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"Lead Generation Mastery" |
"How to generate targeted, qualified leads for your business and skyrocket profits using smart, cost-effective strategies.Have you tried to make money online but failed miserably?Trust me, Ive been there myself.If youre familiar with online marketing you've probably come across the phrase ""The Money Is In The List""It boils down to one thing: List Building.Industry standards states that only 2% of your traffic converts into buyers.So what happens to the 98%?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Research has shown that it takes at least 7 times before someone buys from you.The chances of someone buying from youfor the first time is relatively low.Dont make the mistake of not building an email list from day one...So why do you need to build a list?Firstly, you have instant traffic at your fingertips and youll get a ready stream of paying customers...and second, you can send traffic to affiliate offers and this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to monetizing your list.It doesn't matter what the latest trend is, whether it's Facebook, Twitter or Instagram... Email hands down beats everything else!It has existed since the day Internet was born and youre still using it now.What's interesting about list building is, every internet marketer who has a new product or training program, uses email to promote.Do you see a pattern here?Email Marketing is here to stay and if you're not building a list, you're leaving a lot of money on the table.So If you're an online blogger, an online marketer, a book author or even a traditional business owner and you don't know where to start on this whole list building thing...Don't worry cos Ive got great news for you!Ive created a comprehensive training course that will show you...How to build a list of responsive subscribers that will generate massiveprofits for you, over and over again.Ive literally cut short your learning curve and everything you need to know about list building is here.So with your permission Id like to introduce...Lead Generation Mastery!This is a collection of step-by-step videos on how anyone can get started with list building right away, regardless of your skill level. Whether you're technical or not, this works for anyone who has the desire to start an online business.Here's a sneak peek at what you're about to discover in the training videos...Im going to show you how to create your bribe offer where youll learn to create highly enticing free offers to get more visitors sign up to your list.Next, youll see the exact techniques I use to come up with landing pages that converts massive amounts of visitors into subscribers.Then Ill share the secret to write highly responsive emailsto keep your readers engaged to keep them waiting for your emails eagerly.Right after that, well move on to traffic generation where youll discover an effective method of generating a huge amount of traffic to build your list on steroids.And much, much more... this is just the gist of it.Now you're probably asking yourself, how much does this cost?First let me ask you, how much it would cost if you dont build a list?To put things into perspective.Here's a basic cost of starting an online business.A domain name costs $10, webhosting is another $10 a month and an autoresponder is another $20 a month.Thats almost $50 to and not including the monthly expenses to sustain it. By the way this doesnt even include your budget for traffic generation.Its a big mistake if you think you can do this based on trial and error. You'll waste a lot of time, money and effort just like how I did when I first started.I dont want you to make the same mistakes I did.So I've compiled years of my personal experience into this training course and you'regoing to get all this for a steal!On top of that, I'm also giving away these special bonuses!Youre going to learn to split test your sales funnel in ""Bonus 1: How To Optimize Your Lead Generation to get the best bang for your buck.Increase your conversions and generate massive profits just by tweaking your funnel by using the same amount of traffic.Then youll discover different ways to monetize your email list and it's the closest you willget to a 'push-button' system in ""Bonus 2: How To Monetize Your Mailing List"".Lastly, find out my insider secrets to write highly engaging emails in ""Bonus No.3: How To Write Profit Pulling Emails"".It will make your readers become loyal followers and more responsive to your offers. The more responsive they become, your profits will skyrockets as well.If you are keen to start an online business and have a passive stream of income, this is what you've been looking for.We have taken care of everything you need to know to get started with a profitable online business from scratch and you are going to cut short your learning curve and be miles ahead of yourcompetitors.So what are you waiting for, click on the order button now and grab your bonuses while it lasts...."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's guide to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics" |
"Since the onset of civilization, mankind has always used heat and flowing fluid (Wind, water) to their advantage. In this course the twointertwinedsubjects of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanicswill beexplored. Students of Mechanical/ Aerospace/ Civil Engineering will find this course extremely useful. People that have an interest in Science/ Energy can also immensely benefit from this course. The course will cover the fundamental behaviour of heat and also the mechanics of static and dynamic fluids.The course has been divided into two sections. The firstsection will deal with Thermodynamics while the second sectionwill cover Fluid Mechanics. There is a bonus section that will provide some extremely useful information and creative activity.If you are interested in the functionality of machines from steam engines to wind turbines, than this course is for you. For students due to study engineering, this course will put them in good stead for future studies. Those who are already studying Engineering can also benefit fromafresh perspective on the courses and consolidation of core concepts."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Solar Energy Technology for Business and End Users" |
"Solar Energy Technology is the one offastestgrowing technology in the world. From having small scale niche applications adecade ago, it is becoming one of the mainstream sources of energy.However, because of lack of knowledge and training, many of us areunaware in best utilizing solar energy systems and this includes many solarproduct suppliers.This lack of knowledge is often on displayin theform of wrongly orientedPVpanels. As a result, the PVsystemoutput is greatly reduced.Poorlydesigned systems alsoincrease the cost of installation. This course on solar energy technology for businesswas designed mainly for people who would like to start a solar energy productbusiness, but do not have the technical knowledge to do so. This course canalso benefit someone who wants to become the end user of solar energy. The course will help you identify the rightproducts for yourself orcustomers/ clients. It will help you designthesystems correctly to meet customersrequirement.Currently, bulk of thesolar energy productbusinesses are operated by people who have little understanding of optimizationof solar energy systems. And therefore many solar products are sold and systemsare designed that either do not meet customers demand or do it veryinefficiently.This course will not only help in bridging theknowledge gap but also give you an edgeover other solar product suppliersin the market.How is the course structured?The course is divided into foursections. Thelargest section of the course is related to understanding the nature of solarenergy and how to best harness it.Later sections explore two of the main solarproducts i.e. Solar Photo-voltaic and Solar Water Heaters. The course alsotoucheson solar desalination, which will become an important technologyin the future because of fresh water shortage. Practical considerations for installing solarcollectors have also been explored.The course is delivered in the form of whiteboardanimation videos. It should be noted that whiteboard animation is deemed as oneof the most engaging ways of delivering lectures.The development of whiteboard animations takessignificantly more time compared to simple PowerPoints with voiceovers. Quizzeshave been added to test students knowledge and notes, useful website links andcharts have been made available in the resources section. Who should take this course?This course is for all levels and can be completedby anyone with basic knowledge of science. You should also have the ability tocalculations of simple equations. Other than that, curiosity and interest inthe field of solar energy will help you gain the most out of this course.The content tries to remain focused on morepractical considerations rather than delving into more academic details.It is hoped that through this course,thestudentswill not onlybe able to benefit themselves but alsobenefitthe community around them in using solar energy. They will be ableto provide consultancy to customers and even land themselves a job with their localsolar product supplier.This is a truly empowering course that will open up new vistas andopportunities for you to explore."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How To Use LinkedIn Effectivly in Your Property Business" |
"WhenI relocated to a new part of the U.K. after gainingmy freedom throughmy property businessI wasfilled with dread at the thought of having to build a new network of people to supportthe new business in a new area. Then I remembered I had the knowledge of how to use LinkedIn , so I did,I builtthe new team from LinkedIn connections. I then thought it would be cool to share that knowledge withother property investors , soI have.I will show you how to create a powerful LinkedIn profile, how to do powerful searches, how to be found on LinkedIn, how to give value and prove your credibility. I will show you how to find, connect and engage with people on LinkedIn. Iwill also show you how you can ensure you take action to build a powerful profile and use LinkedIn effectively.This course is specifically designed around how to build a powerful network on LinkedIn and how that translates into using it to grow your property business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Keyword Recherche ohne Tools" |
"Du willst wissen, ob das Keyword das richtige ist auf das du optimierst? Oder du hast dich schon immer gefragt, wie du neue Keywords finden kannst, ohne viel Geld fr ein zustzliches Tool auszugeben?Dann haben wir in diesem Kurs ein paar Antworten fr dich. Es geht um die Arbeit mit den Keywords auf deiner Seite."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PREMIERE PRO para Gamers e Vloggers iniciantes!" |
"O curso te ensinardo bsico at a renderizao dos seus vdeos (vlogs ou gameplays) para youtube. No sendo necessrio qualquer conhecimento em edio de vdeo para aprender com este curso, j que voltado justamente para iniciantes. O curso tambm contar com dicas sobre a qualidade necessria para construir um bom canal e agradar o pblico no youtube.Este curso no ensina edio de imagem e sim de vdeo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Meditation" |
"Welcome to the Basics of Meditation. This course is designed to help youlearn the basics of meditation so that you can build your own meditation toolbox and create a sustainablemeditation practice. This program is unique because we believe in teaching the basics of meditation from a holistic perspective. This course is designed for anyone who desires to learn meditation and fit it into their busy schedule.We curated the content based on our experience leading busy professionals who have created long-term meditation practices for managing stress, being more aware of themselves and their surroundings, and staying centered and mindful.In this course, we will use video lessons, audio meditations, and reflection journals to:Teach you what meditation isExpose common myths about meditationHelp youstart your own practice sustainablyLead you throughsixdifferent mindfulness practices you can incorporate intovarious aspects of your life.To create a strong foundationfor your practice, we will help youintegrate your learnings at each step. Ineach videowe create space and a worksheet for you to journal and reflect on your new knowledgeand how it uniquely pertains to your life.We also providesupplemental handouts tofurther explain basic meditation conceptsand support the knowledge you will learn inthe videos.We strongly believe in practicing meditation within a community. We created aBasics of Meditation privateFacebook groupto connect to other likeminded individuals, ask questions from us and other practitioners, and share your individualexperiences. Sharing your observations and staying curious in community will enhanceeverything you learn in the videos, audio meditations, and journal reflections.You get to decide how you want to take this course and managethe flow! We will support you with a course tracker to plan the course content and trackyour progress. You have the option to watch the entirevideo series in a few days,or you canspread it out over a few weeks. The most important practice is to stay committed to the goals and intentions we help you set.We can't wait to be part of your meditation and mindfulness journey. We will see you on the inside!Want to hear what others had to say?Check it out:Wade and Kellye do such a wonderful job creating a warm, inviting, safe environment for exploration and discovery. I'm very new to meditation, but found myself feeling liberated by Wade and Kellye's encouragement to approach the work with a ""beginner's mind"" to tap into myself and just feel and notice. The Basics of Meditation experience left me feeling relaxed, centered, and excited to start my own practice. - Meghan""My previous meditations maxed out at about 3 minutes. I couldn't do it, but now Isurprised myself how easy it is to sit for longer after learning some tools from Wade and Kellye"" - QuintinHaving recently started my adventures in meditation, I'm always looking for fun ways to explore new methods. Basics of Meditation is exactly what I've been hoping to find. Wade and Kellye lead us throughnew techniques in an approachable, lighthearted way. More than that though, is the community that is formed.""- Sondra"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Make Your Own Pokemon Go Game For iOS 10" |
"In this course you will learn how to make your own version of PokemonGo. You will learn how to use MapViews, Annotations, CoreData,and also how to use SpriteKit. We will make everything from scratch and the course follows a moderate speed meant for you to grasp all the content in one go!Take advantage of the wide success of PokemonGo to make a similar game. Who knows maybe your app might be downloaded millions of times too!The course will only take about 3 hours to complete and Irecommend that students add their personal touch to the techniques learned in the course. The course is divided into 4 strategic sections that will allow students to progress from the easy beginnings to the tougher parts in the end. Additionally, the course is very updated as we use Xcode 8and Swift 3 throughout our development. Additionally, I will provide a bonus lecture on how to make your own iMessage stickers! Not only are they easy to make (requiring basically no code), butthey can alsobe very profitable in the market place. Finally, I recommend that students already know how to code with swift and to have initial experience with SpriteKit."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Wordpress |
", Web-! ? Denver; ; , ; ; ; , ; CMS ""Wordpress"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java for Selenium" |
"Course DescriptionManual Testers often think that for starting a career in Selenium Automation using Java they need to have prior knowledge of Java. The very thought of knowing Java unnerves lot of professionals as they are new to coding. This course is an attempt to make Java learning easy and prepare manual testers to start exploring automation using Selenium WebDriver and JavaLearn the basic concepts, that will be required for writing scripts in Java in Selenium WebDriverEclipse IDE with Java setupDatatypes and StringsMethods, Objects, Constructors, Inheritance, ExceptionsLoops and ConditionalsContent and OverviewSuitable for manual testers, youll learn all of the Java fundamentals requried to write Java code for Selenium WebDriver. Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the Java Development Kit, this course will take you through Java variable types, operators, and how to use them. By creating classes and objects, youll a establish a strong understanding of OOP.With these basics mastered, the course will take you through program flow control by teaching you how to use for loops, while loops, and conditional if-else statements to add complexity and functionality to your programs.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful Java programs.Full detailsWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn Java Programming from Selenium perspective - substring, datatypes,Suitable for manual testers who want to begin career in Automation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Novizen Kurs - Dein Weg zur eigenen Nischenseite" |
"Mit Affiliate Marketing kannst du mit sehr geringen Investitionskosten online Geld verdienen.Dafr bentigst du keine eigenen Produkte,keine Vorkenntnisse und auchkeine Programmierkenntnisse.Ich werde dir in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt am Live-Beispielzeigen wie dueine Webseite aufbaust.In ber 10 Stunden Videomaterial und einigen ntzlichen Tools werde ich dir folgendes nher bringen:die Grundlagen des Affiliate MarketingsGewerbeanmeldung ja oder nein?wie man Nischen analysiert, das Suchvolumen feststellt und die Konkurrenz berprftwie du deine mglichen Gewinne berechnestwie du eine Domain anmeldestwie du WordPress installierst und damit arbeitestwelche wichtigen Plugins (Programme) du bentigst (kostenlose Plugins)was fr erfolgreiches Suchmaschinenoptimierung wichtig ist (On-Page Optimierung)wie du deine eigene Webseite gestaltest mit Texten, Bildern, Videos, Listen, etc.wie du Amazon Partner wirst und Produkte bewirbstwie du deine Seite bei Google einreichst und online gehstwie du Google Analytics nutztwie du die Google Search Console nutztwie du schne Vergleichstabellen erstellstwie du Preisvergleiche deinen Webseitenbesuchern anbietest***Was Du sonst noch bekommst*** eineCommunity die Dir bei jedem Schritt hilft und mit der du Erfahrungen austauschen kannstPersnlichen Kontakt mit mir, dem DozentenQuizfragen zu den einzelnen Abschnitten***Hinweis***Ich werde fr die Erstellung des Live-Beispiels ein kostenpflichtiges Theme (Layout) benutzen (ca. 40 im kleinsten Paket mit speziellen Gutscheincode fr dich). Natrlich bekommst du aber auch kostenlose Alternativen gezeigt.Um eine erfolgreiche Webseite zu erstellen, sollte man sich einen guten Webhoster nehmen. Ich werde dir zeigen wie das geht, dieser ist die ersten 3 Monate kostenlos und anschlieend 4,95 im Monat.***Auerdem***Du kriegstlebenslangen Zugriff auf ber 60Lektionenund den zugehrigen Artikeln.Du gehstkein Risikoein, sollte Dir derKurs nmlich nicht gefallen, dann kannst Du ihn innerhalb von 30 Tage zurckgeben und erhltst DeinGeld zurck.Worauf wartest Du also noch? Starte dein eigenes Online Business und generiere dir mit dem Wissen aus diesem Kurs deine Nischenseiten und somit dein passives Einkommen fr mehr Freiheit im Leben."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Stepping up to TypeScript: Fundamentals" |
"Stepping up to TypeScript is intended to not just introduce you to writing code with TypeScript but advance your coding skill in total. People with existing JavaScript knowledge who want to do more with their projects will find TypeScript can do so much more than just plain JS. Professionals coming from statically typed languages like Java or C# will find this course a refreshing way to transition into Web or NodeJSdevelopment.While new frameworks seem to come and go every day, TypeScript is here to stay. TypeScript will likely continue to be a reliable means to develop any JavaScript application for many years to come.Even if you are a seasoned JavaScript developer, learning TypeScript will not only prepare you for a potential project in the future, but will immediately improve your JavaScript architecture.This is a very high quality, fundamentals first, fast paced course that you are sure to enjoy with an expansive amount of free content and community resources.We look forward to having you join us in this TypeScript revolution....Note: This is a very fast paced course that you should be comfortable rewinding or replaying sections. Having some programming experience is necessary and experience with ECMA script like JavaScript or ActionScript will be of significant benefit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia Studio" |
", : , , , , .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTMLCSS Brackets" |
"Web HTML CSS Windows Mac Sublime TextDreamweaver Web BracketsAdobe Brackets Web Brackets Web"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"HTMLCSS Emmet" |
"Web HTML CSS EmmetEmmet DreamweaverSublime TextAtomCodaEmmet HTML CSS Emmet Emmet Web Emmet Web"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Hi,Ich bin Matthew Mockridge, Startup-Grnder, Bestseller-Autor und Ausnahmejungunternehmer.Mit diesem ersten Einblick in denOnlinekurs zeige ich dir Alternativen auf und erklre dir, wiedu von null auf hundert durchstarten kannst, ohne groartiges Startkapital und ohne hochkartigen Hochschul-Abschluss!Folgendes bieten wir dir in diesem Kurs In ber60HD Video Lektionen geht es neben der gezielten Arbeit an deinen Start-Up-Skills, vor allem auch um die erprobte Entwicklung deiner Soft-Skills: Kreativitt, Networking, Small-Talk, Leadership und Teamwork. In diesem Kurs erhlst du einen weiteren Einblick in das Kapitel Ideenfindungstools. Die innovative 66 Tage Formel fokussiert dabei deine Top-Performance an Hand neuronaler Plastizitt durch tgliche, gezielte Reize am prfrontalen Cortex zur langfristigen Installationen deiner Fhigkeiten von innen nach auen und durch sprbaren Fortschritt. Deshalb ist es wichtig das du Lektionen auf verschiedene Tage aufteilst."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java Applications: Building Apps with Java" |
"In this course you will learn all about building apps with Java. You'll get an introduction to Java programming while you learn to develop Java applications for various runtime environmentsdesktop, web, and mobilewith Eclipse.First we'll start with a brief review of the language and review the basic building blocks of the Java syntax: variables, functions, arrays, conditional statements, classes, and input/output.Then we'll discuss building user interfaces, creating data sources for tables, using two-dimensional arrays, using external files to populate table data. We'll talk about publishing desktops apps, sharing class libraries, writing web apps with Java, connecting to databases, and finally, we'll build a simple Android app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Foundations for Mastering Watercolor Painting" |
"List price of $49.99 now $24.99NOTE: This is not a hands-on painting course.The best watercolour course I have seenI need a structured better approach than the typical watch-me-paint courses, that explain nothing about quality of paints and mediums and how they affect the final result. Brilliantly narrated, videos quality are amazing and super explanatory. 6 stars!"" - Joao C.I am learning so much. It is really helping me to understand the medium I am working with, as well as how I can manipulate it to create the effects and emotions I want. Everything just changes when you know what you are looking for. My level of confidence in watercolour has definitely skyrocketed. - Nicole O.Watercolor painting at its core is built upon pigment, water, and a painting surface, and in order to master the medium you need to thoroughly understand your materials. This course is designed to give you an in-depth look at the properties of each material used in the watercolor painting process. With this understanding, beginners will have an easier time learning techniques and experienced painters will be better equipped to perfect their skill and solve potential problems. This isnt a hands-on painting class, but rather is a lecture-based course containing information you aren't likely to find anywhere else."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Our unique skill" |
"In this day and age, acquiring various skills is more important than acquiring extensive knowledge. Skills are what help you get ahead and succeed in our modern world. In academia, researchers speak of soft skills types of social capabilities that are the keys to success. Some skills are external to us, but there are important skills that are our internal tools, and each one of us has these tools inside. Above them all, the central tool that we have is our willpower, that strong force that motivates us and leads us. As strange as it sounds, this is the one skill that we never learn about at any schoolIn this course, we will begin to learn exactly how this intricate system [the human body you and me] works and progressing from there, we will understand how we can operate this system. We will learn how to swim through life in the direction that we want to go and to aim for the goal that we are dreaming to reach. In this course, you will begin to learn how to empower the skill that makes you unique as a human being, to set goals, to meet them and in short to have more control over your life! You will become familiar with the first two levels, which enable human beings to control the world around them and do as they please.You will discover the deep meaning of this human advantage and learn how to leverage it to jump to a higher level.You will understand the reason for the inner struggles that take place inside of you.You will recognize where your freedom of choice comes from, and discover how far you can go.You will practice controlling your willpower.In short, this is your opportunity to take a closer look at the factors influencing you from the inside. Its your chance to identify the inner strengths hidden within you and learn how to utilize them to your best advantage. During the course, we will touch upon understanding the complexity of man, and we will try to explore and understand how the spiritual side in us is able to cause our physical side to take action? If the power of our thoughts cannot move a physical object that is outside of the person, then how do your thoughts make you move? We will deal with this question by exploring a new dimension, related to the chain of secret-keepers of the Jewish nation. We will encounter the stories of blind people and hear how they perceive their surroundings and what we can learn from them to help us answer our main question. We will begin to deal with the topic of freedom of choice, one of the amazing powers that only we, human beings, possess, in contrast with all of the other strong forces in nature. Finally, we will conclude by connecting all of these ideas to one dimension and we will sum up with a fascinating exercise that will help us control our willpower. To internalize the deep subject matter of the course, we have divided the course into small portions and added examples and real-life comparisons all to help you absorb the material better. You will also find questions in each part that will help you focus on the material learned and which essentially explain the core ideas of the current lesson. You can find the answers to these questions in your email when you finish watching the entire course. In general, we recommend listening to the course quickly at first, and then going back and contemplating each part by re-listening to them and simultaneously searching for the answers to the questions. The course has been carefully organized so that without any prior knowledge, anyone can develop the strongest power that we all have inside, our willpower. The plan is to complete this course with relevant exercises that will be the first practical step toward self-control. You can view the full details and the contents of the course according to the different lessons further down on this page."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Golf: The Perfect Golf Swing and Beyond" |
"Welcome to Ultimate Golf!My name is Dave Johnston. I'm the Director of Instruction at the Bloomington Downs Golf Club in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. After working with over eleven-thousand ""average"" golfers, I'm convinced the biggest roadblock to improvement is an obsession with perfect swing mechanics.This course is comprised of three distinct sections: Part One focuses on the swing essentials found in every consistent swing. We reduce each part of the game to three essential elements. When you understand how these elements affect the flight of the ball, then you have the tools for building your unique swing.This program is designed for the Beginner/Intermediate golfer. Have you ever hit a perfect shot? You have the ability.Discover the recipe to take your game to a whole new level!Part Two is an introduction to the mental side of the game with Mr. Danny King, the 2016 Canadian Player of the Year. Danny's insight on common misconceptions and the development of junior golf is enlighteningPart Three consists of bonus material on golf fitness with Ms. Shanon McMillan, owner of Core Shots Fitness in Markham, Ontario, Canada.Shanon is a certified personal trainer and a certified CCCP Level 2 gymnastics and trampoline coach. Her insight on common golf injuries (such as golfers elbow) and some simple stretching routines before and after a game, will help golfers at every level increase flexibility, avoid injury and gain more distance off the tee.Feel free to send me an email with any comments or questions: the program!30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You are backed by Udemy's 30 refund policy. No Sweat."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fix Your Golf Slice!" |
"Fix Your Golf Slice Forever is a step-by-step method for eliminating the most embarrassing shot in golf.This thirty-minute programis based on results from over eleven-thousand lessons with once-a-week golfers who have a reasonable knowledge of swing mechanics, but struggle to break 90 consistently. The course reveals basic cause/effect relationships which are often overlooked in traditional golf instruction.The series of questions at the end of each section will clarify the elements you need to build your unique swing. Stop beating yourself up. Learn how to hit more fairways. This program is divided into four distinct sections: How to find your ideal grip. A simple routine for a consistentaddress position. The ""slice"" factor: the telltale swing motion. The secret to your perfect golf swing. I look forward to helping you take your game to a whole new level!30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You are backed by Udemy's 30 refund policy. No Sweat."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance: First Steps to Financial Independence" |
"Ibelieve the best place to start is with ""Why"".Why:Far too many people are stuck in thesystem, not livingthe lifethat they actually want to be living. Dont ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard ThurmanHow: One way is financial independence, via personal finance.This course is a breakdown ofsimple, actionable, day-to-day steps that you can take right away to get onthepath to financial independence. We'll cover thebiggest spending categories of 1)food2)shelter 3)transportation 4)and self care, andhow to optimizetheseto lowerspending,increase income, and maximize savings. Savings that you caninvest to make yourmoney workfor you, not the other way around! So that youhave thetime and resourcesto pursue what makes you come alive.This course breaks down, step-by-step, how tosave over $60,000 in 2 years.I did this while living in one of the most expensive cities, while at the same job, andwhile maintaining a healthylifestyle. No deprivation required.Who:Maybe you're broke,struggling with credit card debt, drowning in student loans, living paycheck-to-paycheck, unable to save much ofanything. Or perhaps youhave some savingsbutwant to get in control of personal financesandsave more faster in order to do your thing as soon as possible.Me:I've been throughallthese scenarios --from broke in NYC with nothing buta suitcase andlots ofdebt, to a cushy job where I made money and spent money, through a struggle of working forsomeone else's dream, toa realization that I have to create my own path.In 2years I completely changed my life, doing something that I didnt think was possible.Isavedover $60,000, bought and renovated a multi-unit property in Brooklyn, moved my mom up to NYC,started working for myself,and doing what I've alwayswanted to do (but didn't think was possible), all the whileon the path tofinancial independence.-------------------------------------------------------Some things you'll learn in the course:- How to assess your personal finances:your current net worth and savings rate- How tocalculate# ofyears to financial independence- How to automatefinancial tracking, so you always know where you are and where you're going- How to optimizethe biggest spending categories of1)food2)shelter 3)transportation 4)and self care- Every tip and trick I used to cut spendingby60% and push my savings rateover 75%- How tosimultaneously supplement yourincome via the sharing economy- No jargon approach to investyour surplus wealth, and getyour money to work for you- Concrete, step-by-step breakdownto afinancial independence foundation-Plus so much more.There are over 50+ lecturesincluded in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Buy A Smartphone : Smartphone Guide For Now & Beyond" |
"Confused about buying your Next Smartphone? No Worries. This Course will teach you Everything You Need to Know about Smartphones.And Yes, You do not need prior Technical Knowledge to understand this course. It is for Everyone willing to learn.Over 1000 Students signed up in the first 10 Days of the Launch.I have been a Successful Technology Blogger for 4-5 Years now. I have come across a number of Smartphones, I have Reviewed them, told people about their Pros and Cons. But I believe that everyone Should know about the Basics of Smartphones so that they Choose the Best Smartphone for their Need. So, Ihave designed this Course. I have added a Number of Motion Graphics to the Course so that the Concepts can be Understood by an absolute Beginner as well.By Taking this Course you will Learn :The Absolute Basics of Smartphone Elements so that you have Great Foundation about the Smartphone Elements.What Smartphone Manufacturers are doing to Trick us into Buying their Products.All the vitalTerms that you should actually be looking at When Buying a Smartphone.How to REALLYCompare two Smartphones.What Megapixel Value of a Smartphone Camera is, and How Much you actually need.The Absolute Basics of Smartphone Processors. You will Understand processors even if you are a Non-technical Person.How to NOT fall for Smartphone Marketing done by Manufacturers.How to Differentiate between Smartphone Displays.Learn to Make the Decision between Popular Operating Systems like Android & iOS.Here is What the Students are saying :I don't know much about smartphones, so i was skeptical about taking course at first. But It has surprised me with its Simplicity & Examples. I really liked the examples and the nice graphics in between. This Guy knows his stuff, And he really simplifies it to the absolute Basics. I did Learn a Lot.- Prashant DalviLoved the examples, the Motion Graphics are super cool. The Course teaches you the absolute basics of Smartphones. Now i know what exactly i should be looking for, in my next Smartphone :)- Saurabh ManeThis is really nice, there are many things about smartphonesthat I had come to know from this course, very informative.... thnx for course..!!!- Shripad YadavHow is the Course Structured?The Course will first teach you what exactly youneed tothink about before making a Smartphone Buying decision. Then we move on to thevarious Smartphone Elements, We will learn How these elements will benefit youas a User & what exactly you should be looking for. The Course will alsoteach you about various Marketing tricks that Smartphone Manufacturers use tomanipulate our Minds.Why you should take this Course ?I personally believe that technology is for everyone to use& understand. I believe that every Consumer in this world needs to get theBest value for their Investment. Smartphones are a Huge investment & I wantyou to Buy the Best Smartphone for 'You'."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to lose weight in 30 days with ""Brain food""" |
"Whats the course about?In this 30 day program you will see a step by step video guide with dailyeasy to makerecipes and exercises designed for those who do not like going to the gym.Weekly I'll give you a list of supplies that you can buy for all the easy recipes Im including I'll show you how to use food for the brain and how this can influence the acceleration of weight loss and how to be more efficient in our work and daily activities During this course you will see results week by week by following the guide in the proper way. We will show you how certain food have benefits for our brain that keep our bodies healthy and slim. We will give you tips on how to fight the anxiety that causes weight gain as well as prevent diabetes, obesity, hypertension and degenerative diseases.This course is designed for those who want to lose weight and changeeating habits, also for those who dont have enough time to cooking.You need just 5 min for cooking and 15 minutes for exercises done at home in the morning or before sleeping. What kind of material are included?1:Instructions video2:How it works video3:List of supplements4:List of ingredients for each week.5: List of healthy snacks ( Brain Food)5:4 weeks of daily recipes, eachcontains tutorials ofbreakfast, meals and dinners for 30 days.You need 30 days to complete thecourse, you would see the result week by week, then you continue with the nextprogram called "" Maintenance"".The program is structured by :-Instructions-Food tutorials1 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun2 week- Mon, Tues, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun3 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun4 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun-Workout tutorials1 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun2 week- Mon, Tues, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun3 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun4 week- Mon, Tue, Wed, Fry, Sat, Sun-QuestionsIll be with you all the time, solving your questions.-ResultsYou can measure your results week by week, and register.Why take this course?Therea allot of diets in the market.For me, a diet is toeat whatever your body needs in a balanced and proper way.Nobody tell us about the importance of how obrsity reacts on the brain.All diets tell what foods to or not to eat. You stop eating for a while, loose weight but then afterwards increase weight drastically because you dont work on the root of the problem.This course you will change your way of life, help your brain function in a more proper way and the results will be weight loss."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kid's Anti-Bully Self Defense: Christian Martial Art Paideia" |
"""My kidsabsolutelylove Paideia. Brian and Beau keep it fun, and my kids are always showing me new moves. I honestly didn't think I'd be learning more than they are.""- Jennifer D, Seattle WAThis course is designed for kids (boys and girls)ages 5-10No experience necessaryThe course is based on anon-militant-style, Christianphilosophy (e.g. no eye gouges or curb stomps)The content is easy-going, fun, andsimple enough to remember,Weencourage parent involvement to help build your relationship with your childAs with any physical activity, please consult a physician prior to adopting a self defense programKalos Agon (KA) is a highly effective self defense system founded on the principles of the Christian faith.The system incorporates grappling, striking, street fight survival philosophy, and weapons training."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Do you have awesome footage from your last vacationbut never didanything with the beautiful footage? Footage is only as good as the final edited product and that's why this course takes what seems like a scary editingchallenge and turns you into a video editing hacking pro to get a quick result- a sick video! You don't have to go to school for video editing (I didn't!) you just need enough to get by and a few hacks along the way. In this course we'll cover:How to tell a visual story (Montage vs. Chronology)Importing video into iMovieChoosing Music (copyright free if you plan to publish for money on YouTube)Edit Action clips like a pro - slow mo, bass drops, blackoutsMove past roadblocks: going through so much crap footage!How to PublishHow to upload to YouTube"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Childbirth Preparation: A Complete Guide for Pregnant Women" |
"This course is for any pregnant woman who wishes to have a joyful pregnancy, healthy and happy childbirth experience and blissful entry into motherhood. You will receive all the guidance provided in a traditional childbirth preparation course, with the added benefit of deep mind-body-spirit workrarely foundin traditional classes, in addition to candid tales from my own birth-related experiences and those of myclient's.Together well travel though the four trimesters (the 4th trimester being the first three months of babys life out of the womb), exploring strategies for moving through thechallenges, savoring thepleasures and answering thequestions broughton by thepowerful transformations you're moving through. (Please note that you can begin this course during any phase of pregnancy.)Throughout this course you'll receive clear information and empathetic support via video, slideshows, relaxation recordings and checklists all createdwith the purpose of infusing your journey throughpregnancy, childbirth and motherhood with enhanced calm and clarity.During this course, you will Learn to create optimal health through exercise and nutrition Learn to select your ideal care provider Learn to produce your birth preferences Learn to fine tune your mama intuition Learn to release your fears and doubts surrounding childbirth and beyond Learn to strengthen your mind-body connection with self-hypnosis Learn to manage special circumstances Learn to prepare your home for motherhood Learn to create your ideal birth sanctuary Learn to comfortably move through the common phases of labor and delivery Learn to utilize optimal birth positions Learn to practice effective relaxation techniques (e.g., massage, pressure points, etc.) Learn to release endorphins via breath work Learn to prepare for breastfeeding Learn to deeply bond with your baby Learn best practices to care for your body, and your babys body, in the weeks after birth And much more!By the end of this course you'll feel fully prepared and empowered to move through childbirth, and enter motherhood, with solid courage, well-rounded knowledge and a hearty sense of excitement.*The ideal companion for this course is the book Feng Shui Mommy:Creating Balance and Harmony for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood*You can begin this course during any phase of your pregnancy.Total length of course: 5 hoursCourse includes twenty 15-minute relaxation recordings"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Accounting" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of accounting. You'll learn all about financial accounting,managerial accounting and income taxes. We'll go over balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and much more.This coursedelivers lessons and examples to build accounting skills. It guides students to learn how to read financial statements properly.By the end of this course, youll be able to read the three most common financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Then you can apply these skills to a real-world business setting.Demand for accounting professionals currently exceeds supply. If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this course is for you.Whether you're a sole proprietor looking to manage your business finances or you simply want to gain an understanding of accounting basics for career advancement or for personal use, this course will give you a solid foundation in accounting."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Maximiza tu trabajo colaborativo con Wunderlist" |
"Hola! te invito a conocerWunderlist, la herramienta con la que podrs ampliar el poder del trabajo colaborativo y administrar tus proyectos personales o profesionalesWunderlist se basa en listas colaborativas, donde podrs estar siempre al tanto de lo que hacen tus compaeros, sin necesidad de usar email para comunicarse. Adems podrs olvidarte de hacer listas de tareaspor hacer en papeles o libretas que finalmente terminas extraviandoAl tomar este curso aprenders una potente herramientas que te permitir aumentar tu productividad, te explicaremos todo lo necesario para que aprendas a usar esta herramienta y los mejores usos. Recuerda,todalainformacin estar perfectamente sincronizada en todo momento enlosdispositivos que tuutilices y tus compaerosEste curso est enfocado hacia lo prctico y lo cotidiano, as que al finalizar estars ms que capacitado para llevar tus proyectos a otro nivel.Recuerda, podrs usar Wunderlist para administrartareas del hogar, compartir listas deactividades pendientes oplanificar un viajeInscribete ahora!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Write The Perfect Marketing Email With Me" |
"Now you have access to the my emailcopywriting method which has helped sell more than $80 Million worth of online products in the last 4-5 year.If that sounds a little too unreal, I understand. Check out my BIO to see how that is even humanly possible for one person to do.This course ISNOT 'Every Other Digital Marketing' Course.It DOESNOThave367 Lectures and 87 Hours of Curriculum. Nothing against those kind of courses, respect to the experts who do them, I just can't stomach so much marketingcontent no matter how much time I have on my hands :-)This is is short, sweet, to the point and gives you a system you can apply, TODAY if you want to start writing HIGHCONVERTINGmarketing emails.Its specifically designed so we can write email copy, together, once and then you can write email copy happily ever after:-) You'll see!If you're running a small business, website, have a course, are an instructor, freelancer, marketer, copywriter or just anybody who needs to write marketingemails to make a living, then this course will help you.Note: Follow on me on Twitter for getting a complimentary copy of this course @tusharb_"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Never Tilt Again" |
"This course is about transformation. We all have the power to change the way we experience the world. For poker players, we can absolutely change the way we experience playing poker. In implementing this change, we will make more money, enjoy poker more, and have other beneficial effects that extend beyond our poker experience. If you play poker, be it online on Pokerstars or live in Las Vegas, this course is GUARANTEED to improve your EV graph and make poker more enjoyable.Many poker players, myself certainly included, have passively accepted pejorative state of being as they played poker. Many unpleasant things can happen while we play poker: getting bad beats, running bad, not hitting draws, not being able to move up to the next stake, having conflicts with regs, computer crashing, Full Tilt Poker declaring bankruptcy, etc. Logically, the mind has associated painful feelings and stored them as stories. These stories fill up our mind as we play. We collect them and over time they can be very painful and burdensome.In this course we explore methods to dissolve these stories, these thoughts. We become aware of this process and use techniques to surrender them. Free from these bounds, poker becomes more enjoyable and more profitable. We no longer see the use in building up painful memories, but release let, letting life live itself.This course starts with a lecture in which the techniques are explained. The rest of the course follows the progress of one of my students, Thomas, as he learns to transform his previous problematic thoughts and works with me one-on-one to implement the techniques taught in the lecture."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |