Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Administrao de Banco de Dados Oracle 12c para DBA Junior" |
"Aprenda como Instalar e Configurar um Banco de Dados Oracle 12c de forma Profissional. Nunca mais tenha medo de enfrentar oportunidades em projetos que envolvem instalao e configurao de Banco Oracle 12c mesmo para Sistemas Complexos como SAPBASISNetweaver.Voc ir aprender:- Instalao do Oracle 12c RDBMS- Instalao do Grid Infrastructure 12c com Automatic Storage Management (ASM)- Configurao de Discos para Instalao da ASM- Configurao de Parmetros do S.O Linux para criar ambientes escalveis- Comandos Bsicos de Linux para Lidar com Instalao e Configurao de Bancos de Dados Oracle- Ajustar Parmetros de Memria do Oracle- Fazer Start e Stop do Oracle 12c"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Calculadora grfica Hp50g" |
"A calculadora HP50g uma calculadora grfica extremamente verstil para aplicaes tanto durante perodo de graduao quanto aps este perodo. Entretanto a maioria dos alunos que est em cursos tcnicos e ir utilizar essa calculadora desconhece todo seu potencial, limitando a sua aplicao. Infelizmente nenhum curso de graduao ensina seus alunos a utilizar essa calculadora, mas deveriam, pois, ela uma ferramenta extremamente verstil e prtica para atividade de clculo.Neste curso voc ir aprender a utilizar a calculadora hp50g em quase todo o seu potencial, aprendendo operaes como: clculos matemticos, clculo numrico, operaes de lgebra, operaes com matrizes, construo de grficos, resoluo de equaes, operaes trigonomtricas, ajuste de dados, podendo inclusive aprender como programar a calculadora. Muitas dessas funes so descritas no prprio manual da calculadora, porm, existem muitas funes na calculadora que no possuem utilidade prtica fazendo com que a leitura do manual gaste mais tempo do que o necessrio. Esse curso foi focado somente nas funes que apresentaram para mim utilidade prtica nas disciplinas da graduao, tanto nas de clculo quanto nas tericas (hehe). Mesmo aps a graduao, continuo utilizando esta calculadora nas minhas atividades acadmicas e de pesquisa, pois a mesma consegue realizar operaes que somente softwares muito complexos e caros so capazes (sendo muitas vezes necessrio aprender programao). Para mais informaes sobre as aulas verifique os tpicos ministrados abaixo."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to Business Terminologies & Jargon" |
"It makes me feel great pleasure to introduce before you this Latest collection of jargon of different segment of business.Do you know, according to recent statistics, small business are being registered in great number. But 60% of them have been struggling or simply closed down.Have you ever wondered the cause of business failures?A very clear explanation is the lack of research and study of fundamentals. It is not very much surprising that inadequate knowledge regarding daily used jargon in different segments of business may create obstacle in functioning of the business.Any small business owner or professionals need to know the basic and fundamentals of business terminology in order to perform efficiently in the market.Just Imagine Being Able To:Learn basic business terminology used in daily life in short time.Learning with a very systematic approachAvailability of unique collectionFundamentals are being brushed upExtra resources availability at further demand free...And that's just for starters!Is that possible in short time? Yes absolutely, it is..And Not Only That, But:All the content is instructed in a engaging and interesting mannerYou will learn the skills to work efficentlyAll lectures are containing valuable informationExtra resources will be made availableEnroll as soon as possible..Try this course, see the results yourself and if any way you are unsatisfied, just ask for refund and no questions asked.Resources with other collection of fundamentals and terminologies will be made available on further demand and interest.Rest assured about the outcome and quality of the course.This is a amazing opportunity you can't afford to lose .Try it risk free.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Product Manufacturing I Home based Paper bag business" |
"Hello,We are pleased to bring before you this Masterclass course on Product manufacturing with a example of Paper bag Business.Today, Everyone has a desire to have their own Profitable business and earn a decent income. But lack of finance and knowledge becomes a constraint. So, Is it possible to start a business that can be run from home with probably no investment? Absolutely it is!!You can run a business that may require no heavy investment with the comfort of your homeCan you imagine a easy yet prominent way to start a business with no special skillset? You can turn your imaginations into reality by venturing out into a home based product manufacturing business.In this course, you will gain insights about the steps to start a product manufacturing business. You will also learn about how to make and start Paper bag business professionally from scratch.Just Imagine Being Able To: Learn about steps to start a Product Manufacturing Business Start a home based business with no Heavy investment Run a profitable business from the comfort of your home Making paper bag professionally with no machinery Having your own independent income stream...And that's just for starters!It must sound a little bit unrealistic but our course helps you to make it real.And Not Only That, But: Product manufacturing business knowledge will help you start any other business from home. Having knowledge and information about product manufacturing business will help you venture in any kind of product. In this course , you will also learn about making paper bags as a example. Starting a paper bag business is also contributing to environment and keep out planet clean.If you are looking for a home based business like of paper bags and want to learn about Product manufacturing Business, enroll now !!!Try out the course risk free as you can get refund if you are not satisfied.This is a very amazing opportunity to learn about product manufacturing business and start your own lucrative paper bag business.You will get more resources and knowledge on demand free without any further cost.-So, finally we assure you about the outcome and high quality results of the course. Try it risk free!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Weather and Meteorology basics to cope with adverse climate" |
"We are pleased to bring before you this crash course on fundamental concepts of weather, meteorology and atmosphere science.The world is an continuously-changing picture of naturally occurring events. From drought and famine to devastating floods, some of the greatest challenges we face come in the form of natural disasters created by weather. Yet dealing with weather and climate is an inevitable part of our daily routine. The longer-term challenges of an evolving climate change also demand our attention, whether it be rising sea levels, near-record global temperatures, intensified downpours, or the melting glaciers. For these and many other reasons, interest in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere continues to grow. One of the reasons that meteorology is such an engaging science to study is that the atmosphere is a universally accessible platform for everyone. Although the weather will always provide challenges for us, as research and technology advance, our ability to understand and predict our weather improves as well.Thus, Is it is possible to know about weather and how to take several precautions in advance to cope with it in extreme conditions?Absolutely it is!!You can learn about different basic concepts of weather, meteorology, atmosphere science without going into technical stuff and plan to cope with extreme weather conditionsCan you imagine to learn about weather and prepare yourself for the crucial time in adverse conditions?Just imagine being able to: Learn about fundamentals of earths weather Understanding basic of meteorology without any technical knowledgeSufficient preparation for extreme weather conditionsThis course will help you out in learning and accomplishing the above task.You will also get different extra resources and updates for free without any further cost on demand.So, try this course risk free and see you enrolled in the course!!Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gamified Marketing: Boost your Digital marketing with Games" |
"Hi,I am pleased to bring before you this crash course on Gamified marketing to grow your online or offine business at a steady growth.Let me first introduce myself. I am a freelance digital marketer, exploring new ways of digital marketing campaigns for small business.Today, Everyone has a desire to have their own Profitable business and earn a decent income. But as resources like internet and technological advancement, there is a cut throat competition in Digital Marketing. Traditional ways of marketing plan and marketing strategy is now a days extremely risky. So, there is need of new methods of marketing strategy to adopt and implement to boost your business. So, here I introduce before you the concept of gamified marketing strategy where you can execute your digital marketing campaign in a very new innovative fun process. Marketing is all about engagement of your product with your customers. If there is lack of engagement and responses, it is a indicator that customers are hardly interested in your products or services. So, Gamified marketing technique fulfils this requirement of engagement and responses with your customers.You can extremely run a highly profitable Digital marketing campaign with gamified marketing technique.Can you imagine a easy yet profitable marketing campaign in a fun engaging manner? You can turn your marketing campaigns into a sales machine by delivering your perfect message to your targeted customers in a fun enganging manner.Just Imagine Being Able To:To learn new technique rather than traditional methods of Digital marketing for more profitsGetting maximum Return on Investment for your marketing campaignsRun a sales machine for your product with the least workGrowing your business on autopilotHaving your own independent income stream...And that's just for starters!It must sound a little bit unrealistic but our course helps you to make it real.And Not Only That, But:You will learn about a new brand marketing method which can just double your sales instantlyHaving knowledge and information about the key factors in the marketing strategyYou will see how the gamified marketing plan helps in keeping the customers returning to your product.Gamified marketing attracts customers like a magnet and helps in exposure of your business in a very little timeIf you are looking for developing a sales machine or just want to grow your business, this gamified marketing can drastically show some fast results.Try out the course risk free as you can get refund if you are not satisfied."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LINKEDIN:Legal Hacks on How to Overcome ALL Limitations 2020" |
"""This online course is going to save you hundreds or thousands of dollars every year which you would normally spend for Premium LinkedIn accounts. I will also save you up to 90% of time and resources spent on LinkedIn thanks to various kinds of automation applied on repetitive tasks which will ultimately skyrocket your efficiency on LinkedIn.""Course ContentIf you have been using LinkedIn for some time, you know that there are many new limitations - e.g. Commercial Use Limit blocking you to search people on a bigger scale, the limitation on number of browse-able results, People Search Filters which you can use in the Premium version only or the latest limitations on how many keywords you can put into each search field to name a few.In this course I am going to show you how to overcome all of these obstacles but also other shortcuts and hacks which you probably did not have a clue about.How to overcome all limitations of the Non-paid LinkedIn accountHow to overcome limitations of paid/Premium LinkedIn account (oh yeah, even if you pay for LinkedIn, it does not mean that there are no limitations of usage)How to use some of the paid filters for free - e.g. ZIP code + radius searchHow to send a bulk message to 1000 or more selected 1st degree connections and also people you are actually not connected toHow to download e-mail addresses of all or selected group of your 1st degree connectionsHow to send customized LinkedIn invitations on autopilotHow to get a desired amount of likes per each LinkedIn Post Every TimeHow to use hidden LinkedIn operators and enable some of the hidden or paid LinkedIn featuresAll of these techniques will be demonstrated hands-on to maximize your understanding and capability to implement it into your daily LinkedIn routine with an immediate effect."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Astral Projection The Ultimate Guide" |
"#Bestselling and Highest Rated Astral Projection Course on Udemy ===Questions for You===Would you like to enter into the exciting voyage of discovery that astral projection offers? Would you like to learn how to have regular out of body experiences? Would you like to know what the key states of consciousness are that allow obe's to manifest for you in your life? ===What to Expect===In this course you will learn the Ultimate Guide to Astral Projection. You will learn how to regularly access the out of body state and you will learn how all the part of the astral projection jig-saw fit together. You will find out how to access deep states of relaxation, the mind awake body asleep state and also how to access the mysterious vibrations which come as a calling and precursor to an astral projection experience. You will also learn the difference between a Lucid Dream and a conscious out of body experience and how you can transition from one to another. ===What's Included===52 lectures of carefully presented teachings, techniques, meditations and practices that powerfully open the doorway to the experience of Astral Travel. Expert information and guidance on how to overcome the common challenges that people face on their journey into effective astral projection. A certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator (the later available upon request)===New Announcement===As bonus material for everyone, we are very fortunate to have an in depth discussion and Q&A with author Robert Peterson (who has written 3 books and has 40 years worth of experience and research of obe's) and Daniel Kelley (author and obe's teacher). This video includes some great info on the Science of Out of Body Experiences. === About the Facilitator===Your facilitator and bestselling tutor Tom Llewellyn has 20 years of experience within the realms of meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga and a trained Sound Therapist and has also written two books."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Develop Clairvoyance and Grow in Psychic Awareness" |
"Would you like to learn how to develop clairvoyance and learn to see and feel behind the veil of physical reality into the other world? Would you like to develop intuition, sensitivity to energy and deeper psychic awareness? ===What to Expect===In this course you will learn powerful techniques to awaken your inner seeing, feeling and inner knowing. If you awaken and develop these latent capacities your life will flow with better intuitive decisions, creative flow. You will also be able to help others see and feel more what is going on on the energetic level. ===What's Included===Fun Accessible Exercises that anyone can do with develop and awaken their psychic intuitive senses Learn how to recognise, honour and develop your own latent psychic gifts Guidance on how the chakras (energy centres...) relate to the opening of the psychic senses and how it's not all about the third eye....Meditations to awaken your sensitivity to energy, the various chakras including the third eye 3 in depth interviews with: Dan Cockburn, and his Spirit Guide... and how he relates to his psychic gifts and how he's done rather well with spirit guided financial investments... We will also learn stories of how he was able to find missing young people in this previous job who had gone awol. Also I was honoured to interview recently the gifted, grounded and lovely Psychic Medium Natalie Walker. A Medium of some 27 years who regularly hosts and runs development circles and has worked closely for 12 years with the world famous medium Tony Stockwell. So much wonderful advice, guidance and techniques contained in this interview... A certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator (the later available upon request)===About the Facilitator=== Your facilitator and bestselling tutor Tom Llewellyn has 20 years of experience within the realms of meditation, psychic development, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga and a trained Sound Therapist and has written two books."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Automata Theory Theory of Computation Beginner to advanced" |
"Many find it very difficult to learn and understand the concepts of Automata Theory. Few are thinking that only people with strong mathematical foundations can master this topic. Here I am presenting the topic in a rather simple way with the help of simulating tools, animations, and activities that will help you to understand the topic effectively. The curriculum is created in such a way that it covers all the fundamentals and matches the syllabus of universities around the world. The lectures are designed in such a way that you don't need to follow the hierarchy and can always jump to the lecture you needed. I have included many activities for practice and quiz for your self-test."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Pacote de artes - Photoshop" |
"(PACOTE DE ARTES) Mega PACK artes editveis, feito por profissionais qualificados, com uma qualidade que vai te surpreender. * 30 mil fontes * 600 post para instagram * Varios flyer e panfletos * 1500 Cartes de visitas * Pack de Imagens PNG E JPGE mais 500 GradientsPack Mockup's Arquivos de diversos tipos * Pack com varias logos * Mockup's de diversas categorias * Pack Story animados AFTER EFFECTS"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 5.7" |
"Laravel has become on of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level.Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug in to our Laravel application to make it even better.each lecture touches on a new feature of the Laravel technology. We will build a basic blog website where you will learn how routing works, forms, authentication, security and much more. most of the. You will also benefit by taking the information I teach and try to apply it to your own custom website. Start small and if structured correctly, you will be able to keep adding more to your application easily. Laravel PHP framework , Laravel , Laravel Laravel routing works, forms, authentication, security ."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Brainstorm: A creative essential for your best life" |
"In this 45 minute course we'll walk through a few approaches for a successful brainstorm that can be used to discover ideas in all sorts of areas. We'll be applying the brainstorm to our personal life and letting ideas flow that will lead us to a few solid options for direction. Then we'll start refining the thoughts and figuring out how to make them feasible. You'll become a better brainstormer, and head towards living your best life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Freelancer Financial Freakout: Avoid it and build wealth" |
"When you don't have a regular pay check, it can be tricky to know what to expect financially. How do you plan a vacation? Can you afford to rent a studio? Will your bills get paid? When can you stop stressing?This hour-long course is designed for freelancers who have a few clients under their belt, are getting paid, but still feel anxious about paying bills every month. It will give you the knowledge to feel financially secure, make better purchase decisions, and get you on track to building wealth. Finally, you'll find out how to work smarter, not harder.Well go through... Mindset 3 common blockers that can stop you from being financially successful. Net worth It's time to focus on numbers that will give you real insight. Debt Logical ways of getting out of debt can be a downer. You'll get a more motivating approach. Budget Knowing your numbers can be the difference of 100s of 1,000s of dollars! Plus, you'll get a freelancer specific template. Passive income What it is, how to get it, and what to expect. Investing The first steps laid out for absolute beginners, with no confusing words.--Great, easy to understand advice for anybody who wants to take financial control of their life, but is intimidated by the process. Don DeWolfe CPA, CGA"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fast Track to Quality Management for Projects - Earn 3 PDU" |
"The course Fast Track to Quality Management for Projects, introduces the participants to the basics of the Art of Project Management. It provides the participants with an introduction to the basic vocabulary, definitions and terms and terminology.The Fast Track concept focuses on the main principles of project management, introduces the concepts and that will help you to understand the basics of quality management applied in projects. At the end of the course the participants will better understand project quality.Project Management has become a need for any company to survive in these fast changing times. Successful projects drive companies and determine their success over other companies. Delivering projects with high quality is a must in today's environment. Quality is one of the main driving factors.This course follows the PMI standards and terminology based on the PMBOK6th Edition and is a perfect step in acquiring more knowledge in project quality management.People who are new to project management can get a quick introduction in project quality management and understand how important quality is. People with basic knowledge of project management can increase their knowledge and finally certified project managers can earn PDUs to get re-certified.When you claim PDUs or use the course to specify your formal training you can use the following information to complete the application related to the talent triangle:Provider:De Ceuster Academy @APraCom, s.r.o.Technical: 2Strategic &Business: 0.5Leadership: 0.5ContentIntroduction, How to use the Course, Content and Learning OutcomesOverview of Quality Management in ProcessesThe 7 Basic Tools of Quality ManagementOverview of the PMI Quality Management ProcessesTools and Techniques for Quality Management ProcessesReview and Final TestLearning OutcomesAt the end of the course, the participants will be able to:describe quality management, tools, processes and applicationsidentify the 7 basic tools for quality managementdefine quality related tools and processesintegrate quality in projectsinterpret the basic tools outcomes"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Comptia IT Fundamentals+ Certificao Simulados em Portugus" |
"Curso de simulados preparatrio para a prova de certificao da Comptia, hoje uma das maiores certificaes do mercado, dentre a lista das melhores a Comptia esta presente em varias posies, para voc que quer alavancar sua carreira certifique-se Comptia IT Fundamentals+ e comece como um profissional diferenciado.Questes em portugus, separadas por sesses para facilitar a fixao.Com esses simulados passei gabaritando as 75 questes em 19 minutos em Jan/19 - Instrutor Saymon Vanz"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ChatBot Marketing Eitimi" |
"E-ticaret ve Dijital Pazarlama ile urayorsanz bu kursu karmayn!ChatBot Marketing ile %80-90 alma ,%20-30 Tklama oranlarna ulaabilirsiniz. (Email marketing %20-30 alma , %3-5 tklanma) En iyi yatrm getirisi yolu olan Email pazarlamann 3 kat etkili ChatBot'lar ile Kullanc elde etmek ok daha kolayKullanc Segmentasyonu ve Akll kampanyalarnteraktif ChatBot'lar ile 7/24 Mteri destei, sorulan sorulara annda cevap"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Arduino ile Robotik Kodlama Balang Eitimi (15 Proje )" |
"UDEMY PLATFORMUNDAK EN OK SATAN (5000+ RENC) ve EN KAPSAMLI (9 SAAT - 15 PROJE ) ARDUNO LE ROBOTK KODLAMA ETMKurs Boyunca Gelitirilecek ProjelerLed YakmaTrafik Lambas LambasKaranlkta Yanan LambaRengarenk Animasyonlu Oda LambasLCD Ekrana Yaz Yazdrma TermometreHareket TespitiHareketli RadarDijital MetreA lerLedli ve Sesli Park SensrAkll p Kovasrenen Robot KolEngelden Kaan Araba3 BOYUTLU YAZICIRobotik Kodlama Nedir?Bir robotun hareketlerini kontrol etmek ve ynlendirmek iin yaplan kodlamadr. Kodladmz nesne bir robottur. Soyut kavramlar daha kolay renmek ve retmek iin somutlatrmaya ihtiya duyarz. Bu nedenle robotlarn eitimde kullanlmas renmeyi daha etkin hale getirmektedir.Robotik Kodlamann FaydalarTeknolojinin srekli gelimesi ile birlikte yeniliki ve retim odakl teknolojilere de ayn oranda ihtiya duyulmaktadr. Bu ihtiyacn farkndalnda olan lkeler eitim sistemlerine erken yata ocuklara ynelik kodlama ve robotik eitimlere yer amaktadrlar. ocuklar erken yata kodlama ve temel dzeyde robotik alanlarda bilgisi sahibi olmaktadrlar. Analitik dnme, eletirel dnme gibi 21. Yzyl becerilerini kazandrma gibi fayda salayan robotik kodlama gnmzde son zamanlarn en popler eitim trendi haline gelmitir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Udemyde Online Eitim Vererek Eitmen Olun (UnOfficial)" |
" UDEMYDE ETMEN OLHerhangi bir konuda bilgili olduunuzu dnyorsanz hi beklemeyin.Hemen Udemyde anlatn ve ek gelir elde etmeye balayn. renci saynz arttka artk sadece bu ile yaayacak kadar para kazanmaya balayacaksnz.Herhangi bir konuda ciddi bir bilgi birikimine sahip deilseniz , Merak etmeyin!.. Eitmen zaten rendii konular ok iyi bir ekilde anlatan insandr ayn zamanda. Hemen ilgi duyduunuz bir konu sein ve o konuyu yazl szl bir ok kaynaktan aratrn. 1-2 ay ierisinde ciddi bir aratrmayla bir ders verecek kadar bilgi birikimine sahip olacaksnz.Bu Eitimde Udemyde;Nasl Eitmen hesab aacanzNasl Kurs mfredat hazrlayacanzNasl Kurs sayfasn hazrlayacanzDers videolarnz nasl ekeceiniziVideo ekerken kullanlacak programlarNasl Videolarnz dzenleyeceinizirencilerle Nasl iletiim kuracanzKazandnz paranz nasl ekebileceiniziKurs Pazarlama Taktiklerini reneceksiniz.Hadi hi vakit kaybetmeden kursa balayn ve ilk kursunuzu yaynlayn. Yava Yava geliriniz artacak ve bir sre sonra evinizden alabilecek hale geleceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Life Coaching Certification" |
"Become a Life Coach and help your clients reach their potential and live a balanced and fulfilled life. After taking this course you will know how to use many excellent tools and techniques for helping your clients. You will be able to improve your own quality of life with this LIfe Coaching course. You will also develop communication skills and learn how to build a successful Life coaching practice."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spoken English- Tongue and Brain Training" |
"This course is helpful to both intermediate and beginner-level learners. For beginners, the background of each lesson has been given and for intermediate learners, enough practice matter has been given which is useful for a beginner as well as intermediate level learners. After this course, you will feel very comfortable in speaking English."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML und CSS von Grund auf lernen!" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr den absoluten Anfnger, der den ersten Schritt zum Webentwickler machen mchte.Keine Programmierkenntnisse ntig!Es wird Schritt fr Schritt erklrt, wie HTML und CSS funktionieren und wie sie gemeinsam verwendet werden.Du wirst die Grundlagen von HTML und CSS lernen und am Ende des Kurses wirst Du Deine eigene einfache Seitenvorlage erstellen knnen."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Javascript mit Spa - Entwickle Dein eigenes Clicker-Spiel!" |
"Keine Erfahrung in Javascript ntig.Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger.Herzlich Willkommen zum JavaScript Kurs. Wir haben folgende Schritte entwickelt, damit ihr JavaScript so Schnell und leicht wie mglich lernen knnt.Erster Schritt - JavaScript Theorie.Zweiter Schritt - Mit dem Gelernten, bungen lsen.Dritter Schritt - Jetzt ist es so weit! Ihr knnt ein echtes Clicker-Spiel kreieren und dann erweitern und verndern, wie es euch gefllt! Das wird sicher Spa machen!Alles wird Schritt fr Schritt erklrt!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Development & Administration for Beginner ADM 201" |
"Salesforce Administrator 201 & App Builder (Developer) Certification Trainingwith free lightning component development tutorial addon for limited amount of timeWhat are the course objectives?This Salesforce training course is designed to ensure that you learn and master the concepts of being a Salesforce Administrator and a Salesforce Platform App builder. Our Salesforce training will help you learn how to configure Salesforce, so you are able to collect, analyze and retrieve all of the vital information associated with your customer base. Moreover, you will use Salesforce fundamentals to understand Salesforce online application development and the deployment of next-generation cloud apps. We offer practical hands-on learning that will ensure your job success, as well as the theoretical knowledge needed to pass both Salesforce certification exams.What skills will you learn?By the end of this Salesforce Administrator and Platform App Builder certification training course, you will be able to:Configure and manage Sales and Service CloudGain insight into each of the functional user groups (Inside Sales, Outside Sales, Marketing, Customer Support and Management)Implement automation, security, debugging, data validation and customize appsDeploy applications and manage changes to the Salesforce platformDevelop new applications using the declarative interface and Salesforce fundamentalsConfigure the user interfaceWith our Salesforce certification, youll gain certified, hands-on expertise in managing and developing apps for one of the most popular CRM products in the world. Our Salesforce training will prepare you to pass the two Salesforce exams, and teach you the core administrative features of CRM. Youll learn analytics and customization skills to tailor the system for your specific implementation and master the declarative capabilities of the Salesforce platform to create new applications."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Apex Programming BootCamp Dev 501" |
"You will learn the following in detail in the course and be able to take the Platform developer 1 certification(Note:Prior knowledge of object oriented programming language like JAVA and completed for salesforce admin course is preferred for students enrolling for this course)Learn To build apex classes(controllers)Learn to write triggers in salesforceExpose Apex classes as rest and soap api and invoke http calloutsBuild custom UI using Visualforce and write testclassesDevelopment tools Developer console Force ide for eclipse Salesforce editorBasics of programming in apex syntax Variables Operators Expressions Looping Statement Controlling Statement Apex Class Objects Functions Basics of Salesforce programming Data Types in Salesforce Collections List Set Map Debug process and methodologyQuery Language Intro to SOQL Query formation in SOQL Intro to SOSL Query formation in SOSL DML statements in Salesforce(APEX+SOQL) Relationship query SFDC Data storage Building logic through programming Triggers in Salesforce Invoking apex classes from Triggers DML Statements Insert statement Update Statement Delete Statement Best Practices Triggers -Looping through sobjects Governor Limits Understanding Trigger Context Variables in Salesforce Trigger.New Trigger.Old Trigger.New Vs Trigger.Old Trigger.NewMap Vs Trigger.OldMap Triggers and recursion Order of execution Trigger framework,seperation of concerts Database Class usage Exception Handling Types of exceptions Transcaction control using Database class Detailed record level logging-Database.saveresult System class Using the debug logsDeployment concepts TEst class concepts Test.start test stop test How to get 75% code coverage Why we need code coverageUI Framework Visualforce Understand the Visualforce framework Use expressions to bind data and actions on a page to a controller Understand the concepts behind controllers, including their functionality and capabilities Create custom controllers and standard controller extensions to incorporate new data and actions into a page Understand the security implications of using custom vs. standard controllers. Visualforce tags Building various types of forms and controls using the VF tags Sobject data save/edit Passing data/params between VF and controllers AJAX usage in VF VF and JS remoting in VF pages Using SLDS styling in visualforce Integration with Apex Integration with Apex Create Apex web services and callouts to external web services. HTTP Callouts / 3rd Party Integrations SOAP webservice inbound WSDL API for 3rd Party Integration Basics Rest webservices inbound Miscellneous Asynchronous apex Batch/Queueable/Schedulable Sending/Parsing emails using Apex"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning Web Component development tutorial LWC" |
"In this tutorial you will learn to bascially build custom salesforce UI with Custom Lightning Web Components.Build Lightning web componentsLightning tagsVariables,decorators,data and property bindingStructure of LWC bundleConnect with Apex using Wire attributeConnect with Apex imperativelyDml with Lightning data servicesDML with Lightning record formInter component communication using EventsNested and Custom event handlingLearn component lifecyce hooks and how to use themNote;Prerequisite for this course is ,working knowledge of salesforce administration and Development including Apex programming,and knowledge of basic javascript,html ,css ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"GUI Development with PyQt5 and SQL" |
"This course will teach you how to build an Employee Management System using PyQt5.One of the best ways of learning is learning by practice, and that's what we're going to do in this course. We'll start by discussing and building the user interface, then we'll connect the components using the signal-slot mechanism, and then we'll dive into the implementation.This course will cover many aspects of Qt, like using the signal-slot mechanism, working with layouts, creating windows, dialogs, passing information between widgets and many others! It will also cover SQL topics, where you will learn how to create a database, select desired information using table joins, as well as inserting, updating and deleting records."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para Certificaes Scrum Master" |
"Voc sabia que o Scrum o framework gil mais famoso do mundo? Pois ! Ele ficou assim famoso por ser adaptativo, iterativo, flexvel alm de ser um mtodo de rpida entrega de valor. E voc sabia que um Scrum Master certificado ganha em mdia 30% a mais do que profissionais sem essa certificao?Este curso simula o exame real para a certificao PSM I (Professional Scrum Master), uma das mais valorizadas do mercado.E por que a PSM I to valorizada pela comunidade Agile? Porque:A certificao tem uma credibilidade muito grande, pois o Scrum,org foi criada pelos fundadores do Scrum, o Jeff Sutherland e o Ken Schwaber. Alm de signatrios do Manifesto gil, so as maiores autoridades do Scrum no mundo;As perguntas do exame so de boa qualidade, ao contrrio de alguns outros exames onde algumas perguntas no fazem sentido ou no tm qualquer resposta completamente correta;No to comercial como algumas outras certificaes: voc no precisa fazer cursos credenciados e o auto-estudo aceito;No uma certificao cara: o custo do exame oficial o menor de todas as certificaes e no h custos para renovao da certificao;Voc aprende algo realmente valioso quando estuda para o exame, ao contrrio de algumas outras certificaes Scrum que apenas lhe foram a memorizar um grande conjunto de tpicos sem correlao.Embora a prova seja em ingls, se voc tiver um nvel mdio nessa lngua no vai encontrar grandes dificuldades.Nossos diferenciais so:Questes em ingls j que a prova para PSM I tambm ingls.Explicaes em portugus para que voc possa tirar eventuais dvida com relao questo em ingls.Acesso a descontos para cursos preparatrios para certificao em Scrum a partir de instrutores parceiros.IMPORTANTE!Este um curso de Simulados, portanto no inclui vdeo-aulas tampouco qualquer outro tipo de material complementar. Caso queira indicao de cursos preparatrios, entre em contato conosco por mensagem na plataforma."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para Certificaes Product Owner" |
"Voc sabia que o Scrum o framework gil mais famoso do mundo? Pois ! Ele ficou assim famoso por ser adaptativo, iterativo, flexvel alm de ser um mtodo de rpida entrega de valor. Este curso simula o exame real para a certificao PSPO I (Professional Scrum Product Ownerr), uma das mais valorizadas do mercado.E por que a PSPO I to valorizada pela comunidade Agile? Porque:A certificao tem uma credibilidade muito grande, pois o Scrum,org foi criada pelos fundadores do Scrum, o Jeff Sutherland e o Ken Schwaber. Alm de signatrios do Manifesto gil, so as maiores autoridades do Scrum no mundo;As perguntas do exame so de boa qualidade, ao contrrio de alguns outros exames onde algumas perguntas no fazem sentido ou no tm qualquer resposta completamente correta;No to comercial como algumas outras certificaes: voc no precisa fazer cursos credenciados e o auto-estudo aceito;No uma certificao cara: o custo do exame oficial o menor de todas as certificaes e no h custos para renovao da certificao;Voc aprende algo realmente valioso quando estuda para o exame, ao contrrio de algumas outras certificaes Scrum que apenas lhe foram a memorizar um grande conjunto de tpicos sem correlao.Embora a prova seja em ingls, se voc tiver um nvel mdio nessa lngua no vai encontrar grandes dificuldades.Nossos diferenciais so:Questes em ingls j que a prova para PSPO I tambm ingls.Explicaes em portugus para que voc possa tirar eventuais dvida com relao questo em ingls.Acesso a descontos para cursos preparatrios para certificaes em Scrum a partir de instrutores parceiros.IMPORTANTE!Este um curso de Simulados, portanto no inclui vdeo-aulas tampouco qualquer outro tipo de material complementar. Caso queira indicao de cursos preparatrios, entre em contato conosco por mensagem na plataforma."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para Certificao PMP - Passe de primeira" |
"Este curso de Simulados para voc que quer avanar em sua carreira de gerente de projetos e conquistar a to requisitada (e sonhada!!) certificao PMP.Pratique com 1000 questes que simulam o exame real para a certificao PMP (Project Management Professional), uma das mais valorizadas do mercado.Nossos diferenciais so:Questes no estilo da prova PMP.Cada questo tem sua explicao referenciada de acordo com o Guia PMBOK 6 Edio, para que voc possa ir direto ao item referenciado.Nota: PMI, PMP, CAPM, PMBOK Guide so marcas comerciais do Project Management Institute (PMI), EUA. Nossos cursos no so endossados nem afiliados ao PMI."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Build World-class websites with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap" |
"Become a Frontend Web Developer by learning more in-depth of cutting edge web technologies, such as: HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 to develop 3 huge high-performing websites relating to latest Web Design practices, including the CSS Media Queries, and optimization for mobile devices. No prior knowledge of HTML & CSS required. You will learn all that from scratch.Build a Strong Front End Web Development Career with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4.Basic HTML and CSS ComprehensionBasic HTML and CSS Document ExplanationHTML5 New ElementsCSS3 SelectorsDesign and LayoutText FormattingBackgroundsCSS TransitionsBonus Lecture (Building a Moon and Turning it into a Huge Glowing Sun on Hover )Master the Fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4.Learning and mastering these latest web technologies is easier than ever, which gives you a powerful knowledge of programming skills with 146 lectures. The HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, and all very useful tools that we're going to be using in this course are completely FREE!Breaking the Content Down a Bit More.HTML5 New Elements <figure> <figcaption><main><mark><meter><progress><time><wbr>CSS Basic Selectors The Element SelectorThe Class SelectorThe ID SelectorGrouping SelectorUniversal SelectorAttribute SelectorsCSS CombinatorsAdjacent Sibling CombinatorGeneral Sibling CombinatorThe Child CombinatorCSS Pseudo-classesactivecheckeddisabledemptyenabledfirst-childfirst-of-typefocushoverlast-childlast-of-typelinknth-child()nth-last-child()nth-last-of-type()nth-of-type()CSS Pseudo-elementsafterbeforefirst-letterfirst-lineCSS Basic Box ModelControlling the flow of content: overflowControlling the flow of content: overflow-xControlling the flow of content: overflow-yControlling the size: height, max-height, min-heightControlling the size: width, max-width, min-widthControlling the margins: marginControlling the margins: margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottomControlling the Paddings: paddingControlling the Paddings: padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, pading-leftControlling the Visibility: visibilityCSS Positioned Layoutfloatpositiontop, right, bottom, leftclearz-indexCSS Text FormattingBasic Fonts: font-familyBasic Fonts: fontBasic Text: text-transformBasic Text: letter-spacingBasic Text: overflow-wrapBasic Text: word-spacingBasic Text: text-decorationBasic Text: text-shadowCSS Backgrounds and BordersBasic Color: color & background-colorBasic Color: opacityBasic Backgrounds: background-imageBasic Backgrounds: background-repeatBasic Backgrounds: background-positionBasic Backgrounds: background-sizeBasic Backgrounds: background-originBasic Backgrounds: backgroundBorders: All BordersBorders: borderBorders: All Border RadiusBorders: border-radiusCSS Box Effectsbox-shadowCSS Transitionstransition, transition-property, transition-durationtransition-timing-function, transition-delaytransitionBonus LectureWith these essentials mastered, you'll then build 3 huge high-performing websites. The course will teach you how to build headers, before contents, main contents, after contents, and footers.Project Type 1: Restaurant Project Type 2: ZooProject Type 3: NewsBy the end of this course you will have great skills of HTML5, CSS3 (including media queries), and Bootstrap 4. This will give you success to accomplish a great design performance result. From scratch to fully functional. The end result will be modern, multi-page, and mobile-friendly sites that will work and look its best on all devices and browsers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |