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"Build a Linux Based Raspberry Pi Drone" |
"DescriptionWelcome to the Build a Linux Based Raspberry Pi Drone course, where we will be covering the gauntlet of drone related subjects. Most drone build courses will only show you how to put together pre-selected parts, without providing the potent why behind the choices. And they certainly dont show you how to code your own automatic missions with python. This course will cover it all. Whether you want to simply build a flyable drone from scratch, or to learn how to select parts to design your own drone, or even to learn about software that would allow you to script automatic drone missions (for that new taco delivery company idea?), well go over it in this course with a unique Linux based Raspberry Pi drone!In this course, you will learn:Hardware: Basic Drone Components (GPS, motors, ESCs, LiPos etc)Design: How to find the basic hardware parts to build your own droneBuilding: Assemble and build your drone from the parts that were chosen from the design processFlying: Basic flying and best practicesCoding: SSH into your Linux drone and configure/code it from the command lineSome highlights we will learn from the 5 sections:Learn of the special units for all your required hardwire (Example: What does the C-rating of a LiPo battery actually mean? How do mAh and Coulombs relate? Whats the difference between a 2300 Kv motor and a 935 Kv motor?)Different methods of estimating thrust/current draw of your drone design before you buy the partsSoldering ESCs to the power distribution boardSetting up Telemetry and connecting your drone to Mission Planner (our ground control station)Different types of flight modes we can fly our drone with (Example: Loiter- GPS based mode that attempts to lock the drone in a single point in 3D space, Alt-Hold- Barometer based flight mode to hold the drone at a particular altitude)SSH-ing into our Linux droneCompile our own firmware right from our drone (could even be flying while we are doing this!)Download DroneKit and write some python scripts that will make our drone fly autonomous missions (without an RC controller!)Will you need to buy drone parts to get value from this course?While this course was designed for you to follow along with the drone build prescribed, 80% of the videos are not specific to a specific drone build. This means you can still extract extremely valuable knowledge from this course without needing to spend the money to buy the drone parts. Even without building a drone, you'll still learn about the hardware, design and build processes, and some best practices and maintenance for drone pilots. What if you want to build a drone, but not the type used in this course?This would work just fine, because there is even a section dedicated to illuminating the design process, which would allow you to design and find the parts for your own drone build. Most of the videos would still directly apply to your drone. What about required tools to follow along in this course?At minimum, you will need:A soldering iron and solder (~$20)ScrewdriverAllen wrench set (~$10)Raw drone components to build and maintain the drone ($400 to $500 depending on the quality of parts you choose to buy)A drill and some drill bits would be helpful (but not required)Should you join right now?Check out the free lectures first and see if you think this course is right for you. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee on this course, so you can always return it if you decide later the course wasnt for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
officeprofession |
Price: 2600.00 ![]() |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Medicina & Filosofia" |
"O que voc vai aprender:Entender a concepo de filosofia, nascida como projeto humano na Grcia, como prtica de vida em busca de uma sabedoria que ultrapassasse a efemeridade da existncia;Assimilar a filosofia como PRTICA DE VIDA e no como VIDA CONTEMPLATIVA;Entender o esquema trplice da filosofia como: elaborao terica do que , atuao prtica do que devemos fazer, aceitao vivencial do que devemos almejar/esperar para ns livrarmos da angstia da conscincia da mortalidade;Quando perdemos a capacidade de falar sobre as angstias da alma, tornando-nos seres to utilitrios?A vida pautada por um crebro mitolgico, isto , uma razo que se constri em torno da lgica do mito;Conhecer a histria da Odissia de Ulisses;Relacionar a histria de Ulisses com a filosofia de Plato em sua teoria da verdade, isto , sua ANAMNESE..."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Urgncia Mdica" |
"URGNCIA MDICA - ASPECTOS FUNDAMENTAIS PARA A PRTICA DO PROFISSIONAL DE SADEEP. #1 UPA, O QUE IMPORTANTE SABERQuem sou e como posso ajud-lo? Qual a autoridade que tenho para falar sobre UPA? Para quem eu falo?EP. #2 A UPA E A REDE DE ATENDIMENTOSRede como melhor imagem para o Sistema nico de Sade. Onde a UPA se insere na REDE? A demora permitida nos fluxos da rede: o fundamento das classificaes de risco. Referncia e Contra-referncia: a vida da rede. Fenmeno iatrotrpico: se no resolver ele, nada adiantaEP. #3 COMO TRABALHAR MAIS E MELHOR? PROLAS!Na emergncia, ectoscopia tudo. Seja diretivo e reconhea as bandeiras vermelhas e amarelas. Como utilizar o ""copiar e colar"". Tem exame fsico que vale mais que anamnese? Pense em Sepse! Calma, voc pode reavaliar. Como no menosprezar o discriminador da enfermagem? No esquea que voc pode dar alta A lgica do ""mais boca, mais msculo, menos veia"". Passe os casos de internao para o chefe. A sua principal meta para as prximas 24h.EP. #4 BANDEIRAS SINALIZADORASEntendas as principais bandeiras sinalizadoras na faringoamidalite, pneumonia, cefaleia e sobre os sinais gerais de perigo para que voc no vacile no planto.EP. #5 PROTOCOLOS DA REDEEntenda sobre os fluxos j protocolados na rede. Neste episdio voc avanar sobre temas como Sepse, Dor torcica, Dengue e AVE."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tecnologias Digitais Para a Educao [2020 COMPLETO]" |
"Aprenda a utilizar os recursos digitais para difundir seus contedos entre os alunos, seja mais reconhecido e muito melhor remunerado atravs das suas produes.Voc aprender a produzir suas prprias videoaulas e e-books e assim fortalecer sua marca pessoal como PRODUTOR DE CONTEDOS e influncia para educao das pessoas que vo acessar seus contedos pagos ou gratuitos.O curso vai te levar do bsico e te deixar autnomo para alm da produo de e-books e videoaulas em vrios formatos. Os formatos de produes abordados durante o curso no exigem a compra de grandes equipamentos. Voc j est apto a comear agora a produzir atravs do seu smartphone, tablet ou computador.O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NESTE CURSO?MDULO I O INCIOObjetivos do cursoOs 5 princpiosA evoluo desde 1717Quem sou eu?O ensino hbridoMDULO II PRODUO DE VIDEOAULASEnquadramentosRecomendaes e equipamentosComo gravar videoaulasGravar no PowerpointGravar no QuicktimeGravar no ApowersoftArmazenamento e compartilhamento de videoaulasVideoaulas no youtubeVideoaulas no vimeoMDULO III PRODUO DE E-BOOKSDiagramao on-line fcilImagens livres de direitos autoraisProduo de capa 3DMDULO IV ELABORAO DE APRESENTAESProduo colaborativa de slidesModelos mais elegantesMDULO V PODCASTIntroduo sobre o que ?Como usar o AnchorComo usar o Sound CloundInformaes importantes:No ser discutido edio de udio ou vdeo;As ferramentas mencionadas no curso e utilizadas para a produo dos contedos, so prioritariamente livres e de fcil manuseio pelo pblico com conhecimentos bsicos;Este curso no se destina a profissionalizao;No ser citado gravaes com cmeras profissionais DSLR;Voc sair de onde est e ter seu contedo estruturado ainda esta semana.SOBRE O INSTRUTOR:Daniel Coriolano Professor Universitrio & CEO da Ncleo MD EducaoMestrado em SF com linha de pesquisa Educao em Sade pela Fiocruz, Professor da graduao em Medicina, residncia mdica em Medicina de Famlia e Comunidade (MFC) pela Universidade Federal do Cear (UFC). Autor de publicaes mdicas digitais, editor do MedCast (o podcast de medicina mais acessado do Brasil) e idealizador do maior evento mdico-cientfico EaD do Brasil, o Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Medicina."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Personal Productivity Made Simple" |
"How can something so simple capture and organize our increasingly complex lives?Think of it this way: If Marie Kondo from the Netflix series Tidying Up could declutter your mind the way she declutters homes, her system may look something like this.We all long for an agile mind that's free to focus on what's most important to us. With so many demands that come at us from every angle, how can we achieve high levels of productivity along with work-life balance?I'll walk you step-by-step through a process that I developed and have been using since 2006. By the end of this course, you'll have the tools and process that you need to:Free your mind to focus during the day and rest when the day is doneCapture, organize, and complete your projects and tasksPlan your life, track your progress, and correct your courseYou'll no longer have any use for to-do lists, ""life hacks,"" or any other productivity system that you may have tried in the past. Everything you need fits in the palm of your hand.Find a simple way to your most productive day.Sign up now!I'll see you in the course.-Andrew"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript i front-end (nie tylko) dla back-endowcw" |
"Piszesz w JS tylko wtedy, gdy musisz? Ostatni framework javascriptowy, jakiego uywae to jQuery? Nie syszae o sowie kluczowym class w JavaScriptcie? Brakuje Ci statycznego typowania? A moe po prostu chciaby podszkoli si we front-endach?Jeli ktrekolwiek z pyta wzbudzio Twoje zainteresowanie, zapraszam do wzicia udziau w kursie :) przejdziemy krok po kroku po nowoczesnych technikach programowania w JavaScriptcie i dotkniemy aktualnych frameworkw (React). To bdzie dobry pocztek dorabiania sobie drugiej specjalizacji - drugiej nogi w modelu kompetencji (Pi).Kurs jest szczegowym wprowadzeniem, przegldem i zacht do dalszego rozwoju w obszarze front-end. Pomoe osobom, ktre ogarnyby JavaScripta (nawet pomimo brzydkiego, dynamicznego typowania i tym podobnych), ale nie maj si i chci, eby goni za wszystkimi Node'ami, Reactami i innymi webpackami z cyklu ""nowy dzie, nowy framework"". Jeli potrzebujesz wiedzy w piguce - jak tworzy nowoczesne front-endy i z jakich bibliotek warto korzysta - ten kurs jest dla Ciebie.Bd odwoywa sido Javy i jej ekosystemu, eby tumaczy co jest czym w wiecie JS.Klasy tworzone przy pomocy funkcji, dziwne dziaanie zmiennych, problematyczny this, koercja typw rozbuchana do granic moliwoci i inne dziwactwa JavaScripta. Niejeden o tym sysza, ale na pewno nie kady sign potem do najnowszych standardw i mechanizmw, pozwalajacych na pisanie front-endw ""po ludzku"". A czy sytuacja z frameworkami naprawd jest a tak straszna?Dziel si wasnym dowiadczeniem i przemyleniami, aby udowodni, e w sumie to nie jest tak le!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript & front-end (not only) for back-end developers" |
"Do you use JavaScript only when you have to? Is jQuery the last framework you remember? Maybe you don't know about the class keyword in JavaScript? Would be nice to have a static typing here, wouldn't it? How about a nice overview of the front-end technologies?If you find any of the above questions interesting, this course is a great choice for you :) I show modern JavaScript techniques and libraries (especially React) here. This course will be surely a great start for you.I'm here to help you with the dynamic JavaScript world, where ""new day, new framework"" stopped being a joke a long time ago (we have more than 500 daily publications to npm, according to modulecounts). Node, React, webpack - all the things are presented here in a nice form, compared with well-known Java tools. This course is about a current state of JavaScript, HTML and CSS, about modern tools and it gives a great overview of all of this. Front-end in a nutshell. And, hey, TypeScript makes everything really readable :)Classes created as functions. strange variables scoping, a problematic this, type coercion and some other odd things are popular JavaScript problems. I've seen a plenty of memes about them. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure, not every meme author took a look at the newest ECMAScript standards and mechanisms allowing many new possibilities when it comes to the front-end development. And, is this frameworks situation really as bad?I'm sharing my knowledge and experience with you in order to prove, that it is not as bad after all!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Java - ambitny start. Zbuduj aplikacj webow!" |
"Kolejny kurs uczcy sw kluczowych w Javie oraz podstaw programowania obiektowego? W adnym wypadku! Zakadam, e znasz skadni Javy, dlatego od razu pokazuj Ci, jak zbudowa prawdziw aplikacj zarzdzajc list zada do zrobienia.Kurs wypenia luk midzy kursami o samej Javie, kursami, w ktrych buduje si aplikacje desktopowe (rynek nie potrzebuje aplikacji desktopowych), a kursami skoncentrowanymi na konkretnych frameworkach (np. Spring).Przekazuj wiedz, ktrej brakowao mi na pocztku mojej kariery programistycznej - jak konfigurowa aplikacj, jak dociga zewntrzne biblioteki, jak to wszystko uruchamia. Pokazuj narzdzia Maven oraz Maven Central Repository, Jetty, HttpServlet, Spring oraz Hibernate.Pamitam, jak ciko byo mi si poapa w prawdziwym, duym projekcie. Z tego powodu opowiadam sporo o architekturze wielowarstowej, architekturze REST oraz o systemach CRUD. Przemycam dobre praktyki i skrty, ktre powinny by znane kademu programicie, np. SOLID.Dobrze wiem, e sama Java nie zawsze wystarczy, dlatego w kursie dotykam te SQL oraz front-endu."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Java - ambitious start. Create a real web app!" |
"Yet another course about Java syntax and object-oriented programming? NOT EVEN A BIT! I assume you already know Java syntax, therefore I start with the most important tools for building real Java applications. Not Swing or an another unneeded thing.I teach what I missed at the beginning of my professional career - how to configure the app, how to plug external libraries, how to run everything. I show Maven with Maven Central Repository, Jetty, HttpServlet, Spring and Hibernate.I remember hard times figuring out what and where is hidden in the big codebase. I didn't understand multitier architecture back then. I focus on it here as well as on REST and CRUD operations. I follow best practices and point out things from the software craftmanship, like SOLID.I also know that Java is not always the case. That's why I show more, like some pieces of SQL and front-end worlds."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Redes Neuronales con Python y Keras" |
"En ste curso aprenders qu son y cmo funcionan las redes neuronales.Adems, profundizaremos en las redes neuronales utilizadas para la visin artificial: las redes neuronales convolucionales.El enfoque del curso es una mezcla de teora y prctica (con Keras y Python), para que aprender realmente a generar redes neuronales completamente funcionales y se te facilita el cdigo para que puedas seguir los captulos a tu propio ritmo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda agora o que realmente Inteligncia Artificial" |
"A evoluo da Inteligncia Artificial impacta as mais variadas tecnologias e conceitos.Esse curso apresenta algumas respostas e uma viso genrica para qualquer profissional que tenha interesse em estudar futuros cenrios de competio e colaborao de pessoas e mquinas nas organizaes, focando em viso tecnolgica, estratgica e de futuro da Inteligncia Artificial, com uma anlise crtica nas mais variadas perspectivas, de forma a ajudar o aluno a criar sua prpria opinio."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Robs Investidores com Inteligncia Artificial - Mdulo 4" |
"A evoluo da Inteligncia Artificial impacta as mais variadas tecnologias e conceitos, e os Robs Investidores so sem dvida um exemplo disso.Esse curso apresenta algumas respostas e uma viso genrica para qualquer investidor ou trader que tenha interesse em estudar futuros cenrios de competio e colaborao de pessoas e mquinas nas organizaes, focando em viso sistmica, com uma anlise crtica nas mais variadas perspectivas, de forma a ajudar o aluno a criar seu prprio sistema."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Automao Inteligente de Processos com RPA - Mdulo 1" |
"A evoluo da Inteligncia Artificial impacta a automao de processos e a tendncia mais atual de uso de robs, atravs da tecnologia de Robotic Process Automation ou RPA.Esse curso apresenta uma viso sistmica, estratgica e de futuro, alm de estratgias de automao de processos, utilizando Inteligncia Artificial e o conceito de RPA Cognitivo e das abordagens de Automao Inteligente de Processos e de Automao Cognitiva."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial para Inovao - Mdulo 1" |
"Com a inteligncia artificial enfrentando problemas cada vez mais humanos, o caminho proposto nesse curto o de controlar a qualidade do sistema, dando a oportunidade para as falhas e erros acontecerem, dentro de um processo evolucionrio. Na verdade, fazendo isso, nada mais estaremos fazendo que imitar a natureza, e sua sabedoria infinita, para descobrir a ordem, a partir do caos. Ou seja, o caos inovador."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"OK AWS SAA-C02" |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAA-C02AWS 6390" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS 7455" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS 5375" |
"AWS AWS 7518075%AWS AWS AWS AWS AWS 2 AWS AWS CLIAWS APIAWS CloudFormation AWS AWS AWS Well-Architected 5 AWS (VPNAWS Direct Connect ) Windows Linux 1AWSOK AWS AWS"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS 5325" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Introduction to Qualitative Analysis" |
"Course overviewIn this course a qualitative analysis will be performed of 9 simple determinate structures. Qualitative analysis in structural engineering refers to drawings of bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams, axial force diagrams and deflected shapes without the use of any calculation (be it equilibrium equations or energy theorems).Prior knowledge requiredThis is an entry level course. Thus no prior knowledge of qualitative analysis is required. However, students should understand what are bending moments and deflected shapes. Course contentThis course is essentially divided into three parts. The first part of the course is just an introduction and there is an important lecture that discusses the tools that are used when performing qualitative analysis of structures. The second part of the course deals with performing the qualitative analysis of beam structures. These beams range from the most simplest forms, such as simply supported beams to continuous beams having hinges. The third part of the course deals with performing qualitative analysis of determinate frame structures. In this part of the course special attention is paid to the horizontal reactions of frame structures. Course aimsMany undergraduate structural analysis subjects at universities involve number-crunching to determine bending moments and deflected shapes of beams and frames. Many students perform these calculations mindlessly and do not pay attention to the actual behavior of the structure. The result is that students leave university without having the skill to sketch a deflected shape of some of the most moderately simple beams and frames. The aim of this course is to arm those students with this very necessary skill required as a structural engineer. This course can also aid structural engineers who use software excessively to qualitatively verify the results from their analysis.Learning outcomesConfidently sketch deflected shapes and bending moment diagrams of determinate beams and frames without performing any calculations or using a structural analysis software."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Conceptual Design of Portal Frames" |
"Portal Frame Structures present an excellent way to understand Structural Steel Design. Using software and knowing all the little tricks and shortcuts on a software is certainly useful. However understanding concepts in engineering are so much more important. If you are trying to design a portal frame structure for the very first time your focus should really not be on software. As engineers we need to understand phenomena first and that is precisely what this course offers. Numerous topics that you would encounter in any Structural Steel Design Textbook are applicable in the design of a simple single span portal frame structure. This course aims to explore the structural design concepts. Topics that are covered include:Preliminary analysis and design of the portal frame. Elastic and Plastic Analysis.Modelling the structure.First and Second-Order Analysis.Member verifications.Bracings.Connections.This course is aimed at facilitating an understanding of Structural Steel Design of Portal Framed Structures. Under-graduate as well as Post-graduate students will benefit tremendously form this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Prestressed Concrete Design 1" |
"This course is divided into 6 sections:Section 1- In this section of the course the Instructor introduces the course outline to the learners.Section 2 - This section of the course deals with the basic principles of prestressed concrete. The pre-tensioned prestressed method is described. Section 3 - In this section of the course students will learn how to perform analysis checks at the Serviceability Limit State. Two examples are covered. The first example is on a simple rectangular beam while the second example is a composite section.Section 4 - In this section of the course students will learn how to perform design at the Serviceability Limit State. First of all students will learn how to calculate and select an appropriate section size for a beam subject to a particular span and load. Once a section is selected a required prestressing force and eccentricity will need to be determined. These are determined by plotting Magnel Diagrams. Students will learn how to plot these Magnel diagrams.Section 5 - In this section students will learn how to perform deflection calculations for prestressed beams. Section 6 - All prestressed concrete structures undergo a loss of prestressing. Students will learn what are the different forms of prestress losses for pre-tensioned prestressed beams. Students will learn how to calculate these losses. Immediate and time-dependent prestressed losses are covered."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Advanced Qualitative Analysis" |
"Course overviewIn this course a qualitative analysis will be performed of 6 indeterminate structures. Qualitative analysis in structural engineering refers to drawings of bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams, axial force diagrams and deflected shapes without the use of any calculation (be it equilibrium equations or energy theorems).Prior knowledge requiredThis is an intermediate level course. Thus prior knowledge in the application of qualitative analysis of simple determinate structures is required. Course contentThis course is essentially divided into three parts. The first part of the course is just an introduction and there is an important lecture that discusses the tools that are used when performing qualitative analysis of structures. The second part of the course deals with performing the qualitative analysis of beam structures. These beams structures are all indeterminate.The third part of the course deals with performing qualitative analysis of frame structures. The frame structures are all indeterminate.Course aimsMany undergraduate structural analysis subjects at universities involve number-crunching to determine bending moments and deflected shapes of beams and frames. Many students perform these calculations mindlessly and do not pay attention to the actual behavior of the structure. The result is that students leave university without having the skill to sketch a deflected shape of some of the most moderately simple beams and frames. The aim of this course is to arm those students with this very necessary skill required as a structural engineer. This course can also aid structural engineers who use software excessively to qualitatively verify the results from their analysis.Learning outcomesConfidently sketch deflected shapes and bending moment diagrams of indeterminate beams and frames without performing any calculations or using a structural analysis software."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Design of Steel Connections 1" |
"Course overviewIn this course the design decisions and philosophy required before performing any calculations are covered. Prior knowledge requiredThis is an entry level course. Thus no prior knowledge of structural steel connection design is required. However, students will benefit from understanding the concepts of force paths and ductility.Course contentThis course is essentially divided into the following sections: The introduction will provide an overview of everything that will be learnt in the course.The first section deals with the way in which connections are classified and it's relation to lateral stability systems. Lateral stability systems are covered coupled with the role of the client in deciding upon a lateral stability system. The different types of connections within simple and rigid connections are introduced. A particularly important theme in this topic deals with the importance of involving fabricators in the selection of a connection which will be economical and efficient in construction. The second section of the course provides more depth on the variety of simple and rigid connections. The simple connections are a particularly worthwhile topic because guidance is provided on how to ""correctly"" design these connections. Special emphasis is placed on ""poor design"" decisions that should be avoided in order to prevent a simple connection from ''unwittingly"" becoming a rigid connection. For the rigid connections special emphasis will be placed on the behavioral aspects when these connections are subject to shears and moments are their resulting deformations.The third section of the course is the most critical. The concept of force paths and ductility and its importance in connection design is covered. Connections should not be designed in isolation of these concepts.The final section covers some basic examples of steel connections design. These examples only cover bolt and weld capacities. In the conclusion a review of everything that has been covered in the course is provided. Course aimsDevelop competency in selecting an appropriate connection type.Become comfortable with the concepts of force paths and ductility and the role they play in connection design.Learning outcomesDevelop competence in selecting an appropriate connection type under a set of constraints and demonstrate sound connection design decisions.Learn what type of designs are considered ""poor designs"", particularly in simple connections. Learn about the different deformation types that are applicable to bolts and elements in a connection.Learn the important design philosophies of force paths and ductility that are essential for all connection design. The knowledge is useful for non-standard connection designs. Learn how to perform simple preliminary connection design calculations using capacity tables"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Data modeling and Relational database design" |
"Modern database and applications development software is so easy to use that many people can quickly learn to implement a simple database and develop simple applications within a week or so, without giving design much thought. As data volume grows and when users request addition functionality, they might incorrectly add columns in table since appropriate database design is not available. This not only causes data redundancy in database but also can cause performance issue to application and database as well. Ultimately, due to poor database design, the business would be the loser.A good database design not only avoids data redundancy but also improves database performance over period of time as the database volume grows and when business changes are requested , it would be far more easier to understand as where to make the appropriate changes in the Database. The data modelling and database design is like a building blue print and ultimately it would make application users happy and business would benefit.This course uses the Oracle SQLData modeler extensively to discuss and demonstrate Database modelling and Database design.Oracle SQL Data modeler is a tool, which make learning Data modelling and Database design much easier and also provides you with a professional approach design database for business application effectively to plan, develop, implement and maintain them on an ongoing process.In this course you would learn:Process Modelling Develop a Data Flow Diagram by identifying processes, external agents, information stores and information flows that show how the information flows Business flow DiagramLogical Model Create an Entity Relationship Diagram by identifying entities, attributes, relationships. Normalize the Entity Relationship Diagram to third Normal formRelational Model Validate Logical and Relational Model through Design rules Engineer the Entity Relationship Model into an relational database design Complete the Physical Model and generate the DDL scriptsFinally, at the end of the course, you would understand the importance of data modelling and database design.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"NODE MCU:ESP 8266 - Micro Python Network Programming and IOT" |
"In recent times, micropython is becoming increasing popular in resource constrained IOT devices such as NODE MCU ESP 8266 / ESP 32 etc.,due to its flexibility, light weight and syntax similar to python programming language. The course extensively uses micropython programming. Further more, not just IOT devices, the machine - to - machines communication uses wide range of protocols such as REST API, MQTT and more important socket network programming. This course cover all these protocols through presentation and demonstration through Open source cloud applications, tools. The course coverage is as follows :Getting micropython installed / flashed on to NODE MCU 8266/32.The IDE used communication of NODE MCU 8266 such as Esplorer and uPyCraft.REST API and communication with cloud through IOT - NODE MCU 8266/32.MQTT protocol.Socket programming TCP UDPAn overview about ESP 32. ESP 32 is recent advanced version when compared to NODE MCU-ESP8266. ESP 32 is with better processor and higher processing capacity - RAM.Enroll in this course to easily understand, acquire knowledge towards career progression. Happy learning!!"
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Managing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation" |
"Any modern day enterprise, right from small enterprise generally have or implement Enterprise Resource planning application towards effectively managing their business transactions.This unique course is one of its kind, is packed with details towards effectively managing successful ERPimplementation. In recent years, one also find ERP Cloud (Software as a service) products along with ERP on-premise production. Covers provides an overview on some of the cloud terminologies and concepts.This course covers following topics. Enterprise resource planning - Difference between On premise and Cloud (Saas) based ERP. What is cloud and difference between different cloud platform such as Software as a service, platform as service and Infrastructure as service. Which ERP platform to choose - Cloud or On Premises. What is business transaction flow in ERP. Business Transaction flows - Procure to Pay, Order to Cash, Accounting to Financial reporting, some of the associated sub flows and variations. ERP project implementation life cycle from a project management perspective. Best practices in ERP implementation.There is a flavor of Oracle on premise E-Business Suite and Cloud Saas ERP's, but the course does not get into the demonstration of these products as they are quite exhaustive and out of preview of this course. This course is more about understanding and managing an ERP implementation.Happy learning !!!"
Price: 9280.00 ![]() |
"Build website, business email address & introduction to CRM" |
"Perquisite requirement for any business in today's world is to have website, business emails address and simple CRMapplication to monitor track sales. For a small business, startup this requirement would likely to involve high cost, which is not just the initial capital cost, but also would need to incur continuous operating and maintenance cost year after year. For small business they can rarely afford these cost. In today world is it possible for a small business to create website, business email and use CRMapplication at low cost or free and scale up as the business grows?.Yes .... This is were this course teaches you who to create a dynamic website (< business name>.com) and create business emails and have CRM application too. All this at cost of about 15 USD per annum, which is the domain registration cost for a year.. As a small business or startup the business website needs to be dynamic, meaning content are likely to keep changing time to time. Hence, wouldn't it be nice, if the get the details as how to modify the content, without knowing any programming language of HTML, java-scripting or PHP?This course uses Bitrix 24 for creation of website and CRM application through the free pricing option, which is most likely to suit startups and small business initially and as business grows you can opt for pricing option as a later stage. For business emails (not the generic emails like @yahoo mail or @ google mail, it would be your the course guides about using Gmail and Zoho to configure your own business email address.So, what are you waiting, come and join the course and learn the trick of creating and managing your own business website, business emails and use Bitrix CRM application for free. Happy learning!!!"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Google cloud Firebase and Firestore NoSQL DB : Introduction" |
"The traditional databases - the relational databases have been around almost few decades now. They store structured data and has found usage in many applications including Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence etc. But, in recent time with advent of internet - IOT, social media, digital marketing etc the data is becoming unstructured, dynamic and of high volume, which creates challenges for RDBMSDatabase. Hence, here comes the NoSQL Database need.The Not Only SQL or NoSQL database , find usage towards managing data unstructured data in volume, high velocity and not of high financial value and yet need to stored towards a quick analysis and decision making towards harnessing better or optimum results.Google Nosql are known as Firebase Database. It has two variant, one is known as Realtime database and the more recent Firestore Database. Both No Sql are based on Cloud, so no install required in your machine, only python and python libraries installs are required. This introduction course covers both Real time and Firestore NoSQL database.This course is designed with beginners in mind and thereby subdivided into number of sections based on the logical flow towards effective learning. Overview about Relational database and SQL. Suggested easy way to learn about Relational database SQL without any install and pay, that too through a structure approach. What is no sql? Comparison between Sql (RDBMS) vs No sql and when to use it? Document Nosql Database and overview about Googles No sql DB. Google Cloud platform Firebase No SQL DB - Real time and Fire store Quiz 1 Use of Python programming language as interface for NoSQL DB. Exploring Google cloud Firebase Real time DB Creation and transactions through python (Jupyter notebook). Transaction through Web (via Flask web framework). Quiz 2 Exploring Google Cloud Firebase Fire store - No sql DB Performing transactions through Python Level 2. Bonus Next step.This Ultimate course for beginners is not only about understanding the document Nosql database but also accessing, storing, retrieving, deleting transactions in Google's NoSQLdatabase through live demonstration using python and also through python web frame such as flask . Happy learning !!!!"
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |