Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Unclog Your Happiness; Transformation Meditation" |
"Achieve our highest potential by shutting down all of our doubts, fears, and frustrationsEnjoy life stress-free in the presentMany of us, when we hear the word meditation, think of a few iconic images. The great Indian sage sitting on a hot, rocky Indian mountain, legs folded in a full lotus, stripped down of all material possessions, obtaining some great mental state -- at the cost of everything else. Or one may think of some yoga master doing insanely difficult poses. Others think of meditation as something that they tried and couldn't get to work for them. It was more stressful than rewarding. They sat and looked inward and the voices that answered would have none of it. They had things to do and this strange practice was not for them. What I tell people is that meditation need not be any of these things. If you are unhappy or just a bit too stressed, you can utilize practical meditation techniques to transform your life. The extent of which you want to utilize these techniques is up to you. Most people are fairly happy with what is going on with their life. They don't want to change anything. But thereare a few things that bother them. It is these things we start with. It is utilizing certain tools and techniques to cut out the less pleasant aspects of our existence, creating a better life for ourselves. Surrendering only what we don't enjoy, what are we left with? And with these tools in hand, wewillbe happier andmore confident -- fearless! -- knowing that any trouble that comes our way can be dealt with using these tools. There will never be a situation in life that you get stuck on, and there never has been. Knowing that you will always be able to deal with things will absolutely help destroy stress. We are given the ability to shape the way we experience the universe. By shutting down frustrations, permitting creativity to flow in, we are both happier and self-actualized. We tap into our greatest potential. We can feel peace and joy every day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Confidence & Self-Love Course" |
"Welcome to the first of many courses brought to you by Jessamine Gibb of Achieve Counselling & Coaching. I am a Life Coach and Career Counsellor with 12 years experience working with a wide range of people with varied challenges to achieving their goals. During my professional experience I found that the biggest thing that stood in peoples way was their level of self-love, self-esteem and confidence. Thankfully, I was able to create and implement a range of easy exercises and training techniques to quickly help clients learn within days new ways of relating to themselves and others.This course is suitable for either people who need to improve their own self-love, confidence and self-esteem, or people in the helping professions, and is self-paced but created so it could be easily completed within a week - achieving radical improvements within a short period of time!Feeling better about yourself doesn't need to take years or cost thousands of dollars and I'm here to show you how you can make a hugeshort-cut in your life.All worksheets and workbooks can be used by participants in their own practice.(Credit for intro music: Perspectives by Kevin MacLeodLicenced under creative commons.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lessons for complete beginners - super simple and fun" |
"This course is designed for complete beginners who wish to learn how to play the guitar. The course is simple and concise and each lesson is clearly structured, short, simple to follow and fun. The course should take between 4 to 6 weeks in total although some students may be faster and others slower. Each lesson lasts for a maximum of 5 minutes and you'll be progressing in no time. I am always keen to make sure my students are happy and excited at the end of each lesson and Ihope that you find this course really enjoyable"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Design with Bootstrap 3 for the Complete Beginner" |
"Welcome to Bootstrap 3 for the Complete Beginner!This course will cover nearly every feature Bootstrap 3 has to offer! Don't worry, this course will take you step by step through Bootstrap and will help you to master the essentials to responsive framework! Say goodbye to all those expensive freelance web designers or poorly made web-generated content, and say hello to a 100% responsive, personal, beautiful website that is 100% made by YOU.This course will cover most of the Bootstrap 3 framework, Bootstrap grid (emphasized), integrating other frameworks (such as FontAwesome), adding JavaScript plugins to your webpage, basic CSS design, CDN's, and content optimized for web.This course is 100% for beginners. So no previous knowledge or terminology is required for this course!Thats right, you will learn it all!This course has a few requirements that are 100% free and covered by the first few videos, so nothing extra is required to be purchased. Small frameworks, graphics, HTML editors, and project files will be included. Project files will include everything we have covered in videos, so you can toy with anything we have done!You can expect to complete this course in less than 2 weeks! However, these videos will ALWAYS be helpful to return to no matter how experienced you become. You will become very acquainted with Bootstrap 3 by the end of this course.This course will take you step-by-step through the entire process.Yep thats right, through everything. From installing HTMLeditors, to download frameworks, utilizing CDN's, file hierarchy, to much more! This course was specifically designed for the complete beginner in Bootstrap after all!This course offers many hours of content, which guarantees we cover almost everything Bootstrap has to offer us. Responsive web design is becominghighly desired in todays industry, learn it for yourself and expand on your web design knowledge and be ahead of the game!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spelling Rules: to improve spelling & confidence" |
"This Spelling Rules course is for both British and American English users, especially native speakers,whofeel embarrassed by their spelling, andhaven't really had to use spelling much but now because of emails, social media, writing reports, etc., suddenly need to improve spelling for work, training,andto improve job prospects.The course is alsogreat for people who are coming back to studying, who'vemaybehad a bad experience at school,or maybe need tohelpchildren with their spelling.This is a clear, friendly,step-by-stepcourse that builds your spelling knowledge and confidence in spellingbecause it'snot about learning obscure spelling rules but useful, very helpful rules:Adding-es to nouns and verbsDrop the 'e' ruleSilent 'e' magic 'e'1:1:1doubling up rule for short and long wordsy to i andy to iesrulesSilent letterpatterns and rulesLetter pattern rules (cial/tial, tion/sion/cian, ie or ei...)And many moreWhy is learning and knowingspelling rules so helpful?They help explain why certain letter patterns occur, andwhy a word is spelled the way it is.They canhelp you figure out how to spell a word, of course.They help your readingbecause you can identify therule'sletterpatterns.They help youbuild ""long""words withprefixes & suffixes.And they help your confidence to spell well, to read, and to improve your vocabulary.The course'stutor,Joanne Rudling, isalecturer, tutor,teacher trainer with 20 years' experience in teaching spelling, literacy and English in colleges in the UK.It'sa video based course with additionalPDFworksheets for revision, externalexercises & quizzes, and spelling tests, which are allin the Resources section of the course.Reviews:I enjoyed the coursebecause it is very clear and you can go over and over it again until you feel comfortable to move on.DarrenA lot of good information is covered and is easy to understand. Joanne is an awesome teacher and I've learned so much from taking her Spelling Strategies Video in 2013. JulieIt is a very good course for people to understand the reason behind spelling. This is a much better way to remember the correct spelling. ZohalGreat source for improving spelling.Thank you, Joanne.So far the course is nicely laid out. Ialso like the tests after each lesson. JohnIt's very helpful and interesting KristyExcellent materials JC"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis: Master Self Hypnosis Now!" |
"In this course titled 'Master Self Hypnosis Now'By James Metcalf, CH, you will learn-A simple approach for conducting a self-hypnosis sessionUseful techniques to use in the waking state to reduce stress and anxietyHow to craft effective suggestionsHow to record your own hypnosis sessionThis course features videos, scripts, and a free .mp3 recording to enable you to quickly grasp self-hypnosis and use it in your life for smoking cessation, weight loss, stress relief, confidence building, sports performance, and much more. This course will allow you to clean up the negative programming in your mind and give you a simple approach to learning everything you need to now about the process of self-hypnosis from a Master Hypnotherapist."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online-Texte - Headlines, die znden" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie zndende Headlines fr Online-Texte schreiben. Damit steigern Sie die Motivation Ihrer Leser zum Weiterklicken. Der Kurs Headlines, die znden ist ideal fr alle, die ab und zu oder regelmig Texte fr eine Webseite schreiben. Es ist egal, ob das eine News-Seite ist, ein Blog oder eine Unternehmens-Homepage. Unwichtig ist auch, ob Sie Journalist, PR-Redakteur, Blogger oder nichts davon sind: Dieser Kurs ist fr alle gedacht, die Ihr Schreiben verbessern mchten. In zwei Stunden erlernen Sie die wichtigsten Tricks und Kniffe, um interessante Headlines zu verfassen. Die Tipps, die Sie hier lernen, haben sich in der Praxis bewhrt. Die Trainerin ist ein Profi: Sie hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung als Journalistin bei groen Online-Medien. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren bringt sie Kursteilnehmern bei, wie sie gute Texte fr das Internet schreiben in der Akademie der Bayerischen Presse, bei der TU Mnchen, in groen Unternehmen wie Schaeffler, bei Bildungseinrichtungen und gemeinntzigen Organisationen wie rzte ohne Grenzen. In 26 Lektionen mit vielen Erklrvideos, Beispielen, zwei Quiz, zwei bungsblttern und einem eBook zum Nachlesen erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zum Thema Headlines. Die Kerninhalte des Kurses sind: Die Bedeutung von Headlines Das macht zndende Headlines aus Darum sind Headlines so wichtig Wie Online-User ticken So lesen Online-User Von der Aufmerksamkeit Der Siegeszug von Mobilgerten und seine Bedeutung fr Headlines Was eine Headline gut macht Das gehrt unbedingt in eine zndende Headline Der Kchenzuruf Die Dachzeile im Zusammenspiel mit der Headline Gute Sprache in der Headline Sprachliche Fallen Beispiele fr abschreckende Headlines Die zndende Headline Nachrichtliche versus kreative Headlines Headlines mit Nutzwert Worauf User gerne klicken - und was Sie vermeiden sollten Was tun bei sperrigen Fachthemen? Typische Headline-Fallen Headlines und Google-Optimierung Wie Google tickt und wie Texte optimiert werden Wie und wo Keywords in Headlines auftauchen mssen User-orientiert versus Google-orientiert schreiben Der Kurs entspricht den Inhalten, die meine Kursteilnehmer whrend eines Ein-Tages-Seminars lernen. Die Kursgebhr ist hier allerdings niedriger. Unterrichtsmaterial: Zwei Stunden Lehrrmaterial in Form von Erklrvideos, zwei bungsbltter, zwei Quiz und einem eBook zum Nachlesen. Credit:Videodreh, Ton, Schnitt und Regie: Catrien Stremme / Webseite: Catwithhats com"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Step-By-Step Guide To Your 401k Plan" |
"This course will help you come up with a simple plan to reach retirement using your 401k plan.Should you enroll?How much should you save?Which investments should you choose?Pre-tax or Roth?How do you get all the free money offered to you by your employer?Getting these answers wrong could cost you 100,000's of dollars!Enrolling in this course could be one of thebest financial decisionsyou'll ever make.We will walk you through the whole process of enrolling and maximizing your 401k using easy to understandwhite-board animation videos.You willlearn why you should care about your 401k, how much to save, which investments to choose, and how to get all the free money your employer is offering you.What makes me qualified to teach you?Before working at Glass Jacobson Financial Group, I assisted over 10,000 Millionaires with their investments while working in theHigh-Net Worth Department at one of the worlds largest financial services companies. Through those conversations with investors I refined my ability to simplify complicated investment topics into easy to understand steps.Prior to that, I co-built a series of technology focused education sites that have generated over 5 Million users and 25 million page views.Combining my background in web based education with my passion for investment education, I developed (along side a team at Glass Jacobson), a video based 401k education tool called 401kbuddy.At Glass Jacobson Financial Group we use 401kbuddy with individual companies, but we also wanted to reach the students on Udemy by buildinga course to help themwiththeir 401k plans (regardless of where they work).Typical 401k EducationBoring powerpoint presentationComplicated language and graphs100 page booklet that makes you want to cryInformation that leaves you with more questions than answersThis Step-By-StepCourseUses short whiteboard animation videosSimplifies the entire 401kprocessIs taught using simple terms (without the crazy graphs)Answers the most important questionsWalks you step by step throughenrollingHelps you make sure you are on track to retireGives you a calculator to make sure you're not missing out on any free moneyAddresses misconceptions about investingGives you the foundations you need for successful investingWe'll even help you find suitable investments!PLUS!!! Bonus material to help you even furtherFree access to a custom built 401kbuddy for Udemy site that walks you through choosing investments in your 401kUnlimited use of our matching calculatorto see how much free money you're missing out on from your employer (and how to get that free money)Access to ourInvestor Questionnaire to helpyou see what type of investor you are, and some guidance on how tochoose investmentsAND REMEMBER weoffer a full money back guarantee, just as long as you request it within 30 days of purchasing the course.Go ahead, click the ""Take This Course""button. Why not? Youve got nothing to lose (and potentially $100,000's of dollars to gain)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SEO For WordPress - Step-by-Step SEO System for Beginners" |
"Wordpress SEO is a course that will teach you how to optimize yourWordpress website for Google and other search engines. Wordpress is a fantastic platform for building websites, but can produce a lot of SEO challenges out of the box.Most notable is the duplicate content issues that can get your site penalized by the search engines. Wordpress SEO will teach you how to setup your Wordpress website in an efficient and search engine friendly manner, to minimize duplicate content and to maximize your exposure in the search engines.You will learn:How to make use of the Google Search Console to keep you informed of problems, and how to use it to identify poorly performing pages and fix them.How to set up an self-updating sitemap and submit it to Google so they will always know when you add new content, or edit existing content.How to identify a good web host, then test it for a while to make sure it is reliable and your pages load quickly. How to use a free tool to monitor the load times of yourweb pages, and how a cache and Content Delivery Network (free with some hosts) can boost load times to keep your visitors happy.How to effectively use internal site linking to keep your visitors on your site, and enable them to find anything they are looking for quickly.How to create dynamic sidebars on your site, so that you don't use the same sidebar on all pages of your site.These valuable marketing areas on your web page should be highly relevant to the article the visitor is reading,which means using a different sidebar in different areas of your site.How to set up permalinks for better structured web page URLs, and how to manually edit the filenames that Wordpress assign, for better SEO.The importance of stop words, and how avoiding them in certain areas of your web page can improve relevancy and rankings.How Wordpress comments should be set up, to keep your visitors happy and prevent hackers from using them against you.Why it is important to keep your site up to date, and how to do this in onlya few minutes every month.How to use categories and tags effectively, to reduce duplication, and to help these power pages rank higher in Google.About page archives set up by Wordpress, and which ones you should be setting to noindex.About nofollow, noindex and noarchive, and how and when to use them.How to optimize every element on the web page, from title to author bio and everything in between.How to avoid thinking about SEO in terms of keywords, and start thinking in terms of themes.How to setup a powerful (and free) SEOplugin for fine control over your on-site SEO.How to override default SEOsettings on a page-by-page, post-by-post, category-by-category and tag-by-tag basis.By the end of this course, you will be confident and proficient at on-site SEO of a Wordpress website. You will understand the main problems caused by Wordpress out-of-the-box, and how to avoid them.Unlike a lot of SEO courses, you won't be no-indexing category and tag pages. You'll be setting them up as powerful pages that can rank really well in Google.You'll also understand the importance of certain areas of your web page in terms of SEO power, and how to maximize those areas for better search relevance and rankings.Most importantly, by the end of this course, you will know the benefits of using the Google Search Console.You'll have your website integrated into the search console so that Google will notify you of any problems with your site (like indexing, downtime or malware).You'll also be comfortable using the tools included in the Search Console to help you better optimize your page listings in Google. You'll be able to identify keywords that your site is rankings for, the average positions of those pages in Google, and what percentage of people click on your listing.Armed with that information, you can set about testing and tracking to see if you can increase click through rates, which translates to increased website traffic.As with all of my courses, I am only a message away.Any problems or questions will be quickly answered in the course discussion area.What is the target audience?Those who want to learn SEO & drive traffic to their websites should take this courseThose who want to grow their business through real search engines traffic should take this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Business Website Without Code (With Squarespace)" |
"In this course, you willfollow along as Iwork livewith a real client side-by-side to launch her business website entirelyfrom scratch - so thatyou can usethat same exact process to create your own website.To see the final product of what we created live in the class to set expectations for what you can build on your own by following along, view the free preview video titled""Website build:recap""under the""Building out the website (shown side-by-side with my client)"" under the curriculum section closer to the bottom of this page.You want to save potentially thousands of dollars by just doing it yourself. You just want something simple to make you look more professional.But where do you even get started / what happens when you get stuck? Creating a website is hard!This course is for you.This course is designed to help you walk away with an attractive 4-5 page brochure website (which includes a contact form) -no artistic / technical ability needed.We will be using the Squarespace platform, which is the most turnkey and user-friendly DIY website creation platform.My class is very different in two big ways:Rather than simply showing you how to do things (e.g. how to add text, pictures, a form, etc.) - much of the course is designed to teach you my framework tohelp you learn the basics of thinking like a web designer and helping you envision your perfect website. That seems to be where most people struggle with.After Iwalk through the educational portion, Iwill work side-by-side with Emilie, a client of mine who is starting a business herself.I look forward to having you in the class so you can launch your website ASAP!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de Pareja" |
"Si ests cansado de intentar tcnicas que simplemente no funcionan, estas a punto de ser sorprendido por la informacin que hay aqu. Te garantizo que tu matrimonio o relacin ira de viento en popa cuando finalices este cursT y tu relacin estn a punto de comenzar el mejor y ms agradable tiempo Me pregunto que tiempo te tomara en ordenar este poderoso curso. Quizs te ests preguntando si realmente necesitas este curso. De cualquier manera es un pensamiento valido Los cierto es que hay cosas que queremos y cosas que necesitamos.Quizs t mismo te has preguntado alguna vez si necesitas que tu relacin vaya en una direccin positiva sin caer en los malos tratos ni faltas de respeto. Aunque la totalidad de los beneficios de este curso pueden no interesarte del todo, creo que puedes ver el valor real de esta valiosa informacin y estara muy orgulloso si logras tu xito conyugal o de pareja.Solo s que VERAS RESULTADOS INMEDIATOS cuando apliques correctamente las tcnicas que aprenders para catapultar tu relacin conyugal hacia otro nivel. Si, tener una verdadera y mgica relacin con tu pareja puede ser verdad como te lo imaginabas, quizs incluso mejor. Las personas que quieren darle fin a sus conflictos de pareja y mejorar su relacin conyugal, prefieren inteligente mente Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de Pareja Con Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de Pareja ,obtendrs todo lo que necesitas en un solo producto. Sin necesidad de ir a consultoras y terapias costosa, sin tener que buscar de pgina en pgina informacin redundante para tratar de encontrar algo nuevo y sin desperdiciar ms tiempo con tu pareja. Cuando alguien tiene una relacin que no va del todo bien y finalmente decide ordenar Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de Pareja, los resultados no se hacen esperar. Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de Pareja, representa CANTIDADES de datos ordenados, escritos y editados por experto en relacin de pareja y autoayuda. Es todo lo que necesitas para tener una mejor relacin conyugal y eliminar tus problemas de pareja para siempre. Claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacin de ParejaEL MEJOR Y MAS EFICAZ CURSO DISPONIBLE PARA MEJORAR LA RELACION CONYUGAL O DE PAREJAT tambin puedes disfrutar de los beneficios de una relacin integral con tu pareja. Con la ayuda de los consejos y tcnicas que se describen en el Curso Magistral, te convertirs en un experto en temas de relaciones de pareja y ambos se sentirs ms felices por eso! UNA RELACION BIEN CUIDADA Y SATISFECHA ESA PUEDES SER LA TUYA UNA PAREJA PERFECTO INCLUSO SER LA ENVIDIA DE OTRAS PAREJASProbablemente dudabas si adquirir claves Para Mejorar Tu Relacion de Pareja es una buena eleccin, y no te culpo porque hoy en dia hay tantos cursos que lo nico que quieren es quedarse con tu dinero y aprovecharse de ti, sin darte una verdadera solucin a tu problema. Pero quiero que sepas que puedes adquirir este curso brindndote una garanta.P.P.D.: De Verdad, no tienes nada que arriesgar. TomaAccinahora mismo ,tambinpuedes decidir que si o que no, pero la verdad es que nada cambiar sino hacesalgo diferente. PPPD: nunca es tarde para empezar t y tu pareja se beneficiaran a tomar este grandioso curso para mejorar su relacin al aprender estas tcnicas avanzadas. PPPPD. No tires tu dinero en consultora por hora. Por una mnima fraccin de lo que cuestan esas asesoras puedes mejorar y solucionar tus conflictos con tcnicas probadas y que SI FUNCIONAN. PPPPPD: entre mas practiques estos consejos, mas rpido solucionaras tus conflictos ; entre menos practiques estos consejos, mas problemas y conflictos habran sin llegar a ningn acuerdo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Sobre Youtube: tecnicas avanzadas para no expertos" |
"Inicia tu Carrera como youtuberDentro del rea de miembros aprenders estrategias simples que te guiaran a como crear tu canal de youtube y optimizarlo correctamente para convertirte en un youtuber de xito y apalancarte a travs de la plataforma de youtube y todo esto desde la comodidad de tu casa siguiendo estos pasos fciles de aplicar."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Probar Django 1.10 Crear un Blog Dinmico" |
"Probar Django 1.10es un video tutorial de Django en el que se explica paso a paso cmo crearun blog dinmico y bonito. Es un curso ideal para gente sin mucha experiencia tcnica en general o desarrolladoresque no han trabajado anteriormentecon Django, ya quees un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamental y lo suficiente,para que te quedes con un proyecto robusto sin marearte.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un blog supermegachuloAprender los componentes fundamentales del frameworkDesarrollar tu blog segnel concepto CRUDCompartir en redes socialesDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivoDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoEste curso con enfoque prctico est dirigido a gente motivada, tanto desarrolladoresde otros frameworks como emprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva.Como est escrito en Python, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos. Est basada en varias tcnicas, incluyendo herencia y encapsulamiento.Siguiendo el curso, crears un blog--pasito a pasito-- algo que te podra servir tambin como base para otrogran proyecto (un comercio online, por ejemplo). El objetivo es crear una pgina web con muchafuncionalidad.A diferenciadel cursoProbar Django 1.9(un curso para principiantes en el que creamos una pgina bsica de aterrizaje --""landing page""), eneste curso deProbar Django 1.10vamos a llevar los aspectos fundamentales de Djangoms all. Tanto las URLs en s comoel mapping de ellas sern ms dinmicos. Haremos que nuestro proyecto sea ms fcil de compartir, y veremos como hacer exactamente eso en las redes sociales ms utilizadas hoy en da. Tenemos modelos como siempre, pero aadimos Model Managers. Creamos usuarios pero aadimos permisosy tambin utilizamosforeign keyspara relacionar usuarios asus publicaciones.Empleamos formularios como en cualquier otro proyecto pero aadimos el elemento de poder subir imgenes y exponerlas en el blog. Todo esto y mucho ms.Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!Elementosque cubrimos en este curso:FormulariosModelos y Model ManagersVistas que siguen el concepto CRUDPlantillas (herencia, tags integrados & tags personalizados, filtros, queries)URLs (mapping, parmetros)Archivos Estticos (imgenes)Diseo atractivo con Bootstrap(y CSS & HTML)QuerySetsFacebook social pluginsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'Probar Django 1.10'?40videos y 6horas de leccionesAprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas.***Cdigo fuente en nuestra cuenta de github: probardjango"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Probar Django Principios Fundamentales del Framework" |
"ProbarDjango Principios Fundamentales del Frameworkes un video curso de Djangoen el que se examinan en detalle todos los aspectos fundamentalesdel framework: Modelos, Vistas, Plantillas y Formularios. Tambin van incluidos en el cursootros dospasos muy importantes:Instalaciones & Deployment (cmo empezar y terminar tu proyecto).Para crear una aplicacin web con Django hay que comprender cmo estos componentestrabajanjuntos para poderdesarrollar tu proyecto siguiendo las buenas prcticas de cada uno de ellos y el concepto CRUD.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un conocimiento profundo del frameworkAprender los componentes fundamentales en detalleDesarrollar tu conocimiento del framework segnel concepto CRUDDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivo a tu proyectoDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Por qu Django?Es un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamentalpara que te quedes con un conocimiento suficiento para poder empezarun proyecto robustode Django. Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoEste curso con un enfoqueprctico est dirigido a principiantes (de Django y de programacin) ygente motivada,comoemprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva. En el curso analizaremos ydiseccionaremos el framework, aprendendiendopoquito a pococmo funcionan todos sus elementos.Como el framework Django estescrito enPython, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos.Al terminar este curso(en el que utilizamos versin 1.9 de Django) los alumnos podrn seguir nuestro curso de ProbarDjango Crear una Aplicacin Web en Python, completamente gratuitoen esta misma plataforma de Udemy, en el que S creamos nuestro primer proyecto, poniendo en prctica todo lo que hemos aprendido en el curse de los Principios Fundamentales de Django. En el curso disponible actualmente se usa Django 1.9 paracrear una pgina de aterrizaje (landing page) en poquito tiempo. Prximamente saldr ProbarDjango Crear una Aplicacin Web en Python usando la versin ms actual de Django (1.10).Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!En este curso cubrimos el 'cmo' y el 'por qu' de los siguientes elementos:Modelos (migraciones, Python Shell, claves forneas, model managers, mtodos de las instancias, seales)Vistas que siguen el concepto CRUDFunctionViews: vistas basadas en funciones (vistas CRUD & decoradores)Class Based Views:vistas basadas en clases (vistasCRUD &Mixins)Plantillas (herencia, tags integrados & tags personalizados, filtros, queries & diseo)Formularios(mtodos HTTP, guardar en la base de datos, ModelForm, widgets &labels y formsets)Interfaz administrativa de DjangoURLs &Slugs(mapping,expresiones regulares, pasar parmetros)Diseo atractivo con Bootstrap(y CSS & HTML)Consultas a la base de datos &Querysetsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'ProbarDjango Principios Fundamentales del Frameworkpara principiantes'?54videos y8horas de leccionesAprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaEl curso es muy completo y detallado en cuanto a todos los aspectos fundamentales del frameworkPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Blog" |
"Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Bloges la segunda parte deun video tutorial de Django en el que se explica paso a paso cmo crearun blog dinmico y bonito. Es un curso ideal para gente sin mucha experiencia tcnica en general o desarrolladoresque no han trabajado anteriormentecon Django, ya quees un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamental y lo suficiente,para que te quedes con un proyecto robusto sin marearte.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un blog supermegachuloAprender los componentes fundamentales del frameworkDesarrollar tu blog segnel concepto CRUDCompartir en redes socialesDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivoIntegrar software, frameworks & bibliotecasDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoSiguiendo el curso, MEJORAREMOSun blog (que hemos construidoen el curso previoProbar Django 1.10 Crear unBlog Dinmico), aadiendo elementos avanzados al proyecto. Escribiremos cdigo en Javascript y mejoraremos nuestros documentos HTML con jQuery entre muchas otras cosas.Este curso con enfoque prctico est dirigido a gente motivada, tanto desarrolladoresde otros frameworks como emprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva.Como est escrito en Python, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos. Est basada en varias tcnicas, incluyendo herencia y encapsulamiento.RECOMENDAMOS hacer el primer curso en esta serie porquevamos a llevar los aspectos fundamentales de Djangoms all.Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!Elementosque cubrimos en este curso:HTML&Markdown (estilo Stack Overflow)Imgenes adaptables (con Bootstrap)jQuery:vista previa, mens deplagablesClaves ForneasModel ManagersComentarios (responder & hilos de comentarios)Diseo atractivo y operativocon BootstrapQuerySetsSistema de Login, Logout, Registrode UsuariosPermisosSealesMapping dinmico de las URLsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Blog'?28videos y 5horas de lecciones (en total 68 videos &11 horas con los dos cursos de la serie)Aprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas.***Cdigo fuente en nuestra cuenta de github: probardjango > repositories > probar-django-1.10-Avanzar-el-Blog***"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Career Discovery" |
"Learn the step-by-step process to gain clarity and confidence about the right career path you. Many people were unsure of how to find the right career path for them. Figuring out what you want to do for your career IS hard. You are pulled in a lot of different directions in work and life and its difficult to know exactly what is right for you. Many times self-doubt creeps in and you wonder if it is possible to have a career that is both fulfilling and financially successful. The key is to find a career that is closely aligned with who you are. In this course, you will create your own Career Blueprint based on your personality, strengths, values, and needs. This is done through the following core areas: Identity: Discover the careers that are best suited to your personality, drivers, and needs.Influences: Identify the people and situations that have influenced your career so you can stop listening to everyone else and start listening to your inner voice. Interests: Understand your own voice, passions, and pathways that suit who you are.The OutcomeThe entire course is tailored to help you tap into your inner voice and be more aligned with your true self when deciding on your career pathways. The more aligned you are, the better work you will be able to do. The better work, the happier and more successful you will be in the longer term. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Career Design" |
"Learn the step-by-step process to design a career plan so you can deliberately design the career of your dreams!The key is to set the right type of goals that are balanced with both momentum and meaning. In this course you will create a holistic, deliberate career design through the following process:Goals - The 9 Step Career Design Process that creates goals to achieve both meaning and money!Gaps - Pinpoint exactly what you need to bridge to get where you want to go!Game Plan - The 15 Year Roadmap, The 12 Month Game Plan, The 90 Day Actions to get you on your way!The OutcomeThe entire course is tailored to help you do the following to deliberately design your career:Ideate (Think about what you want) Create (Design the career of your dreams) and Commit (Gamify the process for fun accountability)""The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like, getting paid what your worth; in a way that authentically suits you, and truly serves others! That's' what this and my Career Navigation programs are designed to help you do."" Rachel Sparkes The Journey BeginsComplete with videos and Work-IT sheet files and videos by Career Transformation expert and Founder of The Future Design Academy - Rachel Sparkes, you will be guided along your career journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Fleet Management" |
"This course is designed for Fleet Owners, Company Directors, Fleet Managers, Finance Managers, Fleet Administrators/ Supervisors who are seasoned professional in different facets of the business. It is also designed for people who are starting up in Fleet Management and aspire to be Fleet Managers one day. All these professionals share an interest to bring down their operation's Fleet operating expenses.By the end of this course you will be able to:-Understand the concepts of Fleet Management as a discipline and related applicable scientific principlesFormulate a Fleet Policy and have a full view of critical policy issues that have to be included in that fleet policyLearn about the fleet life cycle and how intertwined and interdependent the life cycle stages are on one anotherDiscover different methods of financing your fleet and also learn how to calculate total fleet costing, insurance premium calculations and other key techniques necessary to manage any fleet environment betterDiscover risk issues facing your fleet operation, how to evaluate risk and proactively take actions that allow you to make educated decisions on how to transfer risk cost effectivelyLearn how to perform critical expense control calculations for fuel, maintenance, depreciation, tyresImplement interventions that will bring about visible changes in your operation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pimp UP the System Fonts on Your Windows PC IMac or MacBook" |
"Pimp-Up your systemfonts like a BO$$!If you are sick and tired of sticking with the same old boring fonts that shipped with your windows Pc or Mac - you know the exact same ones that everyone else uses & has access to, then this is absolutely the course for you!This course is also for you if:You are an EntrepreneurYou are a StudentYou are a DesignerYou are a CreativeYou will essentially breathe a whole new breath of fresh air & originality to your work by unleashing 100s of new super-cool fonts on to your system.You will NOLONGER be tied to just using the likes of: 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana', 'Arial' etc. You will soon be able to use a whole new range of fonts across all of your applications - many of which you will probably never even have heard of let alone know existed!This is absolutely sure to be the most rewarding course that you have taken all week. Not only will you learning new skill, and learn how to install a brand-new font onto your system, you will also be given over 1000 completelyfree fonts on me that you will be able to download &install to make use of right awayWhat if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.See you on the inside!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Design & Create Text Logos in Adobe Photoshop CS5" |
"Over 2000 student have already jumped into this course!....Welcome to this course: Design & Create Text Logos in Adobe PhotoshopThis is a Logo design course with a cooldifference.........the main difference being that it will NOT over complicate things by producinglogos that feature weird / wacky shapes textures or layers....Why?........ BecauseIf you think about it, some of the biggest companies in the world todayactually have some ofthe simplest yet still verymemorable Logos around. They make use of nice fonts and cool colours.I am talking about the likes of: eBay, Facebook and even the all mighty Google. They feature NO wild shapes or curves. But instead opt for simplicity & practicality. This really is the future trend in logo design for serious online businesses.This unique course will take you through a different type of Logo Design. A type that does not include crazy or quirky shapes.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.See you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Install & Setup a WordPress Template just like the Demo" |
"Over 4000 students have alreadyjumped in to this exciting course!.......It's now your turn toLearn how to confidently install just about any WordPress theme!...Installing WordPress themes is big business nowadays. Whether it is for yourself or for a client there is always a need for this skill.This course will set out to teach you how to install WordPress themes the correct way via several different methods.You will be shown how to set the theme up so that it looks just like the Demo, as well as how to install plug ins, ho to install a slider to the front page, and much more.You will learn all that you need to in order to be a confident wordpress theme installer. You will even be shown how and whereto Make Money onlineinstalling Wordpress themes.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...How to install a theme using the many that are available within adminHow to to go about purchasing and downloading a theme ready for install. it may seem simple, but people are always downloading and trying to install the wrong parts of the theme package - and so running in to errors.How to install and configure a theme after uploading. We cover how set the home page and set up the websites menu.How to install 'Sample Date' for our given theme.How to use 'FTP' (File Transfer Protocol) to upload theme files to a serverWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modern skill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create an Adobe PDF eBook using just Microsoft Word" |
"Welcome to this course that will teach you how to create your own eBooks from scratch using just theMicrosoft Word applicationHave you ever thought about creating your own PDFeBook?Did you even know thatyou can use just Microsoft Word to not only write, but also format & layout your eBook ready for distribution (be that via a website or kindle)?Have you not heard?.......eBooks are all the rage nowadays - they areseen as an essential part of any online business sales / marketingstrategy.This step-by-step course will take you through everything that you need to know to be able to use just Microsoft Word tocreate your own Adobe PDFeBooks from complete scratch the right way.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...The correct elements that you should absolutely include in any eBook that you create, and also the correct order of these elementsHow to correctly format your Word document ready to convert into aneBookHowto add a table of contents that automatically updates as Your e-book gets longer andpage numbers change. Also one that is clickable so that your readers can instantly click to jump to any particular page that interest them.How to add great looking headers & footers to every singlepageHow to convert your MS Word document in to an eBook the correct wayWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modernskill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Build an Ecommerce Website using Zen Cart" |
"Learn Step-By-Step how to build a Zen cart Ecommerce Website...Have you every wanted to learn BASIC Zen Cart E-commerce website development? Ever wanted to learn how to build your own Online E-commerce / Zen Cartshop, so that you no longer need to pay a recurring monthly fee to a hosted shopping cart provider?....... if yes then this is the course for you.""Build an Ecommerce website using Zen Cart"" will teach you how to build your own Ecommerce shopping cart solution by and for yourself.Here is a bit about what you will learn...You will be shown...How to know when your website hosting is ready to install Zen CartHow to install the Zen cart Ecommerce platform quickly and easily via cPanel (Control Panel)How and where to find free and paid themes to really Pimp Up the look and feel of your Zen Cart web shop.How to download, unzip and then upload the files of your chosen theme in the correct structure using FTP.How to set up and configure your Zen Cart installationHow to add a new product to your e-shop and SEOas you go - which will enable the Search Engines to find and rank your products.We are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modern skill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create a HTML eBay Auction listing Template in Photoshop CS5" |
"Ever wanted to be able to Learn how toCreate a professional eBay Listing Template?People take just seconds to form an opinion of you as a private or business seller on eBay. The chances are that if it seems obvious that you are running your business from home as a 'one-man-band', the truth of the matter is that some peoplewill just prefer not to do business with you - instead seeking out a company as they feel they would have more of a come back should things go wrong.It' also afact that having a professional looking eBay listing template / shop front will help to convince visitors and potential customers of your professionalism - and so will help to increase both sales and visitorconversions.Professionalism is everything on eBay and if you have an awesome looking listing template for your eBay items then it can really help to increase sales.TheeBay Listing template Design in Photoshop CC CourseIn this course we will be using the mighty Photoshop CC to create a great lookingHTMLAuction Listing template for theeBay platform.NEVERAGAIN will you need to use thoselowquality child-like designs for your listings that eBay themselves provide!Now you will have the power of Photoshop and it's creativity at your disposal.We will be producing a stunning eBay Auction listing template that you will be able to use as an example + your creativity to create your own. You could even use the some principles to create a HTMLeBay Shop template design as well.Here is a morebit about what you will learn on this course....You will be shown...How to use Adobe Photoshop to create a eBay Auction template design image.How and here to add the essential elements of any Listing template.How to use the image slice tool to divide up the image.How to export a flat image as HTMLand several smaller images.How to upload our HTMLand images to the internet ready to use on eBay.How to post your newly created design to eBay and make everything look as it should.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of this eBay Auction templateDesigncourse, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Design & Export a HTML Web or Sales page in Photoshop CS5" |
"Do you want to be able to sell your digital product on the likes of Clickbank or JVZoo?Have you ever noticed how they usually just use one single sales page to sell their digital product?.........well this course is all about teaching you exactly how you can create a seriously awesome sales page using just Adobe Photoshop.Photoshop is an amazing design tool, and many people are not even aware that it is also able to generate HTMLweb pages by using a simple built in'export' function.On this course you will be taught all about this exciting tool. Why is it so exciting?...... because this single tool now unleashes a whole new range of creative possibilities within Photoshop.You canbe as creative as you wish to in your websites design - and then just export your design in to a fully functioning HTML web page with clickable links.What are some of the uses of this?Well, lets just say that you wanted to create your own digital informational product. Nothing would make it stand out more than if you were able to create your own custom sales page for that product that would wow your visitors when they landed on your page.Here is a bit about what you will learn on this courseYou will be shown...How to start off with just a blank canvas in Photoshop and go on to create your on unique web page design that you can then go on to export as HTMLand images.How to decide on the header, body content & footer sectionsSlicing up any flat images ready to be exported.The step-by-step process to exportingANY image as aHTMLdocument.How to format your exported content ready to be used on the web.How to add great looking headers & footers to every singlepageWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a super-cool & verymodernskill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to Domains & Website Hosting for Business" |
"Over 1100 students have alreadyjumped in!.......Welcome to this Beginners course which is a reveal all guide to Domain Names and Website Hosting for business.Although this course is mainly aimed at beginners, the more experienced could also learn a thing or two from it.We will cover all you could possibly need to know about Domain Names and website hosting -even delving deeper in to the important things that you need to think about when coming up with a domain name to register for your website or online business.If you have any intention of getting in to online business then this course really is for you.Here is a bit about what you will learn on thiscourseYou will be shown...What exactly is a Domain NameWhat is website hostingHow domain names and web hosting work in relation to each other.How to change the nameservers of a domain to point to a particular web hostThe important elements to look out for when registering a domain nameWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modernskill.We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Website Hosting for Internet Entrepreneurs" |
"Welcome to this course: 'Website hosting for internet entrepreneurs'. The course that will teach you all that is important for internet entrepreneurs to know when it comes to website hosting.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...An explanation of Domain Names. Domains usually go hand-in-hand with website hosting, so this also needs to be explained in more detail.What exactly website hosting is. Many people think that they know, but experience tells us that this is not always the case.More detail about ""WHM"" -this is really the element that is for entrepreneurs as it is the 'parent' and enables you to produce 'child' cPanelwebsite hosting accounts. You will be learning more about this.What 'cPanel' and how they stem from WHMparent accountsThe obvious and inevitableconnection between Domain Names and Website Hosting.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with any course that you decide topurchase from us.Let meremind you that your purchase is actually backed by the rock solidUdemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.Which means that if you are not happy with the course then you can go ahead and request a refund. SIMPLESSo truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brandnew skill +new knowledgeto gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!!Knowledge is Power!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Classroom Behaviour Management" |
"These 7 steps are the key things that confident teachers put in place without even realising they are doing it, they form the foundation for being able to deal with challenging behaviour and non-compliance in a calm, planned way.In this 7 session programme you will learn:the things you must have on your classroom wall;the things you need to have set up to reduce the time you spend telling pupils off;the psychology of classroom management;how to use the class to help you manage behaviour;the strategies that will help the kids to love your teaching, whilst still maintaining control;the one simple thing that will dramatically change your relationship with your pupils.The course covers:group identity in the classroom;the change process;setting up basic classroom rules;getting pupil buy-in to class rules;the importance of visual timetables in lesson and throughout the day;making transparent decisions about behaviour;making reasonable behaviour adjustments;explaining behaviour management decisions to other children;brain development introduction;automatic brain reactions to threat;establishing trust and security in the classroom;understanding your beliefs, motivation and buttons;understanding how they affect your reactions to behaviour;the elements of engaging lessons;using engaging lessons to manage behaviour."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Convirtete En El Crack Del Email Marketing Con GetResponse" |
"El mail es una de las herramientas ms usadas a la hora de realizar acciones de marketing. Descubre todas las funciones y opciones que GetResponse nos presentaEl e-mail marketing es la utilizacin del correo electrnico con nimo comercial o informativo y se diferencia de otras herramientas de marketing tradicional porque permite realizar una oferta personalizada y exclusiva a cada persona a travs de un medio inmediato.Hoy en da personalizar el mensaje es esencial. Adems le coste del medio empleado, en este caso el correo electrnico es muy reducido y permite unas dosis altas de creatividad.GetResponse es la plataforma de Email Marketing ms sencilla del mundo. Dicha plataforma te permite crear una valiosa lista de marketing de clientes potenciales, con los cuales quieres empezar a entablar slidas relaciones construyendo una buena base de futuros clientes.Gracias a los 30 vdeos que prepare para ti, vas a ser capaz de manejar GetResponse a la perfeccin.No es necesario que tengas conocimiento alguno porque gracias al contenido y el orden del temario vas a darte cuenta que sencillo es manejar esta plataforma de email marketing.Si estas buscando un auotrespondedor para tu blog o tu plataforma en internet, te puedo asegurar que GetResponse cumple todos los requisitos necesarios para empezar a captar los emails que necesitas y as construir una buena base de clientes.El curso empieza con el registro a GetResponse y poco a poco se va subiendo el nivel apto para cualquier persona sin conocimiento alguno de email marketing.Todo el material del curso esta compuesto por 30 vdeos tutoriales en Espaol aprendiendo al detalle todas las funciones paso a paso.Seras capaz de hacer Newsletter, hacer una estadisticasde las mismas, trabajar campaas, crear campos personalizados, crear rss a email, getresponse webinar, precios getresponse, getresponse afiliados y un montn de funciones ms."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Give your self acupressure massage methods anytime, anywhere" |
"This course is made for people who always use computer and smartphone. You can easily get rid of your fatigue by applying what you learn from the course.At work, on your break, on your day off, you can try it while sitting on a chair.Nutrition is delivered to all over the body through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Then, waste matters in the body are collected through lymphatic vessels and are eliminated to outside of the body. In Japan, this lymphatic path is called Keiraku and pressure point is called Tsubo.In this course, you can learn an effective and easy way to utilize pressure points along with some easy stretching method, depending on your purpose and condition.There are 240 pressure points in our body and oriental medicine and acupuncture use them. With our program which takes three minutes a day throughout a month, youll learn how to find right pressure points and how to give pressure.After completing the 31 days course, youll notice that your body doesnt get tired easily.From the next month, you can start from step 1 again, or you can just work on some programs that you want to focus on."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360" |
"The real magic in 3D printing happens when you are able to createyour own designs. We will learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to design tenpractical and functional products that can be 3D printed. Each lesson will build on the prior to introduce design concepts and best practices when when designing for desktop 3D printers. Fusion 360 is free for students and hobbyists and is a very powerful designing tool. By the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence to begin creating your own designs and start turning your ideas into physical objects."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |