Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprenda o autoCAD mecnico 3D do Zero! Desenho de peas 3D!" |
"Enfatiza os parmetros e comandos para trabalhos industriais e mecnicos em 3D. Foi projetado para estudantes e profissionais avanados no autoCAD, abordando o projeto da maquete 3D da moenda industrial manual em trs dimenses. Trabalhando com processos de modelagem em 3D no autoCAD, bem como extruso, unio e subtrao de objetos. Inserindo no projeto procedimentos e parmetros de texturizao, renderizao e cmeras para gerar imagens fotorrealsticas profissionais."
Price: 444.99 ![]() |
"Super curso de autocad arquitetnico 2d e 3d completo!" |
"Esse treinamento bem completo nessa rea, abordando as principais ferramentas do programa para o desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetnicos 2d. Foi concebido para estudantes e profissionais com pouco ou nenhum contato com o autoCAD, desenvolvendo uma planta baixa contendo planta de cobertura, dois cortes, vigas baldrame e duas fachadas, seguindo rigorosamente todos os parmetros definidos pelas normas da ABNT.Na parte tridimensional trabalhar com a intensidade total nas ferramentas para trabalhos arquitetnicos 3D, para estudantes e profissionais avanados no software. Projetando uma maquete eletrnica em trs dimenses, enfatizando os processos de modelagem em 3D no autocad, assim como os parmetros de texturizao, renderizao e cmeras para gerar imagens profissionais."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Learn 24 Yang Style Tai Chi" |
"Learn the 24 Yang Style Tai Chi form set with these easy to understand lessons. Susan will take you through a step by step process, with plenty of practice opportunities to learn all 24 movements in the Yang form set. Susan teaches through mirror imaging, so you do not have to ""reverse""the movements for learning. Just watch and follow along! Susan also provides instruction in important Tai Chi principles which apply to all styles of Tai Chi. Susan is an excellent instructor (voted Best Online Tai Chi instructor by the national magazine BottomLine). She provides easy, thorough, fun instruction so you can be successful in learning the most popular Tai Chi form set."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Seated Tai Chi" |
"In this course you will learn key movements and principles of Tai Chi while seated. The seated position allows those with limited endurance, balance and conditioning, to begin their journey toward improved health through Tai Chi. You will learn a simple Tai Chi form set in a seated format. Once you have learned this from set and are ready, you can then learn through my next course, the standing version. Tai Chi, whether seated or standing, provides increased strength, balance, and improved posture which leads to overall improvement in health and wellness. Anyone who wants to learn more about Tai Chi should take this course. I have had individuals in my intermediate to advanced Tai Chi classes take this course and tell me they learned true fundamentals and postural improvements through the course. If you are brand new to Tai Chi, this is a GREAT starting point as it focuses on posture and upper body, simplifying the learning process. If you are wanting to deepen your understanding of Tai Chi movement and improve your Tai Chi standing stance, this course will also be beneficial. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Paint Hydrangea in Watercolor" |
"In this course we will learn to paint this fantastic hydrangea with watercolor.We are going to use several watercolor techniques: wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, splatter & spray and more. You'll receive detailed supply list to help you choose what's best for you and your painting.I will guide you step by step and explain in an easy way how to paint your own amazing artwork.You will also receive a reference photo, a black & white drawing, and an extra bonus: a grayscale image for coloring with other media too.I firmly believe that everyone , absolutely everyone, can learn something new or improve knowledge that already have, the only thing is needed for this - it is the desire. You can also enjoy learning!If you like to learn, this course definitively for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Palette Knife Oil Painting Techniques" |
"In this course we will discuss some fun exercises and techniques to use that BOOST your skills! We will next use a primed canvas panel and discuss all the steps to creating a beautiful ocean scene. Lastly we will take a wooden artists panel to create a painting of a windmill. We even discuss VARNISH and FRAMING! Several strategies to create paintings from a value sketch and an interesting color scheme will be discussed as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a popular music app with vue js" |
"First, I am very sorry for my english is not good. but you are very clever to kown what I'm saying.In this course we will make an awsome music app like NetEase cloud music by yourself.This course will let you learn more about Vue and also increase your experience of using Vue in actual development.Thank you very much for your support."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"2019 build a Todo app with vue js" |
"This course we will build a Todo app with vue.jsIt's simple and also strong.But before you learn it , you need some basic kownledge about vueLike v-model, v-bind, v-on:clik and so on.And also you should have some javascript basic kownledge, so you can learn this course very easy.I am recommend you follow the teacher while learning."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"2019 build an simple Online Examination System with PHP7" |
"This course we will build an simple Online Examination System with PHP7.If you are a beginner of PHP this course will suit you very well.In this Online Examination System you can answer your Examination Paper with True or FalseSingle questions, ChoiceMultiple Choice questions, Fill in the blanks questions and finnaly you can submit you paper and get your score.It's a very interesting progect, go and have a try."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2019 make a minesweep game in vue js" |
"This course we will make a minesweep game in vue js.With this course you can make a very interesting game finally.If you are a beginner in learning and using Vue, this course will be very suitable for you.This course will deepen your understanding of Vue and enhance your development experience."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"2020 create a Flappy Bird game with python3.8" |
"2020 create a Flappy Bird game with python3.8To learn this course you will need the basic knowledge of Pythonlike for loop object and so onThis course we will use pygame make a little gameIt is a very interesting and simple gameSo if you are a begener on python game , this course will very suit you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 create a Snakey Game with python3.8" |
"Learn Python game development by creating your own game Gain practical experience in Python game development Develop a clone of Snakey Game using Python game programming Create levels with increasing difficulty and complexity Understand and utilize the opportunities Python games provideMaster game development in a fun environmentPython game programming is a set of Python modules designed specifically for writing games. It allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs using the Python programming language. Python is highly popular and versatile, running on almost every platform and operating system out there; so mastering it is of enormous benefit whether you want to create Python games or pretty much anything else. By completing this course, you can create open source, free, freeware, shareware and commercial games using Python game programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 Build an app like tiktok using vue js" |
"To learn this course, you need some basic knowledge of Vuelike what are the components and ruters.In fact, even if you are a beginner with some basic knowledge of vue, you can learn this course, because it is very simple.When you finish all the classes, you will get an interesting short video app very like tiktok.Why don't you start it now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) halad tanfolyam magyarul" |
"Magyar nyelv AWS trning a felh-szolgtatsok irnt rdekldknek. Fejezetek:1. Bevezets s AWS szolgltatsok vilgbattekintjk a felh alapfogalmait, bemutatjuk rviden a legfontosabb szolgltatsokat klnbz szolgltatscsoportok mentn: Compute, Network, Storage, Database, BigData, Deployment, Administration.Ez a fejezet az ingyenes Udemy kurzusunk tartalma.2. S3 s EC2 szolgltatsokS3 szolgltats (Storage Class-ok objektum, Verzizs, Lifecycle) gyakorlattalEC2 szolgltats (Ec2 alapok, AMI, Machine type-ok, Pricing, EBS, Startup Script) gyakorlattal.3. Hlzatok, Terhelseloszts, SklzhatsgVPC szolgltats (OSI modell, TCP/IP, IP cmek, AWS hlzatok, Security group, Firewall, ACL) gyakorlattalELB s ASG (ELB bemutatsa, Sticky session, L4, L7, Health check) - automatikus sklzhatsg gyakorlattal4. Jogosultsgkezels s adatbzisokIAM felhasznlkezels (Felhasznlk, Policy-k, Csoportok, Role-k) gyakorlattalRDS adatbzisok (Adatbzisok, Read replica, Multi Zone) gyakorlattalKomplex gyakorlat sklzhatsggal, terhelselosztssal, adatbzisokkalNoSQL adatbzisok (DynamoDB) gyakorlattal5. Tovbbi AWS szolgltatsokSQS s SNS szolgltatsok gyakorlattalLambda s API Gateway szolgltatsok gyakorlattalA tananyag ttekintse utn fejezetenknt egy rvid teszttel mrheted a tudsod.A gyakorlatokhoz szksges kdrszleteket letltheted a videk mellett.Minden gyakorlat elvgzse utn gondoskodj arrl hogy a ltrehozott erforrsokat trld a rendszerbl, elkerlve a nem vrt kiadsokat."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Java. - . ." |
", , , , . : . , , "" "" Phone, , . Intellij Idea, . , , . , . . . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Step-by-step ASP.NET MVC Tutorial for beginners- Full course" |
"After completing this course, you will be able to create an MVC application easily. This course contains everything that require to develope a good website. I have explained the core concept of every expect. More videos are yet to come. Join us and get the advantage. If you want to become a hero in Asp Net MVC, then you are at right place. Keep Patience and complete this course, you will be a perfect MVC developer."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Die 5 grten Abnehm-Mythen" |
"Immer wieder hrt man von so tollenDiten, aber was ist wirklich dran? Kann man damit wirklich erfolgreich sein? Sind sie berhaupt gesund und wie nimmt man wirklich erfolgreich ab und was sind die Grnde fr bergewicht?All das, lernst du hier in diesem Kurs und als Bonus, gibt es ein paar leckere Rezepte."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tu as toujours rv devenir acteur mais tu ne sais pas par o commencer ?Cette formation est le pack de base qui va te permettre de te lancer sereinement dans cet univers dont on ne sait pas grand chose ds que l'on passe dans l'envers du dcor.3 heures de vidos qui vont te permettre d'avoir une vue d'ensemble sur l'environnement de l'acteur, avec des techniques de jeu que tu pourras travailler seul ou en complment des cours de thtre !Le tout sera associ des mthodes de dveloppement personnel, ncessaires pour dompter son go et mieux approfondir ses personnages.Une premire cl pour mettre un pied dans le milieu sans tre dans le flou et savoir ce qui t'attends !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Figure Sketches, Quick and Easy" |
"This course will help you to master the technique of very quick fashion figure sketches. After a short training, you'll be able to draw quick working sketches for yourself to depict your ideas. Drawing the figure is usually a more complicated task than drawing clothes. With my technique, you can concentrate on the creative side of your work without studying figure drawing for a long time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Perspective in Landscape Using Perspective Grid" |
"If you know already what is the line of the horizon, what is vanishing or melting point and which lines are known as orthogonals or convergence lines, you can dive little deeper into the practice of perspective drawing. I invite you to discover one more of my trick: using the perspective grid. The perspective grid makes the work with two-point- and three-point perspective much easier and I'll explain how it works and how to apply it in practice step-by-step.The perspective grid system helps us to build up the orthogonal lines when the melting points are outside of our picture, far away from a sketchbook page. We can do it without melting points. It works for simple buildings as well as for complex form. This course helps you to apply basic knowledge about linear perspective and to master the skill of using the perspective grid method in landscape sketching."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Use Creative Visualization to improve any area of your life" |
"During this course I will give you the blueprint to learn how to use Creative Visualization as a powerful tool to help you gain awareness of your life therefore been able to identify what area of your life or personal behaviors might need to be improved or changed. Furthermore you will learn how to create a new powerful vision for your life to help you achieve your new goals."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Criminalistica" |
"Curso excelente de Criminalistica General, en la que aprenderas los aspectos mas importantes de la criminalistica que coadyuvaran a la formacin en el campo del Derecho y Polica Criminal.1. Lograr el estudio de la Criminalstica a travs de los cursos y disciplinas que la configura, incrementando sus conocimientos cientficos, como resultado de las investigaciones que debern realizar cada uno de sus participantes.2.- Contribuir a que la administracin de justicia y la investigacin procesal tenga personal calificado y especializado en los estudios de Criminalstica lo que permitir tener una mayor capacidad entre los responsables de la difcil tarea del acopio de pruebas cientficas y de las personas interesadas en velar por los derechos de los imputados.3.- Potenciar el desarrollo de la investigacin preliminar del delito, desterrando la investigacin tradicional basada en declaraciones, indicios y violaciones a los Derecho Humanos; reemplazndola por una verdadera investigacin cientfica, a travs de mtodos OBJETIVOS y evidencias que permitan descubrir y verificar la existencia convincente del delito y su autora.4.- Contribuir a que las diferentes instituciones que se relacionan a la investigacin del delito puedan contar con especialistas en Criminalstica y se obtengan aportes significativos para el desarrollo de esta ciencia.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La importancia de la Ciencia Criminalstica radica en las tcnicas y mtodos que permiten contribuir al esclarecimiento de la verdad en la investigacin del delito, haciendo de ella un instrumento valioso e inobjetable de cuanto la utilizan.La investigacin criminal apoyada por la Criminalstica tiene una serie de funciones para determinar si se han cometido o no hechos punibles tipificado en las normas penales; como son: la recoleccin y conservacin de pruebas intangibles, la identificacin de los responsables del hecho criminal y dems actuaciones propias de los cursos que se desarrollarn.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DESCRIPCINA travs de este Curso online de Criminologa y Criminalstica podrs aprender tanto los conceptos tericos sobre esta ciencia, como abordar temas de psiquiatra criminal, psiquiatra forense, medicina forense, victimologa y asesinos mltiples. El curso cuenta con anlisis de casos para comprender y examinar el escenario del crimen Conocers la historia de la Criminologa y la Criminalstica y su evolucin hasta la moderna ciencia actual. Adems, sers capaz de analizar y comprender mejor el escenario de un crimen, la perfilacin criminal y la obtencin de muestras. Estudiars balstica forense, lofoscopia, ADN, grafstica, manchas de sangre y te adentrars en un completo anlisis de los casos ms famosos de la Historia, todo ello explicado y con el apoyo por tu INSTRUCTOR ONLINE. CARACTERSTICASCurso Online de Criminalstica . Dirigido por el Abogado Daniel HuisaCuenta con clases en vdeo a las que se accede desde el portal de formacin y con documentacin descargable para su lectura y estudio.Impartido por Estudio Criminal.Se requiere ser mayor de 18 aos para realizar el curso.Tutora online disponible de por vida.Ponte tu propio horario ya que el curso es online.Al finalizar recibirs tu Diploma / Certificado Acreditativo en Criminalstica.A QUIN VA DIRIGIDO?Este Curso online de Criminalstica va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que deseen adentrarse en estas apasionantes disciplinas, tanto por inters personal como para abrirse a nuevos horizontes profesionales, con el nico requisito de haber cumplido los 18 aos de edad.TEMARIO DEL CURSOTemario sobre Criminalistica:DefinicionesIntroduccin a la Criminalistica7 Preguntas de Oro de la Criminalistica y EjemplosPrincipios de la CriminalsticaMtodos de Fijacin de EscenaBsqueda de EvidenciaManejo de cadena de CustodiaMedicina LegalPsicologa CriminalPsiquiatra ForensePoltica CriminalDerecho PenalDerecho PenitenciarioVictimologaDelincuencia juvenilAnlisis de CasosCasustica: Caso de ""Coronel que desmenbro a su esposa""Temario sobre Criminalstica:DefinicinEvolucin HistricaDiferenciasEscenario del CrimenBalstica ForensePerfilacin CriminalManchas de SangreObtencin de MuestrasADNGrafsticaLofoscopia (Dactiloscopia)Papiloscopia COMPRA AHORA ! COMPRA YA! - NO DEJES PASAR ESTA GRAN OPORTUNIDAD "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Editar Vdeos con Camtasia Studio 9 2019 de Cero" |
"Hola y Bienvenido al Curso mas Actualizado y Potente de Camstacia Studio 9 (2019) Versin Final, Mi nombre es Daniel y voy a ser tu instructor a lo largo del Curso.Este curso es lo suficientemente poderoso y exclusivo para hacer vdeos increbles y sorprender a tu audiencia, familiares y pblico en General. Te ser super til si quieres ser un experto en la Edicion de Video con este Fabuloso Programa de Edicin.Empezaremos desde lo ms bsico como la descarga del programa, instalacin y dejarlo activado al 100 % hasta profundizar en el uso de las animaciones y comportamientos. Si quieres crear tu vdeo curso online o quieres empezar a crear vdeos geniales para generar ingresos en Youtube, este es el curso que necesitas para aprender a grabar la pantalla y hacer el efecto pantalla verde (CAMBIO DE FONDO), editar y producir tus vdeos de manera rpida, sencilla y profesional. Muchas herramientas profesionales en un solo programa y desarrollado de la manera mas sencilla, potente y profesional para un pblico principiante o avanzado.Obtendrs un certificado de finalizacin cuando termines el curso! y con una garanta de devolucin del dinero del 100% en 30 das si no quedas satisfecho, as que no pierdas ms tiempo y apntate ya! ;)Recuerda que una vez te inscribas podrs hacer el curso a tu ritmo, sin presiones o con temor a que se acabara el curso en un lapso determinado. No tienes tiempo lmite y siempre contars con mi apoyo para resolver tus dudas, ya que respondo las mismas a la brevedad.Aprovecha esta gran Herramienta y Convierte en un experto de la edicin de Videos.No esperes mas y empieza a generar ingresos desde Youtube, creando vdeos irresistibles que todos querrn y admiraran ver.INSCRIBITE AHORA, INSCRIBITE YA!!!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Biologia Prtica Com Resoluo de Questes" |
"Esse curso visa oferecer ao aluno um complemento importante para seu preparo em cursos vestibulares e provas de Enem. Apresentando os mais diversificados assuntos, as questes abrangem diferentes graus de dificuldades, que possibilitaro os alunos aperfeioarem os principais temas de biologia. As questes apresentaro um tempo prvio para serem solucionadas forando o desenvolvimento da ao decisiva pelos alunos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC para Motion Designers: Do zero ao avanado" |
"Este curso completo de After Effects pretende lhe mostrar todos os recursos do software, alm de contribuir com tcnicas que lhe daro mais aptido para diferentes exigncias de mercado. Durante o curso, tambm vamos ensinar como lucrar com suas imagens, lhe mostrando os principais pontos de venda da web que favorecem profissionais de artes grficas. No perca tempo adquira agora seu curso para iniciar uma profisso lucrativa e extremamente prazerosa."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"iClone 7 - 3D Fcil, Rpido e Lucrativo (ENGLISH SUBTITLES)" |
"Now with subtitles in English!The world of computer graphics is increasingly dynamic and competitive. Companies want to hire more and more specialized 3D professionals with diverse resources. This course comes to you offering the opportunity to experience iClone 7, a 3D software for easy creation of complex and profitable scenes, but also offers you the chance to experience 3DS MAX, complex software that is more intuitive at the same time. Classes are step by step and you will see how each tool works, how each element behaves. Don't waste time, start preparing your future now and start your course!O mundo da computao grfica est cada vez mais dinmico e competitivo. Empresas querem contratar profissionais de 3D cada vez mais especializados e com diversidades de recursos. Este curso vem at voc oferecer a oportunidade de conhecer o iClone 7 um software de 3D para fcil criao de cenas complexas e lucrativas mas tambm oferece a voc a chance de conhecer 3DS MAX um software complexo mais ao mesmo tempo intuitivo. As aulas so passo a passo e voc ver como cada ferramenta trabalha, como cada elemento se comporta. No perca tempo, comece a preparao do seu futuro agora e inicie seu curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso rpido para Animao 2D" |
"Este curso abrange a explicao da interface do software crazy talk que capacita o usurio a desfrutar de uma produo rpida e lucrativa de animaes 2D. Voc ver como possvel produzir boas animaes para introdues de vdeos, apresentaes para diferentes temas com o uso de personagens pr-prontos para diversos projetos. Alm disso o curso do crazy talk um curso rpido e fcil para quem precisa aprender de forma objetiva e no tem muito tempo para acompanhar cursos longos. Comece agora o seu curso em Crazy Talk e aproveite para um novo Upgrade de conhecimento."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Segredos do Biped em 3DSMAX" |
"O curso ""Segredos do Biped em 3DSMAX"" um timo comeo para quem deseja amplificar e solidificar seu conhecimento em computao grfica e principalmente em 3DSMAX. O contedo deste curso claramente exemplificado no primeiro vdeo e assistindo toda a descrio, voc poder ver com maior exatido, todos os parmetros das aulas que faro parte deste material. Nestes tutoriais, alm de voc ver como possvel criar diferentes esqueletos pr-prontos, poder tambm ter uma noo de como certas animaes so aplicadas pelos profissionais em 3D no mercado de trabalho atual. Ento, est interessado? No perca tempo. Compre agora seu curso e faa parte do seleto grupo dos mais completos profissionais na computao grfica! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Faa Vdeos Digitais Com Camtasia 2019" |
"Este curso mostrar para voc como fcil montar aulas digitais e comear a ganhar dinheiro sem sair de casa, produzindo material para plataformas online. O software Camtasia um dos mais requisitados no mercado de produo de material digital com aulas e vdeos para youtube. Com esse curso voc ver como obter o softawer (verso gratuta e paga da empresa) e poder otimizar suas produo para seus futuros trabalhos digitais. No perca tempo! Comece agora seu curso e inicie j seus projetos digitais com fortes potenciais lucrativos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mlakatlar, Yeni mezun ve tecrubeli elemanlar iin zel" |
"Yeni Mezun MlakatlarTecrbeli Eleman MlakatlarIK Mlakatlar, Teknik MlakatlarArcelik, Renault, Ford, Ziraat Bankas mlakat sreleriAselsan, Havelsan , Mikes, Tei, Tai mlakat sreleriMhendislik okuyorum i hayatna nasl hazrlanmalym?Kanu ynetimi okuyorum i hayatna nasl hazrlanmalym?letme okuyorum i hayatna nasl hazrlanmalym?Gnlk alma planm nasl yapmalym?Ingilizce nasl allr ve renilir?renci olarak ortalama bir renciyim, kendimi nasl gelitirebilirim?rendiim eylerin i hayatnda iime yaracan bilmek istiyorum, nasl almalym?Japon Teknii ile renme yntemiUzmanlk alan seimi nasl yaplr ben neyi seviyorum ve baarl olmak iin ne yapmalymYeni mezun CVsi nasl olmalKsa vadeli plan nasl hazrlarmOrta vadeli plan nasl hazrlarmSrekli ayni seyleri dnyorum !Hatalarm gremiyorum !""Bu eitimde ksaca; i hayatna girmeden nce baarl olmay ve baarl olmak iin yaplmas gerekenleri reneceksiniz """
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instale o SAP Netweaver 7.3 EHP1 com AIX on Oracle 11gR2" |
"Quer aumentar sua Capacidade e Proficincia na Administrao de Sistemas SAP e Enriquecer seu Currculo?Nesse curso eu mostro pra vocs desde o processo de Seleo do Software e Download passando pela instalao do Oracle GRID Infrastructure 11gR2 com Automatic Storage Management e tambm instalao do Oracle 11gR2.E finalizamos com a Instalao completa do SAP NETWEAVER 7.3 EHP 1.Esse curso ir clarear a sua viso do processo de instalao do Produto SAP Netweaver 7.3 EHP1 que um dos produtos mais utilizados nos Landscapes SAP."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |