Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Painting Wild Places with Watercolors: Crater Lake" |
"Forged from the creation of his 111 Public Television ""How toPaint"" episodes, Gary has perfected his popular step-by-stepteaching method for watercolor. Rather than progress from an""easy"" painting to a more difficult painting, Gary starts hisstudents on ""any given painting."" Choose ""the subject"" (thepainting) that you prefer, and Gary will walk you through its creation fromstart to finish.It has been his experience that by breaking the watercolor painting processdown into easy-to-follow steps, students can take on any of his paintingcompositionsthus progressing more rapidly. Garys proven teachingmethod will make you a better watercolor painter!ALL SKILL LEVELSIn many ways, novices are at an advantage as they have not yet pre-learnedany watercolor painting approaches. But more advanced painters usually benefitfrom Gary's many unique watercolor techniques as well.Watercolor is considered the most versatile and challenging painting medium.It can seem, at times, to have a life of its own. Gary demonstrates how to takecontrol of this dynamic medium by breaking it down into easy-to-follow steps.Painting Image Size: 19"" x 13"" (on a 21"" x15"" half sheet of watercolor paper)This course has 43 minutes of video content AND, to helpyou achieve success, it includes numerous very helpful Downloadable /Printable Reference Materials:19 x 13 Drawing Guide (in 4 parts to be taped together)Masking Drawing GuideCOLOR Painting PrintoutPalette GuideSupply List"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Subscription Newsletter Business" |
"This course is not about internet marketing.Manynewslettercourses focus on how to monetize free newsletters or createelaborate membership programs using traffic-generating strategies. This course is different. I'm going to show you how to make money from small paid newsletter subscriptions. It's a simple business to set up and run.I'll show you what kinds of topics sell as newsletter subscriptions, how to turn your interests and expertise into a paid newsletter, and how to write newsletters that have enough value that people will want to stay subscribed.You'll see how easy it is to create from $1,000/month to $6,000/month. Consider that even something as simple as getting 10 subscribers per month means you'll have 120 subscribers after a year. Do the math with different newsletter prices, and you'll see how quickly it can add up.Who is this course for?If youhave a burning desire to create a recurring income, improve the lives of other people, and work from home, then this course is for you. If you love to coach, teach, lead, or mentor, then this course is for you. And if you don't want a lot of complexity, but still want to have a recurring online income, then this course is for you.I set the course expertise level at basic, because I provide enough information for someone with no internet business experience to be able to use it. But if you already have some internet marketing expertise, then you can skim over the technical aspects of internet business, focusing mainly on the topics, writing, and designing segments.The course objectiveThe course consists of about 2 hours of recorded material. With pauses to complete assignments, you may need between 2 weeks and 1 month to implement everything, including writing your newsletters and marketing them.This is not a skills is a business development course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raspberry Pi for the Beginners" |
"Raspberry Pi 3 is a beginner course on the newly launched Raspberry Pi 3. The course is ideal for those who want to understand Raspberry Pi and who are new to the Raspberry Pi and want to explore more about it. This course will take your beginners coding skills to the next level. The course cover two projects. In the first project, you will learn how to program the LED Blinking with the help of Raspberry Pi, Python Programming and Linux command. Going forward you will learn how to program the Attendance Application by using inbuilt Bluetooth of Raspberry Pi.You will also learn the features of Raspberry Pi, architecture of Raspberry Pi, Installation of Raspbian Operating System, connecting Raspberry Pi with your Laptop and Mobile Phones, Basics Linux Command & Python Programming. The course provides the complete source code of both the projects.The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python programming.By the end of this course, you will have enough knowledge about the LED Blinking and Attendance Application and how to implement in the real time scenario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs" |
"Why I created this courseThis video course was put together after I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about some of the challenges that the small business owners Ive worked with have faced. I then came up with a collection of real world lessons that will help current (and future) small business owners avoid some of the pitfalls that Ive seen cause small businesses to fail or fail to achieve the level of success that the business owner had hoped for. You must know your numbers! Weve all heard this before, but what does itreally mean? If youre just starting out, it means you should know your numbers well enough to have the confidence to move forward with your business idea, knowing that you have a better than average chance of succeeding. It also means that you should know your numbers well enough to not pursue a business idea, if the numbers tell you that its too much of a risk and that youshould change your strategy.If you already own a business, knowing your numbers will help identify ways to increase profitability, keep expenses under control and create a plan for long-term success. How this course will help you You will learn both financial management best practicesand Excel skills at the same time, which means that you will retain more and it will be easier to put what youve learned into practice. I have been using this teaching method for many years with both private clients and university students, and it works! I also use a no-fluff, straight-to-the point style of teaching, which means that I can show you how to become a skilled manager of small business finances using Excel in less than two hours."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Property Management 101" |
"Interested in learning about the methods and best practices of leasing out rental property? Curious about what is involved with being a landlord and how to mitigate your risks?Well then you have come to the right place. This course will walk the student through the various scenarios, problems, solutions and issues with having rental property. Have you seen a lease, would you like to understand many of the components of a lessee/lessor relationship? Do you have a good real estate attorney, you should especially when undertaking contracts and different legal questions that might arise. How do you ensure you are getting a tenant that will pay rent on time and not destroy the property, it is impossible to guarantee that, but maybe you can improve your selection criteria. Do you want to make sure the tenant is responsible for taking care of their utilities, what about the tenant moving in and out of the property for damages and security deposit questions. How can you handle damages caused by the tenants?This class is designed to give you and introduction the being a landlord. You should understand basic real estate terms such as: Lease, Lessee, Lessor, Tenant. This course shouldtake under an hour to complete. The class is structured in video format with audio explaining the slides."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Anger Management: Understand and heal the deeper roots!" |
"This is a course for people who tried many methods and techniques to control their anger but failed. This course teaches you how to set yourself free. If you fight with anger then strong roots of this emotion grow in the past. Because you are not aware of the origin the anger strongly influences your presence. Discover the reasons for your anger. Then this negative feeling loses the grip over you. This course has its origin in in 40 years of working with people (and dealing with my own hidden anger) It will help you to show your power in a more relaxed way."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stressmanagement I: 6 Methoden, um Stress abzubauen" |
"Wenn Du unter Stress leidest, ihn abbauen willst und mehr Entspannung suchst, dann hilft dir dieser Kurs. Der Kurs zeigt und erklrt Dir 6 bewhrte Methoden aus meiner Arbeit mit Managern. Diese Methoden erklre ich nicht nur, sondern leite sie praktisch an, so dass Du sie im Kurs gleich mitmachen kannst. 2 Methoden zeigen Dir, wie Du Dich sofort innerhalb von 1 bis 2 Minuten in einer Stresssituation entspannst. Das ist im Alltag schon eine groe Hilfe! Dauerhafte Vernderungen erzielst Du mit den nchsten 2 Methoden. Mit ihrer Hilfe verstehst Du besser, was Dir genau Stress macht und wie Du dagegen steuern kannst. Und schlielich lernst Du 2 Wege kennen, ein Gegengewicht in Deinem Alltag zum Stress aufbauen. Damit lst Du in der Tiefe Deinen Stress.Es gibt keine Methode, die fr alle passt. Probiere aus und finde die Methoden heraus, die Dir direkt ntzen. Die integrierst Du dann in Deinen Alltag. Die Belohnung dafr: entspannter, kraftvoller und freudiger leben. Und so in stressigen Zeiten nicht untergehen, sondern aufblhen!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"7 steps to deepen or heal the connection with your parents" |
"You want to improve the relationship with your parents? Maybe you notice a certain distance or you broke off the contact completely. Maybe you are angry and hurt and expect that your parents take the first step towards asking you forgiveness.This course is an intensive personal journey which connects you with yourself and with your parents more deeply. For this you do not need the cooperation of your parents, you can do it all by yourself. You will gain: inner peace, self-confidence, power and joy of life. Meeting your parents will become more relaxed and peaceful. This journey is worth doing it. If you are aware of it or not - the connection with father and mother has a great impact on your partnership and the relationship with your children. This special connection shapes your life till your death and influences the satisfaction with your life in many ways. This course provides you with the insights of more than 20 years of working on this topic: The first part contains 7 steps which will help you to find peace with your parents. The second part helps you to deal with barriers which might occur. They often have the roots in your larger system of your family of origin. You will get the essence of a 5-day seminar. Thiscourse is practical and I will lead you through all the necessary steps."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"rgermanagement: Erfolgreich mit dem rger umgehen" |
"Dir ist schon einmal vor rger der Kragen geplatzt? Sodass aus einem anfnglich guten Gesprch zur Lsung eines Konflikts ein heftiger destruktiver Streit wurde?Du tappst immer wieder in die gleiche rger-Falle?Wobei Dein rger oft gute Grnde hat. Aber meist verschwendest Du damit Deine Energie und erzeugst noch mehr rger um Dich herum. Dabei birgt rger eine produktive Kraft! Wenn Du diese Kraft findest und in die richtigen Bahnen lenkst, dann hilft Dir Dein rger besser mit Deinen Mitmenschen, aber auch mit Dir selbst zurechtzukommen.Mir liegt es am Herzen, dass Du Deine persnlichen Erfahrungen in den Kurs mit einbringst. Nur so knnen wir es gemeinsam schaffen, die theoretischen Modelle anhand von praktischen bungen in Deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Deshalb arbeitest Dumit einer konkreten,Dir wichtigen rgersituation als Ausgangspunkt.Du kannstin Zukunft bei berschieendem rger rechtzeitig gegensteuern. Du verstehst besser, was in Dir und anderen abluft. Du erlernst Strategien fr konstruktive Gesprche bei einem Konflikt. Du bekommstEinsichten und praktische Methoden aus einem langjhrig erprobten dreitgigen Seminar, um Deinen rger erfolgreich in den Griff zu bekommen. Um ihn in Zukunft als positive Kraftquelle zu nutzen!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Artisan Bread for Beginners" |
"Bake your own show-stopping artisan breads using our simple, 7-steps method designed and proven to leave beginners baking with confidence!Discover the simple secret of '5 minutes hands-on' and fit home-baked bread* into even the busiest lifestyle.Crystal clear, step-by-step video instruction from expert artisan baker-tutorsFive complete bread-making projects Downloadable, printable full-colour recipes, tips and techniquesA thorough understanding of bread-baking fundamentalsExperience of heritage and organic flours*In this course, you'll be using instant baker's yeast for long and short fermentation. For wild yeast leaven/sourdough, please look out for our forthcoming course, The Artisan Sourdough Workshop.Bake yourself happy! Learn a life-skill to love and share. A gorgeous, crusty, hand-made loaf can make even the simplest meal heart-warmingly memorable. It is also far better for your health. Home-baking skips the mega-dose of chemicals found in much store-bought bread, while slow fermentation lowers GI and makes nutrients more accessible to your body. It's good news for every body!Content and Overview Our hands-on course walks you step-by-step through five different projects, each designed to highlight different aspects of artisan baking. We'll take you through the uninterrupted 'straight run' from mixing to baking on each project, and we'll also show you how to use your fridge if you want to slow down the process. This creates flexibility so you can easily fit the baking around your life, not fit your life around the baking!These will give you a practical grasp of such concepts as kneading and gluten development, fast or slow fermentation, the relationship between rising time and dough temperature, hydration, leavens, proving, shaping and baking. Mastering basic artisan breads will give you the confidence to impress your friends and family and to create recipes of your own. We hope it will also inspire you to progress into the magical world of sourdough with our forthcoming course on Udemy, Artisan Sourdough Made Simple.Here are a few of our favourite 5 star testimonials from our other courses:I gave five stars because the genuine enthusiasm of Penny and Dragan is so infectious, and all the various aspects are explained and demonstrated in such an easy to follow manner. I felt drawn in and couldn't wait to get a starter going. I'm looking forward to the time when I have rocked & rolled & chafed and, hopefully, ended up with a lovely smooth ball of dough - like the one that Dragan cradled in his hands so affectionately. Looks a little like play dough for grown-ups. George.E. MorleyPenny and Dragan removed the mystique surrounding sourdough and made it very ""do-able."" Really love the FAB recipe! Bobby OllarThe bonus too is they show the stages of dough development clearly and this was something I struggled to understand before this course. They keep it simple as bread baking should be. I'm really looking forward to more courses. Julia BileckiDragan and Penny! Thank you for putting together such an awesome course. Incredible support, you know what you are talking about. Very insightful course. I really learned a lot, all of the additional advice/tips very helpful and useful. All the best for you. Marcelo AriattiThe videos are priceless! AdenWhy not check out the promo video and the free lectures for yourself?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint ""Make a Professional Presentation""" |
"How To Create A Professional PresentationNote: The testimonials are taken from my other course ""Let Me Google That For You""This course is an attempt to increase your Visual Literacy, at the end of this course you will be able to create a professional presentation , where you will be able to design a professionally sound PowerPoint Presentation , this course is meant for students who know how to create a basic PowerPoint presentation , but they need more tips and techniques to reach mastery, during this course I will show you many ideas ,and give you tips how to make your presentation look like it was created by a professional ,how it will capture the attention of your audience by covering the following topics :Why Do We Use PowerPoint ? Planning Consistency FontKIS (Keep IT Simple)ListsContrastPictures , Sounds ,and Transitions Tips and GraphsSummary Assessment"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"! JIRA" |
"**!! LEARNJIRA $70$42 !(Atlassian) ALM "" (JIRA) ?"". . Best Practice """" , . . JIRA , , JIRA , "" OO "" . Best Practice Deep-Dive . ""Atlassian JIRA A to Z"" JIRA JIRA , . JIRA Admin Issue Project JIRA A to Z . JIRA JIRA , ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Financial Derivatives" |
"This is an introductory course on financial derivatives. No prior knowledge of derivatives markets is necessary.Forwards, futures, options, swaps are explained simply. Each video attempts to explain the logic behind the relevant theories.Additional matter has been included to supplement the videos. Some advanced material is also included, for the intermediate-level student who wishes to learn more.There is a short quiz after every video to strengthen your concepts.""Understanding Financial Derivatives"" will explain the power of these financial tools & seek to alert you to the dangers & pitfalls of misuse & abuse of these potent, dangerous financial instruments.And of course, the Final Exam.....enjoy proving to yourself that you know the subject.Thank you & Happy Learning."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Enlightened Intermittent Fasting" |
"I hate counting calories. I hate making all different kinds of decisionsthroughout the day and wondering ""If this food healthy?""If that sounds like you then intermittent fasting may be for you. (Chances are that it is.)If you have ever been curious about what else there is when it comes to the world of diet then I'm here to tell you that there is an alternative.And the best part is it's actually easier than anything you have ever tried when it comes to dieting.Would you belief me if Itold you that you could lose fat and build muscle at the same time with intermittent fasting?Would you like to give it a shot?Then try this course.What do you have to lose? (Expect a few pounds of fat?)You will learn in this course how to effectively practice intermittent fasting on a daily and/or weekly basis. You will learn the ""ins and outs"" of intermittent fasting even if you are a complete beginner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Writer's Toolbox: Character Breakdown Technique" |
"Welcome fellow storyteller to my Character Breakdown Technique. In this course I'm going to be revealing the basic foundation of what makes all characters tick. Combining my two decades worth of writing experience with some basic psychology, I've created a technical writing tool to inspire the creative process. This technique is perfect for new or seasoned writers and any form of writing, fiction and non-fiction.In this course you'll receive my Character Breakdown Form as well as a quick guide to go with the video course. I'll go through each section with you and explain how it works, and also build a character from scratch with youso that you can see how the brain storming process works for yourself."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Job Search /Employability Skills Training/ Personal Branding" |
"The employment market has changed. The way to find work has changed. Expect to do a job not have a job.This course is not just focused on job search. Its also transformational thinking to help you understand and apply the concepts of personal branding to establish yourself as being remarkable, become financially independent and do work that matters. Your training will be divided into two parts focused on (1) why you need to have a personal brand with multiple streams of income to survive in the new world of work and (2) how to effectively find or change jobs to generate income while you build your brand. After completing this program, you will be able to go from being a passive job searcher looking for work, to an active seller of what you can offer to help someone make money, save money or solve a problem. Since most job searchers TELL what they have done instead of SELL what they can do, youll discover ways to effectively conduct a job search promoting yourself as talent using your personal brand. Most information about how to find or change jobs is just focused on the process and offers nothing about how and why you need to establish yourself as talent and have recognizable personal brand. Get ready to discover why you need to: Understand That Average Is Over And Why You Need to Become Remarkable. Realize The Impact of the Internet in Creating Global Competition for Work. Generate Income Security from Multiple Streams Of Income. Be aware of the Latest Techniques and Technology to Find or Change Jobs. Learn How to Prepare a Resume/Cover Letter, Interview for a Job and Effectively Negotiate Your Salary. This is your opportunity to go from Invisible to RemarkableFor More Help Going From Invisible to Remarkable search TheJobClinic"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Emerge as a Local Celebrity" |
"This course will help you gain more attention and exposure by emerging as a local celebrity. It will help youcompletely transform your life if you apply the lessons consistently for a long enough period of time. Many people could get to the next level if they could just get enough of the right eyes on what they have to offer. Imagine if people treated you like your favorite celebrity.This course will outline how to make that happen!The course will only take about twohours at most to complete. It includes video, pictures and even a news article written by me. Take this course ASAP because the sooner people know about you, business, your product/service or cause the sooner you can make your mark on the world!We all have gifts and passions to offer the world and most people take their gifts to the grave. I consider the cemeterythe richest place on earth, because most people never dare to use their passions to help themselves and ultimately others.Do yourself a favor and take this course so that you have no regrets when all is said and done! We possessinfinite potential as humans and celebrities were just like you at some point. I elevated myself into a local celebrity and if you do what I did and say what I said you will get what I got. So invest in yourself by investing into this course. And remember you represent your greatest asset!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deal Blackjack like a pro" |
"How to deal Blackjack like a proWhat we will cover in this courseThe Game of Blackjack, 21,how to deal andplay Blackjack ProfessionallySplitting, Doubling and Insurance betsCroupier skills, working withthe cards, shuffling and dealingCutting intothe chips, making change andpayoutsCasino standards, rules and proceduresBlackjack equipment for practiceCasino EmploymentCourse RecommendedIf you have an interest in card games, playing Blackjack for fun or looking to go proInterested in casino games and casinogamingin generalConsidering a career as a croupierin the gaming and hospitalityindustryWould like to know more about casino operationsI will show you how croupiers are trained to dealBlackjack, the skills and practices we learn, the securityprocedures we follow. With over 20 years worldwide casino experience,Ihave a wealth of casino experience to pass on,giving you a unique insight into casino training for dealing Blackjack,and an excellent introduction into apotentially new and exciting line ofemployment in the popular casino market as a Blackjack dealer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Professional Bass Masterclass" |
"Join me and thousands of my wonderful students in your musical journey and learn to play the bass now!This course is edited down to precision to turn you into the bassist you want to be in the shortest time possible!!!This course includes a musicmodule serieswhere you createbass lines -- The Bass Player's Workshop as well as our Riff Trainer for Bass!Become a fully-formed bassist!It is so important to build a solid foundation as you learn to play and as you develop your skills. Don't leave this important first step in your learning to am amateur. I want to show you the best technique.The course uses multiple approaches to understand the geometry of the instrument so you can find those that work best for your individual learning style.Here's what students are saying:""This is an excellent course. I am new to bass and gained a lot of value from this material. The explanations were clear and well presented. Thanks Rajiv.""""Great course, I'm halfway and so far it's great, it's easy to understand, and how good you can get really just depends on how much practice you put in, because the info is all there.""""This guy's amazing. He know his stuff and he's so passionate about his craft. He's a bass player's bass player, if you know what I mean. His obvious command of the instrument lends itself towards his methodical and logical teaching approach. I love the fact that we can utilise this course on Udemy. Imagine what face to face lessons with this guy would cost? ...he's obviously a really nice guy and his style is infectious. I've come back to the bass after many years of playing guitar (yes that's right, I crossed over to the dark side). I've missed the bass, and these lessons are just what the Bass doctor ordered to get me back to speed. Woo hoo!""Course DescriptionThe Professional Bass Masterclass is designed for students of all levels. The course itself is divided into four levels starting with fundamentals, then moving into intermediate and then advanced techniques, knowledge and skill development. Whether you're a beginner, want to fill in gaps in your knowledge, or advance your skills to whole new levels, this course is designed for you.This course brings together into one carefully constructed program knowledge from 20 years experience covering elite music school training, session work, touring work, and advanced master classes as well as performance, production and composition frameworks. This courseis a vast amount of information gathered over decades in this course ready to unlock mastery for the motivated student.This course is a comprehensivesystem for learning to play the bass guitar that brings a broad range of musical information together to teach you the skills to be a musician. If you're looking for bass lessons...great bass lessons...this course has the bass lessons for you.This course is the most effective and efficient way to learn to play the bass. It is also much more than that. This course is designed to make students into great bassists, and also fully formed musicians; to truly understand music, to understand time and harmony and theory and song-craft, to be able to communicate with other musicians of any instrument, to see the big picture.At the end of this course you will be able to understand, play and write great bass lines. You will understand all the functions of the bass and have all the tools to fulfill these functions with your own great bass lines in your own voice. You will be empowered with all the skills and knowledge necessary to hone your craft to become a fully-formed bassist!Build a solid foundation for mastery of the bass guitar with these lessons.Prepare yourself for the world of working musicians with great bass lessons and compelling musical instruction with the Professional Bass Masterclass.These basslessons include:Modes for the Bass Guitar, Walking Bass, Triads, Bass GuitarChords, Bass GuitarScales, Music Theory, Functions of the Bass, Bass GuitarTechniques for the Left and Right Hand, Chord Construction, Bass Arpeggios, Mobile Scales, The Blues Scale, All Five Pentatonic Shapes for the Bass Guitar, String Selection for the Bass Guitar, Time, Time Signatures and Subdivisions, Linear Scales for the Bass Guitar, Keys and Key Signatures, Chord Inversions, Advanced Bass Technique, Advanced Chord Construction and Music Theory, and much, much more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make Multilingual WordPress sites - Translate your Website" |
"As a website owner, you are able to reach people anywhere in the world. Despite the fact that some people do not speak nor understand English, the need to buy products and services is the same all over the world. You need to have a multilingual site, to cater for people who prefer to buy in their native languages.In this course, we'll teach you how totranslate your website into any language using one of the most popular WordPress multilingual plugins and let you decide which one fits your requirements."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"OK 1" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Learn German easily and discover Berlin" |
"Learn fast while having fun! The most important way to succeed in learning a new language is to have fun doing it. If you are having a good time while learning, the experience turns out to be both: more enjoyable AND more effective. After thousands of German lessons with all kinds of students through the years, this simple truth has been confirmed over and over again. Thats why my teaching and this course aims to keep the learning efficient by providing a good experience.""Reallyexcellent - well thought-out and consistently interesting; I can't think of abetter way to start off on the road to learning German."" Tom Treadwell""A brilliant and very clever course. I was surprised at how much, and how quickly I learned."" - Rachel WithersWhat`s different about this course?This course cares about HOW you can learn German in an interesting and motivating way! An important aspect for your motivation as a student is that what you learn must be relevant to you. The whole course is based on a story of two people meeting in Berlin. The story is told through conversations reflecting realistic everyday situations. Every section begins with a dialogue and you can always choose between the complete dialogue and a two-part version. All the following lessons within a section deal with basic grammar and useful vocabulary directly related to that dialogue. The grammar is explained in a logical and easy-to-follow way, and is always related to real-life communication in different situations. You can test your own progress during the course with various exercises and the developing story keeps you motivated to discover what happens next. Youll also find some crucial tips how to stay motivated along the way, since this aspect is a central point of this course and my work as a teacher. I`ll give you useful tips for sounding like a native speaker and I encourage you to use your developing speaking skills in other contexts. That way, you`ll be able to communicate spontaneously in German. ""The teacher hooks your attention from the first moment to follow up the story and learn along the way. Clever method and well prepared material, never gets boring :)"" - Patroklos Anagnostou""The dialogues contain creative and interesting uses of easy vocabulary and sentence structures."" - Nora BaloghDiscover Berlin and meet me inside the courseWhile you are learning the language, you`ll get to learn about many must-see-places in Berlin. Besides the locations visited in the story I`ve prepared some exclusive insiders` tips for Berlin visitors to this exciting city. If that sounds interesting to you, please have a look at the course plan and the preview lessons to get a better impression of the course. Once you have become part of the learning community I invite you to write your questions and comments on the course dashboard. Im happy to help and will respond to all your questions promptly.""Thisis a really fun and helpful course! As someone who plans to visit Berlin in the future, the information about the city itself is also really cool!"" - Tristan Mutton"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Successful Music Marketing and Branding for Artists/Bands" |
"Lastest update Jul 2020Do you want to sell music online and take your music career to the next level?Or perhaps you're already an established artist or musician and want to learn more about various aspects of a music career.Get ready to breakthrough success in NEW ways the music industry will not tell you about!For the first time in history, we are living in a golden era, where musicians can successfully enjoy a career in music without necessarily being signed to a major record label. This is the perfect course to advance your music career further. While it's not a get rich quick scheme and requires a lot of work on your end, applying this principles can get you started getting more fans, gaining more popularity in your niche, and perhaps even increasing your revenue from music.I'll show you the steps i've taken so far to build a successful career in music, without even touring or signing my music to a major record label.Have you come across a point in your music where:- It's been years, and nothing is getting your music to the next level?- You've been promoting your own shows, dragging fans there, and after your hard work, you're still playing in front of small crowds getting paid next to nothing for your efforts?- You've got potential but a very small fan base across your social media channels?- Don't know where to start, how to start a fan base?- You're feeling stuck and don't know what to focus on first with your music marketing?What makes me qualified to teach you?I've sold over $500,000 worth from my music catalog.I've been blessed not just with a few billboard bestsellers in the past, but now selling my own music, i've managed to establish my music brand and continue to search for opportunities in the music business.I've also worked with so many artists in the past and have learned from their successes and mistakes alike. You can now fast forward your music career from this learning experience and advance your own career!What you'll getI am constantly updating and improving my courses and look forward to feedback in order to do so. I'll guide you every step of the way and you can always reach me by posting a question in the forum or even sending me a direct message.I want to make this the best music marketing course online and hope to see more artists and bands achieve a comparable level of success!Get ready to make money from musicYou could be making thousands of dollars from selling your music online. If music is your passion, make this your gateway to success!By showing you what i consider a successful musician, I wish to encourage you to take the next steps in your career as an artist.Plus, you'll get access to bonus videos with some of the most frequently asked questions i've gotten over the past.With Udemy's 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is no reason not to enroll immediately. Try it out!Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Yours in music,Ivan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis with Pandas and Python" |
"Student Testimonials:The instructor knows the material, and has detailed explanation on every topic he discusses. Has clarity too, and warns students of potential pitfalls. He has a very logical explanation, and it is easy to follow him. I highly recommend this class, and would look into taking a new class from him. - DianaThis is excellent, and I cannot complement the instructor enough. Extremely clear, relevant, and high quality - with helpful practical tips and advice. Would recommend this to anyone wanting to learn pandas. Lessons are well constructed. I'm actually surprised at how well done this is. I don't give many 5 stars, but this has earned it so far. - MichaelThis course is very thorough, clear, and well thought out. This is the best Udemy course I have taken thus far. (This is my third course.) The instruction is excellent! - JamesWelcome to the most comprehensive Pandas course available on Udemy! An excellent choice for both beginners and experts looking to expand their knowledge on one of the most popular Python libraries in the world!Data Analysis with Pandas and Python offers 19+ hours of in-depth video tutorials on the most powerful data analysis toolkit available today. Lessons include:installingsortingfilteringgroupingaggregatingde-duplicatingpivotingmungingdeletingmergingvisualizingand more!Why learn pandas?If you've spent time in a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets and are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level, this course is for you! Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language. Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with colossal data sets -- analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, pivoting, aggregating, munging, cleaning, calculating, and more! I call it ""Excel on steroids""!Over the course of more than 19 hours, I'll take you step-by-step through Pandas, from installation to visualization! We'll cover hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities packed away inside this awesome library. We'll dive into tons of different datasets, short and long, broken and pristine, to demonstrate the incredible versatility and efficiency of this package.Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is bundled with dozens of datasets for you to use. Dive right in and follow along with my lessons to see how easy it is to get started with pandas!Whether you're a new data analyst or have spent years (*cough* too long *cough*) in Excel, Data Analysis with pandas and Python offers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Improvise on Guitar in 30 Days" |
"WITH JUST ONE LESSON A DAY!Do you want to learn how to improvise on guitar?But dont really know where to start?Youve gotten over the first few steps and have picked up the guitarMaybe youve even gotten pretty good at your playingBut you just cant figure out how to simply playPerhaps you have never tried to improvise before...Why do I always play a fixed melody instead of creating my own?How do I make my improvisation sound good?Perhaps some of you might have even gotten really good with your scalesYou can probably play better than your friends on the guitarMaybe you can play at blazing fast speedsBut your solos, or your improvisation, it all sounds staleIt doesnt sound like music, but just a sequence of notes being playedIf you can see yourself facing these problems.Then you might be asking yourself.. Why?Why cant I solo as well as I want to?What am I doing wrong?Why am I stuck with the same old Pentatonic scale and cant do anything else?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there some sort of method, or a strategy, that you could follow?That would teach you how to improvise?Is it possible to learn from someone who has collected and organized all the information you needSaving you COUNTLESS HOURS of searching it all by yourself?The answer to that is a resounding YES!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is the most comprehensive and effective beginner online guitar course on improvisation.Learn to create beautiful solos on the spot in 30 days or less,Whether you have never improvised before...Or you already improvise but are confused about certain things such as theory, what scales to use and techniques, and you need help to take you to the next level.This course is designed to guide you through three simple steps,A system that I developed years ago and that I still teach all of my students today, with great results.These three steps are:KNOW IN WHICH KEY YOU ARE, GIVEN ANY CHORD PROGRESSIONKNOW WHAT SCALES YOU CAN PLAY ON THAT CHORD PROGRESSIONHOW TO USE THOSE SCALES TO IMPROVISE!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What to expect from this course33 Lectures/Videos with PDF Attachments3 ""Extra Content"" Lectures6 hours of videoFREE Backing tracks in all key signaturesQuizzes to test your progressA discussion forum where you can post questions and videos or recordings of yourself playing, to which you will receive individual feedback and tuition.It's available on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone and AndroidThere are quizzes, backing tracks in all key signatures to practice and jam on, and you can post questions and videos or recordings of yourself playing, to which you will receive individual feedback and tuition.Follow the videos in order and youll soon find yourself improvising on the spot!30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My name is Filippo Dall'Asta and I am a professional guitar player based in London, where I have been gigging and teaching guitar for the past 10 years.I have been playing guitar for 20 years now and I have studied music in Italy, Germany, India and England.In my music career I did a lot of research on improvisation and I found a lot of good courses and information on the internetBut I could never find any courses that have a proper system to guide beginners to understand the theory behind it, learn what scales to use and start improvising all in one.All I could find was scattered information here and there, either very very basic or very advanced.So I thought I needed to put a course together that would cover all those aspectsSo that any beginner could start improvising in no time and enjoy the freedom of expression that comes with itWithout having to waste countless hours collecting fragmented information here and there on the internet.I know that there are thousands of videos and courses on improvisation but on this course you will get all the information that you would normally find separately on several coursesAll boiled down into one!This course is very interactive and fun, you are going to learn and play a lot as well.You will realize that improvising is very easy once you learn a couple of key elements and it doesn't take much time at all to get started.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But Dont Take My Word For It. Here is what people had to say about this course:""The course is designed to be thorough, and to guide the learner to see progress daily - and it works. I am having a lot of fun following this course and cannot recommend it highly enough."" - Adam Smedley""I enjoyed the course and Filippo's teaching style. There is clear and logical explanation of the required music theory, followed by techniques for creative improvisation. This course fulfils the objectives stated in the course content, and I am enjoying practising the techniques learned. Highly recommended if this is of interest."" - Jon Cartoon""Genuine? Helpful? Actually gives me a real place to start practicing?! So much yes."" - Kyle Loyd""Fantastic course. So well done, Filippo. Great instruction. Very clear. Some ""lights"" really went on for me as a result of this course. I feel more confident with my leads and now have better command of the fretboard. To any potential students: if you are on the fence about taking this course, give it a shot. You'll be happy you did."" - Mark Allen""Not being a complete beginner I still found this course very useful as it resolved some questions I had about music theory and improvisation. Also, Filippo strikes me as a very music passionate person and I would love seeing some other courses. P.S. Backing tracks are a huge bonus"" - Ognjen Mii""This is by far the best online Guitar class Ive ever taken. Well worth the investment. I have always been a good rhythm guitarist but was stuck in the pentatonic rut and didnt understand chord theory and scales until now. I hope you create more courses! Im telling all my friends who play guitar to buy this course! Thank you!"" - Bob Bean-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is this course for?Both acoustic and electric guitarists who want to learn a simple system to start improvising in any key signatureMusicians who aim to freely express themselves on their instrumentBeginners with little or no knowledge of scales and music theoryIntermediate players who are confused about theory, scales and techniquesGuitar players who want to move freely across the fretboardBoth acoustic and electric guitarists who want to learn a simple system to start improvising in any key signatureBeginners with little or no knowledge of scales and music theoryThis course is probably not for you if you're looking to learn more advanced and complex improvisation techniques----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I genuinely believe this is an excellent course. I have worked on it for quite a long time; 10 hours a week for 13 months.So a lot of effort went into collecting all the key takeaways, and compacting it all into a single simple-to-follow course for you.However, I am aware of the fact that it might not be for everybody...And that is why I offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked... so you have nothing to lose!With that all being said, If youre finally ready to take that next stepIf youre ready to be my next success storyAnd ready to show to your friends and family, and to YOURSELF, that this is just another challenge which you can overcome, with some hard work and dedicationIf you love the thought of finally being able to EXPRESS YOURSELF COMPLETELY while playing...Then join me and THOUSANDS of my students., and get started on your path to improvisation success!We cant wait to see you inside!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos: Adeus Descontrole!" |
"Vamos ser sinceros: Organizar as finanas pessoais j difcil para quem possui um salrio fixo e recorrente. Porm, quando voc um freelancer, profissional liberal, autnomo, ou possui um cargo comissionado, o salrio no existe. A sua renda mensal varia todos os meses, e organizar as finanas pessoais torna-se uma tarefa ainda mais difcil.Ter uma remunerao varivel uma verdadeira armadilha. Como voc muitas vezes no sabe nem quanto dinheiro ter no prximo ms, fica muito difcil fazer um planejamento financeiro pessoal a longo prazo. Os conselhos tradicionais de manter um oramento mensal, guarde X % do seu salrio todos os meses, no so suficientes para equilibrar as suas finanas pessoais.O curso Adeus Descontrole: Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos foi criado para preencher esta lacuna. O curso ensinar como criar um planejamento financeiro e um oramento domstico mensal mesmo sem ter um salrio fixo todos os meses.O objetivo principal deste curso ensinar pessoas que no possuem um salrio fixo e dependem de ganhos variveis vindos, na maioria dos casos, de vrios fontes diferentes a conseguir criar um planejamento a longo prazo para o seu dinheiro, aprendendo a lidar com essa variao na renda mensal e colocar suas finanas pessoaisnos trilhos.Alm disso, o curso tambm possui uma seo dedicada exclusivamente aos investimentos. Saia do zero e aprenda quais so os tipos de investimentos, seus prazos, custos e rentabilidade e descubra como escolher a melhor opo para cada objetivo financeiro.Com um bom planejamento financeiro, voc conseguir:Ter maistranquilidade financeira, e com isso maior qualidade de vida;Pagar suas dvidas;Realizar sonhos de consumo;Colocar suas contas em dia;Criar reservas financeiras para assegurar seu patrimnio;Lidar melhor com sazonalidades e com meses de baixa sem afetar seu padro de vida;Ter mais autonomia para tomar decises na sua vida profissional sem alterar as finanas pessoais;Investir de maneira correta e planejar sua aposentadoria.O cursoAdeus Descontrole: Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos contm uma srie de videoaulas, artigos e links para facilitar a sua jornada no mundoda educao financeira.Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de realizar um diagnstico financeiro e criar umoramento mensalbaseado na sua realidade financeira, alm de estabelecer um plano de ao para criar suas reservas financeiras elidar com as variaes na renda mensalsem grandes impactos no seu padro de vida. Por fim, voc aprender o bsico sobre investimentos, suficiente para comear a planejar a sua aposentadoria e investir suas reservas de maneira inteligente, alm de conhecer estratgias para ganhar uma renda extra mensal com o mercado financeiro.Ocurso no indicado paraprofissionais que possuem salrio fixo, pois todas as estratgias ensinadas so baseadas na variao da renda mensal. Alm disso, o curso tambm no indicado para pessoas queprocuramuma soluo pronta e mgica para seus problemas financeiros. As aulas e atividades dependem da sua fora de vontade do alunopara colocar tudo em prtica, e a sua dedicao para criar bons hbitos financeirosconforme orientado nas aulas."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"(20) Economics courses : Includes India and USA" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.SIX HUNDRED POSTS IN THE Q/A SECTION - A GREAT COURSE FOR DISCUSSING ECONOMICS.Updates:TWENTY- NINE ECONOMICS WORKBOOKS including the New Year Economics 2020 workbook completed 30/12/2019.A special workbook on Saudi Arabia was added in January 2020.A workbook on AUSTRALIA was added 20th January 2020.Lectures on the economic impact of COVID-19 were added in March - and a workbook.65 short videos on multiple choice tests were added in early AprilAn extensive course on USA and the Economy was added 5th April 2020Multiple choice tests added 26th April 2020Workbook Indian economy added May 2020This course is up to date as at 8th AUGUST 2020Workbook on the Indian Railway added in May 2020Workbook based on the Q/A section produced and linked to the BONUS videoSPECIAL NEW COURSE ON MASKSNote: This course includes the Oxford Diploma no other Udemy Economics course (by other Instructors) satisfies the criteria. If you achieve the Diploma then you will have worked very hard and learned a lot. There is a detailed video on the Oxford Diploma plus a checklist plus a 'Diploma Requirements' documentBEFORE YOU ENROL:1. Watch the Preview video2. Watch the sample lectures3. Thoroughly read this course description4. Be fully aware that participation is encouraged - that means there are manuals (many!) numerous discussions (Q/A sections) and regular Education Announcements5. To achieve the Oxford Diploma requires quite a lot of work. To acquire the Completion Certificate you can You can choose to do either, neither or...both. Questions are responded to quickly.6. Remember too that this course includes an OPTIONAL course in Business Economics English.Six reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:1. You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:a. updated lecturesb. case studies based on very very current news itemsc. detailed responses to messagesd. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to alle. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploysf. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by me2. I am a lecturer/teacher in Economics by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK) I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 60 seminars in the UK, Poland and the Czech Republic.3. I am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boards4. I have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about Business/Economics5. The success of my students has been featured on the BBC, Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries (as well as the UK)MOTIVATIONI make courses on Udemy primarily because I enjoy the process of causing learning. Many of my courses are to improve lives. One of the Economics courses (Dogonomics) is to raise money for charity. (100% of revenue goes to the charity) Another course (Quakernomics) raises money for an animal sanctuary. Fundamentally this course is about helping you.What is the course about?This course is TWENTY Economics courses in ONE! Five more added in April 2020 Business/Economics English course for those whose first language is not English Covid 19 its impact Egg timer economics Corbynomics Trumponomics Revision and Current affairs Prosperity and Justice UK One step backwards one giant leap forwards Theresa May UK (Prime Minister) Boris and Brexit - the UK PM's pledges analysed 2 courses) Beforeand after The Economy of the USA The Nigerian Economy April fools economics End of Course Homework: Multiple choice testsThe TWENTY courses take you through BEGINNER to ADVANCED!Course One - Business Economics EnglishThis is a seven day Business Economics English course for those students whose first language is not nEnglish. If you are fluent in English then skip this course.Course Two - Egg Timer EconomicsEgg timer economics is a series of very short lectures that illustrate key areas of the advanced Economics course. (Each lecture is about 3.5 minutes, hence the title 'Egg-timer Economics!) The course introduces key areas of micro and macroeconomics in a very straightforward way. There are also two sections on current affairs to encourage those attending the course to use news items to learn about Economics.Each lecture (except Current Affairs) is accompanied by data response questions and a quiz.Course Three - CorbynomicsCorbynomics.Jeremy Corbyn leads the Labour Party in the UK. 'Corbynomics' has certainly captured the attention of the young.BUT what IS 'Corbynomics'?This part examines the Labour Party's Economic policiesCourse Four - TrumponomicsTrumponomics.An examination of the economic policies of President Trump and America.Note: Read through the Announcements and Q/A for further discussionsCourse Five- Revision LecturesRevision.There are three elements to this course: current news items rapid fire questions about the economics in the news revision lecturesCourse Six - World EconomicsWe look at individual economies of the world - starting with the UKCourse SevenBack to basics but also a giant leap forward - go and look!Topics include: aggregate demand aggregate supply confidence and AD economies of Australia, America, Sweden and the UK impact of Brexit international trade government economic policy savings/savings ratio Twitter as an investment toolCourse Eight The economic legacy of Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister who has just resigned (May 2019) The European ElectionsCourse NineThe UK has a new Prime Minister. He has made a series of pledges about the economy.These are analysed.Courses Ten and ElevenA Before..and After course which measures your progress.Course TwelveThe Economic impact of COVID-19 (and a workbook)Course ThirteenThe Economy of the USACurrent as at April 2020 we look at the USA and COVIDand the impact. But we also look at whether Americans are happy with their economy.Course FourteenThe Nigerian EconomyWe consider the macro areas of the Nigerian EconomyCourse FifteenApril Fools economicsCreated specifically for April 1st we look at Economic hoaxes.Course SixteenEnd of Course Homework: Multiple choice testsMany many extra lectures and times tests on multiple choice micro and macroWhat terminology would you expect the audience to use to find your course?The terminology is common business language as found in newspapers. Therefore terms such as fiscal policy and monetary policy are used. Students are encouraged to use the Q/A option to raise points and questions. These questions will very quickly be responded to. Remember too that there is an Economics English course included.What kind of materials are included?200+ short lectures and some documents that a) test whether the student had understood/remembered the key elements of the lecture and b) questions encouraging to do their own research. In that way the course continues beyond the video.How long will the course take to complete?Assuming the student has 2 hours a day , the course could easily be covered in ten weeks. However, one of the purposes of the course is to enthuse the student and the questions asked may encourage the student to spend hours reading newspaper articles. There are also 24 workbooks that, if filled in, will easily take another 120 hours. (This is a very intensive course!)How is the course structured?The lectures follow the standard Advanced Economic syllabus. So, video, then an extension document. Then the next video. There are many, many revision questions.Why take this course?So many reasons!1. To quickly gain an understanding of micro and macro economics2. To be able to assess and evaluate America's economic policies3. To be able to assess and evaluate the UK's 'alternative' economic policies4. In the final extended section you can thoroughly test yourself and really see if you understand the economics behind current articles. These lectures are boosted by repeats of earlier lectures. Thus: R-E-V-I-S-I-O-N"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"A unique course on dealing with old age." |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.This is a rich, varied course narrated by Peter Thomas (aged 80!!!) who at the time of the recordings, had spent nearly six decades in the acting industry. He brings to the course a gravitas that is a mixture of research, personal anecdotes, humour and every so often a whiff of sadness.This is a course about some of the problems that old age brings - and what can be done, what Peter has done, to deal with them.There is something in this course for everyone - and the elderly relatives of everyone! Even if you are not in the UK, 99% of the course will still apply to you. We all have our own ways of getting through life but as we age our ability to fight the ravages of time, the boredom, the ill health, diminish.Topics include:Fears of growing oldImpact of COVID-19Inflammatory dietExercise - to deathQuestions, myths and ANSWERSLonelinessDepressionBoredomEating wellCoping with being oldHealth ConcernsLooking aheadNEW SECTION: Students' questionsThis course will enable you to cope with old age that little bit fact, quite a lot better!If you like film and theatre you will be amused and interested by the anecdotes*. The background of the Instructor - Peter Thomas - makes this course absolutely UNIQUE. Look forward to old age with hope, with optimism and desire - not fear. Also use the workbook that comes free with this course to record your journey to happiness and fulfillment.*Even if you have no interest in cinema or theatre there is still a lot in this course for you - especially as you are continually advised, encouraged even, to contribute to the forum. Let's share ideas!Note: this course is the end product of a period of co-operation between Peter Thomas and Chris Sivewright . A joint effort from two old codgers!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"19 courses on Death, Grief, Healing & Bereavement (45 hrs)" |
"SUMMARY of lectures by section1. Maximising your enjoyment in the course2. The Oxford Diploma3. Section on learning English (Optional)4. Death in America5. Sweden the controversy6. The elderly and the economy7. Distress tolerance and death8. Celebration of life service9. A Christian view of death10. September blues (daily lectures throughout September)11. Masks12. One persons perspective on death13. Thinking about death14. Our life now and after death15. Death in the cinema16. Causes and prevention of death17. Preparation for death18. Treatment of death in the cinema and in life19. Students questions20. Covid19 and uncertainty21. Nature22. Learning and mind mapsWorkbooks:1. Mental health journal2. Health workbook3. Coping with 20204. Make 2020 one of Joy5. Holistic medicine6. Bronze diploma workbook7. Requirements for the diploma8. Christmas decluttering9. Grief and healing workbook10. A child doc11. Attachment doc12. Signs and symptoms of grief and depression13. Old and getting older14. Sleep15. How to deal with the grieving process16. Death17. Death grief and decluttering18. Grief and bereavement counselling19. The myths of grief20. Workbook2"" We all have to face it at some point; an event of such enormity that it can make everything else in our lives seem insignificant: death, the end of our existence; our departure from this world.We live in a culture that denies death. Were taught that death is something we should shy away from, and try to forget about. If we start contemplating our own mortality so this traditional wisdom goes well become anxious and depressed. And theres no doubt that this is often the case. In psychology, Terror Management Theory suggests that a large part of all human behaviour is generated by unconscious fear of death. This fear generates a fundamental anxiety and unease, which we try to offset with behaviour such as status-seeking or strongly defending the values of our culture. We feel threatened by death and so seek security and significance to defend ourselves against it. Studies have shown, for example, that when people are made more aware of their own mortality, they tend to become more nationalistic and tribal and more materialistic.However, this is by no means always the case. In fact, there is also a great deal of evidence showing that becoming aware of death can have a powerful positive effect, and bring about a radical shift in attitude and perspective ""- Psychology Today 7 Feb. 2014That is what this course is about - becoming aware of death, making plans, considering others.Not Halloween parties but compassion, emotions and memories. Bereavement, grief and loss, yes, but also COPING.Coping with losing a loved one is one of life's great difficulties. If you have experienced the pain of mourning, you know that any way to ease the loss is welcomed. While our knowledge and study of grief continues to evolve, it's important to note that not everyone grieves in the same way: We have individual patterns and different outlets for grief. - Psychology Today 24th October 2018Note: In February 2019 FIVE workbooks were added to this course, that cover the TWO certificates:Certificate in Grief and BereavementCertificate in CounsellingThese are run by the Institute of Counselling.These workbooks were added to this comprehensive course as detailed below. This makes this course totally unique.Topics covered in the videos Topics covered in workbooksDialectical Behavioral Therapy - Prayer BereavementAttachment, loss and grief Introduction to Counselling TheoryChildren's view of death The Psychodynamic ApproachMyths of grief The Behavioural ApproachWhat is it like to die The Person-Centred ApproachWhat are the signs leading up to death? The Cognitive ApproachPaying for death The Pastoral ApproachActing tips for dying The Counselling ProcessCan imagining death work? Basic Counselling SkillsWorrying about death Core Skills of ""The Skilled Helper""Does everyone die alone? Professional PracticeAm I irreplaceable? Attitudes towards death (including Islamic, Christian and Jewish) What makes a life worth living? The individual nature of griefWhat if you know how much time you have left? Stages of grief and other grief models 4 minutes left? Why the Five Stages of Grief Are Wrong 1 month left? DepressionHow much time do I have left ? Grief Theory 101: The Dual Process Model of Grief What can I do to extend my life? Grieving process Thinking about death influence behaviour Rituals The death of others MourningThe effect of MY death on others Role of the bereavement counsellor Things to do before I die Child and adolescent view of deathTerror Management Theory Children and bereavement Eat drink and be merry The principle components of grief If your time is short Complicated Bereavement Disorder The regrets of the dying Counselling the dying How carefully should we live our life ? Palliative care Become a minimalist! Ending long term counsellingReappraising your life Achieving our aims Is there life after death?Cryonics Am I me? Reincarnation Near Death Experience Proof of Heaven? Dr Who and Death Cleopatra and Death The treatment of death Assassination Bureau Witchfinder General Jokers Elaine Time atickin Dust Top ten causes of death Avoidable deaths Preparing for your own death Advance decision The spiritual side Are we ageing too quickly? Death of a loved one Births and deaths The death movement Death cafes Repeating our mistakes? Death cafes worldwide Death on Twitter and Ted talks Home Funeral Movement How to reduce anxiety about death I am immortal Final departure Respect death By chance Stress and the workplace Meaning and purpose in life Treatment of death in cinema Apocalypse Now and the heart attack Achieving something in life Memories Performances and Songs Stages of Grief Grief and HealingDignitasTime to say GoodbyeMy last acting"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Business Core in preparation for MBA entry" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.Seven reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:a. updated lecturesb. case studies based on very very current news itemsc. detailed responses to messagesd. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to alle. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploysf. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by meI am a lecturer/teacher in Economics and Business by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK) I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 50 seminars in the UKI am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boardsI have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about business/economicsThe success of my students has been featured on the BBC, (just go to the BBC website and search my name) Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries.Schools take TWO years - I have had students pass after just 4 hours of lessons!I run training courses for Business Studies teachers (OSL Training)MOTIVATIONI make courses on Udemy primarily because I enjoy the process of causing learning. Many of my courses are to improve lives. One of the Economics courses is to raise money for charity. (100% of revenue goes to the charity) Fundamentally this course here, is about helping you.About the courseThis is a 19 lecture course that, if followed, will vastly increase your chances when applying for an MBA. Just a few hours and yet huge steps in business knowledge and application! This is no empty boast - some of my students have passed at grade C and above after as little as 4 (yes...four!) hours of tuition. These very very brief lectures provide you with the basics of covering a huge chunk of the preparatory Business course.And all for a price way way below what you could spend on textbooks - never mind two years at college!But you must a) have an interest in business b) be willing to learn from your surroundings c) keep yourself aware of business activities and d) ask questions!The initial lecture encourages a shift of mindset. This is expanded on in lecture 7. By lecture 8 we are looking at past examination questions.Remember, though, a lot of your learning will come as you go about your day to day activities - this course merely 'primes' you.It has worked for others - and the evidence is there - so why not let it work for you?Topics covered:External environment (SLEPT)Internal environmentExam questionsExam techniqueWhat others say:Grade A after only 4 weeks (schools take TWO YEARS) : BBC (full links in the course)Passed the exam to go to university after only FOUR HOURS of tuition! - BBC (full links in the course)""Great lecturer, very structured and well presented material, extremely helpful in preparing for exams"" - Elvira on Udemy"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Focusing the Power of Your Mind" |
"Welcome to the course ""Focusing the Power of Your Mind: The Art of Intention""! In this course we will be revealing how negative, limiting thoughts and beliefs can keep us from using the full power of our consciousness to make the most out of life.We will learnways to identify and release these thoughts and beliefs with tools to help you stay mentally focused.Included in this course is a video demonstrating how to perform self muscle tests and a 5 minute presentation designed to strengthen neural connections."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |