the readers attention and build suspense, such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, and flashforwards.And last but not least well look at ways to revise your story using multiple readings.Throughout the lessons, youll have plenty of writing exercises and activities, so you should have a lot of material for your story written by the end of the course.I hope you find this course enjoyable and helpful! Happy writing!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Maths NBT Skills Preparation for Matrics in South Africa" |
"Many grade 12 learners find the Maths NBT challenging. Even some high-achieving students struggle a little with these tests.Relax, we're here to help you by demonstrating, and reinforcing, the skills you require for the NBT.We also help you to cement this knowledge by working through 135 examples similar to the questions you'll see when you sit the test.A qualified APMaths teacher will walk you, step by step, through 135 sample questions and explain to you how best to tackle each type of question you'll face. Importantly, you will be taught to identify the underlying skills required and shown how to tackle each question.Included in this course is a downloadable version of the Purple Pepper Mathematics Prep Workbook which you will download and print as it will be your companion throughout this series.With nearly 4 hours of video, and 135 individual video clips, you'll be able to practice specific questions that you're having a tough time with, as well as repeat and re-watch any you want, until you're 100% confident.With this course and coaching, you are certain to go into your NBTcalmer, more focused and ready to take the test!We'd welcome your comments after you've done your test so that other Matrics know how this course helped you.Have fun and remember, being good at Maths is like building a muscle, exercise it! Repeat!Good luck."
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Sistema Genital Feminino - Anatomia Humana" |
"Ol! Quer aprender tudo sobre Sistema Genital Feminino?Inscreva-se no melhor curso e assista s aulas com a professora de Anatomia Humana Lvia Rossi, Doutora pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).O curso foi divido em:Introduo ao sistema genital feminino;Ovrios e Tubas Uterinas;tero;Vagina;Vulva.Esse curso foi preparado com muito carinho para voc e ir te ajudar nas aulas da faculdade e no mercado de trabalho, que exige cada vez mais de profissionais completos.Aproveite e boas aulas!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"How to install a free local SAP system NW 7.51-ABAP,BASIS,BW" |
"If you are looking to install the Most Recent SAPSystem for Personal Use you've come to the right place. Check this short, yet very comprehensive, tutorial and see how to get a Local, Free of Charge SAPSystem up & running on your computer in a matter of hours. Follow a Free of Errors Installation Process to avoid time consuming troubleshooting. This course will help you:create an official SAP accountdownload all the software you need to install SAP on your local computerinstall a Virtual Machineinstall a Linux imagelearn basic Linux commands that come in handy for every SAPAdministrator or Developerinstall the SAP systeminstall and configure SAPGUIrenew the SAP license free of chargeOnce you have completed all the steps, you will have a system that you can use to learn basic SAP system navigation, practice ABAP coding, import and export transports, create WebDynpro applications, connect with the Eclipse development environment and much much more."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Catia V5 R26 Advanced Surface Design" |
"Hello in CatiaV5CATIA cover the entire shape design, styling and surfacing workflow, from industrial design to Class A. Very intuitive and easy to use shape design tools give everyone involved in the product design process, from industrial designers, Class A modellers to Aero Lofting engineers, a real freedom to design any kind of complex shape. After this course you will understand how to built the most complex form and how to use Catia to speed up your workflowBest regards,Filip"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Catia V5 zaawansowane modelowanie powierzchniowe" |
"Witam,Projektowanie powierzchniowe jest dziedzin bardzo ciekaw oraz wymagajc sporej wiedzy i jeszcze wikszej praktyki. Wysokie standardy w przemyle spowodoway, e tylko par programw typu CAD jest wykorzystywanych do tego typu modelowania. CatiaV5 jest zdecydowanie faworytem. Z myl o projektowaniu powierzchniowym stworzyem wanie ten kurs z ktrego nauczysz si midzy innymi o:-Module Generative Shape Design-Module FreeStyle-Analizowanie wykonanych powierzchni-Przykad uycia Keyshota do renderingu modeli z CatiaV5-Pokazanie uycia moduu Image and Shape-Projektowanie czci KaroseriiSerdecznie zapraszam"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2018 Solid Modeling" |
"Welcome in SolidWorks,The worlds best products get their start in SOLIDWORKS. Find out why industry leaders are using the SOLIDWORKS solutions to not just design better but smarter. With this COURSE you will learn all necessary skills to work and design in CAD system. SolidWorks offer a lot of command and option to speed up your work and to help you in every day task. Only good knowledge and understand how software work will give you a chance to beat competitors on market."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2018 Surface Design and Analysis" |
"Welcome in SolidWorks,The worlds best products get their start in SOLIDWORKS. Find out why industry leaders are using the SOLIDWORKS solutions to not just design better but smarter. With this COURSE you will learn all necessary skills to work and design in CAD system. SolidWorks offer a lot of command and option to speed up your work and to help you in every day task. Only good knowledge and understand how software work will give you a chance to beat competitors on market."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |