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"Hzl renme Teknikleri - x10 Kat Daha Hzl renin!" |
"altm ve okuduum konular srekli unutuyorum.Defalarca tekrar etmeme ve okumamaramen bir sre sonra bilgiler sanki hi okumamm gibi aklmdan uup gidiyor.Yabanc dil kelimeleri bir trl ezberleyemiyorum.Hafzam hi kuvvetli deil srekli bir eyleri unutuyorum.Yeni tantm kiilerin isimlerini hi aklmda tutamyorum.Sunum yapmak istediimde topluluk karsnda tm bildiklerimi unutuyorum.ime yarayacak bilgileri renmek istiyorum ve bunun iin aba sarf ediyorum ancak bir sre sonra herey uup gidiyor.Ayn eyleri defalarca okuyup ezberlemeye altnz ve bunun iin ok zaman harcadnz. Kimi zaman sabahladnz ve ok strese girdiniz.Peki ya sonu? Belli bir sre sonra altnz konular sanki hi almamsnz gibi uup gittiler.Siz de bu trsorunlardan en az birini yaadysanz doru yerdesiniz nk u ana kadar hi kimse size nasl renmeniz gerektiini retmedi.Hzl renme teknikleri kursu sayesinde bundan byle istediiniz herhangi bir konuda hzl ve kalc renmenin yntemlerini greceksiniz. Kaynak blmnde sunduumuz altrmalar yapp teknikleri gnlk hayatnzda alkanlk haline getirdiinizde hafza gcnzn potansiyelini greceksiniz ve hayatnz deiecek.Hafzanza hkmetmek ve renmeyi renmek istiyorsanz sizi kursumuza bekliyoruz."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Algebra Lineal. Matrices y teora de Espacios Vectoriales" |
"Aprendalgebra lineal de una manera prctica, clara y sencilla en corto tiempo.Es un curso intermedio delgebra Lineal que facilitar la aprobacin de cursos universitarios. Este curso le permitirpara afrontar las dificultades de los cursos universitarios ya que los temas se explican de manera clara y evitando complejidades innecesarias.En corto tiempo cubre todos los temas de un curso universitario y sus ayudas se basan en el texto de Algebra linealdel autor.Dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias e Ingeniera y Ciencias Econmicas, y administrativasque estn a punto de tomar su primer curso de Algebra Lineal, o recin lo estn iniciandoy a aquellos que sin ser profesionales de estas rama se interesen en ampliar sus conocimientos de Matemtica.En las universidades el Algebra lineal es un tema nuevo ya que los cursos de materias como el clculo tienen mas de 100 aos en el currculo universitario, mientras que en algunas universidades el lgebra lineal no tiene mas de 40 aos como materia universitaria. Por ello generalmente la presentan como una materia abstracta e incomprensible. . Al inscribirse en el curso podr plantear preguntas relacionadas con el tema y participar en las videoconferencias adicionales de ampliacin de conocimientos que se ofrecen a los participantes. El curso cubre los siguientes temas bsicos:1. Las matrices: Operaciones. Propiedades. Ejemplos de aplicacin2. Matriz inversa. Matriz no singular3. Una explicacin completa del mtodo de Gauss y sus aplicaciones incluyendo solucin de problemas de redes elctricas.4. Determinantes y regla de Cramer: Clculo de determinantes por mtodos de reduccin y solucin de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales5. Espacios Vectoriales, bases, cambios de base, matriz de cambio de base, transformaciones lineales.6. Presentacin de un panorama de temas avanzados de algebra linealcubiertos en otros cursos del autor.7. Incluye un estudio de la programacin lineal y ejercicios resueltos por el mtodo SimplexEn los motores de bsqueda este curso se puede conseguir con las siguientes clases y etiquetas: algebra, lineal, matrices, gauss, gauss jordan, solucin, sistemas de ecuaciones, matriz adjunta, regla sarrus, determinantes, Regla Cramer, regla de Kramer,propiedades, leyes, espacios vectoriales, subespacios, independencia lineal, bases, matrices, cambio de base, transformaciones lineales. El texto ""Introduccion al Algebra Lineal en contexto"" queest incluido como recurso en este curso cubre muchos de estos temas. El texto contieneun estudio mas profundo de la teora de valores y vectores propios (eigenvalues y eigenvectors) y la diagonalizacion de matrices.Incluye ayudas tericas y de aplicaciones en formatos PDF, Power Point, JPG, BMP,e hipervnculos a documentos de soporte en la nube que seamplian continuamente.El curso se puede completar comodamente en 4 semanas o menos. El profesor Jos Arturo Barreto es graduado en Matemticas en la Universidad del Valle en Cali, y Master en Matemticas de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Una de sus especialidades es el Algebra Lineal por lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarle hacia niveles superioresAgradezco sus mensajes con comentarios y sugerenciasindicandocomo va su desempeo en el curso y solicitando guias y respuestas a las preguntas que usted requiera se amplifiquen en algn tema, sus ventajas y deficiencias y cuales temas de Matemticas desea que sean tratados en este y otros cursos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Moving Into Intimacy" |
"AKeyIngredient in a Happy LifeWhen we get a regular dose of intimacy, we feel sweetly connected with life and our relationships. We know a sense of trust and ease. We feel seen and our partnership feels fed with new energy. In the intimate moments, we feel grounded and at peace as our fears drift away.Embark on a course to intimacy. See clearly the roadblocks that stop you. Know the small efforts it takes to get there. Although there is no formula, this course inspires creative new pathways. It provides insight into the mind of an intimate connection and the exciting role that the body and movement play in taking you there.Discover inspiring new creativepathways to the intimacy you desire in your life.Easy to Do Movement ExercisesUnderstand the Doorways andBarriersto IntimacyCreating Spaces for IntimacyIntegrate Ideas into Everyday LifeOpportunities for intimacy are often close at hand but for many couples, it can be elusive. This course will give you the important key elements of physical/emotional intimacy. Whether you are exploring a new relationship or one that is decades old, the innovative movement exercises will inspire new ways of discovering your partner.OverviewWhen we seek intimacy, we embark on a journey. Over time, we slowly move from one mode of consciousness into another. From the more familiar, powerful thinking/doing brain to a more easeful, relaxed mind. We also come into heightened awareness and appreciation of the sensing, feeling body.Before diving into the movement exercises, the course beginswith a series of short lectures that lay the groundwork for success in the rest of the course. These lectures explore topics like the senses, language, and breathing. At certain times, we will engage some senses and not others. We will differentiate between the use language versus sound as we move into intimacy.Once the groundwork is laid, we then explore how best to prepare ourselves and our spaces for the journey. How to begin. How to end. How to gather and share helpful feedback. How to make the best use of the movement material to have the most fun.The movement exercises are the heart of the course. Each section includes video of participants demonstrating the exercises. Note: the demonstrators only met the day of the filming! If they can do it, so can you!Voice over instructions will help guide you. After each exercise, a downloadable list of questions will be provided to help you speak about and learn from your experiences."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Live Fit for Life: Holistic Weight Management" |
"It is very easy to gain weight and there is a new trendy diet every week. The problem is, fad diets, strict eating plans and rigorous exercise programs are not a solution. Instead, 9.9% of the people who start a weight loss diet end up weighing more 6 months later. This is because the diet they are following does not allow people to be people. You are not a robot.Every day you are bombarded with temptations to eat and drink things that are not on ""your diet"". Exercise is inconvenient and painful. You know you ""should"" but it is such a bore.You know what is best for you. But, for any number of reasons you are not following through.Let's find what works for you!If you want to regain control of your body, mind and health, let's work on finding a solution that allows you to live your life healthy, fit and free.I won't make unrealistic promises or put you in a box. You know you better than anybody and you can find what works for you. This is where Live Fit for Life comes in. We guide you to the true you that wants to be fit and healthy.We use the Pillars of Three for Good Health: Balanced Nutrition, Smart Activity, and Behavior Replacement Strategy.This program begins with a mindset and nutrition reset. Then we focus on what makes good nutrition and how you can balance your hormones to reduce cravings. The second section covers positive behavior change, and we conclude with smart and efficient activities that will give your body the exercise it needs in as little time as possible.This program is great for diabetics - or those who to not want to be diabetic. By the end of this program you will feel strong, confident, capable, and healthy - for Life. This program will guide you to sustainable good health in a way that won't make you feel like a prisoner.No matter your age, it is not too late to live healthy. Doing the same thing you've been doing will give you the same results.Now is the time to Live Fit for Life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build an Augmented Reality android app in 1 hour!" |
"Have you always wanted to build amazing Augmented Reality applications but didn't know where to start? May be you did not have any idea as to which skills were important to learn for building Augmented Reality Applications? May be you didn't want to dive too deep but still wanted make at least one Augmented Reality app? What if I told you that, with no previous knowledge at all you can actually build wonderful augmented reality apps starting today in just 1 hour? Reviews""This Augmented Reality course if the best AR course I have ever experienced. The instructor doesn't waste time explaining useless stuff and directly goes to the meat of the concept. It is a good Introduction to Augmented Reality, Unity and Vuforia. I was able to complete my project within an hour without any problems"" - Joe Manda""This is the first course i have taken on Udemy. Learned a lot. Thankyou"" - Damir mahiIn this course we will cover every concept that is important to building Augmented Reality android apps and applications. We will be using the most famous framework for AR applications called Vuforia and integrate it with a game building engine called Unity 3D to making amazing looking Applications. We will cover every step in detail and I will explain why that step is important. By the end of this course creating Augmented Reality Applications will be a piece of cake for you.So, why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows XP. I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entrena tu Mente" |
"Te gustara disparar tus resultados financieros?Te gustara ser ms feliz?Te gustaran ambas cosas?En este curso en video logrars comenzar a trabajar en ambas reas, tu felicidad y tu dinero.Profundizars en nuestro SISTEMA DE 3 PASOS para modificar tu mentalidad para trabaje a tu favor y no en contra.Reconocers las creencias peligrosas para sus finanzas y cmo modificarlas para disparar sus resultados.Descubrirs lo que determina tus resultados financieros actuales y futuros.Identificars por qu tomas o no tomas ciertas acciones respecto a tu dinero.Entenders que saber de nmeros no es lo ms importante para tu xito financiero.Podrs cambiar radicalmente tu manera de ver el dinero, y por ende, tus resultados econmicos."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Viral Quiz Marketing: Easily Create Online Quizzes That Sell" |
"Update 27/05/17: 5000 HQroyalty free categorizedimages added (available for download)- my gift for the students of my course. Use them in your quizzes or blog posts.******************************************************************************************* According to the data from Kissmetrics, quizzes are the most shared type of content on social media sites. Viral quizzes like ""What career should you actually have?"" and ""What city should you actually live in?"" have resulted inover 4.8 million shares andover 2.8 million shares respectively! Other types of popularcontent (how-to articles,list posts,videos, infographics,giveaways) just pale in comparison to suchviral quizzes that were made by theknowledgeable quiz creators!How can you leverage this amazing power of viralquizzesfor your marketing andbusiness? How can you learn to create quizzes that areseemingly simple andentertaining for the audience and,yet, wisely planned for virality and with your business goals in mind?Let me give you a little background.Apart from my other marketingprojects,I've been specificallystudying viral online quizzes for more than 2 years now, experimenting and finding what actuallyworks for the quizviralityand what doesn't. I've helped different businesses develop by using viral quizzes as apowerful tool to driveviral traffic, get more customers and significantly increase sales.My clients were amazed by the results they were getting in their businesses, and many of them asked me to dissect boththe process of creating viral quizzes and the psychological principles that make a quiz viral. This made mesystematize my ""knowledge and wisdom"" of creating viral quizzes, and, later, come up with this course.So, in this 3-hour course you're going to learn:how to understand and successfully usethe psychological principlesbehind everyviral quiz;quiz types and what businesses they should be used for;the purposes of using viralquizzes;how to come up with quiz topics, titles, questions and outcomes for your viral quizzes in different businesses orniches;how to choose the right images for your quizzes to maximize virality;how to easily create 5types of quizzes that look professional and stunningfor your website, blog or your clients' websites;and more!In thespecial sections of my courseI'll show you how to create a complete Personality Quiz in the ""Make money online"" niche and how to create a superviral Facebook Quiz for promoting physical products!I encourage you to enroll in my course titled ""Viral Quiz Marketing: Easily Create Online Quizzes that Sell""!I'll be glad to have you as my student, and I look forward to sharing with you everything I know about making viral quizzes!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Programmer les microcontrleurs par logiciels gratuits(Niv1)" |
"Oui, On suivant cette formation vous allez apprendre programmer les microcontrleurs sans avoir apprendre des langages compliqus comme l'assembleur, langage C ou autres. Nous allons utiliser la programmation graphique pour programmer des microcontrleurs de la famille PIC16F. Dans cette formation vous allez voir: le logiciel de programmation graphique des microcontrleurs PIC, La boucle, Les entres et les sorties, les temporisations et utiliser un logiciel gratuit pour la simulation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Career Dynamics: Five Step Approach to Career Change Success" |
"Are You Prepared for the New Employment reality 2017 ?The traditional career model that we have known for decades has changed dramatically. These changes affect you and it is important to fully understand and adapt to those changes so that you can benefit in your future career path.Are you contemplating or in the process of a Career Change?Are you looking for help and guidance in your future career path?Are you looking for a proven and effective Career Change Approach?This course is for you.Do you want to know how to achieve your career goals? Career success is clearly identifying your goals; assessing your strengths and weaknesses; identifying what is needed to be done; creating your own Career Roadmap, then executing to achieve your goals. The Five Step Approach to Career Success will provide you tools, strategies and techniques to aid you in your journey - a clear concise template for your future career path.The Five Step Approach to Career Change Success - Summary Step One: WHAT DO YOU WANT Clearly identify your future career goals a career vision statementStep Two: WHERE ARE YOU NOW Evaluate your present situation and identifyyour strengths and weaknessesStep Three: WHAT YOU NEED TO HAVE Identify and evaluate the tools, skills and techniques required to achieve your goals Step Four: HOW TO GET THERE Create a plan of action a Career Roadmap goal/task scheduling Step Five: WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Execute the action planand create your personal branding profileThe Five Step Approach architecture can help whether, you are contemplating a career change that is a re-focus /a kick start or a major re-invent. The Approach allows such flexibility for you to decide the degree you wish to adapt or change your career path and then provides the tools and techniques to create the structure that will give you the Career Roadmap of your choice.The Five Step approach will provide you with a template and a career strategy to navigate these new employment waters, to focus on the tools and techniques provided to create a clear Career Roadmap.This high quality,dynamic course, consists of overtwo and a half hoursof video lectures, power points,worksheets, personal and practical experiences, targeted to focus you on acareer action plan for today'scareer employment landscape. The end result will be that you will have apersonalizedCareer Roadmap, based on your goals that will allow you to achieve career change success."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to Microsoft-Powerpoint in 30 minutes" |
"In this course I have tried to make students up and running in workflow of Ms-Powerpointwhithout going through any lengthy or complexprocess of learning students will experience quick easy and comprehensive teaching approach .This course will alsoenable students to get more benefit from other available training resources like they have a lot of information available all over the internet butfor getting benefit from all that information it is essential to have good understanding of basics, which they will get through this course.By following all lessons students will be able to quickly start working on their presentation projects, from planing to designing and sharing it with others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to Photoshop in Urdu / Hindi" |
"This course is for Photoshop beginners. It will start from very basics and will go up to the level where you can handleall kinds of projects with clear understanding of work environment, tools, resolution, color modes, layers and other essential concepts.After doing this course you need not to do any other course of this level.This course will take you up to thatlevel after which you can easily work in Photoshop and canuse all online available free trainingresources to further enhance your skills inPhotoshop. You can also contact us for your questions while doingthis course ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Dynamic Photography Composition" |
"Photography is about the frame you put around an image, yet the story does not end there. Your photo goes beyond the frame, through a kind of intuition. It captures the gesture of a particular moment and conveys a message through careful targeting and emphasis of certain key features. It says ""Look! This is special.""To make your photography special you need to understand composition, which IS the essence of photography. Yes, exposure, aperture and ISO are important, but it is the composition of your photos that will make people take notice of your images and remember them.When you create a composition there are countless possibilities. Learn how to make certain decisions creatively and with accuracy. There are nine key elements utilisedto achievestunning photo composition and I take you through them - step by step. You'll have plenty of practice and plenty ofopportunities for constructive feedback. And, I've simplified the content of the course so there are no fancy photography terms to remember.If you are looking to improve your photography from Good to WOW, then join me for a creative photography journey."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Forex Trading" |
"TheComplete Guide to Forex Tradingcoursewill teach you everything you need to know about trading the forex markets.In this course I will begin by covering the basics such as what is forex trading, currency names, market hours, forex terminology, types of orders, etc.This course features robust, in-depth fundamental and technical analysis sections:In the fundamental analysis section, you will learn the main fundamental factors that move currency prices including GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI(Consumer Price Index), central banks, interest rates. and geopolitical events.In thetechnical analysis section, you will learn the main technical indicators used by technical analysts including moving averages, support &resistance, relative strength index, MACD, stochastics, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci, etc.Both sections demonstrate how to make successful trades using fundamental and technical analysis.Lastly, this course covers risk management best practices so you can maximize your success over the long run!As always, you will receive lifetime access for this course, I plan to add additional content going forward (which you will receive for free), you have a30-day money back guarantee no questions asked, and I will answer any questions you post on Udemy if you need help!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Pro Tools" |
"Pro Tools es el standard mundial en sistemas de grabacin, edicin y mezcla multitrack de audio profesional. En la actualidad, los sistemas Pro Tools han dejado de ser nicamente una opcin vlida solo para estudios de muy alta gama, ya que Avid, en su adaptacin permanente a las nuevas tendencias, y acompaando el crecimiento de los nuevos project, y home studios, ha desarrollado sistemas alternativos, que cubren todas las necesidades, tanto del msico, como el productor, o el mismo ingeniero de grabacin. Este curso te permitir conocer las principales herramientas de Pro Tools y as poder empezar a realizar tus primeras producciones. De igual manera este curso te ser de utilidad tanto si cuentas con las versiones 8, 9, 10, 11 ,12 y 2018 de Pro Tools. No son necesarios conocimientos previos, solo disponibilidad y las ganas de aprender. "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Waste Not Broke Not" |
"Do you own a car? There's money in there! You probably spend around 10K per year owning your car - get some of that money back using some of thefun and easy opportunities described in this course!This course is crammed full of original ideas that will help you identify your carexpenses and make money using your car,inways that fityour lifestyle and desired effort level. All youneed to beginis an open mind and a willingness to use what you've got in new and exciting ways!Did you know you could drive yourself to the airport (saving ontaxis there and back) park for free during your trip (more savings) and earn money renting your car out while you're away(cha-ching!)? All this would require 5 minutes of your time to set up, and no cashinvestment.*If that's exciting, think about the fact that you could potentially earn $400 a monthdoing the same stuff you do everyday, right now. We'll teach you the tricks and help you weighthe pros and cons of a variety of opportunities.We'll alsoprovide interactive tools (calculator spreadsheets and more) to help you make the best choices for your circumstances.Whether you're lazy and want to do minimal work or are willing to put hours in behind the wheel, we've got options for you. Maybe you'd like to start your own smallbusiness? We'll tell you how.Take on a few of our simpler ideas or dive in and make big changes - either way,you'll find this course is worth its weight in gold. Turn that car into cash!Waste not, broke not!* You must live in a location where this particular service is offered. If it's not, our course offersplenty of other options you can explore."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a Successful Product Reviewer on YouTube" |
"What are the benefits of making honest and simpleproduct review videos on YouTube?Get free product review samplesMake income from affiliate linksMake income from selling product review samples after review is completeThis course covers everything that you need to know to get started as a product reviewer on YouTube. The course focuses on what you need to do to get companies to send you free product samples to review. This course also shows you strategies to make additional income from your videos. I have personally done everything that I teach in this course. I know what works and what doesn't work, which is why this course has already helped thousands of people."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Testing with Green" |
"Ever wonder why some projects seem able to make huge changes and still ship promptly, while others collapse under the weight of their own code? Testing isthe difference!Effective tests enable you to add features quickly, refactor your code without fear, and ship new releases without bignewbugs.Make Your Project Successful by Writing Meaningful TestsLayout your test packages and modules correctlyOrganize your tests effectivelyLearn the tools in the unittest moduleRun your test with Green, a powerful new test runnerWrite meaningful tests that enable quick refactoringLearn the difference between unit and integration testsUse advanced tips and tricks to get the most out of your tests.Python Testing with GreenTests are just a way of writing code that uses your project and makes sure that it really does what you think it does! We'll learn the best way to write tests and some common problems and pitfalls that you should avoid. This course is designed as a practical reference for Python programmers who have real code that they would like to start testing, or test more effectively. I providereal runnable examples that you can type in yourself or download from the resources section.The beginnersection requires zero prior testing knowledge. I teachthe fundamental basics of testing Python code including how to run your tests the ""traditional"" way as well as with the high-performance Green test runner. After completing this section, you will be able to write tests and run them.The intermediate section teaches you how to write meaningful tests, and coversevery aspect of the Python ""unittest"" module that you will use in daily life. Upon completing this section, you will know more than most Python programmers about how to test your code.In the advanced section I go over how to mock unit tests,integration testing, advanced usage of the Green test runner, and some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your testing. Only an elite few gain this level of knowledge on their own. After completing this section, you will be a master of Python testing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Personal Selling for Beginner Salespeople" |
"Are you thinking of getting into sales? Perhaps you have just started and you would like some guidance on sales and what it is all about? Or, maybe you are coming back to sales after a very long time away and you need a refresher?If this sounds like the situation you face,you may find this course, Fundamentals of Personal Selling, to be just what you need to help you establish yourself as the next Super Seller in your sales role.You will discover:What Personal Selling is and why companies have sales departments;Where the Sales Department sits in relation to other essential parts of the company;What is marketing and why you need to know about it;The 4 p's of the Marketing Mix;The 7 p's of the Services Marketing Mix;What is promotion and the promotions mix;Where Personal Selling fits into all of this and why it is important to know;The Sales Process - from start to finish;The 'business-within-a-business' concept that you can use to help propel yourself to sales superstar;Steps you can take tobuilda lifetime business.Along the way you will learn ideas and tips that you can use immediately in your work and put into practice.The hardest thing for a new salesperson is being left to sink or swim without any training or guidance. Or, you get the three-part sales induction: ""Here is your desk. Here is your phone book, and there is the phone!!"" From this you are to make magic happen...or pray you won't be fired!It is FAR from good enough today. Consumers are so highly educated they can run rings around salespeople who have had sloppy-seconds training. You don't want to know less than your customers!You want to be THE expert!!It has always been true in sales, that the salespeople who train themselves the most by listening to audio training, reading professionally on sales, and attending seminars and courses, achieve the best results.Don't leave your sales training to someone who doesn't care if you fail or succeed. That's NEVER going to be good enough!!Keep investing in yourself. Take this course and be surprised at how differently you will approach selling. Even small differences in things such as technique can lead to huge gains as tiny changes cascade through your entire sales career. Take the course and I'll see you in the first lecture.**NOTE: This course is not suitable for expertlevel salespeople. If you have 5-10 years experience in personal selling you probably have the basics covered anyway. Take an advanced class instead and push yourself harder!**"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Zero to Hero Belajar SketchUp" |
"Kursus online ini akan memberikan wawasan kepada Anda yang ingin mengenal software SketchUp yang nantinya dapat gunakan untuk membantu pekerjaan Anda. Tidak perlu khawatir bila Anda tidak mengetahui sama sekali tentang software SketchUp karena kursus online ini bisa di ikuti oleh semua kalangan yang belum pernah atau pertama kali belajar SketchUp.Kursus online ini akan mengajarkan Anda dari dasar hingga mahir tentang penggunaan SketchUp untuk pemula.Belajar proses instalasi, mengenal penggunaan tools yang ada, mengenal sumber daya untuk SketchUp dan banyak hal lainnya.Pelatihan yang diajarkan tentunya berhubungan dengan Arsitektur dan Sipil jadi, file latihan dan demonya menggunakan sebuah objek bangunan. Namun bila Anda diluar dua bidang studi tersebut tetap saja bisa mengikuti kursus online ini karena materinya akan bisa diterapkan dibidang non Arsitektur dan Sipil.Anda akan di support oleh saya sebagai instruktur bila menemukan masalah ataupun memiliki kendala saat proses belajar. Pergunakan fasilitas udemy untuk berdiskusi bersama saya."
Price: 700000.00 ![]() |
"Origami Paper crafts - Elementary Course" |
"Students will learn the elementary level of origami crafts. When students complete this course, he will be able to fold origami crafts, such as several patterns of airplane, boats, animals, birds, crabs, dolls, ninja's throw weapon (shuriken), or boxes without reviewing the course materials. The course material is set for one origami works for one lesson. There will be total of 30 lessons. At the end of this course, students will be able to fold Crane (the most popular origami works.) What students need to prepare is just letter size printing paper, or any kind of papers.Once you complete this course, you can teach your kids how creating a thing from a piece of paper. Kids will think that you are magician. It is good for kids to have creative skills. Not expensive at all, not making messes.You can make an origami craftclass in your region or school once you finish this course. You will be able to make friends, set an origami lovers class, and of course you can take our intermediate course or higher level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading mit kleinen Konten - Grundlagen die du kennen musst" |
"Du interessiert dich fr das Trading imForex(Devisen), Rohstoff oder Aktienbereich und suchst einen Kurs der dir schnell ein Grundwissen vermittelt um ein kleinesNebeneinkommen aufzubauen.Du lernstsimple aber ertragreiche Handelsstrategien anzuwenden. Dazu reicht es nicht risikofreudig zu sein, sondern lerne die wirklich wichtigen Fehler erst gar nicht zu begehen.Damit Du eine bersichtliche Arbeitsumgebung hast, werden wir einen Chart bersichtlich, verstndlich und lesbar einrichten. Dieser Chart wird Dir dieInformationen liefern, um die Marktsituation (Aufwrtstrend, Abwrtstrend oder trendlose Phasen) sehr gut einschtzen zu knnen.Du lernst die wichtigsten Regeln des Risikomanagement und damit,wann esam besten zu handeln und zu welchen Zeit besser nicht. Deine Risiken werden so minimiert, das du kleine Verluste schon einkalkuliert hast.Wir erstellen eine Instrumentenliste - natrlich nur die umsatzstrksten, da volatile Mrkte die grten Bewegungen am Markt bedeuten, also Gewinn. Lerne was Volatilitt ist und wie Sie fr uns genutzt wird.Zwischen den Kursen wird dein Wissen anhand von Kontrollfragen berprft, damit Du weisst, ob Du die Themen verstanden hast."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Work As A Teacher in Thailand" |
"Would you like to work as a teacher in Thailand?Would you like to step up your career as an educator?Would you like to live permanently in Thailand but don't know how? You're overwhelmed with all the information out there in groups and forums?I can hear you! One of the best options for expats is to work as a teacher in Thailand. Not only will you have the pleasure of working where others spend their holiday but you will have enough time to travel extensively around, and, on top, getting paid for it!You'll be even provided with a Thai work permit that grants you the same rights like locals have, including opening a bank account, obtaining a Thai driving license, buying cars and motorbikes or even condos/apartments. Guess what? You even don't have to be a certified teacher or native English speakerin order to work as a teacher in Thailand.I've been working as a teacher in Thailand since 2014 and I'm going to share all my knowledge with you in this course. Here's a sneak peek of what expects you:1. Where and how to apply2. Necessary qualifications3. Best places for teachers in Thailand4. Breakdown of living expenses in Chiang Mai & Bangkok5. Intro to Thai culture, food and life6. ...lotsof additional tips, tricks and useful info!Enroll now and you're one BIG step closer toworking as a teacher Thailand. I'm also here to answer any related questions you may have which I usually answer within 24-48 hours. And as usual, you're fully protected by Udemy's money-back guarantee in case this course is not for you - but as I poured a lot of work into it, I'm pretty sure you will positively benefit from it!See you on the inside!- Kian"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"What About the Women? Introduction to U.S. Women's History" |
"This course is designed to introduce you to some of the important issues faced by women in the United States. Instead of focusing on extraordinary women, this course looks at legal and political hurdles faced by women as they attempted to become fully-functioning citizens of the United States. We will look at such topics as married women's legal status, stereotypes regarding women that were entered into law, how the Supreme Court has interpreted laws that solely affect women, why there has only been four female Supreme Court justices, roadblocks to women's participation in politics, and the ways in which women worked outside of the system to gain leverage prior to being elected to Congress and to state governments. It's a fascinating story that, in many ways, continues into the 21st century.Women's March artwork provided by Alana Rae Art."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Poetry Forms and History" |
"When people think of Japanese poetry, the Haiku is the first thing that comes to mind. But the Haiku did not become the Haiku we know until a thousand years after the first manuscripts of classical Japanese poetry were written. Learn about the Renga, the Tanka, the Sedoka, the Choka, the Haikai, the Dodoitsu and others. Learn about the Japanese death poem tradition and read some poems by Zen Monks that are up to 700 years old. Learn the history behind the vibrant culture that gave rise to so many wonderful forms of poetry, and how to write them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Water Fasting For Wellness" |
"This course is designed to teach you about the amazing wonders of Water Fasting. Fasting is a practice that has been carried out for centuries and will be carried out for many centuries in the future. Some even say that at some point it will replace some of the modern medicine treatments.However, I believe it is a practice that we must be doing on a regular basis so as to heal the body, regenerate the cells and eliminate any of the damaged cells within the body. This will lead to healing and/or reversal of many different conditions, such as:Autoimmunity;Cancer;Obesity;Lethargy;Skin Diseases;Digestive Issues;Cardiovascular Disease; andMuch More...Within this course you will not only learn about what fasting is and the history of it, but you will also discover the amazing benefits associated with extended fasting and a variety of case studies proving these benefits to be the case.I will also take you through my process that I have put together on the 3 phases of Fasting:Preparation - Here you will learn how to prepare correctly for a water fast so that you can guarantee greater success. It will cover nutrition, mindset, environment and much more.Completion - Learn about the strategies you can use to get through the fast comfortably so that you can optimise your success. It will cover the type of water you should be drinking, electrolytes, meditation and much more.Exit - Discover the correct way that you should be exiting the fast. You should not finish a fast and go back to eating a high sugar/high carbohydrate diet. Learn about what you should eat for the 3 days following the fast and also how you can change your diet and lifestyle to instead continue losing body fat and move closer to optimal health and wellness.Once those 3 sections are completed I will answer some of the most common questions you may have regarding fasting.I have included plenty of resources for you, such as:An awesome Water Fasting Journal that I have created myself and converted to PDF for you to print. This will allow you to keep track of your fasts and see the progress you have made.All of my slides have been converted to audio in case you would like to listen to them on your ipod or audio player.I have also summarised many of the sections in case you would like to read as well. You are able to print this information off for future reference.I have included quizzes throughout the course to keep you engaged and to test whether you have understood the content correctly.I have given you a FREE copy of my book ""Water Fasting For Wellness"" to accompany this course.I have also given you a FREE copy of my book ""Understanding Keto"" which will help you get started on your own ketogenic journey.I think I have left no stone unturned and have included all that you need to know. If I have missed something, I am always open to suggestions..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Personal Branding: Strengthen Your Professional Reputation" |
"Build a stronger personal brand to stand out and strengthen your professional reputation.Define What Makes You Unique in this Personal Branding Course Built on Proven Branding Principles.Understand key principles of brandingUncover how personal branding can benefit your careerClarify your unique professional valueBuild your reputation usingsocial mediaCreate more focused job search materialsHaving a clear personal brand can reinforce the value you can offer to open up more professional opportunities.In this course, you'll learn how to use branding principles to create a clearer summary of your unique personal brandand make it more credible and believable using social mediaand job search materials.Having a strong personal brand can help you become a more sought-after professional, allowing you to stand out to hiring managers, land your next promotion, or reach more clients.Content & OverviewI designed this course for the aspiring professional who wants to clearly communicate your unique strengths and skills in an authentic, believable way without sounding too self-promotional.Leveraging proven branding and marketing principles, youll learn simple techniques you can start using today to build and reinforce your unique professional value. This course walks you through how to:Strengthen your professional reputation using proven branding techniquesCreate a personal brand that supports your career ambitionsDefine your personal brand using a simple 4-part frameworkCommunicate your personal brand in your job search materialsLeverage social media platforms toreinforce your skills and strengthsThis 90-min coursencludesreal-world case studies, interactive exercises, helpful resources, and simple techniquesyou can begin applying right away to your career. With so many personal branding courses out there, this course hones is uniquely built on the backbone of marketing principles used by reputable brands and products.This course is taught byJoseph Liuwhosemission is to helpaspiring professionals relaunch their careers to do more meaningful work. As a personal branding consultant and former blue-chip brand marketer with 10 years' global industry experience relaunching five US&UKbrands,Josephs been featured as a speaker forTEDx, MarketingWeek Live,and leading business schools, and in Forbes, Fast Company, Glassdoor, Huffpost, Monster, SUCCESS, and Career Builder.Josephnow coaches senior executives and mid-career professionals on how to elevate their personal brands.By the end of this course, youll be able tounderstand how strong brands behave, create a clearer summary of your personal brand, and make your personal brand more credibleso you can establish yourself as areputable professional others can trust.Using simple but powerful branding principles from the product marketing industry, he'll help you understand what it takes to build a strong personal brandthathelps you stand out in your professional circles and support your career ambitions. What other students have said about this course:""I thoroughly enjoyed Joseph's personal branding workshop. He does an excellent job of illustrating clear and actionable tactics for how to present your unique brand in the most impactful way. I gained some great insights on personal branding best practices that I can immediately implement to enhance my professional profile!"" -Adrianne F., Marketing Manager at Bloomberg Media, New York City""Joseph covered personal brand development in a very clear, engaging way, and I was able to immediately apply the lessons I learned to strengthen my own personal brand.""-Fazian Z., Periodontist, Manchester, UKJoseph has a well earned reputation as a dynamic speaker who conducts presentations which are always visually engaging and current. He was consistently rated by our internationally diverse business audience as one of the most useful speakers who offered concrete takeaways.-Sarmini G, Career Management Expert, London, UK"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"History of Rock Music I - From the Early Blues to the 1960s" |
"How is Pink Floyd differentiated from The Rolling Stones? Why is Jimi Hendrix considered as an immenselyinfluential rockguitarist? What is the role of the social and political aspects in theSan FranciscoHippies movement and the emergence of psychedelic rock?These are questions that can entail intriguing answers.The consideration of multiple narratives - style and stylistic influence, the social, political, and economic axes, etc. -against the musical timelineis essential to the thorough understanding and appraisal of the history of rock music. This is the approach I follow for the last 6 years in my university courses. Ithas proven very successful, and I see no reason not to apply it here as well!In this course we will survey the history of rock music, from its roots (the blues) to the exciting rock genres of the 1960s, with a focus on:the various rock genres,sub-genres and stylesthe artists that played a role in the arrival andevolution of rock musicthe stylistic and othercharacteristics of each rock genre and sub-genre and the relationship between themthe role of the economic, political, and social parameters in the shaping of rock musicThe course is arranged in 11 sections as follows:Introduction & OverviewAppraisinga subject historicallyPreliminary technical information - addressing essential musical parameters such as melody, harmony, rhythm, genre. form, and styleThe BluesCountry (Delta) bluesCity (electric) bluesCountry & Western MusicC & W sub-genres (i.e., bluegrass and 'honky-tonk') and their impact on the 1950srock & rollRock & RollMainstream 1950s rock (Rock & Roll)Rockabilly1950s popBlues-Based RockLondon in the early 1960s - fascination with the Blues and the creation of blues-based rockThe transformation of the blues into rockThe guitarist as a rock heroThe BeatlesThe role of the Fabulous Four in the formation of rock music in the 1960sThe 'British Invasion'Folk Rock'Purity' and sensitivity - music as reflection of social idealsIntegration of the sensitivity of rock music with the energy and drive of a rhythm section comprised of electric instrumentsSurf RockSurf rock within the context of thesurf culture in California during the early1960sPsychedelic Rock - The San Francisco & the Hippies MovementSan Francisco and the Hippies MovementThe social and political context in the 1960s and its affect on rock musicWoodstock Music FestivalA Quest for Sophistication - Art RockInfusing rock music with Western-European musical featuresElectronically generated sounds; musical complexityConclusionWrapping up the courseReferences to resources for further study"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Cours du Oud complet - de A Z" |
"Vous aimer le Oud et la musique oriental, le son du Oud vous touche particulirement.Vous voulais partager cette joie avec vos amis et votre famille en jouant les aires orientale dont vous aimer couter?On peut commencer apprendre lOud tout age de 6 ans 100 ans!Car lOud physiquement est un instrument facile apprendre, mais condition de prendre le bon chemin!Vous chercher un cours claire, progressive et accessible tout le temps!Ce cours est pour vous.Vous aller apprendre trouver les notes et les jouer sur lOud facilement.Vous aller apprendre lire la musique et developper une oreille musicale qui va vous permettre de relever loreille une morceau que vous voyer sur YouTube or ailleurs.Vous aller dvelopper les techniques ncessaires de la main droite et la main gauche.Je mappelle Ihab Radwan, je suis professeur, compositeur et soliste dOudJai fond lacadmie dOud Paris et depuis plus de 20 ans jenseigne lOud dans des cours collectives et particuliers.Chaque anne, jaide des 100 de personne, de tout age, horizon et niveau: des dbutant au musicians confirm. Jinterviens en masterclass autour du Oud et la musique oriental en gnrale.Lenseignement pour moi est une outil prcieuse qui permet dchanger son savoir Quelle joie quand je vois mon lve arriver jouer et sexprimer avec son Oud! Moi mme je contenue apprendre tout les jours, des nouvelles techniques et morceaux.Je me rappelle de moi trs jeune lves au conservatoire du Caire la recherche des informations et les techniques des anciens Mais on ma toujours dit: Travaille dur et coute beaucoup de musique et tu trouvera toi mme! un jours! Je suis l pour vous aide acclrer ce processus dacquisition de tout ces informations et techniques"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Jenkins: continuous integration & DevOps with Java and .NET" |
"Today the technology sector is experiencing a boom throughout the world. There are hundreds of startups launching every day. In order to move fast - these startups need people who are skilled at automating as much as possible. Mostly progressive startups - favor implementing completely automated DevOps pipelines from the get go. They realize that these practices of continuous integration (CI)and DevOps will yield tremendous benefits regarding speed and agility. The demand for these skills has been steadily rising over the last few years.Jenkins is an award-winning open source toolset which enables us to build very sophisticated automated build pipelines very quickly. It has extensive community support which has augmented the core functionality of Jenkins by building and sharing hundreds of very useful plugins. Implementing continuous integration with Jenkins can help us immensely in reducing the risk within our software development lifecycle. It catches us bugs early and increases the quality of our software products. This, in turn, reduces the overall cost to develop innovative software in any environment - startups and enterprise alike.The demand for professionals who have experience with these tools has been growing steadily over the last few years. The salaries and consulting rates for these skills have also been rising and are only bound to go up as the demand for these skills remains steady or increases.In this course we will:Learn about CI and why it is importantLearn about JenkinsBuild an automated CI pipeline with JenkinsLearn how to version control and manage relational database schemaRun the CI pipeline to maintain build artifactsLearn how to configure, secure and extend JenkinsLearn how to configure automated build notificationsIntegrate CIbuildswith Git repositories hosted in GitHub"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"TeamCity: continuous integration & DevOps with Java and .NET" |
"Today the technology sector is experiencing a boom throughout the world. There are hundreds of startups launching every day. In order to move fast - these startups need people who are skilled at automating as much as possible. Mostly progressive startups - favor implementing completely automatedDevOpspipelines from the get go. They realize that these practices ofcontinuous integration (CI)andDevOpswill yield tremendous benefits regarding speed and agility. The demand for these skills has been steadily rising over the last few years.TeamCityis a very popular, mature and feature-richtoolset which enables us to build very sophisticated automated build pipelines very quickly. It has extensive community support which has augmented the core functionality ofTeamCityby building and sharing hundreds of very useful plugins. Implementing continuous integration with TeamCity can help us immensely in reducing the risk within our software development lifecycle. It catches us bugs early and increases the quality of our software products. This, in turn, reduces the overall cost to develop innovative software in any environment - startups and enterprise alike.The demand for professionals who have experience with these tools has been growing steadily over the last few years. The salaries and consulting rates for these skills have also been rising and are only bound to go up as the demand for these skills remains steady or increases.In this course we will:Learn aboutCIand why it is importantLearn aboutTeamCityBuild an automatedCIpipeline withTeamCityLearn how to version control and manage relational database schemaRun theCIpipeline to maintain build artifactsLearn how to configure, secure and extendTeamCityLearn how to configure automated build notificationsIntegrate CIbuilds with Git repositories hosted in GitHub"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"OpenStack: Public & Hybrid IaaS Cloud with OpenStack" |
"In the past decade cloud computing has been gaining popularity at a tremendous rate. Some cloud providers are experiencing a growth rate of 50% year over year which is just astounding. And the reasons for this growth is obvious cloud computing enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort.As companies across the globe enjoy the benefits of public cloud infrastructure they also want to leverage the same principles of cloud computing and bring those benefits to how they manage their own private data centers or build private clouds on top of public cloud infrastructure. These private cloud deployments provide secure and highly efficient way to install, configure and manage pooled computing resources which could be shared among various departments or groups within the organization. The provisioning and consumption of these pooled resources become much smoother and consumers can use these resources on self-service basis eliminating lengthy provisioning wait times etc.OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for building and managing our own IaaS cloud infrastructure. This cloud software platform comprises of various services and components which can configure and manage control hardware pools of computing power, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center. Users either manage it through a web-based dashboard, through command-line tools, or through a RESTful API.In this course we will learn about OpenStack and its various components and services. We will get an in-depth look at how we can use OpenStack to deploy and manage our own private cloud infrastructure.Knowledge and experience on cloud computing and OpenStack are highly sought after by startups and large enterprises alike. The demand for these skills have been steadily increasing over the last few years. We will also go through some evidence about just how valuable these skills are and how the demand for these skills is growing.In this course we will:Learn about cloud computingLearn aboutOpenStackDeploy our own OpenStackIaaS clusterLearn about various sub-components of OpenStackLaunch virtual instances on OpenStackLearn about sub-components and usage of various OpenStack servicesLearn abouthow to architect high availabilityOpenStack clustersLearn about managing and troubleshooting OpenStackLearn about log management for OpenStack cluster"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |