Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Real World Spark 2 - ScalaIDE Spark Core 2 Developer" |
"Note : This course is built on top of the ""Real World Vagrant - Build an Apache Spark Development Env!- Toyin Akin"" course. So if you do not have a Spark + ScalaIDEenvironment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.Scala IDE provides advanced editing and debugging support for the development of pure Scala and mixed Scala-Java applications.Now with a shiny Scala debugger, semantic highlight, more reliable JUnit test finder, an ecosystem of related plugins, and much more.Scala Debugger. Stepping through closures and Scala-aware display of debugging information.Spark Monitoring and InstrumentationWhile creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions,you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.Every SparkContext launches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:A list of scheduler stages and tasksA summary of RDD sizes and memory usageEnvironmental information.Information about the running executorsWhy Apache Spark ...Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.Apache Sparkhas an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing.Apache Sparkoffers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Apache Sparkcan combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.Apache Sparkpowers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Real World Spark 2 - Interactive Python pyspark Core" |
"Note : This course is built on top of the ""Real World Vagrant - Build an Apache Spark Development Env!- Toyin Akin"" course. So if you do not have a Spark environment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.Sparks pythonshell provides a simple way to learn the API, as well as a powerful tool to analyze data interactively. It is available in Python. Start it by running the following anywhere within a bash terminalwithin the built Virtual MachinepysparkSparks primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). RDDs can be created from collections, Hadoop InputFormats (such as HDFS files) or by transforming other RDDsSpark Monitoring and InstrumentationWhile creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions,you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.EverySparkContextlaunches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:A list of scheduler stages and tasksA summary of RDD sizes and memory usageEnvironmental information.Information about the running executorsWhy Apache Spark ...Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.Apache Sparkhas an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing.Apache Sparkoffers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Apache Sparkcan combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.Apache Sparkpowers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Real World Spark 2 - Interactive Scala spark-shell Core" |
"Note : This course is built on top of the ""Real World Vagrant - Build an Apache Spark Development Env!- Toyin Akin"" course. So if you do not have a Spark environment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.Sparks shell provides a simple way to learn the API, as well as a powerful tool to analyze data interactively. It is available in Scala (which runs on the Java VM and is thus a good way to use existing Java libraries). Start it by running the following anywhere within a bash terminalwithin the built Virtual Machinespark-shellSparks primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). RDDs can be created from collections,Hadoop InputFormats (such as HDFS files) or by transforming other RDDsSpark Monitoring and InstrumentationWhile creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions,you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.EverySparkContextlaunches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:A list of scheduler stages and tasksA summary of RDD sizes and memory usageEnvironmental information.Information about the running executorsWhy Apache Spark ...Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.Apache Sparkhas an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing.Apache Sparkoffers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Apache Sparkcan combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.Apache Sparkpowers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Real World Spark 2 - Jupyter Python Spark Core" |
"Note : This course is built on top of the ""Real World Vagrant - Build an Apache Spark Development Env! - Toyin Akin"" course.So if you do not have a Spark environment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.Jupyter Notebookis a system similar to Mathematica that allows you to create""executable documents"". Notebooks integrate formatted text (Markdown), executable code (Python), mathematical formulas (LaTeX), and graphics and visualizations (matplotlib) into a single document that captures the flow of an exploration and can be exported as a formatted report or an executable script.,The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.Big data integrationLeverage big data tools, such as Apache Spark, from PythonThe Jupyter Notebook is based on a set of open standards for interactive computing. Think HTML and CSS for interactive computing on the web. These open standards can be leveraged by third party developers to build customized applications with embedded interactive computing.Spark Monitoring and InstrumentationWhile creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions,you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.EverySparkContextlaunches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:A list of scheduler stages and tasksA summary of RDD sizes and memory usageEnvironmental information.Information about the running executorsWhy Apache Spark ...Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.Apache Sparkhas an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing.Apache Sparkoffers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Apache Sparkcan combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.Apache Sparkpowers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Real World Spark 2 - Jupyter Scala Spark Core" |
"Note : This course is built on top of the ""Real World Vagrant - Build an Apache Spark Development Env! - Toyin Akin"" course. So if you do not have a Spark environment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.Jupyter Notebookis a system similar to Mathematica that allows you to create""executable documents"".Notebooks integrate formatted text (Markdown), executable code (Scala),The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.Big data integrationLeverage big data tools, such as Apache Spark, from ScalaThe Jupyter Notebook is based on a set of open standards for interactive computing. Think HTML and CSS for interactive computing on the web. These open standards can be leveraged by third party developers to build customized applications with embedded interactive computing.Spark Monitoring and InstrumentationWhile creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions,you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.EverySparkContextlaunches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:A list of scheduler stages and tasksA summary of RDD sizes and memory usageEnvironmental information.Information about the running executorsWhy Apache Spark ...Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.Apache Sparkhas an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing.Apache Sparkoffers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Apache Sparkcan combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.Apache Sparkpowers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn essential American accent rules in an hour" |
"This course was designed to suit your needs in learningAmericanEnglish pronunciation. It starts with the basic American accentimportant pronunciation rules.Those rules are like the following :voiced sounds,unvoiced sounds,andconsonant sounds rules.To help you more,I've explained some sounds that are silent or pronounced.You'll learn the rules of both.Also, phonetics will be covered in this course ,to help you understand ,how to read a written word by its symbols using an online dictionary or written one.Many topics will be covered in this course, such astonal action preparation,tonal action practice,structural action -major vowels,consonants,connected speech, Intonation, consonant clusters andlinked phrases.At the end of the course,you will get bonus lectures that include the following: intonation,linking sounds,reading techniques and some tips to improve your listening skills.This course is not just videos you will watch but also I will be there for you at all times as much as I can,to answer all of your questions regarding learning English or American accent pronunciation.So,if you want me to give you more examples,I will do so.This course is just the first part of the series of Speak English like an American.Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Bundle: Guitar for Music Educators: Part 2" |
"***This course is only available for purchase for Singaporeans as part of a SkillsFuture coaching bundle.Enrolling in this course without purchasing the entire""Guitar for Music Educators"" bundlewill not provide you access to the offline coaching bundle.***This coaching bundle provides learners with the support to deep learn the pedagogy behind guitar instruction. Spread over 8 sessions, learners have the opportunities to practise and role play how to teach guitar skills correctly. More importantly, this course is blended with the online course laying out the basic competencies for learners to acquire before the coaching begins."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Bundle: Guitar for Music Educators: Part 1" |
"***This course is only available for purchase for Singaporeans as part of a SkillsFuture coaching bundle.Enrolling in this course without purchasing the entire""Guitar for Music Educators"" bundlewill not provide you access to the offline coaching bundle.***By the end of this coaching course, learners will be able to :1. Personal Strengths & Weaknesses of own Musicianship, Pedagogy & Guitar Teaching Business 2. Focus and clearly articulate on short term and long term goals for guitar students3. Clearly communicate what is expected of guitar students in terms of practice commitment4. Create a Guitar Practice Journal through a recommended Learning Management System or Online Video Exchange System5. Structure learning experience around the song and musical style preferences, learning pace of the students6. Discover the impact of structured student-centered learning system on students and their ensembles, bands, communities. 7. Teach effective guitar strumming rhythmic styles and fingerpicking8. Fix common guitar student posture or playing mistakes9. Teach progressively the song keys of G, D, A, E10. Create his/her own musical symbols, chord charts & lead music sheets as teaching material11. Apply chordal and rhythmic guitar ideas in various songs"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Rhythm Music Theory for Music Educators" |
"This course, as the title suggests, is targetted at Music Educatorswho are aiming to impartrhythm music theory more effectively to their beginner or intermediate students.All Exercises used in this course are widely used in contemporary music, all across the world. These exercises are great for all beginner and intermediate students regardless of the musical instrument they play. All audio demonstrations uses various musical instrument sounds to stimulate and sustain the interest of the course participants."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Yoga Workout System For Inflexible People" |
"Introducing a yoga workout system for the rest of us, with modifications for the inflexible. No painful postures. No hymns, chants, or gongs.This is yoga for physical fitness. This is yoga for those who don't normally do yoga. This, is yoga for men.The Seattle Seahawks are doing it, Lebron James was doing iton his way to the championship, and now it's your turn to discover how to use yoga to maximize your fitness goals.Build muscle,lose weight, and sculpt your coreRelieve lower back painEnhance your athletic performance, boost muscle recovery and soothe sore musclesReduce the risk of injury.Oh, and you might relieve a little stress too!Created for men and women of all ages.Our unique take on yoga is designed for those of us cant twist themselves into a pretzel. Its for those of us who have tight muscles and who need modifications they probably wouldnt get in a group class.Its yoga fitness for the rest of us.Its for those of us who dont relate to the typical yoga lifestyle -For those of us that want a great workout without words and phrases like melting heart, and be one with the universe.Its for those of us who have been curious about yoga, but might be hesitant to try it out in a local class.And that just happens to sum up a lot of men.But yoga is for everyone. Its the perfect low impact workout. Ideal for anyone new to fitness. And indispensable for anyone whos working out on the regular.Though weloaded Guyoga with modifications for men, what that really means, is that we loaded it with modifications foranyone who has tight shoulders, tight hamstrings, and for those who may not be able to touch their toes.Whether you areinflexible because youre just getting back into shape, or because yourmuscles are tight from hitting the gym,youll find that with our modifications, absolutely anyone can do yoga in a safe, supportive, and low impact way.Contents overview:4 workouts for every goal and fitness level:Workout 1 Sharpen:This beginners yoga workout focuses on the fundamentals. Slow moving, energizing, and filled with modifications. This full body introduction to yoga is designed to improve your flexibility, your strength, and your control over your body.Workout 2 Strength:Well show you how anyone can use yoga to build strength in a safe, low impact way, even if they are not very flexible. Whether you are a beginner to fitness, or an athlete looking to improve their performance, this is the workout for you.Workout 3 Sweat:A power yoga class for beginners, this faster moving yoga workout draws on dynamic movements to get your muscles burning. This is the type of session youre most likely to see in your local gym or studio!Workout 4 Stretch:Release tension, boost your recovery, and get rid of those sore muscles with this restorative workout. Use it as your cool down after the other workouts, or use it to unwind and de-stress after a long day."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Liderana de Alta Performance" |
"O Curso de Liderana de Alta Performance foi elaborado para que o profissional que j exerce a liderana possa atingir resultados de alta performance com suas equipes; e tambm para aquele profissional que quer se tornar um lder de sucesso. As aulas so bem prticas, e oferecem ao aluno as ferramentas necessrias para que ele consiga atingir resultados de excelncia, independente do ramo de atuao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"GVA - Gerenciamento do Valor Agregado: Conceitos e Simulados" |
"Este curso apresenta a ferramenta gerenciamento de valor agregado.Este curso permitir que o aluno entenda as variaes de custo, prazo e escopo nos projetos, possa representar graficamente tais variaes e possa entender projees futuras de comportamento de um projeto.O curso est organizado em 5 mdulos, com vdeos, exerccios e materiais para leitura onde o instrutor expe conceitos, ensina a interpretar grficos, resolver frmulas e resolve vrias questes simuladas.As questes simuladas servem para estudo das certificaes PMP, CAPM e PMI-SP do PMI - Project Management Institute.Importante: no objetivo desse curso ensinar ferramentas de cronograma, tais como Microsoft Project, Spider Project, Primavera e outros.Este curso vale 5 PDUs.This course presents the earned value management tool.This course will allow the student to understand the variations of cost, time and scope in the projects, can graph these variations and can understand future projections of a project's behavior.The course is organized in 5 modules, with videos, exercises and materials for reading where the instructor exposes concepts, teaches to interpret graphs, solve formulas and solves several simulated questions.The simulated questions are used to study the PMP, CAPM and PMI-SP certifications of the PMI - Project Management Institute.Important: It is not the purpose of this course to teach schedule tools, such as Microsoft Project, Spider Project, Primavera and others.This course is worth 5 PDUs."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Maya 3D Modelling and Rendering Iconic Designs - Extended" |
"Welcome to this course on 3D Modelling and Rendering this course is Jam Packed with features!. The course is an extended version of my course ""Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Designs"" it covers everything on that course and more showing many other tips and trick and techniques for both Modelling and Rendering!Who this course for?Anyone who need to learn quickly how to use MayaAnyone who want to learn great easy techniques for rendering with MayaBeginners and Intermediates who want to be 3D GurusThis course features lots of techniques and rendering you will find most courses don't show you how to get from step 1 to step 10 we do!Experts training future experts...See you in the lectures, have fun and learn.All the bestUK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pixelogic ZBrush Creating a Book Cover Graphic - World Book" |
"Learn a variety of techniques to achieve a fantastic illustration for a book cover, during this course we will use basic as well as advanced techniques to create WORLD BOOK a book art cover.We will model exclusively in Zbrush and produce all our render passes straight out of Pixelogic Zbrush finally compositing our passes together within Photoshop.This course is for anyone who is interested in advancing to digital sculpting, you maybe using another 3D application or you maybe a graphic designer who want to migrate there skills over to the 3D realm!This course is packed with features and tips and is fun! at the end we will have produced an awesome sculpt!What are we going to learn?We will start off producing our text inside Illustrator and Photoshop this will be custom text based on a fontOnce completed we will export out text ready for ZBrushInside Zbrush I will teach you tons of techniques to produce the final sculptLets now export our render passes and composite it together within PhotoshopWhos it for?This course has been designed for beginners to advanced usersEnjoy this course brought to you by:UK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Die YouTube-Formel: Erfolgreichen YouTube-Kanal aufbauen!" |
"Lerne von einem YouTuber, wie auch du deinen Kanal erfolgreich machst!Hast du dich schon immer gefragt, warum es dein Kanal nicht schafft erfolgreich zu werden und keine neuen Abonnenten hinzukommen? Dir fehlten einige Regeln und Gesetze, welche auf YouTube funktionieren. Doch dieYouTube-Formel bringt dich vom Finden einer Idee, demEntwickeln einesnachhaltigen Konzepts, zur Vermittlung von Kamerawissen, ber die optimierte Produktion und Video-Optimierung auf YouTube, sodass auch dein Kanal erfolgreich wird.PlanungDu entwickelst dein Konzept anhand meiner Best Practices und erfhrst, wie du dich gegen die Konkurrenz behaupten und Einzigartig sein kannstUmsetzungIm Abschnitt zur Umsetzung zeige ich Dir einfache Wege entweder mit deinem Smartphone, oder mit Kameras zu arbeiten, zu schneiden und optimale Videos zu kreieren.Erfolg & OptimierungSchlielich wirst du lernen, wie Videos auf YouTube gefunden werden, was die perfekten Titel, Beschreibungen, Tags und Thumbnails sind und wie du sie richtig einsetzt,um die ersten Zuschauer zu gewinnen und eine Community aufzubauen.Geld verdienenSchlussendlich verrate ich dir zustzliche meine Tricks, wie du gutesGeld mit deinem Kanal verdienen kannst.Was biete ich dir?Hochwertige Videos mit angenehmer Moderation und guten GrafikenEine Komplettanleitung fr Einsteiger und BeginnerProfi-Tipps aus eigener ErfahrungExklusives WissenIch mchte dir mit diesem Kurs nicht nur exklusives Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch motivieren selbst zu starten. Der Kurs ist perfekt, um den Stein ins Rollen zu bringen, sodass sich dein Kanalwachstum kaum mehr aufhalten lassen sollte.Du solltest jetztdie geheime YouTube-Formel enthllen, wenn du schon immer von deinem eigenem erfolgreichenYouTube-Kanal getrumt hast, mit welchem du neben Anerkennung, Likes und Abonnenten auch Einnahmen erzielen kannst."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Design and Control of DC/DC converter MATLAB/Simulink" |
"In this explanation weoffer detailed subject about Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)You will learn about1- AverageLarge Signal model2- Small Signal Model3- State space representation and modeling4- Different between single input single output (SISO) systems & Multy input Multy Output (MIMO) Systems5- Different between Single feedback controller & double feedback controller6-Use MATLAB and Simulink7- How to know if your controller work or not.8- How to buildthe physical modelfor power electronics , state space model and transfer function model9- What arethe benefits of using state space model than transfer function model in MIMOThe target audience in this course ;Peoples Who want to understandthe principles of Power Electronics Design,Electrical Engineers,Mechatronics Engineers,Renewable Energy Engineers, Students and ResearchersWhen you read this course you will be able to understand how to Design and Control of DC/DC converter MATLAB/Simulinkand build your own design on MATLAB/Simulink."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Get on TV & Radio For Authors: The Complete Program" |
"A Proven Step-By-Step System To Get Booked AsTHE Expert In Your Field And Spread Your Message Further &Faster Than Any Other Marketing Method . . . Guaranteed!Get Ready to Become A Total Media ExpertWithThese10InvaluableDigitalTraining ModulesIf you are really ready to seriously master the fine art of successfully marketing yourself, AVM fully gets the job done. I cant believe so much positive progress can be made so fast, but this is what happened. There was absolutely no fluff all meat. For the first time I was able to get in front of a camera and do self-promotion in a way that felt genuine and effective. I also finally have begun to really understand what the new marketing is all about. -John Selby"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lenses 101: How to Choose a Focal Length" |
"This class was made to help you purchase and use the right lenses for your own personal photography. What decisions go into choosing the right focal length for your image? How does compression and distortion work and on what is it most apparent? What lenses are a must-have in your bag that will help you tell your own story correctly?These are the questions that you will start to answer in this class. It will focus on doing comparisons between different focal lengths with the same subject, give tips for purchasing lenses and a starter guide for specific genres of photography. Learning about lenses and their relative focal lengths will bring a wholenew perspective to your photographic style. You will begin to be able to breakdown your favourite images and think about why your favourite photographer's used that lens versus the other. Be creative, daring and take great photos, with a whole new understanding of how and why."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(10) Ten 2D Drawings to Master 2D Sketching in Fusion 360" |
"All 3D Parametric modeling packages requires a great deal of 2D sketching and sketch constraints.In this Fusion 360 course: You will gain understanding of 2D Sketching. Mastery of Sketch Constraints. Follow along with highly detailed light to moderate instruction. Course Exercise Files included in every lecture to assist you in starting out where you ended. Be able to level up to assembly and free-form modeling with high confidence that you have mastered the very fundamentals of part creation.Why master 2D sketching?In the context of CAD, all 3D parametric objects usually starts out as 2D sketches.When creating technical drawings your 2D sketches ends up very similar to your final drawings. 2D sketches holds the very foundation of your 3D model and 2D drawings.Why master sketch constraints?Constraints are the tools that binds and reinforces your sketched geometry.In a typical machine, constraints are like the nuts and bolts the holds the assembly together.Without constraints all of our sketched geometries are loose and unstable.By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation on 2D sketching and mastery of sketch contraints in Fusion 360."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"G Suite for Everyone!" |
"Google Apps is available for Work or for Education, but any user can take advantage of the free tools available in Drive. This beginner course gives an introduction to the tools within Google Drive: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms. Using these four tools, you will learn how to organize workflow better, and collaborate more effectively, saving time, stress, and money.If you are looking to up your game by mastering new technologies, better organize your life, or simplyharness the synergy of your peers when working in a group, this course is for you. All you need to get started are:A reliable internet connectionGoogle Chrome browserA willingness to learnThis course teaches you: How to create a FREE Google accountHow to navigate Google DriveHow to collaborate using Googles Share featureHow to collect and analyze data using Google Forms"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"learn to speak & write hindi like a native- fast and direct" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics" |
"This course is an introduction to chemical kinetics. It can serve either as a refresher coursefor existing students or provide a starting point for new students wishing to learn the basic principles of chemical kinetics. The course is split to into sixsections and nineteenlectures. Each lecture has a series of writtenexercises and online quizes. Answers to all exercies are provided in an answer document at the end of the course. The last section includescomprehensive exam that students can use to access their overall performance. Answers to the exam questions are provided. Online quiz sessions are attached toeach lecture andcan be usedasquick accessment tool for students.The course covers a variety of topics and includes two refresher subtopics on measurementunits and mathematics. The course includes a number oflectures on spectroscopy with live demonstations of how light absoprtion can be used to measure concentrations and reaction rates.Sections 3to 6comprise the bulk of work on chemical kinetics incuding topics onprogress of a reaction, rates of reaction, mass-action kinetics, half-life, determiningrate constants from kinetic data and collision theory including the Arrheniusequation and catalysts.The course will be continually improved based on userfeedback."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Web Scraping with Python Do 16 Projects" |
"What special about this course ?This is only course on market provide you 16 real life web scraping data projects, all of these projects coding with Python programming languagePractical approach, learning by doing, you will learn to coding python language with 16 real life web scraping projects, Step by step method, from understand big picture to understand each step, and finally apply skill to solve problem.All web scraping projects source codes are provide for reference.Love to do web scraping ?What you will get from this course ?Understand indeed how web scraping work.Hand - on experience by doing 16 real life web scraping projects.Hand - on experience working with Sublime Text, one very cool IDE to working with pythonLove to do web scraping ? Course summary This course teach you step by step, from simple example to real life web scraping project. Introduce with you what is web scraping and why we need web scraping. The big picture of web scraping or 4 steps to do web scraping. And then we will install all kind of tools which be used in next sections. Step 1 in 4 steps to do web scrape, we do inspecting web page and locating data between HTML source.Step 2 in 4 steps, we do download HTML content.Step 3 in 4 steps, we do create Beautiful Soup object and search for tags contain Information.Step 4 in 4 steps, we do scrape data from tags.Finally we do 16 hand-on web scraping project to collect data from Amazon, Steam, Nba, Imdb, CoinMarketCap, TwitterWhy web scraping is important ?Most important data on the web do not available from API. Could you get the product data from Amazon with API ? Could you get film data from Imdb ?. Of course not. So the only way to collect these kind of data is using web scraping. Have data mean have power, you are having that power. Well come to my course on web scraping.-------->>> Take this course and get any data you want from the web automatically <<<--------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Investimento em Aes para Leigos" |
"Este curso voltado queles que desejam construir um bom patrimnio no longo prazo e possuem curiosidade a respeito do mercado de aes, mas no sabem por onde comear. A bolsa de valores vista por muitos como um cassino, no qual se arriscam aqueles que desejam contar com a sorte, ou como algo voltado apenas para os profissionais do mercado financeiro. Este curso portanto tem por objetivo desmistificar essa viso, mostrando que ganhar dinheiro na bolsa possvel sim, mesmo para o pequeno investidor pessoa fsica.O pblico alvo o engenheiro, mdico, dentista, advogado, dentre outros profissionais, que em geral no tem formao em finanas, mas que tem interesse em investir em empresas lucrativas e partilhar do sucesso dessas empresas.O curso comea mostrando como o investimento em aes vale a pena no Brasil, e em seguida apresenta os conceitos bsicos a respeito deste mercado, passando por aspectos de anlise fundamentalista e um mtodo simples para escolha de boas empresas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Redes de Computadores via Satlite - Telecomunicaes" |
"Voc conhece TCP IP? Provavelmente sim.Mas aposto que voc no sabia que a operao em sistemas satlite totalmente diferente.Sou engenheiro de telecomunicaes e trabalho em uma empresa de comunicao via satlite h 7 anos. Percebi uma lacuna muito grande entre os profissionais de tecnologia, que normalmente s entendem de redes TCP IP, mas no compreende to bem comunicao via satlite.O curso Redes de Computadores via Satlite preenche essa lacuna!Elevisa preparar o voc para operar com redes IP via Satlite e suas peculiaridades. O curso oferece todo embasamento terico com exemplos prticos de como implantar, configurar adequadamente e resolver problemas em sistemas satlite.Sugiro que voc veja antes o meu curso Comunicao via Satlite - Comeando (disponvel na Udemy)para que tenha uma base mais slida sobre sistemas satlite antes de comear. No obrigatrio, mas ir lhe dar uma viso geral bem mais interessante.Curso imperdvel para voc que quer conhecer ainda mais e se tornar um expert em redes. Confira!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Intermedirio Profissional" |
"""Curso muito bem estruturado e esclarecedor.Parabns, valeu a pena o investimento recomendo.""Welliton Magno de Jesus""Contedo muito bom. Alm disso , o professor explica muito.""Fabio Alexandre de Freitas""Pois uma didtica simples e eficiente; direto ao objetivo proposto com boas exemplificaes dos conceitos como da prtica em si""Marco TeixeiraO curso ""Wi-Fi - Curso Intermedirio Profissional""oferece ao aluno uma viso geral sobre as principais tecnologias Wi-Fi do mercado . Alm disso, permite ao aluno ""visualizar"" o espectro de frequncia e entender de verdade o que acontece com a sua rede quando ela est lenta ou caindo toda hora.Espectro de frequncias, interferncias, 802.11ac e Li-Fi so alguns dos temas tratados neste curso. ""Apertar botes"" qualquer um aprende, o difcil entender de verdade o que ocorre no meio fsico e saber resolver. Apesar do curso ser dito como ""bsico"", oferece muitas informaes detalhadas sobre a tecnologia.Aqui, ns ""escovamos os bits"". O curso tambm te ajudar a lhe preparar para acertificaoCWNA - Certified Wireless Network Administrator.Fazendo o curso bsico e o intermedirio, certamente voc ter uma excelente base para tentar a prova no futuro.No perca a oportunidade de entender de verdade a tecnologia Wi-Fi! Veja tambm o curso pr-avanado (troubleshooting)."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Bsico Profissional" |
" O curso tcnico ""Redes Wireless - Curso Bsico Profissional"" capacita o aluno para compreender e resolver problemas em ambientes domsticos e empresas de pequeno/mdio porte atravs de teoria aplicada, configurao avanada de dispositivos e uso de ferramentas de rede. No adianta voc pegar tutoriais na internet e no saber o que est fazendo. Aqui voc aprende de verdade! Voc aprende desde os conceitos introdutrios at os detalhes das tecnologias, permitindo ao aluno saber exatamente o que est fazendo e porque os problemas acontecem. Apesar do curso ser dito como ""bsico"", oferece muitas informaes detalhadas sobre a tecnologia. Aqui, ns ""escovamos os bits"". O curso ainda no engloba como realizar um ""Site Survey"", isso ser visto nos cursos avanados. O curso tambm te ajudar a lhe preparar para a certificao CWNA - Certified Wireless Network Administrator. Fazendo o curso bsico e o intermedirio, certamente voc ter uma excelente base para tentar a prova no futuro. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Case Management 101: Advocate, Educate, and Invoke Change" |
"This course was created to assist those that are interestedin working incase management at a bachelors/masters level. The content was created to reassure the students that although you may see case manager positions available in the workforce for RN/LPN professionals; it is also a profession for others. Bachelors/Master level social work, psychology, or counselinggraduates are eligible to work with individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities.This course isdivided into twocourses and willtake approximately 4-5hours and supplemental text is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The curriculum is based off of the supplemental text and it follows the table of contents.Additional Case Scenarios Are Not Available in the Supplemental Text.Good Luck and always... Advocate, Educate, and Invoke Change.-Tranquil Artistry LLC."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling, nueva gua para los Negocios" |
"Nuestra misin es ayudarte a entender el Storytelling como una poderosa estrategia de InboundMarketing y relacionamientoparaconstruir historias de valor que den potencia, enfoque, atraccin y persuasin a tus valiosas ideas. Apropiamos el Storytelling como una herramienta estratgica para generar impacto e involucramiento. La construccin narrativa basada en insights para aplicar aproyectosempresariales,personales,educativos, entre otros.Una aventura de1 hora y 10 minutos. Contamos tambin con archivos complementarios, ejemplos, talleres, herramientas prcticas y algunas preguntas reto.Queremos que aprendas a planear, crear y finalmente persuadir con tus historias!Step by step:Ruta de exploracinStorytelling + NegociosCreacin de historias(History Lab)Creando lazos profundosMetahistorias + valorEste curso te dar la estructurapara potencializar lacomunicacin de tu proyecto, creando historias de valor a la medida de tu target!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Excellence" |
"This course is for you if you you fall into any of the following categories:You longfor more out of life, but talk yourself out of trying new thingsYou are not satisfied with the life you have, but aren't sure what you want insteadYou are tryingto improve your situation, but you give up at the first sign of troubleYou don't genuinely believe that you can do better for yourself, because of the beliefs you hold about yourselfYou have great ideas, but don't know where to startYou are overwhelmed by your current stressesand desperatelyneed this to change You don't know why you work so hard getting nowhere, while others breeze past youMaster Your Excellence unveils the secrets behind all of these problems. Most of what keeps peopletrapped within their unsatisfying existencesis down to their own thoughts. Thoughts are planted by other peopleand by learned reactions to difficult situations and events.This course shows you how to recognise the damaging storiesthat you insist on believing, as well as what to do to change them.Itmakes you re-evaluate your systems for thinking and making meaning of the world around you, so that there is nothing left to keep you where you currently are.You will understand why you react in certain ways, which damage your relationships and your reputation. It will help you to create new ways to respond to stressors in helpful ways which give you the control that you need to be successful in whichever areas you are seeking to improve. It will also highlight many things that go on in your subconscious mind that you didn't even realise were contributing to your feelings of discontentment.You will learn what really motivatesyou and what holds you back.Then you will learn to get into the driving seat and begin a new path towards success.The course consists of 12videos, which explain complex issues in easy to understand ways. There's also a mindfulness session, and a coaching session, to get you going in the right direction.The videoscomein bite-sized chunks, so that you can take in the information with ease. There isa whole host of simpleand highly effective activities for you to complete that will get you to the core of your issues and will bring you out the other side feeling hopeful, energised and full of optimism and motivation.Some of these activitieswill lead you to big discoveries about yourself that will enlighten you as to why you may be stuck in a rut.Other activitieswill help you get into daily habits which, whendone consistently, will garner life-changing results.When you immerse yourself fully into all of the material, you will understand yourself and those around you much better, leading to greater fulfilment in your current circumstances, better relationships andthe motivation and positivebeliefs to enable you totake successfulforward action."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |