Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking" |
"This course is for anyone who feels uncomfortable about public speaking and/or reading or who would like to improve in their ability to speak publicly that can open up many career opportunities in the future. Whether you're an experienced speaker or a beginner, thecourse is designed to help you to develop the basic and advanced skills necessary to improve in your public reading and presentation of any material of importance. It Helps you to build your confidence through preparation and proper application of key skills and principles utilized by some of thegreatest public speakers in history, skills you have probably never considered.By the end of this course, you will become an accomplished public speaker with skills that will help you to not only enjoy public reading and speaking, but also to look forward to opportunities to put them to use. You will become a great communicator that people will look forward to listening to.This is the 1st series of 7 courses in Public Speaking designed to systematically help anyone to improve their communication skills. A new course will be released every 30 days."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"eCommerce Profi - als Powerseller eigenen Onlineshop planen" |
"Einen eignen Online-Shop richtig planenDer Kurs richtet sich an alle die bereits echte Waren bei eBay oder Amazon verkaufen und mit dem Gedanken spielen oder den Plan haben, einen Shop als Ergnzung oder Alternative zu starten.Am Ende meines Kurses werden Sie in der Lage sein Die Grundlagen zum Betrieb eines eigenen Online-Shops zu verstehen. Die Unterschiede im Verkauf auf Portalen wie eBay und Amazon auf der einen und einem eigenen Online-Shop auf der anderen Seite, im Detail zu verstehen.Mit wenig bis gar keinem Werbebudget einen eigenen Onlineshop vom ersten Tag an und darber hinaus, laufend mit vielen Interessenten/Kunden zu versorgen.Zu wissen, wie man bei einem eigenen Shop die Marketingfunktionen wie sie groen Portale einsetzen, gnstiger und eigenverantwortlich nutzt.Egal ob Sie nun eine Alternative suchen oder Ihre Verkufe auf eBay oder Amazon ergnzen wollen, es gibt einiges, was im eigen Shop anders luft. Vieles muss bercksichtigt werden, was bisher kein Thema oder nicht notwendig war. Als Verkufer bei Amazon oder eBay Powerseller wnscht man sich oft mal entspanntere Kunden. Dabei sind es die Systeme und Auflagen fr Versand und Bewertung, die vielen Hndlern das Leben schwer machen. Egal ob bei den Bewertungen oder beim Versand, meine Kunden berichten immer wieder davon, dass im eigenen Online-Shop die Kunden wesentlich entspannter sind. Auerdem liegt der durchschnittliche Warenkorb im Shop deutlich ber den in den Portalen! Selbstverstndlich mssen Sie im eigenen Shop auch alle Kunden bestmglich zufrieden stellen. Aber wenn mal etwas nicht so luft wie es sollte, knnen Sie das mit Ihrem Kunden regeln, ohne das gleich ein ""Fall"" erffnet wird. Das sind die Hauptgrnde warum viele Online-Hndler einen eigenen Shop starten wollen. Die Grnde warum das oft nicht funktioniert sind immer hnlichFalsche SoftwareFehleinschtzung der Leistungen von VerkuferportalenZielgruppe zu undefiniertProduktpositionierung zu undeutlichAll das lernen Sie mit diesem Kurs zu vermeiden!Kaufen Sie sich deshalb jetzt die Erfahrung vor dem Start Ihres Shops!So vermeiden Sie diese auf teure langwierige und umstndliche Art, schmerzhaft selbst machen zu mssen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A WordPress Website With A Great Landing Page" |
"This courseis proposed or intended for beginners and Intermediate students who want to learn how todesign WordPress websitewith a great Landing Page.Its a complete guide- step by step procedure thatshows you how to setup, install WordPress and its operational functionality, install and activate theme and plugins, design your landing pageand perform simple SEOon your websiteThis coursetells you everything you need to know in order for you to start designing a very good responsive website and more especially tells you how to be profitable by creating as many websites as you can in a day.I believe you are not learning WordPress for Play.Ibelieve you are learning this to have a career change and be profitable online through digital marketing.It will be good for anyone that wants to know how to build a website using WordPress - Design any website project easily.Will be good for anyone that want to make or want to be in the business of designing landing pagesThis cause will benefit anyone willing to monetise their site with affiliate marketing linksetcIt will be good for anyone that wants to enter into Affiliate marketingAlso good for any one that wants to specialise on hotel accommodation, holiday resorts booking etcYou do not need to have an experience - no prior knowledge to start this.What you need is to have your PCwith internet connection and have passion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BRAND Kick Starter Online Masterclass" |
"The B.R.A.N.D. Kick Starter Online Masterclass is an intensive course designed to helpbusinesses kick start their marketing strategies and get it right the FIRST TIME. A recent statistics report concluded that two in three businesses fail within their first year.A huge contributing factor in this massively demoralizing figure is thatbusiness owners simply dont know how to market themselves effectively. Without marketing, a business has no customers. Without customers, you dont have a business. In this course, you will learn how to achieve the level of visibility you'll need to attract your ideal customers...those who share yourvalues, who will appreciate what you have to offer, and who are more-than-willing to pay you what you're worth. In these videos, we will be sharing the methods we've used in our own businesses, as well as with hundreds of other businesses all over the world. We will bring our small-team-of-four's collective 70+ years of experience to you, so that you can also learn how to build a brand and take it to town...or to the world. You will learn what works and what doesn't work. We know because we've tried and tested every method, spending money and years of our time finding out the hard way. This is great news for you! Now you don't have to spend your time or your money making those same mistakes. And like some kind of improbable bonus, we will show you, in this instructional video course, how we went from being a zero income start-up that ranked at number 346,000,000 on Google for our key search term, to bringing in 22,000 per month, building a highly credible brand and shooting to number 3 on Google, above Sir Richard Branson and we did all that in just three months!Are you ready to learn how you, too, can experience results like these? Then the B.R.A.N.D. Kick Starter Online Masterclass is perfect for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Corso JavaScript - ES6, NodeJS, ReactJS in italiano" |
"Questo corso dedicatoal NUOVO Javascript ES6,il linguaggio di programmazione universale, trovi tutte le lezioni su corso-javascript .it e la realizzazione passo-passo di un'applicazione d'esempio per vendere ebook online via carta di credito.Conoscere le basi di JavaScript e il suo ecosistema (NodeJS, NPM, React Native,.. ) non serve solo ai web developer, che usano HTML5 e CSS, ma apre un mondo a tutte una serie di professioni e lavori che dovranno essere ancora inventati.Elenco delle lezioni di Corso JavaScript (Completo): - Cos' NodeJS, jQuery, JSON e come funziona una web app - Variabili var let const - Template string e multilinea - ECMAscript oggi con Webpack e Babel- Operatori e numeri casuali (random) - Funzioni e arrow function - Array, cicli, metodi funzionali .map, .reduce e Object#assign - Visibit delle variabili, scope, closures, this, bind - Linguaggio asincrono, ad eventi, setTimeout setInterval - Promise e callback, tutte le volte che si interagisce con file, network o db - Chiamare con fetch un'API remota JSON con AJAX e autenticazione - Classi in JavaScript, ereditariet e composizione - Passare gli elementi come argomento: ...spread e destructuring - Strutturare un'applicazione in moduli privati NPM, export, importDalla Teoria alla Pratica- App d'esempio NodeJS ReactJS, boilerplate e Material UI- Integrare il gateway di pagamento per carte di credito Stripe- Leggere e scrivere dati sul database MongoDB- Deploy, mettere in produzione un'app NodeJS con Docker ComposeStrumenti - Plugin per programmare in JavaScript e Atom editor - Type checking in JavaScript con typeof e Flow - Debug del codice JavaScript e web inspectorBonus - Cos' ReactJS e un esempio- Gestire i form con ReactJS e JSON- React Native Android, setup e demo su Ubuntu Linux - Abilitare HTTPS su NGINX con un certificato SSL Let's EncryptIl corso consigliato a chi ha una base di HTML e una conoscenza base di un altro linguaggio di programmazione (es. PHP, Ruby, Python, Java,..)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Consigue el trabajo que quieres! Bsqueda de Empleo 2020" |
"Bienvenido al curso Bsqueda de Empleo 2020En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para activar tu bsqueda de empleo haciendo un buen uso de la redes sociales profesionales y ltimas herramientas 2.0. El curso cuenta con una serie de vdeos que hablan sobre las herramientas que necesitas para activar tu bsqueda de empleo y explican cmo hacer uso de ellas. La estructura del curso est basada en tutoriales que hablan de distintos temas como Redes Sociales Profesionales, herramientas web que te ayudarn a optimizar tu tiempo y tu trabajo, y casos prcticos donde aprenders cmo utilizar algunas de esas herramientas.En este curso he incluido las herramientas y soluciones que mejores resultados arrojan a la hora de buscar empleo de manera activa.Este curso est diseado para aquellas personas que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de redes sociales y herramientas web, y deseen combinarlas para as optimizar su bsqueda de empleo. Aunque no hace falta tener ningn tipo de conocimiento tcnico, el estudiante ideal contar con al menos un perfil en la red social LinkedIn, conocimientos bsicos en Excel, y acceso a un ordenador con conexin a internet. De forma complementaria, un smartphone ser de gran ayuda. Si consideras que te manejas cmodamente en LinkedIn, y llevas varios aos de experiencia haciendo uso de herramientas web para optimizar tu bsqueda de empleo, quizs este curso no sea para ti, aunque s te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a la estructura del curso, ya que cubre elementos bsicos y avanzados de bsqueda activa de empleo que quizs an no hayas descubierto."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"BlackBelt PHP and MySQL Skills for Creating Dynamic Website" |
"The aim of this course is to help you master web development in the most efficient way.The content design of thiscourse is inspired by the Jiu Jitsu ranking system.The whole course includesseven levels:yellow, orange,green, blue, purple, brown and black.In yellow, orange and greencourse, considering you just started your PHP study, the learning curve is keptat a rather smooth level.You will learn the mostfundamental coding concepts and simple operations. In blue belt, things start tochange. The learning curve starts to get steep and you will need to combineskills learnt at different times together. After purple belt, you will start to build programs that can be used in real-life situation. This means you will need to take into consideration safety and efficiency.We know that everybodyforgets. We also know that you have other things going on with your life andyour study will be constantly interrupted. Therefore, every time previousknowledge is needed, we will give you a timely review. We believe this can makeyour study easier and more efficient. Starting from purple belt,you will learn how to build program that can survive in real life. This meansyou need to learn more than just coding skills. You will learn program designand safety and efficiency knowledge."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SQL Database for Beginners" |
"Have you started learning about SQL Databases, only to get stuck while trying to teach yourself? Or are you a developer whose never felt totally at ease with database work? Have you been looking for an easy and comprehensive way to go beyond the basics and start using SQL Databases in a professional and efficient way? Perhaps, you just want to get your SQL queries to work the first time!In this thorough and easy-to-follow course, LearnToProgram's database expert Martin Holzke shows you how to achieve success. From the very first lesson, you'll learn how to correctly structure your database, how to author efficient SQL statesments and clauses, and how to manage your SQL database for scalable growth. This course gives you all the information you need to successfully start working with SQL databases and make use of the database in your applications. Martin will invite you to work along with him as he demonstrates the ins and outs of database management and database for application development. If you're developing web or mobile apps-- or even games-- there is much to be learned about this important facet of development. If you're brand new to SQL Database work, or a professional developer looking to learn the best practices, then SQL Database for Beginners is the perfect course for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Earn Extra Income & Save on Bills: Sites That Make You s" |
"This course will take you through different techniques to save money with very little effort. Shave money off utility bills with essential comparison tools and perks schemes. Learn how to use cashback schemes on and offline with a few extra seconds work before a purchase (see my own account with over 1500 made here!)Find out about other ways to save and make money online, including voucher codes, daily deal sites, comparison schemes and perks schemes.Check out how to reduce winter energy bills - see how I reduced my energy bill by 41% in less than a year saving hundreds of pounds!You could save THOUSANDS of pounds within hours of finishing this course - it's simple when you know how!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"If a CEO offered you $100,000 to give five presentations to their staff, would you say ""yes""? If you love to inspire & empower people... If you love to thrive and change lives... If you want to make great money by making a difference... If you would love to save 5 years or more in your motivational speaking career... If you would like to enjoy the freedom to get paid to travel and speak, or to work from home and speak online... If you would like to get interviewed and promoted worldwide on Speak Inspire TV... This fun and exciting online master class is for you! In this inspiring and empowering quick online Master Class (less than two hours), you will enjoy lively videos and V.I.P. downloadable PDFs to save you several years and launch your speaking success quickly!You will discover...How much Money You should Charge to Speak (WHY corporations pay $10,000/hour or more)How to Avoid the 4 Titanic Mistakes that Sink Most Speakers SuccessHow to Inspire Kindness & Profit from Changing the WorldThe Inspiring Story of the Mute Girl who Inspired MillionsHow to Profit from Presenting with Secrets of a 7-Figure SpeechThe Three Secrets to Inspiring & Empowering Your AudienceHow to Skyrocket Your Confidence on Stage and in front of the Video CameraThe 3 Secrets to Instantly Become the Worlds Leading Expert in Your Field (at no extra cost) How to Clarify Your Great Purpose with One Life-Changing QuestionThe Four Keys to Getting High-Paying Speaking OpportunitiesThe 6 Highest-Paying Speaking Topics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Daydream Writer's Block Away And Sell More Books" |
"In less than an hour you will understand the causes of writer's block, what creativity really is and some simple tricks to use your mind more effectively to overcome writer's block and increase your creativity.Learn The Secret Techniques That Geniuses Like Beethoven, Einstein And Edison Used To Take Their Creativity To A Higher Level So You Can Eliminate Writer's Block When It Happens.Learn the source of writer's block, Coordinate your conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds to solve problems, Understand what creativity really is, Change your level of consciousness to increase your creativityDiscover The Secret Resource You Don't Even Know You HaveIf you are a novelist struggling to overcome writer's block this course is exactly what you have been looking for. In less than an hour you will learn the simple, but secret, tricks to use your mind more effectively and eliminate the frustration that is often associated with writing. This is not information you will find in your typical writing course. Here you will learn how to focus your thinking to solve problems quickly and easily. You will also learn about your three different minds, your two types of imagination and how your brain communicates at different frequencies so you can easily change your level of consciousness and overcome your problems. Course OverviewThis course is designed for writers of any level who suffer from writer's block and want to overcome it once and for all. We will start by understanding exactly what writer's block is because until you know who the enemy is you don't know who to fight. From there we will move to understanding just what creativity is and how it works.Once we cover those fundamental topics we will discuss the various components of the human mind and exactly how they work. You will learn the difference between your conscious, subconscious and super conscious minds and how they work in coordination with each other.You will also learn what learned helplessness"" is, how it relates to writer's block and some simple techniques to focus your thoughts and overcome it. And finally, you will learn how to change your level of consciousness and effectively daydream your way out of writer's block.Besides over coming writer's block by the end of this course you will have access to a website where you will find a wide variety of articles writing, publishing and marketing your book online. Here you will be able to join a community of like minded writers where you will be able to receive critiques of your work, request reviews for your books and join in conversation with writers from around the world who are facing the same issues as you are."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como se tornar um Radioamador Certificado pela ANATEL" |
"Nesse curso voc entender o que rdio transmisso e radioamadorismo, bem como se preparar para ser aprovado nas duas provas (Legislao/Tcnica e tica Operacional) ministradas pela Agncia Nacional de Telecomunicaes (ANATEL) para obteno de seu Certificado de Operador de Estao de Radioamador (COER). De posse dele, voc tambm ter sua Licena de Estao para operar seu rdio em casa, no seu veculo (carro/moto/barco/bicicleta) ou mesmo um rdio comunicador de mo (Walkie-Talkie), desde que eles estejam nas frequncias de radioamadorismo da Classe C."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Start and grow your own consultancy small business from home" |
"I started my own business from scratch in 2006 and have helped hundreds of small businesses to grow since then. My course is to help people increase their own chances of success, while avoiding common mistakes.Many people would like to start a consultancy or advisory small business, but are worried about what is actually involved.I'll show you what to be prepared for and how to make things easier for you. With my course you can avoid the common issues that often result in the unfortunate high failure rate.My course can also help you If you are already running a consultancy or advisory small business but are not seeing the results you hoped."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Write Bestselling Characters - Create a successful novel." |
"Are you a writer struggling to develop fictional characters so real that people will pay money to read about them? Then there is a little secret you need to know to develop detailed and realistic characters over and over again.Do you spend hours writing and rewriting your characters only to be embarrassed when you let someone read your work? Lets face it. Characters who are as emotionally moving as a department store mannequin are embarrassing for the writer, boring for the reader and spell financial suicide for any literary career you may hope for. Quite simply, if you cant develop realistic characters you will have no literary career. Period. Now, you may not realize it yet, but theres a happy ending to this story. Your story. Because, if you are sick and tired of struggling to develop realistic characters, you don't have to be. In less than an hour you can discover a simple solution to developing characters that are so interesting people will pay money to read about them. But, before I continue, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Jim. I'm a writer like you and owner of e-novel-advisor, a website designed just for novelists like you where you'll find a wide variety of articles on how to write a novel as well as how to publish and market it online. I've got Bachelor's degrees in English and history and, because writing is a business, I've also got an MBA. But the real value I bring to the table is that I've got real world experience. For 20 years I've worked in education as well as a journalist and translator while writing fiction in the nooks and crannies of my busy day. I understand the struggles writers deal with and I teach you to overcome those obstacles so that you can be the writer you truly want to be. I know how frustrating it is writing draft after draft after draft to make characters believable. But the problem is not about your number of rewrites it is about the very foundation those drafts are built upon. It's like building a house on a sand dune. Until you stabilize your foundation you will never succeed. Characters, interesting characters, are the reason, the only reason people buy novels. Even if a novel is plot driven would James Bond be interesting if he didn't have a personality? But, Dont Take My Word For It. Just Listen To A Couple Of Nobel Prize Winners. When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters."" Said Ernest Hemingway. ""A character is a caricature. And William Faulkner agreed. It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does. But, it's more than just Nobel Laureates saying this. The only characters I ever don't like are ones that leave no impression on me. And I don't write characters that leave no impression on me. Says Lauren DeStefano author of the Chemical Garden series. So how, exactly, do you go about writing characters who leave an impression? Well, according to Scottish writer Samuel Smiles. Sow a thought, and you reap an act; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. OK, that makes sense. But what exactly does it mean and, more importantly, how do you, as a writer go about doing it? Well that's where a simple, but little known, device called a Character Map comes in. A character map is a device that allows you to organize your thoughts and both break down a character into his or her most fundamental components and build him or her up into a character readers remember long after the last page. A character map is simple, but it's deceptively simple and, unless you understand how to use it, it's about as useful as a laundry list. And that's where the course Create Fictional Characters People Will Pay Money To Read, Using A Character Map To Make Life Like Characters comes in. Who Is The Target Audience? A lot of courses advertise hours and hours of content when, in actuality, it is really just hours and hours of fluff that prevents you from getting to the content you need. This course is for writers who want to learn how to create realistic characters that people will pay money to read about. Any writer who wants to develop and portray realistic characters he or she is proud of.Any writer who longs to write characters so interesting that readers will remember them long after the last page.Any writer who longs to have a paying literary career. To that end this course is short and to the point. I teach you what you need to know and how to implement it in a repeatable process so that you can get on with your life and your writing. Let's face it, you can't pour a bucket into a tea cup. Long courses that teach you everything under the sun about a specific topic usually go unfinished and, more importantly, unimplemented in the student's life. This is because the student is overwhelmed. Ever felt that way? Well, in my courses I don't give you an elephant and tell you how to eat it. In my courses I break down the elephant into bit sized chunks so that you actually can eat (and more importantly, digest) it. What Am I Going To Get From This Course? In 18 succinct lectures broken into 6 sections you get: The character map structure this course provides gives you a tool to organize your characters habits as well as mental and physical characteristics. But, it's more than just an organizational tool, it is a device with which to actively think about and develop your character in depth.And, because this course gives you the secret key to understanding how to use a character map, you will be able to use it to create, not characters as Hemingway complained, but real people.And, because developing a character map is a repeatable process, this means that you will have the key to developing detailed, life like characters over and over again so that people will buy your books and you can actually have that literary career you've always dreamed of. And you get all this for a mere $97. But, that's not all. Because different people learn differently from each other you will get an audio copy as well as a copy of the transcript in the bonus materials section. You will also get an overview of the fundamental blueprint that makes each person (and each fictional character) different from another. And, finally you will have access to e-novel-advisor a website designed just for novelists just like you where youll find a wide variety of articles on how to write a novel as well as how to publish and market it online. Here youll also have access to a community of writers from all over the world who are dealing with the same things you are and who can support you in your day to day struggles. And, dont forget, if you are not completely satisfied you have a 30 day money back guarantee. Just Return It, No Questions Asked. So, buy how to Create Fictional Characters People Will Pay Money To Read, Using A Character Map To Make Life Like Characters and get on with your writing. While the price is only $97 this is an introductory offer while I build my presence on Udemy. There's been a lot of work that has gone into this course and 20 years worth of learning and I don't intend to keep it this low for long. Imagine how confident you will be when you show people your writing and they are actually interested, so interested they will even pay to keep reading. So, come on, what are you waiting for? Buy Create Fictional Characters People Will Pay Money To Read, Using A Character Map To Make Life Like Characters and get on with your writing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interpreting financial statements" |
"This new course starts from the grounds of financial statements and show how they are obtained in the first place. Then it expands on the three main financial statements: balance sheet, income statement and cash flows, by showing their advantages and disadvantages, what they tell and what they hide from the viewer, how they differ from each other and how they are linked. We will focus a lot on the cash implications of financial statements, and by the end of this course we will be able to use cash flows to evaluate the health of a company and we will be able to understand, prepare and analyze most wanted financial ratios. Moreover, we will grasp what you need to know on adjacent subjects like weighted average cost of capital, valuation methods, mergers and acquisitions, currency translation and others. Every topic is presented from an industry best practice perspective and is accompanied by a final quiz to test your progress. Besides using small study cases that illustrate particular areas, we will be accompanied throughout the course by a four year period financial data of a study company, for which we will recreate and interpret together the cash flow statements and ratios for three years. It shall be optional, however advisable, that you will continue our endeavor and derive the cash flows statement and ratios, together with their interpretation, for the last year of the analysis. No worries, I will provide permanent assistance should you need additional help to finalize the homework. If youre a finance student, an entrepreneur or a finance professional willing to expand on financial statements knowledge, this course if for you, as you will find a lot of new or untold information, perfectly structured and covering all hot topics. If youre rather new to finance matters, this course if perfect to build a solid knowledge, however you should be at least familiarized with the finance jargon. However, even if you did not experienced financial statements before, the course content does not leave you with missing pieces for the financial statements puzzle. Basic mathematical skills are a prerequisite and you will also need access to a computer with installed Microsoft Excel and basic Excel skills to finalize the analysis. This course consists of videos lectures and shall require more than three hours of your time, with estimations for the homework analysis to account for another three hours. I am assured that after taking this course, you will be confident in analyzing financial statements and be able anytime to prepare and interpret the cash flow statement and the financial status for any given company. Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Yoga to Heal Stress and Anxiety by Valinda~Viriam" |
"Kundalini Yoga is an ancient and highly effective yoga that transforms a person quickly and effectively. In this course you will be guided by Valinda Cochella-(Viriam Kaur) MA, E-RYT an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (with over 20,000 hours plus 20 years teaching) certified in Kundalini and Hatha Yoga at the advanced levels. She has a Master's degree in Dance/Movement Therapy from UCLA and worked as a therapist for many years.You will learn simple and effective tools to practice in your daily life in as little as 30 minutes a day to transform stress, anxiety, and depression to calm, centered, peaceful feelings.There are 5 Kundalini Yoga sessions in this course. Each session is about 30 minutes. The first session starts with Kundalini Yoga Basics then progresses with more challenging poses. Kundalini Yoga is an ancient and effective system of yoga for everyone! Feel free to do the first lesson 1-3 times a week, then progress to 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th lessons and do the same!Using breathing techniques, chanting, and simple movements you will balance your nervous system, glands and organs. This is a simple practice, not the Yoga of getting your leg behind your head!Join my FREE Facebook group, Conversations with my Soul Sisters, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Wellness for print-outs of all the chants and daily support from members and creator of this course. We are here to support YOU in your Journey to Wellness.We can't wait to see the progress you will make in your home practice. We also do FREE 40 day meditation challenges together! We did 8 last year and are on our 4th this year (Quarantine year). These are 3, 6, 9, 11 minute meditations YOU CHOOSE what works for you and your life!Sat Nam (Truth is your name)Valinda/Viriam"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Financial Analyst from Scratch!" |
"Do you want to work in finance but do not have the time and money to enroll in an MBA? Continue reading The Quickest and Simplest way to become a Financial AnalystBecoming a Financial Analyst can be very gratifying from different perspectives. Indeed, this profession was ranked among the most paid in the business world in 2015. As you can imagine this brings a lot of competition into the industry. On the other hand, if you want to earn over $120,000 per year, to work in a dynamic environment while focusing on new exciting projects each time, this profession is for you! Do you want to learn all the basic concepts of the financial world? Through my course you will build a strong foundation in accounting with the section: become an accountant from scratch."" Furthermore, you will acquire a strong foundation in Financial Statements and Ratio analysis throughout the rest of the course.You will learn all you have to know in regard to:Accounting Cycle.Financial Statements.Profitability Framework.Ratio Analysis.DuPont Analysis.And much more...Build the foundation that will lead to a successful career in financeA deeper understanding of the above topics will make your life much easier as Financial Analyst. When I first started in this profession I didn't have a strong understanding of the above concepts. This slowed my progress a lot. Had I mastered those concepts before, I would have progressed 10x faster in my role. Content and OverviewSuitable for students who want to become Financial Analysts, for practitioners, who want to boost their career, or entrepreneurs, who want to learn more about Financial Analysis, the course will help you to gain the following benefits:Become extremely knowledgeable and versatile in disciplines such as accounting, financial statements and ratio analysis.Build a strong theoretical and practical foundation, which will give you an invaluable edge over your competition. Many ""know-how"" about things but few know ""why.""Become invaluable for your organization.The knowledge acquired in over 10 years of experience in the financial world is distilled in few hours. Indeed, I managed a team within the accounting and finance department of an Investment Firm, based in California. In addition, I worked as business journalist in Washington D.C. Also I completed my MBA across Europe and US. This course is my attempt to share with you the knowledge acquired throughout those life experiences! In this course you will find a great deal of resources:The Accounting Guide (E-book)Extra SlidesThe Accounting Game (an original way to learn how to build your financials in excel)Quiz and Crossword to assess your level Much more!Financial Accounting is the key to understand business. If you want to boost your career, join us!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Analysis, from Scratch to Professional!" |
"A career in finance can be pretty lucrative. Statistics show that Entry Level Financial Analysts can earn anywhere from $45K up to $82K in US alone!Who is this course for?you want to undertake a career in financeyou have to write a financial report for your boss, which looks very professionalyou are a student or a newbie to the finance world and you want to learn everything from scratchWhat's in it for you? Ace the job interview Advance your career Earn a competitive salary Can you trust us? Our Udemy Courses have helped 3,800+ students to gain insightful knowledge into the financial industry. In today's world where financial information is everywhere, it is very easy to confuse noise for good financial insights. Through this course you will gain a deep understanding of how financial organizations work. Are you ready to progress your life and career? Enroll now! Gennaro is the founder of FourWeekMBA, which he brought to reach over a million business students, professionals, and entrepreneurs in 2019 alone. He is also Head of Business Development at a high-tech startup; he helped grow at a double-digit rate and become profitable. Gennaro is also an International MBA with an emphasis on Corporate Finance.WIth FourWeekMBA Gennaro dissected hundreds of companies in several industries and verticals. He uses business modeling to look at any company's engine and what key elements best describe them in the current moment. He also leveraged on business model innovation to grow FourWeekMBA as one of the leading sources on the topic.Currently, FourWeekMBA is the leading source of business models, business strategy, and growth marketing. That is a portal which aims to provide highly practical educational resources that can help you grow your business, to become a better executive and business person.As Head Of Business Development for a high-tech startup, Gennaro looks after the sales and distribution side. At the core, Gennaro manages partnerships, structures complex deals, and he focuses on the growth side of a high-tech startup.As a former Financial Analyst and Controller, Gennaro oversaw the financials of hundreds of entities in the commercial real estate sector in California. He Audited and analyzed a commercial real estate portfolio in California, and he performed controller activities and ensured consistency between financial and operational activities while working closely with CFO and other top-tier executives within the organization.With his international experience and competence spanning across finance, business, law, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship, Gennaro wants to bring you through a journey to become a better business person."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ace Your Online Class" |
"Ace Your Online Class is a course designed to help people who have never taken an online college class before, or struggled with onein their first go around. The course teaches studentshow online learning differs from traditional learning, the tools needed for success, the main features of your course, and tips onhow to navigate them.Thirty instructionalvideos (4-10 minutes each)splitinto ten sections willprepare andguidelearners through themaze that is your school's Learning Management System, identifying the main features most likely tobe used,and strategies forbest execution.Each video has an accompanying fact sheet that offers asummary ofthe video,optionalresources, andan extra dailychallenge for those wishing to take their online mastery to the next level. The course may be taken at whatever paceworks best for you, but it is designed to be consumed bywatching one video per day forthirty days. This suggestion is intentionalas it mimics the workflow recommended for tackling your online classes. In effect,the hope is that theroutine you develop whilewatching these videos effectivelybecomesyourroutine for tackling onlinecoursework.For new online learners, thiscourse is besttaken justprior to the start of your online class (it helps if you can access the class),oras yourclass is beginning. Students who have struggled in the past, or are currently struggling may seek out certain sections of the course after your class has started, as needed.Thecourse is also particularly helpful for students withlearning disabilitiesor cognitive issues, such as trouble with attention,concentrationand memory.In the end, you probablyinvesteda great deal of money into college, and are about to invest a great dealof time.Make sure your time and money arewell spent by arming yourself not only with a solidoverview of how college online classes operate, but the mindset and workflow that you'll needto ace your online class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso OnLine de Web Design com Drupal 7" |
"O Curso de Drupal abrange de forma ampla a verso 7 da plataforma, com algumas atualizaes da 8.O sistema que o aluno ir aprender diz respeito a uma plataforma de gerenciamento de contedo, conhecida popularmente como CMS ( content management system). Por ser gratuito e pela possibilidade de desenvolver sistemas sem conhecimento de programao uma tima ferramenta para o web designer que deseja ingressar no mercado de trabalho pela iniciativa empreendedora.Para o mercado de trabalho a plataforoma do Drupal tambm muito boa, pois no existem muitos profissionais capacitados para usar a mesma e muitas instituies do governo usam o mesmo por ser gratuito e por toda amplitude do que a plataforma consegue desenvolver.O curso ainda possui material de bnus para demonstrar nossa preocupao com o melhor para nossos alunos.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Connect Kullanm ve Canl Sanal Snf Eitmenlii" |
"Adobe Connect programnn tm fonksiyonlaryla kurulumu ve kullanm aktarlmtr.Ayrca Eitim Teknolojileri asndan Sanal Snf programlarnn tm iin geerli baz ""Dijital Eiticinin Eitimi"" tyolar paylalm ve kurs sonunda bir canl seans ya da kayt sanal snf dzenleyeceklerin salkl bir seans geirmeleri iin nelere dikkat etmeleri gerektii aktarlmtr.Adobe Connect programnn tm fonksiyonlaryla kurulumu ve kullanm aktarlmtr.Ayrca Eitim Teknolojileri asndan Sanal Snf programlarnn tm iin geerli baz ""Dijital Eiticinin Eitimi"" tyolar paylalm ve kurs sonunda bir canl seans ya da kayt sanal snf dzenleyeceklerin salkl bir seans geirmeleri iin nelere dikkat etmeleri gerektii aktarlmtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Become an Accountant from scratch!" |
"Do you want to work in finance but do not have the time and money to enroll in an MBA? Continue readingInstructor Bio: ""Gennaro Cuofano matured international experience for over Ten years between Europe and US. After graduating from Law School, he worked for a while in the legal field. His passion for finance and international business brought him to become an International MBA, with concentration in Corporate Finance. Course Summary:Did you know that when you read you just retain 10% of the information?What is the best way to retain information then?Numerous researches showed that when you put in practice what you just learned 75% of the information is retained in the long-term. For such reason this course has been structured around the case study methodology."" The same used in Business Schools. If you are a newbie willing to learn the inside out of accounting in the most effective way, join The Udemy Accounting Case Study"". You will learn:How to record Journal Entries How To build a General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Income Statement How all the main financial statements are intertwined Build the foundation that will lead to a successful career in financeA deeper understanding of the above topics will make your life much easier as financial analyst.Content and OverviewSuitable for students who want to become financial analysts or undertake a career in finance, you will get the following benefits:Become extremely knowledgable about accounting, financial statements and ratio analysis. Build a strong theoretical and practical foundation of the discipline. This will give you an invaluable edge over your competition. Many ""know-how"" of things but few know ""why."" Become invaluable for your organization. How? Extra Exercises and over Ten Quizzes! The E-Book ""The Accounting Guide.""Excel Spreadsheets to practice what you learned!The knowledge acquired in over 10 years of experience in the financial world is distilled in few hours. Indeed, Gennaro Cuofano, your instructor, managed a team within the accounting and finance department of an Investment Firm, based in California. There, he learned how accountants communicate. Now he wants to share his knowledge with you!In addition, together with the over ten case studies and quizzes you will learn how to build your financials using excel. Follow the learning process that will give you access to years of practical and theoretical information. Indeed, in addition to the practical material you will have free access to the theoretical course ""How to become a financial analyst from scratch"". You have to understand accounting and you have to understand the nuances of accounting. It's the language of business and it's an imperfect language. Unless you are willing to put in the effort to learn accounting how to read and interpret financial statements you really shouldn't select stocks yourself"" Warren BuffetGet ready for this exiting journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Awaken the Accountant in You Master the Accounting Basics" |
"Since 1494 when Luca Pacioli, for the first time, described the Double Entry System, the world has never been the same. Ever since Accounting became the language of business. Therefore, like when you go to a foreign country the first thing you do is to learn their spoken language. Before you can deeply understand business you must understand how accounting works. From this course you can expect to deeply understand basic accounting concepts such us: GAAP Double-Entry (how to make journal entries)General Ledger Accounting Procedures and Processes Main financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Income StatementHow? Intuitive E-Learning through white board methodFree Exercises Final QuizExtra SlideseBook ""Awaken The Accountant in You!""About the Instructor:Gennaro Cuofano matured international experience for over Ten years between Europe and US. After graduating from Law School, he worked for a while in the legal field. His passion for finance and international business brought him to become an International MBA, with concentration in Corporate Finance. After completing his MBA in Italy, at Luiss Business School; he flew to California, where he completed the International MBA at University of San Diego, California. There, he had the chance to attend Corporate Finance courses held by Thomas Copeland, former head of the Corporate Finance Practice at McKinsey."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Need to Stop Procrastinating? 10 techniques to get it done!" |
"Need to stop procrastinating?Self Employed and need to get stuff done sooner rather than later?This course is about dealing with your procrastination. If you're regularly finding yourself meaning to get projects / tasks done but another day has gone and you haven't made the progress you promised yourself this course can help you finally get it done!What is your procrastination costing you? When you're self employed not only can procrastination be costing you financially but also emotionally as well - it can be such a burden - such a drain to find you've still putting it off - not progressing.This course consists of ten different techniques each technique has its own short and to the point video. The longest video is 7 minutes long - so it's very much straight to the techniques - getting the results.You can start to implement the techniques straight away.There is a step by step form for you to fill out for your own individual goals which you can print out and fill in each time you're tackling a project / task you're struggling to get done.Come prepared to take notes - I recommend pen and paper - so you can work on the techniques for your own individual goals and circumstances.If you're looking for a course that gets straight to the - how to - deal with your procrastination this is it.Ways to deal with your procrastination any time you need them.I look forward to taking you through the ten different techniques.Andrew"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xpath (xml path) locators in Selenium WebDriver" |
"This course talks about xpaths like what is xpath, types of xpaths, xpath operators, xpath indexing, xpath methods and xpath axis. This course is constructed in such a way that each and every topic is explained in detailed way. After taking this course you will be mastered in xpaths and you will be in a position to locate any object in the web page how challenging it may be.This xpaths construction are utmost important in automation using selenium Apply code DF6DDEB796220F890D5C to get discount"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML & CSS" |
"In this course you will learn how to convert digital design mockups into static web pages. We will teach you how to approach page layout, how to break down a design mockup into page elements, and how to implement that in HTML and CSS.You will start from basics HTML and CSS and at the final of the course you will be able to convert or build a webpage using HTML& CSS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Polite Leash Walking Class" |
"This course is designed to teach you how to train your dog to walk politely on a loose-leash. Many dogs pull when on leash, which makes walking both unpleasant, dangerous, and harmful for both the dog and their owner.Included in this course are lectures and video demonstrations that cover topics such as why your dog pulls, what type of equipment we should use, and specific techniques and exercises to use as you train your dog.Dogs that learn polite leash walking are a pleasure to take out, and as a result, they enjoy exercise, freedom, and socialization. This helps prevent both medical issues caused by lack of exercise, and behavior problems caused by not getting out for a daily walk.This class teaches polite leash walking using positive reinforcement and force-free training."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Weight Management/Weight Loss & Wellness Blueprint" |
"The Ultimate Weight Management Game Plan is a course about weight loss and weight management using psychology, science, observation and real world experience from a seasoned personal trainer who has helped countless people lose weight and keep it off. The course is structured in simple yet effective way to help you lose weight and keep it off.Look at everything included in the course:A quick start plan to get started right away50 tips and concepts to lose weight, and improve your healthHow to come up with your own plan and vision for your health weight management10 reasons why people fail and what to do insteadQuizzes and other fun work to inspire you to continue when things get challengingBonuses including example meal plans for weight lossMore bonuses including 10 easy exercises that almost anyone can doHow to make a vision board, make I am statements, how to set goalsDownloadable PDF's, power point, videos, and much moreWho should take this course?Anyone who wants to lose weightAnyone who wants help maintaining their current weightEntrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and moms who struggle with weight loss and are open and willing to go through and complete the course.Why take this course?Jeremy Belter B.S. CPT has over 10 years full time personal training experience. After training over 15000 training sessions and helping busy people in the real world lose weight some common obstacles kept appearing. He helps you recognize these problems and gives steps to combat them. Finally, we do not just look at one thing but many different variables to combat the problem so you maynever have to worry about weight again."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practical Data Science: Analyzing Stock Market Data with R" |
"In this class, we will explore various technical and quantitative analysis techniques using the R programming language. I will code as I go and explain what I am doing. All the code is included in PDFs attached to each lecture. I encourage you to code along to not only better understand the concepts but realize how easy they are.What We'll CoverEasily access free, stock-market data using R and the quantmod packageBuild great looking stock charts with quantmodUse R to manipulate time-series dataCreate a moving average from scratchAccess technical indicators with the TTR packageCreate a simple trading systems by shifting time series using the binhf packageA look at trend-following trading systems using moving averagesA look at counter-trend trading systems using moving averagesUsing more sophisticated indicators (ROC, RSI, CCI, VWAP, Chaikin Volatility)Grouping stocks by theme to better understand themFinding coupling and decoupling stocks within an indexWhat This Class Isn'tThis class isn't about telling you how to trade or revealing secret trading methods, but to show how easy it is to explore the stock market using R so you can come up with your own ideas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical Data Science: Reducing High Dimensional Data in R" |
"In this R course, we'll see how PCA can reduce a 5000+ variable data set down to 10 variables and barely lose accuracy! We'll look at different ways of measuring PCA's effectiveness and other ways of reducing wide data sets (those with lots of features/variables). We'll also look at the advantages and disadvantages with different ways of reducing data."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automating Data Exploration with R" |
"As data scientists and analysts we face constant repetitive task when approaching new data sets. This class aims at automating a lot of these tasks in order to get to the actual analysis as quickly as possible. Of course, there will always be exceptions to the rule, some manual work and customization will be required. But overall a large swath of that work can be automated by building a smart pipeline. This is what well do here. This is especially important in the era of big data where handling variables by hand isnt always possible.It is also a great learning strategy to think in terms of a processing pipeline and to understand, design and build each stage as separate and independent units."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |