Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Beast Android Development: Parsing Json Data" |
"Parsing Json data from a web APIinto an Android Application, is a critical skill to have as an Android Developer.In this course, youwill learn how to do just that by using advanced third party libraries. You as the student will build one app with the instructor that will demonstrate effective communication with a web client API.This course is a relatively short one makingit is perfect forquicklyimprovingyour development capabilities. In addition to learning about parsing Json data, you also learn an effective way of organizing your Android apps by using an event bus. Further, you get the instructors knowledge on any and all Android related questions regarding this course or not."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Beast Android Development: Firebase Necessities" |
"This is a course for advanced android developers that showcasesGooglesFirebase. You as the student will graspFirebaseby building one complicatedshopping list app from start to finish with the instructor. Firebase will be used to registerand authenticateusers into our application, create and display a real time database, and allow asharing featurebetween users. In addition to learning about Firebase, advanced android topics are shownas well. These topics include checking for user errors client side, using an event bus, and finally implementing the Facebook login API. The course is structured as a code along however towards the end you will be presented with challenges. These challenges will allow you to put your Firebase knowledge to the test and more importantlypush you as a developer. At the end of the course, you will have your final challenge and unlike the other challenges, there will be no solution. However, the instructor will be there to help and guide you as needed.It is critical to have a back end for anyandroid application. Even if user authentication if not needed, the apps data should bestored somewhere other then the users phone. By taking this course, you will be able to use one of the most powerful back ends out there. With over 10 hours of content, you will obtaina clearunderstanding of Firebase."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Focused Breathing for Energy, Clarity, and Stress Management" |
"Take a DEEPBREATH! AAAAH!Do you feel better? Probably. Can you feel better than this? Definitely!Research studies have proven that taking a deep breath makes most people feel better, ANDhow you take the breath matters in how MUCHbetter you feel! Something as simple as breathing a deep focused breath several times throughout your day can have such a MAJOR IMPACT in everything about your life!This course teaches you HOWto take the most effective deep breath, and make it an automatic habit in your every day life. You will walk away from this class not only knowing HOWto breathe, but WHY breathing well is so important, and WHATyou can do to make better breath your automatic and normal breath.In terms of overall health and wellness, perhaps the single most important component is BREATH. Breath is everything. Without air, a living body dies within minutes. All day long, every single day, the body breathes. Its an unconscious action that we take constantly, and yet, we have the power to control it. Breath provides energy, fuel, healing, clarity, focus, space, relaxation, calm, stress relief, postural alignment, and so much more. While we all know a deep breath reduces stress and anxiety, scientific studies have proven that focused breathing techniques are more effective than a simple deep breath.Focused breathing increases the oxygen in your body, brings it straight to your brain, and makes everything, absolutely everything in your body work better. This course teaches you how to do the focused breathing technique and provides brain trainingto make focused breathing more of your natural breathing habit."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Body-Mind-Spirit" |
"We hear the catch-phrase ""body-mind-spirit"" everywhere. We know it is connected to optimal health and wellness, but HOW? Do we REALLY understand what it means on a practical every day level? More often than not, these terms evoke a sense of spirituality and esoteric wisdoms that make you feel like your head is floating up in the clouds.Many people shy away from yoga and other forms of alternative healing simply because the concept of body-mind-spirit seems too woo woo. This course defines Body-Mind-Spirit in simple and practical terms by going back to basic grade-school science class and remembering about the bodys basic functions. We will explore the: BIOLOGYof the BODYinyourbones, muscles, blood and breath.NEUROLOGYof the MINDin yourelectrical impulses along nerve pathways.CHEMISTRY of theSPIRITin yourever-changing moods and hormones.Once you understand how body-mind-spirit works as a science, you can work it as a medicine to achieve INSTANT WELLNESS. When you put your BODY into alignment, focus and clarify your thoughts in your MIND, and breathe from your SPIRIT, everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in life worksbetter.Your body works better, your mind thinks clearer, and your mood feels happier. You will leave this class with anunderstanding ofBody-Mind-Spirit as simple and practical science that you can apply to your everyday!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"O Contedo deste curso far com que,independente da rea de atuao do ser humano, ele seja capaz de atrair e fidelizar pessoas por meio de uma Personalidade Atraente. Cada pessoatem a sua definio de realizao profissional, para uns :Dinheiro, Fama, Sucesso, Felicidade....Utilizando timo udio, lindas imagens e timos exemplos de pessoas que se destacarampor saber o valor de se ter ENTUSIASMO na vida, espero que ao final desse curso o indivduo tenha a conscincia da importnciadese teruma personalidade atraente,sabendoavaliar e se reprogramar a fim de mudar suas perspectivas com o objetivo de atrair e fidelizar pessoas e conseguir a realizao profissional."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Performance Management & Progressive Discipline" |
"PerformanceManagement andProgressive Disciplineprovidesreal-world applicationsfor supervisors and managersto train, direct, and supervise the workforce to accomplish agency goals with unprecedented results.An empowering process of aligningpeoplewith decision making authorityto execute day-to-day functions. Demonstrations onobjective processes forcorrectingperformancewithpositive or negative reinforcements consistent withfederal andstate statutes to fit youragency'spolicies.This course is designedfor educational purposes only. It is sold or distributed with the understanding that the author/instructor is not engaged in rendering legal advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Compstat Analytics" |
"With the nextgeneration of millennial recruits coming into the law enforcement profession, administratorsmust not onlybecome adapt to the millennials unique perspective about work, but hold theline of accountabilityon their performance.Compstat Analytics-Let the Numbers Do the Talkingprovidesreal-world advice for law enforcement managerson how to manage operations based upon predictive data.A transparent processofholding managers and front line personnel accountable for measurable performanceresults. This courseintroducesbest practices identified inpublications by Law & Order and The PoliceChief.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Transforming Your Leadership Style" |
"With the nextgeneration of recruits coming into the law enforcement profession, administratorsmust not onlybecome adapt to the millennials unique perspective about work, but hold theline of accountabilityon their performance.Mentoring the Millennialsprovidesreal-world advice for law enforcement managerson how to facilitate committed partnershipsbetween generations in the law enforcement culture. A focus on building a pipeline of leadership for the continuity of law enforcement operations.The course introduces best practices consistent with the publicationHarvard BusinessReview article- What Millennials Want from Work, Charted Across the World.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
Price: 20400.00 ![]() |
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Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"1Premiere Pro~~" |
"-- --Q&A ----------------Adobe Premiere ProAdobe CC (Creative Cloud)/ OMOKAGETVPremiere Pro30UIOMOKAGETV"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Online Japanese JLPT N5 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)" |
"The Online Japanese JLPT N5 Mock Examination is a complete mock examination for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N5. It contains 3 sets of examinations. Every set includes a question sheet, a listening script, an answer sheet, and a correct answer sheet. The simulation test is the exact same manner as the official JLPT N5 so that learners are able to practice and test their Japanese ability well."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Online Japanese N2 Course(All 10 lessons)" |
"The Online Japanese N2 Course is a Japanese study material related to the JLPT N2 level. You can study vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension that corresponds to the JLPT N2 level. The Japanese of N2 level is applied in actual conversations, so this course is useful for JLPT preparation and advancing your Japanese communication proficiency. All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that foreigner Japanese learners can freely study. In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, hiragana characters are added above all of the kanji, so that learners can study effectively."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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"Check itCV/CeVIO"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
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"Check itCV/CeVIO"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"2 TOEIC 200" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
jynypevl |
"/ 1996WebCD- ROM"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
Scratch |
"This is the most comprehensiveScratch programming course onUdemy, this course will be constantly updated!Hello, everyone, my name is Feihong and I am the instructorof this course. Ihave multidisciplinary backgrounds in electronics, integrated circuits, photonics, telecommunications, webdevelopment and programming.Education backgroundPhDonOptical Communication, Technical University ofDenmarkMaster of Electronics and Information Engineering, Osaka University, JapanMasteron Photonic NetworksEngineering, Scuola Superiore Santa'Anna, ItalyMSc inIC Design Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyBachelor ofElectrical Engineering and Automation, South China University of TechnologyI foundeda kids coding school in Zhejiang Province, China, where we used Scratch extensively to teach students programming knowledge. This course is a collection of our offline classprojects. In this course, we will teach all theaspects of Scratch programming, you will learn how to use Scratch to create games, animations, draw geometries, solve math problems, and more advanced knowledge.Join us today, and you will never look back!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Scratch Programming for Kids" |
"This is themost comprehensive Scratch programming courseon Udemy! The total courses includes 27 chapters, the course will be updated continuously!Hello, my name is Feihong, withmulti-disciplinary engineering backgrounds in consumer electronics, integrated circuit, photonics, telecommunications,web developments and programming.Ph.D. in Photonics Engineering, Technical University of DenmarkMaster of Engineering, Osaka University, JapanMasters on Photonic Networks Engineering, Scuola Superiore SantAnna, ItalyM.Sc. in IC Design, Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyB.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, South China University of TechnologyI founded a local Kidscoding school in China and we have used Scratch extensively for teachingkids about codingin our class.This course is a collection of the coding projects we have taughtin our offlineclass.In thiscourse, we will coverall the aspectsaboutScratch, so you will not onlylearnhow touse scratch tocreate fun games, draw shapes,solve math problems, but also more advanced topics.Join us today, and you will never look back!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
chisano-craft |
"3 100"
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Mindful Conflict Management in the Workplace" |
"Mindful Conflict Management in the Workplace will teach you skills to prepare for andmanage conflict situations from a Buddhist perspective. You will learnhow you see and handle conflictand then how to manage your emotions and those of others. You will learn valuable conflict management techniques and tools rooted in Buddhist based philosophies. You will also learn how to manage emotions within conflict situations including aggressive people. Additionally you will be introduced to strategies to deal with emotions after conflict situations.Handouts and reflective exercises are provided for most sessions. The best outcomes will be achieved if you undertaken the program with at least a week between each session. The total program takes around one and half hours and is focused firmly in helping you to develop practical conflict management skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Java programming with JavaFx: Write an email client" |
"Seeing a message printed on the console when you click a button can be rewarding, but at some point you need to go beyond the basics. Project based learning is the best approach to become a competent programmer.Writing a calculator app is fun, but you know what is funnier? Getting a job as a programmer. You can't get there just by coding simple apps or watching presentations.This course can be summed up as one big programming exercise. So if you want to feel more confident about your Java programming skills by building a unitary program, then this course is for you.We'll be working with JavaFX and explore it's UI components, data bindings and concurrency solutions.The course is divided in 9 parts, and uses a progressive approach to building software.The best way to learn is by exercise, so this course focuses on using different java topics, rather than explaining them in detail.All lectures are in 16:9 Full HD and contain all the source code. When I was a beginner, I struggled myself to go beyond basic examples and even if I knew the theory, I needed guidance to put in practice. So if you are at this point, if you had acquired programming skills and now you want to master them, please take a look at the free lectures, and if you like them, I'll see you in class!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Storyselling - Content marketing that results in sales" |
"The purpose of this course is to share clear and specificways to make your content more effective when it comes to impacting the bottom line... sales revenue.Take this course because you're tired of talking theory, and want to improve at what you do. Or, because you want to add more to you next conversation on marketing than sound bites.Expect to learn more and quickly becausecourse is split into 5 lessons averaging 5 minutes each.Each lesson contains a minimum of 3 things you can do now to make your content stronger. These aren't tips, they're no-foolin' actions you can take. We've thrown in anintro that shares some of these and a bonus lesson too!The course is produced by The Narrative, so it'sfun, heavy on the visuals, and shares most of its lessons via stories. It's designed to inspire, but more importantly to leave you with specific things you can start doing (as early as today) to make your content work harder for you.The people who will benefit most from our lessons include:- anyone with content in their title, responsibility, or general interests- marketers at companies large and small- sales groups, pr teams, and communication types with an interest in content marketing- students of content both new and old- anyone who wants the money they spend on content, to come back to them via thesaleof their product/service/solution/etc,"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cmo vivir de un blog de moda" |
"En este cursoaprenders a cmo crear, posicionar, hacer popular y generar ingresos de tu propio blog de moda para que sea tu medio de vida, tu profesin principal y poder vivir de l. Aprende a ser tu propia jefa/e. Tanto si ya tienes abierto un blog de moda pero ests estancada como si quieres empezar desde cero, este curso es para ti!No se necesitan conocimientos de programacin ni ser informtico, con ser una usuaria bsica de Internet y tener motivacin para tu propio blog es suficiente. Si ya conoces las plataformas bloggery Wordpress mucho mejor pero si no ests familiarizada con ellas, no te preocupes que tenemos clases dedicadas a ellas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Awaken Your Heart, Creativity & Wisdom with Tara Brach" |
"With modern living being what it is, many of us find ourselves drifting over the surface of our life in something like a trance - a distorted, pale shadow of reality and all its possibilities. It cuts off our sense of connection with our bodies, and all the aliveness and creativity of our true nature. As John ODonohue said, Our bodies know that they belong to life; its our minds that make our lives so homeless. We can see, all around, the suffering that results: physical illness, emotional pain, a persistent sense of alienation, broken relationshipsIn this course created by Tara Brach, well get to know what it looks like in everyday life, for each one of us, when we go off into trance -- and, how we can recover a fuller presence: for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our community and world that so need us to show up. Well discover how we can use ourthinking mind as a good servant of our well-being, rather thana saboteur. Each of the courses eleven sections includes at least one experiential exercise helping students to put directly into practice the insights shared during the lectures. These exercises are essentially guided meditations that students often like to continue practicing many times over, long after a course is completed, to maintain and more fully integrate the lessons in their real, embodied, relational lives. Well learn to recognize the most common signs of being caught in trance; and, what we can do to disrupt that pattern and hit refresh. Then well dig in deeper to understand the origins of the default programs that limit us, to increase our capacity for embodied presence, and to taste some of the sweet fruits of tapping into our fuller presence. Well find out how to engage skillfully with different degrees of physical pain mild, moderate, and intense and learn about the inter-relatedness of physical & emotional difficulties. Well also develop our ability to access a spaciousness thats wide enough to embrace these difficulties, giving ourselves the best conditions to trust, to open,and to thrive. Well look into our habitual belief in separateness, and typical reactive behaviors of avoiding -- or grasping at -- more closeness in relationships. Well go through three steps to freeing ourselves from the trance of that isolated small-self, and restoring our connection to awareness & love in the midst of stressful situations. Finally, well discover how we can actively re-awakenagain and again into the fully-embodied, profound belonging with all of life that is our birthright."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Training - How to Get the Job You Want!" |
"Do you have an important job interview coming up and you want to be prepared? Has it been a while since your last job interview? Do you want to be sure you know what is expected in todays hiring market? Do you have friends or loved ones that could use assistance in their next job interviews? Or, are you simply trying to figure out what you want to do and need guidance to help you think through your next steps?If you said yes to any of these questions, we are here tohelp!My Interview Trainingoffers practical and easy-to-use programs that prepare you for a successful job interview. We teach proven-method interviewing skills and techniques and our programs get results.This course guides you, step-by-step, on what you need to do to get the job you want! Watch as Laurence, program founder, and Jessica explain what you must do before you begin the interview process and after you enter the interview room door and sit face-to-face with people who will decide if you are the right person for the job. The materials are designed with all audiences and experience levels in mind. This truly is a comprehensive e-training program giving you the tools, examples, and confidence you need to get the job you want!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
elevator-talk |
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Rubik's Cube in just 1 day" |
"Welcome to Genius Rubik's Cube.Do you want to know how to solve the Rubik's cube? Learn to Solve 3X3 Rubik's Cube from scratchthrough this very simple course!ThiscourseisdesignedforanyonewhowantstolearntosolveaRubikscube in just 1 day.No experiencenecessary. This course is applicable to all age groups.Thefirsthalfofthecoursewillcoveralayerbylayermethodtosolvingthecube. The second half of the course will cover a cross and corners by using simple algorithm.Solving all sides of Rubik's Cube at the least possible time involves skill, reflex, focus and concentration.By the end of this Rubik's course, you would have learnt how to analyze and understand the Rubik's Cube by usingsimple algorithms to solve the Rubik's cube.Lecture 1 : Basics -Structure of a cube and notation.Lecture 2: First layer (white cross).Lecture 3: White top layer.Lecture 4: Middle layer.Lecture 5: Yellow cross.Lecture 6: Yellow corners and final layer.why take this course? - Simple algorithm to solve the Rubik's cube.All the best!Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Esse o curso vai lhe preparar para a profisso e o mercadode Webdesign.Nesse curso,renoexperincias de mercado,ensinamentose suporte profissional aosclientes.O curso contm 21aulas eest dividido assim:2 Aula de apresentao,boas vindas, profisso, salrio e mercado.9 Aulasbsicas de photoshop com as ferramentas usadas no curso.1 Aula com dicas demercado, projetos e atendimento ao cliente.8 Aulas com contedo principal do curso.1 Aula de concluso:Recuperandoo investimentoe como conseguir projetos e clientes.Esse curso para vocque busca uma nova profisso ou quer se qualificar mais ainda para o mercado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |