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Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Master English communication (English - Vietnamese version)" |
"This English communication course is suitable for Vietnamese students who wish to improve their English language skills and use them in their daily life and work. It should be fantastic to learn and practice immediately with a partner after each lesson. Besides, this course helps you build up your vocabulary substantially. As you may know, upgrading vocabulary is one of the best strategies to be successful in the language learning process."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Private Finanzen meistern - Geld verdienen, sparen, anlegen" |
"""Ausgezeichneter Kurs! Bringt mich auf ganz neue Gesichtspunkte und Aspekte."" - ""Erst dachte ich das das Thema Geld ziemlich langweilig fr mich ist. Aber hier muss ich sagen der Kurs ist wirklich unheimlich gut gemacht!..."" - ""Ein toller Kurs, der mir dabei geholfen hat mit dem Thema Finanzen ganz anders umzugehen! Wirklich jedem zu empfehlen, der sich endlich frei von der Kontrolle des Geldes machen mchte und sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren mchte"" - ====== Private Finanzplanung - Geld verstehen, Finanzen meistern ======""Geld regiert die Welt!"", so sagt man. Und bei einem Blick auf unseren Alltag stellen wir fest, dass unsere Finanzen tatschlich oft einen starken Einfluss auf unsere Mglichkeiten und unser Befinden ausben.Am liebsten wrden wir natrlich alle gern sehr viel Geld verdienen und dadurch so reich werden, dass wir uns jederzeit die schnsten Dinge leisten knnen. Aber ""viel Geld verdienen"" ist leichter gesagt als getan.Und sich die schnen Dinge des Lebens auf Kredit zu kaufen, ist am Ende auch keine gute Lsung. Dieser Weg endet nmlich oft mit der Frage:Wie komme ich wieder raus aus den Schulden?Steht man finanziell gut da, fragt man sich auf der anderen Seite:Wie sollte ich mein Geld am Besten anlegen?Und ganz allgemein suchen wir oft einfach nur nach guten Tipps zum Geld sparen oder fr die Altersvorsorge.Dieser Kurs zur privaten Finanzplanung verhilft Ihnen einen befreiten und geordneten Blick auf das Thema Geld und auf Ihre eigenen Finanzen zu bekommen. Sie werden in die Lage versetzt zuknftig fundierte Entscheidungen im Bezug auf Investitionen, Verschuldung und Sparen zu treffen, da diese mit Ihren eigenen Bedrfnissen und Prioritten bereinstimmen werden.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses werden Sie anderen anhand von einfachen Darstellungen und Hilfsmitteln ganz praktisch erklren knnen, worin genau der Unterschied beim Ausgeben, Investieren, Sparen und Spenden liegt. Zudem werden Sie erkennen knnen, was eine Investition Ihnen wirklich bringt (ROI, return on investment) und welches Ma an finanzieller Absicherung fr Sie passend ist.Wenn Ihnen die Inhalte dieses Kurses nicht weiterhelfen sollten, knnen Sie gerne auf die 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie zurckgreifen. Sie haben also keinerlei Risiko eine Fehlinvestition einzugehen.Die Themen Geld und Finanzen sind hufig Reizthemen, aber genau das zeigt Ihnen, dass es sehr wichtige Themen sind. Deshalb nutzen Sie jetzt die Chance, sich endlich einmal ganz in Ruhe damit zu beschftigen...Los geht's ... ======""Sehr guter Kurs. Der Autor hinterfragt das Thema Geld und bietet flexible Lsungen an, ..."" - ""Ein wichtiges Thema, auch fr mich. Ich bin froh, das es hier seris und solide besprochen und vermittelt wird. Auch die Durchfhrung des Kurses ist angemessen und sehr gelungen. ..."" - ""Gute Einfhrung in das private Finanzmanagement. Jeder sollte sich darber Gedanken machen was man mit seinem Geld macht."" -"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Craft Successful College Admissions Essays" |
"Learn to create unique and compelling essays to get into your 1st-choice universities. Build a strong personal statement and supplemental essays with this step-by-step tutorial for all levels of writersWhat to write: Micro moments, Holistic approach, BrainstormingHow to write: Outlining, Writing, What the best essays doSupplemental essays: The critical why essayAn essential skill in a fast-paced environmentBuilding strong essays is critical to being accepted into your top colleges. A good essay is the only qualitative part of an application, and it can be the defining factor that gets you admission into your reach universities. Writing essays for a variety of colleges can be time-intensive; this course packs high value information into less than 1 hour so that you can quickly begin crafting your own essays.Content and OverviewFirst you will learn WHAT to write about. This includes the importance of detailing a micro experience rather than a large timeframe, being holistic in the application, and learning how to brainstorm. By the end of this section, you will understand how to come up with a compelling topic that shows personal growth.Then you will examine HOW to craft an essay on that topic. You will outline in a focused and organized way, and then learn how to write effectively without becoming stuck or having writer's block. You'll also see some of the best examples of ""show vs. tell"" and understand firsthand what some of the best essays do to stand out. Lastly, you will learn how to create the ""why"" essay, which almost all top colleges require. You will compare real examples of ineffective and successful why essays and learn how to create an effective one quickly.These lessons have all been applied with students I have tutored in the past, and the course is complete with real examples of ineffective and successful essays.Words from Past Students""I found Nikitas help with my essays to be incredibly helpful in getting me to transition from the objective writing style we are taught in school to the more reflective and descriptive style that is necessary for personal statements. Her help was more valuable than something I would find at these expensive essay bootcamps and would 10/10 recommend her to others."" -Aditya, University of Chicago 2020"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"interior designThe 10 rules to design your house like a pro" |
"interior design - interior design course, that will guide you step by step towards your perfect house. this interior design course is about to reveal the hiddensecrets of the top interior designers.-This E course contain 2 lesson's,every lesson session is 1.20 minutes ( hour and twenty minutes ) - every lesson is approximately 5 min- the course is filled with 20 years of experience - for your benefit- Mp4 format with easy explanations and guideline that will keep you in the safe side-paint in the interior space-Furniture - how to furnish your house -not like every one else - Lighting - the art that will shine your house This e course is been built after 20 years of experience in the interior design world"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hiring Your Team: Recruitment and Selection Specialist" |
"A comprehensive course designed for everyone from students and entrepreneurs to experienced Human Resource professionals to broaden their exposure of best practices from beginning to climax.A comprehensive course designed for everyone from students and entrepreneurs to experienced Human Resource professionals to broaden their exposure of best practices from beginning to climax."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java 2020 COMPLETO: Do Zero ao Profissional + Projetos!" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao curso Java 2020 COMPLETO: Do Zero ao Profissional + Projetos!O curso de Java 2020 foi completamente refeito para se tornar o contedo de Java mais atualizado e completo da lngua portuguesa! Neste curso voc aprender Java do absoluto zero at se tornar um programador profissional, dominando os recursos mais moderno da linguagem. Alguns dos assuntos abordados:Algoritmo e Estrutura de DadosFundamentos da Linguagem JavaEstruturas de ControleClasses, Objetos, MtodosOrientao a ObjetoEncapsulamento, Herana, Polimorfismo e AbstraoLambdasStream APITratamento de ExceesJavaFXBanco de Dados RelacionalBando de Dados NO Relacional (NoSQL)JPA (Hibernate)Spring BootH mais de uma dcada Java tem se mantido como uma das principais linguagens de programao do mundo e quantidade de oportunidade de emprego imensa, ento aprender a programar em Java sem dvida uma escolha segura que vai abrir oportunidade dentro e fora do Brasil. Canad, Alemanha e Portugal so alguns pases que possuem uma demanda muito alta de profissionais em Java.Outro aspecto muito importante que confere uma relevncia ainda maior para Java o fato de Java ser a linguagem oficial do Android. Por essas e outras razes Java seguramente uma excelente opo!Alm de tudo o curso possui:Compra Garantida por 30 diasCertificadoSuporte no FrumAtualizaesTe espero no curso :)Equipe Cod3r"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Elementary English Course -" |
"Course summaryNobody can deny how important English is in our todays global world since it is the most common language spoken everywhere. Learning English will open up more job opportunities for you, help you with your education, and allow you to communicate easily with people from different countries. This course offers you a chance to start learning English by teaching you the basics of English language. . . . Take Your First Step and Start Learning English. Read and understand simple texts in EnglishWrite well-structured simple sentencesWrite simple texts about familiar topicsUse simple conjunctionsUse punctuation and capitalization correctly in simple sentencesListen for specific information e.g. personal informationAsk and respond to simple questionsRespond to questions in familiar situationsIdentify numbers (e.g. years and dates) from listening textsMake conversations in familiar situations (e.g. caf, chatting about family, weekend)Follow directionsDescribe thingsTalk about past eventsComplete application formsTalk about familiar topics and routines ( ) ( ) Contents and Overview This course comes in two parts: Elementary English Course for Arabic Speakers 1 & 2. The course is based mainly on a course book named New Headway Plus Elementary. Elementary English Course for Arabic Speakers 1 contains over 35 lectures. It is designed for Arabic speakers who wish to start learning English. The course is structured into 7 units. Speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are all covered throughout these units. During the lecture, the lecturer presents the new lesson using PowerPoint presentations and at the end of each lecture, there is a practice to be done by the lecturer to help you understand how to answer questions. By the end of this course, you will be able to make simple sentences and reply to simple questions; talk about likes/dislikes, family and routines; order a meal in arestaurant/go shopping and understand and write basic text. : (1) (2). New Headway Plus Elementary. (1) 35 . . . . . .#_ #__ #__ #learn_English #English Grammer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 simple steps to make your own Wordpress Woocommerce Store" |
"( Note: For 1st 30 Students can purchase this course in just 30$ ) after that price will be 50$5 simple steps to make your own Woocommerce Wordpress Store I Bet you my course is theBest Course of 2017, In this course you will learn how to build your own online shopping store from start to finish , In this course you will also learn all basic to advance techniques of wordpress and woocommerce.In this course i teach you 5 simple steps to build an online shop/ Storeusing WooCommerce pluginThis course is one of the best course ever on Udemy , i explain every thing doing practical in front of youand in this course i have done 2 shopping store projects which can helps you alot. I also have provided free premium themes of both projects, you also can ask me for further details and questions.a Complete Practical Guide(Note: I am updating this course Time to Time)Course OutlineSpecifications of WooCommerce ShopWhat we can sell with WooCOmmerce ShopHow to Get Domain and HostingHow to add perfect ProductsHow to purchase / buy wordpress woocommerce themeWhere we can buy themeCan we use free themes for ShopInstalling and managing wordpress premium themes for Shopping storeCustomization of shopthemeSettings up Payment system and integrate with(Paypal & Stripe)Configuration ofWooCommerce Tax, Shipping &Locale settings2 Complete Project -Different Shopping Stores / Different Themes, / Different StylesHow to make payment settings,How to setup Pages like: ad to cart, checkout, my accountHow to import demo data of any themehow to make FooterHow to remove Footer Copyright TextHOw to set SlidersHow to import Sliders ready made filesFree Theme of both projectsHow to remove demo data and keep compulsory settings."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"BMC: Da ideia ao seu primeiro negcio!" |
"Voc tem uma idia de negcio, mas no sabe como transform-la em realidade...A ferramenta que voc precisa o Business Model Canvas!O Business Model Canvas facilita a concepo e aprimoramento de suas idias,mostrando para o empreendedor quais so os componentes bsicos que esto presentes em um modelo de negcio e maximizando as suas chances de sucesso, ao iniciar ou aprimorar um empreendimento. Basicamente, um plano de negcios em uma s pgina.Ento, ao invs de gastar dias descrevendo um longo plano de negcios de 100 pginas, com o BMC voc gastar apenas minutos. Com esta ferramenta, voc empreendedor, ser capaz de nortear o seu planejamento e consolidar seus passos rumo a finalizao de seus sonhos e projetos empreendedores, testando o seu negcio de maneira rpida e prtica.Este curso para:Empreendedores, empresarios, consultores, filantropos e qualquer pessoa que esteja iniciando ou buscando inovar em modelos de ngocios.Pessoas interessadas em iniciar uma Startup.Donos de negcios que buscam uma maneira prtica e eficaz para diagnosticar e entender melhor as partes fundamentais que compoem o seu negcio.Estudantes buscando compreender melhor a ferramenta BMC.Quer iniciar um negcio? Busca um mtodo que vai te ajudar a identificar o que preciso para transformar a sua idia de negcio em realidade?Este curso para voc! Inscreva-se e realize seus sonhos empreendedores!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Brew your own Kombucha" |
"I designed this course to teach peoplewho are new to fermentationhow you can brew and maintain a kombucha culture at home. We will discuss what exactly kombucha is and how you can save money by making your own.What's included:Instructional videosHelpfulPDF's and infographicsyou can easilyrefer to when brewingWritten summaries of each lecture videoCourse structure:The course is taught mostly by short videos but all content is also provided in a written summary for each lecture and PDF's.It is structured in the order in which you would prepare a batch of Kombucha andseparated into the following main topics:IntroductionPreparation for brewingFirst stage fermentationSecond stage fermentationMaintenance &storageFlavouringWhy take this course?It will save you moneyIt is taught byan experienced & passionatebrewer with a microbiology backgroundIt ispacked with information while also being efficient in the deliveryAll the lessons are to-the-point so you don't get boredEach lesson hasresources for you to use and come back to so that you don't have to watch whole videos again"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Enhance Your Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Adventures" |
"Are your Dungeons & Dragons adventures getting dull? Do you want to add new elements that impress your players? If so, this is the course for you. Decades of DM experience (handling wildly different age groups and unique play styles)were focused into this course. You will gain not only new adventure ideas, but strategies for sparking inspiration and developing entire story arcs. Only a beginner level of D&D is required to understand the course material. All levels of Dungeon Masters, including those who have never run a game before, can profit from the experience imparted in this course. Exciting new ways to present your ideas will be covered. By the time you've finished this course you'll be equipped with the tools and tricks to make adventures that will make players excited for the next game. We'll get right to the heart of the key aspects to running an exciting adventure, including:- developing immersive storylines- running battles with a digital battle map- enhancing any encounter with the perfect music- crafting customized player handouts and items for your campaign- adding visuals that will make your game easier to run and vastly more impressive- and more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Direct Sales Training Course for Beginners" |
"Direct salescan seem very intimidating if you aren't prepared- but it doesn't have to be.This directsales training course for beginners will teachyou how to sell a product to a customer in just 5 easy steps! Don't wastethousands on sales opportunities that have no chance to generate revenue. Instead, train yourself or your staff to sell!Tina and Liz will teach you the 5 easy steps to having successful directsales conversations at...tradeshows andtrade fairsexhibits and exhibitionssales eventsfestivals, fairs, home shows, farmer's marketsbooths, stands, pop-up stores and shopsand morePerfect for those responsible for booth staff training ortrade show sales training,trade show marketing professionals, face to face selling beginners,directsales novices, event planners, marketing managers, startup and small business owners. This directsales trainingcourse for beginners is designed to make face to face sellingeasy, fun and repeatable. sales training videoslots of role-playing scenariosmemorable characters such as 'Pretzel Guy, 'Fancy Water Guy,' Ms. Right, Mr. Maybe and Draculainteractive quizzes"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Muscle Building Video Trainer - 12 Weeks of Full Workouts" |
"DON'T JUSTLEARNEXERCISES, LEARNHOWTOWORKOUT!Follow along to every workout in my 12 Week Transformation program. There are so many small details far beyond basic exercise instruction and those details are what seperate people that continually progress and stay consistent, to those who never seem to find their feet.What weve created is a unique training method and program that will allow you to be the best you, in every aspect of life. It is the ultimate foundation that your whole world will rest on.Its strength power and athleticism. Its happiness, its creation, its who you are meant to be. WHATAREYOURSTRUGGLESIm always flat and unmotivatedThere is too much information out thereI feel deterred by other peopleEven when Im in shape, Im unhappyI lack confidenceI am too busy workingThroughout our in depth videos, you will receive dozens of mindset strengthening cues to address what ever your struggles may be.As part of the course you willreceive.Full Workout Videos - get to see the intensity and the technique every single workout.Big 3 - Finally learn how to Deadlift, Squat and Bench correctly.Private Coaching Group - Ongoing Q+ANutrition Bonuses"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The No-Fail Strategy For Creating Irresistible Blog Content" |
"Struggling to blog about a meaningful topic?Suffering from writers block when writing a post? Not sure how to make your blog post better than others? Whatever your motivation to create more engaging blog posts, youve come to the right place to get started on your journey. Blog Writing Strategy: How To Write Better Blog Posts is a focused blogging course, which aims on helping you solve writers block and write that all important meaningful content. This is a short, effective, and practical course that will take you from not being able to generate meaningful blog post ideas, to writing engaging blog posts for your audience. Nothing is kept a secret. I reveal my personal blogging strategy to you, that has helped me over the course of my blogging career in creating engaging content. This course is designed for anyone getting started on their blogging journey, and has a strong focus on those who struggle with creating and promoting engaging blog posts. So if youve been suffering from writers block, or arent getting any viewers onto your blog, youre in the right place."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Using Wireshark to Hack like a Pro" |
"This course will cover the process for conducting protocol analysis. This will serve as a foundation for the skill required for a number of different types of careers. Protocol analysis is the technique of analyzing what is or has taken place on a network. This is used by Security Operations Center analysts as well as network forensics investigators.We will take static capture files that you will be provided and show you how to analyze them within the Wireshark tool. You will learn ways to quickly identify anything that is abnormal within a network packet capture. This will provide you with the initial skills for intrusion analysis, and also malware tracking and monitoring.-The course prepares the student for understanding network protocol analysis -After the course youwill have the initial skills for security or hacking classes- Anyone who wants to understand the foundation of security skills and have knowledge for analyzing network traffic as well as potential intrusions will benefit from this course.- This course is for beginners or people interested in learning about hacking and don't know where to start."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator para Arquitectura" |
"Este es un curso de Adobe Illustrator para arquitectos, diseadores de interiores, proyectistas, estudiantes de arquitectura y estudios de proyectos que quieran aumentar la calidad grfica de la representacin de sus proyectos de arquitectura, tanto de exterior como de interior, interiorismo, paisajismo, landscape, urban design and masterplanning, etc. Hoy da los proyectos se muestran al futuro propietario a travs de imgenes y la arquitectura se vende a los clientes a travs de imgenes. No olvidemos la importancia creciente de la imagen durante todo el siglo XX, y las dos primeras dcadas del siglo XXI el control y diseo de imgenes sigue creciendo y sigue siendo clave para llamar la atencin de nuestros clientes potenciales. Y sobre todo ser importante para el diseador tener un control total sobre sus imgenes, lminas, paneles de arquitectura, etc que han sido creados para los concursos de arquitectura, ya sea para la administracin pblica o concursos promovidos por iniciativas privadas. Los estudiantes universitarios de arquitectura, interiorismo, patrimonio y otras carreras, en sus ltimos aos de universidad participan en numerosos concursos. Esto es una prctica que se extiende a lo largo de toda la vida profesional de arquitectos y diseadores de espacios. En este mbito, Adobe Illustrator es una de las herramientas ms potentes del mercado que conviene conocer, tanto si eres trabajador por cuenta propia y quieres que tus proyectos sean ms atractivos; como si eres trabajador por cuenta ajena y en los procesos de seleccin te piden conocer este software para optar a un empleo o una mejora de empleo dentro de la empresa."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Green Screen From the Comfort of Your Home" |
"Course DescriptionHave you ever wantedto create Green Screen Videos from the comfort of your home or the office, but always thought it would be too complicated orexpensive to do?! If so, then I am happy to tell you that it has never been more affordable and easy to build your own Green Screen Studio for the fraction of the cost used inprofessional video productionand I will show you exactlyhow! Not only you will learn all the secrets behind the green screen videos, but also video production in general.You don't need to have any prior experience of any editing software, or working with DSLR camerasto learn all the skills taughtin this course.It's designed to provide you with themost comprehensive curriculum that will take you step by step from initial theory about the light , sound , type of green screens and different cameras that you can use to achieve optimal quality of your green screen videos, to actual production and post-production stages where you will learn how to build your ownstudio, shoot your videos, and finally edit them so that they look and sound asif they were shot in a professional studio.Course StructureThis course is divided in 4 parts.Part 1 is Pre-Production : This is where you will learn what kind of equipment you will need to start creating you Green Screen Videos,where to buy it from for the most affordable prices, and how to build your studio.Part 2 is Production : This part ispacked with great material. HereI will take you behind the scenes and demonstrate you how Ishoot my green screen videos. After going through all the lessons in Part 2 you should be ready to stand up in front of the camerawith your green screen evenly lit behind you, and start shooting your owngreen screen videos.I know a lot of people do not feel confident in front of the camera (including me), that's why as a BONUSto this part Iam going to reveal how you can build your own TELEPROMTER and start reading your script word by word without looking away from the camera lens. This is invaluable tool used by many professionals that allow them to look prepared, competent ,knowledgeable and veryconfident when delivering their content. And the best part of this bonus is that you can build this telepromter for less than a DOLLAR.Part 3 is Post-Production : One thing is to shoot your videos, but another is to edit them so that they don't look cheap, amateurish, and cheesy. My goal here is to equip you with the techniques that are easy to learn, and when applied make your overall image look like it was done by professionals even if you never used editing software before. You will learn how to remove and replacethe background in less than 10 minutes, how to create Flying titles, how to cut your footage so it looks more engaging and hold the interest of your viewers, and much more... All you have to do is simply follow my instructions and you'll learn all the essential editing tools in no time.and finally....Part 4This part is designed to show you other low budget methods how to achieve professional looking image if you don't want to deal with the green screen. In this module I will teach you how to achieve classic white background look (i.e Big Think) , and what kind of videos you can start creating to promote your business, engage with your audience, and sell more.Is this Course for You?I bet you know that VIDEO is the ULTIMATE SELLING MACHINE, and if you are not using it in your strategy whether to sell more products, educate people,drive more traffic to your website or online courses, etc. than you are loosing out on thehuge opportunities.Reports show that by 2018, video will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic. And that 52% of marketing professionals name video as the content with the best ROI. So if you always wanted to start producing video content and green screen videos to add creative flare to your content, then this course is for you.After completing this course you will know everything you need to know about GREEN Screen and VIDEO Production.You will get answers to questions like :What camera to use ?How to record good quality audio and what microphone to use?How to achieve good lighting ?What material to use for Green Screen ?What are the best in camera settings ?How to prepare your Script ?What is the best editing software ?How to color correct your footage ?What kind of Videos to shoot?The list goes on , and I don't want to overwhelm you. I structured this course so that you only learn what is essential first , before moving on to the next modules. The course is very engaging and the material is presented in variety of forms thatincludes both Screen Recordings and Power Point Slides,as well as live recordings from my ""studio"".If this sounds like the right course for you, then welcome to""Green Screen from the Comfort of Your Home"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tudo sobre Investimentos em Renda Fixa" |
"Alguma dessas frases parece familiar?""Eu quero investir e TER CERTEZA que no vou perder dinheiro""""Eu quero poder dormir sem me preocupar com meu dinheiro ou com taxas abusivas""""Mas eu NO SEI NADA de investimento, por onde eu comeo?""""Eu TENHO MEDO de nunca conseguir independncia financeira""Se sim, voc veio aolugar certo!Esse o curso de Investimento em Renda FIxa da LLTraining e o nosso objetivo claro: ensinar voc a investir seu dinheiro de forma lucrativa e com muita segurana, do incio ao fim!So anos de estudo que resultam em um curso que te ensina EXATAMENTE o que voc precisa saber para investir seu dinheiro e dormir tranquilo.Imagine:- Investir seu dinheiro sabendo EXATAMENTE quanto voc vai ganhar- Saber que mesmo se houver uma criseseu dinheiro estar 100% seguro- Investir se protegendo da inflao E tendo bons lucros- Pagar menos impostos e no perder dinheiro em taxasPode parecer difcil, mas os investimentos em renda fixa so atrativos por essa caracterstica de altssima segurana e boa rentabilidade, mas preciso saber exatamente como as coisas funcionam. Esse o objetivo do curso, te ensinar passo a passo, tudo o que voc precisa saber para investir em Renda Fixa e te ajudar com os meios para isso.Animado para comear? Ento vamos l."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"French Words: The unconventional full immersion" |
"Learning French and rehearsing is becomingeasy,and it is makingall the difference.Discover how you can take out the strugglesandabsorbthe most important French words! Rehearse your french effortlessly,while building yourbestfoundations.Tim Ferriss says it in his Blog, you can Learn any language in less then 3 Months and we absolutely believe that.'Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.' - Zig Ziglar As a result oftakingthis course, imaging being able to understand most of any french conversation andany article within few weeks.Yes, people around you are going to be impressed. Are yougoing to be really thrilled ? So whats in it for you: The course containseverything you need to start learning the right vocabulary [100+ downloadable resources].Anytime you have few minutes, you can use themwisely,The spelling technicapplied -Words and phrases with the words in context,The selection of the most useful and relevant words because they are the one we use the most(Accirding to theFrench Government Education),The explanation on howtomaximise your results,Motivation and 'hands on' tips to boost your motivation.Our aim is to give you the opportunity toquickly understand and recogniseFrench wordsautomaticaly.And because you are going to recognise these words in everyday conversations,your speaking and writing skills areimproving drastically.The sooner your start, the sooner you can see yourself becoming fluent. We made these sessions extremely practical so you can take the knowledge toreal life experiencesand be rewarded in multiple ways. Everyone can take this course that comes in your pocket.Hurry up, you couldhold a conversation by now :)Enjoy!Steph"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finanas Pessoais" |
"Este curso ideal para pessoas que procuram equilibrar suas finanas, seja para sair do aluguel, pagar o dbito do carto de crdito, quitar aquelas contas do comeo do ano ou gastar com aquela to desejadaviagem.Neste curso iremos abordar de maneira terica e prtica como a educao financeira poder influenciar o saldo da sua conta no final do ms. Para que voc passe a ter dinheiro para alcanar seus sonhos e objetivos.Vamos mostrar tambm como o planejamento, atrelado disciplina, vai alterar seus hbitos de consumo, fazendo com que voc gaste dinheiro com as coisas que realmente importam para sua vida.Investir j uma realidade para muitos brasileiros, no pense que voc precisa de muito dinheiro para ter investimentos, mas antes temos que organizar nossas finanas e colocar as contas em dia, juntos vamos mudar o rumo das suas finanas, est preparado?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Event Management for Beginners" |
"Imagine you just volunteered to help organise the company Christmas Party, the school fete, the football club social night, your cousins's wedding and you have no idea where to start? Don't let this opportunity pass you by without giving it your very best effort. What most people think is that event management is easy and they go over budget or they under deliver on customer or attendee expectations. If you are looking at this course then you are not most people and you understand that you don't know it all and you can use some help!If this is you then this course is most definitely for you. Drawing on 25 years experience organising some of the biggest events in Australia Lisa Price will take you through seven steps to organising brilliant events. It doesn't matter if your event is small or large this course will set you up for success and make sure you sound like you know what you are doing! With over an an hour of video along with additional resources and set tasks you will learn strategies used the world over by event gurus."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Biology: Introduction to Human Reproduction,Biology" |
"This course has been designed for anyone who is interested to learn about the male and female reproductive systems of human. This is good for general knowledge as well as it has the exam specification ofAnatomy/ Physiology/ Biology/ IGCSE/ GCSE/ O level/ AQA/ CheckPoint andOther syllabus. After the completion of this course you will be able to:Identify and name on diagrams of the malereproductive system: the testes, scrotum,sperm ducts, prostate gland, urethra andpenis, and state the functions of these partsIdentify and name on diagrams of the female reproductive system: the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix and vagina, and state the functions of these partsDescribe fertilisation as the fusion of the nuclei from a male gamete (sperm) and a female gamete (egg cell/ovum)State the adaptive features of sperm, limited to flagellum and the presence of enzymesState the adaptive features of egg cells, limited to energy stores and a jelly coating that changes after fertilisationState that in early development, the zygoteforms an embryo which is a ball of cells that implants into the wall of the uterusState the functions of the umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic sac and amniotic fluidOutline the growth and development of the fetus in terms of increasing complexity in the early stages and increasing size towards the end of pregnancyDescribe the ante-natal care of pregnant women, limited to special dietary needs and the harm from smoking and alcohol consumptionOutline the processes involved in labour and birth, limited to: breaking of the amniotic sac contraction of the muscles in the uteruswall dilation of the cervix passage through the vagina tying and cutting the umbilical cord delivery of the afterbirthCompare male and female gametes in terms of size, structure, motility and numbersExplain the adaptive features of sperm, limited to flagellum, mitochondria and enzymes in the acrosomeExplain the adaptive features of egg cells, limited to energy stores and the jelly coat that changes at fertilisationDescribe the function of the placenta and umbilical cord in relation to exchange of dissolved nutrients, gases and excretory products and providing a barrier to toxins and pathogens (structural details are not required)State that some toxins, e.g. nicotine, and pathogens, e.g. rubella virus, can pass across the placenta and affect the fetus Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of breast-feeding compared with bottle-feeding using formula milkDescribe the roles of testosterone andoestrogen in the development and regulationof secondary sexual characteristics duringpubertyDescribe the menstrual cycle in terms ofchanges in the ovaries and in the lining of theuterusDescribe the sites of production of oestrogenand progesterone in the menstrual cycle andin pregnancyExplain the role of hormones in controllingthe menstrual cycle and pregnancy, limited toFSH, LH, progesterone and oestrogenMethods of birth control in humansOutline the following methods of birthcontrol: natural, limited to abstinence, monitoringbody temperature and cervical mucus chemical, limited to IUD, IUS,contraceptive pill, implant and injection barrier, limited to condom, femidom,diaphragm surgical, limited to vasectomy and femalesterilisationSupplementOutline the use of hormones in contraceptionand fertility treatmentsOutline artificial insemination (AI)Outline in vitro fertilisation (IVF)Discuss the social implications ofcontraception and fertility treatmentsSexually transmitted infections (STIs)Define sexually transmitted infection as aninfection that is transmitted via body fluidsthrough sexual contactState that human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) is an example of an STIExplain how the spread of STIs is controlledDescribe the methods of transmission of HIVState that HIV infection may lead to AIDSOutline how HIV affects the immune system,limited to decreased lymphocyte numbersand reduced ability to produce antibodies"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance and Fixed Annuities" |
"This course is a comprehensive description of the features and benefits of Fixed Annuities. The information is generic and does not represent the product of any insurance company.Discover if a Fixed Annuity is Suitable for YouYou will learn how you can earn interest in a Fixed AnnuityYou will learn how you can use a Fixed Annuity to establish for yourself alifetime income.You will learn about Fixed Annuity features such as Surrender Charges, Market Value Adjustments,tax deferred earnings,and bonuses paid on premium,A Fixed Annuity is an insurance product you may be glad you learned aboutIf you are a resident of the United States, because this course is about Fixed Annuities offered in the USA, and if you are about 40 years of age or older, and if you have discretionary savings and/or income you wish to use to establish for yourself financial security, this may be valuable informationfor you.This course makes use of hypothetical examples to clarify some of the important information. This course is presented using PowerPoint slides with my narration, and is a little over one hour in length.The information in this coursewill make you an informed consumer should you decide to consider the acquisition of a Fixed Annuity from a licensed professional in your community"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner esl Teaching - Survive the First Week" |
"This course is for people intending to teach English but with no classroom experience. What the Celta or online TEFL courses don't tell you. How to effectively prepare for your first day, and then walk into the class, exactly what to do and say to hit the ground running.I am a fully qualified esl teacher for an overseas social enterprise language school which trains new teachers every semester and so I am used to helping transform nervous newbies into confident and popular instructors. The course is particularly well suited to people who will be teaching in an environment with little or no support. You will learn how to prepare everything needed for day one. Walk into the classroom and build immediate rapport with tried and tested ice-breaker games, plus build a friendly consensus over a few ground-rules to make your life a whole lot easier.Enough teaching theory is included to construct lesson plans, communicate effectively, drill pronunciation etc.Lastly, a whole bunch more games, based around revision of the lessons to keep learning fresh and students interested. In fact, a large part of the course explains games, tried and tested, illustrated with photos and diagrams where necessary, because this is much of what's needed for the first week.The course is for people who will be teaching adults and teens. It only includes enough basic theory to make a start for the initial seven days, helping you find your feet, after that your confidence is in place and you'll learn on the go from your students! The focus is on fun and conversational practice rather than technical grammar. It would also be useful for people traveling overseas who might try teaching to see if it's a viable option or prospective volunteers heading to challenging conditions, or in fact YOU if you are thinking of trying this and want know how lessons could work and if you can even imagine yourself actually doing this (you can!)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Eliminate Panic Attacks and Overcome Depression" |
"This comprehensive course is designed around a synthesis of best practices gathered from over 20 years of research with one goal in mind. Help you Position Yourself For Power so that Panic Attacks, Anxiety, and Depression no longer rule your life. By going about it in this way, each lesson is packed with information so that your learning curve is dramatically shortened, turning decades into days and theory into application. It is designed to work in a proactive, preventive manner and not just for some, but for all who follow it and apply the supplement strategies included. Its is a one-stop shop geared to combatall the aspects of your well-being. Every strategy is evidence-based and has been modified and adapted for these new changing times and demanding schedules we all may have. A big upside is that the course will be adding new lessons and lectures as we go through it, particularly based from feedback and questions you all may have. Bonuses will also be added as the course continues in its progression and each participant will be given some key additions that will help them after they complete the course. I look forward to seeing you in the course and feel free to reach out to me as I am here to serve and provide as much value as I can."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Audio SPANISH PHRASE BOOK: for work, travel, school and FUN" |
"Course Description:In this Beginners course you will learn how to properly pronounce every word in Spanish. You will then learn hundreds of key phrases to comfortably and accurately speak them and communicate with native Spanish speakers.This Beginners Spanish course is for you if you goal is:To start speaking complete Spanish sentences by the end of lecture 4To be able to travel to a Spanish speaking country and easily communicate with the localsTo speak Spanish whether you are traveling for business or leisureTo enjoy the full experience when traveling to a Spanish speaking countryOverview and Contents:This course includes 18 fun and easy lectures to get you started Speaking Spanish quickly. In this course you will quickly learn how to pronounce every word and phrase in Spanish. You will then learn hundreds of Spanish phrases to communicate in several circumstances. You will learn how to talk to native Spanish speakers in real life everyday situations from meeting new people, to finding your way around a Spanish speaking country, to ordering food, sightseeing, making purchases, telling time, making appointments and much, much more.What are the requirements?Internet accessPen and paperThis course is taught in EnglishNo prior knowledge of Spanish needed"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
autodesk-inventor-2014-basic-course |
"2014 . 2010~2017 , ACU . : 1544-1605"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2014 Basic Course" |
"CAD Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 Basic . 394(6 34) AutoCAD , ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cost Based Pricing for Procurement & Purchasing organization" |
"Welcome to the Cost Based Pricing course!The course is prepared by the Procurement Professional for Procurement Professionals, so it brings not only the boring theory, but applied knowledge and practical tools. This course is a small extraction of Future Procurement development program and it is specially designed for the employees of Production/Manufacturing companies and the Purchasing professionals. Cost Based Pricing is a niche course, it covers this specific approach to price calculation for the goods or services. You'll learn about the: - Three general approaches to price setting, - general principles of Cost Based Pricing, - Direct and Indirect Cost Drivers for the price calculations, - Variable and Fixed costs logic, - Economy of Scale,- Specific tools and advice for applying Cost Based Pricing for your business.The course is structured in a way to allow beginners to start right at the beginning and learn the entire way on using the Cost Based Pricing model, while more experienced Procurement Professionals can begin with the lesson 4 where we start digging deeper to the core of the method. Obviously this course is not answering all the questions connected to Cost Based Pricing, but it gives to you the good understanding of the logic and methodology, set of tools to be used and principles to be applied. The best way to learn is applying these knowledge and techniques in your daily job! Once completed this course, you should be able to apply it to your own projects without the need for further guidance. P.S. As a bonus - I have decided to share my e-books on Procurement. Some useful and fun read for you, some motivation and inspiration. Enjoy your course and leave me a comment after you complete the course :)Robert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROAB - Intensivo para 1 Fase do Exame da OAB - Mdulo A" |
"Curso preferido pelos alunosPROAB - Intensivo para 1 Fase do Exame da OAB Fique mais perto da sua aprovao com o preparatrio oficial da Estcio para o Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil.- Revise e aprofunde os seus conhecimentos em temas focados na resoluo da prova e apresentados pelo melhor corpo docente do Brasil.- Vdeoaulas completamente reformuladas e com contedo atualizado. - Curso completo intensivo dividido em 2 mdulos (A e B), vendidos separadamente para a sua convenincia.Coordenao Pedaggica: Ana Paula DelgadoDisciplinas Mdulo A: Coaching - Prof. Renato PortoDireito Civil - Prof. Sandro Gaspar Amaral e Prof. Rachel Delms LeoniDireito Processual Civil - Prof. Rodolfo Hartmann e Prof. Adriano MouraDireito do Trabalho - Prof. Juliana Monteiro e Prof. Maria Ins GerardoDireito Processual do Trabalho - Prof. Maria Ins Gerardo e Prof. Carla SendonDireito Penal - Prof. Leonardo Barreto e Prof. Ruchester MarreirosDireito Processual Penal - Prof. Leonardo Barreto e Prof. Ruchester MarreirosEstatuto da Criana e do Adolescente (E.C.A.) - Prof. Sandro CaldeiraAdquira oPROAB - Intensivo para 1Fase do Exame da OAB - Mdulo Becomplemente os seus estudos!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |