Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Buying a New Computer" |
"Does just the thought of buying a new computer make you break out in cold sweats? Or are you just gun shy about spending money on a new computer becausethe last time you dida salesman talked you into spending way morethanyou needed to? Or maybe you haven't purchased a new computer since beforeWindows XP became obsolete.In this class, Iexplain what you need to know to buy a computer that is right for you, and I do it in plain English. I show you a few different methodsthat you can usebuy a new computer, too. All you need in this class is your Udemy account and something to take notes with. I provide all of the links and worksheets that you will need in this class. Welcome! Let's get started!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ionic Framework (Advance) by Senchabox" |
"Ionic Basic Advance Course Application"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Autismo y Desarrollo: Ayude a Su Nio/Estudiante con ABA" |
"Reciente Actualizacin: 25 de Agosto2017Como padre, al recibir su nio/a el diagnstico de trastorno del espectro Autista o algn otro diagnstico de discapacidad de desarrollo, quizs piense que la conducta y el aprendizaje de su hijo/a tenga limite. Este curso le ayudara a ver la conducta y el aprendizaje de su hijo desde el perspectivo del Anlisis Conductual Aplicado, para entonces saber como avanzar en una manera adecuada e individualizada asu hijo/a--que quizs sobrepase el limite impuesto por la etiqueta de Autismo.Si un nio no puede aprender en la manera que le enseamos, tenemos que ensearle en la manera que aprende.Dr. Ivar Lovaas (Pionero del Anlisis Conductual Aplicado)Use este curso para ver el Autismo y las intervencionesdesde el punto de vista de un terapeutaAprenda los temas mayoresdel ramo del Anlisis Conductual AplicadoObtenga informacin esencialpara laspersonas que tienen algn ser querido con diagnostico de Autismo o diagnostico de discapacidad en el desarrolloUse los trminos y temas de esta clase paratomar decisiones informadas con unterapeuta"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Master Class in Infusionsoft" |
"Taking you from novice to expert in your Infusionsoft application are some 61 modules to enhance your skills and strategy. In taking this course you too get to work 1:1 with Multi Award Winning Infusionsoft Consultant Jordan Hatch, which would normally cost you thousands. The modular approach of the course allows you to jump between subjects as and when you need them in your business. Start with the Getting Started Module, so you can get the basics but also understand how the course works when you move to the more advanced levels.The Course Modules Include:Getting Started With InfusionsoftInfusionsoft Quick WinsBranding CenterImport Your ListSegmentationCRM / ContactsCRM / CompaniesOpportunitiesReferral PartnersVisitorsCRM ReportsCRM SettingsCampaign BuilderEmail BroadcastseCommerce"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Find Your Creative Freedom" |
"Want to be more CREATIVE?Don't know how or where to start?Join in Find Your Creative Freedom to get started!Easy prompts and tips to loosenyour creative muscles andlet your inner creative have some fun!Who is this for?writers, doodlers, artists, photographer, pianists, players, knitters, potters, anyone who wants to CREATEmaybe you used to do these things but something made you stoptime, family, commitments, it seemed 'silly' to want to do those things?but now, you feel too - old, rusty, silly, wonder what will people say, and what if you can't do it anymore?So, your piano stands untuned, your sketchbook unfilled, your notebooks abandoned, your dreams dormantbut every now and then, a little part of you whispers, 'why not', and you have a goand that makes you feel....excited, better, happier, more want to meet others who feel the sameyou want to stop being a 'cramped creative'and be truly YOU!With just afew minutes a dayyou can start to build your creative habit.4 weeks of fun, small, easy to do prompts to spark your inner creative into life.5-20 minutes a day.At the end of the 4 weeks I want you to have a regular creative habit that you can build onLearn tips on how to silence that inner critic and listen to your inner creativeIt's time togrindthat Gremlin,grabthe permission slip, and (re)discoveryour creative self!This course is aimed at helping you START!Start small, start silly....START!Once you do, you will find yourself looking for that time, craving your creativity, changing your priorities, sharing your passion.I'm Jennifer andI literally wrote the book on 'Freeing Your Creativity'.In my old life as an IT Analyst, when I was a 'cramped creative', I dreamed of writing a book. Now, I have and people have found it has inspired them to create more.Which is FANTASTIC!What people have said about the book -""the perfect complement to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, but it's a perfect standalone 'How To' book for anyone who wishes they were more creative, or is sure that they are but don't know how to express it.""""I've just finished reading this and can't believe how much I resonated with it. I hadn't quite realised that nurturing your creativity is so important for our well-being.""Thiscourse is the book in practical form. Where we take the idea that more creative practisein our lives is a path toimproved wellbeing and happiness,and act on it. There were practical examples in the book but it's easy to read about something,and much harder to actuallydoit. I deliberately refer to it as a 'practise', because just as with anything it takes time and repetition to form a habit and tofully allow creativityinto our lives. So just as yoga or meditation is seen as a 'practise', as an ongoing learning experience, so is creativity. And just as with those things, you don't need a certain age bracket, or skill or expensive equipment, what you need is to start small, and build up your habit. And habits take 21+ days to build. So 4 weeks ought to give you a good start!This course is for you if -You keep dreaming of doing your creative thingYou know, the one that pops into your mind every so often, the thing you used to do.The thing you assumed you would always do.The things that makes you feel truly 'you'.This has been going on for Months, Years, possibly Decades! Come join me in Find Your Creative Freedom and STOP Dreaming, Start CREATING!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Intro to programming" |
"This course if for early beginners who would like to develop and understanding of the base concepts in programming, in English. There will not be a lot of programming in this course, as it only covers the base concepts that should be learned before you start programming. If you ever wanted to get started in learning programming, in very simple terms,or tried a course and failed, this course is for you! However, if you have experience, this course may go a little too slow for you. In this course the topics covered will give a good base knowledge to begin to program in any language. We will learn so many concepts, beginning with programming logic. Learning will take place in short lectures, hands on practice, and practice quizzes. At the end of the course, you will be ready to start learning any programming language."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe InDesign: Design an Interactive Resume/Portfolio" |
"In this course students will learn to use Adobe InDesigns powerful interactive features to create impressive, interactive resumes, portfolios, and other electronic documents that include animations, hyperlinks, navigation, galleries, video, interactivebuttons, actions,and file downloads. Techniques taught in this course can be applied to designing newsletters, ebooks, webapps, and print publications.Students new to the softwarewill learn Adobe InDesign through the creation of two course projects -an interactive resume and interactiveportfolio. At the end of thiscourse, students will be able to create and export interactive publications that look incredible on tablets, computers, and smartphones."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Job Performance Task Creating Spreadsheets" |
"MICROSOFT EXCELJOB PERFORMANCE TASKIn this course,you will discover the confidence to handle Excel.You will takethe take the high road to learning Excel.You will createspreadsheets at the highest level and that is summarizing data that reflects apicture in which the viewer can look at the picture and readily make decisionsabout the data.With this course,you will easily learn how to do that.You want theviewer to immediately gain knowledge from the spreadsheet.BUILD YOUR EXCEL SKILL LEVEL PERFORMING THE TASKS THROUGHOUT THE COURSE. YOU WILL USE THE FOLLOWING EXCEL TABS AND COMMANDS:THE HOME TAB INCLUDINGCLIPBOARDFONT ALIGNMENTNUMBER STYLESCELLS 2.THE INSERT TAB INCLUDINGPIVOT TABLESRECOMMENDED CHARTSSPARKLINESCHART STYLESPIVOT TABLE STYLESDESIGN TABOPTIONS TAB3.THE DATA TAB INCLUDINGDATA VALIDATION4. THE FORMULAS TAB INCLUDINGLOGICAL TEXT DATE & TIMELOOKUP & REFERENCEMATH & TRIGSTATISTICALGET STARTEDTODAYOnce youcomplete the course, you can apply for jobs requesting experience withMicrosoft Office. This course will create a lot of success for you in thejob market, because Microsoft Office and Excel supports thousands of jobs inthe job market.This increasesyour chances of getting hired using Microsoft Office. Just google one of themajor job sites and enter Microsoft Office, and you will see thousands of jobopportunities.You are welcometo preview some of the lectures for free, below and then, you will be able toenroll with confidence!WHAT YOU WILLFIND INTHIS COURSEHere is whatyou are going to discover in side this detailed, step-by-step course .The top goalfor you in this course is to take the high road to learning Excel. Thehighest level of Excel is to be able to create spreadsheets that summarize datathat reflects a picture in which the viewer can look at the picture readilymake decisions about the data. With this course, you will easily learn how todo that.For eachMicrosoft Excel Performance Task, you will have a Goal video, a Requirementsvideo, the step by step tasks,and at the end eachtask, a conclusion video. These three videos willpoint you in the right direction in accomplishing the task.You will easilylearn how to create a table of data with the supplies and quantities and achart to display the supplies and quantities. This is the Supplies andQuantities On-Hand Task.You will easilylearn how to create a spreadsheet showing data that require the use of thebasic math formulas of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, alongwith the charts to reflect the data. This is the Balance Sheet Task with Assetsand Liabilities, and two charts.You will easilylearn how to create a spreadsheet showing data with different categories,different formulas, defining data names, range names, and charts to reflect thenature of the data. This is the Breakeven Analysis Task, with variouscategories of data, and three charts to reflect the data.You will easilylearn how to create a spreadsheet showing monthly budget data, includingcalculations for detail data, pivot tables, slicers, and pivot charts. This isthe Monthly Budget Task.You will easilylearn how to create a spreadsheet dashboard using data validation, conditionalformatting, pointers, references, match and index formulas. The is theFinancial Report Task.For eachspreadsheet, you will learn easily learn how to test each spreadsheet to ensurethat it updates with new data.For eachspreadsheet, you will learn how to setup the spreadsheet for printing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LastPass University: Password Management Simplified" |
"It happened again didnt it?You went to log in and you cannot remember your passwordYou just barely created this passwordWhich one did you use?Was it the one you usually use?No wait, you had to make it slightly differentGood news!You wrote it down on a sticky note!However that sticky note is goneDangit?!?Dont worryYou are not alone!This is a common problem for most people!and it is not your faultThe internet is still just a babyIt has never existed before now!So why would you or anyone else know how to manage passwords?Would you like to get relief from remembering passwords?Find out how I teach beginners to organize their as little as an afternoon using LastPass!LastPass University is for people who want to finally organize their passwords...It isfor those who arecurious about using LastPass or have already started using it...!LastPass University is designed to takebeginners and turn them into pros...When you finish this course you will understand how to fully utilize LastPass to manage ALL of your accounts and passwords.Learn exactly how you can eliminate password headaches in as littlean afternoon (without figuring it all out yourself)You ready...?Start the course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Heart-Centered Facilitation Secrets" |
"You are probably visiting this course page because you have a passion or an interest in facilitating heart-centered and effective group offerings; offerings that are of true benefit to each of your participants, and to yourself as well. The Heart-Centered Facilitation Secrets is an excellent model and outline that can be applied to many different group offerings workshops, classes, ceremonies, yoga classes, retreats, and intentional group gatherings.When I am facilitating groups, success means cultivating shared intention, safety for all, inclusivity, authenticity, focus, and a living group field where magic is possible. Financial success also arises from this model because authenticity inspires trust, which results in return clients. I apply this formula of tools to facilitate Cacao Ceremonies and Cacao Ceremonialist Facilitator trainings, Restorative and Yin Yoga classes, Vocal Opening and Embodiment workshops, and womens circles. It is effective every time. These tools are also applicable and effective in private therapy and healing sessions. This work has been formulated from my experience of offering over 5,000 public, live group classes and workshops. It is evolving! This already rich course will continue to expand as I add more material whenever I discover a new ""key"". *This course can be applied as credit for Destiny Love's Cacao Ceremony Facilitator Training. Please message her for more details. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Embody Your Voice: The Yoga of Sound" |
"Ultimately, this is a Life Mastery Course, where you will be gaining thepractical skills of utilizing the powers within your body and VOICE to open your channel of creative expression. This course is also a Vocal Embodiment course for Speakers, Singers, Writers, andespecially, for those who wish to fully activate Your Voice in theWorld.I am frequentlytold by my new and potentialclients, ""I have no voice."" And to that statement, I agree otherwise. Our human systems are designed to express, to emote, to sing, to wail. In the way of healthy energetics, your voice serves as a tool for purifying the rest of your system; your physical body, emotional body, energetic body, mental body, and spiritual body will benefit from this course. In this course, I will share with you how to utilize your voice as an awesome and powerful tool of purification, as well as forlifeactivation-- to awaken your authentic voice within your life and within the world.Learn the energetics and power within your voice, and access your fully embodied state, your full potential,through simple practices. In this course, you will learn toembodythe deep, profound wisdom that is ready to move through you, and in this,purification will happen naturally, asyour own Truth becomes crystal clear, you will rise to meet that Truth.This course is based off of the teachings ofMy Embodied Voice, andis rooted in the ancient teachings ofNada Yoga (the yoga of sound), Shamanic wisdom, and energetic internal awareness. You need not have any prior yogic experience for this course-- as you will be learning about yourchakra system, your energy body,and how to clear stagnation from your creative channel, so that life and creativity can more easily flow through your words.In this course, youwillwork withyour physical voice,but what makes the work ofMy Embodied Voicedifferent than any other vocal techniques (that Iam aware of), is that youwill also work on theenergetic layersof your voice, andtogether, we will get to therootofwhy your voicehasn't been working the way you might wish it to function. By getting to that root, which may be nervousness, self-judgement, lack of organization or energy,anxiety, ""what are they gonna think of me"", ""what if Im not perfect"", ""what if its not authentic"", ""what if I mess up"", ""what about my first impression"", ""what if someone steals my brilliant idea""this list, really, could go on and on but by getting to the root of your inner critic, you can unwind a great deal of stagnant, potential creative energy,thuscreatinga massive opening for your fullyembodied creative expressionto shine,all the while,your channel of creativity is nowflowing steadily. From this state, you can receive yourself.Wecan only give(to others)authentically if we are first receiving of our own precious gifts. You will learn to do this here. From this work, you will begin to live a balanced life.This course is best integrated over a week's time, or even amonth, if you'd really like to stretch it out. You may choose to take the course, and repeat it again and again to really let it steep into your life.Suggested Course Materials:A notebook (yellow pad, notebook, or journal), apen,Optional:a voice recording device (a smart phone has this feature, and so do most computers), a video recording device (a smart phone has this feature, as do many computers, and a webcam will do just fine), plus a printer to print PDFs from the Guidebook.This course contains audio and video lectures, a guided Embodied Breath meditation, a guided Sivasana meditation, sound healing transmissions and directions to Self Sound Heal, and homeworkPDFs from the My Embodied Voice Guidebook.**Optional addition: Ioffer participants a discountedprivate integrativesession with me,via Skype or phone,upon completion of the course (1/2 rate, contact me for details)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Premium MT4 Tools For Pro Traders-Advanced Technology" |
"For better trading,its very important to have full grip on MT4 and as far as my knowledge is concerned many of the traders dont know to use properly mt4.For best ,its very important to read a chart and its price action in a best way so that it should be very easy to under concept of every trade.I have explained,from basics to advanced all important functions of applications described here in my this course.Customization of mt4 ,creating more space in mt4 for better analysis and important features of mt4 for beginners to all advanced traders are described here with full details.How to manage lot size and sounds of mt4 are explained with full details.In the Expert advisors section,first one Connect,which is explaining economic calender and acount informations.With the help of Alarm manager,we will get all important notifications in the form of Alarm,and we will get all of these updates in the form of sms,email notification and Twitter post for the followers.How we can set up alarm for our pending orders,for upcoming news etc we will do it here with the help of Alarm Manager.What is correlation and how it is important in trading, is explained here in my this course with full details and explanation.From setting up correlation trader and Matrix upto their all advanced features are described here in my this course.For the first time in your trading history you will be able to trade with the help of Excel Sheet.Really, yes ofcourse as i have described here this is advanced technology, so now we will also trade with of Excel sheet.We will see all important parameters of Excel and how we can data out of mt4 ,we will also learn about that.We will also learn all important apps like Market manager,Mini Terminal,Sentiment trader,Session Map,Stealth Orders,tick chart trader and trade Terminal also with all of their important advantages here with full details.In the Indicators Section we will learn all of new advanced indicators Like Bar Changer,Candle Countdown,Chart Group,Chart In chart,Donchian channel, Freehand drawing,Gravity, Highs and Lows,Keltner,Magnifier, Mini Chart, and Order history,Pivot Points and Renko ,Symbol Information are described With Full explanations here.I have tried my best to explain all of these important apps in a simple way so that all of you my dear students should get advantage from it,Thanks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementasi Odoo v8 untuk Perusahaan Retail" |
"Pingin implementasi Odoo untuk perusahaan retail perdagangan, tapi tidak tau mulai dari mana? Apa aja yang mesti disiapin, modul apa yang perlu diinstall dan bagaimana setup nya, import data-data awal, bagaimana proses cut-off data akuntansi dan stok produk?Course ini menjelaskan strategi implementasi module accounting, sales, purchase, dan inventory Odoo versi 8 untuk bisnis yang ada di Indonesia, khususnya retail.Dijelaskan secara detail bagaimana setup, konfigurasi, import data awal, input transaksi pada modul Accounting dan semua yang diperlukan sampai sistem siap digunakan oleh user, yaitu Purchase, Inventory, dan Sales.Course ini cocok bagi anda yang bergerak di perusahaan yang akan menggunakan sistem ERP Retail Odoo secara langsung maupun untuk anda yang bergerak di bidang konsultasi IT dan hendak mengimplementasikan Odoo untuk client."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ayurveda Principles of Diet and Lifestyle" |
"Modern medicine is an illness system not a health system and we have forgotten that man and nature have existed for millions of years without the help of science. Until recently the health of man and of the planet depended on the laws of nature which are very clear if we would only pay attention. Obesity is considered to be a crisis in Western countries but at the same time thousands of people suffer from eating disorders and/or are underweight. Clearly there is an underlying problem in the modern attitude towards diet and lifestyle. It is not enough to simply diet a way out of these problems but an overwhelming need to get to the root cause.I believe the only solution is for each person to become aware of their own issues and understand what they have to do to rectify their particular situation. Modern nutritional advice has a one size fits all approach and has a poor understanding of the cause.If the car wont run we have to find out why and get it repaired.The same applies to chronic illnesses such as diabetes, autoimmune disease, allergies, arthritis, the list goes on. The diseases are rampant in modern society and medicine only provides bandaid solutionsit never gets to the root cause which in most cases is deeply rooted. Traditional societies who eat real food and live largely according to nature have other health problems related to contaminated water, communicable disease, starvation etc. but have a strong immunity and do not suffer from the chronic illnesses that are so prevalent in the West.This course is not a quick fix but requires commitment to change based on an understanding of ones self and a desire to end the cycle of dieting. The digestive system is a complex mechanism which takes food and turns it into energy and if we dont put the right foods in the right quantities into our body, then we will not see the results we want. If we always do what we always did, we always get what we always got.Ayurveda, the Science of Life gives us the knowledge to learn again the laws of nature tostrengthen our immune system and therefore prevent disease. In doing so we learn how to manage health rather than manage our illnesses which according to ayurveda are nothing more than imbalances created by the environment, diet and lifestyle and inappropriate habits which interfere with good heath. All of this is written in the ancient texts of ayurveda. This does not mean that recent developments in science and technology have not benefitted mankind, but without using ancient wisdom it will only have partial success. Ayurveda holds the secret to managing health and disease prevention by strengthening the immune system and balancing weight. It is a revolutionary method of self analysis, authentic ancient knowledge and practices which balancethe energies of body and mind.This course provides knowledge of the basic principles of the science of life - Ayurveda. The student will learn how proper food and eating habits are in fact the best medicine and that the food choiceswe make every daycan improve immunity and prevent disease.The role of the mind is crucial to managing health because today there is so much influence coming from the food industry and even the health food industry that there is no reference point for right choices. Ayurveda provides this reference point. Once the student experiences positive changeand realizes what optimal health really means then they have confidence in their ability to apply the principles of ayurveda and make them into a way of life. Knowledge of the true nature of the body and mind is the key to success in managing health, improving immunity, achieving an ideal weight and preventing disease.As an ayurvedic practitioner I have become increasingly aware of how little most people know about the food they eat, their own unique body and mind and what foods are best suited for them. Recent generations have been bombarded by advertising of foodwhich has evolvedfor reasons other than the promotion of complete health. The result is thousands of people are suffering from health issues. The sad thing is, even with our so called advanced civilization there are no solutions and most people dont even recognize it as a problem.My course consists of voiceover videos covering the basic concepts of ayurveda as they apply to the body, mind and daily living. Talking head videos are tailored to substantiate and compliment these videos. With the marketing strategies of the food industry today, even of health food, it is difficult for the lay person to make informed decisions on what they should eat. Section 2 on food is based on fundamental principles which have a scientific basis and rules associated with diet and lifestyle, and will give the student a knowledge base to refer to.Many of our food habits are based on emotional conflicts within us. Section 3 on the mind will help the student to go beyond the mind, realize it and learn to control it therefore strengthening willpower. Section 4 focuses on the application of ayurveda principles to achieve optimal health and immunity, prevent disease and by the end of the course the student will have the knowledge and confidence to reach a normal weight and maintain it. Exercise and sleep are emphasized throughout the course and there is a quiz in each section to help you determine your own particular body and mind type. You can evaluate your behaviors which help you to see the nature of your mind.I designed this course in everyday language although there are some words which do not have an English equivalent. Lecture 1is a glossary of Sanskrit wordsto refer to,This course is invaluable for professionals involved in public health and carers of the elderly, community education, nutrition, teachers and parents."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Corso Adobe Lightroom CC - Dalle basi all'uso professionale" |
"Il corso completo su Lightroom Classic CC permette di conoscere questo potente software di gestione e sviluppo fotografico a partire dalle basi fino ad arrivare al fotoritocco professionale.Il corso introdurr gradualmente il software a partire da quei concetti che solitamente non vengono spiegati cos da dare a tutti quelle informazioni base per divenire autonomi nell'apprendimento di Lightroom. Attraverso le varie lezioni si scopriranno poi tutte le funzioni di questo software sia a livello teorico che pratico.L'obiettivo quello di insegnare ad usare completamente questo software non solo imitando alcune tecniche ma divenendo creativi.Saranno numerosi i casi reali e pratici che verranno affrontati assieme per imparare a gestire problemi reali e svelare cos come ottenere il massimo da Lightroom."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Kranunterweisung Wiederholer (Ausfhrliche Version)" |
"1. Sie sinderfahrener Kranfhrer und bentigeneine Wiederholungsuntweisung?Dann erfllen sie mit dieser Schulung die Forderungen aus Arbeitsschutzgesetz und DGUV Vorschrift 1.Einen Rechtskrftigen Nachweis stellen wir ihnen nach Beendigung des Kurses persnlich aus, melden sie sich unter oder schreiben Sie uns ber Udemy2. Sie sindAnfnger und bentigen eine Erstunterweisung?Hiermit erwerben sie die notwendigen Theoretischen Kenntnisse. Zu einer vollstndigen Kranfhrerausbildung gehren noch eine Prfung in Theorie undPraxis die in ihrem Betrieb stattfindet.Thermineabstimmung nach Absprache."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to become a Super Achiever: succeed in your life!" |
"DescriptionThis course is a guide on how to create a unique and custom system for you that will make you the effective person that achieves all his goals. We will guide you through all the steps necessary to create that system and have it up and running for the rest of your life.It is not only about time managementThere are tons of different time management techniques, systems and tools but will those give you the edge to make the right things so you achieve your goals? The answer is, most of the time not. This course not only presents cutting-edge tools and techniques taken from several fields ( automotive industry, advanced learning and psychology) to manage your time in a more efficient way but, a guide on how to manage your life in a more effective way so you create your own ""Life GPS"" that guides you trough all your challenges.You will learn:How to focus for your success.How to set up goals in the right way.How to manage your time and energy in an effective way so you do more with less.Tools, tips and tricks from the automotive industry to do things faster and with less effort.Ways to avoid time stealers that take your time every day.State of the art tech tools to better manage your time and information.Techniques to improve your sleep and fitness.Who should take this course?Entrepreneurs that want an edge for their new company.Employees that want to skyrocket their career.Students that want to learn about productivity and time management but don't have time to read all the biography necessary."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Focus On Your Strengths" |
"Were you bullied at school, depressed or worse, have you ever considered suicide?Did you, or are you failing at school; are you stuck in a dead end job; unhappy at home; divorced; retired or lonely?The good news, youre not alone - there is a solution.Depression, stress and anxiety happens to the best of us; celebrities, professional athletes, teenagers, CEOs, managers; most of the people around us. Most people simply try and hide it. This goes on in everyday life and if you dont do something about it now, it may only get worse.At a time when society compels us to look at what we do wrong, how we make mistakes and why we should fix our weaknesses, perhaps it's time to redirect our focus. To consider a more positive way of thinking, feeling and behaving. What would happen if we paid more attention to what we do well? What we enjoy, what energizes us?Do you face fear, anxiety and judgement of who you believe others want you to be? Living up to that expectation of being the same or as good as someone else. Were rarely accepted or appreciated for being unique, for being different, for being true to ourself. You want to fit in, but do you?What if people dont like us for who we are, what if we are seen as weak?There is a tendency to be average, to go under the radar, to escape the tall poppy syndrome. For some the answer is isolation, wearing masks and pretending to be something were not.Its time to be accepted for who you are, bring out your talents and become the best version of you. Whoever you are.What would happen if we began to focus on our strengths?A paradigm shift. A completely different way of thinking, feeling and behaving. The answer is to identify your talents and develop them into strengths. By focusing on your strengths you enter into a whole new world of expression.Who this Guide/Course is forTeenagers/ParentsTeenagers between 14-19 years of age often feel unheard. At a time when they look to rebel, the ones close to them are often most effected. Focusing on strengths gives teenagers the tools and understanding to search for their own identity. The language of strengths open communication pathways for families to overcome these troubling times, especially during these rebellious years. Parents and teens gain greater awareness around study habits, social acceptance and provide assistance in career selection.Relationships at homeIts often said men and women come from different planets, they see the world completely differently. This is even true for all human kind, regardless of sex. Whether youre in a new relationship, long term marriage, or finding rocky ground, understanding each others talents and how we think, feel and behave gives us an awareness of who we are as individuals. Its never too late to improve your relationship and by focusing on each others strengths you will find that language of love and understanding. Knowing each others strengths offers understanding and acceptance of how we tic, allowing us to better communicate, engage and care for each other.CareerOften were forced to select a career path in our teens, based on our success or failures at school, this can be influenced by those around us and often not through personal choice. Whether youre looking for a career, wanting to advance through the ranks or even stuck in a dead end job, knowing and understanding your strengths will give you purpose. Identifying your innate talents gives you the pathway to understand How you may succeed by focusing on your strengths. This guide/course will not tell you what you can do, it will share insight on how you may do it successfully.SportWhat will set you apart from the amateurs because talent will not get you there alone. Elite athletes are seen through their actions and behaviours and in the sporting industry talent is defined as an aptitude or skill. However, to become a professional (or semi) sports man or woman you require more than talent. Athletes need to manage their thoughts, emotions and actions. You must apply skills and knowledge to develop the strengths to succeed. Using this guide/course you will understand what separates you from the rest, even in a team environment. Developing your talents into strengths will give the edge required become the athlete you wish to be.RetireesYouve finished your career - what next? Theres a chance youve been defined by who and what you were at work. Retirement is a daunting experience and one very difficult to prepare for, regardless of the industry you were in. For some, a job gives people purpose and upon retirement that is often gone. You are more than a position in a company or team. You are an individual and if youre looking for life after work, knowing and understanding your innate talents will give you hope and belief for the next chapter of your life.We can solve these problems - and it starts with identifying our talents. Then applying skills and knowledge to develop those talents into almighty strengths. You see a talent is defined as our natural thoughts, emotions and behaviours. In other words how we think, feel and act.Imagine how you feel when you do something you love. Now how empowering is it to think about behaving that way more consistently, everyday?All you have to do is Focus On Your Strengths and learn How to Develop Talents into Strengths. The objective is to live a life through your talents and strengths more often.All you have to do is complete this course and learn about all 34 talents themes according to the Clifton StrengthsFinder . Completing the Clifton StrengthsFinder is not essential, however it is beneficial to know your top 5 talents. You then have the choice to focus more on those 5 talents.We look forward to learning about your talents and sharing our strengths with you. When, if not now, do you believe is a great time to Focus On Your Strengths?*Disclaimer These videos and the Focus On Your Strengths course are entirely developed by Choose Your Chapter and are NOT products of Gallup nor the Clifton StrengthsFinder. We would like to acknowledge Gallup, Inc and the CliftonStrengthsFinder for their data and research tool which allows us to help spread the word to focus on our strengths. Clifton StrengthsFinder and StrengthsFinder and each of theClifton StrengthsFinder theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Choose Your Chapter are not affiliated with Gallup, Inc or its subsidiaries. Copyright 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SPSS Syntax: Hands-On Exercises" |
"LATEST: The course is updated to Jan 2017.=== This is the FIRST COURSE ever on Udemy of SPSS SYNTAX programming ===Hi I am Doctor AnalytiX and I have spent many years on testing what really works in SPSS to get results in very short time, and now I want to share with you how to prepare data and how to automate tasks in a few simple steps.I have trained hundreds of people in these years and explained how to use SPSS syntax programming in several live training sessions and now you have the chance to follow me lifetime. This course will teach you how to use this 'behind the scene' language and other features for data management and manipulation, and for overall control of SPSS execution. There will be an ""in-depth"" details about the Syntax language: useful and relevant examples and exercises that shows how Syntax can make your analysis more efficient, more transparent and more easy.This awesome program includes:great exercises with solutions end codes.useful handouts.handy checklists.interesting projects.exiting quizzes.Don't you think it possible to add percentage signs to your data? With SPSS syntax it will be very easy! Only a very limited number of people know this information. In only 3 hours you can learn how to automate repetitive tasks and how to perform additional options that are not available in the dialog(ue) boxes in SPSS. You can easily transform your analysis process in simple steps, record and reuse them whenever you need.Is my course better than another? I don't think so, but what I have learned after 15 years of training and statistic projects is how to save 4 hours a day making analysis and repetitive data management tasks thanks to SPSS, by using simple syntax commands.Creating a syntax script for SPSS automation is very easy, you don't need to know any special programming language or any complex tools, you just have to know SPSS.Given the obvious advantages of using a graphic user interface, you can wonder why anyone could want to program by using the syntax. Actually, there may be many situations in which the use of the syntax is preferable or even essential. Here are some examples in which the syntax is preferable to the ""point-and-click"" method:If you have to create weekly or monthly reports: instead of recreating the commands, by using the menus each time, you can save them in a syntax file for later reuse.If you have to use commands that are not available by using the dialog(ue)s: some subroutines for reading complex data structures, transformations like structures ""do if"" and ""loop"" and macros, you can get only by using the syntax. If you have to create multiple tables or graphics: the syntax allows you to create them in a single step, whereas, by using the menu, you can only generate them one by one.If every month you run the same SPSS commands, but the name of the database changes every time you run the analysis: you can change the file name using ""Syntax Editor"", and re-use the rest of the commands, rather than redefining from the beginning the file by using the menu every time.This course provides students with a greater understanding of a variety of programming techniques along with the procedure to use the most popular statistical software package, SPSS. The course will serve the students as a self-learning material of using SPSS for applying analysis and data management tasks, programmatically.The course has been written to provide solutions to the students in different disciplines. The course is intended for everybody works on data analysis, statistics, strategic decision-making process or quantitative methods taught in management and other disciplines like psychology,economics, education, nursing, medical, or other behavioral and social sciences. This course is also useful for IBM SPSS certification exams..Customer satisfaction is my main concern. Feel free to contact me for any questions, concerns or problems. We can work it out to make you feel satisfied with what you are getting. If things doesn't work out for you, we have a 30-day money back guarantee. I assure you that you won't regret this. Already excited? Join me and let's do SPSS programming together.Trademark legal notice:All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Latin American Spanish Course - Beginner Level" |
"If you are serious about learning Spanish and you don't know anything yet, this is the course for you. Drawing from five years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreigners coming to live in South America, the course has been set up in such a way asto tackle alltypical problems English speakers have with Spanish.It's great if you have at least a notion of grammatical terminology but it isn't necessary for the course. Don't get too hung up on grammar. It's a tool, and as all tools, they're meant to make the work easier.In this course you will find many video lessons, overviews, presentations, and a huge amount of practice material. If you work on it every day, you should be able to complete the first level in just one month.Don't sweat it if it takes more than that.Anything you pick up is great, so you shouldtake your time for it. We don't all learn at the same pace.There are three levels in the entirecourse: beginner, intermediate and advanced. This is the first level. When you finish it, you should be able to understand and participate in about 75%of anyeveryday conversation."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"13 Creepy Creations for guitar" |
"""13 Creepy Creations for Guitar"" is a course designed to teach the aspiring guitarist to use minor family chords, scales and modes to create dark, haunting, gothic guitar parts. In this course, students will learn what differentiates a minor scale and other minor family scales and modes such as the Locrian mode, Phrygian mode, Harmonic minor scale and the diminished scale. Students will also learn basic finger style guitar as well as pick techniques such as palm muting and alternate picking. By the end of this course, the student will have a solid understanding of creating riffs and chord progressions that chill the listeners spine."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conquista i clienti col telemarketing, vinci con la tua voce" |
"In questo corso affronteremo insieme tutte le fasi di una telefonata commerciale. Analizzeremo tutti i dettagli che compongono un dialogo telefonico efficace, per arrivare a sviluppare egregiamente il tuo business.Tutto ci che ascolterai frutto di anni di intensa attivit personale, di errori, di miglioramenti e di successi; per darti la possibilit di correggere i tuoi errori ed ottenere rapidamente ci che desideri!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"This is Only Stress! Or Is It? Relaxation for the New Age." |
"This course is for anyone interested in learning simple tried and true methods of stress relief. Through her over twenty year experience as an Holistic Alternative Psychology Practitioner, energy healer, and empath, Janice Corsano has developed a tool box of useful exercises and methods to help stop anxiety, depression, and stress. Through lessons, exercises, and quizzes to test your understanding; Janice uses these methods, backed by emerging scientific findings on our shared psychology, to help ""change your mind' so you can begin to identify stress, and develop an action plan for managing it. We are all given a choice on how to feel on any given day, but learning to identify when we have fallen into old patterns is the first step to making a different choice. This class teaches you how to recognize and change these limiting patterns so that you can focus on what's important!This class includes five lessons delving into a different aspect of stress relief, loosely based on the ideas of understanding what stress is and why it exists, a discussion on social psychology and emotional contagions, recognizing expectations that limit our experience of happiness, as well as putting an end to patterns of anxiety, and learning to stop stress in it's tracks. All lessons include multiple exercises, access to video, audio, and powerpoint presentations that explain and encourage participation. We can provide the material, but you must do the work yourself in order for things to change! Also, there are quizzes to check your understanding, and journaling exercises, which keep you engaged in class material when you walk away from the computer.We can't promise that this is a magic pill for stress relief, but itis fun, explores new ideas and concepts, and helps you to conduct a lighthearted examination of the causes of stress in your life and then do away with them at your own pace!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The GROW Coaching Model" |
"The GROW model is a popular coaching framework (or process structure) for problem solving and goal setting. This Udemy course on the GROW model was created for individuals like you looking for an easy to follow framework to achieve an important goal. This course is easy to follow, but thorough enough that if you are a professional coach looking to learn the GROW model for use in your own practice you will want to take this course as well. The course covers all four areas of the GROW model in detail: Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. By the end of the course you will have a detailed understanding of the models process structure, as well as an action plan to reach your desired goal. The GROW coaching model is one of the most popular frameworks in coaching for achieving goals because it is extremely effective, easy to understand, and extremely user-friendly. Little can replace the experience of one-on-one coaching, but this self-directed GROW model course is a comparable alternative at a fraction of the price of a single coaching session."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introducing Guitar Chords and How to Play Your Favorite Song" |
"How to play and apply beginner guitar chords (open position and barre chords) to your favorite songs. Learn all the basic shape guitar chords in the open position. Plus, the main moveable barre chord shapes necessary to play along with most popular songs. Then we'll have a play along song tutorial (Stay with me - Sam Smith) where you'll learn how to apply these principles to any song you enjoy."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Guitar For Beginners - How to Basics of note reading" |
"Course DescriptionTurning 30 minutes a day into great guitar playing is a very big achievement to be proud of, now you can see the free lectures detailing everything for free, before you decide to take this course!+++++++++++My Udemy course has been given all the experience of teaching over 300 students in my private practice in Colorado! Now at your fingertips, the same guitar instruction you'd receive as a beginning guitar player, if you came to see me, for only a fraction of the cost!LATEST: Course Updated Again for January 2017++++++++++++As a professional musician, and student of the guitar, I've studied with the best, and I can now share their secrets with you.See the many 5 star reviews I've received on Google!See my YouTube music channel success that has over 60,000 views and hundreds of subscribers that I received justby playing the guitar. Facebook? Yes, again hundreds of followers.Start playing guitar - with no experience, no fancy equipment, relieve stress through music Yes, this works all over the world, no matter where you live!I show how you can turn a few hours of practice per week intosong performances- Is this you: Need a bit of fun in your life?Need to replace stress with music?Got a family to play for?Want to get involved with a band to play with?All of the above?There really is nothing more to do! As a student of this course, you will even get my help! The course reveals all the insider secrets, shows you many ways to practice. And you can start today, for pennies. You can be anywhere in the world and learn the guitar - you - and can be playing songs within days. Within 3 months, if you wish, you can join a band in your area of local musicians ... and work on this for under an hour a day ... and perform at local businesses or event centers. Just follow the simple insider secrets which I reveal. This easy to follow course continues to grow and grow with new ideas, new techniques. With my renowned help and support at all stages, you can become a real guitar success story. And one very important point. You have a totally unconditional guarantee. Study the course. Test the waters. If you are in any way unhappy (I can't imagine, why, but nevertheless!) you will get a full 100%, absolutely no conditions attached, no questions asked, refund direct from Udemy. Cheerfully. You have a full 30 days to study and see the results and potential. That's our personal assurance of your success! Everyone loves guitar Everyone needs more music And now you can be a part of the band , let's get ready to rock! Kevin Zugschwert"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Filipino Language for Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help those who are looking for some quick and easy to understand words and phrases in Filipino. Filipino is the standardized Tagalog and is the official language in the Philippines. Learning basic Filipino is always an advantage for the tourists for them to communicate with the locals and enjoy their holiday in the country. Learn how to speak Filipino now and enjoy your vacationin the Philippines. This course will help you deal with the daily hustles that you may encounter while traveling to the beautiful beaches and tourist spots in the Philippines.This is an easy to understand guide for beginners presented in English-Filipino format so that you can easily see and read the equivalent word."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Violin for Beginners" |
"Who is this course for?This course is suitable for new starters on the violin or the viola and for those keen to review their basic technique. This course is also suitable for parents who wantto help their children learn to play the violin or the viola.Where will this course lead me to?The course takes you from the very first steps, from tuning the instrument to learning the bow hold and violin/viola hold through to playing with the left hand fingers.What is the format of the course?This course consists of 16 lectures and 14 play along tracks.You are expected to join in with your instrument whilst watching the video lessons. Practise each tutorial until you have fullymastered the techniques before moving on to the next lesson.How long will this course take?This course will take between4-8 weeks to complete. At the end of this course, you will have a solid basic technique from which to expand your playing.Is there any recognition of my achievements?You can download a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Small Talk in English" |
"Communicating nicely both in online and face-to-face settings is increasingly important. Starting off a conversation with a new person can be one of the most difficult and challenging things to do in another language.This course will guide you through the key strategies and useful language that you need to know to make small talk in English.Improving your communication skills through small talk will enable you to better connect and be liked by others.Learn how to make a good first impression and hear what kinds of topics are good to start off your small talkListen to easy-to-follow videos with animations and short sketches which provide examples of small talk strategies and useful languagePractice telling good stories and adding spice to your conversation with metaphors, adjectives and adverbsBecome a better listener and smoothly move your small talk to big talkMaster the strategies of small talk to communicate better in EnglishSmall talk, or the art of talking about very little, is a key way to connect with others and to get them to like you. This is important in your relationships with friends and family, at school, in business, or even when seeking a life partner. In other words it is important when talking to everybody! Small talk sounds easy but around 70% of people say that they are not good at it and need some support and advice. In this course we will show you key strategies and teach you useful language that will help you start, continue and end your small talk successfully. Through explanations, examples and quizzes well help you to improve your knowledge of and mastery of small talk techniques.Contents and OverviewThe course consists of 14 lectures that guide you through the key strategies and useful language to improve your small talk in English.These are:Explaining what small talk isShowing how to give a good first impression and beginning your small talk successfullyTeaching you how to tell a good story and expanding your topics for small talk conversationsShowing how you can be a better listener and how to deal with conversations that don't always go wellShowing how to move smoothly between small talk and more serious topics In a bonus lecture we also introduce three examples of real small talk with scripts and commentary.Once you have watched the videos, listened to the mini-lectures and animations and tried out the quizzes we are sure you will be better able to make small talk and feel more confident and capable about your English speaking. And others will connect with you and like you more!So, we wish you happy English learning!"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Create a Chatbot for Facebook Messenger with Laravel and PHP" |
"At the end of this course, you will be able to create your own keyword based chatbots for Facebook Messenger!Since Facebook Messenger opened their platform for chatbots, many people believe these conversational bots are among the next big things to change how people interact with technology. But how do you build a chatbot? Welcome to Chatbot Academy.Together, we will build a chatbot called ""TwitterTrending Chatbot"" that returns currently trending topics for a location the user wants.We will do this step by step with a PHP framework calledLaravel, which makes it very easy to prototype and developyour first bot.In this hands-on course, you will learn:How to use Laravel for PHP to create a new chatbot projectHow to create a Facebook app and receive messagesHow to send messages based on a user's inputHow to respond to keywords with real-time dataHow to upload and publish your botThis course is designed for:Developers and marketers with some experience with PHPPeople who have heard of MVC frameworks like Laravel beforePeople who are excited about learning something new :)Topics that arenot part of this course (yet):Natural Language Processing (for beginners, keyword based solutions are enough to play with)Artificial Intelligence (we are going to create a rules based chatbot)Other platforms like Kik, Telegram, or SlackAre you ready to build your first bot?Then sign up now and join Chatbot Academy. It's a lot of fun, we promise :).Emoji provided free byEmojiOne."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |