Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Apache Airflow using Google Cloud Composer: Introduction" |
"Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service that empowers you to author, schedule, and monitor pipelines that span across clouds and on-premises data centers. Built on the popular Apache Airflow open source project and operated using the Python programming language, Cloud Composer is free from lock-in and easy to use. With Apache Airflow hosted on cloud ('Google' Cloud composer) and hence,this will assist learner to focus on Apache Airflow product functionality and thereby learn quickly, without any hassles of having Apache Airflow installed locally on a machine.Cloud Composer pipelines are configured as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) using Python, making it easy for users of any experience level to author and schedule a workflow. One-click deployment yields instant access to a rich library of connectors and multiple graphical representations of your workflow in action, increasing pipeline reliability by making troubleshooting easy.This course is designed with beginner in mind, that is first time users of cloud composer / Apache airflow. The course is structured in such a way that it has presentation to discuss the concepts initially and then provides with hands on demonstration to make the understanding better.The python DAGprograms used in demonstration source file (9 Python files) are available for download toward further practice by students. Happy learning!!!"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Machine learning - OpenCV based IOT using Raspberry pi" |
"You will find course in Supervised machine learning course - OPEN CV generally for computer. But, hardly you will find an integrated course which covers Internet of things based on supervised machine learning output. In really, for machine learning in real time has no meaning when it works with simulated data. Getting real time data be in from Sensor or an Application, poses it own challenges and this is generally over looked while learning about machine learning.This unique covers covers both Supervised machine learning and Internet of things using Raspberry pi.There is a growing demand for these kind of application, For example:Building automation - Switch on Electrical device such as lighting and temperature control instrument when human being in present.Attendance marking based on automatically identification of an employee.Identify parking free parking lots.Identify number plate in car.Prevent Crime - Identify a person with criminal record.And many more.All these operate on combination of supervised learning technique coupled with IOT. Hence this course covers supervised learning coupled with IOTfrom a building building automation perspective. Once participants are clear about the concept they can then develop /extend it for other applications listed above or on the other machine learning algorithms.Additionally, voice control IOTapplication is also growing at a rapid pace. This course also covers topic related to building voice based IOTapplication using Raspberry pi and other open source software and platforms like OPEN CV, Google assistant, Adafruit IO platform, IFTTT.Happy learning!!!"
Price: 7360.00 ![]() |
"Oracle E-Business Suite Practice Tests - OM, INV, PO" |
"This is a unique and comprehensive practice tests covering range of Oracle E-Business Suite Supply chain modules.Are you planning for a certification in Oracle E-Business suite in Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing such as Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Inventory Essentials 1Z0-519 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Purchasing Essentials 1Z0-520 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Order Management Essentials 1Z0-521 ORDo you wish to test your knowledge on Oracle EBS track?These tests provide you with a easier way to test your knowledge, then focus and gain more knowledge by identifying your weak areas. Thereby, this would enhance your confidence through approach of self-test and learning at very economical price.This practice tests are packed with 5 different tests: 1. Quick Test - Business and Process flow SCM (covers OM, PO, INV) - Have 5 questions in business flows. 2. Mock Exams in line with actual Oracle E-Business Suite certification exams: Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Inventory Essentials 1Z0-519 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Purchasing Essentials 1Z0-520 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Order Management Essentials 1Z0-521 Note : 1. These Mock tests have 80 Questions each with 150 minutes 60% for PASS. 2. Also include questions from topics - Oracle E-Business suite Fundamentals as required by certification exams3. Bonus - Test Oracle E-Business Suite SCM- Technical & Data models (10 questions).Evaluate yourself in the easiest way and have a successful career.Happy learning!!NOTE: There is no lectures, its only 5 practice tests."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Oracle E-Business Suite Practice Tests - GL,AR,AP" |
"This is a unique and comprehensive practice tests covering range of Oracle E-Business Suite Financials modules. Are you planning for a certification in Oracle E-Business suite in GL, AR, AP such as Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x General Ledger Essentials 1Z0-516 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x Payables Essentials 1Z0-517 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x Receivables Essentials 1Z0-518 ORDo you wish to test your knowledge on Oracle EBS track?These test provides you with a easier way to test your knowledge, then focus and gain more knowledge on your weak areas. Thereby, this would enhance your confidence through approach of self test and learning at very economical price.This practice tests are packed with 5 different tests :Quick Test - Business and Process flow Financials (covers AR,AP, GL) - Have 5 questions in business flows.Mock Exams in line with actual Oracle E-Business Suite certification exams: Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x General Ledger Essentials 1Z0-516 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x Payables Essentials 1Z0-517 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x Receivables Essentials 1Z0-518 Note : These Mock tests have 80 Questions each with 150 minutes 60% for PASS.Bonus - Mock Test Oracle E-Business Suite - SLA, FA, Technical & Data models (20 questions).Bonus - Mock Test Oracle Cloud ERP Saas - Fin (25 questions).Evaluate yourself in the easiest way and have a successful career.Happy learning!!NOTE: There is no lectures, its only 6 practice test."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Oracle Business Intelligence(OBIEE) practice Tests" |
"This is a unique and comprehensive practice tests covering Oracle Business Intelligence.Are you planning for a certification in Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Foundation Suite 11g Essentials 1Z0-591 ORDo you wish to test your knowledge on OBIEE and OBIA?These tests provide you with a easier way to test your knowledge, then focus and gain more knowledge by identifying your weak areas. Thereby, this would enhance your confidence through approach of self-test and learning at very economical price.This practice tests are packed with 4 different tests: 1. Quick Test - Architecture of Oracle BI - Have 10 questions 2. 2 Mock Exams in line with actual Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Foundation Suite 11g Essentials 1Z0-5911. 40 questions, 63% for pass with duration of 65 minutes 2. 75 questions, 63% for pass with duration of 120 minutes- Covers all the topics of the certification mock exams. 3. Bonus - Test Oracle Business Intelligence Application - 5 questionsEvaluate yourself in the easiest way and have a successful career.Happy learning!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Functional Principles of Oracle ERP - EBS and Saas (Fin)" |
"In last two decade Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has thrown plethora of career opportunities for consultant. However ERP is an evolving field starting with client server technology and then progressed into 3-tier architecture with advent of internet and now to cloud.So, if one is looking for a career in ERP particularly Oracle ERP and not sure where to start and that to without investing huge money as investment in training, then this course would be the right one. It has the relevant flavor to make a good start and progress further in your endeavor. More importantly, it provide short and crisp overview about Oracle ERP financial modules and associated business flows.This unique course not only cover critical functional principles and concepts in Oracle EBS suite On-premise but also provide you with relevant information on the latest Oracle cloud ERP offering.The Key functional principles and concept covered are in following.1. Introduction about ERP.2. Business flows - Order to cash, Procure to Pay.3. Oracle General Ledger.4. Oracle Receivables.5. Oracle Payables.6. Oracle Fixed assets.7. Oracle Self service modules - iReceivables, iProcurement, iExpenses, iSupplier.8. Quick comparison of functionality in Oracle cloud ERPs.9. Quiz - To test your knowledge at appropriate place - totally 8 quiz sections are built into the courseHappy Learning!cheers!Note : The course does not contain Oracle ERP product demonstration, however screen shoots are provided wherever needed."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Functional principles of Oracle ERP - EBS and Saas(SCM)" |
"In last two decade Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has thrown plethora of career opportunities for consultant. However ERP is an evolving field starting with client server technology and then progressed into 3-tier architecture with advent of internet and now to cloud.So, if one is looking for a career in ERP particularly Oracle ERP and not sure where to start and that to without investing huge money as investment in training, then this course would be the right one. It has the relevant flavor to make a good start and progress further in your endeavor. More importantly, it provide short and crisp functional overview about Oracle ERP Supply chain modules and associated business flows.This unique course not only cover critical functional principles and concepts in Oracle EBS suite On-premise but also provide you with relevant information on the latest Oracle cloud ERP offering.The Key functional principles and concept covered are in following.1. Introduction about ERP.2. Business flows - Order to cash, Procure to Pay.3. Oracle Order Management.4. Oracle Purchasing5. Oracle Inventory.6. Oracle Sourcing.7. Oracle Self service modules - iProcurement, iExpenses, iSupplier.8. Quick comparison of functionality in Oracle cloud ERPs.9. Quiz and practice tests - To test your knowledge at appropriate place Happy Learning!cheers!Note : The course does not contain Oracle ERP product demonstration, however screen shoots are provided wherever needed."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Oracle APEX 19 : SQL, PL/SQL to Web Application Development" |
"This course provides you will necessary details to develop web application using Oracle APEX ver 19. This course uses cloud version of Oracle APEX version 19, hence no install required. Oracle APEX is 'plug and play' application development tool to create impressive application of forms and report based tool without use of any web programming. However, for a complex application, it would require to use SQL statement or PLSQL programming through Page designer. To make learning easier, this course also provides a brief overview about SQL and PLSQL too so that learner need not look at t other source towards learning SQL, PLSQL. This course provide in depth details about some of the critical features available with Oracle APEX to build desired web applicationThere are also demonstration as how sql, plsql can be used in application development in Oracle APEX in Page processing, dynamic action and even email feature of event. Additionally there are built in Quiz section to test your understanding of Oracle APEX.Good luck and happy learning"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Oracle SQL for Data Analytics and Data warehousing overview" |
"Enterprise worldwide has huge data on their business application be it in the from of ERP or Data warehousing information. The heart of these system are Relational data base and enterprise world over are looking for expert who can derive meaningful information from the system, so as to grow and drive the business.An Oracle SQL expert from data analytics perspective is always on high demand. Considering this, the course is packed with all the necessary details.Apart from regular sql 'select statement ' which is called DML statement it also covers business analytics statement such as:Roll Up group.Cube - commonly referred in Data warehousing towards multi-dimensional data analyticsHierarchical functions.Additionally it also has an overview about Data warehousing concepts, which provides you with basic knowledge, which can then be used to acquire Datawarehouse - ETL tools and OLAP tools knowledge.One can learn Oracle SQL without any install through Cloud Oracle DB along with data set for easier practice.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Financial Management and Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)" |
"Majority computer based business applications revolves around Finance. Anyone with technical background like engineers, non- financial background folks, tech-prenuers or management students look at the ways to quickly learn on accounting concepts like Business entity - Proprietor, Partnership, Limited companies with financing option Double entry system accounting - Debit, Credit with account rules.Trial balanceBalance sheet entries - Assets, Liabilities.Cash flows.Financial RatiosCapital budget.Generally, one need to opt for structured course like MBA, which involve time, effort and huge cost as well. This course is designed is such a way that one learns basics in financial concepts and management.While one need to have good understanding on the above to start a career in business application consulting like ERP. So additionally apart from covering the above topics this course also covers.Accounting entries automation linking with Enterprise resource planning (ERP)ERP overview and evolution .Different type of ERP application - On- premise and Cloud.What is cloud or On- premise application.Business flows in ERP - Procure to Pay and Order to cash.So in if you are technical person (non finance background) want to learn basics of Finance along with introduction to Enterprise resource planning (ERP), then this course would be the ideal choice.Happy learning!!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar um Beat de Trap do Zero" |
"Nesse curso, voc ir aprender como produzir Beats de Trap de todas as vertentes, da mais lenta at a mais acelerada, o curso ser atualizado com frequncia, incluindo NOVAS VIDEO AULAS dos estilos de beats de Trap, que os alunos do curso mais gostariam que eu ensinasse. Ento se voc quiser se tornar um timo Beatmaker, NO PERCA ESSA OPORTUNIDADE e adquira j o curso. Pois um dos cursos MAIS COMPLETOS do BRASIL."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Dart Flutter & Firebase to Build iOS & Android Apps" |
"Welcome to the Learn Dart Flutter & Firebase to Build iOS & Android Apps course. In this course, you will learn all the fundamental and advanced features of Dart programming language, fundamental Flutter Framework, Firebase service to develop cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.Dart is the main language to develop cross-platform mobile apps using Flutter framework. If you know Google's Dart Programming language well, you can easily understand Flutter framework. Dart is a client-optimized object-oriented programming language for fast apps on multiple platforms. It is developed by Google and is used to build mobile, desktop, backend and web applications. The popularity of the Dart programming language is growing super fast. It uses C-style syntax and has many essential features of modern programming. I carefully crafted this course to help anyone, who wants to learn Dart from scratch and wants to be master of it. If you can be a master of a programming language, you can work with anything based on that language. The goal of this Learn Dart Flutter & Firebase to Build iOS & Android Apps course for absolute beginners who want to start a career in mobile apps development.If you have other computer programming experiences like JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, PHP or Ruby, you will learn Dart much faster by following this course. This course is designed for any age of people who never programmed in Dart before or never developed any mobile app before.In the beginning, I will help you to learn the fundamental concepts of Dart programming language. On the way, you will learn modern programming features, object-oriented programming, collection types, functions, generators in Dart. Near the end, you will learn about advanced concepts e.g. how to do asynchronous programming with Dart using Future and Stream. Then you will be guided to the Flutter framework. You will learn fundamental knowledge to develop Flutter apps, different types of widgets, state management libraries and some full application development from scratch.Dont waste your precious timeI prepared this Programming course as the shortest and elegant programming course. I personally do not like to watch the long, boring video tutorial. I like to know the specific thing in the right way. I developed over 50+ iOS and 10+ Android apps in my career. I created my own business based on mobile apps. So I can guide you to know the essential features of a programming language to be a master of it.ZERO Risk with Money Back Guarantee I am very confident that you will love my Dart and Flutter course. In case you're not happy, you can claim your FULL money back within 30 days. So sign up today and let's start developing!By the end of this course, you'll learn:Fundamental of Dart programming language e.g. data-types, strings, iteration, collectionAdvanced Dart Programming language: functions, classes, mixins, future, streamFunctional and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Dart and FlutterAsynchronous and Synchronous programming using DartGenerics and Error handling in Dart8 Developed Apps Using Flutter FrameworkFlutter Apps with State Management libraries using Provider, Redux & BLOCHow to use Firebase AuthenticationHow to use Firebase Cloud Firestore database in mobile appsHow to create apps from scratchTestimonial from my students in my other courses:- Edward Chapman: This Python course is great. I had to pay deep attention to the teacher's instructions and answer all of the quiz questions the best way I could. To be honest with my mentor himself the opponent. Some of the questions seem kind of difficult to comprehend. But then again some of the quizzes I understood were common sense for my very first-time set up during the course of my duration and aptitude studies. - Tiffany Dinh: Very clear and concise! This course starts at the ground level for any person who knows nothing about coding.- Evan Gao: This course gives a brief introduction of how to scrape webpages using beautifulsoup and scrapy, which provides beginners a good starting point.Whether you want to start your own business or start your programming career, the mobile platform is the best and trending modern technology. Regarding the freelance or jobs perspective, mobile apps development is in the top category. The flutter framework is rising very fast. Many native mobile apps developers now switched to the Flutter framework. So if you learn Dart and be an expert on it, you will Ace your career.So don't waste your time by overthinking and Let's enroll in my course. I will be more than happy to guide you on this journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento para prova do ENCCEJA Agosto 2019 - Matemtica" |
"O curso de matemtica para o Encceja 2019 est baseado em metodologia e linha de raciocnio e pensamentos que me permitiram em 2018 obter o certificado de concluso do ensino mdio. Vamos aprender como resolver mais rpido problemas matemticas e expresses algbricas simples do nosso dia a dia. Ns sabemos que de extrema importncia esse certificado pois abre portas para o mercado de trabalho, permite fazer qualquer graduao ou assumir concursos municipais, estaduais ou mesmo federais.Muitas vezes temos capacidade intelectual para qualquer das opes citadas acima mas no temos os documentos necessrios para entrar na faculdade, assumir concursos ou mesmo sermos empregados e extremamente constrangedor passar por tudo isso.Estarei acompanhando a todos meus alunos at e mesmo depois da prova fornecendo todas as informaes e conhecimento necessrios para que tudo proceda da melhor forma antes, durante e depois da prova do Encceja 2019.Aguardo vocs !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Design & Composition Guidelines: Create Your Own Awesome Art" |
"Its imperative that an artist sees what theyre creating.This may sound odd but its not uncommon for artists to be completely blind to their work. This may sound odd but its not uncommon for artists to be completely blind to their work.The reason this happens is because theyre only focused on one element of the work that they dont see the whole.This comprehensive course includes all you need to know for creating winning artwork.If your art is stagnant it's probably has a lot to do with design and composition.Module One: Simplifying Elements And Principles Of DesignThis section covers all you need to know about the basics of design elements and principles. And you will learn how they translate to making quality art. It's important to establish a foundation before moving into more advanced ideas.If you lack these with design techniques in your work then it's pointless to even pick up a paintbrush.Module Two: In-Depth Look Into Practical Design TheoryHere you will learn how to incorporate pattern, equality, designing within the frame and a whole lot more. The lessons in this section will dramatically improve your artwork in ways you never knew existed.There's also several complete demonstrations that illustrate how certain elements were used in a painting. So, you will see these methods in action as a painting is completed from design to finish.Module Three: Additional Composition KnowledgeThis section includes various techniques for understanding shapes within the frame. You will start to see how to organize your subjects so that they mingle well with the edges of the picture plane.Module Five: Application DemonstrationsIll share some examples on how I tackled various issues when creating work from photos. In each example youll discover how I utilized certain composition and design elements to create a finished painting.Having these examples will help you to see potential issues in your reference photos and save you a lot of time and money."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Embracing Imperfection: Create Your Own Expressive Artwork" |
"Hi, I'm Robert Joyner. And I've created Embracing Imperfection - The Art Of Painting Loose for people like you that want to loosen up and make art fun! This is an ideal class for all mediums but I will use watercolor and acrylics in the demonstrations.If you've always wanted to...Learn to break away from unnecessary details that only clutter your artwork.Develop the mindset and skills that will allow you to paint more expressively.Learn why so many artists can paint loosely with ease.Then this course is for you!Develop the right attitude that allows you to paint quickly without all the fuss.Discover how to select right materials for the job.Techniques for painting quickly.Develop the necessary skills to paint loose complex scenes with confidence.Course Includes;22 details video lessonsDemos in acrylic & watercolor3 assignmentsAsk questions & get answers"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fight Ransomware Using FreeNas, PI HOLE & Veeam Back up" |
"Ransomware came roaring back with a vengeance in 2018 and promises attacks on consumer electronics in 2019. This type of malware gets its name from the payment it demands after locking away victims files has quickly become one of the top types of cyber-attacks.Only 4 in 10 companies have a strategy in place to deal with Ransomware, and of those 4, 1 would go bankrupt and close their doors forever.With the raise of the price of bitcoin, it could cost 10s of thousands of dollars to get your data back if you get hit and thats besides business disruption, remediation costs, and a diminished brand.Ransomware is out of control right now and technology is having a very difficult time trying to stop it. This means it's all up to us, the human firewall to prevent it.This tutorial will guide you on what to do Before, During and After a Ransomware Attack."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Website Restaurant WordPress ECommerce Platform" |
"Pizza & Restaurant WordPress Theme is a perfect design with the harmonic mixture between colors and layout space so ideal for you to sell pizza, cakes, bakery, drink, food, fast food, pasta or cheeseburger restaurant. This theme fully meets your expectations and give your customers a brand new experience with great and beautifully made features.POWERFUL FEATURESBuilt on WPBakery Page Builder most awesome visual page builder for WordPress02+ Homepage Laypouts variationsIntegrated Mega Menu Module With Lightweight Megamenu Editor ToolContact Form 7 IncludedWordPress latest vertion tested and approvedPremade widgets to build content easierOptimized for Speed, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Optimized, Highly Conversion Rate Optimization and Unlimited CustomizeClean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of websiteElaborated clean code for your convenienceCross-browser compatibility: Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE10Totally responsive designDifferent sidebars variationsAmazing parallax effects both on rows and contentFast and perfect performance while viewingCompatible with popular plugins"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"News - WordPress Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme" |
"News is a theme designed to provide an all-in-one solution for every publishing need. With News, you can explore endless possibilities in crafting the best fully-functional website. We provide 120+ homepage that perfect for your News site, Magazine site, Blog site, Editorial site and for all kind of publishing website. Also provided automatic import feature to replicate one of the demos you like just by one click.Customizing your website with News is easy & fun. You can lively see the change you made and create a landing page with ease by utilizing Drag and Drop Header Builder, WPBakery Visual Composer & Customizer. We fully integrate all elements of WPBakery Visual Composer, including FrontEnd Visual Composer Editor.We push our limit to provide you with the easiest way to reach High Score on Google Page Speed. With News Speed, it is possible now to reach 100/100 point on Google Page Speed with minimal effort. For the mobile device, News fully support Google AMP and Facebook Instant Article that will make your website load faster on all mobile devices.SEO performance becomes one of our main concern. We show that commitment by utilizing JSON LD which is recommended by Google for the best SEO result. Not only that, we also provide compatibility with many SEO Signal. The deal is to create a platform for your SEO contents performance fly.Feature Included into NewsLayoutResponsive Design. Tested on Google Mobile FriendlyHeader Builder with Live Preview7 Footer Styles10 Single Blog TemplatesSidefeed LayoutBuilt-in Mega Menu5 Template Split ContentsSEOCarefully inspected Tag for high SEO performanceShare bar with social proof counterOptimized for Google Page Speed as SEO SignalWebsite schema using JSON LD which is recommended by GoogleGoogle AMP SupportSupport SSL & HTTPSValid HTML checked using W3 ValidatorALT Image Fallback to make sure your images have ALT tagPerformance & CodeMinified Javascript & Style by Default (can be disabled)Super Lightweight PageLazy load Image that reduces half of website size at the first loadPHP 7 Ready to improve loading time 2x faster from the older PHP versionCompatible with WP Super CacheDatabase Query Optimized to reduce query by 50%Clean and easy to read code with filter & action on each elementAdvertisement & MarketingMarketing referral & affiliate by integration of JNews Review SystemEasy integration with Google AdsResponsive Advertisement for both Image & Google adsIntegrated Email Subscriber with Widget & Visual Composer BlockSupport for level ads format with Anchor & Vignette Ads.Option & BackendVery intuitive Live preview option panel (Customizer)More than 700 options on Customizer which grant you limitless possibilitiesAutomatic Import will install Plugin, import content, and style to replicate demo completed with uninstall featureFull integration with Visual composer (Including Frontend Editor)Add Thousands of font from Google Font, Typekit font or upload your own fontEasy Translation using our own easy translation toolVideo documentation access right from your backendAutomatic Themes UpdateSocial FeatureCollection of wide social network Share with social proofBuild in like functionDummy number of view counter, share, and likeInstagram Feed widget & Footer or HeaderLogin & Register with Social MediaFacebook Instant ArticleSocial Button for your Social ProfileSocial Feed WidgetLanguageEasy Translation with frontend translation pluginMultilanguage Support with Polylang & WPMLRTL Support for every JNews componentSpecial FeatureInfinite Scroll for more convenient readingView Counter and Popular PostLive SearchBuilt in Mega MenuFacebook & Discuss CommentReview System with 3 Point TypesCommunity Forum by BBPressShopping CartPopular Plugin IntegrationWebsite Push Notification"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Website One/Multi-Page Portfolio Laravel App Theme" |
"In this course we will Learn Framework Laravel From the beginning to the end We will work with it using Voyager :) Laravel Portfolio CMS is exclusive reliable and reusable item with pack of full advanced features.Like Portfolio :)Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) in to our Laravel application to make it even better.There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to php frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right?You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright lets lists what this course has to offer, so that you can make your decision?User & Registration SystemUsers can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.Media BuilderMembers / Admin add unlimited recipes.SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)Admin PanelFlexible control panel system with full options.Only admin role can login admin panel.Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).Change Contact information (email, phone,...).Unlimited slides images related to the Services.Change social media pages.Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).Manage categories (add, edit, delete, view).Mange (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).Approve member Media to appear on website.Can able/ disable Media appearing.Mange Blog Posts (add, edit, delete, view).Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.Other FeaturesEasy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).Awesome Design for Website and admin panelFully Responsive for Website and admin panelClean Code with hight performance.Easy CustomizationFriendly with SEO.High performance.More features will coming up.One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying Relations"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Creative Website Shutterstock Laravel App Theme" |
"In this course we will Learn Framework Laravel From the beginning to the end We will work with it using Voyager :) Laravel Portfolio CMS is exclusive reliable and reusable item with pack of full advanced features.Like Portfolio :)Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) in to our Laravel application to make it even better.There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to php frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right?You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright lets lists what this course has to offer, so that you can make your decision?User & Registration SystemUsers can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.Media BuilderMembers / Admin add unlimited recipes.SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)Admin PanelFlexible control panel system with full options.Only admin role can login admin panel.Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).Change Contact information (email, phone,...).Unlimited slides images related to the Services.Change social media pages.Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).Manage categories (add, edit, delete, view).Mange (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).Approve member Media to appear on website.Can able/ disable Media appearing.Mange Blog Posts (add, edit, delete, view).Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.Other FeaturesEasy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).Awesome Design for Website and admin panelFully Responsive for Website and admin panelClean Code with hight performance.Easy CustomizationFriendly with SEO.High performance.More features will coming up.One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying Relations"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Beautiful Content For The Web Froala and Laravel App" |
"Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML Editor written in Javascript that enables rich text editing capabilities for your applicationsThe Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML Editor Beautiful Javascript web editor that's easy to integrate for developers and your users will simply fall in love with its clean design.Froala is an easy-to-use, intuitive tool, and everyone is happy using it. The way that we have been able to customize the editor is fantastic. Were very satisfied with Froala s features, functionality, ease of integration, and the impeccable support team. Tiny is the best plug-and-play rich text editor solution. Plus the cloud delivery automates the editor updates and takes server configuration off my plate.Froala provides a full-featured rich text editing experience, and a featherweight download. Froala is open source For a decade Froala has been an open source project. Licensed under LGPL, everyone at Tiny remains as committed to its open source future as the day we started. If open source matters to you too, please contribute. No matter what you're building, Froala has you covered. From content management to email marketing, here are our customers' most common uses:Content Management Systems (e.g. WordPress, Umbraco )Learning Management Systems (e.g. Blackboard)Customer Relationship Management and marketing automation ( e.g. Marketo)Email marketing (e.g. Constant Contact)Content creation in SaaS systems ( e.g. Eventbrite, Evernote, GoFundMe, Zendesk)These are just the start. Froala is incredibly flexible, and with hundreds of APIs there's likely a solution for your editor project. If you haven't experienced Froala Cloud, get started today. You'll even get a free trial of our premium plugins no credit card required.Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) in to our Laravel application to make it even better.There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to php frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right?You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright lets lists what this course has to offer, so that you can make your decision?User & Registration SystemUsers can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.Media BuilderMembers / Admin add unlimited recipes.SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)Admin PanelFlexible control panel system with full options.Only admin role can login admin panel.Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).Change Contact information (email, phone,...).Unlimited slides images related to the Services.Change social media pages.Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).Manage categories (add, edit, delete, view).Mange (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).Approve member Media to appear on website.Can able/ disable Media appearing.Mange Blog Posts (add, edit, delete, view).Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.Other FeaturesEasy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).Awesome Design for Website and admin panelFully Responsive for Website and admin panelClean Code with hight performance.Easy CustomizationFriendly with SEO.High performance.More features will coming up.One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying Relations"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Laravel Hotel App with Translations 4 Languages" |
"Eman Hotel Booking is a clean Hotel App Theme designed for hotel, chalet, bed and breakfast, resort, apartment and all hotel and tourism business. Hotel rooms has a dedicated page where the hotel owner can show all accommodations details with an amazing booking system. The hotel theme include also an easy search filter system for show all rooms and you can book them with a multiplies steps reservation module.Designed for any kind of hotel business it is the perfect Eman Hotel Pack for all kind of hotel, resort, chalet, holiday Business and much more like :HotelHostelMotelMountain and Lake chaletLuxury ApartmentPrivate AccommodationBed and Breakfast ( b&b )Booking Online RoomsReservation Online SystemResortVacation RoomsRooms RentalHoliday StructuresTravel ApartmentsBeach HousesVacation RentalsCabinsCottagesThis Hotel App is 100% responsive and it is tested on all major handheld devices, also it comes with necessary features that each best website needs. In Hotel Booking you have included the best and most famous plugins for set up your site easily and in the best possible way, The single room page contains all the information that the Hotel needs to communicate to their guests and there is a booking system. This Hotel Booking theme also includes a lot of prices layout, services page, contact, shop and lots of components. In this amazing Travel Holiday theme you will also have a custom for booking and custom post types as rooms for make sure to get the best result. Hotel App theme can be a great choice for your online presence and here you can find few feature included :Various Hotel DemosCross Browser OptimizationCustom Google Maps designFully ResponsiveSmooth transition effectsPowerful Custom Admin PanelSeo FriendlyTranslation readyEvents Calendar readyGoogle fontsAnd much more FunIn this course we will Learn FrameWork Laravel 6 From the beginning to the end We will work with it Laravel . An ecommerce store is all about performance and security and PHP Laravel Framework is the best choice, it is most secure, fast and lightweight framework.Separate Ionic and Native mobile app items are available.Laravel has become on of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level.Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) in to our Laravel application to make it even better. There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to php frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right? You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright lets lists what this course has to offer, so that you can make your decision? Benefits of taking this course (I promise to be brief)1. Top PHP instructor (with other successful PHP courses with great reviews)2. Top support groups3. An amazing project that we will be building and taking to Github4. Lots of cybernetic coffee to keep you awake.....5. Did I mention I was not boring and you will not fall asleep?Oh yeah, we take this to Github (A app repository online) and even show you how, so you will learn that too.FeaturesEasy and simple interface to useFully responsive for any kind of devicePowerful admin backend like WordPressClean coding with proper commentingSecured coding against SQL injectionDirect access or invalid URL press stopped for each pagesStatistics of important data in dashboardPhoto gallery managementUnlimited category and post creation and managementUnlimited Page system You will have 3 menu in bike shop footer header overlay menuUnlimited Page system Page login logout signin with video background you can edit it and add it in admin panelUnlimited Page systemUnlimited Page system adminUser: name, email, password, profile picture and descriptionSetting: general setting such as logo, blog title, website icon, home pageSend Message From user to admin with contact form laravel 6User have Portfolio pageUnlimited Page systemCustomizable in own language rtlimage: easily upload multiple images with ajax.Theme color changing optionSecurity Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)Built on powerful Laravel 6 Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.Passwords are encrypted using PHPass library to make sure your data is safe.User & Registration System Users can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.Media Builder Members / Admin add unlimited recipes.SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)Admin Panel Flexible control panel system with full options.Only admin role can login admin panel.Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).Change Contact information (email, phone,...).Unlimited slides images related to the Services.Change social media pages.Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).Manage categories (add, edit, delete, view).Mange (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).Approve member Media to appear on website.Can able/ disable Media appearing.Mange Blog Posts (add, edit, delete, view).Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.Can view/ delete users subscribed.Manage sliders that appears on website (add, edit, delete, view).Totally with this admin panel can manage and control every thing appear in website with full option.Trendy website interface included. Home page with Widgets for popular Media , popular authors, counter of pages of social media and simple searchlatest Services addedAjax Subscribe formSingle page for Media category included its category and advanced search.Single awesome page for Media included plethora details.User Profile included all details about author and his Media .Contact form to make your client reach you easily.Login/ register/ forget password modal.Amazing Dashboard for register user include setting page, user Services and page for managing Services.Other Features Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).Awesome Design for Website and admin panelFully Responsive for Website and admin panelClean Code with hight performance.Easy CustomizationFriendly with SEO.High performance.More features will coming up.One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying RelationsRelationship Methods Vs. Dynamic PropertiesQuerying Relationship ExistenceQuerying Relationship AbsenceCounting Related ModelsInserting & Updating Related ModelsThe save MethodThe create MethodBelongs To RelationshipsMany To Many RelationshipsLet me break down some things from the projects but not all, cause my hands are a little tired :)One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying RelationsRelationship Methods Vs. Dynamic PropertiesQuerying Relationship ExistenceQuerying Relationship AbsenceCounting Related ModelsInserting & Updating Related ModelsThe save MethodThe create MethodBelongs To RelationshipsMany To Many RelationshipsLet me break down some things from the projects but not all, cause my hands are a little tired :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Angular 8 - Desde bsico hasta nivel profesional" |
"En este curso aprenders a como crear aplicaciones web desde cero con Angular. Podrs utilizar este framework para poder intercambiar informacin entre el FronEnd y el BackEnd (servidor). Aprenderemos a utilizar componentes, directivas, pipes, servicios y mucho ms y todo desde cero. Si conoces un poco de Angular y deseas expandir tus conocimientos estas en el lugar correcto!. Acompanos en este curso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Redux con Angular utilizando NGRX desde cero hasta avanzado" |
"En este curso aprenders a como crear aplicaciones web desde cero con Angular y Redux (NGRX). Aprenders a intercambiar informacin entre el FronEnd y el BackEnd (servidor). Aprenders a utilizar las herramientas como ""Actions, distpacth, reducer, createSelector , createFeatureSelector, Effects, y mucho ms"". Aprenders el concepto de servicios en Angular, etc. Acompanos en este curso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Great Affiliate Program List Course" |
"Do you want to learn how to start Affiliate Marketing?In this case, I have a proposition for you.Join this course, and learn how to create a passive income stream for yourself, by promoting affiliate products.Learning to use strategic online methods to promote products that have an affiliate program in place, is an incredibly powerful assets that anyone with a commitment to learn can create for themselves. The idea behind this is to learn affiliate marketing once, and gather revenues from it, for a life time! This course, besides teaching you about affiliate marketing, will also give you a huge list of affiliate programs that I gathered over the years, which you can join today (755+ affiliate programs included).You're probably reading this because you're either:1) Someone who wants to start earning a passive income from affiliate marketing.2) Someone who has tried to create a passive income stream online but did not managed to do so.3) Someone who has the desire to break out of the 9 to 5 pattern, and start being your own boss.The hard truth is: Most people will fail to earn even a single dollar from affiliate marketing. And let's not even think of the number of those who earn enough to make their dreams come true, using just income from affiliate marketing.Here are the two main reasons why this is happening:1) People are confused and don't know which affiliate program they should join, which will fit them the best.2) They don't have a strategic method of promotion products, that will start earning for them an affiliate income.I know that starting affiliate marketing can be extremely hard (believe me, starting is the hardest step of them all). I've been there myself, I know this better than anyone else... Because of this, I wanted to create a course I wish I had back when I started.But what if I would hand you a ""done for you"" list of affiliate programs, organized by categories (niches), that you could literally just check and get a great understanding on which affiliate program fits you the best?Well, that's exactly what you are going to find in this course. I added to it a huge list of affiliate programs, which you can join today, and start promoting them, to make your dreams come true!No more confusion when thinking about which affiliate program to select. No more frustration when you find out that the affiliate program you selected is not fitting you at all. Just an in-depth list of affiliate programs, joined with a course that will provide you insights about how to select some affiliate programs from the provided list that will match you the best, and how to get started promoting them!I basically done the first steps of starting up with affiliate marketing for you. You just need to check on what I have to present to you.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN BY TAKING THIS COURSE:#1: Understand the main principles of how affiliate marketing works#2: Understand what you need to look for, when you are searching for an affiliate program to promote#3: You will get a huge list of affiliate programs you can join today#4: Learn how to select the affiliate program that fits you the best, and what to check when joining any affiliate program in the future #5: What you need to know when you join an Affiliate Network#6: How to search for even more affiliate programs (yes, even more than this course will provide)#7: How to join the affiliate program, what you will need for this#8: How to start promoting the affiliate programs you joined, how to start earning a revenue#9: How to drive tons of free traffic on autopilot to your affiliate promotions#11: What are sales funnels and how to use them for best results#12: How to make maximize your results and make the most of affiliate marketingNow is the right time to get started with affiliate marketing.Don't wait for people to get a head start over you, take action today and gain the advantage! Many affiliate programs found in the list that this course will provide have a very low competition from other affiliates, so you will be able to promote them with more ease.Earning money with affiliate marketing is not a myth:Millions of people are doing it every day and so can you. All you need is to know where and how to start.And just in case you feel like I didn't bring you enough value in this course or you decide that affiliate marketing is not the right way to go for you, please remember one thing:This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee!If you are not happy with the course for any reason you will get a full refund!I'm confident that you will find that this is a great courses to learn how to create a passive online income stream using affiliate marketing and that you won't find the unique insights gathered in this course anywhere else.I'm excited to watch you take your first steps in affiliate marketing and I hope to see you also in the Facebook support group, where you can ask questions and share your results!Now go and start earning your first dollars (as passive income) from affiliate marketing!Let's meet again, inside the course!To your success,Szabi."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Come usare la meditazione ogni giorno in modo semplice" |
"Immagina se potessi superare una giornata caotica, trattando con tutto ci che costantemente in lotta per avere la tua attenzione, tutti coloro che incessantemente ti martellano con le loro e tornare a casa con la una serenit mentale. Sarebbe bello vero?E possibile! Si tratta solo di allenare la tua mente e di allenare te stesso ad essere resiliente a tutto il caos che sta accadendo dentro e intorno a te. Questo esattamente ci che la meditazione fa, pratiche di addestramento mentale per aiutarti a calmare la tua mente a comando, migliora la concentrazione e la creativit, aumenta la chiarezza nel tuo processo cognitivo, fortifica la tua resilienza emotiva necessaria per migliorare giorno dopo giorno.Una domanda che probabilmente ti stai per fare : ""Come faccio a farlo in modo che non sia cos noioso e come posso portarlo nella mia vita di tutti i giorni?La risposta una solamente...Iscriviti al corso ora!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Futuro Exponencial y Proyectos giles" |
"La transformacin digital est cambindolo todo a una escala sin precedentes, la administracin de proyectos giles es el primer paso para estar preparados, pero Es suficiente? Cmo impacta la Transformacin Digital a mis proyectos giles? Cmo resolver problemticas que lo acompaan? Cmo tener un mejor puesto? y con tanta competencia, Cmo distinguirme del resto y tener un mejor sueldo? Necesitamos tener las herramientas adecuadas y RESOLVER LOS PROBLEMAS que hemos estado cargando en nuestros proyectos.Este es tu primer paso para lograrlo porque al finalizar el curso descubrirs:Cules son las 3 problemticas del Futuro Exponencial que impactan a nuestros proyectos giles?Cul es la importancia de analizar los problemas desde la perspectiva del futuro exponencial?Descubrirs: Qu significa ser gil realmente?Sabrs como resolver las siguientes problemticas que impactan directamente en el xito o fracaso de tu proyecto:Cmo estimar un proyecto si muy apenas se lo que pasar en el siguiente SPRINT?Cmo alinear objetivos del proyecto durante cada SPRINT? Cules son los secretos para definir objetivos?Cul es la diferencia entre Definicin de Terminado vs Definicin de xito?Tu Product Owner no sabe decir que NO y todos los das llega con ms trabajo? Cmo resolverlo?Cada vez hay ms gente sumndose al movimiento gil y juntos descubriremos como solucionar lo que nos quita el sueo y nos da dolores de cabeza en el da con da de nuestros proyectos. Juntos buscamos tener proyectos felices, y tener proyectos felices significa tener una vida feliz tambin. :) No te preocupes que este curso es exactamente lo que necesitas para lograr todo eso. Te sorprenders!Inicia hoy mismo que maana es otro da..."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Pubnub - Javascript Realtime Maps Geolocation Tracking" |
"The only course that gets straight to the point with realtime geolocation and tracking Learn how to integrate Pubnub, which is a global data stream network, with Google Maps API and Javascript in order to display realtime maps on your webpage. Realtime technology is the latest trend in the internet of things (IOT). Jump on the bandwagon now so that you can start building realtime applications that were once a dream. This course is for absolute beginners who are having a hard time connecting the dots with Pubnub data streaming, Javascript and Google Maps API. You do not need any special software, hardware, etc. All you need is a computer. Ideally, you should have a hosting provider and domain name. If not, a simple internet connection will be all that is required. What You Will Learn:How to Access the Pubnub Console in Order to Send and Receive Data to Your WebsiteHow to Create a Live Flight Path Simulator that Will Send its Data Points to PubnubHow to Create a Realtime Tracking Map that Will Send its Location Data to PubnubHow to Take the Data Sent to Pubnub and Broadcast it Back to Other Users (Like Users Who Watch Cars on Rideshare Apps)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |