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"React JS" |
"jQuery jQuery React JS JavaScript jQuery jQuery React JS DOM jQuery React JSReact JS jQuery React JSAPI Ajax React JSnodenpm node npm JavaScript JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript React JS React JSReact JSReactJS"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Imagine and Create an ideal Career using LinkedIn" |
"Everyone wants to be in control of their life, however, often our immediate environment or society doesnt really foster enough opportunities for us. This course would show you a world outside your world, and you would be amazed to see how easy it is to access it! It would open possibilities for you, which you would never have thought about till now, but suddenly they would seem possible. All this just by using a tool called LinkedIn, because it is a 'marketplace of people' who are ready and willing to share their stories, learnings and dreams with you! When it worked for me, I became a fan of LinkedIn, and have been sharing this knowledge ever since!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Online Thai Cooking with Nom's kitchen" |
"Thai food is popular in many countries around the world,because it is characterized by taste and flavor. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of Thai food courses viavarious media. The export of Thai food ingredients abroad make foreigners who loveThai food can cook itin their own country. This course is aimed at teachingthe Thai cuisine which is distinctivemethod from adelicious recipes oftherestaurants in Thailand.These recipes are also favorite amongThai people and foreigners who live inorcome to Thailand .The menus in this courseare also not difficult to do, and can be cooked with the normal cookwares that every house has. This course is taught in English. The instructor is Chef Nom who has long experience in Thai cooking. But because she can'tspeak English fluently, so she has to havean assistant to speak English on behalf of her.contents and overview The course consists of 7 lectures (6 Thai menus)is designed for anyone , regardless of experience level,who love Thai cooking even just want to try Thai cooking (beginners) or want to apply these recipesin Thai restaurants. In this course you will learn about the ingredients of Thai food .You will know the way to prepare the ingredients andthe benefits of them used in cooking. You'll then learn how to cook Thai food, some useful tips for delicious cooking. When you finishthis course ,You'll have skill and knowledge for Thai cooking. You can cook Thai food (with real Thai flavor) at your home or with friends .If you oftenpractice cookingthese Thaimenus until you become good at cooking,you may use these knowledgeand skill to open yourThai restaurant."
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Negotiate a Joint Venture Agreement" |
"This course consists of three sections. The first section covers a discussion of joint ventures reported in the media, the length of life of some known joint venture companies as well as the opportunities and risks faced by the parties to a joint venture Company.The second section lists the issues which the startup Company managers will face in the negotiations.The third section discusses a list of clauses from a joint venture agreement. To draft a complete agreement the startup Company managers will need the assistance of a professional legal counsel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure simplified! Learn what Microsoft Azure is all about!" |
"This course is your first step to the thousand miles, it will help you get started fast with Microsoft Azure and get you familiar with the tools and services provided and start publishing your first application on the cloud with much less time and effort! It will also give you some tips on how to secure your web site and apply custom domain to your applications.By the end of this courseYou will have an understanding of what cloud computing is all aboutYou will be able to have your own Azure accountYou will be familiar with Azure's big picture and have a good understanding of almost all the services provided by AzureYou will be able to create your own application using Azure portalYou will have the ability to create custom domains and bind it to your Azure appYou will learn how to apply https to your web applications and how to get your own SSL CertificateYou will get to explore App Services Tools like deployment slots, app service plans, using SendGrid tool integrated with AzureYou will learn to create your own virtual machineYou will learn how to simply publish apps of different languages like .NET and PHP.And much more upon student demands and more to come according to students' requestsThe course structure consists of:Quick overview Learn by practice and explore everyting with walkthrough in Azure portalMore details and demos as we move on through the courseStudent demands, which means this course is constantly being updated with more details and explanations for students specially if they requested some more clarification on any subject within the courseThe course coding examples are developed using c# and MVC .NET application, you will find a quick overview of MVC and how to use Visual Studio to create your app And finally, this course is designed in a way that you will be able to grasp all knowledge needed to get you started with Azure in less time and effort, I tend to keep this course concise and as short as possible but with all the info you need so that busy developers and students can get to learn what they need and within their short scheduleEnjoy!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"iMovie (iPhone/iPad)" |
"iPhoneiPadiPhoneiPad!iPhone iPad iPhoneiPadiMovie appiPhoneiPadiMovieiPhoneiOS(600)iMovie----- -----iPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhonePDF40YouTube"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"How to Promote Your Local Business on Social Media!" |
"Struggling to make social media work for your local business, despite investing hours upon hours of effort? Frustrated by your lack of success, because you know large numbers of your customers and prospects are here, yet you can't engage with them in any meaningful way? You're not alone.Despite the hype, few local business owners experience any real success with social media, and it's of no fault of their own. Instead, it's a direct result of being advised to use social media as a place to aggressively market their businesses, which simply doesn't work.In this course, you'll learn...The strategies necessary to make your customers eager ambassadors of your brand on social media.How to connect with your audience with content that actually engages them.The key to making social media work for your business (it's not what you think!).What strategies are a complete waste of your time. And much, much more. If you own a local business and aren't experiencing the success you expected, this course is for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Html Course for Beginner" |
"Welcome to The Complete Html Course for Beginner.Have you ever wanted to learn to code but don't know where to start?I will teach you the latest version of HTML5 by the standards of the World wide web association.There are quizzes, exercises, complete html tags with a lot ofexample and bonus lessonsIn this course. I will teach you with a only web browser and internet connection.Some of the course content :Header Tags, Checkboxes, Attributes, use of Css, Form and Input Types (password, date, radio button, color, datalist etc), New Html5 tags, use of Javascript and etc.By the end of the course, you will build a web page, learn the basics of javascript, learn the cssand learn the completehtml tags.So, Do you wanttobe a web development master? Take this course instead of a book."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create, launch and grow your own hair salon" |
"Get clear onyourpurpose of owningyour own salon, so you're heading in a direction that is inspiring and aligned with your vision.Review the most important numbers to watch so you have your pulse on the up-to-date dashboard of your salon, and can pivot and adapt to strengthen your profitability.Explore why and how to createan aligned, inspired, collaborativestaff teamso your salon is efficient and fun. Learn how to build personal and professional relationships with yourguests so theyare well taken care of from start to finish."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Easily Learn How to Use Hand Reflexology to Feel Better Now." |
"This course is you if you would like to have a natural healing tool literally at your fingertips that you can use anytime, anywhere to reduce stress and tension. Hand Reflexology has its roots in ancient energy healing practices and is believed to work through the energy pathways of the body. By activating the reflex points in the hands you can send healing messages to the entire body helping the body to come into balance and promote well-being. This course is a comprehensive overview of hand reflexology with step by step close up demonstrations from a experienced practitioner with over 40 years experience in the art of Reflexology. You will learn: How the hand mirrors the entire body through reflex points in the hands. Exactly where the reflex points are on your hands. You will learn anatomical landmarks for the points so they are easy to find. Precise techniques through demonstration so you can be sure to apply techniques accurately to get the best results. A complete hand reflexology session that you can easily give yourself. The tools to actively participate in your well-being. Special sessions that you can use to address back pain and tension, neck and shoulder tension, digestive distress, insomnia and general stress. How to give yourself a mini-stress break anytime of the day!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Administrao de Contratos" |
"O curso de Introduo Administrao de Contratos tem um enfoqueadministrativo-comercial. Apresenta noes gerais sobre contrataes e gesto das mesmas. Esclarece ainda quais soas principaisatividades dessa profisso,suas responsabilidades eressaltando suaimportncia nas transaes comerciais entre empresas, principalmente considerando-seo cenrio atual das terceirizaes. Atravs das atividades de fixao baseadas emexemplos reais, o curso contribui com o aprendizado sobre a profisso auxiliando nas decises de carreira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tutorials for AppleScript" |
"Introducing a video course on AppleScript!AppleScript is a scripting language built into Mac OS X, used on Apple computers, which consists of commands for managing the operating system and automation programs. AppleScript is especially effective for performing repetitive or complex tasks. They can quickly link several applications in one automated complex. We will study its syntax and capabilities!How many good and useful scripts and applications you can create using AppleScript!With it, it is possible at one time to teach your desktop application to communicate not only with the operating system but also with programs such as: iTunes, Calendar, TextEdit, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Affects, Microsoft Office and others.You can create scripts and applications that will help you in your work or study.And also create applications that will automate a lot of the same type of work on your computer.You'll be in shock as it's simple and cool!Start learning today!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Money in the United States" |
"This course covers all things money! How much money do people make in the United States? What are someways to make your money go farther? What doesit looks like to live with a budget?This is anintroductory course for anyone whois interested in howmoney works in the United States. Perhaps you have come to the United States to live, visit, or attend school. This course will help you understand how to make your time (and money!)in the United States go smoothly. Perhaps you are interested in working for a company or clientin the United States. This course will help you understand important concepts and terms."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Invent a New Physical Product That People Will Buy" |
"Inside this course, which started November 4, 2017, you'll get inventionhelp tolearnhow to createmoney-makinggadgets and inventsimple products,like we did,that people will buy andmight even make you rich. You'll discover how to unleashyour innatecreativityand invent something newthatcan form the foundation for your own company or be licensed to manufacturers and marketing companies, where you can earn royalties like authors do for writing books. You'll learnourproprietary inventionmethods and techniquesfor generating new product ideas, and discoverthe same practical, creative skillsthat we usedto invent more than 50 simple productssuch as:kitchen gadgets, stationery products, sports bottles and car air freshenersthat altogether haveachieved retail sales of more than $120 million and counting."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"The 7+ Steps for asking for what you want" |
"Some of the biggest problems in relationships - business and personal - arise from not asking for what you want. People bottle up their feelings and then what they want explodes out of them, sounding more like demands and criticism than a request for what they want.Screaming, criticism, nagging, whining all place relationships under strain.This course will teach you a system for asking for what you want in a way that builds instead of strains relationships.From the author of How to Communicate Effectively and build relationship. ""This book changed my life.""Learn:How to ask in the way most like to get a ""Yes!""What to do if the answer is ""No"".What to do if the answer is ""Yes""How to lay out 'consistency breadcrumbs'How to ask for what you want in a way that builds relationships rather than damages them.Equally powerful in business and personal lives.Join me on the journey to better communication, better relationships and a better life..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Foundation to Fasting" |
"Hi there! Welcome to the Easy Guide to Fasting, theonly course you need to learn about fasting.While there are tons of courses on health, fasting, and so on, I'm going to break down to you why this one is the best one.Here are the facts:My profession and passion involves health. I have done everything in this course.Most people want to fast.Many of them don't know how or scare, that's where I come in.Clients pay me as much as $3,000 forcoaching. In this course I will give you the same insights I gave them.This course will be raw, real and relevant.I'm going to spell the beans to you and help you get that healthy body back!Anyone who wants to take their life back is welcome.When you leave this course, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to be able to do this on your own and help others.You'll have access to me, as long as you sign up to answer all your questions!Fasting can be scary and difficult for most people. No you're not going to die. Here's were going to be exploring why western medicine and doctors are even recommending fasting. The best part is that I'm going to make this a habitual lifestyle for you so that you get the best benefits and results.Within the modules, we'll go thrucourses and learn the key benefits and outcomes:Weight LostIncrease HGH (Human Growth Hormones)More EnergeticReduce ImmflammationIncrease MetabolismSlow Down AgingSave Medical BillLess Doctor VisitsMore Brain PowerMore StaminaReduce StressLive LongerSo so much more!The way this course stands out from the others, are a couple of major pointers. You'll going to be given actionable steps and guidance to follow along. In other words, you are actually starting to fast within 24 hours or even sooner! Some other resources you'll be given are:VideosSlidesExercisesDownloadsDocumentsFeel free to reach out to me, I'm here for you.Health is the greatest wealth you can have so Iwant to be able to help you get what you deserve. Go ahead and take the first step, I'll be seeing you soon!Who is this for?This fasting course is for those who want to improve their health and lifestyle.Great for those who have never fasted beforeIf you're a veteran, this course is also for youRemember this is about you're future and everyone wants to have a healthy and fun future!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn to trade in the modern market" |
"Are you interested in trading, but do not know how to start out? We look out for the novice traders and take strategies that fit the ""novice"" person's risk tolerance(tight small risks) and goals(consistent yet alsonot difficult to execute), but are proved to workby professional traders.You will learn why technical analysis works and understand how to utilize price action to give you the biggest advantage in trading. This will be a strategy that will work for the rest of the time until people's biochemistry changes( so probably forever).The topics included are the most important yet simple and easy to understand. You willnot need anydifficult strategies to make money... And with practice, you canbefinancially independent and become your own boss. This course is meant to be short and simple and gets right to the point, but powerful enough to show you a lifetime advantage.Requirements:Absolutely no prerequisite knowledge needed... Just be prepared to learn and practiceAudience: -For those that are interested in the financial markets. -Want to be a full time trader -Want to make some extra income on the side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
tqyvqxso |
"- . () 8 . , , 10 100 . 1: , 2: . , . 2. , 3. 3: , . 3, , . 4: . 5: , . 5 , , 4, . 5 . , , . 6. 6: , . 6 . , , 7. 7: 40 . 7 (). 8. 8: , . , , . 95% , - . 5-% , , . . -. ? . , . () . - ! ! , : () !P.S.: , -10 2020 :1. .2. .3. .......................................... ! ! ! /- 30 - ! - !"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Create Brand Messages: Differentiate and Sell More" |
"EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO CREATE A KILLER ELEVATOR PITCH, KEY MESSAGES AND CUSTOMER VALUE PROPSIn under 90 minutes you'll know how to craft highly differentiating messages that will boost yoursales conversion 20%+!!A good branding story can make or break your sales success. Buyers want to know ""why"" they should choose you over the competition, and this all comes down to differentiation. You must communicate to would-be buyers today through succinct, clear, differentiating brand messages through your website, collateral, presentations, phone scripts, etc. This course helps you assess your competition, discover your key differentiators, and walks you through the development of your own brandingpositioning statement, key messages and customer value propositions. By the end, you'll have a truly differentiated brand and a very unique selling proposition (USP)! No other course provides the step-by-step instructions and insightwhich this course does."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Magician - Double your Sales through NLP" |
"HOW NLP CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEBENEFITS IN BUSINESSIn business the challenges are numerous and varied. Consider some of the following challenges and how you can incorporate NLP:- Communicating, eg learning to create rapport with others, understanding the use of all of the senses- Goal-setting and achievement, eg visualizing success, modelling excellence, managing time- Dealing with change, eg flexibility, being aware of different perspectivesIncorporating the principles of NLP into your business (and personal) life can help you discover new insights and different approaches, thus improving the way you interact and communicate with other people, and increasing your self-esteem and motivation."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Hacking Laboratuvarnz Oluturun" |
"Sanal dnyada test etmek istediiniz pentest ve hacking ilemlerinidaha gelimi aralarlave detayl incelemek iin kendi laboratuvar ortamnz kurun.Web,Network,Wireless,Mobil Hacking/Penetrasyonilemlerini daha salkl ve gvenle test etmenize olanak salayan bu yapda ou cretsiz ve ak kaynak kodlu aralarla tecrbenizi arttrabilir ve bu alanlarda uzmanlaabilirsiniz.Kendi laboratuvar ortamnzda;Web hacking Network Hacking Domain ortamna ynelik saldrlarWireless Network SaldrlarnMobil Saldrlarn ok rahat bir ekilde test edebileceksiniz.Ayrca temel baz konfigrasyonlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Lab ortamn daha gelimi aralarla donatarak kapsaml hacking / pentest ilemlerinigerekletirebilirsiniz. IPS-IDS sistemlerinilaboratuvar ortamna tayarak gelimi atak eitleri iletecrbenizi arttrabilir ve gerekli gvenlik testlerini yapabilirsiniz.Bu eimden sonra yine oluturduumuz lab zerinden srasyla web,network,wireless,mobil hacking / pentest veNetwork Forensic,Kali 101 eitimleri gerekletirilecektir. Bu sayede hem laboratuvar kurma hem ataklar gerek laboratuvar ortamnda test etme imkanna kavuacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Tricks to Perfect Pie Crust" |
"In this course, you will learn my secret to making the best tasting, perfectly flaky pie crust along with my recipe for a tart apple pie that will guarantee compliments from all yourfriends and family. Included is a complete video showing how to create and put together all your ingredients to assembly to the finished pie.This course is for beginner bakers, who have either tried to make pie or want to learn to make pie and have their crust come out perfect both tasty and flaky.This recipe has earned me the ""pie maker"" for all holidays and bake sales.This course would make an excellent gift for a co-worker, friend or family member who enjoys cooking and getting compliments when they share their masterpiece.This course includes list of materials, video instruction, printable instructions, and recipes.Some skills you will learn:How to make and prepare pie crust for any recipeWhat are the secrets to ensuring that your crust is flaky (and tasty)Tips and tricks on making your baking experience successful and easier to clean up afterHow to put your pie together and make it look as good as it's going to tasteAdditional recipes including the all the ingredients for the apple pie and crust, plus additional recipes for Turkey/Chicken Pot Pie, Pumpkin Pie and a secret family favorite pudding pie Crust/Apple pie reviews:Pie crust was light, buttery and flaky. Pam made me one for my wife on her birthday and she said it was one of the best pies she has ever had. I am not a big fruit pie eater per se, but I enjoyed it as well and will use the crust recipe for my next Chicken Pot Pie. Mike, Tolland CTOMG! Best apple pie ever! Considered not sharing with my family, but decided I better. Crust came out really light and flaky. Don't forget the ice cream... Dawn, Coventry CT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Password Cracking, Hacking, & Security - Web Applications" |
"Welcome to your Password Cracking, Hacking, & Security course! Throughout this course, you will learn techniques thathackers could use to attack andcompromise your passwords. You will learn about password attacks andcommon password cracking tools.You will also discover justhow easy a cyber criminalcould break into your ownaccounts. Furthermore, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of password security.After understanding how a hacker thinks and performs anattack, you will instantlybe able to create more secure passwords andbetter defendyourselfagainst hackers. You will learn the importance of security along with highly desired skills that could boost your career. How would you like to landa job that pays you to ethicallyhack and perform penetration tests from your veryown house?Do you value the privacy of your passwords?Imagine the comforting feeling that yourpasswordis more secure from passwordattacks because you know how to test the strength of your own passwordsusing the amazing skills that you learned in this course. Act now to protect your accounts and passwordsbefore it is too late and you become victim to another attack.Note: The words ""cracking"" and ""hacking"" used in this course refers to ethical cracking and ethicalhacking and donot promote any illegal activity. You are responsible for obeying all laws and you are accountable for your actions. Information discussed throughout this course is for educational and research purposes only."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Vitamin English: English Idioms for Business Success" |
"Do youwant to sound more like a native English speakers quickly and improve your business English communication skills?One of the biggest differences between native and non-native speakers is the use of idioms in conversation. Did you know that on average native English speakers use three idioms per minute of speech? Idioms are a great way to communicate sometimes complex ideas in a concise and easily understood manner.Through this course, you will learnbusiness idioms that will help you improve your spoken fluency and sound more like a native speaker. You will be given definitions, examples and pictorial representations of each idiom.By completing the many practice exercises, quizzes and conversations, you willmaster and retain these idioms. Soon you will be hearing and using these idioms all the time. Your friends and business acquaintances will be amazed at your improved English."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Udemy 8: Tap into Serial Buyers & Spike Sales - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Udemy Success 7:Tap Into Serial Buyers duringUdemy Black Friday Sales To Spike up to Thousands of Dollars. Last year, Ispiked to $7000+ dollars in November, 2016________________________________________ Rosa's Online School: Teaching 24 Courseson Business Successes - Udemy, Kindle, Skillshare! Teaching 93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses! OVER 74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many 5 Star Reviews __________________________________________________________One of the first thing I learned teaching online is that you need to CREATE your success. I didn't first learn the success from Business courses but from my music courses.Create your success by creating courses that getSERIAL Buyers.What do I mean by ""Serial Buyers""?Serial buyersare students who are so in love with you and your courses that they want to buy EVERYTHING from you. OF course, you need to be an outstanding good teacher. You also need to learn how to create your coursesthat are unique. Don't be copy cats. It's not good enough to be an outstanding teacher with quality contentAlso be an entrepreneur outstanding teacher that knows how to create courses for EASY marketing!Turn your Students all into SERIAL Buyers.Watch how Serial Buyers go in Action in my Courses!Many of these buyers will buy, but the question is:""How do you make sure they buy YOUR courses and not your COMPETITORS?Many instructors don't make money, PERIOD. It is the truth. There are so many bad courses on Udemy and even more clueless instructors. How do you go from 'clue-less to clued-in?The Good Newsis that you can make some changes right away TODAY if you take the right action.Even if you are a new instructor, you will see BIG result in a verySHORT time, especially during the 10 Day Black Friday Sales. There is no up front cost to put a course at Udemy.Here I give you5 BIG Tipsof what Serial Buyers look for:Tip 1: Not just Multiple Series of CoursesbutSeries in GroupsTip 2: Let your images Scream to themTip 3:Show them Numbers for Learning ProgressionTip 4: Serial buyers look for SpecificsTip 5: Be Even more specific in Business CoursesIf you are Teaching Business Courses,please note this: You will never be successful if you keep teaching basic general things. Nobody buys them. Nobody wants to follow you. You are too boring. They can find this out themselves on the net. Why bother going through your courses unless you are a dynamic charismatic person who really gives people lots of TIPS and SECRETS in the General things. So always take them to them to the specifics! That is where the individual TEACHER shines. That is where your personality comes out in a vivid way.Here is the Secret: These Serial buyers give you exponential growth sales.Our online business depends on Courses sales:It doesn't mean that the more courses you have, the more sales you will get.But if you create one course and stop there, that will definitely lead to failure.You must strive for creating the 'kind' of courses that will increasing in sales for long term businessYou must sit down and plan ahead as to how you are going to creating courses at Udemy to make a profitable businessUnderstand that the way you create your courses online at Udemy will lead to 3 kinds of Sales Results:1. Linear no growth Sales: X + X2. Linear Growth Sales: X + 2X + 3X + 4X .... etc.3. Exponential Growth: X 2 - X Square!Learn MY SECRET Weapon when it comes to Courses Creation:Don't be Satisfied with just steady slow growth.Steady slow growth can suddenly go into decline moving down your sales curve.You need exponential sales growth to bring sales peaks higher and higher.Get the serial buyers in to give you that exponential growth.Imagine the Potential you can tap into if you create courses that will lead to Exponential Growth such thatyour online business takes off! That is exactly what happened to me teaching online at Udemy for the last 2 years. You need to take off in the beginning months or else you will get discouraged and quit altogether which is happening to a lot of Udemy instructors.Learn from my experience!Nothing happens haphazardly!To win in the Race - You mustPREPARE WELL!Preparing Wellis the Key. Don't wait until November. Start Today!Come on in and we are going to have some fun together,Rosa***************************************************************************About Rosa's Online School:Over 74,000 very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the 5 Star Reviews from VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee and that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students Enroll into the course and I will see you inside, Rosa"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"- Java" |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Figure Drawing Course HD" |
"The Complete Figure Drawing Course HD is a 92 hours industrial art training course spanning 243 lessons, designed to teach industrial art students on how to draw the human figure from the mind. Traditional artists can also gain from this course as the course uses simple drawing methods to teach. Traditional artists can use their own style of drawing to follow along. The course was created by Riven Phoenix a professional artist and teacher who made the course to allow virtually every industrial art student to succeed on how to draw and understand the human figure rapidly. This drawing course is used in over 70 countries, in colleges and leading entertainment studios world over like Disney and Lucas films. Riven's job in this figure drawing course is to teach you how to unlock the mysteries of the human figure inside your mind so you can draw it with bliss for industrial art. You will go through 225 video lessons spanning 77 hours. He will guide you through a step-by-step drawing process to construct the structure of the human form in your mind the easy way. All you need is a pencil and a sketchbook and a passion to draw. You can try the first 19 lessons for free and see for yourself why virtually every art student succeeds with his course. You will be able to take this drawing knowledge and apply it to any artistic field from illustrations to comic books to story-boarding. You are going to cover an incredible amount of detail in this course using the power of artistic thinking which will allow you to rapidly conquer the ability to how to draw people with bliss. You will be doing over 200 illustrations in this course so for sure your drawing ability will improve rapidly. It took riven 10 years to put together this course for industrial artists which includes 30 years of his figure drawing knowledge into one package for artists to enjoy. You can also read student testimonials on the company site and see for yourself how this course really does work for all artists.Here are a few Testimonials from our site:""When it comes to the human body this is perhaps the greatest video instructional series that I have ever seen."" - BlenderNationThis course is an excellent hands-on detailed walk through the process of drawing the human figure based on a systematic structure of anatomical study, and a solid foundation for serious figure drawing - Gerrit Verstraete, founder, Drawing Society of Canada."" I am in awe of how well the Lessons taught me the invention of the figure, and how deeply seated that information now is in my mind."" - Diane Kraus (Illustrator)""The training included on 'The Complete Figure Drawing Course HD' is nothing short of remarkable. I am not even halfway through this (stunningly) comprehensive series of anatomy drawing videos, and I would urge anyone with the slightest interest in fine art to invest in this training without hesitation"" - Jimmy S. (Multimedia Producer/Visual Effects Artist)""I learned more usable knowledge in the first 7 Lessons than all the other books combined."" - -Bryan Bray (Management is my day job. Web Design and Graphic Design is my love.)"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn MS SQL Server 2017 With Db Design Techniques" |
"Q:Is it possible for me to learn query writing against MS SQL Server database, even if I don't have any basics of DBMS?A:Yes! you can learn and this course is perfect for those who are absolute beginners in MS SQL Server technology. In this course we are going to learn every thing from scratch i.e., right from installing MS SQL Server management Studio, creating database, tables, understanding relationships, performing basic insert, update, delete and select operations, using basic builtin functions till all types of joins.We will also understand how to write different kinds ofstored proceduresanduser defined function. Then we will go for writingsub querieswhich includes scalar, multi valued andcorrelated sub queries.Moving ahead we see the programming logic in query writing usingT-SQLand understand how to writeconditional statementsin your large complex stored procedures. And finally we will try to understand the advanced concepts likeviews,scope identity function,transactionsandtriggers.So, I ensure you thatyou will enjoy each and every minute of the videosby learning something newTopics Covered are :Introduction-Database-Table-Keys (36:14)DataTypes-ForeignKey-DBDesign-Techniques (37:26)Insert-Update-Delete-Select Start (37:42)OrderBy-Where-String-Aggrigate (48:11)DateTimeFunctions-GroupBy-IntroToJoins (40:46)Implementing 2 And 3 Tables Joins (24:16)SelfJoin-Union-Simple-Correlates-SubQueries (34:26)Views And Common Table Expression (CTE) (31:25)StoredProcedures-Functions (33:00)Table Variables - Transactions - Slowly Changing Dimensions - ScopeIdentity (36:26)Triggers - Admin Tasks - Assigment (34:00)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Construction Site Electrical System Design" |
"When you have finished this course you will be understand how an electrical system can be designed for any construction site. The course will go into detail on the following areas :-Introduce the principles of operation for a site electrical system, why they need to be designed in a certain manner to achieve a system that is safe,durable & cost effective.Look at the key elements of the electrical system including the generation and distribution systems, grounding, residual current devices & cablingShow how a lock and tag system can be used to make the system safe for all users.Show how to size electrical cables based on the current carrying capacity and volt drop.Providebasic guidelines of how to size circuit breakers & generatorsThe course consists of short videos on each key subject with questions provided at the end of each section to test your knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting: Discovering Tools and Tips to Reach Your Goals" |
"The course covers important steps about goal settingand how to reach your goals. We start off defining a goal, learning about goals, then we go into establishing clear and specific goals that would allow you to reach your destination. The course also talks about short term and long term goals and the differences between them. We also spend a great deal of time talking about motivations that you can find within yourself in order to be successful.The course offers extensive resources that act as tools to be able to help you in advancing your skills. Those resources are also Action Steps in which you are able to implement the teachings learned in class right away.Make sure you are ready to reach your goals because you will learn important information and practices that will make the difference between succeeding and falling short. Remember, this is a process that takes time and effort and putting you in charge of your own life will make the difference. It is not about what might have happened in the past, what is important is that you are finally taking charge and will be completing everything you need in order to reach your goals.Congratulations in taking this next step and let's get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conecta con tus ngeles y redisea tu vida" |
"""Conecta contus ngeles y redisea tu vida"" es una gua sencilla que te lleva paso a paso a conectar con estosfieles amigos deluz y crear una relacin diaria con ellos. Nonecesitastener poderes de clarividencia, ni clariaudiencia; cualquiera puede conectar con sus ngeles en cualquier momento de su vida.Al establecer una relacin constante con tus ngeles guardianesempezars a entender tu intuicin y reconocer los mensajes y seales que te estn dando a diario.Conocers al grupo de arcngeles quienes te ayudarn a sanar doloresy cortarataduras que se manifiestan en forma de situaciones difciles en tu vida actual. Al final, sabrs con cul arcngeltrabajar en cada situacin que se te presente.En este curso tambin aprenders a canalizar la energa sanadoradel arcngel Rafael para calmar dolores fsicos y del alma.Al final del curso ycon ayuda de los ngeles, te guiar a entendertu propsito de vida y a crear un plan de accin con metas que te acercarn a crear la vidaque tantoanhelas, llena deamor y armona con todo lo que te rodea.Para lograr estoutilizaremos material audiovisual, presentaciones yhojas de trabajo. Se abrirun mdulo por semana; cada mdulo viene con tareas prcticas que empezars a probar todos los das durante dicha semana y empezar aformar la relacin con tus ngeles."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |