Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MQL4 In Depth" |
"Show me a man who doesnt like the idea of making money while they eat, sleep or spend time with their families? Yes, were talking about automated trading here, and for this, you need reliable tools that will help you build your trading frameworks. MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) is considered as a must programming language to build trading robots and technical market indicators now and for the future. Developing scripts and function libraries, MQL4 focuses on automating the trading processes and facilitate operational analysis. On top of that, MQL4 uses an extensive source code library for writing trading programs, directly addressing the needs and requirements of todays traders. In this MQL4 tutorial, youll understand what is MQL4 in general, and learn about the various functions incorporated in the language that make it a perfect tool which will change the balance of your or your clients Forex trading accounts.Build trusted automated trading frameworks to avoid hope tradingAutomated trading is yet one more skill that you can learn and improve if you have the patience. Emotional trading or hope trading will not guarantee predictable results. The sad news is that somewhat 8 out of 10 will still rely on hope, which basically means that the rest 2 are getting their money from those 8. You need to learn to build the frameworks you can trust. MQL4 is aimed to do just that. To gain the insight of how Forex trading robots work, and help you leverage the knowledge to make a profit. Thats why you need an MQL4 tutorial to guide you through what you need to learn and provide you with practice opportunities.What can you expect from this MQL4 tutorial?Finding a comprehensive MQL4 tutorial is not an easy task. Most of the questions youll try sorting out online will eventually lead you to the Metatrader website where you can easily get puzzled or lost. The purpose of my course is to make you competent at the essential aspects of the MQL4. Here, youll walk much further from knowing what is MQL4 and what it does. Well progress from the beginner level to more advanced concepts. By the end of the course, you should be able to automate MetaTrader 4 strategies with ease. If you take a look at the topic list of this course, youll see quite a lot of lines. Well study data types, custom indicators, scripts, function libraries to name but a few of the main fields. The important thing here is to learn how to fully automate Forex trading strategies so that you can code for traders.Get the skills for today and years to come!If you trade in financial markets yourself, or if you want to do the coding for other traders to get away from the emotional roller coaster, MQL4 is the skill that you need. With significant upgrades from previous versions, its a must for those who want to build trading bots today and in the future. Reserve your seat in this MQL4 tutorial and get ready to launch your career in the world of money."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"OOP Object Oriented Programming In PHP 7" |
"1st section of thecourse starts with an introduction to object oriented programming. What is OOP? and why we need it ? and what was before OOP?.A little detail about procedural language.We will also learn how to add OOPness in our programming. Then the advantages of object oriented programming.In 2nd sectionwe will discuss the basics of OOP with real life example and then how to map it in objects, classes, properties and method.Then how to create objects and classes in php? How to add properties and methods? How to use them? And at the end of this section we will learn about parameters and return values of a method.3rd section describes the visibility and its three levels. Then why we need to define public, private or protected visibility of properties and methods in a class.4th section describes the concept of constants in classes.5th section describes about data encapsulation. Why we need it? And how to implement it and then the benefits of encapsulation. In 6th section we will discuss about inheritance with real life example. Then how to translate it in classes, properties and methods in php code.What is ISA and HASA relationship and where to use ISA and where to use HASA in classes and objects.7th section describes the problem when a child class needs its own version of parent class method then how overriding of method solves this problem.Then how you can preserve parent class methods functionality while overriding.8th section describes how you can block inheritance and method overriding using final keyword. 9th section describes what is the meaning of abstract in real world, then what is the meaning of abstract classes, why we need i? What are the abstract methods and why we need it?Then we will also discuss how to create abstract classes and methods in php.At the end what are the key points for abstract classes and methods.In 10th section we will discuss what happens when two classes from completely different class hierarchies need some similar behaviour and how interface solve this problem.In 11th section we will discuss what happens when an object is born and when it dies. How we can handle things in both situations using constructor and destructor.How to define and use constructor and destructor using magic methods __construct() and __destruct().12th section describes a situation where we need only one copy of properties and methods for all objects of a class. Static keyword can solve this problem.So we will see how we can create and use static properties and methods without creating an object of a class. In 13th section describes that there are 15 magic methods in php. So we will discuss these magic methods one by one in detail. 14th section is the biggest one in this course. In this we will discuss about errors and exceptions. What supposed to be an error in php? How they happen? What are the different types of errors? .how you can trigger errors by yourself? And what are the logical error?Then we will see how we can report errors when they happen and how you can change error reporting settings in php.ini.We will also learn the 4 ways to deal with errors. Then how to use an error handler and at last how you can log error messages.After errors we will discuss about what may be the risky behavior of your code and how we can use exceptions to handle that risky behaviour.We will see how we can try some risky behaviour then how we can throw an exception if anything wrong happens and how we can catch that exception.Then the detail discussion on exception class in php and the stack trace for the exception.Then how you can make your own custom exceptions by extending phps built in exception class.Why we need to use try with multiple catches and how to re-throw an exception.What happens when there is an uncaught exception in your code.what is an exception handler.Then at the end of this section we will discuss the changes in errors and exceptions in php7.15th section describe how you can autoload classes in your code without using include and require statements. Then the use of autoloader function for this purpose.Then we will discuss to autoload namespace classes in your code using Psr-0 and Psr-4 autoloading standards but before that we will discuss what are the namespaces in php.16th section is about object serialization. Why we need to serialize an object. Then when and how to unserialize it. We will also learn how to do task that are prior to serializing an object using __sleep() magic method.Then how to do task right away after unserializing an object using __wakeup() magic method.17th section is about cloning of an object in which we will discuss two types of cloning that are shallow copy and deep copy.In deep copy cloning we will also discuss about __clone() magic method.Then we will see recursive cloning and then double linking problem in cloning.At the end we will discuss Deep copy cloning using serialization.18th section is about Type hinting. In this we will see how we can use non scalar and scalar data types for type hinting.We will also discuss about strict scalar data types and TypeError exception thats been introduced in php7.In 19th section we will learn two ways of comparing objects. First one is using Comparison operator (==) and 2nd one is using Identity operator (===).20th section is about overloading an object. we will learn How to do property overloading Using __get(), __set(), __isset() and __unset() magic methods. Then how to do method overloading Using __call(), __callStatic() magic methods.21st section describes about traits. First we will discuss deadly diamond of death problem in multiple inheritance. Then single inheritance and its limitations. Then how traits provide multiple inheritance thing in php. Then what will be the precedence order if a parent class and a trait have same method and then what will be the precedence order if a trait and current class have the same method. We will also discuss to use multiple traits and then how to compose a trait from other traits.At the end we will discuss abstract and static trait members and trait properties.22nd section describes late static binding. For this first we will discuss some basic concepts of binding like what is binding, early binding and late binding?Then what is the problem with early binding of self keyword and at the end its solution which is late static binding.23rd section describes object iteration. First we will get some idea about some basic concepts like traverse, iterate and iterate using loops. Then what is object iteration and how you can iterate an object using Iterator Interface and IteratorAggregate Interface ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Weight Loss Course - Virtual Gastric Band - Lose Weight Fast" |
"As seen on Channel 4s How To Lose Weight Well! and Dr Phils The Doctors. Our weight loss successstories have beenseen inThe Mail Online, HuffingtonPost, TheTelegraph, Chat Magazine, Closer and many other publications worldwide.This course is for you if you want or need to lose weight.You will learn how to change any faulty programming or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from getting the weight loss results you are seeking. As you progress through this course you will overcome your emotional eating issues and get yourself off the diet treadmill. This course will teach you how to manage your thinking about food and your eating habits in a completely different way so that you will lose weight and feel better about yourself. Each session covers the conscious habits you need to change and how to make those changes along with a relaxing hypnotherapy session to help you to make those changes easily.There are comprehensive sessions on: *How to use the guidelines that accompany this course.*How to change your faulty programming.*How to overcome your emotional eating behaviour.*How to get rid of your diet mentality. You will do this without having buy special foods or expensive, un-natural meal replacements or having to follow fad diets that leave you feeling hungry and deprived."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word Basic to Advance Training Course MS Word 2020" |
"The material was captured on a Windows computer with Microsoft Word 2013, but is relevant to users of Word 2010, 2013, 2016 and Word 2020. MAC: Because the video was taken with a Windows version of Microsoft Word, the user interface is slightly different.Register now to become a pro user of Word . This course will guide you through a comprehensive understanding of the most popular word processing tools on the market. As your instructor, I use my years of experience of Microsoft Office training to help you progressively develop your Microsoft Word skills. Even if you are an experienced word user, you will be amazed at the techniques and tools you choose to be more productive and effective in Word.After completing this course, you will have learned about the most popular Microsoft Word tools and can do many Word tasks with efficiency and elegance. Here are some topics that you will be good at:Creating of dynamic Microsoft Word documentsFormatting the document styles effectivelyPreparing of documents to print and exportManage large documentsWorking with page and Section BreaksAlignment of Word pagesHow to Create and manage Table layoutsThe use Tab stops to align content correctlyInsert media and images in Word documentsCreating labels and Forms Letters by performing Mail MergeCreate and use Word formsManagement of Microsoft Word TemplatesProtection of documents from EditsTrack and accept / reject changes to documentsHow to Create a dynamic table of contentsand much more ...Wait no more Register now and take the next step to master Word. Switch from Word Noob to Word Teacher!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Making & Compounding Profits in Forex trading" |
"In this course, we will teach you exactly how we Make, Keep and Multiply profits in the Forex markets using a pretty simple trading system. We have coached thousands of traders to date and this is the most revealing and hands-on trading course we are releasing to date, it is a must-attend!The intro video explains it all, we even show you real trading accounts with massive ROI generated indicating that THERE IS A PROOF OF CONCEPT and all you have to do is be completely committed to learning and improving and you will be all set!That is it... Learn how we MAKE > KEEP > MULTIPLY profits in Forex Trading."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Novices Guide To Kettlebell Training" |
"Intrigued by those cannonball shaped objects at your local gym? The proliferation of kettlebells in the market place is on the increase. There is however a fundamental misunderstanding of their use and Iwill address thison thecourse. If you've never used kettlebells before then this is the course for you. If you have used them before but don't have a lot of confidence in your technique, then this is also the course for you.Aimed at beginners to intermediates, this course will not only teach you effective and safe techniques but will also teach you exactly how to incorporate kettlebells into a stand alone routine as well as incorporating them into the other training that you do."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"UX & Design Thinking Quick Start" |
"UX and Design Thinking are hot practices in the business world today and this quick, simple course will show you how Design Thinking can help you create the best user experience for your customers.By learning the most important aspects of a user-centric approach, youll begin to understand why designing for specific user needs is critical to user adoption, and how to plan for the best possible outcome.And, youll discover just why UX and UI are not the same thing - a misconception that continues to permeate the business world.If youre in the position of using enterprise software to create applications for end-users, then you want to start with this course to get a solid understanding of what needs to be done for high success rates and user adoption."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Easy AF web design, using Squarespace for your web business" |
"This course is so much more than ""how to design a website using Squarespace"". That's only the basis of the course; the rest is jam-packed with tips, tricks, and advice on how to make more money designing websites. I've taken my 10+ years of experience and condensed these invaluable lessons into simple, easy to follow steps.The only live videos are the short intro parts where I setup each section. The majority of the lectures are screencasts so you can follow along with what I'm actually doing. Learning by watching has been proven to be the most effective way for the average learner.The feedback I've gotten from this course has been humbling and astonishing positive. With over 1,000 students, a rating of 4.8 stars, and over 380 reviews, I'm confident you'll love this course.**UPDATE** Squarespace has done an update to the backend so I have updated the course with new videos to reflect this. Some of the comments say that the course is outdated, welp it's not anymore! It's now current :)"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Write Now! Write Your Book and Spread it Like a Virus" |
"Write Now is a course designed to help you achieve your goal of becoming a best-selling author. With the aid of Dennis Sy, who has sold more than 25000 copies of his self-published books, you are on your way to fulfilling your dream.Many writers have publish their books but sadly nobody is buying it. Through this course, Dennis Sy shares to you how you can spread the ideas in your book and become a best-selling author. Are you ready to start your journey?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adam and Eve were naked. Why? The jaw-dropping meaning" |
"If you were summarizing the story of Gods creation, would you conclude with Adam and Eve were naked ? Nakedness might be sexy, but nudity cannot be the climax of the Creation story. The deeper dimension of understanding is hidden.This insightful, hard-hitting course explains what nakedness truly exhibits. Discover the intense climax of Gods creation. The Biblical Hebrew illustrates what your native language cannot portray.In Biblical Hebrew, the word for naked (describing Adam and Eve, Genesis 2.27) and subtle (describing the Serpent Genesis 3.1) is identical (youll grasp this in the course using the FREE online Bible Study tools). Learn that the key to this climax is understanding why the same Hebrew word has two seemingly unrelated English translations; this is impossible to see and know in any translation, thats why youll delve into the original Biblical Hebrew. Its so accessible youll be blown away.Be prepared to have your eyes opened wide. Learn a few of the keys to Master Biblical Hebrew to Unlock Bible Meaning, with no fuss. Youll take your new mastery and dive into your own exhilarating Bible Study. Reviews:I learned a lot about using a concordance in this course. The instructor was interesting to listen to and obviously knew his topic. Theresa was very easy to follow, very informative, and very methodical. Gloria S.It is something i have been searching for, a way to get past the translations and get to the deeper meaning of Gods word. Sheli I have long suspected that the Adam and Eve story had a much deeper meaning. This course shows that what I suspected was true. An interesting way to look at the story. I am glad I took this course. Joseph W.The instructor was very precise in his delivery and how to check the meaning. It was really helpful to learn the power of the Hebrew behind the words. Phyllis C. Its a SHAME!..after many bible translations most people still have a blurred understanding of what Sam Kneller, so elegantly clarifies in this course. See it for yourself. This is a MUST TAKE COURSE for everyone, no matter their beliefs (or non-beliefs) are. Hey!, if you cant really comprehend the CLIMAX in the first storyforget PhDs. Thanks! Jesse C. He explains in very slow and concise manner. Allowing a student to keep up with the lesson. JoAnne J. A good lesson on words meaning and how to study them. It is not always what we think or what we have been taught. We need to understand what the authors meant when they wrote this, knowing that the entire was inspired by God for teaching us, correcting us, etc. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Marcel R. I think it is well organized and very informative. I thought the instructor could be a little more enthusiastic but I think that might just be because everyone who teaches now acts like they have just won the lottery. Overall, I think it was great. Myrna P. For someone so old willing to take his time to share his knowledge with the world, he deserves 5 stars. If the video you find it too long, doesnt matter, pay attention to the materials he has to share. In fact, the aim of this course is for him to enable you to self-learn independently. Shung J. Found this course to give a clear and useful example of using the website and tools mentioned. Need to be open-minded and willing to explore the Bible, rather than dogmatic, to get the most from this course. Thanks, Sam, for introducing me to these tools. I look forward to further explorations. Robin S."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build and boost Self Confidence: Discover your strength" |
"This course is meant for anybody who wishes to uncover thelost confidence with the help of logical inference. Notwithstanding, many other parallels like ethics, values like hard work, honesty, determination and perseverance are also intertwined with self confidence.The course not only renders a pragmaticway to discover your hidden attribute of self confidencebut also infuses strategies ofhow tomaintainas well as how to handle the same in the journey of life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design stunning Social Media Marketing Images with Photoshop" |
"This online course will teach you how to use Adobe Photoshop CC to DESIGN SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGprojects for your business or brand.Do you want to create your own graphics for social media or the internet, but don't know where to begin?You're in the right place!I know it can be frustrating and time consuming to create artwork for your business. Outsourcing the work can be an even bigger challenge just to find the right candidate to do what you need done, and expensive!Photohop is an incredible software full of tools to create almost whatever you can imagine, but it could be a bit overwelming to start with.That's why I created this course, so people like you can learn how to create awesome social media designs with Ptohoshop.Have fun while learning! Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll create step by step more than 17 projects for social media, designing and practicing while learning!You'll be able to download all the project files, fonts and images to follow along and practice.The best part about this course is that you are going to learn one tool at a time, and then create a social media design applying what you've just learned, so you're going to be designing and sharing your designs from be beginning of this course.During the ""Design Stunning Social Media images with Photoshop"" course you'll learn:Where to find information about updated social media sizes required.How to create documents and explore all the main areas in Photoshop.How to work with colors and gradients.Where to find colors and gradients ready to use for your designs.How to work with images, and where to find free HD image resources for your social media designs.How to work with masks and create awesome effects.How to work with selections to create custom masks.How to draw customs shapes and how to use the pen tool.How to use Adjustment layers to change the colors of the images.How to use Smart Objects to easily replace and transform images.And as I've said... with every tool you learn you'll create a social media design applying it.I'll guide you step by step all the way to make sure you succeed in your ventures. I'm always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions or feedback that you have.With our 30-Day 100% money back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to find Property Owners in the UK" |
"If yourInterested in UK Property -for Personnel, Bushiness or Legal Reasons ?This course will teach you:For Any UK Property How to search the followinginformationWho owns the PropertyTheir Contact address When they Bought it.How much they paid for itIf there's a Mortgage on it.This course will prove useful in many areas including property investment, other professional activities or just to satisfy curiosity about who owns a particular property.The Skills taught in this course are once learned can be applied many times over.With the global environment, this course is extremely useful whether you wish to research Property Information Ownership for professional reasons, vitrificationresearch, investment or just curiosity and many other reasons.Bonus Content Includes: Plan and Flood Risk -More Info Available - Waiting For YouInteresting Stuff Its Out ThereKeeping It TidyCommon Errors To Avoid-Dont Make this mistakeSound Music by Bensound"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create an Affiliate Niche Website for Amazon or ClickBank" |
"If you've ever thought about earning money from affiliate income, you must know how to set-up an affiliate website for success.This course will walk you step-by-step through how to:make money with niche websitesselect a profitable niche (criteria provided)which products have the highest conversion rateshow to select keywords to targetWith your profitable nicheselected, it's time to build the website. Here we'll look at:how to select adomain name and hostingwhich theme to usewhat content to include on your websitehow to outsource the content creation processwhere to find images for your affiliatesiteand moreBy the endof this course you will know exactly how to target profitable niche products that convert and how to set-up your website for the most success."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Strategien entwickeln und umsetzen" |
"Eine wichtige Voraussetzung fr den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg ist eine durchdachte Strategie. Mit ihr werden das Unternehmen und seine Produkte zur Marke. Strategien zu entwickeln bedeutet die Konzentration auf zahlreiche Details und verschiedene Themenfelder. Denn nur so ist es mglich, die Zukunft zu gestalten und nicht erst auf mgliche Ereignisse der Zukunft zu reagieren. In diesem kompakten Einfhrungskurs erhalten Sie einen berblick ber die wesentlichen Schritte des Strategieentwicklungsprozesses, um Unternehmensstrategien systematisch entwickeln und umsetzen zu knnen. Darber hinaus werden auch wichtige Tools zur Analyse von Geschftsmodellen vertieft.Prof. Dr. Mario Bosslau zeigt Ihnen eine Auswahl an klassischen Werkzeugen zur strategischen Unternehmens- und Umfeldanalyse. Er geht dabei auch auf modernere Tools zur Geschftsmodellanalyse ein. Dieser Kurs liefert Ihnen darber hinaus eine Anleitung, um systematisch an strategische Fragestellungen heranzugehen. Er behandelt auch die Themen, wie man strategische Optionen entwickelt und gezielt auswhlt. Ihnen wird auch vermittelt, wie Sie strategische Initiativen planen und umsetzen knnen. Ihre Zeit ist kostbar. Deshalb ist dieser kompakte Kurs so konzipiert, dass Sie in kurzer Zeit prgnante und fundierte Informationen aufnehmen knnen. Er erlaubt Ihnen, in ungefhr 2 Stunden das Wesentliche zum Thema Strategieentwicklung zu erfassen. Dieser Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Praktiker als auch an Studierende. Er eignet sich einerseits fr einen ersten Einstieg in dieses spannende Themenfeld. Andererseits richtet er sich aber auch an Fortgeschrittene, die schon Kenntnisse im strategischen Management mitbringen. Sie knnen Ihr Wissen noch einmal gezielt auffrischen. Auch wenn Sie Strategie begeistert und Sie noch mehr erfahren mchten, ist dieser Kurs perfekt fr Sie. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements" |
"This course focuses on financial statements and its interpretation. It will teach you the accounting standard that guides the preparation and presentation of financial statements. If you are a non-accountant that wants to understand the financial reports prepared by accountants, this course is for you.This course teaches IAS 1, which is the accounting standardon presentation of financial statements,it looks at the objective and scope of IAS 1, the general features of financial statements as well as the structure and content of financial statements.This course teaches how to analyse and interpret financial statements using financial ratios; you will learn the categories of ratios which covers the following:- Profitability ratios- Working capital ratios- Liquidity ratios- Debt ratios- Investors ratios."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Enhance Your Skill Set with Perl" |
"This course will teach you Perl througha multi-sensory approach.- You will hear about Perl in lectures.- You will see Perl work through live examples.- You will touch Perl physically by workingwith the dozens ofdownloadable working Perl programs you will have access to andthat are used in the live examples. You can use these programs to experiment with and as templates for your own Perl programming.- You will touch Perl mentally by working on theexercises and writing your own Perl programs.Some of thebasic and intermediate level Perl skills you will learn in this courseinclude:*Downloading and installing Perl on your computer* Using Perl to work with numbers and strings. This could be used to do mathematical calculations and to manipulate strings.* Read data into your programs (for example, .csv files, data from the keyboard, regular files, etc.), detect data patterns, and alter that data with regular expressions and various Perl functions* Store lists of data in arrays and hashes* Use subroutines to create larger programs and to break your programs up into manageable pieces* Access and use ready-made code (modules)* Create, modify, read, write, and append files. Combine files, concatenate files.* Use File Tests to get information that you can use to make decisions about files, much like you'd do as a systems administrator.* Use References toCreate complex data structures (e.g. arrays of arrays, hashes of hashes, hashes of arrays, and arrays of hashes).* See all of the above in action and practice what you learn by writingyour own programs"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Essential Oils 101 with Bourgeois Hippie Mama" |
"We all want whats best for our own and our families' health! Imagine being able to care for our family'shealth and our ownjust by using a few drops of CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade)Essential Oils. Imagine being equipped with the knowledge on how to use Essential Oils in order make your own all natural chemical free facial masks, after sun soothing spray, make-up brush cleanser, whipped Peppermint foot lotion, diffuser blends, soaps and cleaning products, muscle and joint relieving lotions and salves, bath salts, body lotions and moisturizers, scrubs, roasted marinara sauce, make immune boosting snacks and so much more! In this Essential Oils 101 Course I am going to teach you how you can apply the use of Essential Oils to all aspects of your life for your health, a clean-green home and ultimately your happiness!Physical and Emotional Health: You will learn how to detoxify your body, support and boost your immune system, how Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy can help with your emotional health, how essential oils can be used for skincare, burns, eczema, sleep issue, anxiety, how to feel revitalized and so much more! Learn How to Make All-Natural Self-Care products: You will learn about how to make your own body scrubs, aftershave, which carrier oils to use, bath salts, body lotions and sprays, peppermint foot creams, liquid hand soap, body soap, hand-sanitizer and so much more! Treat Pain and Inflammation: You will learn how to ease pain and inflammation by using Essential Oils formuscular aches and pains. Youll also learn how to make muscle rubs and salves, massage oil blends, remedies for arthritis and joint pain plus so much more! A Chemical Free Home: You will learn how to make your own all natural air freshener, therapeutic dish and laundry soap, house cleaners, glass cleaners, kitchen and baby wipes, anti-bacterial hand gel and so much more! You will come away from this course with the knowledge and confidence on how to use doTERRAs Top 10 Essential Oils in your everyday life safely and easily.You can keep your house clean with all natural chemical free products that you will make yourself using doTERRAS CPTG Essential Oils.You will be provided with several diffuser blends to support emotional aromatherapy.You will be provided with the correct and safe dilution ratiosneeded to be applied for each situation and person in your family. Finally, you will understand just how amazing and powerfulEssential Oils are.Essential Oils have been used for thousands of years because of their powerful therapeutic properties. Once you understand what they are and how to use them and see their benefits, youll wonder how you lived without them!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory Made Easy!" |
"In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Music Theory and be able to apply it to your instrument and real-world music scenarios.At the end of this course, you will have mastered:- Knowledge and understandingof the major scales- Identifying keys from a key signature- The Nashville Number System and how it is used among professional musicians- Knowledge of and ability to identify notes in any chord- How to construct blues scales and pentatonic scales- Contructing Jazz chords"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Excel shortcuts guide" |
"Learning Excel shortcuts will be your first step to improve your speed while working in Excel and Im confident that this would be the only course you will ever need to master Excel shortcuts.In this course youll not only learn shortcuts but will also benefit from getting familiar with quite a few Excel options and features which could be useful while doing tedious tasks. Regardless of your experience there is something here for everyone. I have listed more than hundred shortcuts and grouped them based on their functionalities such as shortcuts for navigation, selection, formatting, for editing data, to work with formulas and also Ill take you through how to create your own shortcuts using quick access toolbar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Photography" |
"Welcome to my beginning photography course. This course is the perfect course if you are just starting out with DSLR photography. You will learn all of the basic functions, in depth, to get you started taking awesome pictures.Master the essential skills of photography in this comprehensive course!Learn ApertureLearn Shutter speedLearn ISOLearn white balanceLearn to properly expose an imageThis course was designed with absolute beginners in mind. It uses a combination of video, text and photos to help you gain a deep understanding of the elements that go into creating an image. With this knowledge you will be able to focus more on creating awesome images and less on trying to figure out how your camera works."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Install The SAP GUI" |
"To login to an SAP system, you need to use the so-called SAP GUI. In this short course you will learn the 3 different GUI options, their pros & cons and then walk through the SAP GUI installation process step-by-step. I'll show you how to install the most popular GUI option - the SAP GUI for Windows. At the end of the course you'll be able to install the GUI on your own computer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"German Language A1: Learn German For Beginners!" |
"Learn German A1 Level From Scratch From An Experienced German Teacher!The course will start by introducing you to the German alphabet and work our way up to learning German Grammar, Vocabulary, & Conversation. Apart from the 31 grammar lectures, this course also includes 17 animated videos which will make it easier for you to learn basic German conversations as well as the vocabulary. It is an interactive course with a lot of varied input and a very experienced and motivated German teacher who will lead you through the entire course.This course also includes 2 videos which will show and prepare you for the speaking and writing part of the A1 German language certification.GOALS/LEARNINGS:Become Fully Competent In German A1 LevelMaster The Basics Of The German LanguageLearn The Grammar & Vocabulary Of German LanguageLearn The Basics Of Conversation In GermanLearn German Pronunciation, Speaking, & WritingBe Able To Confidently Introduce Yourself In GermanBe Able To Make An Appointment In GermanBe Able To Order Food In A Restaurant In GermanLearn To Count & Say Numbers In GermanLearn To Read & Write In GermanLearn what the speaking and writing part of the A1 German language certificate looks like and how to do thatYou will learn the following:Grammar:The Alphabet Conjugation Of Regular Verbs The Nominative Numbers Gender Rules Plural Irregular Verbs Tips On How To Learn A Language More Efficiently Compound Words The Word ""es"" Formal Salutation The Accusative Word Order Of Main Clauses Separable And Inseparable Verbs Modal Verbs The Dative Negation How To Form Questions Conjunctions The imperative Possessive Determiner Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Temporal Adverbs Perfect Tense (Perfekt) Introduction To The Simple Past (Prteritum) Introduction To The Comparative Indefinite Pronouns I DictationsConversation:Pronunciation Rules How To Introduce Yourself How To Make Appointments Using Public Transport Looking For Apartments Asking For / Giving Directions How To Say The Time And Date Doctor's Visit How To Order Food In A RestaurantVocabulary:Colours Family Body Clothing At home Food & Beverages Animals Professions I Weather Leisure Time Activities Emotions & Adjectives Countries & Nations Means of Transport If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:A1 - Complete beginnerA2 - ElementaryB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper intermediateC1 - AdvancedC2 - ProficientI hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students. Join my course now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"After Effects - Create 3D Parallax Effect : Flying Cards" |
"Simetimes you can not believe what you can do with a simple beautiful picture. Also when you see a motion graphic and some experts tell you that this wonderfull motion graphic in 3D, was only made out of a simple 2D image, you just get shock! in this course you would simply learn how to do such a wonderful thing. With only a basic understanding of cutting in photoshop combined with some good level skill in after effects that you learn in this course, you can be one of those proffessional motion graphic creators. Parallax technique in after effect let us fool minds to make almost every 2D object to 3D motion graphic.+ After Effects Project File Included"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mis primeros pasos en la Bolsa Mexicana de valores" |
"Aprende como invertir en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, como abrir una cuenta en casa de bolsa,inversin a corto, largo plazo, Cul es mejor? Buscar las mejores empresas para hacer crecer nuestro patrimonio, las mejores herramientas de anlisis, inversin para no financieros, cualquier persona puede invertir sin descuidar sus otras actividades.Eres Doctor, abogado, ama de casa? Hoy en da cualquier persona puede invertir y generar ingresos desde su casa y de forma online sin grandes cantidades de dinero ni un titulo profesional, te explicamos como."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming in Hindi - No programming skills required" |
"Why you should join this course ?If you want to learn Java, Core Java,Basic Java or Advanced Java, then this is the course for you. I designed this coursein such a way that you won't feel lost at any point during the course journey. This will be your self explanatory Java Programmingguide for your career.Is this course for you ?If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Java, you will like that the course begins with Java basics. Even if you have some experience in programming in Java, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-life applications.What I think is the best about this course is that you can search questions others have had, post your own questions, and get answers to challenges you are currently facing in learning and using Java. If you haveany suggestions on topics that have not been covered, youcan send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible.Thank you for reading this. I hope to see you in the course soon and I hope you will enjoy your time learning as much as I have enjoyed creating this course for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Como ser um Aprendiz Tcnico Bem Sucedido nas Empresas" |
"Esse curso tem o objetivo de orientar Jovens que esto ingressando no Mercado de trabalho como Aprendizes. No decorrer das aulas eles podero entender o quanto importante para a Empresa e para ele a sua mo de obra, saber como se comportar perante a equipe e seu chefe e qual a postura no dia a dia de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SCI - Segurana Corporativa da Informao - COMPLETO E TOTAL" |
"Voc sabia que os profissionais de TI que conhecem efetivamente os princpios da Segurana Corporativa da Informao so os mais buscados no mercado de trabalho?As corporaes esto sob constante ameaa digital, com riscos de invaso externa por hackers e de fuga de informaes internas por colaboradores e prestadores de servios mal informados. Boas prticas de governana da segurana da informao so necessrias. Nesse contexto, imprescindvel a formao de profissionais capazes de definir estratgias e executar aes para a preveno de incidentes envolvendo a segurana de informaes. Vazamento de informao, crimes virtuais e fraudes eletrnicas so fatos no s presentes nos noticirios, mas no dia-a-dia das corporaes. Para lidar com essas questes, gerenciar riscos, conhecer eprojetar arquiteturas de sistemas confiveis, as organizaes tm demandado cada vez mais um profissional bastante especializado. O curso deFundamentos de Segurana Corporativa daInformaobusca formar esse profissional em ascenso no mercado.Esse curso objetiva proporcionar o conhecimento das arquiteturas, metodologias, tecnologias, polticas, normas e boas prticas de segurana da informao usualmente aplicadas para garantir a integridade, disponibilidade e confidencialidade das informaes corporativas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Synergy Show Stoppers 12 Week Weight Loss Plan" |
"This initial 12 Week Course is suitable for all those trying to get to a healthy 25% body fat. Whether you have 10 lbs or 100 lbs to lose this course will set you on a healthy and achievable track to weight and body fat loss.Synergy 12 Week Plan for Health, Wellness, Happiness . Facebook Live and IG TV ! You can complete the program completely online ! Includes Eating and Food Plan Shopping List Recipe Book with over 70 Recipes Exercise Plan - Cardio and Weight Lifting Stress Reduction - Yoga and Meditation Sleep Strategies and Analysis Circadian Code - Discussion 6 Lectures A. Circadian Code B. Eating Plan & Meal Prep C. Movement - Cardio & Weight Lifting D. Mindfulness, Gratitude and Social Media Detox E. Sleep - Importance, Strategies and Sleep Hygeine PLUS Access to complete online program with all of the above >7 Hours of Video Exercise Library 84 Days Worth of Exercise Videos"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Boeing 737NG Type Rating Prep-Bleed Air System" |
"The bleed air system is complex, and when you land that job flying this airplane, they send you off with a manual and computer based training. Well, we want to give you more. This is a college level course about the 737NG bleed air system. We will go in-depth on the systems and sub-systems of the bleed air system."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Combinatorics (An Introduction)" |
"Learn the multiplication rule, permutations, combinations, n choose r with repetition, multinomial, the principle of inclusion and exclusion, partitions, and derangements. John will take you through the ideas and techniques you need to get a firm handle on counting concepts and applications. This course is perfect for people wanting to learn counting strategies for tests such as the GRE, DAT, and GMAT, for anyone interested in Data Science, for anyone studying combinatorics , probability, or statistics, and for those just interested in interesting enumeration problems. This course starts from the ground up and requires only basic algebra and arithmetic skills. John mentions some extra applications that require some knowledge of numbers such as ""e,"" but these applications can easily be skipped with no loss of continuity.Combinatorics is a growing field utilized in data science, computer science, statistics, probability, engineering, physics, business management, and everyday life. This course is a great introduction with some specialized topics. It is best for someone getting started. If you are more experienced, this course is not for you unless you want to revisit the core concepts. Please see the list of topics."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |